WIT Club News - August/September 2012
WIT Club News - August/September 2012
WITClub News Exclusively for owners of Winnebago Industries RVs August/September 2012 GNRRRR 2012 Premium is... Proven. “I see the Freightliner name all over the highways and I know these trucks go millions of miles, so that says they are pretty dependable. That’s why I can rely on my motorhome on a Freightliner chassis.” — D. Crowell Freightliner Custom Chassis Owner Freightliner Custom Chassis is Proven. For more than 70 years, Freightliner has carried the load from coast to coast. And we provide our valued customers with the most advanced products by applying everything we’ve learned along the way—the innovations, engineering and expertise—to our RV chassis. When you ride with Freightliner Custom Chassis, you ride with the strength of Freightliner’s heritage. Let us become part of your family tradition. Learn more at www.freightlinerchassis.com or call (800) FTL-HELP. INDUSTRY’S BEST WARRANTY • LARGEST SERVICE NETWORK Specifications are subject to change without notice. Freightliner Custom Chassis Corporation is registered to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004. Copyright © 2011 Daimler Trucks North America LLC. All rights reserved. Freightliner Custom Chassis Corporation is a subsidiary of Daimler Trucks North America LLC, a Daimler company. Inside WIT Club Doug Formanek, General Manager Hey, where did everyone go? We just got used to everyone being on the rally grounds in our little city and now their gone. After being involved with so many people for the past month having fun and enjoying the company, it leaves you with an empty feeling. It’s hard every year to see our WIT friends leave, but hopefully they will return next year or hopefully we will see them at a rally down the road. Pat and I always enjoy seeing the rally forming. We get a few early volunteers in to start the initial ground work, maybe 5 or 6 units. A couple days later we get a few more units and the rally grounds start developing to the efforts of their labor. Before you know it we have 40 to 50 units on the grounds to get the Grand National Rally started. It is always enjoyable to see the President’s Club, sign crew and the parkers group at work. We know when the parkers arrive it isn’t long before our rally attendees will show up. It is great to see the units waiting in line, getting checked in and taken to their parking spots. The grounds fill quickly with first timers as well as those that have been here many times wanting to make some new friends and others to see old friends they have made. About a week before the actual rally starts the momentum begins. More and more things go on each day. There gets to be more people, more golf carts and more bicycles roaming around the rally grounds in anticipation to the start of the Grand National Rally. It’s like a big puzzle. Each group has a big part of the puzzle and its fun to watch the puzzle pieces put together. The rally is a good time to meet and make ideas become reality too. We were very fortunate to discuss Special Interest groups with individuals that have been very determined to start a new group. We are very happy to announce that the Armed Forces Veterans will restart and a new group call the WIT Aviators will be forming their new club. If you have any interest in either of these, please contact the WIT office for more information. We also have interest in forming a WIT Riders special interest group. We have a president and he would like to invite any of you with motorcycles to join. They have had a lot of fun the past couple of years at GNR going for dinner and scenery rides and they want to extend the offer to others. Please e-mail me for more information. We did have some great entertainment again this year. All of the evening and White Tent entertainers were very good. I hope that all who attended the rally had some extra time to sit down and listen. They were well worth the stop for sure. We also had other entertainment that was fun this year. We had a dunk tank with yours truly and other WIT staff braving the cool water and dodging baseballs. It WIT Club News • Captain White Beard aka GM Doug Formanek and his trusty mate (wife, Pat) voyaging across the seas of the GNR rally grounds on opening night. was a lot of fun and all of the proceeds went to the local food bank. For the first year we did very well and hope to do better next year. It was announced during GNR that WIT Tours is making a change. WIT Tours Rallies and Caravans will now be offered to other brands other than Winnebago Industries products. This does NOT include GNR or state rallies. They may travel with a friend on a caravan for a minimal extra charge. See more about this new policy change in the WIT Tours section of this magazine. The display of Winnebago Industries products was bigger and better than ever this year. Along with the motor home display we also had our towable division represented. We had 12 of the new Winnebago and SunnyBrook products. All of the display units were very well received and brought a lot of interest to many. We do have two outstanding things that happen during GNR. The first being the row parties. What a great time people have when the band wagon comes around to serenade each state row. The offerings that each state gives are great. I hope we can keep this going and get even more participation. The other is the state row decoration competition. We did change it a bit this year to have three divisions. The time and effort that each group puts into the decorations is just great. My hat goes off to each of you for your effort. What great imaginations you have. I do want to thank all of my car buddies for the nice Cruise-in we had. We had 77 very nice cars come on the grounds. It’s a neat sight to see all the cars come on continued next page 3 • Aug/Sept 2012 continued from previous page Doug’s efforts in the pie eating contest were very evident, but alas the title would not be his! the grounds in a parade. It is fun to listen to our rally people talk about years past and the vehicles they had owned, great memories. We also had a pie eating contest. This was a lot of good old fashioned fun. There were eight contestants, seven of those participating were big men that had or what looked to have a big capacity for food. The eighth participant was 12 years old with a much bigger appetite. He made us big guys look foolish. Wait until next year. I have purposely not included any of the winners from the Grand National Rally contests. Too many to mention in this space so please find those further in this issue. I want to thank each and every one of you for attending the rally this year. It has been a lot of work but we always enjoy seeing everyone and having fun with you all. I again want to thank all the volunteers and people that made the Grand National Rally so successful. It takes a lot of work by a lot of people to pull it off. I also want to From this end of the road Some just don't understand, but all of us who were out at GNR on Thursday night...we do. The music, the dancing, the crazy pirates making us laugh, your smiles - those are the memories that will stick with all of us and to me, that is what WIT Club is all about. FUN WITH FRIENDS. Or better yet, fun with people who aren't your friends, YET. Grand National Rally has something for everyone and if you embrace it, you leave with great friends and lasting memories. Each year, I enjoy meeting the faces behind the names of those of you who e-mail your news and schedules for Club News. It's also fun to meet first-timers who are excited about all GNR has to offer (Hey Judy R!) and it's always wonderful to catch up with those of you who I've had the privilege to get to know over the last several summers (yes, even YOU, Diva Paul!). I'm guessing this is how you who attend state rallies, 4 give a hearty thank you to the WIT staff. You guys did a great job with all of your many tasks. Don’t forget to start making plans for next year - July 21-26, 2013. Come and help us have some fun and make memories at WIT’s Wild West. We will look forward to watch the growth of the little city on the rally grounds again next year. Good Night from the Office. Something to think about: Don’t be afraid of change. You may end up losing something good, but you will probably end up gaining something better. Unknown. Denise Yeager, Club News Editor caravans, and GNR feel too. That's why I can say, "I get it." I know why WIT Club is important to you - the people. One example is the Policastros. I've been fortunate to be acquainted with this cute couple who ALWAYS sit in the front row during GNR evening entertainment and although we ONLY see each other those few evenings each year, I feel this crazy bond to my entertainment buddies. They watch out for me like once holding my camera bag while I ran around the amphitheater. And I look for them. When I didn't see them here last year, they were missed. The only reason they missed was to later attend a WIT Caravan - they love the club too! When I asked if they would be back next year, she replied with a laugh, "If we're alive." Well, I'm convinced you'll be back, Pete and Marion, and look forward to it - the front row would seem empty without you! In this issue, we'll give a small recap to give those of you who weren't here a taste of what GNR 2012 was about and to rekindle a memory for those of you who attended. Starting on Page 29, you'll see why the people of WIT Club are so special and so much fun. You're a whacky, goofy bunch, WIT Club, but the very best kind! While presenting to our Club and Chapter Presidents seminar, I shared that we will be sending out a WIT Club survey to ensure this magazine and the Club in general are meeting your expectations. We value your input as much as you value your Club. Watch your e-mail inbox later this fall for your survey and more details to come in the next WIT Club News. Until next time... WIT Club News WIT Club News Vol. 43 No. 5 Published by WIT Club WIT General Manager: Doug Formanek, 641/585-6461 [email protected] Events Coordinator: Lisa Cronkwright, 641/585-6464 [email protected] WIT Tours Administrator: Pam Urbatsch, 641/585-6466 [email protected] WIT Tours Coordinator: Denise Daniels, 641/585-6267 [email protected] August/September 2012 Inside WIT From this end of the road WIT Tracks Club, Chapter & Rally News WIT Membership Application Memorials & Anniversaries WIT Gives GNR 2012 Winnebago Industries News WIT Tours State Rally Schedule Who's Inviting Travelers 3-4 4 6-7 8-24 9 25-26 27 29-41 42-43 44-49 50-57 58-67 Membership Coordinator: Ruth Harms, 641/585-6874 [email protected] WIT ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB: www.witclub.com www.winnebagoind.com Club News Editor Denise Yeager, 641/585-6728 [email protected] Eastern Area Representatives: Butch & Becky Moore Butch: 269-615-7049 Becky: 269-615-7050 [email protected] Western Area Representatives: Andy & Jeanie Bienvenu Andy: 337-983-7745 Jeanie: 337-983-7746 [email protected] WIT Office Hours 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday 800-643-4892 (Ext. 1) FAX: 641-585-6703 Visitors Center/Factory Tours 641/585-6936 Customer Service 641/585-6860 WIT welcomes news releases, articles and photographs for publication. WIT retains the right to accept or refuse articles, photographs, advertisements and has the right to edit all submitted material. Mailing address: P.O. Box 268 Forest City, IA 50436 Shipping address: 1045 S. 4th St. CHECK FOR WHO’S INVITING TRAVELERS UPDATES AND COMPLETE CLUB AND CHAPTER NEWS COVERAGE EACH MONTH. Advertisers 3T’s 56 Blue Ox 15 Coachnet 39 FCIS Freightliner MCD SkyMed Winegard Winnebago Industries WIT Business Cards 26, Back Cover Inside Cover 57 67 19 28 24 WIT Tracks from our Eastern Area As Charlie Brown often exclaimed—“good grief!” Here it is the end of July as I write this and it will be September when you receive it in your mailboxes—and then the year will be three-quarters over! “Good grief” is right! As of the last writing we were at North Carolina’s state rally where we helped them celebrate their 40th birthday, with one of the club’s charter members present at the opening ceremonies. There was also a prerally tour to the Biltmore Estate with a delightful luncheon; after touring a 250-room mansion, we were pretty happy to get back to our “humble motor home abode” with a manageable amount of space to maintain! Our next rally was the Southern New England Rally, which was held in Rhode Island. A little “Yankee ingenuity” came into play when their evening entertainment cancelled—poets, comedians (and comediennes) and yodelers were amongst the hidden talent within the WIT ranks and provided a memorable evening. Like several other states, they also had a lovely quilt to raffle off—can’t wait to see next year’s quilt. From Rhode Island, we travelled to Pennsylvania’s “Pirates of Penssssylvania” state rally, where we not only got to practice our “pirate-ness” but also our gambling skills. They had a Casino Night with games played with play money; afterwards we got to use our “winnings” to bid 6 thousands of “dollars” for brown-bag auction items. The rally was also the debut of a giant pirate’s face which covered the whole front of a motor home—it went to GNR and won a Head of Row decoration prize. The Ohio state rally this year was in Xenia, which is near Dayton, and was our last stop before heading to GNR. The Dayton area offers a lot to see, with the Air Force Museum being one of the more popular. Games and seminars also kept everyone busy, but one of the favorite traditions of their rally is the Saturday afternoon happy hour, which is when most of the raffle tickets are sold for the money hat! Not a bad strategy, eh? So that brings us up to GNR—or, as we heard a lot of—GNRrrrrrrrgh! We had a swashbuckling good time at WIT’s Treasure Island! We arrived at the rally grounds the end of June and it was amazing to watch the transformation from an empty field to a bustling small community of friendly neighborhoods. It was great to see friends from all over come together and rekindle relationships, relive good times spent with each other, and make new friends. There were also a lot of first-timers who were warmly welcomed, including eight Sunnybrook owners. We congratulate the Club and Chapter of Excellence award recipients and hope that we can give out even more of them next year. Oh yeah—next year? Get ready for a rootin’ tootin’ GNR good time at WIT’s Wild West—we’re already hearing plans and rumors!! The next stop for us was the Wisconsin state rally, which immediately followed GNR. There were several tours to choose from—a tour of Lambeau Field, the National Railroad Museum, EAA Air Show, and a tour of Quantum Dairy Farm. At the National Railroad Museum, our group was among the last to see the Dwight D. Eisenhower locomotive on U.S. land for awhile, as it was be- WIT Club News Eastern Area Representatives: Butch & Becky Moore Butch: 269-615-7049 Becky: 269-615-7050 [email protected] ing shipped within a few days via rail and ship to England to be on display for two years. Of course, between all these rallies, we also visited dealers in their areas. We always enjoy walking into a dealership where YOU have been and see bulletin boards and brochures. Your interaction and support are important to a successful relationship with your dealer—even if it’s just to stop in for a friendly visit to say hello and see what’s new, without always asking for something. Lastly, for this edition’s adventures, we returned to Forest City for the Freightliner Camp, a twoday class on the Freightliner chassis, which we both attended. It was a highly informational class and by registering ahead of time, the instructor had materials and presentations specifically for each attendee’s coach chassis—pretty cool! There were two classes both held consecutively, the four weekdays immediately after GNR; if you have a chance to go to one, do it! It won’t be long till the rally season is over for the year; hopefully you are well into the planning stages for next year’s rallies. We encourage you to get your rally information to the WIT magazine editor as early as possible—even if you don’t have all the details—get the date and location published as soon as you know them so folks can get them on their calendars. Then follow up with the “rest of the story” in an article that is such an irresistible invitation that no one will want to miss your rally. And now, the open road is calling and in a few days we will be heading to Indiana’s state rally. If you see us on the road, be sure to wave! WIT Tracks from our Western Area Western Area Representatives: Andy & Jeanie Bienvenu Andy: 337-983-7745 Jeanie: 337-983-7746 [email protected] Ahoy Matey’s!! We hopes all of ye had safe travels as ye headed down the road from GNR!! And Howdy Buckeroo’s start yer planning for next year’s WIT Wild West. Put us on yer calendar for July 21-26, 2013! Get yer chores done early and yer ranch hands lined up to take care of the old homestead whilst yer down here visitin’!! We don’t wantcha ta miss any of the rip roarin’ good times we’es gonna be planning fer ya!! We sure is gonna be looking forward ta seein’ ya then!! Yep, GNR is over and we had a GREAT time!! It was wonderful to see all of our old friends and to make so many new ones. Our thanks to those who were able to attend! We hope you and many others are able to join us next year!! We love to see you having fun and enjoying all the activities!! But GNR isn't the only thing we’ve done since the last issue. We’ve covered a tremendous amount of territory. We stopped in at Shawnee, Oklahoma for the Okiebagos State Rally. That bunch always has fun things planned for us. We always enjoy going to their rally and taking part in all the interesting tours and activities! Thanks Oklahoma, as always you did a great job!!! From Oklahoma we made a quick stop in Casper for a visit with our youngest daughter and her family (which happened to be on Mother’s Day weekend) on our way up to Moses Lake Washington for the Northwest Regional Rally, a combined effort of the Wash-I-Bago State Club and the Fraser Valley Explorers local chapter from British Columbia. As always there were lots of fun activities and good food as well as lots of good friends to visit with also. The Oregon contingent at the rally offered to help their neighbors by hosting their Marguerita social which is always held near the display models to include the dealers in the fun. What a nice way to say thank you for supporting their rally. Thanks to all our Northwest friends for their efforts to make sure we all had a great time! After visiting dealers across Alberta and British Columbia, we spent the weekend at Osoyoo’s BC where the Fraser Valley Explorers hosted the Inland Empire Explorers from the Spokane area. What a great outing and a great place to visit. Thanks Fraser Valley and Inland Empire for an awesome weekend and for making us feel so welcomed. It’s been a busy time, but it was all worth it to have all our friends here with us and having a wonderful time!! We then headed back east to Aberdeen, South Dakota to meet with their state club who was hosting the North Dakota Flickertails. North Dakota had hosted them before and they were reciprocating. And what a super weekend we had with inter- August/September 2012 esting tours and activities planned to help everyone get to know each other. Again both the South and North Dakota groups made us feel like we were long-time friends. We are happy to see some of our clubs and chapters reaching out to their neighbors to get to know each other and share some fun and fellowship. Sioux City, IA, was our next stop, where we were successful in starting WIT’s newest chapter, the Siouxland River Ramblers. This chapter has members from Northwest Iowa, Northeast Nebraska and Southeast South Dakota. They are excited and ready to get their chapter built up and have been busy making plans for their first official outing. They are also hoping to bring in members from the southwestern corner of Minnesota. Their president and secretary attended GNR and were busy recruiting new members as well as making contacts with those four state clubs. We welcome them into the WIT family!! Then we headed over to Forest City to begin preparations for GNR. As I write this, GNR has just ended and there are only a few units left on the grounds. It was a great rally with, as always, lots of fun activities packed into so few days. It’s been a busy time, but it was all worth it to have all our friends here with us and having a wonderful time!! We will be heading out soon in “our” new 2013 Journey 42E. As always, keep an eye out for us, you never know where you’ll find us as the Bybee’s, Batty’s and Cottom’s from California found out when we pulled in right next to them in Prince George, BC where they had parked for the evening on their way up to Alaska. Thanks to them for dinner and a nice evening with new friends!! So until next time - where ever that may be - from the Welcome Winnie~ Happy Trails ~ Stay safe~ We’ll see ya down the road!! 7 WIT Club & Chapter News ALABAMA North Alabama Travelin’ Warriors Local Chapter By Lee Vernado On a beautiful May weekend, nine coaches gathered at the delightful Roaring Pines campground in Summerville, AL. We were welcomed by our hosts, Bob and Shirley Fricker, who provided a delicious snack. Dinner was provided by the hosts, augmented by salads and desserts contributed by the attendees. This was followed by our regular business meeting. On Saturday morning we were treated to homemade rolls, again, provided by Bob and Shirley. This was a great start to the day, which was given over to attending the local Poke Salat festival in nearby Arab. We were able to sample the local arts and crafts and some even went so far as to actually try a dish of Poke Salat. Saturday evening we had another delicious meal. Many stayed around after dinner for an old-fashioned ‘gab fest’ and seldom have so many war stories and tall tales been heard at one gathering. Sunday morning we said ‘Happy Trails’ to all those gathered. ARKANSAS Ark-A-Bagos State Club The group of five left Maumelle Park in Little Rock on Apr. 28 heading to Monroe, LA. The travelers stopped for the night at Quachita RV Park in Monroe. Sunday, Apr. 29, found the group heading to Marksville, LA. We checked in for two nights at the Paragon RV Resort Park (very nice). We all had a nice lunch at the buffet in the casino restaurant. Monday, Apr. 30, the group decided to go to St. Francisville, LA 8 for the day. We got to travel the new suspension bridge crossing the Mississippi River (it replaced the ferry boat) into St. Francisville. After arriving there, we toured Audubon State Park and Oakley Plantation. This is where James Audubon painted 32 of his original ‘Birds of America’ prints. From there, we enjoyed a nice lunch at the Magnolia Café, followed by a visit to the Grove Episcopal Church and cemetery grounds. On Tuesday, the group traveled to Breaux Bridge, LA to Poche’s Fish-N-Camp where we enjoyed fishing, some fish stories, potlucks and games. Everyone attended the Crawfish Festival in Breaux Bridge, LA that week. We watched how to make crawfish etouffe when we first got there and following that, Wyble, Norris, and Perrenoud took the Cajun dance classes. We learned how to do the Cajun waltz and the Cajun two-step. Perrenoud and Wyble stayed to watch the crawfish eating contest. The man who won had eaten 30 pounds (six trays each with five pounds of crawfish on it.) On Sunday afternoon Ray and Jean Fox arrived from their home in Ocala, FL and it was wonderful to see them again! They always bring smiles and so much laughter to the camp. An evening potluck dinner was enjoyed, followed by just visiting and relaxing. Monday and Tuesday included a swamp tour at St. Martin and a visit to the Acadian Culture Center in Lafayette where we toured the museum and viewed a film about the Cajun heritage. From there the group decided to go to Angelle’s Café in Breaux Bridge again. On Wednesday, May 9, we headed to Opelousas, LA. We went to the visitor’s center and took a small tour of historical downtown Opelousas. We found out that Opelousas is the birthplace of Jim Bowie and also the capitol of LA during the Civil War. The outing WIT Club News ended on Thursday when everyone departed for home. CALIFORNIA Chardonnay Travelers Local Chapter By Susan Winn Thirteen Chardonnay Traveler RVs traveled to Jackson Rancheria RV Resort in the heart of CA’s “gold rush” territory for our June 21-24 outing. This is a beautiful park with roomy, paved sites; a walking trail; attractive pool area; and a large clubhouse. A shuttle runs every 20 minutes for those wishing to gamble or eat up the hill at the casino. Our fun-filled weekend, hosted by the Matrangas and Berenbergs, included two great breakfasts, a lavish buffet dinner at the Rancheria Casino, an all-you-can-eat (and then some!) family-style Italian dinner at historic Theresa’s restaurant, and a delicious Tri-Tip steak barbeque/ potluck. Members also carpooled to the Deaver Winery for a winetasting, and to Amador Flower Farm, where we walked among the rows of day lilies of every variety and color imaginable and browsed in the garden gift shop. The many specialty and antique shops in old-town Jackson also lured some of us. Members took advantage of the perfect weather, gathering outdoors near our rigs for our club meeting, afternoon games, and plenty of socializing. Good food and fun times shared with good friends—what could be better? COLORADO Colorado Columbines Local Chapter Escaping the heat and fires of CO on Tuesday, June 19, the CO Columbines began a very memorable trip to WY and MT. The first desti- Winnebago-itasca travelers club Exclusively for owners of Winnebago Industries RVs! Our purpose is to promote fellowship and fun; develop recreational, social and travel opportunities as an RVer. WIT furnishes members with benefits specially designed for owners of our Company products. PLUS…an opportunity to purchase additional benefits at reduced rates. ServiceS & BenefitS Wit cLUB neWS Every member of WIT receives the club publication 6 times per year. Non-WIT members pay a subscription fee of $30/ year. Each issue highlights club and chapter activities and includes service tips from Winnebago Industries technical staff, WIT Tour opportunities, event schedules and many more too numerous to list! cLUBS & cHAPterS More than 250 State Clubs and Local Chapters, located both in the U.S. and Canada, welcome you to join them and participate in their activities. Also, special interest clubs, such as full-timers, golfers, ham radio, military, computer fans and singles, invite you to join them. GrAnD nAtiOnAL rALLY Each year, all WIT members are invited to attend the GNR held in Forest City, Iowa. You will see and enjoy top entertainment, seminars, vendors, craft sessions, fun activities and a wide variety of programs. MeMBer iD New WIT members receive ID license plates. cArAvAnS & rALLieS Rallies and Caravans are researched and developed exclusively for WIT members. More than 20 events each year are held in the contiguous U.S., Canada and Alaska. MeMBerSHiP DirectOrY A CD directory of WIT members is published annually and sent out on request to members free of charge. It contains a complete listing of all members listed by name and by WIT number to help you identify each other during your travels. WIT Membership Application A current listing of WIT campgrounds offering a discount is also included as well as the national WIT bylaws. triP rOUtinG WIT trip routing service provider supplies maps and travel information to help you reach your destination either by the quickest or most scenic route. fAX: 928-505-1738 or PHOne: 877-801-0333 DiScOUntS rOADSiDe ASSiStAnce This road service program provides no-limit towing, emergency service assistance and more. 877-801-0333 MOtOr HOMe inSUrAnce A special motor home insurance policy on your coach includes a complete replacement for newer coaches, towing reimbursement and other features. 800-331-1520 MeDicAL Air trAnSPOrtAtiOn Emergency medical air transportation service is available at rates exclusive to WIT members. This 24-hour service also includes return of your RV, minor child, pet and visitor transportation and more. 800-475-9633 WinneBAGO cUStOMer Service in fOreSt citY, iA Get a 10% discount on all parts and accessories. New and lapsed memberships have a 30-day waiting period. Wit cAMPGrOUnDS A discount at hundreds of enrolled campgrounds. See the annual membership directory or online for a complete list. PiLOt fLYinG ‘J’ rv MeMBerSHiP cArD Your ticket to discounts and amenities at Flying J’s easy access travel plazas and fuel stops nationwide. Mail to WIT, PO Box 268, Forest City IA 50436 Name: Membership sponsored by WIT # Spouse/Companion: (not required) Address: Method of Payment (In U.S. funds only) City: Personal Check State: Zip: Visa/Mastercard/Discover Phone (Home): Card #________-_________-__________-_________ Phone (Cell): 3-digit code_______ Exp. Date __________________ Membership fees E-mail: Coach Serial #: Chassis Serial #: New Membership Renewal WIT# New Renewal 1 year $35 $30 2 year $55 $50 3 year $70 $65 nation was the KOA in Sheridan, WY, where Wagonmasters Liesers and Venables treated us to happy hour and a meal. Eighteen coaches turned out for this outing with several guests joining us. Our guests included two of President Irv’s high school classmates and their spouses. Bob Johnson also had his granddaughter join us. The Cousins drove in to join us. Wednesday began with a trip to the Don King Museum, an amazing collection of old west memorabilia and enough saddles to tame the West. We were treated to an orientation by Jean, which was followed by a leather art demonstration by Jim Jackson, with 40+ years’ experience in leatherwork. Then it was on to lunch at the historic Sheridan Inn—in its heyday, considered the finest hotel between Chicago and San Francisco and frequent home of Buffalo Bill. We were welcomed by a knowledgeable historian dressed as Buffalo Bill himself. He really brought Buffalo Bill to life with the many stories of his life in Sheridan, NE, and Europe. For dinner we carpooled south to Buffalo, where the Winchester Steakhouse opened early for our group so we could enjoy their fine food, which was praised by all. Then it was back to Sheridan for a nightcap at the famed Mint Bar. Thursday was a lazy morning as we individually moseyed up to Hardin, MT, and did our own thing until the mandatory happy hour and heaps of “potluck.” Friday was another lazy day with many activities in town, including a kid’s parade, food booths, museums, classic cars, pork dinners, and even a “talent” show at the local school to cap off the day. On Saturday, the downtown parade, with 60+ entries, led off with lots of horses followed by some tractors and finally humans, who watched carefully where they stepped. After the parade the Indian Taco issued its irresistible call, along with homemade ice cream. Some of 10 us also learned about cow pie bingo, where 100 numbered squares are sold and marked on the pavement, a cow is turned loose to do her thing. If the pie hits your square—you’re the WINNER! A drive five miles west of town and two miles down a dusty gravel road brought us to the Custer’s Last Stand Reenactment site. The performance was staged on the dusty open prairie with 300 fully costumed performers. The performance was written from the Indian perspective and began with the Lewis and Clark expedition and gave a good historical picture of the events leading up to the battle and even after 136 years, there was no surprise ending. Sunday was a free day with Columbines going to church, the battlefield, museums, the Crow reenactment, and other points of interest. The happy hour, pizza party, and watermelon gave everyone a chance to share their day’s experiences and catch up on what others did. A dessert bar rounded out the day with an evening street concert in town featuring Rickie Nelson’s twin boys. Monday our wagonmasters served a wonderful hot breakfast and sent us on our way with the Columbines heading out in all directions. Those heading back to CO would be faced with at least eight uncontrolled forest fires. A wonderful week of adventure, friends, fun, and food. FLORIDA Florida Winnie Gators State Club “Winnie Wild West” was the theme for the May 11 – 13, 2012 meeting of the Florida State Winnie Gators Club. 41 coaches convened at Paradise Oaks RV Resort in Bushnell, Florida with 31 coaches arriving early on Wednesday and Thursday to enjoy the park and the friendships. Happy Hour was held both Wednesday and Thursday in the beautiful clubhouse. Many of the members WIT Club News had dinner at local restaurants and returned to the clubhouse for games. Thursday night was a Chapter Challenge Contest – Calf Roping! Pictures of “calves” were attached to a chair and the chapter members had to rope the calf to qualify for points! The “cowpokes” were dressed in cowboy hats, and you would be surprised how much skill was involved! The winners happened to be new members, Julia & Paul Drappo, and since they had not yet joined a