June 28 - Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church


June 28 - Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church
3175 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA 93003 Phone: (805) 642-7966 Fax: (805) 642-7635 www.olaventura.com
The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 28, 2015
Jesus said… “Do not be afraid; just have
faith”...and entered the room where the child
was. He took her hand and said to her
“Talitha koum”.
Mark 5:36 & 41
Jesús le dijo “No temas, basta que tengas
fe”...entro a donde estaba la niña. La tomo
de la mano y le dijo: “Talita, kum!”
Marcos 5:36 & 41
Monday - Friday:
6:30 AM, 8:00 AM
5:15 PM (1st Friday) *
8:00 AM, 5:15 PM Vigil
8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM
12:30 (Spanish Mass)
*5:15 PM
 Adoration & Benediction for 1hr following
1st Friday Mass
8:30 AM
Tuesday: No Confessions
Wednesday: 5:30 PM
Friday: No Confessions
Saturday: 8:30 AM & 4:00 PM
Monday - Saturday before 8AM
Monday - Saturday after 8AM
3169 Telegraph Road
Mrs. Patricia Groff, Principal
School Office: (805) 642-7198
3167 Telegraph Road
Mr. Marc Groff, Principal. School
Office: (805) 648-6836
It is never easy to say “goodbye" no wonder, the word goodbye must
be prayed. It is a prayer because we
invoke God’s name and allow Him to
be the bridge that connects people
who are apart. Two years ago, we
have expressed “hello” - the word
that allowed us to enter into the magical world of friendship. This time, we
express “goodbye” not to indicate the
end of friendship but a way of entering the inner sanctuary of friendship.
It is God that annihilates the space
that separates us from one another.
It is through God that we will always
be connected.
It is never easy to say “thank you”
- no wonder the word “Thank you”
must be prayed. Thank You is really
a Prayer! A mystic writer would put it
simply: “If the only prayer you know
is thank you, then that suffices”.
I say Thank You as a Prayer. I
have so many memories here in OLA
- great memories of kindness, gentleness, generosity and unselfishness. You have touched
my heart, you have lifted my spirit and you have
shaped me to become, hopefully, a “better me”. Even
when I was inattentive to your needs and concerns,
you overlooked my failings, weaknesses and my seeming lack of warmth. Truly, I thank God and I really thank
you for walking with me along the Path of Life and for a
fascinating, unexpected and an extremely faith-filled
journey. I can not describe what is so meaningful and
what is so important - I can only pray in gratitude.
El tiempo ha llegado de decir “Adiós”.
Nunca es fácil decirlo, por esto, yo
quiero decirlo como una oración. Es
una oración porque invocamos el
nombre de Dios y le pedimos a Dios
que sea para nosotros un puente que
conecta a las personas separadas.
Hace casi dos años que yo dije
“Hola” - la palabra que nos permite
entrar en el mundo de la amistad.
Ahora, necesitamos decir “Adiós”, no
como el final de la amistad, sino como una manera de entrar en el santuario de una amistad más profunda.
Porque Dios puede aniquilar el espacio que nos separan.
El tiempo ha llegado para decir
“Muchas Gracias” como una oración
más profunda. Un escritor místico
dijo que si la única oración que sabe
es “gracias”, esta es suficiente.
Yo quiero decir “Muchas Gracias”
como una oración. Yo tengo en mi
corazón muchos recuerdos aquí en
OLA - recuerdos profundos de bondad, de gentileza y de generosidad. Ustedes han tocado mi corazón, han levantado mi espíritu y me han formado para ser una persona mejor. Aun cuando yo no
atendí a sus necesidades y preocupaciones, ustedes
me perdonaron mis debilidades y defectos. Gracias a
Dios y gracias a todos ustedes por el camino tan fascínate que hemos tomado. No puedo describir las cosas
que son tan significativas y tan importantes – solo puedo decir “Gracias a Dios” como una oración.
