FREE Take One - Penny Saver Home
Penny Saver The Northeast Georgia Volume 8, Issue 19 SERVING NORTHEAST GEORGIA & SOUTH CAROLINA FREE Take One January 17, 2013 To Place Your Ad • (706) 377-SAVE (377-7283) Fax: (706) 376-4488 • E-Mail:[email protected] 2 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • January 17, 2013 The Penny Saver “WE HAVE WHAT BUYERS WANT!” The Penny Saver is a classified and paid business advertising paper. The Penny Saver is published every Thursday. The Penny Saver reserves the right to limit your ad to 20 words. The Penny Saver reserves the right to refuse any listing which may be contrary to their policies. The Penny Saver is not liable for the condition of advertised articles or for composition errors. The Penny Saver will not disclose your name or address unless other wise requested in writing. Only your phone number will be used unless otherwise requested. Each classified ad will run on a space available basis. Ads may be renewed as many times as needed by calling The Penny Saver by 5 p.m. Monday. Advertising is accepted with the understanding that all liability for copyright violations is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Mats, cuts, negatives, art work, or other copy submitted for publication is considered to be the sole property of the advertiser. The Penny Saver will make every effort to see that advertising copy is correctly printed, but will not be liable for failure to publish an ad or for typographical and layout errors, or for the condition of the printed material from our printer. Publisher: The Penny Saver • P.O. Box 1280, Hartwell, Georgia 30643 CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE: (706) 377-SAVE (706-377-7283) • Fax: (706) 376-4488 E-Mail: [email protected] Advertise your antiques & collectibles here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283. ATF TF BUILDING SUPPLIES & TOOLS To advertise your building supplies and tools call the Penny Saver 706-377-7283 TF Like new 15” Task Force scroll saw by Rexon with manual sold new at Lowes. $25. Call 706-4360797 F0124 BUSINESS SERVICES/OPPORTUNITIES Tax services provided by Tax Refund Services, Tax Max, at US Auto Sales 1590 Monroe Drive, Gainesville GA 30507. $20 OFF Tax Preparation! Bring in this ad and your W-2, File TODAY...Drive TODAY! Don’t wait in long lines...Bring us your Tax Documents, Save Time & Money. Call or visit us today! 678-450-0400. Use Coupon Code: DLR20 ATF Wanted pontoon boat trailer 22 or 24 ft., reasonable price. 706-436-4422 ATF 1986 Stratos Fish & Ski, Bass Boat, Walk-Thru Windsheild, 189V, W/ All The Options. 150 HP Mariner, Like New, One Owner, Asking 4295 $ 00 OBO 706-436-1685 1999 Sea Doo GTX $2500, excellent condition. Call 706-436-3599 TF Marine Service & Repair. Service ~ We Come To Spa by Laura Hartwell’s Premiere Day Spa! has moved to 48 South Carter Street, Hartwell, Ga. Across from the First Presbyterian Church Call us now to schedule your ultimate spa experience in our new luxurious facility! Same great service on all your favorite spa treatments. ALL YOUR NEEDS: ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HVAC, WINDOWS, FLOOR SUPPORTS & REMODELING EMERGENCY CALL 24/7 TODD 678-508-6234 TRISHA 706-436-0889 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED P0131 WE BUY BOATS, JET SKIS & ATV’S 706-436-3599 ARM CONTRACTING FROM TOP TO BOTTOM YOUR COVERED ROOFING METAL, SHINGLE, PAINTING, REMODELING, VINYL SIDING, DECKS 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. 706-410-3139 Visit for more info. 864-376-6949 Call For Appointment able prices. Call Billy 706-201-7058 or 706-2457871 ATF 1ST CHOICE DRIVER IMPROVEMENT CENTER Lavonia, Georgia Now Offering Classes: •DUI •Defensive Driving •Driver’s Education •DUI Intervention (17 Week Program) •Clinical Evaluations Call Today for Fees & Class Schedules 706-356-5817 P01172013 HOME IMPROVEMENTS BOATS & ACCESSORIES Two 1997 Sea Doo GTX’s with trailer $3500. Call 706-436-3599 TF You. Boats & PWC. 706-436-3599 LPC ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 1988 15 1/2 ft. Bass Boat $1200. 706-436-3599 TF 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Looking for work doing odd jobs, yard, gutters, raking leaves, Hartwell, Lavonia, or Royston. Call 762-338-9092 F0117 Will move new or used mobile homes. Reason- NORRIS TOWING & WRECKER SERVICE Located In Canon, GA 24 HOUR TOWING BEST RATES AROUND! Adam Norris 706-498-1821 Glenn Norris 706-308-5089 GUMLOG AUCTION Auctions held each Tues., Thurs. & Sat. at 7 pm Things for Ladies & Gentlemen. “So if money is tight & you’re looking for a bargain come see us” 280 GUMLOG RD LAVONIA GA 30553 706-680-4343 OR 706-988-6333 P01172013 In A Mess with IRS? When In Trouble, WIT Associates, LLC. 706-356-7349. ETF BOX ITS ARE A GREAT WAY TO SELL YOUR ITEMS QUICK FOR ONLY $34 FOR 4 WEEKS! CALL THE PENNY SAVER FOR INFO 706-377-7283 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Marine Service & Repair Boats PWC • 706-436-3599 3269 Anderson Hwy.