September/October 2011 Newsletter - Silent Electric Flyers of Long
September/October 2011 Newsletter - Silent Electric Flyers of Long
The Newsletter of the Silent Electric Flyers of Long Island HOST OF THE NEAT FAIR Dedicated to the Advancement of Electric Flight September/October 2011 Prez Sez by Tom Hunt Prez Sez Oct 2011 President: Tom Hunt (631) 835-5359 [email protected] Hello SEFLI'ers I would first like to start by apologizing for not getting out a September NL. Between being busy for this year’s NEAT Fair, our website being down, and the biz travel of our NL editor, it just was not possible. Vice President: Jim Reid I would like to start with pertinent SEFLI news before moving on to the NEAT Fair report. By the time you read this the first of the indoor sessions at Samoset Middle school will be over. We have added more dates this year due to suggestions from many who attend. To be complete, here are all the dates: Oct 2nd, Nov 6th, Nov 20th, Dec 11th, Jan 8th, Jan 22nd, Feb 5th, Feb 19th and Mar 11th. As far as I know these do not interfere with any other close by events with the exception of the Whitman flyers swap meet on Nov 20th. This was unavoidable because we put in our request for the indoor dates long before we go notice of this event. There should be plenty of time in the day to attend the swap meet as it ends at 2pm and flying at the gym does not start until 1pm. You can hit the swap meet in the morning, grab some lunch and still make the indoor at 1PM. All indoor dates are a Sunday and flight times are always 1-4PM. There is no charge for SEFLI members, but adult non-SEFLI members will be charged $3.00 each session to help defray the cost of insurance and rental. Secretary: Joe Wojtkowicz Treasurer: Rick Cascella [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Joe Wojtkowicz [email protected] We will be needing suggestions for the location and date of the Holliday dinner in December. We need a place that can hold a minimum of 60 people comfortably and offers a separate room. The day of the week can be the usual third Tuesday (Dec th 20 ) but if better attendance could be had on some other day, possibly earlier in the month, we can accommodate that. Please send any well investigated suggestions to me at [email protected]. Public Relations Officer: Ray Juschkus SEFLI Main Website: SEFLI Newsletter: SEFLI Current Events: Saturday was another bright sunny day after the usual morning fog lifted. Winds were lower, but still did gust at times. Before the Lunchtime demos were started, District 2 AMA VP Gary Fitch gave out a few AMA awards, including the highest honor bestowed on a modeler the Fellowship award, given to Ray Juschkus for his 32 years as an Associate Vice President to the AMA in District 2. No person in any AMA District has had such a long tenure to date. At 5PM the BoB Commemorative flight was launch. It started with a short interview with Derek Corbett, a survivor of the BoB and the bombing Blitz of London in the months and years to follow. In Sept of 1940, Derek was only 11 years old. Your Prez took up his 69” BF-109 and another gentle went up with his slightly smaller Spitfire, and a mock battle was reenacted. After those two models landed, a couple dozen other period-correct models were mass launched while a short segment of Winston Churchill’s “Their finest hour” speech was played over the PA system. Following that, the usual Mass warbird launch commenced with the usual carnage. Earlier at 4pm, Thomas Scavella was determined to be this year winner of the Most Impressive Junior award (sponsored by SEFLI). Thomas won a brushless motor/ESC/Battery combo. SEFLI Web Forum: NEAT FAIR: For changes in the monthly Inside this issue: Prez Sez Show And Tell Neat Fair Robert Lecat This year's NEAT Fair was a tremendous success on all accounts. The weather was poor on set-up day (Thursday) with light rain most of the day, making the field roadways rather muddy and rutty. We did not get to finish set-up until late in the day. The Battle of Britain Commemorative flight schedule for late afternoon Thursday was put off until