Conference Program - Design Automation Conference
Conference Program - Design Automation Conference
CONFERENCE PROGRAM & EXHIBITS GUIDE JUNE 5-9, 2016 | AUSTIN, TX sponsored by: in technical cooperation with: #53DAC Now, at Your Fingertips, Access All Things IP • Find the world’s latest IP • Meet leading IP vendors and foundries • Discover upcoming industry trends • Daily drawings for a Nest Learning Thermostat Live in the booth #349 for 3 days only GENERAL CHAIR’S WELCOME Finally, this all star lineup concludes on Thursday with UT-Austin researcher Peter Stone explaining how machine learning has helped him construct the world’s top soccer robot team. Dear Colleagues, I am delighted to welcome you to Austin, Texas, home of the 53rd Design Automation Conference. Austin also happens to be my home for the past 20 years. In that time, I have watched the city, known to many as Silicon Hills, grow into a technology powerhouse. Austin is famous for being weird, but with the arrival of the 53rd Design Automation Conference, it is now nerdy as well. Over the past year we have introduced the “Keep Austin Nerdy” theme for the 53rd DAC and hope to continue this trend for years to come. New at DAC this year will be Research Grove and the Grove Lounge, where I invite those of you attending the technical sessions to stop by the Grove to sit and relax after a day of sessions. The “Grove” enables those attending the research conference program a place to get some refreshments and network with their colleagues. As we all know, much of the action and excitement happens on the exhibition floor. This year, DAC is pleased to host over 175 exhibitors who are an integral part of the conference ecosystem. In addition to the vendors the DAC exhibition floor offers the following for all attendees to enjoy: Monday evening brings a new addition to the conference: the first DAC Silicon/Technology Art Show. The Art Show will highlight the beauty of electronic design and algorithms and showcase the works of companies and individuals that contribute to our industry. I encourage you to attend the Art Show/evening reception on Monday night starting at 6:00pm. • World of IoT Exhibit featuring the IP Pavilion, the Embedded Pavilion and the Maker’s Market • NXP IoT truck, showcasing devices that the industry enables • NXP US Finals Racecar Challenge With the help of hundreds of volunteers, the DAC executive committee has assembled a fantastic technical program, featuring sessions on hardware and software security, automotive, IoT, design, EDA algorithms, IP, and embedded software and systems. • Food Trucks featuring local cuisine • The DAC Pavilion which each day includes a SKY Talk, an Austin Angle Talk, an unscripted interview with an EDA CEO, an industry analyst review and a teardown. While the show floor closes on Wednesday afternoon, stick around on Thursday for revamped training day. As in previous years, Duolos brings forth first class designer training. This year we are also offering training in advanced C++ and executive management, sponsored by the McCombs School of Business. I am especially proud of the direction the Design/IP Track has taken this year with over 27 sessions consisting of over 127 presentations taking place over three days. This is more than double the content that this track had three years ago, the last time DAC was in Austin. This Design/IP Track is THE place for the design community to connect with each other and share their best practices. On Monday-Wednesday, the Design/IP Track concludes at 5:00 each day with a happy hour/poster session on the show floor. With so much going on at the show, how do you keep track of all the sessions and activities at DAC? I encourage you to download the mobile app! It is the best way I can recommend you manage your schedule and activities at the show plus by playing the DAC Attack app game you can win cool prizes. Highlighting the diversity of our program are the outstanding Keynotes taking place each morning of the conference spanning from Automotive to Robotics. Lars Reger from NXP kicks things off on Monday and will tie our EDA industry to the burgeoning space of automotive electronics. On Tuesday, Sameer Halepete from NVIDIA explains the design and applications of complex graphics chips. Wednesday, Mark Papermaster CTO from AMD (and former silicon design chief for Apple and IBM) explains his secrets for making truly great products. Enjoy the show! #53DAC Charles J. Alpert 3 General Chair, 53rd DAC TABLE OF CONTENTS General Chair’s Welcome������������������������������������ 3 Wednesday Keynote����������������������������������������� 53 Conference Sponsors������������������������������������������ 5 Wednesday Sessions���������������������������������������� 54 Important Information������������������������������������������ 6 Wednesday Design/IP Track Poster Session���� 66 Networking Receptions��������������������������������������� 7 Wednesday Work-in-Progess Poster Session����� 68 Keynotes������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Thursday Keynote��������������������������������������������� 71 SKY Talks���������������������������������������������������������� 10 Thursday Sessions�������������������������������������������� 72 In Memory��������������������������������������������������������� 12 Thursday is Training Day����������������������������������� 82 Silicon/Technology Art Show���������������������������� 17 Colocated Conferences������������������������������������� 88 Workshops�������������������������������������������������������� 18 Additional Meetings������������������������������������������� 92 Opening Session & Awards������������������������������� 21 DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839����������������������������� 102 Monday Keynote����������������������������������������������� 22 Exhibitor List���������������������������������������������������� 110 Monday Sessions���������������������������������������������� 23 Exclusive Sponsorships���������������������������������� 112 Monday Design/IP Track Poster Session���������� 27 Platinum, Gold & Silver Sponsors������������������� 113 Monday Tutorials����������������������������������������������� 29 Exhibiting Companies������������������������������������� 114 Tuesday Visionary Talk & Keynote��������������������� 36 Supplemental Listing��������������������������������������� 118 Tuesday Sessions���������������������������������������������� 37 Committees & Organizers������������������������������� 120 Tuesday Design/IP Track Poster Session���������� 49 Index���������������������������������������������������������������� 126 Tuesday Work-in-Progess Poster Session�������� 50 4 CONFERENCE SPONSORS ACM/SIGDA ACM is the world’s largest computing society and brings together computing educators, researchers and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources and address the field’s challenge. The ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation has a long history of supporting conferences and the EDA profession. In addition to sponsoring DAC, SIGDA sponsors ICCAD, DATE, and ASP-DAC, plus approximately 15 other symposia and workshops. SIGDA provides a broad array of additional resources to our members, to students and professors, and to the EDA profession in general. SIGDA organizes the University Research Demo and Ph.D. Forum at DAC, and the CADathlon at ICCAD, and also funds various scholarships and awards. Other benefits provided to SIGDA members include the SIGDA’s E-Newsletter containing information on upcoming conferences and funding opportunities, SIGDA News highlighting most relevant events in EDA and semiconductor industry, and the “What is...?” column that brings to the attention of EDA professionals the most recent topics of interest in design automation. special interest group on design automation For further information on SIGDA’s programs and resources, see IEEE/COUNCIL ON ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION The IEEE is the world’s leading professional association for the advancement of technology, with 430,000 members across 160 countries. The IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA) provides a single focal point for all EDA activities across six major IEEE societies (Circuits & Systems, Computer, Electron Devices, Solid State Circuits, Antennas & Propagation, and Microwave Theory & Techniques). The Council sponsors or co-sponsors over a dozen key EDA conferences around the world; its publications include IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, IEEE Transactions on CAD, and IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, as well as the co-publication, Design&Test Magazine. Additionally, CEDA recognizes and supports its community by way of awards, travel grants, initiatives, and local chapters. For more information on CEDA, visit:, like us on Facebook, join us on LinkedIn, follow us on Twitter. ELECTRONIC SYSTEM DESIGN ALLIANCE The Electronic System Design Alliance (ESD Alliance), an international association of companies providing goods and services throughout the semiconductor design ecosystem, is a forum to address technical, marketing, economic and legislative issues affecting the entire industry. It acts as the central voice to communicate and promote the value of the semiconductor design industry as a vital component of the global electronics industry. For more information on the ESD Alliance, please visit: 5 CONFERENCE INFORMATION “BIRDS-OF-A-FEATHER” MEETINGS EXHIBIT HOURS LOCATION: EXHIBIT HALLS 1-4 Monday, June 6 10:00am - 6:00pm Tuesday, June 7 10:00am - 6:00pm Wednesday, June 8 10:00am - 6:00pm DAC will provide conference rooms for informal groups to discuss items of common technical interest. These very informal, non-commercial meetings, held after hours, are referred to as “Birds-of-a-Feather” (BOF). All BOF meetings are held at the Austin Convention Center, Tuesday, June 7 from 7:00 - 8:30pm. To arrange a BOF meeting, please contact [email protected]. An LCD projector and screen will be provided. REGISTRATION HOURS LOCATION: AUSTIN CONVENTION CENTER ATRIUM Friday, June 3 - Sunday, June 5 8:00am – 6:00pm Monday, June 6 - Thursday, June 9 7:00am – 7:00pm FIRST AID ROOM First Aid Room is located between Exhibit Halls 3 & 4 on the Trinity Street side of the building. Thank You to Our Sponsor: First Aid Room Hours: Saturday, June 4 - Sunday, June 5: 8:00am to 6:00pm Monday, June 6 - Thursday, June 9: 7:00am to 7:00pm Non-emergency: 311 ONLINE PROCEEDINGS In-house security: 512-404-4111 DAC Proceedings and tutorials will be delivered electronically online via a username and password. To access: Username = Email address Password = Registration ID (on your badge) DAC MOBLE APP Please refer to your registration receipt to be reminded of what package and associated files you are eligible to view. Download the DAC App! Review the conference program, find exhibitors, and create a personalized schedule all from your phone or mobile device. STAY CONNECTED The DAC App is FREE for registered attendees! Check your email for your personalized invite or visit for more information WIRELESS INTERNET Austin Convention Center has complimentary wireless internet service throughout the facility. 6 DAC NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES WELCOME RECEPTION RECEPTION Sunday, June 5 5:30 - 7:00pm | 4th Floor Foyer Tuesday, June 7 6:00 - 7:00pm | Trinity St. Foyer Join fellow attendees for the first event to network and kick-off DAC 2016! Join us in the Foyer to see Work-in-Progress posters and enjoy light hors’ d’oeuvres and beverages. Thank You to Our Sponsor: Thank You to Our Sponsors: Investors in InnovationTM RECEPTION RECEPTION Monday, June 6 6:00 - 7:00pm | Trinity St. Foyer Wednesday, June 8 6:00 - 7:00pm | Trinity St. Foyer Join attendees for refreshments and lively discussion recapping the day’s events. Join us in the Foyer to see Work-in-Progress posters and enjoy light hors’ d’oeuvres and beverages. Thank You to Our Sponsors: Investors in InnovationTM Thank You to Our Sponsor: Don’t miss the book signing: DAC SILICON/TECHNOLOGY ART SHOW Monday, June 6 6:00 - 7:00pm | Trinity St. Foyer RECEPTION The DAC Silicon/Technology Art Show will feature stunning images submitted by DAC attendees that demonstrate the beauty of everyday work in this industry. Submitted pieces will be judged in various categories and the winners for each category will be announced Wednesday, June 8 at 9:00am in Ballroom A. Join attendees for refreshments and lively discussion recapping the day’s events. Thursday, June 9 5:30 - 6:30pm | 4th Floor Foyer 7 KEYNOTE PRESENTATIONS KEYNOTE: REVOLUTION AHEAD – WHAT IT TAKES TO ENABLE SECURELY CONNECTED, SELF-DRIVING CARS Lars Reger - Chief Technology Officer of Automotive Business Unit, NXP Semiconductors, Hamburg, Germany Monday, June 6 | | 9:15 - 10:00am | | Ballroom A Few industries are as primed for radical change in the years ahead as the worldwide automotive market. Advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) features are increasingly common in entry-level/affordable new car models, and today’s high-end vehicles commonly receive over-the-air software updates and feature semi-autonomous driving functionality. Meanwhile, Silicon Valley start-ups and established auto OEMs alike are rushing to deliver the first true “self-driving” cars. See page 22 for more details. VISIONARY TALK: LEARNING FROM LIFE: BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED ELECTRONIC DESIGN Lou Scheffer - Principal Scientist, Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD Tuesday, June 7 | | 9:00 - 9:20am | | Ballroom A Modern electronics does amazing things, but biology routinely performs feats no current electronics can match. Every animal can learn on short timescales, defend against unforeseen threats, self-assemble and repair, all with great resilience. The shortest path to incorporating these features in our gadgets is to understand how biology works, then adapt these techniques to the semiconductor world. See page 36 for more details. 8 KEYNOTE: DRIVING THE NEXT DECADE OF INNOVATIONS IN VISUAL AND ACCELERATED COMPUTING Sameer Halepete - Vice President of VLSI Engineering, NVIDIA Corp, Santa Clara, CA Tuesday, June 7 | | 9:20 - 10:00am | | Ballroom A The ever-increasing performance demands of performance visual and accelerated computing has resulted in GPUs becoming some of the most complex ASICs being built today. These multi-billion transistor processors push design technologies to their limits and require incredibly robust implementation methodologies. At the same time, there are new performance demands from both the traditional source of gaming thanks to higher resolution displays and virtual reality applications as well as new GPU uses like deep learning and autonomous driving. See page 36 for more details. KEYNOTE: THE CHALLENGE TO DEVELOP TRULY GREAT PRODUCTS Mark Papermaster - Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA Wednesday, June 8 | | 9:00 - 10:00am | | Ballroom A Mark Papermaster, CTO and SVP of Technology and Engineering at AMD, will take closer look at various challenges companies face when they set out to build winning products. Drawing up on more than 30 years of engineering experience, Mark explores innovation and what defines a great product, as well as his thoughts on the role of leadership to create an environment to enable both disruptive thinking combined with strong execution. See page 53 for more details. KEYNOTE: LEARNING AND MULTIAGENT REASONING FOR AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS Peter Stone - David Bruton, Jr. Centennial Professor of Computer Science, Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX Thursday, June 9 | | 9:10 - 10:00am | | Ballroom A Over the past half-century, we have transitioned from a world with just a handful of mainframe computers owned by large corporations, to a world in which private individuals have multiple computers in their homes, in their cars, in their pockets, and even on their bodies. This transition was enabled by computer science research in multiple areas such as systems, networking, programming languages, human computer interaction, and artificial intelligence. See page 71 for more details. 9 SKY TALKS SKY TALK: WIRELESS IMPLANTABLE MICROSYSTEMS: MINIMALLY INVASIVE INTERFACES TO THE BRAIN Rikky Muller - Univ. of California, Berkeley & Cortera Neurotechnologies, Berkeley, CA Monday, June 6 | | 1:00 - 1:30pm | | DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Smart and connected medical implants are the next frontier in the Internet of Things (IoT) and are set to revolutionize healthcare. Advancing our ability to interface technology with biological environments will enable patients to be monitored and receive treatment at home, and in the long term, have chronically implanted electronic devices seamlessly integrate with their everyday lives. As an example, clinically viable and minimally invasive neural interfaces stand to transform disease care for patients of neurological conditions. See page 24 for more details. SKY TALK: RISC-V: INSTRUCTION SETS WANT TO BE FREE Krste Asanovic - Univ. of California, Berkeley & SiFive, Inc., Berkeley, CA Tuesday, June 7 | | 1:00 - 1:30pm | | DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 The most important interface in a computer system is the instruction set architecture (ISA) as it connects software to hardware. So, given the prevalence of open standards for almost all other important interfaces, why is the ISA still proprietary? We argue that a free ISA is a necessary precursor to future hardware innovation, and there’s no good technical reason not to have free, open ISAs just as we have free, open networking standards and free, open operating systems. See page 41 for more details. 10 SKY TALK: SECURITY AT DIFFERENT LAYERS OF ABSTRACTIONS: APPLICATION, OPERATING SYSTEMS, AND HARDWARE Bryan Payne - Netflix, Los Gatos, CA Wednesday, June 8 | | 1:00 - 1:30pm | | DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 When it comes to computer security, attackers often seek out weaknesses at the abstraction boundaries in a system. Therefore, boundaries between layers such as the hardware, operating system, and application have a significant security impact. This talk will address how security is influenced by different dimensions of computing including hardware and software abstractions and scale, along with how threat models can help to manage this complexity. See page 58 for more details. SKY TALK: BIOLOGICAL ELECTRONICS: MERGING LIFE’S TRANSISTORS WITH THE SOLID-STATE Kenneth Shepard - Columbia Univ., New York, NY Thursday, June 9 | | 1:00 - 1:30pm | | Room 17AB Silicon integrated circuits based on CMOS technology form the basis for complex electronic systems with more than 10 billion transistors in a single chip. As the scaling of solid-state devices through Moore’s Law reaches an end and there is a search to expand the capabilities of CMOS technology to new applications through the addition of new materials (“more than Moore”), biological components represent a largely untapped opportunity. Living systems have lipid bilayer membranes, which act as capacitors, storing charge as ionic gradients across these membranes. See page 75 for more details. 11 IN MEMORY ERNEST S. KUH | 1928 - 2015 Since June 2015, the design automation community has mourned a pioneering scholar, educator, visionary and mentor. As noted by his Ph.D. graduate, Dr. Chi-Ping Hsu, “Since the mid-1970s, Professor Kuh has been one of the key founding fathers of the EDA industry …. Many of the early EDA companies were formed by his students and fellow researchers. His vision and guidance helped expedite the formation and maturity of the EDA industry.” Even after decades of refinement and reinvention, the credit due to Professor Kuh’s many paradigmatic works (e.g., analytic placement, performance-driven layout, physical synthesis) remains clear. Today, many of Professor Kuh’s 40 Ph.D. graduates and numerous industrial visitors occupy senior leadership positions in academia and industry. Truly, EDA would not be what it is today without the many contributions of Professor Kuh and the “kuhsgroup” alumni. Professor Ernest Shiu-Jen Kuh was born in Beijing in 1928. He left China in 1947 to study electrical engineering at the University of Michigan, where he received the B.S. degree in 1949. He received the M.S. degree from MIT in 1950, and the Ph.D. degree from Stanford in 1952. From 1952 to 1956, he was a member of the Technical Staff at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, where his work on transmission repeater designs and submarine cable design was incorporated into the first trans-Atlantic telephone cable. He joined the UC Berkeley faculty in 1956. Over his lifetime, Professor Kuh received numerous honors and awards for his pioneering contributions in active and passive circuit theory, electronic design automation of integrated circuits, and engineering education. These include the IEEE Centennial Medal, the IEEE Education Medal, the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Award, the IEEE Millennium Medal, and the EDA Consortium’s Phil Kaufman Award. He was also a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the Academia Sinica, and a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. From the mid-1970s, he worked to recruit and retain more women and people of color to the engineering field. With his wife Bettine, he endowed the Ernest S. Kuh Distinguished Lecture Series to bring notable scientists and engineers to campus. And even in retirement, he would sit through entire DAC sessions, listening carefully to the talks and asking the most probing and thought-provoking questions. After completing (with Charles Desoer) the classic 1967 textbook, Basic Circuit Theory, Professor Kuh served as chair of the newly integrated EE&CS department at Berkeley from 1968-1972. He then served as Dean of the College of Engineering from 1973-1980. His leadership and vision presciently opened up such new frontiers as bioelectronics; established the Industrial Liaison Program model of research interaction and the Berkeley Engineering Fund; and raised funds for what would become the Bechtel Engineering Center. A 1977-1978 sabbatical in Japan led to his interest in VLSI CAD, which became the focus of his research for the remainder of his career. Professor Kuh shaped the field of placement and floorplanning with the Berkeley Building Block Layout (BBL) system; the RAMP resistive-network placement approach that exploited sparse-matrix techniques; the PROUD analytic placer; quadratic Boolean programming for multi-way partitioning; and many other seminal works. He shaped the field of routing with works on planar routing and single-row routing; graph models such the channel intersection graph for building-block layout; power/ground network sizing; and the matching-based approach to clock tree synthesis. It is no surprise that Volume 1, Issue Number 1 of IEEE Transactions on CAD (January 1982) contains the seminal paper of Yoshimura and Kuh, “Efficient Algorithms for Channel Routing”, which has been cited nearly 300 times. Dr. Wayne Dai, another Ph.D. graduate, said, “Professor Kuh has been my lifelong mentor and role model. His great vision of the ‘big picture,’ his brilliant mind driven by passion and persistence, and his deeply caring spirit that never faltered in its generosity will be remembered fondly by all of us.” Professor Kuh will be remembered by students and colleagues as a true scholar and gentleman, a sportsman who loved to play tennis, and a kind and generous mentor. Memorial gifts may be directed to the Berkeley Engineering Fund, College of Engineering, 201 McLaughlin Hall #1722, Berkeley, CA 94720-1722, designated to the Ernest S. Kuh Distinguished Lecture Series. Donations may also be made to the California Alumni Association’s Professor Ernest Kuh Alumni Scholarship, sent to 1 Alumni House, Berkeley, CA 94720-7520. In Prof. Kuh’s honor, CEDA has renamed its IEEE CEDA Early Career Award to IEEE CEDA Ernest S. Kuh Early Career Award. 12 IN MEMORY STEVEN P. LEVITAN | 1950 - 2016 With a heavy heart, we say goodbye to Steven P. Levitan, a kind and inspiring colleague, a fabulous mentor, a distinctive educator and researcher, and a longtime DAC volunteer leader. Steve developed the first publically available compiler and simulator for the VHDL design language that he distributed to over 150 academic and industry users. In the mid-90s, Steve turned his attention to research and development of tools for mixed-technology microsystems. Funded by NSF and DARPA he developed the first multi-scale mixed technology simulator for electro-optical-mechanical systems. Steve was also instrumental in leading efforts to develop material for teaching functional verification at the undergraduate-level that has been adopted by more than 75 universities world-wide. He was working on new models of non-Boolean computing using the intrinsic dynamics of coupled oscillator systems funded by the NSF Expeditions in Computing Program at the time of his death. Steven P. Levitan was the John A. Jurenko Professor of Computer Engineering in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Pittsburgh. He received his B.S. degree from Case Western Reserve University in 1972. From 1972 to 1977, he worked for Xylogic Systems designing hardware for computerized text processing systems. He received his M.S. (1979) and Ph.D. (1984), both in Computer Science, from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. During that time he also worked for Digital Equipment Corporation, and Viewlogic Systems, as a consultant in HDL simulation and synthesis. Steve was an Assistant Professor from 1984 to 1986 in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Massachusetts. In 1987 he joined the Electrical Engineering faculty at the University of Pittsburgh where he held a joint appointment in the Department of Computer Science. Steve was co-founder and organizer of the Computer Engineering program at Pitt. Steve’s service to the EDA community is immense. He was Chair of the ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (SIGDA). He was on the ACM/IEEE Design Automation Executive Committee from 1998 to 2008 and General Chair of the 44th DAC in 2007. Steve organized/ co-organized numerous workshops for faculty development (including this year’s DAC Young Faculty Workshop) and numerous workshops targeted at recruiting, retaining, and advancing undergraduate and graduate students in microsystems design. He was a great friend to many of his students, colleagues and collaborators. Steve passed away unexpectedly during Spring Recess, on March 7, 2016, in his San Diego home. Steve’s leadership, warmth, and humor will be missed but his legacy will remain. Steve’s fundamental contributions to education and research in microsystems technology have spanned the three decades of his professional career. In the 1980s he partnered with engineers from Digital Equipment Corporation to develop one of the first VLSI design course sequences for undergraduate students at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. This led to his creation of one of the first undergraduate VLSI capstone design sequences in the United States. Steve was an early strong advocate for VLSI capstone courses that tie together many of the fundamental ideas in a computer engineering degree as well as providing a necessary significant design experience for students before they entered the workforce. 13 IN MEMORY EDWARD J. MCCLUSKEY | 1929-2016 Ed McCluskey, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Stanford, was a giant who shaped the design and testing of digital systems for over half a century. He sustained a relentless pace of fundamental contributions for efficient and robust design, high-quality testing, and reliable operation of digital systems. Ed was also a pioneer in establishing and fostering computer engineering as a profession. Ed and his students developed many key concepts in faulttolerant computing. One example is diverse replication, logic circuitry implementing alternative structures to check the main structure, or watchdog processor checking the main program by executing a related, but simpler, version. Software diverse redundancy concepts in the ARGOS mission demonstrated feasibility of commercial off-the-shelf microprocessors in space applications. Ed’s fault-tolerance and testing concepts are even more essential for safety in future applications such as self-driving cars. Ed was one of the world’s leading educators. His textbooks on logic design defined the discipline. Computer Engineering and the IEEE Computer Society owe their current status to Ed in a major way. He was first president of the IEEE Computer Society. At Princeton, Ed established the Computer Engineering curriculum, and founded the university computer center in the early 1960s. At Stanford, he founded the Digital Systems Lab (renamed Computer Systems Lab) that uniquely cultivated collaboration between EE and CS. “Ed McCluskey was a pioneer in the computer engineering community,” said Stanford President John Hennessy. “He recruited me to Stanford to join the laboratory in 1977. In addition to shaping the development of digital systems, he was a great educator, producing an incredible group of [75] PhD graduates, many of whom have gone on to become industry leaders.” He founded the Center for Reliable Computing (CRC) at Stanford. CRC played a major role in advancing the fields of computer reliability and testing from ad hoc pursuits to frontline academic and industrial research. “Prof. McCluskey was the father of modern digital design. His seminal contributions to switching theory, logic design, testing and fault-tolerant computing laid the foundation for the computer processors that power so much of our world today,” said Dr. Arvind Krishna, senior vice president and director of IBM Research. Ed created the Quine-McCluskey logic minimization procedure as a doctoral student, which marked the beginning of Electronic Design Automation (EDA). Over the last 60 years, this method has been and continues to be used in numerous EDA tools. His work on hazards in logic circuits and fundamental-mode sequential circuits are classics. When Ed entered the digital testing field in the late 1960s, it was considered “black art” without solid technical foundations. His deep insights transformed the way testing is practiced in industry and researched in academia: algebraic fault properties, Murphy and ELF experiments establishing test metrics (rather than fault models) as key to high-quality testing, and Very Low Voltage testing. Ed was on the forefront of exploring novel approaches, rooted in mathematical principles, for blending test into digital system design. Ed received numerous awards and honors. Dr. Aart De Geus, Synopsys Chairman, summarized: “We see a great oak tree suddenly fall and immediately feel the void left behind. As a young student learning about Ed’s work, all the way to today appreciating his contributions in making the ‘digital revolution’ not a slogan but a world-changing reality, we realize the impact of Ed’s contribution on our field and our own destiny.” People wishing to share thoughts and memories of Ed are invited to send them to [email protected]. IEEE Council on EDA (CEDA) sponsors a CEDA Luncheon at DAC in honor of Prof. Edward J. McCluskey on Tuesday, June 7th, at 12:00pm. It features tributes by leading researchers and a distinguished lecture. Please join us in Ballroom D to thank Ed! 14 IN MEMORY MARIE R. PISTILLI | 1933 - 2015 While her critical contribution was in helping the EDA industry through its early years of rapid and chaotic growth, perhaps her proudest contribution was in her efforts to gain recognition for the contributions of women in EDA. Along with a dedicated group of committee members, she worked to bring recognition to the many technical and industrial contributions of women in the evolution of design automation. While doing so she also worked to establish connections between women in all stages of their careers. In honor of her efforts the DAC executive Committee established the Marie R. Pistilli Women in EDA Achievement Award, which is awarded at DAC annually since 2001 to an individual who has a made a significant contribution to the advancement of women in the field of EDA. She remained active in these efforts until her death in November, 2015. Marie Pistilli took an unusual path to the EDA industry. She wasn’t trained as an engineer but she played an important role in helping to guide the industry from its infancy. With the launch of the commercial EDA industry in 1982 there was a natural need to bring these young companies together (Daisy, Mentor, Valid, etc.) and DAC was the place to do it. Along with her husband Pat (DAC co-founder and an engineer at AT&T Bell Labs), Marie had the foresight to understand that for DAC to reach its potential it needed professional support and a steady hand so in 1984 MP Associates was born. Through Marie’s steadfast leadership she was able to guide DAC through a period of tumultuous growth shepherding it from just 20 companies to over 250 by the end of the millennium, placing it as one of the top 100 shows in the US. It is said that “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Through the foundation Marie built years ago, industry events such as DAC and ICCAD are still here and still going strong. She is survived by Pat, her husband of 62 years, three daughters and 5 grandchildren. 15 IN MEMORY GARY SMITH | 1941 - 2015 This year we lost a visionary in the field of design automation. Smith was the best-known industry analyst in EDA, a leading design technologist and foremost EDA strategist. He defined market segments, tracked market share, offered market growth projections, consulted with major EDA providers and their customers, published detailed research reports, and served as a tireless advocate for more efficient ways of designing chips that may have a billion transistors or more. A blog post called Smith the “single most important prognosticator in EDA.” In 1994 Smith went to work as an EDA industry analyst for research firm Gartner Dataquest. For his lengthy tenure there, lasting until 2006, Smith was an authoritative, independent spokesperson who was widely quoted in the electronics trade press whenever EDA was mentioned. He was also a strong proponent of system-level design, often called Electronic System Level (ESL), which provides an even higher abstraction level than RTL and enables engineers to design both hardware and software. Finally, Smith launched Gary Smith EDA in 2006 with several other former Gartner Dataquest analysts. Today the company is a provider of market intelligence and advisory services for the global EDA market. The company offers market share reports, research reports, an annual “What to see at DAC” (Design Automation Conference) list, Wallcharts that depict EDA vendor classifications, and strategic consulting services. Smith was the founder and chief analyst at Gary Smith EDA (GSEDA) since 2006. Prior to GSEDA, Smith was chief analyst at Dataquest (later known as Gartner Dataquest) beginning in 1994. Outside of work, Smith was an accomplished musician, and he played bass guitar for the Los Gatos Blues Band. He was also a member of the Full Disclosure Blues Band, which had its debut at DAC 2001 and reprised its showcase performances at many subsequent DAC conferences. Smith’s interests also included Eastern and Western philosophies and religions, travel, history, reading, visiting libraries and time with family. Born in Stockton, California, Smith grew up in the San Joaquin Valley. He earned a bachelor of science degree in engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. After 6 years of active duty in Vietnam, he embarked on a career in semiconductors starting in sales for a variety of companies, including National Electronics, International Rectifier, TRW, Signetics, Telmos, and Plessey. At Plessey, he went back into engineering as business unit manager for ASICs, which then represented some of the first attempts at customer-designed ICs. A special Gary Smith Memorial Scholarship has been set up with San Jose State University. Guardian Scholars serves former foster and homeless youth attending San Jose State University. In addition DAC will enable the Gary Smith Memorial Scholarship students to attend DAC. To make a gift, please visit At LSI Logic, Smith became a CAD methodologist as well as an evangelist for the emerging register-transfer level (RTL) design methodology. This design methodology, which was widely adopted in the late 1980s and early 1990s, allowed engineers to work at a much higher level of abstraction than gate-level schematics. This breakthrough made possible the design of chips with hundreds of millions of transistors. 16 DAC SILICON / TECHNOLOGY ART SHOW Those of us who work in the Design Automation community can see the beauty in our work every day. We create electronic devices with billions of transistors, complex algorithms, data visualizations, and clever data structures. This year at DAC we want to showcase the beauty of our work for the rest of the world to see. That’s why we are hosting a silicon and technology art show. Don’t miss seeing these works of art at the Silicon/Technology Art Show, starting on Monday, June 6 at the Austin Convention Center. Judges will review each piece for several categories and winners will be announced Wednesday, June 8 at 9:00am in Ballroom A. Thanks to everyone who submitted: Bob Smith - ESD Alliance: First MPW Wafer - circa 1981 Jan Henrik Weinstock - RWTH Aachen Univ.: Euretile Christian Miller - Concept Engineering GmbH: Welcome to 53rd DAC! Karen Mangum - Micro Magic, Inc.: Central Intelligence; MAX-3D Eric Tim - IBM Corp.: Tri-Chip Pendant Milos Popovic - Univ. of Colorado: Enlightened Microprocessor Guilherme Flach - Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul: Placement Scribbles; Placement Blast Jose Paredes - IBM Corp.: Scale Out Warmth; POWER8-E Wafer Olivier Sentieys - IBM Corp.: Ochre: On-Chip Randomness Extraction Kiran Gonsalves - Intersil Corp.: FFT Processor on 3D IC Chrystian Guth - Federal Univ.of Santa Catarina: Standard Cell Metropolis Larry Toda - Mentor Graphics Corp.: Mentor Graphics PCB Design Images; Thermal Images from Mentor Graphics Rob Harrison - ARM Ltd.: Juno Carl Das - IMEC & Europractice: Artist impression of a EUROPRACTICE 0.13um MPW Mateus Fogaca - Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul: Applying Poisson Equation with a Quadratic Approach to Standard Cell Placement; A bug in the circuit, literally! Hugo Romano - TowerJazz: Development; Imagine; Spaceship; Flipchip Tsun-Ming Tseng - Technische Univ. München: Automatic Layout Generation for Continuous-Flow Microfluidics Michael Solka - Coherent Logix, Inc.: Balls; Bumps Mike Gianfagna - eSilicon Corp.: 386 Plot; ASIC Plot; Bell Labs Microprocessor Plot; Cover - MOMA Chip Art Exhibit Book Joe Civello - Keysight Technologies: Electro-Thermal Dreaming Nany Kollesar - IBM Corp.: Tractor Beam; Inspiration Ball; Silicon Septopus; Forever Flower Simone Casale Brunet - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne: Execution Trace Graph of an HEVC video decoder Nathaniel Pinckney - Univ. of Michigan: Oversized bumps; BGA Test Socket Anupam Bakshi - Agnisys, Inc.: Tag Chip Paula Sterling - Synopsys, Inc.: Eye Diagram Abstract Ahmed Nejim - Silvaco, Inc.: Solar Cell Ricardo Reis - Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul: MemoryHeart; Decoding Art; Z80 Register Cell; Acid Disaster or Poly Ballet; Color of Gates 2 Andreas Hoessinger - Silvaco, Inc.: 3D NAND Flash Memory Hongyi Yu - Silvaco, Inc.: Flat Panel TFT David Fried: Coventor, Inc.: “14nm FinFET Technology” by Coventor® SEMulator3D® Richard Morse - Morse Consulting: The Art of IC Design; Layout Abstraction; Old School Yu-Hsuan Su & Yao-Wen Chang -National Taiwan Univ.: Routability-driven multilevel routing Roland Weber - Concept Engineering GmbH: Two blocks, 128 pins per side, inverted connection Huang-Yu Chen, Szu-Jui Chou, Sheng-Lung Wang, & Yao-Wen Chang - National Taiwan Univ.: A novel wire-density-driven full-chip routing system for CMP variation control Sherie Taylor - Intel Corp.: Merrifield Wafer; Skylake Die; Skylake Wafer Tania Ferla - Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul: Lithographic Simulation Kernels Chau-Chin Huang & Yao-Wen Chang - National Taiwan Univ.: Placement Considering Fence Regions Vasso Kalaitzidou - Fieldscale: Pillars of Innovation Ina Prinz - Arithmeum/Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany Yibo Lin - Univ. of Texas at Austin: TPLPlace Jeff Gustafson - Texas A&M Univ.: random3-h Misha Temkin - Silvaco, Inc: Ion Implantation Channeling Effect ART SHOW RECEPTION Monday, June 6 | 6:00 - 7:00pm Trinity St. Foyer 17 WORKSHOPS W1 WORKSHOP 1: DAC WORKSHOP ON COMPUTING IN HETEROGENEOUS, AUTONOMOUS ‘N’ GOAL-ORIENTED ENVIRONMENTS (CHANGE) Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm | | Room: 19AB | | Event Type: Workshop Track: Embedded Systems, Design | | Topic Area: Emerging Technologies, General Interest, Reconfigurable Systems ORGANIZERS: Self-aware computer systems are the key technology to succeed in doing this. They will be able to configure, heal, optimize, improve interaction and protect themselves without the need for human intervention, exploiting abilities that allow them to automatically find the best way to accomplish a given goal with the resources at hand. Within this context, imagine a revolutionary computing system that can observe its own execution and optimize its behavior around the external environment, user’s and application’s needs. Marco Santambrogio - Politecnico di Milano, Italy Hank Hoffmann - Univ. of Chicago, IL As the push for parallelism continues to increase the number of cores on a chip, system design has become incredibly complex; optimizing for performance and power efficiency is now nearly impossible for the application programmer. To assist the programmer, a variety of techniques for optimizing performance and power at runtime have been developed, but many employ the use of speculative threads or performance counters. These approaches result in stolen cycles, or the use of an extra core, and such expensive penalties can greatly reduce the potential gains. The Self-Aware computing research leverages the new balance of resources to improve performance, utilization, reliability and programmability. Within this context, the proposed workshop is intended to present innovative works describing: Within this context imagine a revolutionary computing system that can observe its own execution and optimize its behavior around a user’s or application’s needs. Imagine a programming capability by which users can specify their desired goals rather than how to perform a task, along with constraints in terms of an energy budget, a time constraint, or simply a preference for an approximate answer over an exact answer. - Self-aware Operating Systems - Autonomous self-aware computer architecture - Adaptive algorithm and distributed self-training algorithms - Biologically inspired systems Imagine further a computing system that performs better according to a user’s preferred goal the longer it runs an application. Such an architecture will enable, for example, a handheld radio or a cell phone that can run cooler the longer the connection time. Or, a system that can perform reliably and continuously in a range of environments by tolerating hard and transient failures through self healing. W2 SPEAKERS: Nikil Dutt - Univ. of California, Irvine, CA Wayne Luk - Imperial College London, United Kingdom Jonathan Eastep - Intel Corp., Portland, OR Jian Li - Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Austin, TX Gianluca Durelli - Politecnico di Milano, Italy Diana Goehringer - Univ. Bochum, Germany Matteo Ferroni - Politecnico di Milano, Italy WORKSHOP 2: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DESIGN AUTOMATION FOR CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm | | Room: 15 | | Event Type: Workshop | | Track: Design, IoT Topic Area: Cyber-Physical Systems ORGANIZERS: This workshop will present the state-of-the-art research results on the topic of design automation for CPS, and stimulate the CAD researchers to participate in the interdisciplinary CPS research area in the future. Shiyan Hu - Michigan Technological Univ., Houghton, MI Xin Li - Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA Qi Zhu - Univ. of California, Riverside, CA Yier Jin - Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL Bei Yu - Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, China SPEAKERS: P.R. Kumar - Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX Subhasish Mitra - Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA Rajesh Gupta - Univ. of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA Sachin Sapatenkar - Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Sharon Hu - Univ. of Notre Dame, IN David Z. Pan - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX Xin Li - Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA Shiyan Hu - Michigan Technological Univ., Houghton, MI Bei Yu - Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, China Chengbin Ma - Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., Shanghai, China Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are characterized by the strong interactions among cyber components and dynamic physical components. CPS system examples include automotive and transportation systems, smart home, building and community, smart battery and energy systems, surveillance systems, cyber-physical biochip, and wearable devices. Due to the deeply complex intertwining among different components, CPS designs pose fundamental challenges in multiple aspects such as performance, energy, security, reliability, fault tolerance and flexibility. Tackling these challenges necessitates high performance design automation techniques. 18 SUNDAY, JUNE 5 W3 WORKSHOP 3: SYSTEM-TO-SILICON PERFORMANCE MODELING AND ANALYSIS - POWER, TEMPERATURE AND RELIABILITY Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm | | Room: 17AB | | Event Type: Workshop Track: Embedded Systems, Design | | Topic Area: Cyber-Physical Systems, System Architectures & SoC, Codesign & System Design ORGANIZERS: Main topics: Adam Morawiec - ECSI, Belmont, France Laurent Maillet-Contoz - STMicroelectronics, Grenoble, France Kim Grüttner - OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany Gjalt de Jong - ArchWorks, Diegem, Belgium • Extra-functional property modeling (power, temperature, reliability, aging, …) • Power and temperature analysis at SoC level: future needs and requirements • Evolution and extensions of standards like UPF, IP-XACT to express extrafunctional properties • Power and temperature simulation and analysis at system-level • System level reliability and aging models • Reliability from transistor to RTL level: e.g. NBTI models including basic physical properties The integration of heterogeneous electronic systems composed of SW and HW requires not only a proper handling of system functionality, but also an appropriate expression and analysis of various extra-functional properties: timing, energy consumption, thermal behavior, reliability, cost and others as well as performance aspects related to caching, non-determinism, probabilistic effects. SPEAKERS: Eugenio Villar - Univ. de Cantabria, Santander, Spain Kim Grüttner - OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany Daniel Lorenz - OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany Ralph Weissnegger - CISC Semiconductor GmbH, Graz, Austria Laurent Maillet-Contoz - STMicroelectronics, Grenoble, France Franco Fummi - EDALab s.r.l., Verona, Italy Emmanuel Vaumorin - Magillem Design Services, Paris, France Roland Jancke - Fraunhofer IIS, Dresden, Germany Michael Pronath - MunEDA GmbH, Munich, Germany Gilson Wirth - Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande, Brazil The workshop addresses cross-domain aspects related to the design and verification framework covering methodology, interoperable tools, flows, interfaces and standards that enable formalization, specification, annotation and refinement of functional and extra-functional properties of a system. Special emphasis will be given to formalization and expression of power, temperature, reliability, degradation and aging. Several research and industry efforts address (parts of) the problem. However, there is a need for community-wide cooperation to establish a holistic vision on extra-functional property treatment, and to agree on research and development directions and further on validation of applicable solutions and standardization. This event will support collaboration between main actors from system and microelectronics industry, EDA and research. The workshop is inviting submissions of short abstracts on industrial and scientific work in progress and practical solution and experiences. W4 WORKSHOP 4: ACM/IEEE DAC WORKSHOP ON INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) Time: 9:00am - 6:00pm | | Room: 18AB | | Event Type: Workshop | | Track: IoT, Design Topic Area: General Interest, Emerging Technologies, Circuit Design ORGANIZER: Program Committee: Farinaz Koushanfar - Univ. of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA Peng Li - Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX Subhasish Mitra - Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA David Z. Pan - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX Rasit O. Topaloglu - IBM Corp., Hopewell Junction, NY Rasit Topaloglu - IBM Corp., Hopewell Junction, NY As more low-power and internet-connected gadgets and sensors are integrated into our lives, there still is not a consensus of how to co-design these. This workshop focuses on three areas of the internet of things (IoT), and in particular the design and automation aspects within them. These areas, which will likely be key to advancements in the IoT arena, are: security, low-power, and system design. The workshop features a set of invited speakers and panels. With our speakers, we strive to understand key issues and known solutions within the above mentioned areas of research and product design. End goals of the workshop are to understand about design and automation needs and issues beyond what may be directly visible to the DAC community and try to bring them in towards a solution. SPEAKERS: Pradip Bose - IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY Sandip Ray - Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR Martin Saint-Laurent - Qualcomm, Inc., Austin, TX Edgar Sanchez-Sinencio - Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX Hamed Soroush - Real-Time Innovations, Sunnyvale, CA Vamsi Talla - Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA Mohit Tiwari - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX Yuan Xie - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA 19 SUNDAY, JUNE 5 W5 WORKSHOP 5: LOW-POWER IMAGE RECOGNITION CHALLENGE (LPIRC) Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm | | Room: 14 | | Event Type: Workshop Track: Design, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: Low-Power & Reliability, System Architectures & SoC ORGANIZERS: The winners must demonstrate high accuracy in image recognition using the least amount of energy. Each image contains one or several objects. The objects are chosen from different categories. A contestant must identify the objects by their categories as well as marking the objects by bounding boxes. The energy is measured by a high-speed power meter. This is an onsite competition and participants must bring their own systems. Yung-Hsiang Lu - Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN Alexander Berg - Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC David Z. Pan - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX Daniel Hammerstrom - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, VA Greg Lemming - Intel Corp., Issaquah, WA David Atienza Alonso - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland Massimo Alioto - National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore LPIRC 2016 has three tracks. The first two tracks (1) offloading and (2) nonoffloading are the same as in LPIRC 2015. The test images are sent through a network. In the third, new track, the test images are shown on a computer screen and the contestants must use cameras to obtain the input images. The second Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) will be held at the 2016 Design Automation Conference in Austin, Texas. Cameras have become available in many embedded and mobile systems, including vehicles, smartphones, wearable devices, and aerial robots. It is desirable to have the capability of detecting and identifying objects in images acquired from such devices. Since energy is limited in mobile systems, efficiency and energy conservation are primordial. The first LPIRC was held at the 2015 Design Automation Conference on June 7, 2015 in San Francisco, California. Thirty-four people registered as ten teams from four different countries. In total, twenty solutions were presented. A special session at the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design 2015 was devoted to the introduction and description of the first LPIRC. The top two winners of the first LPIRC presented their solutions. WELCOME TO AUSTIN! Austin is the capital of Texas, home of the University of Texas at Austin and gateway to the beautiful Hill Country. As the Live Music Capital of the World, the city has a soundtrack all its own. More than 250 live music venues flourish with rock, indie, pop and Tejano. Top notch restaurants with legendary barbeque and farm-to-table cuisine whet your appetite. Find out more at 20 MONDAY, JUNE 6 OPENING SESSION & AWARDS PRESENTATION Time: 8:45am - 9:15am | | Room: Ballroom A | | Topic Area: General Interest Join us as we set the stage for the 53rd DAC! DAC’s Executive Committee will highlight the conference’s events, and the award presentations will recognize success and excellence for individuals in the industry. 2015 PHIL KAUFMAN AWARD FOR DISTINGUISHED CONTRIBUTIONS TO EDA 2016 ACM SIGDA OUTSTANDING NEW FACULTY AWARD Dr. Walden Rhines, Chairman and CEO of Mentor Graphics Corporation Wilsonville, Oregon Prof. Swaroop Ghosh, University of South Florida In recognition of a junior faculty member who demonstrates outstanding potential as an educator and/or researcher in the field of electronic design automation. Dr. Rhines is being recognized for growing the EDA and integrated circuit (IC) design industries through his efforts as a leading voice of EDA and for pioneering the evolution of IC design to system-on-chip (SoC) design. 2016 ACM SIGDA OUTSTANDING PHD DISSERTATION AWARD IN ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION IEEE CEDA OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD Anne Cirkel, Mentor Graphics Dr. Zheng Zhang – “Uncertainty Quantification for Integrated Circuits and Microelectromechanical Systems,” Massachusetts Institute of Technology For outstanding service to the EDA community as DAC General Chair in 2015. Advisor: Luca Daniel In recognition of an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation that makes the most substantial contribution to the theory and/or application in the field of electronic design automation. IEEE CEDA OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD Krithi Ramamritham, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay For outstanding service to the EDA community as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Embedded Systems Letters from 2011 to 2015. ACM FELLOW IEEE FELLOW Naehyuck Chang, KAIST Xiaobo Sharon Hu, University of Notre Dame For contributions to low-power computing systems. For contributions to resource management for embedded systems. ACM FELLOW IEEE FELLOW Kevin Skadron, University of Virginia Jiang Hu, Texas A&M University For contributions in power and thermal-aware modeling, design and benchmarking of microprocessors, including GPUs. For contributions to gate, interconnect and clock network optimization in VLSI circuits. ACM FELLOW IEEE FELLOW Tei-Wei Kuo, Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica Peng Li, Texas A&M University For contributions to the analysis and modeling of integrated circuits and systems. For contributions to performance and reliability enhancement of flash-memory storage systems. IEEE FELLOW ACM SIGDA DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD Chris Rowen, Cadence Design Systems Dr. Steven Levitan For leadership in the development of microprocessors and reduced instruction set computers In recognition of a lifetime of devoted service to ACM SIGDA and the Electronic Design Automation community. This award will be received by Anna Balazs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS DONALD O. PEDERSON BEST PAPER AWARD 2016 MARIE R. PISTILLI WOMEN IN ENGINEERING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Shupeng Sun, Xin Li, Hongzhou Liu, Kangsheng Luo, and Ben Gu Soha Hassoun, Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science at Tufts University “Fast Statistical Analysis of Rare Circuit Failure Events via Scaled-Sigma Sampling for High-Dimensional Variation Space,” Vol. 34, Issue 7, pp. 1096 - 1109, July 2015. This annual award, named for Marie R. Pistilli, the former organizer of DAC, recognizes individuals who have visibly helped advance women in Electronic Design. A. RICHARD NEWTON TECHNICAL IMPACT AWARD IN ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION P.O. PISTILLI UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS FOR ADVANCEMENT IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Chandu Visweswariah, IBM; Kaushik Ravindran, National Instruments; Kerim Kalafala, IBM; Steven G. Walker, IBM; Sambasivan Narayan, Apple Nicole Amoako, Columbia University Sponsored by the IEEE Council on EDA and the ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation. For pioneering contributions to statistical static timing analysis. C. Visweswariah, K. Ravindran, K. Kalafala, S. G. Walker, S. Narayan, “FirstOrder Incremental Block-Based Statistical Timing Analysis.” Proc. of the 41st Design Automation Conference, pp. 331 – 336, June 2004. The objective of the P.O. Pistilli Undergraduate Scholarship for Advancement in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering is to increase the pool of professionals in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science from under-represented groups (female, African-American, Hispanic, Native American, and disabled students). In 1989, ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (SIGDA) began providing the program. DAC normally funds a $4000 scholarship, renewable up to five years, to graduating high school seniors who have a 3.00 GPA or better (on a 4.00 scale). ACM TODAES 2016 BEST PAPER AWARD Chung-Wei Lin, UC Berkeley, Bowen Zheng, UC Riverside, Qi Zhu, UC Riverside, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, UC Berkeley Security-Aware Design Methodology and Optimization for Automotive Systems Vol. 21, Issue 1, November 2015 21 MONDAY, JUNE 6 KEYNOTE: REVOLUTION AHEAD – WHAT IT TAKES TO ENABLE SECURELY CONNECTED, SELF-DRIVING CARS Lars Reger - NXP Semiconductors, Hamburg, Germany T ime: 9:15am - 10:00am | | Room: Ballroom A Track: Automotive, Security | | Topic Area: Cyber-Physical Systems, General Interest, System Software Few industries are as primed for radical change in the years ahead as the worldwide automotive market. Advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) features are increasingly common in entry-level/affordable new car models, and today’s high-end vehicles commonly receive over-the-air software updates and feature semi-autonomous driving functionality. Meanwhile, Silicon Valley start-ups and established auto OEMs alike are rushing to deliver the first true “self-driving” cars. Among the most critical technologies driving this revolution are: Biography: Lars Reger is Chief Technology Officer of NXP’s Automotive business unit. NXP is the global technology leader in the secure connected car with a market leading product portfolio in secure and smart car access, car infotainment, advanced driver assistance systems, invehicle networks, and sensors. As CTO, Lars is responsible for managing R&D and new business activities for NXP Automotive. Prior to joining NXP in 2008, Lars gained deep insight into the microelectronics industry – with a strong focus on the automotive sector – in various functions with Siemens, Infineon, Siemens VDO and Continental. Before joining NXP, Lars was Director of Business Development and Product Management within the Connectivity business unit at Continental. His past roles at Infineon included Head of the Process and Product Engineering departments, Project Manager for Mobile System Chips, and Director of IP Management. He began his career with Siemens Semiconductors as Product Engineer in 1997. Lars holds a university degree in physics from Rheinische-FriedrichWilhelms University of Bonn and an executive MBA from London Business School. • Highly integrated CMOS-based radar solutions that can replace today’s bulky, power-consuming hardware for radar-based ADAS with sensors the size of postage stamps – for self-driving cars cocoons of such sensors are needed to enable a reliable 360 surround view of the vehicle environment • Gigabit Ethernet in-car communication technology enabling deterministic performance and real-time transport of massive data sets. • Advancements in vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-toinfrastructure (V2I) technologies that support secure data exchanges between high-speed vehicles and roadside infrastructure. • Increasingly rapid adoption of next-generation RFID and Near Field Communication (NFC) technologies for a broad range of connectivity innovations. However, despite the rapid advancement of these Connected Car technologies, the era of autonomous vehicles cannot truly arrive until consumers really trust that their vehicles are safe against hacking. This discussion will present an indepth examination of the specific technologies driving the autonomous vehicles revolution of the future, while detailing the security, reliability and safety requirements necessary to realize its full potential. 22 MONDAY, JUNE 6 DESIGN TRACK: CUSTOM HARDWARE FOR ALGORITHMIC TRADING 1 Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: Ballroom E | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Design, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: Emerging Technologies, Logic & High-Level Synthesis, Business CHAIR: 1.1 Trading Fast and Slow – Implications for Technology In Complex Financial Application Development (10:30) Mike Strickland - Intel Programmable Solutions Group, San Jose, CA Stephen Weston - Intel Programmable Solutions Group, London, United Kingdom Davor Frank - Solarflare Communications, New York, NY In today’s financial markets there is a constant, growing trend in the amount of data and the speed at which that data must be handled. Participants in these markets are confronted with ingesting and processing this data in an increasingly competitive landscape where the speed at which this data is processed is one of the major drivers of success. Algorithmic trading systems are deployed to address this challenge, but traditional software running on commodity hardware is not sufficient to maintain a competitive advantage in this environment. Increasingly, organizations are turning to custom hardware to address these problems. In this session, you will hear industry practitioners discuss how hardware solutions are being utilized in this space. 2 1.2 Case Study For Use of Hardware Platform In Algorithmic Trading (11:00) Luc Burgun - NovaSparks, Paris, France 1.3 An Agile FPGA Development Workflow (11:30) Todd Strader - Two Sigma Investments, LP, New York, NY Thank You to Our Sponsor: DESIGN TRACK: TIMING OPTIMIZATION & SIGNOFF Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: Ballroom F | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Physical Design, Modeling, Simulation & Timing CHAIR: 2.4 Path Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization for SOC Wide-Range Operation (11:15) Jiyoun Kim, Eunju Hwang, Mijeong Lim, Kyungtae Do - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea Jung Yun Choi - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Yong-in, Republic of Korea Greg Ford - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Santa Clara, CA Timing in IP and at chip level in recent technology nodes has become increasingly complex. It has become necessary to incorporate many more physical effects into the modeling of timing, and this has affected both signoff and optimization in significant ways. This session will cover variation modeling in signoff, as well as optimization concerns like path sensitivity analysis and power-aware vt and size optimization techniques. Both chip and IP level timing closure and timing constraint management will be discussed. 2.5 Sensitivity Usage in Statistical Static Timing Signoff (11:30) Robert Allen - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Essex Jct., VT Nathan Buck - IBM Corp., Underhill, VT Eric Foreman - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Essex Jct., VT Stephen Shuma - IBM Corp., Essex Jct., VT 2.6 Accurate Signoff with Advanced Variation Methodology (11:45) Moon Su Kim, Eun Yeung Yu - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Suwon, Republic of Korea Eunbyeol Kim - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong, Republic of Korea Ayhan Multu - Synopsys, Inc., San Jose, CA 2.1 Physical Aware Logic Difference Extraction in ECO Synthesis for Industrial High Performance Designs (10:30) George Antony - IBM Systems and Technology Group & Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Bangalore, India Sridhar H. Rangarajan - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Bangalore, India Nitin Chandrachoodan - Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India Shyam Ramji - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Poughkeepsie, NY Q&A Poster Session Monday, June 6 5:00 - 6:00pm - Exhibit Floor 2.2 IP Timing Constraints Promotion Challenges (A method to automatically generate SoC Timing Constraints) (10:45) Ichiro Shiihara, Tatsuya Nakae - Socionext, Inc., Yokohama, Japan Takanori Inaba - Socionext, Inc., Kyoto, Japan Thank You to Our Sponsor: 2.3 Vt and Size Optimization Considering Dynamic Power and Minimum Width Constraints (11:00) George Gonzalez, Mahesh Sharma - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Austin, TX Erhan Ergin - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA Sabeesh Balagangadharan - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Bangalore, India Tim Puzey, William Keshlear - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Austin, TX Amartya Mazumdar - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Bangalore, India Robert Cole - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Boxborough, MA 23 MONDAY, JUNE 6 3 IP TRACK: IP TRENDS AND REQUIREMENTS Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: Ballroom G | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: IP, Design | | Topic Area: Business, General Interest CHAIR: 3.1 IOE and How to Power it (10:30) Jamil Kawa - Synopsys, Inc., Mountain View, CA Simon Rance - ARM Ltd., Dallas, TX 3.2 How to choose which Interconnect IP and configuration is best suited for my system architecture needs and application requirements (11:00) Nick Heaton - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA IP Trends and requirements are continuously evolving to address the needs of our daily life from health, environment, and automotive to entertainment and communications. In this session, we will see presentations that demonstrate leading-edge trends and requirements covering the Internet of Everything (IoE), which is emerging as the next frontier of connectivity to conquer, as well as functional safety as an emerging requirement for SoC Designers and vendors of silicon IP. The final presentation will address current interconnect IP trends and see how specific system architecture and verification requirements can help choose which interconnect IP and configuration is best suited. 3.3 Functional safety - and what that means for an IP (11:30) Andrew Hopkins, Lauri Ora - ARM Ltd., Cambridge, United Kingdom Thank You to Our Sponsor: SKY TALK: WIRELESS IMPLANTABLE MICROSYSTEMS: MINIMALLY INVASIVE INTERFACES TO THE BRAIN Time: 1:00pm - 1:30pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 | | Event Type: SKY Talk Track: IoT, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: Circuit Design, Cyber-Physical Systems, Emerging Technologies Smart and connected medical implants are the next frontier in the Internet of Things (IoT) and are set to revolutionize healthcare. Advancing our ability to interface technology with biological environments will enable patients to be monitored and receive treatment at home, and in the long term, have chronically implanted electronic devices seamlessly integrate with their everyday lives. As an example, clinically viable and minimally invasive neural interfaces stand to transform disease care for patients of neurological conditions. Recently there has been an explosion of research in Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI) that has shown incredible results in using electronic signals from the motor cortex of the brain to control artificial limbs, providing hope for patients with spinal cord injuries. A major impediment to clinical translation is that state-of-the-art clinical neural interfaces are large, wired and require open-skull operation which leaves the patient at risk of infection and unable to move. Future, less invasive interfaces with increased numbers of electrodes, signal processing, and wireless connectivity will enable advanced prosthetics, disease control and completely new usercomputer interfaces. Substantial improvements in neural implant longevity are needed to transition BMI systems from research labs to clinical practice. In this talk I will describe the development of a minimally invasive, wireless neural implant to enable chronic and stable neural recording. The implant is based on micro-electrocorticography (μECoG), an electrophysiological technique where electrical potentials are recorded from the surface of the cerebral cortex, reducing cortical scarring when compared with microelectrode recording techniques that pierce into the cortex. Wireless powering and readout are combined with a flexible, microfabricated antenna and electrode array with an ultra-low power integrated circuit. The low power consumption of the integrated circuit enables remote powering well below established IEEE and FCC safety limits, while the small size and flexibility of the implant minimizes the foreign body response. The improved implant safety and longevity gives wireless μECoG excellent prospects to become the technology of choice for clinically relevant neural interfaces in the foreseeable future. SPEAKER: Rikky Muller - Univ. of California, Berkeley & Cortera Neurotechnologies, Berkeley, CA 4 DESIGN TRACK: EVOLVING INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE AGE OF CLOUD AND IOT Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: Ballroom E | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Design, IoT | | Topic Area: General Interest, Emerging Technologies CHAIR: 4.1 How the Internet of Things is Driving the Semiconductor Industry (1:30) Sia Langrudi - Siemens Corp., San Jose, CA Joseph P. Skudlarek - Mentor Graphics Corp., Wilsonville, OR The path dictated by The Learning Curve (Moore’s Law being one version) has led to systems of ever-increasing sophistication. Cloud and IoT represent two of the latest manifestations of this trend which bring us increased hardware and software complexity, shorter product lifecycles, and growing security concerns all of which eventually lead to steadily increasing compute and bandwidth requirements during design and operation phases for systems and networks. This session explores evolution of infrastructure from three perspectives: (i) digital enterprise to enable ideation, realization and utilization to achieve business goals in the age of IoT; (ii) virtualization of the network edge a.k.a. Fog Computing which underwrites the growth of IoT; (iii) embedding of security in individual workloads migrated to a cloud environment. 