BATA. 1 - Pitching Machine Stop
BATA. 1 - Pitching Machine Stop
BATA. 1 Baseball/Softball PitchingMachine ASSEMBLY And OPERATINGNSTRUCTIONS Your machine'sserialnumberis: It is alsolocatedon the framebehindyour machine'sspeedcontrolbox. This machinehas different settingsfor different types of balls. Unless otherwisespecified,it is set for leatherbaseballsand dimpled baseballs(default setting). Read and understandinstructions before operating the machine. Before attemptingto make any repair, contact our customer service departmentfor advice and/or instructions. Making unauthorizedrepairsor alterationsto your machinewill void the warranty. Service:1-800-7 Customer 62-2282 PARTSOF TI{E MACHNE F'RlCl'lONPLz\TE I_IOLES AND SLOTS (DEFz\ULTSET"|ING) FEEDCHUTE SPEEDCONTROLBOX SPEEDCONTROLDiAL MOTORMOUNT SLOTS (DEFAULT SETTING) MOTOR PITCHTNGWHEEL IIEICHTADJ LOCK FIANDLE LATERAL ADJ LOCK HANDLE TzuPOD BASE LEGS ASSEMBLYINSTRUCTIONS Your Bi{fr\-l instrtrctionsbelow. machinecolnesto yott fully asscmbled exccptlbr thc legs. liolkrr,rrhe (I) 'furn the machineupside-downand insertall threelegsinto the Tripod Basc. (2\ Tightenthe leg lock nuts and boltsjust enoughto securcthe legs in lrlacc. [)o not or,'crtishtenthem. SETTINGSFOR DIFFERENTBALLS solibnlls. If' Your machineis designedto throw leathcrbaseballs, you ordereda BASEBALL or COMBINATION BASEBALL/SOFTBAI.L machinc,your' rnachineis factoryset for LEATHER BASEBALLS. If you ordereda SOFTBAI, is set for SOFTBALLS. At the Lf,ATHER BASEBALL setting,the machinewill pitch leatherbascballsancl baseballsup to 62 rnph. (Otherbrandsof dirnpledballs may or nraynot perfbrm dimpled BATA well in this rnachine).Do not chansethe GAP if you are using leathcr baseballsor BATA dimnled baseballs. you nlay neeclto rcclucethe If you aregoing to pitch otherbrandsoIdimpled baseballs, pitching wheelby movingthe Friction Plateclownto thc GAP betweenthe Friction Padand the DIMPLED BB setting. Call us for aclvicetrefbremakingthis aci.justment. DO NOT PUT LEATHER BASEBALLS IN TFIE MACHINE WIIEN I1' IS SE'f A'T 'IHE DTMPLEDBASEBALL SETTING. THIS WILL DAMAGE THE MACFIINI:], the urotormount must For LEATHER BASEBALLS, or for BATA dimpledbaseballs, be at the top of its slots, and the Friction Plate must be at the top of its slots. thc For DIMPLED BASEBALLS ONLY (rneaningotherbrandsof dirnplcdbascb;rlls), motor mount must be at the top of its slots,and the FrictionPlatemust be at thc bottomof its slots or slightly higher. F'orSOFTBALLS, thc rnotormount must bc at thc bottomof its skrts.and thc Irriction Platemust be at the "HOLES" location. You must alsoremovethe bascballfeeclchutc.ancl tcplaceit with the softballfeedchute. Changingto thesoftballlegsis optional, Seethe drawing on the previouspage. If you haveany questionaboutholv tclsetthc machinetbr diff'ercnttypcst',Iballr;.plca:;ec;rll CrrstomsrScrviceat l-800-762-2282. CONVERTNGFROM BASEBALLTO SOFTBALL ( l) Using a %" ,'vrench.removethe tr,vonr"rts that hold the Friction Plateto the frame. Relocatethe FrictionPlateto the "holes" location(markedfoT"SOFTBALLS"), thenput the washers,lock rvashers,and nuts back on and tighten them. (2) Using a t/2"wrench,loosen(do not remove)the four nuts that hold the motor mount to the frame(shownas "MOTOR MOLINT SLOTS" on the drawing). (3) Slidethe motor mountdown to the bottomof the motor mount slots.thentightenthe nuts. (4) Usingtwo 7/ 16" lvrenches,removethe nutsand boltsthat hold the FeedChuteto the frame. The nut at the lower-right is not accessible,so it has a nut that is pressedinto the frame. You do not needto hold it with a wrench. Simply removethe bolt from the outside. (s) Replacethe BaseballFeedChute with the Softball FeedChute. Install with the same hardware. Tighten the nuts and bolts only until they pressslightly into the plastic. Do not over-tightenthem. (6) To changethe legs,turn the machineupside-down,loosenthe T-knobs, and removethe baseballlegs. Replacethem with the softballlegs. Double-checkyour work. The GAP shouldmeasureas follows: Leatherbaseballs: 2Y4" Dimpled baseballs: 2" Softballs: 3 -I / 8 " Note: The SOFTBALL settingon your machineis designedfor 12" softballs. However,11" softballsmay also be usedat this setting. The maximum speedfor I l" softballswill be much slower,probably around50 mph. Note: When convertingfrom baseballto softball, BE SURE to lower the motor mount to the bottomof the slots. F'ailureto follow the aboveinstructionsproperlywill damageyour machine. Note: Leathersoflballsmay be usedin this machine.horvever,leathersoftballsare NOT made to be usedin pitchingmachines.'