Shedu Cats


Shedu Cats
 Shedu Cats
 Shedu Universe
Rockport City Districts
Rockport Currency & Banks
Rockport Shedu Shop
 Shedu Basic Care
Home and Living Environment
Exercise & Stimulation
Feeding & Diet
Obedience Training
Age & Training Chart
 Acquiring a Shedu
Fostering a Shedu
Purchasing a Shedu
 Racing your Shedu
Official Races
Street Races
When I decided to write this book, it was when my laptop had recently broken and I no longer had use of it, instead
having to use my mom’s million year old Desktop to start work on it. I have started a million different stories and
books, and currently am working on my Shedu Story as well.
Did I really have time to start this book? Probably not, but, as usual, when it comes to my imagination, when it
comes up with something, I follow whether I like it or not, and a lot of the time, the project ends up unfinished. So,
why did I start this book, knowing I didn’t have the time or the priority for it? Well, because the Shedu Community
is a huge one. Around 600+ Members, and over 11,000 Shedu Cats in existence! It’s a beautiful community
dedicated to imagination and expansion, and when I joined this group, one of the first things I thought was “How
can I help make this community great?” Not that it needed any help, but I wanted to help. To organize, the make
things user and beginner friendly as best I could. I know that I still need to earn the trust and respect of its owner,
Templado, but I aim to, and I hope that eventually, I can help in making this group one of the largest on DA, in
honor of a beautiful and amazing species.
And if you are wanting to help improve the information provided in the book, please feel free to Note me on DA at
SheduAudacity and toss me information, questions, thoughts or even critique!
Forever Shedu Admirer, Jennifer Monteith
This species is © 2013-2015 by Maryann Sparrow aka. Templado and is not an open Species
Shedu Cats
A Shedu Cat (She-do), or Elsevier Cat, (pronounced El-suh-veer or El-zuh-veer), was a species
created by Orlando Elsevier in 1891, originally an excessively large cheetah with a wither height of 100129 cm. In the year 1949, the species took its final form, measuring in at 150 cm and was able to carry a
fully grown man on its back. This cat was the first official breeder, a male named Spartak.
All Shedu Cats at this time were very closely related by blood, and to avoid severe inbreeding, the
currently existing Shedu Cats were bred with ordinary Cheetahs. This kept the blood lines fresh, but
reduced some of the Shedu Cats qualities, and by the year 1956-1970, many of the species had been sold
and the rough years were all but over.
During the 70’s, several extraordinary Shedu Cats were born and set in motion the further
development of the new species. In the year 1978, the Shedu Breeding Standards were refined and all
selling of the species was halted. The so far dangerous and unpredictable species was gradually evolving
into a species with distinct personalities and abilities.
In the year 1980, the first Shedu Racetrack was built specially for Shedu Cat Races. Years passed,
and the problematic species soon became expensive and desired “toys” for rich higher class society and
obtaining one of these official cats from the Elsevier Facility was expensive and very difficult. However, in
the lesser districts, illegal trading of these cats was being held; cubs of the 1950’s Shedu Cats, long
forgotten and dead. These cats were not high class, but the skills were still the same, and they were able
to run in the brutal underground races and contests as well as any higher class Shedu.
Due to the strict rules and regulations required to own a Shedu legally, and the fact that
unregistered street bred Shedus were disallowed to participate in official races, the underground races
and sales grew, from mild cross country racing to the extreme, Mafia hosted street races, which were as
brutal as they are dangerous.
Shedu Breeds
From the first breed of Shedu, there sprang forth several more defined breeds, some of which are not all
meant for racing, but fighting, show or labor. But all Shedu Breeds have one thing in common, loyalty and
stamina. There are a couple breeds that are not documented due to their untamed status and remain
Shedu Templates can be found by clicking on Breed Name
The Classic Shedu
The Classic Shedu is the first breed of Shedu to exist, and is the forerunner for all Shedu Species. This breed is
the most common, the most sought after, and the largest in number. Over 11,000+ Classic Shedu Cats have been
bred and raised.