chapter, we made up a team we called “new members“ so they could participate! There was much hoopin’ and hollerin’ in the crowd which goes to show these people aren’t afraid of anything! Friday morning after breakfast the Board of Directors meeting was held with President Jerry Miller presiding. The results of our March Rally were discussed and proclaimed a huge success once again! For dinner, the men officers were decked out in the ‘Chef Hats and Aprons” to parade around the room with their cooking tools in hand signaling the beginning of the cookoff! The hamburgers and hot dogs were cooking as the ladies prepared to serve the accompaniments – homemade cole slaw and baked beans. After everyone enjoyed their dinner the Ice Cream Social began with our volunteer “scoopers” having the honors of serving the group. Friday evening it was time for our Brown Bag Auction. Members were instructed to bring a package of something in a brown paper bag – no one would know the contents as the auction began. Jack Caffrey was our auctioneer, assisted by “Danna White”, (aka Dan Tuzzolo) and Jerry Miller who collected the bid money! The laughter and comments were so hysterical, – and the noise could be heard in the next county! Everyone was a good sport – even if you did pay $11 for a bag of green beans or $15 for a bag of M & M’s! It was 2 hours of great fun – and the proceeds will help pay our GNR expenses for "Calf roping" champs - Paul & Julia Drappo the annual Florida Row Party. Saturday morning business was conducted in an orderly manner and concluded at 10:45am. Prizes were given to the chapters with the highest percentage of attendance. First place was Mid-Florida Winnies, second place was Florida Sunshine Winnies, third place was Suncoast Winnies! THANKS to you all for the great attendance! The remainder of the day was spent visiting the area, talking with others and having chapter meetings. Happy Hour followed by a dinner of Sloppy Joes and side dishes. Prizes were given out to the members who had exceptional western outfits – it was great to see so many cowboys and cowgirls on hand! At 7:00pm The Foggy Creek Band took the stage and entertained us for a couple hours of music. Some of us even learned to play the “spoons”, thanks to Ree Spiller’s instructions. We are a talented bunch…. Sunday morning our breakfast of donuts and bagels was served before we said our goodbyes for the summer. THANKS to all the folks who helped us fix meals and clean up each day! So many people just pitch in without being asked and that makes for an enjoyable time for everyone! Everyone is invited to attend our meetings, check our website www.winniegators.org for information! GEORGIA Gone with the Winnies of North Georgia Local Chapter By Theda Chambless Our June 6-10, 2012 outing at the Stone Mountain Park Campground was a real pleasure. The staff members there were friendly and attended to our every need. We had eight coaches with sixteen members participating and it was really a time of togetherness. We waived the use of the pavilion and met and ate mostly at the host and hostesses campsites. Several came early to get a head start on visiting and exploring Stone Mountain Park. Thursday afternoon we met at the Heath campsite for refreshments. That was followed by a “Show and Tell” that entertained everyone for quite some time. We also made plans for the following day. Several wanted to go to the DeKalb Farmers Market to view the unusual vegetables—and to see the people from foreign countries in their native dress. After dinner, several went to see the spectacular laser show. A free shuttle was provided by the park. After Friday morning breakfast, we went to the DeKalb Farmers Market. It was quite an experience; however, Jesse Chambless wanted everyone to use their cafeteria and have some goat meat. That didn’t go over so good. Instead of goat meat, several of us went to Mary Mac’s Tea Room in mid-town Atlanta. Mary Mac’s has been open for business since 1945 and is a favorite eating place for mid-town workers as well as visitors. Saturday morning breakfast was prepared and served at Winky and Max Parker’s site. We had the rest of Saturday off to explore the park or just relax and visit. We did a little of both. We discovered a picturesque covered bridge that was built in 1891 and originally spanned the Oconee River in Athens, GA. The Saturday evening meal was also served at the Parkers’ site. Sunday morning we joined with others at the RV park for devotions and a continental breakfast. It was a good meeting and we enjoyed talking with people from different locations at breakfast. We said our goodbyes until next time. ILLINOIS Little Egypt Winnies Local Chapter By Chris Crabtree Little Egypt Winnies met at Eldon Hazlet State Park, Carlyle Lake, on June 7-10. We had four coaches in attendance. Friday we headed into Carlyle for some lunch. Several years ago, Vonda Kloke took us to an ice cream stand and we decided that was going to be our lunch. Upon finding the place, it had been changed into a BBQ place, so we went back to the main street of Carlyle. On our way to finding the ice cream stand, we noticed a sign that said Covered with Chocolate! Deli and Desserts. So that is where we had lunch. They serve breakfast and their lunch menu includes sandwiches, soups, and salads. The food was very good but no ice cream. Afterwards, we visited the General Dean Suspension Bridge, the oldest suspension bridge in the area. It was built in 1859 for $40,000 across the Kaskaskia River. Before this time, residents had to cross the river by ferry or mud bridge. It was restored in 1951. Major General Dean was a native of Carlyle who served August/September 2012 11 in the Korean War. We headed back to the campsite for a little rest and later that evening we had our potluck. Bill and Evelyn Smothers, honorary members of LEW, joined us for our potluck. The evening was very enjoyable and we sat out until the bugs started to bite. Saturday morning after our meeting, we went to Okawville for their Heritage Days. It was their 30th year for this activity and was located at the Schlosser Home. Also on the grounds was his harness shop and a building where his wife and daughters did laundry for the hotels in the town. They had a farmers market, flea market, country store, food stand, vendors, youth activities, kettle corn, homemade ice cream, and entertainment. Yes, we finally got our ice cream! We had lunch at a local restaurant called The Hideout and then headed back to the campground. We were invited to Bill and Evelyn’s home for wine and cheese before dinner. All of us enjoyed our visit and later Bill and Evelyn joined us for dinner at the Crossroads Restaurant. Back at the campground, we again sat outside and enjoyed the great weather. Sunday we said our goodbyes and headed home. to collect them. We then headed out to the Wolf Creek Habitat in Brookville; they rescue wolf pups from people that think they are cute until they get bigger. They do have some they have raised as pups and some that you can pet and get in the pens with. Carol Thomas went in with some other unknown persons and two keepers. We were fascinated and enjoyed watching her and she seemed to enjoy it as well—http://wolfcreekhabitat.org/. We compared notes and those of us that had not been to Oldenburg went to see the Village of Spires. It is a very friendly town with maps and numbered buildings—it was platted in 1837. Right now they have most of the fire hydrants painted as village people. We happened to see parts of two different weddings going on. We regrouped at the campground for sandwiches and all the sides and desserts brought in by the Meanderers. We had our state and chapter meetings followed by more campfires and more games. Early Sunday morning, we had coffee and breakfast. It is hard in this letter to let you know how much fun we had doing all this together. It was a great weekend. INDIANA IOWA Who’s Yur Winnies State Club By Gene and Kathy Rieck North Iowa Travelers Local Chapter The Who’s Yur Winnies outing was held June 7-10. It was hosted by the Meanderer officers, Scott Feichter, Carol Thomas, and Bill Newcomb, with much help from Lori Tindall and some from Fred Thomas. It was held at Franklin Co. Park in Brookville, IN. The campground is very nice—they have 30- and 50-amp with water. We had the use of the pavilion, which we used for some games and most meals. We had 22 units. A few came early on Wednesday. Thursday we had free time while the other units came in and set up. There were several small older towns to check out in the area. The gang helped cook. John Ellis had a never-ending campfire going. Several played games until the early hours of the morning. Friday morning a brave few of us did exercise with cans of food led by Scott. Some did it as a warm up before walking, some as a cooldown after walking. People again went into towns—either Brookville, Metamora, or Oldenburg. Metamora has a horse-drawn canal boat you can ride. We went to the Metamora Inn to meet in time for a classic and antique car cruise. We had a catered dinner and were then entertained by Catrina and the Baggy Bottom Boys, after which some played games in the Gishes’ house until wee hours and some gathered outside at the campfire. Saturday we met again for can exercise, after that we donated the cans to the local chamber that came 12 Five motor homes met at the Top of IA exit to caravan to Riverview Campground in Owatonna, MN. Two more units met the group at the campground. Coffee and bars were served by the hosts, Gene and Lois Low and Dean and June Anderson. A potluck dinner was held followed by the monthly meeting of the North Iowa Travelers with a campfire lit and s’mores later in the evening. On Wednesday morning, a breakfast was served by the hosts and later, three separate groups went sightseeing. Some went to see the National Farmers Bank in downtown Owatonna and then other areas of the city. Some also went shopping at the outlet mall in Medford while others went to Cabelas. We met back at the campground for a luncheon of “must go’s.” That afternoon we went to MN State Orphanage Museum for a tour and that evening we went to Olivia’s for a meal. When we returned to the campground, a campfire was lit and the members visited. Thursday morning, a breakfast and coffee was served and the members returned home. KANSAS Kansas Prairie Winnies State Club By Rosetta Bartels Prairie Winnies welcomed guests Don and Donna Graves and Gene and Carol Bennett to the Show and WIT Club News Tell in Dodge City hosted by Karen and Bill Hawley of Hawleywood RV Ranch. One of the highlights of the weekend was a visit to the Dodge City National Weather Bureau facility with interesting talks by two of the meteorologists on staff. Another highlight was a trip to the small town of Fowler to tour their monolithic dome gymnasium/ tornado shelter, a FEMA rated building. Again this year Kansas Prairie Winnies members gathered at Hawleywood RV in Dodge City, KS. members shared their creative talents with an arts and crafts Show and Tell. During the business meeting, plans were made for Prairie Winnies participation at GNR including a $100 donation to the youth program. Officers were elected for the 2012-2013 year. The club appreciates the wonderful weekend Bill and Karen Hawley and their staff always provide. We continue to wonder how Bill finds something new to do each year. first night, what was ahead? Many gathered Friday to try their chance at beanbag baseball practice. Some had not tossed a beanbag since last year! Coaches brought in by Arlington RV and Flagg RV were also available for view. We were so fortunate to be the recipients of a delicious wine and cheese social hosted by Flagg RV. Arlington RV treated us to a wonderful pasta dinner with all the fixings of salad, rolls, and dessert. A round of applause was given to Arlington RV for their generous meal. The unveiling of the Tri-State quilt was anticipated by all three states, as our members shared in the construction together as one unified force. It was at last opened for viewing and hung for all to see. The sale of raffle tickets began. We also had the money hat to challenge our luck. Saturday was full of rain and indoor activities. When friends get together there is no bad day, regardless of the weather. Sweeping the water away from the entrance of the hall did not stop people from joining fellow campers to a wonderful pancake breakfast hosted by MA. This outstanding breakfast was provided by Jerry Little and his little band of servers. A friendship walk started off the afternoon, followed by beanbag baseball. RI beat others and MA beat CT in the semifinals. RI took the trophy defeating MA in the final 18 to 11. Dinner was delicious! The quilt was raffled off and won by Donald Lassen. Dick Ercolani won the MASSACHUSETTS Pilgrim Winnies State Club By Sandy Bates and Jerry Little Our weekend was a success! We measure life with laughter, love, surprises, and good food. All of these ingredients we had this weekend. Twenty-four of the 50 travelers to the rally began to arrive at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Richmond, RI on Wednesday and most of the others joined us on Thursday. The rally, hosted by RI, kicked off Thursday afternoon and we were served a light dinner afterward. This light fare was all we needed due to what was waiting for us afterwards. Orchestrated by Sandy Bates, MA’s ice cream social rocked the house! The laughter was contagious. Some not only had seconds, but even came back for thirds. It was great to be kids again! This was only the The talents of of many contributed to this beautiful quilt that was raffled during the Tri-State Rally. August/September 2012 13 money hat and Austin Maxwell won money from both a 50/25/25 raffle and a door prize. Our entertainment never materialized for this evening, so being typical New Englanders, we took advantage of this time to attend to business. Ed Bates was sworn in as the new president of the Pilgrim Winnies and preparations for Rally 2013 officially began. Congratulations to Ed, may his reign be prosperous and full of fun! Congratulations are also extended for Brian Martel as he was sworn in as vice president and Linda Martel sworn in as secretary/treasurer for the Pilgrim Winnies. Sunday our area representatives from Winnebago, Becky and Butch Moore, broke up camp at yet another completed rally and headed for their next destination. We say goodbye to our friends and fellow travelers, may the roads be gentle and safe for us all. MICHIGAN Tip O’ The Mitt Travelers Local Chapter By Shirley Bennett Our June outing was at Vacation Station in Ludington. This was our State Water Wonderland Winnies June State Rally and was also the 40th anniversary of the Water Wonderland Winnies. We had six coaches that arrived early, some on Wednesday and the rest on Thursday. We all went to dinner at Scotty’s in Ludington. Great meal! Tip O’ The Mitt Travelers put the dinner on for the state rally on Friday night. I believe that there were 54 coaches attending. We served haystacks and they seemed to be a great hit. We sure got a lot of, “That was really good!” Saturday there was sand bag baseball. The teams were put into two groups. We played Grand Valley Winnies. Now, Tip O’ The Mitt players play this game once in awhile. On the other hand, Grand Valley are what I would consider pros. I think they must play this game every opportunity they have. Well, we sure gave them a run for their money. Saturday evening the Water Wonderland Winnies were selling tickets for the 50/50 raffle and the money hats. Also, each club put together baskets for the Chinese auction. Our chapter’s basket was everything made in MI. New officers for Tip O’ The Mitt installed Saturday evening were: President, Gordon and Bonnie Rollenhagen; Vice President, Bill and Trudy Redmond; Treasurer, Jim and Helen Mason; and Secretary, John and Shirley Bennett. Sunday morning we said our goodbyes. CHECK OUT ALL CLUB AND CHAPTER NEWS ONLINE AT www.witclub.com/members only! 14 MINNESOTA Winnehahas State Club By Marcia Fabricius The Winnehahas gathered in the RV park of the Grand Casino in Hinckley June 8-10 for a great weekend of perfect weather, good fun, good food, and good friends—old and new. There were 19 units in attendance, including one new SunnyBrook, recently purchased by Bill and Dorothy Pomerson. Everyone is so happy to know that we won’t be losing our club treasurer to “some other brand.” Hosts George Reevs and Sandy Wegner, Terry and Jeanne Johnson, and Ted and Bernie Steele planned the weekend with Friday’s dinner at nearby Cassidy’s Restaurant, a potluck breakfast on Saturday, baked ziti for Saturday’s dinner, and fruit and muffins on Sunday morning. Ted Steele was the bingo caller on Friday after dinner for a few rounds of card bingo. Days were left open for gambling, shopping, playing games, or just sitting outside and enjoying each other’s company. On Saturday evening many members attended a gospel concert at the church across the road and came back filled with the spirit and raving about the excellent singers and fine entertainment. Evenings were for sitting around a campfire and making s’mores. Some stayed over another night in order to attend the Sunday afternoon performance at the Midwest Country Music Theater in Sandstone. Performances from this theater are often featured on RFDTV. They were treated to performances by Sherwin and Pam Linton and the Cottonkings, Jay and Tammy, Leny Davis, John Ely, Lane Moore, and Gloria Jean. MONTANA WIT Montana Wilderness Local Chapter By Fred Dahlman May: The Prime Cut Restaurant was the location for our May 12 meeting. This is always the time of year that we welcome back our snowbird members from their annual migration to warmer locations of the Southwest. It is always good to see them and spend time visiting and catching up on our months apart. Three couples made another trip to the Northwest Regional Rally (NWRR) in Moses Lake, WA, this month. It allowed them to spend quality time with members from WA; OR; ID; MT; LA; AZ; British Columbia and Alberta, Canada; and renew acquaintances with folks from last year’s NWRR. June: This spring, the chapter made arrangements with Pierce RV Center in Great Falls to put on a Show WIT Club News and Tell at the dealership in June. Pierce RV Center, headquartered in Billings, MT, and dealerships in Great Falls and Kalispell, MT, scheduled a three-day open house at their three locations for June 1-3, 2012. Our chapter members manned the refreshment trailer these three days preparing and serving hot dogs and cold drinks. Donations received from the public were added to our Charitable Contributions Fund. Traffic was lighter than anticipated, but did give us a good opportunity to tell the story of the Winnebago-Itasca Travelers Club. June 15, members traveled to Fort Ponderosa RV Campground in Belt, MT, for our traditional Father’s Day campout and meeting. Members enjoyed a dinner along with salad and dessert. The owners of the campground provided a large pan of hot cornbread and dinner. Honorary members, Bill and Betty Heilig, who live in Belt, were able to join us for dinner. Our monthly meeting was conducted on Saturday with five member rigs represented along with honorary members, the Heiligs. Sunday morning members attended a pancake breakfast conducted as a fundraiser by the Belt Valley Volunteer Fire Department, prior to everyone’s departure for home. rally, we had a potluck Saturday night. The weather cooperated and we toasted marshmallows for “s’mores” around a campfire after dark. NEW JERSEY Jersey Seashells Local Chapter On Friday, Apr. 27, eleven rigs from the Seashells gathered at Seashore Campsites in Cape May, NJ for their Friendship Rally for 2012. The group was joined by Butch and Becky Moore, Eastern Area WIT Representatives, as well as six other rigs. It is always good to see new friends as well as our members. As always, we gathered around a campfire to renew old acquaintances and meet hopefully new friends. Saturday morning after the delicious breakfast cooked by the men and enjoyed by all the members and guests, the Seashells gathered for their meeting and a talk by the reps. Bill Wakemen had invited the reps to talk about starting a new chapter in the state of New Jersey. As of this time, our Seashell Chapter is the only active one in the state. Butch Moore spoke about the opportunities to experience new adventures and activities with another chapter. We were all reminded that DON’T LEAVE IT BEHIND – TAKE LIFE ON THE ROAD! NEW HAMPSHIRE Granite State Winnies State Club By Mackie Heinrich The Granite State Winnies began their season with a spring luncheon at The Whittier House in Ossipee, NH. It was great fun to get back together again and announce the exciting campouts planned for the summer. We began our camping season at the Fryeburg Fairgrounds for the Annual Flower and Garden Show. The weather cooperated and we had six rigs, coffee each morning, and a potluck Saturday night. We began our planning in earnest for the Northern New England WIT Rally, reviewing responsibilities, exchanging “hillbilly” ideas, and working on items for the “goodie bags.” Ron and Cheryl Goudreau volunteered to be “wagonmaster” for the June campout at Danforth Bay. We welcomed two new members, had an Italian dessert night Friday; sausage, egg, and cheese on muffins for breakfast Saturday morning. Sounds like all we do is eat, not true! Some went kayaking and biking and others participated in a bocci contest. After more planning for the Those who own motorcycles have been searching for a way to bring them along on the road. Now you can. Heading out on the open road lets you experience the outdoors in exciting new ways. But what if you want to take a day to yourself and exchange four wheels for two? Bringing a motorcycle along for the ride has never been easier – especially when the carrier is the most intuitive and user-friendly on the market. All that plus the durability, convenience, performance and affordability you’ve come to expect from a Blue Ox® product? What are you waiting for? Blue Ox® makes it easy to take it with you. 800-228-9289 • www.BlueOx.com August/September 2012 15 it is possible to belong to more than one chapter. Carole Maxwell, our president, said a new chapter would be welcomed by the Seashells and our members are free to join as they wish. Our chapter always wants to share our fun with others, so we discussed how to continue to invite and welcome others in our state or as we know, from other states to become chapter members. As always we had a great time enjoying our campfires and just being together, either outside or in the rooms provided by the campground, and the friendships we have established around or in them. NEW YORK Hudson Valley Ramblers Local Chapter By Ruth Simpson Our June campout was held at Camp Waubeeka in Copake, NY. Twelve members were present and we had special guests, Randall and Phyllis Weller from KS. The Wellers were in NY state attending the graduation of their grandson from West Point Military Academy. They quickly made friends with everyone and we enjoyed hearing about some of their travel experiences and living in KS. Friday afternoon we enjoyed our social hour and then a delicious dinner under the canopies supplied by Jim and Don. Because of this, we kept dry, as the rain slowly started. Then the wind and rain went into high gear and early Saturday morning, both of the canopies came crashing down. Saturday’s breakfast was held cafeteria style with Dick and Jane’s RV being the cafeteria. Saturday afternoon we held our meeting and Saturday night we had dinner at the Four Brothers Pizza, which everyone enjoyed. The wagonmasters provided a continental breakfast on Sunday morning. 16 NORTH CAROLINA Winnie Tarwheels State Club The North Carolina Winnie Tarwheels State Club celebrated its 40th birthday at our rally held at Tom Johnson’s Rally Park in Marion, NC, May 25-27th. We enjoyed views of the mountains, a day of golfing and a tour of the Vanderbilt’s Biltmore Estate as well as excursions to nearby Mount Mitchell, the tallest mountain east of the Rockies. There were 49 Winnebago rigs attending and we were happy to welcome visitors from Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, Florida, Georgia and South Carolina as well as Butch and Becky Moore, our WIT Area Representatives. One of the highlights was having Laura Alexander, a charter member who had a 1972 Winnebago and drove it well into the 2,000’s, join us for the birthday celebrations, complete with a special cake made with a picture of 1972 and a 2012 Winnebago for the centerpiece of the Hospitality table. The games were spirited and fun and we all enjoyed the fellowship surrounding the meals, games and activities. The decorations were festive, continuing the birthday theme with balloons and big wrapped packages on the stage and tables decorated as presents. In addition to our traditional Arts and Crafts judging, Silent Auction, Book Exchange, Money Hats, Friendship walk and 50/50 activities, we also had a seminar on making a tote bag out of a t-shirt and raffled off a lovely mountain log cabins and stars quilt made by Dorothy Johnson. The Southeast Express bluegrass band provided our evening entertainment. We gave Rally Masters Charlie and Judy Albury a big round of applause for all their efforts. In our state meeting that followed, Butch Moore congratulated us on a successful rally and finding such a lovely location in North Carolina. WIT Club News He installed the officers: Judy Albury, president; Wes Shuttleworth, vicepresident; Dave Long, treasurer; Pat Reese, secretary. We decided that our next rally will be held at Cape Hatteras Campground in Waves, NC (located in the Outer Banks area on our coast) on April 26-28, 2013. Two of our long-standing officer positions have changed this year. Our heartfelt thanks to Gary & Kathy Willox and Joyce & Bud Bynum for all their hard work on behalf of our club. NORTH DAKOTA Nodak Flickertails State Club By Helen Evans Our host couples for the May campout were Colleen and Al Belyea and Betty and Denis Lebrun, which was held at Brewer Lake, ND, May 18-20. We had a great turnout; twenty-five members spent the weekend or part of the weekend together. A few members arrived as early as Thursday and stayed until Monday. Friday afternoon we reacquainted ourselves from the long winter months under a big tree for shade and mild refreshments. Friday evening’s meal was our first chili cookoff contest with all the fixings. There were so many different pots of chili. Some of the members tried all eleven different mixes of chili into one bowl, while others tried to taste each one separately to find a winner. Each family received honorable mention for their chili pot, some spicy and some not so spicy. After dinner, a different kind of bingo was played with decks of cards, which was fun and interesting. The Lebruns learned the new-style game while in CA visiting with Denis’ sister, Marjorie Morrison, during the winter. After breakfast on Saturday, the business meeting was held. The nominating committee presented the slate of officers to be voted on. The nominating committee and the mem- WIT Club & Chapter News bers at the meeting decided that the present officers were doing a magnificent job and were voted back in office for another year: President, Eleanore DeMers; Vice President, Helen Evans; Secretary, Donna Grunette; and Treasurer, Mark Collins. In the afternoon, some of the women went to Casselton for shopping, fun, and winetasting from the Maple River Distillery and reported they had a lot of fun. Then the evening meal was downtown at the Pizza Ranch in Casselton, ND. As usual, Sunday morning came quickly, and after breakfast and more visiting, it was time to say goodbye. OHIO Wandering Ohio Winnies State Club Fifty-eight coaches gathered at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Xenia, OH June 22-24 to celebrate the 41st annual rally of the Wandering OH Winnies. Many coaches arrived a day early to visit area attractions, including the National Museum of the USAF located nearby at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH. Friday the rally really got underway as we gathered in the assembly hall which was decorated in red, white, and blue in keeping with our theme—Honor and Serve. The color guard presented the colors led by veterans: Dave Franke, Hank Vassaux, and Tom Reeb. A moving reading by Peggy Moore was given about our flag. Our WOW Club President, Ray Moore, introduced the Eastern Area Representatives, Butch and Becky Moore; Club Vice President, Dick Radosevic; Club Secretary, Rosanne Vassaux; and Club Treasurer, Carolyn Berry. After a yummy supper and much visiting, a rousing game of bingo was played. Saturday brought seminars on WIT tours, Sky Med, and fire prevention. We even practiced using a fire extinguisher under the supervision of a firefighter. The craft show displayed many varied talents of our club and ribbons were awarded. Ralph Griffen won the Best of Show with his woodcarving. Joe and Kathy Loris won first prize for the best decorated coach. Beanbag baseball, corn hole, and stick hockey were played by four teams made up of WOW members. A lot of cheering and fun was heard from the game area of the assembly hall. Saturday evening we were entertained by the New Carlisle Community Chorus singing selections from broadway, movies, and TV. They closed their show with an encore of a salute to the military services. Everyone returned to their coaches with a door prize provided by our many friends of WOW. Sunday morning following breakfast, the colors were retired along with the singing of “God Bless America.” The new WOW officers were installed by Eastern Area Representative Butch Moore. A fun and moving church service led by Peggy Moore, featuring The Cardinal Winnies’ Players presented “The Gospel According to the Birds.” OKLAHOMA Sooner Schooners Local Chapter By CW Harris What a great turnaround from getting cancelled at Sanger to a great, relaxing weekend in Checotah, OK. This was a joint Sooner Schooners and Green Country outing and we had 20 rigs in attendance. All agreed that they did us a favor when they cancelled our outing in TX. The folks at the Checotah KOA provided outstanding support that included a good meeting room and an on-site cafe that served great meals. The majority ate at least one breakfast and dinner at the cafe. We played games out in the shade of the trees, utilized the swimming pool, and a few folks even went kayaking. The rally room stayed busy in the evenings with multiple games. We also gathered for sports to watch the Thunder win in the rally room and an outdoor viewing of the OU softball game at the Harris coach. The cafe served us dinner one night and the hosts provided a great meal the next. Several members went into Checotah Saturday to attend the “Old Settlers Days” celebration. Nate and Reatha Hill, Paul and Vickie Holt, and Alice Combs hosted a most enjoyable weekend. Tom and Linda Roberts of OKC were announced as new members. Two guests were in attendance: Alice’s great-granddaughter, McKenzie, and her friend, Kieli. OREGON Sun Catcher’s Local Chapter By Cathy Williams June was our first multistop outing in several years. The final destination was McMinnville, OR, home of the famous ‘Spruce Goose’ located at the Evergreen Aviation and Aerospace Museum. To make the trip more manageable, we stopped one night at the Brookhollow RV Park in Kelso, WA. The final leg to McMinnville was only a few hours away. We stayed at the lovely Olde Stone Village RV next door to the museums. They had a very nice community building and pool. There must be 59 wineries in this part of the Willamette Valley and we visited August/September 2012 17 a few. Co-hosts GiGi and Richard Weixler and Charlie and Bud Cole did a wonderful job! They planned potluck meals, Sunglo’s and lots of free time for sightseeing in their outing schedule. Besides the Evergreen Aviation and Aerospace Museum (which was within walking distance), there was: the farmers markets, winetasting, and local restaurants were fun destinations. Gigi gave a scarf-making demonstration with beautiful results. The main attraction for us in McMinnville was the Evergreen Aviation and Aerospace Museum, IMAX theater, and water park (which has a Boeing 747 on its roof!!) complex. One museum is dedicated to aviation using restored military and civil aviation exhibits from the beginnings of American aviation through the 1970s and the other museum building showcases space exploration technology and military aircraft from the past 30 years. The museum is home to Howard Hughes’ immense Spruce Goose, a Titan II missile in a silo-like launching pit (three stories deep), moon rovers, an SR-71 Blackbird, and much more. Admission is an all-day pass to the museums and you really need it to see everything. There are films running in the IMAX theater all day. PENNSYLVANIA Pennsylvania State Club State Club By Lorraine Plant Ahoy matey—’twas a fine bit of rowdy fun at the PA State Rally in Centre Hall, PA and, as promised, we didn’t make anyone walk the plank. Early arrivals were abundant this year and what a pleasure to meet and greet old friends and new before the plunder of the rally began. The rally was alive and well with pirates, wenches, and deck hands all around—some looking scary enough to just go and walk the plank without being forced! Although the “captain” was very “transparent” in nature, he made quite a statement with his control of the ship’s wheel for the rally. From the full-fledged lighted mast to the piratefaced rig, it was an outstanding decorating theme all around. We had such fun just checking out all the decorations that were around. Vendors from the local community shared their time and products with us once again this year. It is always a pleasure to be able to work with the local people when we are in Centre Hall. Our seminars kept folks both inthe-know and entertained as well. Fire safety, first aid, CPR, WIT tours, Sky Med, Show and Tell—learning from other campers things they have tried, how things work, what “not to do”—what a great learning experience. This year Freightliner reps came to talk with the group and it was a great refresher and learning tool for those who have the Freightliner chassis. 