Saturday. There were many brave souls that flew in the light rain at times on Thursday. Friday brought with it clearing skies with much sun but a very cool breeze most of the day. The lunchtime demos ended a bit early and we were able to get the flightline back open by 1PM. By 5PM when the main flightline was shut down, the winds subsided for the Mass Warbird Launch. We had just under 40 modelers toss their warbirds of any era into the air. There were some RF failures and a number of mid-airs. I have the empennage of my FSK BF-110 surgically removed by the prop of a T-28 Trojan not more than 1:30 into the flight. The Friday night dinner at the Rockland House continues to fall in attendance. We will probably not return next year and allow the modelers to enjoy another night of night flying. The Saturday night Slow Fly contest also saw record good attendance. We had 21 competitors flying all sorts of models trying to bust the tethered and free-flight balloons. When the contest was over I am sure that better than one third of the models were un-flyable without significant repair time! What a hoot seeing nearly two dozen well lit model dancing around a pair of balloons! Anthony Sole (an annual competitor) won first place with Alan Ramsdell and Eric Maglio taking 2nd and 3rd respectively. 1 2 3-5 6 Thanks to All Whitman Swap Meet 7 7 Current Events Contest Results 8 8 Sunday was definitely the nicest day, being the warmest with the lowest winds. After the lunchtime demos, awards were given out in the following 4 categories; best military scale, best non-military scale, best sport and technical achievement. In that order, the winners were: Michael Gross (WW1 Albatross), Paul Weigand (Culver Dart), Rob Kallok (Citabria Pro) and Rich Roland (Flying go-cart). All the awards were made for the NEAT Fair by Baron Engraving. Well, that hits the high points. Ray J has provided me with a quite a few photos which you will see contained within. For those who did not make it to the show, you can live vicariously through them! As we usually do this time of year, we are looking for replacements for VP, Secretary and Treasurer if anyone dares to volunteer. Please let your intentions be known by phone/email to me or at the October general meeting. Have fun, fly and charge safe. Prez Tom SILENTS PLEASE PAGE 2 Show and Tell Photos By Joe Wojtkowicz Prez Tom came home from the NEAT Fair with a couple of new models. Here is one of them. Dave Johnson of Hobbico came to the show this year to show off a few new Hobbico models. One of them was this Flyzone FW-190. After the show Dave presented it to Tom. The model is sold in two forms, RX ready (requires RX and battery only) for $190 and complete with radio, battery and charger for $270. Some specs of the model: Wingspan: 44.5" (1130mm) Wing Area: 349 sq in (22.5 sq dm) Weight: 2.5 lb (1130 g). Either version comes with servo actuated scale-like retracts and flaps. Tom has about 10 flights on the model and reports it flies as good as it looks. SILENTS PLEASE NEAT 2011 Photos By Joe Wojtkowicz PAGE 3 SILENTS PLEASE NEAT 2011 Photos By Ray Juschkus PAGE 4 SILENTS PLEASE NEAT 2011 Photos By Ray Juschkus PAGE 5 SILENTS PLEASE PAGE 6 Remembering Robert Lecat Forwarded By Harvey Robert J. Lecat, (always known as BOBCAT) Born January 4th, 1927, died August 23, 2011. Most of our SEFLI members remember Bob Lecat as that tall fellow sitting quietly at the end of the second row of chairs. Now and then he would answer questions pertaining to model aeronautics, or a French translation of some document. But few of us knew of his many achievements and exploits. His life was one of amazing adventures and great achievements. The following is a copy of the obituary published in the several local newspapers and also, an excerpt from Tom Kelley’s book Moon Lander. Dr. of Aeronautical Engineering from Catholic University of America, 1964. He became a French Resistance fighter at the age of sixteen in France, during the Second World War. Robert was gravely injured in combat, being passed over by medics three times as not salvageable, but finally