T he Parish of - St. Raymond
T he Parish of - St. Raymond
Masses Saturday Eve Sunday Daily Saturday 5:00PM 7:30, 9:00, 10:30AM, 12Noon and 4:30PM 7:15, 8:45 AM 8:45 AM Pastoral Team Pastor Father Chuck Romano Pastor Emeritus Msgr. William V. Singleton Associate Pastor Father Frank Eisele Father James Isabakaki In Residence Father Felix Udoh Deacons Deacon Robert C. Campbell, OFS Deacon Thomas Wm. Connolly, T. O. Carm Deacon Guy Donza, Retired Deacon Thomas J. Malone Jr. Pastoral Associate, Youth & Parish Ministry Deacon Richard W. LaRossa, S.F.D. School Principal Sr. Ruthanne Gypalo, I.H.M. Director of Religious Education Mrs. Evelyn Contaldi South Nassau Hospital Chaplain Father Jerome Ackah Parish Staff Music Ministry Laura Garbitelli Folk Group Rob Drummond Parish Secretary Pauline Birmingham Plant Manager Steve Bennett Business Manager Thomas J. Donovan T he Parish of St. Raymond A Eucharistic Community of Faith, Love and Friendship Sunday, August 12, 2012 263 Atlantic Avenue, East Rockaway, NY 11518 516-593-5000 Welcome To Our Parish Family! Not registered? Please stop by our rectory during office hours and we will be happy to include you in our parish family. Rectory Office Hours are Monday -- Friday from 9am - 5pm. Please call ahead for an appointment. This Week In Our Parish TUESDAY, August 14th 7:30pm—Charismatic Prayer Group WEDNESDAY, August 15th 7:30pm—Families Anonymous SATURDAY, August 18th 3:30pm—Confessions Chapel Cafeteria Church Telephone Numbers Rectory…….………………………………….….593-5000 Rectory Fax……………………………………...887-0554 St. Raymond School……………………………593-9010 St. Raymond School Fax…………………….…593-0986 Religious Education Office……………………..593-9075 Religious Education Office Fax………..………593-1156 Parish Social Ministry……………..…..………..887-9197 Parish Social Ministry Fax……………………...593-6278 Gift Cards On Sale! August 18th & 19th Support St. Raymond’s Parish & School! Web Site: www.saintraymonds.org E-Mail: [email protected] Pastoral Care Of The Sick Holy Communion— Available to the homebound. Devotions Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays from 1:00-4:00pm in Our Lady’s Chapel. Nocturnal Adoration First Fridays, 8:00-9:00pm. Miraculous Medal Novena-Saturdays following 8:45am Mass. Gift Cards will be on sale after all Masses (except 4:30pm) the weekend of August 18th/19th in the Church Vestibule. St. Raymond receives a rebate from these local merchants on every gift card sold...with no extra cost to the purchaser! Cash, checks, Visa/Mastercard accepted. Thank you for supporting St. Raymond Parish and St. Raymond School through your patronage! Pastoral Council Confessions Saturdays: 3:30 - 4:30pm or by appointment at the rectory. Baptisms Baptisms are celebrated the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Please call the Rectory for an appointment. Bereavement Support Group Will resume meetings in September. Marriages Engaged couples are encouraged to call the Rectory a year in advance of their wedding date to assure adequate time to participate in preparation programs for the Sacrament of Marriage. Feast of The Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary August 15th Prayer Groups Charismatic Prayer Group: Every Tuesday at 7:30pm in the rectory basement meeting room (MWMR). Men’s Prayer Group: Every 4th Friday at 8:00pm in Our Lady’s Chapel. Music Ministries Choir: Sings at 10:30am Mass on Sundays from September—June, and meets for practice on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in the church. Folk Group: Sings at 12 Noon Mass on Sundays from September—June, and meets for practice on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in the rectory basement. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Interested in becoming a Catholic or an adult Catholic seeking Eucharist or Confirmation? For information call the Rectory. Father in heaven, all creation rightly gives you praise, for all life and all holiness come from you. In the plan of your wisdoms he who bore the Christ in her womb was raised body and soul in glory to be with him in heaven. May we follow her example in reflecting your holiness and join in her hymn of endless love and praise Pastoral Council Members Thomas Cavanagh, Doreen Dolan (Chairperson), Karen Gonyon, Mary Murphy (Secretary), Tom Schnaidt, Christopher Simeti, Liz Tortorella, Irene Villacci (Vice-Chairperson), Father Chuck Romano Saint Raymond R. C. Church Fr. Chuck’s Corner Greetings and God’s blessings be yours on the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time! Today’s