(Hwy. 29), Hartwell ~ 1.5 miles past Walmart on the left Mobile Service ~ Certified Mechanic GOLDEN NAILS & TAN 38 South Forest Avenue, Hartwell 706-377-4410 Men and Women Welcome $5 OFF Nail & Toe Service, Tanning! FREE Manicure for trying It Works-Body Wrap! Helps you lose weight fast. * Buy Cosmetics @ www. Hours : Mon - Sat 9-7PM Closed Sunday Gift Certificates Available No permits required. John 706-961-4164. P0207 COMPLETE MOBILE HOME SERVICE Roof Over Systems, Room Additions & Remodeling. Floor Replacement. Roof Repairs. Windows & Doors. All Types Of Repairs! FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Licensed & Insured FREE ESTIMATES CALL ROGER RHODES 706-498-7864 or 770-503-5710 P01022014 NU-ROOM ADDITIONS & REMODELING “Complete Home Improvement Specialist” INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Nu-View Patio Rooms, Aluminum Screen Rooms, Carports & Patio Covers All Types Of Repairs! FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Licensed & Insured FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL ROGER RHODES 706-498-7864 or 770-503-5710 Christian man wants to sit with elderly during the daytime. Can drive around, cook, do house work. References upon request. 706-377-3528 leave message if no answer. TF Heavy brush cutting services. Maintain overgrown properties. Improve real estate marketability and profits. Cuts and mulches debris. ECO-FRIENDLY. CLOTHING, JEWELRY & ACCESSORIES Girls Old Navy red winter Coat size medium xlent condition $10. Girls tennis shoes and dress shoes xlent condition some still in box never worn sizes 1 & 2. Call 706-886-0125 F0124 For Sale, Brenda’s Outlet, a successful, wellknown, high-end outlet store with A-1 reputation. Carries premie to adult size 5X clothing, shoes, purses, jewelry, misc, and attire for the entire wedding party. Established in 2000 in Stephens county, now located in Franklin county beside the Lavonia Police Department. Come shop with us and get more for le$$ 30% off all clothing. We carry brand names. 706-356-1018 P0117 Excellent condition baby girl clothes size newborn 0 to 3 months most are $1. 706-816-7430 F0117 FARM EQUIP, & HEAVY MACHINERY Advertise your equipment and machinery here and sell it fast in The Penny Saver. Call 706-3777283 ETF FITNESS, SPORTS, & HUNTING For sale weider pro 9628 home gym weight bench system $75. Call 706–491–2823 F0124 CLASSIFED RATE CHANGES CLASSIFIES RATES EFFECTIVE JAN. 4 $12 CLASSIFED FOR 2 WEEKS BOX ITS $34 FOR 4 WEEKS YARD SALES $8 FOR 1 WEEK PHOTO BOX ITS $32 FOR 2 WEEKS CALL THE PENNY SAVER FOR INFO 706-377-7283 The Penny Saver • January 17, 2013 - 3 Young Reporter Covered UGA Integration People and landscapes change so quickly. The year was 1961, the scene was the University of Georgia, and two blacks, Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter, were on the threshold of making history. The two walked under the historic arch in downtown Athens, and became the first to integrate the previously all-white school. A flock of eager beaver reporters was there. And then it all flashed back in my mind. Hamilton Holmes, head of orthopedics at Grady Hospital in Atlanta, had died in his sleep from what his physicians said was going to be a complete recovery from open-heart surgery. Channel 2 in Atlanta opened the newscast with a film clip of the 1961 story and there, walking alongside Dr. Holmes and Mrs. Hunter was a thin, pale reporter from Anderson, SC, named Dilworth. The memory bank worked overtime. Back then, we looked on Hamilton Holmes as a young man, and I thought we were far older, but age does that to youth and then to the old. Dr. Holmes was just seven years our junior, and it was actually youth covering youth. What a historic moment, and then we thought how fortunate and blessed we were to cover the story, and to have the film for posterity, and to still be alive and breathing God’s good air, and maybe it’s the reporter in us that still wonders what’s around the corner. Billy Dilworth You may write or call Billy & Joyce Dilworth at: Magnolia Hills Retirement Community, 504 Historic 441 North, Demorest, GA 30535 or 706-754-0203 “Billy Dilworth’s Column is a courtesy of The Penny Saver which goes into dozens of Northeast Georgia Counties and Anderson, SC. The views or opinions expressed in column are not necessarily the views or opinions of The Penny Saver or its staff. Two climbing deer stands 1 tree lounge with bow hunting adapter, 1 API predator both in great shape. $100 per stand or both for $180.00 706498-6223 ATF FOOD, FLOWERS, & FIREWOOD WE TAKE EBT CARDS 706-567-8285 P628 ALL PURPOSE CONSTRUCTION LICENSED & INSURED 18 YRS EXPERIENCE~FREE ESTIAMTES 706-245-9494 706-498-2064 DECKS, ADDITIONS, VINYL SIDING, METAL ROOFS, SCREENED PORCHS & FENCING ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS! Advertise your food, flowers, & firewood here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 TF Farm-cut lumber, your logs or ours. We also have firewood. Call 706-213-0698 P0207 rock branch archery, hunting supply & 3d range Elbert County ~ PSE DEALER Timing, Tuning, Stringing, And Supplies For All Bows. Perfection is Performance Like Us On Facebook Tournaments & Fun Dates Jan. 19 & 20, Feb. 16 & 17, Mar. 30, Apr. 27 & 28, May 25 & 26, June 22 & 23, July 6 & 7, Aug. 17 & 18 & 31 BOBBY 706-318-0610 ROCKBRANCHARCHERY.COM P0228 4 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • January 17, 2013 FOR THE HOME GO CARTS, GOLF CARTS & 4 WHEELERS Like new Matching end tables and coffee table. Solid pecan wood, iron legs and accents. Bought new at Maynard’s. $99 call 706-961-4934 F0124 Advertise your item here in the classifieds and sell it fast in The Penny Saver. Call 706-377-7283 ETF Very nice blue reclining sofa $75. Call 706-4362882 F0117 2002 Max six wheeler, land or water $2800. Call 706-436-3599 TF Green chair w/ ottoman foot rest. New condition. $30. Call 706-886-0942 F0117 HELP WANTED Oversize brown chair $50 cloth. Call 706-3568825 F0117 Electric heater looks like fireplace, uses 220, good condition. Call 762-338-9992 (Elbert County Area) F0117 FREEBIES 10 Pitbull mix puppies, 8 weeks old, free to good home. Call 706-356-5768 F0124 Kittens free to good home born before Christmas. Call 706-886-3654 F0117 GARAGE, YARD SALES & FLEA MARKETS Advertise your garage, yard sales, & flea markets here for only $8 per week and sell it fast in The Penny Saver. Call 706-377-7283 ETF Garage sale every week, Thurs-Sat, 10AM to 4PM behind Tabernacle Baptist Church in red building. on Hwy 29. Call 706-371-5087 P0124 Yardsale Friday Jan. 18 - Saturday Jan. 19. 44 Johnny Street 8AM-3PM. P1017 Cook kitchen experience & waitress experience. Downtown Cafe Lavonia Ga. Call 706-3562535 F0117 Family restaurant in Hartwell looking for experienced Waitress/ Server to work in Fast-paced High volume atmosphere. Must be able to work nights and weekends. Please call 864-507-7134 and leave a message. ATF HOMES & CASTLES In STEPHENS COUNTY- TOCCOA- LOCATED IN SHOREWOOD- Land/Home package- owner financed RENT TO OWN PROGRAM- variety of homes available- for more information please check our website or call today at 706-779-0356- PLEASE NO CALLS AFTER 8PM. P0207 Riverfront, home w/ full basement, 14 + acres, with 1700 ft. river frontage, county water, beautiful mountain view. For info call 706-296-5310 P0124 Home loans for Manufactured, Modular and Sitebuilt homes. USDA, FHA, VA and Conventional. Looking for a new you in the new year? It all begins here. JESSICA BRYANT 1200 ADULT $ HAIRCUT • Hi-lites & foils • Formal Styles & UPdos • Intensive Condition • Neck, Mustache, Beard Trim • color & corrective color STYLETTE BEAUTY SALON STYLIST - JESSICA BRYANT Reg. $15.00 Shampoo, Cut & Style 5 OFF $ An art connoisseur passed a little grocery store in New York when he noticed a kitten on the front step lapping up some milk in a bowl. The cat was mangy with one ear half chewed off and clumps of fur missing. What really caught the collectors eye was the bowl the kitten was drinking from. It was a rare antique worth thousands. He walks in the store and offers $20.00 for the cat. “He’s not for sale.” Says the store owner. “That’s ridiculous!” Says the collector. “He is one of the ugliest cats I’ve seen. He must be for sale. I’ll give you $100.00 for him.” The store owner thought for a second and said “It’s a deal.” The connoisseur hands the store owner the money, which he quickly pockets, and as he starts out the store asks “For that price I’m sure you wont mind sending that old bowl with him. He seems so happy drinking from it.” The store owner says “ No way. That’s my lucky bowl. From that bowl I’ve sold 26 cats this week!” ******************* THE JUGGLER A driver was pulled over by a police officer for speeding. As the officer was writing the ticket, he noticed several machetes in the car. “What are those for?” he asked suspiciously. “I’m a juggler,” the man replied. “I use those in my act.” “Well, show me,” the officer demanded, still a little unsure. So he got out the machetes and started juggling them, first three, then more, finally seven at one time, overhand, underhand, behind the back, putting on a dazzling show and amazing the officer. Just then another car passed by. The driver did a double take, and said, “That’s it Maude. I’ve got to give up the drink! Just look at the sobriety test they’re giving now!!” THE ATHEIST AND THE BEAR Appointments Available On Mon., Tues. & Fri. Walk-Ins Welcome • Cash & Check Only Full service hair salon featuring... BILL’S CORNER ******************* 12 Years Experience • Cuts • Perms • Shampoo • Straighteners • Bang Trim Share a laugh with... LUCKY BOWL It’s haircut time Call 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Reg. $25 STYLETTE BEAUTY SALON STYLIST - JESSICA BRYANT STYLETTE BEAUTY SALON 415 E. Johnson 706-376-3103 St., Hartwell An atheist was taking a walk through the woods, admiring all that the “accident of evolution” had created. “What beautiful animals!” he said to himself. As he walked alongside the river, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. He turned to