received aid, and recovered sufficiently to join the remainder of the Free French Navy in North Africa. He learned to fly Grumman F-6-F Hellcats, in the U.S.A., and mastered carrier landings in anticipation of combat with the Japanese following the victory in Europe. He served alongside American forces, but did not see further combat. Joined Grumman Aerospace in 1958 and was engaged in and responsible for various aspects of aerodynamics and design from proposals and conceptual studies to test programs and hardware. As head of Aerodynamics Preliminary Design, Dr. Lecat participated in most proposal activities since the Mercury Project including, Asset, Apollo, QAO, F-14, E2A, Mars studies, and the Space Shuttle (alternate E-S delta wing design). He led aerodynamic design and performance investigations on Grumman sponsored reentry vehicles studies. He also participated in wind tunnel programs for various aircraft. He estimated aero/hvdro characteristics of TACRV, TAC Dulles (trains), the Ben Franklin (submarine), as well as windmills and hydrofoils. Also involved in the S-2 Turboprop conversions related to water bombers, and decoy studies for which he obtained a single name patent. He also authored many published articles. Professional activities/honors include: -Partner in the building of a 2/3 scale ME-109, Messerschmidt (now in taxi test with Ranger engine) -Listed American Men and Women of Science -Associate Fellow of the AIM (member for over 60 years) -American Helicopter Society -Society for Flight Test Engineers -American Ordinance Associations -Member of SEFLI -Member of Huntmqton Colonial Militia since the early 1970's -Member of Ie Cercle Francais of Huntington His extensive aerospace collection of kit models and other memorabilia will be on display at the Cradle of Aviation Museum, in Garden city, N.Y., Aurora Gallery (this is an area with no admission fee, open to the public). The collection can be viewed from October through November 2011 , ending with? Silent Auction and sale open to the public. This is a chance to own a piece of history. Auction ends Thanksgiving weekend. Submitted by: Duane Yorke, Advisor to the Estate on Technical matters And Daphne Lecat-Burns, daughter SILENTS PLEASE PAGE 7 Thanks to All/Whitman Swap Meet I would like to take this time to thank “Prez” Tom Hunt and all the volunteers or “NEAT FAIR GRUNTS” that give their time before, during, and after the NEAT Fair. If you have not realized it but NEAT is one of the best respected and attended events of the year. If you follow the threads on RC Groups, you will see what I am talking about. People go there to have fun, and that’s what it is suppose to be about FUN. Each year it grows, and in the past few years to say that is saying a lot. I would also like to thank all the members of both LIARS and Falcons RC clubs for hosting some real good E-outings. Both were well attended by SEFLI, and from all of us thank you for the hospitality. WHITMAN FLYERS RC Swap Meet Camelot Hall 585 Broadhollow Road (Route 110) Melville, New York 11747 Sunday November 20th, 2011 from 9am-2pm For more information and updates go to WWW.WHITMANFLYERS.COM SEFLI SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Oct 18 SEFLI General Meeting Oct 22 Ghostbuster Gary’s Cub Scout rocket Oct 22 SEFLI contest day– Calverton Nov 6 SEFLI indoor at Samoset 1-4 PM Nov 15 SEFLI general Meeting Nov 20 Whitman Flyers Swap Meet 9-2 Nov 20 SEFLI indoor at Samoset 1-4 PM Nov 25 SEFLI Turkey Shoot– Calverton Dec 11 SEFLI indoor at Samoset 1-4 PM Cumulative points after July Contests Now, if I were to build one if these I would change??? Trojan Wars ERBE 26 HUNT 18 BRANDT 18 REID 18 ROWSOM, P 14 WANDER 13 JOE W 12 Newsletter Editor Joe Wojtkowicz 7 Paul Dr Selden New York 11784 FONTANA 12 FABIANNI 7 SALVATOR, J 7 MCALARY 5 JUSCHKUS 4 ROZEA 3 CARROS 2 SANTANGELO, B 2 EASY STAR SSC DOWLING ERBE HUNT REID WANDER SALVATOR SCAVELLA G BRANDSEMA SANTANGERO B SCAVELLA T 19 15.5 13 6 6 5.5 4.5 2.5 1 1 ERBE 17 WANDER 14 HUNT 12 JUSCHKUS 8 REID 5 SALVATOR J 4
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