18 The stage was set for the mateys attending the Pennsylvania State Rally in June. A huge hit with the group this year was the winetasting event. A local winery, 7 Mountains Winery, brought some wonderful wines for the tasting. We look forward to continuing this event again next year. Another fun and well-received activity this year was our casino night. My goodness, the atmosphere was electric—fun and laughter was the sound all evening. It has been requested to be extended to next year as well. So, if you enjoyed yourself this year, be sure to make plans for next year. Did I mention the food yet? My goodness, there is never a lack of good things to eat at the PA Rally. We started Thursday evening with the chapter potluck suppers and went through the weekend with coffee, doughnuts, pancake breakfast, taco salad supper, ice cream social, and ended the weekend with a great turkey dinner supplied by the Women of the Centre Hall Grange. MMMMMMMMMM. From the turkey straight through to the desserts, if you went away hungry, it was certainly no one’s fault but your own. Of course, I can’t forget to mention the other activities at the rally from those “just too cute” furry babes of ours in the pet show, cake/friendship walk, Chinese auction, book swap, bingo, WIT store shopping, beanbag baseball playoffs, and craft show, it was a busy weekend. Competition in the craft show once again produced wonderful work by members of WIT. Entries this year included cross-stitch, woodwork, quilting, afghans, plastic craft stitching, knitting, sewing, and jewelry. Congratulations go out to Kathy Plant who won the Best of Show for an exquisite bracelet she beaded. The famous PA baskets were, as usual, a popular item again this year. Wonderful products from all over PA are in these baskets. This year, the basket was a hand-made treasure chest, made by Capitol area Winnies member, Ken Donaldson. What a delightful change and well keeping with our theme of the WIT Club News Pirates of PA. The money hats were keeping in the theme of the rally as well—pirate oriented and donning $50 each. We had a wonderful array of prizes given out. Between being busy with activities or just enjoying them from the sidelines, the weekend just seemed to fly by. The weather was pleasant; the food excellent—as usual; and the friendships, renewed or made—well, that’s just priceless. We hope all who missed us this year will make plans to come out in 2013. Mark those calendars—June 6-9, 2013 and come learn all about PA from the local chapters. It will be a rich lesson in what PA has to offer from the west to the east, north to the south of our state. We look forward to seeing everyone in June 2013. Until then, enjoy your camping and be safe on the roads. RHODE ISLAND Rhody Winnies State Club By Sally Quinn The Southern New England Tri-State Rally was held on May 30-June 3, 2012 at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Richmond, RI. This was RI’s turn to host with Steve Tonken as rally master and Dick Nicolo as assistant rally master. Fifty-three coaches were in attendance. Wednesday began with set-up activities going on and getting the parking and electric ready. On Thursday there was a session to show some activities to do in RI, a first-timer’s orientation, and a speaker on the history of Richmond, RI. This was followed by opening ceremonies, a supper, and an ice cream social. Friday morning began with a continental breakfast. A class on Swedish embroidery was taught where participants worked on placemats. A class was held on beginner geocaching. Participants were given a chance to locate some hidden caches. After lunch, there was an opportunity to practice beanbag baseball. There was a wine and cheese social followed by an Italian dinner. The evening entertainment was open mike. Saturday morning breakfast started the day rolling. Then a knitting class on how to knit a dishcloth was held. Instructors first patiently taught and reviewed basic knitting terms and helped those needing assistance. Knitting went on until it was time to go eat lunch. The friendship walk was held and then it was time for beanbag baseball. RI was able to win the tournament and successfully defend last year’s title! In the evening, a catered dinner was held. Major door prizes were later given out after the raffles. Many gathered to play games. Sunday morning began with a continental breakfast and a beautiful day followed by closing ceremonies. After completion of the ceremonies, the Rhody Winnies held their annual meeting and election of officers. Butch Moore, WIT rep, installed the new officers and briefly spoke. After discussion of the various upcoming campouts, the meeting was adjourned. SOUTH DAKOTA Rushmore Winnies Local Chapter By Connie Howard A combined meeting of the two SD local chapters, Rushmores and Ringnecks, and the ND Flickertails, was held June 15-17, at the Brown County Fairgrounds, Aberdeen, SD. There were over 30 units attending. We were honored to have Western Area Reps, Andy and Jeanie Bienvenu, in attendance. They encouraged us to attend the upcoming GNR, opened their Journey for a tour, shared current information about Winnebago Industries motor homes and towable products, and participated in activities with us. The weekend’s activities included two very interesting tours. The first, Hub City, Inc., manufacture power trans- Winnebago Chooses ® Winegard TRAV’LER Slimline ® ® for DIRECTV HD Solution! ® Ask your dealer for details! Scan here with your smartphone for more details! Also available: TRAV’LER DISH ® ® www.winegard.com/travler DISH is a registered trademark of DISH Network L.L.C. DIRECTV is a registered trademark of DIRECTV, Inc., a unit of Hughes Electronics Corp. © 2012 Winegard Company August/September 2012 19 mission products—wow, was their facility clean. The second tour was of Northern Beef Packers, a beef processing plant in the process of being built; when completed, it will have a capacity of 1,500 head per day. The weekend was filled with delicious food, a jam session, talent show and many opportunities for visiting, touring, and sharing the positive qualities of our individual Winnebago motor homes. TENNESSEE West Tennessee Travelers Local Chapter For their June outing, the West TN Travelers traveled to Joe Wheeler State Park in the state of AL. People began arriving on Sunday and even though everyone had reservations, they were not for a specific camping site. Larry and Jane Bolding arrived first. They had checked out all the areas and had found several sites close to each other. As the rest of the group rolled in, they were busy trying to direct the campers into their spots. Everyone admired John and Sally Shannon’s new Adventurer and Mike and Diana Logan’s new Rialta. Mark and Pat Bolding somehow got off the beaten path and they crossed the dam several times before finally arriving and getting parked. Ken and Jeanette Dixon were in attendance for the first time in a long time. Everyone was really glad to see them and enjoyed their company. We ate at the Lodge in the park on Monday night. It is a beautiful lodge overlooking Joe Wheeler Lake. The park had a building they use for church services and let camping groups use for activities and for their meals. We played beanbag baseball in there on Tuesday and the last game was a come-from-behind win for the Even Number Team in the bottom of the ninth inning by one point. Tuesday night’s meal was grilled by the campout hosts, Mark 20 and Pat Bolding. Wednesday night we provided our own meat for grilling and a dish to share dinner. The food was great as usual. After the meal, we all helped clean the park building and put all the chairs and tables back as we found them. John and Sally Shannon had brought firewood, so we had a campfire and everyone enjoyed roasting marshmallows for s’mores. Everyone was in agreement that it was a great campout. Being under and amongst all the large pine trees made being outside very comfortable. On the business side, new officers were installed on Wednesday by outgoing president, Mark Bolding. The new officers are: President, Larry Bolding; Vice President, John Shannon; Secretary, Mike Logan; and Treasurer, Dan Doyle. TEXAS Texas W State Club By Martha Callaway The Alamo Winnies were hosts for this April 2012 Texas W State Meeting at the beautiful Guadalupe RV Park in Kerrville, TX, deep in the heart of TX hill country. The Alamo Winnies worked “outside the box” to provide unusual activities for its guests. Other chapters of the TX W helped with hosting duties, as usual, and this sharing of hosting duties made for a more enjoyable and relaxing time for all. The owners of the 63 rigs on ground certainly enjoyed all of the efforts put forth by the Alamo Winnies. Guests at this TX W meeting were Judy Porter, Al Buscher, and Terry and Wanda Purvis. New TX W members were Rick and Harriet Espinoza, John and Jane Canfield, Dan and Linda White, George and Donna Wynn, and Donna and Katrina Rusher. Quite an impressive group of RV’ers! WIT Club News Activities started on Thursday evening with a weenie roast at the Amphitheater by the Guadalupe River, followed by two-buck bingo at the clubhouse. Friday night started with a version of GNR state row parties, but this was a chapter row party plus winetasting because this part of TX is so well known for its many wineries. Each chapter contributed some food item representative of their club or TX, but it was the Alamo Winnies who hosted the winetasting. Table decorations by the different chapters were just outstanding. Lots of members were dressed in their boots, jeans, and cowboy hats to add to the festivities. Beans and cornbread and Mexican treats were the most common. This row party and winetasting was a huge success. Following the row party, the speaker, Ray Martinez, made a presentation on his part in the University of TX tower sniper tragedy in the 1960s. Mr. Martinez, an Austin policeman at the time, was the hero who climbed the lonely stairs to the top of the bell tower, often having to step over people killed by the sniper. On the balcony outside the bell tower, he encountered and killed the sniper who was responsible for killing and injuring so many. This was a fascinating and riveting presentation. On Saturday, following a taco breakfast, a representative of the Kerrville Hospice discussed the hospice program in Kerrville. Proceeds from the various money-raising events at this meeting will be given to both Hospice of Kerrville and Hospice of Uvalde. Also, Todd Bock, owner of Kerrville RV, talked to TX W members about his RV dealership, and he even generously paid for this Saturday morning breakfast for Texas W members. Tom Bickers of Sky Med made a presentation to members and then Nancy Bickers presented a Pampered Chef demonstration. The Saturday evening afterdinner entertainment was a lively WIT Club & Chapter News toe-tapping exhibit of the Hill Country Area Square Dancers, which included our own TX W members, Bob and Fay Eure and Dan and Linda White, new TX W members. Sunday morning following breakfast and an inspirational devotional by Steve Ferguson, our TX W chaplain, we hugged, said our goodbyes, and promised to meet again at the Lake Conroe N. Houston KOA RV Park in Montgomery, TX, on Oct. 1214, 2012, for a fall-in good time at Octoberfest. The Bluebonnet Travelers will be hosting the meeting. ing - Janice and Glen, overhead toss - Glen, whole-in-one - Janice; total score -- first place - Janice and second place - Glen. YES, we all enjoyed tossing rolls of toilet paper BUT Janice and Glen were the best!!! Saturday everyone enjoyed Nona’s roast beef dinner along with potluck items. Afterwards birthday cake and ice cream topped off the celebration for the chapter’s 22nd birthday party. VIRGINIA UTAH Ye Ole Virginia Winnie Tascas State Club By Pat Montgomery The Golden Spike Travelers held their outing at Hyrum State Park, May 18-20, 2012 and celebrated their 22nd birthday. This outing was hosted by the officers as Friday everyone enjoyed potluck. At Saturday breakfast, everyone enjoyed Tom’s pancakes and Nona’s special eggs along with a variety of potluck items. During the day, nearby places to visit were the Cheese Factory, Big Boy Ice Cream, and other places of interest. Willow, box elder, and maple trees surround Hyrum Reservoir providing shade as well as habitat for waterfowl and wildlife. During the day, you could see people on the beach casting a fishing line or just relaxing with a book. Officers elected last year: President Tom Walker, Vice President Glen Hamblin, Treasurer Nona Paskett, Secretary June Hamblin, and Past President Karen Waldron will hold office for another year. The games—Toilet Paper Olympics were run by Karen as everyone tossed toilet paper. The winners receiving gifts and ribbons were bowl- Our state meeting was held at Beth Page Camp Resort in Urbanna, VA. This park is one of our favorites. It is very clean and has a large amount of sites. The sites are wide enough and easy to get into. The staff was very helpful. At the same time, Good Sams Club was also there so we were able to take advantage of vendors. We always like to shop for RV stuff. It was good to see members from all of our clubs, catching up on news, seeing work that has been done on coaches inside and outside. RVers sure are a creative bunch. We shared our stories of where we had traveled and where we are planning on going. Most of the conversations were about who was going to GNR this year and what fun GNR was in past years. Bingo was played on Friday night and some of us had fires that were great. The chapters had a total of eleven new members and two potential ones. WOW!! Keep up the good work. The Tidewater Tascas were the host and provided a pancake breakfast on Saturday before all of the meetings. They had to make sure that everyone had fuel to start the day. After breakfast prep had started, Golden Spike Travelers Local Chapter By June Hamblin August/September 2012 they lost power in the pavilion and had to quickly come up with another plan. Luckily, their coaches were right across the street, so they shifted the griddles to their campsites and had the pancakes and sausages shuttled to the pavilion to the waiting masses. There is always a way around something that doesn’t work the way it was planned. RVers have a knack to adapt to anything that comes their way. We also make the best of it and then later laugh about it around the fire. They also sold lunch and had a friendship walk where the proceeds went to the selected charities. Overall, it was a very good turnout. Meetings were held. Discussions were had and solutions came about. Rally details for our September rally were presented and there was excitement in the air about this one. We all thoroughly enjoy our rallies and have so much fun. Laughter is such good medicine. WASHINGTON Apple Rivers Local Chapter There were only three couples at this outing, but you would never have known it. Dave and Carolyn joined us Friday. They had an early call the next morning as their charity, Children’s Wishes and Dreams, was hosting a fundraising breakfast event at Miner’s in Yakima and they were getting up early. After Friday dinner, some decided they couldn’t leave without giving the casino a little of their money; however, Gloria won some money—good for you! Saturday after our meeting, all six of us piled into one vehicle to go have some lunch. Since we missed the last mural tour by an hour, we took our own tour with Garland narrating each mural and that was interesting. We then went out to Dave and Carolyn’s house for a fire and 21 snacks. Then on to Chinese for dinner; after that, some of us went back to the rigs but others just couldn’t go past Legends Casino without dropping in—although this time, there weren’t any big winners. WISCONSIN Wisconsin State Club/Northern Lights State Club/Local Chapter By Janice Mauer The Northern Lights had their second outing of the year at Chippewa Falls, WI, at Pine Harbor Campground on June 6-8. Our hosts, John and Ginny Olson (residents of Chippewa Falls) and Bob and Beverly Spinti, did a wonderful job of keeping us occupied and fed. We had six motor homes arrive early on Tuesday and a wonderful meal was enjoyed by all present at The Family Restaurant in Chippewa Falls. Wednesday the rest of the coaches continued to arrive. We had 16 coaches in attendance, with members from the WI State Club also joining the Northern Lights Chapter, making us 34 happy campers! Wednesday night’s dinner was a potluck supper. More visiting and storytelling took place around the bonfire and our hosts surprised us with the roasting of marshmallows and s’mores. Thursday began with breakfast, then both clubs had back-to-back meetings. Food was collected from us all for the local food pantry. Our honorary member, Joyce McManus, joined us for the day. She brought along pictures and gave an interesting presentation on her journeys to the Navajo Reservations where she has volunteered to teach the Indian children art lessons. Joyce is a talented artist who has generously supplied the schools with art supplies as well as lessons. She has gone to Madebyjoe Gesinger, an Indian Village in AZ; to the Eagle’s Nest Intermediate School in Tuba City, AZ; and Monument Valley High School in UT. 22 Both of these schools are on the Navajo Reservation. Northern Lights, as well as the State Club, made a donation to Joyce for this worthy cause. We then carpooled to a private toy museum owned by Al and Irene Przybylski, owners of the O’Neil Creek Mini-Storage in Chippewa Falls. The toys are all from their private collection of 15 years and it was astounding. Toys are displayed in various rooms in a large building and we were all amazed at the variety and quantity of toys for girls and boys of all ages. We had fun reminiscing and seeing many of the toys popular during our childhoods. Thursday evening, we all gathered at another local restaurant, the Connell’s, noted for their prime rib dinner. Here we enjoyed the evening with a good meal and good company. We returned early enough to relax around the bonfire and catch up on winter travels and stories. We had coffee and sweets in the shelter before saying our goodbyes. I do believe the saying on my little embroidered pillow is right, “Friends are family…you meet along the way.” All these wonderful people we wouldn’t even know had we not gotten our Winnebago motor home and joined this wonderful club! Are we lucky or what? CANADA BRITISH COLUMBIA Fraser Valley Explorers Local Chapter By Nancy Partridge May: The Fraser Valley Explorers had a busy time in May as hosts of the Northwest Regional Rally held in Moses Lake, WA. Seventeen coaches from our chapter attended the Mexican ‘party.’ It was nice to see so many first-timers (I believe 37 rigs). There was lots to see and do— seminars, dealer coaches, vendors, games (both indoor and out), gettogethers with various other clubs, and golf, to name a few. We were WIT Club News especially happy to renew acquaintances with the Wild Rose Chapter from AB. The Classic Winnebago chapter joined us this year with six rigs, which they very kindly put on display. Needless to say, most of the meals were Mexican in nature, as well as the entertainment, which was supplied very ably by the Mariachi Huenachi from the Wenatchee High School. What a group of talented young people they are! June: Our June venture was a joint outing with the Inland Empire Explorers of Spokane, WA. What a fun time we had in Osoyoos, BC at the Nk’Mip Campground on Osoyoos Lake. There were twenty coaches from the FVE and nine from the IEE. Included in those were Paul and Barb Smith from Lake Havasu, NV and our Western Reps, Andy and Jeanie Bienvenu. We all enjoyed oohing and awing over the Smiths’ Winnebago Tour and the Bienvenus’ Journey. The Bienvenus treated us to a big pot of Cajun jambalaya. In spite of some inclement weather, we managed a tour to the Desert Model Railroad (which has over two kilometers of HO track in a 4,000 sq. ft. facility), a little golf and a tour of some of the area wineries. Also on the agenda was a series of five stations set up with different tasks to complete within a minute, fashioned after the TV show ‘Minute to Win It.’ It was hilarious to watch the participating teams try these challenging tasks. Of course, there was a tie for top spot, so these two teams chose another couple each to help them in ‘The race of the Egyptian Mummy.’ One couple wrapped the other couple in two rolls of toilet paper! What a hoot! There were also several card games going on during the weekend in the large clubhouse at the campground. We all look forward to the rest of summer as we have had a particularly wet and cool spring in the northwest. ONTARIO Ontario Trillium Travellers Local Chapter By Cathy Massey May: Our season of campouts began on May 21 as units started to arrive at Wildwood Golf & RV Resort and by the time the dust settled, eleven rigs were in place on full-service, pull-thru sites, with even a separate site to put up the canopies for everyone to gather for meals, meetings, etc. Tuesday we had a potluck supper—the only casualty being burnt potatoes. This was followed by the usual campfire and the first round of stories and feats of daring-do that would continue all week. In the afternoon, everyone went off to the Canadian Club Brands Center for an excellent tour and tasting. Nondrinkers were very popular to sit beside. The stonework and woodwork in this building are spectacular and the stories from the days of rumrunners and prohibition only added to the flavor. Amazing what $100,000 could do 160 years ago. Thursday was a full day, starting with a tour of Mastronardi’s greenhouse where they grow tomatoes for Costco all over the world, lunch at Colasanti’s so some of the kids could go to the petting zoo, and a tour and tasting at Mastronardi Estate Winery. Following breakfast on Friday, we had the first meeting of the year where we welcomed new members. Some people headed out after that, while the rest of us had a relaxing day and then went to Montana’s for dinner. Nick and Bob had our campfires going every night for as late as we wanted and had wood left over. As usual, Fred was kept busy fixing all the computer ailments the GDOPs brought with them. Thank God for talented people in our club. Those unable to attend missed a well-organized, well-presented, and fun outing. It sets a high bar for the rest of the season. June: Our June Buddy Rally was held at the Paris Fairground June 19-21. A few units arrived early at the Paris Fairgrounds on Monday to get things set up for the weekend outing. All remaining units arrived sporadically throughout the day on Tuesday and at the end of the day, 22 units were in place. What a turnout! It was so good to see everyone again, and so after handshakes and hugs as everyone arrived, we settled down to conversation (gossip) and drinks of a sociable nature! As we were on our own for the evening, the group dispersed— some went into Paris for dinner and others just did their own thing. Wednesday we gathered for coffee and breakfast and then headed off for various activities. Some of the “crafty” ladies and the not-so “crafty” ladies went to Mary Maxim to shop and the rest of us did our thing, exploring the area or just relaxing. Fred Jennings did his usual computer and Kindle genius work for those in need. Happy hour was BYOB, snacks were provided. Dinner was barbecued with all the trimmings, coffee, and a dessert. Just as things were winding down, the ice cream truck rolled by. Nick Toldi and Bob Dudley had our evening campfires going every night except for the last night. Thursday morning we were treated to a breakfast and coffee (yummy). We then had our general meeting and in Cathy’s absence, Gerald was appointed our “secretary for a day.” For our dining pleasure the last night, we were presented with a delicious cold plate of food. A farewell coffee and breakfast was enjoyed on our final day. We all said our farewells, packed up, and headed on our separate ways. WIT 365 Club honors President at GNR WIT 365 Club President Gene Teggatz passed away in Mason City, IA, on July 6. Gene and wife, Sandy were already in Forest City to prepare for the 365 Club Rally to be held at the Winnebago Industries Rally Grounds during prerally week. According to members, Gene was so organized and planned the event so well that the rally was still held in his honor. All attendees of the GNR Opening Ceremonies paid honor to Gene when the 365 Club parade entry passed by while a member played a moving rendition of “When the Saints Go Marching In” on his saxophone. Gene and Sandy were avid fulltime RVers for the past 18 years, where Gene enjoyed sharing his passion for computers and RVing with others. Gene and Sandy conducted computer seminars for our NetWIT Club as well as for the Escapees and several other locations during their travels. They held a computer rally for several years. Gene will be missed by his friends in both 365 Club and NetWIT Club where he had served as a very loyal and active member since purchasing his new Itasca Meridian in 2007. August/September 2012 23 SPECIAL INTEREST CLUB Order Personalized WIT Business Cards 100 Cards for $6.50 MILWIT Central Region Rally Loterbour Isaac & Leah W00000 The MILWIT Central Rally at Rising Sun, IN, at Little Farm on the River, June 18-21. We had a 92-year-old WWII vet and the county Veterans Affairs officer as dinner guests one evening who presented special recognition bills to our veterans of different services and conflicts. Pictured are MILWIT member Roger Cook (center), retired Army veteran of both Korea and Vietnam, WWII vet, former Army Captain Bill McClure (right) and P.G. Gentrup (left), Ohio County Indiana Veterans Service officer. SEND YOUR CLUB OR CHAPTER NEWS TO [email protected] FOR MONTHLY ONLINE PUBLICATION AT www.witclub.com City, Iowa 50436 402 Main Street • Forest 111 1-1 -11 Phone: 111 ail.com E-mail: illoterbour@hotm Keep in touch with the friends you make along the way. Supply your name, WIT number and any of the following information: address, city, state, zip code, phone number, cell phone number and e-mail address. We can include a stock photo of your particular motor home or e-mail us a personal photo to use. Contact us at 641-585-6924 or e-mail us at [email protected] or [email protected] to place your order or for more information. DO YOU HAVE A FRIEND YOU LIKE TO TRAVEL WITH WHO OWNS AN RV, BUT NOT A WINNEBAGO INDUSTRIES RV PRODUCT? NOW YOU AND YOUR FRIEND CAN ATTEND ALL WIT TOURS RALLIES AND CARAVANS TOGETHER! BRING YOUR FRIENDS TO EXPERIENCE MEMORIES TOGETHER THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME. See page 49 for more details. 24 WIT Club News We remember... Marilyn Adams died on June 8. She was a long time member of the Fourwinds Winnies and she and her husband Roger (also deceased July 2010) were officers in the WIT Handicap Club for many years. Dott Fenn, the wife of WIT Club’s first GM Chuck Fenn, passed away on June 8. She is survived by Chuck; a daughter; two step-daughters, two grandchildren and several furry friends. is survived by his wife, Evelyn. We will all miss his wonderful smile and laughter as he brought much joy to our Club, along with his traits of dedication and determination as our leader and fellow member. Charles Brickner, W142, a WIT Club Charter Member, died on July 17. He is survived by his wife, June. They were honorary members of the Prairie Schooners and Charles served as founding president. The couple was active in the club up until two years ago when Charles was unable to drive. His fun spirit brought much to the club and he will be greatly missed by his friends. Vonna Gifford, W68957, passed away May 22nd. She was a beloved member of Okiebagos, OK State Club, and the Green Country Winnies Local Chapter where they served as president, for several years. Vonna was preceded in death by her husband of 63 years, Paul in 2006. Paul and Vonna are survived by two sons and four granddaughters as well as a host of friends. Ralph Owen, W83757, passed away on April 9. He was a member of Winnie Korns and Iowa Winnie Hawks. He was the treasurer of the Winnie Hawks for 10 years. He is survived by wife, Donna, two sons and a daughter. Kathleen “Kathie” Bryant, W61453, Charter Member of the Windmill Winnies passed away on December 30, 2011. She is survived by her best friend and loving husband Robert (Bob) Bryant, her brother and many other family members. Kathie loved gardening, was very active in charity work as well as an active member of several local clubs. She will be missed by the Windmill Winnies and all who knew her. Jean Gudauskas, W149390, passed away on May 12. She is survived by husband, Jerry, two children, and three grandsons. Jack J. Budiselich, W114016, died May 3. He is survived by his wife, Joanne, and his sons, Allen and Brian, and his daughter, Jacklyn, and his son-in-law, David. He will be greatly missed and always in our hearts. Linda Cope, W87215, passed away June 14. She was a member of the Who’s Yur Winnies, Indybagos, and Indiana Meanderers. She is survived by husband Jim, three children and their families, three sisters, and one brother. Harold Curry, W62616, passed away on April 10. He was a member of the DuBol Winnies of Florida. He is survived by wife, Mary Ellen. Ronald H. Gustafson, W116687, passed away April 15. Ron enjoyed outings with the Rose City WinnieTascas, whether close or far. He was always willing to help out when asked and had a good time on the Sunday morning breakfasts the men always prepared for the wives. He is survived by his wife, Diana, three sons, two daughters-in-law and four beautiful granddaughters. E. Morton Marlow, W64124, passed away May 11. He is survived by his wife, Betty Turney; son, Wayne, step-daughter Theresa Turney; and step-grandson, Joshua Turney. He was a great man, loved by all who knew him. He will be missed for his compassion, love and devotion to all the organizations he belonged to, which were many. James R. Miranda, W38748, passed away May 21. Jim was very active in and served as past-President of the Arkansas State Club, Ark-A-Bago. He also had served as President of the WIT Presidents Club. He August/September 2012 Josephine Jones Pearson, W73679, died on April 30. She is survived by husband, Charlie. She was a member of the Dubol Winnies. Henrietta (Jimmie) Taylor, W81000, passed away on 22 May, 2012. Jimmie was an active club member until her health failed. As a Honorary members of the Iowa Corn Belt Campers she was well liked and will be missed. Sandra L. Taylor, W142308, passed away peacefully June 14. She is survived by her husband of almost 50 years, Grant C. Taylor Sr., her son Grant Jr. and his wife Cheryl, her daughter Sheila, and her son Dan, and his wife Amy. She loved her five grandchildren. Sandy was an active member of the New Hampshire State Chapter, Granite State Winnies and past member of the local chapter, White Mountain Winnies. Gene Teggatz, W134958, passed away on July 6. Gene was a very active member of WIT Club, most recently serving as president of the WIT 365 Club. He is survived by wife, Sandy, two daughters, two grandchildren and his mother, Lorena. Donald L. Way, W127848, passed away May 12, 2012. Don is survived by his wife, Cheryl, two sons and a brother and sister. 