JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012
JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012
Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 Table of Contents Mobile Audience Trends 2-6 Connected Device Adoption & Trends 7-10 Worldwide Location Highlights 11-12 Public Wi-Fi Trends 13 79.5 % of mobile consumers are influenced by the availability of in-store Wi-Fi Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 The Q4 Mobile Audience Insights Report examines leading consumer trends such as location and mobile shopping trends, connected device adoption, as well as our ongoing Wi-Fi usage habits. This quarter we uncovered several valuable insights about the connected shopper and how mobile is influencing their shopping behaviors specifically around why they connect while in-store, where they shop, and how this impacts retailers. In addition, the report examines mobile device proliferation and the impact rapid tablet adoption is having on consumer mobility and behavior, as well as public Wi-Fi data around consumer demand and global trends. Key highlights include: The top 4 activities shoppers use their mobile devices for while in a store are focused on enhancing their shopping experience. Women are using mobile in stores more than men to find the best deal with price comparison & store promotions being their top two activities. Mobile wallet usage has increased 38% in the last year with PayPal as the leader. 72.2% of tablet owners plan to buy another one. Mobile tablet & smartphone usage on public Wi-Fi increased 53% in the last 12 months. 1 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 Mobile Audience Trends: The Connected Shopper Have you used a mobile wallet? In the past 30 days, which of the following mobile wallets have you used to purchase in-store with your mobile phone? 38%growth Q1 2012 41% 51% 37% 32 % 29% 23% 63% 20% 14 14% 11% % 49% 9% 10 % 4 % 1% Q1 2012 Q4 2012 Yes al et ts yp Pa No all en ym on az Am Pa l og Go eW er s Isi % 8% 9 5% d tu n’ all ve Ha ? ld et se th O ou eW il ob t’s ha W Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Q4 2012 ed aM b s ’t u n ve Ha w ut Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Mobile wallet usage has grown 38% since Q1 2012 32% of consumers surveyed have used PayPal, 3x the amount that have used Google Wallet (10%). While mobile wallet usage has increased from Q1 to Q4 2012, 11% of mobile users surveyed don’t know what a mobile wallet is. The inclusion of Amazon Payments indicates consumers may have a broad definition of mobile wallets, or consider it to be a mobile wallet because they use it for purchasing from Amazon while in-store. 2 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 Mobile Audience Trends: The Connected Shopper Where do you use your mobile device the most for shopping? 50.1% All 44.4% Men 35.4% Women 32.7% 21.9 % 25.9% 14.2% Electronic Retailers Clothing Retailers 15.1% Mall 13.6 % 14.1% 16.1% 14.1% 12.9% 16.3% 10.7% Big Box Retailers Restaurants Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Consumers are nearly 2x as likely to use their mobile device for shopping while in an electronic store (44.4%) than the other locations, with clothing retailers having the next highest usage at 25.9% Men use their mobile device more than women at electronic and big box retailers. Women lead men in location mobile usage at clothing retailers and restaurants. 3 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 Mobile Audience Trends: In-store Connectivity Impact on Shopping Would the availability of in-store Wi-Fi influence where you shop? 20.5% 48.1% 31.4% Yes Somewhat 79.5% No Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 18.9% 14.0% 22.4% 13.6% 29.2% 22.8% 22.6% 30.5% 33.1% 33.0% % 37.7 30.2% 48.1% 48.2% 47.3% 57.2% 46.7% 44.4% <21 21-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ Yes Somewhat No Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 79.5% of mobile consumers are influenced by the availability of in-store Wi-Fi when deciding where to shop Consumers age 21-24 & 35-44 are most influenced by the availability of in-store Wi-Fi at 86%. At least 44% of all age groups indicated that in-store Wi-Fi definitely influences where they shop. Even the “least” interested shoppers, age 45+, are over 77% influenced by in-store Wi-Fi availability. 4 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 Mobile Audience Trends: In-store Connectivity If you use in-store Wi-Fi, what do you use it for? 63.9 % 59.1% 54.2 % 59.3% Female smartphone owners 56.2% 41.8% 93.6 % 35.5% 37.5 Male smartphone owners % 30.6%28.5% 33.8% 24.5% 23% 17.1% 19.6 % 22.2% 15.2% 15.4% F el ind se it we em hr e Sh ar so e p ci os al ts m vi ed a ia F or ind s/ o op th tio er ns co l or Bro e' w s w se eb th sit e e Br ( st unr ows or e e e o lat th r p ed e w ro to eb du th ct e s) Co m wi mu th ni fri ca en te ds st De co als, us up off e i on er n- s s, st to or e pr re odu vie ct ws d Fi n co m Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 pa Pri ris ce on of smartphone owners report using their mobile device while in-store Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 The top four mobile usage categories reveal that shoppers are primarily using in-store connectivity to enhance their shopping experience Contradicting many concerns that connectivity leads to showrooming, the fourth highest activity was traffic to the store’s own website. Women outranked men in 7 of the 9 activities, indicating that they are more active in-store Women use in-store connectivity to price compare and find deals, while men research product reviews and browse the store’s website. 