Our Lady of the Assumption Mission Statement
We, as faithful followers of Jesus Christ, create, nurture, and maintain a community of love
through worship, reconciliation, healing, formation, education and service.
Through Word and Eucharist, we seek the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit,
embracing the love of our Creator in each thought, word, and action.
As humble servants of God, we remain faithful to the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church,
waiting in joyful hope for our Lord’s coming.
Declaración de la Misión
Como fieles seguidores de Jesucristo, creamos, fomentamos, y mantenemos una comunidad de amor por
medio de la adoración, la reconciliación, la sanción, la formación, la educación y el servicio. Por medio de
la Palabra y la Eucaristía, buscamos la sabiduría y la guía del Espíritu Santo, abrazando el amor de nuestro
creador en cada pensamiento, palabra y acción. Como humildes servidores de Dios, nos mantenemos fieles
a las enseñanzas de la Santa Iglesia Católica Romana, esperando con gran
esperanza y alegría la venida de nuestro Señor.
Parish Life
Happy Anniversary
Please pray for the recently baptized as
they begin their journey in the Body of
Dan & Tina Zoll
56 Years on June 27
Lillian Mae Abbott
Juliana Renee Mondragon
Cal & Peggy Meuser
52 Years on June 30
In Remembrance
Bob & Angela Archibeque
29 Years on June 28
Please pray for those who have recently
passed away and for their families
Krisztina Escallier & Patrick O’Neill
5 Years on June 30
Henry Vega
Mass Intentions
To list anniversary, please email [email protected] by
5pm the Friday of the week before you wish it published. Celebrating your 50th Anniversary (or more)?
Please submit your wedding picture and a current picture for
our bulletin page. Send to [email protected] or drop it off
at the office.
Monday, June 29
6:30 Fr. Michael T. Bell (D) & Sr. Dolores Bray (L)
8:00 Steven & Gloria Garcia (L) & Jenny Lee (L)
Tuesday, June 30
6:30 Fr. Michael T. Bell (D) & Sr. Rita Slattery (L)
8:00 Sr. Jeanne Clennon (L) & Jack Dempster (L)
Wednesday, July 01
6:30 Larios Larios Family (L) & Darlene Holaway (L)
8:00 Soon-Ae Kim (D) & Katrina Schaefer (L)
Thursday, July 02
6:30 Imla Peachey (D) & Fred Tayag (D)
8:00 Dr. Bill Dean (D) & April Hunter (L)
Our New Website
Friday, July 03
6:30 Miguel Bustos (D) & John Malloy (L)
8:00 Tony Skwara (D) & Dr. George Nicastro (L)
5:15 End to Abortion & PJ Manning-Lunsford (D)
Our new website will be launching next week! Please
make sure to check it out.
Some new features:
Online Giving Page that allows you to manage your
donations by credit card or bank account
Link to The Catholic Company Superstore where
12% of your purchases come back to the parish
Online religious education registration including pay
ing your fees
If you have any questions or comments please email Lauren Burns at [email protected] or call (805) 642-7966
ext. 101.
Saturday, July 04
8:00 Floyd Weber (D)
5:15 Chi Jun (D) & Joe Parr (D)
Sunday, July 05
8:00 Shelby Bauer (D) & Imla Peachey (D)
9:30 Mass for the People
11:00 Marge Tidrick (D) & Tony Segovia (L)
12:30 Alfonso Quiroz (D) & Juanita Zesate (D)
5:15 Luz Elena Henderson (D)
Bulletin Deadline July 12 bulletin-due by 5pm July 2 Pulpit Announcement –July 5 Masses-Due by
June 29 at noon. Please see directory on pg 9 for where to send information.
Calendar of Upcoming Events
See Page
June 28
SVdP Bundle Sunday & second collection for St. Vincent de Paul
July 3
First Friday masses - no receptions due to holiday
July 3, 4 & 5
Office closed in observance of Independence Day
July 5
No Friendship Sunday
July 13-17
Vacation Bible School at OLA
August 18
RCIA begins new year!
