Q1 2013 - NinthDecimal
Q1 2013 - NinthDecimal
Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 Key Insights Multi-Device Adoption & Behaviors Travel Research & Purchase Behaviors Mobile Audience & Location Trends Connected Device Adoption Worldwide Location Highlights 2-4 5-7 8-10 11-12 13-14 52 % 52% of consumers used a mobile device to book travel in the last 90 days Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Our Q1 report focuses on understanding how mobile is transforming consumer behaviors with respect to the travel and hospitality industry. We did so by examining consumers’ location & mobile adoption and behaviors, as well as connected device adoption and Wi-Fi usage trends. Our research identified several important industry insights, a few of which uncover behaviors contrary to travel industry beliefs. The first is a significant increase in consumer cross-device behavior. The second area considers why and how active mobile consumers research and book travel-related reservations looking at mobile apps vs. mobile site and loyalty vs. promotions. The third highlights aggressive tablet adoption in general, and when it comes to public Wi-Fi usage. Key findings include: • Nearly 50% of active mobile consumers use their smartphone and tablet for travel research. • 44% of consumers are comfortable spending over $500 when booking travel from a mobile device. •Smartphone & tablet usage of public Wi-Fi increased to 60% of all public Wi-Fi connections. •Travel aggregator & airline apps are 3x more important than branded hotel apps & mobile sites for consumer research & purchase. 1 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 How People Use Mobile Devices for Travel-Related Research and Purchasing Which devices do you use to research and make travel purchases? 48% 49 % How much are you willing to spend on travel when making a purchase from your mobile device (smartphone or tablet)? 63% 56% 39% 27% 30% 23% Smartphone Tablet Laptop 13% 13% 11% 5% Research Purchase Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Less than $100 $100$499 5% $500- $1,000- $1,500- $2,000+ None $999 $1,499 $1,999 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 The percentage of people using smartphones & tablets to research travel-related services is almost equal to laptops • Almost 50% of active mobile consumers are using smartphones & tablets for travel research, showing a rapid adoption of mobile devices for travel services and indicating a shift away from laptops. • While laptops remain the preferred device for travel-related purchases, mobile devices are showing strong adoption with 27% already saying they use their smartphone to make travel-related purchases. 44% of consumers are willing to spend $500+ when booking a travel-related purchase from their mobile device •30% spend $100-499, which could include restaurants, entertainment, hotel & flight deals. •Only 13% of consumers indicate they don’t make travel purchases with their mobile device. 2 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 Cross-Device Research & Purchase Behaviors Vary by Device Travel Research Behavior By Device 48% 49 % 56% 48% research on their smartphone 49% research on their tablet 56% research on their laptop Travel Purchase Behavior By Device Of that 48% Of that 49% Of that 56% 40% 48% 71% Book on smartphone Book on tablet Book on laptop 30% 54% 67% Book on smartphone Book on tablet Book on laptop 31% 39% 75% Book on smartphone Book on tablet Book on laptop Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 A look at research and purchase behaviors revealed significant cross-device activity through the purchase funnel for travel services • Of those researching on a smartphone, almost half (48%) report booking on a tablet. • Of those researching on a laptop, 31% report booking on a smartphone. Despite active multi-device usage, there is a strong correlation between the device consumers use to research & purchase • The highest purchase percentage for smartphones came from those who also researched on smartphones. The same correlation applies for tablets and laptops. 3 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 How Consumers Have Used Their Devices For Travel in the Last 90 Days Which devices did you book travel on in the last 90 days? Percentage that used only one device to book travel in the last 90 days 47% 23% 48 % 34% 29% 52% 13% 6% Smartphone Tablet Laptop Smartphone Only Tablet Only Laptop Only Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Multiple Devices Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 52% of consumers used a mobile device when booking travel in the last 90 days • Usage is shifting toward mobile devices, with smartphones and tablets representing 23% and 29% respectively. Within the last 90 days, the majority of consumers used multiple devices to make travel-related purchases • 47% of travel purchases were done across multiple devices, however 34% used laptops specifically. • 19% used only a mobile device to book travel. 4 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 How Consumers Book Travel While Traveling Do you make reservations for a current trip while traveling? If you do research or make a purchase while traveling, which devices do you use? 33% 44% Yes 67% 52% 50% 40% No 29% 35% Do you make reservations for a future trip while traveling? 