The WASH - United Motorcycle Club International Washington State
The WASH - United Motorcycle Club International Washington State
Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The WASH UMCI Newsletter of Washington State Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State Table of Contents Announcements & Tid Bits Page 3 Puget sound Area Lunch Rides Page 3 Inland Northwest Ride Schedule Page 3 State Rep’s Corner Page 4 News Flash Page 4 Washington State Rally - Photos Page 5 Columbia Basin News Page 6 33 Secrets For Smart Touring Page 7– 9 Quick Takes Page 10 2015 International @ Dawson Creek Page 11-12 Ultimate Reps Ride Page 13 Washington Events on the Horizon Page 14 Oregon Events on the Horizon Page 15 For Sale Page 16-19 Area Reps and Breakfast Schedules Page 20 2 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State Announcements & Tid Bits International Rally Dawson Creek, BC Mile Zero Campground July 20 - 23, 2015 Registration, Page 14 & 15 2015 Puget Sound Area Lunch Rides View or download Lunch Schedule. 2015 Inland NW Ride Schedule View or download Ride Schedule! 2015 Sidecar Events If you’re a sidecar enthusiast, follow this link to the Sidecar Events Schedule. Cover Photo Tim Blanes of Montlake Terrace (Seattle), goes by “Hubcap.” Married 25 years to Irene Blanes, fearless leader of Puget Sound Area UMCI. Loves to ride his Harley Road Glide often. Owns CLARY’s Transmission. UMCI member for 3 years. The 206 Comedy Club considers Tim to be one of the Sons of Anacortes, WA. 3 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State State Reps Corner! On July 4th, Inland Northwest UMCI is moving their meeting place to, Timber Creek Grill Buffet. The address is 9211 E. Montgomery Ave., Spokane Valley, WA. Phone # 509-8926390. They are on the eastside corner of Argonne & Montgomery. They open up at 8:00am and our meeting will start at 8:30. What a good time was had by all at out State Rally in Twisp. We had a total of 25 people at the rally. UMCI Rep’s attended were, Kevin & Kevi from Othello, Duane Wood from Bow, and yours truly from Spokane. We also had members from Canada and Oregon. Also joining us were members of the International Brotherhood of Motorcycle Campers (IBMC). It was nice to meet some new riders. On Saturday, some went to the flea market in town. Five of us road over the North Cascades Pass to Marblemount for lunch. On the way back we stop at Winthrop for ice cream and we got back to camp just in time to have Duane’s great Biker’s Stew. Thank You, to Duane Wood, for hosting the camp out and cooking the Biker’s Stew and Thank You, to Kevin & Kevi for helping out. Photos from the Washington State Rally @ Twisp are on the following page. Rich News Flash Billy, Dave, Charley and I decided to take Hwy 20 home on Sunday. I was in the lead, followed by Charley, Billy and Dave going over Sherman Pass, when over the CB I hear Billy yelling, I hit a deer, I hit a deer. Charley and I did a quick U-turn and found Billy parked alongside the road. She was shaken up, but she was ok. The deer jump out in front of her and hit the sidecar and ended up in between the sidecar and the motorcycle. The deer died on impact. Dave pulled the deer out and we inspected Billy’s motorcycle. There was some plastic damage to the bike but nothing major. Happy riding to you all! Rich 4 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State Washington State Rally - Twisp, WA June 5th - 7th Photos courtesy of Richard Hentz 5 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State Columbia Basin News! Hi everyone I sincerely hope that with this beautiful weather you are out riding till your hearts content. Me, not so much. I tore a hamstring muscle on my right leg and now when I sit on the bike it is like I am sitting on a rock, pretty uncomfortable. We had our regular meeting this Sunday the 14th, at Bob’s Restaurant in Moses Lake. Had a pretty fair turnout. We were glad to welcome some of the Moses Lake Legion riders. Really nice folks and they went on the ride. Larry Pearl, from our group was the only one that went on the ride. It was hard for me to watch the guys leave without me. I’m hoping they’ll will find out what is wrong with my leg so I’ll be feeling better before the International. I have not ridden all summer, it is becoming a real bummer. I re-introduced Herb and Jan Ward as newlyweds. Kevi and I had the pleasure along with others from the group in seeing them renew their wedding vows. It was a really nice service and a very good looking couple. CONGRADULATIONS!! 