Parish News
If you are visiting or are joining us for the first time, we are
glad you came! All are welcome at OLA and received with
love. If you are ready to join our parish, we encourage you
to fill out the Registration Form and bring it to the Parish
Office. Registration forms are available at the Parish Office
or on the church website www.olaventura.com If you have
any questions, please come by the Parish Office, the Welcome Table at Friendship Sunday, or call us at 642-7966
Si nos visita o nos acompaña por primera vez, ¡nos da gusto
que este aquí! Todos son bienvenidos a OLA y recibidos con
amor. Si desea ser parte de nuestra parroquia, le recomendamos que llene el Formulario de Registración y lo traiga a la
Oficina Parroquial. Los formularios están disponibles en la
Oficina Parroquial o en la página web de la parroquia,
www.olaventura.com Para cualquier pregunta por favor
pase por la Oficina Parroquial o llámenos al 642-7966
Our Lady of the Assumption Church
Parish Office Hours
Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción
Horario de la Oficina Parroquial
Monday through Thursday 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm,
Saturday 8:30am to 12:00pm
Sunday 9:00am to 2:00pm
The office will be closed Friday-Sunday, July 3–5 in
observance of Independence Day.
Lunes a Jueves ~ 8:30am. a 7:00pm
Viernes ~ 8:30am a 5:00pm
Sábado ~ 8:30am a 12:00pm
Domingo ~ 9:00am a 2:00pm
La oficina estará cerrada Viernes-Domingo, julio 3-5 en
observancia del Día de la Independencia.
Weekly Offerings
Ofrenda Semanal
Thank you for your continuing support of Our Lady of the
Assumption Parish. For the month of June 2015 our parish budget calls for $22,074.18 to be donated weekly at
the Sunday collection. The collection for Sunday, June
21, 2015 was $20,850.53. This collection is not only used
for operating expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc. to our parish facility. There
are many ways to contribute; credit card and automatic
https://0laventura.weshareonline.org or contact Lauren
Burns, business manager for more information at 6427966 ext. 101.
Gracias por su apoyo continuo de Nuestra Señora de la
Parroquia de la Asunción usted. Para el mes de junio
2015 nuestro presupuesto parroquial pide $ 22,074.18
para ser donado semanal en la colección Domingo. La
colección para el Domingo, 21 de junio 2015 fue de
$20,850.53. Esta colección no sólo se utiliza para gastos
de funcionamiento de cada semana, sino también para
cualquier trabajo en curso de reparación, mejoras, etc. a
nuestras instalaciones de la parroquia. Hay muchas
maneras de contribuir; tarjeta de crédito y débito
automático están disponibles. Por favor, visite
https://0laventura.weshareonline.org o póngase en
contacto Lauren Burns, gerente de negocios para obtener
más información al 642 a 7966 ext. 101.
2015 Together in Mission
Annual Appeal
Apelación Anual 2015Juntos en Misión
Parish Goal: $ 122,600.00
Amount Pledged: $112,148.00
Amount Paid: $ 87,823.00
Balance: $ 34,777.00
Meta Parroquial: $ 122,600.00
Cantidad Prometida: $ 112,148.00
Pagado: $ 87,823.00
Balance: $ 34,777.00
Para más información o para donar por Internet visite
For more information or to donate online please visit
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Religious Education
Parish News
Sundays at OLA
No Friendship Sunday on
July 5, 2015
Nursery - Ages 1-3 years
Located in the Youth Room during 9:30am Mass. Provides babysitting while parents attend Mass.
Due to the Holiday weekend there will not be Friendship Sunday on July 5th.
We will resume again on
July 12th with our faithful volunteers, coffee, doughnuts and all the trimmings!
Have a safe 4th of July !