[hey havevery thin coversand high seams.Chances arethat leathersoftballsr.villnot lastvery long in the machine, We highly recommend usingour dimplcdsotlballs. on your machine,pleasecall If you haveany questionsabouthow to rnakethe adjustments CustomerServiceat I -800-762-2282. WARNING! This machineis NOT guaranteedto be 100% accurate.Although eachand every machineis thoroughlytestedbefore leaving the factory, occasionalerrantpitchesmay occur due to severalfactors,includingballs in poor condition,moisture,carelessor negligentLlse,improper maintenance,and mechanicalfailure. SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS (I) Never usethis machinein wet or moist conditions. (2) Never standor walk in front of the machine while it is running. (3) Keep handsaway from all moving parts. (4) Always wear a batting helmet when batting. (5) Turn the machineoff and wait tbr the wheelsto stop rotating beforechanginggap settings. (6) Do not attempt to stop the wheels from rotating, even after turning off the power. (7) Place a protective screenin front of the machine to protect the machine and the operator. (8) The warranty does not cover damageto the machine from batted balls or abuse. (9) DO NOT EVER LET THE MACHINE GET WET. ( l0) Make periodic checksto make surethat no nuts or bolts have loosened. POWERSOURCES Your rnachincrunson I l0-120 volt AC electricity(60h2). You may plug it into a standardI 10 outlet,an extensioncord,or a generator. EXTENSIONCORDS It is importantto usean extensioncord of adequatewire gagesize. An inadequatecord rvill causeoverheating,poor performance,and prematuremotor burnout. Wire gagesize dependson the lengthof the cord. The longer the cord, the thicker the wire gagemust be. Wire gagescomein evennumbers;8, 10, 12,14,16, etc. The lower the number,the thicker the wire. For example,an 8-gagecord is (heavier)than a 16-gagecord. Minimum wire gagesizesare as follows: Iength Gage 25' or less l6 50' t4 1 0 0' t2 I 50', l0 200' 8 GENERATORS Your machinerequires600 watts to power it. When purchasinga generator,the requirementsare as follows: Currentdraw (machine) Voltageoutput(generator) 3 amps(running) 6 amps(starting) I 10-120VAC Rccommendedpower output (generator) 600 watts (minimum) 'fo avoid damageto the speedcontroller,alwaysuse a surgeprotector. When using a generator,to avoid damagingpowersurges: (I) Startthe generatorfltrst; (2) Plug the surgeprotectorinto the generator; (3) Plugthe pitchingmachineinto the surgeprotector; (1) 'l'urn on the pitching nracltinelast. SPEEDCONTROL Your machinervill pitchfrom about20 to 62 milesperhour. The speedcontroldial is graduated from 0 to 10. Thesettingsdo not represent milesper hotrr. You may referto the chartbelowto speed,or simplyusethe followingformula: calculatethe approximate NumberonDialx6:MPH Examplesillustratedon thefollowingchart: Dial Settine 5 6 7 8 9 t0 Speedof Pitch 30 36 42 48 54 60 SETTING UP THE MACHINE (l) Placethe machineon the pitcher's mound (about3-4 feet in front of the pitching rubber). (2) Make stuethe speedcontroldial is in the o'0". turned counterclockwisepast (3) Plug the machine'spower cord into your power source,either a 110 volt outlet or a generator(600 watts minimum). We recommendalso using a surgeprotector. (4) Startthe machineby turningthe speedcontroldial clockwisepast'"0" and set it at the desiredspeed.(referto the chartabove) Allow the motor about30 secondsor moreto get up to full speed. (5) Feedin oneball at a time to testthe location. Adjust as needed. (6) After settingthe speedand location,testthe locationseveraltirnesbcfbreallowing batters to stepinto the batter'sbox. .'OFF" position. Ihe dial will click off when WHAT ARE THE WHEELS MADE OF? The Pitching Wheel on your BATA machineare madeof non-markingrubber.bondedto an aluminumrim. First,therim is castof raw aluminum,then it is machinedto a smooth.true finish. Then, the rubber tread is carefully bondedto the aluminumrim in a mold, and vulcanized. At full speed,the wheel may turn as fast as 3200 rpm. The bond strengthof the treadto the rim is severaltimes what is requiredto hold the treadto the rim at high speed. However,on rare occasion,defectsin the bondingprocessor