25 Years!!! We had our 50/50 and of course. I did not win, but two of the folks from the legion riders won (beginners Luck) and Jack Zeppenfield won one from our group. We adjourned the meeting and the ride started. Bob and I am not sure where they went from there. Ross said the ride was a mystery ride where he would lead out and go wherever he wants to go, then the next person leads and goes where he wants to etc. etc. sounded like a lot of fun. Until we meet and ride together, ride safe, ride lot’s and most of all have lots of fun! Kevin B Besel 6 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State 33 Secrets For Smart Touring Courtesy of AMA There’s nothing like the feeling of loading up and heading out on a big motorcycle trip. And there’s nothing like the security of knowing you’re prepared for life on the road. It can take years to develop that knowledge through trial and error. So we’ve devised a shortcut. We’ve asked AMA staff members to share with you the experience they’ve accumulated over decades on the road. What you’ll find here isn’t a comprehensive collection of touring knowledge. Instead, here are 33 insider tips—useful suggestions that have made our tours more organized and more fun. We guarantee you’ll learn something. 1. Eat at weird times. Everyone and their dog eats around 8 a.m., noon and 6 p.m. To get in and out of restaurants in a hurry, don’t be hungry then. 2. A short metal cable with loops on both ends (like those made to keep people from stealing bicycle seats) is perfect for securing a jacket and helmet to your bike’s helmet lock. 3. Carry a spare key. Hide it somewhere on your bike with a zip-tie or duct tape, or better yet, trade spare keys with a traveling companion. 4. Portable weather radios are now in the $20 range, and the first time one saves you from running right into a massive storm, you’ll wonder why you ever traveled without one. Find one at accessory companies like Aerostich or Radio Shack. 5. On high-mileage days, you’ll feel a lot better if you carry eyedrops and use them every time you stop for gas. 6. If you’re nearing the end of your riding day and want to set yourself up for a quick getaway in the morning, consider riding to the far side of the next city you reach before you stop for the night, eliminating urban traffic the next morning. 7. Take a tip from off-road riders: carry a backpack hydration system so you can drink while you ride. A must for arid weather. 7 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State 33 Secrets For Smart Touring, continued . . . 8. Going on a long, complex trip? Keep yourself organized with the envelope system. Before you leave, prepare one envelope for each day on the road. Mark the dates and locations on the outside, then stuff things like hotel reservation info and lists of things to see inside. Instead of juggling your entire stack of literature to find the information you need, you can just open up that day’s envelope. 9. A simple map case attached to your bike’s tank (we’ve used a Rev-Pak version that has been available through for years) can keep you on course without the bulk of a tank bag. 10. Keep your stuff dry in saddlebags by using trash compactor bags as waterproof barriers. They’re thicker and more durable than standard garbage bags. 11. Use earplugs to help reduce wind noise. You can get them from most mail-order shops or dealers, or in bulk from safety-equipment supply houses. 12. Don’t forget that pack-and-ship places are just about everywhere these days. They’re perfect when you spot that antique umbrella stand you’re dying to buy hundreds of miles from home. 13. Don’t forget a small towel or rag for wiping dew off seats, windshields and mirrors, and even for doing a quick whole-bike cleanup. Synthetic chamois cloths work particularly well. 14. Pack extra bungees and zip-ties. ’Nuff said. 15. Go ahead, buy that GPS you’ve always wanted. They’re perfect not only for finding yourself, but also for allowing you the freedom to get lost in the first place. 