Otitis Externa - Kenvalley Veterinary Clinic Vet in Kensington
Otitis Externa - Kenvalley Veterinary Clinic Vet in Kensington
Yourpet hasjustbeendiagnosedwith Otitis Externa.Thisleafletis intendedto helpexplainthe condition and providerecommendations for gettingyour pet backto a stateof good healthas soonas possible. The ear is a very complexstructure,referto the picturebelow.Otitis Externainvolvesthe inflammationof the outerpartsof the ear.Otitisis a seriousdisease and can leadto othercomplications if leftuntreated. Thesecomplications can include,amongstothers; . . . . Deafness Comoleteocclusion of the earcanal Rupturingof bloodvessels in the pinna/earflap(Othaematoma) (Vestibular Lossof balanceand incoordination syndrome) How will I know that my pet has otitis? lf you hove experiencedeor ochebeforeyou will know whatpoin your pet couldbe feeling. Besides pain, other clinicolsignsmay include: . Redand/orthickenedskin . Discharge from the ear(maybe yellowor dark) . Headshakingand headtilting . Scratchingat the ear . Unpleasant odourfrom the ear What are the causesof ear infections? Predbposingfactorssuchos: . The shapeof your pets ear, . Climaticconditions e.9.high humidity, . Yourpet'slifestyle e.g.swimming . Diseases in otherpartsof your petsbody Primorycousessuchas: . Allergies(food,contact,inhaled,fleabite) . Foreignbodies(ticks,seeds) . Parasites (earmites) . Skinproblems(seborrhoea) Perpetuatingcauses suchos: . Bacterialinfections . Fungalinfections . Middleear infections (otitismedia) . Chronicthickeningof the earcanal As part of the treatrnentyour Vet has prescribedSurclan for your pet. S ur SUREYOU lAlhat is Surolan? Surolonk an eor ointmentthot consists of: . Miconazole - an antifungal . PolymyxinB - an antibacterial . Prednisolone -acorticosteroid Thiscombination is usefulin the treatmentof fungalinfectionsG.g: Malossezid,bacterialinfections (redness G.g.:Pseudomonos) and in the reductionof inflammation and swellin@. Surolan hasalsobeen shownto help in the treatmentof ear mites' How to apply Surolan ear ointment to your pet's ears Youform a key role in the retum of your pet to good health. Thefollowingguidelineswill help with the succetsof treatmentof your pet's condition.lf you have any gueriesor concerns you shouldspeakto your veterinaion. . The earshouldbe cleanedpriorto usingSurolan. Yourvet may havealreadyhavedone this for you . Gentlyfold your pets ear flap/pinnaoverthe headand tilt the headslightly . Apply a few drops(3-5)into the ear canal usingthe long nozzleon the bottle . Gentlymassagethe ear to ensurecomplete distribution of the ointment . Applytwicedaily(morningand night) . The treatmentshouldbe r€peatedior 7-1Odaysor as prescribedby your veterinarian. Sometimesit may be necessary to continuetreatmentfor a longerperiodof time (2-3 week) . lt hasbeensuggested priorto commencing thata pet-treator delicaqy eachapplication will help settleyour pet and will makethem associate the treatmentas a positiveevent Day I 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 t0 Date am,:' Surold"n l. Engelen,M.A.CM., Anthonissens, E, (2000). Efficacyof non-acaricidal ontaining oticpreparations in the treatmentof otmriasis in dogs and cats,The Veterinary Recrrd 147,556-569.