look. He saw a 7-foot grizzly bear charging toward him. He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bear was closing in. He ran even faster, so scared that tears were coming to his eyes. Looking over his shoulder again, the bear was even closer. His heart was pumping frantically and he tried to run even faster. He tripped and fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up but saw the bear, right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw and raising his right paw to strike. At that instant the atheist cried out, without thinking, “Oh my God! ... “ Time stopped. The bear froze. The forest was silent. Even the river stopped moving. As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky, “You deny my existence for all of these years, teach others I don’t exist and even credit creation to a cosmic accident. Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament? Am I to now count you as a believer?” The atheist looked directly into the light and answered, “It would be hypocritical for me to be a Christian after all these years; but, perhaps, you could make the bear a Christian?” “Very well,” said the voice. The light went out. The River ran again. The sounds of the forest resumed. And then the bear dropped his right paw and brought both paws together. bowed his head and spoke: “Lord, for this food which I am about to receive, I am truly thankful.” 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] CABINETS FLOORS & MORE n itche K ’ 0 1 inets Cab g at in start 9 $99 NATIONWIDE ® INSURANCE We Have What Buyers Want! The Penny Saver INSURANCE ®SERVICES NATIONWIDE ® INSURANCE &NATIONWIDE FINANCIAL ll nsta We I nite Gra ps $29 to nter . Ft. u o C Sq Per • January 17, 2013 - 5 NATIONWIDE INSURANCE NATIONWIDE ®®INSURANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES &&FINANCIAL SERVICES & FINANCIAL FINANCIAL SERVICES & SERVICES NATIONWIDE ® AGRIBUSINESS FREE Laminate Countertops with purchase of cabinets inate Lam g 59 � rin Floo Per p & U Ft. Sq. Financing Available NO INTEREST for 6 & 12 Months (with approved credit) Direct 770-535-0007 Fax 770-535-0091 Cell 678-271-7017 Call 706-207-9747 ATF FOR SALE 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Modular Home, 2 Car Attached Garage, 2/3 AC, Well Landscape, All As New WAS $79,000 NOW $65,000 OBO In Toccoa 706-491-0647 P0207 House w/ 6 acres, barn & creek, fruit trees, CHA. Bring your horses, cows etc. $63,900 with owner financing or $59,900 cash. Call 706-283-8965 P01102013 Why rent when you can own a brand new Horton doublewide land-home package for about the same as rent. 706-376-2244 to get pre qualified for a new land-home package ETF APARTMENTS FOR RENT Advertise your apartments for rent here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 ATF New Year’s Special!!! Move in for $150 1,2, & 3 bedroom apartments for rent at Spring Valley Apartments in Elberton Ga. Call 678-551-2420 or 678-753-0550 P0207 4332 Mundy Mill Rd. • Oakwood, GA 30566 Monday ~ Saturday 9 am to 6 pm HOMES FOR SALE (MANUFACTURED) For sale by owner Horton doublewide 3BR, 2BA on 1 acre. $59,900. Some owner financing. Call 706-376-2244 ATF In STEPHENS COUNTY- TOCCOA- LOCATED IN SHOREWOOD- Land/Home package- owner financed RENT TO OWN PROGRAM- variety of homes available- for more information please check our website or call today at 706-779-0356- PLEASE NO CALLS AFTER 8PM. P0207 NATIONWIDE ® AGRIBUSINESS NATIONWIDE ® AGRIBUSINESS NATIONWIDE ® AGRIBUSINESS Gail Johnson Insurance Agency, Inc. NATIONWIDE ® AGRIBUSINESS Gail Johnson Insurance Agency, Inc. Gail Johnson Insurance Agency, Inc. Gail Johnson Insurance Agency, Inc. We Have All Lines Of Insurance ~ Free Quotes Gail Johnson Insurance Agency, Inc Gail Johnson Insurance Agency, Inc.. We Have Lines Insurance ~ Free Quotes We Have AllAll Lines OfOf Insurance ~ Free Quotes We Have ~ Free Free Quotes Come See Us!AllWeLines Have Of All Insurance Lines Of Insurance! Quotes! We Have All LinesAuto Of Insurance ~ Free Quotes Boat Boat Auto Boat Auto Motorcycle Auto Boat Auto Motorcycle Home Motorcycle Home Motorcycle Home Motorcycle Home Boat Auto Boat Home Farm Life Farm Life Farm Life Farm Life Motorcycle Home Flood Life SR22 &Insurance SR22A Annuities SR22 & SR22A Annuities SR22 SR22 & SR22A Annuities & SR22A Annuities Farm Life Farm Business Business Bonds Business Business Bonds Business Business Business Bonds Bonds Business Business SR22 & SR22A Annuities Business Business 40 Benson Street, Hwy. 7777 40 Benson Street, Hwy. 40 Street, Hwy. 77 Bonds S. 40Benson Benson Street, Hwy. 77 S.S.S. Gail A.Gail Johnson, Agent A. Johnson, Agent Gail A. Johnson, Agent Hartwell, Georgia Gail A. Johnson, Agent Hartwell, Georgia Hartwell, Georgia Hartwell, Georgia 40 Benson Street, Hwy. 77 S. 40 Benson Street, Hwy. 77 S. 40 Benson Street, Hwy. 7777 40 Benson Street, Hwy. 40 Benson Street, Hwy. 77 S.S.S. The Insurance Lady TheThe Insurance Lady The Insurance Lady 706-376-3144 oror 706-376-8065 706-376-3144 or 706-376-8065 706-376-3144 or 706-376-8065 Lady 706-376-3144 706-376-8065 Gail Insurance A. Johnson, Agent Hartwell,Hartwell, Georgia Georgia Hartwell, Georgia Hartwell, Georgia Hartwell, Georgia 40 Benson Street, Hwy. 77 S. ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� The Insurance����������������������������������������� Lady 706-376-3144 or 706-376-8065 ����������������������������������������� ��������������������������� ��������������������������� ��������������������������� ��������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Hartwell, Georgia ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ��������������������������� ������������������������������������ ������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ prices. 706-201-7058 or 706-245-7871 ATF WE BUY USED MOBILE HOMES. $10K or less. Call 706-376-5579 Monday thru Friday 9 am-5 pm ETF FHA Financing Available - Low Down Payments On New Double Wide Land Home Packages. Competitive prices. Our land, your land or we will help find you land. Call for appointment. Certain credit & income restrictions apply. 706-376-2244 ETF For sale by owner 28x76 4BR, 2BA doublewide on 2.23 acres. $69,900. Call 706-376-2244 ATF HOMES FOR RENT (MANUFACTURED) New Horton Rose Creek 16 x 76, delivered & set up, heat pump, Save $4000, Now only $34,850 plus tax. Order to pick your colors same price. Call Marvin Shiflet 706-376-9778 ATF 3 bedroom 2 bath singlewide mobile home for rent Franklin County, close to Lavonia. Nice lot refernces required. NO PETS! $450 per month, $450 deposit. Call 706-498-6884 P0124 New 3 BR 2 BA 56’ Horton doublewide, many upgrades $42,900, delivery, set up, heat pump. Call Marvin Shiflet 706-376-9778 or 706-436-2190 ATF FOR SALE OR RENT ‘95 HORTON MOBILE HOME, 2 BR, New 2013 Horton 4BR, 2BA, thermopane windows, dishwasher, many upgrades, delivered, set up with heat pump. Only $49,700 + tax. Call Marvin 706376-9778 ETF New Horton 16 x 72, 3 BR, 2 BA, Glamor Bath, Thermopane Windows, OSB Flooring, Upgrade Insulation. Del., Set Up Only, $28,900. Call Marvin 706-376-9778 TF New Horton Boss, 32x68, loaded with luxury options, delivered, setup with heat pump. $76,900. Call Marvin 706-376-9778 TF Will move new or used mobile homes. Reasonable 1 BA, ELECTRIC, CENTRAL HEAT & AIR For Sale $10,000 or For Rent $375 mo. 706-436-2059 P011013 For rent 3 bedroom 2 bath doublewide Hart Co. $500 per month + $500 deposit. Call 706-717- 0203 P0124 For rent 2 bedroom 1 bath prefer older couple, no pets, no children, in Toccoa,$275 rent, $275 deposit. Call 706-244-8222 or 706-282-1336 P0124 BEAVER CREEK MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY $99 Move-In Special 2BDRM $350 3 BDRM $450 Section 8 Accepted Pets OK Call For Details 706-356-2178 P0207 Camper spaces & mobile home spaces for rent, large lots. Hartwell Ga. Call 706-376-8156 or 706436-0168 P0207 Mobile home for rent 2BR 2BA almost new, central heat & air, between Royston & Hartwell on private land, lawn care & maintenance included. $450 per month + deposit. Call 706-376-2788 or 706-3714624 P0117 2BR 2BA Mobile home for rent, furnished, appliances furnished, front & back porch, large yard, 6 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • January 17, 2013 LAW FIRM CHARLES R. DESIDERIO, P.C. GENERAL AND TRIAL PRACTICE Legal Assistance for Low Income Families In: Franklin, Hart, Madison, Elbert & Oglethorpe Counties DIVORCE $ 39500 Uncontested without Children *Plus Court Costs Call 706-245-4421 for an appointment. 1080 Bowersville Street, Royston, Ga. LECROY AUCTION, INC. Saturday, January 19 at 10:00 a.m. INSIDE THE AMERICAN LEGION BUILDING 12117 Augusta Road, Lavonia, GA 30553 VIEW DATE JANUARY 18, 12:00-6:00 PM ESTATE ITEMS Partial Listing Chandeliers (2) Scandinavian Blue Fox Jacket Mink Shoulder Wrap Mink Accessories Bicycle Collector Coke Bottles Mahogany Carved Elephant Glass Colorful Clown Electric Train Electric Smoker Kitchen Utensils (Variety) Lamps, Several Recliner Patio Table w/6 Chairs John Smoltz Signed Baseball Step Ladders (2) Wooden Ice Cream Freezer Wicker Trunk Several Sets of China Noritake China Accent Chairs, Several Chamber Buckets Tool Boxes w/Tools, Several Upholstered Glider Rockers (2) Kitchen Table w/Chairs Metal Milk Crates Costume Jewelry Quilt Display Stand Several Quilts Bedroom Suites (2), Very Nice Copper Coal Bucket ESTATE ITEMS continued Rd. Table w/4 Chairs Several Afghans Woven Rugs, Different Sizes Coffee Makers Porch Rockers (5) ANTIQUES Mahogany Bedroom Suite W.W. Putnam Co. Pump Organ w/ Stool Farrand Pump Organ w/Claw-Foot Stool OLD 78 Records & Other Albums Cast-Iron Pans Cow Bell Primitive Kitchen Cabinets (2) Quilts (Old) Quilt Frame Primitive Barrel Churn Roll-Top Secretary & Chair Flat-Top Trunk, Small Rockers (2), Old Yard Tools, Old Curio Cabinet Headboard & Footboard Well Bucket Wooden Chest Black Hawk Corn Sheller School Desk Wall Mounted Telephone Very Old Kerosene Lantern Wheeler & Wilson Treadle Sewing Machine Metal Tickle Meat Grinder, Enterprise Commercial Wall Clock (E. Ingraham Co.) ANTIQUES continued Regulator Wall