On the Recovery Trail


On the Recovery Trail
On the Recovery Trail
Ask anyone from upstate New York and
they’ll agree — there are few places more
beautiful to enjoy the fall foliage than the
Adirondacks. So despite a slight tingling in
his feet, 49-year-old Frank Palumbo and
his wife, Susan, set out for a six-mile hike
up Black Mountain, on the east side of Lake
George. It was October 8, 2011 ... the Saturday of the Columbus holiday weekend.
infection or the stomach flu; although in
Frank’s case, they were unable to pinpoint
the exact trigger. It is very uncommon, affecting only one or two people per 100,000.
While hospitalized, Frank was treated with
Understandably worried and fearful, it took
Frank just a few days to realize that he had
made the right choice. “At first, the staff had
more faith in me than I did. But, then I saw
rather quickly that they really knew what
they were doing. I put aside my fears and
opened my mind ... and I began to work as
hard as I could,” he added.
“I had been feeling a tingling sensation in
my feet for a few days, but we decided to
hike anyway,” remembered Frank. However, by the next day, his joints were aching
so badly, he decided to call his primary
care doctor who had seen this before —
he diagnosed Frank with Guillain-Barré
(pronounced ghee-YA-buh-Ray) syndrome,
a disorder in which your body’s immune
system attacks your nerves.
By Wednesday, the Wilton resident was
barely able to walk and went straight to
the emergency department at Saratoga
Hospital. “I was immediately transferred
to Albany Medical Center at which point
I was totally unable to walk or move. It
was terrifying.”
Much like Frank’s experience, the first
symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome
are weakness and tingling in the extremities,
sensations that can quickly spread, eventually paralyzing the entire body. In its most
severe form, as was Frank’s, Guillain-Barré
syndrome is a medical emergency requiring
While the exact cause of Guillain-Barré
syndrome is unknown, it is often preceded
by an infectious illness such as a respiratory
“I had heard of Sunnyview Rehabilitation
Hospital, but that’s about all. My minister
happened to be visiting me in the hospital
and when I mentioned I had a list of
rehab facilities from which to choose,
he emphatically said ‘You want to go to
Sunnyview.’ On Halloween, I was transferred to Sunnyview,” said Frank.
Frank Palumbo enjoying a hike this spring.
both plasmapheresis (also known as plasma
exchange) which reduces the severity and
duration of the Guillain-Barré episode,
and high-dose immunoglobulin therapy,
which helps stop the immune attack on
the nervous system.
Twenty days after being admitted, Frank was
ready to be discharged ... but the residual
effects of the syndrome remained and he
could barely lift his head or move his fingers.
He needed acute inpatient rehabilitation.
During the 39 days he spent at Sunnyview,
Frank worked with physical therapist, Jessica Dellaghelfa, DPT, on strengthening his
core, improving his balance and re-learning
how to walk, progressing from standing at
the hydraulic standing frame, to walking
with the Lite Gait (a weight-bearing gait
and balance system), to eventually using the
therapy pool which he considers “a unique
and wonderful way to have therapy.”
“Frank was one of the most motivated
patients I’ve ever seen ... he never complained and was ready each day for the
next challenge,” Jessica said. “His progress
was remarkable.”
Board-certified physiatrist Lynne Nicolson,
MD, who serves as chief of physiatry at
Sunnyview, noted, “Frank was a pleasure ...
he gave his best effort in every therapy
session and diligently practiced his new
(Continued on page 9)
editorial board
Edward J. Eisenman
Chief Executive Officer
In October 2011, Northeast Health, St. Peter’s
Health Care Services and Seton Health came
together to create St. Peter’s Health Partners, a new
regional system that addresses the healthcare needs
of the community in the 21st century. As St. Peter’s
Health Partners, we are truly pioneering healthcare
reform at the local level ... allowing us to improve
when, where and how care is provided and to
increase access to high-quality care and improve
the well-being of our neighbors.
Nancy E. Farnan
Director, Corporate Marketing/
Northeast Health
Douglas Flint
Design & Production Manager
Corporate Marketing/
Northeast Health
Brian Foster, OTR/L
Vice President,
Rehabilitation Services
Sarah Martinez
Director, Annual Fund
Sunnyview Rehabilitation
Hospital Foundation
Kathleen Ziobrowski
Executive Director
Sunnyview Rehabilitation
Hospital Foundation
Rehabilitation Insight is a publication of Sunnyview
Rehabilitation Hospital. The goal is to bring timely
issues of acute medical rehabilitation, including
updates and advances of the hospital and its
foundation, to the forefront.
It’s not surprising that people have been asking me,
“What does this mean for Sunnyview?” My answer
has been simple — there’s no doubt that the merger serves to strengthen Sunnyview’s position as the leading provider of acute rehab services in this region. In
fact, in late 2011, St. Peter’s Hospital closed its inpatient physical rehabilitation
unit and Sunnyview, the only comprehensive acute rehabilitation hospital in
upstate New York, became St. Peter’s Health Partner’s sole provider of acute
inpatient rehabilitation.
And, as part of St. Peter’s Health Partners and our parent organization, Catholic
Health East (CHE), we are better positioned to expand our scope of services well
beyond our current catchment area of some 40 counties in New York State, as well
as western Massachusetts, Vermont and Pennsylvania. While Sunnyview is already
a nationally recognized, CARF-accredited acute rehabilitation hospital, our affiliation with CHE could mean even greater opportunities for Sunnyview’s outstanding
reputation to be better known throughout the entire United States.
This is truly an exciting time for Sunnyview! We are both pleased and proud to
be working with our new partners. As a tertiary referral hospital, we will continue
to strive to help all of our patients achieve their functional goals and insure their
safe and timely return to their communities and their referring medical or surgical
providers both within and outside of the St. Peter’s Health Partner’s system.
The new system offers patients improved access to care and enhanced quality. It
offers our staff the security of working for a financially strong organization with
opportunities for personal and professional development. And, it offers a renewed
commitment to our loyal and dedicated medical staff and the patients they serve ...
the same commitment that we have embraced for more than 80 years — to provide
the best possible rehabilitation care with compassion and concern.