We are in need of volunteers to help at Friendship Sunday. At this time there are many Sundays now through
the end of the year that are without volunteers. If you and
your friends are interested in being part of an excellent
ministry, one that allows you to visit with fellow parishioners and meet those that you don't know, this is the opportunity for you. Please contact: Deacon Phil Joerger or
Mari Joerger at 642-7966 ext. 148. Or see us at Friendship Sunday. We will train and assist as needed.
Sunday School - Ages 3-5 years
Located at OLA School during 9:30am
Mass. Includes lessons/crafts about
church, God, & the Bible. For more info
please contact Jenny Elliot @ 6427966 ext. 124
Liturgy of the Word - Grades 1-5
Begins in church during 9:30 Mass. Children are called
during Mass to process from church to the hall with a
teacher for their own age-appropriate Liturgy of the Word
& discussion of the readings.
REP– Tuesday & Wednesday
Peter’s Pence Collection
Pope Francis continues to call each of us to
be a witness of charity. “To love God and
neighbor is not something abstract,” he
said, “but profoundly concrete: it means
seeing in every person the face of the Lord
to be served, to serve him concretely.” The
Peter’s Pence Collection unites us in solidarity with the Holy Father and his works of charity toward
those who are suffering around the world. Pope Francis
reminds us that true power lies not in amassing possessions and resources for ourselves but in giving. Your contributions to the Peter’s Pence Collection allow our Holy
Father to support victims of war and natural disasters and
all our brothers and sisters who face the greatest need.
Join Pope Francis and be a witness of charity throughout
the world.. Donation envelopes will be available in the
pews next weekend.
Religious Education
Our Lady of the Assumption School
Congratulations to the OLA Class of 2015, and to all of
our students for making it through another great school
year. We hope everyone is enjoying a much needed
summer break. Thank you again to all the teachers, staff
and volunteers that make our school such a great place
to be.
Preschool Summer Session is
available for ages three thru five
years of age, including children
moving on to kindergarten. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays,
9am to noon. Contact Susie
Delaney at 642-7198 ext 213 for
more information.
Elementary,Gr.1- 5 is offered
on Tuesday and Wednesday from
4:00pm - 5:15pm in the OLA
School next to Mulcahy Center.
For more info contact Mari @
642-7966 ext. 125
Vacation Bible School at OLA
Discovering God's Plan 4 U = Jesus!
Coming soon with SonSpark Labs: songs,
skits, crafts, games, Bible stories and snacks--all making
VBS a can't-miss experience. This year's program will be
held July 13th-17th, 9am-12pm in the Mulcahy Center.
Cost is $25 per child. Pick up a registration form at the
Welcome Table at Friendship Sunday. For more information, please contact Jenny Elliot @ 642-7966 ext. 124.
Youth Ministry
Please keep the “Into the Deep” participants in prayer as they return
home. Thank you to all the sponsors,
donors, host families, cooks, servers
and OLA youth that are making the week-long event possible!
Registrations for Steubenville Youth Conference, July 2426, in San Diego are still available, contact youth minister, Gabriel Rivera for more information, x121.
RCIA – Right of Christian
Initiation of Adults
We invite those who are interested in
the Catholic Christian community and
the Catholic way of life to participate in
the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
(RCIA) experience. We’ll be starting up again August 18,
2015, in the Santa Cruz Room. For more information
please contact Deacon Don & Diana Huntley via email at
- 5- [email protected] or by phone at (805) 642-7966 x123.
Safe Environment
Adult Ministries
Did You Know?