materialsmay causethe tread to come separatedfrom the rim, or for the treadto crack or tear. In which case,the wheel is no longer usableor safe. Discontinueuse immediatelyand contactour CustomerService. MAINTAINTNG THE WHEEL When you first receiveyour machine,the wheel will be new and, therefore,slightly "slick". A shortbreak-inperiod is requiredbeforethe machinewill pitch consistently. You will probably needto feed in between50 and 100 balls to "scuff up" the surfaceof the wheel. After hundredsor thousandsof pitches,the wheelwill developa smoothdip or groovein the pitching surf'ace.This is normal wear. Once the dip is deepenough,the wheel will begin to grip the balls lessefficiently, especiallyat higher speeds.Dependingon the speed,the dip may not effect the pitching until it is V+"deepor more. At that time, it may be necessaryto make some adjustmentsto closethe GAP betweenthe wheel and the Pad. Do not make any adjustmentswithout first contactingus. During the off-seasonwhen the machineis not in use,the rubbertread on the r,vheelwill oxidize. This will causethe rubberto becomeslick. Il aftera long lay-off, you find that the machine is not pitching consistently, you may need to "scuff up" the tread with some sandpaper. If you do, use40 - 60 grit sandpaper.Sandingthe rubberwith the machinerunning is very dangerous,and not recommended.[f you chooseto do so, be very careful. You are doing so at your own risk. Do not cleanthe wheel with any cleanersor chemicals. If the surfaceneedsany attention,use sandpaper. FIOW DO DIFF'ERENTBALLS EFFECTTHE WHEELS? Leatherballswill wear your wheelout much fasterthandimpledballs will. 'fhis is becauseof the rough, abrasivenatureof the seams. Also, leatherbaseballswill pitch lessconsistentlythandimpledballs. 'fhis hasto do with 'fhe the l'actthat leatherballs have seams,and in betweenthe seamsthey have smooth leather, measurementacrossthe seamsis largerthan the measuremcntacrossthe smooth leathersurf-ace. 1\ largerdiameterwill be tighterbetweenthe wheeland pad (which will pitch higher), and a smallerdiameter',villbe looser(which rvill pitch lower). Also, becausethe seamsare rougherthan the leather,when the wheel contactsthe seams, it will grip the ball betterthan it will if it contactsthe smooth leathersurface. In additionto pitchinglessconsistently,leatherballs aremadewith a ,.painted"coloring on the surf'aceof the leather. This coloring may come ofTonto the tread of the pitching wheel and build up a stringy residue. When the residueis thick enough,it will begin io peel off. fn. stringy residuemay or may not effect the pitching. If it does, f'ou will neefto removeit by sandingit off. Do not ever use cheap,low-quality leatherballs, or syntheticleather(vinyl) covered balls. This type of ball will wear out fast, deposita lot of plastic-likepaint on the wheel, and will not pitch consistently.You havejust spenta lot of money to have the best pitching machine money can buy. Do yourself a favor and useonly high-quality regulationleatherballs, or BATA Dimpled Baseballs. Other companiesalso sell dimpled balls. We cannot guaranteethat other companies' dimpled balls will work effectively in our machines. We recommendthat you use oniy BATA Dimpled Baseballsor softballs, or regulationleatherbaseballs. Someballs,althoughthey may be sold as "regulation" balls, may or may not work effectively in BAfA pitching machines,even if they are name-brandballs. Thereare so many brandsof balls on the market,it would be impossiblefor us to test eachand every one and build a machinethat will throw all of them We havebuilt our machinesto throw regulationleatherbaseballsand BATA Dimpled Baseballsand Softballs. We guaranteethat your machinewill pitch accuratelyand consistently with the balls that we sell. We do not guaranteethat other brandsof balls will work with our machines. Someleathersoftballswill fit tightly in the infeed chute becauseof the high, raised seams. Balls like this may not be suitablefor use in your BATA machine. The infeed chuteon your machineis designedto limit the size of ball that may be used in the machine. Balls that are too big will fit too tightly betweenthe pitching wheels,and may bend or breakthe motor shafts. Leathersoftballsare very hard. and therefore,not very compressible.This causesthem to pitch ratherinconsistently.Also, leathersoftballshave extremelythin leathercovcrs