4.2 Challenges for Next Generation Fog and IoT Computing (2:00) Mark Douglas - NXP Semiconductors, Austin, TX 4.3 Accelerating and securing Cloud workloads using general purpose acceleration engines (2:30) Srini Addepalli - Intel Corp., Santa Clara, CA Thank You to Our Sponsor: 24 MONDAY, JUNE 6 5 DESIGN TRACK: POWER MANAGEMENT IN ADVANCED IC DESIGN Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: Ballroom F | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Low-Power & Reliability, Modeling, Simulation & Timing CHAIR: 5.2 Standard Cell Power and Signal EM Qualification Methodology (1:45) Yau Kok Lai, Foong Tek Chan, Yin Hao Liew - BaySand Inc., Penang, Malaysia Sankar Ramachandran - ANSYS, Inc., Bangalore, India Stephen Quay - IBM Corp., Austin, TX Addressing power has become a critical and challenging concern for designs at advanced technology nodes. This requires accurate modeling and analysis of complex effects, as well as circuit design and optimization at various design stages to mitigate power. Topics in this session address self-heating in high-performance microprocessors, power and EM characterization of standard-cells, and block-, gate-, and post-layout transistor-level thermal analysis techniques. Also presented are novel power grid structures for wire bonded designs and post-silicon, work-load induced leakage power characterization for advanced microprocessors. 5.3 Fast On-Die Statistical Thermal Hotspot Analysis: Considering Local Statistical Variations (2:00) Palkesh Jain, Manoj Mehrotra - Qualcomm India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India 5.4 Transient Thermal Analysis Flow for Digital and Analog IPs in Gate-level and Transistor-level (2:15) Yonghwan Kim - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Seoul, Republic of Korea Joohee Choung, Wook Kim, Kyungtae Do - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea Jung Yun Choi - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Yong-in, Republic of Korea 5.1 End to End Self Heating Analysis Methodology and Toolset for High Performance Microprocessor Designs (1:30) Nagu Dhanwada - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY Leon Sigal - IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY William Dungan - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY Michael Scheuermann - IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY Arun Joseph - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Bangalore, India Arjen Mets - IBM Corp., Yorktown Heights, NY Sungjae Lee - IBM Corp., Albany, NY Karl Moody - IBM Corp., Essex Junction, VT Shashidhar Reddy - IBM Corp., Bangalore, India Kartik Acharya - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Sandy Springs, GA Erich C. Schanzenbach - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY Andrew Bianchi - IBM Corp., Austin, TX Richard Wachnik - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY James Warnock - IBM Corp., Yorktown Heights, NY Derrick Smith - IBM Corp., Austin, TX 6 5.5 Novel power grid structures for a wire bonded chip (2:30) Marc DeWilde - Texas Instruments, Inc., Plano, TX Jason Hoff - Texas Instruments, Inc., Woodruff, WI 5.6 Experimental Characterization of Workload-induced Logic States on Chip Leakage Power of a Server Class Microprocessor (2:45) Arun Joseph, Rahul Rao, Anand Haridass - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Bangalore, India Spandana Rachamalla - IBM Corp., Bangalore, India Diyanesh B. - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Bangalore, India Q&A Poster Session Monday, June 6 5:00 - 6:00pm - Exhibit Floor Thank You to Our Sponsor: IP TRACK: MIPI ALLIANCE AND IP: A PERSPECTIVE FOR THE MOBILE AND MOBILE-INFLUENCED MARKETS Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: Ballroom G | | Event Type: Embedded Tutorial | | Track: IP, Design Topic Area: General Interest, Business CHAIR: Three principles adhered to in the development of MIPI Specifications include: Low Power, High Bandwidth and Low EMI. Developers and managers who are interested in the ever-expanding world of mobile and mobile-influenced devices need to leverage the ecosystem of technology interfaces for their designs. Claude Moughanni - Lattice Semiconductor Corp., San Jose, CA ORGANIZER: Peter Lefkin - MIPI Alliance, Flemington, NJ This tutorial will provide attendees with: SPEAKERS: 1) An overview of MIPI Alliance Peter Lefkin - MIPI Alliance, Flemington, NJ Hezi Saar - Synopsys, Inc., Mountain View, CA Sachin Dhingra - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA 2) MIPI Specification Framework and Roadmap, and 3) A technical tutorial on two of MIPI Alliance’s most widely adopted specifications (Camera and Display), and two of MIPI Alliance’s newest specifications (Audio and Sensor). Thank You to Our Sponsor: 25 MONDAY, JUNE 6 7 DESIGN TRACK: EFFECTIVE USE OF A MEMORY PROTECTION UNIT (MPU) IN SAFETY-CRITICAL C/C++ CODE Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: Ballroom E | | Event Type: Embedded Tutorial Track: Embedded Systems, Automotive | | Topic Area: System Software, System Architectures & SoC A memory protection unit (MPU) is a hardware module present in some microcontrollers, to enable software to control access to areas of physical memory known as regions. These regions can vary in size and typically can be as small as 32 bytes, in modern MPUs. Current approaches to use an MPU in an RTOS environment do not have enough flexibility to leverage this small region size granularity, to provide more effective data protection at the data object level or even at the software component level. The set of memory areas (regions) that a given application thread (task) is supposed to access may be different at different points in the execution of the thread, and it depends on the software components that the thread invokes. 8 This tutorial will teach a new approach for using modern MPUs more effectively in C/C++ code. This approach is based on component-level and object-level data protection. Concrete code examples for the Kinetis MPU and the ARMv7-M MPU will be presented. SPEAKER: German Rivera - NXP Semiconductors, Austin, TX Thank You to Our Sponsor: DESIGN TRACK: DESIGN CHALLENGES IN IOT WORLD Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: Ballroom F | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Design, IoT | | Topic Area: Circuit Design, General Interest CHAIR: 8.1 Airtouch: A Novel Single Layer 3D Touch Sensing System for Human/Mobile Devices Interactions (3:30) Li Du - Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA Albert Liu, Kye Cheung - Kneron, San Diego, CA Yiyu Shi - Univ. of Notre Dame, IN ORGANIZER: Yiyu Shi - Univ. of Notre Dame, IN 8.2 A 2.2 GHz SRAM with High Temperature Variation Immunity for Deep Learning Application under 28nm (4:00) Chun Chen Liu, Yen-Hsiang Wang, YiLei Li, Chien-Heng Wong, Tien Pei Chou - Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA Young-Kai Chen - Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ M.-C. Frank Chang - Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a major driving force behind technology innovations spanning multiple disciplines. By connecting multiple IP addressable physical objects embedded with electronics, software, sensors and connectivity, it achieves smart, reliable and secure services. It connects many different concepts and applications at different scales, including but not limited to batteries, wearable devices, cameras and surveillance, education, logistics, transportation, building, autos and power grids. This session includes three talks from leading research groups in academia and industry, showcasing various cutting-edge silicon designs that push IoT forward. The first talk features an interesting single layer 3D touch sensing system. The second talk shows a creative 28 nm high speed range SRAM design for large-scale machine learning in hardware, enabling compact smart devices. The last talk addresses the topic of energy issue of the IoT. Here is an interesting idea about how to use the natural signal as the energy of event trigger in the application of environment monitoring. That will be an answer to eliminate idle loop power consumption of IoT devices. 9 8.3 Wireless sensor nodes for environmental monitoring in Internet of Things (4:30) Tzi-Cker Chiueh, Li-Ren Huang - Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan Thank You to Our Sponsor: IP TRACK: LOW POWER IP Time: 3:30pm - 4:00pm | | Room: Ballroom G | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: IP, IP | | Topic Area: Low-Power & Reliability CHAIR: 9.2 Analog Driven Power Estimation for Mixed Signal IPs (3:45) Shovan Maity, Rupak Ghayal, Santosh Nene, Babu Ramki S. - Intel Corp., Bangalore, India Farzad Zarrinfar - Mentor Graphics Corp., San Jose, CA Join us as we explore how the “Impact of Leakage & biasing on Power in 22FDX Process” and how “Analog Driven Power Estimation for Mixed Signal IPs” matter to IP designers today. Q&A Poster Session Monday, June 6 5:00 - 6:00pm - Exhibit Floor 9.1 Impact of Leakage & biasing on Power in 22FDX Process (3:30) Krishnan Subramanian, Nagaprasad Ponna, Tirumala Srikanth Singari INVECAS, Inc., Bangalore, India Sankar Ramachandran - Apache Design, Inc., A Subsidiary of ANSYS, Inc., Bangalore, India Thank You to Our Sponsor: 26 MONDAY, JUNE 6 10 IP TRACK: MINIMIZING SOC POWER CONSUMPTION: A TOP DOWN DESIGN METHODOLOGY OR BOTTOMS UP STARTING WITH PROCESS SELECTION PROBLEM? Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm | | Room: Ballroom G | | Event Type: Panel | | Track: IP, Design Topic Area: Low-Power & Reliability, General Interest, Codesign & System Design MODERATOR: PANELISTS: Ann Mutschler - Semiconductor Engineering, Louisville, KY Aditya Mukherjee - Microsoft Corp., Mountain View, CA Saurabh Kumar Shrimal - Mentor Graphics (India) Pvt. Ltd., Noida, India Carlos Mazure - SOI Industry Consortium & Soitec, Grenoble, France Ronald Martino - NXP Semiconductors, Austin, TX Lluis Paris - Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., San Jose, CA ORGANIZER: Farzad Zarrinfar - Mentor Graphics Corp., Fremont, CA In this panel, implementation techniques and tradeoffs for designing ultra low-power SOCs, ASSPs, and ASICs will be discussed. These techniques are critical for battery-powered devices, and other devices that are sensitive to thermal management as well as reduction of packaging cost. IP suppliers and EDA vendors now offer low-power IPs as well as advanced high-level design methodology and emulation to estimate, optimize and synthesize from C/C++/SystemC to RTL. Topics such as FinFET and FDSOI processes for low voltage applications will be compared with planar CMOS. Optimization of these advance techniques for various applications such as portable gaming, IOT, automotive, sensor hub, 5G/LTE wireless, networking, portable multimedia, wearable computing will be discussed. Low power techniques are paramount for gaining and keeping market share. Thank You to Our Sponsor: DESIGN/IP TRACK POSTER SESSION Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm | | Room: Exhibit Floor | | Event Type: Poster Session | | Track: Design, IP Topic Area: General Interest During the poster presentation, you will interact directly with poster presenters in a small group setting. Thank You to Our Sponsors: As the limited time available in the Design/IP Track session program was exceeded by the quantity of great submitted content, we present the following posters in the Design/IP Track Poster Session held Monday, June 6 from 5:00 to 6:00pm on the Exhibit Floor. 11.8 Full-Featured Debug Cross Triggering Eric Rentschler - Mentor Graphics Corp., Steamboat Springs, CO 11.1 Ad-libbing for socv: A 28nm multi-track LIBRARY Characterization/QC experience Krishna Panda - Texas Instruments, Inc., Plano, TX 11.9 Hierarchical Power and IR Drop Analysis for Mega-Size MixedSignal Design Ralph Chen, Allen Gu, Kitty Chen - Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp., Shanghai, China Xinggang Liu, Xiaoli Chen, Xiaolu Liu, Qianyi Zhang - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., Shanghai, China 11.2 Impact of Package Parasitics on Power Noise for Automotive Designs Steven Watkins - NXP Semiconductors, Austin, TX Kaushal Kishore - ANSYS, Inc., Austin, TX 11.3 Thermal-Aware EM Methodology Imran Qureshi - Centaur Technology, Austin, TX Kartik Iyer - ANSYS, Inc., Austin, TX 11.11 Supply Noise Induced On-Chip Jitter Analysis Taehoon Kim - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea Sunny Arora - ANSYS, Inc., Noida, India Yonghyun Kang - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea Daehyun Jung - ANSYS, Inc., Seoul, Republic of Korea Seonha Lee - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea 11.4 Physical planning of IO interface for 3D stacking of packaged devices Sirpi Srinivasan - Open-Silicon, Inc., Milpitas, CA 11.6 An on-chip level analysis method based on geometric information for EMI-aware design Dongchul Kim, Sungwook Moon, Bo Pu, Jinho Kim - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea 11.12 Effective Power Grid design using Redhawk-GPS Ravi Sankar Kerla - Broadcom Corp., Banglore, India 11.7 Layout density verification for seam-less Hard-IP Integration Samichi S., Madan Lal - Intel Corp.& Intel Technology India Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore, India 27 MONDAY, JUNE 6 DESIGN/IP TRACK POSTER SESSION 11.36 Design, Verification and Emulation of an Island-Based Network Processor Ron Swartzentruber - Netronome, Boxborough, MA 11.13 System level Signal Integrity effects from shared supply for DRAM and NAND devices Cornelia R. Golovanov - Seagate Technology, LLC, Allentown, PA Pritesh Pawaskar - Seagate Technology, LLC, Pune, India Chris Ortiz - ANSYS, Inc. & Apache Design, Inc., A Subsidiary of ANSYS, Inc., San Jose, CA 11.37 Reaching Coverage Closure with Formal Doug Smith - Mentor Graphics Corp., Austin, TX 11.38 Automated UVM Testbench for State Machine Verification Kiruthika C., Deepak Kumar EV, Ranganath Kempanahally - elitePLUS Semiconductors Technologies Pvt Ltd., Bangalore, India 11.14 Optimizing existing PDN to recover area of SoC in Production Abhishek Nigam - STMicroelectronics & HCL Technologies, Noida, India Anant Narain - Apache Design, Inc., A Subsidiary of ANSYS, Inc., Noida, India Fabrizio Viglione - STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France Shiv Om Sharma - STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India Atul Bhargava - STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India 11.39 RTL Power Reduction for IEEE 802.11ad WiGig® Chipset Craig Farnsworth, Simon Chan - Peraso Technologies Inc., Toronto, ON, Canada 11.40 Coverage Analysis for Power Scenarios Lakshminarayana Kamarthi, Jianfeng Liu, Kyungtae Do, Young Duk Kim, Jinpyo Park - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea Vikas Tyagi, Saurabh Kumar Shrimal, Mohammed Fahad - Mentor Graphics (India) Pvt. Ltd., Noida, India 11.15 Using an Accurate Multi-Mode Chip Power Model to Analyze Power Integrity Differences between On-Board Voltage Regulator Modules (VRMs) and In-Package Integrated Voltage Regulators (IVRs) Ashwin Chintaluri - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Harish Gopalakrishnan - Oracle Labs, Austin, TX Hesam F. Moghadam - Oracle Labs, Belmont, CA Chris Ortiz - ANSYS, Inc., Austin, TX 11.41 Formal Methodology of Validating Dynamic Clock Gating Scheme using Hierarchical flow Manik Tyagi, Deepak Jindal, Maruthi Srinivas Narasimhan - Qualcomm India Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, India Mahesh Parmar - Synopsys India Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, India Sudipta Kundu - Synopsys, Inc., Hillsboro, OR 11.16 An Approach for Early Detection of Power Issues and Automation of UPF Flow Anusha Renduchinthala, Surat S. Devulapalli, Mohita Batra, Akhilesh Chandra Mishra, Rangarajan Ramanujam - STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India Sujay Deb - Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, India 11.42 Agile Chip Level Verification Of Non-Mainline Functions With An Enhanced Modularity Approach Matteo Michel - IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH, Chemnitz, Germany 11.17 Managing Complex Hierarchical Design Data Greg Ford - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Santa Clara, CA Bertram L. Bradley - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Austin, TX 11.43 A Framework for Parameter Verification Gap Analysis in SoC Design Prokash Ghosh, Siddhant Kumar - NXP Semiconductors & Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Noida, India Arup Chakraborty - NXP Semiconductors & Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Austin, TX 11.30 SW/FW Automated Test Framework and Debug Toolkit for System Testing Horace Chan, Brian Vandergriend - Microsemi Corp., Burnaby, BC, Canada 11.31 The clock is ticking: Are the clocks alive? Ayon Dey, Praveen Wadikar, Kamal Jeet - NVIDIA Corp., Bangalore, India 11.44 A Practical Application of Combinatorial Testing in EDA Hong Yang, David Newmark - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Austin, TX 11.32 Consistency maintenance and change propagation in System on Chip development Aurélien Chichignoud - STMicroelectronics & CEA-LIST, Grenoble, France Florian Noyrit - CEA-LIST, Gif-sur-Yvette, France Laurent Maillet-Contoz - STMicroelectronics, Grenoble Cedex, France Francois Terrier - CEA-LIST, Gif sur Yvette, France 11.45 Many-Core Distributed Platform: The Road to Graceful Hardware Nizar Dahir, Pedro B. Campos, Colin Bonney, Martin Trefzer, Andy M. Tyrrell, Gianluca Tempesti - Univ. of York, United Kingdom 11.33 Case Study: Transition from VHDL to UVM Testbench for FPGAs Shaela Rahman - Baker Hughes Inc., Houston, TX 11.34 Power Management in 28nm SOC using Temperature Compensated Adaptive Voltage Scaling Jose Flores, Shenghe Zhao - Texas Instruments, Inc., Dallas, TX 11.35 RTL Power Estimation and Reduction for Block and Clock Tree Optimization Mark Silla - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Austin, TX 28 MONDAY TUTORIALS T1 TUTORIAL 1: MODEL-BASED DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF AUTOMOTIVE CYBER PHYSICAL SYSTEMS Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 12AB | | Event Type: Monday Tutorial Track: Automotive, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: Cyber-Physical Systems, Codesign & System Design, Modeling, Simulation & Timing ORGANIZERS: The first part of the tutorial will talk about automotive E/E architectures. On computation side, typical ECUs and the real-time operating systems will be covered. On networking side, various communication bus protocols such as Ethernet and CAN will be discussed. Based on this, it will be illustrated how the performance of automotive E/E architecture is evaluated (using formal analysis and simulation) in the current state of practice. Finally, current research challenges will be illustrated with a number of examples. Dip Goswami - Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Mohammad Abdullah Al Faruque - Univ. of California, Irvine, CA Arne Hamann - Robert Bosch GmbH, Renningen, Germany Typical automotive architectures consist of over 100 ECUs (electronic control units) communicating over a system made up of several buses and gateways implementing different protocols such as FlexRay, CAN, Ethernet etc. Scheduling policies and parameters need to be specified for the ECUs and the buses. Control applications are designed using a model-based approach using Matlab/Simulink targeting such architectures. Controller synthesis problems subject to take into account platform-specific properties. The second part of the tutorial will talk about various control/architectures co-design procedure to perform various trade-off analysis between resource usage and control performance. In particular, we will illustrate how a richer sampling scheme can be exploited to enable trade-off between the resource and performance with various automotive use-cases. In particular, the timing constraints derived from the control design need to be translated into platform constraints to be satisfied by the controlrelated tasks and messages. In practice, the controller and its embedded implementation design are often performed in isolation. As pointed out by some of the recent research results, such design isolation often results in large resource over-dimensioning which is critical for cost-sensitive automotive domain. The third part of the tutorial will talk about control and battery management system (BMS) co-design in an Electric Vehicle (EV). To be particular, we will focus on the battery lifetime and efficiency as the design constraints in view of an industrial use-case of EV climate control. This part will discuss how the abstraction and complexity of the modeling are important and how it may affect the control functionality in terms of performance, computation, and memory resource requirements. One essence of cyber-physical design paradigm is to bridge the gap between control theory and their embedded implementations by so-called control/architecture co-design. A large body of recent works has shown potential benefit of such co-design approach. In this tutorial, we will illustrate several co-design procedures for the automotive cyber-physical systems where the control designs are in sync with the implementation architecture and the architecture design efficiently accommodates all control performance specifications. SPEAKERS: Arne Hamann - Robert Bosch GmbH, Renningen, Germany Dip Goswami - Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Mohammad Al Faruque - Univ. of California, Irvine, CA *Tutorials require special registration. 29 MONDAY TUTORIALS TUTORIAL 2: LINUX PORTING, BRING UP AND DRIVER DEVELOPMENT T2 Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 13AB | | Event Type: Monday Tutorial Track: Embedded Systems, Design | | Topic Area: System Software, System Architectures & SoC, Codesign & System Design ORGANIZER: Driver development is the focus of the second section of the tutorial (Posedge Software). An overview of development of both static and dynamic drivers (Loadable Kernel Modules, or LKMs) will be covered. A virtual platform environment will be used to highlight key points in the development methodology, including co-debug of driver software and peripheral hardware models. Larry Lapides - Imperas Software Ltd., Dublin, CA Key topics: Linux for embedded systems, including SMP Linux. Driver development for Linux, both static and dynamic (Loadable Kernel Modules, or LKMs) drivers. Testing of Linux and drivers. Linux has become the general purpose operating system of choice for embedded systems, and is almost always supported for high end SoCs developed by the semiconductor vendors. Most vendors use the open source Linux distribution, then build a custom distribution representing the device tree supported for the specific SoC, and including the necessary drivers for the peripherals on the SoC, as well as supporting other customizations and unique features. The operating system is complicated further with multicore processors and symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) Linux. Just because everyone supports Linux, does not make porting and bring up an easy task. To put it another way: Just because you get to the Linux prompt doesn’t mean everything is working. The final section (Imperas) will discuss the development of a robust test environment using the virtual platform technology. The virtual platform provides a complementary approach to porting and bring up on hardware. The benefits of controllability, observability and repeatability for virtual platform use will be covered. Specific OS-aware tools will also be highlighted, plus other tools such as non-intrusive memory monitors and the use of software assertions and code and functional coverage techniques for the operating system and drivers. SPEAKERS: Zubair Lutfullah Kakakhel - Imagination Technologies Ltd., Leeds, United Kingdom Henry Von Bank - Posedge Software, Inc., Rogers, MN Simon Davidmann - Imperas Software Ltd., Thame, United Kingdom This tutorial will be presented in three sections. In the first section (by Imagination Technologies), the various components of bringing up Linux on a new platform will be covered. These include the Bootrom, U-boot bootloader, Linux Kernel and Linux Buildroot. A walk-through of bringing up Linux on new hardware will be presented. The walk-through will also introduce the various tools used to assist in completing board bring-up easily. T3 TUTORIAL 3: INFLECTIONS IN PHYSICAL DESIGN: PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 15 | | Event Type: Monday Tutorial | | Track: EDA, Design Topic Area: Physical Design SPEAKERS: System-on-chip (SoC) complexity has been steadily growing in the last several years due to ever increasing design integration and relentless pursuit of Moore’s law by the semiconductor industry. Especially, the mobile SoCs and server class SoCs have gone through huge transformations in their capabilities in the last decade or so. This has led to many innovations in designing and implementing the IPs that make up the systems. Raj Sambandam - Intel Corp., Folsom, CA Vivek Rajan - Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR The EDA industry has kept up with the pace and some companies have recently launched major tool changes that offer higher capacity, turn-aroundtime and many advanced features that are needed for finfet and multipatterning process generations. In this tutorial, we will discuss how physical design has evolved so far to meet the demand, and our vision for addressing the needs of designers in the years to come. *Tutorials require special registration. 30 MONDAY TUTORIALS T4 TUTORIAL 4: OVERCOMING CHALLENGES OF FPGA PROTOTYPING Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 19AB | | Event Type: Monday Tutorial Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Test & Verification, System Software ORGANIZER: FPGA prototypes can also be used as demo platforms to the SoC customers for getting them interested in the chip you build and allow you to work with them on improving features before chip tape-out. Rob van Blommestein - S2C, Inc., San Jose, CA Due to both simulation speed and modeling accuracy limitations, designers are increasingly finding it difficult to rely only on software simulations to verify that their hardware design is correct. Running your SoC design on a FPGA prototype is the most reliable way to ensure that your design is functionally correct. However, FPGA prototyping does come with some challenges: Long Bring-Up Time Performance Reusability Design Partitioning Debug-ability. This tutorial will show how designers can address these challenges and utilize FPGA prototyping to reach success. Real-word case studies will be explored to exemplify specific ways how FPGA prototyping can be optimized. Early software and/or firmware development on FPGA prototypes, pre-silicon, has become more important as many unforeseen software bugs stem from the complexity of integrating operating system (OS), applications, and hardware. An at-speed FPGA prototype allows for many extra months of rigorous software development and testing at the crucial software-hardware integration stage. SPEAKERS: Mon-Ren Chene - S2C, Inc., San Jose, CA Bruno Bratti - Wave Computing, Campbell, CA Allen Sha - M31 Technology Corp., Santa Clara, CA FPGA prototyping is also critical if your SoC design utilizes many commercial IPs making prototyping on FPGAs the most reliable method to ensure all these IPs work well together. T5 TUTORIAL 5: TAMING THE DARK HORSE: VOLTAGE-MARGIN MINIMIZATION FOR MODERN “REAL-WORLD” ENERGY-EFFICIENT COMPUTING Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 17AB | | Event Type: Monday Tutorial Track: Design, IP | | Topic Area: Circuit Design, Physical Design, System Architectures & SoC ORGANIZER: 64bit ARM Cortex-A57 platform as a case study. We then discuss a variety of circuit-architecture techniques used to directly and indirectly reduce voltage supply noise margins. High-density decap technology, active decap, supply-resonance avoidance, operation-throttling and adaptive clocking techniques to mitigate supply voltage noise. We also examine techniques adopted to address process and temperature variability in modern systems through the use of Critical Path Monitors (CPM) circuits, and the Razor architecture. These techniques will be presented in the context of production designs and their constraints for a system-aware treatment of the subject. Visvesh Sathe - Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA The past decade has seen a great deal of attention and effort focussed on circuits, architectures and methodologies for energy-efficient and low power computing across a broad range of applications from ultralow power devices to high-end servers. As designers continue to seek and evaluate low power technologies to enable the next generation of computing, the traditionally unheralded problem of voltage margin minimization has emerged to become one of the most significant sources of inefficiency and dissipation. Real-world integrated systems are margined, or guard-banded to address many sources of noise and variability including process, temperature, aging, and supply voltage noise and offsets. In the second section, we focus on Integrated Voltage Regulation (IVR) circuits. As designers grapple with more aggressive voltage scaling in the presence of supply variation, Integrated Voltage Regulation (IVR) has emerged as the key to achieving fine spatio-temporal control of SoC supply voltages. IVR has already been deployed for energy-efficient operation in high-performance systems (Intel Haswell), and the trend to incorporate IVR to support finer voltage domains continues. We examine recent developments and challenges in the area of integrated voltage regulation across the three major voltage regulator technologies: switching-inductor converters, switched-capacitor converters, and lowdropout (linear) regulators. The trend toward multiple, fine-grained voltage domains, and aggressively voltage-scaled systems has exacerbated the problem. Voltage-margin minimization is a central component of modern low power design. Indeed, many recent low power efforts in the industry have moved beyond methodology and circuit design to address voltage margin minimization! In this tutorial, we propose a modern treatment of low-power design by actively managing supply-voltage variations. In contrast with text-book approaches, we examine a blend of well-established and emerging solutions that have proven to be effective in real-world constrained systems. This tutorial provides an overview of low power circuit and architecture techniques with a system-level context. It is designed to be readily accessible to graduate students and practicing engineers alike, with a blend of well-established and emerging approaches to low power design. The tutorial is organized in two parts. In the first, we begin by analyzing the main contributors toward voltage margins, including practical sources that are related to IC test and product deployment. We closely examine the source of voltage supply noise in particular, the dominant source of voltage margining, presenting the power delivery network of the dual-core SPEAKERS: Visvesh Sathe - Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA Shidhartha Das - ARM Ltd., Cambridge, United Kingdom 31 *Tutorials require special registration. MONDAY TUTORIALS TUTORIAL 6: ADVANCES IN POST SILICON DIAGNOSIS TECHNOLOGIES IN NANO-SCALE ERA T6 PART 1: Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 12AB PART 2: Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: 12AB Event Type: Monday Tutorial | | Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Test & Verification, Emerging Technologies, Lithography & DFM ORGANIZER: behavior and logical analysis of failures are being incorporated with layout analysis for finer pruning of diagnosis candidates. Hybrid approach of using logical simulation in conjunction with circuit simulation resulted in better isolation of front end and backend defects. Enamul Amyeen - Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR Post Silicon diagnosis drives the isolation of manufacturing defects and provides feedbacks for process improvement and is critical for enabling Moore’s law and semiconductor technology scaling. Due to the increasing complexity of nano-scale manufacturing fabrication, the need for faster rootcause of issues is essential for volume production ramp to meet the product time to market demand. Along with diagnosis technology improvements, complementary efforts have been geared towards customized test content to improve diagnostic resolution. We will review emerging techniques of learning based diagnosis approach which combining with process sensitivity, DFM constraints, and lithography simulation will be the key for driving the innovations for future technology generations. Over the last several years, many innovations have been made and novel solutions are emerging for better and faster defect isolation. With the advent of new transistor devices, lithography, and fabrication processes, the demand for improving the defect isolation and faster yield learning will continue to grow in coming years. The tutorial is intended for engineers and test practitioners including academics working in test and diagnosis, post silicon debug, fault isolation, failure analysis, and manufacturing yield. The DAC audience will get the opportunity to know the state of the art diagnosis technologies, and how they are shaping the design and process evolution and manufacturing yield learning in nano-scale era. In this tutorial, we will review the basics of diagnosis approaches, and advancements in post silicon diagnosis field. In addition to diagnosis quality improvement, increased focus has been made to volume processing of diagnosis results for yield learning. This has resulted in introduction of new DFT technologies to obtain and process massive amount of fail data, and to provide better controllability and observability of failures to narrow down the defect suspects. Diagnosis algorithms are optimized to provide speed-ups in analysis time. Advancements are made in fault modeling to abstract the complex defect T7 SPEAKERS: Shawn Blanton - Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA Enamul Amyeen - Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR Srikanth Venkataraman - Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR TUTORIAL 7: THE CONTINUING ARMS RACE: A JOURNEY IN THE WORLD OF RUNTIME EXPLOITS AND DEFENSES PART 1: Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 13AB PART 2: Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: 13AB Event Type: Monday Tutorial | | Track: Security | | Topic Area: System Software ORGANIZER: However, a number of advanced defenses based on control-flow integrity, code pointer integrity, and fine-grained memory randomization have been recently proposed; some of them are based on hardware software co-design principles to increase both efficiency and effectiveness. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi - Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany Today we are facing an increasing dependency of our lives on IT systems. The rapidly growing number of electronic devices of different form factors, vast number of applications and services and the desire for continuous connectivity has significantly increased both the software complexity and the cyberattack surface, as millions of lines of codes are generated that can be potentially vulnerable. In this tutorial, we provide an overview of the state-of-the-art memory exploitation techniques and defenses. We start with the main principles of memory exploitation covering stack smashing, return-into-libc, and returnoriented programming. Next, we present modern defense techniques such as control-flow integrity and memory randomization. In particular, we present and discuss hardware-based defense techniques in this area of which some have been recently incorporated into modern processors. In the second part of this tutorial, we continue with a hands-on lab where attendees will have the opportunity to construct proof-of-concept memory exploits. In this context, memory corruption attacks play a vital role. They have been persisting more than three decades and constitute a pre-dominant attack vector on diverse computing platforms. Further, they are increasingly launched against mobile and embedded devices. While traditional attacks required the attacker to inject malicious code into the memory space of an application, modern attacks only reuse existing code. For instance, return-oriented programming combines small code pieces to generate malicious programs based on benign program code. Consequently, these attacks are highly challenging to detect, and apply to Harvard-based architectures because no malicious code needs to be injected. Traditional exploit mitigation defenses such as data execution prevention and memory randomization cannot stop these attacks. SPEAKERS: Lucas Davi - Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi - Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany *Tutorials require special registration. 32 MONDAY TUTORIALS TUTORIAL 8: HOW PORTABLE STIMULUS ADDRESSES KEY VERIFICATION, TEST REUSE, AND PORTABILITY CHALLENGES T8 PART 1: Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 15 PART 2: Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: 15 Event Type: Monday Tutorial | | Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Test & Verification, System Software, Emerging Technologies ORGANIZERS: This tutorial will examine unique portable stimulus challenges such as linking verification to diagnostics and software, portability to every platform, and resource management. Tom Anderson - Breker Verification Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA Larry Melling - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA The tutorial will outline a set of common usage examples that emphasize specific verification, reuse, and portability challenges. Verification challenges include randomization of both data and control flow. Reuse challenges include migrating tests from IP level to SoC. Portability challenges include growing tests to improve coverage when running on faster platforms and executing at the full platform speed. Finally, the tutorial will show how portable stimulus can address the usage examples. Portability of reusable test cases has long been a goal for semiconductor verification and validation teams. No one wants to “reinvent the wheel” by having to rewrite similar tests again and again. The widely accepted Accellera Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) standard enabled reuse of testbench components and constrained-random tests at the IP and block level, but limitations in terms of reuse at subsystem and full-chip level, and lack of portability across execution platforms, required a fresh look at addressing the portable stimulus and test challenge. Attendees will learn: • Unique challenges for a portable stimulus solution • How a PSS model can capture complex use cases • How a PSS model enables automation • How a PSS model can leverage existing low-level sequences or drivers • How a PSS model enables execution of tests across multiple platforms • How coverage is defined within a PSS model The upcoming Accellera portable test and stimulus standard (PSS) specification will permit the creation of a reusable model for a variety of users across different levels of integration under different configurations. This model will enable the generation of different test implementations for multiple execution platforms, including IP simulation, full system-on-chip (SoC) simulation, emulation, FPGA prototyping, and silicon. With such a standard in place, EDA vendors can produce tools that automatically generate stimulus, results checks, and coverage metrics tuned for a particular target platform. SPEAKERS: Faris Khudakjie - Intel Corp., Hudson, MA Adnan Hamid - Breker Verification Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA Tom Fitzpatrick - Mentor Graphics Corp., Wilsonville, OR Steve Chappell - Synopsys, Inc., Mountain View, CA Sharon Rosenberg - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA *Tutorials require special registration. 33 MONDAY TUTORIALS TUTORIAL 9: ENERGY-EFFICIENT PROTOCOLS FOR THE INTERNET OF THINGS T9 PART 1: Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 19AB PART 2: Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: 19AB Event Type: Monday Tutorial | | Track: IoT, Embedded Systems Topic Area: Cyber-Physical Systems, Codesign & System Design, Emerging Technologies ORGANIZER: The content of this tutorial is as follows: Ibrahim Elfadel - Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 1. IoT market landscape: present and future business opportunities. 2. IoT architectures: from data to services. The Internet of Things has become the Internet of Everything and the Internet of All Things. It is predicted that by the end of 2020, the number of smart objects globally connected will reach 212 billions. Machine-tomachine (M2M) internet traffic is expected to reach up to 45% of all internet traffic. By its universal and all-inclusive nature, IoT growth over the past 5 years has been enabled by the development, design, and implementation of a heterogeneous set of data communication architectures. 3. IoT common standards: CoAP, MQTT, AMQO, DSS, HTTP, etc. Why is CoAP more energy-efficient than good old HTTP? 4. IoT technologies: a. Naming and addressing: EPC and IPv6 b. Hardware platforms: Arduino, Rasberry PI, BeagleBone, etc., c. Operating systems: Contiki OS, TinyOS, LiteOS, Android, iOS, etc. In its simplest and most direct form, the IoT communication stack is comprised of three layers: the sensor/actuator layer, the network layer, and the service layer. 5. IoT networking: a. Routing protocols for low-power and lossy networks: RPL. b. Physical layer: IEEE 802.15.4, 6LowPAN, BlueTooth Low Energy, ZigBee, EPCglobal, Z-wave, IEEE 802.11 (WiFi), Ethernet, MoCA, etc. c. Physical link metrics: energy-efficiency, data rate, footprint, M2M synchronization, clock-data recovery, etc. d. Emerging technologies: 5G, LoRA, sub-GHz, PIC, etc. e. IoT networking metrics: range, data rate, power, reliability, cost For each of these layers, many, sometimes too many, protocols and standards have been proposed and implemented with some being derived from existing networking and data communication protocols, including those of the Internet of People, while others are novel and meant to address the specific technical issues of the M2M internet. 6. IoT software platforms: a. Embedded systems b. Sensor fusion platforms c. Smart gateways d. And on to the cloud: Big Data and IoT The objective of this tutorial is to help the DAC audience make sense of the alphabet soup of platforms, protocols, standards, services, and architectures currently in use or under development for IoT. The tutorial will take a holistic view of IoT with the goal of providing the attendees with the essential information needed to configure an IoT service, comprising a physical layer, a communication layer, and a software layer. Such configuration will of course depend on the IoT use case itself and several real-world use cases will be presented. 7. IoT use cases: a. Building automation b. Health and fitness c. Logistics d. Energy 8. IoT future challenges: a. Interoperability b. Mobility c. Scalability d. Security and privacy Plenty of time will be allocated to Q & A. SPEAKERS: Ibrahim (Abe) Elfadel - Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Kwok Wu - NXP Semiconductors, Austin, TX *Tutorials require special registration. 34 MONDAY TUTORIALS T10 TUTORIAL 10: HOW TO BUILD IRRESISTIBLE 3D IC PHYSICAL LAYOUTS: TOOLS, METHODOLOGIES, AND CASE STUDIES PART 1 (TSV-BASED 3D IC): Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 17AB PART 2 (MONOLITHIC 3D IC): Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: 17AB Event Type: Monday Tutorial | | Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Physical Design ORGANIZER: SPEAKERS: Sung Kyu Lim - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Sung Kyu Lim - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Dusan Petranovic - Mentor Graphics Corp., Fremont, CA Moongon Jung - Intel Corp., Santa Clara, CA Olivier Billoint - CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France Deepak Nayak - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Santa Clara, CA Saurabh Sinha - ARM Ltd., Austin, TX 3D ICs, after a long wait, is now a reality. Through-silicon-vias (TSV) are found *inside* the bare dies of memory cube products, and they will soon find their ways to logic dies. Moreover, monolithic 3D IC (M3D) technology promises ultra-high density vertical integration that does not rely on micronscale TSVs, thanks to its nano-scale monolithic inter-tier vias (MIV). This tutorial presents proven physical design and EDA technologies that produce high-quality power, performance, area (PPA), and reliability results for both TSV-based and monolithic 3D ICs. Our target audiences includes: (1) EDA vendors that will deliver much-needed 3D IC physical design tools, (2) Design engineers who desire to build high-quality 3D IC layouts and architectures, (3) Device engineers who want to offer optimized devices and interconnects for 3D ICs, (4) Process engineers who are willing to work with designers to improve 3D IC yield and cost, and (5) Managers who have the power to make it all happen. WELCOME TO AUSTIN! Austin is the capital of Texas, home of the University of Texas at Austin and gateway to the beautiful Hill Country. Shop in the one-of-a-kind boutiques that line South Congress and the 2nd Street district, or head out to hill country to relax in a world class destination spa. More than 300 days of sunshine lend itself to a refreshing dip in Barton Springs or try stand-up paddle boarding on Lady Bird Lake. Find out more at *Tutorials require special registration. 35 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 VISIONARY TALK: LEARNING FROM LIFE: BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED ELECTRONIC DESIGN Lou Scheffer - Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD T ime: 9:00am - 9:20am | | Room: Ballroom A | | Track: EDA, Design Topic Area: General Interest, System Architectures & SoC These techniques have the potential to add capabilities to our systems that are both different and more powerful, than those come from scaling and Moore alone. Modern electronics does amazing things, but biology routinely performs feats no current electronics can match. Every animal can learn on short timescales, defend against unforeseen threats, selfassemble and repair, all with great resilience. The shortest path to incorporating these features in our gadgets is to understand how biology works, then adapt these techniques to the semiconductor world. Towards this end, biologists are in the midst of reconstructing and understanding the entire nervous system of small animals, while device physicists and software folks work out the devices and algorithms that might duplicate or better what biology has long done. This talk will give an overview of the investigation into biological systems, and some hints, based on our current understanding, of how this might be incorporated into our electronic gizmos. Biography: Lou Scheffer got his degrees in EE from Caltech and Stanford, then did IC design for HP, followed by CAD software development at Cadence. Eight years ago, he switched fields to biology, where he now studies the structure and function of the brain. Working at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Lou is part of an effort using electron microscopy to reconstruct the detailed circuitryevery neuron and synapse - of the brain of the fruit fly. Lou is the author of numerous papers on EE, physics, SETI, and biology, plus two books, and 35 patents. KEYNOTE: DRIVING THE NEXT DECADE OF INNOVATIONS IN VISUAL AND ACCELERATED COMPUTING Sameer Halepete - NVIDIA Corp., Santa Clara, CA ime: 9:20am - 10:00am | | Room: Ballroom A | | Track: Design, EDA T Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC, Circuit Design, General Interest Biography: Sameer Halepete is the Vice President of VLSI Engineering at NVIDIA Corporation. He obtained his BTech degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay in 1993 and his MS degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1995. He joined Sun Microsystems’ Advanced Development group in 1995 where he did research in ultra-lowthreshold-voltage CMOS circuits. In 1996, he joined Transmeta Corporation where he worked on several generations of VLIW processors that enabled dynamic binary translation. He joined NVIDIA Corporation in 2002 to help build the company’s first streaming multiprocessor based GPU which ushered the era of general purpose computing on graphics processors. In 2007, he became Vice President of ASIC Design and has since led several successful GPU projects and multiple successful collaborations with EDA companies to push the state of the art of graphics processors. The ever-increasing performance demands of performance visual and accelerated computing has resulted in GPUs becoming some of the most complex ASICs being built today. These multi-billion transistor processors push design technologies to their limits and require incredibly robust implementation methodologies. At the same time, there are new performance demands from both the traditional source of gaming thanks to higher resolution displays and virtual reality applications as well as new GPU uses like deep learning and autonomous driving. While we’ve been able to ride the performance, power and cost gains from process scaling over the last two decades to deliver GPUs with ever increasing capabilities, this rate of process scaling improvement is slowing down. It is clear that the rate of innovations in the design implementation areas will need to pick up if we are to keep delivering performance gains to our customers at the historical rate. In this talk we’ll cover the state of the art in visual and accelerated computing, the design approaches we use to implement these highly complex processors and finally propose ideas that will ensure that in spite of slowing process scaling, we’re able to continue to deliver GPUs of ever-increasing capabilities over the next decade. 36 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 12 DESIGNER SOCS: IMPROVING PROCESSOR SYSTEMS Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 12AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations | | Track: EDA Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC CHAIR: 12.2 Latency Sensitivity-Based Cache Partitioning for Heterogeneous Multi-core Architecture (10:45) Po-Han Wang, Cheng-Hsuan Li, Chia-Lin Yang - National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan Qi Zhu - Univ. of California, Riverside, CA CO-CHAIR: Andreas Herkersdorf - Technische Univ. München, Germany 12.3 Single-Tier Virtual Queuing: An Efficacious Memory Controller Architecture for MPSoCs with Multiple Realtime Cores (11:00) Yang Song - Univ. of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA Kambiz Samadi - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., San Diego, CA Bill Lin - Univ. of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA This session gives new perspectives on processor systems. The first paper demonstrates that power and performance of one processor model can be inferred from performance counters of another. The second paper partitions shared cache resources in an integrated CPU-GPU system by observing that while some applications may not benefit from additional cache resources, allocating too few resources can degrade the performance of other concurrent applications. The third presentation proposes an improved memory-queue management for real-time applications. The final work introduces a debugging aid based on co-simulation. 12.4 Debugging and Verifying SoC Designs through Effective Cross-Layer Hardware-Software Co-simulation (11:15) Keith A. Campbell, Leon He - Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL Liwei Yang - Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore, Singapore Swathi T. Gurumani, Kyle Rupnow - Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore, Singapore Deming Chen - Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 12.1 Accurate Phase-Level Cross-Platform Power and Performance Estimation* (10:30) Xinnian Zheng, Lizy K. John, Andreas Gerstlauer - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX 13 A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 11:30am to 12:00pm. MACHINE LEARNING FOR ANALOG CIRCUIT MODELING Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 19AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Modeling, Simulation & Timing CHAIR: 13.2 Correlated Bayesian Model Fusion: Efficient Performance Modeling of Large-Scale Tunable Analog/RF Integrated Circuits* (10:45) Fa Wang, Xin Li - Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA Eric Keiter - Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM CO-CHAIR: Zhuo Feng - Michigan Technological Univ., Houghton, MI 13.3 Efficient Performance Modeling of Analog Integrated Circuits via Kernel Density Based Sparse Regression (11:00) Chenlei Fang, Qicheng Huang, Fan Yang, Xuan Zeng - Fudan Univ., Shanghai, China Dian Zhou - Univ. of Texas at Dallas & Fudan Univ., Dallas, TX Xin Li - Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA This session is devoted to the most recent machine learning algorithms for the development of statistical circuit models that can be used in performance estimation, yield analysis, and variation-aware design. The featured papers in this session use Bayesian and kernel-based techniques to address correlations, deviations from the Gaussian assumption, and nonlinear dependences. 13.4 Relevance Vector and Feature Machine for Statistical Analog Circuit Characterization and Built-In Self-Test Optimization (11:15) Honghuang Lin, Peng Li - Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 13.1 Efficient Performance Modeling via Dual-Prior Bayesian Model Fusion for Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits (10:30) Qicheng Huang, Chenlei Fang, Fan Yang, Xuan Zeng - Fudan Univ., Shanghai, China Dian Zhou - Univ. of Texas at Dallas & Fudan Univ., Dallas, TX Xin Li - Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 11:30am to 12:00pm. 37 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 PREVENTING AND EXPLOITING ERRORS 14 Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 17AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: Embedded Systems, EDA | | Topic Area: Low-Power & Reliability, System Architectures & SoC, General Interest CHAIR: 14.2 Statistical Fault Injection for Impact-Evaluation of Timing Errors on Application Performance (10:45) Jeremy Constantin - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland Zheng Wang - Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore, Singapore Georgios Karakonstantis - Queen’s Univ. Belfast, United Kingdom Anupam Chattopadhyay - Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore, Singapore Andreas Burg - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland Seokhyeong Kang - Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, Republic of Korea CO-CHAIR: Miroslav Velev - Aries Design Automation, LLC, Chicago, IL The four papers in the session present exciting recent work on fault tolerance and approximate computing. The first paper proposes a method for exploiting reliability-aware design to suppress aging. The second paper describes techniques for using statistical fault injection in order to evaluate the impact of timing errors on application performance with a case study for an OpenRISC core. The third paper presents an energy-efficient approximate serial encoding for sensor data, inspired by the T0 encoding technique for parallel buses. The fourth paper studies the use of clock overgating for designing approximate circuits. 14.3 Serial T0: Approximate Bus Encoding for Energy-Efficient Transmission of Sensor Signals (11:00) Daniele Jahier Pagliari, Enrico Macii, Massimo Poncino - Politecnico di Torino, Italy 14.4 Designing Approximate Circuits using Clock Overgating* (11:15) Younghoon Kim, Swagath Venkataramani, Kaushik Roy, Anand Raghunathan - Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 14.1 Reliability-Aware Design to Suppress Aging (10:30) Hussam Amrouch - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany Behnam Khaleghi - Sharif Univ. of Technology, Tehran, Iran Andreas Gerstlauer - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX Jörg Henkel, Victor M. van Santen - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany 15 A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 11:30am to 12:00pm. WINNING THE MEMORY CHALLENGE: WHICH NON-VOLATILE MEMORY TECHNOLOGY WILL RISE ABOVE? Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 18AB | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Design, EDA | | Topic Area: Emerging Technologies CHAIRS: 15.1 Crushing the Memory-Storage Hierarchy (10:30) Stan Williams - Hewlett-Packard Labs., Palo Alto, CA Yuan Xie - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA Dmitri Strukov - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA 15.2 STT-MRAM: Nonvolatile Information Processing for Energy-efficient Memory Subsystems (11:00) Seung H. Kang - Qualcomm, Inc., San Diego, CA ORGANIZERS: Yuan Xie - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA Jishen Zhao - Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, CA 15.3 Phase Change Memory as a Storage Class Memory (11:30) Wanki Kim - IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY Emerging non-volatile memory such as PCRAM, ReRAM, or memristor technologies, have been recently studied extensively as promising candidates to replace SSD storage and DRAM memories. The speakers in this session will present their own favorite memory technology and discuss what promising advantages it provides and what hurdles must be overcome to make it the key to changing the landscape in memory designs. 38 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 16 THE RISE OF HETEROGENEOUS ARCHITECTURES: FROM EMBEDDED SYSTEMS TO DATA CENTERS Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 18CD | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Design, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC, General Interest, Codesign & System Design CHAIR: The session will first overview the needs of heterogeneous systems and present a computer-vision application. The second talk addresses the growth of FPGA-based acceleration in heterogeneous data centers and the resulting programming challenges. The last talk proposes a new class of computing platforms to simplify the design and programming of heterogeneous SoCs for embedded applications. Todd Austin - Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI ORGANIZER: Luca Carloni - Columbia Univ., New York, NY For most classes of computing systems the distinction between low-power and high-performance design is outdated: from smartphones to cloud servers, systems-on-chip must deliver both. At the tail end of Dennard’s scaling, this is becoming an increasingly tall order. Meanwhile, the limits of application parallelism prevents computer architects from scaling up performance by simply integrating more homogeneous processor cores. Instead, the quest for energy-efficient performance requires the integration of a variety of computing engines, including different kinds of processors and many specialized-hardware accelerators, leading to the rise of heterogeneous architectures. 17 16.1 Energy Efficiency: It is all about the memory (10:30) Mark Horowitz - Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA 16.2 Heterogeneous Datacenters: Options and Opportunities (11:00) Jason Cong - Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA Muhuan Huang, Di Wu - Univ. of California, Los Angeles & Falcon Computing Solutions, Inc., Los Angeles, CA Cody Hao Yu - Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA 16.3 The Case for Embedded Scalable Platforms (11:30) Luca Carloni - Columbia Univ., New York, NY DESIGN TRACK: EMBEDDED SYSTEMS - DESIGNS AND TOOLS Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: Ballroom E | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: General Interest CHAIR: 17.3 Power modeling by artificial neural network (11:00) Zhaozhi Yang, Shupeng Zhao - MediaTek, Inc., Beijing, China Yisiou Chen - MediaTek, Inc., Hsinchu, Taiwan Jan Rellermeyer - IBM Research, Austin, TX CO-CHAIR: 17.4 Considerations in Embedded Vision Application Design (11:15) Ali Osman Ors, Daniel Laroche, Rabindra Guha - NXP Semiconductors, Gatineau, QC, Canada Alicia Strang - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., Irvine, CA Embedded systems and software continues to be an important growth area in the industry. With the emergence of IoT applications there is a visible trend towards increasingly more powerful and sophisticated designs. This session showcases design approaches and novel tooling in key areas of embedded systems like FPGA-based acceleration, embedded vision, and bulk storage. 17.5 A flexible and high-performance communication between FPGA and CPU for NFV Applications utilizing DPDK RingQueue (11:30) Seiya Shibata, Takashi Takenaka, Takeo Hosomi, Yuichi Nakamura - NEC Corp., Kawasaki, Japan 17.1 Accelerating an IoT Application by using FPGA tightly coupled with CPU (10:30) Yuki Kobayashi, Takashi Takenaka, Takeo Hosomi, Yuichi Nakamura - NEC Corp., Kawasaki, Japan 17.6 Real Time Data-warehouse for Wireless and Embedded Systems (11:45) Alex Chandra, Ashish Shrivastava, Mark W. Brown, Debashis Bhattacharya, Alan Gatherer - FutureWei Technologies, Inc., Plano, TX 17.2 Rapid Thermal Validation Solution for Architectural SSD HW/ SW design (10:45) Hyungwoo Lee - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea Kwanghyo Ahn - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwasung, Republic of Korea Jongbae Lee - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Seoul, Republic of Korea Q&A Poster Session Tuesday, June 7, 5:00 - 6:00pm - Exhibit Floor Thank You to Our Sponsor: 39 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 18 DESIGN TRACK: REUSE AND RELIABILITY: SEMICONDUCTORS TO SUPERCONDUCTORS Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: Ballroom F | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Circuit Design, Emerging Technologies, Low-Power & Reliability CHAIR: 18.4 Full-chip ESD Verification for Complex Multi-domain Storage SoCs (11:15) Pritesh Pawaskar - Seagate Technology, LLC, Pune, India Shrikrishna N. Mehetre - Open-Silicon, Inc., Bangalore, India Niranjan Pol - Seagate Technology, LLC, Pune, India Anant Narain - Apache Design, Inc., A Subsidiary of ANSYS, Inc., Noida, India Duo Ding - Oracle Corp., Austin, TX This session presents techniques for design and methodology reuse across product lines and material properties! Also outlined are methods to address chip reliability. It begins with methodologies targeting block and package-level reuse for microprocessors and smartphone chips respectively. Subsequent presentations address power supply noise reduction, ESD verification, and circuit aging analysis for advanced SoCs. The session concludes with a circuit design tool-chain for quantum information processors based on superconducting devices. 18.5 Fabric: Mobile SOC Chip Level Aging Design Methodology for Advanced FinFET Technologies (11:30) Yiwei Fu, Yongsheng Sun, Jianping Guo, Canhui Zhan, Jun Xia - HiSilicon, Shenzhen, China Junhui Zhao, Teong Ming Cheah - ANSYS, Inc., Shenzhen, China 18.1 Clock Domain Independent Abstraction and Programmable Clock Division Methodology To Enable Reuse Of Macros In High Performance Processor Designs (10:30) Naiju K. Abdul - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Bangalore, India Michael Wood - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Poughkeepsie, NY Jack DiLullo - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Austin, TX Adil Bhanji - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Poughkeepsie, NY Manish Verma - IBM Server and Technology Group, Bangalore, India 18.6 Superconducting mixed-signal circuit design toolchain (11:45) Mark H. Volkmann, Paul Bunyk, Colin Enderud, Mark W. Johnson, Elena Tolkacheva - D-Wave Systems Inc., Burnaby, BC, Canada Q&A Poster Session Tuesday, June 7, 5:00 - 6:00pm - Exhibit Floor 18.2 Integrated chip and package co-analysis for early data-driven package bump & ball optimization on Value-Tier Smartphone products (10:45) Biswajit Patra, Amrita Brahmachari, Shreshta Ganguly - Qualcomm India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India Ashish Singh, Vinayakam Subramanian - ANSYS, Inc., Bangalore, India Amlan Chakrabarti, Sanatan Chattopadhyay - Univ. of Calcutta, India Thank You to Our Sponsor: 18.3 ESD Failure Analysis Methodology & Verification for Custom Analog IP (11:00) Joohee Kim, Norman Chan, Hai Lan - Rambus, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA Karthik Srinivasan, Norman Chang - ANSYS, Inc., San Jose, CA 19 IP TRACK: IP ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT Time: 10:30am - 11:00am | | Room: Ballroom G | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: IP, IP | | Topic Area: Business CHAIR: 19.2 Encrypting IP Cores With Gate-level Simulation Capabilities (10:45) Parameswaran Ramanathan, Kewal K. Saluja - Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Heather Monigan - Intel Corp., Chandler, AZ Join us for a session exploring modern IP management conundrums of “I Didn’t Mean to Steal Your IP ...” and Other Cautionary Tales and encrypting IP Cores With Gate-level Simulation Capabilities. Q&A Poster Session Tuesday, June 7, 5:00 - 6:00pm - Exhibit Floor 19.1 “I Didn’t Mean to Steal Your IP ...” and Other Cautionary Tales (10:30) Warren Savage - IPextreme, Campbell, CA Eric Stein - PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, San Francisco, CA Thank You to Our Sponsor: 40 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 20 IP TRACK: FISH FOOD FOR THOUGHT: IS THE CONSOLIDATION TREND IN THE IP ECOSYSTEM GOOD FOR THE INDUSTRY? Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm | | Room: Ballroom G | | Event Type: Panel | | Track: IP, EDA Topic Area: Business, General Interest, Business MODERATOR: PANELISTS: John Blyler - IEEE, Portland, OR Samir Patel - Sankalp Semiconductor, Sunnyvale, CA Dennis Segers - Leyden Technologies, Los Altos, CA Camille Kokozaki - Design Rivers, San Jose, CA Laxman Vemury - Lattice Semiconductor Corp., Sunnyvale, CA Hezi Saar - Synopsys, Inc., Mountain View, CA ORGANIZER: Heather Monigan - Intel Corp., Chandler, AZ In this panel, the panel participants are asked to contemplate and comment on the year-over-year trend of smaller commercial IP companies being gobble up by larger, more established companies. The Commercial IP Ecosystem is growing, and projected to sustain growth, yet the pool seems smaller, year over year. Is this current trend a hindrance or catalyst for innovation? What challenges would IP companies expect when swimming in these waters? What conditions may repopulate the pool? Who ultimately prospers: the investors or end customers? Thank You to Our Sponsor: SKY TALK: RISC-V: INSTRUCTION SETS WANT TO BE FREE Time: 1:00pm - 1:30pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 | | Event Type: SKY Talk Track: IoT, IP | | Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC, Codesign & System Design, General Interest This talk will cover the technical features of the RISC-V ISA design, which has the goals of scaling from the tiniest implementations for IoT up to the largest warehouse-scale computers, with support for extensive customization. We’ll also describe three different industry-competitive opensource cores developed at UC Berkeley, all written in Chisel, a productive new open-source hardware design language. Finally, we’ll describe the uptake of RISC-V and the development of the RISC-V ecosystem, including the RISC-V Foundation. The most important interface in a computer system is the instruction set architecture (ISA) as it connects software to hardware. So, given the prevalence of open standards for almost all other important interfaces, why is the ISA still proprietary? We argue that a free ISA is a necessary precursor to future hardware innovation, and there’s no good technical reason not to have free, open ISAs just as we have free, open networking standards and free, open operating systems. The free and open RISC-V ISA began development at UC Berkeley in 2010, with the frozen base user ISA standard released in May 2014, and has since seen rapid uptake around the globe, including the first commercial shipments. 21 SPEAKER: Krste Asanovic - Univ. of California, Berkeley & SiFive, Inc., Berkeley, CA BRAIN-ON-A-CHIP: ARCHITECTURES FOR NEUROMORPHIC COMPUTING AND LEARNING Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 12AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations | | Track: EDA Topic Area: Emerging Technologies CHAIR: 21.2 Dot-Product Engine for Neuromorphic Computing: Programming 1T1M Crossbar to Accelerate Matrix-Vector Multiplication (1:45) Miao Hu, John Paul Strachan, Zhiyong Li, Emmanuelle M. Grafals, Noraica Davila, Catherine Graves, Sity Lam - Hewlett-Packard Labs., Palo Alto, CA Ning Ge - Hewlett-Packard Co., Palo Alto, CA Stanley R. Williams - Hewlett-Packard Labs., Palo Alto, CA Jianhua Yang - Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA Yu Wang - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China CO-CHAIR: David Z. Pan - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX This session covers the state-of-the-art in neuromorphic computing, machine learning and image processing implementations in hardware using both conventional CMOS and emerging technologies. 