5 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 Mobile Audience Trends: Retail Brand Audience Comparison Top Chains that Top Chains that vs. vs. Customers Frequent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Starbucks Subway Sunglass Hut American Eagle Bank of America 35% Customers Frequent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gymboree Banana Republic Lids McDonald’s The Children’s Place 65% 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Gap Radio Shack Victoria’s Secret Express Ruby Tuesday 60% 40% 3% 20% of Ann Taylor customers shop at Banana Republic Female Male Sunglass Hut Abercrombie & Fitch McDonald’s AT&T LensCrafters of Banana Republic customers shop at Ann Taylor Female Male Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Ann Taylor customers are 7x more likely to shop at Banana Republic than Banana Republic customers are to shop at Ann Taylor 20% of Ann Taylor customers go to Banana Republic, while only 3% of Banana Republic customers go to Ann Taylor. 65% of Ann Taylor patrons are female, while 60% of Banana Republic patrons are male. 35% of Ann Taylor shoppers are men despite it being a women’s retailer. While 44% of Banana Republic customers are parents compared to 25% of Ann Taylor customers, Ann Taylor shoppers’ top 10 retailers include children’s stores like Gymboree and The Children’s Place. 6 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 Connected device adoption: U.S. highlights Top 10 Wi-Fi Mobile Devices: Q4 2012 Q4 Rank Mobile Device Top 10 Q4 2012 % of Ad Requests Q4 2012 Rank % Change in Market Share 1 Apple iPhone 36.0% 1 - 0.07% 2 Apple iPad 28.5% 2 0.13% 3 Apple iPod Touch 6.4% 3 - 0.19% 4 Samsung Galaxy S III 4.6% 6 + 2.86% 5 Samsung Galaxy S II 2.6% 5 + 301.6% 6 Kindle Fire 2.3% 4 + 1.2% 7 Epic 4G 0.8% 8 + 0.7% 8 Blackberry Torch 0.8% 804 + 14.1% 9 EVO 4G 0.8% 9 + 0.6% 10 Droid Razr 4G 0.7% 13 + 31.6% Top Wi-Fi Mobile OS: Q4 2012 Q4 Rank Mobile Device OS Q4 2012 % of Ad Requests Q4 2012 Rank % Change in Market Share 1 iOS 68.4% 1 - 0.03% 2 Android OS 27.9% 2 + 30.3% 3 RIM OS 2.5% 3 - 13.5% 4 Windows OS 0.7% 4 +20.3% 5 Symbian OS 0.2% 5 - 33.4% 6 Linux OS 0.1% 6 + 52.5% 7 WebOS 0.1% 7 + 0.5% Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 In Q4 2012 Apple devices remained consistent in market share while Samsung continues to see increases of over 300% for the second quarter in a row Apple devices remain in the top 3 spots, with iPhone, and iPod Touch accounting for 70.9% of market share. The Kindle Fire continues to remain the strongest challenger to the iPad in the tablet market segment. iOS and Android continue to dominate the market as the top Wi-Fi mobile operating systems. Windows Surface wasn’t in the top 10 in Q4 2012 but our research indicates quick market adoption based on purchase intent (see page 8). Furthermore, Android gained market share for the second quarter in a row. 7 Note: JiWire measurement includes all mobile device types in order to provide a complete view of how the on-the-go audience is connecting. * OS: Operating System. Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 Connected Device Trends: Tablet Adoption If you already own a tablet, do you plan to purchase another? 72.2 27.8 % % Yes No 77.3% 65.4% Men who plan to buy Women who plan to buy If so, which type do you plan to buy? 74.6% iPad 11.9% Samsung Galaxy 8.8% Windows Surface 8.5% Kindle Fire 6.9% Android Tablet 3.8% Blackberry Playbook 8.1% Other Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Device proliferation continues to grow with 72% of tablet owners planning to purchase an additional tablet iPad is the clear leader with 74.6% of respondents planning to purchase, with the Samsung Galaxy tablet coming in second with 11.9% planning to purchase. Although only in the market a short time, the Windows Surface Tablet ranks 3rd in purchase consideration, ahead of the Kindle Fire. 8 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 Connected Device Trends: Public Wi-Fi Usage Growth of Smartphone Connections by Venue Wi-Fi Usage by Device 12% 26% 14% 17% 16% % smartphone connections Q3 2012 19% Airports 31% 35% Restaurant 40% 39 % Mall Library 62% 55% 48% 44% 42% Q4 2011 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012 Q4 2012 Tablet Smartphone Laptop Café Hotel 35% 72% 51% 32% 52% 29% % smartphone connections Q4 2012 38% 78% 55% 34% 55% 29% % growth in smartphone connections +8.6% +8.3% +7.8% +6.3% +5.8% 0% Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Mobile device usage on public Wi-Fi increased 53% in the last 12 months Tablet and smartphone usage have increased by 58% and 50% year over year, respectively, while laptop usage has declined by 32%. Mobile devices continue to represent the majority of Wi-Fi usage for the third quarter in a row Smartphones and tablets now represent 58% of all public Wi-Fi usage, up