At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about.
Chip Eisenman
Chief Executive Officer
Page 2
Give A Gift That Gives Back!
Did you know that you can now make a gift
to Sunnyview Rehabilitation Foundation
which will pay an income back to you? With
our new charitable gift annuity program,
you cannot possibly outlive this stream of
income, and today, it may provide higher
income than most bonds and CDs, plus
give you significant tax benefits. You need
not be concerned about the performance
of the stock market or interest rates. Under
our gift annuity, a contractual arrangement,
your payments are guaranteed.
fund the gift, and the payment rate which
is based upon your age, or if a two-life joint
and survivor agreement, an annuity partner’s
age as well.
Consider this gift as an opportunity to make
a difference, too, as enduring support of the
Sunnyview mission. You help improve the
lives of people with disabilities and provide
vital assistance to their families.
Ages 60/60 3.9% per year
Ages 70/65
Ages 85/80
In exchange for your gift of $10,000 or
more (either in the form of cash or readily marketable securities), you will receive
a fixed sum payout on a regular basis from
Sunnyview Rehabilitation Foundation
throughout your lifetime. A payout rate
is determined at the time you make your
charitable gift to Sunnyview Rehabilitation
Foundation. The annuity lifetime payout
is based on the ages(s) of the annuitant(s),
with older donors receiving a higher payout
than younger donors. The minimum age is
60 years.
The benefits you can receive from a gift
annuity are substantial:
•Guaranteed life income - a portion
of which is tax-free
•Charitable contribution deduction
•Capital gains tax savings
•Estate tax savings
•Establishment of a charitable legacy
with membership in our Legacy Circle.
For example:
Single-life payout rate
Age 60
4.4 % per year
Age 75 5.8 % per year
Age 85
7.8 % per year
Two-life payout rate
Here is how we can help. To start, we would
discuss your objectives for a life income gift
(a confidential visit, of course!) and then,
with specific information, we would provide
a charitable gift annuity illustration for your
life income plan. We can provide immediate
payments (age 60 or older), or if you wish,
deferred payments may begin at an older age.
You choose a payment schedule of quarterly,
semi-annually or annual. All payout rates for
a single life or two lives are based on the payment tables recommended by the American
Council on Gift Annuities.
For more information or to request a
confidential illustration, please call Kathie
Ziobrowski, executive director, at (518)
382-4586 or email ziobrowskik@nehealth.
com who will be most pleased to assist you
through the planning process and discuss
the benefits of our new charitable gift
annuity program, no obligation.
Foundation Board Elects New Officers
Welcome to the newly elected officers of the Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital
Foundation board of directors:
Peter L. Gregory, CTFA, CFA, chair, is a financial advisor with RBC Wealth
Management in Schenectady. A graduate of Bucknell University in Lewisburg, PA,
Gregory lives in Waterford. He and his wife, Kimberly, have two children.
Ralph A. Figueroa, CLU, vice chair, is employed at Financial Remedies in Albany.
A graduate of SUNY - Albany, he lives in Rexford. He and his wife, Rebecca, have
three children.
Mark E. Boucher, 2nd vice chair, serves as vice president at Price Chopper. He
received his undergraduate degree at SUNY Brockport, and an MBA from SUNY
Albany. He and his wife, Jackie, have four children. They live in Wilton.
Kate Kosineski, secretary, has been a community volunteer for more than 20 years.
She serves as assistant to Philip Morris, CEO, of Proctors Theatre in Schenectady.
She and her husband, Bob, live in Niskayuna. They have two children.
Tax benefits which you receive in the year
you make your gift are based on your tax
bracket, the value of the asset you use to
Page 3
Sunnyv iew R e ha bi litatio n H o spit a l F o u n d a tio n
Annual Fund Contributors
The following list represents donors who have made gifts to the Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital
Foundation between January 1 and December 31, 2011. Every effort has been made to ensure a
complete and accurate list. Please call us at (518) 382-4586 with any errors or omissions. Thank you.
Alfred R. Warner, MD, Society
($100,000 and above)
Estate of Kenneth Lally*
Henry Yates Society ($25,000 - $99,999)
Carol and Bill Borthwick
GE More Gifts More Givers
Estate of Gloria M. Hunter*
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Murphy
Mrs. Matilda Spodnewski
Sunnyview Rehabilitation
Hospital Employees
Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital
Foundation Board
Anastasia McConnell, RN, Society
($10,000 - $24,999)
Mr. Eric Halberg
Edward C. Mertzlufft
Estate of Anne F. Murphy*
Stewart’s Shops
Sunnyview Rehabilitation
Hospital Auxiliary
Mrs. Esther M. Swanker
Trustco Bank Corp.
William Gazeley, MD, Society
($5,000 - $9,999)
Mrs. Benita C. Allaire
The Community Foundation
for the Greater Capital Region
Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Giaquinto
Mrs. Marion Grimes
Douglas Hamilton and Lynne Nicolson
Dr. and Mrs. James Holmblad
M&T Bank
Schenectady Permanent
Firemen’s Association, Inc.
United Way of the Greater
Capital Region - SEFA
Robert S. Hoffman, MD, Society
($2,500 - $4,999)
Cohoes Savings Foundation
The Community Foundation for
the Greater Capital Region’s
Alexandria Ashkar
Tamburello Fund
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Fulco
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Maltbie
MVP Health Care
Patricelli’s Deli & Catering Corp.
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Paulsen
The Robison Family Foundation
The Smachlo Foundation
Starlight Children’s Foundation
Ms. Patricia Trolio
Duryee Society ($1,000 - $2,499)
Alchar Printing Group
Drs. John and Carolyn Assini
Drs. N. Balasubramanian
Page 4
The Benjamin
Ms. Tammy Breault
Capital District Physicians
Health Plan Inc.
Mr. William Clough
The Community Foundation for the
Greater Capital Region’s Charles
C. Freihofer III Advised Fund
Ms. Ashley Corrado and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Currie
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D’Alessandro
Dark Side Motorcycle Group
Ms. Rosann DeMeo
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Eisenman
Experience & Creative Design
Mr. and Mrs. R. Paul Farrell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fazio
Fenimore Asset Management, Inc.