21.3 Perform-ML: Performance Optimized Machine Learning by Platform and Content Aware Customization (2:00) Azalia Mirhoseini, Bita Darvish Rouhani, Ebrahim Songhori - Rice Univ., Houston, TX Farinaz Koushanfar - Univ. of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 21.1 A New Learning Method for Inference Accuracy, Core Occupation, and Performance Co-optimization on TrueNorth Chip* (1:30) Wei Wen, Chunpeng Wu, Yandan Wang, Kent Nixon - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA Qing Wu, Mark Barnell - Air Force Research Lab, Rome, NY Hai Li, Yiran Chen - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA 21.4 Low-Power Approximate Convolution Computing Unit with Domain-Wall Motion Based “Spin-Memristor” for Image Processing Applications (2:15) Yong Shim, Abhronil Sengupta, Kaushik Roy - Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 2:30pm to 3:00pm. 41 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 22 SLICE AND DICE - ADVANCES IN VERIFICATION AND TEST Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 19AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations | | Track: EDA Topic Area: Test & Verification CHAIR: 22.2 Design Partitioning for Large-Scale Equivalence Checking and Functional Correction* (1:45) Grace Wu, Yi-Tin Sun, Jie-Hong (Roland) Jiang - National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan Rolf Drechsler - Univ. of Bremen & DFKI GmbH, Germany CO-CHAIR: Harry Foster - Mentor Graphics Corp., Plano, TX 22.3 Probabilistic Bug-Masking Analysis for Post-Silicon Tests in Microprocessor Verification (2:00) Doowon Lee - Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Tom Kolan, Arkadiy Morgenshtein, Vitali Sokhin, Ronny Morad, Avi Ziv - IBM Research, Haifa, Israel Valeria Bertacco - Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Design validation today is critically dependent on effective partitioning techniques and scalable validation methods to cope with the complexity of modern computing systems. This session looks at effective partitioning and slicing techniques for various domains, as well as efficient techniques for improving scalability of validation and testing tools. The first two papers focus on design partitioning at different abstraction levels. The third paper is about bug-masking analysis during processor verification. The last paper describes a method to accelerate fault injection analysis. 22.4 Fault Injection Acceleration by Simultaneous Injection of Non-interacting Faults (2:15) Mojtaba Ebrahimi, MohammadHadi Moshrefpour, Mohammad Saber Golanbari, Mehdi B. Tahoori - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 22.1 A Framework for Verification of SystemC TLM Programs with Model Slicing: A Case Study (1:30) Reza Hajisheykhi, Mohammad Roohitavaf - Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI Ali Ebnenasir - Michigan Technological Univ., Houghton, MI Sandeep Kulkarni - Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 2:30pm to 3:00pm. ENVIRONMENT-AWARE, REACTIVE AND SECURE AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS 23 Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 17AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: Automotive, Embedded Systems, Security | | Topic Area: Cyber-Physical Systems, System Software, Codesign & System Design CHAIR: 23.3 Formal Reliability Analysis of Switched Ethernet Automotive Networks under Transient Transmission Errors* (2:00) Fedor Smirnov, Michael Glaß - Friedrich-Alexander-Univ. ErlangenNürnberg, Germany Felix Reimann - Audi Electronics Venture GmbH, Gaimersheim, Germany Jürgen Teich - Friedrich-Alexander-Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany Ramesh S - General Motors Research and Development, Warren, MI CO-CHAIR: Huafeng Yu - Toyota InfoTechnology Center, Mountain View, CA Modern automotive systems need to meet the challenges of autonomous driving by precise localization, effective detection and identification of the road and the surrounding objects, as well as deterministic and predictable timing. 23.4 Random Modulo: a New Processor Cache Design for Real-Time Critical Systems (2:15) Carles Hernandez, Jaume Abella - Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain Andrea Gianarro, Jan Andersson - Cobham Gaisler, Gothenburg, Sweden Francisco J. Cazorla - Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain The four papers in this session provide innovative solutions for the problem of efficient sensor processing; predictable and reliable transmission of data over Ethernet; caching policies that allow for probabilistic timing analysis; and secure and accurate localization. * Indicates Best Paper Candidate A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 2:30pm to 3:00pm. 23.1 Privacy Preserving Localization for Smart Automotive Systems (1:30) Siam Umar Hussain, Farinaz Koushanfar - Univ. of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 23.2 Integration of Multi-Sensor Occupancy Grids into Automotive ECUs (1:45) Tiana Rakotovao - CEA-LETI Minatec & Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes, Grenoble, France Julien Mottin, Diego Puschini - CEA-LETI Minatec, Grenoble, France Christian Laugier - Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes, Saint Ismier, France 42 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 24 CROSS-LAYER RELIABILITY AWARE DESIGN, OPTIMIZATION AND DYNAMIC MANAGEMENT Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 18AB | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: EDA, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: Low-Power & Reliability, Modeling, Simulation & Timing, General Interest CHAIRS: 24.1 Cross-Layer Modeling and Optimization for Electromigration Induced Reliability (1:30) Taeyoung Kim, Zeyu Sun, Chase Cook, Hengyang Zhao, Ruiwen Li, Daniel Wong, Sheldon X.-D. Tan - Univ. of California, Riverside, CA Mehul Shroff - NXP Semiconductors, Austin, TX Ertugrul Demircan - NXP Semiconductors, Austin, TX ORGANIZER: 24.2 Optimizing Device Reliability Effects at the Intersection of Physics, Circuits, and Architecture (1:50) Sachin Sapatnekar, Deepashree Sengupta, Vivek Mishra - Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Sheldon X.-D. Tan - Univ. of California, Riverside, CA Reliability has become a significant challenge for design of current nanometer integrated circuits (ICs). Existing technologies for ensuring reliability will not be able to satisfy the competing requirements for future ICs as they typically operate in one layer under worst-case assumptions about other layers in the design stacks. This potentially leads to inefficiencies that will make these techniques impractical in future fabrication processes. This session will present several recent advances in holistic cross-layer design approaches for reliability management and mitigation. The presented topics range from cross-layer modeling and optimization for electromigration reliability; design for soft-error reliability considering device, circuit and architecture levels; reliability and modeling and optimization for many long-term failure effects at physics, circuits, and architecture intersections and cross-layer variability mitigation techniques for 10nm and beyond technologies. 25 24.3 Tackling Variability Issues at 10nm and Beyond Through a Cross-Layer Approach (2:10) Mondira (Mandy) Pant, Bill Bowhill, Arijit Biswas - Intel Corp., Hudson, MA 24.4 Cross-layer Approaches for Soft Error Modeling and Mitigation (2:30) Mojtaba Ebrahimi, Mehdi B. Tahoori - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany SOMETHING FOR NOTHING: HARVESTING ENERGY FROM THE ENVIRONMENT Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 18CD | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Embedded Systems, IoT | | Topic Area: Emerging Technologies CHAIR: 25.1 Additively Manufactured Wireless Self-Powered (EnergyHarvesting) Platforms for Communication, Sensing and Radar Applications (1:30) Manos M. Tentzeris - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Saurabh Sinha - ARM Ltd., Austin, TX ORGANIZER: Rob Aitken - ARM, Inc., San Jose, CA 25.2 Power Extraction Circuits for Optimal Energy Harvesting (2:00) Yogesh Ramadass - Texas Instruments, Inc., Santa Clara, CA Energy harvesting offers the possibility of an unlimited supply of free energy, but actually realizing this potential requires significant effort. This session looks at energy harvesting from three perspectives: what’s out there in terms of the harvesters themselves, what’s needed to convert the notoriously unreliable power from harvesters into something usable by a conventional system, and finally how might future compute systems be structured to take better advantage of the harvester behavior. 25.3 Energy Harvesting and Transient Computing: A Paradigm Shift for Embedded Systems? (2:30) Geoff Merrett - Univ. of Southampton, United Kingdom DESIGN TRACK: EMBEDDED SECURITY: DOES THE INDUSTRY CARE? 26 Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: Ballroom E | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Security, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: General Interest, System Software, Codesign & System Design CHAIR: 26.1 Securing the IoT device lifecycle using hardware root of trust (1:30) Dimitrios Pendarakis - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown, NY Saverio Fazzari - Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., Arlington, VA ORGANIZER: Ramesh Karri - New York Univ., Brooklyn, NY 26.2 Enhancing the supply chain to ensure security throughout the IoT device life cycle (2:00) Jim Alfred - BlackBerry, Toronto, ON, Canada This designer track session brings hardware, software and embedded system designers to discuss what is and what is not important in terms of security. They will discuss security challenges in IOT supply chain, IOT systems and embedded software. The first speaker will talk about system (from software to hardware) level security. The second speaker will discuss how to enhance the supply chain to ensure security throughout the IoT device life cycle. 26.3 IoT: A Security Researcher’s Take (2:30) Greg Franson - Cisco Systems, Inc., Austin, TX Thank You to Our Sponsor: 43 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 27 DESIGN TRACK: NEW SIGN-OFF FLOW CHALLENGES IN ADVANCED DESIGN NODE Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: Ballroom F | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Modeling, Simulation & Timing, Low-Power & Reliability CHAIR: The speakers in this session are industry leaders from foundry, library and design arenas. They will address the prevalent and emerging problems in electrical sign-off, and the solution strategies being developed and deployed within their purview. Scott Taylor - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., Austin, TX Electrical (timing and power) sign-off of nanometer chips is an increasingly complex and arduous task. Multiple factors contribute to the difficulty: increased process variations leading to an explosion of process corners and OCV problems, significant waveform effects on circuit and interconnect delay, multi-vdd designs, ultra-low voltage operation, increased on-chip voltage fluctuations, and signifcant inter-play between chip and package. These challenges are faced across the entire design ecosystem: foundries, library providers, design and IP teams, and EDA vendors. Innovative methods are required in library modeling, design practices and sign-off recipes, and EDA tools and methodologies for successful tape-outs and good yields. 27.1 Challenges for LVF characterization and STA at ULV (1:30) Florentin Dartu - Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Austin, TX 27.2 A Low Voltage Sign-off Timing Methodology Using LVF Models (2:00) Marlin Frederick, Jr. - ARM, Inc., Austin, TX Jim Dodrill - ARM, Inc., Dripping Springs, TX Igor Keller - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA 27.3 Power aspects (2:30) Shane Stelmach - Texas Instruments, Inc., Dallas, TX Thank You to Our Sponsor: 28 IP TRACK: DESIGNING WITH RISC-V Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: Ballroom G | | Event Type: Embedded Tutorial | | Track: IP, Design Topic Area: General Interest, Emerging Technologies CHAIR: SPEAKERS: Andrea Kroll - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA Rick O’Connor - RISC-V Foundation, Berkeley, CA Andrew Waterman - SiFive, Inc., San Fransisco, CA Andre DeHon - Draper, Cambridge, MA Alex Bradbury - lowRISC, Cambridge, United Kingdom ORGANIZER: Rick O’Connor - RISC-V Foundation, Berkeley, CA This session consists of a brief RISC-V Overview followed by four tutorial presentations covering the following: Thank You to Our Sponsor: 1. RISC-V Overview 2. RISC-V Tool chain & OS environment 3. RISC-V Security Enhancements using Bluespec 4. RISC-V Rocket Core using Xilinx FPGAs 44 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 29 NOC IT OUT OF THE PARK Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 12AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations | | Track: EDA Topic Area: NoC & On-Chip Interconnects CHAIR: 29.3 Quest for High-Performance Bufferless NoCs with Single-Cycle Express Paths and Self-Learning Throttling* (4:00) Bhavya K. Daya - Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR Li-Shiuan Peh, Anantha Chandrakasan - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Umit Ogras - Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ CO-CHAIR: Paul Gratz - Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX This session is composed of six presentations exploring new applications and technologies for Networks-on-Chip. Innovative architectures, memory solutions and data compression, as well as new networks based on photonic technology are discussed. The presented solutions consider key metrics such as energy-efficiency, process variation, cross-talk, data congestion and latency. 29.4 DISCO: A Low Overhead In-Network Data Compressor for Energy-Efficient Chip Multi-Processors (4:15) Ying Wang - Chinese Academy of Sciences & Institute of Computing Technology, Beijing, China Huawei Li, Yinhe Han, Jun Zhou, Xiaowei Li - Institute of Computing Technology & Chinese Academy of Sciences & Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 29.1 A Low-Cost Conflict-Free NoC for GPGPUs (3:30) Xia Zhao - Ghent Univ. & National Univ. of Defense Technology, Ghent, Belgium Sheng Ma - National Univ. of Defense Technology, Changsha, China Yuxi Liu - Ghent Univ. & Peking Univ., Ghent, Belgium Lieven Eeckhout - Ghent Univ., Ghent, Belgium Zhiying Wang - National Univ. of Defense Technology, Changsha, China 29.5 Achieving Lightweight Multicast in Asynchronous Networkson-Chip Using Local Speculation (4:30) Kshitij Bhardwaj, Steven M. Nowick - Columbia Univ., New York, NY 29.6 PICO: Mitigating Heterodyne Crosstalk Due to Process Variations and Intermodulation Effects in Photonic NoCs (4:45) Sai Vineel Reddy Chittamuru, Ishan Thakkar, Sudeep Pasricha Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO 29.2 Notifying Memories: a case-study on Data-Flow Applications with NoC Interfaces Implementation (3:45) Kevin J. M. Martin, Mostafa Rizk - Lab-STICC & Univ. de Bretagne SUD, Lorient, France Jean-Philippe Diguet - Lab-STICC & Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Lorient, France Martha Johanna Sepulveda - Technische Univ. München, Germany 30 A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 5:00pm to 5:30pm. PROBABLY OR PROVABLY? ADVANCES IN DFM Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 19AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations | | Track: EDA Topic Area: Lithography & DFM, Low-Power & Reliability CHAIR: 30.3 Self-Aligned Double Patterning-Aware Detailed Routing with Double Via Insertion and Via Manufacturability Consideration (4:00) Yixiao Ding, Chris Chu - Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA Wai-Kei Mak - National Tsing Hua Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan Duo Ding - Oracle Corp., Austin, TX CO-CHAIR: Saurabh Sinha - ARM, Inc., Austin, TX While there seem to be many unsurmountable challenges in the More-Moore age, there is also a growing number of solutions to meet the demands of circuit design and manufacturing. This session covers many ‘probable’ DFM and reliability analysis techniques with ‘provable’ outcomes, from multi-patterning and directed self-assembly, to dielectric breakdown, electromigration and soft errors due to cosmic rays. 30.4 Predicting Electromigration Mortality Under Temperature and Product Lifetime Specifications (4:15) Vivek Mishra, Sachin S. Sapatnekar - Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 30.5 A Monte Carlo Simulation Flow for SEU Analysis of Sequential Circuits (4:30) Meng Li, Ye Wang, Michael Orshansky - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 30.6 Physics-Based Full-Chip TDDB Assessment for BEOL Interconnects (4:45) Xin Huang - Univ. of California, Riverside, CA Valeriy Sukharev - Mentor Graphics Corp., Fremont, CA Zhongdong Qi, Taeyoung Kim, Sheldon X.-D. Tan - Univ. of California, Riverside, CA 30.1 Multiple Patterning Layout Decomposition Considering Complex Coloring Rules* (3:30) Hua-Yu Chang - Synopsys, Inc., Hsinchu, Taiwan Iris Hui-Ru Jiang - National Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan 30.2 Redundant Via Insertion for Multiple-Patterning Directed-SelfAssembly Lithography (3:45) Seongbo Shim, Woohyun Chung, Youngsoo Shin - KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 5:00pm to 5:30pm. 45 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 31 EMBEDDED SOFTWARE FOR RELIABILITY AND PERFORMANCE Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 17AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: System Software, Low-Power & Reliability CHAIR: Oliver Bringmann - Eberhard Karls Univ. Tubingen, Germany CO-CHAIR: Jian-Jia Chen - Technische Univ. Dortmund, Germany Reliability and performance are critical concerns for modern embedded system software. This session presents novel compiler and run-time techniques for improved device reliability, protection from soft errors, onchip thermal management, and reduced aging. The session also introduces approaches for maximizing system performance by advanced compilation and dynamic scheduling methods for automatic code parallelization, optimized multi-threading, effective timing speculation, and improved energy savings in mobile devices. * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 31.1 ageOpt-RMT: Compiler-Driven Variation-Aware Aging Optimization for Redundant Multithreading (3:30) Florian Kriebel - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany Semeen Rehman - Technische Univ. Dresden, Germany Muhammad Shafique, Jörg Henkel - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany 31.2 Improving Mobile Gaming Performance through Cooperative CPU-GPU Thermal Management* (3:45) Alok Prakash - National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore Hussam Amrouch, Muhammad Shafique - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany Tulika Mitra - National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore Jörg Henkel - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany 32 31.4 Automatic Parallelization and Accelerator Offloading for Embedded Applications on Heterogeneous MPSoCs (4:15) Miguel Angel Aguilar, Rainer Leupers, Gerd Ascheid - RWTH Aachen Univ., Aachen, Germany Luis Gabriel Murillo - Silexica Software Solutions GmbH, Aachen, Germany 31.5 Similarity-Based Wakeup Management for Mobile Systems in Connected Standby (4:30) Chun-Hao Kao, Sheng-Wei Cheng - National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan Pi-Cheng Hsiu - Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 31.6 Synergistic Timing Speculation for Multi-threaded Programs (4:45) Atif Yasin - Utah State Univ., Logan, UT Jeff J. Zhang - New York Univ., Brooklyn, NY Hu Chen, Sanghamitra Roy - Utah State Univ., Logan, UT Siddharth Garg - New York Univ., Brooklyn, NY Koushik Chakraborty - Utah State Univ., Logan, UT A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 5:00pm to 5:30pm. TSVS ARE SO 2010 - THE REALITY OF 3D-IC Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm | | Room: 18AB | | Event Type: Panel | | Track: Design, EDA Topic Area: Physical Design MODERATOR: Edward Sperling - Semiconductor Engineering, San Jose, CA ORGANIZER: Laura Parker - Mentor Graphics Corp., Portland, OR It is an exciting time in packaging, with new approaches emerging continuously. The driving force is to support consumer, mobile applications that require thinner, higher density packages without sacrificing the performance of the IC. The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) will only increase the pressure for continued innovation in packaging. 33 31.3 nZDC: A Compiler technique for near Zero silent Data Corruption (4:00) Moslem Didehban - Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ Aviral Shrivastava - Arizona State Univ., Phoenix, AZ Today there is a wide range of packaging including: Wafer Level Chip Scale, Wafer Level Fan Out, Panel Level Fan Out, Chip Last Fan Out, Flip Chip, interposer 2.5D, 3D and the list goes on and on. So will one win out or can the ecosystem continue to support an ever broadening range of styles and custom approaches? This panel will present views on this pressing issue from the designer perspective, packaging, tools, and foundry. PANELISTS: John Hunt - ASE Inc., Tempe, AZ David Z. Pan - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX Max Min - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Milpitas, CA WHAT’S THE FUTURE OF DFT? Time: 4:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 18AB | | Event Type: Panel | | Track: EDA Topic Area: Test & Verification MODERATOR: Shawn Blanton - Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA ORGANIZER: Rob Aitken - ARM, Inc., San Jose, CA Design-for-testability (DFT) has progressed over the last 25 years from an expensive adder to be included only if quality demanded it to a mandatory feature of every design. High quality tools are available from EDA vendors and there is a substantial and diverse body of research behind them. Still, when most people think of DFT, they think of scan chains, and scan-based DFT seems to be a done deal. Given that, what is the future of the DFT business? There are many challenges that get lumped together as part of test (yield, performance/ power characterization/optimization, debug/diagnosis/validation, analog measurement, DFM compliance, etc.), so DFT is more than just building scan chains, but is that where the future lies? The panel looks at the issues and explores how we might expect the DFT business to evolve going forward. PANELISTS: Jeff Rearick - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Fort Collins, CO Joe Sawicki - Mentor Graphics Corp., Wilsonville, OR Anne Gattiker - IBM Research, Austin, TX David Park - Optimal Plus Inc., San Jose, CA TUESDAY, JUNE 7 34 FUTURE VEHICULAR NETWORKS - SAFETY AND SECURITY Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 18CD | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Automotive, Security | | Topic Area: Cyber-Physical Systems CHAIR: 34.1 Cooperation or Competition? Coexistence of Safety and Security in Next-Generation Ethernet-Based Automotive Networks (3:30) Chung-Wei Lin, Huafeng Yu - Toyota InfoTechnology Center, Mountain View, CA Selma Saidi - Technical Univ. of Hamburg, Germany ORGANIZER: Rolf Ernst - Technische Univ. Braunschweig, Germany Next-generation vehicular networks are anticipated to comprise a single high-bandwidth communication backbone, which is used by both critical and non-critical traffic. These networks require advanced safety mechanisms, such as isolation between different criticality levels and fail-operational network behavior to provide a reliable communication infrastructure, e.g. for highly automated and autonomous driving. 34.2 Towards Fail-Operational Ethernet Based In-Vehicle Networks (4:00) Mischa Möstl, Daniel Thiele, Rolf Ernst - Technische Univ. Braunschweig, Germany 34.3 Secure Updates for Automotive ECUs (4:30) Lars Wolleschensky - ESCRYPT Inc., Ann Arbor, MI André Osterhues - ESCRYPT Inc., Bochum, Germany In the future, vehicular networks will even extend beyond the individual vehicle. In vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure scenarios, cars become part of a larger network. Connected vehicles have strict security requirements to guarantee authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality of the data entering and leaving the vehicle. 34.4 Extending Communication Beyond Vehicles - The Road To Automated Driving (5:00) Steffen Müller, Timo van Roermund, Mark Steigemann - NXP Semiconductors, Hamburg, Germany This session presents new ideas and discusses advanced methods to implement and analyze the safety and security of next-generation vehicular networks. 35 DESIGN TRACK: THE GREAT SIMULATION/EMULATION FACEOFF Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: Ballroom E | | Event Type: Panel | | Track: Design, EDA Topic Area: Modeling, Simulation & Timing, Test & Verification, General Interest MODERATOR: John Sanguinetti, a noted simulation expert, will serve as moderator and have questions to stimulate the discussion, including how formal verification provides an orthogonal approach to simulation’s capabilities. Conversely, he will press panelists to explain why emulation doesn’t support formal verification as yet and, instead, focuses on execution performance. He will question the panel on the usability of each for hardware development and hardware/software integration, verification and the flexibility of both. Availability is another question that will be asked of the panel –– are both available to every engineer or used as a team tool? And, what are the training requirements? Cost considerations will be explored as the panel attempts to sort through the total cost of each, the cost per engineer and the cost per upgrade. Finally, John Sanguinetti will ask each panelist what is missing from the verification flow, such as emulation’s inability to offer support for analog and whether that will be possible in the future. Or, whether it will be a long-term hindrance. John Sanguinetti - Adapt-IP, Campbell, CA From all appearances, emulation is about to take over domination of the verification space from the 30-year old work horse, simulation. The number of use models is expanding, as well as features and capabilities. Simulation experts, however, aren’t eager to wave the white flag and, in fact, point to the rapid adoption of formal verification that continues simulation’s value. Questions to be debated: • Will emulation take over from simulation and be the dominant tool in a verification flow? • If not emulation, where does simulation go to continue to be an effective verification tool? • Does augmenting simulation with emulation or formal verification provide the most benefit? PANELISTS: Alex Starr - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Boxborough, MA Frank Schirmeister - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA Ronny Morad - IBM Research - Haifa, Israel Stephen Bailey - Mentor Graphics Corp., Longmont, CO Dave Kelf - OneSpin Solutions GmbH, San Jose, CA • Which combination will dominate future verification flows? The format will be entertaining but informative with differing views and some conflict. Panelists will describe the various use models for emulation and explain how and why simulation has been so effective for so long. They will debate whether the simulation/formal verification flow works more effectively than a simulation/emulation flow. Finally, they will be asked to present their views on the evolution of verification in general and predictions about what’s coming next. Thank You to Our Sponsor: 47 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 36 DESIGN TRACK: DESIGN CHALLENGES IN ADVANCED NODES: FOUNDRY PERSPECTIVE Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: Ballroom F | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Design, EDA | | Topic Area: Lithography & DFM, Physical Design, Low-Power & Reliability CHAIR: 36.1 Back-End Design Challenges in 14nm and Beyond: A Foundry Perspective (3:30) Jeanne Trinko-Mechler - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Essex Junction, VT Rajendran Panda - Oracle Corp., Austin, TX ORGANIZER: 36.2 Challenges and Solutions To a New Era of Intellisense (4:00) Tianshen Tang - Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp., Shanghai, China Bertram Bradley - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Austin, TX In this invited speaker session we will hear from executives and fellows at 3 leading Foundry and Design companies. Featured speakers from GlobalFoundries, IBM, and SMIC will describe challenges in their latest and most prominent design efforts. Topics will include technical and businessdriven challenges in moving to the latest technology nodes, and each company’s perspective in how they are overcoming obstacles and driving towards new benchmarks in size, speed, and performance. 37 36.3 Design challenges for high-end micro-processors at the leading edge (4:30) Leon Stok - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY Thank You to Our Sponsor: IP TRACK: EVOLVING IP INTERCONNECTS & VERIFICATION Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: Ballroom G | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: IP, IP | | Topic Area: Circuit Design, Test & Verification CHAIR: 37.4 Case Study: Right-sized Security for IoT (4:15) Mike Eftimakis - ARM Ltd., Cambridge, United Kingdom Andrea Kroll - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA Join us for a varied session that explores the evolution and progression of interconnect IP’s and the challenges facing IP synthesis and verification. 37.5 Functional verification challenges with Mixed-signal IPs (4:30) Chirag Dhruv, Chris Kung, Sanket Shah - Lattice Semiconductor Corp., San Jose, CA 37.1 Breaking Through ‘The Memory Wall’ - HBM IP Subsystem (3:30) Dhananjay Wagh, Bhupesh Dasila - Open-Silicon, Inc., Milpitas, CA 37.6 Acceleration of Cell Library Production (4:45) Elliot E. Koch - NVIDIA Corp., Santa Clara, CA 37.2 Is USB Relevant to IoT? (3:45) Nivin George - Synopsys, Inc., Bangalore, India Venkataraghavan Krishnan - Synopsys, Inc., Mountain View, CA Q&A poster session: Tuesday, June 7, 5:00 - 6:00pm on the Exhibit Floor. 37.3 High-Level Synthesis Enabling the Design of a Scalable Wi-Fi HaLow™ IP Product Family for Boosting IoT (4:00) Dejan M. Dumic - Methods2Business BV, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Farhad Mighani - Adapt-IP, San Jose, CA Marleen J. Boonen, Nemanja Kondic - Methods2Business BV, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Daniel Kesler - Methods2Business BV, Novi Sad, Serbia Miroslav Drobac - Methods2Business BV, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Thank You to Our Sponsor: 48 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 DESIGN/IP TRACK POSTER SESSION Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm | | Room: Exhibit Floor | | Event Type: Poster Session | | Track: Design, IP Topic Area: General Interest Thank You to Our Sponsors: During the poster presentation, you will interact directly with poster presenters in a small group setting. As the limited time available in the Design/IP Track session program was exceeded by the quantity of great submitted content, we present the following posters in the Design/IP Track Poster Session held Tuesday, June 7 from 5:00 to 6:00pm on the Exhibit Floor. 38.14 Maximizing Execution Efficiency by Automated Partition Convergence Ambar Mukherji, Niraj A. Mehta - Intel Corp., Bangalore, India 38.1 NanoTime On-Chip Variation Methodology for HighPerformance CPU Macros Vibhor Mittal, David Newmark, Sundar Rangarajan, Teja Singh Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Austin, TX 38.15 Accelerating DFM Convergence with In-Design Pattern Fixing Flow Karthik Krishnamoorthy, Piyush Pathak, Fadi Batarseh - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Santa Clara, CA Ahmed Omran - GLOBALFOUNDRIES & Mentor Graphics Corp., Santa Clara, CA Uwe P. Schroeder - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Santa Clara, CA Ya-Chieh Lai, Jason Sweis, Jac Paul Condella, Philippe Hurat - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA 38.2 Clock Trees with Low Process Variation Bertram L. Bradley - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Austin, TX Gary Ellis - Encore Semi Inc. & GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Norman, OK Greg Ford - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Santa Clara, CA Mark Lasher - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Williston, VT 38.3 CTS Challenges for complex generated clocks Jasmeet Singh, Sanjeev K. Meesala, Divakar Mourya - Xilinx Inc., Hyderabad, India 38.4 Validation of Timing Constraint Variability in Statistical Library Characterization Suriya T. Skariah - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Bangalore, India James Warnock - IBM Corp., Yorktown Height, NY Vasant B. Rao - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Poughkeepsie, NY Sachin K. Gupta - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Bangalore, India James Sundquist - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Essex Junction, VT 38.5 Memristor-based Threshold Gate Adders Lauren Guckert, Earl Swartzlander - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX 38.6 Clock Domain Bridge Static Timing Analysis Miles Simpson - Microsoft Corp., Mountain View, CA 38.16 PLL design using automatic analog migration tool Akira Suzuki, Nobuto Ono, Tomoyuki Kato, Hiroyuki Rokugawa, Yukichi Todoroki, Kazuhiro Miura - Jedat, Inc., Tokyo, Japan 38.18 Thermal Aware FIT Computation David Newmark, William Peterson - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Austin, TX Kartik Iyer - ANSYS, Inc., Austin, TX 38.19 Voltage Drop Aware Early Power Grid Optimization on DSP core of 14nm Smartphone chip Rajesh Mallina, Aravind Ramanujam, Manoj Gunwani - Qualcomm India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India Vinayakam Subramanian, Mahesh V. Yatagiri - ANSYS, Inc., Bangalore, India 38.32 Parameters, UVM, Coverage & Emulation – Take Two and Call Me In the Morning Michael Horn - Mentor Graphics Corp., Longmont, CO Hans van der Schoot - Mentor Graphics Corp., Ottawa, ON, Canada Bryan Ramirez - Mentor Graphics Corp., Longmont, CO 38.7 Die Sizing Bound By Peripheral Bumps And IPs Kavana V. - Open-Silicon, Inc., Milpitas, CA 38.9 Pruning for Macro Characterization Wei Huang Zhu - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA Lyren Brown, David Newmark - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Austin, TX 38.10 A Practical Methodology for Postroute Timing Fixing in 16nm Xiaoyue Wang - Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Kanata, ON, Canada 38.11 Accelerate holistic and In-Context Fullchip Power Integrity analysis with Distributed Machine Process Rishikanth Mekala - ANSYS, Inc., Canonsburg, PA Ranganadh V. Mudumbai - Xilinx Inc. & ANSYS, Inc., San Jose, CA Tracy Vaughan - Xilinx Inc., Austin, TX 38.35 Shifting Left – A Smart direction for emulator friendly design methodology Manimaran N. - Intel Corp., Bangalore, India Venkata S. B - I2R-BYD Joint Lab, Bangalore, India Chunduri R. Mohan - Intel Corp., Folsom, CA Deepmala Sachan - Intel Corp., Bangalore, India 38.36 Optimizing Regression Testing Daniel Hansson - Verifyter AB, Lund, Sweden 38.12 Light-Weight Floorplan HTML Viewer Andrew Bianchi, Jose A. Paredes - IBM Corp., Austin, TX 38.37 A 1V 800MHz 140Kb Register File Compiler using Variation Aware Self-Timing in 40nm Bulk CMOS Rachit V. Dave, Vivek Kumar Dikshit - Synopsys, Inc. & Synopsys India Pvt. Ltd., Noida, India Prashant Dubey - Synopsys India Pvt. Ltd., Noida, India 38.13 Power and Test Time reduction through Codec Sharing and Core Wrapping Shiv K. Vats - STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India Rahul Anand - Synopsys, Inc. & Synopsys India Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, India Marco Casarsa - STMicroelectronics S.R.L., Agrate Brianza, Italy Salvatore Talluto - Synopsys Italia S.R.L., Agrate Brianza, Italy Harish Kumar - STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India 49 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 DESIGN/IP TRACK POSTER SESSION 38.40 Planning and Empowering Hierarchical Testing of ASICs Kavitha Shankar, Hardik Bhagat - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Bangalore, India Kelly A. Ockunzzi - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Essex Junction, VT Richard Grupp - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Burlington, VT 38.38 Power Sequence Verification: Free SoCs from Power Sequence Leakage Bugs Jianfeng Liu, Minyoung Mo, Kyungtae Do - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea Jung Yun Choi - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Yong-in, Republic of Korea 38.41 Augmenting Test Logic Validation usingStatic Connectivity Verification Ambrish C. Pal, Ajay Dimri - STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India Anuj Kumar, Navneet Chaurasia, Sami Akthar - Synopsys, Inc., Noida, India 38.39 A Static Approach to Verifying Isolation Clamp Values Shang-Wei Tu - MediaTek, Inc., Hsinchu, Taiwan Chia-Cheng Wu, Hsin-Pei Wang, Chun-Yao Wang - National Tsing Hua Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan WORK-IN-PROGRESS POSTER SESSION Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm | | Room: Trinity St. Foyer | | Event Type: Poster Session | | Track: EDA Topic Area: General Interest The DAC Work-in-Progress (WIP) poster session aims to provide authors an opportunity to network with peer feedback on current work and preliminary results. Join the presenters in the Foyer for their presentations. 100.8 Progressive Generation of Canonical Sum of Products Using a SAT Solver Ana Petkovska - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland David Novo - Laboratoire d’Informatique de Robotique et de Microelectronique de Montpellier, France Muhsen Owaida - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland Alan Mishchenko - Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA Paolo Ienne - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 100.1 Eza-Secure Processor for IoT Applications Anoop S. Dutta, Harsha N. Kondajji - EmuPro Consulting Private Limited, Bengaluru, India 100.2 CLB: A Compiler-assisted Look-ahead Branch-prediction for Mobile Application Processors Kyu Jung, Paul Jung - Adaptmicrosys LLC, Erie, PA 100.3 A Novel Model Order Reduction Using Genetic Algorithm Ahmed Adel - Alexandria Univ., Alex, Egypt Khaled Mohamed - Mentor Graphics Corp., Cairo, Egypt 100.9 A Fast Symbolic Transformation based Algorithm for Reversible Logic Synthesis Mathias Soeken - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland Gerhard W. Dueck - Univ. of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada Michael Miller - Univ. of Victoria, BC, Canada 100.4 Protocol Capability Check using Formal Penny Yang, Yuya Kao, Nan-Sheng Huang - MediaTek, Inc., Hsinchu, Taiwan Kaowen Liu - MediaTek, Inc., San Jose, CA 100.5 Modeling and measuring the aging degradation of an Adaptive Frequency Scaling system Mauricio Altieri - CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France Suzanne Lesecq - CEA-LETI Minatec & Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France Olivier Heron - CEA-LIST, Palaiseau, France Edith Beigne, Diego Puschini - CEA-LETI Minatec, Grenoble, France 100.10 A Comparative Analysis of Front-End and Back-End Compatible Silicon Photonic On-Chip Interconnects Ishan Thakkar, Sai Vineel Reddy Chittamuru, Sudeep Pasricha - Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO 100.11 Pelgrid: A Grid-Based Pelgrom-Inspired Model for Chip Variance Kelly A. Livingston - Univ. of Delaware, Elkton, MD Jose Mansalve Diaz, Stephane Zuckerman, Guang R. Gao - Univ. of Delaware, Newark, DE 100.6 Design of an Interoperable Real-time Simulation (iRTS) Platform for Wireless Hardware-in-the-loop Simulations with an Autonomous Electric Vehicle Ankurkumar Patel, Fnu Qinggele, Yong-Kyu Jung - Gannon Univ., Erie, PA 100.7 Learning-on-chip using Fixed Point Arithmetic for Neural Network Accelerators Marcia Sahaya Louis, Thomas Unger, Jonathan Appavoo, Ajay Joshi, Schuyler Eldridge - Boston Univ., Boston, MA 50 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 WORK-IN-PROGRESS POSTER SESSION 100.23 Bi-objective Optimization of Performance and Energy for Applications Mapping on CGRAs Jiangyuan J. Gu, Shouyi Yin, Leibo L. Liu, Shaojun S. Wei - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China 100.12 Highly-dense Mixed Grained Reconfigurable Architecture with Via-switch Junshi Hotate, Takashi Kishimoto, Toshiki Higashi, Hiroyuki Ochi - Ritsumeikan Univ. & Japan Science and Technology Agency, Kusatsu, Japan Ryutaro Doi - Osaka Univ. & Japan Science and Technology Agency, Suita, Japan Munehiro Tada, Tadahiko Sugibayashi - NEC Corp. & Japan Science and Technology Agency, Tsukuba, Japan Kazutoshi Wakabayashi - NEC Corp. & Japan Science and Technology Agency, Kawasaki, Japan Hidetoshi Onodera - Kyoto Univ., Kyoto, Japan Yukio Mitsuyama - Kochi Univ. & Japan Science and Technology Agency, Komi, Japan Masanori Hashimoto - Osaka Univ. & Japan Science and Technology Agency, Suita, Japan 100.24 Evaluation of Synchronous Dataflow Graph Mappings onto Distributed Memory Architectures Youen Lesparre, Alix Munier Kordon - LIP6 Laboratory, CNRS, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France Jean-Marc Delosme - Univ.d’Evry-Val-d’Essonne, France 100.25 Voltage Noise Induced DRAM Soft Error Reduction Technique for 3D-CPUs Tiantao Lu, Caleb M. Serafy, Zhiyuan Yang, Ankur Srivastava - Univ. of Maryland, Collge Park, MD 100.26 Adaptive Frame-Rate Optimization for Low Energy Object Tracking Yusuke Inoue, Takatsugu Ono, Koji Inoue - Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka, Japan 100.13 A Dynamic MAC with prediction based bandwidth allocation mechanism for Wireless Network-on-Chip Naseef Mansoor, Ranjith Murugesen, Avery Francois, Amlan Ganguly - Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY 100.27 A Case for Standard-Cell Based RAMs in Highly-Ported Superscalar Processor Structures Sungkwan Ku, Elliott Forbes, Rangeen Basu Roy Chowdhury, Eric Rotenberg - North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC 100.14 A Hardware-based Technique for Efficient Implicit Information Flow Tracking Jangseop Shin, Ingoo Heo - Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea Yu-Yuan Chen - Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ Jinyong Lee - Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea Ruby Lee - Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ Yunheung Paek - Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea 100.28 XMAT: A 6T XOR-MAT based 2R-1W SRAM for High Bandwidth Network Applications Ramandeep Kaur - STMicroelectronics, New Delhi, India Alexander Fell - Indian Institute of Science, New Delhi, India Harsh Rawat - STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India 100.29 Diagnosis for Defective Reconfigurable Single-Electron Transistor Arrays Yun-Jui Li, Ching-Yi Huang - National Tsing Hua Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan Yung-Chih Chen - Yuan Ze Univ., Taoyuan, Taiwan Chun-Yao Wang - National Tsing Hua Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, Suman Datta - Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA 100.15 Virtual Prototyping of Smart Systems through Automatic Abstraction and Mixed-Signal Scheduling Michele Lora, Enrico Fraccaroli - Univ. of Verona, Italy Franco Fummi - Univ. of Verona & EDALab s.r.l., Italy 100.16 Temporal Logic Monitors as Neural Filters Konstantin Selyunin, Denise Ratasich, Ezio Bartocci, Radu Grosu - Vienna Univ. of Technology, Vienna, Austria 100.30 A Data Locality-aware Design Framework for Reconfigurable Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication Kernel Sicheng Li, Yandan Wang - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA Wujie Wen - Florida International Univ., Miami, FL Yu Wang - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China Qinru Qiu - Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, NY Yiran Chen, Hai Li - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA 100.17 A Configurable and Synthesizable Internet-of-Things Bus Architecture (IBUS) for Integrating Industrial Standard IPs Xiaokun Yang, Jean H. Andrian - Florida International Univ., Miami, FL 100.18 Approximate C-Brain:Eliminating the Computation Redundancy in Energy-efficient Approximate Deep Learning Accelerator Bosheng Liu, Ying Wang, Yinhe Han, Xin Zhao, Lili Song - Chinese Academy of Sciences & Institute of Computing Technology, Beijing, China Xiaowei Li - Institute of Computing Technology & Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 100.31 Algorithm Recognition to Support Embedded Code Optimization Maria H. Rodriguez Blanco, Gerd Ascheid, Rainer Leupers - RWTH Aachen Univ., Aachen, Germany 100.32 Crypt-Delay: Encrypting IP Cores with Capabilities for Gatelevel Logic and Delay Simulations Parameswaran Ramanathan, Kewal K. Saluja - Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 100.19 CMCS: Current-Mode Clock Synthesis Riadul Islam, Matthew R. Guthaus - Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, CA 100.20 BaGu: Partial Computation Reuse for Approximate Computing Xin He - Institute of Computing Technology & Chinese Academy of Sciences & Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Guihai Yan - Institute of Computing Technology, Beijing, China Yinhe Han, Xiaowei Li - Chinese Academy of Sciences & Institute of Computing Technology, Beijing, China 100.33 Generation and Use of Statistical Timing Macro-models considering Slew and Load Variability Debjit Sinha - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY Vladimir Zolotov - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY Jin Hu - IBM Corp., Hopewell Junction, NY Sheshashayee K. Raghunathan - IBM Corp., Bangalore, India Adil Bhanji - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY Christine Casey - IBM Corp., Research Triangle Park, NC 100.21 A Refinement-Based Approach to Testing of Hardware and Low-level Software Designs Mitesh Jain, Panagiotis Manolios - Northeastern Univ., Boston, MA 100.34 Exploring Flash Devices to Implement Digital Circuits Monther Abusultan, Sunil Khatri - Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX 100.22 Lithography Hotspot Detection using Histogram of Oriented Light Propagation and Two-Staged Cascade Classifier Yoichi Tomioka - Univ. of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Japan Tetsuaki Matsunawa, Chikaaki Kodama, Shigeki Nojima - Toshiba Corp., Yokohama, Japan 51 TUESDAY, JUNE 7 WORK-IN-PROGRESS POSTER SESSION 100.46 The Design and Implementation of a 4Kb STT-MRAM with Innovative 200nm Nano-ring Shaped MTJs Zheng Li, Xiuyuan Bi - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA Jianying Qin, Peng Guo, Wenjie Kong, Wenshan Zhan, Xiufeng Han Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Hong Zhang, Lingling Wang, Hanming Wu - Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp., Shanghai, China Hai Li, Yiran Chen - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA 100.35 VeMap: Automatic Indoor Floor Map Construction via Smartphone-based Vehicle Tracking Ruipeng Gao, Guojie Luo - Peking Univ., Beijing, China Fan Ye - Stony Brook Univ., Stony Brook, New York 100.36 An Energy-Efficient Computational Reliability Model for Dynamically Evolving Human-Centered Monitoring Ramyar Saeedi - Wright State Univ., Pullman, WA Ramin Fallahzadeh, Parastoo Alinia, Hassan Ghasemzadeh - Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA 100.47 Split-Manufacturing of Printed Circuit Boards Anirudh S. Iyengar - Univ. of South Florida, Tampa, FL Fengchao Zhang - Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL Swaroop Ghosh - Univ. of South Florida, Tampa, FL Swarup Bhunia - Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL 100.37 Synchronous Independent Write Cache: A Novel SSD-aware Write Cache for RAID Junghee Lee - Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, TX Youngjae Kim - Ajou Univ., Suwon, Republic of Korea Kalidas Ganesh - Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, TX Joon-Young Paik - Ajou Univ., Suwon, Republic of Korea 100.48 Design Space Exploration on Accelerator-Rich Heterogeneous Architecture Liang Wang, Kevin Skadron - Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 100.38 Exact Timing Analysis for Concurrent Systems Wenmian Hua, Rajit Manohar - Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 100.49 Realizing Erase-free SLC Flash Memory with Rewritable Programming Design Yu-Ming Chang, Yung-Chun Li, Ping-Hsien Lin, Hsiang-Pang Li, - Macronix International Co., Ltd., Hsinchu, Taiwan Yuan-Hao Chang - Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 100.39 DFT and ATPG of Two-pattern Tests for Dual-rail Asynchronous Circuits Ying-Hsu Wang, Kuan-Yen Huang, Ting-Yu Shen, James Chien-Mo Li National Taiwan Univ., Taipei City, Taiwan 100.50 HAP: a Heterogeneity-Conscious Runtime System for Adaptive Pipeline Parallelism Jinsu Park, Woongki Baek - Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, Republic of Korea 100.40 Fabric: Mobile SOC Chip Level Aging Design Methodology for Advanced FinFET Technologies Yiwei Fu, Yongsheng Sun, Jianping Guo, Canhui Zhan, Jun Xia - HiSilicon, Shenzhen, China Junhui Zhao - ANSYS, Inc., Shenzhen, China Teong Ming Chenah - Apache Design, Inc., A Subsidiary of ANSYS, Inc., Shanghai, China 100.51 Model Based Guiding Pattern Synthesis for Robust and On-Target Directed Self-Assembly Joydeep Mitra - Mentor Graphics Corp. & Univ. of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Andres Torres - Mentor Graphics Corp., Wilsonville, OR Yuansheng Ma - Mentor Graphics Corp., Fremont, CA David Z. Pan - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX 100.41 A Dynamic Latency-Aware Load-Balanced Strategy in 2.5D NoC Architecture Chen Li, Sheng Ma, Yang Guo - National Univ. of Defense Technology, Changsha, China Xia Zhao - Ghent Univ. & National Univ. of Defense Technology, Ghent, Belgium 100.52 IO Scheduling with Reduced Mapping Cache Overhead in Flash Based Storage Systems Cheng Ji, Chao Wu - City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Li-Pin Chang - National Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan Liang Shi - Chongqing Univ., Chongqing, China Chun Jason Xue - City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 100.42 Hardware Trojan Localization using Polynomials Farimah Farahmandi, Yuanwen Huang, Prabhat Mishra - Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL 100.53 TinySPICE+: Scaling Up Statistical SPICE Simulations on GPU Leveraging Shared-Memory Based Sparse Matrix Solution Techniques Lengfei Han, Zhuo Feng - Michigan Technological Univ., Houghton, MI 100.43 3D Floorplanning with Timing-Driven Voltage Assignment Johann Knechtel, Abdullah M. Heyari, Ibrahim (Abe) Elfadel - Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Jens Lienig - Technische Univ. Dresden, Germany 100.54 A Case for Active Interposers: Modeling and Analysis of Interposer Resiliency Requirements Taniya H. Siddiqua, Gabriel H. Loh - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Bellevue, WA 100.44 3D-SHIELD: 3D Security Layers for Protecting Thermal Side-Channel Leakage Peng Gu, Dylan Stow, Russell Barnes - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA Eren Kursun - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY Yuan Xie - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA 100.55 Towards Formal Verification of Circuits Reliability Using SMT-Based Techniques Ghaith Bany Hamad - École Polytechnique de Montréal, QC, Canada Ghaith Kazma, Otmane Ait Mohamed - Concordia Univ., Montreal, QC, Canada Yvon Savaria - École Polytechnique de Montréal, QC, Canada 100.45 Neuro-noc: Neural Network based Predictive Routing for Network-on-Chip Architectures Michel A. Kinsy - Univ. of Oregon & Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Eugene, OR Sena A. Koehnen, Shreeya Khadka, Brian J. Gravelle - Univ. of Oregon, Eugene, OR 52 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 KEYNOTE: THE CHALLENGE TO DEVELOP TRULY GREAT PRODUCTS Mark Papermaster - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA T ime: 9:00am - 10:00am | | Room: Ballroom A | | Track: Design, EDA Topic Area: General Interest Biography: Mark Papermaster is chief technology officer and senior vice president at AMD, responsible for corporate technical direction, and AMD intellectual property (IP) and system-on-chip (SOC) product research and development. His more than 30 years of engineering experience includes significant leadership roles managing the development of a wide range of products, from mobile devices to highperformance servers. Before joining AMD in October 2011, Papermaster was the leader of Cisco’s Silicon Engineering Group, the organization responsible for silicon strategy, architecture, and development for the company’s switching and routing businesses. Mark Papermaster, CTO and SVP of Technology and Engineering at AMD, will take a closer look at various challenges companies face when they set out to build winning products. Drawing up on more than 30 years of engineering experience, Mark explores innovation and what defines a great product, as well as his thoughts on the role of leadership to create an environment to enable both disruptive thinking combined with strong execution. He will describe three key elements, along with examples of his experience at IBM, Apple, Cisco, and AMD. The first is goal clarity and definition that will distinguish the design as a great product. This requires discipline to think through not just the product itself, but how it will be used. The experience matters. The high level design then has to be rigorous to lay out a plan of the enabling factors, and the big problems to be solved. In prior roles, Papermaster served as Apple senior vice president of Devices Hardware Engineering, where he was responsible for the iPod products, and iPhone hardware development. He also held a number of senior leadership positions at IBM, serving on the company’s Technical Leadership Team and overseeing development of the company’s key microprocessor and server technologies. Second is establishing a team that’s set up for success. Plotting out the right leadership, skills, geography, and culture is key. Specializing in electrical engineering, Papermaster received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas and master’s degree from the University of Vermont. He is a member of the University of Texas Cockrell School of Engineering Advisory Board, Olin College Presidents Council, and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Finally, execution always has to be prioritized. You can’t afford to miss the product’s market window. What you measure and milestone is what you care about – it sets the behavior of the team. Mark will summarize by highlighting how the evolution of innovation and great products of the last several decades has set the stage for a huge inflection point in computing. We are now entering the era of immersive computing which will fundamentally change the role computing plays in our daily lives. 53 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 39 ACCELERATED SIMULATION FOR CIRCUIT RELIABILITY AND STABILITY Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 12AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations | | Track: EDA Topic Area: Modeling, Simulation & Timing CHAIR: 39.2 Accelerating Soft-Error-Rate (SER) Estimation in the Presence of Single Event Transients (10:45) Ji Li - Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Jeffrey Draper - Univ. of Southern California, Marina del Rey, CA Sheldon X.-D. Tan - Univ. of California, Riverside, CA CO-CHAIR: Janet Meiling Roveda - Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 39.3 A Fast Simulator for the Analysis of Sub-Threshold Thermal Noise Transients (11:00) Marco Donato, R. Iris Bahar, William Patterson, Alexander Zaslavsky Brown Univ., Providence, RI The analysis of circuit stability and reliability is increasingly important, especially for large-scale designs. This session’s topics include power supply stability, soft error in logic circuits, thermal noise in ultra-low voltage designs, and the sparsification of spectral graphs used in various design problems. 39.4 Spectral Graph Sparsification in Nearly-Linear Time Leveraging Efficient Spectral Perturbation Analysis (11:15) Zhuo Feng - Michigan Technological Univ., Houghton, MI * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 39.1 Distributed On-chip Voltage Regulation: Theoretical Stability Foundation, Over-design Reduction and Performance Optimization* (10:30) Xin Zhan, Peng Li, Edgar Sanchez-Sinencio - Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX 40 A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 11:30am to 12:00pm. IMPROVING TEST EFFICIENCY Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 19AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations | | Track: EDA Topic Area: Test & Verification, Modeling, Simulation & Timing CHAIR: 40.2 Reducing Control Bit Overhead for X-Masking/X-Canceling Hybrid Architecture via Pattern Partitioning (10:45) Jin-Hyun Kang - Sungkyunkwan Univ., Suwon, Republic of Korea Nur Touba - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX Joon-Sung Yang - Sungkyunkwan Univ., Suwon, Republic of Korea Janusz Rajski - Mentor Graphics Corp., Portland, OR Hai Zhou - Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL This session presents a new delay testing and configuration approach to a new probing scheme for wafer-scale chips to reduce the cost of probes, a new approach to reduce the overhead of response compaction by exploiting x-value correlation, improvement of chip yield and lifetime under delay variations and aging, and a new late-stage approach for scan chain design. 40.3 EffiTest: Efficient Delay Test and Statistical Prediction for Configuring Post-silicon Tunable Buffers (11:00) Grace Li Zhang, Bing Li, Ulf Schlichtmann - Technische Univ. München, Germany * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 40.4 Comprehensive Optimization of Scan Chain Timing During Late-Stage IC Implementation (11:15) Kun Young Chung, Andrew B. Kahng, Jiajia Li - Univ. of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 40.1 Efficient Probing Schemes for Fine-Pitch Pads of InFO WaferLevel Chip-Scale Package (10:30) Yu-Chieh Huang, Bing-Yang Lin, Cheng-Wen Wu - National Tsing Hua Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan Mincent Lee, Hao Chen, Hung-Chih Lin, Ching-Nen Peng, Min-Jer Wang Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hsinchu, Taiwan A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 11:30am to 12:00pm. 54 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 41 TACKLING REAL-WORLD CHALLENGES: PERFORMANCE, RELIABILITY AND POWER IN MEMORY Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 17AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC CHAIR: 41.2 Improving Performance and Lifetime of NAND Storage Systems Using Relaxed Program Sequence* (10:45) Jisung Park, Jaeyong Jeong - Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea Sungjin Lee - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Youngsun Song, Jihong Kim - Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea Chun Jason Xue - City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong CO-CHAIR: Hyung Gyu Lee - Daegu Univ., Republic of Korea Continued scaling and developments in memory devices impose significant challenges on using these devices in practice. This session tackles some of the most prominent limitations faced in the field today, in terms of performance, reliability and power, contributing real-world solutions for real-world challenges. The topics include reducing power through lossy encoding, improving lifetime and performance of NAND storage, prefetching in coarse-grain reconfigurable architectures, and partitioning memory for better bandwidth utilization in GPUs. 41.3 Data Cache Prefetching via Context Directed Pattern Matching for Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (11:00) Chen Yang, Leibo Liu, Shouyi Yin, Shaojun Wei - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China 41.4 TEMP: Thread Batch Enabled Memory Partitioning for GPU (11:15) Mengjie Mao - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA Wujie Wen - Florida International Univ., Miami, FL Xiaoxiao Liu - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA Jingtong Hu - Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK Danghui Wang - Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., Xi’an, China Yiran Chen, Hai Li - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 41.1 Reducing Serial I/O Power in Error-Tolerant Applications by Efficient Lossy Encoding (10:30) Phillip Stanley-Marbell, Martin Rinard - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 11:30am to 12:00pm. 42 HARDWARE VERIFICATION OF SECURITY ASPECTS Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 18AB | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: EDA, Security | | Topic Area: Test & Verification, System Architectures & SoC CHAIR: 42.1 Security Challenges and Strategies in High Volume ICs (10:30) Dhinesh Manoharan, Sohrab Aftabjahani - Intel Corp., Portland, OR Prabhat Mishra - Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL ORGANIZER: 42.2 Scalable Formal Methods for Hardware Security Verification (11:00) Rajeev Ranjan, Victor Markus Purri, Fernanda Braga - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA Valeria Bertacco - Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI The world of hardware-security vulnerabilities is built primarily upon the bugs in our designs. Thus, there is a great opportunity for the verification community to become involved in the development of more secure hardware. However, this goal requires a redirection of efforts beyond traditional functional verification bugs, and towards security vulnerability bugs. Speakers in the session will highlight the differences between these two worlds and demonstrate how core verification talents can help deliver secure designs. 42.3 Specification and Modeling for Systems-on-Chip Security Verification (11:30) Sharad Malik, Pramod Subramanyan - Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ 55 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 43 ENABLING THE INTERNET OF THINGS: CONTEXT-AWARENESS IN SENSING, COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTING Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 18CD | | Event Type: Invited Presentations | | Track: IoT, Design Topic Area: Codesign & System Design, Cyber-Physical Systems, Emerging Technologies CHAIR: 43.1 “Always On” Sensors for the Internet of Smart Things (10:30) Arijit Raychowdhury, Soham Desai, Anvesha Amravati, Ningyuan Cao Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Rangharajan Venkatesan - NVIDIA Corp., San Jose, CA ORGANIZER: 43.2 Context-Aware Energy-Efficient Communication for IoT Sensor Nodes (11:00) Shreyas Sen - Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN Shreyas Sen - Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN Realizing the IoT vision of tens of billions of connected devices requires significant changes in the computing paradigm. At the edges of the network, leaf node devices will need to respond to rapid changes in operating conditions and computational/communication demands, while simultaneously controlling energy consumption. Self-learning systems possess these attributes and show strong promise for the IoT. This specialsession will present recent advances of such context-aware, self-learning systems for IoT, each talk going into the sensing, communication and computation, respectively. The first talk highlights the challenges and opportunities of data acquisition in IoT nodes and focus on intelligent sensors (speech and vision). The second talk presents advances in contextadaptive communication to support widely varying IoT data loads. The third talk discusses novel analog structures that are able to self-learn and perform neuromorphic computations. 44 43.3 Online Learning and Neuromorphic Computing Using Memristors (11:30) Wei Lu - Crossbar, Inc. & Univ. of Michigan, Santa Clara, CA DESIGN TRACK: SIMULATION AND FORMAL: THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: Ballroom E | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: Design | | Topic Area: Test & Verification, Modeling, Simulation & Timing CHAIR: 44.3 Formal Verification Techniques For Predictable And Accelerated Giga-Scale SOC Design Closure Avoiding Gate-Level Simulation (11:00) Satish Kumar Rompicharla, Kundan Kumar, Srikanth Nimmagadda, Shankar R. Sawant - Intel Corp., Bangalore, India Jennifer Hwang - QuickLogic Corp., Sunnyvale, CA A verification engineer has many tricks in his/her bag when hunting down that elusive bug. Not any one approach can cover it all. Listen to different techniques and solutions from simulation to formal to SVA and add new tricks to your verification bag of “tricks.” 44.4 Static Analysis of Uncoverable code – Accelerate Formal & Simulation Sign off (11:15) Deepanjan Roy - NVIDIA Corp., Bangalore, India Raja Mahadevan, Sanjana Bhattacharya - Synopsys India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India 44.1 Case Study of End-to-End Formal Verification Methodology (10:30) Jake Maas, Nirabh Regmi, Krishnan Palaniswami, Ashish Kulkarni - Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA 44.5 Verifying Design Hotspots with SystemVerilog Checkers (11:30) Roger Sabbagh - Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Ottawa, ON, Canada Ping Yeung - Mentor Graphics Corp., Fremont, CA 44.2 Bus verification automation platform for complex bus scenario (10:45) Junxia Wang, Eve Wang, Yunyang Song, Wenting Hou, Kaowen Liu - MediaTek, Inc., Beijing, China 44.6 It’s about Time: Verifying Clocks Using Formal (11:45) Ashish Darbari - Imagination Technologies Ltd., Kings Langley, United Kingdom Q&A Poster Session Wednesday, June 8, 5:00 - 6:00pm - Exhibit Floor Thank You to Our Sponsor: 56 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 45 DESIGN TRACK: BACK-END DESIGN TOOLS & TECHNIQUES- INNOVATION INCREASING DESIGN EFFICIENCY Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: Ballroom F | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Physical Design, Modeling, Simulation & Timing CHAIR: 45.4 Design Methodology Targeting Clock Propagation Issues for Quick and Reliable Signoff (11:15) Pawan Sehgal - STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India Aditi Sharma - STMicroelectronics, New Delhi, India Rangarajan Ramanujam, Akhilesh Chandra Mishra - STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India Sujay Deb - Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, India Gary Ellis - Encore Semi Inc., Norman, OK This session will cover various techniques utilized to create a more efficient design. Subjects range from adaptive power grids, to modular approach for physical implementation, to incremental clock network tuning for lower latency and better skew. Also covered in this session will be large-scale hierarchical issues like testability and re-use, as well as wiring resource sharing across hierarchical boundaries. 45.5 Strategies for Sharing Design Resources through Chip Hierarchy (11:30) Ryan M. Kruse, Ryan Nett, Gerald Strevig, Amanda Venton, Arkadiusz Slanda, Christopher J. Catalino, Joan Maharas, Rashmi Finavia - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Austin, TX 45.1 Modular Approach to Physical Implementation of Core and Cache Infrastructure on POWER8 (10:30) Ryan M. Kruse, Ryan Nett, Gerald Strevig, Amanda Venton, Arkadiusz Slanda, Christopher J. Catalino, Joan Maharas - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Austin, TX 45.6 Approaches for automated and reusable IP functional test rule development across multiple instances of IP within and across ASIC designs (11:45) Malinky Ghosh - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Wappingers Falls, NY Kelly Ockunzzi - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Burlington, VT 45.2 Multi-objective Incremental Clock Network Optimization Using Multiple Voltage Threshold Technique (10:45) Sangdo Park - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea Hyung-Ock Kim, Jung Yun Choi - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Yong-in, Republic of Korea Q&A Poster Session Wednesday, June 8, 5:00 - 6:00pm - Exhibit Floor 45.3 A Convergent Pin Optimization Methodology for Hierarchical Design Closure (11:00) Shyam Ramji - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Poughkeepsie, NY Randall J. Darden - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Springfield, MO Eddy St Juste, Christopher J. Berry - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Poughkeepsie, NY 46 Thank You to Our Sponsor: IP TRACK: SYSTEM IP CONFIGURATION AND VERIFICATION Time: 10:30am - 11:00am | | Room: Ballroom G | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: IP, IP | | Topic Area: Test & Verification, Circuit Design, System Architectures & SoC CHAIR: 46.1 Intelligent IP Configuration (10:30) Simon Rance - ARM Ltd., Plano, TX David Murray - ARM Ltd., Galway, Ireland Priyank Shukla - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA Join us as we explore how Intelligent IP Configuration and Verification of Infinitely Configurable Cache Coherent Interconnect IP’s can improve system design for our modern IP Engineers. 46.2 Verification of infinitely configurable cache coherent interconnect IP (10:45) Rohit Bansal - Arteris, Inc., Campbell, CA Q&A Poster Session Wednesday, June 8, 5:00 - 6:00pm - Exhibit Floor Thank You to Our Sponsor: 57 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 47 IP TRACK: OPEN SOURCE: SOFTWARE, MODULES, SYSTEMS, AND NOW IP AND CHIPS? Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm | | Room: Ballroom G | | Event Type: Panel | | Track: IP, Design Topic Area: General Interest, Business MODERATOR: PANELISTS: Don Dingee -, San Antonio, TX John Leidel - Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, TX Randy Swanberg - IBM Corp., Austin, TX Paul Teich - TIRIAS Research, Austin, TX Aaron Sullivan - Rackspace US, Inc., Austin, TX Chris Aniszczyk - Cloud Native Computing Foundation & Linux Foundation, Austin, TX ORGANIZER: Priyank Shukla - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA Open source code transformed software development, and spawned makers with low-cost hardware modules, mostly running on proprietary chips. Large systems are moving toward open source - still, mostly on proprietary chips. Open source processor core IP is now causing a stir. Is “open” an inevitable future for chips, a change the industry needs? Does co-optimizing open source software and hardware IP have benefits, pre-silicon? Or is open source IP a distraction, a model that will not work on a large scale? What lessons from other open efforts may help decide? Our panel will share their experience, observations, and predictions. Thank You to Our Sponsor: SKY TALK: SECURITY AT DIFFERENT LAYERS OF ABSTRACTIONS: APPLICATION, OPERATING SYSTEMS, AND HARDWARE Time: 1:00pm - 1:30pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 | | Event Type: SKY Talk Track: Security, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: Business When it comes to computer security, attackers often seek out weaknesses at the abstraction boundaries in a system. Therefore, boundaries between layers such as the hardware, operating system, and application have a significant security impact. This talk will address how security is influenced by different dimensions of computing including hardware and software abstractions and scale, along with how threat models can help to manage this complexity. 