Assalamulaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh and Salam 'l Malaysia. YB Dato'Sri Executive Council Pahang, YB State Secretary, YB State Financial Officer, YB State Legal Officer, Heads of Departments, lasies and gentlemen. First I want to welcoming the month of Ramadan Al Mubarak 1436 H. May the blessings of this holy month, inject more vigor to our survival and and realize the hardship of Muslims in lslamic countries, which is in upheaval. Here I would like to take this opportunity to say a few things, namely: ,I. MOVEMENT AND HEADS OF DEPARTMENT OF RETIREMENT a). take this opportunity to inform the movement of Heads of Departments in the Departments of State and Federal in the State as follows: i. Mr Razihan bin Adzharuddin, as Bera District Officer. b). i. I While the Heads of Departments who have retired are: TH Dato' Shamsuddin bin Mohd Said, former Bera District Officer; ii. YH Dato' Shamsiah binti Hussein, former Director of the State Welfare Department; iii. YH Dato' Haji Tarif bin Haji Abdul Rahman, a former Temerloh District Officer; iv. YH Dato' Norhayad binti Ahmad, a former Kuantan District Officer. 2. AWARDS 1 a). I also express my congratulations to the recipients of awards Darjah Kebesaran Pahang Darjah Kebesaran Sultan Ahmad Shah Pahang Yang Amat Di Mulia - Peringkat Pertama, Sri Sultan Ahmad Shah Pahang (SSAP) which carries the title Dato' Sri namely: 1. YB Dato'Sri Haji Mohd. Sharkar bin Haji Shamsuddin, Lancang State Assembly; 2. YB Dato'Sri lr. Mohd. Soffi bin Tan Sri Abdul Razak, Benta State Assemblyman; 3. YB Dato'Sri Wan Rosdy bin Wan lsmail, Benta State Assemblyman 4. YB Dato'Sri Haji Shahiruddin bin Ab Moin; Dong State Assemblyman; 5. Respectable Senior DCP Dato ' Sri Sharifuddin bin Ab. Ghani; Pahang Police Chief. b). The Award of Darjah Sultan Ahmad Shah of Pahang Yang Amat Di Mulia- Second Stage, Primary Sultan Ahmad Shah Pahang (DSAP) which carries the title Dato ', namely: 1. YH Dato ' Haji Mohamad Roslan bin Harun, Pahang State Development Officer; 2. YH Dato'Haji Mohamad Noor bin Abdul Rani, Director of the State lslamic Affairs Department; 3. YH Dato 'Toantowee bin Mohd Lotfie, Deputy State Secretary (Management) Pahang State Secretary Office, and 4. YH Dato'Rosdi bin lsmail, Director of Education, Pahang. 5. YH Admiral Dato 'Azhari bin Abd Rashid, Chief of Naval Region 1; 2 c. The Award of Dar.iah Mahkota Pahang Yang Amat Mulia- Second Stage, Primary lndera Mahkota Pahang (DIMP), namely: 1. YH Brigadier General Dato'Ahmad Tajuddin bin Abdul Ghani; Commander of the 4th Brigade (Mekanize); 2. YH Dato' Haji Mohd Sabri bin Abdullah, Director of the lnformation Department of the State of Pahang. 3. Eleventh Malaysia Plan (RMK-I1) from 2016 to 2020 a. RMK-1 1, is the Plan prior to 2020. Therefore, efforts need to be doubled to ensure that the State's intention to be Developed Countries in 2020, is reached. b. Rooted in the philosophy of the National Transformation Policy, recalls such a noteworthy achievement during the past ten Plan is, an increase in the GDP, from RM71.1 billion in 1971 to RM'1.1 trillion in 2014. This makes Malaysia recorded a growth of the Asia's highest with an average of 6.2% per annum over the past five decades. c. From an economic standpoint, we have shifted from a predominantly agricultural country (31 .8% in 1971 ) to a state-based manufacturing and services with a contribution of 76.5ok to the national GDP. d. While the unemployment rate also declined from 7 .4o/o in '1970 to only 2.9o/o in2014. The poverty rate also declined from 49.3o/o in 1970 to 0.60 in 2014. YB Dato 'Sri, YH Dato', Ladies and Gentlemen, e. As we know, RMK-11 is the finaljumpers before we looked to the courts Developed Countries, 2020. fhe picture we get at that is, gross national income per capita has reached $ 15 thousand. f. However, the indication of this progress cannot be fully accounted for as a measure of developed countries as Malaysia needs to develop a holistic civilization where people have high values, morals, knowledge, respect for cultural and heritage as well as having minds Developed Countries. g. The government, in RMK-11, has outlined six strategic focus is always ready to help countries meet the challenges and capitalize on opportunities, following the political changes in the global landscape and fast. This strategic thrust aims to meet the diverse needs of the people and the country as a whole, namely: 1. Strengthening inclusivity towards an equitable socrety. 2. lmproving the welfare of the people. 3. lmproving human capital development for the developed countries. 4. Moving towards a green growth to increase relocate and durability. 5. Strengthening the infrastructure to suppoft economic grovvth. 6. Engineered to increase prosperity and economic growth. h. Six Sfrafegies to ensure that the focus of RMK-11 managed to achieve its goal, the Government also incorporate six game changers, actrng as a catalyst towards a more significant surge of: 1. lncreasing productivity; 2. Creating wealth through innovation; 3. To increase the percentage of middle-class society; 4. To core Education and Technical Training, or TVET (Technical and Vocational Education Training): 5. lmplement Green plant; and 6. lnvest in cities Competitive. i). Consistent with the purposes of the above, the Government will strive hard so that no group of people who have dropped out to enjoy the benefits of prosperity and development. j). I hope that all government departments and agencies directly involved in the implementation of the Plan 1 1 , should be ready with their development plan from now on so that no problems arise, when the launch of the project starting January 1, 2016. 