The Classic Shedu is the most common in appearance with the cheetah (acinonyx jubatus) and have the
most traits in common. This breed is famous for its speed, agility, temperament and stature in racing. The
Classic Shedu is mainly known for Racing and various other competitions such as Dressage.
The Asian Shedu
The Asian Shedu is the closest relative to the Classic Shedu. There are six different types of Asian Shedu. Tenshi,
Abunai, Fenghuang, Qilin, Tiangou, Singtoo and Shugo.
This breed is famous for its thick fur, solid build and loyal personality. The Asian Shedu are also known for
their temperaments, being fiercely loyal to their family and owners. The Asian Shedu is mainly known for
Pleasure Riding, Driving, Dressage and Pit Fights.
The Komainu Shedu
The Komainu Shedu (pronounced) is a separate non related breed of Shedu Cat meant as a recreational study to
bring back the Saber Toothed Cat. This breed is famous for its massive build and loyal personality.
The Komainu Shedu is known for its size, being large enough to carry large loads over uneven terrain and
guard their owners fiercely against threats. The Komainu Shedu is mainly known for Driving, Carrier and
Pleasure Riding.
The Arabian Shedu
The Arabian Shedu the fine cross between the Asian Shedu and the Classic Shedu. This Shedu is meant for
breeding purposes only. The Arabian Shedu is mainly known for its elegant build and excellent speed, sought
after so the traits are bred into any offspring.
The Djibb Shedu
The Djibb Shedu looks a lot like a canine, mainly, the hyena. This breed is an unsuccessful attempt at another
breed of Shedu. There are two types of Djibb Shedu, the Jotun and the Ispolin, however, these breeds are
actually mutations, an oversized version.
The Djibb Shedu is best known for its solid build, and is mainly used for Trial Riding, Endurance Runs, Scouting
or Hunting. Often they are also used for Sporting Games.
There are two separate classes of Shedu, which can range over all of the different breeds; the two wellknown classes that distinguish the high class from the low, Official Elsevier Racer and the Street Racer.
Both are equally as prosperous, one is legal, the other is not.
Each has its own bonuses and rules, which you can read below.
Official Elsevier Racer – The Official Elsevier Racing Cat is one that belongs to the Elsevier Family and has
been bred/sold by one with Official Elsevier paperwork. (See Benefits Below)
Elsevier Shedu Cats can be obtained by Official Shedu Sales or Member Advertisement Sales
Elsevier Shedu Cats have their own set of tack which is worn to races. Official Shedu Racing Tack
Each Shedu has its own written lineage, tracing back to one of the four distinguished Classic Shedu
Forefathers. Each Lineage comes with its own benefits and stat raises, and each with its own Price.
(See Below)
Ramses – 4,000 DA Points for Female Cub (Rarely Open for Sale) | +3 Speed, +2 Agility
Spartak (Spartan) – 1,800 DA Points | +2 Agility, +2 Speed, +2 Stamina
Savoy – 2,500 DA Points | +2 Stamina, +3 Agility
Mahogany – 2,000 DA Points | +3 Conformation, +1 Agility, +2 Movement
Any Official Elsevier Shedu Racer can take part of any Elsevier Hosted Event. Group Races and
Shows. They can also take part in Street Races, but it is illegal and must be done undercover.
Street Racer – The Street Racer Shedu is equally as gifted. However, obtaining them is slightly more
expensive and harder to get.
o Street Racer Shedu Cats can be obtained by Official Shedu Sales or Member Advertisement Sales
Street Racer Shedu Cats have their own special set of tack which is worn to races. Street Racer
Shedu Tack Template (NOTE: Tack will differ for each club or gang)
Street Racer Shedu Cats do not have a written lineage, as their papers are unofficial
Street Racer Shedu Cubs will be given random stat bonuses/bonuses
Street Racer Shedu Cats cannot take part in Official Races unless they have Fake Papers
Street Racer Shedu Cats are allowed to enter all Street Races. Street Races and Competitions.