from 38% in Q4 2011. Laptop usage, by contrast, dropped to 42% of usage – a relative decrease of 12.5% from 1H 2012 to 2H 2012. Smartphone Wi-Fi usage has increased by at least 5.8% in all locations except hotels, which remained the same. 9 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 Connected Device Trends: Overall Device Usage by Location Percentage of Public Wi-Fi Smartphone and Tablet Connections by Venue 13% 9% 21% 13% Smartphone 32% 13% 34% 11% 78% 66% 55% 55% Restaurants Hospital Mall Café Tablet 38 % 50 24% 56% 10% 38% 34% 30% Airport Library Hotel Laptop % 20% Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 There is a direct correlation between where people connect to public Wi-Fi and the device they use, influenced by portability, dwell time, and usage Tablet usage is highest in travel-oriented locations like airports (24%) and hotels (20%). Smartphone usage on public Wi-Fi is highest at places like restaurants (78%), hospitals (66%), malls (55%) & cafés (55%), where they are more on-the-go, and unlikely to carry larger, heavier devices. Locations where people have more dwell time reflect higher laptop usage, such as libraries (56%) and hotels (50%). 10 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 Worldwide Location Highlights: Public Wi-Fi Locations Worldwide public Wi-Fi locations: 2008 – 2012 Worldwide quarterly growth in public Wi-Fi locations: 820,262 820,262 813,953 776,556 682,929 682,115 414,356 237,507 2008 289,476 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 *Base starting at 230,000 Q3 2012 Q4 2012 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Worldwide public Wi-Fi locations continue to grow in the fourth quarter of 2012 Quarterly growth of 0.78% from Q3 2012 to Q4 2012, but 5.3% since Q2 2012. Annual growth of 20.1% from Q4 2011 to Q4 2012, and 18.5% growth in 2012. 11 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 Worldwide location highlights: Public Wi-Fi locations Public Wi-Fi business models: Worldwide Q4 2012 Q4 Rank Country Q4 2012 Number of Locations Q3 2012 Rank 21.7% % Change 1 South Korea 186,759 1 0.00% 2 United Kingdom 182,345 2 + 0.42% 3 United States 134,106 3 + 1.1% 4 China 104,106 4 0.0% 5 France 35,432 5 + 0.1% 6 Taiwan 24,149 6 0.0% 7 Russian Fed. 16,829 7 0.0% 8 Japan 15,736 8 +0.03% 9 Germany 15,104 9 + 0.2% 10 Sweden 9,546 10 +0.05% Paid 78.3% Free Public Wi-Fi business models: U.S. Q4 2012 21.1% Paid 78.9% Free Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 78.9% of the U.S. public Wi-Fi market is free or ad supported The U.S. has shown significant growth in free Wi-Fi hotspots over the course of 1 year, growing by 20% since Q4 2011, while free locations Worldwide have remained between 19 – 25%. South Korea remained in the #1 spot for the second quarter in a row with the United Kingdom as a close second 12 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 Public Wi-fi Trends: Free vs. Paid Connectivity When connecting to the internet, which would you prefer? 8.4 % 7.4% What sort of sponsor engagement would you be willing to do for free Wi-Fi? 64.8% 84.2% 41.4% 30% 20.2% S ci ha al re m o ed n ia Do wn lo ad an ap p so V ut iew a r an et a ai d le r ab o Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 m p su lete rv a ey Pay for higher speed Co Paid Wi-Fi se Wa co tc nd h a vid 30 eo Free, adsupported Wi-Fi 14.8% Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 84.2% of mobile consumers prefer complimentary, ad-supported Wi-Fi over paid Wi-Fi Of those who prefer free Wi-Fi, the majority (64.8%) prefer watching a 30 second video, followed by completing a survey (41.4%) and seeing a brand promotion (30%). 8.4% of consumers would rather pay for Wi-Fi and 7.4% are willing to pay for a faster connection. 13 Source: JiWire, Q4 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q4 2012 The Q4 Insights Report highlights recent mobile market audience usage trends offering advertisers insights they can apply to their mobile strategies and campaigns. JiWire is the leading location-powered mobile advertising and data platform, leveraging proprietary historical and present data enabling advertisers to effectively engage their desired audience across all mobile devices at scale. JiWire has been an innovative leader in evolving mobile advertising and delivering mobile audiences since 2003. As of the release of this report our data platform creates audience profiles from over 585 million devices and more than 7 billion data points, engaging more than 55 million unique users monthly across smartphones, tablets and laptops. For questions, interview requests, additional info or to make recommendations for future reports, please contact us at [email protected]. Methodology: JiWire’s Mobile Audience Insights Report is based on data compiled from three sources; a survey of more than 1,400 randomly selected customers across JiWire’s 315,000 public Wi-Fi network, as well as the billions of advertising impressions from our combined Wi-Fi and mobile advertising platform. The report is based on data collected from Nov ‘12 through Dec ‘12. Quarterly public Wi-Fi location rankings and business model distributions are based on the final day of the quarter.
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