readings continue the “Bread of Life” theme from last week. Only this Sunday’s readings bring in the aspect of “encounter” with God. In the first reading from 1 Kings, Elijah is fed under the broom tree by an angel so that he can continue the journey ahead to the mountain of God, Horeb. “Elijah looked and there at his head was a hearth cake and a jug of water.” Then in Ephesians, the people are encouraged to imitate God and Jesus who has come down from heaven. “And be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ.” And finally John’s gospel shows that the people have been fed but with for them was the problematic bread from heaven. Jesus is strong in his words that: “Everyone who listens to my Father and learns from him comes to me.” All the readings point to encounters with Jesus. Life is full of desert moments, when, if the manna doesn’t fall from heaven or the angel doesn’t arrive in time, we’re goners. Even if we travel in Winnebagos or never leave home without American Express, sooner or later we find ourselves on a trail we didn’t plan to take, without the resources we need to endure it. Illness, unemployment, disability, the anguish of losing someone we love, moral uncertainties take us by surprise and can hurl us under the broom tree, out of options and praying for a quick resolution, however final. The single most critical item, though, to take on this journey-on any journey-is confidence in God. God will always provide bread for the road we’re on. When God is our destination, any road will do. Just don’t leave home without –Him! The gospel says that whoever believes in Jesus as the Son of God will have eternal life. Traditionally a lot of “eternal life” has to do with what happens after death, especially the prospects of heaven and hell. Maybe it’s a good time to look at the Church’s official word on the subject. Hell is the “state of definitive selfexclusion from communion with God and the blessed” (Catechism of the Catholic Church). This means that hell is a deliberative choice; no one falls into it by accident. Hell is realized immediately upon death for those who die mortally sinful. The irrevocability of this decision is a “call to responsibility” and “to conversion” for the living, according to the Catechism. No one is predestined to for hell and it is not God’s intent that anyone should perish in this way. What seems to happen is that most people concern themselves with hellish details rather than heavenly ones. If hell unnerves us, the solution is easy: Remain on the path of love. If hell is self-chosen alienation from God, then heaven is self-selected union. God is love, so stick with love and hell becomes literally a dead subject. Please remember to take home a copy of the bulletin when you leave Mass today. It contains many items of interest and invitation, with something for everyone. Of special note is news and needs from Parish Social Ministry, the Mass schedule for the Feast of the Assumption this Wednesday, August 15th, an order form for the next round of Parish Picks, info for the Memorial Brick opportunities for our outdoor shrines, the latest 2012 Catholic Ministries Appeal Update and much more. To keep informed, keep a copy of the bulletin at home for quick and easy reference. Have a great week. Smile, share, pray to our Blessed Mother and remember: Life is too short wasting time hating anyone. God bless always. Father Chuck Saint Raymond R.C. Church Page 2 PARISH BULLETIN BOARD Parish Social Ministry Stewardship Thought for the Week The gifts of God that the angel brought to Elijah— food, water, rest and encouragement—were given, not for his own good alone, but to strengthen him for service. How am I using my gifts to serve others? Weekly Sacrificial Giving: Week of 8/5/12: $15,007 Week of 8/7/11: $15,029 Monthly sharing with: Queen of the Most Holy Rosary in Roosevelt: $50 Believe it or not, it’s time to start stocking up on supplies for school. Demands are great and the prices add up for a family. We will be distributing our supplies on August 28th, August 29th and August 30th to families in need. Donations of any of the following supplies listed below would be gratefully appreciated: • • • • • • • • • Two-inch and three-inch ring binders Loose leaf paper Marbleized notebooks-all colors Two-pocket folders-all colors Three and five subject notebooks Crayons Markers and highlighters Elmer’s glue and glue stick Scissors *No single-subject spiral notebooks needed...thank you! Golden Anniversary Mass Celebrations This fall, couples