Opportunity for Adult Faith Formation
By teaching “total body safety” we further
efforts to stop abuse
Are you looking for a way this summer to continue to grow deeper in
your faith journey and relationship
with God? Are you hoping for an
experience of a small faith group,
or are you considering becoming
Catholic and receiving the sacraments of initiation? Then welcome
to our summer Adult Faith Formation series hosted by the Women's & Men's Ministries and the RCIA team. For 6 successive Wednesday evenings beginning June 24 from
7:00-8:30 pm, these ministries will host and facilitate a
series based on Fr. Albert Haase' book “Catching Fire,
Becoming Flame”. Each evening will be centered on a 30
minute video created by Fr. Albert based on 6 themes
from his book. We’ll then break into small groups, and
enjoy some time for praise and worship. There will be no
cost for this series, since it is hosted by members of our
own parish. For this reason we ask all who are interested in attending to register with Kati Excallier
([email protected] - 642-7966 ext. 142) so we can
be sure to plan according to the level of overall interest.
Parents and caregivers should stress that a child’s entire
body is private and be watchful of adults who might be
“grooming” a child by constantly tickling, kissing, or hugging them. A child will often tell a parent he or she does
not want to hug or kiss someone – and parents should
listen and respect their wishes. By teaching “total body
safety” to adults, children, and young people, we are furthering our efforts to stop
abuse and to make the
world a safer place for all of
God’s children. For a copy
of the VIRTUS® article,
“Beyond the myth of the
bathing suit,” email: [email protected].
July 2015 Fingerprinting Schedule
Please visit the website listed below for dates
and locations. Schedules are available online
at http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/hr/Pages/
fingerprinting.aspx. Please call 213-6377411 if you have any questions.
Liturgical Ministries
First Friday
The First Friday Devotions are a set of Catholic devotions to especially recognize the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
and through it offer reparations for sins. On these days,
a person is to attend Holy Mass and receive communion.
If the need arises in order to receive communion in a
state of grace, a person should also make use of the
Sacrament of Penance before attending Mass. In many
Catholic communities the practice of the Holy Hour of
meditation during the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament during the First Fridays is encouraged. First Friday
Masses are offered at 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m. and 5:15
p.m. Benediction, Adoration and Confession will follow the 5:15 p.m. Mass. There will not be any receptions after the 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. masses due to
the observance of the July 4th holiday.
Liturgy of the Word
The lector ministry at OLA is a great way
for a parishioner to get more involved in
the Sacrifice of the Mass. We have over
80 parishioners participating. It is a
great group and is a lot of fun. Please
consider joining this important ministry. If you have any
questions, please call Tim Noonan at (805)290-3720.
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Spirituality & Fellowship
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Explore knitting or crocheting as
a prayer experience! All skill levels are welcome. Come work on
your skills, or learn how to knit or
crochet. Donations of yarn, knitting and crochet supplies are welcomed and appreciated.
Our next meeting is on Saturday, July 12. Please call
Jan Parrone at 658-1904 for further information. Or
visit www.shawlministry.com. To request a shawl for
someone in need of prayers, comfort, or in celebration of
a birth, please contact the parish office at 642-7966.
Eucharistic Adoration
St. Julie’s Chapel
Adorers are always welcome. Would you be able
to commit weekly to any of the times listed?
Wednesday 2-3pm
Friday 5-6am
Saturday 12-1pm
Substitute adorers needed midnight to 6am
Contact Mary Ann at 644-2160 or
Elizabeth at 644-8395
Service & Outreach
Ministerio Hispano
Many Meals
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos
Many Meals serves our parish family as well as the community as a whole. Guests come each Wednesday for a
hot meal, free of charge, as well as wonderful fellowship.
We serve at College United Methodist Church, 4300
Telegraph Road from 6-7pm. The program is selfsupporting and thus, relies on our dedicated volunteers
and donations by our generous parishioners. Although
the meal changes each week, some items are used consistently and can be accepted at any time. Here are
some of the items needed this week.
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA)
Monetary donations- primarily for the purchase of the
meat for each meal
 10 ¼ inch non- compartment paper plates
 8 oz. hot paper cups
 7 oz. cold plastic cups
 Medium size 3 compartment to go containers
 Heavy duty cutlery packs (fork, knife, spoon, napkin,
salt & pepper) 100 count bags at Smart & Final
100 count name tags
Donations may be dropped off at the rectory by Tuesday morning. For more information or if you would like to volunteer, please call (805)642-7966 ext. 133.