16. You’ve heard it a million times, but we’ll say it again: look over your bike carefully every morning on the road. Checking the simple stuff—air pressure, oil level, loose or missing fasteners—can save you from big trouble. 17. Sign up for AMA Roadside Assistance. To sign up, call the AMA at: (614) 856-1900. 18. Stash a little hidden cash somewhere on the bike or on you, so you can make something happen when all else fails. 19. Before you take off from the hotel or campground in the morning, double check every strap on tank bags or soft saddlebags, and every latch on hard luggage. 20. Wear a dog-tag with your name and contact info, especially if you’re riding alone. You can get them lots of places, including your local army surplus store. 21. Take a look back at where you were parked every time you leave someplace. You’d be amazed at what you find. 22. A cellphone can be a lifesaver in an emergency. You can dial 911 for help anywhere you find cell service, but you’ll need to tell a dispatcher where you are. Keep track of route numbers, interstate exits, towns you’ve passed, mileposts—anything that can save emergency officials time in getting to you. 8 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State 33 Secrets For Smart Touring, continued . . . 23. Good motorcycle gear really is worth it. Waterproof, breathable linings in boots and jackets will transform the way you think about bad weather. A number of companies offer materials that work well, but always test your gear on a rainy day at home before facing a storm on the road. 24. Do routine maintenance at home with your bike’s toolkit, so you’re sure you have what you need along the side of the road. 25. On a long tour, plan for at least one day every week of doing nothing. Time is the ultimate luxury, and can mean the difference between a vacation and an endurance run. 26. Be realistic with your daily mileage. In really scenic areas, 150 miles may make a very full day. Don’t assume you can achieve freeway mileage on good back roads. 27. Guidebooks can be invaluable, but these days, an internet search can add spice to your trip by revealing special-interest locations most books fail to include. One of the sites we’ve used is World’s largest concrete bison, anyone? 28. It is possible to use a kit to make emergency repairs on tubeless or tube-type tires alongside the road. But before you count on this as your safety net, practice using the kit on an old tire in your garage. 29. A packable motorcycle cover not only keeps your bike clean and dry overnight, it also discourages thieves. And don’t forget a stout lock of some kind for the bike itself. 30. If you can afford it and are short of time, you could always ship your bike somewhere cool and ride it back. Call the Federal Companies at (800) 747-4100, ext. 217 or 218, for details. 31. If you call a hotel--even if you're two blocks away--you can often get a better rate than if you just walk in. And if you have access to a computer, there are some spectacular Internet-only deals available these days. Either way, do yourself a favor and have a reservation by 4 p.m. You never know when a convention will take over your destination city. Remember that AMA members get a discount at several hotel chains including Choice Hotels (call 800-258-2847 or go to, click on “Enter Special Rate ID” and use discount code 00947556) and Motel 6 (call 800-4-MOTEL6 or go to and use discount code CP540176). 32. A nap can do wonders on a long day. 33. If you’re traveling east or west, schedule your breakfast or dinner times near sunrise or sunset so you don’t have to stare into the sun when it’s low on the horizon. 