married fifty years or more will be honored at Masses on Sunday, Sept. 23rd at St. Rose of Lima Church in Massapequa and on Sunday, Oct. 21st at the Church of Christ the King in Commack. Both liturgies will begin at 2:30 pm. Registration forms are available at the rectory during regular business hours. Registration must be received by the Office of Worship by Sept. 6th for the September 23rd liturgy and by October 4th for the October 21st liturgy. There will be additional celebrations in the spring for those who may find that more convenient. If you have any questions please call 516-678-5800, x207. There is nothing more wonderful than to feel the presence of God. Yet, many complain of not feeling tenderness for God, or His great love, especially when things go wrong. We may believe that we have done something to be undeserving of His love, or maybe even question entirely the existence of God. Does that mean that God is The Heart not present? Certainly not, for we of the Parish know God is omnipresent, but there is a difference between being in God’s presence and having the feeling of His presence. God loves and is always with His children, sinners and saints. Yet, feeling God’s presence is a gift of grace bringing us consolation, happiness and peace that come only from Him. We cannot achieve the feeling of His presence on our own no matter how hard we try and no matter how many good deeds we perform. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who calls out to all his flock but it is the sheep who wander away, unaware of the dangers of separation. Even when trouble is imminent, sheep scatter and become lost instead of heading in the direction of the shepherd’s call. When we are threatened, do we run to Jesus or do we scatter to face uncertainty alone and lost? When troubles mount, do we call upon God to strengthen us, or do we succumb to the feelings of dryness, indifference and despair? Whenever things go terribly wrong, it is important to depend on and trust in the love of Our Lord to carry us to safety. It is then that we must be blind to ourselves and hope only to receive the grace to follow His call and will. In our weakest moments, our faith can be strongest, if we rely on God. “But, love of God…does not consist either in consolation or in tender feelings; else our Lord would not have loved his Father when he was sad unto death and cried out: ‘My Father, my Father, why have you forsaken me?’ (Mathew 27:46). And it was then that he was making the greatest act of love we can possibly conceive…..” St. Francis de Sales, “Selected Letters” Pantry Needs: Cold and Hot Cereal, Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Pasta Sauce, Packaged and Canned Potatoes, Stuffing Mix, Tea and Diapers Size 4. Can you help? A local family is in need of window air-conditioner or a fan. Please call the Parish Social Ministry Office if you can help, 516-887-9197. Thank you! Saint Raymond R.C. Church Page 3 PARISH BULLETIN BOARD Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Vigil of Feast Day Tuesday, August 14th Living Rosary at 7:00pm. Sponsored by The Sodality of Our Lady Mass will follow the Rosary at 7:30pm. Wednesday, August 15th Schedule of Masses: 7:15am, 8:45am, 12:15pm and 7:30pm Oh MARY conceived without sin, PRAY for us who have recourse to THEE. Mary, Mother of the Church “...Authentic devotion to Mary "proceeds from true faith by which we are led to know the excellence of the Mother of God, and are moved to filial love toward our Mother and to the invitation of her virtues" (Constitution on the Church, 67-8). What are we being told? We are told that true devotion to Our Lady is shown in a deep love of her as our Mother, put into practice by the imitation of her virtues— especially her faith, her chastity and charity. These are the three virtues that the modern world most desperately needs. Like Mary, we need to believe that everything which God has revealed to us will be fulfilled. Like Mary, we need to use our bodily powers to serve their divine purpose no matter what the sacrifice of our own pleasure. Like Mary, we are to be always sensitive to the needs of others. Like her, we are to respond to these needs without being asked and, like her, even ask Jesus to work a miracle to benefit those whom we love. No wonder the Catechism of the Catholic Church makes this astounding profession of faith: "We believe that the most holy Mother of God, the new Eve, Mother of the Church, continues in heaven her maternal role toward the members of Christ." It