Brian and Sylvia Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fusco
Mrs. Sarah Gage
Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Gittinger
Mr. and Mrs. David Golub
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Graham
Mr. Rudy Grant and Mr. David Siders
The Community Foundation for
the Greater Capital Region’s
Hershey Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Hoopes
Hudson River Community Credit
Union – Credit Union Cares for Kids
Jersen Construction Group
Ms. Gail Nadeau Junjulas
Fred and Sandy Kaplan
Kasselman Electric Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kaye
Mrs. Teresa Kennedy
Dr. and Mrs. David Kim
Ms. Barbara Klemz
Martin, Harding & Mazzotti
Mr. Christian McCann
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. McPartlon
Mohawk Ambulance Service
Ms. Jean Morgan
Overton, Russell, Doerr & Donovan, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Ras
Mrs. Richard Roberts
Mrs. Emily S. Ross
Sampson’s Prosthetic
& Orthotic Laboratory
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Somaio
Sondra’s Fine Jewelry
St. Jude Medical
Ms. Joyce Stec
Mr. and Mrs. John Undrill
Mrs. Margaret Van Deloo
Mr. Michael T. Wallender
and Ms. Erin Imgruth
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wright
Anna Electra Collins Society
($500 - $999)
ADP National Account Services
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beadle
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Begg, Jr.
The Family of Vincent Blandino
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Boucher
Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Breault
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bylancik
Mr. and Mrs. Barton W. Chabot
Ms. Donna M. Christian
Mr. James B. Christian
Mr. Michael V. Claps, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Coan, Sr.
County of Schenectady
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Cournan, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Cummings, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cummins
Dave Feiden Photography
Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Donohue
Dr. Radka Dooley
Federated Clover
Capital Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Freihofer
Kimberly Salmon and Richard Fremont
Mr. Richard A. Fuerst, Esq.
Glen Sanders Mansion
Mr. and Mrs. Neil M. Golub
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graber
Ms. Mary T. Gray
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Hall
Lucy and John Halstead
Higgins, Roberts, Beyerl, and Coan PC
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jersen
The John and Susan Hubbard
Kingsway Arms Nursing Center Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kosineski, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Akula V. Krishna
La Torre Orthopedic Laboratory
Ms. Marie Laven
Ms. Agnes L. Liedel
Ms. Beth Manzer
Mr. and Mrs. Norman I. Massry
Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Mika
Dr. Anita Miller
Mobility Works
Mr. and Mrs. James Orr
Pet Lodges, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Peters
Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Peter F. Purcell
RBC Wealth Management –
Mr. Peter Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Runge
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rutherford
Dr. Robert E. Sandroni
Mr. Peter J. Scanlan
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schillinger
Dr. Howard R. Schlossberg
and Ms. Michelle L. Ostrelich
Mr. John K. Sharkey
and Mrs. Cristine Cioffi
Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Siegel
Siena College
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Socha
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Strosberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Todt
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Toll
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Underwood
United Way of the Greater
Capital Region, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Valenza
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Varriale
WGY Christmas Wish Campaign
Ms. Susan Wallen
Ken and Kathie Ziobrowski
Ellis Rowe Society ($100 - $499)
28 Tables
Mrs. Gertrude W. Adamec
Mr. and Mrs. David Adams
Dr. and Mrs. Mark G. Adsit
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Ainlay
Mrs. and Dr.* Richard W. Akin
Mr. Frank E. Alberti
Ms. Eileen Alessandrini
Ms. Mary Beth Allen
Ms. Rose Amorosi
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Anderson
Mrs. Freddie Anderson
Mrs. Betty J. Apkarian
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Appel
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Audette
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Auster
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Baertsch
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Baily
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Bain
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ball
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce K. Barach
Dr. and Mrs. Lyle Barlyn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. John Barrett, Jr.
Mrs. Jennifer Battle
Mrs. Margot Bean
Mrs. Eileen M. Beard
Ms. Beverly Becker
Ms. Genevieve Becker
Ms. Diane Bengston-Kilbourn
Benny Sangiorgi, Inc.
Mr. Joseph P. Bevak
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Beyerl
Mr. Sheridan C. Biggs
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Blackmer
Ms. Deborah Blinstrub
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Bobear
Mr. Bruce J. Boivin
Ms. Mary Ellen Boscia
Richard and Susan Brainard
Dr. Michael and Linda Breault
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Brezinski
Annual Fund Contributors
Continued from page 5
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brown, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia A. Brown
Ms. Gail Brown
Ms. Margaret A. Brown
Mr. Charlie Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Bucci
Ms. Kathleen M. Buckley
Mrs. Flower S. Buhrmaster
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Burdick
Mr. Melvin Burger, Jr.
The Cambridge Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campione
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Canavan
Capital Repertory Theatre
Mr. James M. Carroll
Ms. Grace K. Carter
Dr. Cindy H. Chan
Ms. Donna Chance
The Chazen Companies
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Chelius
Ms. Anne Christman
Mr. Robert J. Christoffel
Ms. Jan Cioffi
Ms. Doris Clark
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Coffey
Mr. Jerome Cohen
Dr. John Collins
Mr. and Mrs. David Colomb
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph N. Comanzo
Comedy Works
Ms. Alissa Conley
Mr. Richard W. Coole
Ms. Jean Coolidge
Mrs. Fannie L. Cooper
Corporate Building Services, Inc.
Ms. Jo-Ann Costantino
Mr. and Mrs. Karl C. Coté
Courtyard by Marriott
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Crafts
Cranwell Resort, Spa & Golf Club
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Craver
Mrs. James T. Cullen, Jr.
Current Assets
Mr. Richard Custer
Ms. Judith D’Agostino
Ms. Sandra Daly
Ms. Jeanette Daoud
Dr. Dennis R. David
Mr. Mark R. Davison
and Ms. Christine A. Gauss
Mr. F. Paul de Mello
DeCrescente Distributing Company
Dr. Rudolph Dehn
Mr. Michael J. Della Rocco, Jr.