Here is some brief information on the four Classic Shedu Lineages. The only Shedu Cats written down in
the Official Shedu Lineage are the ones that had great influence with developing the Shedu Species.
Official Shedu Lineage
Each Shedu can be found by clicking on Shedu Name
Ramses –Ramses is the first black pelted Shedu Cat, and the first to set the fastest and best records, some
of which aren’t beaten even today, top speed of up to 313 kmph! All offspring of the Ramses Line sport a
rich, sleek dark coat and boast high racing potential.
The Spartak Line is best known for their temper and ferocity, which borders on dangerous. Some
believe it to be a flaw, others, an asset. Three-fourth of all fatal racing incidents recorded involving Shedu
Cats were caused by Shedu Cats from the Ramses Line. This line is also known for being unsuccessful in
Endurance Races. Black and darker pelts are common in this line.
Spartak (Spartan) – Spartak aka. Spartan is the founder of the Shedu Species. This line is known for its
high endurance in Racing, both long and short distance. Some of the Spartak Line cubs got close to breaking
Ramses Record in speed. Previously, before Ramses became king of Racing, Spartak himself once held the
The Spartak Line is best known for its abilities and firm character, and for being loyal companions
in both crime and hard earned victory. Brown and Dark Tan Shades are common in this line.
Savoy – The Savoy Line is a small lineage, but a notable one. As the Ramses Line is shrinking, the Savoy
Line is currently taking the crown for fastest on the track.
The Savoy Line is best known for their friendly character. The Jaguar Pattern is common among
them, and often, you will see a darker colored Shedu. Today, the Savoy and Ramses Lines are in competition
for the Racing crown.
Mahogany – The Mahogany Line is the most special. They are considered the ‘Princes and Princesses’ of
the Shedu Cats because of their coats, coat colors and coat patterns.
The Mahogany Line is best known for their conformation and build, good personality and character,
being willing partners and sweet tempered cats. These cats aren’t known for their Racing, but are good at
Trial Rides and uncommon tasks. They are quick-witted and people-oriented cats. Cream and Champagne
coats are common in this line.
Shedu Universe
Rockport City Districts
Now…a bit more detail on the Shedu Universe itself. The Shedu Universe is not only the Shedu Cats, but
the city of Rockport, and its many districts. Each district has its own story and status, each plays an
essential part.
Some of these Districts have backgrounds and data, some as of yet, do not, and each gives you
plenty of room to create and expand with your own imagination. Districts with Background data will be
linked, those without will not. Section will be updated often
Aberdeen – The High Society of Rockport, well known for Tourists Attraction
Castle Rock – An Older but expensive society, home to the elder generation
Empire Estates – The Official starting place of the Elsevier Facilities and marker for all things
modern and sleek
High Garden
Mezza – The home of Mendoza’s Catyard, where Street Racer Shedu Cats are sold
Newport Kings
Oak Green
Ragbrooke – One of the youngest areas in Rockport, but abandoned
Ripley Park
Sleepy Pines
Snowbird Haven
The Circles
Rockport Currency & Banks
Along with its own world, Rockport City comes with its own Currency! This currency is called Rockport
Dollars, or RD for short.
What are Rockport Dollars? – They are the ‘in-game’ currency, and you can purchase them with real money,
or earn them.
How do I get Rockport Dollars? – You either buy them with real money, or earn them. See Below
Placing and Winning in Shedu Races
Selling Cubs to either the Street Riders, aka. Weasels, or by selling them to the Elsevier Family
Betting in either the Official Races or the Street Races
Participating in ‘Runners Deliver Games’ (Currently a Work in Progress)
Accomplish Street Rider Tasks
Getting a Job. There are several places where your character can find a place to work on a regular basis
(Currently a Work in Progress)
Buying Rockport Dollars with Real Currency. 10 DA Points = 200 RD
You can purchase Rockport Dollars here – Rockport Bank