Respect Life
The Catholic Church is a Pro-Life Church from
Conception to Natural Death. Resources and
contact information can be found in our directory page
under “In the Community”.
For more information
please contact Patty Berry, Respect Life Parish Coordinator at 642-4928
El RICA es el proceso para los adultos que
desean prepararse para los sacramentos de
iniciación: El Bautismo, La Primera
Comunión y/o la Confirmación. Aquí en OLA
ofrecemos esta formación en español. Este
proceso inicia el martes 18 de agosto, para
más información llame o haga una cita con
el Diacono Raul 642-7966 ext. 149 o por email
[email protected].
¿Sabía Usted?
Cuando enseñamos “seguridad corporal total”,
ayudamos a disminuir los abusos
Los padres y otros adultos responsables de los niños
deben enseñarles que sus cuerpos son privados. Deben
también, estar en alerta con los adultos que puedan
estar “preparando” a un niño, haciéndole cosquillas
Normalmente los niños les dicen a sus padres si no
quieren abrazar o darle un beso a alguien, y los padres
deben escuchar y respetar los deseos de sus hijos. Al
enseñar “seguridad corporal total” los adultos, jóvenes y
niños, estamos avanzando en nuestros esfuerzos por
detener el abuso sexual infantil, haciendo del mundo un
lugar más seguro para todos los hijos de Dios. Para
obtener una copia del artículo de
VIRTUS®, “Más allá del mito del
traje de baño” (beyond the myth of
the bathing suit), escriba a jvienna
Grief Support Group
This group is open to any adult who has lost
a loved one through death, whether your loss
is recent or many years old. We invite you to
join us to find support and help in working through the
grief process and transforming your pain into healing. Our
next meeting is Tuesday, July 7th. We meet in the Parish
House (21 N, Dunning St.) from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Entry is down the driveway, through the gate, in the backdoor and through the kitchen. You can start with the group
any time. The group is led by Ken Lynch. For more information please call Ken's cell at 310 720 9943 or send an
email to [email protected].
OLA Cancer Group
Cancer affects everyone. You don't have to battle cancer alone. Come and spend an evening
with church members who understand. The OLA
Cancer Support Group meets the 2nd
Wednesday of the month, 5:30-7:00pm in
the Parish House (21 N. Dunning) from
5:30-7:00 pm. Contact Rochida McClure at
(805) 746-0727 for more information.
Colecta Peter’s Pence
El Papa Francisco continúa
haciéndonos el llamado a ser
testigos de la caridad. Nos dice
que “Amar a Dios y al prójimo no
es algo abstracto, sino algo
profundamente concreto: es ver
en cada persona la cara del
Señor y servirle, servirle concretamente.” La Colecta
Peter’s Pence nos une en solidaridad con el Santo
Padre y sus obras de caridad hacia los que sufren
alrededor del mundo. El Papa Francisco nos recuerda
que el verdadero poder no se encuentra en la
acumulación de posesiones y recursos para nosotros
mismos, sino en el dar. Su contribución a la Colecta
Peter’s Pence le permite al Santo Padre apoyar a las
víctimas de guerra y de desastres naturales y a todos
nuestros hermanos y hermanas quienes enfrentan una
gran necesidad. Únase al Papa Francisco y sea testigo
de la caridad en todo el mundo. Los sobres para de
donación estarán en las bancas el próximo fin de
In the Community
Ministerio Hispano
La SB 128
Twelve Step Program for Overeaters
La SB 128 legalizaría el suicidio asistido por un
médico en California. El papa Francisco nos recuerda:
"El mandamiento bíblico es honrar a nuestros
padres esto nos recuerda un sentido más amplio de
nuestro deber de honrar todas las personas de la tercera
edad”. Es hora de tomar acción para proteger las
personas de la tercera edad y con discapacidades. Visita
la página de web: archla.org/sb128 para obtener más
información, póngase en contacto con su legislador, e
Overeaters Anonymous is a Twelve Step program which
guides individuals toward spiritual, emotional and physical recovery from compulsive eating and
compulsive food behaviors. If you have
any kind of issue with food, you are invited to join us on Monday mornings from
8:45 to 9:45 in the back of the Parish
House (22 N. Dunning St.) Call Susan
(642-7627) for more information.
