October 2007 Newsletter
October 2007 Newsletter
The Newsletter of the Silent Electric Flyers of Long Island HOST OF THE NEAT FAIR Silents Please Dedicated to the Advancement of Electric Flight October 2007 President: Tom Hunt (631) 835-5359 [email protected] Prez Sez by Tom Hunt Dear SEFLI’ers The NEAT Fair is over and we’ve done well. 305 registered pilots, 43 vendors and a huge pile of aircraft! All this could not happen without the dedicated support from many SEFLI members and those from outside the club who lend a hand. Thank you to all. I hope we can continue this for years to come. Vice President: Jim Reid Secretary: Alan Ford Treasurer: Joey Cabana Many of you may have already heard of the unfortunate accident that fell upon the show just before mid-day on Sunday. A gentleman in the crowd was struck by the debris of a helicopter that crashed very near him. He suffered a large gash in the forehead as well as some other minor scratches but will make a full recovery I am told. Newsletter Editor: Jim Perlowsky [email protected] SEFLI Main Website: www.sefli.org We will have a picture essay on the show in the November newsletter and a full report on the NEAT Fair website about the same time. SEFLI Newsletter: www.sefli.org/news.htm In other news, the Wingnutz Calverton Field had a “M*A*S*H” type transformation (we bugged-out) the last weekend in September. The field was moved 150 ft to the south and rotated about 30 degrees. This was done to limit over flying the trailers now parked in the north end of the field, just south of the warehouse. Since SEFLI members make up a good portion of the total Wingnutz membership, the SEFLI treasury will help out with some of the expenditures for this move. SEFLI Current Events: www.sefli.org/current.htm SEFLI Web Forum: http://sefli.proboards11.com NEAT FAIR: www.neatfair.org For changes in the monthly meeting or contest dates due to weather/conflicts contact Tom Hunt at the above phone or e-mail. The winter indoor flying schedule has changed significantly this year. We no longer will be flying in the auxiliary gym (very small) at the Samoset Middle school. We now have permission to use the main gym in this school on the second Sunday of the month from October to May from 1-4PM. The bad news is that we will have to pay the school district $52.00 per month for the use on Sunday. The club can easily afford this for this “quality” indoor site. We may ask non-SEFLI members who choose to join use to help support the costs with a nominal $2-3 per session fee. The second Sunday schedule has no block-out dates during the school year. If we use all the months available, we will have 8 indoor sessions. Inside this issue: Prez Sez From the Field Contest Report Show n Tell Schedule of Events 1 2 3 4,5 6 October is club officer nomination month. If anyone would like to sit up front and volunteer to do a little work to keep this organization healthy, please nominate yourself at the October meeting and we will see if we can accommodate you. Jim P is also looking to let loose the club newsletter job if anyone would like to take it off his hands for 2008. If you will not be at the October meeting, please email me with your offer. On a final note, AMA members will receive in the mail soon a ballot for voting for a new AMA president. Dave Brown will not be running. Our very own Dave Mathewson (AMA District 2 VP) is looking to fill this spot and will need our support. Dave has not only been a great friend to the hobby, but to the NEAT Fair and electric movement in general. Please consider him for your vote. See ya at the field, or at the meeting! Prez Tom S I L E NT S P LEA S E PAGE 2 Photographs by Joey Cabana and Ray Juschkus From the field... Amish Roof Raising Punchin’ Post Holes Shaping up nicely The big picture The new look of the field... S I L E NT S P LEA S E PAGE 3 October Contest The last in a series of contests for Slow Stick Combat, Sport Electric Sailplane and Easy Star events will be held at the Calverton field on the Saturday after the general meeting, October 20 th. We will again use our Easy Stars as bombers. Bring out your cradle and bombs if you still have them. I have created more of each and will have some at the meeting and at the field the day of the contest. We will be adding a twist this time: Instead of a model as the target, we will use a traffic cone. Each pilot will be given only 1 minute to get aloft to drop their bomb, which must occur AFTER the first minute. After the bomb is dropped, one will perform a spot landing, the center target to be where the bomb landed…. NOT the traffic cone. The landing must occur before 2 minutes have ticked away on the clock or no points will be scored for the spot-landing task. This sure is a lot more incentive to make sure your bomb lands on the field! Distance to the cone from the bomb is one score, distance from the resting place of the Easy Star to the bomb is your second score! Good Luck! Low Flying Clouds at the NEAT Fair S I L E NT S P LEA S E PAGE 4 Show and Tell photos by Lionel Bernstein and text by Jim Perlowsky Ron Williams shows his Flash designed by David Kyjovsky, available from SoaringUSA. It sports a wing span of 39” with a wing area of 333 inches². Powered by a Hacker A20-20L and a Hacker X30 ESC off a 3S 1320 ProLite spinning an APC 1047E. AR6000 receiver and four HS-55 servos. Ron says this plane flies so well it like it reads your mind, sounds great! Ron Bergmann poses with his restore Square Eagle. Wingspan is 29.5” with a wing area of 112 inches². RTF weight is 2.25 ounces (65 grams). Balsa and lightply construction covered in gloss clear coated Japanese light tissue. The motor is two 24” loops of 1/8” Fai black braided rubber and a 9.5” plastic prop. An excellent restoration job there Ron. Jim Perlowsky displays his GWS A-10 Warthog. Wingspan is 39.1”, wing area is 218 inches². Twin Razor 350’s brushless motors mounted in EDF55 fan units power the plane via two CC Thunderbird 18 ESC’s off a single 3S 2100 ProLite battery. With a RTF weight of 21.75 ounces and 330 watts of power she’s a spirited flyer. Love that twin fan jet sound. S I L E NT S P LEA S E PAGE 5 Harvey Knopf shows his Super Monterey sailplane. Wingspan is 98.5” with a wing area of 734 inches². With a RTF weight of 52 ounces the wing loading works out to 10 ounces/ft². It’s got a Clyde Geist .05 brushed motor in a 3:1 gearbox with a Cermack ESC running from a 7 cell 1800 NiMH pack. It should be easy to see with the color scheme, best of Tom Hunt was lucky enough to be given a demo Synapse EDF jet from Great Planes at the conclusion of the NEAT Fair. The Synapse sports a 26.6” wingspan with 168 inches² of wing area. An Ammo 20-40-3500 Brushless motor in the HyperFlow Ducted Fan powered via a 3S 1250 pack from a Silver Series 25A Brushless ESC makes this plane one quick little number. Joey C, Rick C and Alan W received balance of the demo Synapse’s from Great Planes so don’t be surprised to see them at the field. SEFLI SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FOR 2007 My wife and I went up to the Adirondacks High Peaks Region to do some aerial photography the last weekend in September. The views were just astounding. No stopping it...autumn is on the way. Silents Please Jim Perlowsky, Newsletter Editor 41 Buhl Lane East Northport, NY 11731 Oct 14 Indoor Flying @ Samoset Middle School Oct 16 General Club Meeting at Holtsville Oct 20 Contest Flying at Calverton Nov 11 Indoor Flying @ Samoset Middle School Nov 20 General Club Meeting at Holtsville Nov 23 Turkey Shoot at Calverton
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