Mr. Michael Delucia
Mr. James J. DeMasi
Department of Labor - Division
of Research & Statistics
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. DePetrillo
Ms. Patricia Desbiens
Ms. Patricia DeSimone
and Ms. Elizabeth DeSimone
Ms. Karmel DeStefano
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. DeVries
Ms. Joanne Diamantis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Dibenedetto
Mrs. Suzanne Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis DiGesare
Mr. Vincent DiNallo
Mr. and Mrs. Gary DiNola
Ms. Carolyn Dion
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DiSarro
Ms. Ruth R. Doering
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Draffen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Drexel
Ms. Rosemary Ducharme
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Duci
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dudley
Mrs. Celia N. Dziadul*
Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Earley
Mrs. Lisa Earls
Mr. and Mrs. David Ellis
Emil J. Nagengast Florist & Greenhouse
Empire Wine and Liquor
Mr. and Mrs. James Erceg
Mr. and Mrs. John Ericson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Evers
Dr. Marion Farlin
Mr. and Mrs. James Farrell
Mr. Werner L. Feibes
Ms. Barbara Feulner
Mr. Howard Fiedler
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Figueroa
Financial Remedies
Ms. Diana Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fleischer
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Foote
Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Foster
Ms. Theresa Franklin
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Fraterrigo
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Freeman
Ms. Lauren Furey
Ms. Theresa Galvin
Galway Golf Club
Ms. Victoria Garcelon
Mr. Raymond L. George
Mrs. Larene Gifford
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gillen
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Goca
Mr. and Mrs. James Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Gordon
Mr. Steven Gormley
Mrs. Dorothy E. Graham
Mrs. Dorothy Graham
Mrs. Paula Ann Granger
Dr. Walter Grattidge
Mr. and Mrs. Harris R. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Gregory
Ms. Alycia N. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haase
Mr. Arthur W. Haberl
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Haegele
Mr. Liam Haley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hali
Mrs. Joan Halstead
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson P. Harris
Ms. Patricia A. Harder
Mrs. Kelly Harvey
Health Employees Federal Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. William Hefner
Ms. Jody Henry
Henry M. Butzel Family Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Andrew M. Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart B. Hettig
Ms. Roberta Hickok
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hillander
Hilton Garden Inn Troy
Mr. Bill Himmelwright
and Ms. Ruth Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan
Holiday Inn of Saratoga Springs
Mr. Willard G. Holt
Ms. Linda K. Huge
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hughes
Mr. John Hughes
Mr. Roger Hull
Hyatt Place Saratoga/Malta
IBM Matching Gifts Program
Mrs. Maryse Z. Jensen
Ms. Karen B. Johnson
Mrs. Miriam Butzel
and Mr. Richard Junge
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Kahn
Ms. Joann M. Karis
Kennedy Optical
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kenosian
Mr. Bahram Keramati
Mr. and Mrs. Larry King
Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. King
Ms. Laurie King
Margaret C. King, Ed.D
Mr. Rudolph Koehler
Ms. Jennifer Krom-Armer
Mrs. Kristin Kruzikas
Ms. Barbara Kugler
Mr. and Mrs. Ray S. Larmon, II
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Launsbach
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Laviolette
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Leader
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Leupold
Mrs. Shirley Levey
Ms. Linda J. Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Liebers
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Liebich
Lindsey’s Orchard
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Linkinhoker
Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Lintner
Dr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Lirio
Mark and Terri Little
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lovell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Lowe, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Lowe III
Mr. and Mrs. Wade D. Lupe
Mr. James Lynch
Mr. John W. Macan
Mr. and Mrs. Leo MacKinnon
Ms. Sharon Marion
Mario’s Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Martinez
Ms. Linda Mastrianni
Mrs. Linda Cadieux Matt
Mr. Chester L. Matthews
Mr. Joseph A. Matura, Sr.
Dr. Renata Mazzei-Klokiw
and Mr. Gregory Klokiw
Ms. Deborah McCaffery
Ms. Linda McCumber
McDonald’s Corporation
Mr. Edward Mc Elroy
Ms. Ruth D. McGraw*
Mr. * and Mrs. Richard Mehan
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Melsert
Mr. Phillip R. Mertens
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller
Mr. John Mizerak
and Ms. Stephanie Paulsen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mocker
Dr. Zoser Mohamed
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Moran
Ms. Charlotte Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mulhall
Dr. Marion E. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy
Ms. Barbara Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Ira K. Nahikian
Ms. Althea Nelson
New York City Ballet
New York Early Bird Club, Inc.
Mr. Arthur Newberry
Ms. Lynda R. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Nicolson
Mr. James R. Nolan
and Ms. Mary Mackrel
Mr. Robert B. McCalley, Jr.
Ms. Marney Mesch
Ms. Rosemary E. Minosh
Northeast Acura
Northeast Health
Northeastern Association of the Blind
of Albany – Michele O’Hare
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Noto
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Novak
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Novakovic
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. O’Brien
Mr. William J. O’Brien, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor
Omni Development Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Packer
Ms. Graziella Palleschi
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard F. Parisi
Parisi, Coan & Saccocia PLLC
Ms. Mary Pedone
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Perrin
Mrs. Frances Pesez
Mr. Stephen M. Peters
Mrs. Nancy Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Phillippe
Ms. Susan M. Phillips
Mr. William B. Picotte
Ms. Mary Piel
Mr. and Mrs. Roland P. Pierson
Mr. Gerald F. X. Plante
and Mr. Raymond S. Christy
Ms. Elizabeth Z. Polando
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Pommerer
Dr. and Mrs. Alan I. Posner
Mrs. Dorothy K. Potter
Mrs. Yon Powers
Ms. Margaret Prater
Proctors Theatre
Dr. and Mrs. James K. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reiter
Page 5
Sunnyv iew R e ha bi litatio n H o spit a l F o u n d a tio n
Annual Fund Contributors
Continued from page 6
Residence Inn by Marriott
Albany Airport
Residence Inn by Marriott - Saratoga
Mrs. Marion Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Rigley
Mrs. Shirley Rivest
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Robb
Ms. Janet Robbins
Ms. Ann Robinson
Mrs. Linda M. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Roecker
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roemer
Joan B. and Barry W. Rogers
Ms. Joann Rose
Mr. Mark J. Rosen
and Mrs. Leslie J. Newman
Ms. Pam Rossi
Ms. Kathleen Rubin
Mrs. Rose Salamone
Ms. Sheila Salenger
Saratoga Eagle Sales & Service
The Saratoga Hilton
Saratoga Notecards
Saratoga Performing Arts Center
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Saul
Ms. Anna Saville
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schadow
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schechter
Schenectady Elfun Society
General Electric Company
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Schilling
Mr. and Mrs. Page M. Schmitt
Ms. Carol A. Schultz
Dr. and Mrs. Alvin D. Schwartz
Ms. Darlene Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. David Schweizer
Security Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Sefcik
Seton Health Foundation
Shawnee Chemical Company, Inc.