Grupo de Oración: Divina Misericordia
Acompáñenos cada primero y tercer lunes a las 7pm en
la Capilla Santa Julia aquí en OLA.
Para más
información comuníquese con el Diacono Raul a
Julio 13 y 27
Octubre 5 y 19
Agosto 10 y 24
Noviembre 2 y 16
Septiembre 7 y 21 Diciembre 14 y 28
SB 128 would legalize physician-assisted suicide in
CA. Pope Francis reminds us, "The biblical commandment to honor our parents reminds us in a broader sense
of our duty to honor all elderly people." Take action now
to protect the elderly and those with disabilities. Visit:
archla.org/sb128 to learn more, contact your legislator,
and get involved.
St. Vincent’s 14th Annual Golf
In the Community
Scholarships For Success
Scholarships are available to anyone 18 years
or older with a high school diploma or GED
wishing to pursue a career in technical education. Adults of any age can apply! Scholarships are
based upon need and awarded in various amounts. For
more info or to apply call VACE at 805-289-1744.
Magnificat-Catholic Women Prayer Meal
Saturday, July 25 @ 10AM at the Odyssey Restaurant,
15600 Odyssey Dr., Granada Hills. Guest speaker, “Miss
America 2001 – Angela Perez Baraquio, shares her personal story of faith, triumph, tragedy and hope. Great
Catholic role model for young girls and teens.
“Magnificat” check for $26 to Magnificat, P.O. Box 4057,
West Hills, CA 91308. After July 14 $30. SPECIAL OFFER: TEENS $16. Questions? Teri Thompson 805-5273745. On-line reservations www.magnificatsfv.org
A Note of Thanks to Fr. Alex
We thank you for the guidance, encouragement and support for all the
events and projects of Defenders of
Life. Your strong pro life position and
personal involvement exemplified Catholic teaching,
thought, and tradition. You gave us joy and laughter. We
wish you well, and we send you our best wishes. Your
friends The Defenders of Life of Ventura area parishes.
Monday, August 24, 2015, La
Cumbre Country Club, 18Hole Texas Scramble, Prizes and Awards!
For more information or to register visit stvincents-sb.org
or call (805) 683-6381 ext 110. All proceeds benefit St.
Vincent’s Children and Family Services
St. Vincent de Paul
Don’t forget this is “Bundle Sunday” for
St. Vincent de Paul and there will be a
second collection today for the St. Vincent de Paul Society, which helps those in need in our community. We
thank you for your kindness and generosity .
Theology on Tap
Calling all Young Adults 18-39! Are looking for a place to come together with other
Catholic Young Adults and share faith and
make new friends? If so then look no further! Come join us at Sacred Heart
Church in Ventura for our annual young adult speaker
series entitled “Theology on Tap”. Come out and join us
for great evenings filled food, drink (alcoholic for those of
age), and great speakers for a time you will never forget. Below are a list of dates and speakers. Doors open
at 7pm. Hope to see you there and if your have any
questions please contact Justin Wilburn at [email protected].
