gbf global outreach - Grace Bible Fellowship


gbf global outreach - Grace Bible Fellowship
Our purpose o f the Global Outreach ministry of GBF is to glorify God by
mobilizing the resources entrusted to GBF for the fulfillment of Christ’s Great
Commission to make disciples of all the nations ministering to the whole man.
Wednesday, February 26, GBF will provide lunch for International students
attending OSU. Lunch is from 11:30am to 1:00pm at the Pillar, located at
2323 Monroe St, Corvallis. If you would like to help with this ministry,
please contact Pastor Orin, Virginia Pullen or Tim Jenks. We will also gather
to pray for this ministry Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 in Pastor Orin's office.
The following letter came from Roger Peterson, who is the Clearinghouse
Coordinator for Love In the Name of Christ.
Dear faithful prayers,
Here is a wonderful opportunity for us to feel the heart of God. Would you pray
for this need to be met? We have a request from a Lebanon couple that has taken
his parents in to live with them, both have Alzheimer’s. They are hoping that
someone will come and visit with them and perhaps take them on little outings
(individually or together). He uses a walker, was a rancher and had an excavation business. He was also a private pilot and restored antique cars. He likes to
watch people doing mechanical things. She likes to shop for little things at thrift
shops and go for walks. She also likes to look at books that have big pictures in
them. Appreciatively, Roger Peterson. Clearinghouse Coordinator 541-924-5683
LINDSEY BURROW: A resent update from Lindsey detailing her recent trip
to Papua, Indonesia, is on the Global Outreach Table in the foyer.
STACY SPELLINGS: Stacy Spellings will be leading a team to South Africa,
later in the year. Specific prayer requests include: 1) Outreach finances for
students: the initial $2500 dollar deposit is due today and 2 of my students
still don’t have the finances needed. 2) Discipleship: that the Lord would
continue to give me wisdom in how to disciple these 4 women, that I will
begin to really get God’s heart for them, that they would be united together
and bear one another’s burdens. 3) South Africa: That the Lord would be
preparing people’s hearts, that they would be open and receptive to the truths
that are in God’s word, that we as leaders would know exactly what
God wants us to focus on while there. That we would be able to serve and
encourage our contacts who are there long term.
Christian Witness: "The proclamation of the gospel is an action through
which the non-Christian receives a clear statement of the essential message.
Affirmation of the gospel is a process of modeling and explaining the
Christian message." Both are neede! Jim Petersen, Living Proof
Grace Bible
Fellowship Church
Sunday, March 2
9:00am Discipleship Hour: Spring Quarter Begins
New Class:
The Holy Spirit - the third person of the Trinity and His vital
work in our lives and the church. Fireside Rm North, Dale Burrows
Continuing Classes:
Leviticus, Study and Discussion, Modular (left). Ron Burch
Ephesians, Fireside Rm South, Orin Kidd & Dennis Green
10:15am Worship Service
Communion Served
Samaritan Fund - Following communion, a second, special
offering will be taken towards this fund. The purpose of this fund
is to meet emergency needs, particularly in the church body.
Monday, March 3
Single Again: Support group for woman, Emily Bishop’s
Wednesday, March 5
2:15 pm Good News Club, Periwinkle Elementary
6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study
6:45 pm Reach Student Ministry, Youth Room, Grades 6—12
Thursday, March 6
9:30am Women’s Bible Study, Coffee Room
6—8pm Sewing & Quilting Time, Coffee Room
Bring your projects & sewing machine. For more info.
or have questions, contact Peggy Miller or Theresa Reynolds.
7:00pm Celebrate Recovery, Modular
Saturday, March 8
GBF Women’s Oasis: A Day of Refreshment
$20 includes light breakfast, catered lunch and workshops.
There will workshops to challenge and inspire us spiritually,
practically and creatively. Registration TODAY in the foyer .
Daylight Savings Time will begin next Sunday,
March 9. Clocks will need to be moved forward
1 hour before you go to sleep on Saturday.
Roland Sanchez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Message
Clark Looney. . . . . . . . . . . . .Worship Leader
We would like to express our deepest sympathy to Stan Partridge’s
wife Judy, daughter Christina Partridge, sons Albert and Walter
and extended family members on the recent passing of Stan.
GBF Annual Meeting & Lunch– Sunday, March 16 at 11:45am
Main dish provided
Bring a salad and dessert
Couples/Single: Bring a salad or dessert
We do not have a formal membership at GBF but if you consider
GBF your home church we encourage you to attend the Annual
Meeting so you can see what GBF is all about.
Saints Alive ( 55 yrs +) March 19 at 11:30am, Sizzler Restaurant
Pastor Roland will be sharing at the next meeting.
GBF Church Leadership
Elders: Ray Allen, Ron Burch, Dale Burrows, Don Kropf, Orin Kidd,
Roland Sanchez, Cecil Turner, David Turner
Deacons: Craig Bonn, Jim Dickson, Dennis Kramer, Clark Looney, Curt
Meadows, Dean Pindell, Brett Rossback , Steve Sigmon, Jeff Varga
Baby Bottle Boomerang
Oh No! Today is the day to return the baby bottles. It is not too
late. Please bring back your bottles whether or not they are filled.
That is a donation by itself because it can be used again by OPC.
Repaint and Re-carpet Project
The GBF Board approved the replacement of our carpet in the foyer
and auditorium, to be proceeded by repainting. The carpet in our
auditorium & foyer over the years has deteriorated to the point where
it can no longer be cleaned because the backing has disintegrated.
The total cost of new carpet and paint is $30,000. If you would like
to give toward this project, write “Carpet and Paint Project” on your
envelope or check memo line.
Each person who has placed their faith in Christ is commanded
by Christ to be baptized (Mt 28:19-20). If you have trusted Christ,
and would like to be baptized, please contact Pastor Roland at
extension 301 or [email protected]
33990 McFarland Road Tangent, OR 97389
Office hours: Mon—Thurs, 9am—3 pm