Dr. John T. Sheridan*
Ms. June F. Sherman
SI Group
Siebel Floor Covering, Inc.
Dr. Martin Siegel
Mrs. Kristin Signor
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smart
Gary Smith
Mrs. Janice M. Smith
Mrs. Lillian K. Smith
Ms. Nancy Smith
Ms. Pauline Snow*
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Socha
Mr. Bernard L. Socha, Jr.
Mr. Frank R. Sorgiovanni
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Spring
Mrs. Eldon Springsted
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Steiner
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Stevens
Mrs. Dorothy S. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stillwell
Ms. Deborah Stockwell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Stoffels, Sr.
Mrs. Linda M. Stuart
Dr. and Mrs. Eric T. Sundquist
Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital
3 East Unit
Mr. Gilbert J. Swartz
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sylvetsky
Mrs. Dorothy Y. Szymaszek
Ms. Amanda Taber
Mr. Francis R. Taormina
Mr. Joseph Tardi
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Taylor
Ms. Susann Teegarden
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Tentor
Mrs. Alice B. Tepper
Mr. Luke Tetreault
and Ms. Rachel Swire
The Tiki Resort
Dr. and Mrs. John Thomas
Mrs. Shirley J. Thomas
Ms. Maryrose Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. William Thorne
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Tippins
Ms. Jean Tomhave
Representative Paul Tonko
Dr. and Mrs. Benoit A. Tonneau
Mr. Thomas J. Tracy, Jr.
Ms. Lavina Travison
Mrs. Lois M. Troup
Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Tupper
Mrs. Vivian Van Dyke
Mrs. Susan Van Wie
Mr. and Mrs. Peter VanAvery
Ms. Susan M. Veeder
Verizon Foundation
Mr.* and Mrs. Romolo Versaci
Ms. Diana H. Vianna-Brignola
Mr. and Mrs. John Viertl
Ms. Chieko Vititow
Mr. and Mrs. Sherrie R. Wages
Ms. Carole A. Wagoner
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Wait, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wakewood
Ms. Nancy L. Walden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weakley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weick
Mr. David A. Werner
Mr. R. Christopher West
Mrs. Norma Westcott
Drs. John W. and Jean Wilkinson
Mrs. Pauline E. Williman
Mr. Edward Noel Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Woerner
Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Wood
Dr. and Mrs. Rory D. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. James Woodruff
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Woodward
Ms. Valerie L. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Wusterbarth
Mrs. Brenda S. Wyko
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Yunick
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zakriski
Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Ziehm
Ms. Sharon Zindel
Memorial Gifts
We are proud to acknowledge the following memorial gifts made
between January 1 and December 31, 2011. Every effort has
been made to ensure an accurate and complete list.
In Memory Of
Irving A. Anderson
Augusta Zeh Barry
and Jay H. Zeh
Arthur P. Beard
Zelda Blandino
David G. Boehm
Emerson Boucher
Jacob A. Christian
Amy Elizabeth Chubb
James Corcoran
Cary Creamer
Abe Dasher
Joan Dickson
Marion Dipley
Katherine P. Dixon
Robert A. Dunleavy
Celia Dziadul
Page 6
Donation By
Mrs. Regina M. Anderson
Joan B. and Barry W. Rogers
Mrs. Eileen M. Beard
Mr. Vincent Blandino
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Boehm
Mr. Bernard L. Socha, Jr.
Ms. Deborah Tanski
Ms. Donna M. Christian
Mr. James B. Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Chubb, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James Holmblad
Mrs. Virginia Creamer
Ms. Mildred Ostrowsky
Ms. Ruth H. Dickson
Mr. George J. Dipley
Mr. Richard A. Fuerst, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Varriale
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Craver
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duch
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Furman
Please call the Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation
at (518) 382-4586 with any errors or omissions. Once again,
thank you for your support!
In Memory Of
John Dziadul
Shane B. Edick
Salvador J. Esparza
Jamie Falcigno
Donation By
Mrs. Shirley Levey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pratico, Jr.
Ms. Harriet J. Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smart
Mrs. Elaine Springsted
Ms. Laura Tisinger
Mrs. Celia N. Dziadul*
Mr. and Mrs. Toby Cass
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Durr
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Meyer
Ms. Barbara Murray
Mr. and Ms. Ron K. Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stratton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Carelli
Ms. Carol M. Covert
Mr. and Mrs. Owen E. Germain
Mr. Cornelius P. Goes
Mr. Wayne Harper and Ms. Hilary Buono
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hoffnagle
Mr. and Mrs. Roland P. Pierson
In Memory Of
Judith L. Fidler
Helena M. Frederick
Edward Fronko
Martha Fuerst
Margaret Marra Gallivan
Katherine Gatzemeyer
Carol L. George
Franklin Graham
Connie Grasso
Larry Grimes
Paul Hasler
Robert Hoffman, MD
Ann Holmblad
Leslie Snyder Joan’s “Dad”
Sondra Kent
George and Magdalon Kristel
Elizabeth Walden Loeser
Richard E. May
Leonard Melsert
Ofelta Mennillo
James and Janet
May Nelson
Gasper Pagnotta
Gary W. Peters
Winifred M. Plante
and Irene Gillette Christy
George Potter
Donation By
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Savini
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Johnson
Ms. L. Arlene Frederick
Ms. Jean Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Barton W. Chabot
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Czyzyk
Mrs. Leland B. Fox
Ms. Arlene R. Klimowicz
Mrs. Susan J. Mogavero
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Phillippe
The Honorable and Mrs. Vincent J. Reilly, Jr.
