Q2 2012 - NinthDecimal
Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2012 Table of Contents 52% of on-the-go moms own a tablet Connected Device Trends 2 Location-Based Behaviors 3-4 Social Sharing Behaviors 5-7 Connected Device Adoption 8-9 Worldwide Location Highlights 10-11 52% Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 The Q2 Mobile Audience Insights Report examines location and trends as well as connected device usage and adoption. This quarter we examined three key emerging trends in the location and mobile markets. The first area reviews Wi-Fi usage and device adoption. The second key area reviews device usage by venue and top venues frequented, by gender. The third area examines location-tagging behaviors within social sites and applications. Key highlights include: Wi-Fi usage has increased by 240% over the past year, lead by growth on mobile devices. Parents are more likely to own a tablet than adults without children - over half of on-the-go moms currently own at least 1 tablet. 62% of on-the-go consumers location-tag their social sharing posts and pictures. 1 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2012 Connected device trends: Wi-Fi usage by device Wi-Fi Usage by Device: 17% Laptop Smartphone Tablet With Kids 35% 240% 12% 26% 9% 21% Which devices do you own? 48% 62% 70% Without Kids Laptop 75% 75% 76% 83% Smartphone 57% 58% 53% 57% Tablet 52% 44% 40% 42% Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Q2 FY11 Q4 FY11 Q2 FY12 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Wi-Fi usage has more than doubled year over year, with distribution shifting to mobile devices Wi-Fi usage showed 240% growth between Q2 2011 and Q2 2012. Distribution skews towards mobile devices: 52% of public Wi-Fi usage now comes from smartphones (35%) and tablets (17%), and 48% of Wi-Fi usage results from laptops. Tablet ownership, specifically, is highest amongst parents: 52% of women with children and 44% of men with children own tablets, compared with 42% and 40% of men and women without children, respectively. 2 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2012 Location-based behaviors: Wi-Fi device usage by venue Smartphone 72% Laptop 20% Tablet 8% Laptop Smartphone 52% Laptop 38% Tablet 10% 97% Laptop Smartphone 2% Tablet 1% Restaurant University Smartphone 50% Laptop 37% Tablet 13% 81% Laptop 54% Smartphone 16% Smartphone 30% Tablet 3% Tablet 16% Café Library Mall Hotel Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 80% of Wi-Fi usage in restaurants occurs on mobile devices 72% and 8% of Wi-Fi usage in restaurants comes from smartphones and tablets respectively, and 20% comes from laptops. After restaurants, cafes and malls are the next most popular venues for mobile devices to access Wi-Fi. Nearly all (97%) of on-the-go consumers use their laptops to connect to Wi-Fi at universities, with libraries and hotels representing 81% and 54% of laptop Wi-Fi usage, respectively. Tablets are more likely to be used at hotels (16%) and shopping malls (13%) than the other venues. 3 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2012 Location-based behavior: Top 10 venues for mobile app usage 1. 1. 10. RESTAURANTS 2. 10. AUTO REPAIR HOTELS 9. CHILDCARE 3. PHYSICIANS BEAUTY 8. 4. MALE REAL ESTATE OFFICES FINANCIAL 7. TRAVEL CONSULTANTS 5. 6. HOME DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES RESTAURANTS 2. BEAUTY 9. 3. JEWELRY REAL ESTATE OFFICES 8. 4. FEMALE LEGAL SERVICES FINANCIAL 5. 7. RETAILCLOTHING 6. DENTISTS PHYSICIANS Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Mobile usage reveals differences in the locations frequented by men and women Men frequent venues like auto repair shops, home development stores, travel consultants and hotels. Women frequent venues like beauty salons, dentists, childcare services and jewelry stores. Both men and women visit restaurants, real estate offices, legal offices, physicians and banks at varying degreees of frequency throughout a given month. 4 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2012 Social sharing behaviors: Location-tagging Do you location-tag your social sharing posts and pictures? 38% 62 % No Yes Demographic Breakdown Yes No <24 75% 25% 25-34 73%27% 35-44 67% 33% 45-54 54% 46% 55+ 44%56% People with Kids 64% 36% People without Kids 58% 42% Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 62% of on-the-go consumers location-tag their social sharing posts Millennials (ages 34 and under) are the most likely to location-tag their social sharing posts, with 3 out of 4 doing so. Furthermore, more than half of on-the-go consumers between 35 and 54 also location-tag their posts. Parents are more likely to location-tag their posts with 64% doing so, compared to 58% of people without children. 