48 It concludes with a perspective on the largest security problems of the day: the ability for one entity to prove their security posture to another, simplifying security, and addressing the talent shortage. This talk is accessible to anyone interested in security and how it impacts the broad computing ecosystem. SPEAKER: Bryan Payne - Netflix, Los Gatos, CA ESCAPE FROM DESIGN MEDIOCRITY - BETTER TOOLS FOR POWER AND RELIABILITY Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 12AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC, Low-Power & Reliability CHAIR: Franco Fummi - Univ. of Verona, Italy CO-CHAIR: Massimo Poncino - Politecnico di Torino, Italy The session presents novel solutions to enable more accurate modeling and analysis of power and reliability aspects of a design. The presentations range from surveying techniques for reliability and soft-errors, to modeling shortterm aging effects and STT-RAM devices, and extensions to architectural simulators to model power-supply noise. * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 48.1 CLEAR: Cross-Layer Exploration for Architecting Resilience - Combining Hardware and Software Techniques to Tolerate Soft Errors in Processor Cores (1:30) Eric Cheng - Stanford Univ. Stanford, CA Shahrzad Mirkhani - Stanford Univ. & Univ. of Texas at Austin, Stanford, CA Lukasz Szafaryn - Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Chen-Yong Cher - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY Hyungmin Cho - Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA Kevin Skadron, Mircea R. Stan - Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Klas Lilja - Robust Chip Inc., Pleasanton, CA Jacob Abraham - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX Pradip Bose - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY Subhasish Mitra - Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA 48.2 Designing Guardbands for Instantaneous Aging Effects (1:45) Victor M. van Santen, Hussam Amrouch - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany Javier Martin Martinez, Montserrat Nafria - Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain Jörg Henkel - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany 48.3 NVSim-VXs: An Improved NVSim for Variation Aware STT-RAM Simulation (2:00) Enes Eken, LingHao Song, Ismail Bayram - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA Cong Xu - Hewlett-Packard Labs., Palo Alto, CA Wujie Wen - Florida International Univ., Miami, FL Yuan Xie - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA Yiran Chen - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA 48.4 A Novel Cross-Layer Framework for Early-Stage Power Delivery and Architecture Co-Exploration* (2:15) Cheng Zhuo - Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou, China Kassan Unda, Yiyu Shi - Univ. of Notre Dame, IN Wei-Kai Shih - Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 2:30pm to 3:00pm. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 DR. GARBLE AND MR. LEAKAGE IN THE MYSTERY OF SECURE CPUs 49 Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 19AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: Security, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC, System Software, Modeling, Simulation & Timing CHAIR: 49.2 Garbled CPU: A MIPS Processor for Secure Computation in Hardware (1:45) Ebrahim M. Songhori - Rice Univ., Houston, TX Shaza Zeitouni, Ghada Dessouky, Thomas Schneider, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi - Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany Farinaz Koushanfar - Univ. of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA Anand Rajan - Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR CO-CHAIR: Daniel Holcomb - Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA This session highlights the urgency of addressing information leakage from processors. It presents leakage prevention techniques such as garbled processor architectures, cache partitioning and cryptographic control flow integrity. 49.3 SecDCP: Secure Dynamic Cache Partitioning for Efficient Timing Channel Protection (2:00) Yao Wang - Cornell Univ., Johnson City, NY Andrew Ferraiuolo - Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY Danfeng Zhang - Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA Andrew Myers, Edward Suh - Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 49.1 A High-resolution Side-Channel Attack on Last Level Cache* (1:30) Mehmet Kayaalp - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY Nael Abu-Ghazaleh - Univ. of California, Riverside, CA Dmitry Ponomarev - SUNY Binghamton, NY Aamer Jaleel - NVIDIA Corp. Wesfford, MA 49.4 Physical Unclonable Functions-based Linear Encryption against Code Reuse Attacks (2:15) Pengfei Qiu, Yongqiang Lyu - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China Jiliang Zhang, Xingwei Wang - Northeastern Univ., Shenyang, China Di Zhai - Beijing Univ. of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China Dongsheng Wang - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China Gang Qu - Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 2:30pm to 3:00pm. 50 MOORE’S LAW MARCHING ON - CIRCUIT TECHNIQUES BEYOND TRADITIONAL CMOS Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 17AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations | | Track: Design Topic Area: Circuit Design, Low-Power & Reliability CHAIR: 50.2 Match-making for Monolithic 3D IC: Finding the Right Technology Node (1:45) Kyungwook Chang - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Saurabh Sinha - ARM, Inc., Austin, TX Brian Cline - ARM Ltd., Austin, TX Greg Yeric - ARM, Inc., Austin, TX Sung Kyu Lim - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Peng Li - Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX CO-CHAIR: Chen-Yong Cher - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY Dennard scaling has stopped, but Moore’s law must march on! Several technology alternatives are competing to take the crown as successor to traditional CMOS, but each brings a host of new circuit design challenges. This session presents four such alternatives along with their risks and circuit solutions: near threshold FinFETs, monolithic 3D integration, voltage stacking, and ultra-thin body FD-SOI. 50.3 Lower Power by Voltage Stacking: A fine-grained System Design Approach (2:00) Kristof Blutman, Ajay Kapoor, Jacinto Garcia Martinez, Hamed Fatemi, José Pineda de Gyvez - NXP Semiconductors, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 50.4 Leveraging FDSOI through Body Bias Domain Partitioning and Bias Search (2:15) Johannes M. Kuehn - Eberhard Karls Univ. Tubingen & Keio Univ., Tuebingen, Germany Hideharu Amano - Keio Univ., Yokohama, Japan Oliver Bringmann - Univ. Tübingen, Germany Wolfgang Rosenstiel - Eberhard Karls Univ. Tubingen, Germany 50.1 Near-Threshold Computing in FinFET Technologies: Opportunities for Improved Voltage Scalability (1:30) Nathaniel Pinckney - Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Lucian Shifren - ARM Ltd., San Jose, CA Brian Cline - ARM Ltd., Austin, TX Saurabh Sinha - ARM, Inc., Austin, TX Supreet Jeloka, Ronald Dreslinski, Trevor Mudge, Dennis Sylvester, David Blaauw - Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 2:30pm to 3:00pm. 59 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 51 SEMICONDUCTOR SECURITY: PROTECT THE HARDWARE! Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 18AB | | Event Type: Panel | | Track: Security, EDA Topic Area: General Interest MODERATOR: PANELISTS: Celia Merzbacher - Semiconductor Research Corp., Durham, NC Farinaz Koushanfar - Univ. of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA Claire Vishik - Intel Corp., Austin, TX Ruby Lee - Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ Nina Amla - National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA Donna Dodson - National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD ORGANIZER: William Joyner - Semiconductor Research Corp., Durham, NC Though cybersecurity has focused on software vulnerability, recent attacks on “the bare metal” have brought increased attention to protecting the hardware itself: from counterfeiters, from malicious companies/governments, from disgruntled engineers, and from a host of other sources. Research efforts to characterize and address hardware attacks are now beginning to bear fruit. DESIGN AUTOMATION ON THE ROAD TOWARDS AUTOMATED DRIVING 52 Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 18CD | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Automotive, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: Cyber-Physical Systems, Codesign & System Design CHAIR: 52.1 Automotive Electronics and Software Development Challenges for Automated Vehicle Systems (1:30) Joseph D’Ambrosio - General Motors Research and Development, Warren, MI Dirk Ziegenbein - Robert Bosch GmbH, Renningen, Germany ORGANIZERS: Michael Huebner - Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Germany Dirk Ziegenbein - Robert Bosch GmbH, Renningen, Germany 52.2 A Model-Based Design Approach for an Advanced Driver Assistance System (2:00) Achim Rettberg, Ina Podolski - HELLA KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt, Germany Jörg Krüger - INGenX Technologies GmbH, Stade, Germany Martin Fernholz - HELLA KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt, Germany As driver assistance systems more and more advance towards automated driving capabilities, the computational performance demanded by these applications exceeds by far the demand of previous vehicle control systems. Thus, these systems are increasingly based on heterogeneous parallel hardware solutions, which allow to handle such compute intensive tasks. At the same time, requirements of functional safety and security become also more stringent. The challenge for the Design Automation community is to provide suitable methodologies and tools that support developers in handling this high design complexity. This special session discusses the challenges of developing advanced driver assistance and automated driving systems from the viewpoint of a vehicle manufacturer. Further, a system supplier and a tool provider present current approaches as well as upcoming solutions from system-level modeling to automated software distribution. 53 52.3 Automated SW Distribution for Automated Driving (2:30) Maximilian Odendahl - Silexica Software Solutions GmbH, Aachen, Germany DESIGN TRACK: HOW TO VERIFY THE GORDIAN’S KNOT OF SYSTEM COMPLEXITY Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: Ballroom E | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Design, EDA | | Topic Area: Test & Verification CHAIR: 53.1 Formal Verification: From Flops to Cones to Blocks to Systems (1:30) Vigyan Singhal - Oski Technology, Inc., Mountain View, CA Ashish Darbari - Imagination Technologies Ltd., Kings Langley, United Kingdom 53.2 Verifying Hardware Security Features to Deliver Secure Systems (2:00) Mike Bartley - Test and Verification Solutions, Bristol, United Kingdom Gordian’s Knot is known to all as the ultimate “intractable problem.” Untangling or “cutting the knot” is the search for discovering alternative solutions to just such an unsolvable problem. Verification of system complexity can encompass just such an intractable problems. Creative methods and tools have evolved in response to “cutting the knot.” Hear about the cutting-edge formal strategies, security verification strategies and system-testing of IOT in this verification session to help you “cut” your Gordian’s Knot of the future. 53.3 System Testing using Transaction-Level Simulation of IoT (2:30) Jakob Engblom - Intel Corp., Stockholm, Sweden Thank You to Our Sponsor: 60 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 54 DESIGN TRACK: OPTIMIZING MOBILE USER EXPERIENCE VIA ALL LAYERS OF THE SYSTEM STACK Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: Ballroom F | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Design, IoT | | Topic Area: Low-Power & Reliability, Physical Design CHAIR: 54.1 TSMC solutions for low-power design enablement (1:30) Guru Prasad - Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Austin, TX Charles Liu - Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hsinchu, Taiwan Jian Li - Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Austin, TX ORGANIZER: Harry Chen - MediaTek, Inc., Hsinchu, Taiwan 54.2 Low-power mobile design realization (2:00) Chino Lin - MediaTek, Inc., San Jose, CA Eric Fang - MediaTek, Inc., Hsinchu, Taiwan From the smartphones of today to the highly connected and smart IoT world of tomorrow, wireless mobility and energy efficiency have risen to become essential and dominant requirements. To deliver products and services that offer fulfilling user experiences, ever deeper collaboration among ecosystem players is called for. This is occurring while the underlying semiconductor technology continues to advance and evolve in greater complexity from devices to packaging to systems. An open platform of capabilities across the system stack holds the potential to allow creation of optimized solutions in the most cost-effective and flexible manner.We propose a special session of three invited talks by ecosystem players to explore aspects of such a collaborative design environment with focus on energy efficiency. The players come from different layers of the system stack. 55 54.3 System Power Modeling: Which Way is Up? (2:30) Ashley Crawford - ARM Ltd., Cambridge, United Kingdom Thank You to Our Sponsor: IP TRACK: WHY IP SUBSYSTEMS AND WHY NOW? Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: Ballroom G | | Event Type: Embedded Tutorial Track: IP, IP | | Topic Area: General Interest, Business CHAIR: Attendees will walk away with an understanding of the underlying fundamentals driving the Subsystem market with tips on when and when not to use a Subsystem product. Warren Savage - IPextreme, Campbell, CA ORGANIZER: Richard Wawrzyniak - Semico Research Corp., Phoenix, AZ SPEAKERS: The session will consider the following aspects of the emerging the IP Subsystem market. Richard Wawrzyniak - Semico Research Corp., Phoenix, AZ Drew Wingard - Sonics, Inc., Milpitas, CA Marco Brambilla - Synapse Design, Santa Clara, CA • Drivers and market forces that have combined to prompt the creation of the IP Subsystem concept • Evolution of the IP Subsystem market • Benefits of IP Subsystems • Cons of IP Subsystems • IP Subsystem Vendor Landscape • Categories of IP Subsystems • Examples of IP Subsystems • Impacts on complex SoC silicon and software design costs and design time • Solving real world problems with IP Subsystems • Where does the IP Subsystem concept go from here and how do we get there? Thank You to Our Sponsor: 61 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 56 CRUISING TO CLOSURE WHILE TRUMPING CONSTRAINTS! Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 12AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations | | Track: EDA Topic Area: Physical Design CHAIR: 56.3 Flip-flop Clustering by Weighted K-means Algorithm (4:00) Gang Wu - Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA Yue Xu - Oracle Corp., Santa Clara, CA Dean Wu - RedMart, Singapore, Singapore Manoj Ragupathy, Yu-yen Mo - Oracle Corp., Santa Clara, CA Chris Chu - Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA Laleh Behjat - Univ. of Calgary, AB, Canada CO-CHAIR: Wen-Hao Liu - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., Austin, TX From floorplanning to routing, traditional physical design methodologies are being challenged with increasingly complex and diverse constraints brought about by the constant drum of feature scaling. This session focuses on digital and analog design closure in the nanometer regime. The session starts with a new floorplanning representation for analog layout designs, and then moves to timing-driven placement via flip-flop and clock buffer movement. Clock power for high-performance designs is then minimized via flip-flop clustering and placement. This is followed by legalization and detailed placement for advanced nodes handling multi-row height cells and minimum implant area constraints. The session concludes with a layer assignment algorithm for timing optimization. 56.4 Legalization Algorithm for Multiple-Row Height Standard Cell Design (4:15) Wing-Kai Chow, Chak-Wa Pui, Evangeline F.Y. Young - Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 56.5 Minimum-Implant-Area-Aware Detailed Placement with Spacing Constraints (4:30) Kai-Han Tseng, Yao-Wen Chang - National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan Charles C. C. Liu - Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hsinchu, Taiwan 56.6 Incremental Layer Assignment for Critical Path Timing (4:45) Derong Liu - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX Bei Yu - Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Salim Chowdhury - Oracle Corp., Austin, TX David Z. Pan - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 56.1 QB-Trees: Towards An Optimal Topological Representation and Its Applications to Analog Layout Designs (3:30) I-Peng Wu, Hung-Chih Ou, Yao-Wen Chang - National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 5:00pm to 5:30pm. 56.2 Timing-Driven Cell Placement Optimization for Early Slack Histogram Compression (3:45) Chau-Chin Huang, Yen-Chun Liu, Yu-Sheng Lu, Yun-Chih Kuo, Yao-Wen Chang, Sy-Yen Kuo - National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan 57 ATTACKS AND DEFENSES FOR SECURE SYSTEMS - THE ARMS RACE CONTINUES Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 19AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations | | Track: Security Topic Area: Cyber-Physical Systems, Emerging Technologies, Circuit Design CHAIR: 57.4 AVFSM: A Framework for Identifying and Mitigating Vulnerabilities in FSMs (4:15) Adib Nahiyan - Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL Kan Xiao - Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT Kun Yang - Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL Yier Jin - Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL Domenic Forte, Mark Tehranipoor - Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL Jeyavijayan (JV) Rajendran - Univ. of Texas at Dallas, TX CO-CHAIR: Seetharam Narasimhan - Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR Globalization of the semiconductor supply chain introduces vulnerabilities in hardware designs such as hardware Trojans, IP piracy, and cloning. Concurrently, there has been a rise in the ingenuity of attackers to exploit them. This session is an assortment of attacks and defenses. The attacks include Trojan-infected power management units, reverse engineering and EM-based fault injection. The defenses range from high-level synthesis for protection against Trojans, automated vulnerability analysis of finite state machines, preventing reverse engineering in STT-CMOS designs, PLL-based countermeasures against fault injection, and remote device attestation. 57.5 PLL to the Rescue: A Novel EM Fault Countermeasure (4:30) Noriyuki Miura - Kobe Univ., Kobe, Japan Zakaria Najm - Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France Wei He - Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore, Singapore Xuan Thuy Ngo - Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France Shivam Bhasin - Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore, Singapore Jean-Luc Danger - Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France Makoto Nagata - Kobe Univ., Kobe, Japan 57.1 Catching the Flu: Emerging threats from a Third Party Power Management Unit (3:30) Rajesh JayashankaraShridevi, Chidhambaranathan Rajamanikkam, Sanghamitra Roy, Koushik Chakraborty - Utah State Univ., Logan, UT 57.6 Remote Attestation for Low-End Embedded Devices: the Prover’s Perspective (4:45) Ferdinand Brasser - Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany Kasper B. Rasmussen - Univ. of Oxford, United Kingdom Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi - Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany Gene Tsudik - Univ. of California, Irvine, CA 57.2 Information Dispersion for Trojan Defense through High-Level Synthesis (3:45) S. T. Choden Konigsmark, Deming Chen, Martin D.F. Wong - Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 57.3 STT-CMOS Hybrid Designs for Reverse-engineering (4:00) Prevention Theodore Winograd - George Mason Univ. & Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., Fairfax, VA Hassan Salmani - Howard Univ., Washington, D.C. Hamid M. Mahmoodi - San Francisco State Univ., San Franscisco, CA Kris Gaj, Houman Homayoun - George Mason Univ., Fairfax, VA A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 5:00pm to 5:30pm. 62 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 58 ITCHING FOR INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY FOR CPS HARDWARE Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 17AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations | | Track: Design, IoT Topic Area: Codesign & System Design, Cyber-Physical Systems, Emerging Technologies CHAIR: 58.3 A Model-Driven Approach to Warp/Thread-Block Level GPU Cache Bypassing (4:00) Hongwen Dai - North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC Saurabh Gupta - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN Chao Li - North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC Christos Kartsaklis - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN Mike Mantor - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Orlando, FL Huiyang Zhou - North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC Houman Homayoun - George Mason Univ., Fairfax, VA CO-CHAIR: Fadi Kurdahi - Univ. of California, Irvine, CA This session discusses hardware designs for CPS systems in terms of optimizing the memory hierarchy and compute capabilities. The first three papers investigate adaptations of the memory hierarchy using emerging technologies and controlling the path to memory. The second set of papers aims to improve compute efficiency, targeting mobile computer vision, correcting approximate adders, and approximate bitcoin mining. 58.4 A Real-time Energy-Efficient Superpixel Hardware Accelerator for Mobile Computer Vision Applications (4:15) Injoon Hong - KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea Jason Clemons - NVIDIA Corp., Austin, TX Iuri Frosio, Rangharajan Venkatesan - NVIDIA Corp., Santa Clara, CA Brucek Khailany, Stephen Keckler - NVIDIA Corp., Austin, TX * Indicates Best Paper Candidate 58.1 Enabling Sub-blocks Erase Management to Boost the Performance of 3D NAND Flash Memory* (3:30) Tseng-Yi Chen, Yuan-Hao Chang - Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Chien-Chung Ho - National Taiwan Univ. & Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Shuo-Han Chen - National Tsing Hua Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan 58.5 An Area-Efficient Consolidated Configurable Error Correction for Approximate Hardware Accelerators (4:30) Sana Mazahir, Osman Hasan - National Univ. of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan Rehan Hafiz - Information Technology Univ., Lahore, Pakistan Muhammad Shafique, Jög Henkel - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany 58.2 BLESS: A Simple and Efficient Scheme for Prolonging PCM Lifetime (3:45) Marjan Asadinia, Majid Jalili, Hamid Sarbazi-Azad - Sharif Univ. of Technology, Tehran, Iran 58.6 Approximate Bitcoin Mining (4:45) Matthew T. Vilim, Henry Duwe, Rakesh Kumar - Univ. of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, IL A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 5:00pm to 5:30pm. HOW DO WE MAKE IP REUSE WORK? 59 Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm | | Room: 18AB | | Event Type: Panel | | Track: IP Topic Area: General Interest MODERATOR: Keeping track of the various IPs created at the different business units and locations has been equally challenging. In addition, new languages such IP-XACT (IEEE 1685) were developed by a consortium of semiconductor companies, but failed to make major headway among the designer community (although IP providers have started using this as a means for distributing IPs). This panel aims to see whether we oversold IP reuse. Brian Fuller - ARM, Inc., San Jose, CA Looking through the crystal ball a decade ago, managers and engineers alike predicted that with the ever-increasing complexity in semiconductor designs, IP would rule the design world. Everyone got sold on the “Plug-nplay” concept of using IPs to create SoCs. From an IP provider’s standpoint, design companies rushed to create IPs with high hopes, only to realize that the future was not as rosy as predicted. The Darwinian theory reigned supreme and IP providers fell by the wayside with only a handful of them, emphasizing quality and support, surviving. Representatives from the design, provider and semiconductor communities will discuss what ails the IP industry and what can be done to improve IP reuse for analog and digital design. Will emerging technologies such as 3D stacking help? Will an IP management system that lets designers find the right existing IP and track its previous success help? At the other end of the spectrum, semiconductor companies have struggled to create and reuse IPs within their own companies. Now, with the growth in analog SoCs, many of the existing providers -- as well as some new ones -- started to create analog IP. However, analog IP design is like black magic: loved by many but known to only a few. Good analog designers are hard to come by, and the need to create test chips for different process technologies, as well as expense, has dented the growth of the analog IP industry. EDA providers have approached IP reuse from a different angle and tried to develop tools that could help IP integration or quality validation. But the challenge has been selling the paradigm shift of using EDA tools to hook up or test IPs as opposed to using their own tools and scripts. PANELISTS: Lisa Minwell - eSilicon Corp., Austin TX Rwik Sengupta - Samsung Semiconductor, Inc., Austin, TX Ranit Adhikary - ClioSoft, Inc., Fremont, CA John Koeter - Synopsys, Inc., Austin, TX From an IP reuse standpoint, a combination of factors has made reuse an arduous journey. Tight schedules have constrained semiconductor companies from creating as much reusable IP as they would have liked. 63 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 60 DESIGN AUTOMATION RESEARCH: FINDING FUNDING FOR THE FUTURE Time: 4:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 18AB | | Event Type: Panel | | Track: EDA, Embedded Systems Topic Area: General Interest MODERATOR: But what do the funding agencies say about this? Representatives of industry and government will discuss the actual state of support, make suggestions for promising areas of research, and answer questions from the audience about the future in this area. Rob Rutenbar - Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL ORGANIZER: Rob Aitken - ARM, Inc., San Jose, CA PANELISTS: Various venues at DAC, in ACM forums, and elsewhere have lamented reduced funding for university research in design automation, and have suggested several avenues for the “rebirth” and expansion of this work into new areas. 61 Sankar Basu - National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA William Joyner - Semiconductor Research Corp., Durham, NC Linton Salmon - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, VA Rich Goldman - Silicon Catalyst, Silicon Valley, CA CROSS-LAYER APPROXIMATE COMPUTING: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 18CD | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Embedded Systems, EDA | | Topic Area: Codesign & System Design, Low-Power & Reliability CHAIRS: 61.1 Cross-Layer Approximations for Neuromorphic Computing: From Devices to Circuits and Systems (3:30) Priyadarshini Panda, Abhronil Sengupta, Syed Shakib Sarwar, Gopalkrishnan Srinivasan, Swagath Venkataramani, Anand Raghunathan, Kaushik Roy Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN Sybille Hellebrand - Univ. of Paderborn, Germany Umit Ogras - Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ ORGANIZERS: Muhammad Shafique - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany Jörg Henkel - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany 61.2 Cross-Layer Approximate Computing: From Logic to Architectures (4:00) Muhammad Shafique - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany Rehan Hafiz - Information Technology Univ., Lahore, Pakistan Semeen Rehman - Technische Univ. Dresden, Germany Walaa El-Harouni , Jörg Henkel - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany The goal of this special session is on exposing the Approximate Computing challenges across various layers of the hardware-software stacks and enabling cross-layer approximate computing, along with an overview of the early research efforts. This special session highlights the new challenges and opportunities available at multiple abstraction level (i.e. layers between circuits and applications) and motivates the need to bridge this gap through cross-layer design and optimization practices. 61.3 Approximate Computing with Partially Unreliable Dynamic Random Access Memory: Approximate DRAM (4:30) Matthias Jung, Deepak M. Mathew, Christian Weis, Norbert Wehn - Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Germany The key questions that will be discussed are: 1) Where to apply approximate computing? Computation, communication, and/or data approximations! 2) Interplay of different layers in the hardware and software stacks: More at the application layer where approximations are acceptable, if yes, what kind of programming language and compiler support are required? More at the circuit and architecture layers where a high potential of savings for less effort is available. 3) Will working at one level be inherently limiting? 61.4 Programming Uncertain Things (5:00) Todd Mytkowicz - Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA 64 SUNDAY 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm R m S P Exhibit Floor Hardware Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Custom Technologies in for Algorithmic TradingAdvances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Nano-Scale Era - Part 2 8:00am 9:00am DNano-Scale Era - Part 1 SUNDAY T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 MONDAY 1 D m How Portable Stimulus AddressesIPKey Veri Trends C Gary Smith EDA at Test Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Pa P ESD Alliance Kickoff Energy-Efficient ProtocolsEDA for Industry the InterTrP Sunday Night - Part6:00pm 1 and What's Hot How to Build Irresistible 3DDAC IC Physica Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studie (TSV-Based 3D IC) T6 S P Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Tec Custom Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 7 00pm T10 Booth 1839 Taming the Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin Minimization for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient Computing Taming t tion for M Computi 3 T3 Overcoming Challenges of FPGAPavilion Prototyping DAC 5 00pm Overcom T6 6Panels 00pm N Inflections in Physical Design: Past, Present Ballroom G & Future Inflection Future The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey in Runtime Exploits and Defenses Timing - Part 1O T8 D D Linux Po Developm T9 m T4 G Model-B Cyber Ph T7 T1 T2 Linux Porting, Bring Up andBallroom Driver F Development 1 Ballroom F Linux Porting, Bring Up and Driver A N 2:00pm 17AB 7:00pm Model-Based Design and Analysis of Automotive Ballroom E Cyber Physical Systems T5 7:00pm Cyber Physical Systems 11:00 6:00pm 2 11:00am MONDAY 17AB Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of Cloud and IoT 10:00am 11:00 T7 12 13 TUESDAY SUNDAY T8 14 T10 19 22 18 21 17 10 24 25 Embedded Tutorials Reviewed 9:00am 10:00am 9:00am 10:00am Presentations 26 29 30 27 18 8:00am Designing with RISC-V 8:00am Embedded Software for Reliability and Performance The Challenge to Develop Fish Food for Thought: Is the 31 20 Automotive System 11:00 11:00 28 21 H b IP Ecosystem d d wn Solving the Consolidation Trend in the IP Ecosystem Workshop 2: International Workshop on DesignSession Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems Management Good for the Industry? Environment-Aware, and Secure Design/IP Track PosterReactive 19 B 16 15 7 8 9 12 13 15 O 17 10 9 C Awards n hV n m Ballroom Presentation 15G Planar to FinFET and Exploiting Errors Ch ng D ng MPreventing Effective Use of a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) in 17AB Which NonSafety-Critical 1:00pm C/C++ CODE Op n S u 2:00pm Winning the Memory Challenge: DAC Pavilion 3:00pm Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 2 (Monolithic 3D IC) 10 12 6 M 22 m m M m P AP M W Monday Low Powe P Tutorials SKY Talks 13 W MPU 16 8 8 CD 9 5 A 5 m 6 3 T9 T8 T7 U 23 C M m P C C++ COD Monday Tutorials SKY Talks 14 D U SUNDAY TUESDAY T9 7 C P 7 S D CP C S T6 P w M DACM P A Pavilion M fl Keynotes Event Schedule Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 1 M (TSV-Based 3D IC) 17AB 5 2 P 5 T7 T9 T10 T8 T6 T9 fi P T10 A DAC Pavilion Keynotes Event Schedule W 6 T8 T9 T10 m A Event Schedule P 4 C Hw R DAC Hw B M Pavilion M D C Keynotes T8 D CP C S D C D 4 T7 T2 1 T7 2 T6 P 3 T9 T10 fi Panels C Am R W T5 m R M S B A 23 G 19AB 12:00pm 19AB 12:00pm 6:00pm Invited 4 00pm Presentations 1:00pm 2:00pm 15 Invited 1:00pm Presentations 15 Revolution Ahead – What It Takes to Enable Securely Connected, 5:00pm Self-Driving Cars: Lars Reger Opening Session & Awards Presentation 4:00pm 14 A 8:00am Ballroom E Model-Based Design and Analysis of Automotive SUNDAY TUESDAY U 6:00pm T3 T7 T8 Hw P T7 3 T8 T5 T4 T9 m Reviewed 9:00am 10:00am Presentations T4 S T1 T2 2 T7 Panels G Past, Present & InflectionsBallroom in Physical Design: Future 13AB T6 D Panels H w B T6 &S Ballroom Linux Porting, Bring UpFand Driver Development R S P 1 Ballroom E Analysis of Automotive Model-Based Design and Cyber Physical Systems O m P 5:00pm Invited C Am R R m D Presentations 4 m m m A N 6 T8 m m A Design Automation Summer School Revolution Ahead – Opening What It Takes to Enable Session 5:00pmSecurely Connected, & Awards Self-Driving Cars: Presentation Lars Reger Ballroom A 4:00pm 4 SUNDAY 3 00pm 11:00am T1 12AB m 13AB T6 Ballroom A 3:00pm T9 17AB Revolution Ahead – Opening What It Takes to Enable Session 4:00pmSecurely Connected, & Awards Self-Driving Cars: Presentation Lars Reger T10 w 12AB MONDAY 8:00am T5 H15 R MONDAY M M m Invited W fi 19AB Presentations 12:00pm 1:00pm D 8:00am Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am T6 SUNDAY 1 00pm Reviewed 2 00pm 9:00am 10:00am Presentations Design Automation Summer School Reviewed 9:00am 10:00am Presentations Power Management in Advanced IC De Learningoffrom Driving the Next Decade Optimization & Signoff The Continuing Arms Race: A JourneyTiming in the World of The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey in the World Life: Biologically of Innovations in Visual Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 1 Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 2 Development Inspired and Accelerated MIPI Alliance and IP: A Perspective for Ballroom A Electronic IP Trends and Requirements Computing: Sameer Ballroom G How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, Test Inflections in Physical Design: Past, Present & M CEDA Career Design: Lou and Mobile-Influenced Markets Gary Smith EDA at Halepete 15 Perspectives Test Portability Challenges - Part 1 Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Part 2 Scheffer Future ESD Reuse, Allianceand Kickoff Wireless Implantable Designe Panel 7 - 9pm12AB IP Verifi Lanza’s Tech Vision Sunday Night Protocols for the EDAInternet Industry Trends Energy-Efficient of Things Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of ThingsMicrosystems: Minimally DAC Pavilion Challenge: Daring to M Unscripted: Aart de Geus and What's Hot at FPGA Prototyping 11:00am 19AB 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm Overcoming Challenges of3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Part 1 Part 2 Invasive Interfaces to Booth 1839 to Open Source DAC the Brain 19AB Machine How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: Taming the Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin Minimiza17AB Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 1 Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 2 tion for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient (TSV-Based 3D IC) Exhibit Floor Computing Planar t 17AB(Monolithic 3D IC) Preventi M Design and Analysis of Automotive Effective Use of a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) in Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of Model-Based Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis in Custom Hardware forTechnologies Algorithmic Trading Ballroom E Safety-Critical C/C++ CODE Cloud and IoT Nano-Scale Era9:00am - Part 2 Winning Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 Cyber Physical Systems 8:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 18AB 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00 volatile Learning from Driving the Next Decade The Continuing Timing Arms Race: A Journey&inSignoff the World of The Continuing Arms Race: ALife: Journey in theofWorld of Power Linux Porting, Bring Up and Design Challenges in IoT World Management in Advanced IC Design Optimization Ballroom F Driver Innovations in Visual Biologically :15 :30 :45 The Rise Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 1 Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 2 and Accelerated Development Inspired Ballroom A 18CD Electronic Embedd Minimizing SOC Power Consumption: A top down Computing: MIPI Sameer Alliance and IP: A Perspective for the Mobile Low Power Design:Key LouVerification, How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, How Portable Stimulus Addresses Test IP Trends and Requirements Inflections inBallroom Physical Design: design methodology or bottoms up starting with G Past, Present & Halepete CEDA Career Reuse, and Portability Challenges IP and Mobile-Influenced Markets Scheffer Smith at process selection problem? TestGary Reuse, andEDA Portability Challenges - Part 1 - Part 2 Future Embedd Brain-on-a-chip: Architectures for Ballroom E Designer SoCs: Improving Processor Systems ESD Alliance Kickoff IP Verification Low-Power 12ABPerspectives Wireless Implantable Young Faculty Workshop Panel 7 - 9pm Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Let's Connect Neuromorphic Computing and Lea 12AB Energy-Efficient Protocols Internet of Things iFixit Hoverboard Lanza’s Tech Vision Sunday Night EDA Industry Trendsfor the Internet of Things Image Microsystems: Minimally Everything! Big Overcoming Challenges of FPGA Prototyping DAC Pavilion Reuse a Recognition Teardown Challenge: Daring to Move Unscripted: Aart de7:00pm Geus Part 2 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm- Part 1 and What's Hot at 6:00pm Invasive Interfaces to Slice and Dice in -inAdvances inSuperco Ballroom F Opportunities for Challenge Booth 1839 19AB Workshop 1: DAC Workshop on Computing Heterogeneous, AA Workshop 1: DAC Workshop on Computing Heterogeneous, to Open Source DAC Machine Learning for Analog Circuit Modeling 19AB How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Taming the Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin Minimizathe Brain Layouts: Verification and Test Little Devices (LPRIC) m m Energy-Efficient Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 1 Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 2 tion for Modern “Real-World” Awards IP Ecosys Environment-Aware, Reactive and Ballroom15G Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for (TSV-Based 3D IC) (Monolithic 3D IC) PresentationErrors Computing Planar to FinFET Managem 17AB Preventing and Exploiting Design/IP Track Poster Session m m Exhibit Floor Automotive System Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of Effective Use of a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) in Hardware for Algorithmic Trading Solving the Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling andDesign, Analysi Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies inCloud and IoT Advances in Custom Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in 17AB Winning the Memory Challenge: Which NonSafety-Critical C/C++ CODE Cross-Layer Reliability Aware Design Cos 18AB Nano-Scale Era - Part 2 10:00am Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 8:00am 9:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm DACWillPavilion Optimization and Dynamic Manageme 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm volatile Memory Technology Rise Above? Driving the Next Decade Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet ofPuzzle: ThingsHow (Io Booth18AB 1839 Learning from Design Challenges in IoT World Timing & Signoff Fits The Continuing ArmsOptimization Race: A Journey in the World of The Continuing Armsof Race: A Journey in the World ofPower Management in Advanced IC Design The Rise of Heterogeneous Architectures: From Something for Nothing: Harvesting Ene :15 :30 :45 Innovations in Visual Life: Biologically 18CD Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 1 Runtime Exploits and - Part 2 Inspired Environment andDefenses Accelerated Embedded Systems to Data Centers Ballroom A Minimizing SOC Power Consumption: A top down Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) MIPI Alliance and IP: A Perspective for the Mobile Electronic Low Power 14 Computing: Sameer TrendsAddresses and Requirements design methodology or bottoms up starting with Exhibit Floor LouStimulus How Portable IP Stimulus Key Verification, How Design: Portable Addresses Key Verification, Testand Mobile-Influenced Markets IP Halepete process selection problem? m m Embedded Systems - Designs and Tools Embedded Security: Does the Industry A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Ballroom E Scheffer Test Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Part 1 Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Part 2 Architectures for Low-Power Designer SoCs: Improving Processor Systems Program Welcome Breakfast & Design Automation Summer School Wireless Implantable Let's ConnectYoung Faculty Workshop m Brain-on-a-chip: m IP Verification 12AB iFixit Hoverboard Lanza’s Tech Vision EDA Industry Trends for the12AB Image Trinity St. 18CD FoyerNoC It Out of the Park Neuromorphic Computing and Learning Energy-Efficient Protocols Internet of Things Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of Things Microsystems: Minimally Everything! Big Reuse and Reliability: Semiconductors to Orientation. Starts at 7:30am New Sign-off Flow Challenges in Advan m Recognition Teardown Challenge: Daring to Move Unscripted: Aart de Geus Ballroom F - Part 1 and What's Hot at Part 2 Invasive Interfaces to Opportunities for Superconductors Node Challenge Slice and Dice Advances in Workshop 1: DAC Workshop on Computing in Heterogeneous, Autonomous 'N' Goal-oriented Environments (CHANGE) to Open Source Workshop 1: DAC Workshop on Computing in Heterogeneous, Autonomous 'N' Goal-oriented Environments (CHANGE) DAC 19AB Ballroom DProbably or Provably? Advances in DFM 19AB the Brain Little Devices Machine Learning for Analog Circuit w Modeling w(LPRIC) How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: Verification and Test T10 T1 T2 T3 18CD A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am 18CD 14 13AB Design Automation Summer School Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and Reliability 12AB Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) 2:00pm Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (Io 14 1:00pmWorkshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC 2:00pm 3:00pm Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) Ballroom A 3:00pm 2:00pm Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am T3 T1 T2 W 18AB 1:00pm Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analys 1:00pm Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and Reliability 12:00pm T4 SUNDAY T3 T4 T5 1 3 2 MONDAY PGA P WEDNESDAY MONDAY 44 T5 43 T4 42 T3 41 T2 40 T1 39 3 46 2 45 1 53T10 52 T9 51 T8 50 T7 49 T6 48 54 4 55 5 12 6 6613 6714 6815 6916 PM 7017 64 8 ACM S GDA U D m Additional Meetings Monday Tutorials URSDAY TUESDAY 63 7 47 9 12 fi 3 & m mD 1 18 53 4 54 5 n Ad anced Node e D 7 9 PM B 21 T10 60 m 55 Sm 6 35 G Poster De gn Cha enge Found Pe pec Sessions DAC P Pavilion Poster Sessions DAC PavilionACM S GDA P 60 S Thursday is Training Panels Day 7 00pm 10 3 T8 51 T9 S D Foye 62 T10 61 T9 59 T8 58 T7 57 T6 56 44 T5 43 T4 42 T3 41 T2 40 T1 39 46 2 W 50 T7 33 49 T6 45 1 48 and Pe o mance 52 34 N w T n yS 2 34 35 36 37 WEDNESDAY MONDAY 33 32 47 D 33 32 24 25 26 28 27 29 30 31 34 35 29 37 31 Embedded So wa e o Re ab 36 44 T5 43 T4 42 T3 41 T2 40 T1 39 45 1 C 37 MONDAY WEDNESDAY m 1 T9 59 T8 58 T7 57 T6 56 De gn ng w h R SC V A 46 2 D Workshops 7 00pm Invited P obab o P o ab ? Ad ance n DFM Presentations Monday NoC OuJune o he 6Pa k 6 00 30 28 33 S 5 00pm Workshops Invited 6 00pm Presentations DAC SILICON/TECHNOLOGY ART SHOW 36 27 34 24 35 36 25 37 m Thursday isw C N wS N Training Day Panels Embedded Tutorials Reviewed 4 00pm Presentations 32 20 19 22 23 24 25 26 21 29 22 30 2332 31 20 19 25 D 15 16 17 18 21 10 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 24 nd 7 8 5 4 gn Revolution Ahead – Opening Truly Great RISC-V: WhatProducts: It Takes Instruction Setsto Enable are so 2010 - the Reality Session Unscripted: Wally 7:00pm Ballroom ATSVs Mark Papermaster What's the Future of DFT? Securely 5:00pm Want to beConnected, Free of4:00pm 3D-IC Rhines & Awards Self-Driving Cars: 12AB Presentation Future Vehicular Networks - Safety and Security Lars Reger Ballroom A Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and Reliability Thursday isR S D C Training Day Panels m 3 nd R ndu D b Workshops S m ndu Invited Presentations En onmen Awa e Reac e and Secu e Au omo e S em 2 T9 51 T8 50 T7 49 T6 48 R u Sup m 26 Emb dd d S 3 00pm Embedded B a n on a ch p A ch ec u e o Tutorials Neu omo ph c Compu ng and Lea n ng Reviewed S ce and D ce Ad ance n Ve fica on and Te Presentations Workshops C R Aw D O m D m M Invited S m N H Presentations m 26 Embedded M m C W N M m W R A Tutorials Reviewed H A m S m Presentations D C 2 00pm 27 R ng E Monday Tutorials SKY Talks 28 m M 27 15 16 17 18 W C 1 00pm Foye 28 12 o F nFET PP anan ng nd E p 14 A T n yS 3 T4 42 T3 41 T2 40 T1 39 Embedded Tutorials Reviewed Presentations 13 12 13 M SUNDAY TUESDAY Monday 6 00S 7m00pm Tutorials SKY Talks 23 RECEPTION Monday June 6 DP Vegn fi Sa Con mp ng P 6 Event Schedule 14 10 7 Monday Tutorials SKY Talks Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of Cloud and IoT11:00am NDAY NESDAY 1 2 3 T6 T7 T8 DAC Pavilion Keynotes 12 00pm T10 T9 Custom Hardware for Algorithmic Trading 20 21 22 24 25 26 29 AY Ba oom G P Session & DACChallenges Pavilionof FPGA Prototyping Overcoming CEDA Career Booth 1839 Perspectives the Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin MinimizaPanel 7 Taming - 9pm m tion for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient Exhibit Floor 7:00pm Computing 19 10 23 14 Monday Ba oom F SKY Talks Tutorials TUESDAY SUNDAY 8 9 12 13 Ba oom E 15 16 Monday Tutorials 18CD 0 D 17 W 6 T8 T9 T10 and Pe o mance Keynotes Pavilion 27 T7 2 P obab o P o ab ? Ad ance n DFM Poster Embedded So wa e o Re ab Sessions DAC S R D C Pavilion DAC Additional Pavilion Meetings URSDAY TUESDAY m Aw D m M 18AB Ballroom Runtime Am Exploits and Defenses - Part 2 10 e and Secu e Ou o he Pa k 5 DecadeManagement in Advanced IC Design Learning from Driving the Next Power Design Challenges in IoT World The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey in the World of of Innovations in Visual Life: Biologically Inspired m m m m m 18CD and Accelerated m Minimizing SOC Power Consumption: A top down Electronic MIPI Alliance and IP: A Perspective for the Mobile Low Power Computing: Sameer IP Trends and Requirements design methodology or bottoms up starting with How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, Design: Lou How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, Test CEDA Career Gary Smith EDA at IP and Mobile-Influenced Markets Halepete process selection problem? Scheffer Perspectives andKickoff Portability Challenges - Part 1 Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Part 2 Ballroom E ESDReuse, Alliance Brain-on-a-chip: Architectures for m Test m m Designer SoCs: Improving Processor Systems Low-Power Panel 7 - 9pm12AB Wireless Implantable Let's Connect IP Verification Sunday Night mEnergy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of ThingsMicrosystems: iFixit Hoverboard Lanza’s Tech Vision EDAInternet IndustryofTrends Image Neuromorphic Computing and Learning Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Things Minimally Everything! Big Recognition Teardown Challenge: Daring to Move Unscripted: and What's Hot at 5:00pm- Part 1 6:00pm 7:00pm Part 2Aart de Geus Invasive Interfaces to Ballroom F Opportunities for Challenge Slice and Dice - Advances in to Open Source DAC 19AB Machine Learning for Analog Little Devices (LPRIC) Circuit Modeling How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: the Brain Taming the Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin MinimizaVerification and Test Awards Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 1 Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 2 tion for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient Ballroom G Presentation Environment-Aware, Reactive and Secure (TSV-Based 3D IC) (Monolithic 3D IC) Design/IP Track Poster Session Computing Planar to FinFET Exhibit Floor 17AB Preventing and Exploiting Errors Automotive System Effective Use of a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) in Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis in Custom Hardware for Technologies Algorithmic Trading Winning the Memory Challenge: Which Non- 4:00pm Safety-Critical C/C++ CODE Nano-Scale Era Part 2 Cloud and IoT Cross-Layer Reliability Aware Design, Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm DAC Pavi 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm m Above? 18AB Optimization and Dynamic Management volatile Memory Technology Will Rise Next Decade fromin theDriving The ContinuingTiming Arms Race: A Journey in the World of The Continuing Arms Race: ALearning Journey World the of Power Design Challenges in IoT World Management in Advanced IC Design Optimization & Signoff in Visual Biologically of Innovations The Rise of Heterogeneous Architectures: From Something for Nothing: Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 1 Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 2 and Accelerated m m Life: m m m m m m m m Harvesting Energy From the m Inspired m 18CD Ballroom Am Environment Embedded Systems to Data Centers Electronic Minimizing SOC Power Consumption: A top down Computing:MIPI Sameer Alliance and IP: A Perspective for the Mobile Low Power Exhibit Floor HowGary Portable Key Verification, CEDA Career How Portable Stimulus Addresses IPEDA Trends and Requirements SmithStimulus at Addresses Design:Key LouVerification, Test design methodology or bottoms up starting with IP Perspectives Reuse, and Portability Challenges process selection problem? TestESD Reuse, and Portability Scheffer - Part 2 Halepete and Mobile-Influenced Markets Alliance Kickoff Challenges - Part 1 Embedded Systems - Designs andmTools Embedded Security: Does the Industry Care? BallroomSystems E Brain-on-a-chip: Architectures for Designer SoCs: Improving Low-Power ProcessorLet's m Panel 7 - 9pmmEnergy-Efficient Protocols forWireless mEnergy-Efficient m Sunday Night NoC It Out of the Park IP Verification 12AB Implantable Connect Protocols Neuromorphic Computing and Learning Trinity St. Foyer the Internet of Things iFixit Hoverboard Lanza’s Tech Vision EDA Industry Trends for the Internet of Things Image Microsystems: Minimally 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Everything! Big Reuse and Reliability: Semiconductors to New Sign-off Flow Challenges in Advanced Design - Part 1 and What's Hot at Part 2 Recognition Ballroom Teardown Challenge: Daring to Move Unscripted: Aart de Geus F Invasive Interfaces to Opportunities for Slice and Dice - Advances inSuperconductors Node Challenge to Open Source 19AB Optimization & Signoff The Continuing Arms Race: A JourneyTiming in the World of Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 1 P mH 10:00am Revolution Ahead – What It Takes to Enable Securely Connected, Self-Driving Cars: Lars Reger Opening P & Awards Presentation Event Schedule 9 3:00pm m S m DAC Pavilion Keynotes 15 2:00pm D 13AB 11:00am m m C 17AB Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for 17AB 12:00pm 18AB 17AB 12:00pm 18AB 18CD 7 00pm Workshop Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,AA 15 11:00am 11:0 Workshop Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous'N' 'N'Goal-oriented Goal-oriented Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) Ballroom DEnvironments 15 Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems m14 2:00pm Workshop 4:1:00pm ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) Reviewed 9:00am Presentations 12AB 11 00am D SUNDAY TUESDAY 1:00pm N 16 18AB12:00pm C m 15 11:00am Young Faculty Workshop Young Faculty Workshop 19AB Ballroom D Workshop Environments (CHANGE) Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous'N' 'N'Goal-oriented Goal-oriented Environments (CHANGE) 19AB Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and Reliability 12:00pm Orientation. Starts at 7:30am 17 Effective Use of a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) in Safety-Critical C/C++ CODE Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPRIC) Awards Presentation M Young Faculty Workshop Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems 18AB C :45 10:00am SKY Talks 12AB 19AB 11:00am SKY Talks 12AB 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) m m m D 14 A A mWorkshop Richard Newton Young Fellow S mA.Program Welcome Breakfast & Design Automation Summer School 18CD 18 17AB How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts:the Brain Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 2 (Monolithic 3D IC) m 6:00pm 10 00am D A C m H 4 h F oo Foye 8 MONDAY T6 T7 Lanza’s Tech Vision Challenge: Daring to Move to Open Source 17AB EVENT TYPES LEGEND DAC 19AB Gary Smith EDA at m M 33 11:00am 7 00pm and Mobile-Influenced Markets 19AB m 10:00am Workshop 'N' Goal-oriented Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous 'N'D Goal-orientedEnvironments Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) Ballroom P A Ballroom O Panels 9 00am 12AB m m MIPI Alliance and IP: A Perspective for the Mobile Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of Things Microsystems: Minimally Unscripted: Part Aart 2de Geus Invasive Interfaces to 10:00am Revolution Ahead – m to Enable What It Takes Securely m Connected, Self-Driving Cars: Lars Reger 29 10:00am 5 30 Power Management in Advanced IC Design 19AB 9:00am :15 :30 m Young Faculty Workshop 15 Bm P m fl M 30 Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of Cloud and IoT Wireless Implantable 9:00am :45 6 00pmTalks SKY 12AB 5 00pm 10:00am :45 Steering Safety Innovation in Design Cost Reliability Aware Design, 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 9:00am 4:00pm 1:00pm 5:00pm Cross-Layer 6:00pm 18AB Car Puzzle: How IP 8:00am 10:00am 11:00am 2:00pmand on 3:00pm 6:00pm Autonomous Dynamic Management volatile Memory Technology WillBooth Rise 12:00pm Above? 1839 Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE Optimization DAC Workshop Internet ofFits Things (IoT) Learning from Driving the Next Decade Electronics Accelera 18AB Design Challenges in IoT World Power Management in Advanced IC Design :15 :30 Timing Optimization & Signoff Ballroom F Life: Biologically of Innovations in Visual :45 The Rise of Heterogeneous Architectures: From Reliabili Something for Nothing: Harvesting Energy From the w Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Model-Ba ACM SIGDA Ph.D Inspired and Accelerated 18CD Ballroom A 12AB Environment Embedded Systems to Data Centers Nano-Scale Era - Part 2 Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) Cyber Ph Electronic 14 Computing: Sameer Minimizing SOC Power Consumption: A top down Exhibit Floor MIPI Alliance and IP: A Perspective for the Mobile Low Power 7-9 PMImprovin Ballroo Design: Lou IP Trends and Requirements design methodology or bottoms up starting with Ballroom G D P 19ABP S Halepete IP and Mobile-Influenced Markets A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Scheffer process selection problem? The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey in the World of Linux Por Embedded Systems Designs and Tools Embedded Security: Does the Industry Care? Ballroom E The Great Simulation/Emulation Faceoff Brain-on-a-chip: Architectures for Designer SoCs: Improving Processor Systems 28th ACM SIGDA 13AB Welcome NoC It Breakfast Out of the& Park Design Automation Summer School IP Verification Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 2 Low-Power Developm 12AB Trinity St. 18CD Foyer Program Wireless Implantable Young Faculty Let's Workshop Connect 12AB Tackling Demonstration Orientation. Starts at 7:30am iFixit HoverboardNeuromorphic Computing and Learning Lanza’s Tech Vision EDA Industry Trends Image 17ABDesign Challenges in Advanced Nodes: Microsystems: Minimally Everything! Big Reuse and Reliability: Semiconductors to DAC Pavilion New Sign-off Flow Challenges in Advanced Design Reliabili Recognition How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, Test Teardown Challenge: Daring to Move Unscripted: Aart de Geus Inflection and What's Hot at Ballroom F Invasive Interfaces to and DiceSuperconductors - Advances in 'N' Opportunities for 1:1:DAC 15Foundry Perspective Node Ballroom D Challenge Boothand1839 Workshop ininHeterogeneous, Autonomous Environments (CHANGE) 19AB Workshop DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingSlice Heterogeneous, Autonomous 'N'Goal-oriented Goal-oriented Environments (CHANGE) Probably or Provably? Advances in DFM Reuse, Portability Challenges - Part 2 to Open Source19AB Machine Learning for Analog Circuit Modeling DAC Future the Brain Verification and Test 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm Little Devices (LPRIC) Hardwa Fish Food for Thought: Is the 18AB IP Ecosystem Awards Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of Things Consolidation Trend in the IP Ecosystem Evolving IP Interconnects & Verification Designing with RISC-V Ballroom15G 19AB Environment-Aware, Reactive and Secure Overcom Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems Presentation Management Planar to FinFET 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm Part 2 Floor m 17AB Embedded Software for Reliability and Performance Preventing and Exploiting Errors Design/IPSystem Track Poster SessionGood for the Industry?8:00am The Challenge to Develop Exhibit Enabling Automotive 7-8:30 Revolution Ahead – Ballroom A 18CD Products: Opening Truly Great How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: Taming t Steering Safety Sensing, Solving the RISC-V: Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Cross-Layer Modeling and AnalysisAware - Power, Temperature and Reliability 17AB What It Takes to Enable Winning the Memory Challenge: Which NonReliability Design, 17AB are so 2010 - the Reality Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 2 Innovation in tion for M Mark Papermaster Design Cost Ballroom A Wally7:00pmTSVs More Ideas = What's Future of DFT? Instruction Setsthe 18AB DAC Pavilion iFixit Drone Unscripted: 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 8:00am 12:00pm 9:00am 1:00pm 10:00am 2:00pmvolatile 4:00pm 1:00pm 5:00pmOptimization 6:00pm 11:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm Session 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Connected, and Dynamic Memory Technology3:00pm Will Rise Above? of 3D-IC (Monolithic 3D IC) Autonomous Car Accelerated Simulation for Circuit Simulati Computin Puzzle: How IP Management 3:00pm & Awards Want Securely Escape from Design Mediocrity - Bette to be Free Cars: Teardown BallroomMore E Solutions Rhines Booth18AB 1839 Self-Driving Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Fits Things (IoT) Learning from Driving the Next Decade Electronics 12AB The Bes Presentation Lars Reger Power and Reliability Reliability andDesign Stability :15 :30 :45 Than You o Ou Sponin Visual o Than Architectures: You o Ou Effective Use of a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) in The Rise of Heterogeneous From Spon o Something for Nothing: Harvesting Energy From the of Innovations Life: Biologically Model-Based and Forum Analysis of Automotive Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Tech ACM SIGDA Ph.D. Custom H Ballroom E Future Vehicular Networks - Safety and Security 18CD Inspired Safety-Critical Environment 12AB and Accelerated Embedded Systems to Data Centers Back-En Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 Cyber Physical Systems Ballroom F Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) Dr. Garble Mys mBallroom AC/C++ CODE m m Sameer m m m m m Electronic 14 Design/IP Track Poster Sessionand Mr. Leakage in the 7-9Test PMEfficiency Ballroom D Computing: Improving Exhibit Floor 19AB Increasi CPUs Design: Lou Halepete The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey inOt Linux Porting, Bring Up and Driver Design Challenges in IoT World Timing Richard Embedded Systems - DesignsA. and ToolsNewton Young Fellow Embedded Security: Does the Industry Care? Ballroom F Ballroom E The Great Simulation/Emulation Faceoff Scheffer 28th ACM SIGDA University System IP 13AB Runtime and Defenses - Configurati Part 1Tec Brain-on-a-chip: Architectures for Program Welcome Breakfast & SoCs: Improving Development Tackling Real-World Challenges: Performance, Moore'sExploits Law Marching - Circuit 12AB Processor Ballroom G 18CD NoCDesign It Out ofAutomation the Park Summer School IP Verification WorkOn in Progress Po 12AB Minimizing SOC Power Consumption: Demonstration Trinity St.and Foyer m m A top down m m Designer m SystemsYoung Faculty Workshop m m Neuromorphic Computing m 17AB Learning Verification Orientation.toStarts at 7:30am Beyond Traditional CMOS Reliability and Power in Memory Reuse and Reliability: Semiconductors Low Power New Sign-off Flow Challenges in Advanced Design Design Challenges in Advanced Nodes: Trends How Portable Stimulus AddressesIPKey Verifi design methodology or bottoms up starting with Inflections in Physical Design: Past, Present Ballroom G & Ballroom CE 15 Superconductors IP Node Workshop Heterogeneous, Autonomous Gary Smith EDA at Test Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Pa Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing Computinginin Heterogeneous, Autonomous 'N'DGoal-oriented Goal-orientedEnvironments Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) Foundry Perspective 19ABF Slice and Dice - Advances in 'N' Ballroom Future Where Are 19AB process selection problem? Probably or Provably? Advances in DFM Machine Learning for Analog Circuit Modeling Hardware Verification ofDAC Security Aspects 4:00pm thePe H3 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 5:00pm ESD Alliance Kickoff Semiconductor 6:00pmSecurity: Protect Verification and Test 18AB Fish Food for Thought: Is the Pavilion Pa with Let's Connect IP Ecosystem Energy-Efficient Protocols EDA forWe the Intern 7-9 PM iFixit Hoverboard Sunday Night Industry Tr Consolidation Trend in the IP Ecosystem Evolving IP Interconnects & Verification Designing with RISC-V Ballroom G Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems IC and TS Everything! Big 19AB 15 Overcoming Challenges of FPGA Prototyping Booth 1839 DAC Pavilion Management -Design Part6:00pm 1 Automation on theand Teardown Good the Industry? Environment-Aware, Reactive andforSecure What's Hot 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm Enabling the Internet of Things: Context-Awareness in Planar to FinFET Road Towar Embedded SoftwaretoforDevelop Reliability and Performance Opportunities17AB for Preventing and Exploiting Errors The Challenge Booth 1839 7-8:30 PM Automotive System DAC 18CD Driving Sensing, Communication and Computing Steering Safety How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Taming the Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin MinimizaRevolution Ahead – Little Devices Solving the Ballroom A Opening Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and Reliability Truly Great Products:RISC-V: 17AB 17AB Innovation in Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies tion for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient What-Itthe Takes toInstruction Enable Sets Design Cost Aware Design, Exhibit Floor Winning the Memory Challenge: Which NonMore Ideas = Cross-Layer Reliability Session TSVs4:00pm are so Papermaster 2010 Reality DAC Pavilion iFixit Drone 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Mark Unscripted: Wally How to Verify Simulation and Formal: What's the Future of DFT? Autonomous Car 18AB (TSV-Based 3Dthe IC) Gordian's Knot of Sy Computing Securely Connected, Puzzle: IPBallroom A Ballroom E More Solutions Optimization andHow Dynamic Design/IP Track Poster Session Want to be Free volatile Memory Technology of 3D-IC Teardown Rhines & Awards Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet ofFits Things (IoT) Management Booth 18AB 1839 Will Rise Above? Complexity The Best Escape from Design Mediocrity - Better ToolsofforBoth WorldsExhibit Floor Accelerated Electronics Simulation for Circuit Self-Driving Cars: :15 :30 :45 Cruising to Closure While Trumping Constraints! 