June 30: Fr. Norm Supancheck “God guide us”
July 7: Sergio Lopez “Transforming Love”
July 14: Dominik Gnirs “Forgive! It’s your decision”
July 21: Dr. William Shaules “Erotic Love poetry in Sacred
Scripture. A study of Song of Songs”
Parish Directory / Directorío de la Parroquia
Parish Phone Number/Numero de Teléfono de la Parroquia 642-7966
WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Kati Escallier, ext. 142 or
[email protected]
LIVING MATRIMONY: Dn Dan Bojorquez ext. 146
Growing in Faith: Terri Rojo, 659-1217
OLA Classics: Mary Kielas, 650-7870
CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: Rochida McClure, 746-0727
FOOD BASKETS: Jerry Deal, 339-0260
RESPECT LIFE: Patty Berry, 642-4928 or [email protected]
Dea Boehme, [email protected]
Victims Assistance Ministry: Suzanne Healy (213)637-7650
RIDES TO MASS: John Stebbins, 644-4674
MANY MEALS: 642-7966
DEPT HEAD: DN RAUL GONZALES, EXT.149 or [email protected]
Pastoral Council (en Español): Tony Altorre, [email protected]
ALTAR SERVERS: Deryl & Margaret Franzel, 644-5449
[email protected]
END OF LIFE MINISTRY: Mary Ellen Farley, 643-5262
BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: George and Jan Standing-Roberts, 648-1782
DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Charlie Kim, ext. 122
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Diana Huntley, ext. 123
ENVIRONMENT MINISTRY: Ana Miller, 620-0873
LECTORS: Tim Noonan 290-3720, [email protected]
MARRIAGES: Please contact Father Alex, ext. 106
SACRISTANS: Nikki Noonan 290-2278, [email protected]
USHERS: Larry & Barb Gadbois 320-3819
Communion to the Homebound: Parish Office
BULLETIN: ext. 128 or [email protected]
BUSINESS MANAGER: Lauren Burns, ext. 101
FINANCE COUNCIL: Paul Derse, 642-7966
PASTORAL COUNCIL: Dan McGrath, [email protected]
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Elizabeth Wurts, 644-8395
Mary Ann Decaen, 644-2160
FRIENDSHIP SUNDAY: Dn Phil Joerger ext. 148
INFANT BAPTISM PREP: English: Deacon Phil Joerger, ext.148
S panish: Deacon Raul Gonzalez, ext. 149
MOM’S GROUP: Jeanine Walker, 648-4244
M.O.M.S. MORNINGS: Jamie Kuske, 510-681-4259,
[email protected]
MOTHER’S PRAYER: Lisa O’Brien, 659-5307
NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: Aaron and Lee Ann Sanchez, 650-6734
PARISH PRAYER CHAIN: Juanita Trine, 644-5967,
[email protected]
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: Jan Parrone, 658-1904
ROSARY MAKERS: Aurora Gonzales, 654-0316
VOCATIONS: Father Alex, ext. 106
WELCOME COMMITTEE: Alton & Virginia Lewis 642-7966
Virgina Dimmick 933-5903
BOY & CUB SCOUTS: Kathy Ellison, [email protected]
CONFIRMATION:YOUTH: Gabriel Rivera, ext. 121 or
[email protected]
Adult: Dn. Dan Bojorquez, ext. 146
Adult (College) Bible Study: Joe Yamauchi,
Defenders of Life: Anna Murphy, 218-3093 or Carol 765-4293
[email protected]
Detention Ministry: Margaret Oberon, 988-1966
FAMILIES OF NAZARETH: Phyllis Crews, 643-5361
MIDDLE (THE EDGE) & HIGH SCHOOL : Patrick Tafoya, ext. 121
HERMITS OF ST. GILES: Mark Andrew Dextraze, 647-9089
NURSERY: ext. 125
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Ron Baldonado, 643-6756
RCIA: Dn. Don Huntley ext. 123 or [email protected]
LIFE CENTERS OF VENTURA CO.: Emily Raab , 486-2721
SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN: Dea Boehme [email protected]
MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: Russ & Jeanine Walker, 648-4244
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Jenny Elliott at ext.124 or
RETROUVAILLE REDISCOVERY: Paul & Marisa Montgomery, 642-4023
[email protected]
SECULAR FRANCISCAN: Pauline Riendeau, 339-9446
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