44% 56% Yes No Smartphone Research Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Tablet Laptop Purchase Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Consumers are making last-minute purchase decisions while traveling • 67% of travelers make reservations for their current trip while traveling. • 56% make travel-related reservations for a future trip while traveling. Consumers are using mobile to book travel while traveling • Nearly one third of travelers use their smartphone or tablet to purchase while traveling compared to 50% using a laptop. • 44% use their smartphone & 40% use their tablet to research travel while traveling. 5 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 Key Influencers of Business & Leisure Travelers’ Purchase Decisions What influences your decision-making when booking travel? 43.1% 35.1% 34.5% 31.6 % 32.7% 24.4% Loyalty ds Rewards ar Company y ic Policy ol yP w lt e yR a oy L Co m n pa Deals or ns Promotions o i ot m o r Business Traveler rP o als e D 31.3% 28.2% % 24.7% 26 Brand y lit Favorability bi a or v Fa Leisure d Traveler n a Br Co-branded rd Credit Ca Card t di d e nd e Cr Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 ra b o- C Business Travelers and Leisure Travelers are influenced differently when making purchase decisions • For Business Travelers, loyalty rewards are the #1 influencer, followed by company policy. • Deals or promotions influence both types of travelers, but are the #1 influencer for Leisure Travelers, over 10% higher compared to Business Travelers. • Around one third of both travel groups book based on their loyalty rewards programs & 25%-26% because of their branded credit cards. 6 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 How Travelers Use Mobile Apps & Sites If you book travel on your smartphone or tablet, which of the following is most important for research & booking? 37% % 32% 33 32% 10% 10% r gg av A el Tr Travel p Ap r Aggregator o at eg App ed Br d an Travel or at ite g Aggregator e gr ile S Site gMobile b A el Mo av Branded p Ap Airline e n rli Ai App Tr Business Traveler 9 9 % % Branded ne rli ite i Airline A d ile S eMobile Site d b an Mo r B 7% d de 12% Branded p Ap l Hotel te Ho App n ra B Leisure Traveler 5% 4% Branded el ot ite HHotel S ed ile Site dMobile b n a o Br M Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Mobile apps dominate consumer preference when it comes to travel & hospitality •Travel aggregator & airline apps are 3x more important than branded hotel apps & mobile sites for consumer research & purchase. • In each category (e.g. travel aggregator, branded airline, etc.) apps were deemed more important than the same service via a mobile site. 7 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 Brand Comparison of Audiences Using Location Data Comparing two travel & hospitality brands, we identified significant differences in their audiences: Top Locations that Best Western Customers Frequent Top Locations that Holiday Inn Customers Frequent 1 Top Big Box: Home Depot 1 Top Big Box: Costco 2 Top QSR: Subway 2 Top QSR: McDonald’s 3 Top Restaurant: Applebee’s 3 Top Restaurant: Bubba Gump’s 4 Top Electronic Retailer: Radio Shack 4 Top Electronic Retailer: Radio Shack 5 Top Bank: Bank of America 5 Top Bank: Chase Who are Best Western customers? 8 Who are Holiday Inn customers? 46% 54% 62% 31% 56% 44% 49% 45% Male Female Business Leisure Male Female Business Leisure 55% 35% 14% 90% 21% 9% Parents College Students Tech Enthusiasts Parents College Students Tech Enthusiasts Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 Brand Comparison of Audiences Using Location Data Comparing two travel & hospitality brands, we identified significant differences in their audiences: (cont.) Household Income in the $1,000’s 41 % 12% 2% 1% 44% Household Income in the $1,000’s 42 % 7% 1% 3% 46% $0 – $50 $50 – $100 $100 – $150 $150 – $250 $250K plus $0 – $50 $50 – $100 $100 – $150 $150 – $250 $250K plus Frequency & Loyalty 49% 6% 9 Frequency & Loyalty 49% spend over 5 nights per 60 days at a Best Western 54% 54% spend over 5 nights per 60 days at a Holiday Inn 6% of Best Western patrons go to at least 1 other hotel chain 60% 60% of Holiday Inn patrons also go to at least 1 other hotel chain Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 Connected Device Trends: Public Wi-Fi Usage How are Consumers Connecting to Wi-Fi? 14% 17% 16% 19% 22% 33 27 Growth in the ratio of mobile connections, year over year Decline in the ratio of laptop connections, year over year % 31% 35% 40% 39% 38 % 55% 48% 44% 42% 40% Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012 Q4 2012 Q1 2013 Smartphone Tablet Laptop Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 % Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Mobile devices grew from 45% to 60% of Wi-Fi connections year over year, a 33% lift • 60% of all public Wi-Fi usage was represented by mobile devices, with smartphones at 38% & tablets at 22%. • Laptop usage decreased to 40% of usage, a relative decrease of 27% year over year. For the second quarter in a row, tablet growth surpasses both smartphone & laptop growth • Smartphone & laptop connections declined from 39% to 38%, and 42% to 40% quarter over quarter respectively. 