February 2012 Newsletter
February 2012 Newsletter
The Newsletter of the Silent Electric Flyers of Long Island HOST OF THE NEAT FAIR Dedicated to the Advancement of Electric Flight February 2012 Prez Sez by Tom Hunt Prez Sez Feb 12 President: Tom Hunt (631) 835-5359 [email protected] Dear SEFLI’ers Vice President: Jim Reid For those of you who received my email in time or got my phone call, you know that we were forced to move our meeting place to the Farmingville United Church of Christ hall for the February meeting. The Town of Brookhaven is now instituting a pay as you go policy for use of the Holtsville ecology center. Though not a lot of money (about $50.00/month), we are expected to apply for it monthly and get no guarantee that we will get the date or time applied for. The UCC hall is more stable of a venue and we will give this try using it the next few months. The hall address is 335 Horseblock Road, Farmingville, NY 11738. This is just where Horseblock and Portion Rd merge just east of Nichols Rd (cty rd 97). A map is presented elsewhere in this issue. The church is just asking for a donation at the end of the year for the use of the hall. I am proposing that if we stay at this facility, we give them at least as much as we would have given the town for 11 months of use (approx $600). The club treasury can absorb this amount this year with careful planning of the dues we have collected. Meetings will begin promptly at 7:30PM and run no later than 10PM. Please do not arrive much sooner than 7:00PM. Secretary: Joe Wojtkowicz Treasurer: Rick Cascella [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Joe Wojtkowicz [email protected] Public Relations Officer: Ray Juschkus SEFLI Main Website: www.sefli.org SEFLI Newsletter: http://www.sefli.org/news.php SEFLI Web Forum: http://sefli.proboards11.com In other news, I have just returned from the WRAM show at the Meadowlands Exposition Center. It is uncanny how much it looks like the Toledo Show at the Seagate Center. I like the new format and it seemed to pretty busy for a Friday. I could not return to the show on Saturday or Sunday due to my impending biz trip back to Buffalo this week. If you have never been to a WRAM show or missed this year’s, make sure to put it on your calendar for 2013 (assuming the Mayan’s were not right). NEAT FAIR: www.neatfair.org We have a total of 117 paid members as of 2/25/12. I hope that some of the names on the unpaid side come back to us. SEFLI Current Events: http://www.sefli.org/current.php The Cradle of Aviation Model show is next up on the docket and I would like to know who will be there to help me run the SEFLI booth. The sanction for the NEAT Fair will be submitted very soon, and the website will again open in mid May. Inside this issue: Prez Sez New Meeting Location For Sale WRAM Show And Tell Current Events 1 2 3 4-6 7 8 As always, fly and charge safe. Prez Tom SILENTS PLEASE PAGE 2 New Meeting Location As Tom had mentioned the Town Of Brookhaven is almost forcing us to leave HEC as they will not guarantee the space on a monthly basis. Graciously the Farmingville United Church Of Christ has allowed us to use their facility on a monthly basis. Please remember that this is a place of worship and we need to keep it as clean if not cleaner than we found it. Thanks all for doing your part. Meeting Hall SILENTS PLEASE PAGE 3 For Sale Member Frank Mandriota is downsizing his hangar and has a bunch of wonderful items for sale. The pictures are not of the actual items so have frank shoot you a picture if you wish. He can be contacted at [email protected] . Make him a reasonable offer if you think the price is too steepThanks for Looking These are new and complete. Wingo with motor. $65.00 Ikarus Piccolo Helicopter, with receiver, speed control etc. $85.00 Megatech FunFly High wing 20" WS, with TX etc. Ready to fly. $40.00 Plantacro Blimp, Complete, 2 batteries, 2 blimps. $95.00 Kits Skooter 40" WS Balsa, all surfaces covered, wheels. $25.00 Wristocrat Hand launch RC $20.00 Grasshopper 52" WS, Foam Wing, balsa for 0.49 engine, can use electric $25.00 Electric Free Flight , with electric motor and battery. Can convert to RC. 24" WS $20.00 A few old unused Midwest balsa rubber kits. Several built and complete airplanes. e.g. Lazy Bee. SILENTS PLEASE PAGE 4 WRAM 2012 Photo By J Cabana As Tom Mentioned in page 1 WRAM in its new venue at the MEC was a great show. It seemed to be well organized, attract more people, and was spread out but still very crowded on Saturday. SILENTS PLEASE WRAM 2012 PAGE 5 SILENTS PLEASE WRAM 2012 PAGE 6 SILENTS PLEASE PAGE 7 Show And Tell Freddie B brought in the 1st foam plane he has ever had to really put together. I believe he wants to tear the wings off of it. Rick brought in his 3DHS Edge 540. If your looking for a great deal on a killer airplane, Rick will be selling this as soon as the smell of spring is in the air. George F brought in His newest 3DHS AJ Slick. I love my Slick and I hope George will get to enjoy his as I do mine. SEFLI SCHEDULE OF EVENTS GOT INDOOR? Newsletter Editor Joe Wojtkowicz 7 Paul Dr Selden New York 11784 Mar 11 SEFLI indoor at Samoset 1-4 PM Mar 20 SEFLI General Meeting –Farmingville March 31 2 Days Cradle of Aviation APR 17 SEFLI General Meeting –Farmingville Apr 21 ???Contest Day???
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