25 Member Anniversaries Gil & Sandra Bachmann, W149978 51 yrs Bob & Carolyn Berry, W84905 60 yrs Jasper & Wilma Biddy, W64959 50 yrs Jim & Merrelyn Brand, W112455 65 yrs Dalton & Kathy Bray, W137321 51 yrs Ron & Jan Byers, W103862 50 yrs Robert & Melcena Carrell, W112345 56 yrs Dick & Phyllis Connett, W126169 50 yrs Pat & Shirleen Doyle, W107401 50 yrs Herb & Joan Eye, W116968 56 yrs Jim & Ina Fenske, W103884 50 yrs Lew & Mary Fowler, W109634 55 yrs Chuck & Connie Golden, W148558 50 yrs Ed & Marion Graveline, W89248 57 yrs Jack & Bonnie Griffith, W72525 60 yrs Ben & Mildred Grunig, W45756 68 yrs Ron & Rolene Hadwiger, W85844 58 yrs Dick & Connie Hansen, W151929 51 yrs Ray & Janice Hansen, W144182 54 yrs Barrie & Win Harper, W152387 54 yrs Nate & Reatha Hill, W93150 50 yrs Ken & Helen Kirkwood, W122624 50 yrs Bob & Doris Kleinberg, W52205 52 yrs Dick & Carol Kleck, W100621 56 yrs Grayson & Dorothy Koepke, W097718 53 yrs Dick & Lucy LeBlanc, W113180 52 yrs Ray & Mary Jane Lewis, W40770 50 yrs Jim & Joyce Martin, W85258 61 yrs Johnnie & Leora Matranga, W147369 61 yrs George & Barbara McCormick, W093705 60 yrs Jud & Lorraine McDougall, W69400 60 yrs Allen & Lou Michael, W126061 51 yrs Bill & Barbara Nazaroff, W154296 58 yrs Delmar & Rita Picker, W53306 60 yrs Ed & Patricia Reed, W4901 58 yrs John & Verna Rose, W112118 56 yrs Jim & Lynn Rupert, W1125870 50 yrs Harold & Margaret Sadler, W88138 60 yrs Bill & Karin Schulz, W113253 55 yrs Bill & Ann Sherwood, W082278 54 yrs Norm & Jeanne Stephens, W135823 57 yrs Henry & Orlene Stone, W56674 60 yrs Jim & Linda Swindell, W76606 53 yrs Clyde & Virgie Trammel, W108534 56 yrs John & Leila Waldron, W80452 60 yrs Don & Judy Walton, W133297 56 yrs We Go Where You Go! FCIS Insurance can provide all the coverage and service you need for your active lifestyle. • Specialized RV Insurance • Personal Umbrella Liability Policy - Replacement Coverage / Agreed Value • Auto, Home, Long Term Care, - Fulltimer’s Liability Watercraft, ATV, Cycle - Personal Effects • Trip Cancellation / - Vacation Liability Mexico Liability Insurance Because you never know what’s ahead... Call us today for your no-obligation insurance quote (800) 331-1520 or visit our website www.rvadvantage.com 26 WIT Club News WIT Gives at GNR Swimming for food Pat and Doug Formanek along with Lisa Cronkwright were pleased to present 56 non-perishable food items and $188 to Wayne Johns (center) from the North Iowa Food Bank. These items were raised during a dunk tank event held Wednesday during GNR. Thanks to all who made our WIT staff swim AND gave generously toward this project. Doug's first swim was thanks to a gentle "tap" to the lever by wife, Pat. First blood drive successful! THANK YOU to all of our WIT members who helped make our first WIT Gives Blood Drive successful. Lisa received the following message from the American Red Cross after the event: "Thank you so much for all of your hard work and support of your first blood drive yesterday. Congratulations are certainly in order as you well exceeded our expected goal to collect 25 pints of blood, collecting 30 pints of blood. As one blood donation can help save the lives of up to 3 patients in need, the 30 pints you helped to bring could impact as many as 90 patients. For that, the Red Cross cannot thank you enough." We would also like to thank the volunteers who helped at the event, Mary Jane Steffen, Barb Watne and Donna Zwiegel. PA State raises funds for camp Congratulations to the Pennsylvania State Club on the success of their fundraiser during GNR to raise money for Camp Victory located in Millville, PA. The club raffled off a prize package of many Pennsylvania made products during their Tuesday Row Party. Daryl and Bonnie Beck won the raffle drawing. Pennsylvania State Club also decided to donate their award money from winning the Division 1 Decorating Contest toward the fundraiser so a total of $308 was raised for Camp Victory. This money will help send children with serious illnesses to camp. Way to go, PA! August/September 2012 27 WOW! Get a lot of wow for an incredible price with the new Winnebago Vista® and Itasca Sunstar®. The all-new 26HE floorplan features: • a nicely equipped galley • large slideout upfront • swivel cab seats • comfortable dinette • walkaround queen bed • his-and-hers wardrobes • ample storage throughout • our famous build quality and after-sale support Whether you’re an experienced RVer or just starting out, the compact yet spacious 26HE is priced to move — and to get you moving as well! *$69,999 - special promotional pricing at participating dealers for a limited time, promotional pricing in Canada will vary due to exchange rate. ©2013 Winnebago Industries, Inc. 28 WIT Club News Get a whole lotta motor home for not a lotta money: See your nearest Winnebago or Itasca dealer today, or call 1-800-643-4892. GoItasca.com GoWinnebago.com GRAND NATIONAL RALLY 2012 We welcomed over 970 coaches to the Winnebago Industries Rally Grounds during July and if you didn't make it here, you missed out on MUCH more than hot and humid Iowa weather! From special behind-thescenes factory tours and first impressions of shiny, new 2013 RVs to many laughs during our row parties and fantastic daily entertainment throughout what is quickly becoming a two week event — Forest City, Iowa, was the place to be! Many first-time attendees were strategically scheduling their time to take in as many seminars and events as possible and returnees enjoyed catching up with friends from past WIT experiences like GNR or caravans and rallies and competing in favorite contests to maintain their championship titles! We brought back some classic games and contests from the past and added some new events too. Congratulations to everyone who earned some bragging rights during our 2012 GNR! This year's Treasure Island theme Treasure Winner: Harriet Griffing Free Admittance to GNR 2013 inspired our "official host" Captain RRRRV to share some of his treasure. We sent attendees on a treasure hunt for keys - WIT members earned them by volunteering, by attending the WIT Tours seminar or signing up for a caravan or rally, and by geocaching around Forest City. Three winners were awarded fantastic treasure on Thursday afternoon - see our winners below. From all of us here at WIT Club and Winnebago Industries, THANK YOU to the countless volunteers who offered to help make the rally run smoothly. Whether you spent many afternoons assisting arrivals with parking, built your muscle by posting sign after sign, rode the people mover as a conducter or helped guard our treasure chests from anxious "hunters," we can't tell you how much we appreciate each of you for the time you give to the Grand National Rally. Many memories were made, read on to see just a portion of the fun had during GNR 2012 at Treasure Island! Treasure Winner: Peggy Nelsen Free Year Membership to WIT & $100 August/September 2012 Treasure Winner: Dean Tooley $500 toward a WIT Rally or Caravan 29 30 WIT Club News August/September 2012 31 32 WIT Club News August/September 2012 33 34 WIT Club News August/September 2012 35 2012 Grand National Rally GAMES AND CONTEST WINNERS! WIT Duffers Golf Tournament: Beanbag Baseball Tournament: First Place - Pete Puttman, Larry Diaz, Jack Slater, & Dinie Hesseltine First Place - Kansas Second Place - Missouri Second Place - Martin Sofarelli, Ron Funderburke, Debra Dolson, and Junior Branson Third Place - Dick Young, Edward Laginess, Mike Bealer, and Jim Hull Blue Ox Challenge: First Place - Dave & Terry Nystrom (left) Second Place - John & Lucy Scott (right) WIT Rodeo: First Place - Sam Wolfe (right) Second Place - James Kitchens Third Place - James & Sheila Brackett (center) Thanks to Mandy Johnson (far left) and Blue Ox for once again sponsoring this event and awarding beautiful trophies to our winners. Third Place - Steve Barati (not pictured) 36 WIT Club News Row Decorating Contest Winners Three divisions were created for row decorating this year and we brought judges from the community in to consider each row based on theme, creativity, member involvement and if the designs were related to the state. 2012 Navigator’s Nightmare First Place - Bob Allwein & Linda Kline (center) Second Place - Randy & Rene Arrowsmith (right) Third Place - Toby & Barb Watne (left) Division 1, 1-14 units First Place - Pennsylvania Best Newsletter – State Club First Place - Ark-A-Bagos Second Place - Georgia Winnie Rebels Best Newsletter – Local Chapter First Place - Colorado Columbines Second Place -WA Ranier Ramblers Watch our January/February 2013 issue for samples from the winning newsletters and tips for your clubs and chapters! Ark-A-Bagos moved from second last year to first this year - congratulations on your efforts! Division 2, 15-39 units First Place - Kansas Best Web Site – State Club First Place - MI Water Wonderland Winnies Second Place - California State Club Best Web Site – Local Chapter First Place - CA Hi-Desert Rig Runners Second Place - MI Motor Cities Winnies Michigan and California are the states to beat when it comes to Web design - who's up for the challenge next year to claim the prize? Thank you to the NETWITs for organizing the judges and once again assisting with the Web contest! Division 3, 40+ units First Place - Texas August/September 2012 37 Bocci Ball Tournament: (from left) Ladder Toss Tournament: First Place - Darrell & Ruth Feece First Place - Joe & Irene Geisinger (center) Second Place - Lisa Balty & Marcia Fabricius Second Place - Darrell & Ruth Feece (right) Third Place - Delores Frost & Barb Watne Third Place - Robert & Marie Wollin Men's Washer Toss Tournament: Women's Washer Toss Tournament: First Place - Jim Leggett (right) First Place - Irene Geisinger (right) Second Place - Robert Wollin (center) Second Place - Ruth Feece (center) Third Place - Warren Underwood (left) Third Place - Kaye Olson Best of Show Craft Winner: Larry Van Duyn - carved magazine rack Best of Show -State Rallies Craft Winner: Juanita Couch 38 WIT Club News Life’s a Beach Relax . . . Travel in Confidence Special Pricing for WIT Members CALL TODAY! • 888-681-2895 or visit www.nmcOffers.com/WIT facebook.com/CoachNetRV WIT0812 August/September 2012 39 © 2012 National Motor Club Inc., All Rights Reserved Pirate's Pie Eating Contest A good ol' fashioned pie eating contest was held during GNR and much to our surprise and applause, the smallest contestant came away with the biggest win! Mat Pierce of Pennsylvania showed seven other big guys how to get it done - he ate his chocolate cream pie the fastest and walked away with some of Captain RRRRRV's treasure - $50! Way to represent the younger members, Mat! To the rest of you, many thanks for giving all in attendance a good belly laugh and being good sports to play along! Winner Mat Pierce & our fearless pie eating crew! THANK YOU from GNR Youth! Thanks for the generous donations toward gifts and activities for the 2012 GNR Youth program. If your group doesn’t receive a thank you note directly from a participant that means your donation went toward some of the other fantastic exhibits and activities that the kids enjoyed this year. VA Cardinal Winnies Tascas Western Winnie Tarwheels Silver State Travelers Connecticut Nutmeg Winnies Wisconsin W.I. State Club Center Travelers Delmarva Winnies CA State Club of WIT NetWIT Club Grand Canyon Winnies WIT Duffers Illinois Indians State Club Mid Florida Winnies Vegas Rollers Peninsula Winnies NC Winnie Tarwheels Virginia Coasters Nebraska Cornhusker Winnie Tascas Big Red Winnies Vol. State Winnies Cardinal Capers Delaware Valley Winnies Winnehaha Club Ozark Winnies Texas W Club 40 The kids spent a fun-filled day at Adventureland Park in Des Moines, played their favorite video games in a state-of-the-art game trailer, bungy jumped, climbed inflatables and enjoyed hours on the traditional carnival rides. Your investment was much appreciated by these future WIT members and their families! Thank you! Hi-Desert Rig Runners Caloosa Winnies of SW FL Windy City Winnies Fox Valley Winnies Rocky Top Travelers Pelican Winnies of Louisiana Maumee Valley Winnies Nodak Flickertails Four Winds Winnies Heartland Winnies Excelsior Winnies Golden Bear Winnies Green Country Winnies Wandering Ohio Winnies High Plains Roamers Pennsylvania State WIT Club Florida State Winnie Gators Indybagos New York State Ononbago Winnies of CNY WIT-LEO WIT Border Cities Travelers ArkABagos Wash-I-Bagos International Association of Local Presidents WIT Club News Winnie Poo Club Sooner Schooners Palmetto Winnebago Club Winnie MO TASCA Whos Yur Winnies Colorado Columbines Buckeye Winnies RiverCity Winnies Granity State Winnies Keshequa Winnies We Wan To Go Water Wonderland Northwest Regional Rally Iowa Winnie Hawks Maine-A-Bagos Chief Winnies Cardinal Winnies of OH Gator Travelers Seaside Winnies of East Central FL MILWIT WIT Singers WIT 365 Club In Memory of Gene Teggatz WIT Singles IAWSP Space Coast Winnies Happy Camper Cookoff Team TN - Steve & Connie Pacheco! 2012 Cookoff Champions!! The sandwich and side that was served was a combination of recipes and experience. In keeping with the Pirate theme, we tried to create a sandwich and side that might be consistent with a pirate’s life. As longtime sailors off the New England coast, we knew that it was common to store root vegetables in the bilge. Pirates may have stored onions and sweet potatoes in this manner. While they were meat eaters, keeping meat fresh on long sea voyages would have been difficult. They must have processed and preserved the meat in same manner. This led to the use of sausage. While hard tack was probably the “bread” of many pirates, we thought the judges would prefer something with more appeal! We could believe that the pirate ships sailed in and out of Africa and that they could have feasted on African Naan Bread. And the last consideration for the menu was the fact that we are Tennessee Pirates. No dish would be complete without Jack Daniels. So, the cook-off entry was created. A sandwich of grilled sausage patty, with Jack Daniels caramelized onion relish, served on grilled Naan bread, with Cajun Sandwich Spread. And a side of Lad and Lassie Sweet potato slices, one hot and one sweet (with Jack Daniels). The sandwich and side was designed from the following recipes.(For the Sausage, we purchased sausage patties from our local butcher.) Spiced Grilled Sweet Potatoes Courtesy of Whole Foods. Serves 8 A simple spice rub makes a tasty complement to grilled sweet potatoes. Serve alongside grilled pork, chicken or other vegetables. Ingredients 4 medium sweet potatoes (about 3 pounds), scrubbed well 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon paprika 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon chipotle powder 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1/4 cup olive oil Method Cover potatoes with cold salted water in a large pot, then bring to a boil. Simmer until slightly resistant when pierced with a sharp small knife, 5 to 7 minutes. Drain well. When cool, slice potatoes. Mix together salt, spices and apple cider vinegar; add oil in a slow stream. Brush this mixture on sweet potatoes. Grill potatoes on a lightly oiled grill rack over medium heat, until grill marks appear and potatoes are cooked through, about 15 minutes. Serve potatoes warm. Sweeter Grilled Sweet Potatoes Using the same general steps outlined in the Spiced Grilled Sweet potatoes, we created a sweet basting sauce to contrast with the spiciness of the first recipe. This basting sauce was made as follows: 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 tablespoons Jack Daniels 1/4 cup olive oil Cajun Sandwich Spread 2 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 tablespoon red pepper jelly 2 heaping teaspoons Creole mustard ¼ teaspoon salt Mix all ingredients and spread on both slices of bread Caramelized Onion Relish 1. In a large frying pan, heat vegetable oil over high heat. Add sliced onions (4 onions) and lower the heat to medium. Add some salt and pepper to taste; mix thoroughly. 2. Sweat the onions down for 15 minutes and stir occasionally. You want the onions to get very soft. 3. Add sugar (3 tablespoons) and reduce the heat to low. Mix thoroughly and cook for 5 to 120 minutes until most of the liquid is absorbed. 4. Add balsamic vinegar and Jack Daniels (about ½ cup combined, to taste). Mix thoroughly and cook for 20 to 40 minutes until the relish becomes a dark rich syrup. Directions from the Naan Bread package To Grill: Sprinkle lightly with water using a small spray bottle. Grill 2 to 3 minutes, turning once. Serve hot. Bread is even tastier when brushed with premium-quality olive oil or butter, just before serving. Winnebago Industries News GNR attendees take a peek at 2013! Our 2012 Grand National Rally attendees were the first to see the 2013 Winnebago, Itasca, Era, and SunnyBrook model lines all on display at the Winnebago Industries Rally Grounds. This was the first time that the GNR display included towable products from Winnebago and SunnyBrook. Curious members or those hoping to recruit their friends or family who prefer towable products could be seen reviewing the towable product display throughout the week.To find out more about the Winnebago Industries product lineup, visit your local dealer or visit www.winnebagoind.com. Winnebago Minnie The brightest stars of the towable product display were the eye-catching Minnie trailer models – the 18ft. Minnie in green and the 21-ft. Minnie in bright yellow. Members lined up on opening night just to get a glimpse inside these new additions to the Winnebago brand lineup. The 21-ft. Minnie features include: • Walkaround queen bed with an overhead cabinet or optional bunk • Slideout sofa and dinette table • Inline galley with double door Dometic refrigerator • Large bath with storage Winnebago Vista 26HE A popular floorplan in the Class A Gas lineup is the all-new Winnebago Vista 26HE. This value-priced model is built with our legendary quality, but will surprise you with all its great features. • Single slide • Swivel cab seats • Dinette • Queen bed with shirt closet/wardrobe on either side of bed • Full-featured galley Winnebago Journey 42E A standout star on opening night in the motorized display was the Winnebago Journey 42E. It was standing room only in this display unit. One young attendee was ready to take us all on a road trip as he quickly jumped behind the wheel! Check out these great highlights: • Tag axle • Full wall slide • Ultraleather Rest Easy extendable sectional sofa • 40” LCD HDTV with available fireplace below • Mid-coach guest half bath • Private master bath with Big Shower • Powered queen or optional king bed with Ideal Rest® Natural Reserve® digital comfort control mattress 42 WIT Club News WIT hits the "show circuit" Itasca Navion iQ 24V All new in the Itasca Navion lineup for 2013 is the Navion iQ 24V. This popular Class C features our exclusive L-shaped Sectional Dinette to add extra seating just when you need it. Remove the table when not in use for even more floorspace. • Twin beds can be converted into a king bed with the Flex Bed system • Sprinter chassis with Mercedes-Benz diesel engine – 11,030-lb. GVWR • Wardrobe • Curved bath wall opens up hall walkway • Comfort Sofa/Sleeper with removable table • Available L-shaped Ultraleather™ sectional dinette with removable table If you are traveling through or planning to visit one of the major fall RV shows this fall, we hope you'll stop to visit some familiar WIT Club faces in our Winnebago Industries product display. WIT Club will be represented at four rallies and RV shows in the coming months to promote our club and events. Thinking about a 2013 Caravan or Rally? We'll have the information you need and can answer questions. Bring your friends or just stop in to say hi at one of these following events: • August 27-30 FMCA Rally, Indianapolis, IN • September 12-16 Penn RV Show, Hershey, PA • October 12-21 California RV Show, Pomona, CA • January 15-20 Florida RV Super Show, Tampa, FL Winnebago Industries Interactive Parts Program Winnebago Industries is proud to present our newest innovation for our customers, the Winnebago Industries InE C I A L S3D E C T I imagery O N : PA R T S for 2011 product lines, dealership service personteractive Parts catalog is now available online.S PUsing nel as well as our customer are able "cut away" the layers of a specific model to find the exact part needed to solve the issue. This use of technology will further ensure the correct part is WIPs ordered the first time!into Trainingshape sessions were Winnebago parts offered during Grand National Rally to an enthusiastic audience. By Mary Anne Shreve To utilize this new catalog, visit our Winnebago Industries site at argy Fisher, partsWeb service manager at Souderton, PA, is excited www.winnebagoind.com and choose the ResourcesFretz tabRV, from the about Winnebago’s recentlyhome launched onlinethe interactive parts catalog, dubbed WIP. page. Then choose Manuals & Diagrams to find Parts Catalog link. The technology allows her to call up a threepicture of a specificto RVlook model, at This link will open a new browser window wheredimensional you can choose rotate or flip it to any angle, highlight a desired previous model years in our original format in Adobe Acrobat for part and view it in 3-D, thenReader order it – all on one screen. The ability to research the part and Model Year 2010 or older or view parts for Model Years 2011 and Newer order without having to navigate through and screens will halve the in the new Interactive Parts format where bothdifferent 3D programs and 2D viewers are time spent on the ordering process, she says. available. “It used to be we’d have to go to one place to find a part number, then open a whole other The program was launched to our dealer personnel init. the spring with program to order Now, it’s all right there – what you want? Click. customers Done. Gone,” says positive results. We are happy to offer this newthat’s service to our Fisher. It’s also much easier to identify parts when and hope you will find it useful as well. M they’re in 3-D, she says, and that feature – an industry first – “will make a tremendous difference in making sure we order and receive the right part.” The Winnebago Interactive Parts catalog intro’d last fall and is being rolled out now to dealerships. With a database that includes 80 August/September 2012 Managers can specify an RV by model, year, and color, then view the desired part in 3-D and order it from the same page. 43 WIT Tours Congratulations to our drawing winners of $500 toward a WIT Tours Rally or Caravan. Gerald and Dee Frost Dundee, IL Charles and Ellen Zucker Port Charlotte, FL Larry and Audrey Dumke Watertown, SD Mike and Joyce Heininger Murphysboro, IL Many thanks to Farm & City Insurance Services for their generous sponsorship of this drawing! Receiving their $500 certificates at GNR are from left: Ellen Zucker, Larry & Audrey Dumke, Delores Frost, Farm & City Insurance Services' Twyla Stenzel, and Joyce & Mike Heininger. Make your 2013 travel plans now! WIT Tours is now taking reservations for 2013 tours. To sign up for a rally or caravan, please call the WIT office at 1-800-643-4892, Ext 1, to make your reservation, or fill out a rally/caravan registration form found on line at www.witclub.com, or in your Club News, and mail or fax to the WIT office at WIT Tours, PO Box 268, Forest City, IA 50436 - Fax # (641)585-6703. We have much to offer you and ALL of your friends! WIT Tours 2013 Schedule Dates subject to change. Rose Parade Rally December 28, 2012-January 2, 2013 Millions of spectators in person and on television will once again focus on the beauty of Pasadena, CA, as the Tournament of Roses Parade showcases a New Year’s festival like no other! From insider looks at the floats and Band Fest to the Ronald Reagan Library and a Warner Brothers Studios VIP tour - this is a rally to not miss! 2012 Price 44 Pasadena Rose Parade Rally - Pasadena, CA Dec. 28, 2012-Jan. 2, 2013 Puerto Penasco, Mexico Rally #1 February 11-22 Puerto Penasco, Mexico Rally #2 February 25-March 8 Florida Sunshine Rally - Naples & Key West April 3-12 San Antonio Fiesta Rally April 21-29 Cajun Culture Rally April 24-30 Oklahoma City Rally NEW for 2013! June 12-19 Maritime Caravan - New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI June 12-July 12 Alaska Caravan July 14-Sept 1 Canadian Rockies/Calgary Stampede July 2-10 Twin Cities Adventure NEW for 2013! July 8-14 Grand National Rally July 21-26 Grand Circle Caravan - Utah, Arizona, Colorado September 4-October 1 River Road Caravan Includes states of MN, IA, WI, MO, TN, MS, LA September 15-October 22 Pasadena Rose Parade Rally December 28, 2012 – January 2, 2013 Pasadena, in sunny southern California, each year hosts The Tournament of Roses to showcase its paradise of blooming flowers and fruits. On January 1, 2013, millions of spectators in person and on television will once again be focused on Pasadena, CA, as the Tournament showcases a New Year’s festival better than any other. Oh, the Places You’ll Go! the theme for the 124th Pasadena Rose Parade, one that promises to be better than the last with its vast array of flowers and music. Be a part of the Tournament of Roses festivities in addition to day tours by charter bus to Simi Valley, home of the newly renovated Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum and LA to visit the famous LA Farmers Market and Warner Brothers Studio in Burbank. WIT members will stay five nights at the beautiful East Shore RV Park, located on the bank of stream-fed Puddingstone Lake in San Dimas, California. 1 unit 2 people: $1,850 1 unit 1 person: $1,165 Each guest: $900 Made in America Tour - York Co & Gettysburg, PA NEW for 2013! September 8-14 ▶ Rose Parade floats New YorkupFall Rally enjoy a close look in the final stages of decorating Norsk - Minot, ND in the floatHostFest barns located in Pasadena. NM Balloon Fiesta ▶ Albuquerque, NEW! Warner Brothers VIP Tour – Tour the working Smoky Rally studio lot onMountain private trams with visits to soundstages, In and Around Las Vegas Rally transportation museum and the main Warner Brothers Museum. Palm Springs Getaway ▶ LA Farmer’s Market – Southern California’s popular area to eat, shop and stroll. ▶ Bandfest – the music comes alive as you watch selected bands from all over the country perform as they will in the Rose Parade. ▶ New Year’s Eve social - hot hors d’oeuvres in the campground hall. WIT Club News September 19-27 October 1-6 October 3-11 October 6-13 October 17-22 October 27-November 3 Puerto Penasco Florida Sunshine Rally 2013 PUERTO PENASCO RALLY SCHEDULE February 11-22, February 25-March 8 April 3-12 RALLY # 1 – FEBRUARY 11 – 22, 2013 | RALLY # 2 – FEBRUARY 25 – MARCH 8, 2013 Sun, fun and relaxation await you in Puerto Penasco! This small fishing town has blossomed into a popular modern day vacation destination. Enjoy 10 nights at Playa Bonita RV Park with full 21 - 29, 2013 hookups and manyApril optional activities with experienced rally hosts. Four evening You asked for it! Youmeals got it! WIT members just, Get Enough,” sun, fun, and relaxation Penasco, Mexico. Due to so including entertainment one“Can’tbreakfast buffet atin Puerto Puesta Del Oneand of America’s truly great festivals, Fiesta San Antonio takes many requests, WIT Tours has added two days in Puerto Penasco, Mexico during place every Aprilthe to2013 honor memory Sol. Puertothe Penasco Rallies! of the heroes of the Alamo SAN ANTONIO FIESTA RALLY 2013 Price ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ DAY 1 – Rally orientation, social time and welcome dinner held at Bonita Lake RV Resort. DAY 2 – Naples Zoo/Caribbean Gardens, City Tour of Naples to include lunch on 5th Avenue. DAY 3 – Tour of the tropical island paradise of Sanibel and Captiva Islands to include lunch, the world-famous Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum, and a 1 ½ hour cruise of the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and Pine Island Sound seeing wildlife such as dolphins and exotic bird life. DAY 4 - Airboat Everglades Excursion, Taste of Everglades 2013 1 unit 2 people: $2,500 1 unit 1overperson: $555 1 unit 1 person: $1,600 60 miles from the USA border which makes the seaside city a popular drivePrice Only in Acadiana, the south central part of Louisiana, destination by visitors from the USA. Eachtoguest: $340 What Puerto Penasco rally Each guest: $1,150 WIT members will rendezvous for a one-night stay at Augie’s Quail Trail will you find the perfect blend of story telling, music, RV Park in Gila Bend, AZ with full hookups. The maximum number of units we dancing food to give you a true sense of the Cajun will take on each event is 30. Travel time from Augie’s Quailand Trail RV Park to • Friendly, relaxed atmo• Rally hosts and assistant Puerto Penasco, Mexico is 3-4 hours. Rally participants be ledHeritage. into Mexico WIT Tours Culturewilland invites you to join them sphere. hosts. by experienced staff members in one group traveling in close proximity to each as you travel through the historic towns, • The local people.many that • Entertainment. other with a staff member bringing up the tail end of the group. • Weather. • maintain their turn of the century atmosphere,Meeting new WIT When returning to the United States, you will be escorted againoriginal by staff • Having our motor home friends. members to the US/Mexican border in one group. and experience the way of life of a fun-loving, hard • Security of caravancleaned. • Sand dollar/Claming. ning with a group into working people. RALLY PRICE INCLUDES: participants like best about the rally: San Antonio Fiesta Rally Cajun Culture Rally April 21-29 April 24-30 YOUR RALLY PRICE WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: ➤ TOW CARS ARE RECOMMENDED ON THIS EVENT. 1 unit 2 people: $825April 24 – 30, 2013 and the Battle of SanPuerto Jacinto, toalong celebrate Sannortheastern Antonio’s rich Penascoand is located the magnificent shore of the Sea of Cortez Mexico, which is alsoFiesta known asRally the Gulfhas of California. Commonly This event is subject to change without prior notice due to circumstances and diverse cultures. TheinSan Antonio something referred to abyparade American visitors as Rocky Point,really this smallfloat fishingdown town has the beyond our control, or for the best interest of the participants. for everyone including where floats blossomed into a popular modern day vacation destination. Rocky Point is a little San Antonio River. ➤ Evening dinner along the River Walk while viewing the River Parade. ➤ Night in Old San Antonio at La Villita. ➤ Battle of Flowers Parade (reserved seating) ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ Join us in Naples, FL, the crown jewel of SW Florida nestled on the sun-drenched beaches fo the Gulf of Mexico, and only steps away from the It is compulsory while traveling in Mexico to have Mexican Public untamed tropical wilderness Liability Vehicle Insurance, (not included in your rally price). Liability insurThe Everglades. We'll also ance providesof NO comprehensive coverage for collision, overturning, fire, etc. Full coverage insurance is available, but we recommend you check travel by catamaran to Key You’re 2013 Florida Sunshine Rally will include campwith your own insurance company for full coverage. WIT will provide fees for 9Crown nights at the beautiful Bonita Lake RV Westtofor a two-night's stay at theing Historic Plaza Hotel and insurance information rally participants in your rendezvous information Resort, Bonita Springs, FL with full hookups PLUS….. mailed out approximately 6 weeks prior to the beginning of the event. have a free day in Key West to take in all this paradise has to offer. Cajun Culture & Heritage Rally FIESTA HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ and only steps away from the untamed tropical wilderness of The Everglades. Here you’ll discover a gentle pace and a tropical ambience amid excitement, exploration and discovery. During the 2013 Florida Sunshine Rally, you will travel by catamaran from Fort Myers Marina for a TWO-NIGHT STAY in the tropical paradise of Key West, Florida. Key West is a major tourist destination and is steeped in history and lore. Stories of pirates, slavers, authors, and artists abound. There is probably more to see and do in Key Luncheon, an will take you West than all the other Keys combined. Day 5 – Brun Edison-Ford W DAY 6 - 3-Ho night’s stay a of Key West, and Grill. DAY 7 - Free DAY 8 –Lunc West to Fort DAY 9 - Free • Location. Mexico. 1 night with full hookups at Augie’s Quail Trail RV Park, Gila Bend, AZ. • The balance of planned • Fishing. Welcome dinner. WIT members will stay at Poche’s Fish-N-Camp, events and free time. Breaux • The food. 10 nights with full hookups at Playa Bonita R.V. Park. Bridge, for six nights with full hook-ups. 4 evening at PuestaHarris Del SolRestaurant. Neal meals & Cathy at Mission San Jose 1 breakfast buffet at Puesta Del Sol Restaurant. Entertainment/Mexican Happy Hours(cash bar) at Puesta Del Sol Restaurant. 1 Unit 2 People .......................... $ 825.00 ◊ 1 Shrimp Boil/Potluck. 1 Unit 1 Person .......................... $ 555.00 ◊ Optional activities available. Each Guest: ................................ $ 340.00 ◊ Experienced Rally Hosts to this area. ◊ Taxes and gratuity. To sign up, call WIT at 800-643-4892, Ext. 1 or fill out and return a registration form found on the Web at Note: The Puerto Penasco Rallies do not occur during Spring Break. www.witclub.com or in WIT Club News. ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ 8 nights with full hookups at Admiralty RV Resort. Rally orientation. Welcome dinner. Historic Old San Jose Mission. of “The America's 40-minute One IMAX film, Alamo, Thetruly Price ofgreat Freedom”. festivals, Fiesta San Antonio, Tour of the Alamo. place every April to Institute oftakes Texas Culture Center. El Mercadohonor (The Market). the memory of the Barge trip down the San Antonio River. heroes of the Alamo and the 7-2012 SAS Factory Shoe Store. Battle of(Home SanofJacinto. The Texas Whitehouse former U.S.This President, Lyndon B. Johnson). celebration of San Antonio's German Community of Fredericksburg to include rich and diverse cultures has lunch. National Museum of the Pacific something forWar. everyone including a Sea World of Texas. float down the San Antonio River. Farewell dinner. Continental breakfast. 