Clock (E. Ingraham Co.) Victrola Talking Machine Primitive Bench w/Back Primitive Table w/Bench Porcelain Dish Pans (2) Wall Medicine Cabinet Deacons’ Bench Rd. Table w/4 Leaves, 10 Chairs Miscellaneous Tables Post Vise Wash Stand Milk Cans (2) Spindle Beds (3) Set of Metal Porch Chairs Cast-Iron Kettle Sideboard, Nice Hull Bowls Butcher Block China Cabinets (2) Large Flat Top Trunks (2) Nail Keg Table w/6 Chairs Oil Lamps (2) Dough Bowl & Rolling Pin Smoothing Irons Accent Table w/Magazine Ends Wash Stand, Nice Vintage Royal Typewriter UPDATES & PICTURES ON NO BUYER PREMIUM TERMS: Cash or check with bank letter from person not known to auctioneer. All items sell “as is, where is.” Not responsible for accidents. Lots of good antiques, home furnishings and tools. For more information contact: SWAIN LECROY GAL #2670 706-201-2257 OR 706-356-4951 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] no pets, non-smokers, references please. $95 per week, $350 sec. deposit. Fork Creek Road, Bowman Ga. Call 706-680-2649 P0131 For Rent In the Crossroads area of Hart County,2 BR 1BA. $285 month + deposit. Call 706-4368679 P011713 14x70 mobile home for rent 3BR 2BA located between Hartwell & Royston $300 per month + $200 deposit. Call 706-308-8715 P0117 Nice 3 or 4 BR house on acre lot, nice big yard with fruit trees, reasonable rent, on GA Power, Country living in the city. Hart County. Also 14x70 mobile home in Airline community with water & trash pickup. Call 706-436-3343 P0117 Clean 2 & 3 bedroom mobile homes, located in Hart County, $325 per month & up plus deposit. Call 706-377-4076 P0117 2 & 3 BR singlewides, doublewides, & houses, Elbert County. Beautiful country locations with big yards and shade trees, heat & cold AC, close to town. $425-$485 per month + deposit. Call 706283-8965 P01102013 Mobile homes for rent. Royston city. Includes: water, trash, sewer, appliances, & blinds. $350-$450 month + deposit. NO PETS. Call 706-498-2526 no gatherings. P021413 HOMES OR BUILDINGS FOR RENT Advertise your homes or buildings for rent here. Call The Penny Saver 706-377-7283 ETF 3 bedroom 1 bath house, Reed Creek Area, $450 per month + $450 deposit. NO PETS. Call 706-3715670 if no answer please leave message. P0124 2 bedroom 1 bath house, central heat & air, $300 deposit, $550 per month. Located off Hwy 17 on 116 Stoney Farm Drive Eastanollee Ga. Call 706779-2563 for appointment. P0117 Warehouse for rent on the four lane. Has office and bathroom, lots of room, big bay doors, located in Elberton. Lots of traffic. Close to everything. 2 unites $350-$385 per month plus deposit. Call 706-283-8965 P01102013 2 & 3 BR for rent. CHA, in town location, Elberton. Nice size lots. Prices start at $350-$450 month + deposit. Walk to Walmart & Ingles. Call 706-2838965 P01102013 LAND & COVES 27+ wooded acres, 1400 FT. paved road frontage, springs, stream, deer, turkey, natural gas, Bio Community, Hart Co., $89,500. Call 706-376-9711 or 706-436-1686 P0221 6+ acres (2+ acres in pipeline R/W), Bio community, Hart Co., deer , turkey, natural gas, $14,500. Call 706-376-9711 or 706-436-1686 P0221 80 acres & cabin near lake Russell. Fenced, pond, A-frame with loft bedroom & wood stove. $2850 per acre. Call 706-283-8965 P01102013 Nice level lot in Iva S.C. just outside city limits .67 acre. Ready for home has driveway, water & septic. No restrictions $6800. Call 864-245-0117 ATF LAWN & GARDEN Sell your unwanted lawn & garden equipment fast in the classifieds. Call The Penny Saver 706-3777283 TF MISCELLANEOUS Going out of business sale. Everything must go. 9910 Hwy 17, Martin. For more info call 989-3291010 P1024 Children’s swingset with slide, Martin Ga. Call 989329-1010 P0124 Computer desk on wheels with printer shelf $25. FOR SALE 52 Edgewater Lane, Hartwell, Ga. 487.94 Month $ Includes Taxes, Insurance & PMI with good credit 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath on 2.23 Acres 2128 Sq. Ft. ~ 28x76 ~ $69,900 706-376-2244 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] The Penny Saver • January 17, 2013 - 7 500 DOWN ON ALL CARS $ HAL’S AUTOS 11890 Augusta Road, Lavonia GA Visit to see all of our current inventory specials! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK & TWITTER CALL HAL TODAY 678-267-5553 We’re Now Making It Easier With Phone Apps! GUARANTEED APPROVAL! We work hard to earn your business! 1. Quality Cars & Trucks 2. Monthly Payments 2009 NISSAN SENTRA LOW MILES, GAS SAVER 2006 KIA SORENTO LOW MILES 2004 FORD F150 X-CAB, PAYMENTS UNDER $300 2005 CHEVY 1500 LS E-CAB WITH LOW MILES 2004 DODGE DAKOTA X-CAB, ONLY 71K MILES 2006 DODGE RAM 2500 4X4, HEMI 3 EASY STEPS FOR APPROVAL Step 1. Go to & fill out online information. Step 2. Fax items needed to 678-490-3855. Step 3. Come pick out your car!!! 3. Flexible Down Payments 4. Friendly Staff 2003 HONDA ACCORD EX 2007 CHEVY IMPALA LEATHER, SUNROOF 2004 CHEVY CREW CAB LEATHER & ALL 2004 ACURA TL LOADED, NAVIGATION LOW PAYMENTS 2003 CHEVY AVALANCHE Z71, LEATHER, 4X4, SUNROOF 2006 HONDA ODYSSEY LEATHER, SUNROOF, DVD ITEMS NEEDED FOR GUARANTEED APPROVAL 1. Proof of income, we accept SSI, Disability, Self Employed 2. Piece of mail with name and address on it. 3. Driver’s License. 