all depends on our faith in her maternal care and our trust in her influence over the almighty hand of her Son. Excerpt from “The Blessed Virgin in the History of Christianity” by John A. Hardon, S.J. Saint Raymond R.C. Church Page 4 PARISH BULLETIN BOARD Sodality of Our Lady “Our Lady Queen of peace, pray for us” St. Raymond Human Life Committee A recent article in the New York Daily News reported that Gov. Cuomo has already signed a bill that would require those under 18 to get written permission from a parent of guardian for piercing other than ear piercing. Gov. Cuomo said that the measure will promote public safety and that “body piercing can result in severe health risks.” The law takes effect in 90 days. Not only will the minor need a parent of guardian to sign a consent form in the presence of the piercing specialist, but the piercing shops will also be required to check the teen’s identification. While this measure should be applauded by all, it brings into question the care and protection of minors in our state in regard to minors obtaining an abortion. Just a few short months ago, Gov. Cuomo’s “State of the State” address contained the following statement: “I will continue to vigorously protect a woman’s right to choose and fight for the passage of ‘The Reproductive Health Act.’” If you recall “The Reproductive Health Our Lady of Loretto Prayer Group included: prohibition of a parent’s right to even Invites you to a …A Rosary for Priests Act” know, let alone grant permission, for their minor Monday, August 13th at 5:00pm daughter’s abortion. How can Gov. Cuomo, who would St. Raymond’s Church not only support this bill which would keep a minor’s All are welcome to join us in prayer. parents in the dark about their child having an invasive medical procedure, but “fight” for its passage. Doesn’t Religious Education—Faith Formation he know about the “severe health risks” to which a minor is exposed when obtaining an abortion? How The Religious Education office is now closed and will can he work to keep parents out of such a life th re-open on Monday, August 27 . changing procedure with ramifications that will last the Don’t forget...God is good all the time... lifetime of that minor? The Sodality of Our Lady’s Living Rosary in celebration of the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary will take place this coming Tuesday August 14th, in the church at 7:00pm, followed by Mass at 7:30pm. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary commemorates the death of Mary and her bodily assumption into Heaven, before her body could begin to decay—a foretaste of our own bodily resurrection at the end of time. Because it signifies the Blessed Virgin's passing into eternal life, it is the most important of all Marian feasts. All parishioners are welcome and encouraged to join us! If you would like to participate in the rosary procession, please come to the church at 6:45pm and sit in one of the pews in front of the Blessed Mother statue. To Jesus through Mary ...all the time God is good. Mission News PRAYER for RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Almighty God, Father of all nations, for freedom Now that our Mission Trip has come to an you have set us free in Christ Jesus (Gal. 5:1). end, the only thing that I am disappointed We praise and bless you for the gift of with is the fact that it took me this long to come. The people of Guatemala show religious liberty, the foundation of human more love to complete strangers than I rights, justice, and the common good. have ever seen in my 16 years. Not Grant to our leaders the wisdom to protect and knowing what to expect, I came on the trip with an open mind and heart. The Cochoy family made me promote our liberties; by your grace may we have feel like their own and their hospitality was the courage to defend them, for ourselves and for all those who live in this blessed land. overwhelming. The warmness that I received from the children was unimaginable. We ask this through the intercession of Anyone who went in the past could have told me how Mary Immaculate, our patroness, and in the happy and affectionate the people of Guatemala who name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, have so little are but seeing it with my own eyes is in the unity of the Holy Spirit, almost unreal. The trip helped me connect spiritually with whom you live and reign, one God, with Jesus more than any other time in my life. The people of Guatemala have left a permanent mark on forever and ever, Amen. my