Ms. Carole A. Marra
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Cummings, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Schweizer
Zalucki & Halstead, LLP - John Halstead
Mr. Raymond L. George
Mrs. Dorothy Graham
Ms. Emily Grasso
Mrs. Marion Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beadle
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Caine
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold S. Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. James Holmblad
Mr. James J. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Phillippe
Dr. Marion E. Murphy
Mrs. Norma Hudson
Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital 3 East Unit
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Tippins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Coonrad
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Kent
Ms. Ruth O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kristel
Ms. Nancy L. Walden
Ms. Rita May
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Melsert
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zilka
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hali
Mrs. Angeline Pagnotta
Dr. and Mrs. James Holmblad
Mr. and Mrs. John Y. McMullen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nixon
Shawnee Chemical Company, Inc.David Peters
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Slater, III
Ms. Ruth Turner and Ms. Claudia Turner
Mr. Gerald F. X. Plante
and Mr. Raymond S. Christy
Mrs. Jennifer Battle
Ms. Marilyn J. Carpenter
Ms. Alicegrace M. Cherko
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Christoff
Ms. Anneliese S. Conley
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Donahue
Ms. Mary V. Gordon
Ms. Deborah Hayden
Ms. Kim M. Koza
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koza
Ms. Susan I. MacNeil
In Memory Of
Richard E. Roberts
Rosemary Rulison
Ernest Rumbaugh
Eileen Schram
Joyce Sheridan
Edward Sickler
Angela Squadere
Mack Stec
Edwin Stoodley
Donation By
Ms. Sharon Olshefsky
Mrs. Linda M. Stuart
Mrs. Connie Todt
Mrs. Vivian Van Dyke
Mrs. Richard Roberts
Ms. Elaine J. Cerne
Mr. and Mrs. David Adams
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Seacord
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Sheridan
Mrs. Eldora Sickler
Ms. Gloria Bailey
Ms. Deborah Blinstrub
Mrs. Patricia A. Brown
Mrs. Michele Cournan
Ms. Rosann DeMeo
Ms. Patricia Desbiens
Ms. Cynthia DiDonna
Mr. Robert Eisenbrown
Ms. Patricia Fetcho
Mrs. Margaret Frese
Ms. Meghan Glowa
Mrs. Kelly Harvey
Mrs. Gail Hein
Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan
Ms. Tammy Kilmartin
Mr. and Mrs. Larry King
Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Lanahan
Ms. Anna Lomasney
Mr. and Mrs. David Michaels
Mrs. Bonnie Mortensen-Szczerba
Northeast Health
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. O’Connor
Ms. Patricia Pardi
Mrs. Nancy Peterson
Ms. Kathy Philips
Mrs. Yon Powers
Ms. Joann Rose
Ms. Pat Schultz
Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital 3 East Unit
Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital Employees
Mrs. Melissa Van Staveren
Mr. Luke Tetreault and Ms. Rachel Swire
Mrs. Susan Van Wie
Ms. Susan M. Veeder
Mr. David A. Werner
Ms. Borenza Williams
Ms. Laura Wright
Mrs. Kathie Ziobrowski
Ms. Joyce Stec
Mr. Frank E. Alberti
Mr. and Mrs. Ted J. Bissonette
Mrs. Arline L. Brunelle
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Docherty
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Monaco
Mr. Michael Moss
New York Early Bird Club, Inc.
Mr. Clarence Reamer
Mr. Neil R. Rose
Page 7
Sunnyv iew R e ha bi litatio n H o spit a l F o u n d a tio n
In Memory Of
Mary Stoodley
Patty Taylor
Tina Tedesco
Lawrence R. Tomhave
Ruth Mary Tracy
Floyd Van Dyke
Judy Vickers
Martha L. Wallender
Elise Weglarz
John Westcott
Donation By
Mrs. Maureen Simone
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wetra
Mrs. Arline L. Brunelle
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Docherty
Mr. Edward Grabicki
and Ms. Genevieve Fornal
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Merchant
New York Early Bird Club, Inc.
Mr. Neil R. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scavia
Ms. Diane Lustenader
Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital Employees
Ms. Jean Tomhave
Mr. Thomas J. Tracy, Jr.
Mrs. Vivian Van Dyke
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Engle
Mr. Michael T. Wallender
and Ms. Erin Imgruth
Mr. Joseph R. Weglarz
Mrs. Joan Amell
Mrs. Freddie Anderson
Mrs. Betty J. Apkarian
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Assini
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Bain
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. Basil
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Blackmer
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Briscoe
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clapsaddle
Ms. Doris Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Creasey
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Czuba
Mr. F. Paul de Mello
Dr. Marion Farlin
Mrs. Leland B. Fox
Ms. Penny Grastorf
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Groetch
Mrs. Joan Halstead
Dr. and Mrs. James Holmblad
In Memory Of
Leonard C. White
Marguerite Wilkinson
and Helen Doyle
Antoinette Wilson
Donation By
Ms. Karen B. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Loffredo
MVP Health Care
Mr. and Mrs. David Oliker
Ms. Mary Jo Osinski
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Paulsen
Mr. William J. Reddy
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Reinhard
Mrs. William Rocco
Mrs. Emily S. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Ruggles
Ms. Anna Saville
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Schadler
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Sefcik
Ms. Norma Shelly
Mrs. Elaine Springsted
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stillwell
Mrs. E. Gus Svolos
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Tentor
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Vanina
Mr. and Mrs. John Viertl
Mrs. Robert B. Wall
Mr. and Mrs. M. Murray Weissman
Mr. and Mrs. John Weldon
Mr. and David N. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Windish
Ms. Elaine Wojcik
Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Wood
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Yunick
Zalucki & Halstead, LLP-John Halstead
Ms. Barbara A. Zautner
Mr. George E. White
Ms. Betty-Jean Haner
Ms. Paula Burke
Honorary Gifts
We are proud to acknowledge the following honorary gifts made
between January 1 and December 31, 2011. Every effort has
been made to ensure an accurate and complete list.