4. 6 references with name, address and phone number. 5. Insurance ~ We have on lot insurance! 6. Down payment in cash or debit card ~ No checks! 7. A FRIENDLY ATTITUDE!!! 8 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • January 17, 2013 JEFFERSON 27 Years Experience Located in Bell’s Shopping Center 1351 Washington Street, Jefferson, GA Personalization Your Way! Vinyl Products, Bottlecap Images, Custom Innovations, etc. AT&T LG Neon for sale in good cond asking $40. Call 706-376-8564 F0117 5 Speaker JVC surround sound system. $80 OBO. Call 706-680-0979 F0117 2 bales of Bermuda Hay 4ftx6ft, net wrapped, $70 for both in Elberton. Call 706-567-8549 F0117 Many Dolls $1-$5. Call 989-329-1010 F0117 Brand new Foosball/Basketball/ Air Hockey table $99. Call 989-329-1010 Martin Ga F0117 Get fit for summer- Excercise bike $60 OBO. Call 762-338-9992 (Elbert County Area) F0117 Pixiecreationsbytiffany Tiffany Willliams Owner/ Operator [email protected] Find Me On Facebook Area rug 8x12 , decorative, $85. Call 706-4360059 ATF ETF Wooden glass top table 2 ft . by 3 ft. long w/ lamp $35 for both. 706-245-7689 ETF ‘97 GENERAL 32X80, 5 BR, 3 BA 24X44, 3 BR, 2 BA ‘02 FLEETWOOD ‘99 FLEETWOOD 42,000 $ 32x52, 4 BR, 2 BA 42,500 $ 25,000 $ ‘02 DYNASTY 27X60, 3 BR, 2 BA 42,500 $ ‘00 CHANDELEUR 28X80, 4 BR, 2 BA 38,000 $ ‘01 GENERAL 28X80, 5 BR, 3 BA 24X66, 4 BR, 2 BA ‘00 FLEETWOOD ‘97 SPRING HILL 47,500 $ 24X52, 3 BR, 2 BA 30,000 $ 38,500 $ 28X60, 3 BR, 2 BA 32,500 $ FREE DELIVERY & SETUP ‘99 FLEETWOOD 28X64, 3 BR, 2 BA $32,000 ‘98 FLEETWOOD 28X80, 4 BR, 2 BA 40,000 $ ‘05 OAKWOOD 28X48, 3 BR, 2 BA 39,500 $ SOLD ‘05 OAKWOOD 28X48, 3 BR, 2 BA 39,500 $ ‘02 ADRIAN 28X64, 4 BR, 2 BA 39,000 $ ‘99 GRANDMANOR 32X80, 4 BR, 2 BA 8179 Royston Rd. (Goldmine Comm.) 45,000 $ 706-245-0059 • Church Pews • Cars • Boats • Trucks • ATV’s • Campers • Old Car Restoration 233 Westclock Ext. Franklin Springs, GA GOLDMINE HOMES ‘98 GRAND MANOR Automotive Seats & Marine Upholstery Owner: Stanley Reed ~ Cell 706-436-1752 Pixie Creations by Tiffany Very nice candy rack $50. 706-436-2030 Ready for Spring Now! Reupholster Bench Seats $ 225 Specializing in Leather Seating, Upgrades & Seat Heaters 706-387-0027 Kerosene heater. Dyna-Glo. 23000 BTU. Used only a few times. $75 678-386-8463 F0124 We cover all your seating needs! Have your boat ready for Spring with newly covered seats and beat the spring rush so that your boat is ready to hit the water when you are! Now Accepting New Patients Cd mp3 compact disc player with headphones. $10 678-386-8463 F0124 R. R. SEAT SHOP Get Your PAIN CLINIC 25 inch RCA TV $10. California Closet with laundry basket $25. Call 706-886-0125 F0124 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] REED CREEK PAWN 119 DEPOT ST., HARTWELL Firearms & Ammo 706-246-9596 14x40 utility building, filled with merchandise from variety store. 20x24 & 12x12 buildings with content. All 3 buildings with contents $25,000. 706-4362030 ETF Hart County Clothes Closet & FOOD PANTRY THRIFT New Line of Sub-Compact 9mm ~We Buy Gold~ Antiques & Collectibles Video Sales & Rentals “Come On By And See Us” 706-377-3339 2nd Chance Bail Bonds 706-436-2759 We accept donations of clothes and household items. Donations are tax deductible. Proceeds from the thrift store helps to buy food for people in Hart County Hours: Mon., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 9:30 am-1:00 pm 706-376-2022 TF P0328 Happy “Hart” HARTWELL GUN & SUPPLY Consignments Wanted!! We sell to the Nation, not only to the neighborhood. Thus bringing you the highest available price for your item. Residential & Commercial Specializing in Lake Rentals • Reasonable Rates • Free Estimates References Available Find Us On Facebook! 706-376-4867 Extreme scooter, electric w/ battery charger, blinkers, horn, mirrors, approximately 10-15 miles per hour, garage kept, used only a few times. $300 OBO. 706-244-1826 please leave msg. ETF 8x30 mobile office or storage building, wired for electricity. Good condition $2800. 706-4363599 ETF Yellow garment bag $75. Small carry all bag. 706245-7689 ETF 2 grocer buggies $50 each. 706-436-2030 CLEANING SERVICE ETF 706-376-0857 706-961-0740 “Leave The Dirty Work To Me” We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 583-0967 MISCELLANEOUS CARS & VANS P0127 2001 Honda Civic 4 cyl, 5 spd., 215K miles, runs like new. Nice, dependable & great on gas! $3995 Cash. Financing available. Call 770-845-1575 or 706-356-2729 ATF The Penny Saver • January 17, 2013 - 9 Southern Surplus, Inc. New Location Open In Augusta 706-733-4000 2004 Ford Taurus 6 cyl., auto, 144K miles, looks great $3995 Cash. Financing available. Call 770845-1575 or 706-356-2729 ATF 2000 Ford Taurus 6 cyl., auto, 183K miles $3995 Cash. Financing available. Call 770-845-1575 or 706-356-2729 ATF 1965 Plymouth Fury III 318 Engine, Gold Body, White Top, 4 DR Sedan, 75% Restoration, Asking MISCELLANEOUS TRUCKS & SUV’s 6,500 OBO $ Starting at .......... Sell it fast in The Penny Saver classifieds. Ad cost only $12 for 2 weeks for 20 words or less or box your ad for only $34 for 4 weeks. Call 706-3777283 ETF 706-436-6880P0124 1973 Chevy custom C10, shortbed, stepside, 3 speed $975. 