3. HIGH-INCOME COUNTRIES BY 2O2O a). Malaysia's development today, has managed to maximize land use, provision of adequate manpower and large capital investment to boost the country's development. b). However, this achievement is needed diversity to the new approach, acting as a catalyst for continuing, in the form of ideas and innovation, and to find the source ofthe latest replacement (new resources) to continue to lift the country's sustainable development continuity of this millennium. c). ln this respect, the Prime Minister has proposed an approach to 'multitasking' studied the possibilities for implementation of the civil servants. The Prime Minister also requested that the National Blue Ocean Strategy (NBOS) practiced by departments and agencies to maximize the use of public assets. Departments and government agencies improperly to act in 'silo'. 4. DEVELOPMENT OF DENGUE IN PAHANG a). Until yesterday, there were 56.532 cases of dengue with at least 158 deaths recorded in the country until June 201 5. b). While the state does not appear in the outbreak category, but precautions should be tightened and eradication of infection in the early stages. I advise departments and agencies, plays an important role in giving publicity regarding Destruction of Breeding Activity and Health Education and Advocacy integrated in breeding areas. c). Their responsibilities have been outlined based on action plans Dengue Task Force of the State Committee. d). I once again wish Pahang free from the epidemic. However, the flrst step must be taken to prevent the spread ofthe disease and preventive measures have to walk from now on. 6. JUVENILE CRIME a). Lately I see a trend of youth involvement in juvenile crime is increasing. According to statistics, last year, a total of 7,816 juvenile crime cases were recorded, with an increase from 1,042 cases to '1,632 cases, which accounted for 57% of school students aged between 12 and 17 years old. b). This phenomenon rs worrying the government, because adolescent and youth are the future generation and their energy should be synergized to lead the country in the future. c). I agree that reality, the dynamism of the community has changed through time shift too drastically, the world getting smaller, intermedrate dominate cyberspace communication and control to teenagers start to loose, while their exposure to pornography and violence, cannot be controlled. d). The system is also becoming increasingly complex society, and adjustments to the rules began to change the face of socialization. 6 e). I believe that the role of parents and caregivers, the most important factor for children's personal form. They likened be formed from bamboo shoots. Children need guidance, care and love from their parents. f). I like to remind parents to be aware of and sensitive to spiritual development as trust and faith will form a noble character and may contain children of disobedience fell into the arena. 7. KEEP GOVERNMENT SECRECY a. Latel, we often preached about the leak of government secrets and integrity of the civil servants who often questioned in various media. b. lwould also like to remind all civil servants in the State Administration of obligations of government secrets and is always cautious in actions that could tarnish the image and departments dealing. We are all bound by the Rules of Civil Servants (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993. 8. REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL a). Auditor General's Report, which was presented recently also spoke specifically about the practice of transparency and integrity of the attitude of civil servants when dealing with documents and government procurement. b). I would like to remind departments and agencies in the state of Pahang to conform and adhere to the Rules and Procedures for Government Procurement to prevent errors from occurring that would tarnish the image and confidence of the people to the government. c). Department heads should meet regularly to review and monitor the work rules so that an official of their adherence to the rules is maintained at all times. 7 9. THE COMPLAINT a). I would also like to inform you about the complaints of the people that need to be addressed and appropriate actions by all parties. 'Government Welfare' Approach introduced by YAB Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak to help people to overcome hardship, especially for those in need, so that he himself had come down to look and see for themselves the problems of the people. b). I suggest that all Heads of Department to take such measures and prudence in dealing with the complaints of the people. c). At the same time, the Prime Minister also stressed that the government needs to ensure the success of the RMK-1 1 as they become game-changers in strengthening public confidence in the government. Accordingly, the speed of project implementation must be improved and measures to ensure the implementation of projects, should be intensified. d). The focus should be given to the appointment of contractors is appropriate and there is no excessive costs (cost overrun) including Variation Order. The government should insist to terminate any contractor who failed to complete the project on time. Existing regulations, particularly regarding project management, appointment of contractors, administration contract and the reviewed appointment of contractors, so that the goals ofthe project with a fast and low cost, is reached. 10. EID'SPEECH a). Finally, I took the opportunity to wish you all a glorious Aidil Fitri 1436H, to all civil servants in the state of Pahang, in particular. b. For civil servants who will be going back to their home town, I advise to drive the vehicle carefully and always observe the traffic regulations. 8 c. I also hope that government offices will operate as usual even though many expected to leave before and after the public holiday feast later. Thank you. 9