2013 RALLY PRICE Only in Acadiana, the south central part of Louisiana, will you find the perfect blend of story telling, music, dancing, and food to give you a true sense of the Cajun Culture and Heritage. Travel through historic towns, many that maintain their original turn of the century Becky & Dick Laszewski from TOUR HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:and experience the way of life of a fun loving, hardparade where really atmosphere, Greenwood, SC atfloats the El Mercado working people. Orientation and welcome dinner at Pat’s Fisherman’s Wharf 2013 RALLY PRICE 2013 Oklahoma City Rally Price in Henderson. 1 Unit 2 People ...........................$1,895.00 $1,895 Rally price includes rally host, camping fees, admission to attractions1andunit meals 21people: Unit 1 Person ...........................$1,220.00 noted in itinerary, motor coach transportation to attractions and events noted, Vermillionville – recreated village of life in Southwest Guest: .................................$ 830.00 1 unit 1Each person: $1,220 taxes and gratuity. Louisiana between 1765 – 1890 with local artisans and June 12-19, 2013 Each guest: $830 2013 musicians sharing their music, stories and Price traditions. 7-2012 The attractions and events for Located the 2013 San FiestaofRally subject to sign up, call WIT at 800-643-4892, 1 or fillof outauthentic and in Antonio the heart the are state, Oklahoma City offers aTolively atmosphere accented withExt. western Home-style lunch Cajun and Creole cuisine; change without prior notice duesteeped to circumstances beyondWIT ourTours control,will or for the you to the variousreturn charm in history. take districts, unique restaurants, thethe waterfront, a registration form found on Web at www. Jean Lafitte Acadian Culture Center – exhibits on the best interest of the caravan participants world-class museums and the must see Oklahoma City National Memorial or & in Museum. witclub.com WIT Club News. Oklahoma City Rally Acadian exile; LakeofMartin WIT members will camp seven nights at Twin Fountains RV Park, located in the “Adventure District” Oklahoma City. OK and tour six days by charter bus. Cajun crawfish skiffs. Highlights of your tour include the following: June 12-19 Day 1: Orientation and catered welcome dinner. Day 2: National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum – celebrate the history of one of the most beloved eras in America featuring one of the most comprehensive collections of Western art exhibited. Lunch at Persimmon Hill Restaurant. St. Martinville - St. Martinville Cultural Heritage Center, Duchamp Opera House and farewell dinner. 1 unit 2 people: $1,525 Continental Breakfast prior to departure. 1 unit 1 person: $975 Your rally guest: price includes rally hosts, six nights camping Each $900 with full hookups, six meals and one continental breakfast, admission to attractions noted in itinerary, busing to all events with step on guide each day, taxes and gratuity. Maritime Caravan - guided swamp tour on open RALLY PRICE June 12-July 12 1 Unit 2 2013 People ...........................$1,525.00 landscaped walkways, dancing waterfalls, sculptures and ponds. Downtown Breaux Bridge breakfast at Café Des A Me. in the heart of the city you will visit the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum, a peaceful monument that pays tribute to those who were killed and those who survived the April 19, 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. Farewell dinner in Bricktown. Crowley – Kelly’s Landing, Agricultural Museum, farm tour 1 Unit 1 Person ........................... and lunch, Martin’s Accordion with a jam session of Cajun, Each Guest: ................................. Country, Gospel and Zydeco music. See history come alive as we visit an $ 975.00 $ 900.00 Oklahoma City offers a lively atmosphere accented with enchanting New Iberia – Rip Van Winkle Gardens, Joseph cluster Jefferson of provinces that are To sign up, call WIT at 800-643-4892, Ext. 1 or fill out and western charm steeped in history. for their rugged coastline and Home, lunch at Café Jefferson;known Bayou Teche Museum. return a registration form found on the Web at www. Visit various districts, unique distinct maritime culture. Locatedwitclub.com in the or in WIT Club News. 7-2012 restaurants, the waterfront, worldfar eastern shore of Canada, we will visit class museums and the must New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, a province see OKC National Memorial and filled with idyllic fishing villages and travel to Prince Edward Island Museum. Rally includes seven via the Confederation Bridge. Oklahomain City National Memorial & Museum District nights at Twin Fountains RV Park located the Adventure Oklahoma Land Run Monument price includes rally host, 7 nights with full hook-up camping fees, admission of OKC and six days charter bus tour.Rally to attractions and meals noted in itinerary, motor coach transportation, taxes Day 3: Oklahoma State Capitol – built in 1917 this Greco-Roman structure houses murals and paintings of Oklahoma’s history. Overholser Mansion – the first mansion in Oklahoma City with its original furnishings and fixtures. Harn Homestead Museum – 10 acre historical homestead claimed during the Great Land Run of 1889. Oklahoma History Center- discover Oklahoma’s unique American Indian heritage and intriguing modern-day history. Lunch included. Day 4: Oklahoma City Museum of Art - a showcase of exhibitions drawn from throughout the world highlighting European and American art of the 19th and 20th centuries, including an amazing collection of Dale Chihuly glass sculptures. In the historic Stockyards City district enjoy dinner at Cattlemen’s Steakhouse, home to the best steak in the West. The Rodeo Opry – be entertained by the best in country and gospel entertainment in historic Stockyards City. Day 5: Free day. 2013 Price and gratuity. The attractions and events for the 2013 Oklahoma City Rally are subject to 1 unit 2 people: $1,750 change without prior notice due to circumstances beyond our control, or for the best interest of the caravan participants 1 unit 1 person: $1,075 Each guest: $875 2013 RALLY PRICE 1 Unit 2 People ...........................$1,750.00 1 Unit 1 Person ...........................$1,075.00 Each Guest: .................................$ 875.00 2013 Price August/September 2012 7-2012 1 unit 2 people: $3,950 1 unit 1 person: $2,600 Each guest: $1,500 45 Your rally pric tractions and transportatio 2 1 UNIT 2 1 UNIT 1 EACH GU To si regi WIT history firsthand. It is an opportunity for you to see parts of British Columbia, the Yukon Territory, and Alaska that might otherwise be missed, from meeting some of the local people in the towns we visit, to seeing some of the local sights and scenery. Your caravan to Alaska in 2013 will not only bring you unforgettable memories, you will also experience the following caravan highlights: Alaska Caravan Day 1-2 – Dawson Creek, B.C. - Caravan Orientation - Welcome dinner. Your caravan price includes camping fees, admission to attractions and meals noted in the itinerary, 2013 Milepost Magazine, taxes and gratuity. Bussing is provided on the majority of the tours except when it is impractical for bussing a short distance. In this case you will use your tow cars. Your caravan price includes caravan hosts and tailenders. Note: WIT Tours reserves the right to run this caravan without a tailender if we do not meet the minimum number required for two staff units. NOTE: The electric service on this caravan will not always accommodate your air conditioner or electric heater. July 14-September 1IMPORTANT: Identification is necessary for Customs and Immigration. All Day 3 - Fort Nelson, B.C. Day 4 - Muncho Lake, B.C. Day 5 - Watson Lake, Y.T. - Evening dinner. Day 6-8 - Whitehorse, Y.T. - Pioneer Banquet - Cruise through Miles Canyon - City Tour of Whitehorse Two-Hour Follies show. US and Canadian citizens will need a valid passport when crossing the US/ Canadian border. Don't miss the chance to Day 9 – Destruction Bay, Y.T. – Breakfast at the campground. travel with friends to see Day 10-11 – Tok, Alaska – Optional – Chicken, Alaksa of- Columbia the most Day 12-15 - Valdez,some Alaska - City Tour Glacier Cruisemagnificent - Free day – Optional fishing. scenery in the world! Visit Day 16-19 - Anchorage, AK - Anchorage City Tour to include lunch – Anchorage Museum of History &parts Art – Alaskaof WildBritish Berry Products –Columbia, Alaska Native Heritage the Museum - Free day. Yukon Territory, and Alaska Day 20-21 - Seward, AK - Alaska Sealife Center - Free day – Optional fishing. youdinner might Day 22-23 - Homer,that Alaska - Evening - Free day –otherwise Optional fishing. Day 24 - Kenai, AK miss with experienced 2013 CARAVAN PRICE Day 25-26 - Palmer, AK - Matanuska Valley Tour to include the Agricultural Showcase caravan hosts and tailenders. Optional fishing excursions Garden, the Colony House Museum, the Musk Ox Farm, and lunch. 1 Unit 2 People ......................... $6,600.00 available. Day 27- 30 - Denalialso National Park, AK - Cabin Nite Dinner Theatre – Husky Homestead 1 Unit 1 Person ......................... $4,150.00 Tour - Denali National Park Tour – Free day. 2013 Price Each Guest: ............................... $3,050.00 Day 31-34 - Fairbanks, AK - Alaska Salmon Bake - Palace Saloon Show - Fairbanks City Tour - Riverboat Discovery Tour - Free day with optional Barrow, Alaska and Arctic Circle Tour. Day 35 – Tok, Alaska Day 36 – Destruction Bay, Y.T. - BBQ Dinner. 6-2012 1 unit 2 people: $6,600 To sign up, call WIT at 800-643-4892, Ext. 1 or fill out 1 unit 1 person: $4,150 and return a registration form found on the Web at www.witclub.com Each guest: $3,050or in WIT Club News. TWIN CITIES ADVENTURE Minneapolis / St. Paul Twin The Cities Adventure Land of Sky Blue Waters! July 8-14 1 unit 2 people: $1,250 1 unit 1 person: $750 Each guest: $525 2013 RALLY PRICE Unit 2 People ......................... $1,250.00 River Road Caravan11 Unit 1 Person ......................... $ 750.00 Each Guest: ............................... $ 525.00 ST CROIX CRUISE To sign up, call WIT at 800-643-4892, Ext. 1 or fill out and return a registration form found on the Web at www.witclub.com or in WIT Club News. The Great River follows the September 15 Road - October 22, 2013 Mississippi River from its humble The Great River Road follows the Mississippi River from its humble headwaters in the north woods of Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. As you headwaters in the north woods of travel along the Great River Road and through the ten-state region, you'll Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. As discover a rich and diverse history, culture and landscape. you travel along the Great River Road CARAVAN HIGHLIGHTS: and through the ten-state region, you'll Day 1-2: Bemidji,aMNrich – Welcome Social,diverse Caravan Orientation, Headwadiscover and history, culture ters of the Mississippi, Lake Itasca Boat Tour, Welcome Dinner, presentation and See more details of this 38 of “Thelandscape. Lost Voyager.” Day 3-4: Brainerd, MN – Mille Lacks Indian Museum Trading Post, Charles day excursion at www.witclub.com. Lindbergh Historic Site, Lindenonline Hill Historical Center, and lunch. Day 5-8: Minneapolis, MN – Twin Cities Highlights Tour to include both downtowns of Minneapolis and St. Paul, lunch, and the Science Museum of Minnesota. You will also enjoy a day at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, and a Mississippi River Brunch Cruise. Day 9: Prairie du Chien, WI Day 10-12: Galena, IL – Trolley Tour of Galena, City Tour of Dubuque, admission to the National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium, and free day with evening dinner followed by Mark Twain and the Laughing River Theater. Day 13: Danville, IA Day 14-15: Hannibal, MO – Trolley tour of Hannibal, Mark Twain Home & Museum, and Mark Twain River Boat Cruise. Day 16-19: St. Charles, MO - City Tour of St. Louis to include AnheuserBusch, lunch, and the St. Louis Basilica Cathedral. Tour the Gateway Arch & 2013 Price 46 IMPOR is nece Immig that al passpo U.S./Ca Banff National Park is a vast untamed territory that begs to be Banff National is aroam vast untamed territory explored.Park Wild animals the valleys, eagles soar over the Canadian Rockybe Mountains, and pure water streams into rivers from 1,000 glaciers. that begs to explored from eagles soaring Hundreds of years ago aboriginal natives first discovered its beauty, over the Canadian Rocky Mountains to pure quickly followed by explorers, map makers, and mountain climbers. And now you! into rivers from a 1,000 water streaming Your tour will include 9 nights of camping with full hookups at glaciers! Your include nine offrom Springtour Creek RV will Campground in Canmore, Alberta nights located 14 miles Banff National and a day at “The Outdoor Show on Earth,” camping with full Park, hookups at Greatest Spring Creek RV The Calgary Stampede. Campground in Canmore, Alberta, located 14 highlights include: miles fromTour Banff National Park and a day at the DAYStampede. 1 – WELCOME SOCIAL, RALLY ORIENTATION AND WELCOME DINNER. The Calgary DAY 2 - 1-HOUR RAFTING FLOAT TOUR down the Bow River between Tunnel Mountain and Mount Rundle, lunch at the Banff Park Lodge, Johnson Canyon, Castle Mountain, and Vermilion Lakes. DAY 3 - The Jewel of the Rockies, LAKE LOUISE, where majestic mountains soaring skyward are reflected in the lake, lunch at Chateau Lake Louise, Valley of the Ten Peaks and Moraine Lake, YOHO NATIONAL PARK, and Emerald Lake. DAY 4 - COLUMBIA ICEFIELDS, where you will travel across massive accumulation of ice and snow left over from the last Ice Age inside an all-terrain vehicle. Lunch included on this tour. DAY 5 – FREE DAY DAY 6 – BRUNCH BUFFET AT THE FAIRMONT BANFF SPRINGS HOTEL, a legendary castle in the Rockies, tour of the BOW VALLEY PARKWAY, and a ride to the top of SULPHUR MOUNTAIN in a glass-enclosed gondola. DAY 7 - CALGARY STAMPEDE ADMISSION WITH RESERVED SEATING AT THE EVENING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CHUCKWAGON RACING followed by a GRANDSTAND SHOW SPECTACULAR with hundreds of singers, dancers and musicians. (Optional) Afternoon Stampede Rodeo with bull riding, barrel racing, steer wrestling, and wild cow milking, or City Tour of Calgary. DAY 8 - The award winning OH CANADA EH?! DINNER SHOW. DAY 9 – CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST. 2013 Price Your ra ing fee to mos mission in itine day at with ad Chuckwagon Races, 6 meals, taxes, gratuity and ra Note: Tow cars may be used when busing is impra short distance. 1 unit 2 people: $2,600 Note: The attractions and events for the 2013 Can 1 unit 1 person: $1,675 Calgary Stampede are subject to change without p Each guest: $1,100 cumstances beyond our control, or for the best inte This event consists of days in which you will be awa home for long periods of time. 2013 RALLY PR Grand Circle Caravan 2013 Grand National Rally, July 21 – 25, 2013. Dakotah Meadows RV Park is located approximately 125 miles from Forest City, IA. Your rally price includes your rally hosts, 6 nights of camping with full hook-ups, admission to attractions and meals noted in Itinerary, motor coach transportation, taxes and gratuity. The attractions and events for the 2013 Minneapolis, St. Paul Adventure are subject to change without prior notice due to circumstances beyond our control, or for the best interest of the rally participants. RIVER ROAD September 15-October 22 CARAVAN July 2-10 September 4-October 1 Experience two spectacular cities which both have their own charming ways! Your tour will narrate the highlights of Minneapolis, St. Paul and neighborhoods in between including historic FORT SNELLING sites, legendary homes, and Day 5 Tour of Fort Snelling and time on your own at Mall breathtaking landmarks. Enjoy a ofsix-night stay with full-hookups America. 6 - Chanhassen Theater. at the Dakotah Meadows RV ParkDay located at Dinner Mystic Lake Casino in Note: This event is convenient for those attending the Prior Lake, MN. 2013 Price Canadian Rockies/Calgary Stampede July 2-10, 2013 Grand Circle Caravan - UT, AZ, CO JULY 8 – 14, 2013 Welcome to the Twin Cities! That's Minneapolis, Minnesota, the City of Lakes, and her sister, the Capitol City of Saint Paul, Minnesota --- two spectacular cities which are both in their own charming ways, magnificent cities to experience. Your tour will narrate the highlights of Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and neighborhoods in between including historic sites, legendary homes, and breathtaking landmarks. During your six-night stay with full hook-ups at the Dakotah Meadows RV Park located at Mystic Lake Casino in Prior Lake, MN you will enjoy the following: Day 1 - Rally orientation and welcome dinner at Mystic Lake Casino. Day 2 - City Tour of St. Paul to include: ➜ A drive along stately Summit Avenue (the longest stretch of restored Victorian homes in the country). ➜ Tour of the Cathedral of Saint Paul and of the James Hill Mansion. ➜ Lunch at M Street Café. ➜ Admission to the Science Museum of Minnesota to include Omni Theatre Presentation. Day 3 - Tour of Historic Stillwater, MN located on the beautiful St. Croix River to include: ➜ Trolley Tour of Stillwater. ➜ Time to stroll the unique shops along Main Street. ➜ St. Croix Evening Dinner Cruise. Day 4 - Minneapolis Area Tour to include: ➜ Minnehaha Falls. ➜ Farmer’s Market and lunch on your own at Nicollet Mall located in the heart of downtown Minneapolis. ➜ Tour of Target Field. ➜ Mill City Museum Tour. THE CALGARY STAMPED 7-2012 Magazine Street, Swamp Tour, Seaplane Flight over the Mississippi Delta and the mouth of the Mississippi River, lunch and farewell dinner at 1 unit 2 people: $4,600 Woodland Plantation. Day 38: Farewell. 1 unit 1 person: $2,730 Your caravan price includes camping fees, admission to attractions and Each guest: meals noted $1,900 in the itinerary, taxes and gratuity. Bussing is provided on the majority of the tours except when it is impractical to bus a short distance. In this case you will use your tow cars. Your caravan price includes caravan hosts and tailenders. Note: WIT Tours reserves the right to run this caravan without a tailender if we do not meet the minimum number required for two staff units. 1 Unit 2 People ....................... 1 Unit 1 Person ....................... Each Guest: ............................. September 4 – October 1, 2013 To sign up, call WIT at 800-643-489 and return a registration form foun www.witclub.com or in WIT Club Ne The vast land of the Grand Circle is yours to explore – from the high red rock The vast landUtahof Grand CircleNorth Rim. canyon walls of southern to thethe higher elevation of the awe-inspiring Travel off the beaten path to one of the most photographed landscapes in America, is yours toa traditional explore - from highArches Monument Valley, Navajo homeland. You will the tour Canyonlands, Park, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, cliffs, magical slot canyons, gorges and redNational rock canyon walls of southern mesas - each offering a unique treasure of color, vistas and timeless beauty. Natural wondershigher and historic attractions give this caravan top UTsculptured toThe the elevation ofbilling. the journey begins in Moab, located in southeastern Utah, on Wednesday, September 4, 2013, by the Rocky Mountain range of North America.Travel A sensational light show awe-inspiring North Rim. during the “Canyonlands by Night” boat tour will welcome you to this spacious land, The Circle.beaten You will travel approximately on the Grand Circle Caravan. offGrand the path1,200 tomiles one of the September 8 – 14, 2 most photographed landscapes in ➜ Upper Antelope Canyon jeep tour MEDICAL ALERT 2013 Grand Circle Caravan Valley, America, Monument a traditional Navajo homeland. You America was “born” in the great state of Pennsylvania and so we Days 16-18 Grand Canyon, AZ highlights include: THIS CARAVAN WILL TRAVEL IN on tour and see just what America is made of – from Harley Davidson ➜ South Rim Sunset Tour Days 1-3 Moab, UT will tour Canyonlands, Arches National Park, Bryce Canyon ELEVATIONS OF 8,000and – 10,000 FEET. to chocolate. We’ll also take a couple days to quiet our minds from t ➜ Desert View and Painted Desert guided Tour ➜ Caravan orientation about the Amish lifestyle and the r much more! ➜ IMAX and dinnerour Civil War history and to The learn attractions and events of the 2013 Grand ➜ Welcome dinner, Colorado River cruise Made in Americ ➜ Canyonlands By Night light show ➜ Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park Day 4-5 Torrey, UT ➜ Dinner ➜ Free day to tour Capitol Reef National Park Days 6-7 Bryce, UT ➜ Buffet dinner ➜ Free day - Bryce Canyon shuttle Days 8-11 St. George, UT ➜ Tuacahn-Broadway in the Desert ➜ Dinner at Tuacahn ➜ Zion National Park Tour with lunch Day 12 Jacob Lake, AZ ➜ Free time to view sunset at North Rim Days 13-15 Page, AZ ➜ Antelope Canyon Boat Cruise ➜ Dinner at Rainbow Lodge 2013 Price These seven days are full of great sightseeing, mixing ➜ Free day Circle Caravan is subject to change without prior history with p in Gettysburg, PAbeyond withouracontrol, four ornight stay at Art Days 19-21 Flagstaff, AZ Your tour beginsnotice due to circumstances for the best interest of the participants. ➜ Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona and lunch hook-ups. ➜ Montezuma Castle and Montezuma Well Tour Your caravan price includes camping fees, ➜ Free Day admission to attractions andDinner meals noted ➤ Day 1 –UTOrientation – Social and Welcome at in the itinDays 22-23 Monument Valley, erary, taxes and gratuity. Busing is provided on the The Historic Dobbin House ➜ Monument Valley guided tour and lunch majority of the tours except when it is impractical to Days 24-25 Mancos, CO bus a short distance. InWolfgang this case you will use your ➤ Day Davidson, ➜ Mesa Verde National Park2 - York, PA - Tour Harley tow cars. Your caravan price includes caravan hosts Candy Company, York County Resource Recovery, lunch ➜ Breakfast and tailenders. Note: WIT Tours reserves the right and dinner included Day 26-27 Durango, CO to run this caravan without a tailender if we do not ➜ Narrow Gauge Railroad meet the mini➜ Train Museum➤ Day 3 - In and around Hanover, PA - Tour Martin’s mum number ➜ Farewell dinner Potato Chips, Snyder’s pretzels, required forand Painted Spring Day 28 Departure DayFarm Alpacas, lunch included. two staff units. 1 unit 2 people: $4,000 1 unit 1 person: $2,395 Each guest:$1,775 Made in America Caravan September 8-14 ➤ Day 4 - Gettysburg, PA Gettysburg Ron- Tomlinson at National Military Park Museum & Visitor Center,Valley. Eisenhower National Monument Historic Site, American Civil War Wax Museum 2013 RALLY CARAVAN ➤ Day 7 - Hershe Visitor Center, Caverns, lunch ➤ Day 5 - Travel Day to Roamers’ Retreat Campground for ➤ Day 8 – Farew 1 Unit 2 People ......................... $4,000.00 a three-night stay with full hookups. 1 Unit 1 Person ......................... $2,395.00 Your rally price America was "born" in the Each Guest: ............................... $1,775.00 full hookups, adm great state of Pennsylvania itinerary, busing fo To sign up, call WIT at 800-643-4892, Ext. 1 or fill out and so were many American and return a registration form found on the Web at The events and www.witclub.com or in WIT Club News. Tour are subject to icons. From Harley Davidson circumstances bey motorcycles to pretzels to of the participants Hershey chocolate - we'll see 201 what America is made of! We'll 1 Unit 2 Peop 1 Unit 1 Pers also spend a couple quiet Each Guest: . ➤ Day 6 - Lancaster CountyWar - Aaronhistory & Jessica’s Buggy days in Lancaster County to appreciate our Civil and Rides, Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, Strasburg learn about the rich traditions of this area. days of To sign u Country Store &Enjoy Creamery,seven lunch included. return a great sightseeing, mixing history with present day Pennsylvania. witclub. 7-2012 2013 Price 7-2012 1 unit 2 people: $1,750 1 unit 1 person: $1,375 Each guest: $925 October 6-13, 2013 Wall Street, and 90-minute narrated Twilight Cruise of Manhattan, evening dinner. Day 8 – Upper West Side of New York City including Grant’s Tomb and the Morris-Jumel Mansion, Farewell Dinner, and Central Park Carriage Ride. Day 9 - Farewell show will be performing at the time of our 2013 New York Rally. If a Broadway show we have selected closes before performance date, tickets will be purchased for another Broadway show of equal value in price and popularity. The price and events for the 2013 New York Rally are subject to change without prior notice due to circumstances beyond our control, or for the best interest of the caravan participants The New York rallY is comprised of subsTaNTial walkiNg aNd is NoT suiTable for small childreN or The haNdicapped. ➜ Tour and lunch at Biltmore Estate, a 225-room chaThe Great Smoky teau built by the Vanderbilt family. Mountains located ➜ Breakfast on travel day to Pigeon Forge. in the Appalachian Your rally price also includes: Mountain system in with water and electric at the Liberty Harbor RV From Cherokee, WIT members will caravan to western NorthOctober CaroliSeptember 19-27 ➜ 8Parknights 1-6 with a view of the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and the Lower Manhattan Skyline. Dumping is available. Pigeon Forge, an area known as "Dolly's home," for three na and eastern Tennes2013 RALLY PRICE nights at Clabough’s Campground. In addition to all the see comprise one of the Norsk Hostfest is an annual festival 1 Unit 2 People ......................... $4,200.00 See and experience the city attractions, shopping, restaurants, and theaters, you'll oldest upland regions 1 Unit 1 Person ......................... $2,550.00 held each fall in Minot, ND. It is North that never sleeps! During love the natural beauty of the season. in the world. EachCherokee Guest: ............................... $1,800.00 America's largest Scandinavian festival the New York Rally you will Cades Cove Indian Reservation, conducted inatthe All Seasons Arena on To sign up, call WIT 800-643-4892, Ext. 1 or fill out see the very best the city Great Smoky MounRALLY HIGHLIGHTS DURING YOUR return a registration form found onFair the Web at theandNorth Dakota State grounds. Central Manhattan has to offer transforming www.witclub.com or in WIT Club News. tains National Park, and parts of several nationalThere's forests STAY IN PIGEON FORGE: shopping, great entertainment 7-2012 an unfamiliar city into are located here. WIT Tours invites you to join in discovand dining - all celebrating the a friendly, fascinating, fun place to be. Your rally includes a ering the incomparable beauty of the area. ➜ culture. Applewood Scandinavian Past Farmhouse big name Restaurant dinner. professional tour guide through many famous areas of the NYC, three of the Trail Your rally begins near beginning of ➜ Day in Dollywood. entertainers have included Reba Broadway shows and a CentralTears Parkatcarriage ride. Cherokee/Great Smokies KOA, Cherokee, North Vince ➜ Black BearDaniel Dinner Show, a $7 McEntire, Gill and O'Donnell tomillion name atheatrical few. Carolina. Well-known dinner experience celebrating the Great Smoky lecturer, artist and leading Mountains. 1 unitauthority 2 people: $4,200 1 unit 2 people: $1,250 on the History ➜ Cades Cove, one of the most visited pioneer home1 unitof1the person: $2,550 1 unit 1 person: $750 Cherokee Indian steads in the country, shows simple living of mounTribe, Freeman Owle, Each guest: $1,800 Eacharea guest: $600 tain folks amidst wildlife and the magnificent will have you spellbound countryside. with enchanting stories ➜ Farewell dinner and the hottest, foot stompin’, knee of his ancestors. Tours of slappin’ country show in the USA, Country Tonight. rebuilt Indian villages and Biltmore Estates settler's farmsteads are Your rally fee also includes camping fees, rally hosts, woven into drives up the motorcoach transfers to all events scheduled, meals, October 3-11 6-13 mountains among the beautiful colors of fall. October admission to attractions noted in itinerary, taxes and New York Fall Rally Norsk Hostfest - Minot, ND 2013 Price 2013 Price Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta Smoky Mountain Rally In and Around Las Vegas gratuity. FIESTA ALBUQUERQUE BALLOON Experience Cherokee Indian RALLY HIGHLIGHTS DURINGTheYOUR Put hundreds of giant, Largest Hot Air Balloon Festival in the World! Reservation, Great STAY IN CHEROKEE: The Smoky attractions brightly colored hot air OCTOBER 3 – 11, 2013 Mountains and National Park,the 2013 balloons in the same place on➜ Welcome Dinner. Put hundreds of giant, brightly colored hot air balloons inevents the same placeon on a October morning, them rise allof at once into New Mexico'snational impossibly andhaveparts several Kitchen. Smoky Mountain Rally a perfect October morning, ➜ Trail of Tears Tour, lunch at Granny’sperfect blue sky, and you have one of the man-made wonders of the world. This is why you forests inandthe Appalachian will not want to miss out on all the fun activities we have planned forto the 2013 re-created are subject change have them all rise at once into➜ Oconaluftee Indian Village, an authentic Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. Mountain system western village of 225 years ago. withoutinprior notice New Mexico's beautiful blue BALLOON GROUND ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: 4 event passes per person to any of North Carolina. WIT Tours the following: Dawn Patrol Show, Opening Ceremonies, Ascension, America’s invites due Mass to circumstances sky and you have one of the ➜ Lunch at the Jarrett House in Dillsboro. Challenge Gas Balloon Race, Balloon Glow, Fireworks, Special Shape Mass Ascension, you to join in discovering the or through outfor purchase, control, and Wells Fargo Special Shape Glowdeo. Extrabeyond tickets will be available man-made wonders of the ➜ Great Smoky Mountain Railroad excursion Oconaluftee Indian Village or you can sit backincomparable in your lawn chair to watch the balloons fly right over your motor beauty of the area. Enjoy a Trail of Tears tour, the mountains, which will be ablaze with colors of for the best interest of the world! Grab some friends and experience this sight first hand home! ACTIVITIES IN THE WIT HOSPITALITY TENT: Rally Orientation, Welcome Oconaluftee Indian Village, lunch at Jarrett House and the Great reds and golds. participants. together. See rally details at www.witclub.com Reception, four catered evening meals, Pilot Presentation, early morning coffee and socials, Mariachi entertainment,Mountains entertainment by Syd Masters, and Farewell Smoky Railroad excursion. courtesy of the Las Vegas October 17 - 22, 2013 2013 Price Continental Breakfast. 2013 Price n the middle of nowhere, Las Vegas Day 3 – Free day TOURS AND EVENTS SCHEDULED OFF THE BALLOON GROUNDS: Sandia Peak Tram, Old Town, lunch at El Pinto Restaurant, Buffet lunch at the Sheraton Old premier tourist destinations. Once Day 4 – Tour of Hoover Dam, Luncheon cruise aboard the Desert Town Hotel, performance by Ballet En Fuego Latin Dance Review, the Indian Pueblo red beyond the pale of respectable Princess on Lake Mead, and the Ethel M Chocolate Factory and To sign up, call WIT at 800-643-4892, Ext. 1 or fill out Cultural Center, and Santa Fe City Tour to include lunch at La Fonda on the Plaza. mainstream leisure, attracting more Botanical Cactus Gardens. and return a registration form found on the Web at Day 1 – Rally orientation – Pilot Briefing – Welcome Social with hors d'oeuvres a. Day 5 – Free morning - Tour of Red Rock Canyon and evening dinner Day 2 – Morning coffee - Sandia Peak Tram Ride – Lunch – Balloon Groundwww.witclub.com or in WIT Club News. VEGAS TOUR” will take you into the followed by reserved seating at The Donny and Marie Osmond Show. activities. d. You will not only learn about the Day 6 – Continental breakfast – end of rally. Day 3 – Morning coffee - Free Day with Balloon Ground activities – dumping of me of the major hotels, and see the motor homes – Mariachi entertainment – Social and evening dinner. 