5 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2012 Social sharing behaviors: App usage How often do you tag your location in each of the following social applications? 49% % of App users who Location-Tag Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 tk no w 60% on ’ 51% 24% Id 68% 26% Co nn ot ect he w rs ith 61% e 71% al s it ites ea m sy a k 66% ci 88% So 91% 31% No an tify d frie fa n m d ily s Total Use If you do location-tag your posts, why? Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 On-the-go consumers are most likely to location-tag on Facebook and Google+ 88% of Facebook users and 71% of Google+ users location-tag on a monthly basis or more frequently. In terms of app usage, 91% use Facebook whether they location-tag or not. Instagram, the youngest of the social media family, shows 51% adoption amongst the on-the-go audience. If users do location-tag their posts, there are several reasons why: 49% location-tag posts in order to notify family and friends of their location, 31% do so because the application makes it easy to do so, 26% do so to connect with others nearby; 24% of consumers do not know why they location tag. 6 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2012 Social sharing behaviors: Profiles of social app location-taggers 68% ages 25 - 54 66% ages 25 - 54 64% ages 21 - 44 70% ages 35 and older 56% plan to shop online this holiday season 63% plan to use their mobile devices more this holiday season than last year 37% use their smartphone every time they shop in-store 63% male 48% location-tag to notify family and friends 57% respond to ads that are locally-relevant 19% plan to do holiday shopping on their smartphone 56% have kids age 22 or under 46% own a tablet Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Smartphones are a constant shopping companion for 37% of Instagram users More than one-third of on-the-go Instagram consumers use their smartphone every time they shop in-store. 63% of Twitter users plan to use their mobile devices more this holiday season than last; 56% of Facebook users plan to shop online, in general, this holiday season. 56% of Google+ users have children age 22 or under and 46% own a tablet In terms of age, two-thirds of Facebook and Twitter users are ages 25-54, 64% of Instagram users are 21-44, and 70% of Google+ users are 35 and older. 7 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2012 Connected device adoption: U.S. Highlights Top 10 Wi-Fi Mobile Devices: Q2 2012 Q2 Rank Mobile Device Top 10 Top Wi-Fi Mobile OS: Q2 2012 Q2 2012 % of Ad Requests Q1 2012 Rank % Change in Market Share Q2 Rank 1 1 Apple iPhone 40.4% 1 - 3.0% 2 Apple iPad 27.9% 2 + 0.9% 3 Apple iPod Touch 12.2% 3 +1.8% 4 Kindle Fire 1.9% 4 +0.3% 5 Epic 4G 0.6% 35 + 0.6% 6 EVO 4G 0.5% 5 - 0.1% 7 Torch 0.4% 7 0.0% 8 Nook 0.4% 82 + 0.4% 9 Samsung Galaxy S II 0.3% 28 + 0.3% 10 Droid Razr 4G 0.3% 24 + 0.3% Mobile Device OS Q2 2012 % of Ad Requests Q1 2012 Rank % Change in Market Share iOS 80.5% 1 - 0.7% 2 Android OS 15.9% 2 - 0.2% 3 RIM OS 2.1% 3 +0.2% 4 Windows OS 0.4% 4 0.0% 5 Symbian OS 0.3% 6 +0.1% 6 WebOS 0.2% 5 - 0.1% 7 Linux OS 0.1% 9 +0.1% Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 In Q2 2012 4G devices become more prevalent in the Top 10 Devices The Epic 4G and Droid Razr 4G enter the Top 10 for the first time to join the Evo 4G. Other android-based devices, including the Nook and Samsung Galaxy SII, also see marketshare gains of 0.4% and 0.3%, respectively, along with the Kindle fire which increased by 0.3% Apple devices remain in the top 3 spots, with iPhone losing 3.0% share to the iPad and iPod Touch which increase by 0.9% and 1.8%, respectively. Relative stability seen among operating systems RIM OS experiences marginal gains of 0.2% while iOS and Andriod OS see a decrease of 0.7% and 0.2%, respectively. 8 Note: JiWire measurement includes all mobile device types in order to provide a complete view of how the on-the-go audience is connecting. * OS: Operating System. Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2012 Connected device adoption: U.K. Highlights Top 10 Wi-Fi Mobile Devices: Q2 2012 Q2 Rank Mobile Device Top 10 Top Wi-Fi Mobile OS: Q2 2012 Q2 2012 % of Ad Requests Q1 2012 Rank % Change in Market Share Q2 Rank 1 1 Apple iPhone 43.5% 1 - 6.0% 2 Apple iPad 17.2% 2 - 8.2% 3 Apple iPod Touch 7.0% 3 +1.5% 4 Samsung Galaxy S II 3.7% 4 +1.1% 5 Samsung Galaxy Ace 1.6% 6 +0.8% 6 HTC Wildfire S 1.1% 10 +0.6% 7 Samsung Galaxy S 1.1% 5 +0.2% 8 Curve 3G 1.1% 31 +1.1% 9 HTC Desire 1.0% 7 +0.2% 10 Torch 1.0% 70 +1.0% Mobile Device OS Q2 2012 % of Ad Requests Q1 2012 Rank % Change in Market Share iOS 67.6% 1 - 13.1% 2 Android OS 23.9% 2 +7.3% 3 RIM OS 5.2% 3 +3.4% 4 Windows OS 1.0% 4 +0.7% 5 Symbian OS 0.7% 5 +0.4% 6 Bada OS 0.2% 8 +0.1% 7 Linux OS 0.2% 9 +0.2% Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Android and RIM-based devices see increases in the U.K. market in Q2 2012: The iPod Touch is the only Apple device to see an increase in Q2 2012, growing by 1.5%, while the iPhone and iPad show a 14.2% combined decrease in market share, falling by 6.0% and 8.2%, respectively. All other devices within the Top 10 experience growth. Android OS continues to makes large gains marketshare in the second quarter of 2012: All operating system see gains at the expense of iOS in Q2 2012. Android OS has the largest overall gain of 7.3% between Q1 2012 and Q2 2012 – a 13% total increase since Q4 2011. Secondarily RIM OS also posts an increase of 3.4%. 9 Note: JiWire measurement includes all mobile devices in order to provide a complete view of how the on-the-go audience is connecting. * OS: Operating System. Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2012 Worldwide location highlights: Public Wi-Fi Locations Worldwide public Wi-Fi locations: 2008 – 2012 Worldwide quarterly growth in public Wi-Fi locations: 776,556 776,556 682,929 682,929 692,115 414,356 237,507 2008 647,788 289,476 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Q3 2011 Q4 2011 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 *Base starting at 230,000 Worldwide public Wi-Fi locations continue to grow in the second quarter of 2012: Quarterly growth of 12.2% from Q1 2012 to Q2 2012 - the first double digit increase since Q3 2011. Annual growth of 34.5% from Q2 2011 to Q2 2012. 10 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2012 Worldwide location highlights: Public Wi-Fi locations Q2 Rank Country Q2 2012 Number of Locations Q1 2012 Rank % Change Public Wi-Fi business models: Worldwide Q2 2012 20.1% 1 United Kingdom 182,018 1 0.2% 2 South Korea 163,647 4 95.6% 3 United States 114,036 2 2.5% 4 China 104,106 3 0.0% 5 France 35,359 5 -0.1% 6 Taiwan 24,111 6 0.0% 7 Russian Fed. 16,833 7 0.0% 8 Japan 15,735 8 0.1% 9 Germany 15,066 9 0.7% 10 Sweden 9,502 10 2.1% 79.9% Paid Free Public Wi-Fi business models: U.S. Q2 2012 24.0% 76.0% Paid Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Free Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Worldwide public Wi-Fi locations continue to grow in the second quarter of 2012: Quarterly growth of 12.2% from Q1 2012 to Q2 2012 - the first double digit increase since Q3 2011. Annual growth of 34.5% from Q2 2011 to Q2 2012. 11 Source: JiWire, Q2 2012 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q2 2012 JiWire is the leading mobile audience media company, combining location and audience data to deliver targeted advertising across premium locations and wireless devices. This Insights report provides a snapshot of usage trends and audience data over public Wi-Fi for the second quarter of 2012. This report is intended to highlight market trends for advertisers. JiWire’s Location-Based Media Channel is comprised of more than 30,000 public Wi-Fi locations through partnerships with more than 30 leading wireless broadband telecommunications providers, with venues such as airports, hotels and cafés that serve more than 40 million unique users monthly. JiWire connects with the on-the-go audience across multiple devices from laptops, to smartphones, to tablets. JiWire’s registry of public Wi-Fi locations includes more than 450,000 public Wi-Fi locations in 144 countries. JiWire has been reaching on-the-go audiences since 2003. For questions about this report, or for recommendations for future reports, please contact us at [email protected] Methodology: JiWire’s Mobile Audience Insights Report is based on data from approximately 315,000 public Wi-Fi locations, as well as surveying nearly 1,400 customers randomly selected across JiWire’s Wi-Fi Media Channel in April ’12 – June ‘12. JiWire serves advertisements to over 30,000 public Wi-Fi locations in North America and we record data from every ad request. This report is based on the ad request data we collected from April – June 2012. Quarterly public Wi-Fi location rankings and business model distributions are based on the final day of the quarter.
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