12AB Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of Presentation Lars Reger Power and Reliability Reliability and Stability Trinity St. Foyer The Rise of Heterogeneous Architectures: From Custom Hardware for Algorithmic Trading Something for Nothing: Harvesting Energy From the Ballroom E Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Model-Based Design and Analysis Automotive Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Tools & Techniques- Innovation Optimizing ACMofSIGDA Ph.D. Forum Back-End Design Cloud and IoTMobile User Experience Via Future Vehicular Networks Safety and Security 18CD 12AB Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) Ballroom F Environment Nano-Scale Era - Part 2 Embedded Systems to Data Centers Nano-Scale Era -Mr. Part 1 Session Cyber Physical Systems 14 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 9:00am 10:00am 11:00 the System Stack Design/IP Track Poster Increasing Design Efficiency 8:00am Exhibit Floor Dr. Garble and Leakage in the Mystery of Secure 7-9 PM Ballroom D Improving Test Efficiency Attacks and Defenses for Secure SystemsLearning - The Arms Race Continues Decade 19AB from Driving the Next Power CPUs A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Management in Advanced IC Des &Open Signoff IPOptimization The Continuing Arms Race: A JourneyTiming inSystem the World of TheModules, Continuing Arms Race: A Journey in the World of Linux Porting, Bring Up and DriverBallroom F Embedded Systems - Designs and Tools Embedded Security: Does the Industry Source: Software, of Innovations in Visual Life: Biologically Ballroom E The Great Simulation/Emulation Faceoff Young Faculty Workshop Why IP Subsystems and Why Now? Welcome Breakfast & Design Automation Summer School 28th ACM SIGDAGUniversity 13AB Care? Ballroom 12AB 18CD Program Runtime and Defenses - Part 1Configuration Exploits and Defenses -9:00am Part 2 Development Work inandProgressSystems, PosterBallroom Session and8:00am Now IPRuntime Chips? Inspired m m m m St. Foyer 10:00am 11:00 Trinity and Accelerated Verification Tackling Real-World Challenges: Performance, Moore'sExploits Law Marching On - Circuit Techniques Aand Orientation. Starts at 7:30am Demonstration Itching for Innovative Technology for CPS Hardware 17AB Electronic MIPI Alliance and IP: A Perspective for t Computing: Sameer Beyond Traditional CMOS Reliabilityinand PowerDesign: in Memory IP Trends and Requirements Reuse and Reliability: Semiconductors M Flow Challenges in Advanced Design New Sign-off Ballroom Design Challenges in Advanced Nodes: How Stimulus Design: Lou SecurityHalepete How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, CEDA Career Inflections Physical Past, Present &G DACTest Best Workshop Autonomous at Different Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous, Autonomous Goal-orientedtoEnvironments Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) GaryPortable Smith EDA at Addresses Key Verification, and Mobile-Influenced Markets 19AB Ballroom F 15 Learning and Multiagent Ballroom 'N' D'N'Goal-oriented Superconductors Node Scheffer Perspectives Foundry Perspective Designing for the IoT: Test andKickoff Portability Challenges Where - Part 1Are Reuse, andWe Portability Layers ofResearch: Abstractions: Future ESDReuse, Alliance Paper Automation How Do Make IPChallenges Reuse - Part 2 Design DACAspects Pavilion 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm Designe WeHardware! with 3D Reasoning for Panel 7:00pm 7 - 9pm Wireless Implantable Hardware Verification of Security Semiconductor Security: Protect the or Revolution Unscripted: Lip-Bu Tan NoC It Out of the Park IP Verifi 18AB 12AB Application, Operating Sunday Night Fish Food for Thought: Is the BallroomEnergy-Efficient AWork? Lanza’s Tech Vision Finding Funding for the Minimally FutureRobots: EDAInternet IP Ecosystem Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems ICIndustry and TSV? Energy-Efficient Protocols for the ofTrends Things Protocols for the Internet ofAward Things - Autonomous Booth 18397-9 PM Microsystems: Renaissance? Consolidation Trend in the IP Ecosystem and Hardware DAC Pavilion Evolving IP Interconnects Designing with RISC-V Ballroom 15 G 19AB Presentation Systems, Challenges of 3:00pm FPGA Prototyping Challenge: Daring to Mo Unscripted: and What's Hot at 9:00am The Challenge to Develop 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm& Verification 2:00pmOvercoming 4:00pm 5:00pm- Part 1 6:00pm 7:00pm Management 8:00am Peter Stone Part 2Aart de Geus Good for the Industry? Enabling the Internet of Things: Context-Awareness Design Automation on the RoadDAC Towards Automated Cross-Layer Approximate Computing: Challenges Invasive and Interfaces to Booth7-8:30 1839PMin to Open Source 19AB Revolution Ahead – Probably 17AB or Provably? Advances in DFM the Brain Machine 18CD Opening Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance ModelingSolving and Analysis Power, Temperature and Reliability Ballroom A Truly Great Products: Driving Sensing, and Computing MinimizaSolutions How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: Taming theCommunication Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin Steering Safety the Calibrat 12AB What It Takes to RISC-V: Enable Exhibit Floor Session Mark Papermaster Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 1 Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 2 tion for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient Innovation in 17AB Design Cost Ballroom A More Ideas = Instruction Sets DAC Pavilion Securely Connected, iFixit Drone Unscripted: Wally & Awards How to Verify Simulation and Formal: (TSV-Based 3D the IC) Gordian's Knot of System (Monolithic 3DGame IC) Autonomous Car for Computing Things (IoT) Planar t Floor Puzzle: How IP 17AB Embedded Software for Reliability and Performance Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of 18AB Preventin It's a Power Ballroom E Circuit More Solutions Escape from Design Mediocrity Better ToolsExhibit for Accelerated Simulation Teardown Design-T Self-Driving Cars:Want to be Free Rhines Booth 1839 Complexity The Best of Both -Worlds 13AB Electronics Cruising to Closure While Trumping Constraints! Evolving 12AB M Fits Presentation Lars Reger Trinity inSt. Foyer Power andinReliability Reliability andDesign Stability Infrastructure in the Age of Effective Use of a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) in to Archit Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Model-Based and Analysis of Automotive Advances Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies Custom Hardware for Algorithmic Trading Ballroom E Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) 12AB Optimizing Via All Layers of Innovation Winning Safety-Critical C/C++ CODE Nano-Scale Era9:00am - Part 2 Cloud and IoTMobile User Experience11:00am 14 - the Reality Nano-Scale EraBack-End - Part 1 Design Tools & Techniques-8:00am Cyber Physical Systems F TSVs are so 2010 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm Ballroom What's the Future of DFT? Getting the Most From Tcl 18AB Dr. Garble and Mr. Leakage in the Mystery of Secure Accelera the System Stack Design/IP Track Poster Session Increasing Design Efficiency Improving Test Efficiency volatile M Exhibit Attacks and Defenses for Secure Systems - The Arms Race Continues of 3D-IC Floor 19AB 18CD Next Decade A. Richard Newton Young Fellow CPUs fromin theDriving Reconfig The ContinuingTiming Arms Race: A Journey in the World of The Continuing Arms Race: ALearning Journey World the of Power Linux Porting, Bring Up and Design Challenges in IoT World Management in Advanced IC Design Optimization & Signoff Ballroom F Driver in Visual Life: Biologically of Innovations IP Welcome Breakfast & Design Automation Summer School 13AB Challenges on Architecture and Chip Design for The Rise 18CD Program Modules, Runtime ExploitsSystem and Defenses - PartOpen 1 Source: Software, Exploits9:00am and Defenses - Part 2 and Accelerated Development 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm ACM SIGDA Ph.D. Forum Why IP Subsystems and Why Now?11:00am Configuration Ballroom G Inspired Future - Safety andatSecurity Tackling Real-World Challenges: Performance, Moore's Law Marching Onand- CircuitSystems, Techniques Orientation. Starts 7:30am 18CD Design U Ballroom AChips?Session Runtime Automotive Electronic Control Units Work inNow Progress and IP andPoster Trinity St.Vehicular Foyer Networks Embedd Itching for Innovative Technology for CPS Hardware Verification 17AB Electronic 19AB Minimizing SOC Power Consumption: A top down Computing: Sameer Beyond Traditional CMOS Reliability in andPhysical Power in Timing? Alliance and IP: A Perspective for the Mobile Low Power 7-9 PM Ballroom D How Portable Key Verification, CEDA Career How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Test MIPI DAC Best Inflections Design: Past, Present & IPEDA Trends and Requirements Gary SmithStimulus at Addresses Design: LouVerification, design methodology or bottoms up starting with Ballroom GMemory Halepete and Multiagent 15 Ballroom D IP Different Perspectives Reuse, and Portability Challenges and Mobile-Influenced Markets process selection problem? TestESD Reuse, andWhere Portability Scheffer - Part 2atLearning PaperSecurity Alliance KickoffAre Challenges - Part 1 Future Embedd BallroomChasing E LastDown The Great Simulation/Emulation Faceoff IoT: Design Automation Research: Designing for the Designer for Panel 7 - 9pm How Do We Make IP Reuse Layers ofReasoning Brain-on-a-chip: Architectures for ACM SIGDA University SoCs: Improving Systems Abstractions: m 18AB Memory Verification of Security Aspects Semiconductor the Hardware!Ballroom Low-Power Processor Every Pavilion 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 28th 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pmHardwareDAC 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pmEnergy-Efficient 6:00pm 7:00pm Sunday Night iFixit Apple Award Implantable IP Verification WeSecurity: with 3D Protect 12ABALip-Bu 17AB Let's Connect Finding Funding Work? or Revolution Autonomous Robots: Unscripted: Tan Energy-Efficient m Protocols for the Internet of Things Neuromorphic Computing and Lear Protocols forWireless the Internet of Things - for the FutureLanza’s Application, Operating Demonstration iFixit Hoverboard Tech Vision EDA Industry Trends Image the in Picojoule Teardown Presentation IC and TSV? 6:00pm 19AB Microsystems: Booth 1839 Overcoming Challenges of FPGA Prototyping 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm Everything! Big Renaissance? DAC Pavilion Stone Reuse a M m Systems,Peter andMinimally Hardware - Part 1 and What's Part 2 Design 8:00am Challenges in Advanced Nodes: 9:00am Recognition Ballroom Teardown Challenge: Daring to Move Unscripted: Aart de Geus Internet Enabling the Internet of Things: Context-Awareness in F of Things Design Automation Hot on at the Road Towards Automated Cross-Layer Approximate Computing: Challenges and Invasive Interfaces to Opportunities for Slice Dice Architectures - Advances infor Superco to Develop Revolution Ahead – Challenge Foundry Perspective Booth 1839 Depthand Matters! Deep to Open Source 19AB Opening The Challenge 31 7 00pm 12AB m T9 Trends and Requirements How Portable Stimulus AddressesIPKey Verification, CEDA1 Career Test Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Part Perspectives m Panel of 7 - 9pm m Energy-Efficient Protocols EDA for the Internet Industry Trends Things - Part6:00pm 1 and What's Hot at 7:00pm How to Build Irresistible 3DDAC IC Physical Layouts: Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 1 (TSV-Based 3D IC) m Opening Session & Awards Presentation Alliance Kickoff m ESD Sunday Night 5:00pm m 17AB 4:00pm Ballroom E How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 1 (TSV-Based 3D IC) m 17AB Design Automation Summer School Invited 15 19ABPresentations CEDA Career Gary Smith EDA atHow Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, Test Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Part 1 Perspectives ESD Alliance Kickoff Panel 7 - 9pm m Sunday Night Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of Things 7:00pm - Part 1 6:00pm Panels Sunday June 5 m m 12AB 32 2 Ballroom m A Reviewed 8:00am 9:00am Presentations M :45 SKY Talks 12 00pm 12AB 11:00am M C 10:00am m Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge7:00pm (LPIRC) 6:00pm 5:00pm A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am Ballroom D m 3:00pm T8 T6 T7 T8 How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, Test Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Part 2 1 The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey in the World of Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 2 m b 9:00am Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) 4:00pm14 18CD Ba oom A Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of WELCOME RECEPTION Cloud and IoT m m tion for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient Computing Event Schedule Keynotes 11 00am m 13AB The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey in the World of Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 1 T10 T1 T2 T3 T5 5:00pm T10 Poster m Sessions DAC Pavilion m Overcoming Challenges of FPGA Prototyping 4:00pm 3:00pm Taming theMDark Horse: Voltage-Margin Minimiza- m M Invited Exh b F oo Presentations m 8 00am m nd R P B U D Workshop 2: International Workshop on DesignDAutomation m for Cyber-Physical 8:00amSystems 18AB 7:00pm Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 u Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and Reliability m Ballroom A m 6:00pm DAC Pav on Boo h 1839 The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey the World of & Signoff TiminginOptimization Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 1 m ESD Alliance Kickoff Sunday Night 5:00pm Custom Hardware Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in for Algorithmic TradingAdvances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Nano-Scale Era - Part 2 Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 8:00am 9:00am Inflections in Physical Design: Past,mPresent & Future m 4 00pm Keynotes 8:00am Ballroom'N' D Goal-oriented Workshop Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous 'N' Goal-orientedEnvironments Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) 17AB m m 2:00pm Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Nano-Scale Era - Part 2 m Gary Smith EDA at 6 00pm m Model-Based Design and Analysis m of Automotive Cyber Physical Systems m M Linux Porting, Bring Up and Driver m Development m 3 Training Panels Day 7:00pm 1:00pm T6 m 2:00pm m 12:00pm Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Algorithmic Trading Custom Hardware for Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 m T9 S m 3:00pm Reviewed Ba oom G Presentations m m T7 Panels Thursday is 6:00pm T4 Workshops Invited m 1:00pm Presentations m 11:00am WEDNESDAY MONDAY Revolution Ahead – Opening What It Takes to Enable Session 5:00pm Securely Connected, & Awards Self-Driving Cars: Presentation Lars Reger m m Ba oom F 3 00pm 9:00am :15 :30 EventKeynotes Schedule 2 00pm m Event Schedule oT 10:00am Young Faculty Workshop 15 2:00pm 19AB 5:00pm mp m Keynotes 10 00am SKY Talks T9 Design Automation Summer School 4:00pm Pw 8:00am m 19AB Ba oomm E 7 A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am m m m m 12AB 4 Invited Presentations Embedded Tutorials Reviewed m m 9:00am 10:00am Presentations 3:00pmm Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) Overcoming Challenges ofDAC FPGAPavilion Prototyping 3:00pm Booth 1839 4:00pm M Taming the Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin Minimization for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient Computing Exhibit Floor m m MONDAY 2:00pmm Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) m m SKY Talks 17AB Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and m Reliability 1:00pmm m m n M d ng nd An Event Schedule 34 1:00pm nP R u n Ah d – Open ng Wh En b Se on d & Awa d 8:00am S u C nn9:00am S:15 D :30 ng:45 C P e enma onm R g m m 35 m m em :15 :30 m 36 12:00pm Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems Inflections in Physical Design: Past, Present D PBallroom PG & Future m m S De gn Au oma on Summe Schoo 9 00am m 15 Workshop Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous'N' 'N'Goal-oriented Goal-oriented Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) m Environments T10 Cyber Physical Systems m M Linux Porting, Bring Up and Ballroom Driver F Development m 11:00am m 20 m w & m 5 m h p3 S 19 O m N w mW m B S 6 10:00am T8 11:00am 5 00pm Thursday is Training Day Panels m A R 13AB m 1 00pm m a S Wo k hop 5 ow Powe mage Re ogn on Cha enge P RC SUNDAY TUESDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY TUESDAY m 17AB H 6:00pm b d 7:00pm m d wn Model-Based Design and Analysis of Automotive Ballroom E 4 00pm SUNDAY MONDAY SUNDAY m 18AB 12AB m m Wo k hop on De mgn Au oma on o C m be Ph Womk hop 2 n e na ona Wo k hop 4 ACM EEE DAC Wo k hop on n e ne o Th ng m 12 00pm Wo k hop m EventKeynotes Schedule 8:00am m W m 7 00pm m m m 11 00am m m 8:00am Keynotes m m Tutorials SKY Talks 15 m 19AB 12:00pm m T1 B Revolution Ahead – What It Takes to Enable 5:00pm Securely Connected, Self-Driving Cars: Lars Reger m m T2 Opening Session & Awards Presentation Workshops D Invited m m Presentations 1:00pm 2:00pm 17AB 5:00pm 7:00pm m Ballroom E Model-Based Design and Analysis of Automotive m Cyber Physical Systems M Linux Porting, Bring Up and DriverBallroom F m Development Ballroom Inflections in Physical Design: Past, Present &G ec u e om Future m NoCm DAC Pavilion ng and LeaOvercoming n ng Challenges of 3:00pm FPGA Prototyping 2:00pm 4:00pm Booth 1839 M SUNDAY 60 13AB T6 15 m 19AB 12:00pm Design Automation Summer School T3 13AB 18CD 12AB T4 9 C m 4:00pm O 14 C C++ COD m m 14 m m Wo Wokk hop hop11 DAC DACWo Wokk hop hopon onCompu Compu ng ng nnHe Heeeogeneou ogeneou Au Auonomou onomou NN Goa Goa oo en ened edEn En onmen onmen CHANGE CHANGE Ba oomm D m 10 00am m Young Facu 8 00am m m m m :15 :30 18CD m m 17AB m D Young Faculty Workshop 17AB 12:00pmm 18AB Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) m m m m m m m :45 m15 11:00amm T5 3 00pm 6:00pm Thursday ise Reac En onmen Awa Au omo e S em Training Day Panels D 12AB m 12AB m 19AB P Embedded D C W Tutorials Reviewed m Low Powem P 9:00am 10:00am Presentations A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am m 9:00am :15 :30 Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems C 45 Event Schedule m Presentations Monday m 8:00am m 8:00am D C Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and m Reliability m 1:00pm m A 4:00pm Ballroom U M m mP 2:00pm U MPU m 3:00pm Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) S m m Workshop Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous'N' 'N'Goal-oriented Goal-oriented (CHANGE) Ballroom Environments DEnvironments(CHANGE) M m m DAC Pavilion Keynotes 6 00pm m 1 18CD w S ce and D ce Ad ance n Ve fica on and Te C R m O 4:00pm m N W D CP C S m 15 m m Event Schedule Reviewed mm m D – m WEDNESDAY MONDAY 14 Ch ng D ng M OpImage n SRecognition u Challenge (LPIRC) Workshop 5: Low-Power Revolution Ahead – Opening What It Takes to Enable Session 4:00pm Securely Connected, & Awards Self-Driving Cars: Presentation Lars Reger Linux Porting, Bring Up and Ballroom F Driver Development m U 10:00amm Monday SKY HTutorials w B Talks M 17AB m 12:00pm 18AB CD m 11:00am MONDAY 83 84 85 87 T6 T7 m 12AB m 19AB m15 P Design Automation Summer School D S D C++ H w N 9:00amm m R :45 fi P M A P Young Faculty Workshop T9 M m Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) Embedded Tutorials Reviewed m m 9:00am 10:00am Presentations 2 00pm Model-Based Design andEAnalysis of Automotive Ballroom Cyber Physical Systems m Inflections Ballroom in Physical Design: G Past, Present & Future m m Overcoming Prototyping 2:00pm 3:00pm DACChallenges Pavilionof FPGA Booth 1839 P 8:00am m w andwReliability Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature Ballroom A m 1:00pm n m m3:00pm h Vm 2:00pm n Workshops Invited B a n on a chm p A ch m Neu omo1:00pm ph c Compu Presentations 12:00pm 17AB m m 30 m m m m m m 7 19AB mR 8:00amm m 11:00am 5 15 P S & 15 m m 7 00pm m m 9 00am m m m m m 8 m 11:00am G m m m m m Ba oom A 9 m 10:00am H w M Workshop 2: International Workshop M fl M on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am C m C m 3 13AB Pm G Ballroom D Workshop Environments (CHANGE) Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous'N' 'N'Goal-oriented Goal-oriented Environments (CHANGE) m m12:00pm m M m m m SG 7 00pm Panels m Event Schedule D fi m 7 A m m SKY Talks m 5 00pm N G DAC A S mCP M S D N S P Pavilion Keynotes m m SA m R K A C S m S Invited A Rm N w Presentations w mC S Aw m m P m 6 00pm m m D W R m m P P m T6 Design Automation Summer School m 8 4 D CP C S Young Faculty Workshop 14 18CD Um MC 29 M 18AB D Monday P w M m A Tutorials SKY Talks FoyeM P A P AP h F oo Um M SUNDAY TUESDAY T9 T10 17AB W P m 10:00am C 80 81 82 m H4w00pm M M M m C T8 m N m m P 4 57 58 59 62 SUNDAY MONDAY 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 T6 T7 T8 W S C Aw :15 :30 D C 9:00am P P D m S m 19AB 18 Revolution Ahead – M D w m 8 00am m SUNDAY / MONDAY SCHEDULE m Event Schedule m m m 12AB 6Presentations 00pm m m P m W m 21 m 10:00am C m m m S m m S m S m m 2 Opening Design Automation Summer School A m A P D U wP w m Keynotes Reviewed m m 12 A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am m 11:00am 12AB Workshops o F nFET PP anan ng nd E13AB p ng E Invited W M m 15 C Wm N m m M m 19AB Presentations W12:00pm R A 11:00am 1:00pm 12AB Am R D R M S B :45 1 00pm Revolution Ahead – What It Takes to Enable Securely Connected, Self-Driving Cars: Lars Reger 00pm m D 5 00pm 3 Ballroom A 6 30pm m 12AB m 19AB4 m15 Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) Opening Session & Awards Presentation w3 H m T10 Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) H mw m D m m 30 18AB C m S P M m SKY Talks F App e Tea down m A A m T6 17AB Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) 5 30 m :15 :30 m 8:00am m Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and Reliability 1:00pm 2:00pm Ballroom A 3:00pm Embedded 18CD Tutorials DP Vegn fi Sa Ballroom Con mpDmReviewed ng P S mm 8:00am 9:00am Presentations m Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and Reliability m Workshop Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous 'N'DGoal-oriented Goal-orientedEnvironments Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) Ballroom'N' Workshop Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous'N' 'N'Goal-oriented Goal-orientedEnvironments Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) Embedded 18CD Tutorials Ballroom DReviewed m m 8:00am 9:00am Presentations m 8:00am Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am D Event Schedule 12 00pm 12:00pm 14 R P DAC fi P Pavilion Keynotes H w B Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems 18AB w m D m W R Panels fi m 31 m15 S m S m m m 10:00am Young Faculty Workshop m T7 Monday Tutorials SKY Talks H C m m m CAD C m U m EventKeynotes Schedule 5 00pm m 32 T8 m 12AB m 19AB 17AB 11 00am 11:00am M w N 6 m Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems 14 m H H 2 00pm S m T9 m 15 P DAC PavilionRECEPTION Keynotes Thu sday June 9 G D C Invited R m S S Presentations m m MONDAY WEDNESDAY Young Faculty Workshop S m A D Panels A m m m m 9:00am m D m PGA D m m m m m m M m fi :15 :30 U:45 D A m Reviewed m m Presentations S M fl Q T1 Monday A m C m S m 12AB Tutorials H 19AB m SKY Talks m S m m 4 00pm R T6 10:00am D S &S R M T7 N :45 N& m m R m m m m 21 SUNDAY TUESDAY D :30 m :15 109:00am 00am A m 8:00am 12 TUESDAY SUNDAY Ba oom A 8:00am m W 13 9 00am M W A M C A m D Invited N D Presentations m m W B 1 00pm m C m A m m m m Event Schedule O m m DAC Pavilion Keynotes fi C S Panels PGA P M S 22 m 14 Exh b F oo EVENT TYPES LEGEND DAC P PC++ P D H R w Event Schedule m m m D mH m B Invited S A m AS C Presentations mm S Mm U D m m DAC Pav on Boo h 1839 Panels C C m P D – S mA S m PP M B w 23 T1 T5 Panels Reviewed m P mPresentations m B 12 00pm H w P m C m m m A m C m 3 m m T2 D O 1 m B P D fl m w m D H S M C Reviewed M C m m m Presentations H S R M m D P P B H w DU m 2 MONDAY m m P MONDAY Invited Presentations Presentations 17AB Invited Ba oom F Presentations m m 19AB9C Reviewed U R 00am 11 DM C m N D Reviewed m m Presentations m m T1 Open ng Se on & Awa d P e en a on 10AB 15 Ba oom E 70 72 10 00am R u n Ah d – Wh En b S u C nn d S D ng C R g m S T3 9 00am b H wD M m 71 SKY Talks nd R T2 68 oT fi u SKY N w Talks W A 69 SUNDAY De gn Au oma on Summe Schoo T4 m w & 15 O N w mW m B S SUNDAY A R mp 24 Pw T3 mn mD m m 3 00pm SKY Talks m T4 Keynotes nP m MONDAY S wP w em mC SUNDAY TUESDAY m 67 h p3 S a S A SUNDAY m M d ng nd AnA D m NDAY NESDAY 66 D Wo k hop 5 ow Powe mage Re ogn on Cha enge DP RC U m m m m Ba 13AB oom G 18AB P A Wo k hop 4 ACM EEE DAC Wo k hop on n e ne o Th ng R SKYBaTalks oom F 12AB Monday 17AB SKY Talks Tutorials C G 4 00pm T2 R Event Schedule W BaBa oom oomAE 19AB 2 00pm Keynotes Wo k hop 2 n e na ona Wo k hop on De gn Au oma on o C be Ph 8 00am 15 12AB 1 00pm m m P w G m 3 00pm m Wo Wokk hop hop11 DAC DACWo Wokk hop hopon onCompu Compu ng ng nnHe Heeeogeneou ogeneou Au Auonomou onomou NN Goa Goa oo en ened edEn En onmen onmen CHANGE CHANGE 19AB 14 Keynotes Pavilion m Event Schedule M m S 12 00pm 2 00pm T3 19AB 12AB 15 13AB 17AB 18CD 18AB Wo kw hop R A P 11 00am 1 00pm A C SKY Talks T4 Young Facu 10 00am m Event Schedule 12 00pm C m Ch ng D wn E u n h P hmng n n Keynotes 11 00am m w D 86 m T5 9 00am h D gn ng R u n n R n A Event Schedule C EventKeynotes Schedule N w 1 Ba 12AB oom A 45 W 2 8 00am 30 m 3 15 10 00am A T8 9 00am PS C S T9 T n y S Foye 8 00am m U p Bu n Exh b F oo S K m PR T7 p d W M mS A H wD W M W 33 C G w CPS H T8 Un M R w Am R T9 S w Nw O m S m H m 4 S m H w C m A P S 5 47 O S D D S C S 6 m 46 & fi S m O CMOS D 10 D D wM A 63 B Event Schedule 8 00am S 61 49 m W B Wh A W w h 3D C nd SV DAC Pav on Boo h 1839 Ba oom G M 64 B w m 50 A M B 51 Ba oom G S m 52 fi P 53 w Sm 45 Ba oom F Keynotes Ba oom D 18AB M 54 W C P w M m mm 44 Ba oom E 18CD 17AB D G CPU 55 41 H R 43 18CD R 42 18AB WEDNESDAY fi THURSDAY SCHEDULE 17AB MONDAY THURSDAYSUNDAY m 40 19AB m m H w C m 5:00pm G K S m 6:00pm SUNDAY 32 34 SUNDAY S 7 00pm 7:00pm Ballroom E Model-Based Design and Analysis of Automotive Cyber Physical Systems P w G m Ballroom F Linux Porting, Bring Up and Driver C 3:00pm Panels 4:00pm G m Exhibit Floor D Hardware Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Custom Technologies in for Algorithmic TradingAdvances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Nano-Scale Era - Part 2 Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 8:00am 9:00am D T1 T2 T3 1 How Portable Stimulus AddressesIPKey Veri Trends C Gary Smith EDA at Test Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Pa P ESD Alliance Kickoff Energy-Efficient ProtocolsEDA for Industry the InterTrP Sunday Night - Part6:00pm 1 and What's Hot How to Build Irresistible 3DDAC IC Physica Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studie (TSV-Based 3D IC) 5:00pm Booth 1839 Taming the Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin Minimization for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient Computing Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Tec Custom Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey in Runtime Exploits and Defenses Timing - Part 1O 2 R Taming t tion for M Computi 3 Overcoming Challenges of FPGAPavilion Prototyping DAC m Overcom T6 Inflections in Physical Design: Past, Present Ballroom G & Future A Inflection Future T7 Linux Porting, Bring Up andBallroom Driver F Development T8 D 2:00pm 17AB 7:00pm Model-Based Design and Analysis of Automotive w Ballroom E Cyber Physical Systems Linux Po Developm T9 CPS H Model-B Cyber Ph T4 C 11:00 6:00pm T5 Am R 6:00pm T1 PR 11:00am 19AB 12:00pm T2 H wD W M Invited 1:00pm Presentations 15 m Revolution Ahead – What It Takes to Enable Securely Connected, 5:00pm Self-Driving Cars: Lars Reger Revolution Ahead – Opening What It Takes to Enable Session 5:00pmSecurely Connected, & Awards Self-Driving Cars: Presentation Lars Reger MONDAY C T3 57 19AB 12:00pm 17AB P T10 Revolution Ahead – Opening What It Takes to Enable Session 4:00pmSecurely Connected, & Awards Self-Driving Cars: Presentation Lars Reger m W Invited C m C 2:00pm m Presentations 1:00pmA S 15 A m 11:00am P Design Automation Summer School 4 12AB m 13AB Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) m w W Opening Session & Awards Presentation 4:00pm 13AB w W Reviewed 6 00pm9:00am 7 00pm Presentations10:00am Ballroom A 4:00pm T4 H 6 00pm Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) T6 W 14 Reviewed 10:00am A 9:00am D S S Presentations C T5 Design Automation Summer School T1 Ballroom A 3:00pm 2:00pm Workshop 4:1:00pm ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) 12:00pm 18AB m 8:00am Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and Reliability 13AB MONDAY m Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems Design Automation Summer School C MONDAY S m S P Reviewed D A m 10:00am R 9:00am Presentations D 52 mm 17AB w 12AB 12AB Workshop 'N' Goal-oriented Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous 'N'D Goal-orientedEnvironments Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) Ballroom 15 Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am 58 O C CMOS Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) 2:00pm Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (Io A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am 18CD 14 59 A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am wM Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analys 1:00pm 14 Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and Reliability Ballroom A 3:00pm Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) P 1:00pmWorkshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC 2:00pm 3:00pm Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) 8:00am D G M M S CPUWorkshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and Reliability M B Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for 17AB 12:00pm P S 18AB 4 00pmWorkshop 2: International Workshop on Design5 Automation 00pmfor Cyber-Physical Systems8:00am Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems 2:00pm Workshop Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,AA Workshop Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous'N' 'N'Goal-oriented Goal-oriented Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) Ballroom DEnvironments Ballroom D Workshop Environments (CHANGE) Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous'N' 'N'Goal-oriented Goal-oriented Environments (CHANGE) 1:00pm SKY Talks 15 17AB 12:00pm 18AB 18CD B 11:0 PM Young Faculty Workshop 19AB 5 00pm Young Faculty Workshop 10:00am :45 7 8 30 PM 12AB 11:00am D 61 m14 SUNDAY 48 12:00pm 18AB 18CD M 10:00am 9:00am :15 :30 D n d wn :45 62 Young Faculty Workshop 49 17AB 11:00am m S A SKY Talks 19AB B m 15 50 10:00am W C :15 :30 P:45 m P w M m m fi12AB 19AB 51 nd9:00am R b mD SKYP wTalks R Young Faculty Workshop 8:00am mD ACM S GDA U D m fi = S 15 11:00am :45 53 m u 10:00am & 4 00pm SKY Talks 12AB 19AB 3 00pm 9:00am 12AB em SUNDAY a S 3 00pm 2 00pm :15 :30 Keynotes P 8:00am w mp 11:00am B m P m EventKeynotes Schedule m 9:00am 56 2 00pm Keynotes 1 00pm Sm 1 Event Schedule 1 00pm ACM S GDA P D S De gn Cha enge n Ad anced Node Found Pe pec e M M C m 12 00pm D EventKeynotes Schedule S m S 60 S A G 35 25 De gn ng w h R SC V D 36 A N w 37 wC W 7 9 PM B C N wS N R D C T6 m m D 27 20 S 28 26 m H S and Pe o mance 33 31 23 24 14 15 16 17 18 19 39 40 41 42 43 Sm 44 m D Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of Cloud and IoT 10:00am 11:00 m 6 12 13 TUESDAY SUNDAY 14 15 16 23 19 22 18 21 17 10 24 25 26 27 44 T5 43 T4 42 T3 41 T2 40 T1 39 mC 3 46 2 45 1 6 55 5 54 4 7 00pm 6815 6916 D m mD 7017 Additional Meetings Monday ACM S GDA P Tutorials 7 9 PM B 6714 6613 URSDAY TUESDAY 12 60 Poster Sessions DAC Pavilion 53T10 52 T9 51 T8 50 T7 49 T6 48 C m Workshops Invited Presentations – 9 WEDNESDAY MONDAY 28 D S & 1 18 33 S 7 00pm 21 T10 53 4 54 5 W 12 M and Pe o mance 3 M m Poster Sessions DAC N w A Pavilion w 2 34 35 36 37 52 T9 51 P SobabmCo PMo ab ? Ad ance n DFMS m EmbeddedSSo wa eK o ReU ab m S R C++ ND C S Aw 10 T8 3 50 G S Tutorials Reviewed Presentations AR Nw 33 32 31 48 T6 49 C T7 29 m m 62 T10 61 T9 59 T8 58 T7 57 T6 56 86 N S 63 7 D W R 5 00pm P P 55 S P Thursday is Training Day 6Panels 00pm m 47 M S 64 8 M m 45 1 H wM 44 T5 43 T4 42 T3 41 T2 40 T1 39 Aw WEDNESDAY MONDAY 33 S 6 H w 5 T8 T9 T10 7 29 30 20 25 26 10 27 36 37 m P G 9 13 16 17 18 m 28 30 31 32 83 34 w P 6Embedded 00pm MPU 19 Q 85 D fi m 47 45 1 46 2 D SUNDAY TUESDAY 12 6 21 22 W 84 35 H 31 P W 15 fl Thursday is NoC Ou o he Pa k U MC G Training Day Panels U M Monday Tutorials SKY Talks 14 M 81 9 29 U Workshops C N Invited 4 00pm W R C Presentations fi 30 P S 23 C P 24 D S D 87 w D 5P 00pm 46 2 7 10 D CP C S C C++ COD 7 00pm Pavilion Keynotes 8 4 5 T7 T8 T7 T9 T8 T10 T9 8 9 7 C 60 H S 32 44 T5 43 T4 42 T3 41 T2 40 T1 39 34 21 35 m W Embedded Low Powe P A A M m wP w S m Tutorials Reviewed C H b d B R m S m S d wn P m O Presentations S 34 m En onmen Awa e Reac e and Secu e D P Au omo e S em m S m C R Aw D O m D m M Dm P Thursday is Training Day Panels S m N F App e Tea down P 82 20 28 MONDAY WEDNESDAY B 33 W fi Hw B Monday 4 00pm M M D C Tutorials SKY Talks U M m 80 8 15 16 17 18 19 27 3 00pm 30 31 7932 P 13 SUNDAY TUESDAY 21 25 26 76 77 29 D CAD C 2236 S R 12 R 37 w DAC Pavilion Keynotes Hw m 14 S M R hV n D ng M uS m 22 P AP M M n M Ch Cng m nS Op DC D 24 10 C H S A 23 mA Embedded D D Tutorials 2 00pm Reviewed N D Presentations 23 H 3P00pm 6 T10 T8 75 A 78 20 S M Ch ng D wn P S D E A P P N u Sn h h ng n n C Am R A R m D T6 T6 1 3 5 T7 D CP C S T9 4 T10 7 5 73 8 74 69 12 13 14 27 H 2 T6 T7 T8 T9 T7 T8 T5 T10 P 4 T6 T1 T9 T6 P PD w M M 15 25 m 28 m fi D Event Schedule 1 T9 59 T8 58 T7 57 T6 56 P m R 3 H PS Hw W S H w D Workshops B a n on a ch p A ch ec u e o Neu omo ph c Compu ng and Lea D n ng Invited S ce and D ce Ad ance n D Ve fica on and Te Presentations U P PGA D S m 2 T9 51 T8 50 T7 49 T6 48 R S 3 T4 42 T3 41 T2 40 T1 39 m Workshops Invited A m m DC C S C m Presentations M m NDAY NESDAY 20 oPF nFET nd E p ng E D PP anan ng m S H w U W M m C W N MP m WC++R A N D D T3 6 B Embedded S m B Tutorials fi Reviewed A C M –S m S AS C Presentations DP Vegn fi Sa Con mp ng P D P H w B C P 1 00pm 23 12 13 14 P 15 m 16 R U 17 A N 22 11 00am M m 21 H wD S m G 18 A 19 U R h U 6DAC 00pm Event Schedule 3 T8 C C N T7 2 m 5 00pm T9 A T10 64 C A T7 m 63 T2 T3 54 G 4 00pm M Panels 3 00pm T4 N w P DS gn ng D RP u n n R n Am R A D H w Monday MP A M fl A m Tutorials SKY Talks 24 U N w Foye 26 W A T n yS SUNDAY TUESDAY 7 00pm S C 24 C Event Schedule fi M T4 1 A Pavilion m D Keynotes WA R D T2 MONDAY 2 T6 T10 D A N B DACH 2w 00pm M S B Pavilion D C Keynotes 25 &S m Monday Tutorials SKY Talks 12 00pm D Embedded Tutorials Reviewed Presentations A Event Schedule 1 00pm 4 A P 16 S m Monday Tutorials SKY Talks M m 12fi 00pm 5 O m 17 A C m H D U Invited Presentations W PS m W Panels C T9 M Panels W w 18 8 H R T3 m 19 N 30 31 32 PGA P T4 C mH T5 C 68 D p Bu n 3 D m p d T7 m 11 00am M C m A T8 C T2 T1 m Un P R 8 m 6 00 Wednesday D mJune wP w A DAC Pavilion Keynotes 10 00am O m M mS 2S00pm T5 46 T1 T5 O A RECEPTION DAC Panels 1 00pm U D Invited Presentations D P P & P 1 R fi 12 00pm Reviewed O S S w M SPresentations m Nw C m B m 2 m S & D S fl 3 R A P P D T3 T2 Wh A WM w h B3D CC nd PSV 1 Invited 10 00am Presentations M D D 00am 47 11 A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am 55 45 B T4 MONDAY R u n Ah d – Wh En b S u C nn d S D ng C R g 29 9 m 34 7:00pm 35 TUESDAY SUNDAY 21 22 10 m 12 00pm w Event Schedule 36 T9 N m m :15 :30 R H 10:00am m SKY Talks 10 00am Open ng Se on & Awa d P e en a on 7 4 6 T7 T8 23 24 25 13 14 m 13 m Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPRIC) Awards Presentation Embedded Security: Does the Industry Care? 18CD 9CSign-off Flow Challenges in Advanced Design New :45 m w M Something for Nothing: m Harvesting Energy From the Environment Node S m Aw D m M D 8:00am fi R 66 2 m 3:00pm T10 NoC It Out of the Park R Embedded So wa e o Re ab Power Management in Advanced IC De Learningoffrom Driving the Next Decade Optimization & Signoff The Continuing Arms Race: A JourneyTiming in the World of The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey in the World Life: Biologically of Innovations in Visual Design Automation Summer School Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 1 18CD Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 2 Development Young Faculty Workshop Inspired and Accelerated MIPI Alliance and IP: A Perspective for 12AB Ballroom A Electronic IP Trends and Requirements Computing: Sameer Ballroom G How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, Test Inflections in Physical Design: Past, Present & M CEDA Career Design: Lou and Mobile-Influenced Markets Gary Smith EDA at Halepete 15 Ballroom'N' D Goal-oriented Workshop Perspectives Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous 'N' Goal-orientedEnvironments Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) Test Portability Challenges - Part 1 Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Part 2 Scheffer 19AB Future ESD Reuse, Allianceand Kickoff Wireless Implantable Designe Panel 7 - 9pm12AB IP Verifi Lanza’s Tech Vision Sunday Night Protocols for the EDAInternet Industry Trends m Energy-Efficient of Things Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of ThingsMicrosystems: Minimally DAC Pavilion Challenge: Daring to M Unscripted: Aart de Geus and What's Hot at FPGA Prototyping Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical 15 8:00amSystems 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 19AB 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm Overcoming Challenges of3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Part 1 Part 2 Invasive Interfaces to Booth 1839 to Open Source DAC the Brain Revolution Ahead – 19AB Opening Machine How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: Taming the Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin MinimizaWorkshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis Power, Temperature and Reliability What It Takes to Enable 17AB 17AB Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 1 Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 2 Session tion for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient Ballroom A Securely Connected, (TSV-Based 3D IC) Exhibit Floor Computing & Awards Planar t 17AB(Monolithic 3D IC) Preventi Self-Driving Cars: Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) 18AB Presentation Lars Reger M Design and Analysis of Automotive Effective Use of a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) in Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of Model-Based Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis in Custom Hardware forTechnologies Algorithmic Trading Ballroom E 12AB Safety-Critical C/C++ CODE Cloud and IoT Nano-Scale Era9:00am - Part 2 Winning Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 Cyber Physical Systems 8:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge7:00pm (LPIRC) 18AB 4:00pm14 5:00pm 6:00pm 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00 volatile Learning from Driving the Next Decade The Continuing Timing Arms Race: A Journey&inSignoff the World of The Continuing Arms Race: ALife: Journey in theofWorld of Power Linux Porting, Bring Up and Design Challenges in IoT World Management in Advanced IC Design Optimization A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Ballroom F Driverm Innovations in Visual Biologically 13AB :15 :30 :45 The Rise Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 1 Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 2 and Accelerated Development Inspired Welcome Breakfast & Design Automation Summer School Ballroom A 18CD Program 18CD Electronic Embedd Orientation. Starts at 7:30am Minimizing SOC Power Consumption: A top down Computing: MIPI Sameer Alliance and IP: A Perspective for the Mobile Low Power Design:Key LouVerification, How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, How Portable Stimulus Addresses Test IP Trends and Requirements M Inflections inBallroom Physical Design: design methodology or bottoms up starting with G Past, Present & Halepete 15 CEDA Career Reuse, and Portability Challenges IP and Mobile-Influenced Markets Scheffer Smith at process selection problem? TestGary Reuse, andEDA Portability Challenges - Part 1 - Part 2 Future Ballroom D Embedd Brain-on-a-chip: Architectures for Ballroom E Designer SoCs: Improving Processor Systems ESD Alliance Kickoff IP Verification Low-Power 12ABPerspectives Wireless Implantable Young Faculty Workshop Panel 7 - 9pm Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Let's Connect Neuromorphic Computing and Lea 12AB Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of Things Internet of Things iFixit Hoverboard Lanza’s Tech Vision Sunday Night EDA Industry Trends Image Microsystems: Minimally 19AB Everything! Big Overcoming Challenges of FPGA Prototyping DAC Pavilion Reuse a Recognition Teardown Challenge: Daring to Move Unscripted: Aart de7:00pm Geus Part 2 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm- Part 1 and What's Hot at 6:00pm Invasive Interfaces to Slice and Dice in -inAdvances inSuperco Ballroom F Opportunities for Challenge Booth 1839 19AB Workshop 1: DAC Workshop on Computing Heterogeneous, AA Workshop 1: DAC Workshop on Computing Heterogeneous, to Open Source DAC Machine Learning for Analog Circuit Modeling 19AB How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Taming the Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin Minimizathe Brain Layouts: Verification and Test Revolution Ahead – Little Devices (LPRIC) Opening m m m to Enable m m m m m Energy-Efficient 17AB Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 1 Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 2 tion for Modern “Real-World” Awards What It Takes IP Ecosys Session Ballroom A Environment-Aware, Reactive and Ballroom15G Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for (TSV-Based 3D IC) (Monolithic 3D IC) PresentationErrors Computing Planar to FinFET Securely Connected, Managem 17AB Preventing and Exploiting Design/IP Track Poster Session m m m m m m m m Exhibit Floor & Awards Automotive System Self-Driving Cars: M Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of Effective Use of a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) in Presentation Lars Reger Hardware for Algorithmic Trading Ballroom E Analysis of Automotive Solving the Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling andDesign, Analysi Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies inCloud and IoT Model-Based Design and Advances in Custom Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in 17AB Winning the Memory Challenge: Which NonSafety-Critical C/C++ CODE Cross-Layer Reliability Aware 12AB Design Cos 18AB Nano-Scale Era - Part 2 10:00am Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 Cyber Physical Systems 8:00am 9:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm DACWillPavilion Optimization and Dynamic Manageme 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm volatile Memory Technology Rise Above? Driving the Next Decade Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet ofPuzzle: ThingsHow (Io Booth18AB 1839 Learning from Design Challenges in IoT World Timing & Signoff Ballroom Fits The Continuing ArmsOptimization Race: A Journey in the World of The Continuing Armsof Race: A Journey in the World ofPower Management in Advanced IC Design Linux Porting, Bring UpFand Driver The Rise of Heterogeneous Architectures: From Something for Nothing: Harvesting Ene :15 :30 :45 Innovations in Visual Life: Biologically 13AB 18CD Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 1 Runtime Exploits and - Part 2 Development Inspired Environment andDefenses Accelerated Embedded Systems to Data Centers Ballroom A Minimizing SOC Power Consumption: A top down Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) MIPI Alliance and IP: A Perspective for the Mobile Electronic Low Power 14 Computing: Sameer TrendsAddresses and Requirements design methodology or bottoms up starting with Exhibit Floor G Past, Present & LouStimulus How Portable IP Stimulus Key Verification, How Design: Portable Addresses Key Verification, Testand Mobile-Influenced Markets InflectionsBallroom in Physical Design: IP Halepete process selection problem? 15 Embedded Systems - Designs and Tools Embedded Security: Does the Industry A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Ballroom E Scheffer Test Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Part 1 Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Part 2 Future Brain-on-a-chip: Architectures for Low-Power Designer SoCs: Improving Processor Systems Program Welcome Breakfast & Design Automation Summer School Wireless Implantable Let's ConnectYoung Faculty Workshop IP Verification 12AB iFixit Hoverboard Neuromorphic Computing and Learning Lanza’s Tech Vision EDA Industry Trends for the12AB Image Trinity St. 18CD FoyerNoC It Out of the Park Energy-Efficient Protocols Internet of Things Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of Things Microsystems: Minimally Everything! Big Reuse and Reliability: Semiconductors to Orientation. Starts at 7:30am DACChallenges Pavilionof FPGA Prototyping New Sign-off Flow Challenges in Advan Recognition Teardown Challenge: Daring to Move Unscripted: Aart de Geus 19AB Overcoming Ballroom F - Part 1 and What's Hot at Part 2 Invasive Interfaces to Opportunities for CEDA Career Booth 1839 Superconductors Node Gary Smith EDA at Challenge Slice and Dice Advances in Workshop 1: DAC Workshop on Computing in Heterogeneous, Autonomous 'N' Goal-oriented Environments (CHANGE) to Open Source Workshop 1: DAC Workshop on Computing in Heterogeneous, Autonomous 'N' Goal-oriented Environments (CHANGE) DAC 19AB Ballroom DProbably or Provably? Advances in DFM 19AB the Brain Perspectives Little Devices Machine Learning for Analog Circuit Modeling (LPRIC) Alliance Kickoff How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: the Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin MinimizaVerification and Test Fish Food for Thought: Is the m m ESD m 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00 Panel 7 Taming - 9pm m IP Ecosystem Awards Sunday Night 17AB Consolidation Trend in the IP Ecosystem Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 1 Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 2 tion for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient Designing with RISC-V Ballroom G Workshop 2: International Workshop onPoster Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems Presentation Management 15 Good for the Industry? Environment-Aware, Reactive and Secure Design/IP Track Session (TSV-Based 3D IC) (Monolithic 3D IC) Exhibit Floor 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00 Computing Planar to FinFET 17AB Embedded Software for Reliability and Performance Preventing and Exploiting Errors The Challenge to Develop Automotive System Steering Safety Revolution Ahead – Solving the - Power, Temperature Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of Opening Truly Great Effective Use of a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) in RISC-V: Ballroom A Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis and Reliability Products: 17AB Custom Hardware for Algorithmic Trading Ballroom E Innovation in What It Takes to Enable Design Cost Winning the Memory Challenge: Which NonCross-Layer Reliability Aware Design, Safety-Critical 1:00pm C/C++ CODE Cloud and IoT11:00am Instruction Sets TSVs are so 2010 - the Reality Session DAC Pavilion Unscripted: Wally 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Ballroom A Mark Papermaster What's the Future of DFT? 18AB Car Puzzle: How IP Securely 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 1:00pmWorkshop 4: ACM/IEEE Optimization 2:00pmand on 3:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm Autonomous Dynamic Management Want to beConnected, Free volatile Memory Technology WillBooth Rise 12:00pm Above? of4:00pm 3D-IC Rhines & Awards 1839 DAC Workshop Internet ofFits Things (IoT) Learning from Driving the Next Decade Electronics Accelera 18AB Self-Driving Cars: Design Challenges in IoT World Power Management in Advanced IC Design :15 :30 Timing Optimization & Signoff Ballroom F Life: Biologically of Innovations in Visual 12AB Presentation Lars Reger :45 The Rise of Heterogeneous Architectures: From Reliabili Something for Nothing: Harvesting Energy From the Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Model-Ba ACM SIGDA Ph.D Inspired and Accelerated 18CD Ballroom A 12ABFuture Vehicular Networks - Safety and Security Environment Embedded Systems to Data Centers Nano-Scale Era - Part 2 Workshop 5: Low-Power Image RecognitionmChallenge (LPIRC) Cyber Ph Electronic 14 Computing: Sameer Minimizing SOC Power Consumption: A top down Exhibit Floor m MIPI Alliance and IP: A Perspective for the Mobile Low Power 7-9 PMImprovin Ballroo Design: Lou IP Trends and Requirements design methodology or bottoms up starting with 19AB Ballroom G Halepete ThanE You o Ou Spon oIP and Mobile-Influenced Markets A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Scheffer m Embedded Security: m process selection problem? The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey in the World of Linux Por Embedded Systems Designs and Tools Does the Industry Care? Ballroom The Great Simulation/Emulation Faceoff Brain-on-a-chip: Architectures for Designer SoCs: Improving Processor Systems 28th ACM SIGDA 13AB Welcome NoC It Breakfast Out of the& Park Design Automation Summer School m IP Verification Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 2 Low-Power Developm 12AB Trinity St. 18CD Foyer Program Wireless Implantable Young Faculty Let's Workshop Connect 12AB Tackling Demonstration Orientation. Starts at 7:30am iFixit HoverboardNeuromorphic Computing and Learning Lanza’s Tech Vision EDA Industry Trends Image 17ABDesign Challenges in Advanced Nodes: Microsystems: Minimally Everything! Big Reuse and Reliability: Semiconductors to DAC Pavilion New Sign-off Flow Challenges in Advanced Design Reliabili Recognition How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, Test Teardown Challenge: Daring to Move Unscripted: Aart de Geus Inflection and What's Hot at wBallroom wEnvironments Ballroom Invasive Interfaces to and DiceSuperconductors - Advances in 'N' Opportunities for 1:1:DAC 15Foundry Perspective WF CircuitmModeling Node D Challenge Boothand1839 Workshop ininHeterogeneous, Autonomous (CHANGE) 19AB Workshop DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingSlice Heterogeneous, Autonomous 'N'Goal-oriented Goal-oriented Environments (CHANGE) Probably or Provably? Advances in DFM Reuse, Portability Challenges - Part 2 to Open Source19AB Machine Learning for Analog DAC Future the Brain Verification and Test 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm Little Devices (LPRIC) Hardwa Fish Food m for Thought: Is the 18AB m Awards M m IP Ecosystem Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of Things Consolidation Trend in the IP Ecosystem Evolving IP Interconnects & Verification Designing with RISC-V Ballroom15MG 19AB Environment-Aware, Reactive and Secure Overcom Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems Presentation Management Planar to FinFET 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm Part 2 Floor 17AB Embedded Software for Reliability and Performance Preventing and Exploiting Errors Design/IPSystem Track Poster SessionGood for the Industry?8:00am The Challenge to Develop Exhibit Enabling Automotive 7-8:30 Revolution Ahead – Ballroom A 18CD Products: Opening Truly Great How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: Taming t Steering Safety Sensing, Solving the RISC-V: Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Cross-Layer Modeling and AnalysisAware - Power, Temperature and Reliability 17AB What It Takes to Enable Winning the Memory Challenge: Which NonReliability Design, 17AB are so 2010 - the Reality Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 2 Innovation in tion for M Mark Papermaster Design Cost Ballroom A Wally7:00pmTSVs More Ideas = What's Future of DFT? Instruction Setsthe 18AB DAC Pavilion iFixit Drone Unscripted: 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 8:00am 12:00pm 9:00am 1:00pm 10:00am 2:00pmvolatile 4:00pm 1:00pm 5:00pmOptimization 6:00pm 11:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm Session 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Connected, and Dynamic Memory Technology3:00pm Will Rise Above? of 3D-IC (Monolithic 3D IC) Autonomous Car Accelerated Simulation for Circuit Simulati Computin Puzzle: How IP Management 3:00pm & Awards Want Securely Escape from Design Mediocrity - Bette to be Free Cars: Teardown BallroomMore E Solutions w Rhines Booth18AB 1839 Self-Driving Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Fits Things (IoT) Learning from Driving the Next Decade Electronics 12AB The Bes Presentation Lars Reger Power and Reliability Reliability andDesign Stability :15 :30 :45 Effective Use of a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) in The Rise of Heterogeneous Architectures: From Something for Nothing: Harvesting Energy From the Life: Biologically of Innovations in Visual Model-Based and Forum Analysis of Automotive Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Tech ACM SIGDA Ph.D. Custom H Ballroom E Future Vehicular Networks - Safety and Security 18CD Inspired Safety-Critical Environment 12AB and Accelerated Embedded Systems to Data Centers Back-En Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 Cyber PhysicalDSystems Ballroom P S Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) Dr. Garble Mys mBallroom AC/C++ CODE m m Sameer m m m m m FP Electronic 14 Design/IP Track Poster Sessionand Mr. Leakage in the 7-9Test PMEfficiency Ballroom D Computing: Improving Exhibit Floor 19AB Increasi CPUs Design: Lou Halepete The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey inOt Linux Porting, Bring Up and Driver Design Challenges in IoT World Timing Richard Embedded Systems - DesignsA. and ToolsNewton Young Fellow Embedded Security: Does the Industry Care? Ballroom F Ballroom E The Great Simulation/Emulation Faceoff Scheffer 28th ACM SIGDA University System IP 13AB Runtime and Defenses - Configurati Part 1Tec Brain-on-a-chip: Architectures forM Program Welcome Breakfast & SoCs: Improving Development Tackling Real-World Challenges: Performance, Moore'sExploits Law Marching - Circuit 12AB Processor Ballroom G 18CD NoCDesign It Out ofAutomation the Park Summer School IP Verification WorkOn in Progress Po 12AB Minimizing SOC Power Consumption: Demonstration Trinity St.and Foyer m m A top down m m Designer m SystemsYoung Faculty Workshop m m Neuromorphic Computing m 17AB Learning Verification Orientation.w Beyond Traditional CMOS Reliability and Power in Memory Reuse and Reliability: Semiconductors toStarts at 7:30am Low Power New Sign-off Flow Challenges in Advanced Design Design Challenges in Advanced Nodes: Trends How Portable Stimulus AddressesIPKey Verifi design methodology or bottoms up starting with Inflections in Physical Design: Past, Present Ballroom G & Ballroom CE 15 Superconductors IP Node Workshop Heterogeneous, Autonomous Gary Smith EDA at Test Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Pa Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing Computinginin Heterogeneous, Autonomous 'N'DGoal-oriented Goal-orientedEnvironments Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) Foundry Perspective 19ABF Slice and Dice - Advances in 'N' Ballroom Future Where Are 19AB process selection problem? Probably or Provably? Advances in DFM Machine Learning for Analog Circuit Modeling Hardware Verification ofDAC Security Aspects 4:00pm thePe H3 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 5:00pm ESD Alliance Kickoff Semiconductor 6:00pmSecurity: Protect Verification and Test 18AB Fish Food for Thought: Is the Pavilion Pa with Let's Connect IP Ecosystem Energy-Efficient Protocols EDA forWe the Intern 7-9 PM iFixit Hoverboard Sunday Night Industry Tr m Consolidation Trend in the IP Ecosystem Evolving IP Interconnects & Verification Designing with RISC-V Ballroom G Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems IC and TS Everything! Big 19AB 15 Overcoming Challenges of FPGA Prototyping Booth 1839 DAC Pavilion Management -Design Part6:00pm 1 Automation on theand Teardown Good the Industry? Environment-Aware, Reactive andforSecure What's Hot 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm Enabling the Internet of Things: Context-Awareness in Planar to FinFET Road Towar Embedded SoftwaretoforDevelop Reliability and Performance Opportunities17AB for Preventing and Exploiting Errors The Challenge Booth 1839 7-8:30 PM Automotive System DAC 18CD Driving Sensing, Communication and Computing Steering Safety How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Taming the Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin MinimizaRevolution Ahead – Little Devices Solving the Ballroom A Opening Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and Reliability Truly Great Products:RISC-V: 17AB 17AB Innovation in Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies tion for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient What-Itthe Takes toInstruction Enable Sets Design Cost Aware Design, Exhibit Floor Winning the Memory Challenge: Which NonMore Ideas = Cross-Layer Reliability Session TSVs4:00pm are so Papermaster 2010 Reality DAC Pavilion iFixit Drone 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Mark Unscripted: Wally How to Verify Simulation and Formal: What's the Future of DFT? Autonomous Car 18AB (TSV-Based 3Dthe IC) Gordian's Knot of Sy Computing Securely Connected, Puzzle: IPBallroom A Ballroom E More Solutions Optimization andHow Dynamic Design/IP Track Poster Session Want to be Free volatile Memory Technology of 3D-IC Teardown Rhines & Awards Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet ofFits Things (IoT) Management Booth 18AB 1839 Will Rise Above? Complexity The Best Escape from Design Mediocrity - Better ToolsofforBoth WorldsExhibit Floor Accelerated Electronics Simulation for Circuit Self-Driving Cars: :15 :30 :45 Cruising to Closure While Trumping Constraints! 12AB Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of Presentation Lars Reger Power and Reliability Reliability and Stability Trinity St. Foyer The Rise of Heterogeneous Architectures: From Custom Hardware for Algorithmic Trading Something for Nothing: Harvesting Energy From the Ballroom E Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Model-Based Design and Analysis Automotive Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Tools & Techniques- Innovation Optimizing ACMofSIGDA Ph.D. Forum Back-End Design Cloud and IoTMobile User Experience Via Future Vehicular Networks Safety and Security 18CD 12AB Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) Ballroom F Environment Nano-Scale Era - Part 2 Embedded Systems to Data Centers Nano-Scale Era -Mr. Part 1 Session Cyber Physical Systems 14 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 9:00am 10:00am 11:00 the System Stack Design/IP Track Poster Increasing Design Efficiency 8:00am Exhibit Floor Dr. Garble and Leakage in the Mystery of Secure 7-9 PM Ballroom D Improving Test Efficiency Attacks and Defenses for Secure SystemsLearning - The Arms Race Continues Decade 19AB from Driving the Next Power CPUs A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Management in Advanced IC Des &Open Signoff IPOptimization The Continuing Arms Race: A JourneyTiming inSystem the World of TheModules, Continuing Arms Race: A Journey in the World of Linux Porting, Bring Up and DriverBallroom F Embedded Systems - Designs and Tools Embedded Security: Does the Industry Source: Software, of Innovations in Visual Life: Biologically Ballroom E The Great Simulation/Emulation Faceoff Young Faculty Workshop Why IP Subsystems and Why Now? Welcome Breakfast & Design Automation Summer School 28th ACM SIGDAGUniversity 13AB Care? Ballroom 12AB 18CD Program Runtime and Defenses - Part 1Configuration Exploits and Defenses -9:00am Part 2 Development Work inandProgressSystems, PosterBallroom Session and8:00am Now IPRuntime Chips? Inspired m m m m St. Foyer 10:00am 11:00 Trinity and Accelerated Verification Tackling Real-World Challenges: Performance, Moore'sExploits Law Marching On - Circuit Techniques Aand Orientation. Starts at 7:30am Demonstration Itching for Innovative Technology for CPS Hardware 17AB Electronic MIPI Alliance and IP: A Perspective for t Computing: Sameer Beyond Traditional CMOS Reliabilityinand PowerDesign: in Memory IP Trends and Requirements Reuse and Reliability: Semiconductors M Flow Challenges in Advanced Design New Sign-off Ballroom Design Challenges in Advanced Nodes: How Stimulus Design: Lou SecurityHalepete How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, CEDA Career Inflections Physical Past, Present &G DACTest Best Workshop Autonomous at Different Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous, Autonomous Goal-orientedtoEnvironments Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) GaryPortable Smith EDA at Addresses Key Verification, and Mobile-Influenced Markets 19AB Ballroom F 15 Learning and Multiagent Ballroom 'N' D'N'Goal-oriented Superconductors Node Scheffer Perspectives Foundry Perspective Designing for the IoT: Test andKickoff Portability Challenges Where - Part 1Are Reuse, andWe Portability Layers ofResearch: Abstractions: Future ESDReuse, Alliance Paper Automation How Do Make IPChallenges Reuse - Part 2 Design DACAspects Pavilion 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm Designe WeHardware! with 3D Reasoning for Panel 7:00pm 7 - 9pm Wireless Implantable Hardware Verification of Security Semiconductor Security: Protect the or Revolution Unscripted: Lip-Bu Tan NoC It Out of the Park IP Verifi 18AB 12AB Application, Operating Sunday Night Fish Food for Thought: Is the BallroomEnergy-Efficient AWork? Lanza’s Tech Vision Finding Funding for the Minimally FutureRobots: EDAInternet IP Ecosystem Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems ICIndustry and TSV? Energy-Efficient Protocols for the ofTrends Things Protocols for the Internet ofAward Things - Autonomous Booth 18397-9 PM Microsystems: Renaissance? Consolidation Trend in the IP Ecosystem and Hardware DAC Pavilion Evolving IP Interconnects Designing with RISC-V Ballroom 15 G 19AB Presentation Systems, Challenges of 3:00pm FPGA Prototyping Challenge: Daring to Mo Unscripted: and What's Hot at 9:00am The Challenge to Develop 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm& Verification 2:00pmOvercoming 4:00pm 5:00pm- Part 1 6:00pm 7:00pm Management 8:00am Peter Stone Part 2Aart de Geus Good for the Industry? Enabling the Internet of Things: Context-Awareness Design Automation on the RoadDAC Towards Automated Cross-Layer Approximate Computing: Challenges Invasive and Interfaces to Booth7-8:30 1839PMin to Open Source 19AB Revolution Ahead – Probably 17AB or Provably? Advances in DFM the Brain Machine 18CD Opening Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance ModelingSolving and Analysis Power, Temperature and Reliability Ballroom A Truly Great Products: Driving Sensing, and Computing MinimizaSolutions How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: Taming theCommunication Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin Steering Safety the Calibrat 12AB What It Takes to RISC-V: Enable Exhibit Floor Session Mark Papermaster Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 1 Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 2 tion for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient Innovation in 17AB Design Cost Ballroom A More Ideas = Instruction Sets DAC Pavilion Securely Connected, iFixit Drone Unscripted: Wally & Awards How to Verify Simulation and Formal: (TSV-Based 3D the IC) Gordian's Knot of System (Monolithic 3DGame IC) Autonomous Car for Computing Things (IoT) Planar t Floor Puzzle: How IP 17AB Embedded Software for Reliability and Performance Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of 18AB Preventin It's a Power Ballroom E Circuit More Solutions Escape from Design Mediocrity Better ToolsExhibit for Accelerated Simulation Teardown Design-T Self-Driving Cars:Want to be Free Rhines Booth 1839 Complexity The Best of Both -Worlds 13AB Electronics Cruising to Closure While Trumping Constraints! Evolving 12AB M Fits Presentation Lars Reger Trinity inSt. Foyer Power andinReliability Reliability andDesign Stability Infrastructure in the Age of Effective Use of a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) in to Archit Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Model-Based and Analysis of Automotive Advances Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies Custom Hardware for Algorithmic Trading Ballroom E Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) 12AB Optimizing Via All Layers of Innovation Winning Safety-Critical C/C++ CODE Nano-Scale Era9:00am - Part 2 Cloud and IoTMobile User Experience11:00am 14 - the Reality Nano-Scale EraBack-End - Part 1 Design Tools & Techniques-8:00am Cyber Physical Systems F TSVs are so 2010 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm Ballroom What's the Future of DFT? Getting the Most From Tcl 18AB Dr. Garble and Mr. Leakage in the Mystery of Secure Accelera the System Stack Design/IP Track Poster Session Increasing Design Efficiency Improving Test Efficiency volatile M Exhibit Attacks and Defenses for Secure Systems - The Arms Race Continues of 3D-IC Floor 19AB 18CD Next Decade A. Richard Newton Young Fellow CPUs fromin theDriving Reconfig The ContinuingTiming Arms Race: A Journey in the World of The Continuing Arms Race: ALearning Journey World the of Power Linux Porting, Bring Up and Design Challenges in IoT World Management in Advanced IC Design Optimization & Signoff Ballroom F Driver in Visual Life: Biologically of Innovations IP Welcome Breakfast & Design Automation Summer School 13AB Challenges on Architecture and Chip Design for The Rise 18CD Program Modules, Runtime ExploitsSystem and Defenses - PartOpen 1 Source: Software, Exploits9:00am and Defenses - Part 2 and Accelerated Development 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm ACM SIGDA Ph.D. Forum Why IP Subsystems and Why Now?11:00am Configuration Ballroom G Inspired Future - Safety andatSecurity Tackling Real-World Challenges: Performance, Moore's Law Marching Onand- CircuitSystems, Techniques Orientation. Starts 7:30am 18CD Design U Ballroom AChips?Session Runtime Automotive Electronic Control Units Work inNow Progress and IP andPoster Trinity St.Vehicular Foyer Networks Embedd Itching for Innovative Technology for CPS Hardware Verification 17AB Electronic 19AB Minimizing SOC Power Consumption: A top down Computing: Sameer Beyond Traditional CMOS Reliability in andPhysical Power in Timing? Alliance and IP: A Perspective for the Mobile Low Power 7-9 PM Ballroom D How Portable Key Verification, CEDA Career How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Test MIPI DAC Best Inflections Design: Past, Present & IPEDA Trends and Requirements Gary SmithStimulus at Addresses Design: LouVerification, design methodology or bottoms up starting with Ballroom GMemory Halepete and Multiagent 15 Ballroom D IP Different Perspectives Reuse, and Portability Challenges and Mobile-Influenced Markets process selection problem? TestESD Reuse, andWhere Portability Scheffer - Part 2atLearning PaperSecurity Alliance KickoffAre Challenges - Part 1 Future Embedd BallroomChasing E LastDown The Great Simulation/Emulation Faceoff IoT: Design Automation Research: Designing for the Designer for Panel 7 - 9pm How Do We Make IP Reuse Layers ofReasoning Brain-on-a-chip: Architectures for ACM SIGDA University SoCs: Improving Systems Abstractions: Memory Verification of Security Aspects Semiconductor the Hardware!Ballroom Low-Power Processor Every Pavilion 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 28th 11:00am 18AB 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pmHardwareDAC 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pmEnergy-Efficient 6:00pm 7:00pm Sunday Night iFixit Apple Award Implantable IP Verification WeSecurity: with 3D Protect 12ABALip-Bu 17AB Let's Connect Finding Funding Work? or Revolution Autonomous Robots: Unscripted: Tan Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of Things Neuromorphic Computing and Lear Protocols forWireless the Internet of Things - for the FutureLanza’s Application, Operating Demonstration iFixit Hoverboard Tech Vision EDA Industry Trends Image the in Picojoule Teardown Presentation IC and TSV? 6:00pm Microsystems: Booth 1839 Overcoming Challenges of FPGA Prototyping 10:00am 11:00am 19AB 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm Everything! Big Renaissance? DAC Pavilion Stone Reuse a Systems,Peter andMinimally Hardware - Part 1 and What's Part 2 Design 8:00am Challenges in Advanced Nodes: 9:00am Recognition Ballroom Teardown Challenge: Daring to Move Unscripted: Aart de Geus Internet Enabling the Internet of Things: Context-Awareness in F of Things Design Automation Hot on at the Road Towards Automated Cross-Layer Approximate Computing: Challenges and Invasive Interfaces to Opportunities for Slice Dice Architectures - Advances infor Superco to Develop Revolution Ahead – Challenge Foundry Perspective Booth 1839 Depthand Matters! Deep to Open Source 19AB Opening The Challenge 9 00am M 7 Exhibit Floor Embedded Systems - Designs andmTools Brain-on-a-chip: Architectures for Neuromorphic Computing and Learning Trinity St. Foyer Reuse and Reliability: Semiconductors to Slice and Dice - Advances inSuperconductors 5:00pm Monday 18AB 10AB SKYm Talks Tutorials m 67 3 7:00pm Cross-Layer Reliability Aware Design, 6:00pm Optimization and Dynamic Management 9:00am :15 :30 m 69 m m 8 m m S m n M d ng nd An SUNDAY 8:00am Reviewed Presentations 5 T6 1 12 9 4:00pm Design/IP Track Poster Session 26 DAC The Rise of Heterogeneous Architectures: From m m Embedded Systems to Data Centers nP 70 SUNDAY m 3:00pm Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 1 (TSV-Based 3D IC) Minimizing SOC Power Consumption: A top down design methodology or bottoms up starting with process selection problem? 