life. --Joe DiCanio (Chaminade H.S. student) Saint Raymond R.C. Church Page 5 It’s time for the next round of... Parish Picks! Hello Everyone! Parish Picks is 6 years old! Can you believe it? So many of you have been taking tickets since we started in February 2006 and we are so grateful that you’ve continued to do so. If you haven’t won yet—your chance might be coming up, so don’t stop now! The next segment begins in August and goes through January 2013. You “regulars” know how it works, but for those of you who haven’t yet joined—here’s the scoop… The cost of a ticket is $60, and you’re eligible to participate in all the monthly drawings because even if you win, your ticket automatically goes back in for the remaining drawings. Entry money for the next six months must be received by Friday, August 17, 2012. Ticket numbers are not reserved—they will be given in the order in which your payment is received. We ask that you do not send in less than $60 because you’re then not covered for the full six months and the bookkeeping would cause us headaches! Also, ticket numbers are not reserved—they will be given in the order in which your payment is received. Members of the committee can be contacted to answer any questions. If you’re emailing, please put “St. Raymond” in the subject line. The committee members are: Barbara Gribbon [email protected] 599-5628 Carol O’Reilly [email protected] 599-7467 KathiAnn Mooney [email protected] 782-1407 Please complete and return the application below along with your check, so you can BE IN IT TO WIN IT!! St. Raymond’s Parish Picks Order Form (please print) Enclosed is my check for $ for ticket(s) in the Parish Picks. (Each (1) ticket is good for 6 months of chances and costs $60.00) Name: _____________________________________________Envelope #: __________________ Address: City: Sunday Phone: ( State: ) Saint Raymond R.C. Church Page 6 Zip: _________________ Celebrate life and pay tribute to your loved one in a special way with… ST. RAYMOND’S CHURCH COMMEMORATIVE BRICK MEMORIALS The Holy Family Saint Padre Pio Saint Therese of Lisieux God & Country Saint Raymond’s Commemorative Brick Memorials are a lasting and inspirational way to honor a loved one. Your brick will be a reminder to all who spend time at any of our four memorials, the importance of a life shared with family, friends and our parish community. Your commemorative brick can be placed at any of the four memorials of your choosing: the beautiful bronze Holy Family statue on the front lawn of the church on the corner of Carman Avenue, at the lovely St. Therese of Lisiuex (“The Little Flower”) memorial garden on the back lawn of the church, the impressive God & Country memorial on the front lawn on the corner of Roosevelt Avenue, or at our brand new St. Padre Pio statue in front of the arches connecting the church to the rectory. All bricks are 4” x 8” with a 3 line inscription area and can be purchased for $250 at the church rectory during office hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm), or call the rectory office at 593-5000 and request an order form be mailed to you. All text will be printed in upper case lettering, centered on each brick, and with the same typeface. There is a maximum of 18 characters per line. You may also use numbers for the inscriptions. Spacing between lines is considered a character, however, punctuation does not require a space. Please note: All inscriptions are subject to the approval of St. Raymond Church. Saint Raymond R.C. Church Page 7 "One Faith, One Hope, Many Gifts" As we continue through August, our parish has been in a slow down mode trying to reach our goal for the 2012 Catholic Ministries Appeal! We are more than two-thirds to our goal which is good news. This positive response comes in the midst of a greater challenge this year. While we did not meet our goal for the 2011 Appeal, we have been given a bigger challenge for 2012. Our parish goal has been raised from $95,960.00 to $98,400.00. We raised $86,516.00 from 400 donors in 2011. Therefore our rebate was $9,748.00 which is a nice return in funds for St. Raymond’s. Once again in 2012, the rebate formula remains the same. If we reach our new goal of $98,400.00 in payment we will receive 20% back and then 80% of every dollar paid in over the goal. Basically, the better we do for the diocese, the better we do for St. Raymond’s. However, since our goal has gone up and we have had a steady falloff in the total pledge amount and number of donors for the past three years, our