9 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State Quick Takes! Photo Gallery 10 United Motorcycle Club International – 2015 International Rally July 20 – 23, 2015 Mile Zero Campground – Dawson Creek, BC 1901 Alaska Avenue Freedom, Friendship, Food and Fun Rider: _______________________________ Rider/Passenger: _____________________________ Birthday: (mm/dd/yyyy) _____________________ Birthday: (mm/dd/yyyy) ______________________ {for prize determination} Address:______________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________ Prov / State ___________________ PC/Zip _____________ Home Phone:______________ Cell Phone:______________ Email: ________________________________ Distance to Rally from home address: ______________ Km's Miles REGISTRATION - Thursday Evening BANQUET & Rally Pin $0.00 Early Registration by May 1st------------per person $30.00 X __________ = ______ Registration by June 30th--------------------------per person $35.00 X __________ = $0.00 ______ Late Registration after June 30th-------- per person $45.00 X __________ = $0.00 ______ CAMPING: Open field tenters - ___________ nights X $10. = $0.00 ______ Shared sites, power & water - ____________ nights X $23. = $0.00 ______ RV’s – full service - ____________ nights X $36. = $0.00 ______ T-SHIRTS - $20 Each: S___ M___ L___ T-Shirt Count Summary & Total Count _______ X $20 = ___________ 0 $0.00 XL___ XXL___ XXXL___ TOTAL COST = _______ $0.00 Make cheque payable in CANADIAN FUNDS to Joyce Davis, 5653 Sawmill Rd, Oliver, B.C. V0H 1T9 I/we the undersigned do hereby declare that I/we will not hold the United Motorcycle Club (UMCI) or its BC chapter, responsible for any loss, damage or injury that may occur attending the 2015 International Rally at Dawson Creek, BC the third week of July 2015. Reset Form Print Signature: __________________________ Date: _________________ Signature: __________________________ Date: __________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) (mm/dd/yyyy) 11 Accommendations Best Western Hotel & Suites 500 Hwy 2, Dawson Creek, BC Tel: 250-782-6226 Toll Free: 1-800-528-1234 Comfort Inn 1200 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC Tel: 250-783-1222 Toll Free: 1-866-782-1208 George Dawson Inn (Banquet Location) 11705 8th Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC Tel: 250-782-9151 Toll Free: 1-800-663-2745 Inn on the Creek 10600 8th Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC Tel: 250-782-8136 Toll Free: 1-888-782-8136 Lodge Motor Inn & Café 1317 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC Tel: 250-782-4837 Pomeroy Inn & Suites 540 Hwy 2, Dawson Creek, BC Tel: 250-782-3700 Toll Free: 1-866-782-3577 Super 8 1440 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC Tel: 250-782-8899 Toll Free: 1-888-482-8884 Ramada Inn 1748 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC Tel: 250-782-8595 Toll Free: 1-855-247-4371 12 Ultimate Reps Ride Ride into the Red Sept 20-24th 2015 Las Vegas to Brian's Head Utah And Beyond This year Alberta Area Six Medicine Hat is undertaking an epic trip to the land of the red rocks. This trip follows the route taken by myself when he first purchased BUZZ the Beemer. Little did I know I was driving some of the most scenic areas in America. Leaving Las Vegas we will be traveling south and east taking in Hoover Dam staying overnight in Williams AZ before heading north through the Grand Canyon to Brian's Head Ski Resort where we will be headquartering for the rest of the week. During the week we will be visiting both Zion & Bryce Canyon National Parks as well as Hwy 12 designated as one of the states All American Roads through the Grand Staircase Escalante. This area boasts many National Monuments and State Parks. Its off season for the resort so accommodation is easily accessible and reasonable. We have acquired a privately owned cabin and are looking to acquire another if needed. We should be able to accommodate a few campers at the cabin, the closet campsite is at Cedar Breaks National Monument. We would like to invite any of our friends from the US or Canada who would like to join us . You may do your own travel arrangements or contact myself if you are interested in joining our group which I am making the arrangements. Interested parties can contact myself for more details. Click on the Blue Highlighted text in the document for some great info on what were going to see Daniel Magee [email protected] Note: We have