10 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 Connected Device Adoption: Public Wi-Fi Usage Percent of Wi-Fi Connections by Device & Location 9% 7% 9 % 14% 28% 13% 15% 11 % 28% 23% 35% Q1 2012 Q1 2013 Hotel 22% 53% 57% Q1 2012 Q1 2013 50% 56% 73% 81% 27% 37% Q1 2012 Q1 2013 Q1 2012 Q1 2013 Q1 2012 Q1 2013 Mall Restaurants Airports Café Smartphone Tablet Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Both smartphone & tablet connections continue to grow quarter over quarter, and year over year • While tablet usage is highest at airports (28%), the growth in tablet usage was highest at hotels (64%) and cafés (44%). • Smartphone Wi-Fi usage is highest at restaurants (81%). • The highest growth in smartphone usage was at airports (37%) & hotels (25%). 11 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 Connected Device Adoption: U.S. Highlights Top 10 Wi-Fi Mobile Devices: Q1 2013 Q1 Rank Mobile Device Top 10 Q1 2013 % of Ad Requests Q4 2012 Rank Top Wi-Fi Mobile OS: Q1 2013 % Change in Market Share 1 Apple iPhone 32.4% 1 - 10.0% 2 Apple iPad 31.1% 2 3 Apple iPod Touch 5.7% 3 - 10.5% 4 Samsung Galaxy S III 5.7% 4 + 23.0% 5 Kindle Fire 2.6% 6 + 14.0% 6 Samsung Galaxy S II 2.5% 5 - 2.9% 7 Samsung Galaxy Tab II 1.3% 146 + 18.1% 8 Samsung Galaxy Note II 1.0% 72 + 25.5% 9 Droid Razr 4G 0.8% 10 + 8.1% 10 Nexus 7 0.6% 123 + 7.1% + 9.1% Q1 Rank Mobile Device OS Q1 2013 % of Ad Requests Q4 2012 Rank % Change in Market Share 1 iOS 69.0% 1 2 Android OS 28.5% 2 + 2.2% 3 RIM OS 1.6% 3 - 36.2% 4 Windows OS 0.6% 4 - 16.9% 5 Symbian OS 0.1% 5 - 50.0% 6 Linux OS 0.1% 6 - 34.4% 7 WebOS 0.1% 7 - 0.5% Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 + 0.9% Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Samsung devices claim 4 of the top 10 spots for mobile devices connecting to public Wi-Fi • Apple devices remain in the top 3 spots, with iPhone, and iPod Touch accounting for 69.2% of market share. The Kindle Fire continues to remain the strongest challenger to the iPad in the tablet market segment iOS and Android continue to dominate the market as the top Wi-Fi mobile operating systems • Furthermore, Android is consistently increasing market share for the third quarter in a row. 12 Note: JiWire measurement includes all mobile device types in order to provide a complete view of how the on-the-go audience is connecting. * OS: Operating System. Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 Worldwide Location Highlights: Public Wi-Fi Locations Worldwide public Wi-Fi locations: 2009 – 2013 820,262 Worldwide quarterly growth in public Wi-Fi locations: 820,262 817,793 817,793 813,953 776,556 682,929 414,356 289,476 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 YTD Q2 2012 Q3 2012 Q4 2012 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Q1 2013 YTD Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Worldwide public Wi-Fi locations declined in Q1 2013 due to database updating of Wi-Fi providers • Quarterly growth of 0.78% from Q3 2012 to Q4 2012. • Annual growth of 20.1% from Q4 2011 to Q4 2012. 13 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 Worldwide Location Highlights: Public Wi-Fi Locations Public Wi-Fi business models: Worldwide Q1 2013 Q1 Rank Country Q1 2013 Number of Locations Q1 2013 Rank 21.9% % Change 1 South Korea 186,759 1 2 United Kingdom 182,640 2 0.0% 3 United States 130,616 3 - 2.60% 4 China 104,106 4 0.0% 5 France 35,433 5 0.0% 6 Taiwan 24,148 6 0.0% 7 Russian Fed. 16,829 7 0.0% 8 Japan 15,735 8 - 0.01% 9 Germany 15,105 9 0.0% 10 Sweden 9,546 10 0.0% Paid 78.1% + 0.16% Free Public Wi-Fi business models: U.S. Q1 2013 18.3% Paid 81.7% Free Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Free locations continues to see growth in the U.S., up 2.8% from 78.9% in Q4 2012 • Free locations in the U.S. continue to increase, while free locations Worldwide have remained between 19 – 25%. South Korea remained in the #1 spot for the second quarter in a row 14 Source: JiWire, Q1 2013 Insights JiWire Mobile Audience Insights Report Q1 2013 The Q1 Insights Report highlights recent mobile market audience usage trends offering advertisers insights they can apply to their mobile strategies and campaigns. This quarter focused on the travel & hospitality market. JiWire is the pioneer of and leading location-powered mobile advertising and data platform, leveraging proprietary historical and present data enabling advertisers to effectively engage their desired audience across all mobile devices at scale. JiWire has been an innovative leader in evolving mobile advertising and delivering mobile audiences since 2003. Our data platform creates unique audience profiles from 12.3 billion location tags across 700 million devices including smartphones, tablets and laptops. For questions, interview requests, additional info or to make recommendations for future reports, please contact us at [email protected]. Methodology: JiWire’s Mobile Audience Insights Report is based on data compiled from multiple proprietary sources; a survey of more than 1,300 randomly selected customers from across JiWire’s combined Wi-Fi and mobile advertising platform. The report is based on data collected in March ‘13. Quarterly public Wi-Fi location rankings and business model distributions are based on the final day of the quarter.
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