In Honor Of
All nurses
All second floor nurses
for their care
All staff
All therapists
All third floor TBI unit
especially Brenda,
second shift nurse
All who helped our father
in 2000 and in 2006
Robert Baran
Christine Belgiano
Page 8
Donation By
Ms. Mary Ellen Boscia
Mrs. Rose Julian
Ms. Elsie Falkenheimer
Mr. Sherwood Davies
Mr. Frank R. Sorgiovanni
Ms. Bette Stracher
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Doriguzzi
Ms. Rosemary E. Minosh
Mr. and Mrs. David Schweizer
Mr. and Mrs. Kunter S. Akbay
Please call the Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation
at (518) 382-4586 with any errors or omissions. Once again,
thank you for your support!
In Honor Of
Vincent J. Blandino
Mark Boucher
Michele Cameron
and David Corliss
David Corliss
Nancy Diamond
Nancy Diamond
and Mary Beth Hoefs
Celia Dziadul*
Ellis School of Nursing
Dr. Martin Farber
Donation By
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Appel
Ms. Linda Blandino
Dr. and Mrs. David Kim
Mr. Bernard L. Socha, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Begg, Jr.
Ms. Barbara C. Fontaine
Mr. Clarkson B. Farnsworth
Ms. Betty-Jean Haner
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Milillo
Mrs. Paula Ann Granger
Mr. Sharon Ferro, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Currie
In Honor Of
Deborah Fish
Norman W. Fox, III
Jacqueline Freihofer
Drs. Gillen and Zimmerman
Christine Goodchamp
Jack and Lois Graber
Mary Harrington
Bill Himmelwright
Tomas Hoyte
Kevin Ihrman
In gratitude of my wife’s
speedy recovery and
the outstanding care
she received
Kim, Shelly, Bethany,
Dr. Hess, Dr. Chris,
Dr. Somaio, all the nurses
and aides on the 3rd floor
Mary Lamp
Sylvia and Fritz Lange
Linda Lewis
Jane Marotta
Patricia Marshall
Mark Mastrioanni, RN
Dr. Anita Miller
My therapists and
meal server
Dr. Lynne Nicolson
Jane Nugent
Physical and
Occupational therapists
Mary Piel
Donation By
Mr. and Mrs. David Ellis
Dr. and Mrs. Eric T. Sundquist
Mr. and Mrs. David Colomb
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graber
Mrs. Dorothy Graham
Mr. Bill Himmelwright and Ms. Ruth Baxter
Ms. Judi Hoyte
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Magrin
Mr. and Mrs. Warner W. Jaffe
Ms. Ashley Corrado and Family
Ms. Pearl Zvirman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hayner
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Duva
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Foster
Mr. Richard A. Fuerst, Esq.
Mrs. Dorothy S. Stevens
Mr. Michael Fisch
Ms. Lisa A. Novak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beamish
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Strosberg
Mr. Bill Himmelwright and Ms. Ruth Baxter
Ms. Ida Cardinale
Mr. Richard J. Cromme
In Honor Of
Dr. Thomas Prater
Rebecca, my
former therapist
Hugh and Marion Rosa
Carey Ann Ruth, Linda
McCumber, Joan Golden,
and Theresa Cruz
Sandra Sasenbury
and Adrienne Fil
Dr. Kenneth Shapiro
John Sharkey
Dr. Vincent Somaio
Dr. James Strosberg
Sunnyview therapists
Ellen Sweeney
Dawn Terry
The Intensive
Rehab Department
Frederick Tippin’s
excellent care
Vanessa and Lori
Nicole Vitale
Anne-Marie Williams, PT
Dolores Wright
Donation By
Ms. Margaret Prater
Ms. Paulyn M. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Backus
Mr. Ruel Williams
Mr. Joseph A. Salvino
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lovell, Jr.
Mrs. Esther M. Swanker
Mr. John Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Gorman
Dr. and Mrs. Akula V. Krishna
Mr. Stanislawa Bucwinski
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Killian
Ms. Helen M. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartholomew
Ms. Dolores Decarlo
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Macan
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Tippins
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Digges
Mr. Dominick Califano
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Engel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Freeman
Ms. Patricia Trolio
Frank Palumbo
Continued from page 1
learned skills with the rehabilitation nursing
staff 24/7, being careful not to ‘over do’.”
She commented that the expertise and experience of Sunnyview’s rehab team is always
most effective when working with a highly
motivated patient and a supportive family.
Inpatient certified occupational therapy
assistant, Lisa Farina, who worked with
Frank on strengthening his arms both in
the pool and with the Cybex machine, said
“Frank could see progress right from the
beginning ... little changes almost everyday.
Everything we asked him to do, he did.
He saw value in small things because he
realized the small things added up to the
big picture!”
Frank agreed. “The more the nurses and
therapists pushed me, the sooner I was able
to do things on my own, like getting dressed
and eating.”
landscape architect in Latham. He continued outpatient therapy twice weekly at
Sunnyview through mid-March.
Frank especially enjoyed the “Tuesday
lunches” that his social worker, Melissa
Wein, MSW, organized for several patients,
including two who were also recovering
from Guillain-Barré syndrome. “One fellow
was about two weeks ahead of me in his
recovery, and one was about two weeks
behind me ... it really helped to share feelings, goals and progress with them.”
“I have to credit the professionalism and
the teamwork of the Sunnyview staff for
my recovery,” noted Frank, who continues to work on rebuilding his strength
— strength that will allow him to get back
to the outdoor activities he loves, namely
hiking and biking.
On December 9, just over two months
after the first tingling in his feet, Frank
walked out of Sunnyview using only
crutches. By late January, he was driving
and back, part-time, to his job as a
“The staff was so supportive, not just to
me, but to my wife and two sons. They
really provided care to the whole family,”
he said.
Page 9
Save The Dates!
U.S. News and
World Report Top Doctors
Don’t miss Sunnyview’s upcoming special events!