already have people committed and have filled the one cabin and look forward to bring more on board for this exciting adventure 13 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State Washington Events on the Horizon Irene & Tim’s Getaway at Port Angeles, WA August 13th - 16th, 2015 Many Scenic Rides and Destinations Hurricane Ridge, Dungeness Spit, Sol Duc Hot Springs Cape Flattery, Pillar Point, Rialto Beach, Port Townsend Crescent Lake, Tongue Point* (*Tongue Point low tides, early AM and late evening) Plenty of FREE camping for everyone 133 Ebb Tide Ln, Port Angeles, 98362-8901 GPS 48.105931 -123.566606 Questions: Irene Blanes (206-914-2147) RSVP to: [email protected] Victoria BC is across the water. Spend a day, come early or stay late! Bruceport Park Campout, August 19th - 21st Bruceport County Park, South Bend, WA, Camp Host: 360-827-1420 Hwy 101, Five miles south of South Bend, WA, GPS: 46.682685 -123.891543 Daily rates: $15-Motorcycles, $20-Vehicle, $30-RV w/full hookup Scenic area, great rides, plenty to see & do. South Bend - 5 Minutes, Long Beach Peninsula - 45 Minutes Tokeland - 43 Minutes, Cape Disappointment State Park - 46 Minutes Expect warm, pleasant weather, but carry wet weather gear in the unlikely event of marine climate influences. Info: Gordon Dale, 206-790-5033/ Jan Dale, 206-953-4701, Email: [email protected] 14 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State Oregon Events on the Horizon Tygh Valley Campout, July 1st - 5th Tygh Valley Fair Grounds (Hunt Park) 81849 Fairgrounds Rd, Tygh Valley GPS: 45.253165 -121.207837 Info: Ben Altman, 503-913-8609 Coos Bay Campout, August 19th - 23rd Coos County Fairgrounds 770 - 4th St, Myrtle Point, OR GPS: 43.059640 -124.143531 Info: Eva & Chris Williams, 541-404-5286 North/South Convergence Ride, August 29th Aunt Ding’s Family Restaurant 39297 McKenzie Hwy (Walterville), Springfield, OR 97478 GPS: 44.066258 -122.811089 Ben Altman: 503-913-8609, email: [email protected] Silver Spur Campout, October 23rd - 25th Silver Spur RV Park 12622 Silverton Rd NE, Silverton, OR GPS: 45.001267 -122.803635 Info: Gary Miller, 541-670-8221 15 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State For Sale Kwik Kamp Trailer Asking $2500 Contact Cory Shipman [email protected] 16 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State For Sale 1989 Honda TransAlp - 41,500 mi $2500.00 1983 BMW R80RT - 84,000 mi Lowered for short legs! $2500.00 Contact Jim Hafterson 206-794-8004 (c) 206-784-9769 (h) 17 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State 1990 Goldwing 1500 Carmel Blue 180,000 miles, but well maintained runs great!!! Carbs and Front Forks rebuilt 2012, Progressive Springs and Super Brace Dual Progressive Air Shocks on Rear 2014 New Tires 2014 (Dunlop K177), many extra parts, including new in-the-box Compufire Alternator Asking $3,000, OBO Ben Altman [email protected] 503-913-8609 18 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State Trailer For Sale Asking $250.00 Contact: Charlie Cripps PH. 253-265-0982 19 Volume 2, Issue 7 July 2015 The Wash - UMCI Newsletter of Washington State Our Only Business Freedom, Friendship, Food & Fun UMCI Representatives International Rep WA State & Inland NW Area Rep Columbia Basin Area Rep Okanogan Area Rep & Treasure Puget Sound Area Rep Sedro Woolley Area Rep Daniel Magee, Medicine Hat, AB Richard Hentz, Spokane, WA Kevin & Kevi Besel, Othello, WA George & Willie Penner, Okanogan, WA Irene Blanes, Mountlake Terrace, WA Duane Wood, Bow, WA 403-488-9387 509-999-1556 509-531-1942 509-485-1922 206-914-2147 360-766-6603 Monthly Breakfast Schedules Columbia Basin Area, 2nd Sun. 8:00am, (9am, Oct-Apr), Bob’s Rest., 1807 E. Kittlestone, Moses Lake Inland Northwest Area, 1st Sat. 8:30am, Timber Creek Buffet, 9211 E. Montgomery, Spokane Okanogan Area, 1st Sat. 8:30am, Contact George Penner @ 509-485-1922, for current location. nd Puget Sound Area, 2 Sat. 8:00am, Denny’s Restaurant, 132 - 128th St. SW @ I-5, Everett st Sedro Woolley Area, 1 Sat. 9:00am, Hometown Café, 818 Metcalf Street, Sedro Woolley Editor: David Fitzgerald [email protected] 20
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