27 S Winning the Memory Challenge: Which Non3:00pm DAC Pavim Above? volatile Memory Technology Will Rise 29 18AB 15 1:00pm 2:00pm Additional m W P P S Meetings Monday ACM S GDA P D m Tutorials 7 9 PM B mD Safety-Critical C/C++ CODE 12:00pm S De gn Au oma on Summe Schoo 9 00am Wireless Implantable Microsystems: Minimally Invasive Interfaces to the Brain Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPRIC) Awards Presentation 16 T8 T9 D 6 CEDA Career Perspectives Panel 7 - 9pm 0 S 3 T9 T10 5 Learning from Driving the Next Decade Life: Biologically of Innovations in Visual Inspired and Accelerated Electronic Computing: Sameer Design: Lou Halepete Scheffer Wireless Implantable Microsystems: Minimally Invasive Interfaces to the Brain Un p d W Rh n Wo k hop 4 ACMm EEE DAC Wo k hopm on n e ne o Th ngm oT m CEDA Career Gary Smith EDA atHow Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, Test Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Part 1 Perspectives ESD Alliance Kickoff Panel 7 - 9pm Sunday Night Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Nano-Scale Era - Part 2 m C O m R SC V n u nS W n b 71 w & m m EVENT TYPES LEGEND 17 11:00am W Panels Additional Meetings 4 T6 T7 How Stimulus GaryPortable Smith EDA at Addresses Key Verification, Test andKickoff Portability Challenges - Part 1 ESDReuse, Alliance Sunday Night EDA Industry Trends and What's Hot at DAC Cloud and IoT 10:00am 2 T6 How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, CEDA1 Career Gary Smith EDA at Test Reuse, and Portability Challenges - Part Perspectives ESD Alliance Kickoff Panel 7 - 9pm Sunday Night EDA Industry Trends and What's Hot at DAC T3 T4 1 T5 Poster S R D C Sessions DAC N w Pavilion Nano-Scale Era9:00am - Part 2 Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Algorithmic Trading Custom Hardware for Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 m T7 C T8 C m T1 m T2 A m 72 m Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of 19AB Cloud and IoT m m Exh b F oo Workshops Panels The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey the World of & Signoff The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey in the World of Power Management in Advanced IC Design TiminginOptimization Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 1 Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 2 m m m 17AB MIPI Alliance and IP: A Perspective for the Mobile Training Day 7 00pm IP Trends and RequirementsBallroom Am HowReuse,Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, Test Invited 4 00pm 5 00pm 6 Panels 00pm 8 00am 9 00am P w G m and Mobile-Influenced Markets and Portability Challenges - Part 2 m m m m m 12AB Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of Things Lanza’s Tech Vision Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of Things m - Part6:00pm 1 Challenge: Daring to Move Presentations Unscripted: Part Aart 2de Geus 18AB 1:00pm 2:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm M to Open Source 19AB How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: Taming the Dark Horse: Voltage-Margin MinimizaG M m Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 1 Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 2 Ba tion for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient oom A 7:00pm (TSV-Based 3D IC) Computing Exhibit Floor 17AB (Monolithic 3D IC) 15 Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of Effective Use of a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) in C A C in Post D Silicon Diagnosis Technologies Custom Hardware Advances in for Algorithmic TradingAdvances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Safety-Critical C/C++ CODE Cloud and IoT Nano-Scale Era - Part 2 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 18AB12:00pm ANoC m Ou o he PaCkis Nano-Scale U Era - Part 1 Thursday Poster DAC Design Challenges in IoT World Power Management in Advanced IC Design Optimization & Signoff 12AB The Continuing Arms Race: A JourneyTiming in the World of The Continuing Arms Race: A Journey in the World of Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 1 m m m m Ba oom E m m 18CD Ballroom Runtime Am Exploits and Defenses - Part 2 m MIPI Alliance and IP: A Perspective for the Mobile Low Power Training Day Keynotes Sessions IP Trends and Requirements Pavilion DAC ng D wn Ch Panels How Portable Stimulus Addresses Key Verification, Test IP and Mobile-Influenced Markets Ballroom E E P obab Brain-on-a-chip: Architectures for App e m m m ance F n DFM mReuse, and Portability Challenges - Part 2 o P o ab ? Ad Designer SoCs: Improving Processor Systems 19AB Let's Connect IP Verification 12AB mEnergy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of Things iFixit Hoverboard Lanza’s Tech Vision Neuromorphic Computing and Learning Energy-Efficient Protocols for the Internet of Things Everything! Big u n h P 4:00pm Ba oomSlice Fand Dice - Advances in Teardown Challenge: Daring to Move Unscripted: 5:00pm- Part 1 Tea down 6:00pm 7:00pm Part 2Aart de GeusPavilion Ballroom F Opportunities for to Open Source h ng n n 19AB Machine Learning for Analog Circuit Modeling Little Devices How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: Verification and Test Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 1 Tools, Methodologies, and Case Studies - Part 2 Embedded So wa e o Re ab and Pe o mance 17AB Ballroom G (TSV-Based 3D IC) (Monolithic 3D IC) Planar to FinFET 17AB Preventing and Exploiting Errors Ba oomEnvironment-Aware, G System Reactive and Secure Automotive D S of a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) in Effective Use Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Evolving Infrastructure in the Age of C S ndu Event Schedule R 12 N w mW m B S Energy-Efficient DAC Pav18CD on Protocols for the Internet of Things7:00pm 5:00pm - Part 1 6:00pm Boo h 1839 How to Build Irresistible 3D IC Physical Layouts: tion for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient Computing m nd 11 00am m m SUNDAY TUESDAY 17AB 6:00pm 7:00pm m Model-Based Design and Analysis of Automotive Ballroom E D Systems P S Cyber Physical mP M Linux Porting, Bring Up and Ballroom Driver F Development m Inflections in Physical Design: Past, Present Ballroom G & Future m m Overcoming Challenges ofDAC FPGAPavilion Prototyping 3:00pm Booth 1839 4:00pm 2:00pm mm m m Keynotes Ba oom oom AE Ba 2:00pm Presentations m m m Overcoming Challenges of FPGA Prototyping 4:00pm 3:00pm Taming theMDark Horse: Voltage-Margin Minimiza- M m 14 1:00pm Inflections in Physical Design: Past,mPresent & Future m S m 15 m b 16 m m 33 15 m 19AB 12:00pm R u Sup Event Schedule m Ba oom F 12AB Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis Technologies in Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 Invited Continuing Ba oomTheRuntime G Arms Race: A Journey in the World of 13AB Exploits and Defenses - Part 1 m h p3 S 10 Workshops Invited Invited Poster Presentations Presentations Sessions Thursday is 7:00pm 1:00pm Model-Based Design and Analysis m of Automotive Cyber Physical Systems m M Linux Porting, Bring Up and Driver m Development m gn Wo k hop 2 n e na ona Wo k hop on De gn Au oma on o C be Ph T6 6:00pm m Pav on m DAC 2:00pm 12AB Boo h 1839 SKY Talks 13AB Exh b F oo m m15 m T n y S Foye m 19AB 5:00pm 6:00pm 8 17AB 00am Reviewed Presentations m m m 12:00pm D mm 8:00am T7 Revolution Ahead – Opening What It Takes to Enable Session 5:00pm Securely Connected, & Awards Self-Driving Cars: Presentation Lars Reger m 11:00am m Wo k hop 5 ow Powe mage Re ogn on Cha enge P RC m 1:00pm 4:00pm Emb dd d S The Cha enge o De e op G ea P oduc WoTku hop Ma k Pape ma e T8 m O T6 m 9:00am 10:00am Presentations m A C N A 11 00am 10m00am T9 Design Automation Summer School URSDAY TUESDAY m Ballroom Am m m D nd R ndu W R W m T10 CPS H w H b d m d wn 11:00am D A m R 3:00pmm Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) Next Decade fromin theDriving The Continuing Arms Race: ALearning Journey World the of Power Design Challenges in IoT World Management in Advanced IC Design in Visual Biologically of Innovations Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 2 and Accelerated m m Life: m m m Inspired 18CD Electronic Minimizing SOC Power Consumption: A top down Computing: Sameer Alliance and IP: A Perspective for the Mobile Low Power HowGary Portable Key Verification, CEDA Career How Portable Stimulus Addresses Test MIPI IPEDA Trends and Requirements SmithStimulus at Addresses Design:Key LouVerification, design methodology or bottoms up starting with IP Perspectives Reuse, and Portability Challenges process selection problem? TestESD Reuse, and Portability Scheffer - Part 2 Halepete and Mobile-Influenced Markets Alliance Kickoff Challenges - Part 1 BallroomSystems E Designer SoCs: Improving Low-Power ProcessorLet's m Panel 7 - 9pmmEnergy-Efficient Protocols forWireless mEnergy-Efficient m Sunday Night IP Verification 12AB Implantable Connect Protocols the Internet of Things iFixit Hoverboard Lanza’s Tech Vision EDA Industry Trends for the Internet of Things Image Microsystems: Minimally 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Everything! Big - Part 1 and What's Hot at Part 2 Recognition Ballroom Teardown Challenge: Daring to Move Unscripted: Aart de Geus F Invasive Interfaces to Opportunities for Challenge to Open Source 19AB m The ContinuingTiming Arms Race: A Journey in the World of Optimization & Signoff Runtime Exploits and Defenses - Part 1 TUESDAY SUNDAY Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) Ba oom oom DE Ba m C H S m m m MONDAY 10 & Awards Presentation Revolution Ahead – What It Takes to Enable 5:00pm Securely Connected, Self-Driving Cars: Lars Reger 13AB 2:00pmm m A R T7 1:00pmm 459 00am m Ba oom G Ba oom A m m Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and m Reliability T2 Embedded Tutorials Reviewed m 10:00am Presentations PR 12AB S Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems C 12:00pm mR m 10 00am W T8 MPU P m Ba 8oom F 00am Keynotes Workshop Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous'N' 'N'Goal-oriented Goal-oriented Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) m Environments P 30 m m m M m M m A Sm C oo en Wo Au NN Goa Wokk hop hop11 DAC DACWo Wokk hop hopon onCompu Compu ng ng nnHe Heeeogeneou ogeneou Auonomou onomou Goa ened edEn En onmen onmen CHANGE CHANGE T9 U m m TUESDAY SUNDAY Young Faculty Workshop m m W m Young Facu 17AB 17AB m 18AB 18AB 14 18CD 18CD m m 11:00am T5 C D P C C++ COD m Monday Tutorials SKY Talks W m 8:00am m Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis Power, Temperature and Reliability C W m C m C1:00pm m 3:00pm m A 4:00pm Ballroom Wm 2:00pm Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) C m En onmen Awa e Reac e and Secu e Au omo e S em WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE m m 9 00am 19AB 12AB 15 19AB T10 18CD SUNDAY THURSDAY MONDAY WEDNESDAY 14 10:00am Reviewed Thursday is Presentations 6 00pm 7 00pm Embedded Training Day Tutorials Reviewed S 17AB 12:00pmm 18AB 5 00pm m T1 m15 WEDNESDAY MONDAY 15 m 19AB 12:00pm Advances in Post Silicon Diagnosis in Custom Hardware for Technologies Algorithmic Trading Nano-Scale Era - Part 1 8:00am m P 12AB m 19AB P 60 58 59 13AB 6:00pm P SUNDAY TUESDAY 7 S m 4:00pm 12AB 3m00pm D 11:00amm D CP C S 9:00am :45 T3 MONDAY 33 MONDAY SUNDAY 10 4 :45 00pm B Monday M M D C Tutorials SKY Talks U M m m 18 4:00pm 10:00amm m :15 :30 m m T4 T8 T9 7 8 9 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 T6 T7 T8 T9 9:00amm 8:00am m Ba oom 12ABA m m m Event Schedule m m m m 8 00am m 15 m m PM 21 m m m m A Powe D Workshop 5: mLow-Power S ImageSRecognition m Challenge (LPIRC) Am R Low m m A. Richard Newton Young Fellow P Breakfast & Program Welcome Design Automation Summer School m m 3:00pm w m P m Event Schedule Pavilion Keynotes 10 Inflections Ballroom in Physical Design: G Past, Present & Future m m Overcoming Prototyping 2:00pm 3:00pm DACChallenges Pavilionof FPGA Booth 1839 18CD En onmen Awa e Reac e and Taming Secuthe Dark e Horse: Voltage-Margin Minimization for Modern “Real-World” Energy-Efficient Computing Au omo e S em Exhibit Floor Thursday C R is Aw D O m D m M Training Day Panels S m N H Linux Porting, Bring Up and Ballroom F Driver Development m D m m T n y S Foye 8 00am m m m m ng E S ng h D gn C Pu H w P m b F oo Exh m mD ACM S GDA UD m m m m m m m m DAC Pav on Boo h 1839 m SKY Talks Workshops 6DAC 00pm 7 00pm m T10 17AB m 14 17AB m Ballroom E W PS m W N w Model-Based Design and Analysis of Automotive m B a n on a ch p A ch ec u e o Cyber Physical Systems M Ballroom F Porting, Bring Up and Driver Neu omo ph c Compu ng and LeaLinux n ng m Development Ballroom G Inflections in Physical Design: Past, Present & ng nh S ce and D cemD Adgnance m Future m Ve fica on andR Te u n DAC Pavilion FPGA Prototyping 1:00pmR n 2:00pmOvercoming Challenges of 3:00pm n Booth 1839 M Workshops Invited m Presentations 12:00pm Model-Based Design andEAnalysis of Automotive Ballroom Cyber Physical Systems m S m 11:00am A 5:00pm m 2 mS N 3 S S m 7 m P fi T6 Revolution Ahead – Opening What It Takes to Enable Session 4:00pm Securely Connected, & Awards Self-Driving Cars: Presentation Lars Reger K D n d wn W T7 Design Automation Summer School D 8 19AB SUNDAY TUESDAY Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) A T8 15 A m 9 Revolution Ahead – What It Takes to Enable Securely Connected, Self-Driving Cars: Lars Reger m 11:00am w m T9 m 10:00am 13AB 17AB m 12:00pm 18AB m 2:00pm R D Workshop Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous'N' 'N'Goal-oriented Goal-oriented (CHANGE) Ballroom Environments DEnvironments(CHANGE) 61 m D Young Faculty Workshop 8 56 27 28 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 A G Ba oom G m ACM m S GDA P D m m m m m 7 9 PM B m 12 Opening Session & Awards Presentation n 12AB m 12AB m 19AB m15 9 57 21 22 Design Automation Summer School W N Workshops W R A 15 Invited H A m m m Sm m D C12:00pm 11:00am 19AB Presentations 1:00pm M m C M m 13AB R A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am D D S P m o F nFET PP anan ng nd E p Event Schedule m m Panels 2 Revolution Ahead – 1 00pm 18CD m 1:00pm Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) fi R Orientation. Starts at 7:30am C w w Ballroom Dm Workshop Autonomous Environments (CHANGE) Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing Computing Heterogeneous, Autonomous'N' 'N'Goal-oriented Goal-oriented Environments (CHANGE) C h V ininHeterogeneous, n m m B Ch Workshop ng Don Design ng Automation M for Cyber-Physical Systems 8:00am Workshop 2: International 9:00am O H wD W M SP u Modeling and m Opening S mWorkshop 3: System-to-Silicon S Op nPerformance H Analysis w - Power, Temperature and Reliability Session WD Ballroom A Embedded Tutorials H2 w 00pm G Reviewed C mm m 9:00am Presentations O m M 10:00am U 14 &m m m 18CD Ba oom F m m m m m 00pm 3 Opening m m12:00pm 18AB P m 33 o FBallroom nFET PP anan ng nd E pA ng E W 17AB Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am Workshop 4: ACM/IEEE DAC Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) Design Automation Summer School m m M m Panels m D S m Hw 11:00am M m De gn Cha enge n Ad anced Node Found Pe pec e 4 00pm 5 :15 :30 P M Young Faculty Workshop m 8:00am m Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and Reliability 1:00pm 2:00pm Ballroom A 3:00pm 12:00pm 18AB m 10:00am m 11:00am m 12AB m W 19AB M m15 Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems & 18AB 12AB D G M Monday M PA P AP CPU M fl M Tutorials M w M SKYB Talks nCMOSO Workshop Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous 'N'DGoal-oriented Goal-orientedEnvironments Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) Ballroom'N' Embedded 18CD Tutorials Ballroom D Reviewed mA C UnM pm d p Bu 8:00am 9:00am Presentations m Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) A 10:00am Sm W m m m m m 7 00pm m Presentations m Ba oom E 7 00pm Keynotes Invited Embedded Presentations Tutorials m m m 6 00pm m m T10 Young Faculty Workshop 17AB fi 8:00amm 3 00pm B C Dm m and Pe o mance 62 Monday m Tutorials SKY Talks 12 00pm Workshop Workshop1:1:DAC DACWorkshop Workshopon onComputing ComputingininHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous,Autonomous Autonomous'N' 'N'Goal-oriented Goal-orientedEnvironments Environments(CHANGE) (CHANGE) Embedded Tutorials Ballroom DReviewed m m 8:00am 9:00am Presentations 24 26 m 10:00am :45 w 17AB A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Program Welcome Breakfast & Orientation. Starts at 7:30am G m 9:00am Workshop 3: System-to-Silicon Performance Modeling and Analysis - Power, Temperature and Reliability 18CD A Foye O S S w M Workshop 5: Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge (LPIRC) 14S ng mP N w S mC DP Vegn fi Sa Con mp A. Richard Newton Young Fellow Wh A WM w h 3D C nd SV M R m S m 4 m m mD w M R m m PP w 9:00am A S D C Invited Presentations m N w S 5 D T n yS Workshop 2: International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems 14 m 8:00am C P m Event Schedule m D CP C S P m Embedded So wa e o Re ab C Am R DAC R m D Keynotes m Pavilion Hw m m m :30 o :45 Than You o Ou:15 Spon DAC Pavilion Keynotes m15 D 11:00am 2 00pm DACH w MB S B D C Pavilion Keynotes m D n DFM m MA = mP MN S S m m m m 63 B W Pm m m Reviewed PPresentations obab omP o ab ? Ad ancem Monday 6 00pm Tutorials Reviewed d 7 8 30 PM m P m m W m fi 3 00pm A H b d wn 5 00pm 6 m 15 S11 m 00am B B m m R D m SKY Talks NoC Ou o he Pa k G m m m 5 00pm 2964 Young Faculty Workshop m 12AB mm 19AB Am R D m 30 10:00am m 47 A C m S9:00am m :15 H :30 :45 Monday m 12AB Tutorials 19AB m SKY Talks mm Hw S AP m T1 43 44 D 45 N 1246 8:00am D m :15 :30 P S m D m m T2 3 40 41 DAC Pavilion Keynotes 10 00am m C m &S m 8:00am A N m m m m S D m C m m m Event Schedule m Event Schedule 42 m m m C A T6 Sm O m S N wS wC N 2 00pm m B m m T3 A m m m m m W m m m D C Panels R m m 1 00pm S S R SC V m n u nS W n b m fi P Tuesday June R7 6m 00 7 00pm R W C P m R P w M m U W H w fi S A m m 4 w 12M 00pm m m m 548 A Rm M Panels W m D 649 mH m Aw Invited Presentations m De gn ng w hmR SC V 50 20 m H Rm M C D Invited Presentations D P mP & PGA P m 1 00pm UnA pm d W Rh n m 11m 00amD C m ndu A m U C m m SUNDAY TUESDAY T4 m m m nd 12 00pm Reviewed m mPresentations m RECEPTION m fim 13 TUESDAY SUNDAY 12AB O SUNDAY TUESDAY 9 00am S m m P fl m gn R MPU 4 00pm SKY Talks m En onmen Awa e Reac e and Secu e Au omo e S em C U 4 00pm m O m D m M Reviewed S m N Hm m Presentations m m m B m Event Schedule m Ba oom oom AF Ba EVENT TYPES LEGEND DACBa oom G T5 Panels P D 239 m m 00am Ba 8oom E m m D m NDAY NESDAY m 1 Ma k Pape ma e Exh b 18CD F oo Panels m M MONDAY 10 00am Invited The Cha enge o De e op T u GPresentations ea P oduc m m nd R b ndu 00am A C D T1 Reviewed m m Presentations m m Emb dd d S R u Sup 11 m S ng h D D Mgn C B Pu C H Pw P S m 9 00am m H S N 54 16 18 19 R u n Ah d – Wh En b S u C nn d S D ng C R g m 17 m SKY Talks 10 00am Open ng Se on & Awa d P e en a on SUNDAY m 14 12ABF Ba oom 19AB Invited Ba oom G Presentations 17AB DAC Pav on Boo h 18AB 1839 m 9 00am SUNDAY DAC Pav12AB on Boo h 1839 SKY Talks 13AB Exh b F oo 15 T n y S Foye 19AB 8 00am 17AB Reviewed Ba oom A Presentations Ba oom E De gn Au oma on Summe Schoo MONDAY Ba oom G Ba oom A w & T2 Ba 8oom F 00am Keynotes m T3 N w mW m B S 15 O 16 A R R W SKYW Talks R A 52 C 2155 M m m 22 15 W m 23 Event Schedule Keynotes Wo k hop 5 ow Powe mage Re ogn on Cha enge P RC M m m 23 m 25 b m 53 A nP 14 S SUNDAY M nd R m MONDAY 12 M 13 C m n M d ng nd An P w mmp u o F nFET PP anan ng nd E p ng E Wo k hop 4 ACM EEE DAC Wo k hop on n e ne o Th ng oT h p3 S S ce and D ce Ad ance n Ve fica on and Te P M m P C C++ COD 31 W em O 32 T6 17AB 17AB 18AB 18AB 14 18CD 18CD a S C B a n on a ch p A ch ec u e o SKY NeuTalks omo ph c Compu ng and Lea n ng Keynotes Wo k hop 2 n e na ona Wo k hop on De gn Au oma on o C be Ph m D CP C S w MONDAY Wo Goa Wokk hop hop11 DAC DACWo Wokk hop hopon onCompu Compu ng ng nnHe Heeeogeneou ogeneou onomou Goa ened ed Enm onmen onmen CHANGE CHANGE DP VegnAu Con mp NNng P oo en S En fiAuSaonomou Low Powe P T7 Event Schedule 19AB 12AB 15 19AB C DAC Keynotes Event Schedule Pavilion P U D 3 00pm m 17AB 18AB D C C 3 00pm 2 00pm B M S w m SUNDAY 1 00pm 51 S m w m Event Schedule 12 00pm Event Schedule W EventKeynotes Schedule M 2 00pm Keynotes m A C m H Wo k hop 11 00am D CD P AP M fl 24 Young Facu N 1 00pm 25 Ba oom A 12AB 10 00am D A fi P M n hV n Ch ng D ng M Op n S u T1 m MP A M m m m M m T2 9 00am P w M A m Hw A C Am R D Hw R P T4 45 12 00pm T3 8 00am 30 11 00am G T4 15 10 00am A W M D CP C S D C MONDAY WEDNESDAY U B M S B T5 9 00am T8 m W Exh b 8F00am oo T9 &S R H w 1 O m m P 2 A fi P 3 w M m fi m R T7 2 M W Hw C m R WEDNESDAY MONDAY T7 W T8 H R P DAC Pav on Boo h 1839 & PGA P D mH m 3 Ba oom G DAC Pav19AB on Boo h 1839 17AB Exh b F oo Monday 18AB TSKY n y STalks Foye Tutorials 18CD A T9 C C P T10 C m P 4 T5 M D 5 m Event Schedule Ba oom F Keynotes Pavilion Am R D 6 T3 O 1 Ba oom E Ba oom oom DE Ba C m R 34T8 D T9 U P m 17AB MONDAY fl T4 19AB TUESDAYSUNDAY B m TUESDAY SCHEDULE 15 WEDNESDAYMONDAY P D T7 T2 13AB WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 DESIGN TRACK: IT’S A POWER GAME 62 Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: Ballroom E | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: Design, Design | | Topic Area: Low-Power & Reliability, System Architectures & SoC, Codesign & System Design CHAIR: 62.5 Boosting Power Verification by leveraging functional regression (4:30) Kuo-Kai Hsieh - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA Wen Chen, Monica Farkash - NXP Semiconductors, Austin, TX John Redmond - Broadcom Corp., San Diego, CA Power is the name of the game. Finding every last micro-watt, even nanowatt savings is what matters to chip designers today. Technology of the future is driving chip designs today towards longer lasting devices that can do more with less. Learn about the latest power saving techniques and power verification that will make your device “power”-full! 62.6 Efficient Generation of Power Optimized RTL using Incremental Modification of Design CDFG (4:45) Manish Kumar - Mentor Graphics (India) Pvt. Ltd., Noida, India Abhishek Bansal, Mamta Asija, Puneet K. Gour - Mentor Graphics Corp., Noida, India Jianfeng Liu - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea Abhishek Ranjan - Mentor Graphics (India) Pvt. Ltd., Noida, India Jung Yun Choi - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Yong-in, Republic of Korea Kyungtae Do, Mi-Suk Hong - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea 62.1 Putting On the Dynamic Power Glasses: A FinFET-Aware Approach for Early Realistic Block Activity Analysis and Exploration (3:30) Ioannis Savvidis, Björn Fjellborg - Ericsson, Stockholm, Sweden 62.2 AP Power - Performance Optimization with System Level Thermal/Power Analysis (3:45) Wook Kim - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea Eunju Hwang - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwasung, Republic of Korea Joohee Choung - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea Q&A Poster Session Wednesday, June 8, 5:00 - 6:00pm - Exhibit Floor Thank You to Our Sponsor: 62.3 Successive evolution: Tips and tricks for UPF based Low Power verification (4:00) Deepmala Sachan, Thameem Syed S. - Intel Corp., Bangalore, India 62.4 Efficient Techniques for Per Clock Gating Domain Contributor based Power Abstraction of IP Blocks for Hierarchical Power Analysis (4:15) Arun Joseph - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Bangalore, India Nagu Dhanwada - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY Spandana Rachamalla - IBM Corp., Bangalore, India William Dungan - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY Ricardo Nigaglioni - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Austin, TX 63 DESIGN TRACK: GETTING THE MOST FROM TCL Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: Ballroom F | | Event Type: Embedded Tutorial | | Track: EDA Topic Area: General Interest SPEAKERS: Tcl has been the language of design-automation since it’s inception in the 1980s. Tcl’s dominance is due in part to the ease of extending the language by exposing existing C/object code and the availability of Tk for graphics extension. As a language, it has relatively few firm syntax rules and can be described as a nested string processor. That minimal syntax has led many EDA engineers to learn just-enough of the language for the job at hand. That minimized knowledge unfortunately leads users to develop coding patterns that are not robust or even dangerous in large systems. The tutorial will give a firm grounding to EDA users to develop code that works all of the time instead of most of the time. It will discuss Tcl features that make coding in Tcl more productive and will describe patterns to build complex EDA flows and systems in Tcl. Brian Wilson - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., Austin, TX Mark Brown - Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Dallas, TX Thank You to Our Sponsor: 65 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 64 DESIGN TRACK: CHALLENGES ON ARCHITECTURE AND CHIP DESIGN FOR AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNITS Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: Ballroom G | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Automotive, Design | | Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC CHAIR: 64.1 Fast and Furious: Keeping Pace with the Trends in Automotive Architecture (3:30) Jason Jones - Texas Instruments, Inc., Houston, TX Michael Huebner - Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Germany ORGANIZERS: 64.2 New ADAS Silicon Architectures Drive a Quantum Leap in Platform Efficiency, Intelligence and Flexibility (4:00) Chris Rowen - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA Michael Huebner - Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Germany Dirk Ziegenbein - Robert Bosch GmbH, Renningen, Germany Next generation of electronic control units (ECU) in cars need a next generation of silicon devices for analog, digital as well for mixed signal functionality. The increasing complexity of ECUs leads e.g. to a shift towards multicore processors which are able to handle the high computational requirements of advanced driver assistant systems. Also a higher integration of systems into System-on-Chip (SoC) devices, where analog as well as digital interfaces, partly with a very high throughput for camera based system are on one silicon die, requires high end EDA tools in a broad range. This means tools for system level design, mixed signal chip design, formal verification and finally testing needs to be selected. In this special session the silicon providers as well as developers present recent techniques for next generation automotive chip design. The special session is addressed to hardware and system engineers as well as to researchers. 64.3 SoC Architectures for Automotive and Functional Safety (4:30) Balatripura Chavali - Intel Corp., Austin, TX Thank You to Our Sponsor: DESIGN/IP TRACK POSTER SESSION Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm | | Room: Exhibit Floor | | Event Type: Poster Session | | Track: Design, IP Topic Area: General Interest During the poster presentation, you will interact directly with poster presenters in a small group setting. Thank You to Our Sponsors: As the limited time available in the Design/IP Track session program was exceeded by the quantity of great submitted content, we present the following posters in the Design/IP Track Poster Session held Wednesday, June 8 from 5:00 to 6:00pm on the Exhibit Floor. 65.5 Perforance Optimization without Area and Power Penalties in Auto P&R Flow Wootae Kim - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea Hyung-Ock Kim, Jung Yun Choi - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Yong-in, Republic of Korea 65.1 Expediting standard cell development using on-the-fly DRC Atul Bhargava, Shayamli Choudhary - STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India Srinivas Velivala - Mentor Graphics Corp., Wilsonville, OR 65.2 FX-14 Design Methodology Implementation Michael D. Amundson - GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Oronoco, MN 65.7 A Methodology to Design Early and Efficient PowerDistribution-Network for Power-Gated Designs Abhishek Mittal - Broadcom Corp., Banagalore, India Anusha Gummana, Dileesh Jostin - ANSYS, Inc., Bangalore, India 65.3 Reduction of supply noise and timing Jitter with Power delivery network optimization in DDR3 based system Pratik Damle, Rakesh K. Malik, Shiv Om Sharma - STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India Abhishek Nigam - STMicroelectronics & HCL Technologies, Greater Noida, India Akhilesh Chandra Mishra - STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India 65.9 FinFET Episode II Unveil: Is 16-to-10nm the revolution or evolution? Andy Chao, Shawn S. Hung - ARM Ltd., Hsinchu City, Taiwan 65.10 Power Grid Sign-Off with timing Perspective and per instance timing derating feedback to ease STA signoff John Fellbaum - Hewlett-Packard Co., Houston, TX Kaushal Kishore - ANSYS, Inc., Austin, TX 65.4 Chip IR-drop optimism using lumped or pin grouped package models Marc DeWilde - Texas Instruments, Inc., Plano, TX Jeff Linn - Apache Design, Inc., A Subsidiary of ANSYS, Inc., Austin, TX 66 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 DESIGN/IP TRACK POSTER SESSION 65.19 Early and Efficient Approach to Model Power & IR analysis for Multimillion SOC using RTL VCD Vaishali V. Huilgol, Shashank Bhonge, Jayanth Bandaru - Xilinx Inc., Hyderabad, India 65.11 An Effectual Approach of Timing Constraints Promotion and Demotion Prakul Bhagat, Akhilesh Chandra, Venus Kothari, Renuka Deshpande, Ankur Kaushik, Himanshu Bhatnagar, Aditi Sharma - STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India 65.20 Enabling Efficient Design Planning Meng-Fan Wu, Chih-Tsung Yao, Koan Huang - MediaTek, Inc., Hsinchu, Taiwan Chino Lin - MediaTek, Inc., San Jose, CA 65.12 Area-efficient built-in memory self-repair architecture for heterogeneous cores with embedded BIST datapath Devanathan VR, Sumant Kale, Eric Von Dohlen - Texas Instruments, Inc., Dallas, TX 65.22 Multi-Voltage Domain Timing Methodology for Microprocessor Designs Eric Foreman - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Essex Jct., VT Nathan Buck - IBM Corp., Underhill, VT Stephen Shuma - IBM Corp., Essex Jct., VT Jeffrey G. Hemmett - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Essex Junction, VT Debjit Sinha - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY 65.14 Enhancements in Full-Custom Flow to Mitigate Post-Layout Challenges in Advanced Technology Nodes Radhika Gupta, Atul Bhargava - STMicroelectronics, Greater Noida, India Francois Lemery - STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France Rakesh Shenoy - Synopsys India Pvt. Ltd., Noida, India 65.15 How Substrate Noise Analysis Root Causing Chip Failure due to Coupling Effect Kwangseok Choi - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea Youngsoo Lee - ANSYS, Inc., Santa Clara, CA Byunghyun Lee - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea 65.29 DFx testing on emulation Aviv Barkai, Noy Nakash - Intel Corp., Haifa, Israel 65.30 Performance Estimation and System Analysis in systems with ARM Cores Robert Kaye - ARM Ltd., Cambridge, United Kingdom Jason Andrews - ARM, Inc., Ham Lake, MN 65.16 RESTful API for Microprocessor Timing Data Jose A. Paredes, Trevor H. Green - IBM Corp., Austin, TX 65.31 Requirements driven Verification Michael Bartley - Test and Verification Solutions, Bristol, United Kingdom 65.17 Early and Sign-off Stage Analysis of Power and Thermal Integrity of Large Vertically Stacked 3D-IC Koichi Yoshimi, Hironori Kawaminami - Fujitsu VLSI Ltd., Tokyo, Japan Norman Chang - ANSYS, Inc., San Jose, CA 65.32 Advanced on-chip data protection for automotive functional safety and storage reliability Kurt Shuler, Dee Lin - Arteris, Inc., Campbell, CA 65.18 Chip Area Optimization Using Polygonal Standard Cell JinTae Kim - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. & Samsung Semiconductor, Inc., Hwaseong-Si, Republic of Korea Jaewan Choi, Sangwoo Han - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea Tae Joong Song - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Seongnam-Si, Republic of Korea Sungwee Cho - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-Si, Republic of Korea 65.46 Verilog modelling of transistor and R,L,C components for very fast digital simulations of mixed signal IPs Santosh Nene, Babu Ramki S., Shovan Maity - Intel Corp., Bangalore, India 65.45 Hierarchical IP Design in SoCs William E. Orme - ARM Ltd., Cambridge, United Kingdom David Murray - ARM Ltd. & ARM, Inc., Galway, Ireland 67 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 WORK-IN-PROGRESS POSTER SESSION Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm | | Room: Trinity St. Foyer | | Event Type: Poster Session | | Track: EDA Topic Area: General Interest The DAC Work-in-Progress (WIP) poster session aims to provide authors an opportunity to network with peer feedback on current work and preliminary results. Join the presenters in the Foyer for their presentations. 101.10 Towards Tighter Bounds for Coupling-Aware Timing Analysis Jack S.-Y. Lin, Ryan H.-M. Huang, Louis Y.-Z. Lin, Charles H.-P. Wen National Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan 101.1 KVFTL: Optimization of Storage Space Utilization for Key-Value-Specific Flash Storage Devices Yen-Ting Chen - National Tsing Hua Univ., New Taipei, Taiwan Ming-Chang Yang - Academia Sinica and National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan Yuan-Hao Chang - Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Tseng-Yi Chen - Academia Sinica, New Taipei, Taiwan Hsin-Wen Wei - Tamkang Univ., Taipei, Taiwan Wei-Kuan Shih - National Tsing Hua Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan 101.11 Associative Memory with Online Learning for Approximate Computing Mohsen Imani, Yeseong Kim - Univ. of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA Abbas Rahimi - Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA Tajana S. Rosing - Univ. of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 101.2 An Incremental Timing-Driven Placement Flow Considering Routability Jucemar L. Monteiro - Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul & Univ. of Calgary, Porto Algre, Brazil Nima Karimpour Darav - Univ. of Calgary, AB, Canada Guilherme Flach, Mateus Fogaça, Ricardo Reis - Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Algre, Brazil Andrew Kennings - Univ. of Waterloo, ON, Canada Marcelo Johann - Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Algre, Brazil Laleh Behjat - Univ. of Calgary, AB, Canada 101.12 Parametric Exploration for Energy Management Strategy Choice in 28nm UTBB FDSOI Technology Jorge Rodas, Diego Puschini - CEA-LETI Minatec, Grenoble, France Suzanne Lesecq - CEA-LETI Minatec & Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France 101.13 MaxPB : Accelerating PCM write by maximizing the power budget utilization Zheng Li - Huazhong Univ. of Science & Technology & Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Wuhan, China Fang Wang, Dan Feng, Yu Hua, Jingning Liu, Wei Tong - Huazhong Univ. of Science & Technology, Wuhan, China 101.3 System Verilog Assertions Synthesis Based Compiler Khaled Salah - Mentor Graphics Corp., Cairo, Egypt Ahmed Y. Fouad, Omar Ibrahem, Omar Amin, Youssef Ramzy - Alexandria Univ., Alexandria, Egypt Mohamed AbdelSalam - Mentor Graphics Corp., Cairo, Egypt 101.14 Dynamic Power Optimization based on Formal Property Checking of Operations Shrinidhi Udupi - Technische Univ. Kaiserslautern, Germany Joakim Urdahl, Dominik Stoffel, Wolfgang Kunz - Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Germany 101.4 End of the Life Guard-band for SRAM memories : Reliability analysis and characterization of Memory products for Aging tolerant System-On-Chip timing closure Akash B S, Abhairaj Singh, Anand Shukla, Piyush Jain, Shruti Aggarwal - ARM Ltd., Noida, India 101.15 A Secure Network Architecture for the Internet of Things Based on Local Authorization Entities Hokeun Kim, Armin Wasicek, Benjamin Mehne, Edward Lee - Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA 101.5 An Optimized, Dynamic and Generic UVM Architecture for Flash Memory Controllers Sameh El-Ashry - Ain Shams Univ., Alexandria, Egypt Ahmed El-Yamany - Alexandria Univ., Alexandria, Egypt Khaled Salah - Mentor Graphics Corp., Cairo, Egypt 101.6 Correlation Power Analysis Attack on PIC Based AES-128 Implementation without Triggering Signal: Leveraging Elastic Alignment Oluwadara Adegbite, Syed Rafay Hasan - Tennessee Technological Univ., Cookeville, TN 101.7 Analysis and Verification of Hard Tie-off Signals in SoC Prokash Ghosh - NXP Semiconductors, Noida, India 101.16 Exploiting bipartite graph matching for fast local clock network optimization during incremental timing-driven placement Renan Netto, Vinicius S. Livramento, Chrystian S. Guth, Luiz C. V. dos Santos, José Luís A. Güntzel - Federal Univ.of Santa Catarina, Brazil 101.17 High-Performance Stream Cipher Using Physically Unclonable Functions for Big Data Security Geng Zheng, Yongqiang Lyu, Qian Fang, Dongsheng Wang - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China Gang Qu - Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD 101.18 Security of Neuromorphic Computing: Thwarting Learning Attacks Using Memristor’s Obsolescence Effect Chaofei Yang, Beiye Liu - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA Wujie Wen - Florida International Univ., Miami, FL Mark Barnell, Qing Wu - Air Force Research Lab, Rome, NY Hai Li, Yiran Chen - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA Jeyavijayan Rajendran - Univ. of Texas at Dallas, TX 101.8 Automatic Assertions to Coverage Conversion Using A Novel Tool Sameh El-Ashry - Ain Shams Univ., Alexandria, Egypt Hatem El-Kharashy, Abdel-Rahman Gaber, Ahmed El-Yamany - Alexandria Univ., Alexandria, Egypt Khaled Salah - Mentor Graphics Corp., Cairo, Egypt 101.19 Novel Spiking Temporal Encoder for Brain-inspired Computing Systems Chenyuan Zhao, Yang Yi - Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 101.9 CircuitsByCode: Programmable Schematics to Simplify PCB Design Shengye Wang, Chris Taylor, Devon Merrill, Steven Swanson - Univ. of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 68 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 WORK-IN-PROGRESS POSTER SESSION 101.32 Simultaneous Discrete Finite Automata for Wildcard Pattern Matching by Separated nvTCAM Search Engines Hsiang-Jen Tsai, Chien-Chih Chen, Keng-Hao Yang - National Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan Tay-Jyi Lin - National Chung Cheng Univ., Chiayi, Taiwan Yen-Ning Chiang, Wei-Cheng Zhao, Meng-Fan Chang - National Tsing Hua Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan Tien-Fu Chen - National Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan 101.20 A Novel Energy Harvesting Methodology using STTRAM Rekha Govindaraj, Jae-Won Jang, Swaroop Ghosh, Nitin Rathi - Univ. of South Florida, Tampa, FL Srikant Srinivasan - Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA 101.21 Optimizing Energy Efficiency with Multi-Mode Block inLastLevel Cache Gregory K. Lee, Yuho Jin - New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces, NM 101.22 Energy Optimization on MPSoC with Convex Framework Erwan Nogues, Maxime Pelcat, Daniel Menard - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes, France 101.33 Challenging On-Chip SRAM Security with Boot-State Statistics Joseph E. McMahan, Weilong Cui, Liang Xia - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA Jeff Heckey - Avago Technologies, Colorado Springs, CO Fred Chong - Univ. of Chicago, IL Timothy Sherwood - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA 101.23 An Accurate and Efficient Method to Calculate the Error Statistics of Carry Speculative Approximate Adders You Li, Xiangxuan Ge, Weikang Qian - Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., Shanghai, China 101.24 Towards Formal Autopilot Control Under Perception Uncertainty Susmit Jha - United Technologies Research Center, Emeryville, CA Vasumathi Raman - United Technologies Research Center, Berkeley, CA 101.34 Built-In Self-Test/Repair Methodology for Multi-Band RFInterconnected TSV 3D Integrations Shu-Feng Cheng, Po-Tsang Huang, Li-Chun Wang - National Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan Mau-Chung F. Chang - Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA 101.25 Power Efficient Hierarchical SEC-DAEC-DEC code for Reliable Memory Yonghae Kim - Sungkyunkwan Univ., Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea Joon-Sung Yang - Sungkyunkwan Univ., Suwon, Republic of Korea 101.35 Post-Silicon Validation Methodology for the Address Translation Mechanisms of Modern Microprocessors George Papadimitriou, Athanasios Chatzidimitriou, Dimitris Gizopoulos Univ. of Athens, Greece Ronny Morad - IBM Research - Haifa, Israel 101.26 Towards a practical specification of quantum circuits Alexandru Paler - Univ. Transilvania, Brasov, Romania Simon J. Devitt - RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, Saitama, Japan 101.36 Directly Coupled S-NDR Oscillator Networks for Image Segmentation Yunus E. Kesim, Abhishek Anil Sharma, James A. Bain, Jeffrey A. Weldon - Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA 101.27 Hardware Trojans Detection based on Steady State Learning Kento Hasegawa - Waseda Univ., Shinjuku, Japan Masao Yanagisawa, Nozomu Togawa, Masaru Oya - Waseda Univ., Tokyo, Japan 101.37 A Low-Power Design for Brain-Inspired Hyperdimensional Computing Abbas Rahimi, Pentti Kanerva, Jan M. Rabaey - Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA 101.28 COPAL: Connectivity Preserving Algorithm for Network-OnChip Power-Gating Pengju Ren - Xi’an Jiaotong Univ., Xi’an, China Michel A. Kinsy - Univ. of Oregon, Eugene, OR Chenxi Yang - Xi’an Jiaotong Univ., Xi’an, China Sena A. Koehnen, Shreeya Khadka, Brian J. Gravelle - Univ. of Oregon, Eugene, OR Nanning Zheng - Xi’an Jiaotong Univ., Xi’an, China 101.38 STOCK: Stochastic Checkers for Faults in Approximate Applications Neel T. Gala - Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India Swagath Venkataramani, Anand Raghunathan - Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN Veezhinathan Kamakoti - Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India 101.29 A Novel ECO Algorithm For Sequential Clock Gating based Low Power Design Flow Mahima Jain -Mentor Graphics Corp., Mentor Graphics (India) Pvt. Ltd. Noida, India Mohit Kumar, Nikhil Tripathi, Abhishek Ranjan, Amit Jain, Saumik Sarkar Mentor Graphics Corp., Noida, India Jianfeng Liu, Mi-Suk Hong, Kyungtae Do - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea Jung Yun Choi - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Yong-in, Republic of Korea SungHo Park - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Hwasong-Si, Republic of Korea 101.39 HW/SW Embedded System for Accelerating Diagnosis of Glaucoma From Eye Fundus Images Paulo Cezar Dantas Junior - Univ. Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil Andrea Sarmento - Clinica Oftalmologica Zona Sul, Recife, Brazil Adriano Sarmento - Univ. Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil 101.40 Co-Optimization of TAM Bus Wires Routing and Test Scheduling for Core-Based SoC Designs Jui-Hung Hung, Chun-Hua Cheng, Shih-Hsu Huang, Wei-Kai Cheng - Chung Yuan Christian Univ., Taoyuan City, Taiwan 101.41 An algorithm to identify cornerstones of digital circuits Yanxiang Huang, Chunshu Li - IMEC & Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium Meng Li - IMEC, Heverlee, Belgium Francky Catthoor - IMEC & Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Liesbet Van der Perre, Wim Dehaene - Katholieke Univ. Leuven, Belgium 101.30 Data integrity of STTRAM-Vulnerabilities, Attack Models and Prevention Jae-Won Jang, Swaroop Ghosh - Univ. of South Florida, Tampa, FL 101.31 SAT-Based Time Borrowing against Aging-Induced Timing Errors Jhao-Yang Huang, Chang-Lin Tsai, Kai-Chiang Wu - National Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan 101.42 Improving Performance and Energy Efficiency of STTMRAM-Based Handheld Platforms Under Read Disturbance Hao Yan - Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, TX Lei Jiang - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Austin, TX Lide Duan - Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, TX 69 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 WORK-IN-PROGRESS POSTER SESSION 101.49 INsight: A Neuromorphic Computing System for Evaluation of Deep Neural Networks Jaeyong Chung, Taehwan Shin, Yongshin Kang - Incheon National Univ., Incheon, Republic of Korea 101.43 CNFET-Based High Throughput Register File Architecture Li Jiang, Tianjian Li, Naifeng Jing - Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., Shanghai, China Nam Sung Kim - Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL Xiaoyao Liang, Tianjian Li - Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., Shanghai, China 101.50 Model Free Adaptive Data Prefetching using Hypothesis Tests Lionel Vincent - PERSYVAL-lab & Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France Stéphane Mancini - TIMA Lab, CNRS/Grenoble INP/UJF, Grenoble, France Suzanne Lesecq - CEA-LETI Minatec & Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France Henri-Pierre Charles - CEA-LIST & Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France 101.44 A New Datapath Bit Slicing Algorithm for Modern Circuit Placement Chau-Chin Huang, Hsin-Ying Lee, Bo-Qiao Lin, Yao-Wen Chang - National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan Jun-Zhi Yang, Kuo-Sheng Wu - MediaTek, Inc., Hsinchu, Taiwan 101.45 Reliable Many-Core System-on-Chip Design using K-Node Fault Tolerant Graphs Zheng Wang - Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore, Singapore Alessandro Littarru - Univ. of Cagliari & RWTH Aachen Univ., Italy Emmanuel I. Ugwu - Aachen Univ. of Technology, Aachen, Germany Shazia Kanwal - Sirindhorn International Thai-German Graduate School of Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand Anupam Chattopadhyay - Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore, Singapore 101.51 Bard: A Unified Framework for Managing Soft Timing and Power Constraints Connor Imes, Henry C. Hoffmann - Univ. of Chicago, IL 101.52 Energy-Aware Multi-Variant Networked Wearable System Design: A Derivative-Free Optimization Ramin Fallahzadeh, Ramyar Saeedi, Hassan Ghasemzadeh - Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA 101.46 Encasing Block Ciphers to Foil Key Recovery Attempts via Side Channel Giovanni Agosta, Alessandro Barenghi, Michele Scandale, Gerardo Pelosi - Politecnico di Milano, Italy 101.53 On the Analysis of the Confidence on WCET Estimates for Software Randomization Caches Pedro Benedicte, Leonidas Kosmidis - Barcelona Supercomputing Center & Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain Eduardo Quinones, Jaume Abella, Francisco J. Cazorla - Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain 101.47 A Data-Driven Compressive Sensing Framework for LongTerm Health Monitoring Kai Xu, Yixing Li - Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ Yuhao Wang - Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore, Singapore Fengbo Ren - Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ 101.54 Selective Abstraction and Stochastic Methods for Scalable Power Modelling of Heterogeneous Systems Ashur Rafiev, Fei Xia, Alexei Iliasov, Rem Gensh, Ali Aalsaud, Alexander Romanovsky, Alex Yakovlev - Newcastle Univ., Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom 101.48 System-Level Energy Optimization For Dark Silicon Manycore Microprocessor Considering both Hard and Soft Errors Taeyoung Kim, Xin Huang - Univ. of California, Riverside, CA Hai-Bao Chen - Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., Shanghai, China Zeyu Sun, Nazmus Saquib - Univ. of California, Riverside, CA Valeriy Sukharev - Mentor Graphics Corp., Fremont, CA Sheldon X.-D. Tan - Univ. of California, Riverside, CA WELCOME TO AUSTIN! Austin is home to world-class museums, unique attractions, diverse nightlife, and stunning outdoor spaces. Make the most of your visit to Austin! Find out more at 70 THURSDAY, JUNE 9 DAC BEST PAPER AWARD PRESENTATION Time: 9:00am - 9:10am | | Room: Ballroom A DAC will present the research Best Paper Award as well as the Design/IP Track Best Presentation Awards. KEYNOTE: LEARNING AND MULTIAGENT REASONING FOR AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS Peter Stone - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX ime: 9:10am - 10:00am | | Room: Ballroom A | | Track: IoT, Embedded Systems T Topic Area: Cyber-Physical Systems, General Interest Biography: Dr. Peter Stone is the David Bruton, Jr. Centennial Professor of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin. In 2013 he was awarded the University of Texas System Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award and in 2014 he was inducted into the UT Austin Academy of Distinguished Teachers, earning him the title of University Distinguished Teaching Professor. Professor Stone’s research interests in Artificial Intelligence include machine learning (especially reinforcement learning), multiagent systems, robotics, and e-commerce. Professor Stone received his Ph.D in Computer Science in 1998 from Carnegie Mellon University. From 1999 to 2002 he was a Senior Technical Staff Member in the Artificial Intelligence Principles Research Department at AT&T Labs - Research. He is an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, Guggenheim Fellow, AAAI Fellow, Fulbright Scholar, and 2004 ONR Young Investigator. In 2003, he won an NSF CAREER award for his proposed long term research on learning agents in dynamic, collaborative, and adversarial multiagent environments, and in 2007 he received the prestigious IJCAI Computers and Thought Award, given biannually to the top AI researcher under the age of 35. Over the past half-century, we have transitioned from a world with just a handful of mainframe computers owned by large corporations, to a world in which private individuals have multiple computers in their homes, in their cars, in their pockets, and even on their bodies. This transition was enabled by computer science research in multiple areas such as systems, networking, programming languages, human computer interaction, and artificial intelligence. We are now in the midst of a similar transition in the area of robotics. Today, most robots are still found in controlled, industrial settings. However, robots are starting to emerge in the consumer market, and we are rapidly transitioning towards a time when private individuals will have useful robots in their homes, cars, and workplaces. For robots to operate robustly in such dynamic, uncertain environments, we are still in need of multidisciplinary research advances in many areas such as computer vision, tactile sensing, compliant motion, manipulation, locomotion, high-level decision-making, and many others. This talk will focus on two essential capabilities for robust autonomous intelligent robots, namely online learning from experience, and the ability to interact with other robots and with people. Examples of theoretically grounded research in these areas will be highlighted, as well as concrete applications in domains including robot soccer and autonomous driving! 71 THURSDAY, JUNE 9 66 CALIBRATION AND PHYSICAL DESIGN OF ANALOG CIRCUITS Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 12AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Physical Design, Circuit Design, Lithography & DFM CHAIR: 66.2 Procedural Capacitor Placement in Differential Charge-Scaling Converters by Nonlinearity Analysis (10:45) Florin Burcea, Husni Habal, Helmut Graeb - Technische Univ. München, Germany Peter Feldmann - D. E. Shaw Research, New York, NY CO-CHAIR: Jaeha Kim - Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea 66.3 A Novel Time and Voltage Based SAR ADC Design with Self-Learning Technique (11:00) Abhilash Karnatakam Nagabhushana, Haibo Wang - Southern Illinois Univ. Carbondale, IL Device mismatch and process variations are critical issues in analog and RF design. This session begins with novel results in automated layout generation and capacitor placement, followed by the design of SAR ADC with self-learning techniques, and concludes with a statistical selection method for design calibration. 66.4 Extended Statistical Element Selection: A Calibration Method for High Resolution in Analog/RF Designs (11:15) Renzhi Liu - Carnegie Mellon Univ. & Intel Corp, Pittsburgh, PA Jeffrey A. Weldon, Larry Pileggi - Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA 66.1 Novel CMOS RFIC Layout Generation with Concurrent Device Placement and Fixed-Length Microstrip Routing (10:30) Tsun-Ming Tseng, Bing Li - Technische Univ. München, Germany Ching-Feng Yeh, Hsiang-Chieh Jhan, Zuo-Min Tsai, Mark Po-Hung Lin - National Chung Cheng Univ., Chiayi, Taiwan Ulf Schlichtmann - Technische Univ. München, Germany 67 A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 11:30am to 12:00pm. DESIGN-TIME LOW-POWER TECHNIQUES: FROM DEVICE TO ARCHITECTURE Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 13AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Low-Power & Reliability, Circuit Design, System Architectures & SoC CHAIR: 67.2 Optimal Design of JPEG Hardware under the Approximate Computing Paradigm (10:45) Farhana Sharmin Snigdha, Deepashree Sengupta - Univ. of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN Jiang Hu - Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX Sachin S. Sapatnekar - Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Martin Lukasiewycz - Bosch Research, Munich, Germany CO-CHAIR: Phillip Stanley-Marbell - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Improving energy efficiency requires considerations across different layers, from device to circuit and architecture. The first two papers in this session describe a low-power divider and a JPEG encoder under the approximate computing paradigm. The third paper presents a joint architecture/circuit optimization for FinFET-based SRAM. Last, a new circuit design technique, asynchronous race, is introduced to greatly improve the power efficiency of dynamic programming computation. 67.3 Minimizing the Energy-Delay Product of SRAM Arrays using a Device-Circuit-Architecture Co-Optimization Framework (11:00) Alireza Shafaei, Hassan Afzali-Kusha, Massoud Pedram - Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 67.4 Energy Efficient Computation with Asynchronous Races (11:15) Advait Madhavan, Timothy Sherwood, Dmitri Strukov - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA 67.1 A Low-Power Dynamic Divider for Approximate Applications (10:30) Soheil Hashemi, R. Iris Bahar, Sherief Reda - Brown Univ., Providence, RI A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 11:30am to 12:00pm. 72 THURSDAY, JUNE 9 68 ACCELERATE THIS! WHAT’S NEW IN RECONFIGURABLE ARCHITECTURES Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 18CD | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA | | Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC CHAIR: 68.2 DeepBurning: Automatic Generation of FPGA-based Learning Accelerators for the Neural Network Family (10:45) Ying Wang - Chinese Academy of Sciences & Institute of Computing Technology, Beijing, China Jie Xu, Yinhe Han, Huawei Li - Institute of Computing Technology & Chinese Academy of Sciences & Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Xiaowei Li - Chinese Academy of Sciences & Institute of Computing Technology, Beijing, China Mohit Tiwari - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX CO-CHAIR: Chia-Lin Yang - National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan Reconfigurable architectures are emerging to address the performance, power and reliability concerns of modern systems. The first paper performs experimental evaluation of the communication bandwidth and latency of two CPU-FPGA platforms. The second paper presents a framework to automatically generate RTL implementations of neural network accelerators. The third paper presents Ta heterogeneous database accelerator MPSoC that yields significant power efficiency improvements compared to highend CPU and GPU-based systems. The final paper improves the reliability of FPGA-based reconfigurable architectures by performing kernel-specific transient fault vulnerability reduction. 68.3 Resource Budgeting for Reliability in Reconfigurable Architectures (11:00) Hongyan Zhang, Lars Bauer, Jörg Henkel - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany 68.4 An MPSoC for Energy-Efficient Database Query Processing (11:15) Sebastian Haas, Oliver Arnold, Benedikt Nöthen, Tobias Seifert, Friedrich Pauls, Mattis Hasler, Yong Chen, Hermann Hensel, Sadia Moriam, Emil Matúš, Stefan Scholze, Georg Ellguth, Andreas Dixius, Sebastian Höppner, Stefan Schiefer, Stephan Hartmann, Stephan Henker, Thomas Hocker, Jörg Schreiter - Technische Univ. Dresden, Germany Holger Eisenreich - RacyICs GmbH, Dresden, Germany Jens-Uwe Schlüßler, Dennis Walter, Christian Mayr, René Schüffny, Gerhard P. Fettweis - Technische Univ. Dresden, Germany 68.1 A Quantitative Analysis on Microarchitectures of Modern CPU-FPGA Platforms (10:30) Young-kyu Choi, Jason Cong, Zhenman Fang, Yuchen Hao, Glenn Reinman, Peng Wei - Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 11:30am to 12:00pm. DESIGN UNDER VARIATION: HOW DO YOU VERIFY TIMING? 69 Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 19AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA | | Topic Area: Modeling, Simulation & Timing CHAIR: 69.3 Efficient Transistor-level Timing Yield Estimation via Line Sampling (11:00) Hiromitsu Awano, Takashi Sato - Kyoto Univ., Kyoto, Japan Hung-Ming Chen - National Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan CO-CHAIR: 69.4 A Distributed Timing Analysis Framework for Large Designs (11:15) Tsung-Wei Huang, Martin D.F. Wong - Univ. of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, IL Debjit Sinha, Kerim Kalafala, Natesan Venkateswaran - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY Yasuhiro Takashima - Univ. of Kitakyushu, Japan The accuracy and efficiency of timing analysis in the presence of variation is critical for VLSI design. This session presents the state of the art on this topic, beginning with integrating various techniques into statistical analysis, including current source models, path tracing methods and smart sampling at the transistor level, and concluding with a distributed timing analysis framework for large scale designs. A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 11:30am to 12:00pm. 69.1 Practical Statistical Static Timing Analysis with Current Source Models (10:30) Debjit Sinha - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY Vladimir Zolotov - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY Sheshashayee K. Raghunathan - IBM Corp., Bangalore, India Michael H. Wood - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Poughkeepsie, NY Kerim Kalafala - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY 69.2 Statistical Path Tracing in Timing Graphs (10:45) Vasant B. Rao, Debjit Sinha - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY Nitin Srimal, Prabhat K. Maurya - IBM Corp., Bangalore, India 73 THURSDAY, JUNE 9 70 MEMORY THAT NEVER FORGETS Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 17AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Emerging Technologies, System Architectures & SoC CHAIR: 70.2 Nonvolatile Memory Design Based on Ferroelectric FETs (10:45) Sumitha George, Kaisheng Ma - Pennsylvania State Univ., State College, PA Ahmedullah Aziz - Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA Xueqing Li - Pennsylvania State Univ., State College, PA John Sampson - Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA Asif Khan, Sayeef Salahuddin - Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA Meng-Fan Chang - National Tsing Hua Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan Suman Datta, Sumeet K. Gupta, Vijaykrishnan Narayanan - Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA Jishen Zhao - Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, CA CO-CHAIR: Dimin Niu - Samsung Semiconductor, Inc., Santa Clara, CA Emerging non-volatile memory technologies enable new opportunities for architecture designs and novel applications. The first paper introduces a novel programmable logic-in-memory design (PLiM) using majorityinverter graphs with the ReRAM technology. The second paper describes memory design with Ferroelectric FETs. The third paper proposes a new register file design with STT-RAM for GPGPU, with techniques to reduce write overheads for minimizing energy. The last paper addresses the read reliability and write power concerns in STT-RAM with pseudo-differential sensing schemes. 70.3 Architecting Energy-efficient STT-RAM based Register File for GPGPUs via Delta Compression (11:00) Hang Zhang, Xuhao Chen - National Univ. of Defense Technology, Changsha, China Nong Xiao - National Univ. of Defense Technology & Sun Yat-sen Univ., Changsha, China Fang Liu - National Univ. of Defense Technology, Changsha, China 70.1 An MIG-based Compiler for Programmable Logic-in-Memory Architectures (10:30) Mathias Soeken - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland Saeideh Shirinzadeh - Univ. of Bremen, Germany Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon - Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Luca Amaru - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland Rolf Drechsler - Univ. of Bremen & DFKI GmbH, Germany Giovanni De Micheli - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 70.4 PDS: Pseudo-Differential Sensing Scheme for STT-MRAM (11:15) Wang Kang, Tingting Pang, Bi Wu, Weifeng Lv, Youguang Zhang - Beihang Univ., Beijing, China Guangyu Sun - Peking Univ., Beijing, China Weisheng Zhao - Beihang Univ. & Univ. Paris-Sud, Beijing, China A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 11:30am to 12:00pm. SECURE IOT: UTOPIA, ALCHEMY, OR POSSIBLE FUTURE? 71 Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 18AB | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: Security, IoT | | Topic Area: Cyber-Physical Systems, System Architectures & SoC, General Interest CHAIRS: 71.1 Things, Trouble, Trust: On Building Trust in IoT Systems (10:30) Tigist Abera - Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany N Asokan - Aalto Univ., Espoo, Finland Lucas Davi - Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany Farinaz Koushanfar - Univ. of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA Andrew Raverd - Aalto Univ., Espoo, Finland Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi - Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany Gene Tsudik - Univ. of California, Irvine, CA Anand Rajan - Intel Corp., Portland, OR Saverio Fazzari - Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., Clarksville, MD ORGANIZERS: Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi - Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany Yier Jin - Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a popular concept in both industry and academic settings, bringing along the vision of a bright future where all “unconnected” things become “connected.” Whereas such a tightly connected world brings about many benefits to our civilization, it comes at the cost of privacy and security. The internet revolution has already showed us once that leaving security as an afterthought has devastating consequences. Repeating the same mistake with IoT would destroy the utopic future we are aiming for. 71.2 Exploring risk and mapping the Internet of Things with Autonomous Drones (11:00) Paul Jauregui - Praetorian, Austin, TX 71.3 Can IoT be Secured: Emerging Challenges in Connecting the Unconnected (11:30) Nancy Cam-Winget - Cisco Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi - Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany Yier Jin - Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL In this special session IoT architects from academia and industry discuss their views on how to properly secure IoT from the start, addressing challenges of secure communication from the single IoT device, to groups of devices, to the backbone network. 74 THURSDAY, JUNE 9 RESEARCH FUNDING LANDSCAPE FOR 2020 AND BEYOND 72 Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm | | Room: 15 | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: EDA, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: General Interest CHAIR: 72.1 DARPA View (10:30) William Chappell - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, VA William Joyner - Semiconductor Research Corp., Durham, NC ORGANIZER: 72.2 Looking forward: Outlines of an NSCI, Architecture and Systems Research Agenda (11:00) James Kurose - National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA Valeria Bertacco - Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Do you wonder what the critical research areas relating to hardware design and EDA will be in 10 years? In this session, agency directors from NSF, DARPA and NIH will discuss their vision on upcoming research problems for the next decade and what is the related funding landscape they foresee. 72.3 NIH, High Performance Computing and Biomedical Sciences (11:30) Susan Gregurick - National Institutes of Health - NIGMS, Bethesda, MD SKY TALK: BIOLOGICAL ELECTRONICS: MERGING LIFE’S TRANSISTORS WITH THE SOLID-STATE Time: 1:00pm - 1:30pm | | Room: 17AB | | Event Type: SKY Talk | | Track: Design, EDA Topic Area: Emerging Technologies ORGANIZER: As a first foray into this exciting new area of exploration, we powered an integrated circuit using adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of living systems, by integrating with a CMOS circuit an artificial cell membrane containing ATPase pumps that hydrolyze ATP and pump ions, producing a transmembrane potential that can power the solid-state integrated circuit. Despite these primitive first steps, this co-integration of CMOS and transmembrane proteins has the potential for impact a large number of applications: molecular diagnostics and drug discovery by providing new nanoscale sophistication to electrophysiological interfaces; new sensing systems for smell and taste; and the ability to detect and treat disease with real-time feedback through autonomous hybrid systems that could be symbiotic probes in living organisms. There may also be possibility to exploit the mechanical nature of ion channels and the ultra-low-voltage operation that they support to create hybrid ultra-low-power biological co-processors to augment CMOS in signal processing and computational applications. Rob Aitken - ARM, Inc., San Jose, CA Silicon integrated circuits based on CMOS technology form the basis for complex electronic systems with more than 10 billion transistors in a single chip. As the scaling of solid-state devices through Moore’s Law reaches an end and there is a search to expand the capabilities of CMOS technology to new applications through the addition of new materials (“more than Moore”), biological components represent a largely untapped opportunity. Living systems have lipid bilayer membranes, which act as capacitors, storing charge as ionic gradients across these membranes. Proteins that permeate these membranes (transmembrane proteins) are versatile biological electronic devices, controlling ion flow through the membrane. These proteins can harvest energy from the environment (and store this energy as electrochemical potentials) and can sense the environment (other molecules, temperature, pH, voltage, mechanical forces) and signal this by opening or closing the ion channel through the membrane. SPEAKER: Kenneth Shepard - Columbia Univ., New York, NY DEPTH MATTERS! ARCHITECTURES FOR DEEP LEARNING IN HARDWARE 73 Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 12AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA | | Topic Area: Emerging Technologies CHAIR: Rangharajan Venkatesan - NVIDIA Corp, Santa Clara, CA CO-CHAIR: Jae-sun Seo - Arizona State Univ., Phoenix, AZ Deep learning networks have recently emerged as one of the most promising approaches to machine learning, and are advancing the field at a rapid pace. How can these networks be implemented in hardware? The papers in the session answer this question using novel approaches and emerging device technologies. 73.1 C-Brain:A deep learning accelerator that tames the diversity of CNNs through adaptive data-level parallelization (1:30) Lili Song, Ying Wang, Yinhe Han, Xin Zhao, Bosheng Liu, Xiaowei Li - Chinese Academy of Sciences & Institute of Computing Technology, Beijing, China 73.2 Dynamic Energy-Accuracy Trade-off Using Stochastic Computing in Deep Neural Networks (1:45) Kyounghoon Kim - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. & Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea Jungki Kim, Joonsang Yu, Jungwoo Seo - Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea Jongeun Lee - Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, Republic of Korea Kiyoung Choi - Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea 73.3 Switched by Input: Power Efficient Structure for RRAM-based Convolutional Neural Network (2:00) Lixue Xia, Tianqi Tang, Wenqin Huangfu, Ming Cheng, Xiling Yin, Boxun Li, Yu Wang, Huazhong Yang - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China 73.4 Simplifying Deep Neural Networks for Neuromorphic Architectures (2:15) Jaeyong Chung, Taehwan Shin - Incheon National Univ., Incheon, Republic of Korea A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 2:30pm to 3:00pm. 75 THURSDAY, JUNE 9 74 TO APPROXIMATE OR TO MAKE RESILIENT? Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 13AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Logic & High-Level Synthesis, Low-Power & Reliability CHAIR: 74.3 Precise Error Determination of Approximated Components in Sequential Circuits With Model Checking (2:00) Arun Chandrasekharan - Univ. of Bremen, Germany Mathias Soeken - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland Daniel Grosse, Rolf Drechsler - Univ. of Bremen & DFKI GmbH, Germany Michael Orshansky - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX CO-CHAIR: Sunil Khatri - Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX Approximate computing is an emerging design approach that exploits the intrinsic error resilience of many applications to improve power efficiency. This session has papers that address approximate computing at various levels - the design of approximate adders, synthesis of approximate circuits, and verification of approximate sequential circuits. The session concludes with a paper that discusses improving timing error resilience at the circuit level. 74.4 Area Optimization of Resilient Designs Guided by a Mixed Integer Geometric Program (2:15) Hsin-Ho Huang, Huimei Cheng - Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Chris Chu - Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA Peter A. Beerel - Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 2:30pm to 3:00pm. 74.1 A Low-power Carry Cut-Back Approximate Adder with Fixedpoint Implementation and Floating-point Precision (1:30) Vincent Camus, Jeremy Schlachter, Christian C. Enz - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 74.2 An Efficient Method for Multi-level Approximate Logic Synthesis under Error Rate Constraint (1:45) Yi Wu, Weikang Qian - Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., Shanghai, China 75 SCHEDULING FOR MULTI-CORE AND MIXED-CRITICALITY EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 18CD | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: System Software, Cyber-Physical Systems CHAIR: 75.2 A Probabilistic Scheduling Framework for Mixed-Criticality Systems (1:45) Alejandro Masrur - Technical Univ. of Chemnitz, Germany Riccardo Bettati - Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX CO-CHAIR: 75.3 Distributed Scheduling for Many-Cores Using Cooperative Game Theory (2:00) Anuj Pathania - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany Vanchinathan Venkataramani - National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore Muhammad Shafique - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany Tulika Mitra - National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore Jörg Henkel - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany Nan Guan - Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., Hong Kong, Hong Kong The recent introduction of multi-core and mixed-criticality systems has resulted in the need for new scheduling algorithms capable of handling these systems. The first paper generalizes harmonicity to real-time tasks with deadlines shorter than periods, and applies it to workload partitioning on multi-cores. The second paper proposes a probabilistic framework for design and analysis of real-time mixed-criticality systems. The third paper introduces a distributed scheduler for many-core systems based on cooperative game theory to reduce inter-core processing overheads. The last paper derives utilization bounds for partitioned rate-monotonic multiprocessor scheduling of multi-mode real-time task systems. 75.4 Utilization Bounds on Allocating Rate-Monotonic Scheduled Multi-Mode Tasks on Multiprocessor Systems (2:15) Wen-Hung K. Huang, Jian-Jia Chen - Technische Univ. Dortmund, Germany 75.1 On Harmonic Fixed-Priority Scheduling of Periodic Real-Time Tasks with Constrained Deadlines (1:30) Tianyi Wang, Qiushi Han, Shi Sha, Wujie Wen, Gang Quan - Florida International Univ., Miami, FL Meikang Qiu - Pace Univ., New York, NY A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 2:30pm to 3:00pm. 76 THURSDAY, JUNE 9 76 HIGH-LEVEL SYNTHESIS: REACHING FOR THE STARS! Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 19AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations | | Track: EDA, IP Topic Area: Logic & High-Level Synthesis, Low-Power & Reliability CHAIR: 76.2 Lin-Analyzer: A High-level Performance Analysis Tool for FPGA-based Accelerators (1:45) Guanwen Zhong, Alok Prakash - National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore Yun Liang - Peking Univ., Beijing, China Tulika Mitra - National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore Smail Niar - Univ. of Valenciennes, France Andres Takach - Mentor Graphics Corp., Wilsonville, OR CO-CHAIR: Takashi Sato - Kyoto Univ., Kyoto, Japan This session features papers on enhancing HLS technology, beyond its fundamentals. Papers describe techniques that help in selecting promising micro-architecture directives to get the best circuit; building IP libraries for data structures to enable broader deployment, and using HLS to improving circuit reliability. 76.3 Improving High-Level Synthesis with Decoupled Data Structure Optimization (2:00) Ritchie Zhao, Gai Liu, Shreesha Srinath, Christopher Batten, Zhiru Zhang Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 76.1 DAG-Aware Logic Synthesis of Datapaths (1:30) Cunxi Yu - Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA Mihir Choudhury - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, New York, NY Andrew Sullivan - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY Maciej Ciesielski - Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 77 76.4 StitchUp: Automatic Control Flow Protection for High Level Synthesis Circuits (2:15) Shane T. Fleming, David Thomas - Imperial College London, United Kingdom A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 2:30pm to 3:00pm. DON’T BE AN IDIoT: INTELLIGENT DESIGN FOR THE INTERNET OF THINGS Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 17AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: IoT, Design | | Topic Area: Cyber-Physical Systems, Codesign & System Design CHAIR: 77.3 Re-target-able software power management framework using SoC data auto-generation (2:00) Piyali Goswami, Sushaanth Srirangapathi - Texas Instruments India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India Chetan Matad - PathPartner Technology Pvt. Ltd. & Texas Instruments India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India Stanley Liu - Texas Instruments, Inc., Dallas, TX Avesta Sasan - George Mason Univ., Fairfax, VA CO-CHAIR: Yongpan Liu - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China The heterogeneous and distributed nature of IoT requires novel design techniques. This session presents emerging approaches to reduce the effort in designing distributed and dynamic sensing systems, ranging from automatic learning and auto-generation to semantics-aware design and statistical sampling. 77.4 Efficient Design Space Exploration via Statistical Sampling and AdaBoost Learning (2:15) Dandan Li, Shuzhen Yao - Beihang Univ., Beijing, China Yu-Hang Liu - Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL Senzhang Wang - Beihang Univ., Beijing, China Xian-He Sun - Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 77.1 Plug-n-Learn: Automatic Learning of Computational Algorithms in Human-Centered Internet-of-Things Applications (1:30) Seyed Ali Rokni, Hassan Ghasemzadeh - Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 2:30pm to 3:00pm. 77.2 A Semantics-Aware Design for Mounting Remote Sensors on Mobile Systems (1:45) Yu-Wen Jong - National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan Pi-Cheng Hsiu - Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Sheng-Wei Cheng - National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan Tei-Wei Kuo - Academia Sinica & National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan 77 THURSDAY, JUNE 9 78 NEAR-FIELD IOT: DESIGN AND CAD CHALLENGES Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 18AB | | Event Type: Invited Presentations | | Track: IoT, EDA Topic Area: Circuit Design, Emerging Technologies, Physical Design CHAIRS: Eric Keiter - Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM Peng Li - Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX ORGANIZER: Ibrahim Elfadel - Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Near-field IoT solutions comprise devices and applications that leverage high-frequency data sensing for near-field imaging, sensing, and communication. They use the untapped and unregulated spectrum between 200GHz and 1000GHz – the Terahertz range. Such applications include medical, safety and security imaging; nondestructive testing; gas, explosive, and water detection; and food inspection. In the pharmaceutical industry, target applications are lab-on-chip systems, protection against medication tampering, and drug distinction. 79 78.1 Ultra Low Power Integrated Transceivers for Near-Field IoT (1:30) Mihai Sanduleanu, Ibrahim (Abe) Elfadel - Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 78.2 Integrated Millimeter-Wave/Terahertz Sensor Systems for Near-Field IoT (2:00) Payam Heydari - Univ. of California, Irvine, CA 78.3 Near-Field IoT: Is CAD Ready? (2:30) Sharad Kapur - Integrand Software, Inc., Berkeley Heights, NJ WHO IS THE BIGGEST THREAT TO TOMORROW’S SECURITY? YOU, THE HARDWARE DESIGNER Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 15 | | Event Type: Invited Presentations | | Track: Security, Design Topic Area: Circuit Design, System Architectures & SoC, System Software CHAIR: Michael Chen - Mentor Graphics Corp., Wilsonville, OR ORGANIZER: Valeria Bertacco - Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI More and more security attacks today are perpetrated by exploiting the hardware: side-channel attacks leak secret keys to the outside world, weak random number generators render cryptography ineffective, fault-based attacks can compromise authentication, etc. Moreover, many of the tenets of efficient design are in tension with guaranteeing security. For instance, classic secure hardware does not allow to optimize common execution patterns, share resources or provide deep introspection. 