JOIN US! - Universitas Airlangga
JOIN US! - Universitas Airlangga
JOIN US! WORKSHOPS st on the 1 ICP-HESOS We offer you a Universitas Airlangga, November, 21-23 2013 Surabaya, Indonesia Early Years Coping Card enable parents, teachers and therapists to iden fy and understand child's coping pa ern. Further, the parents, teachers and significant‐others could develop and teach a more effec ve coping style based on the problem. In the workshop, par cipants will be taught how to use pictorial method to understand how 4‐8 year children understand their environment and their response as coping style. The Coping cards intoduced in this workshop was originally designed by Erica Frydenberg. TOM is the ability to understand the mental status of oneself and others in a situa on. TOM develops as apart of children’s social cogni on. As an example, when children able to develop TOM, they would gain an ability to understand himself and others and this ability would influence their social behavior. TOM would enable children to explain, predict and manipulate the behavior. According to empirical evidences in previous studies, the sensi ve age period to develop TOM is around 3 to 4 year. The workshop will display the s mula on methods, such that plays, that can develop TOM in pre‐school children. Behavioral observa on will also be introduced. Rp 600.000 Indonesia Developing Country USD 70 Developed Country USD 110 The workshop introduces the par cipants to a development of theory‐ and evidence‐based health promo on program. The par cipants will first introduce to health promo on, ecological approach, logic model and six steps in IM. In the second session, par cipants will be trained to follow six steps of IM. EACH OF THE WORKSHOP WILL BE LASTED FOR THREE (3) HOURS WORKSHOP WILL ONLY BE HELD WITH MINIMUM PARTICIPANTS ARE 6 (SIX) This workshop is very useful for psychologist, health prac oner, student, NGO, and those who have concern on developing health promo on program through applicable steps. For more informa on go to