potential rebate will probably also decrease. So what can we do? Well, more donors and a higher pledge amount would put us on the road to success. As a priest, a pastor and a Catholic member of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, I really do believe in the importance of the Catholic Ministries Appeal. This appeal supports more than 40 pastoral programs and ministries that serve 133 parishes across Long Island. The funds raised help us in fulfilling our mission to live and share our faith, care for God’s people and build God’s kingdom throughout Long Island. All the money raised is used to support four main areas of ministry: Catholic Charities, Education, Formation and Pastoral Ministry. During this Stewardship time of renewal and gratitude, perhaps we will also see a nice jump further towards our goal. Prayer is always needed as well as a willingness to share our gifts with those in need throughout Long Island. Remember, by making a pledge or donation to the Catholic Ministries Appeal, you will be supporting programs that help to feed seniors and families in need right here in our own communities and you will be playing a big part in helping all the other good works of the Catholic Church on Long Island. And don’t forget the significant rebate St. Raymond’s Parish may also receive by your generosity. Pledge brochures and envelopes are always available for those wishing to make a pledge or donation on the pew shelves at the rear of the church. Otherwise, look for the mailings sent by the appeal office. In fact, a new mailing from the Diocesan Appeal Office went out a few weeks ago. You can always respond directly to the appeal office and St. Raymond’s will get full credit. We have a parish of 3200 family and individual registrations. We really need to increase the amount of donors from the 400 of last year in order to be successful and qualify for the maximum rebate. Please take time to prayerfully consider making a pledge or one time gift. Then if you are able to help either respond by direct mail to the appeal office or back to the rectory using one of the appeal envelopes found on the pew shelves by the doors of the church. Together, let’s make 2012 a bounce back year for the Catholic Ministries Appeal here at St. Raymond Parish. Below is the current appeal update. 2012 Parish Goal $98,400.00 Pledge/Gift Amount as of 8/8/12 $70,926.00 Number of Pledges/Donors 322 Saint Raymond R.C. Church Page 8 Please Pray For Our Sick… Masses For The Week Monday, August 13th 7:15 Joseph Babaglia 8:45 Joan Field St. Pontian & St. Hippolytus Tuesday, August 14th St. Maximillian Kolbe 7:15 Henry Dombrowski 8:45 Michael Emilio 7:30 Intentions of the Sodality of Our Lady Wednesday, August 15th Assumption of the 7:15 Gertrude Gypalo Blessed Virgin Mary 8:45 Deceased Members of the Daley Family 12:15 Nick Goldblatt 7:30 Deceased Members of the Cassese Family Babies, Aidan Pearsall, Michelina Vito, Andrew Richetti, Brady James Hicks, Dean Gill, Nicholas Savino, John Michael Mezzanotte, “Little” Bridget Feminella. Alana Downey, John Rochford, Janet Kelly, Joe Caputo, Bob Cavanaugh, Janice Confoti-Cerra, Patty Cavanagh, Kathleen Reynolds, Margaret Collins, Brian McCabe, Janet Mangione, Dominick Consolazio, Ray Mayle, Philip Schlesier, Jean Criscuolo, Giovanni Scotto, Anne Crowley, Sean McDougal, Billy Mautner, Dorothy Colella, Kevin Thornton, Patricia Friedman, Donna Christina, Lori Christina, Artie Leonetti, Mary Keoughan, Evelyn Peragine, Susan DeSena, Donald Rainis, Linda Wilkonski. (Names are printed for 3 weeks unless the rectory is notified otherwise.) The Altar Bread & Wine Thursday, August 16th St. Stephen of Hungary 7:15 Helen Price 8:45 Rae Ann Parascandola For this week is in loving memory of... Nick Goldblatt Donated by Margie & James Valentino. Friday, August 17th 7:15 Fr. Richard Nilsson 8:45 Joan Quinn Saturday, August 18th Blessed Virgin Mary 8:45 Daniel Curran, Mary O’Brien 5:00 William Brosnan Sunday, August 19th—20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 Deceased Mem. of Viello & Carrano Families 9:00 Maureen McDermott 10:30 Matilda Cummins 12:00 Dawn Cerasoli, Agnes & Louis Barbato, Frederick Anglikowski, Sr., Antonio Magnotta, Emma Ramirez, Michael DeIeso, William Quadrozzi 4:30 For the people of the parish Scripture Readings for the Week Monday Ezekiel 1:2-5, 24-28; Ps. 148:1-2, 11-14; Mt.17:22-27 Tuesday 1 John 3:13-18; Psalm 116:10-17; John 15:12-17 Wednesday Revelation 11:19; 12:1-6, 10; Psalm 45:10-12,16; 1 Corinthians 15:20-27; Luke 