80 In this special session we will bring experts from academia and industry to present the challenges that design engineers and CAD developers will be facing to extend the reach of the Internet of Things to such near-range, highfrequency applications. The three presentations of this session will cover many examples of near-field IoT applications, several design examples, and discuss the landscape of CAD methodologies and tools in this emerging research area. In this session, speakers will educate the attendees on potential pitfalls and demonstrate technologies that effectively provide security without compromising a design’s efficiency qualities, e.g., performance and power. 79.1 Protecting Security Primitives from Manufacturing Attacks (1:30) Wayne Burleson - Univ. of Massachusetts & Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Amherst, MA 79.2 The Row Hammer Problem and Other Issues We May Face as Memory Becomes Denser (2:00) Onur Mutlu - Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA 79.3 Side-Channel Free Architectures (2:30) Mohit Tiwari - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX SYNTHESIS FOR MICROFLUIDIC AND QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: 12AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA | | Topic Area: Emerging Technologies CHAIR: Robert Wille - Johannes Kepler Univ. of Linz, Austria CO-CHAIR: Shih-Hsu Huang - Chung Yuan Christian Univ., Taoyuan City, Taiwan Increasing complexity of microfluidic and reversible circuits requires design automation. This session addresses synthesis of micro-electrode-dot-array digital microfluidic biochips, continuous-flow microfluidic biochips, boolean satisfiability using quantum annealing and reversible circuits. 80.1 High-Level Synthesis for Micro-Electrode-Dot-Array Digital Microfluidic Biochips (3:30) Zipeng Li - Duke Univ., Durham, NC Kelvin Yi-Tse Lai, Po-Hsien Yu - National Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan Tsung-Yi Ho - National Tsing Hua Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan Krishnendu Chakrabarty - Duke Univ., Durham, NC Chen-Yi Lee - National Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan 80.2 Columba: Co-Layout Synthesis for Continuous-Flow Microfluidic Biochips (3:45) Tsun-Ming Tseng, Mengchu Li, Bing Li - Technische Univ. München, Germany Tsung-Yi Ho - National Tsing Hua Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan Ulf Schlichtmann - Technische Univ. München, Germany 80.3 A Quantum Annealing Approach for Boolean Satisfiability Problem (4:00) Juexiao Su, Tianheng Tu - Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA Lei He - Univ. of California, Los Angeles & Fudan State Key Lab for Application Specific Circuits and Systems, Los Angeles, CA 80.4 Unlocking Efficiency and Scalability of Reversible Logic Synthesis using Conventional Logic Synthesis (4:15) Mathias Soeken - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland Anupam Chattopadhyay - Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore, Singapore A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 4:30pm to 5:00pm. THURSDAY, JUNE 9 IT’S ALL ABOUT MANAGEMENT! LOW POWER AT THE SYSTEM LEVEL 81 Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 13AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: EDA, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC, Codesign & System Design, Low-Power & Reliability CHAIR: 81.3 Exploration of Associative Power Management with Instruction Governed Operation for Ultra-low Power Design (4:00) Tianyu Jia, Yuanbo Fan, Russ Joseph, Jie Gu - Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL Yanzhi Wang - Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, NY CO-CHAIR: Muhammad Shafique - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany 81.4 MORPh: Mobile OLED-friendly Recording and Playback System for Low Power Video Streaming (4:15) Xiang Chen, Jiachen Mao, Jiafei Gao, Kent Nixon, Yiran Chen - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA This session highlights the effects of power management techniques applied at the system level. The presentations describe hardware techniques including DVFS strategies, optimization of the efficiency of voltage regulators, energy harvesting and novel sprinting techniques for dark silicon, as well as software techniques for low power image encoding/decoding. 81.5 HW/SW Co-design of Nonvolatile IO System in Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes for Optimal Data Acquisition (4:30) Zewei Li, Yongpan Liu, Daming Zhang, Zhangyuan Wang, Xin Shi, Wenyu Sun - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China Chun Jason Xue - City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Jiwu Shu, Huazhong Yang - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China 81.1 SwiftGPU: Fostering Energy Efficiency in a Near-Threshold GPU Through a Tactical Performance Boost (3:30) Prabal Basu, Hu Chen, Shamik Saha, Koushik Chakraborty, Sanghamitra Roy - Utah State Univ., Logan, UT 81.6 Shift Sprinting: Fine-Grained Temperature-Aware NoC-based MCSoC Architecture in Dark Silicon Age (4:45) Amin Rezaei, Danella Zhao - Univ. of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA Masoud Daneshtalab - Royal Institute of Technology, Kista, Sweden Hongyi Wu - Univ. of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA 81.2 VR-Scale: Runtime Dynamic Phase Scaling of Processor Voltage Regulators for Improving Power Efficiency (3:45) Hadi Asghari-Moghaddam - Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL Hamid Reza Ghasemi - Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Abhishek A. Sinkar - Oracle Corp., Santa Clara, CA Indrani Paul - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Austin, TX Nam Sung Kim - Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 82 A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 5:00pm to 5:30pm. RENDEZVOUS IN EMBEDDED SYSTEMS: SCHEDULING PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 18CD | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC, Codesign & System Design, Low-Power & Reliability CHAIR: 82.2 An FPGA-Based Infrastructure for Fine-Grained DVFS Analysis in High-Performance Embedded Systems (3:45) Paolo Mantovani, Emilio G. Cota, Kevin Tien, Christian Pilato, Giuseppe Di Guglielmo, Ken Shepard, Luca P. Carloni - Columbia Univ., New York, NY Kyoungwoo Lee - Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea CO-CHAIR: Dip Goswami - Technische Univ. Eindhoven, Netherlands Antilles 82.3 MIRROR: Symmetric Timing Analysis for Real-Time Tasks on Multicore Platforms with Shared Resources (4:00) Wen-Hung Huang, Jian-Jia Chen - Technische Univ. Dortmund, Germany Jan Reineke - Saarland Univ., Saarbrücken, Germany The design of emerging embedded systems requires scheduling to coordinate hardware and software components. System quality would degrade due to insufficient battery capacity, careless coarse-grained evaluations, or uncertainty resulting from shared components or incorrect predictions. The first paper of this session discusses how to cope with nonvolatile processors when the power switching overhead can be significant. The second paper presents SoCs with fine-grained DVFS capabilities. The next two papers provide analytical and scheduling solutions for shared hardware and software components in real-time embedded systems, followed by an optimal and fast approach to schedule cyclo-static dataflow (CSDF). The session concludes with a design space exploration method to account for prediction uncertainty. 82.4 Real-Time Co-Scheduling of Multiple Dataflow Graphs on Multi-Processor Systems (4:15) Shin-haeng Kang, Duseok Kang - Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea Hoeseok Yang - Ajou Univ., Suwon, Republic of Korea Soonhoi Ha - Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea 82.5 Optimal and Fast Throughput Evaluation of CSDF (4:30) Bruno Bodin - Univ. of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom Alix Munier Kordon - LIP6 Laboratory, CNRS, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France Benoît Dupont de Dinechin - Kalray Corp., Montbonnot-Saint-Martin, France 82.1 Performance-Aware Task Scheduling for Energy Harvesting Nonvolatile Processors Considering Power Switching Overhead (3:30) Hehe Li, Yongpan Liu - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China Chenchen Fu, Chun Jason Xue - City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Donglai Xiang, Jinshan Yue, Jinyang Li, Daming Zhang - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China Jingtong Hu - Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK Huazhong Yang - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China 82.6 An Expected Hypervolume Improvement Algorithm for Architectural Exploration of Embedded Processors (4:45) Hongwei Wang - Institute of Computing Technology & Chinese Academy of Sciences & Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Jinglin Shi, Ziyuan Zhu - Institute of Computing Technology & Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 5:00pm to 5:30pm. 79 THURSDAY, JUNE 9 83 THE HARDWARE-SECURITY FORCE AWAKENS Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 19AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations | | Track: Security Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC, Codesign & System Design CHAIR: 83.3 Practical Public PUF Enabled by Solving Max-Flow Problem on Chip (4:00) Meng Li - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX Jin Miao - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA Kai Zhong, David Z. Pan - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX Michail Maniatakos - New York Univ., Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates CO-CHAIR: Jeff Draper - Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Hardware security research has entered a new era where we are not just protecting the hardware platform. The papers in this session awaken the force inside the hardware to protect systems efficiently and effectively in multiple ways. 83.4 The Cat and Mouse in Split Manufacturing (4:15) Yujie Wang - Texas A&M Univ. & Nankai Univ., College Station, TX Pu Chen, Jiang Hu - Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX Jeyavijayan Rajendran - Univ. of Texas at Dallas, TX Encryption of data in non-volatile memory, split-manufacturing, design of public PUFs and cryptographic primitives, reusing design-for-debug infrastructure and optimizing microprocessors for control flow integrity. 83.5 SECRET: Smartly EnCRypted Energy EfficienT Non-Volatile Memories (4:30) Shivam Swami, Joydeep Rakshit, Kartik Mohanram - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA 83.1 Lattice-based Encryption Over Standard Lattices in Hardware (3:30) James Howe, Ciara Moore, Máire O’Neill - Queen’s Univ. Belfast, United Kingdom Francesco Regazzoni - ALaRI, Lugano, Switzerland Tim Guneysu - Univ. of Bremen, Germany Kevin Beeden - Thales, Reading, United Kingdom 83.6 Exploiting Design-for-Debug for Flexible SoC Security Architecture (4:45) Abhishek Basak - Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH Swarup Bhunia - Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL Sandip Ray - Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 5:00pm to 5:30pm. 83.2 Strategy Without Tactics: Policy-Agnostic Hardware-Enhanced Control-Flow Integrity (3:45) Dean Sullivan, Orlando Arias - Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL Lucas Davi - Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany Per Larsen - Univ. of California, Irvine, CA Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi - Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany Yier Jin - Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 84 LIVE FOREVER: CHALLENGES IN NONVOLATILE MEMORY SYSTEMS Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 17AB | | Event Type: Reviewed Presentations Track: Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: Emerging Technologies CHAIR: 84.4 Two-Step State Transition Minimization for Lifetime and Performance Improvement on MLC STT-RAM (4:15) Huizhang Luo - Chongqing Univ., Chongqing, China Jingtong Hu - Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK Liang Shi - Chongqing Univ., Chongqing, China Chun Jason Xue - City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Qingfeng Zhuge - Chongqing Univ., Chongqing, China Myoungsoo Jung - Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Republic of Korea CO-CHAIR: Yu Wang - Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China NVM technology provides promising solutions for memory and storage bottlenecks in the big data era. However, it also brings grand challenges in architecture, system and software. This session addresses several emerging issues in NVM design from NVM control unit to NVM cache. The topics in this session include bank-level parallelism, run-time monitoring for process variation, cache management, and in-memory processing. 84.5 Write-back aware shared last-level cache management for hybrid main memory (4:30) Deshan Zhang, Lei Ju, Mengying Zhao, Xiang Gao, Zhiping Jia - Shandong Univ., Jinan, China 84.1 Fine-Granularity Tile-Level Parallelism in Non-volatile Memory Architecture with Two-Dimensional Bank Subdivision (3:30) Matthew Poremba - Pennsylvania State Univ. & Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., University Park, PA Tao Zhang - NVIDIA Corp & Pennsylvania State Univ., Santa Clara, CA Yuan Xie - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA 84.6 Pinatubo: A Processing-in-Memory Architecture for Bulk Bitwise Operations in Emerging Non-volatile Memories (4:45) Shuangchen Li - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA Cong Xu - Hewlett-Packard Labs., Palo Alto, CA Qiaosha Zou - Univ. of California & Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Santa Barbara, China Jishen Zhao - Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, CA Yu Lu - Qualcomm, Inc., San Diego, CA Yuan Xie - Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA 84.2 MTJ variation monitor-assisted adaptive MRAM write (3:45) Shaodi Wang, Hochul Lee, Cecile Grezes, Pedram Khalili, Kang Wang, Puneet Gupta - Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA A Q&A poster session will immediately follow the presentations from 5:00pm to 5:30pm. 84.3 AOS: Adaptive Overwrite Scheme for Energy-Efficient MLC STT-RAM Cache (4:00) Xunchao Chen, Navid Khoshavi, Jian Zhou, Dan Huang, Ronald F. DeMara, Jun Wang - Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL Wujie Wen - Florida International Univ., Miami, FL Yiran Chen - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA 80 THURSDAY, JUNE 9 85 WHAT IS THE REAL COST OF VERIFICATION Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm | | Room: 18AB | | Event Type: Panel | | Track: EDA Topic Area: Test & Verification MODERATOR: PANELISTS: Kelly Larson - Paradigm Works, Inc., Austin, TX Harry Foster - Mentor Graphics Corp., Wilsonville, OR Pranav Ashar - Real Intent, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA Subhasish Mitra - Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA Raviv Gal - IBM Research - Haifa, Israel It has become commonly accepted knowledge that verification comprises 50%, 60% or even 70% of design cost, but less well-known is where these percentages come from and what they mean. Does design cost include both hardware and software development? What about amortization of IP and EDA costs? Does verification cost include validation, DFT or timing closure? Are debug costs included? Pre or post silicon? How are companywide infrastructure costs allocated? While identifying costs is important, it’s equally important to look at improving value. The panel will explore options to measure and improve verification coverage, reduce rework, and improve the chances of first-time silicon success. 86 PREDICTABLE SYSTEM TIMING - PROBAB(ILISTICAL)LY? Time: 4:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 18AB | | Event Type: Panel Track: Automotive, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: Cyber-Physical Systems MODERATOR: To address this issue, a variation of measurement-based timing analysis called Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA) has recently been developed. Its goal is to provide WCET estimates for arbitrarily low probabilities of exceedance, termed probabilistic WCET (pWCET). MBPTA relies on the selective injection of randomization across the execution stack of modern processors, transparent to the application, and with no effect on functional behavior. Randomization is intended to transform unknown timing distributions, which would otherwise incur arbitrarily frequent pathological variations – source of possibly serious repercussions – into well-behaved distributions, whose extreme cases can be quantified to arbitrarily low probability levels. Marco Di Natale - Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy The predictability of system timing is a default requirement for automotive systems just like for other real-time embedded system application domains. Especially for mixed-criticality applications, the ability to predict timing behavior soundly and accurately gets crucial to system efficiency, so that higher loads can be sustained (as desired) while warranting availability, reliability and responsiveness for the correct execution of critical components of the system (as required). Those application domains are also witnessing a surge in performance requirements, which reflects the increase in the value-added that the software delivers to the system in those domains. The required levels of performance can only realistically be attained by employing highperformance hardware acceleration features such as cache hierarchies, multicore processors, etc. However, those features are increasingly complex for state-of-the-art static worst-case execution timing (WCET) analysis to handle with reasonable tightness and for affordable effort. This panel aims at discussing the viability and the respective advantages of both probabilistic and classical static timing analysis approaches and how they fit the industrial needs and practices in terms of timing verification, both from an application perspective as well as from an processor vendor perspective. PANELISTS: Jaume Abella - Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain Jan Reineke - Saarland Univ., Saarbruecken, Germany Arne Hamann - Robert Bosch GmbH, Renningen, Germany Glenn Farrall - Infineon Technologies AG, Bristol, United Kingdom Measurement-based timing analysis is an alternative to static timing analysis that promises to be applicable to complex high-performance architectures at a much lower development cost and possibly higher precision. However, it is generally very challenging if not impossible to guarantee the correctness of measurement-based timing analyses, in particular for complex architectures. 87 HOW MUCH MARGIN DO WE REALLY NEED? Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm | | Room: 15 | | Event Type: Invited Presentations Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Lithography & DFM CHAIR: 87.1 Recovering Margin - Challenges in Timing Sign-Off (3:30) Isadore Katz - CLK Design Automation, Inc., Boston, MA Jennifer Dworak - Southern Methodist Univ., Dallas, TX ORGANIZER: 87.2 What Does it Take to Sign Off a Chip? (4:00) Sorin Dobre - Qualcomm, Inc., San Diego, CA Rob Aitken - ARM, Inc., San Jose, CA 87.3 A Box of Dots: Using Scan-Based Path Delay Test for Timing Verification (4:30) Alfred Crouch - SiliconAid Solutions, Austin, TX John Potter - ASSET InterTech, Inc., Austin, TX Designers add margin to every aspect of their designs, often with good reason. Timing margin in particular is critical to ensuring yield. But how much margin is enough? This session looks at three important aspects of timing signoff – how can tool providers include flexibility for designers to make informed decisions? What do chip makers need to do to ensure that they include enough margin at sign off without leaving performance on the table? Finally, how do margin and chip test interact, since final yield and quality are determined by the ability to detect and remove marginal parts before shipping them. 81 THURSDAY, JUNE 9 TRACK 1, PART I: HOW TO BUILD CLASS-BASED VERIFICATION ENVIRONMENTS IN SYSTEMVERILOG Time: 10:15am - 1:15pm | | Room: Ballroom E | | Event Type: Thursday is Training Day | | Track: EDA Topic Area: Test & Verification The knowledge taught in this session is an essential prerequisite to the afternoon session on UVM. This session will teach the key SystemVerilog language skills needed to understand and build class-based constrained random verification environments, as used by UVM. The emphasis will be on learning to apply the concepts of object-oriented programming to the creation of a reusable test bench infrastructure. Language features will be taught using working code examples, which delegates can run immediately on the EDA Playground website and will be available to use and share after the class. This track is taught by Doulos CTO John Aynsley, winner of the Accellera Systems Initiative 2012 Technical Excellence Award for his contribution to the development of language standards SPEAKER: John Aynsley - Doulos, Ringwood, United Kingdom Topics to be taught include the object-oriented and constrained random language features of SystemVerilog, and more particularly how to use these language features to build a verification environment that includes a component hierarchy and transaction-level communication. Thank You to Our Sponsor: TRACK 2, PART I: SYSTEMVERILOG SYNTHESIS TUNED FOR ASIC AND FPGA DESIGN Time: 10:15am - 1:15pm | | Room: Ballroom F | | Event Type: Thursday is Training Day | | Track: EDA, Design Topic Area: Logic & High-Level Synthesis SystemVerilog can provide a very concise and readable language for RTL design. The use of SystemVerilog as a design language continues to increase as engineers gradually migrate to SystemVerilog from Verilog or VHDL. As a result, synthesis tool support for SystemVerilog is maturing in both the ASIC and FPGA domains. This track is taught by Doug Perry, Doulos Senior Member Technical Staff. SPEAKER: Doug Perry - Doulos, San Jose, CA This session will teach you how to use the SystemVerilog language for hardware design by focusing on the parts of the SystemVerilog language that are widely supported by commercial RTL synthesis tools. This session is aimed at engineers who are currently using Verilog or VHDL for RTL design, and who want to start taking advantage of the power of SystemVerilog to better express their hardware design intent. Language features will be taught using working code examples, which delegates can run immediately on the EDA Playground website and will be available to use and share after the class. Thank You to Our Sponsor: 82 THURSDAY, JUNE 9 TRACK 3, PART I: INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SECURITY: MAKING SECURITY HARD: HARDWARE SECURITY AND HOW TO USE IT Time: 10:15am - 1:15pm | | Room: Ballroom G | | Event Type: Thursday is Training Day Track: Embedded Systems, Security | | Topic Area: System Software, General Interest Doulos partners with MathEmbedded for training solutions in the Secure Embedded domain. Security is a hot topic for connected devices. Having good software security is essential to reduce the risk of remote network-based attacks but IoT devices can often be physically accessed. They may also have other constraints such as limited CPU and memory resources or power requirements. There may even be situations where the main software environment cannot be trusted. In these cases, hardware security can really help. It can be used to prevent reverse engineering or offload computationally expensive operations. It can also help to isolate software. This short course will show how embedded security can be improved through the use of on-board and on-chip security hardware features and how these can be controlled by software. SPEAKER: Carl Shaw - MathEmbedded Ltd., United Kingdom Thank You to Our Sponsor: This track is taught by Dr Carl Shaw, Director (Security Consultancy), MathEmbedded. TRACK 4, PART I: TAKING YOUR C++ TO THE NEXT LEVEL Time: 10:15am - 1:15pm | | Room: 10AB | | Event Type: Thursday is Training Day | | Track: EDA, IoT Topic Area: General Interest, System Software ORGANIZER: SPEAKERS: John Croix - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., Austin, TX Jason Cohen - NVIDIA Corp, Austin, TX Zach Laine - NVIDIA Corp, Austin, TX Tim Simpson - Rackspace US, Inc., Austin, TX Writing robust, high-performance applications in C++ is about more than just converting algorithms from pseudo-code into C++ source files, compiling them, and linking them together. Application development involves specific, intricate knowledge of the language syntax itself, proper use of template libraries, unit testing methodologies and tools, knowledge of linker idiosyncrasies, shared-object library development, and, yes, cool ways to exploit C++ language features. The topics discussed at this session are directly applicable to all C++ applications, and attendees will leave with a better understanding of how to improve their own code, whether their applications are EDA related or not. This DAC tutorial will focus on specific aspects of application development in C++, with presentations by C++ experts from Rackspace and NVIDIA. The session will cover generic C++ library development, unit test development, and linker/loader complexities. If time permits, a short Q&A with the presenters will follow. 83 THURSDAY, JUNE 9 TRACK 5, PART I: FINDING CREATIVE SOLUTIONS TO COMPLEX PROBLEMS Time: 10:15am - 1:15pm | | Room: 9C | | Event Type: Thursday is Training Day | | Track: Design Topic Area: General Interest SPEAKER: Elegant solutions may appear obvious in hindsight, but are difficult to identify in the moment. During this interactive session we’ll learn very practical strategies for discovering creative solutions. Individual problem solving methods and tactics will be explored, along with ways to overcome barriers to innovative thinking. We then learn ways to approach interpersonal issues, emphasizing techniques for promoting collaboration and overcoming the emotional and psychological barriers of conflict. Finally, you’ll learn ways to better manage and solve problems as a member of a team or group. Going beyond brainstorming, we’ll explore tactics to harness the creative energy of the group while avoiding “analysis paralysis” and the dreaded “groupthink”. Gaylen Paulson - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX Thank You to Our Sponsor: TRACK 1, PART II: LEARN UVM USING THE EASIER UVM CODING GUIDELINES AND CODE GENERATOR Time: 2:15pm - 5:15pm | | Room: Ballroom E | | Event Type: Thursday is Training Day Track: EDA | | Topic Area: Test & Verification This track is taught by Doulos CTO John Aynsley, winner of the Accellera Systems Initiative 2012 Technical Excellence Award for his contribution to the development of language standards. This session will teach the basics of UVM, the Universal Verification Methodology for SystemVerilog, by taking advantage of Doulos’ Easier™ UVM Coding Guidelines and Code Generator. All the main concepts of UVM will be taught using working code examples. By running the Easier™ UVM Code Generator on the EDA Playground website, delegates will be able to run UVM examples immediately, experiment with what they have learned, and share their examples with others after the class. SPEAKER: John Aynsley - Doulos, Ringwood, United Kingdom The session is aimed at hands-on engineers who want to start writing UVM code themselves and are looking for some specific advice on the best place to start, the right UVM features and coding idiom to use, and the pitfalls to avoid. Thank You to Our Sponsor: TRACK 2, PART II: THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO SYSTEMC TLM-2.0: LEARN THE TECHNOLOGY STANDARD THAT UNDERPINS VIRTUAL PLATFORMS Time: 2:15pm - 5:15pm | | Room: Ballroom F | | Event Type: Thursday is Training Day | | Track: EDA Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC, Codesign & System Design Following its launch back in 2008, the SystemC TLM-2.0 standard quickly became the dominant standard for integrating transaction-level models in the context of building virtual platforms for architectural exploration and software development. TLM-2.0, which is now part of the IEEE 1666-2011 SystemC standard, standardizes a set of modeling mechanisms that allow transaction level models from different sources to be interoperable and yet to run at the fast execution speeds necessary to build a virtual platform for software development. This track is taught by David C. Black, Doulos Senior Member Technical Staff, who is co-author of the book, “SystemC: From the Ground Up.” SPEAKER: David Black - Doulos, Austin, TX This session will introduce the main concepts of both SystemC and TLM2.0, and will explain the tricks that allow TLM-2.0 to maintain speed and interoperability in the context of virtual platform modeling. The features of the standard will be demonstrated using working code examples, which delegates can run immediately on the EDA Playground website and will be available to use and share after the class. Thank You to Our Sponsor: 84 THURSDAY, JUNE 9 TRACK 3, PART II: INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED LINUX SECURITY: KEYS TO UNDERSTANDING VULNERABILITIES IN EMBEDDED SYSTEMS AND HOW TO SECURE THEM Time: 2:15pm - 5:15pm | | Room: Ballroom G | | Event Type: Thursday is Training Day Track: Embedded Systems, Security | | Topic Area: System Software, General Interest This track is taught by Adrian Thomasset, Senior Member Technical Staff, Doulos. Linux is being used in an increasing number of embedded devices including smart building and energy devices, set-top-boxes, automotive in-vehicle infotainment, Wi-Fi routers and home gateways, smart meters, industrial monitoring equipment and even domestic white goods. SPEAKER: Adrian Thomasset - Doulos, United Kingdom Increasingly these devices are being connected to networks and this can leave them vulnerable to remote attacks that can result in brand damage, financial liabilities, product returns and even safety issues. “Hardening” Linux systems to make them more resistant to attack is possible and is something that should be performed for every connected product. This introductory seminar introduces embedded systems developers to the techniques of how to identify vulnerabilities and begins to show ways in which the systems can be secured. Thank You to Our Sponsor: TRACK 4, PART II: TAKING YOUR C++ TO THE NEXT LEVEL Time: 2:15pm - 5:15pm | | Room: 10AB | | Event Type: Thursday is Training Day | | Track: EDA, IoT Topic Area: General Interest, System Software ORGANIZER: This DAC tutorial will focus on specific aspects of application development in C++, with presentations by C++ experts from NVIDIA and AMD.The session presents generic (template) programming techniques and the use of type erasure to solve classic object-oriented programming problems. After the two presentations, a detailed Q&A session, with speakers from parts I and II of the tutorial, will be held. Attendees can ask questions about any of the presentations or ask about aspects of the C++ programming language itself. John Croix - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., Austin, TX Writing robust, high-performance applications in C++ is about more than just converting algorithms from pseudo-code into C++ source files, compiling them, and linking them together. Application development involves specific, intricate knowledge of the language syntax itself, proper use of template libraries, unit testing methodologies and tools, knowledge of linker idiosyncrasies, shared-object library development, and, yes, cool ways to exploit C++ language features. The topics discussed at this session are directly applicable to all C++ applications, and attendees will leave with a better understanding of how to improve their own code, whether their applications are EDA related or not. SPEAKERS: Paul Fultz II - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Austin, TX Zach Laine - NVIDIA Corp, Austin, TX TRACK 5, PART II: MAXIMIZING MENTAL AGILITY Time: 2:15pm - 5:15pm | | Room: 9C | | Event Type: Thursday is Training Day | | Track: Design Topic Area: General Interest SPEAKER: This program will train participants to develop six mental strategies to improve efficiency, creativity, motivation and job satisfaction. This program highlights the six facets of human thought that are simultaneously hidden and obvious, and easy-to-learn techniques that will help employees to be more productive, efficient, creative, motivated and satisfied in their work and personal lives. The techniques are presented in a fast-paced, interactive format that combines presented material with situational team-based learning modules, designed to transition the concepts into the participant’s everyday thinking. Art Markman - Univ. of Texas at Austin, TX Thank You to Our Sponsor: 85 GET THE DAC APP! DOWNLOAD FOR FREE! GET THE LATEST INFORMATION RIGHT WHEN YOU NEED IT. DAC.COM • Search the Technical Program • Find Exhibitors • Create Your Personalized Schedule • Play DAC Attack & Win Prizes! Visit for more details and to download the FREE app! Visit at DAC Be the first to get the latest industry insights from the world’s leading IP vendors and foundries. Discover IP Talks in the booth #349 and enter to win a Nest Learning Thermostat*! *2 drawings per day COLOCATED CONFERENCES ACM/IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SYSTEM LEVEL INTERCONNECT PREDICTION (SLIP) 2016 Date: Saturday, June 4 | | Time: 8:00am - 5:30pm | | Room: 12AB | | Event Type: Colocated Conference Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: NoC & On-Chip Interconnects, Physical Design, System Architectures & SoC ORGANIZERS: Technical topics include but are not limited to: Baris Taskin - Drexel Univ., Philadelphia, PA Tsung-Yi Ho - National Cheng Kung Univ., Tainan City, Taiwan Cheng Zhuo - Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR Emre Salman - Stony Brook Univ., Stony Brook, NY Ioannis Savidis - Drexel Univ., Philadelphia, PA Swaroop Ghosh - Univ. of South Florida, Tampa, FL Amlan Ganguly - Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY 1. Interconnect prediction and optimization at various IC and system design stages 2. System-level design for FPGAs, NOCs and reconfigurable systems 3. Design, analysis, and optimization of power and clock networks 4. Interconnect reliability 5. Interconnect topologies and fabrics of multi- and many-core architectures 6. Design-for-manufacturing (DFM) and yield techniques for interconnects 7. High speed chip-to-chip interconnect design 8. Design and analysis of chip-package interfaces 9. Power consumption of interconnects 10. 3D interconnect design and prediction 11. Emerging interconnect technologies 12. Applications of interconnects to social, genetic, and biological systems 13. Co-optimization of interconnect technology and chip design The general technical scope of the workshop is the design, analysis, prediction, and optimization of interconnect and communication fabrics in electronic systems. The organizing committee invites original contributions to the workshop. These contributions include papers, tutorials, panels, special sessions, and posters. We accept papers based on novelty and contributions to the advancement of the field. The accepted papers will be published in the ACM and IEEE digital libraries. SLIP includes keynotes, regular paper sessions, interactive panels, tutorials, invited talks, and interactive poster sessions. Our program also includes lunch, refreshments, and a traditional social dinner with fun elements. SPEAKERS: Kaushik Roy - Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN Saverio Fazzari - Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., Arlington, VA Swarup Bhunia - Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL Sanu Mathew - Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR EMBEDDED TECHCON Date: Tuesday, June 7 - Wednesday, June 8 | | Time: 10:15am - 5:00pm | | Room: 13AB & 14 Event Type: Colocated Conference | | Track: Embedded Systems, IoT Topic Area: Emerging Technologies, System Architectures & SoC, System Software ORGANIZER: The classes, which will be taught by leading industry experts, will cover key embedded topics like IoT, automotive, and security, while drawing from the industry’s roots with topics like firmware development, debugging, and open-source hardware and software. Richard Nass - OpenSystems Media, LLC, Fountain Hills, AZ Tuesday, June 7: 10:15am - 5:00pm Wednesday, June 8: 10:15am - 5:00pm Embedded TechCon differentiates itself from other industry technical conferences by adhering to its “everything practical, nothing theoretical” theme. As such, designers will be trained by industry experts, often on equipment that’s theirs to keep. Embedded TechCon, designed to educate today’s design engineers in the most critical embedded product and technologies, will be held at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texas, on June 7th-8th, 2016. The live event extends OpenSystems Media’s current on-line educational program, known as Embedded University. 88 SHAPE THE FUTURE OF COMPUTING. JOIN ACM AND SIGDA TODAY. For over 50 years, ACM has helped computing professionals to be their most creative, connect to peers and see what’s next, inspiring them to advance the profession and make a positive impact. We keep inventing to push computing technology forward and to continue the legacy that unites us as like-minded thinkers and makers. Join us on our mission to solve tomorrow. The ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation specializes in applications of computing to all phases of the electrical and electronics design fields, including techniques, algorithms, and computer programs for computer-aided design and testing systems, structure and software. Membership Options Professional ACM Membership q $99 SIGDA Membership q $25 ACM Membership + ACM Digital Library Subscription q $198 Student $84* q $19 q $15 $168* q $42 *Special first year introductory rate (you must use this application form or call to receive this offer!) q Join ACM-W: ACM-W supports, celebrates, and advocates internationally for the full engagement of women in all aspects of the computing field. Available at no additional cost. Payment Information Credit Card: q AMEX q VISA/MasterCard Name ACM Member # Mailing Address Credit Card # Exp. Date Signature City/State/Province ZIP/Postal Code/Country Email Make check or money order payable to ACM, Inc ACM accepts U.S. dollars or equivalent in foreign currency. Prices include surface delivery charge. Expedited Air Service—a partial air freight delivery service—is available outside North America. Contact ACM for more information. BE CREATIVE. STAY CONNECTED. KEEP INVENTING. ACM General Post Office P.O. Box 30777 New York, NY 10087-0777 1-800-342-6626 (US & Canada) 1-212-626-0500 (Global) Hours: 8:30AM - 4:30PM (US EST) Fax: 212-944-1318 [email protected] PROMO CODE: CONF COLOCATED CONFERENCES CELUG/ESD ALLIANCE ENTERPRISE LICENSING CONFERENCE Date: Tuesday, June 7 - Thursday, June 9 | | Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm | | Room: 9AB Event Type: Colocated Conference | | Track: EDA | | Topic Area: General Interest ORGANIZER: CELUG (Centralized Enterprise Licensing Users Group) and the Electronic System Design (ESD) Alliance are co-hosting this three-day event colocated at DAC 2016. Derek Magill - Qualcomm, Inc., Austin, TX Tuesday, June 7 - 9:00am - 5:00pm Wednesday, June 8 - 9:00am - 5:00pm Thursday, June 9 - 9:00am - 12:00pm This interactive event will focus on Enterprise Licensing, with presentations and panels addressing current and future challenges to making high technology tools and users more productive. This colocated event will bring Licensing Solution Providers and Independent Software Vendors together with Enterprise Customers from key industries for interactive, face-to-face meetings. EDA Licensing providers, ISVs, and Enterprise Customers will come together at an event colocated with the 53rd ACM/ESD Alliance/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), June 5-9, 2016, at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texas. ANNUAL IBM PLATFORM LSF TECHNICAL SEMINAR Date: Wednesday, June 8 | | Time: 11:30am - 5:00pm | | Room: 10AB | | Event Type: Colocated Conference Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: System Software, Modeling, Simulation & Timing, Business ORGANIZER: Join us for this annual opportunity to hear from the experts! IBM product managers and developers will discuss the IBM Platform Computing product strategy and direction. Peter Basmajian - IBM Systems and Technology Group, Foster City, CA Join us at the IBM Platform LSF User Group during the Design Automation Conference (DAC). Annual IBM SDI and Platform LSF User Group Austin Convention Center Austin, TX You are invited to a complimentary seminar sponsored by IBM. Learn new ways to accelerate time to results and lower costs with a scalable, efficient environment using IBM Platform Computing solutions. Agenda: 11:30-11:55am: Registration 11:55am-12:00pm: Welcome and Introduction 12:00-12:30pm: IBM Platform Computing Strategy & Portfolio Overview 12:30-1:25pm: Introducing IBM Platform LSF 10.1 1:30-2:00pm: Client Case Study Presentation 2:00-2:30pm: Break 2:30-4:00pm: Deep Dive Sessions: Optimizing Software Licenses with RTM & License Scheduler and Using LSF’s Host Factory with OpenStack 4:00-4:30pm: Q&A and Closing Remarks High performance computing (HPC) technologies are evolving in exciting new ways. Businesses that can harness these advancements in resource, cluster management, and intelligent workload scheduling can gain competitive advantage as never before possible. Who should attend? IBM invites the following IT and technical professionals to our annual conference: EDA and CAD/CAE Engineers IT Directors and Managers HPC and LSF Administrators Academic Researchers What You’ll Learn: Join us to hear about the new release of the IBM Platform LSF family. We will take a deep dive and show you how we’ve improved performance, manageability and ease of use. Learn how these latest innovations deliver tangible business value. IWLS - INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON LOGIC AND SYNTHESIS Date: Friday, June 10 - Saturday, June 11 | | Time: 8:00am - 9:00pm | | Room: Thompson Conference Center Event Type: Colocated Conference | | Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Logic & High-Level Synthesis, Physical Design, Emerging Technologies The International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis is the premier forum for research in synthesis, optimization, and verification of integrated circuits. Research on logic synthesis for emerging technologies and for novel computing platforms, such as nanoscale systems and biological systems, is also strongly encouraged. The workshop accepts complete papers as well as abstracts, highlighting important new problems in the early stages of development, without providing complete solutions. The emphasis is on novelty and intellectual rigor. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): synthesis and optimization; power and timing analysis; testing, validation and verification; architectures and compilation; and design experiences. Papers on the interaction of logic synthesis with front-end or back-end design steps are welcome, specially when considering the impact in the design flow. Submissions on modeling, analysis and synthesis for emerging technologies are also encouraged 90 Representing the semiconductor design ecosystem. JOIN US! The Electronic System Design Alliance provides a platform for member companies to address technical, marketing, economic and legislative issues affecting the entire industry. We also provide networking events and targeted programs to assist emerging companies in the design ecosystem. ESD Alliance committees and working groups focus on critical issues that affect the design ecosystem including -- Export Regulations, License Management & Anti-Piracy, Market Statistics Service, O/S Interoperability, Emerging Companies, and Trade Shows. NEW! Check out our new committees and working groups: IP Fingerprinting This working group is bringing together IP vendors and users to develop a common methodology and best practices for IP fingerprinting -- a technology that provides a solution to efficient IP auditing. Advanced Packaging Bringing together manufacturers and designers to enable the widespread use of system scaling technologies such as 3D-IC and other multi-die approaches. Embedded Software Chip designers and embedded software designers working to develop best practices and methodologies for implementing the hardware and software interface. Join the Electronic System Design Alliance For more information about the benefits of membership, visit or email us at [email protected]. ADDITIONAL MEETINGS A. RICHARD NEWTON YOUNG FELLOW PROGRAM WELCOME BREAKFAST & ORIENTATION Date: Sunday, June 5 | | Time: 7:30am - 9:00am | | Room: 18CD | | Event Type: Additional Meeting Track: EDA | | Topic Area: General Interest Welcome Breakfast and Orientation Sunday, June 5 7:30 - 9:00am Room: 18CD The Newton Young Fellow Program is designed to assist young students at the beginning of a career in Electronic Design Automation and Embedded Systems. Each Newton Young Fellow will actively engage in DAC through a number of events including meetings with design automation luminaries, attendance at technical sessions and exhibits, participation in studentrelated events at DAC. Poster Presentation (colocated with the Ph.D. Forum) Tuesday, June 7 7:00 - 9:00pm Ballroom D In addition, Newton Young Fellows will participate in a welcome orientation breakfast on Sunday morning, attend the Design Automation Summer School program, present posters of their academic/research work on Tuesday evening (colocated with the SIGDA Ph.D. Forum), and participate in a closing award ceremony for Young Fellows on Thursday evening. Closing Session and Award Ceremony Thursday, June 9 6:00 - 6:45pm Thank You to Our Sponsors: Room: 12AB Following a 50-year tradition, DAC strives to foster a vibrant and worldwide community of electronic design and embedded systems professionals; the fellowship actively supports and attempts to build an active cohort of the next generation of EDA and Embedded Systems professionals. YOUNG FACULTY WORKSHOP Date: Sunday, June 5 | | Time: 8:30am - 7:00pm | | Room: 12AB | | Event Type: Additional Meeting Track: Design, EDA | | Topic Area: General Interest ORGANIZERS: The workshop will be organized as presentations by EDA senior professionals, with additional opportunities to network with some of the established researchers and funding officers in the field of EDA. The themes this year include: Getting an Academic Job, Research ‐ papers, conferences and grants, The NSF proposal process for CAREER and other programs, Teaching ‐ Best practices, Special Issues, University programs in EDA industries, and a “Speed Networking” lunch event. Jinjun Xiong - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY Eli Bozorgzadeh - Univ. of California, Irvine, CA Soha Hassoun - Tufts Univ., Medford, MA (In Memory) Steve Levitan - Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA Patrick Haspel - Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Michael Huebner - Ruhr Univ. Bochum This is a special workshop organized for current, or soon to be, young faculty in the field of electronic design automation (EDA). Thank You to Our Sponsors: special interest group on design automation 92 Fostering Design and Automation of Electronic and Embedded Systems Conferences ASP-DAC, CANDE, DAC, DATE, ESWEEK, ETS, FMCAD, ICCAD, IOLTS, MEMOCODE, MPSoC, NOCS, PATMOS, VLSI-SoC, WF-IoT, and many other technically sponsored events. Publications IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design (TCAD), IEEE Design & Test (D&T), IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, and CEDA Currents. Awards CEDA honors innovative and substantial technical contributions to EDA, best published papers, or contributions during the early stages of one’s research career. IEEE CEDA The only place for EDA and embedded systems professionals, researchers, and students to come together and discover new technologies that are advancing the state of the art! CEDA is a nonprofit entity that provides a platform for dissemination of ideas, community feedback, and individual recognition through its various awards, publications, and conferences. Visit us at Join the CEDA mailing list for our Ad-Free Quarterly Newsletter, CEDA Currents, on major news regarding the profession and CEDA. To join, just send an (empty) email to [email protected]. CEDA is willing to support any EDA-related activities. The limit is only your imagination! Special emphasis is on involving students and EDA professionals. BECOME A MEMBER OF CEDA (FREE!): Choose it in your IEEE Membership. Website: Sign up for our CEDA Currents and Email Newsletter. WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN TO IDEAS! ADDITIONAL MEETINGS DESIGN AUTOMATION SUMMER SCHOOL Date: Sunday, June 5 | | Time: 9:00am - 6:00pm | | Room: 18CD | | Event Type: Additional Meeting Track: IoT, Security | | Topic Area: Codesign & System Design, Cyber-Physical Systems, Emerging Technologies he Design Automation Summer School (DASS) is a one-day intensive course on research and development in design automation (DA). Each topic in this course will be covered by a distinguished speaker who will define the topic, describe recent accomplishments, and indicate remaining challenges. This program is intended to introduce and outline emerging challenges, and to foster creative thinking in the next generation of EDA engineers. The 2016 SIGDA Design Automation Summer School is co-hosted by A. Richard Newton Young Fellowship Program at DAC. All the students receiving the fellowship (excluding the mentors) are required to attend DASS event. For additional details go to: Thank You to Our Sponsors: GARY SMITH EDA AT ESD ALLIANCE KICKOFF SUNDAY NIGHT Date: Sunday, June 5 | | Time: 5:00pm - 5:30pm | | Room: Ballroom D | | Event Type: Additional Meeting Track: EDA | | Topic Area: General Interest Where will the industry need to expand and how can it best address the needs of electronic product developers? How will future engineering requirements impact the EDA landscape? What are the growth prospects for EDA vendors? Laurie Balch kicks off the annual ESD Alliance reception. Come hear the 27th annual update on the state of EDA by Laurie of Gary Smith EDA. “Extending the Bounds of EDA” Laurie Balch DAC reception immediately follows. SPEAKER: This year’s talk will focus on the challenges and opportunities facing EDA vendors, including a view of the annual EDA forecast. Laurie Balch - Gary Smith EDA, Santa Clara, CA CEDA CAREER PERSPECTIVES PANEL Date: Sunday, June 5 | | Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm | | Room: Ballroom D | | Event Type: Additional Meeting Track: EDA | | Topic Area: General Interest ORGANIZERS: PANELISTS: Soha Hassoun - Tufts Univ., Medford, MA Peng Li - Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX Kevin Nesmith - EDDR Software, LLC, TX Rasit Topaloglu - IBM Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY Zaher Andraus - Reveal Design Automation, Detroit, Michigan Pranavi Chandupatla - ARM, Austin, TX Zhuo Li -Cadence Design Systems, Inc., Austin, TX Bei Yu - CSE Dept., Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong Millennials with an EDA background face an abundance of career choices. Which one fits best: Join a large company? Stay in academia? Join a hip startup? Become a consultant? Making a conscious career choice is certainly not easy. The panelist of this session come from different EDArelated jobs and are in different phases of their careers. They will provide a glimpse into their worlds and lifestyles: what do they like and dislike? What is the compensation? How is the work-life balance? Any regrets? These unique insights will help the next generation in deciding on a career path. Thank You to Our Sponsors: VARIATION-AWARE DESIGN AT ADVANCED AND LOW-POWER PROCESSES Date: Monday, June 6 | | Time: 10:30am - 11:30am | | Room: 9BC | | Event Type: Additional Meeting Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Circuit Design, Low-Power & Reliability, Modeling, Simulation & Timing Variation effects have an ever greater impact on low-power, low-voltage processes and advanced FinFET/FDSOI nodes; at each, new sources of variation must be considered. Furthermore, increased competition is forcing tighter design margins to make high-performance, low-power, low-cost products. Designers must do more variation analysis than ever to achieve these tighter margins, using advanced variation-aware technology for speed, accuracy and coverage to deliver competitive chips on schedule. The panel discussion will focus on recent, highly effective ways to address variation-aware design for Memory, Analog/RF and Standard Cell design. The methodologies will include high-sigma Monte Carlo, PVT, statistical PVT, and hierarchical Monte Carlo. Opening by Amit Gupta (CEO, Solido) on custom IC design market data. PANELISTS: Azeez Bhavnagarwala - ARM, Inc., San Jose, CA Glen Wiedemeier - IBM Corp., Austin, TX Jeff Dyck - Solido Design Automation, Inc., Saskatoon, Canada 94 DESIGN, AUTOMATION AND TEST IN EUROPE The european event for electronic system design & test 27 – 31 MARCH, 2017 SWISSTECH, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND DATE 2017 — CALL FOR PAPERS Scope of the Event The 20th DATE conference and exhibition is the main European event bringing together designers and design automation users, researchers and vendors, as well as specialists in the hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. It puts strong emphasis on both ICs/SoCs, reconfigurable hardware and embedded systems, including embedded software. Structure of the Event The five-day event consists of a conference with plenary invited papers, regular papers, panels, hot-topic sessions, tutorials, workshops, two special focus days and a track for executives. The scientific conference is complemented by a commercial exhibition showing the state-of-the-art in design and test tools, methodologies, IP and design services, reconfigurable and other hardware platforms, embedded software, and (industrial) design experiences from different application domains, such as automotive, wireless, telecom and multimedia applications. The organization of user group meetings, fringe meetings, a university booth, a PhD forum, vendor presentations and social events offers a wide variety of extra opportunities to meet and exchange information on relevant issues for the design and test community. Special space will also be allocated for EU-funded projects to show their results. More details are given on the DATE website ( Areas of Interest Within the scope of the conference, the main areas of interest are: embedded systems, design methodologies, CAD languages, algorithms and tools, testing of electronic circuits and systems, embedded software, applications design and industrial design experiences. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to: – System Specification and Modeling – System Design, Synthesis and Optimization – Simulation and Validation – Design of Low Power Systems – Temperature-Aware Design – Power Estimation and Optimization – Temperature Modeling and Management – Emerging Technologies, Systems and Applications – Formal Methods and Verification – Network on Chip – Architectural and Microarchitectural Design – Architectural and High-Level Synthesis – Reconfigurable Computing – Logic and Technology Dependent Synthesis for Deep-Submicron Circuits – Physical Design and Verification – Analogue and Mixed-Signal Circuits and Systems – Interconnect, EMC, EMD and Packaging Modeling – Multiprocessor System-on-Chip and Computing Systems – Communication, Consumer and Multimedia Systems – Transportation Systems – Medical, Healthcare and Assistive Technology Systems – Energy Generation, Recovery and Management Systems – Secure, Dependable and Adaptive Systems – Test for Defects, Variability, and Reliability – Test Generation, Simulation and Diagnosis – Test for Mixed-Signal, Analog, RF, MEMS – Test Access, Design-for-Test, Test Compression, System Test – On-Line Testing and Fault Tolerance – Real-time, Networked and Dependable Systems – Compilers and Code Generation for Embedded Systems; Software-centric System Design Exploration – Model-based Design and Verification for Embedded Systems – Embedded Software Architectures and Principles; Software for MPSoC, Multi/many-core and GPU-based Systems Submission of Papers Event Secretariat Chairs All papers have to be submitted electronically by Sunday September 11, 2016 via: c/o K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden Muenzgasse 2 01067 Dresden, Germany General Chair: David Atienza EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland [email protected] Phone: Fax: Email: Programme Chair: Giorgio Di Natale LIRMM, Montpellier, France [email protected] Papers can be submitted either for standard oral presentation or for interactive presentation. The Programme Committee also encourages proposals for Special Sessions, Tutorials, Friday Workshops, University Booth, PhD Forum and Exhibition Theatre. +49 351 4967 541 +49 351 4956 116 [email protected] ADDITIONAL MEETINGS SYNOPSYS LUNCH: ROBUST AMS DESIGN VERIFICATION AT ADVANCED NODES Date: Monday, June 6 | | Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm | | Room: Hilton Hotel, 6th floor, Austin Grand Ballroom G Event Type: Additional Meeting | | Track: EDA | | Topic Area: Test & Verification Industry leaders will discuss their design verification challenges that stem from cutting-edge FinFET technologies and increasing design complexity in memory, analog, and mixed-signal applications, and how they overcome such challenges by using Synopsys AMS circuit simulation solutions to ensure design robustness. SYNOPSYS IC COMPILER II LUNCH: ACHIEVING INDUSTRY-BEST QOR ON ADVANCED DESIGNS Date: Monday, June 6 | | Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm | | Room: Hilton Hotel, 6th floor, Austin Grand Ballroom H Event Type: Additional Meeting | | Track: EDA | | Topic Area: Physical Design Are you on IC Compiler II yet? Hear how industry leaders are achieving success with their advanced designs using IC Compiler II. Leading customers will share their experiences using IC Compiler II technology to address physical design challenges and accelerate products to market. WRITING A GOOD TECHNICAL PAPER - THE DO’S AND DONT’S Date: Monday, June 6 | | Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm | | Room: 18AB | | Event Type: Additional Meeting Track: EDA | | Topic Area: General Interest ORGANIZERS: The topics addressed will include how to decide an appropriate publication outlet, whether a work is ready for publication, presentation skills, writing rebuttals to reviewers, and in strengthening the technical message. Helmut Graeb - Technische Univ. München, Germany Yao-Wen Chang - National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan SPEAKER: I will share my experiences as an author, reviewer and editor on how to write a good technical paper. Vijaykrishnan Narayanan - Pennsylvania State Univ., State College, PA LOW-POWER IMAGE RECOGNITION CHALLENGE (LPRIC) AWARDS PRESENTATION Date: Monday, June 6 | | Time: 3:00pm - 3:15pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: Additional Meeting | | Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Business, General Interest, Emerging Technologies LPRIC will announce the winners of the competition that was held on Sunday, June 5. For more information, please go to COOLEY’S DAC TROUBLEMAKER PANEL Date: Monday, June 6 | | Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm | | Room: 9BC | | Event Type: Additional Meeting Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Business, General Interest, Emerging Technologies MODERATOR: PANELISTS: John Cooley - Deepchip Joe Sawicki - Mentor Graphics Corp. Anirudh Devgan - Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Dean Drako - IC Manage, Inc. Amit Gupta - Solido Design Automation, Inc., Raik Brinkmann - OneSpin Solutions GmbH Jim Hogan - Vista Ventures Come watch the EDA troublemakers answer the edgy, user-submitted questions about this year’s most controversial issues! It’s an old style open Q&A from the days before corporate marketing took over every aspect of EDA company images. 96 Keep Current With the Advanced IC Design Market Visit ADDITIONAL MEETINGS SYNOPSYS PRIMETIME SIG DINNER: WORK SMARTER WITH ADVANCED SIGNOFF TECHNOLOGY Date: Monday, June 6 | | Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm | | Room: Brazos Hall, 204 E 4th Street Event Type: Additional Meeting | | Track: EDA | | Topic Area: General Interest Synopsys hosts an annual event for the PrimeTime Special Interest Group at DAC, providing an opportunity for users to stay connected with the latest developments in timing analysis. We are pleased to host this PrimeTime SIG event at DAC 2016. This year, Synopsys will unveil revolutionary technologies that help designers work smarter and improve productivity and design quality. SYNOPSYS AND SAMSUNG BREAKFAST: READY TO DESIGN! SYNOPSYS AND SAMSUNG FOUNDRY 10NM ENABLEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR CUSTOMER TAPEOUT SUCCESS Date: Tuesday, June 7 | | Time: 7:15am - 8:45am | | Room: Hilton Hotel, 6th floor, Austin Grand Ballroom G Event Type: Additional Meeting | | Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC, Emerging Technologies Attend this breakfast panel to learn how Samsung and Synopsys are enabling Samsung Foundry’s 10nm FinFET technology to meet the added functionality needs of advanced SoC designs. Visit for more information and to register. UVM: THE NEXT 5 YEARS Date: Tuesday, June 7 | | Time: 7:30am - 9:00am | | Room: 9C | | Event Type: Additional Meeting Topic Area: General Interest UVM, the Universal Verification Methodology, is used by thousands of engineers worldwide in nearly all digital verification flows. Today, the IEEE P1800.2 committee is diligently working to standardize UVM. But what’s next for UVM? Future possibilities include UVM multi-language, UVM for mixed-signal, and UVM for acceleration. Accellera is also in the late stages of bringing a native SystemC implementation of UVM to the community. Please join us and our panel of experts for breakfast as we discuss the future of UVM and the challenges the industry is facing. We will also have an update by Accellera Chair Shishpal Rawat and the presentation of the Accellera Leadership Award. Event is free but registration at www.accellera. org is required. SYNOPSYS CUSTOM COMPILER LUNCH: CUTTING LAYOUT TASKS FROM DAYS TO HOURS Date: Tuesday, June 7 | | Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm | | Room: Hilton Hotel, 6th floor, Austin Grand Ballroom G Event Type: Additional Meeting | | Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: System Software FinFET devices have added significant complexity to the design flow, and many companies are seeking new solutions for custom design. Custom Compiler’s pioneering visually-assisted automation can cut layout tasks from days to hours. Join us to hear users discuss their experiences with FinFET custom design challenges and how they have deployed Custom Compiler to improve their custom design productivity for both FinFET and established nodes. SYNOPSYS LUNCH: SOC LEADERS VERIFY WITH SYNOPSYS Date: Tuesday, June 7 | | Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm | | Room: Hilton Hotel, 6th floor, Austin Grand Ballroom H Event Type: Additional Meeting | | Track: EDA | | Topic Area: Test & Verification Synopsys will highlight next-generation verification technologies as well as discussions about the latest developments in the verification landscape and advanced technology trends. In addition, a panel of industry experts will share their viewpoints on what is driving SoC complexity, how their teams have achieved success and how you can apply their insights on your next project. 98 ADDITIONAL MEETINGS IEEE CEDA LUNCHEON AND DISTINGUISHED LECTURE IN HONOR OF PROF. EDWARD J. MCCLUSKEY Date: Tuesday, June 7 | | Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm | | Room: Ballroom D | | Event Type: Additional Meeting Track: Design, EDA | | Topic Area: Test & Verification, Logic & High-Level Synthesis DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: brought other innovations across Mainframe and Storage products to the marketplace. Dr. Arvind Krishna - Senior Vice President and Director, IBM Research He was previously general manager of IBM Information Management, which included database, information integration and Big Data software solutions. Over his years in Information Management, Arvind helped grow the division’s revenue by roughly 50 percent through a mix of organic innovation and acquisition. Prior to that, he was vice president of strategy for IBM Software, where he identified more than 10 companies to acquire and led the integration of their operations into IBM. He has held several key technical roles in IBM Software and IBM Research, where he pioneered IBM’s security software business. Arvind Krishna is senior vice president and director, IBM Research. He is only the eleventh person to hold this position in the seven-decade history of the IBM Research labs. In this role, he helps guide the company’s overall technical strategy, overseeing a global organization of approximately 3,000 scientists and technologists located at 12 labs on six continents. Arvind was most recently general manager of IBM Systems and Technology Group’s Development and Manufacturing organization, responsible for the advanced engineering and development of a full technology portfolio, ranging from advanced semiconductor materials to leadingedge microprocessors, servers and storage systems. His team developed Power 8, the industry’s first processor designed for Big Data; introduced OpenPOWER; brought the world’s fastest 22nm silicon process to the market; announced Software Defined Storage scaling to exabytes; and Arvind has an undergraduate degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is the recipient of a distinguished alumni award from the University of Illinois, is the co-author of 15 patents, has been the editor of IEEE and ACM journals, and has published extensively in technical conferences and journals. TRIBUTE SPEAKERS: Dr. Bill Joyner - Senior Science Director, Semiconductor Research Corporation Prof. Daniel P. Siewiorek - Buhl University Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Dr. Tom Williams - Synopsys Fellow (Retired) SYNOPSYS AND GLOBALFOUNDRIES DINNER: WHAT’S IMPORTANT FOR IOT— POWER, PERFORMANCE OR INTEGRATION…OR ALL OF THE ABOVE? Date: Tuesday, June 7 | | Time: 6:15pm - 8:15pm | | Room: Hilton Hotel, 6th floor, Austin Grand Ballroom G Event Type: Additional Meeting | | Track: IoT, Design | | Topic Area: Physical Design, Emerging Technologies, General Interest Attend this dinner panel to learn how GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Synopsys together have built an integrated reference flow that provides body bias control for maximizing SoC energy efficiency and performance and, ultimately, end-product differentiation. Visit for more information and to register. 99 ADDITIONAL MEETINGS ACM SIGDA PH.D. FORUM Date: Tuesday, June 7 | | Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm | | Room: Ballroom D | | Event Type: Additional Meeting Track: EDA | | Topic Area: General Interest ORGANIZERS: Participation in the forum is highly competitive with acceptance rate of around 30%. The forum is open to all members of the design automation community and is free-of-charge. Swaroop Ghosh - Univ. of South Florida Xin Li - Carnegie Mellon Univ. (Past Chair) Yiyu Shi - Univ. of Notre Dame Hai Li - Univ. of Pittsburgh The Ph.D. Forum at the Design Automation Conference is a poster session hosted by ACM SIGDA for senior Ph.D. students to present and discuss their dissertation research with people in the EDA community. For more information, please visit the ACM SIGDA Ph.D. Forum website. Bronze Sponsor: Silver Sponsors: 28TH ACM SIGDA UNIVERSITY DEMONSTRATION Date: Tuesday, June 7 | | Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm | | Room: Ballroom D | | Event Type: Additional Meeting Track: EDA | | Topic Area: General Interest University Booth comes back to DAC this year after one year break with a new format and a new title: University Demonstration. This year marks the 28th University Demonstration at the Design Automation Conference. UD is an opportunity for university researchers to display their results and to interact with participants at DAC. Presenters and attendees at DAC are especially encouraged to participate, but participation is open to all members of the university community. The demonstrations include new EDA tools, EDA tool applications, design projects, and instructional materials. For further details and videos from previous years please visit the ACM SIGDA University Booth site. Booth Coordinators Chair: Soonhoi Ha - Seoul National University, Korea Vice Chair: Sudeep Pasricha - Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO Publicity Chair: Qi Zhu - Univ. of California, Riverside, CA DECODING FORMAL TRAINING DAY: “ACHIEVING FORMAL SIGN-OFF” Date: Thursday, June 9 | | Time: 10:30am - 5:00pm | | Room: Hilton Hotel, Austin Event Type: Additional Meeting | | Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: Emerging Technologies, Modeling, Simulation & Timing, System Architectures & SoC The Decoding Formal Training Day: “Achieving Formal Sign-off” is a one-day primer on select topics in Advanced Formal Verification, intended for those who are new to formal verification or want to learn more about the specific topic areas. This training day is a sampler of Oski’s two-week Advanced Formal Training program. Topics may include writing end-to-end formal checkers, handling formal complexity, using abstraction models, managing constraints efficiently, and using formal coverage. The day will be organized as a series of presentations, with opportunities for networking over breakfast, lunch and breaks. More information is available at A. RICHARD NEWTON YOUNG FELLOW PROGRAM CLOSING SESSION & AWARD CEREMONY Date: Thursday, June 9 | | Time: 6:00pm - 6:45pm | | Room: 12AB | | Event Type: Additional Meeting Track: EDA | | Topic Area: General Interest The Newton Young Fellow Program is designed to assist young students at the beginning of a career in Electronic Design Automation and Embedded Systems. Each Newton Young Fellow will actively engage in DAC through a number of events including meetings with design automation luminaries, attendance at technical sessions and exhibits, participation in student-related events at DAC. Following a 50-year tradition, DAC strives to foster a vibrant and worldwide community of electronic design and embedded systems professionals; the fellowship actively supports and attempts to build an active cohort of the next generation of EDA and Embedded Systems professionals. In addition, Newton Young Fellows will participate in a welcome orientation breakfast on Sunday morning, attend the Design Automation Summer School program, present posters of their academic/research work on Tuesday evening (colocated with the SIGDA Ph.D. Forum), and participate in a closing award ceremony for Young Fellows on Thursday evening. 