August 1, 2012
11:30 am - 4:30 pm
October 12, 2012
6 - 9 pm
Congratulations to Sunnyview physiatrist,
Kenneth L. Shapiro, MD, who is among
398 top physiatrists on the U. S. News
and World Report Top Doctors list. These
physicians were selected based on a peer
nomination process.
Held at the prestigious Saratoga Race
Course, the event offers a track-side view
of live thoroughbred racing action and
includes an elaborate buffet.
Art for the View art reception and sale
celebrates creativity and vision while
providing a professional juried exhibition
opportunity to artists with disabilities.
Dr. Shapiro has been with Sunnyview since
1989 and currently serves as medical director of Sunnyview’s Traumatic Brain Injury
Center of Excellence.
To learn more, call the foundation at (518) 382-4586, or visit our web site at
www.sunnyviewfoundation.org. Or, e-mail Sarah Martinez at [email protected].
Also recognized as top doctors on the list of
rheumatologists were John F. Assini, MD,
and Martin Farber, MD, PhD, both on
the medical staff of Sunnyview.
Fashion Show September 10
Mark your calendar for the annual fashion
show and luncheon presented by the
Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital Auxiliary on Monday, September 10, at the
Glen Sanders Mansion.
Fashions will be provided by Chico’s
of Stuyvesant Plaza. Tickets are $35.
Opportunities to be a patron are available
at the $25, $50 or $100 level. Proceeds
from the event will be used to purchase
needed equipment for the hospital.
2012 Adaptive Sports Clinics
First Swing Golf Clinic
Stadium Golf Course
Friday, June 1
This is the 11th year for this
highly popular clinic!
Fishing Clinics
Six Mile Waterworks,
(with volunteers from Trout Unlimited)
Friday, June 8 and Friday, June 22
Celebrating our 10th year!
Tennis Clinic
Central Park
Friday, July 13
This is the 7th year for the tennis clinic.
For more information, please call the therapeutic recreation
department at (518) 382-4576, or e-mail [email protected].
Page 10
Sunnyview Participates in Multi-National Clinical Trial
Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital recently
participated in a multi-national study published in March in the New England Journal
of Medicine that revealed a significant
breakthrough in the treatment of patients
in vegetative and minimally conscious states.
The study showed that the drug amantadine hydrochloride accelerated the pace of
functional recovery during active treatment
in patients with post-traumatic disorders
of consciousness.
The study, funded by a five-year, $3 million
grant from the National Institute on Dis-
ability and Rehabilitation Research, involved
184 patients at 11 clinical trial sites in three
countries including Sunnyview.
was previously undetermined. Amantadine
hydrochloride is a medication that facilitates
transmission of dopamine to the brain.
Paul Novak, MS OTR, director of Sunnyview’s Neuro-Rehab Institute was a co-contributer to the study.
In addition to Sunnyview, eight other
rehabilitation centers in the United States
participated in the study, including facilities in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, North
Carolina, Mississippi and Texas, as well
as two centers in Germany and one
in Denmark.
The results of this study provide convincing evidence that it is possible to increase
the speed of recovery from severe traumatic
brain injury when treatment is initiated
within four months of onset and paves the
way for additional studies of amantadine hydrochloride, a drug whose therapeutic value
Therapists Attend Target Muscle Reinnervation Training
Rebecca Carson, OTR/L, CHT, and
Marybeth Hoefs, OTR/L recently attended advanced training for Target Muscle
Reinnervation (TMR). The Sunnyview
staff members were selected to be part of
a small group from throughout the nation
to focus on implementing treatment techniques and prosthetic care following
TMR procedures.
TMR is a method developed by surgeons
in Chicago that reassigns targeted nerves
that once controlled the arm and hand
of an amputated extremity to another
region in the residual limb. This allows
for a greater number of EMG
control signals, thus improving the potential for enhanced
prosthetic function.
To date, there are approximately 50 patients nationwide
who have had this procedure
and Sunnyview is currently
treating one. Sunnyview is the
only rehabilitation facility on
the east coast to be participating in treatment following this
cutting edge procedure.
L to r, Marybeth Hoefs, OTR/L; patient John Calenzo; Rebecca
Carson, OTR/L, CHT; and William Sampson, CPO, prosthetist.
Sunmark Golf Tournament to Benefit Sunnyview
Sunmark Federal Credit Union, which is
celebrating its 75th anniversary this year,
has chosen Sunnyview Rehabilitation
Hospital Foundation as the beneficiary of
its 13th Annual Golf Classic! All proceeds
will directly benefit Sunnyview and the
patients we serve.
Save the date – Friday, August 17
at Van Patten Golf Club!
For more information, or to reserve
a spot or a foursome, please contact
Sue Fischer at (518) 347-3142.
Page 11
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Roberts Scholar Winner Announced
Congratulations to Sarah Fine, OTR/L,
who was named the 2011 Richard E.
Roberts Scholarship Award winner.
sistive technology initiative focuses on
computer access, input options (voice
activated, eye gaze, adaptive keyboard/
mouse, sip and puff, etc.) application
of technology in the home, school and
workplace environments.
Sarah received a Master’s of Science degree from Russell Sage College in 2009
and began her occupational therapy
(OT) career at Sunnyview in December
The scholarship will allow Sarah to
2009 as a per diem therapist. In Februattend a 30-hour professional education
ary 2010, she transitioned to a full-time
program designed to provide a practical,
position working in the Neuro-Rehab
application-based approach to assistive
Institute (NRI) treating adults with actechnology. Sarah’s experience with neuquired brain injury and pediatric patients L to r, Gracie, Stephanie and Barbara Roberts, Sarah Fine
rological patients places her in a unique
and Chris Roberts.
with brain injury, spinal cord injury and
position to serve as lead therapist in the
other neurological conditions. Prior to that, she had worked
development of an assistive technology program at Sunnyview.
at Sunnyview as a recreation aide while attending the OT program
For more information on the Roberts Scholar Award, or to make a
at Russell Sage.
gift for future training of staff, please call the foundation office
Currently, the Neuro-Rehab Institute is working on an initiative
to advance the access to assistive technology for individuals with
significant motor, communication and mobility deficits. The as4/11 9M S
at (518) 382-4586.