7-2012 Day 4 – Morning coffee - Lunch buffet at the Marriott Pyramid Hotel – ll also travel by luxury motor coach Your rally price includes: Rally hosts, 5 nights of camping with entertainment by the Ballet En Fuego Latin Dance Review – Indian Pueblo Cultural ise on an original Mississippi-style full hookups at the beautiful Oasis Las Vegas Resort, admission to Center – Balloon Ground activities. y Hoover Dam in all its majesty, the attractions noted in itinerary, 3 evening meals, 1 lunch, 1 continental Day 5 – Morning coffee - Balloon Ground activities – Social and evening dinner. Day 6 – Morning coffee - Santa Fe City Tour – lunch at La Fonda on the Plaza anical Cactus Gardens, and tour one breakfast, motor coach transportation to events, 2 Las Vegas Shows, Restaurant. iful attractions, Red Rock Canyon. taxes and gratuity. Day 7 – Morning coffee - Balloon Ground activities – dumping of motor homes – ust isn’t complete without taking in entertainment by Syd Masters, Social and evening dinner. Day 8 – Morning coffee - Balloon Ground activities – Social and farewell dinner. Your “IN AND AROUND LAS VEGAS The attractions and events for the 2013 IN AND AROUND LAS Day 9 – Continental Breakfast – departure. seating at VEGAS! THE SHOW, and VEGAS TOUR are subject to change without prior notice due to HOW. Critics say VEGAS! THE SHOW circumstances beyond Your rally price includes 8 nights camping on the balloon grounds with 30-amp electric and rally hosts, camping fees, honey wagon (2), meals noted, bus Rich in water, history rolled into one. From vintage Vegas our control, or for the Palm Springs Follies a variety tours transfers, admission to events included in itinerary, taxesof and gratuity. and blessed withEnjoy gorto today’s hottest performers. The best interest of the Let's go into the world of bright geous weather, and Palm activities during your w extravaganza showcases Donny caravan participants. If 2013 RALLY PRICE lights and beyond where Springs is a preferred media spectacle. VEGAS! THE we'll SHOW and stay at the 1 Unit 2seven-night People ...........................$2,200.00 destination of travelhts at the beautiful Oasis Lasmob Vegas history the Donny and Marie learn the of Vegas, 1beautiful Person Emerald Desert ers from 1allUnit over the ...........................$1,280.00 etting with waterfalls, winding date Osmond Show are Each Guest: .................................$1,000.00 see theareas, toppool tourists sitesprior of the world. Nestled atRV theResort clear lagoon swimming cancelled to this in Palm Desert, 6-2012 base of the Mount San fessional putting course on natural event,motor reservations will city, travel by luxury coach To sign up, call WITminutes at 800-643-4892, Ext. 1 or fill out and CA, just from be made at a show of Jacinto Mountains, return a registration form found on the Web at www. to Lake Mead forthe a luncheon same value. Palm Springs is Palm known Springs. for itsClub crystal blue skies, witclub.com or in WIT News.Shop mid-yearcruise on an original Mississippiround sunshine, stunning landscape, palm tree lined century boutiques, visit golf courses, and starry nights. style paddlewheel boat, tour the Hoover Dam, Ethel M Chocolatestreets, championship ner – Neon Lights Tour to include Mt. aerial Hoover Dam, photo courtesy of the Las WIT members willSan enjoyJacinto a variety by of tours and acspectacular water fountains, the Factory and Botanical Cactus Gardens and tour Red RockCenter. Canyon. Vegas Convention and Visitor tivities during your 7-night staypartake at the beautiful tramway, in a Emerald windmill farm tour and enjoy a cultural and pting Volcanoes at the Mirage, and Desert RV Resort in Palm Desert, CA, just minutes from as” sign. historical along the Andreas fault. Palm Springs. Soar to the topjourney of Mount San Jacinto on San Day 4 Free morning, Palm Springs Village Festival. the world famous Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, partake Day 5 Living Desert Reserve, Indian Wells Tennis in the most comprehensive tour of windmills in America, Garden. enjoy a cultural and historical journey along the San Day 6 Palm Springs Air Museum, lunch, 1 Unit 2 People ............................$1,950.00 and Andreas Fault. Learn how animals and plants thrive in exPalm Springs Follies desert habitats during your tour of the Living Des- Day 7 Free day, Farewell Dinner. 1 Unit 1 Person ...........................$1,175.00 treme ert Reserve, shop the many mid-century boutiques and Your rally price includes: Rally hosts, 7 nights of art galleries located uptown and downtown, and view Each Guest ................................... $ 900.00 one of the country’s largest collections of World War II air- camping with full hookups, admission to attractions and craft and memorabilia at the Palm Springs Air Museum. meals noted in itinerary, bussing for sightseeing tours, To sign up, call WIT at 800-643-4892, Ext. 1 or fill out taxes and gratuity. You will enjoy music 1 unit 2 people: $2,200 2013 RALLY PRICE 1 unit 1 person: $1,280 1 Unit 2 People ......................... $1,775.00 Each guest: $1,000 1 Unit 1 Person ......................... $1,020.00 Each Guest: ............................... $ 750.00 1 unit 2 people: $1,775 1 unit 1 person: $1,020 Each guest: $750 Palm Springs Getaway In and Around Las Vegas Palm Springs Getaway October 17-22 October 27-November 3 2013 Price 2013 Rally Price 1 unit 2 people: $1,950 1 unit 1 person: $1,175 Each guest: $900 OCTOBER 27 – NOVEMBER 3, 2013 2013 Price 1 unit 2 people: $1,875 1 unit 1 person: $1,100 Each guest: $850 47 WIT Tours Rally/Caravan Registration You must be a member of WIT and arrive in a Winnebago Industries product to attend WIT Caravans and Rallies, unless stated as a Friendship Rally. Event_________________________________ Year ____ 2010 WIT Rally & Caravan Registration Form WIT #_______________ Non WIT ______ Name_____________________________________________________________ 2012 2013 Event ______________________________________________ Spouse/Companion Name_____________________________________________ Name_______________________________________________________________________ As you want it on your name badge Address___________________________________________________________ Spouse/Companion Name _____________________________________________________ As you want it on your name badge City__________________________________ State________ Zip_____________ WIT No.___________________ Phone (____) ____________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________ Length of coach_____ Model Year_____ Slideout # _____ Tow Car___ Pet____ City Email _______________________________ State _________________ Zip ________________ address______________________________________________________ Handicap Name of person and special needs_________________________ Cell:________________________ Phone:__________________________ □Tow Car □ Pet __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ RV License Pl# ________ Year/Type/Brand__________________________________________ Length of Unit_______ Slide(s)_____ slide(s): Pass Side ___Driver Name of additional# persons in unitLocation as they of want it to appear on name tags Side ___ __________________________________________________________________ Handicap? Name & special needs _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ If you are celebrating a special event during this time, such as a birthday or anniverAdditional persons in unit - listdate name(s) as they want it to appear on their name badge(s) sary, please state name, and occasion_________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ If you are celebrating a special event during this time such as a birthday or anniversary, stateOne name, _________________________________________________ unitdate withand twooccasion persons..................................................... $________________ One unit with one person....................................................... $________________ _______ guests at $______ each.......................................... $________________ � One unit with two people � One unit one person $ _______________ SUBTOTAL............................................................................. $________________ _________ Guests $ _________ each ............................................. $ _______________ Less deposit of $100 or amount stated in ad, Non WIT member …………………………………………………. $________________ enclosed with thisfee: form............................................................$________________ LessBALANCE deposit of $100.00 (or amount in ad) enclose with this form ....... $________________ DUE FOR THIS stated EVENT AFTER PAYMENT OF event DEPOSIT............................................$________________ Balance due for this after payment of deposit .................. $ _____________ Balance offee event feeand is due and payable days prior toIf activity. Balance of event is due payable 75 days 75 prior to activity. sending in registration less than 75 days before please fullevent, amount. If sending in registration less event, than 75 daysremit before remit full amount. Personal check VISA Mastercard Discover □ Personal Check □ VISA □ MasterCard □ Discover Card No. ____________-________-________-___________ Exp. Date ________ CARD #___________ ________ _______ __________________ EXP DATE: __________ In consideration for being able to participate in any WIT sponsored caravan, rally, special Threeevent Digit or Security ___the____ ____ other Code: function, named registrant(s) agree to hold harmless, defend and indemnify WIT Tours, WIT Rally operators andWIT Winnebago Inc.,special its successors In consideration for being able to participate in any sponsoredIndustries, caravan, rally, event or and assigns, from any and all claims for loss, damage or injury to property person, other function, the named registrant(s) agree to hold harmless, defend and indemnify or WIT Tours, for WIT causeand whatsoever during its successors event. Registrant expressly and rally any operators Winnebagooccurring Industries, Inc., its and assigns, from acknowledges any and all claims assumes responsibility for any or minors in his/her care. whatsoever occurring during its event. for loss, damage or injury to property person, for any cause By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to allcare. terms and Registrant expressly acknowledges and assumes responsibility for any minors in his/her conditions noted on this page. This reservation form must be signed and accompanied by payment in the properaamount become valid. the right to run a caravan with only one Note: To avoid canceling caravan,toWIT Tours reserves host Registrant couple if we(Sign)____________________________________________________ do not receive the minimum number of RV reservations needed to run the event. Date______________________________________________________________ BySpouse/Companion signing below, I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to all terms and conditions (Sign)_____________________________________________ notedDate______________________________________________________________ on this page. This reservation form must be signed to become valid. Registrant ______________________________________________ Date ________________ Payment must be made in United States Currency. Send payment to: WIT Rallies and Caravans, PO Box 268, Forest City, IA 50436-0268. 48 WIT Rally and Caravan Schedule Policy Each rally and caravan has a maximum number of units and/or persons that may be included. Some events are filled well in advance and a standby list is maintained. As a result, you are encouraged to sign up early for the event of your choice. Rally/Caravan Deposit and Payment Schedule 1. Upon registration: $100 deposit unless stated otherwise on ad. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing. 2. Full payment of balance is due 75 days prior to the start of the event unless otherwise stated. WIT reserves the right to make changes prior to and during the caravan or rally. Changes may involve sight-seeing events, campgrounds and/or meals. Any changes made are in the best interest of the WIT members participating, or as a result of circumstances beyond WIT’s control. Cancellation Policy Written cancellation of your WIT caravan or rally reservation must be made to the WIT office. Cancellation date is effective immediately upon receipt of your written notice in the WIT office in Forest City, IA. WIT will retain a $35 cancellation fee if reservation is cancelled prior to final payment deadline. If reservation is cancelled 74 to 15 days prior to start of event, for any reason, WIT will retain a $35 cancellation fee plus 10 percent of full cost of event, plus charges incurred from guarantees and/or deposits made for registrant. Cancellation 14 days or less prior to start of event, for any reason, WIT will retain a $35 cancellation fee, plus 20 percent of full cost of event plus charges incurred from guarantees and/or deposits made for registrant is not refundable. [NOTE: This can be a substantial amount. For Trip Cancellation Insurance information call 1800-331-1520] Normal processing time for rally and caravan refunds is 6 to 8 weeks after the end of the event. The uniqueness of some caravans and rallies require a deposit and cancellation schedule other than the one listed above. If so, requirements will be noted in the descriptive literature and/or the WIT Club News. It’s so easy to see North America with a WIT TOURS Caravan or Rally! Call for more information today! 1-800-643-4892, EXT. 1 WIT Club News Have a friend who wants to join you, but travels in another brand?? NOW your friends can travel along! WIT Tours will now accept reservations from non-WIT members who do not currently own a Winnebago Industries RV product. Non-WIT members must be referred by a WIT member who will be participating on the same rally or caravan. Rally/Caravan Reservation Policy for Non-WIT Members ØNon-WIT member must be referred by a WIT member who will be participating on the same rally or caravan. ØWIT member may have more than one non-WIT member RV friend sign up on the event. ØNon-WIT member registering on a WIT Tours event will pay an additional fee of: Caravan Fee plus: 1 Unit 2 People: $100.00 1 Unit 1 Person: $75.00 Each guest: $50.00 Rally Price plus: 1 Unit 2 People: $ 75.00 1 Unit 1 Person: $50.00 Each Guest: $25.00 ØNon-WIT members will provide license plate number, make, and model of RV when filling out reservation form. ØRV must be self-contained and in reliable operational order. Recreational vehicles include: motor home (class A, B, and C), travel trailer, or fifth wheel trailer. ØNon-WIT members will follow WIT Tours payment schedule along with cancellation policy. ØIf the WIT member decides to cancel the event, the non-WIT member friend will not be required to cancel. ØIf the non-WIT member cancels the event, they would be subject to the same cancellation policy as our WIT members. ØNon-WIT members will follow the same protocol and guidelines expected of our WIT members. Note: The policy change is only for WIT tours rallies and caravans. It does not include the WIT Grand National Rally or WIT State and Regional Rallies. You must be a member of the WIT Club and arrive in a Winnebago Industries RV product to attend these events. Give your friends a call! We still have space available on the following events for 2012: River Road Caravan, September 16-October 23 Washington DC Rally, September 25-October 2 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, October 4-12 New York Rally, October 7-15 In and Around Las Vegas, October 19-24 Palm Springs Getaway, October 28-November 4 Coming in the October/November issue: full details on our entire 2013 Caravan and Rally schedule. See them now online at www.witclub.com August/September 2012 49 WIT State & Regional Rallies Northern New England Rally North Haverhill, NH August 24-26 The Northern New England WIT Rally is hosted in turn by the states of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. In 2012, New Hampshire will host the Rally at the North Haverhill Fairgrounds, 1299 Dartmouth College Hwy, Rte 10, North Haverhill, NH. The theme of the 2012 rally is Hillbilly Hoedown. Thursday night will be pot luck and Friday night dinner will be a spaghetti supper. Entertainment that night will feature a local blue grass band with an open mike to follow so bring your instruments and join in the fun. Saturday night will be a theme night with option to dress accordingly so bring your corncob pipe and your jug. That night will feature a genuine pig roast provided by chef Dave Mallari of The Pig Kahuna of Maine. Entertainment will feature the local band Red Hat. Fun and games are planned including a turkey shoot, a backgammon competition and beanbag game. Stay tuned for more updates in the spring. Admission will be $110 per rig with two people, $75 per rig with one person, $35 for an additional person per rig. The fee includes two nights hook up, with 30 amp electric, two dinners, 2 breakfasts and plenty of fun. Come early for only $20/night per rig. Send your registration and rally fees (made payable to Granite State Winnies) to: Larry Minor, 31 Temple Drive, Rochester, NH 03868. Contact information: Larry Minor [email protected] 603 332-0841.Mark your calendars and we’ll see you in August. 50 2012-13 WIT Club Rally Schedule 2012: August 24-26 Northern New England - North Haverhill, NH September 7-9 Minnesota - Cambridge, MN September 6-9 New York - Frankfort, NY September 13-16 Washington - Enumclaw, WA September 14-16 Missouri - Columbia, MO September 19-23 Oregon - Rickreall, OR September 21-23 Virginia - Urbanna, VA September 26-30 Louisiana - Rayne, LA October 3-7 California - Bakersfield, CA October 11-14 Nevada - Fallon, NV October 12-14 Texas - Montgomery, TX October 18-21 Arizona - Tonopah, AZ October 18-20 New Mexico - Alamogordo, NM 2013 SCHEDULED TO DATE: March 21-24 FLORIDA- Orlando, FL April 10-14 SOUTHWEST REGIONAL RALLY – Pahrump, NV April 18-21 GEORGIA – Hiawassee, GA April 26-28 KANSAS - TBA April 26-28 NORTH CAROLINA –Waves, NC May 2-5 OKLAHOMA – TBA May 16-19 NORTHWEST REGIONAL – TBA May 30-June 2 SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND – Barnstable, MA June 6-9 PENNSYLVANIA – Centre Hall, PA June 13-16 OHIO – Mansfield, OH June 21-23 MICHIGAN – Otisville, MI June 21-23 ILLINOIS – Crescent City, IL July 28-31 WISCONSIN – Richland Center, WI WIT Club News New York State Rally Frankfort, NY September 6-9 New York State Excelsior Winnies State Rally is in Frankfort, NY, September 6-9, 2012. All WIT members are invited to join the Excelsior Winnies State Club at the Herkimer County Fairgrounds in Frankfort, NY, to celebrate our 30th Rally Anniversary! Come prepared to enjoy fun and games. Opening ceremonies will be Thursday, September 6 at 4:30 p.m. followed by a potluck dinner. Friday morning a continental breakfast will be served with a Hot Dog and Ice Cream Social on Friday evening followed by great entertainment. Saturday a full breakfast will be served with a catered dinner followed by super entertainment. Sunday morning, coffee and donuts. All this and more for the rally fee of 1 unit/2 people $125, 1 unit/1 person $100, and each extra person $75. This is for four days and three nights camping with 30 amp electric, buddy water, and dump station on grounds. Early arrivals are welcome for $20.00 per night. Registration received after August 23, 2012 will be an additional fee of $25.00 per motor home. So please plan early. An optional tour: Historic Erie Canal Cruise is offered on Thursday, September 6, 2012. This narrated 90-minute tour on the Canal travels through Lock #18 lowering 18 feet. It is $16.00 per person and requires you to arrive one day early as the tour is at 12:30 p.m. Reservations should be sent to Ed Welch, 45 Filkins ST, Fairport, NY, 14450. Checks must be made out to: Excelsior Winnies. All cancellations made after August 23, 2012, will be subject to a $25.00 cancellation fee. No refunds for any cancellations after September 1, 2012. Directions to the Herkimer County Fairgrounds: New York State Thruway (I90), take exit 30 from either direction, turn left and go across bridge, bear right onto 5S West and drive about 5 miles onto Cemetery Road then turn into fairgrounds. Vendors are welcome. Contact Les Bonesteel, Rally Master and Vice President at 518-469-0111 or e-mail him at [email protected] for more information. Minnesota State Rally Cambridge, MN September 7-9 The Winnehahas State Club is inviting everyone to our 41st Annual Minnesota State Rally to be held on September 7th-9th at Isanti County Fairgrounds located at 3101 Highway 95 N in Cambridge, Minnesota. The Rally Theme is “Minnesota-A Land of Treasures”. New this year is a Photo Contest. Prizes will be awarded. Our weekend will be filled with lots of fun events, a silent auction, arts & craft show, games and seminars. There will be several raffles such as: 50/50 and Theme baskets and other raffles are being planned. Along with the other actives we plan to have a Book, CD’s, DVD & VHS tapes exchange table. We begin with a potluck meal on Thursday evening for early arrivals following by BINGO. After bingo we will have time to socialize and play other games. Our Friday morning begins with a Golf Tournament. Opening Ceremony will start around 12:30 p.m. after the golfers return. Following the ceremony there will be games and seminars. After the evening meal we will be entertained by “The Bandannas” a singing group. A pancake breakfast will start our Saturday morning followed by seminars and card tournaments. There will be an Ice Cream Social in the afternoon. There will be Roasted Turkey and Baked Ham for the catered meal. We will have Casino games and other games or actives for those not playing Casino games. Sunday morning starts with a continental breakfast followed by a non-denominational church service. Our closing ceremony will end our weekend before we head our separate ways. Cost: 1 unit 2 people: $120. 1 unit 1 person: $90. Before August 23, 2012. After August 23 there will be an additional $10 with the price at $130 & $100. Extra adult will be $25 & each child will be $15. Extra nights of camping available for $25 per night. Each camping site will have electricity. Please arrive with a full tank of water. There is water and a dump station available on the fairgrounds. We are looking forward to seeing friends from past rallies and making new friends at this rally. Please be sure to mark your calendar for Sept. 7th - 9th and make plans to be with us for a “Minnesota Nice” week-end. Rally contact information: Co-Presidents: Glenda Erdmann at (507) 429-7694 e-mail jgerdmann@gmail. com or Judy Kruempel at (507) 932-3182 or e-mail [email protected] Missouri State Rally Columbia, MO September 14-16 The Winnie-MO-Tasca Missouri State Club extends an invitation to all WIT members to join us for a ‘Pirate Party at Treasure Island’. The party will be held Friday, September 14 to Sunday, September 16, 2012, at Cottonwoods RV Park, 5170 N Oakland Gravel Road, Columbia, MO 65202. Note: The road is paved. In addition to the Pirate Party, Winnie-MO-Tasca will be celebrating their 40th anniversary. The rally fee will be $130 per unit with 2 people, $105 per unit with 1 person and $30 for each extra person. Fees postmarked August 18, 2012 and after will increase $10 per unit. A $20 fee August/September 2012 51 will be applied to all cancellations made after August 30, 2012. The rally fee includes 2 night, full hook-up campsite, Friday evening meal, Saturday breakfast and dinner, Saturday evening entertainment, ice cream social, anniversary cake and Sunday continental breakfast. The rally plans include games, vendors and a seminar(s). Captain Cutthroat or Captain Scarface will be on hand to welcome ‘ye landlubbers’ to the party at the opening ceremonies on Friday evening. The rally promises to be a lot of fun with the pillaging and plundering and looting by the Captain Cutthroat’s and Blackbeard’s that started at GNR continuing in Columbia. And whichever one shows up has promised to bring a ‘Treasure Chest’ filled with door prizes to be given away throughout the weekend. Plan to arrive on Wednesday, September 12th to participate in the pre-rally activities. Planned pre-rally activities include a Thursday, September 13th tour of the historic Jefferson City Penitentiary, lunch at the Prison Brews and a tour of the Governor’s Mansion. A $12 fee will apply for the penitentiary tour. Prison Brew menu prices range from $6.99 to $13.99. There is no cost for the governor’s mansion tour. A golf outing at a course in the Columbia area is planned for Friday. The senior rate for 18 holes and cart is $30. There are several other interesting places in the Columbia area to visit. Directions to the campground are as follows: Exit I-70 in Columbia, MO at exit #128(Highway 63 north). Travel north approximately 3 miles to Oakland Gravel Road(paved). Exit right. Turn left at stop sign. Campground is on the right. Lat: N 39 d 00.4158m Long: W 92d 17.9852m. Space is limited for both the campground and tours, so early registration is highly recommended. Please contact Terry Parsons at 816-591-0747 or tepcjp@ sbcglobal.net for a registration form. Washington State Rally Enumclaw, WA September 13-16 The Washington State Rally “A Journey to Adventure” will be held Sept. 13-16 at the Enumclaw Expo Center in Enumclaw, WA. Note that one of the adventures is to a new location for the rally. The registration office will be open for check-in starting WIT 2012 State Rally Registration Form Name:____________________________________ Spouse/Companion___________________ WIT#: ______________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________________________State:____________Zip:___________ E-mail Address:_________________________________ Cell Phone:______________________ Model Year__________Length of motor home___________Number of Slideouts____________ State/Regional Name of Rally_____________________________________Date____________ Registration Fee(_______couple/single) (_________# Additional Adults X Fee________) (_____#Children X Fee______) First Time (Y/N) Home State_______________________ See Rally description as to availability of items listed below and circle all that apply. Vendor Arts and Crafts Other____________________ (In order to receive any consideration on special needs, it must be noted on application) Please explain any special needs, i.e. dietary, mobility, parking or other restrictions, that would help us better serve you as you attend this rally: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Additonal Days Parking____________________Arrival Date_____________________________ Special Tours____________________ Optional Meals________________________________President of a Club or Chapter? (Y/N) Local Club/Chapter Involved In:____________________________________________________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $______________________(U.S. Funds or equivalent thereof) 52 WIT Club News on Wednesday afternoon. The annual nine-hole golf tournament is on Thursday, September 13. Additional details will be available on www.Wash-I-Bagos.com (our new website) before the start of the rally. Enjoy meeting other members and exchange ideas with other chapters, play bean bag baseball and other games, visit the dealers, attend seminars, play Bingo, win a door prize, enjoy entertainment, and explore the shops, especially the pie store and restaurants in Enumclaw. A local Latte truck will visit the grounds every morning. If interested in the local area and activities, go to http:// www.enumclawexpocenter.com/ Rally fees: • Electric sites (w/water available) $120 (two people), deduct $35 for single, add $35 each for extra persons. Extra nights are $20 per night. • A very limited number of 50amp sites (w/water connection) are available only for units that check in on Tuesday ($190) or Wednesday ($164), deduct $35 for single, add $35 each for extra persons. 50 amp sites will be assigned based on the postmark date of your application. • Your rally fee includes camping fees, with lunch and dinner on Friday and Saturday. • After September 1 add a $30 late fee. • A $30 per unit fee will be charged for a cancellation. • No gift certificates can be transferred to another unit. Gift certificates are for one coach, two people and extra guests pay $35 ea. Handicapped parking must be requested on your registration form. Upon arrival, please display your handicap placard in the windshield area to assist the parkers. Remember, chapters must arrive together to park together. Registration forms for the rally, golf, craft competition, and vendors can be downloaded from the Resources section of our new website: www.Wash-I-Bagos.com. Make checks payable to Wash-IBagos and mail with your completed registration form to Cheryl Rodewald, 2245 Balsam Lane, Mount Vernon, WA 98274; [email protected]; 360-424-9498. Driving Directions: Enter 45224 284th Ave SE, Enumclaw, WA 98022 in your GPS or go to http://enumclawexpocenter.com/ directions.html, where you can enter your starting address and get specific directions. As always, we ask everyone to come prepared with electrical extension cords and water splitters, in case they are needed. There is no dump station on site, so come in with empty gray and black tanks. For more information about the rally contact Helen Hesketh by email at [email protected] or phone 425-641-0278. Oregon State Rally Rickreall, Oregon September 19-23 Once again we invite all of our WIT members and friends to make plans to head Polk County Fairgrounds in Rickreall, Oregon to attend our 41th Annual WIT Rally hosted by the Oregon Trail Winnies & Itascas (OTWI) State WIT Club and supported by the six Oregon Local WIT Chapters. Our theme for 2012 is “WITzard of OZ”, so look for the yellow Brick Road, Witches, and Wizards also don’t forget Dorothy, Toto and their 3 friends. So start working on those costumes and prepare for lots of fun. We will do our best to provide a “WITzard of OZ” atmosphere for your enjoyment and participation. If past history is any indicator, our Saturday evening (our dress up night) dinner will find participants dressed in their finest attire. (Red Shoes) You are always welcome no matter what you wear. Early registration will be available August/September 2012 Wednesday. The rally itself will begin early Thursday morning with an opening ceremony and registration for late-comers will follow. Events this year will include a variety of seminars, the ever-popular Red Hat Tea open to all the ladies, indoor and outdoor games, many vendors, raffles, door prizes, evening entertainment, and great food. Of course our Winnebago and Itasca dealers will have coaches on display and should be ready to offer great deals on both new and previouslyowned coaches. Your rally registration fee includes three and a half days of activities (Thursday morning through Noon Sunday), three nights camping (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) with electric and water hook-ups (onetime dump available on grounds) Do not forget to being extra 30/50 amp. extension cords, water splitters, and extra water hoses that you may need. The extra night camping fee per night is $12.00 for early arrivals. (Please send with your registration) In order to ensure allocation of appropriate space, vendors must pre-register by contacting Suzan AuFeroth at 1-541-521-5301 or [email protected] Rally Registration Fee until August 21st is one unit/two people $126.00; one unit/one person is $81.00; each additional guest is $45.00. August 22nd or later add $10.00 to each registration fee. Cancellation Policy: Full refund if cancelled before September 7 (in writing please). Checks should be made payable to OTWI and sent with your rally registration form to: OTWI, c/o Bryan Hoffman 10336 N.E. Russell CT. Portland, Oregon 972202846 or [email protected]. Receipt of your registration will be acknowledged via email, or in the absence of email, by posted acknowledgement. For those who are mobility challenged, a limited number of handicap parking spaces are 53 WIT State & Regional Rallies available on a first registered basis. Include a copy of your DMV handicapped card with your registration form and submit it as early as possible. Directions: Rickreall is about 10 miles west of Salem. From the intersection of I-5 and Hwy 22 (Exit 253), drive west on Hwy 22 to Hwy 99, turn south onto Hwy 99 and drive a short distance to the main entrance to the Polk County Fairgrounds on the left. The address is: Polk County Fairgrounds, 520 S. Pacific Hwy W., Rickreall, OR 97371. For up-to-date information on the 2012 Oregon State Rally and other activities of the Oregon State Club and Local Chapters, contact Suzan AuFeroth at 1-541-521-5301 or [email protected]. Virginia State Rally Urbanna, VA September 21-23 The Peninsula Winnies, your host chapter for the Virginia State Rally invite you to join us for the 2012 VA WIT Rally. “Pirates of the Rappahannock” will be held at Bethpage RV Resort, Urbanna, Virginia 21-23 September. The resort offers full service with 20/30/50 amp electric, water and sewer, at each site. Come join us for a weekend of Pirate fun including a costume contest for individuals and groups. Enjoy food, music, games and entertainment. The Rally will include three days and two nights camping, Friday and Saturday dinner, Saturday breakfast, and Sunday coffee and pastry. Bingo and entertainment are being planned for Friday and Saturday nights in the indoor facility. The rally will include games, vendors and seminars for men and women, arts and craft contest, and other activities. Check out the Virginia Wit Web Site for