100 Thank You to Our Sponsors: EDACAFÉ Visit us at booth #1226 Visit EDACAFÉ at DAC 2016 in booth #1226, and be entered to win a Kindle Fire! NEWS & TRENDS Latest news and industry trends. Insightful editorial and blogs. VIDEOS & TUTORIALS Video interviews with key industry players. Valuable video tutorials to help you learn. EDA & IP CATALOGS Detailed information about thousands of commercially available IP blocks. #1 EDA NEWSLETTER is the #1 web portal for Electronic Design Professionals. Visit our website today! CONTACT US TO FIND OUT MORE Address: 595 Millich Dr., Suite 216, Campbell, CA 95008 Office: 1(408)-337-6870 // EDACAFÉ DAC PAVILION - BOOTH 1839 EDA INDUSTRY TRENDS AND WHAT’S HOT AT DAC Date: Monday, June 6 | | Time: 10:30am - 11:00am | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: General Interest ORGANIZER: SPEAKER: Anne Cirkel - Mentor Graphics Corp., Wilsonville, OR Laurie Balch - Gary Smith EDA, San Jose, CA In longstanding Gary Smith EDA tradition, EDA chief analyst Laurie Balch of Gary Smith EDA will share her views on the latest directions for the EDA technology and business fronts. What new trends are facing the EDA, semiconductor and design communities and how will they impact you? What are the hot ‘must see’ products at this year’s conference? How can you prepare for the future of electronics design? Plus, get a rundown of the annual Gary Smith EDA Sunday night kickoff talk. UNSCRIPTED: AART DE GEUS Date: Monday, June 6 | | Time: 11:30am - 12:15pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: General Interest MODERATOR: Synopsys’ chairman and co-CEO talks with Semiconductor Engineering’s Ed Sperling about Moore’s Law, how designs are changing, the growing role of software, and where the money will be in the future. Ed Sperling - Semiconductor Engineering, San Jose, CA ORGANIZER: SPEAKER: Kathryn Schmidt - Synopsys, Inc., Mountain View, CA Aart de Geus - Synopsys, Inc., Mountain View, CA SKY TALK: WIRELESS IMPLANTABLE MICROSYSTEMS: MINIMALLY INVASIVE INTERFACES TO THE BRAIN Time: 1:00pm - 1:30pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 | | Event Type: SKY Talk Track: IoT, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: Circuit Design, Cyber-Physical Systems, Emerging Technologies ORGANIZER: Substantial improvements in neural implant longevity are needed to transition BMI systems from research labs to clinical practice. In this talk I will describe the development of a minimally invasive, wireless neural implant to enable chronic and stable neural recording. The implant is based on micro-electrocorticography (μECoG), an electrophysiological technique where electrical potentials are recorded from the surface of the cerebral cortex, reducing cortical scarring when compared with microelectrode recording techniques that pierce into the cortex. Wireless powering and readout are combined with a flexible, microfabricated antenna and electrode array with an ultra-low power integrated circuit. The low power consumption of the integrated circuit enables remote powering well below established IEEE and FCC safety limits, while the small size and flexibility of the implant minimizes the foreign body response. The improved implant safety and longevity gives wireless μECoG excellent prospects to become the technology of choice for clinically relevant neural interfaces in the foreseeable future. Sharon Hu - Univ. of Norte Dame, Norte Dame, IN Smart and connected medical implants are the next frontier in the Internet of Things (IoT) and are set to revolutionize healthcare. Advancing our ability to interface technology with biological environments will enable patients to be monitored and receive treatment at home, and in the long term, have chronically implanted electronic devices seamlessly integrate with their everyday lives. As an example, clinically viable and minimally invasive neural interfaces stand to transform disease care for patients of neurological conditions. Recently there has been an explosion of research in Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI) that has shown incredible results in using electronic signals from the motor cortex of the brain to control artificial limbs, providing hope for patients with spinal cord injuries. A major impediment to clinical translation is that state-of-the-art clinical neural interfaces are large, wired and require open-skull operation which leaves the patient at risk of infection and unable to move. Future, less invasive interfaces with increased numbers of electrodes, signal processing, and wireless connectivity will enable advanced prosthetics, disease control and completely new usercomputer interfaces. SPEAKER: Rikky Muller - Univ. of California, Berkeley & Cortera Neurotechnologies, Berkeley, CA 102 DAC PAVILION LANZA’S TECH VISION CHALLENGE: DARING TO MOVE TO OPEN SOURCE Date: Monday, June 6 | | Time: 2:00pm - 2:45pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: EDA, IP | | Topic Area: General Interest MODERATOR: Lucio Lanza - Lanza TechVentures, Palo Alto, CA Join Lucio Lanza for a fireside chat on the pros and cons of a move to an open source EDA tools and IP design flow for the IoT SoC. ORGANIZER: PANELISTS: Michael “Mac” McNamara - Adapt-IP, Palo Alto, CA Warren Savage - IPextreme, Campbell, CA Mark Templeton - Scientific Ventures, LLC, Los Altos, CA Michael Wishart -, San Jose, CA The Semiconductor Industry is at a crossroads. The larger, consolidated semiconductor companies will continue to chase Moore’s Law, delivering bigger, more complex chips with loads of functionality done at smaller process nodes, paying handsomely for design tools to enable first-silicon success, and winning the coveted key sockets. At the same time, the emerging Internet of Things market is destined to upend that time-tested “advanced-node” model, as developers opt for older, less costly process technologies, using commodity design tools and selecting proven IP blocks to quickly and efficiently assemble chips. As demand for IoT devices grows exponentially, might open source EDA tools and IP become viable, or even the winning combination that enables the low-cost design of an IoT SoC? LET’S CONNECT EVERYTHING! BIG OPPORTUNITIES FOR LITTLE DEVICES Date: Monday, June 6 | | Time: 3:30pm - 4:00pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: IoT, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: Cyber-Physical Systems, System Software ORGANIZER: In this talk, we explore the key SoC features, industry standards, and software design patterns that enable the INTERNET of Things to reach its full potential. Patrick Groeneveld - Synopsys, Inc., Mountain View, CA Industry analysts foresee astonishingly rapid expansion of IoT business opportunities between now and the end of the decade. This accelerated growth is fueled by technical progress in two areas. First, new generations of small, power efficient, network-capable SoCs enable integration of computing capabilities into the “things” all around us. Second, open industry standards bring secure, Internet-scale connectivity to all IoT platforms, including the smallest and most power constrained devices. Standardization enables independent development of hardware and software components across the entire IoT value-chain, thereby increasing innovation and reducing costs. SPEAKER: Bill Curtis - ARM Ltd., Austin, TX IFIXIT HOVERBOARD TEARDOWN Date: Monday, June 6 | | Time: 4:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: General Interest ORGANIZER: Michelle Clancy - Cayenne Communication, San Jose, CA Hoverboards are surely among the hottest tech toys around — also among the most controversial, given the numerous stories and videos featuring these gizmos catching fire. This unfortunate tendency was enough to get them banned by most major U.S. airlines. Since it wasn’t an option to bring your hoverboard to Austin, you might be especially interested in checking out the teardown. Expect this to go way beyond kicking the tires. In fact the tires will surely come off during disassembly — the better for inspecting the motors. Also likely to be stripped out: the circuit board including the main microprocessor, and the various sensors and modules that help keep these things balanced, most of the time. (The Instagram video of Justin Bieber falling off his board has 1.1m likes.) Stop by, if only to see how much space the battery takes up in a hoverboard chassis, and what’s so flammable in there anyway. SPEAKERS: Andrew Goldberg - iFixIt, San Luis Obispo, CA Sam Lionheart - iFixIt, San Luis Obispo, CA 103 DAC PAVILION SOLVING THE DESIGN COST PUZZLE: HOW IP FITS Date: Tuesday, June 7 | | Time: 10:30am - 11:00am | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: IP, EDA | | Topic Area: General Interest, Business ORGANIZER: Issues at the forefront of the design community include how die area partitioning, the rise in IP block content per SoC and rising gate counts all contribute to growing SIP market revenues. Other areas to explore include emerging IP such as Programmable Fabric, Discretes (capacitors and inductors), and the impact of rising design costs on design starts, units and IP licensing revenues as well as the impact of new 10nm and below processes that are already well under development. Bob Smith - ESD Alliance, San Jose, CA ESD Alliance and Semico will address trends and issues driving the rapidly growing market for 3rd party semiconductor Intellectual Property. Key information provides attendees an understanding of the underlying market forces that are driving the expanding use of 3rd party semiconductor IP and the outlook and challenges ahead. SPEAKER: Jim Feldhan - Semico Research Corp., Phoenix, AZ UNSCRIPTED: WALLY RHINES Date: Tuesday, June 7 | | Time: 11:30am - 12:15pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: EDA, Automotive | | Topic Area: General Interest MODERATOR: SPEAKER: Ed Sperling - Semiconductor Engineering, San Jose, CA Wally Rhines - Mentor Graphics Corp., Wilsonville, OR ORGANIZER: Laura Parker - Mentor Graphics Corp., Wilsonville, OR Mentor Graphics’ Chairman and CEO talks with Semiconductor Engineering’s Ed Sperling in a live interview about consolidation, automotive software, and what the semiconductor industry will look like in five years. SKY TALK: RISC-V: INSTRUCTION SETS WANT TO BE FREE Date: Tuesday, June 7 | | Time: 1:00pm - 1:30pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: SKY Talk | | Track: IoT, IP | | Topic Area: System Architectures & SoC, Codesign & System Design, General Interest ORGANIZER: This talk will cover the technical features of the RISC-V ISA design , which has the goals of scaling from the tiniest implementations for IoT up to the largest warehouse-scale computers, with support for extensive customization. We’ll also describe three different industry-competitive opensource cores developed at UC Berkeley, all written in Chisel, a productive new open-source hardware design language. Finally, we’ll describe the uptake of RISC-V and the development of the RISC-V ecosystem, including the RISC-V Foundation. Valeria Bertacco - Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI The most important interface in a computer system is the instruction set architecture (ISA) as it connects software to hardware. So, given the prevalence of open standards for almost all other important interfaces, why is the ISA still proprietary? We argue that a free ISA is a necessary precursor to future hardware innovation, and there’s no good technical reason not to have free, open ISAs just as we have free, open networking standards and free, open operating systems. SPEAKER: Krste Asanovic - Univ. of California, Berkeley & SiFive, Inc., Berkeley, CA The free and open RISC-V ISA began development at UC Berkeley in 2010, with the frozen base user ISA standard released in May 2014, and has since seen rapid uptake around the globe, including the first commercial shipments. STEERING SAFETY INNOVATION IN AUTONOMOUS CAR ELECTRONICS Date: Tuesday, June 7 | | Time: 2:00pm - 2:45pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: EDA, Automotive | | Topic Area: General Interest, Circuit Design MODERATOR: This panel of experts on various facets of automotive electronics specification, design and verification will steer us through a number of aspects of failsafe devices, revealing a roadmap of autonomous car electronics for which a no-crash guarantee is more than just desirable. James Hogan - Vista Ventures, Los Gatos, CA ORGANIZER: Michael “Mac” McNamara - Adapt-IP, Palo Alto, CA PANELISTS: The sophistication of the electronics that “drive” autonomous cars goes well beyond the obviously inherent system intelligence. Achieving the safety and reliability standards to which these devices must comply involves an unparalleled level of engineering innovation. Failsafe ICs that can self-repair their own operational issues sounds like technology fantasy, but this is an all too real requirement of the ISO 26262 regulations. Philippe Laugier - Melexis, Paris, France Martin Lukasiewycz - Bosch Research, Stuttgart, Germany Raik Brinkmann - OneSpin Solutions GmbH, Munich, Germany 104 DAC PAVILION MORE IDEAS = MORE SOLUTIONS Date: Tuesday, June 7 | | Time: 3:30pm - 4:00pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: Design, IoT | | Topic Area: Emerging Technologies, General Interest, Physical Design ORGANIZER: SPEAKER: Ann Mutschler - Sperling Media Group, San Jose, CA Julie Shannan - Girlstart, Austin, TX The world’s greatest challenges need new science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) ideas and insights. Half of the world’s potential ideamakers—women and girls—are discouraged from developing their ideas because of social bias or inequity. More girls with more ideas create more solutions. Learn about women and girls who are changing the game with their innovations and solutions, and how Girlstart is engaging more girls in STEM. IFIXIT DRONE TEARDOWN Date: Tuesday, June 7 | | Time: 4:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: Embedded Systems, IoT | | Topic Area: General Interest ORGANIZER: SPEAKERS: Michelle Clancy - Cayenne Communication, San Jose, CA Andrew Goldberg - iFixIt, San Luis Obispo, CA Samantha Lionheart - iFixIt, San Luis Obispo, CA iFixit routinely tackles drones and will do so again this year at DAC. At press time the model hadn’t been determined but trust iFixit to choose well. Drones may look like toys, though behind the colorful fascia lies some very sophisticated electronics—which make flying the things easier all the time. You wouldn’t guess that all the components iFixit will remove could lead to that much fun for drone hobbyists (and that many headaches for potential regulators). WHERE ARE WE WITH 3D IC AND TSV? Date: Wednesday, June 8 | | Time: 10:30am - 11:00am | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: EDA, Design | | Topic Area: General Interest, Circuit Design, Lithography & DFM ORGANIZER: SPEAKER: Anne Cirkel - Mentor Graphics Corp., Wilsonville, OR Jan Vardaman - TechSearch International, Inc., Austin, TX Jan Vardaman, founder and president of Tech Search Inc. and a world recognized authority on advanced packaging technology, will talk about the state of packaging technology and 3D IC today. Jan will give insight into the obstacles that we have to overcome, into applications and where the industry needs to focus. The role of design will be highlighted throughout the presentation. Join us for an insightful perspective from design into manufacturing. UNSCRIPTED: LIP-BU TAN Date: Wednesday, June 8 | | Time: 11:30am - 12:15pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: EDA | | Topic Area: General Interest MODERATOR: SPEAKER: Ed Sperling - Semiconductor Engineering, San Jose, CA Lip-Bu Tan - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA ORGANIZER: Qi Wang - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA Cadence’s president and CEO talks with Semiconductor Engineering’s Ed Sperling about where the money is flowing, how it’s being spent or misspent, and how that will play out across the semiconductor industry. 105 DAC PAVILION SKY TALK: SECURITY AT DIFFERENT LAYERS OF ABSTRACTIONS: APPLICATION, OPERATING SYSTEMS, AND HARDWARE Date: Wednesday, June 8 | | Time: 1:00pm - 1:30pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: SKY Talk | | Track: Security, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: Business ORGANIZER: It concludes with a perspective on the largest security problems of the day: the ability for one entity to prove their security posture to another, simplifying security, and addressing the talent shortage. This talk is accessible to anyone interested in security and how it impacts the broad computing ecosystem. Ramesh Karri - New York Univ., Brooklyn, NY When it comes to computer security, attackers often seek out weaknesses at the abstraction boundaries in a system. Therefore, boundaries between layers such as the hardware, operating system, and application have a significant security impact. This talk will address how security is influenced by different dimensions of computing including hardware and software abstractions and scale, along with how threat models can help to manage this complexity. SPEAKER: Bryan Payne - Netflix, Los Gatos, CA DESIGNING FOR THE IOT: REVOLUTION OR RENAISSANCE? Date: Wednesday, June 8 | | Time: 2:00pm - 2:45pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: IoT, Embedded Systems | | Topic Area: General Interest ORGANIZER: SPEAKER: Michael “Mac” McNamara - Adapt-IP, Palo Alto, CA Jim Turley - Silicon Insider, Pacific Grove, CA Somehow “embedded systems design” has become “Internet of Things,” as if it’s a whole new science. Fact is, we’ve been designing IoT devices since forever. Some are great; some less so. In this talk we examine trends in the embedded/IoT business and look at where it’s heading, with stops along the way to enjoy some of the scenic turnouts. CHASING DOWN EVERY LAST PICOJOULE IN THE INTERNET OF THINGS Date: Wednesday, June 8 | | Time: 3:30pm - 4:00pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: Design, IoT | | Topic Area: Low-Power & Reliability, Circuit Design, General Interest ORGANIZER: In this talk I will discuss a variety of approaches for minimizing energy usage in IoT electronics and will focus particularly on the opportunity and challenges presented by sub-threshold operation. Zhuo Li - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., Austin, TX The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) will be closely tied to the emergence of ultra-low power electronics. Billions of battery-powered devices will be shipped as part of the IoT explosion, which will create a need to keep billions of batteries charged up. To fully realize the IoT vision will require energy-efficient microcontrollers, radios, sensors, and power electronics. It will also require dramatic improvements to the energy efficiency of software, something that is often overlooked. One of the most promising techniques for achieving the ultra-efficient energy requirements demanded by IoT is sub-threshold circuit operation. SPEAKER: Scott Hanson - Ambiq Micro, Austin, TX IFIXIT APPLE TEARDOWN Date: Wednesday, June 8 | | Time: 4:30pm - 5:00pm | | Room: DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839 Event Type: DAC Pavilion | | Track: Embedded Systems, IoT | | Topic Area: General Interest ORGANIZER: This is the company, after all, that developed the five-pointed Pentalobe screw. Don’t worry, iFixit made relatively short work of the Apple Watch last year and is sure to do the same with the next device. Sorry, Sir Jony. Michelle Clancy - Cayenne Communication, San Jose, CA Last year at DAC it was a modest little product called Apple Watch that went under the knife. Yes, it can be painful to watch a spudger being applied to anything designed by Sir Jonathan Ive, “Apple’s greatest product,” according to a sprawling feature in The New Yorker last year. Still, iFixit has a job to do, one that can be somewhat difficult given Apple’s famous aversion to tinkering and tampering. SPEAKERS: Samantha Lionheart - iFixIt, San Luis Obispo, CA Andrew Goldberg - iFixIt, San Luis Obispo, CA 106 I LOVE DAC WEAR YOUR I LOVE DAC BUTTON Thank You to Our Sponsors: Booth 1648 Booth 519 Booth 1249 DAC ATTACK MOBILE APP GAME IS BACK! Be Part of the Experience! Visit Exhibitors. Collect Points. Win Big. Go big or go home! The DAC Mobile App Game—DAC Attack— is a mobileenhanced persistent game that allows you to collect points throughout the DAC exhibit floor. Use your iOS or Android mobile device to scan QR markers wherever you see them located in each exhibitors booth. If you don’t see a QR marker - Ask the exhibitor! Have fun and meet people as you make your way towards becoming one of this year’s big winners! Raffle prizes and the grand prize winner will be announced on Wednesday, June 8, 2016, at 4:00pm at the DAC Pavilion. As some prizes may be shipped to winning contestants, you do not need to be present to win. Grand Prize: Virtual Reality Headset Raffle prizes: $150 Gift Card to the Apple Store $150 Gift Card to the Amazon Beats Solo Headphones Phantom Drone Visit for more details and to download the FREE app! DAC ATTACK GAMING RULES & ACHIEVEMENTS Game Begins: 10:00am, Monday, June 6 | Game Ends: 4:00pm, Wednesday, June 8 HOW DO I GET POINTS? 1. Scan the QR Code at each participating exhibitor booth located on the DAC Exhibit Floor There are different point categories for the exhibitors: All Exhibitors 50 points Reception Sponsors Amiq: Booth 1639 Fishtail: Booth 1812 Flexlogic: Booth 919 Mobiveil: Booth 1342 75 points I Love DAC Sponsors 100 points AtopTech: Booth 1648 ClioSoft: Booth 519 OneSpin: Booth 1249 Platinum Exhibitors Cadence: Booth 107 Synopsys: Booth 149 125 points Gold Exhibitor 100 points Mentor Graphics: Booth 949 Silver Exhibitor Ansys: Booth 1449 75 points First-time Exhibitors (continuted) 85 points First-time Exhibitors 85 points Sigasi: Booth 2019 Aegis LLC: Booth 1138 Silab Tech Private Limited: Booth 1442 Amphion Semiconductor Ltd: Booth 1138 SoCScape: Booth 2530 Arduino LLC: Booth 939 Spectral Design & Test: Booth 1922 ATEC Technologies Inc.: Booth 2231 Technical Marketing Solutions: Booth 1721 Consensia: Booth 2219 Toshiba Information Systems (Japan) Corporation: Booth 1138 COSEDA Technologies GmbH: Booth 2119 UltraSoC: Booth 1138 Diligent Inc: Booth 939 EMC: Booth 1239 World of IoT Exhibitors: Booth 939 & 1138 75 points Evothings: Booth 939 Aegis LLC Granite River Labs: Booth 1541 Amphion Semiconductor Ltd. Hackster, Inc.: Booth 939 Arduino IC Enable: Booth 1541 ARM, Inc. iFixit: Booth 939 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Intento Design: Booth 329 Diligent Inc. Jama Software: Booth 1138 Evothings Kapik Integration: Booth 1541 Hackster krtkl inc.: Booth 939 iFixit NEWRACOM Inc.: Booth 2230 Imperas Software Ltd. Pacific Microchip Corp.: Booth 2231 Jama Software Photeon Technologies: Booth 1541 krtkl inc. Real Silicon: Booth 2220 Random Designs CA, Inc. Random Designs CA, Inc.: Booth 939 Seamless Devices Seamless Devices: Booth 1139 Toshiba Information Systems (Japan) Corporation Shanghai Huali Microelectronics Corporation: Booth 1723 UltraSoc * Check the Mobile App for the most up-to-date exhibitor list! 2. Find a member of the DAC Executive Committee: 100 points Each member of the committee will be wearing a button with a QR code to scan. 3. Design/IP Poster Sessions: 50 points The Monday and Tuesday Design/IP poster sessions will have 4 QR codes located throughout the session. Scan the code for 50 points each. Each code may only be scanned once. 4. Find the missing treasure hidden around the show each day: 150 points This gets you the most points! Each day of the exhibit (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) DAC will hide Elliott, the Engineering Superhero action figure. Elliott will have a QR code on him, scan the code and earn the point. Please return Elliott to his hidden area for the next person to find. PRIZES DAC Attack ends at 4:00pm on June 8th. Raffle prizes and the grand prize winner will be announced on Wednesday, June 8, 2016, at 5:00pm at the DAC Pavilion and by broadcast message within the App. Registered attendees are eligible to win any of the prizes! There are two types of prizes: raffle prizes and the grand prize. Raffle winners will be selected from the top 50% of highest points scored. The Grand Prize will be randomly selected from the top 10% of the highest points scored. Grand Prize: Virtual Reality Headset Raffle Prizes: • $150 Gift Card to the Apple Store • $150 Gift Card to Amazon • Beats Solo Headphones • Phantom Drone RULES AND HELPFUL INFORMATION • Please play fair! We reserve the right to remove points that were obtained in a fraudulent manner. • Look for the QR markers around the exhibit floor located at each booth. If you do not see a QR code, ask the exhibitor where they are placed. Each code you scan through the DAC Mobile App earns you a variety of points that go towards your total tally. • Check the leaderboard in the app or the Social Media boards at the show to see how many points you have, and where you stand on the leaderboard. Please note that the leaderboard updates approximately every 5 minutes. • Registered attendees are eligible to win any of the prizes! Exhibitors and exhibit staff are not eligible to win. • As some prizes may be shipped to winning contestants, you do not need to be present to win. EXHIBITING COMPANIES Listing as of May 4, 2016 Orange Denotes First-time Exhibitor COMPANY BOOTH COMPANY BOOTH ACM.......................................................................................................... 2430 Dorado Design Automation, Inc................................................................ 1513 Aegis, LLC................................................................................................. 1138 Doulos......................................................................................................... 739 Agnisys, Inc................................................................................................. 420 1226 Aldec, Inc..................................................................................................... 619 EDXACT SA............................................................................................... 1722 ALLEGRO DVT.......................................................................................... 1241 Embedded Pavilion................................................................................... 1138 AMIQ EDA................................................................................................. 1639 EMC........................................................................................................... 1239 Amphion Semiconductor Ltd.................................................................... 1138 EnSilica...................................................................................................... 1742 AMS............................................................................................................. 544 Entasys Inc................................................................................................ 1029 Analog Bits Inc............................................................................................ 644 ESD Alliance.............................................................................................. 1920 ANSYS, Inc................................................................................................ 1449 EUROPRACTICE / IMEC............................................................................. 440 Arcadia Innovation Inc............................................................................... 1313 Evothings..................................................................................................... 939 Arduino LLC................................................................................................ 939 Excellicon Inc............................................................................................ 1213 ARM, Inc............................................................................................ 939, 1748 Faraday Technology Corporation.............................................................. 1822 ATEC Technologies Inc.............................................................................. 2131 FishTail Design Automation, Inc................................................................ 1812 ATopTech................................................................................................... 1648 Flex Logix Technologies, Inc....................................................................... 919 Ausdia Inc.................................................................................................. 1119 Fractal Technologies................................................................................. 1718 Avery Design Systems, Inc.......................................................................... 800 Fraunhofer IIS/EAS.................................................................................... 1738 Blackcomb Design Automation Inc........................................................... 1919 Gold Standard Simulations Ltd................................................................. 1419 Blue Pearl Software..................................................................................... 929 Granite River Labs..................................................................................... 1541 Breker Verification Systems...................................................................... 1626 Hackster, Inc................................................................................................ 939 Brite Semiconductor (USA) ...................................................................... 1520 Helic, Inc...................................................................................................... 819 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.................................................. 107, 507, 1138 Huada Empyrean Software Co. Ltd............................................................ 738 CAST, Inc..................................................................................................... 541 IBM Corp..................................................................................................... 719 Chip Design................................................................................................. 439 IC Enable................................................................................................... 1541 349 IC Manage, Inc.......................................................................................... 1329 ChipStart LLC............................................................................................ 1338 ICScape Inc................................................................................................. 738 ClioSoft, Inc................................................................................................. 519 iFixit............................................................................................................. 939 CMP............................................................................................................ 343 Imperas Software Ltd................................................................................ 1138 Codasip..................................................................................................... 1113 Integrand Software...................................................................................... 320 Concept Engineering GmbH..................................................................... 1229 Intel Corp..................................................................................................... 429 Consensia.................................................................................................. 2219 Intento Design............................................................................................. 329 COSEDA Technologies GmbH.................................................................. 2119 IP Pavilion.................................................................................................. 1138 Coventor, Inc............................................................................................... 321 IROC Technologies Corp........................................................................... 1638 CST of America, Inc.................................................................................. 1719 Jama Software.......................................................................................... 1138 DAC Pavilion.............................................................................................. 1839 Jedat Inc...................................................................................................... 428 Dassault Systemes...................................................................................... 548 Kapik Integration....................................................................................... 1541 Defacto Technologies................................................................................ 1129 Keysight Technologies................................................................................. 727 Design and Reuse....................................................................................... 513 krtkl inc........................................................................................................ 939 Digilent Inc................................................................................................... 939 Laflin/Instigate............................................................................................. 331 DINI Group................................................................................................ 2130 Leti............................................................................................................. 1818 110 Library Technologies, Inc............................................................................. 743 SKILLCAD Inc............................................................................................ 1642 Lorentz Solution, Inc................................................................................... 327 SmartDV Technologies.............................................................................. 1641 Magillem Design Services......................................................................... 1413 SoCScape................................................................................................. 2530 Magwel NV................................................................................................ 1013 Solido Design Automation Inc..................................................................... 611 Maker’s Market............................................................................................ 939 Sonnet Software Inc.................................................................................. 1543 Menta.......................................................................................................... 640 Spectral Design & Test.............................................................................. 1922 Mentor Graphics Corp................................................................................. 949 Springer................................................................................................... Lobby Methodics, Inc........................................................................................... 1019 StarNet Communications............................................................................ 543 Micro Magic, Inc.......................................................................................... 231 SureCore Ltd............................................................................................. 1418 Mixel, Inc................................................................................................... 1233 Synopsys, Inc...................................................................................... 149, 361 Mobile Semiconductor.............................................................................. 1128 Tanner EDA................................................................................................ 1828 Mobiveil Inc............................................................................................... 1342 Technical Marketing Solutions.................................................................. 1721 MOSIS......................................................................................................... 441 Teklatech A/S.............................................................................................. 223 MunEDA GmbH............................................................................... 1328, 1438 Teraproc Inc............................................................................................... 1925 Nangate....................................................................................................... 442 TOOL Corp................................................................................................ 1531 NEWRACOM Inc....................................................................................... 2230 Toshiba Information Systems (Japan) Corporation................................... 1138 Omni Design Technologies, Inc................................................................. 2018 TowerJazz.................................................................................................... 324 OneSpin Solutions..................................................................................... 1249 True Circuits, Inc.......................................................................................... 827 Open-Silicon Inc........................................................................................ 2431 TRUECHIP................................................................................................. 1341 OpenText..................................................................................................... 638 TSMC.......................................................................................................... 848 Oski Technology, Inc................................................................................... 339 UltraSoC.................................................................................................... 1138 Pacific Microchip Corp.............................................................................. 2231 Verific Design Automation........................................................................... 538 Photeon Technologies............................................................................... 1541 Verification Academy................................................................................... 627 PLDA........................................................................................................... 643 Verifyter..................................................................................................... 1820 ProDesign Electronics............................................................................... 2218 Veritools, Inc................................................................................................ 221 ProPlus Design Solutions, Inc................................................................... 1219 Vtool............................................................................................................ 325 Pulsic Inc................................................................................................... 1439 XYALIS....................................................................................................... 1918 Random Designs CA, Inc............................................................................ 939 Zentera Systems, Inc.................................................................................. 812 Real Intent, Inc............................................................................................ 527 Zipalog Inc................................................................................................. 1819 Real Silicon................................................................................................ 2220 Rocketick, Inc...................................................................................... 227, 328 Runtime Design Automation..................................................................... 1728 S2C Inc...................................................................................................... 1928 IP PAVILION Booth 1138 Aegis, LLC Amphion Semiconductor Ltd S3 Group................................................................................................... 2118 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Sage Design Automation............................................................................. 421 Seamless Devices Samsung Electronics........................................................................... 607, 706 Toshiba Information Systems (Japan) Corporation Sankalp USA Inc....................................................................................... 1541 UltraSoc Scientific Analog, Inc................................................................................. 1339 Seamless Devices..................................................................................... 1138 Semiconductor Manufacturing Intl. Corp.................................................. 1520 Semiconductor Research Corp................................................................. 2217 Semifore, Inc................................................................................... 1529, 1630 Shanghai Huali Microelectronics Corporation........................................... 1723 Si2............................................................................................................... 239 Siemens PLM Software............................................................................. 2028 Sigasi......................................................................................................... 2019 EMBEDDED PAVILION Booth 1138 Imperas Software Ltd. Jama Software MAKER’S MARKET PAVILION Booth 939 ARM, Inc. Arduino LLC Diligent Inc. Silab Tech Private Limited......................................................................... 1442 Evothings Silicon Creations, LLC............................................................................... 1539 Hackster, Inc. Silicon Frontline Technology...................................................................... 1712 iFixit SILVACO...................................................................................................... 649 krtkl inc. Random Designs CA, Inc. THANK YOU AISLE SIGNS CONFERENCE BAG, DAC T-SHIRT IP TRACK TO THE FOLLOWING EXHIBITORS FOR THEIR SUPPORT OF: BADGE/LANYARD, MOBILE APP SPLASH PAGE, DESIGN/IP TRACK SUNDAY RECEPTION MONDAY & TUESDAY RECEPTIONS NEWTON STUDENT FELLOWSHIP Investors in InnovationTM WEDNESDAY RECEPTION I LOVE DAC Don’t miss the book signing: REGISTRATION TO OUR LOYAL SUPPORTERS: THANK YOU EXHIBITING COMPANIES ACM Brite Semiconductor (USA) Aegis, LLC Cadence Design Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA 1520 New York, NY 2430 Campbell, CA 1138 San Jose, CA 107, 507, 1138 Agnisys, Inc. CAST, Inc. Lowell, MA 420 Woodcliff Lake, NJ 541 Aldec, Inc. Chip Design Henderson, NV 619 San Francisco, CA 439 ALLEGRO DVT Meylan, Isere, France 1241 San Jose, CA 349 AMIQ EDA ChipStart LLC Bucharest, Romania 1639 Palo Alto, CA 1338 Amphion Semiconductor Ltd ClioSoft, Inc. Belfast, UK 1138 Fremont, CA 519 AMS CMP Unterpremstaetten, Austria 544 Grenoble Cedex, France 343 Analog Bits Inc. Codasip Sunnyvale, CA 644 Brno, Czech Republic 1113 ANSYS, Inc. Concept Engineering GmbH Canonsburg, PA 1449 Freiburg, Germany 1229 Arcadia Innovation Inc. COSEDA Technologies GmbH Santa Clara, CA 1313 Dresden, Germany 2119 Arduino LLC Coventor, Inc. Somerville, MA 939 Cary, NC 321 ARM, Inc. CST of America, Inc. San Jose, CA 939, 1748 Framingham, MA 1719 ATEC Technologies Inc. DAC Pavilion Santa Clara, CA 2131 Louisville, CO 1839 ATopTech Dassault Systemes Santa Clara, CA 1648 Waltham, MA 548 Ausdia Inc. Defacto Technologies Sunnyvale, CA 1119 Palo Alto, CA 1129 Avery Design Systems, Inc. Design and Reuse Tewksbury, MA 800 Grenoble, France 513 Blackcomb Design Automation Inc. Digilent Inc Vancover, Canada 1919 Seattle, WA 939 Blue Pearl Software DINI Group Santa Clara, CA 929 La Jolla, CA 2130 Breker Verification Systems Dorado Design Automation, Inc. San Jose, CA 1626 Hsin Chu, Taiwan 1513 114 EXHIBITING COMPANIES Doulos IBM Corp. IC Enable EDXACT SA IC Manage, Inc. Embedded Pavilion ICScape Inc. EMC Imperas Software Ltd. EnSilica Integrand Software Entasys Inc. Intel Corp. ESD Alliance Intento Design EUROPRACTICE / IMEC IP Pavilion Evothings IROC Technologies Corp. Excellicon Inc. Jama Software Laguna Hills, CA 1213 Portland, OR 1138 Faraday Technology Corporation Jedat Inc. Hsinchu City, Taiwain 1822 Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 428 FishTail Design Automation, Inc. Kapik Integration Lake Oswego, OR 1812 Toronto, Canada 1541 Flex Logix Technologies, Inc. Keysight Technologies Mountain View, CA ............................................................................................................. 919 Santa Rosa, CA 727 Fractal Technologies krtkl inc. Los Gatos, CA 1718 San Francisco, 939 Fraunhofer IIS/EAS Laflin/Instigate Dresden, Germany 1738 Portland, OR 331 Gold Standard Simulations Ltd. Leti Glasgow, United Kingdom 1419 Grenoble, France 1818 Granite River Labs Library Technologies, Inc. Santa Clara, CA 1541 Saratoga, CA 743 Hackster, Inc. Lorentz Solution, Inc. Helic, Inc. Magillem Design Services San Jose, CA 739 Essex Junction, VT 719 Campbell, CA 1226 Dallas, TX 1541 Voiron, France 1722 Campbell, CA 1329 Louisville, CO 1138 Santa Clara, CA 738 Hopkinton, MA 1239 Thame, United Kingdom 1138 Wokingham, United Kingdom 1742 Berkeley Heights, NJ 320 Seoul, Korea (South) 1029 Santa Clara, CA 429 San Jose, CA 1920 Paris, France 329 Leuven, Belgium 440 Louisville, CO 1138 Stockholm, Sweden 939 Mountain View, CA 1638 Santa Clara, CA 327 San Francisco, CA 939 Paris, France 1413 San Jose, CA 819 115 EXHIBITING COMPANIES Magwel NV PLDA Maker’s Market ProDesign Electronics Menta ProPlus Design Solutions, Inc. Mentor Graphics Corp. Pulsic Inc. Methodics, Inc. Random Designs CA, Inc. Micro Magic, Inc. Real Intent, Inc. Mixel, Inc. Rocketick, Inc. Mobile Semiconductor Runtime Design Automation Mobiveil Inc. S2C Inc. MOSIS S3 Group MunEDA GmbH Sage Design Automation Nangate Samsung Electronics NEWRACOM Inc. Sankalp USA Inc. Omni Design Technologies, Inc. Scientific Analog, Inc. OneSpin Solutions Seamless Devices Open-Silicon Inc. Semiconductor Manufacturing Intl. Corp. OpenText Semiconductor Research Corp. Oski Technology, Inc. Semifore, Inc. Pacific Microchip Corp. Shanghai Huali Microelectronics Corporation Photeon Technologies Si2 San Jose, CA 1013 San Jose, CA 643 Louisville, CO 939 Mission Viejo, CA 2218 Montpellier Cedex 2, France 640 San Jose, CA 1219 Wilsonville, OR 949 San Jose, CA 1439 San Francisco, CA 1019 Sunnyvale, CA 939 Sunnyvale, CA 231 Sunnyvale, CA 527 San Jose, CA 1233 San Jose, CA 227, 328 Seattle, WA 1722 Santa Clara, CA 1728 Milpitas, CA 1342 San Jose, CA 1928 Marina Del Ray, CA 441 Dublin, Ireland 2118 Munich, Germany 1328, 1438 Santa Clara, CA 421 Santa Clara, CA 442 San Jose, CA 607, 706 Irvine, CA 2230 Sunnyvale, CA 1541 San Jose, CA 2018 Palo Alto, CA 1339 Munich, Germany 1249 Belmont, MA 1138 Milpitas, CA 2431 Shanghai, China 1520 Richmond Hill, Canada 638 Durham, NC 2217 Mountain View, CA 339 Palo Alto, CA 1529, 1630 Culver City, CA 2231 Shanghai, China 1723 Austria, Europe 1541 Austin, TX 239 116 WORLD OF IoT BE SURE TO VISIT ALL OF THE PARTICIPATING COMPANIES! ••••• EMBEDDED pavilion EMBEDDED PAVILION ••••• ••••• maker’s market MAKER’S MARKET ••••• ••••• IP pavilion ••••• IP PAVILION EXHIBITING COMPANIES Siemens PLM Software Toshiba Information Systems (Japan) Corporation Sigasi TowerJazz Silab Tech Private Limited True Circuits, Inc. Silicon Creations, LLC TRUECHIP Silicon Frontline Technology TSMC SILVACO UltraSoC SKILLCAD Inc. Verific Design Automation SmartDV Technologies Verification Academy SoCScape Verification Technology Inc. Solido Design Automation Inc. Verifyter Sonnet Software Inc. Veritools, Inc. Springer Vtool StarNet Communications XYALIS SureCore Ltd. Zentera Systems, Inc. Synopsys, Inc. Zipalog Inc. Plano, TX 2028 Kawasaki-shi, Kana 1138 Gentbrugge, Belgium 2019 Newport Beach, CA 324 Bangalore, India 1442 Los Altos, CA 827 Suwanee, GA 1539 New York, NY 1341 Campbell, CA 1712 San Jose, CA 848 Santa Clara, CA 649 Cambridge, UK 1138 San Jose, CA 1642 Alameda, CA 538 San Diego, CA 1641 Wilsonville, OR 627 Mission Aiejo, CA 2530 Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken, Japan 1413 Saskatoon, Canada 611 Lund, Sweden 1820 North Syracuse, NY 1543 Los Altos, CA 221 New York, NY Lobby Bnei Brak, Israel 325 Sunnyvale, CA 543 Grenoble, France 1918 Sheffield, United Kingdom 1418 San Jose, CA 812 Mountain View, CA 149, 361 Plano, TX 1819 Tanner EDA SUPPLEMENTAL LISTING Monrovia, CA 1828 Consensia Inc Dunlin, CA 2219 Technical Marketing Solutions Cedar Park, TX 1721 Huada Empyrean Software Co. Ltd Beijing, China 738 Teklatech A/S DK Frederiksberg C, Denmark 223 iFixit San Juis Obispo, CA 939 Teraproc Inc. Markham, Canada 1925 Spectral Design & Test Somerville, CA 1922 TOOL Corp. San Jose, CA 1531 Real Silicon Cupertino, CA www. 2220 118 Redesigned and Reimaginged A 30-year history of defining the most advanced computing technology for real-world connected systems. •Internet of Things (IoT) • M2M • Embedded Computing • Real-Time Systems • HPEC • Industrial Computing Receive monthly digital delivery to your phone, tablet or desktop through our publishing partner Issuu at: for more information: COMMITTEES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE General Chair Charles Alpert Cadence Design Systems, Inc. [email protected] Vice Chair Past Chair Program Chair Adapt IP [email protected] Anne Cirkel X. Sharon Hu Mentor Graphics Corp. anne_cirkel@ Univ. of Notre Dame [email protected] Panel Chair Tutorial Chair Valeria Bertacco ARM, Inc. [email protected] Intel Corp. ramond.rodriguez@ Design/IP Track Co-Chair Design/IP Track Co-Chair Michael ‘Mac’ McNamara Technical Program Co-Chair Technical Program Co-Chair Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Univ. of Michigan [email protected] Naehyuck Chang Robert Aitken Ramond Rodriguez naehyuck@cad4x. Automotive Track Chair Dirk Ziegenbein Robert Bosch GmbH dirk.ziegenbein@ Zhuo Li Debashis Bhattacharya Cadence Design Systems, Inc. [email protected] Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd d.bhattacharya@ Security Chair ESS Chair Finance Chair New York Univ. [email protected] NXP Semiconductors Robert.oshana@ Synopsys, Inc. Patrick.R.Groeneveld Ramesh Karri Publicity Chair Michelle Clancy Cayenne Communication michelle.clancy@ Conference Manager Kevin Lepine MP Associates, Inc. kevin@ Robert Oshana Patrick Groeneveld ACM Representative ESD Alliance Representative Vijaykrishnan Narayanan Graham Bell Real Intent graham@ Pennsylvania State Univ. [email protected] Exhibit Manager Lee Wood MP Associates, Inc. [email protected] 120 IP Track Chair Claude Moughanni Lattice Semiconductor Claude.Moughanni@ Industry Advisory Chair Rob van Blommestein S2C Inc. [email protected] IEEE/CEDA Representative Shishpal Rawat Intel Corp shishpal.s.rawat@ TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Technical Program Co-Chair Technical Program Co-Chair Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology Daejeon, Republic of Korea Univ. of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI Naehyuck Chang Valeria Bertacco Mohammad Abdullah Al Faruque Pai Chou Franco Fummi Ramkumar Jayaseelan Zaid Al-Ars Chris Chu Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon Yier Jin Todd Austin Sung Woo Chung Siddharth Garg Eric Keiter Danny Bathen Florentin Dartu Swaroop Ghosh Sunil Khatri Dip Goswami Jaeha Kim Paul Gratz Jae-Joon Kim Univ. of California, Irvine Irvine, CA Delft Univ. of Technology Delft, The Netherlands Univ. of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI Intel Corp. San Jose, CA Lars Bauer Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe, Germany Laleh Behjat Univ. of Calgary Calgary, AB, Canada Sanjukta Bhanja Univ. of South Florida Tampa, FL Swarup Bhunia Univ. of Florida Gainesville, FL Paul Bogdan Univ. of Southern California Los Angeles, CA Eli Bozorgzadeh Univ. of California, Irvine Irvine, CA Oliver Bringmann Univ. Tübingen Tübingen, Germany Philip Brisk Univ. of California, Riverside Riverside, CA Ismail Bustany Mentor Graphics Corp. Fremont, CA Yu Cao Arizona State Univ. Tempe, AZ Luca Carloni Columbia Univ. New York, NY Mario Casu Politecnico di Torino Torino, Italy Deming Chen Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL Jian-Jia Chen Technische Univ. Dortmund Dortmund, Germany Charles Chiang Synopsys, Inc. Mountain View, CA Bruce Childers Univ. of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA Kiyoung Choi Seoul National Univ. Seoul, Republic of Korea Univ. of California, Irvine Irvine, CA Univ. of Verona Verona, Italy Iowa State Univ. Ames, IA Univ. of Utah Salt Lake City, UT Korea Univ. Seoul, Republic of Korea New York Univ. New York, NY Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Austin, TX Suman Datta Pennsylvania State Univ. Univ. Park, PA Abhijit Davare Intel Corp. Hillsboro, OR Rhett Davis North Carolina State Univ. Raleigh, NC Dionisio de Niz Carnegie Mellon Univ. Pittsburgh, PA Alper Demir Koc Univ. Istanbul, Turkey Dengqx Deng Northeastern Univ. of China Shenyang, China Marco Di Natale Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa, Italy Gero Dittmann IBM Research – Zurich Rüschlikon, Switzerland Rainer Doemer Univ. of California, Irvine Irvine, CA Frederic Doucet Qualcomm, Inc. San Jose, CA Wolfgang Ecker Infineon Technologies AG Neubiberg, Germany Ibrahim (Abe) Elfadel Masdar Institute of Science and Technology Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Saverio Fazzari Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. Clarksville, MD Peter Feldmann D. E. Shaw Research New York, NY Zhuo Feng Michigan Technological Univ. Houghton, MI Domenic Forte Univ. of Florida Gainesville, FL Harry Foster Mentor Graphics Corp. Plano, TX Univ. of South Florida Tampa, FL Technische Univ. Eindhoven Eindhoven, The Netherlands Texas A&M Univ. College Station, TX Jie Gu Northwestern Univ. Evanston, IL Nan Guan Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Sandeep Gupta Univ. of Southern California Los Angeles, CA Arne Hamann Robert Bosch GmbH Renningen, Germany Andreas Hansson ARM Ltd. Cambridge, United Kingdom Masanori Hashimoto Osaka Univ. Suita, Japan Tsung-Yi Ho National Tsing Hua Univ. HsinChu, Taiwan Daniel Holcomb Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst Amherst, MA Houman Homayoun George Mason Univ. Fairfax, VA Jiang Hu Texas A&M Univ. College Station, TX H. Howie Huang George Washington Univ. Washington, DC Yu Huang Mentor Graphics Corp. Marlboro, MA William Hung Synopsys, Inc. Mountain View, CA Engin Ipek Univ. of Rochester Rochester, NY Roozbeh Jafari Texas A&M Univ. College Station, TX 121 KNUPATH Austin, TX Univ. of Central Florida Orlando, FL Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM Texas A&M Univ. College Station, TX Seoul National Univ. Seoul, Republic of Korea Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology Pohang, Republic of Korea Jihong Kim Seoul National Univ. Seoul, Republic of Korea John Kim KAIST Daejeon, Republic of Korea Taemin Kim Intel Corp. Hillsboro, OR Cheng-Kok Koh Purdue Univ. West Lafayette, IN Farinaz Koushanfar Univ. of California at San Diego San Diego, CA Xenofon Koutsoukos Vanderbilt Univ. Nashville, TN Tushar Krishna Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA Akash Kumar Technische Univ. Dresden Dresden, Germany Hai Li Univ. of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA Sheng Li Intel Corp. Santa Clara, CA Xin Li Carnegie Mellon Univ. Pittsburgh, PA Yih-Lang Li National Chiao Tung Univ. HsinChu, Taiwan Mark Po-Hung Lin National Chung Cheng Univ. Chiayi, Taiwan Yongpan Liu Tsinghua Univ. Beijing, China Martin Lukasiewycz Robert Bosch GmbH Renningen, Germany TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Alberto Macii Linh Thi Xuan Phan Saurabh Sinha Steven Wilton Enrico Macii Massimo Poncino Frank Slomka Fei Xie Ken Mai Miodrag Potkonjak Mircea Stan Yuan Xie Michail Maniatakos Qinru Qiu Walter Stechele Jiang Xu Peter Marwedel Gang Qu Daryl Stewart Rami Melhem Anand Raghunathan Greg Stitt Politecnico di Torino Torino, Italy Politecnico di Torino Torino, Italy Carnegie Mellon Univ. Pittsburgh, PA New York Univ. Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Technische Univ. Dortmund Dortmund, Germany Univ. of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA Brett Meyer McGill Univ. Montreal, QC, Canada Univ. of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Politecnico di Torino Torino, Italy Univ. of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA Syracuse Univ. Syracuse, NY Univ. of Maryland College Park, MD Purdue Univ. West Lafayette, IN Sandip Ray Intel Corp. Hillsboro, OR ARM, Inc. Austin, TX Univ. of Ulm Ulm, Germany Univ. of Virginia Charlottesville, VA Technische Univ. München Munich, Germany ARM Ltd. Cambridge, United Kingdom Univ. of Florida Gainesville, FL Cliff Sze IBM Corp. Austin, TX Prabhat Mishra Garrett Rose Mehdi B. Tahoori José Monteiro Sanghamitra Roy Vivek Tiwari Univ. of Florida Gainesville, FL INESC-ID & Univ. Lisboa Lisbon, Portugal Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville, TN Utah State Univ. Logan, UT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe, Germany Intel Corp. Sunnyvale, CA Onur Mutlu Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi Andres Torres Seetharam Narasimhan Soheil Samii Antonino Tumeo Carnegie Mellon Univ. Pittsburgh, PA Intel Corp. Hillsboro, OR Technische Univ. Darmstadt Darmstadt, Germany General Motors Company Warren, MI Vijaykrishnan Narayanan Jack Sampson Gabriela Nicolescu Patrick Schaumont Pennsylvania State Univ. Univ. Park, PA École Polytechnique de Montréal Montreal, QC, Canada Nicola Nicolici McMaster Univ. Hamilton, ON, Canada Sam H. Noh UNIST Ulsan, Republic of Korea David Z. Pan Univ. of Texas at Austin Austin, TX Partha Pande Washington State Univ. Pullman, WA Michael Papamichael Microsoft Research Redmond, WA Michele Petracca Cadence Design Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA Pennsylvania State Univ. Univ. Park, PA Mentor Graphics Corp. Wilsonville, OR Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, WA Marten van Dijk Univ. of Connecticut Storrs, CT Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. Blacksburg, VA Miroslav Velev Gunar Schirner Natarajan Viswanathan Northeastern Univ. Boston, MA Aries Design Automation, LLC Chicago, IL Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Austin, TX Leo Selavo Li-C Wang Zili Shao Yu Wang Univ. of Latvia Riga, Latvia Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Univ. of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA Tsinghua Univ. Beijing, China Yiyu Shi Zhao Wang Chi Sheng Shih Thomas Wenisch Ozgur Sinanoglu Robert Wille Univ. of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN National Taiwan Univ. Taipei, Taiwan New York Univ. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Apple, Inc. Cupertino, CA Univ. of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI Johannes Kepler Univ. of Linz Linz, Austria 122 Univ. of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada Portland State Univ. Portland, OR Univ. of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology Hong Kong, Hong Kong Zuochang Ye Tsinghua Univ. Beijing, China Bei Yu Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong Shatin, Hong Kong Hao Yu Nanyang Technological Univ. Singapore, Singapore Huafeng Yu Toyota InfoTechnology Center Mountain View, CA Haibo Zeng Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. Blacksburg, VA Xuan Zeng Fudan Univ. Shanghai, China Wei Zhang Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology Kowloon, Hong Kong Zhiru Zhang Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY Jishen Zhao Univ. of California, Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA Hai Zhou Northwestern Univ. Evanston, IL Dakai Zhu Univ. of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio, TX Cheng Zhuo Intel Corp. Hillsboro, OR INDUSTRY LIAISON COMMITTEE Industry Advisory Chair Rob van Blommestein S2C, Inc. San Jose, CA Graham Bell Susie Horn Michael Munsey Herta Schreiner Michelle Clancy Dagmar Lambrecht Yukari Ohno Philippa Slayton Diana Dearin Sandra Larrabee Tom Quan Bob Smith Real Intent Inc. Sunnyvale, CA Cayenne Communication Sunnyvale, CA Mentor Graphics Corp. Wilsonville, OR MP Associates, Inc. Louisville, CO Cadence Design Systems Inc. San Jose, CA ARM San Jose, CA Methodics, Inc. Boston, MA Consultant San Jose, CA TSMC San Jose, CA Synopsys, Inc. Mountain View, CA Oski Technologies, Inc. Mountain View, CA ESD Alliance San Jose, CA Mike Gianfanga eSilicon Corp. San Jose, CA STRATEGY COMMITTEE Vice Chair Michael ‘Mac’ McNamara Adapt IP Palo Alto, CA Chuck Alpert Michelle Clancy Alex Kondratyev Warren Savage Tom Anderson Craig Cochran Larry Lapides Craig Shirley William D. Billowitch Susie Horn Steve Padnos Robert van Blommestein Anne Cirkel Joe Hupcey III Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Austin, TX Breker Verification Systems San Jose, CA Doulos Inc. San Jose, CA Mentor Graphics Corp. Wilsonville, OR Cayenne Communcation Sunnyvale, CA Cadence Design Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA MP Associates, Inc. Louisville, CO Xilinx Inc. San Jose, CA Imperas Software Ltd. Dublin, CA Consultant San Jose, CA IPextreme Campbell, CA IC Manage, Inc. Campbell, CA S2C, Inc. San Jose, CA Mentor Graphics Corp. Fremont, CA PR/ MARKETING COMMITTEE PR/Marketing Chair Michelle Clancy Cayenne Communication Sunnyvale, CA Danielle Arnold Paul Cohen Brian Fuller Anne Cirkel John Day Joslyn Mclaughlin Synopsys, Inc San Jose, CA Mentor Graphics Corp. Wilsonville, OR ESD Alliance San Jose, CA ARM, Inc. San Jose, CA Automotive Electronics Kalamazoo, MI Rob van Blommestein S2C Inc. San Jose, CA Mentor Graphics Corp. Portland, OR AUTOMOTIVE COMMITTEE Automotive Track Chair Dirk Ziegenbein Robert-Bosch GmbH Renningen, Germany Marco Di Natale Dip Goswami Soheil Samii Huafeng Yu Wolfgang Ecker Arne Hamann Walter Stechele Haibo Zeng Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa, Italy Infineon Technologies AG Neubiberg, Germany Technische Univ. Eindhoven Eindhoven, The Netherlands Robert Bosch GmbH Renningen, Germany General Motors Company Warren, MI Technische Univ. München Munich, Germany 123 Toyota InfoTechnology Center Mountain View, CA Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. Blacksburg, VA DESIGN/IP TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Design/IP Track Co-Chair Design/IP Track Co-Chair Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Austin, TX Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Plano, TX Zhuo Li Debashis Bhattacharya Back-End Committee Binu Abraham Jianwen Jin Kevin Nesmith Venugopal Thammana Bertram Bradley Michael Kazda David Newmark Badhri Uppiliappan Jarrod Brooks Masanori Kurimoto Oscar Ou Lata Valluri Eli Chiprout Koen Lampaert Satish Raj Natarajan Viswanathan Jovanka Ciric Vujkovic Hao Lee Vivek Rajan Tim Whitfield Brian Cline Robert Lipsey Roman Schwarz Seth Wilk Sabya Das Phil Matthews Kuldeep Singh Sunghee Yun Homayoon Akhiani Ashish Darbari Robert Kaye Wolfgang Roesner Srinath Atluri Alastair Donaldson Dave Kelf Erik Seligman Karthik Baddam Theo Drane Carey Kloss Rob Shearer Aviv Barkai David Goldberg Jeremy Levitt Danil Sokolov Mike Bartley Stefan Hoereth Nitin Mhaske Shang-Wei Tu Tim Blackmore Sushma Honnavara Prasad Bhavin Patel Miroslav Velev Robert Carden IV Alan Hunter Harsh Patel William Wallace John Colley Jennifer Hwang John Redmond Shan Yan George Constantinides Kyungsu Kang Vincent Reynolds Jason Andrews Pat Brouillette Benjamin Cabé Susmit Jha Michael Brogioli Mark Brown Alex Chandra Hyungwoo Lee ANSYS, Inc. San Jose, CA GLOBALFOUNDRIES Austin, TX Cypress Semiconductor Corp. Lexington, KY Intel Corp. Hillsboro, OR Synopsys, Inc. Mountain View, CA ARM Ltd. Austin, TX Xilinx Inc. San Jose, CA Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Santa Clara, CA IBM Systems and Technology Group Poughkeepsie, NY Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Himeji, JP Broadcom Corp. Irvine, CA Broadcom Corp. Santa Clara, CA Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Fort Collins, CO Silicon Laboratories Austin, TX EDDR Software Austin, TX Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Austin, TX MediaTek, Inc. San Jose, CA Qualcomm, Inc. San Diego, CA Intel Corp. Hillsboro, OR Qualcomm, Inc. Cary, NC Oracle Corp. Santa Clara, CA Intel Corp. Portland, OR Analog Devices, Inc. Wilmington, MA Mentor Graphics Corp. Fremont, CA Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Austin, TX ARM Ltd. Hsinchu Science Park, TW RF Micropower Fountain Hills, US Samsung Electronics Hwaseong-si, KR Jia-Wei Fang MediaTek, Inc. Hsinchu, Taiwan Front-End Committee Nvidia Corp. Santa Clara, CA Cavium, Inc. San Jose, CA Imagination Technologies Ltd. Hemel Hempstead, Great Britain Intel Corp. Haifa, Israel Test and Verification Solutions Bristol, Great Britain Infineon Technologies AG Bristol, Great Britain Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Aliso Viejo, CA Univ. of Southampton Southampton, Great Britain Imperial College London London, Great Britain Imagination Technologies Ltd. Kings Langley, Great Britain Imperial College London London, Great Britain Cadence Design Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. San Jose, CA OneSpin Solutions GmbH Munich, DE Google, Inc. Mountain View, CA ARM, Inc. Austin, TX Quick Logic Sunnyvale, CA Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Hwaseong, KR ARM Ltd. Cambridge, Great Britain OneSpin Solutions GmbH Stoneham, MA Nervana Systems Palo Alto, CA Mentor Graphics Corp. Fremont, CA Synopsys, Inc. Austin, TX Intel Corp. Chandler, AZ Mentor Graphics Corp. Fremont, CA Broadcom Corp. San Diego, CA IBM Systems and Technology Group Austin, TX Intel Corp. Hillsboro, OR Microsoft Corp. Redmond, WA Newcastle Univ. Newcastle upon Tyne, Great Britain MediaTek, Inc. Hsinchu, TW Aries Design Automation, LLC Chicago, IL Texas Instruments, Inc. Richardson, TX Broadcom Corp. Irvine, CA Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Bracknell, Great Britain ESS Committee ARM, Inc. Ham Lake, MN Polymathic Consulting Austin, TX Roku, Inc. Tempe, AZ FutureWei Technologies, Inc. Plano, TX The Eclipse Foundation Ramonville-Saint-Agne, FR FutureWei Technologies, Inc. Plano, TX 124 United Technologies Research Center Emeryville, CA Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Hwaseong-si, KR DESIGN/IP TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE ESS Committee Laurent Maillet-Contoz Andrew Putnam Michael Solka Colin Walls Amitabh Menon Jan Rellermeyer Alicia Strang ChengYeh Wang Robert Oshana Adolph Seema Eric Van Hensbergen Xin-Xin Yang Rei-Fu Huang Claude Moughanni Lionel Riviere Priyank Shukla Andrea Kroll Steve Padnos McKenzie Ross Henning Spruth Peng Liu Farhan Rahman Warren Savage Farzad Zarrinfar STMicroelectronics Grenoble Cedex, FR Qualcomm, Inc. San Jose, CA NXP Semiconductors Austin, TX Microsoft Research Seattle, WA Coherent Logix Austin, TX IBM Research - Austin Austin, TX Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Irvine, CA NXP Semiconductors Chandler, AZ ARM Austin, TX Mentor Graphics Corp. Newbury, Great Britain MediaTek, Inc. Hsinchu, TW NXP Semiconductors Beijing, CN IP Committee MediaTek Inc. Hsinchu, TW Cadence Design Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA Heather Monigan Intel Corp. Chandler, AZ Lattice Semiconductor San Jose, CA GLOBALFOUNDRIES Austin, TX Consultant San Jose, CA IPextreme Campbell, CA AMD Austin, TX IPextreme Campbell, CA Cadence Design Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA NXP Semiconductors Austin, TX Mentor Graphics Corp. Fremont, CA Simon Rance ARM Ltd. Plano, TX IP TRACK COMMITTEE IP Track Chair IP Track Vice-Chair Lattice Semiconductor San Jose, CA Intel Corp. Chandler, AZ Claude Moughanni Heather Monigan Andrea Kroll Simon Rance Warren Savage Peng Liu McKenzie Ross Priyank Shukla Cadence Design Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA ARM Ltd. Plano, TX IPextreme Campbell, CA IPextreme Campbell, CA Farzad Zarrinfar Mentor Graphics Corp. Fremont, CA Cadence Design Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA SPONSORS COMMITTEE General Chair Charles Alpert ACM/SIGDA Representative Vijay Narayanan ESD Alliance Representative Bob Smith IEEE CEDA Representative William Joyner Past Chair Anne Cirkel ACM/SIGDA Representative Farrah Khan ESD Alliance Representative Graham Bell IEEE CEDA Representative Shishpal Rawat Cadence Design Systems, Inc Austin, TX Mentor Graphics Corp. Wilsonville, OR Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park, PA ESD Alliance San Jose, CA Association for Computing Machinery, SIG Services New York, NY Real Intent, Inc. Sunnyvale, CA SECURITY COMMITTEE Security Chair Security Vice-Chair New York Univ. Brooklyn, NY Mentor Graphics Corp. Wilsonville, OR Ramesh Karri Bill Eklow Cisco Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA Serge Leef Peilin Song IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY 125 SRC Research Triangle Park, NC Intel Corp. Folsom, CA INDEX Additional Meetings����������������������������������������������92 Opening Session & Awards����������������������������������21 Colocated Conferences����������������������������������������88 Platinum, Gold & Silver Sponsors����������������������113 Committees & Organizers����������������������������������120 Silicon/Technology Art Show�������������������������������17 Conference Sponsors���������������������������������������������5 SKY Talks�������������������������������������������������������������10 DAC Pavilion - Booth 1839��������������������������������102 Supplemental Listing������������������������������������������118 Exclusive Sponsorships�������������������������������������112 Thursday is Training Day��������������������������������������82 Exhibiting Companies����������������������������������������114 Thursday Keynote������������������������������������������������71 Exhibitor List�������������������������������������������������������110 Thursday Sessions�����������������������������������������������72 General Chair’s Welcome���������������������������������������3 Tuesday Design/IP Track Poster Session�������������49 Important Information���������������������������������������������6 Tuesday Sessions�������������������������������������������������37 In Memory������������������������������������������������������������12 Tuesday Visionary Talk & Keynote������������������������36 Keynotes����������������������������������������������������������������8 Tuesday Work-in-Progess Poster Session�����������50 Monday Design/IP Track Poster Session�������������27 Wednesday Keynote��������������������������������������������53 Monday Keynote��������������������������������������������������22 Wednesday Sessions�������������������������������������������54 Monday Sessions�������������������������������������������������23 Wednesday Design/IP Track Poster Session�������66 Monday Tutorials��������������������������������������������������29 Wednesday Work-in-Progess Poster Session������68 Networking Receptions������������������������������������������7 Workshops�����������������������������������������������������������18 126 NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES DAC IS BACK IN AUSTIN FOR 2017! 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