1:39-56 Thursday Ezekiel 12:1-2; Ps. 78:56-62; Matthew 18:21 -- 19:1 Friday Ezekiel 16:1-15, 60, 63 or Ezekiel 16:59-63; Isaiah 12:2-6; Matthew 19:3-12 Saturday Ezekiel 18:1-10, 13, 30-32; Psalm 51:12-15,18-19; Matthew 19:13-15 Sunday Proverbs 9:1-6; Psalm 34:2-7; Ephesians 5:15-20; John 6:51-58 The Rose for Life For this week is in loving memory of... Kenneth Donnelly Donated by St. Raymond’s Human Life Committee. For future dedications, call Mary Healy at 887-4062. Please pray for our U.S. Service Men & Women... Capt. Kathryn M. Costello, U.S.M.C., Lt. Col. Michael Deegan, U.S.ARMY, Lance Corporal Sean M. Donohue, U.S.M.C., Lt. Gregory Durso, U.S.ARMY, Corporal John David Efferen, U.S.M.C., Lance Corporal Daniel J. Ferrato, U.S.M.C., Michael Gondek, National Guard, Lance Corporal Dylan J. Hickam, U.S.M.C, Lt. Col. Mary P. King, M.D., U.S.ARMY, Lt.jg Joseph Leahy, U.S.N., Capt. Joseph McQuade, U.S.N., Lance Corporal Alan Murphy, U.S.M.C, Lt. Jake Murphy, U.S.ARMY, Capt. Graham A. Perry, U.S.M.C., To add a name this list, e-mail: [email protected] 1ST Lt.toRoy Ragusa, Jr., U.S. ARMY, Lt. Kevin Reilly, U.S. ARMY, Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Schimenti, U.S.N. Please remember our wounded soldiers as well. Saint Raymond R.C. Church Page 9 DIOCESAN & COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD St. Anthony’s Church One Day Bus Trip to the 110 Anchor Ave., Oceanside National Shrine of the Divine Mercy Great Socialization • Nutritious Lunches Dancercise • Bingo • Arts & Crafts • Yoga • QiGong • Pool • Health Services • Shopping Door to Door Transportation • Handicap Accessible • Newly Air-conditioned! Stockbridge, MA, Sunday, Oct. 7th Senior Community Service Center (Suggested Donation: $3. Transportation Round Trip: $1.) St. Anthony’s invites all Seniors (60+) to come to our Senior Community Service Center. We are a non-sectarian, not-forprofit organization located in the St. Anthony parish cafeteria. You don’t have to be a St. Anthony’s parishioner to join, all are welcome! For reservations, call Barbara: 516-764 -9792 between 8am and 4pm, Monday–Friday. Help for Appalachia Special thanks to the wonderful people who responded with monetary help for the tornado victims in Appalachia. Unfortunately the recovery takes a long time; still some people are displaced. If you can help with a monetary donation (small or large) it will be a blessing. Thank you! Please write “For Outreach” on your check. Send donations to: Prince of Peace Catholic Church PO Box 393, W. Liberty, KY 41472 Att: Father Paul Prabell Whatever you do for the poor will be treasure in heaven. A Day of Spiritual Nourishment Mass • Chaplet of Divine Mercy • Rosary for Life St. Faustina’s Way of the Cross • Eucharistic Adoration $40 per person, boxed lunch available for $8. Departing from St. Thomas the Apostle Church, West Hempstead at 8:00am promptly, and returning approximately 8:30pm. Golf carts available for transportation around church grounds. Registration due by Sept. 1st. Registration forms available at the back of St. Raymond’s Church. Sponsored by the Divine Mercy Ministry of St. Thomas the Apostle Church. For more info, call Dawn at 516-448-5792. Needed: Assistant Residence Manager Provide care with dignity for developmentally disabled adults in Catholic Charities’ group home in Manhasset. Responsibilities: staff scheduling and supervision, communicating with residents, families, ensuring that resident goals are developed and achieved, provide “hands-on” personal care as required. Full benefits. Must have 1-2 years supervisory experience. Associates degree preferred, American Sign Language capability a plus. Clean NYS Driver’s license required. Send resume and cover letter to: [email protected] or fax: 516-733-7038. Please specify church bulletin in your cover letter. Saint Raymond R. C. Church DR. DANIEL DAVIES PODIATRIC MEDICINE & SURGERY 6 Scranton Ave., Lynbrook 596-0022 ADRIAN M. HARDEJ, DDS 50 Hempstead Ave. Lynbrook 593-8808 Family Dentistry ~ Implants D oris Flor ist WEDDINGS • THEME PARTIES • FUNERALS FRUIT & GIFT BASKETS • PARTY FAVORS 233 LONG BEACH RD • ISLAND PARK WWW.CREATIVEFLORISTISPK.COM 897-2460 DESIGNS BY DORIS BIRTHRIGHT Perry Funeral Home, Inc. Kenneth Lysak Jr., Philip M. Taglia George L. Perry, Roy A. Solace • Family Owned & Operated • Newly Renovated • Area’s Largest Chapel • Preplanning • Prepayment Since 1825 118 Union Avenue, Lynbrook Pro Tech Electric Inc. Licensed Electrical Contractor 887-2064 516.593.1111 www.perryfh.com Pizza • Catering • Seafood 428 Atlantic Ave. E. Rockaway, NY (516) 599-9600 (516) 887-2605 OF NASSAU/SUFFOLK • Handicap Accessible • Monuments & Inscriptions • Children’s Playroom • Competitive Pricing • Ample Parking CAREFREE (516) 785-4070 Confidential Assistance Anthony’s Pizzeria (516) 593-3440 8 Centre Ave., East Rockaway (One block south LIRR station) (Within walking distance from church) Marilyn I. Ventuleth, Psy. D.,ABSNP AIR CONDITIONING GAS HEATING AIR FILTRATION WATER FILTRATION Neuro Psychologist Evaluations, Psychotherapy 120 Broadway, Lynbrook 887-4548 516-599-2848 Family Restaurant Proudly Serving E. Rockaway/Lynbrook/R.V.C. Home Style Cooking and Baking 401 Sunrise Hwy., Lynbrook (516) 593-1661 • Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner • Early Bird Specials • Daily Atlantic City Trips Joe Carroll Tel 516-825-1110 Fax 516-825-1115 40 Rowe Ave. Lynbrook, NY www.CarrollFinancialGroup.Net The advice you deserve. 516-599-0000 Lynbrook, NY FATHER & SON AUTO CORP. AUTO REPAIRS SALES 170 Atlantic Ave. Lynbrook, NY 11563 Where Perfection is the only Standard! Kevin M. Flynn, F.N.A.O. 516.599-8666 516.599.9271 Licensed Ophthalmic Dispenser www.fatherandsonauto.com 141 Main St. E. Rockaway 599-9300 Edwin C. Gerrity Agency Est. 1978 All your Insurance needs 25D Main St., East Rockaway, NY 11518 Serving the Community over 50 years (516) 593-4242 Joey’s Pizza 5 Huntington Ave., Lynbrook 11563 Frozen Meals for the elderly 599-2929 joeyspizzalynbrook.com Newly Expanded and Decorated • Ample Parking Assisi Veterinary Celebrity Chase Collision 191 Earle Ave., Lynbrook, NY 11563 Hospital Internal Medicine, Surgery & Emergency Medicine Pet Grooming and Boarding Available 516-256-0022 www.assisivh.com 250 Hempstead Ave., Malverne Laundry Pick Up & Delivery Clean N’ Brite .85 lb 516-593-0023 15% OFF wash dry fold 10 Centre Ave. E Rockaway THE FISHERY Oyster Bar • Chowder House Live Music • Take Out • Party Room 256.7117 1 Main St., East Rockaway www.thefishery1.com SHANE OILS, LTD Scranton & Atlantic Ave. E. Rockaway 599-9704 Complete Foreign & D o m e s t ic Mechanical Repairs Road Service • State Inspection Mike Carver Est. 1970 EDDIE’S FREE Home Delivery Avail. (516) 887-7658 Home Delivery Avail. (516) 561-WINE (9463) Mc B re en’s B ever ag e Retail/Wholesale Beer • Soda • Ice Wines & Liquors 79 Sunrise Hwy., Lynbrook Edward C. Sherman 75 Sunrise Hwy., Lynbrook 516 593-0920 Edward Sherman Flinch & Bruns Ask about your parish discount. Est. 1932 Funeral Home, Inc. Edward A. Bruns John F. Ferrante Michael J. Grant • Pre-Arrangement Counseling • Medicaid Approved Burial Trusts • Cremation Services • Serving All Faiths • Monuments • Funeral Directors Available 24 hours a day “A Continued Family Tradition” Serving the Local Communities with Tradition, Commitment, and Integrity since 1932. 34 Hempstead Ave., Lynbrook, NY 11563 (cor. Peninsula Blvd.) 516-599-3600 / 516-599-3602 (fax) www.flinchandbruns.com “Long Island’s Most Trusted Name in Real Estate” HILARY H. BECKER, C.P.M. 887-0677 510 Ocean Ave. East Rockaway 516-881-7800 R.A. Krendel Contracting, Inc. Licensed General Contractor 516.599.8460 “Specializing in all types of Residential Remodeling Rags T o Rich e s Bo ut iqu e 10% OFF Children’s Specialty Boutique ~ Communions • Christenings (516) 442-4770 3342 Long Beach Rd., Oceanside With Ad. Some exceptions may apply. East Rockaway Progressive Care Facility IS CHANGING ITS NAME TO Lynbrook Restorative Therapy & Nursing The same five-star care we’ve delivered for years!!! 243 Atlantic Avenue, Lynbrook, NY 11563 516-599-2744 Franny’s Ices Open 7 Days Italian Ices, Gelato, Ice Cream Shakes, Coffee, Espresso 2 Centre Ave., E. Rockaway 516-474-9113 (walking distance from Church) Carlton Williams Learning Center of Mal verne • Ages 3-12 • 3:1 student to teacher ratio • Early E.nopi program for pre-k aged students • Critical Thinking Math • Comprehension & Listening • Reading & Writing www.enopimathreading.com to schedule a free assessment please call 516-341-0625 CLASS “A” HOME IMPROVEMENTS, INC. (516) 354-1144 • (718) 470-9531 ROOFING • SIDING • WINDOWS 90 lb. Flat Ro ofing•Shingle•Gutters•Leaders S.B.S. ROOFING ROBERT LAFAYE, (OWNER) Major Brand Tires Serving our Community over 70 Yrs. Sr Citizen Disc 766-3008 Nassau Lic. #H1896880000 • N.Y.C. Lic. 883429 236 North Long Beach Rd., Rockville Centre Please Patronize Our Advertisers #186 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • www.thechurchbulletininc.com
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