updates. www.virginiawit.org Pre rally activities for early arrivals 54 include: Rappahannock river cruise to Ingleside winery - The narrated cruise departs Hoskins Creek at Tappahannock at 10 A.M. You’ll want to bring your binoculars, so you can get a close-up look at our rare, magnificent national symbol, the bald eagle. These magnificent birds nest in the trees and cliffs beside the Rappahannock. Once at Ingleside, you can enjoy a buffet style lunch or take your own picnic to enjoy in the courtyard. After lunch, you are given a tour of the winery, where you can see the wine making process first hand. But, the real treat of any winery, is of course is the wine. A tasting of some of the premier wines that Ingleside has to offer follows the tour. The winery also boasts one of most unique gifts shops in the area. When you visit Ingleside via the Capt. Thomas you also can benefit from special discount pricing when you purchase wine. Afterwards, enjoy a relaxing cruise back down the Rappahannock River; while you enjoy your glass of wine take all of the scenery that the river has to offer. Schedule and Rates (not included in rally rate): • Cruise leaves Tappahannock, Va at 10 am and returns at approximately 4:30 pm • Cruises are $27.00 for adults, $15.00 for children • The optional lunch served at Ingleside Winery is $13.00 for adults and $8.00 for children The Rally fee is $125 per coach (2 People) or $135 per coach (2 People) after August 1, 2012. The rally fee for each extra person is $35. Children 6 and under are free. The fee for a single person and coach is $90 or $100 after August 1. Two extra days before the Rally are available for $27 per day. Please include payment with your registration. Make your check WIT Club News payable to the Virginia WIT Rally 2012. Mail your registration and fees to the Rally Registrar: Ellen Ruffin, 12895 Nike Park Road, Carrollton, VA 23314-4407 You will receive confirmation of reservations and additional information by August 1. Please make plans to join us now. Contact the Rally Master (Pirate King), Ron Colbow via e-mail [email protected] or phone at 540-775-3937 if you need additional information. Louisiana State Rally Rayne, LA September 27-30 The Louisiana Pelican Winnies invite all WIT members to come and pass a good time with us. Our Theme is “Pirates of Louisiana”. The 2012 State Rally will take place September 27-30 at the Rayne Civic Center in Rayne, LA. The campground will be open Monday September 24th for early arrivals. The fee for early arrivals will be $15.00 a night. This includes electricity and water. Dump stations are on the grounds. The tours are as follows: Caravanning will be necessary to limit the number of vehicles to the various sights. Sign up at the registration desk when you arrive and pick up your courtesy bag of “Goodies”. Wednesday Sept.26th you will take the Swamp Tour in Henderson, LA. Chances are you will see not only our state bird the Brown Pelican but also an alligator or two during your boat ride. Lunch will follow in their unique restaurant on the grounds. There will even be a time to check out their unique gift shop. Total cost will be $32.00 a person. Thursday Sept. 27th you will take a tour of German Town and its Museum. Afterwards a Tour of Hundley Museum and Farm. There will be a demonstration of rice and crawfish farming as well as viewing the antique farm equipment and his large collection of farm toys. Lunch following on the grounds. Total cost $22.00 a person. Rally Fee: The fee for the Rally will be $140.00 for one unit/two people for those who register before September 1st. and $150.00 after September 1st. The fee for one unit/one person will be $115.00 if registered before September 1st. and $125.00 after September 1st. Each extra person will be $25.00 and children under 12 are free. Fees include 4 days and 3 nights camping with electricity and water. Dump stations on grounds. The fee also includes 2 full breakfasts, 1 continental breakfasts and 3 dinners prepared by our great Louisiana cooks. Entertainment will be provided Friday and Saturday night. There will be door prizes, an ice cream social and of course some Lagniappe. The activities include vendors, dealer displays, beanbag baseball, washer toss, tractor pull, seminars, craft demostrations and classes. We will have money hats, 50/50 raffles, bingo, a cajun cake walk, a silent auction and a white elephant sale with new and used books for sale also. Prepare yourself for our costume contest based on our Pirate Theme. Come walk the plank to true delight with a treasure of Louisiana intrigue. Directions: From I-10 take exit 87, head south. At the first traffic light turn right and follow the signs to the Rayne Civic Center. Send check or money order to Pelican Winnies c/o Eric Hebert, 1440 Shawn Dr., Baton Rouge, La. 70806. Phone (225) 9250184 Res. or (225) 2475572 Cell. Email [email protected]. For more information or for Vendors interested contact chairpersons Barbara and Jessie Chiasson at (337) 8966811 Res. or (337) 2545413 Cell. E-mail [email protected] Or Pelican Winnies PresidentMilton Pepper at (337) 2348403 Res. (337)2983593. E-mail [email protected]. California State Rally Bakersfield, CA October 3-7 I would like to invite all of our traveling friends to the California State Rally, October 3-7 at Bakersfield RV Resort. Starting at 2:00 thru 4:00 pm Wednesday we will have registration, hospitality and signups for activities. 4:30 starts fellowship (Happy Hour). At 5:30 Opening Ceremony with one of the country’s top color guard. 6:00 pm Dinner served by executive board.7:15 evening Games. And that’s just the 1st night. The next three days will prove to be a great weekend with evening entertainment, games, seminars, craft displays by members, member swap meet, door prizes and much more. The theme for this year’s rally is country western music. Come see what Bakersfield California has to offer: taste foods from local restaurants.Discover area museums and other points of interest. For more information on registration go to calwit.org. Or contact Augie Sansone @ [email protected] or Deanna Kojder @ [email protected]. Nevada State Rally Fallon, NV October 11-14 The Silver State Travelers invite all WIT to have some LUAU FUN October 11th to the 14th at the Fallon Fair Grounds. The camp ground will be open Tuesday October 9th for early arrivals at $14.00 a night. Self guided tour of a local farm will be arranged for Wed or Thursday morning. Rally fee is $135. for 1 unit 2 people. The fee for one person is $100. Fees include 4 days and three nights of camping with water and electricity hook ups. Dump station on the grounds. The fee includes 2 Dinners and 2 lunches. There will be a Salad Pot Luck on Thursday night. Ukelele entertainment provided Saturday night. If you play Ukulele, bring it along and join in the fun. An ice cream social, door prizes, money hats and 50/50 drawings will be part of the fun. Activities will include Bean Bag Baseball, Cavalcade of Outdoor Games, Bingo and other inside games, Vendor presentations and Hula Contest. Send Check or Money Order Payable to Silver State Travelers to Mary Haupt 3900 Avonwood Ave, Las Vegas, Nv 89121 Phone 702-451-9617 email: [email protected] For more information Contact President Suzanne Boroughf at 775-742-0385, [email protected]. Or Pam Sloan 775-771-1971 [email protected] Texas State Rally Montgomery, TX October 12-14 Texas W Club and the Bluebonnet Travelers invite everyone to come join in the fun at the KOA in Montgomery, TX, 19785 Highway 105 West. October 12-14 with early arrivals welcome. Prerally tours are scheduled that will be worth the drive...see Wolves and hear their stories, tour a winery and have a taste, just come out and relax and enjoy. We will have live entertainment guaranteed to MOVE YOU…lots of games, ice cream social, loads of door prizes and you might even have an opportunity to “Dance with a Star.” August/September 2012 55 Come one, Come all and enjoy German cuisine and festivities. A weekend you won’t forget!! Rally Fees: $115.00/ 2 person rig or $85.00/1 person rig. Each additional person $25.00. Mark this rally on your calendar and plan to join us for Oktoberfest fun and fellowship. You will have a great time we guarantee it! Any questions call Debbie Wade, President of Bluebonnet Travelers Local Chapter 713-703-5702 or Delilah Parsley, Treasurer of Texas W State Club 936-539-0635 or 936-856-4408. New Mexico State Rally Alamogordo, NM October 18-20 Come and join the “Rio Grande Travelers” State Club consisting of two chapters, Border Cities Travelers and Roadrunners that will be hosting a marvelous 3rd New Mexico theme state rally this year. The rally will be held at the Boot Hill RV Resort, 1 Dog Ranch Rd, Alamogordo, NM, October 18-20, 2012. You may want to stay a little longer since there are so many wonderful, extraordinary and incredible places here to see and visit. At the northern end of the Chihuahua Desert lies a mountain-ringed valley known as the Tularosa Basin, surrounded by majestic Organ, San Andres and Sacramento Mountain ranges, which Alamogordo is located. Visit one of the world’s great natural wonders, the glistening White Sands National Monument. It’s a major portion of the world’s largest gypsum dune field, along with the plants and animals that have successfully adapted this harsh environment.There are many other sites in Almogordo to visit and enjoy including the White Sands Missile Range, Old Town Almagordo, NM Museum of Space History, “Heart of the Desert” Pistachio Groves & Winery to name just a few. There will be entertainment, speakers, socializing and informal games of all kinds as well as door and raffle prizes. Rally fees are $120 for one motor home/two people. For one motor home/one person, $90. Each additional person six years and older is $45. The rally fee includes three nights camping, two catered suppers, one supper, two continental breakfasts and one full breakfast. The DEADLINE for registration is August 31. There is a NM State Rally refund policy if cancellation is made on or before August 31 which includes a $5 cancellation charge. Cancellations received after August 31 will be subject to a $25 cancellation fee. No-shows will not be refunded. Registration form with check or 56 cancellation notification should be sent to or phoned to: Don or Susan Buford, 3921 Schooner Loop, Las Cruces, NM 88012. E-mail [email protected]. Phone 575-373-1900. Please make checks payable to Rio Grande Travelers and use the registration form in this issue. Mark this rally on your calendar and plan to join us for fun, friendship, and great adventures to wonderful and exciting places of New Mexico. You will be amazed and will never forget what you saw and did. Any questions, call President Don Buford, 575-373-1900. Arizona State Rally Tonopah, AZ October 18-21 The Grand Canyon Winnies invite you to come to Arizona - the youngest state of the contiguous 48 states. This year Arizona celebrated its first centennial. As of February 14, 2012 (Valentines Day) Arizona officially was 100-years old. The 2012 Arizona State Rally theme is “CELEBRATE ARIZONA’S 100TH BIRTHDAY.” Of course, there will be birthday cake. There will be Wii bowling, beanbag baseball, the cavalcade of games, seminars, vendors, a silent auction and entertainment. Dinner Thursday night is potluck. Friday’s 3-T’s RV Products, Inc. 1055 Empire Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404 800-223-1779 Developing Patented RV Handling Products Since 1973 For all your RV service needs, come visit us. Take a look at our web site for all we can do for you. We will enhance your driving experience by making the ride smoother and the handling easier. Just Released! Introducing the T-19 Wheel Tamer. Turns your roaring lion into a purring kitten. Helps ease fatigue behind the wheel. Check our Web Site for Details WIT Club News www.3tsrv.com dinner will be prepared by one of the local chapters while Saturday’s dinner is catered. Rally cost is $130 per 2-person rig or $120 per single person rig. Each additional person is $10. After October 1, 2012 the cost will be $145 per 2-person rig. Make checks payable to GCW and mail them to Debbie Yesensky, 46251 E. Hwy 60, Space 101, Salome, AZ 85348 Our rally will be held at Saddle Mountain RV Park, 40902 W. Osborn Road, Tonopah, AZ 85354. For more information: please contact Joe Yesensky at 928-710-1104 or email [email protected]. For updated information check our website www. grandcanyonwinnies.org Happy Anniversary to the following Clubs and Chapters in August & September : 15 years: LA - Bago Cajuns 30 years: IL - Fox Valley Winnies VA - Dogwood Winnies VA - Blue Ridge Winnies 40 years: Southern New England Rally East Falmouth, MA May 29-June 2, 2013 OH - Buckeye Winnies Palmetto Winnebago (SC) State Club Kansas Prairie Winnies State Club As the old Patty Page tune goes,... “you’re sure to fall in love with Old Cape Cod”, so come and “Escape to the Cape”. Come join us at the Southern New England Rally, in East Falmouth, MA, on Cape Cod for a special fun-filled rally. Plan to come early to participate in the optional tours we will be offering or to explore the area on your own. Some of the possibilities include a day trip to Martha’s Vineyard, a cruise to Stellwagen Bank for a phenomenal Whale Watch spectacle. Woods Hole offers free admission to their Aquarium and Oceanographic Institution, which are assessable by car. The rich heritage of Plimouth Plantation in Plymouthwill beckon the historical buffs among us. Our venue is endless with rich historical and seaworthy events native to the area. Some of the possible seminars provided will encompass areas of interest from a variety of subjects, like restringing shades, rig care and adjustments, wills and trusts, genealogy discoveries, just to name a few. Vendor Row will be a kaleidoscope of offerings. What will be available will please the most discriminative shopper. There will be a light Friday evening meal and also a catered dinner on Saturday evening. All this will be complimented with a special breakfast on Friday and Saturday mornings. Our Ice Cream Social will leave you full and happy! The Wine and Cheese Social, Games, and live entertainment for both Friday and Saturday evenings will put our program over the top. Special Interest Club: International Association of State Presidents WITCars American Duo™ Day/Night Shades Modernize Your Coach with MCD Shades for your Winnebago or Itasca Night Day MCD Shades Feature: • No Strings to Break • Smooth Operation • Power & Manual Options • Improves Interior Décor • UV/Heat Blocking • See Outside, Not In • 100% Light Blocking Fabrics • Do-It-Yourself Options As Featured in ALL New Winnebago and Itasca Models 800 . 804 . 1757 www.mcdinnovations.com Proudly Conceived, Engineered and Manufactured in the USA August/September 2012 57 Who’s Inviting Travelers Congratulations to our 2012 Club and Chapter of Excellence recipients! All Clubs and Chapters were recognized during regional meetings held at the Grand National Rally. Each of the recipients are recognized on the following pages and are highlighted in red. Editor’s Note: Listed in this section are WIT local chapter and state club campouts and events to which WIT travelers in the area or prospective members who own Winnebago Industries products are invited and welcomed, to attend. Contact the person listed for more details. Listings are alphabetical within the geographical area. Western area is all states west of the Mississippi River; Eastern all states east of the Mississippi. Events subject to change. WESTERN AREA ARIZONA WESTERN AREA GRAND CANYON WINNIES (SC) Contact:Joe Yesensky 928-710-1104 [email protected] www.GrandCanyonWinnies.org Sept 27-30 State Mtg, Orchard Ranch RV Park, Dewey, AZ Oct 18-21 State Rally, Saddle Mountain RV Park, Tonopah, AZ Mar 14-17, 2013 State Mtg, Wickenburg Community Center, Wickenburg Apr 10-14 Southwest Regional Rally, Nevada Treasure RV Park, Pahrump, NV ARIZONA SUNBIRDS Contact: Alan VanAmburg 623-556-5720 [email protected] www.grandcanyonwinnies.org/as/ as_homepage.htm Sept 27-30 State Mtg, Orchard Ranch RV Park, Dewey, AZ Oct 18-21 State Rally, Saddle Mountain RV Park, Tonopah, AZ Nov 12-15 Wickenburg Community Center, Wickenburg, AZ Dec Parties, TBD Feb TBD Mar 14-17, 2013 State Mtg, Wickenburg Community Center, Wickenburg Apr 10-14 Southwest Regional Rally, Nevada Treasure RV Park, Pahrump, NV VALLEY SUNTASCANS Contact: Don Stafford 480-205-1985 [email protected] www.valleysuntascans.com Sep 13-16 State Mtg, TBD Oct 18-21 State Rally, Tonapah, AZ 58 Nov 2-4 Usery Park, Mesa,AZ Dec 7-9 TBD YAVAPAI WINNIES Contact: Sharon Hopkins 928-830-7473 [email protected] Sept TBD 10-day caravan from Show Low, AZ to Chamas, NM Oct 4-8 Caravan from Flagstaff, AZ to Page, AZ Nov 14-18 Caravan from Prescott, AZ to Quartzsite, AZ ARKANSAS ARK-A-BAGO (SC) Contact: Bonnie Kadrzynski 870-405-3471 [email protected] Aug 6-9 Ozark Country RV Park, Branson, MO Sept 4-8 Dam Site Corps Park, Heber Springs Oct 1-4 Mountain View RV Park, Mountain View, AR Oct 29-Nov 1 Wunderlust RV Park, Eureka Springs, AR Dec 3-6 Cloud Nine, Hot Springs, AR Apr 8-11 Petit Jean Arkansas State Park, Morrilton CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA STATE CLUB Contact: August Sansone [email protected] www.calwit.org Oct 3-7 State Rally, Bakersfield RV Resort, Bakersfield, CA BIG VALLEY DRIFTERS (Modesto area) Contact: Jim Keeler 209-464-3214 [email protected] CENTRAL COAST PELICANS Contact: Dick James 805-659-3507 [email protected] Aug 15-18 Santa Maria Pines RV, Santa Maria, CA Sept TBA Naval Base, Ventura Co, Pt. Mugu, CA Oct 3-7 Bakersfield RV Resort, Bakersfiled, CA Oct 25-28 Joint outing with Fresno Floaters, Pismo Sands RV Park, Oceano, CA Nov 29-Dec 2 Wine Country RV Park, Paso Robles, CA (members only) CHARDONNAY TRAVELERS (North Bay area) Contact: Sue Chambers 707-321-1704 [email protected] www.chardonnaytravelers.com Aug 16-19 Bodega Bay RV Resort, Bodega Bay, CA Sept 6-9 Tahoe Valley RV Resort, So. Lake Tahoe, CA Oct 3-7 CA State Rally, Bakersfield RV Resort, Bakersfield, CA Nov 1-4 Almond Tree Rv Park, Chico Dec Christmas Party (Members Only FIVE STAR WINNEBAGO (Los Angeles/Orange Co. area) Contact: Ken Folstrom [email protected] Sept 4-7 Chula Vista Marina RV Resort, Chula Vista Oct 3-7 State Rally, Bakersfield RV Resort, Bakersfield Oct 8-11 Pismo Coast RV Resort, Pismo Beach Nov 13-16 East Shore RV Park, San Dimas Dec 4-7 Holiday Outing, Newport Dunes RV Resort, Newport Beach FOOTHILL FUNSEEKERS (Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura Counties area) Contact: Guy Gauthier 626-964-8748 [email protected] Sept 28-30 Canyon RV, Anaheim Oct 26-28 Desert Willows, Hesperia Nov 16-18 Desert Willows, Hesperia WIT Club News FRESNO FLOATERS Contact: Glen Duysen 559-781-2934 www.fresnofloaters.com Aug 23-26 KOA – Los Banos, Santa Nella, CA Oct 3-7 State Rally, Bakersfield RV Resort, Bakersfield, CA Oct 18-21 Pelican/Floater joint meeting Nov 15-18 Deercreek RV Park, Porterville, CA Dec 15 Christmas party-members only GOLDEN BEAR WINNIES (Sacramento area) Contact: Amy Graham 541-538-9096 Aug 24-26 Duck Island - Rio Vista Oct 3-7 State Rally, Bakersfield Oct 19-21 Napa Fairgrounds, Calistoga HI-DESERT RIG RUNNERS (Riverside & San Bernardino Counties) Contact: Frank Kojder 760-255-9081 [email protected] www.hi-desertrigrunners.com Oct 3-7 State Rally, Bakersfield RV Resort, Bakersfield, CA Nov 8-11 Sierra Trails, California City Dec 3-6 Desert Willows, Hesperia LONE CYPRESS WINNITASCANS (San Jose area) Contact: Julie Mangey 408-736-7176 Aug 9-12 Mystery Trip, Meet in Lodi Sept 6-9 Flying Flags RV Resort Buelton, CA Oct 3-7 State Rally, Bakersfield RV Resort, Bakersfield, CA Nov TBA French Camp RV Resort Manteca, CA Dec 6-9 Grand Holiday Outing Casa de Fruta RV Resort, Hollister, CA (Members Only) MISSION BELL TRAVELERS (Southern California) Contact: Pat Doyle 858-692-0069 [email protected] Sept 30-Oct 3 Wine Country RV Park, Paso Robles Oct 3-7 State Rally, Bakersfield Nov Yuma Dec 2-5 Christmas Party, Emerald Desert RV Resort RAINCROSS RAMBLERS (Inland Empire area & High Desert) Contact: Janet Jensen 951-780-7629 RIVER CITY ROLLERS (Sacramento area) Contact: Ken Miller 209-745-2095 [email protected] Aug 10-12 Dutch Flats RV Park, Dutch Flats, CA Oct 14-16 TBA Nov 9-11 Kit Fox RV Park, Patterson Dec 9 Christmas Party SAN DIEGO ROLLING HOMES Contact: Donna Chandler 858-934-1390; cell 619-988-0743 [email protected] -orBeverly Hammond 858-560-8148; [email protected] Sept 14-16 Pinezanita RV Park Julian, CA Oct 19-21 Mission Bay RV Resort, San Diego, CA Nov TBA Dec 7-9 Chula Vista RV Marina Park, Chula Vista, CA WINNIEBIRDS Contact: Jerry Just 951-776-9201 COLORADO MILE HIGH STATE CLUB (SC) Contact: Ray Lafflam [email protected] Aug 3-5, State Rally, Central City, CO ASPEN LEAF WINNIES (N Colorado Front Range area) Contact: Rich Stolte 970-586-4065 Aug 3-5 State Rally, Central City Sept 14-16 Black Hills Oct 12-14 Loveland RV Nov 10 TBA Dec 1 Christmas Party, Greeley COLORADO COLUMBINES Contact: Irvin Lieser 970-266-0011 [email protected] Aug 3-5 State Rally, Gamblers Edge, Central City Aug 9-11 Snowy Peaks, Buena Vista Sept 20-23 State Fair Grounds, Hutchinson, KS Oct 11-14 Ft. Collins, CO Nov TBA Dec 8 Christmas Party, Mt Veron CC Jan 19, 2013 Indian Market Feb 15 4 Mile Park & Molly Brown House Feb 18-23 Snowbird Outing, Yuma, AZ Mar/Apr/May TBA June San Isabel Lake, CO City KOA July 21-26 GNR, Forest City, IA Aug 2-4 CO State Rally, Riveside CG, Loveland, CO Sept TBA Oct 6-12 Balloon Fiesta, Albuquerque, NM Nov/Dec TBA RAMPART RANGERS (Colorado Springs area) Contact: Mary Hahn 719-548-1136 [email protected] Aug 3-5 State Rally, Central City Sept TBA Pulver Mountain Oct/Nov TBA IDAHO SNAKE RIVER WINNIES (Boise area) Contact: Larry Seibold 208-466-3395 [email protected] TREASURE VALLEY TRAVELERS (Meridian and Boise, ID area) Contact: David Glass 208-288-1859 [email protected] Aug 4-11 Fishing Bridge RV Park, Yellowstone, WY Sept, Oct TBD Nov 10 Season’s End Party, TBD IOWA IOWA WINNIE HAWKS (SC) Contact: Tom Bailey 641-648-9559; 641-373-2390 [email protected] www.IowaWinnieHawks.com Sept 28-30 State Mtg, Antique Acres, Cedar Falls, IA BUSY BEE WINNIES (Northeast Iowa) Contact:Mike Donahue 563-580-9943 [email protected] Aug 3-5 Wilder Park, Allison, IA Sept 7-9 Sleepy Hollow Campground, Oxford, IA Oct 5-7 Deer Run Resort, Elkader, IA Nov 3 Busy Bee Mtg, Ames, IA IOWA CORNBELT CAMPERS (Northwest quarter) Contact: Larry Overton Aug 10-12 Black Hawk Lake, Lake View Sept 7-9 Ft Dodge Fairgrounds, Ft. Dodge Sept 28-30 State Mtg, Antique Acres, Cedar Falls Oct 12-14 Twin Lake Christian Center, Rockwell City Nov 10 Pizza Ranch, Boone Dec 8 Sac City Beef Council Restaurant, Sac City NORTH IOWA TRAVELERS Contact: Mike Isenbrand [email protected] Aug 14-16 Claremont, IA Sept 11-13 Wilder Campground, Allison Oct 10, 5:30pm Branding Iron, Thompson SIOUXLAND RIVER RAMBLERS Contact: Doug Guillaume 712-276-9536 [email protected] WE WAN TO GO (Central Iowa) Contact: Richard Nichols 515-262-5780, [email protected] www.iowawinniehawks.com/WeWanToGopage Aug 22-24 Springbrook, Guthrie Center, IA Oct 19-21 Outback Campground, Tama Nov 17 Luncheon TBA Dec 8 Luncheon TBA WINNEBAGO WHEELS (Northeast Iowa) Contact: Marcus Lawrence 319-377-5353 Aug 8-10 Fontana Park, Hazleton Sept 12-14 Flying Squirrel, Central City Oct 10-12 Coffins Grove, Manchester WINNIE KORNS (Southeast Iowa) Contact: Jim Reynolds 641-535-4191 [email protected] Sept 6-9 City Campground, Canton, MO Sept 28-30 State Mtg, Antique Acres, Cedar Falls, IA Oct 4-7 Red Rock Corps of Engineer Lake August/September 2012 KANSAS PRAIRIE WINNIES (SC) Contact: Neal Haerich 785-735-2857 [email protected] www.prairiewinnies.com HEARTLAND WINNIES (North Central Kansas) Contact: Joyce Haerich 785-735-2857 [email protected] Aug 10-13 TBA Sept 13-15 Rutlanders Oct TBA Olathe RV Show and Tell HIGH PLAINS ROAMERS (Western Kansas area) Contact: Errol Conn 785-421-8260 Aug 24-26 Beloit, KS Sept 14-16 Louisburg, KS Oct TBA KA MO HEADWATERS (Kansas City/Topeka area) Contact: Patty Burk 913-837-0690 Aug 17-19 Lake Shawnee, Topeka Sept 21-23 Council Grove KS Oct 12-14 Mill Creek, Paxico, KS LOUISIANA PELICAN WINNIES (SC) Contact : Milton Pepper 337-234-8403 [email protected] Sept 6-9 Poche’s Fish-n-Camp, Breaux Bridge, LA Sept 27-30 State Rally, Rayne Civic Center, Rayne, LA Nov 8-11 TBA BAGO CAJUNS (Lafayette area) Contact: Charles Wyble 225-806-5541 [email protected] Aug 23-26 Paragon Casino, Marksville, LA Sept 27-30 Rayne Civic Center, Rayne, LA Oct 18-20 Friendship Rally, Rayne Civic Center, Rayne, LA Nov 29-Dec 1 Christmas Campout, Poches Fish-N-Camp BAYOU WINNIES (Baton Rouge) Contact: Preston Boyd Oct 11-13 Friendship Rally, Natalbany Creek Camp Grounds & RV Park, Amite, LA 59 GATOR TRAVELERS (Northwest Louisiana) Contact: Jack Warrum 318-322-8660 [email protected] Sept 6-9 Poches Fish n Camp & RV, Breaux Bridge, LA Sept 27-30 State Rally, Rayne, LA Oct 11-13 Shady Pines RV Park, Texarkana, TX Nov 8-10 Poches, Breaux Bridge, LA Dec 13-15 Lincoln Parish RV Park, Ruston, LA N’AWLINS WINNIES (New Orleans area) Contact: Gayle Meraux 985-892-8204 [email protected] Aug 2-5 Parker’s Landing RV Park, Biloxi, MS Sept 6-9 State Mtg, Poche’s Fish & Camp, Breaux Bridge, LA Sept 27-30 State Rally, Rayne, LA Nov 1-4 Achors Aweigh RV Resort, Foley, AL Nov 8-11 State Mtg Dec 6-9 Parker’s Landing RV Park, Biloxi, MS MINNESOTA WINNEHAHAS (SC) Contact: Glenda Erdmann 507-429-7694 [email protected] Aug 10-12 Autumn Woods, Rochester, MN Sept 7-9 State Rally, Isanti County Fairgrounds, Cambridge, MN WESTERN AREA NORTHWOODS WINNIE-TASCAS (Northern area) Contact: Bill Keeler 952-474-7325 Aug 20-23 Trails RV, Walker, MN Sept 13-16 Pete’s Retreat, Mille Lacs Lake, Aitkin, MN SOUTHERN HONKERS (Southern area) Contact: Roger Bauer 651-437-6026 [email protected] Aug 3-5 Hidden Meadows, Oronoco Oct 5-7 Marion/Rochester KOA, Rochester, MN Nov 3 Christmas Party, Hubbell House, Mantorville, MN SUNDOWNER WINNIE TASCAS (Central area) Contact: Lowell Anderson 507-263-3460 [email protected] Aug 24-26 City Park, Melrose Sept 28-30 TBD 60 MISSOURI WINNIE MO TASCAS (SC) Contact: Terry Parsons 816-796-3763; 816-591-0747 [email protected] Sept 14-16 State Rally, Cottonwoods RV Park, Columbia, MO CHIEF WINNIES (Kansas City area) Contact: Jerry Adkins 816-358-9307; 816-804-4492 Aug 10-12 Pony Express RV Park, Maysville, MO Sept 14-16 State Rally, Cottonwoods RV Park, Columbia, MO Oct 12-14 Hillsdale State Park, Paola, KS Show & Tell - Olathe Ford RV GATEWAY WINNIES (St. Louis area) Contact: Rebecca Casey 573-243-1759 [email protected] Aug 3-5 Stanton KOA, Stanton, MO Sept 14-16 State Rally Oct 5-7 Osage Beach RV Park, Osage Beach, MO Nov 2-4 Lazy Day’s, Montgomery City, MO Dec 1 Holiday Party, TBD HILLBILLY ROLLERS (Springfield area) Contact: Carlon Huff 417-345-1230 Aug 10-12 Three Springs RV Park, Edgar Springs, MO Sep Dates TBA, Winnie-MO-Tasca State Rally Oct 12-14 Jellystone RV Park, forsyth, MO Nov 9-11 Coachlight RV Park, Carthage, MO Dec TBA OZARK WINNIES (Springfield/Mid MO area) Contact: Edwin Eaheart 660-886-5035, 660-631-5035 [email protected] Aug 3-5 Peculiar Park Place RV Park, Peculiar, MO Sept 14-16 State Rally, Cottonwoods RV Park, Columbia, MO Oct 5-7 Arrowhead Point RV Park, El Dorado Springs, MO Nov 2-4 Treasure Lake RV Resort, Branson, MO Dec 1 Annual Dinner, TBD MONTANA WIT MONTANA WILDERNESS (Great Falls area) Contact: Milt Munson 406-442-1756, 406-459-8888 [email protected] Aug 31-Sept 3 joint campout with Alberta Wild Rose, KOA, Polson, MT NEBRASKA CORNHUSKER WINNIE TASCAS (SC) Contact: Gene Cash 402-468-4152; 402-291-3246 [email protected] Aug 10-11 KOA, Gretna, NE Sept 7-8 Two Rivers State Recreation Area, Waterloo, NE Oct 12-13 Walnut Creek Lake & Recreation Area, Papillion, NE SIOUXLAND RIVER RAMBLERS Contact: Doug Guillaume 712-276-9536 [email protected] NEVADA SILVER STATE TRAVELERS (SC) Contact: Susan Boroughf [email protected] 775-851-2119 VEGAS ROLLERS Contact: Dennis Hoelzle 702-655-9511 [email protected] http://vegasrollersrv.com Sept 8 Dinner, Las Vegas Oct 11-13 State Rally, Fallon, NV Nov 9-10 Terribles Lakeside Dec 7-8 Moon River, Ft Mohave WASHOE WINNIES (Carson City/Reno area) Contact: Judie Crowley 775-338-3834 [email protected] Aug 17-19 TBA Sept 7-9 Quincy Oct 11-13 State Rally, Fallon, NV Nov 17 TBA NEW MEXICO RIO GRANDE TRAVELERS (SC) Contact: Boyd Childress 575-356-9085; 505-629-1237 Sept 20-23 State Mtg, Brantley Lake State Park, NM Oct 18-20 State Rally, Boot Hill RV Park, Alamogordo, NM BORDER CITIES TRAVELERS (Southern NM and El Paso area) Contact: Don Burford 575-680-6540 [email protected] Aug 19 Mayhill Sept 13-16 TBA Oct 18-20 State Rally, Boot Hill RV Park, Alamogordo, NM Nov 8-11 TBA WIT Club News Dec TBA ROADRUNNERS Contact: Don Faire 505-238-0640 [email protected] Aug 16-18 Red River Chili Cookoff, Red River, NM Sept 20-23 Bentley Lake SP, Carlsbad, NM Oct 18-21 State Rally, Boot Hill RV, Alamogordo, NM Nov 8-17 Oasis RV Park, Las Vegas, NV Dec Christmas Party, Albuquerque NORTH DAKOTA NODAK FLICKERTAILS (SC) Contact: Eleanore DeMers 701-200-0773 [email protected] http://www.wit-nodak-flickertails. org August 24-26 Hazen, ND September TBA OKLAHOMA OKIEBAGOS (SC) Contact: Pietro Corzitorto 405-324-2601 [email protected] Oct 4-7 Potawatomi Campground, Shawnee, OK Apr 5-7 Durant KOA May 2-5 State Rally, Shawnee Convention Center, Shawnee, OK GREEN COUNTRY WINNIES (Tulsa area) Contact: Ken Zwiegel 918-786-2138 [email protected] Aug 2-5 Elk Creek RV Park, Elk City Sept 27-30 Sallisaw KOA, Sallisaw Oct 5-7 Friendship Rally, Potawatomi Campground, Shawnee OK Nov 7-11 Thanksgiving Gathering, Cedar Oaks RV Park, Grove OK Dec TBD Christmas Luncheon, Mimi’s Café 81, Tulsa OK SOONER SCHOONERS (Central Oklahoma area) Contact: CW Harris 405-381-2947; 405-973-5969 [email protected] Sept 7-9 Choctaw Casino KOA, Durant, OK Oct 4-7 Potawatomi Campground, Shawnee, OK Nov 8-11 Cedar Oaks Campground, Grove, OK Dec 1 Christmas Luncheon, National Cowboy & Western Museum, OKC, OK OREGON OREGON TRAIL WINNIES AND ITASCAS (SC) Contact: Suzan Auferoth 541-521-5301 [email protected] Sept 19-23 State Rally, Rickreal, OR Oct 18-21 Blue Ox RV, Albany, OR CASCADE TRAVELERS (West Central area) Contact: Gene Wiskow 541-895-2260 [email protected] Dec 3 The Highlands at Vista Ridge, Roseburg HIGH DESERT ROAD RUNNERS (Central Oregon) Contact: Loran Levings 541-536-7628 ROGUE RIVER RAMBLERS (Southwest area) Contact: Jim Smith 541-770-9042 [email protected] Aug 14-17 Patio Resort & RV Park, Blue River, OR Sept 19-22 State Rally, Rickreall, OR Oct 2-5 La Pine State Park, La Pine, Oct 18-20 State Mtg, Albany, OR Nov 7 Lunch, Rogue River Lodge, Shady Cove, OR ROSE CITY WINNIE-TASCAS (Portland area) Contact: Pat Hoffman 503-252-9520 [email protected] Aug 9-12 Casey’s Riverside RV Park, Westfir, OR Sept 20-23 State Rally, Polk Co Fairgrounds, Rickreal, OR Oct 11-14 Blue Ox RV Park, Albany Oct 19-23 State Mtg Blue Ox RV Park, Albany, OR Nov 8-11 Devil’s Lake RV Resort, Lincoln City, OR Dec 8 1 p.m Francis Xavier Restauratn, Portland WINNIE ‘GONIANS (Portland area) Contact: Gene Wiskow 541-895-2250 [email protected] Jim Dutoit 503-263-3363 Aug 23-26 Tillamook Elks, Tillamook, SOUTH DAKOTA SOUTH DAKOTA WIT TRAVELERS (SC) Contact: Joan Joy [email protected] 605-853-3705 Sept 14-16 Wessington Springs City Park, Wessington Springs, SD RINGNECK WINNIES Contact: Jim Dekrey 605-274-3333 [email protected] RUSHMORE WINNIES Contact: Phil & Arlene Lynch [email protected] Aug 17-19 Three Flags RV Park, Black Hawk, SD Sept 14-16 State Mtg, Wessington Springs City Park, Wessington Springs, SD Oct 14-16 Hart Ranch Nov 10 Noon, Pizza Hut, Rapid City SIOUXLAND RIVER RAMBLERS Contact: Doug Guillaume 712-276-9536 [email protected] TEXAS TEXAS W CLUB (SC) Contact: Bill Lowrey 817-688-6220, 817-790-8159 [email protected] www.texasw.org Oct 12-14 State Rally, Lake Conroe/ Houston North KOA RV Park, Montgomery, TX Jan 2013 TBA ALAMO WINNIES (San Antonio area) Contact: Marty Anderson 361-549-8190 Sept 15-17 Leisure Resort, Fentress Oct 12-14 State Rally, Lake Conroe/ Houston North KOA RV Park, Montgomery, TX Nov 1-4 Broke Mill, Del Rio ASTROBAGOS (Houston area) Contact: Mike Ellerbrock 281-359-3964 [email protected] BIG THICKET WINNIES Contact: Jim Leggett 409-385-9182 BLUEBONNET TRAVELERS (Houston area) Contact: Debbie Wade 713-703-5702 [email protected] www.bbt-wit.org Aug 16-20 Coushette RV Ranch, Bellville, TX Sept 20-23 Magnolia Lake RV, Goodrich, TX Oct 12-14 State Rally, Lake Conroe/ Houston North KOA RV Park, Montgomery, TX Nov 8-11 Advanced RV, Pearland, TX CEN-TEX TRAVELERS Contact: Mike Todd 936-788-3189 [email protected] Oct 12-14 State Rally, Lake Conroe/ Houston North KOA RV Park, Montgomery, TX HEART OF TEXAS WINNIES (Dallas/Ft. Worth area) Contact: Glenn Riedel [email protected] (817) 295-1295 Aug 23-26 Bluebonnet Ridge RV Park, Terrell, TX Sept 26-30 Red Willow RV Park, Chico, TX Oct 12-14 State Rally, Lake Conroe/ Houston North KOA RV Park, Montgomery, TX Nov 8-11 Mill Creek Resort, Canton Dec 13-16 Choctaw Casino RV Park, Durant, OK LONE STAR TRAVELERS (Austin area) Contact: Stephanie Mosley 512-966-6741 [email protected] NOR-TEX