and are not likely to last very long in your machinebeforethey begin to rip. A NOTE ABOUT BALLS IN GENERAL Dimpledballsaredesignedand manuf'actured to be usedin pitchingmachines.They haveno coverandno seams.Coversloosenand tear,and seamsbreak. Dimpled ballshavethe sameoutersurfbcethroughout,so the wheelswill grip the samety'peof surfaceeverytime. Dimpled ballswill pitch more consistentlyand last longer,and they are lessexpensivethan leatherballs. BATA BaseballMachinesReturn / Wamanfy Policv Pleasecheckthe contentsof your shipmentwhen you receiveit. If anythingappears damagedor missing,BATA must be notifledwithin 5 BUSINESSDAYS. Any itemsthat are will be shippedto you as soonas they becomeavailable. backordered Before returningmerchandise,you must contactour customerservicedepartmentat l-800-762-2282to requestReturn Authorization. Without Return Authorization,your package(s)may be refusedand sent back to you. When calling, pleasehave your invoice numberand your item's serial number(if applicable). WARRANTY RETURNS Pleaserefer to your instructionmanualbeforecalling, and find out the nameof the damagedor defectivepart. When a part is damagedor defective,it must be returnedto BATA for credit. Somepartsare proratedafler the first year. They are as follows: Motor SpeedController Circuit Board Potentiometer(switch) PitchingWheel Somepartsare covered 100%. They are as follows: All structuralmetal parts Somepartsare not covered. They are as follows: Lock handles Hardware (nuts and bolts) Leg tips an When item is returned,a determinationwill be madeas to whetherthe item is 'odamaged" or "det'ective".If evidenceshowsthat the part is damagedratherthandefective,no given. If the item is determinedto be defective,the part or item will be repairedor will be credit replaced,and the cost proratedif applicable. If an item or part is returned for warranty, custom€rpays to ship the part back to BATA. BATA will pay the shippingchargesfor the replacementpart or item if the part or item is determinedto covered under warranty. partsor itemsare shippedvia UPS GroundService(whenshippingcharges Replacement are beingpaid by BATA). Customerwill pay shippingchargesif a fastershippingserviceis requested. NO RETURNS BATA doesuot acceptreturns. We havea warrantyto coverany defectiveitem or part. Thereis NO I.'REETI{IAL PERIOD,and we will not accepta returnsimply becauseyou changedyour mind. A l0% RESTOCKINGCHARGE may apply when a shippeditem is refusedor exchanged.Customerrvill alsobe chargedtbr shippingand handling,and for any damagedue to irnproperrepackagingof product. WARRANTY BATA s-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Every BATA productsis thoroughly inspectedand testedbefore leaving the factory. It is warrantedto be free of defectsfrom workmanshipand materialsfor the period of five yearsfrom the dateof origirralpurchase. Shouldany trouble developduring this five year period.the machineor partsof it, may be returnedto the factory, freight prepaid,for inspectionand repair or replacement. If a part of the machineis deemedto be defective,it will be replaced. If the defectoccurswithin the first year,the part will be replacedfree of charge. If the defect occursafter the first year,the defectivepart will be replaced,and the value will be prorated. If inspection shows that the necessaryrepairs are due to damagerather than defect, replacementparts and labor are not covered under the warranty, and standard labor and replacementcost will be chargedto the customer,as well as return freight costs. It is our standardpolicy to require that the defective part be returned before a replacementis issuedunderwarranty. This wananty doesnot apply where: . Repairshave beenmadeor attemptedby otherswithout authorization. o Repairsare requiredbecauseof normal wear and tear. o The product hasbeenabused,misused,or improperly maintained. o Alterationshave beenmadeto the machine. o Non-Commercialproductshavebeenusedfor commercialuse. BATA reservesthe right to authorizewarranty serviceor repairsto be done by others. Authorization must be obtainedby BATA before any repairs are made or attemptedby anvoneother than BATA. NOTICE BATA productsthat are not labeledas "Commercial Grade" are not intendedfor productsfor commercialuseshortensthe commercialuse. Use of non-commercial years One Year. to warranty frorn 5 BATA BaseballlVlachines 62-2282 1-800-7