TRAVELERS (North Texas/DFW area) Contact: Celia Reid 940-391-6502 [email protected] www.texasw.org/nortex.html Aug 10-12 Shady Creek RV Park, Aubrey, TX Sept 7-9 Dodge City RV Park, Alvarado, TX Oct 12-14 State Rally, Lake Conroe/ Houston North KOA RV Park, Montgomery, TX Nov 9-11 Lazy “L” RV Park, Sherman, Dec 14-16 Destiny Dallas RV Park, Denton, TX RAMBLING ROSE TRAVELERS (Tyler Area) Contact: Jack Bell 903-473-2792 August/September 2012 REAR VIEW MIRRORS Contact: Jean Kirkpatrick 806-745-5308 or 806-790-1187 [email protected] Aug 23-26 Little Creek RV Park, Alto Sept TBA Oct 12-14 State Rally, Lake Conroe/ Houston North KOA RV Park, Montgomery, TX Nov Thanksgiving Location TBA Dec Christmas Location TBA RED RIVER WRANGERS (Wichita Falls area) Contact: Butch Morris 940-631-5532 [email protected] Sept 20-22 Glen Rose (Play), TX Sept 28-30 Attend Louisiana State Rally afterward Oct 12-14 State Rally, Lake Conroe/ Houston North KOA RV Park, Montgomery, TX Nov 16-17 Fort Richardson, Jacksboro, TX Dec 16 Sweetie Pie Restaurant, Decatur, TX Dec 16 Sweetie Pie, Decatur, TX SPARKLING W (Corpus Christi area) Contact: Ernest Gonzalez 361-215-9762; [email protected] Oct 12-14 State Rally, Lake Conroe/ Houston North KOA RV Park, Montgomery, TX Nov 16-18 Port Isabel Park Center, Port Isabel, TX Dec 1 Christmas Dinner TBA TEX-PAN RAMBLERS Contact: Grady Wilkinson 806-878-3007 UTAH GOLDEN SPIKE TRAVELERS Contact: Tom Walker 801-773-7007 [email protected] Sept 14-16 Friendship Outing, Willard Bay State Park WASHINGTON WASH-I-BAGOS (SC) Contact: Helen Hesketh 425-503-7669 [email protected] http://wash-i-bagos.org/ Sept 13-16 State Rally, Enumclaw APPLE ROVERS (Yakima area) Contact: Roger Simmons 509-754-2646 [email protected] 61 WESTERN AREA WILLAMETTE GAD-A-BOUTS Contact:Ray Daniel 503-639-1553 Aug 8-10 Pleasant Valley RV Park, Tillamook, OR Sept 19-23 State Rally, Rickreall, OR Oct 16-19 Devil’s Lake RV Park, Lincoln City, OR OR Sept 19-23 State Rally, Rickreal, OR Nov 15-18 Premier RV Resorts, Salem, OR Who’s Inviting Travelers Aug 8-12 Old Stone Village RV Park, McMinnville, OR Sept 13-16 State Rally, Enumclaw Oct 12-14 Horn Rapids, Richland, WA Nov 10 Newton Green Clubhouse, Yakima, WA Dec 15 Branding Iron, Toppenish, WA COLUMBIA RIVER ROLLERS (Vancouver and SW WA) Contact: JoAnne Akely [email protected] Aug 24-26 Elma RV Park, Elma, WA Sept 13-16 State Rally, Enumclaw Oct 19-21 Odell Fairgrounds, Odell, OR Nov 16-18 Woodburn RV Park, Woodburn, OR Dec 1 Holiday Dinner, Orchard Hill Golf Club, Washougal, WA EVERGREEN WINNIES (King County) Contact: Sue O’Brien 253-631-3053 [email protected] Aug 2-5 Wildhorse RV Resort & Casino, Pendleton, OR Sept 13-16 State Rally, Enumclaw Expo Center Oct 12-14 Rest A While RV Park, Hoodsport Nov 9-11 KOA, Burlington Dec 7-9 Midway RV Park, Centralia WESTERN AREA INLAND EMPIRE EXPLORERS (Spokane and NE WA & Idaho) Contact: Judy Quass 509-995-8347 [email protected] Aug 21-23 River Bend RV Park, Twisp WA Sep 13-16 State Rally, Enumclaw Fairgrounds, WA Oct TBD Dec 8 Luncheon Timber Creek Restaurant, Spokane WA 1 pm PENINSULA WITS (Kitsap and S. Oly. Peninsulas) Contact: Bill Higday 206-715-3049 [email protected] Aug 16-19 Rest-a-While, Hoodsport; joint outing with Sun Catchers Sept 13-16 State Rally - Enumclaw Fairgrounds Oct 12-14 Wenatchee/Leavenworth - Park Nov 9-11 Kent KOA Dec 8 Holiday dinner RAINIER RAMBLERS (South of Seattle) Contact: Harlan Stientjes 62 360-709-9561 [email protected] www.rainierramblers.clubexpress. com Aug 23-26 American Sunset RV Park Westport, WA Sept 13-16 State Rally, Enumclaw Expo Center, Enumclaw, WA Oct 11-13 Harmony Lakeside RV Park, Silver Creek, WA Nov 2-4 Olde Stone Village RV Park McMinnville, OR Dec Christmas party, Indian Summer Golf & Country Club, Olympia, WA SAN JUANDERERS (North of Seattle) Contact: Tom Rodawald 206-714-3131 Aug 9-12 Scandinavian Festival, Junction City, OR Sept 13-16 State Rally, Enumclaw Fairgrounds, Enumclaw, WA Oct 25-28 Columbia River RV Park, Woodland, WA Nov 14 Luncheon 11am, Farmhouse Restaurant, Mount Vernon, WA Dec 7-9 Annual Christmas Party, Fidalgo Bay Resort, Anacortes, WA SUN CATCHERS (Sequim and N Peninsula) Contact: Bob Grass 253-884-1109 [email protected] Aug 16-19 Rest-A-While, Hoodsport, Sept TBA Oct 11-14 Anderson’s RV Park, Long Beach, WA Nov 15-17 Bremerton Elks, Bremerton,WA Dec 15 China Garden, Sequim, WA VALLEY VAGABONDS (Tri-Cities and SE Washington) Contact: John O’Brien 509-375-6057 EASTERN AREA ALABAMA NORTH ALABAMA/ TRAVELIN’ WARRIORS Contact: Lee Varnado 256-852-5394 [email protected] Aug 18 TBD Sept 21-23 TBD Oct 19-21 TBD Nov 9-11 Point Mallard, Decatur, AL Dec 14-16 Noccalula Falls, Gadsden CONNECTICUT NUTMEG WINNIES (SC) Contact: Roger Coulombe 860-983-0625 [email protected] Aug 10-12 Campout at Partridge Hollow, Monson, MA Aug 24-26 NNE Tri-State, North Haverhill, NH Sept 14-16 Campout at Deer Haven Lisbon, CT Nov Luncheon TBA Clinton, CT DELAWARE DELMARVA WINNIES (SC) Contact: Art Cathell 302-542-4363 [email protected] Aug 17-19 Old Mill Stream, Lancaster, PA Sept 21-23 Virginia State Rally, Bethpage, Urbanna, VA Oct 18-20 Yoder’s Campground, Houston, DE Nov TBD Dec 1 Christmas Party FLORIDA FLORIDA WINNIE-GATORS (SC) Contact: Jerry Miller 239-574-2511 [email protected] www.winniegators.org Oct 19-21 Alligator Park, Punta Gorda, FL Jan 18-20, 2013 Central Florida Fairgrounds, Orlando, FL Mar 21-24 State Rally, Central Florida Fairgrounds, Orlando, FL May 10-12 Paradise Oaks RV Resort, Bushnell, FL Oct 18-20 Blueberry Hill RV Resort, Bushnell, FL BUCCANEER WINNIES (Tampa area) Contact: Judy Weaver 813-610-2185 [email protected] Oct 11-14 Sun Lake RV Park, Ruskin Oct 18-21 Torrey Oaks RV Resort, Bowling Green, FL Nov 8-11 Sun & Fun RV Park, Sarasota, FL Nov 29-Dec 2 Paradise Oaks RV, Bushnell, FL CALOOSA WINNIES (SW Florida area) Contact: Pete & Corinne Wightman 239-594-3912 [email protected] WIT Club News www.winniegators.org/caloosa Nov 3-6 Riverside RV Resort, Arcadia, FL Dec 1-4 Oak Haven RV Park, Arcadia, FL Jan 3-6, 2013 Pioneer Village RV Park, North Ft Myers, FL Jan 18-20 State Mtg, Central Florida Fairgrounds, Orlando, FL Feb 2-5 Lazydays RV Resort, Seffner, FL Mar 21-24 State Rally, Central Florida Fairgrounds, Orlando, FL Apr 4-7 Pine Island KOA, St James, City, FL May 2-5 Alligator Park, Punta Gorda, FL DUBOL WINNIES (Jacksonville area) Contact: Jack Caffrey [email protected] 904-215-3462 or 904-314-9993 Aug 16-19 Williston Crossings, Williston, FL Sept 20-23 Stagecoach Campground, St Augustine, FL Oct 19-21 State Mtg, Torrey Oaks RV Resort, Bowling Green, FL Nov 15-18 Wild Frontier Campground, Ocala, FL Dec 13-16 Traveler’s Rest Resort, Dade City, FL FLORIDA SUNSHINE WINNIES (Central Florida area) Contact: Richard & Kathleen Bock 352-357-2108 [email protected] FUNTIME TRAVELERS (Sarasota-Bradenton area) Contact: Carole & Edwin Gies 941-497-5700 [email protected] www.winniegators.org/funtime/ Oct 19-21, 2012 State Mtg Tor rey Oaks, Bowling Green, FL MID FLORIDA WINNIES (Orlando area) Contact: Tom and Sharon Zopff 352-638-2910 Sept 11-13 Wild Frontier RV Park, Ocala, FL Oct TBA State Mtg Nov 13-15 Red Oaks RV Park, Bushnell, FL Dec 11-13 Old Mill Stream RV Park, Umatilla, FL MIRACLE STRIP WINNIES (Panama City, FL, area) Contact: Richard Nallick 850-785-6703 PANHANDLE WINNIES (Pensacola area) Contact: Bob Meader 850-626-1471 [email protected] Sept 27-29 Louisiana State Rally, Rayne, LA Oct TBA Nov 15-18 Bella Terra RV Resort, Foley, AL Dec 6-9 Topsail Hill State Park, Santa Rosa Beach, FL SEASIDE WINNIES (East Central Florida) Contact: Bernadette Gaudet 863-221-4724 [email protected] Oct 8-11 Fun N Sun, Sarasota, FL Nov 5-8 Daytona Dec 3-6 TBD SOUTH FLORIDA WINNIE GATORS (South Florida area) Contact: Rick Bunn 954-781-1746; [email protected]; www.winniegators.org/sf-winnies Sept 6-9 Tropical Palms, Kissimmee Oct 11-14 Upriver RV Resort, North Fort Myers, FL Nov 1-4 Naples Motorcoach Resort, Naples, FL Nov 29-Dec 2 Upriver RV Resort, North Fort Myers, FL SPACECOAST WINNIES (Melbourne area) Contact: Jim Rae 321-267-7215 [email protected] www.winniegators.org/spacecoast Oct 19-21 State Mtg, Torrey Oaks RV Resort, Bowling Green, FL Nov 9-12 Sonrise Village RV Park, Cocoa, FL Dec 4-6 Paradise Oaks Golf & RV Resort, Bushnell, FL TREASURE COAST TRAVELERS (SE Coast) Billy & Gail Barnes 561-626-1229, cell: 561-818-8427 [email protected] GEORGIA WINNIE REBELS (SC) Contact: Fred Tomsett, President 770-438-1921 [email protected] www.gawit.com GONE WITH THE WINNIES OF NORTH GEORGIA Contact: JoAn Blankenship 770-258-1385 http://gwtw.gawit.com Aug 10-12 Riverbend RV Park, Hiawassee, GA Sept 21-23 Calhoun KOA, Calhoun, GA Oct 12-14 TBA Nov 9-12 Leisure Acres Campground, Cleveland, GA Dec 14-16 River Country Campground, Gadsden, AL METRO ATLANTA WINNIES Contact: John Cowan 404-386-2990 [email protected] http://atlantawinnies.gawit.com Aug 17-19 Cartersville KOA, Cartersville, GA Sept 21-23 State Mtg, Calhoun KOA, Calhoun, GA Oct 19-21 Statesville I-77 KOA, Statesville, NC Nov 16-18 TBA Dec 15 TBA MIDDLE GEORGIA STA-GONERS (Macon area) Contact: Wayne Thomas, 478-3287926, [email protected] Aug 3-5 Sugar Mill, Thomasville, GA Sept 21-23 State Mtg, KOA, Calhoun Oct 5-7 KOA, Cordele, GA Nov 2-4 Twin Oaks, Elko, GA Dec 7-9 Emerald Lake, Colquitt, GA ILLINOIS ILLINOIS INDIANS (SC) Contact: Jack Slater 309-359-8053/cell 309-349-4585 [email protected] www.illinoisindians.org Sept 21-23 State Mtg, Irioquois Co Fairgrounds, Cresent City, IL CARDINAL CAPERS (Rockford area) Contact: Toby Watne 815-757-7758 [email protected] www.illinoisindians.org (Click on Cardinal Capers) Aug 10-12 Emerald Lake Campground, Pearl City, IL Sept 14-16 Illinois Beach State Park Sept 21-23 State Mtg, Crescent City Oct 12-14 Kentuckiana Campground, Hopedale, IL Oct 14-20 Rend Lake, IL Nov 9 Crazy Bowling, Rochelle, IL Dec 2 Christmas Holiday Party FOURWINDS WINNIES (Central Illinois) Contact: J. Robert Todd 217-544-8344 [email protected] www.illinoisindians.org/fourwinds Aug 10-12 D&W Lake RV Park, Champaign, IL Sept 14-16 Clinton Lake Rec Area, Dewitt, IL Sept 21-23 State Mtg, Crescent City, IL Oct 12-14 Champaign Sportsman’s Club, Mahomet, IL FOX VALLEY WINNIES (West Suburban area) Contact: Bob Gardner 815-431-8393 [email protected] www.illinoisindians.org (Click on Fox Valley) June 29-July 1 State Rally, Fairgrounds, Crescent City, IL July 15-20 GNR Forest City, IA Aug 10-12 Thompson, IL Sept 6-8 Hickory Hollow, Utica, IL Sept 20-22 State Mtg, Fairgrounds, Crescent City, IL Oct 12-14 Fairgournds, Crescent City, IL Nov 3 Barrington Motors, Bartlett, IL Dec 9 Christmas Party, TBD LITTLE EGYPT WINNIES (Southern Illinois) Contact: Randy Burlison 618-995-2628 [email protected] www.illinoisindians.org/littleegypt/ littleegypt.htm Aug 16-19 Centralia Balloon Festival, Centralia, IL Sept 6-9 Fort Massac Stae Park, Metropolis, IL Sept 21-23 State Mtg, Crescent City Oct 13-20 Rend Lake, Gun Creek Campground, Benton, IL Nov 1-4 Cape Camping & RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO Dec 1 Christmas Party TBA PRAIRIE SCOONERS (Chicagoland’s south suburban area) Contact: Neta Luther 708-921-5898 [email protected] www.illinoisindians.org/ August/September 2012 prairiescooners/prairiescooners.htm QUAD CITIES WINNIES (Moline-Davenport area) Contact: Mike Bealer [email protected] www.illinoisindians.org/quadcity/ quadcity.htm Aug 8-10 Shabbona Lake State Park, Shabbona, IL Sept 14-16 Lake-Le-Aqua-Na State Park, Lena, IL Oct 5-7 Coralville Lake - Tailwater East Campground, Iowa City, IA Nov 7 Red Lobster, Davenport, IA Dec TBA WINDY CITY WINNIES Contact: Claudette Slowik 815-929-1957 [email protected] www.windycitywinnies.org Aug 9-12 Friendship Rally, Kentuckiana Kampground, Macknaw, IL WINNIE POO CLUB (Peoria area) Contact: Joyce Jones 309-697-9343 [email protected] www.illinoisindians.org/winniepoo/ winniepoo.htm Aug 10-12 Shady Lakes Campground, Woodhull, IL Sept 14-16 Kentuckiana Campground, Hopedale, IL Sept 21-23 State Mtg, Iroquois Co Fairgrounds, Crescent City, IL Oct TBA Nov Sky Harbor Restaurant, TBD Dec Christmas Party, TBD INDIANA WHO’S YUR WINNIES (SC) Contact: Kathy Rieck 219-924-7734; cell: 219-789-1374; [email protected] Aug 2-5 State Rally, Pla-Mor Campground, Bremen, IN Oct 16-18 Parke Co 4-H Fairgrounds, Rockville, IN INDIANA MEANDERERS (Northern Indiana) Contact: Scott Feichter [email protected] Aug 2-5 State Rally, Pla-Mor Campground, Bremen, IN Sept 13-16 Saunders Village, Archbold, OH Oct 16-18 State Mtg, Parke County 4H Fairgrounds, Rockville, IN Nov 10 Roanoke Village Inn, Roanoke,IN Dec 8 Luncheon, Brownstone Cafe, South Whitley, IN 63 EASTERN AREA SUNCOAST WINNIE-GATORS (Clearwater area) Contact: Larry Bergsman 727-744-9264 [email protected] Sept 13-16 Pleasant Lake RV, Bradenton, FL Oct 19-21 State Mtg, Torrey Oaks, Bowling Green, FL Nov 8-11 Sanlan RV, South Lakeland Dec 7-9 Blueberry Hill RV, Bushnell GEORGIA INDYBAGOS (Central Indiana) Contact: Bruce Barta 765-362-4172 [email protected] www.indybagos.com Aug 2-5 State Mtg, Pla-Mor, Bremen Sept 13-15 Columbus, IN Oct 16-18 Parke Co. 4H Fairgrounds, Rockville, IN Nov 10 Planning Mtg, Green Street Eatery, Brownburg, IN MAINE MAINE A BAGOS (SC) Contact:Jackie Mathews [email protected] MARYLAND MARYLAND STATE CLUB Contact: Joe Haba 301-467-4455 [email protected] CHESAPEAKE WINNIES Contact: Phyllis Sherbert 410-758-2483 [email protected] Aug 17-19 - Snug Harbor KOA, Hagerstown (tentative) Sept 21-23 VA State Rally, Bethpage Campground Oct 5-7 Homestead Campground, Georgetown, DE ORIOLE WINNIES (Baltimore area) Contact: Hazel Topa 410-391-0041; [email protected] MASSACHUSETTS EASTERN AREA PILGRIM WINNIES (SC) Contact: Ed Bates 781-294-8963; 339-933-0372 [email protected] Aug 24-26 Northern New England TriState Rally, North Haverhill, NH Oct 5-8 Blackman’s Point, Brant Rock, Marshfield, MA BRADFORD BRIGADE (SE Mass Area) Contact: Mark Whitehouse 781-320-0715; [email protected] Aug 24-26 Northern New England TriState Rally, North Haverhill, NH Sep 13-16 Sodom Mtn., Southwick Oct 5-8 Blackman’s Point, Brant Rock, Marshfield, MA Nov 2-4 TBD QUINEBAGOS (Worcester Area) Contact: Brian Martel 64 978-314-0085 [email protected] Aug 24-26 Northern New England TriState Rally, North Haverhill, NH Sep 13-16 Sodom Mtn., Southwick, MA Oct 5-8 Blackman’s Point, Brant Rock, Marshfield, MA Nov 2-4 TBD MICHIGAN WATER WONDERLAND WINNIES (SC) Contact: Bill & Charlene Hornsby 586-216-8097 cell; 586-939-9209 [email protected] www.waterwonderlandwinnies. com CEREAL CITY CAMPERS (Battle Creek area) Contact: James Simonds 269-665-9845 or 269-998-2226 [email protected] Aug 24-28 Shepshewana, IN Sept 21-23 State Mtg, KOA Campground, Petoskey Oct Dinner at Cornwells GRAND VALLEY WINNIES (West Michigan) Contact: Jerry Hoover 269-568-0306 [email protected] Aug TBA Sept 28-30 Poncho’s Pond, Ludington, MI Dec 1 Christmas Party, Branns, Division St, Grand Rapids, MI LANSING AREA WINNIES Contact: Gary Kingsley 989-224-3260; 517-242-4104 (cell) [email protected] Aug 16-19 Friendship Rally, Community of Christ Campground, Sanford Sept 21-23 State Mtg, Petoskey KOA, Petoskey, MI Sept 23-25 Petoskey KOA, Petoskey, Oct 12-14 St Lorenz Church Campground, Frankenmuth, MI MOTOR CITIES WINNIES (Detroit-Metro area) Contact: Ron Johnson [email protected] Aug 24-26 Thurder Bay Resort, Hillman, MI Sept 21-23 State Mtg, Petoskey KOA, Petoskey, MI Oct 5-7 Sauder Village, Archbold, OH Nov 2-5 Frankenmuth, Frankenmuth Jellystone Park, Frankenmuth, MI Dec TBD TIP-O-THE-MITT TRAVELERS Contact: Gordon & Bonnie Rollenhagen 734-891-1776; [email protected] Aug 10-12 Loranger Pines, West Branch, MI Sept 19-21 State Mtg, KOA Petoskey Oct 5-7 Kampvilla, Bear Lake, MI WOLVERINES OF SOUTHWEST MICHIGAN Contact: Dale Vander Linden 269-424-3714; 269-470-2017 (cell) [email protected] Aug TBA Sept 21-23 Petoskey, MI MISSISSIPPI MISSISSIPPI WINNIES (SC) Contact: Marcus Stennett 601-7886380 or Anne Lane 228-872-4888 NEW HAMPSHIRE GRANITE STATE WINNIES (SC) Contact: Joanne Metz 207-646-5094 [email protected] July 31-Aug 3 Maine Lobster Festival, NASCAR RV Resort, Rockport ME Aug 24-26 A Hillbilly Hoedown, NNE WIT Rally, N Haverhill, NH Fairgrounds Sept TBD Oct 19-21 Lake Forest Resort, Wakefield, NH NEW JERSEY NEW JERSEY STATE WIT CLUB Contact: William Wakemen 856-381-8727 [email protected] www.jerseyshells.com JERSEY SEASHELLS (Central New Jersey, Delaware River to Atlantic Ocean) Contact: Carole Maxwell Horton 609-877-7208; 609-923-9939 [email protected] www.jerseyseashells.com Aug 24-26 Pine Hill RV Park, Kurztown, PA Sept 21-23 Seashore Campsites, Cape May NJ Oct 26-28 Shady Pines, Galloway NJ Nov 16-18 Old Mill Stream, Lancaster PA Dec TBD SOUTH JERSEY BLUES (From the capital to cape area) Contact: Richard Donnelly 856-227-6519 WIT Club News [email protected] NEW YORK EXCELSIOR WINNIES (SC) Contact: Karen Welch 585-223-9689 August 10-12 Herkimer County Fairgrounds, Frankfort, NY Sept 6-9 NYS Excelsior Winnies Rally Herkimer County Fairgrounds, Frankfort, NY Sept 28-30 West Canada Creek Campground, Poland, NY FOOTHILLS WINNIES Contact: Wheeler Maynard, Jr 315-562-3450 [email protected] HUDSON VALLEY RAMBLERS Contact: Peter Zwart 845-361-4023 Aug 10-12 Rondout Valley Resort, Accord, NY Sept 6-9 State Rally, Herkimer Co. Fairgrounds Sept 28-30 Yogi Bears Jellystone Park, Birchwood Acres, Greenfield Park, NY KESHEQUA WINNIES Contact: Tom Burke 585-768-6556 Aug 16-19 Tri-Club, Byron, NY Sept 6-9 State Rally, Herkimer County Fairgrounds, Frankfort, NY Oct 4-7 Woodstream Campground, Gainesville, NY Nov 4 Early Christmas Party, TBA LONG ISLAND WINNIE-TASCAS Contact: Marianne Armstrong 631-423-9065 Aug 3-5 Cupsogue Beach Sept 7-9 NY State Rally Sept 14-17 Smithpoint Co Park Sept 19-25 Indian Island Oct 5-8 Off Island Club Trip Oct 19-25 Indian Island, Riverhead Nov 9-11 Holiday Party, Battlerow, Old Bethpage, LI ONONBAGO WINNIES (Syracuse area) Contact: Arleigh Paquette www.wix.com/nmonty/ ononbagowinnies SENECA WINNIES Contact: Don Pophal 585-637-0425 [email protected] Aug 16-19 Tri-Club, Southwoods RV, Byron, NY Sept 6-9 State Rally, Herkimer County Fairgrounds, Frankfort, NY Oct 18-21 Tracy’s 3 Acres, Pavillon, NY Nov 3 Holiday Party SOUTHERN TIER WINNIES (Corning/Elmira/Binghamton & Twin Tier Areas of NY & PA) Contact: Paul Mittan [email protected] WESTERN NEW YORK WINNIES Contact: Ron Gister 716-542-9140 [email protected] Aug 3-5 Sauerkraut Festival Junius Ponds, Phelps, NY Aug 16-19 Tri Club Southwoods Byron, NY Sept 5-9 State Rally, Herkimer Co. Fairgrounds, Herkimer, NY Sept. 28-30 Genesee Country, Caledonia, NY WINDMILL WINNIES Contact: Jim Bruce 518-477-8236 [email protected] Aug 17-19 Arrowhead Marina & Campground, Scotia Aug 24-26 Northern New England Rally, North Haverhill Fairgrounds, North Haverhill, NH Sept 6-9 State Rally, Herkimer Co Fairgrounds, Frankfort Sept 28-30 West Canada Creek Campground, Poland Oct 6-7 Alpin Haus Open House Nov 3 Annual Dinner NORTH CAROLINA WINNIE TARWHEELS (SC) Contact: Judy Albury www.northcarolinawit.com Nov 16-18 Roanoke Rapids Campground WINNIE TARHEEL TRAVELERS (Durham/Raleigh area) Contact: David Beedie 252-221-4898 [email protected] Aug 17-19 Cool Breeze, Galax, VA Sept 21-23 VA State Rally Oct 19-21 Ft Fisher OHIO WANDERING OHIO WINNIES (SC) Contact: Dick Radosevic 330-704-7737; [email protected] Sept 28-30 Champaign Co Fairgrounds, Urbana, OH BUCKEYE WINNIES (Canton area) Contact: Marlin Geesaman [email protected] 330-472-0193 Aug 12-14 Friendship Outing, joing campout with Maumee Valley, Sauder Village Campground, Archbold, OH Sept 7-9 Sternwheeler Festival, Washington CO Fairgrounds, Marietta, OH Sept 28-30 WOW Fall Campout, Champaign Co Fairground, Urbana Oct 12-14 TBD Nov 2-4 Salt Fork State Park, Lore City, OH Dec 8 Christmas Luncheon, TBD CARDINAL WINNIES (Central area) Contact:Bob Williams 740-862-2600 [email protected] Aug 17-19 Lively Lady Campground, Aberdeen, OH Sept 21-23 Ashland RV Park, Marietta, OH Sept 28-30 State Mtg, Champaign Co. Fairgrounds, Urbana, OH Oct TBA EMERALD NECKLACE WINNIES (Cleveland-Akron area) Contact: Bob Mervis 440-248-9022, 330-348-1931 Aug 10-12 Sunset Lake, Spencer, OH Sept 7-9 Pine Lakes, Orwell, OH Sept 27-30 State Mtg Oct 12-14 Wildwood Lakes, Homerville, OH Nov 2-4 Kandels Camping, Millersburg, OH MAUMEE VALLEY WINNIES (Northwest Ohio) Contact: Dale Viers 419-822-5928; [email protected] Aug 3-5 Shafer’s Show & Tell, Shafers RV, Delta Aug 10-12 Friendship Outing, Joint Campout with. Buckeye’s Sauder’s Archbold, OH Sept 14-16 Maumee Bay St. Pk. Sept 28-30 State Mtg, River City Winnies Campground, Champaign Co Fairgrounds, Urbana Oct 5-7 Shipshewana, IN Nov 3 Dinner Dec 1 Dinner Oct 2-4 Hickory Run, Denver Nov 3 Annual Fund Raiser Dec 8 Christmas Party, Bower’s Home MID OHIO WINNIES Contact: Jim Smith 330-239-1721 [email protected] or Joann Miller, 330-345-7751 [email protected] Aug 10-12 Callihan Pavillion, Nova, OH Sept 14-16 Evergreen RV Park, Mt. Eaton, OH Sept 28-30 Champaign Co Fairgrounds, Urbana, OH Oct 12-14 Oak Ridge Festival, Attica, OH Nov 10 Dinner at Marie’s, Wadsworth, OH Dec 8 TBA DELAWARE VALLEY WINNIES (Tri-county area) Contact: Bill Trinkle 570-588-6960 Aug 3-5 Pioneer Campgrounds, LaPorte, PA Sept 7-9 Holly Shores Campground, Wildwood/Camp May, NJ Sept 28-30 Holiday Trav-L, Virginia Beach, VA Nov 2-4 Mill Bridge Village Camp Resort, Paradise, PA Dec TBA Rainbow Dinner Theater, Paradise, PA NORTH COAST WINNIES (Cleveland area) Contact: Dave Blood 440-593-3080 Aug 19-21 Lampe Marina Campground, Erie, PA Sept 23-25 Traveler’s Woods, Garrettsville, OH Sept 27-30 State Mtg, Oct 19-21 Pymatuning Valley Resorts, Williamsfield, OH RIVER CITY WINNIES (Southwest Ohio) Contact: Joe Biehle 513-686-0822 [email protected] http://www.rivercitywinnies.org Aug 10-12 Natural Springs, New Paris, OH Sept 14-16 Little Farm on the River, Rising Sun, IN Sept 28-30 State Mtg, Champaign Co Fairgrounds, Urbana, OH Oct 12-16 Bob Evans Farm Festival, Rio Grande, OH Nov 10 TBA Dec 15 Christmas Party PENNSYLVANIA PENNSYLVANIA STATE CLUB (SC) Contact: Dave Liggett [email protected] CAPITOL AREA WINNIES (South Central Area) Contact: Bob Bower [email protected] 717-582-7902 Aug 3-5 Oak Creek Campground, Bowmansville, PA Sept 7-9 Paradise Stream, Loysville August/September 2012 KEYSTONE WINNIES (SE Pennsylvania) Contact: Jan Reed 717-397-2052 [email protected] Aug 16-19 Ives Run Hammond Lake, Tioga, PA Sept 20-23 Buttonwood Campground, Mexico, PA Sept 29 State Mtg, Centre Hall, PA Oct 11-14 Sills Family Campground, Adamstown, PA Nov 17 Luncheon Viva Euro Med Bistro, Reading, PA LAKE ERIE TRI-STATE Contact: Kathy Plant 330-245-0021 [email protected] Aug 9-12 Brookdale Family Campground, Meadville, PA Sept 13-16 Bay Shore, Andover, OH Sept 28-30 Fall Planning, Centre Hall Oct 6 Election & Planning Luncheon Nov Riverside Inn Dinner Theater, Cambridge Springs Dec Christmas Luncheon SUSQUEHANNA WINNIES (Central Pennsylvania area) Contact: John Schon 570-998-2907 Aug 10-12 Buttonwood Campground, Mexico, PA Sept 14-16 Mill Bridge Village Campground,Paradise, PA Oct 12-14 Friendship Rally, Walkers Farm, Wellsboro, PA Nov 10 1 p.m. Luncheon Angst Restaurant, Mill Hall, PA THREE RIVERS WINNIES (Pittsburgh/ Western Penn. area) Contact: Jim Stranford 814-677-7461 [email protected] Aug 17-19 Bayshore Campground, Andover, OH 65 EASTERN AREA WESTERN WINNIE TARWHEELS (Charlotte area) Contact: Kathy Willox 704-806-6025 [email protected] Aug 10-12 Ft Chiswell Campground, Wytheville, VA Sept 14-16 Rutledge Lake Campground, Fletcher, NC Oct 11-13 Stone Mountain, GA Nov 16-18 State Mtg, RV Resort, Roanoke Rapids, NC Nov 30-Dec 2 Moore’s Home Nov 16-18 State Mtg, Carolina Crossroads Dec 1 Christmas Party Who’s Inviting Travelers Sept 28-30 Grange Fairgrounds, Centre Hall, PA Oct 5-7 Pirateland Campground, Myrtle Beach, SC Nov TBD Dec 8 Carmody’s, Wexford, PA RHODE ISLAND RHODY WINNIES (SC) Contact: Sally Quinn 401-723-2590; 401-338-9060 [email protected] July 31-Aug 3 Rockport, ME for Lobster Fest Aug 24-26 NNE Sept 7-9 Circle CG Murder Mystery Oct Fisherman’s State Campground Dec Holiday Luncheon TBD May 2-5, 2013 Fishermen’s Memorial State Park SOUTH CAROLINA PALMETTO WINNEBAGO CLUB (SC) Contact: Lou Molnar 843-650-9158, 843-267-3410 FOOTHILL WINNIE TASCAS Contact: Doug Locke 864-226-7806, [email protected] LOW COUNTRY WINNEBAGO ITASCAS Contact: Jesse Ford 803-548-0215 TENNESSEE EASTERN AREA VOL STATE WINNIES (SC) Contact: Dennis Graham 931-200-2498 [email protected] July 15-20 GNR, Forest City, IA Oct 25-28 State Mtg, Wilson Co. Fairgrounds, Lebanon, TN MUSIC CITY WINNIES (Nashville area) Contact: Pat Bates 615-372-4547 [email protected] July 15-20 GNR, Forest City, IA July 20-22 Dale Hollow Campground, Celina, TN Aug 17-19 Salt Lick Creek Campground, Gainesboro, TN Sept 7-9 Fall Creek Falls State Park, Spencer, TN Oct 18-20 Spring Lake RV Resort, Crossville, TN 66 Nov 9-11 Pickwick Dam Tailwater, Savannah, TN Dec 15 Oakland Clubhouse, Lebanon, TN ROCKY TOP TRAVELERS Contact: Bill Gold 865-856-0445 [email protected] Aug TBD Sept 20-23 White Acres Campground, Bardstown, KY Oct 18-20 Spring Lake RV Resort, Crossville, TN, joint mtg w/ Music City Winnies Oct 25-28 State Mtg, Wilson Co. Fairgrounds, Lebanon, TN Nov 8-11 Two Rivers Landing, Sevierville, TN joint mtg w/ Tri-City Winnies Dec 15 Member Appreciation Luncheon TRI-CITY WINNIES Contact: Dan & Aggie King 423-366-0623, 423-366-2660 [email protected] or [email protected] Aug 17-19 Lake Ridge RV Resort, Hillsville, VA Sept 7-9 Down By the River, Pineola, NC Oct 26-28 Vol State Mtg, Lebanon Nov 9-11 Two Rivers Landing, Sevierville, TN Dec TBD WEST TENNESSEE TRAVELERS Contact: Larry Bolding 731-642-4997 [email protected] Sept 17-19 Natchez Trace State Park Oct 22-24 & 25-28 Long Branch State Park & State Mtg Dec TBD VERMONT LAKE CHAMPLAIN WIT Contact: Mitch Loiselle 802-238-6556 [email protected] VIRGINIA YE OLE VIRGINIA WINNIE TASCAS (SC) Contact: Phil Hannaford 757-427-0581, [email protected] www.virginiawit.org Aug 17-19 Cozy Acres, Powhatan, VA Sept 21-23 BethPage Camp Resort, Urbanna, VA Nov 9-11 Misty Mountain, Crozet, VA BLUE RIDGE WINNIES Contact: Ron Doerschug 276-728-5687 [email protected] July 6-8 Ft. Chiswell RV Park, Max Meadows, VA July 15-20 GNR, Forest City, IA Aug 17-19 State Mtg, Cozy Acres, Powhatan Sept 21-23 State Rally, Bethpage Camp Resort, Urbanna, VA Oct 5-7 Walnut Hills, Staunton, VA (Stew Pot) Nov 9-11 State Mtg, Misty Mountain, Crozet, VA Dec 8 The Roanoker, Roanoke, VA CARDINAL WINNIE TASCAS (Northern Virginia area) Contact: Dan Ruehl 703-887-2642 July 15-20 Grand National Rally Aug 17-19 State Mtg Aug 27-30 Grandparents/Friendship Campout Sept 21-23 State Rally at Bethpage Oct 19-21 - Creekside/Edinburg Nov 9-11 State Mtg Dec 9 - Christmas Party/Reines RV DOGWOOD WINNIES (Richmond area) Contact: Mary Wright 804-746-3595 [email protected] www.dogwoodwinnies.org July 15-20 GNR, Forest City, IA July 20-22 Amelia Family Campground, Amelia, VA Aug 17-19 State Mtg, Cozy Acres, Powhatan, VA Sept 21-23 State Mtg, Bethpage Campground, Urbanna, VA Oct 18-21 Wildwood Campground, Monroe, VA Nov 9-11 Misty Mountain, Greenwood, VA Dec TBA PENINSULA WINNIES (Newport News area) Contact: Betty Blackburn 757-244-5873 [email protected] www.peninsulawitva.org July 13-15 Thousand Trails, Chesapeake Aug 17-19 State Meeting, Cozy Acres, Powhatan Sept 21-23 State Rally, Bethpage, Urbanna Oct 12-14 Thousand Trails, Chesapeake WIT Club News Nov 9-11 State Meeting, TBA Dec 8 Christmas Dinner, TBA TIDEWATER TASCAS Contact: Mike Montgomery 757-619-7741 July 15-20 GNR, Forest City, IA Aug 17-19 State Mtg, Cozy Acres CG, Powhatan, VA Sept 21-23 State Rally, Beth Page CG, Urbanna, VA Oct 19-21 Camping, TBD Nov 9-11 State Mtg, TBD Dec 7-9 Christmas Party, TBD VIRGINIA COASTERS (Virginia Beach area) Contact: Pat Snow 757-421-9053 [email protected] July 14 Cookout at Syan’s July 15-20 GNR, Forest City, IA Aug 17-19 State Mtg, Cozy Acres, Powhatan Sept 21-23 State Rally, Beth Page CG, Urbanna Oct 12-14 South Forty CG, Petersburg Nov 9-11 Misty Mountain, Crozet Dec 14-15 Holiday Trav-L-Park, Virginia Beach Jan 2013 KOA Virginia Beach WISCONSIN WISCONSIN STATE CLUB Contact: Julie Krause 715-658-1676 [email protected] www.wiswitclub.com On Facebook: WISWITClub July 22-24 State Rally, Waupaca Co Fairgrounds, Weyauwega, WI Sept 21-23 State Mtg, Country Roads RV Park, Lake Delton, WI MADISON WINNIETASCAS (Madison area) Contact: Duane Somerville [email protected] July 15-20 GNR, Forest City, IA Aug TBA Sept 21-23 State Mtg, Country Roads RV Park, Lake Delton, WI Oct 5-7 TBA NORTHERN LIGHTS WITS Contact: Carol Omernik 715-359-3363 [email protected] www.wiswitclub.com On Facebook: NLWITClub Aug 24-26 Steam & Gas Engine Show - Edgar, WI (dry camping) Sept 11-20 WI/Upper MI Fall ColorTour SOUTHEAST WISCONSIN TRAVELERS Contact: Carolyn Loomis 262-968-3577 [email protected] Aug 17-18 Country Roads, Lake Delton, WI Sept 21-23 State Mtg, Country Roads RV Park, Lake Delton, WI Sept 28-30 Kickapoo Stump Dodger Campground, Gays Mills, WI CANADA CHAPTERS ALBERTA ALBERTA WILD ROSE WIT (Calgary area) Contact: Sid Mason 403-651-6907 [email protected] July 20-22 Canadian Badlands Passion Play, Drumheller, AB Aug 10-12 Irricana Pioneer Days, Irricana, AB Aug 31-Sept 3 Labour Day Weekend with Montana WIT chapter at Poulson, MT. Sept 14-16 Black Diamond, AB, Foothills Lions Centennial Park campground Sept 25-30 Norsk Hostfest, Minot, North Dakota BRITISH COLUMBIA FRASER VALLEY EXPLORERS Contact: Mike Mould [email protected] 604-980-5501 July 12-15 Canyon Alpine RV Park, Boston Bar, B.C. Aug 9-12 Eagle Vista RV Park, Squamish, B.C. Sept 12-16 WA State Rally Lynden, WA Sept 20-23 Sunshine Valley RV, Sunshine Valley, B.C. Oct 11-14 Brae Island Regional Park, Fort Langley, B.C. ONTARIO ONTARIO TRILLIUM TRAVELLERS Contact: Robert Dudley 519-736-2694 [email protected] http://www.ott-wit.com Sept 18-21 Riverwood Park, Lindsay INTERNATIONAL WIT CLUBS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WIT STATE PRESIDENTS Contact: Ed Potts 757-224-1368, 617-899-5900 [email protected] www.wit-presidents-assoc.org INT’L ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL CHAPTER PRESIDENTS Contact: Bud & Paula Geng 941-698-4194 www.wit-presidents-assoc.org WIT CHARTER MEMBER CLUB Contact: Don Aukland 805-828-2397 SPECIAL INTEREST CLUBS WIT ALLEY CATS Contact: Linda Burlison 618-995-2628 520-661-3111 [email protected] RED HAT WITS Contact: Darla Lewis 816-721-1043 [email protected] WIT RODS Contact: Earl Jacobson 319-234-0583; [email protected] WIT 365 CLUB Contact: Bill Tarbell 240-463-9406 [email protected] CANADA/SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS Sept 21-23 - State Mtg. Country Roads RV Park, Lake Delton, WI WIT SINGLES CLUB Contact: Dinie Hesseltine 515-285-6221 or Kathy Plant, [email protected] CLASSIC WINNEBAGO CLUB Contact: Jeff Barth 425-710-0035 [email protected] WIT SINGERS CLUB Contact: Ruth Kieffer 920-847-2709 MAKE SURE VISITORS CAN FIND YOUR CLUB AND CHAPTERS! UPDATE YOUR WHO'S INVITING TRAVELERS SCHEDULE AND CONTACT INFORMATION! E-MAIL [email protected] WIT Radio (WITCARS) Contact: Gary Spangenberg www.orgsites.com/ia/witcars WIT DUFFERS (Golf club) Contact: Junior Branson 651-464-6915 NO ONE Does It Better WIT HANDICAP CLUB Contact: Alice Broers 641-583-0091 [email protected] WIT LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS (LEO) Contact: Tom Bickers 523-657-5934 [email protected] MILWIT (Military club) Contact: Bill Speer 785-210-7141 [email protected] http://www.milwit.org NETWIT CLUB Contact: Mike & Kathy Laska [email protected] www.NetWIT.info NO-TOW-BAGO CLUB Contact: Jerrie Cronin 903-312-9410 [email protected] http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/ group/NO-TOW-BAGO for Rialta, LeSharo/Phasar, or ’02’04 Vista/Sunstar motor homes by Winnebago Number One In Air Ambulance Member Services Our goal is simply to be the best emergency air transportation membership service in the world. Will Klein, Chairman SkyMed Group of Companies SkyMed provides comfort that if you or your loved ones suffer a critical illness or injury while traveling we will provide emergency air transportation to your local hospital and medical providers. Call WIT members Tom and Nancy Bickers and tell them you are a fellow WIT traveler and want the peace-of-mind only SkyMed can provide. NO CO-PAYS NO DEDUCTIBLES NO CLAIM FORMS call: 1-866-460-3245 web: www.skymed.com/bickers The Premier Emergency Air-Transportation Membership Service August/September 2012 67 Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Des Moines, IA Permit No. 589 We Go... Where You Go! FCIS Insurance provides WIT Club Members all the coverage and service you need for your active lifestyle. Your RV Advantage® insurance coverage can include: • Replacement Cost Coverage/ Purchase Price Guarantee • Agreed Value • Personal Effects/ Contents • Custom Equipment Coverage • Full-Timer’s Coverage • Diminishing Deductibles • Vacation Liability • Mexico Liability/ Physical Damage Insurance • Awning Replacement • FCIS RV Technical & Roadside Assistance We’ll compare rates and coverage for you! • Trip Cancellation Call us today for your no-obligation quote: • Pet Insurance Because you never know what’s ahead... (800) 331-1520 or visit our website: www.rvadvantage.com