706-371-5389 P1017 2 oos Ch m o T Fro e Ford Expedition 79 ₵ 5 Gallon Exterior Latex Paint White or Tan.....$50 Exterior Door Units Starting at $100 706-245-5633 706-245-4418 706-436-1685 1989 Honda Accord, 127K, very good cond., $1600. 6 person Hot tub $500. Call 706-376-7706 or 404- 85₵ sq. ft. Like us on Facebook! Weekly Specials Coming Soon To Facebook Friends! Custom Door Shop On Site Sandy Cross Auto 17,595 OBO $ Starting at .......... sq.ft. Includes Floor Pad 2009 Ford Mustang 2DR Coupe, V6, Auto, 45 Yr. Anniversary Edition, One Owner, Garage Kepy, 20K Miles PORCELAIN TILE Laminate Flooring • DOORS • WINDOWS • MOULDING • FLOORING • CABINETS 4175 Atlanta Highway Bogart, Georgia 706-369-0800 FINANCING AVAILABLE! WE TAKE TRADE INS! SANDY CROSS AUTO, LLC ‘03 DODGE RAM 1500 ‘05 DODGE DURANGO SLT Shortbox, Dual Exhaust, Runs Great Hemi, leather, 3rd Row, Auto ‘08 FORD F150 ‘04 FORD TAURUS ‘01 FORD EXPEDITION ‘07 PONTIAC G6 ‘00 GMC YUKON Nice Truck Sunroof, Loaded, Leather Dual Air, Loaded, 3rd Row Seat V6, Sunroof, Loaded, Super Nice New Tires, Runs Great ‘06 FORD 250 POWERSTROKE ‘01 PT CRUISER ‘97 ACURA 3.0 CL ‘03 CHEVY SILVERADO ‘04 DODGE RAM Super Duty, Ext Cab Loaded, Sunroof, Leather Leather, Sunroof, Auto Ex.t Cab, V8, Automatic V8, Auto, Longbed, Nice Truck 70 HWY. 145, FRANKLIN SPRINGS 706-245-5633 706-245-4418 706-245-4880 10 - The Penny Saver • January 17, 2013 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] COUNTRY CARS & CARPORTS NEW 2012 HORTON SINGLEWIDE SUPER CENTER of Eagle Carports & Garages Call for quotes & save! WE SELL ON CARPORTS & GARAGES ALL SIZES! 3255 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell, GA (2 Mile from Walmart, Hwy. 29N, next door to Hartwell Home Mart) Come by or call for a quote. Protect your expensive RV’s, Boats & Autos with a cover. 706-436-1685 ATTENTION NEW CLASSIFIED RATE CHANGES 2 BR, 2 BA SINGLEWIDE 20,750* $ *House Only. Open Monday - Saturday But Never On Sunday! Hartwell HOME MART 3269 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell 706-376-2244 STARTING JAN. 10, 2013 Classifeds $12.00 ~ Runs 2 Weeks Yard Sales $8.00 ~ Runs 1 Week Box Its $34.00 ~ Runs 4 Weeks Photo Ads $32.00 ~ Runs 2 Weeks Add Color To Box Its $20 for 4 Weeks Bold Print or All Caps $3 For 2 Weeks All Ads 20 Words or Less Remember: Classifieds may be phoned in Mon., Tues., Thurs. or Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; emailed in to [email protected] 7 days a week or go to our website and fill out our classifed form online - payment will have to be called in to our office as our online form does not accept payments; or mail to Penny Saver, P.O. Box 1280, Hartwell, Ga. 30643. Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. All classifeds must be paid prior to publication. Penny Saver 706-377-7283 PETS, LIVESTOCK & SUPPLIES Plymouth Rock Rooster, he is very big, asking $5, call 706-988-8193. F0124 CHINABERRY ACRES 1992 C3500 HD Tow Truck, Century Bed, Dual Wrench, Wheel Lift 8,500 OBO $ 706-245-4418 2004 GMC Sierra 2500 HD reg cab, longbed, V8 6.0 auto, excellent work truck. $6000 OBO. Call 706-436-1685 ATF PARTS & ACCESSORIES Set of 235-70R-16, good tread, $80. Call 706-2483478 F0124 Lavonia, Georgia • Registered Boer Goats • Baby Mini Donkeys • Registered Cavalier King Charles Puppies • Pyrenees Puppies [email protected] Four used Goodyear tires size 225-65-17 $60. Call 706-599-5087 F0117 678-222-8681 Several sets of car & truck rally wheels, tires, etc. For Ford & Chevy. Also 1972 Chevy Pickup. Call 706-356-8485 F0117 Game Roosters, asking $20, call 706-9888193. F0124 Rear chrome bumper new condition fits Ford F150 $95. Call 706-886-0942 F0117 Dwarf Rabbits, asking $5, call 706-9888193. F0124 One six lug wheel & Toyo tire 45-70-15. $25. Like New. Call 706-886-0942 F0117 2 male Boston Terriers $150 each. Call Heather 706-498-2997 or David 706-498-2939 ATF Four 225-65-17 $99. Call 706-263-2333 F0117 Four 215-60-16 $99. Call 706-263-2333 F0117 Four 185-65-15 $95. Call 706-263-2333 F0117 Nine week old puppies, 2 dapple female and 3 tan males. mother is miniture daschound. have 1st shots. $75 OBO. 706-717-1036. P0117 P01242013 Barred Rock rooster & hen for $20, Buff hen $15. We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] CONCRETE SERVICES ADOPT MICK! 30 Plus Years Experience This week’s pet of the week is Mick. Mick is a playful, affectionate little guy, just over three months old who was found running in the traffic and rescued. He is easy-going, gets along well with other dogs, walks well on a leash, and rides happily in a car. He is vaccinated and up to date on parasite preventatives, and this week will be neutered and micro-chipped. The vet estimates he will weigh about 40 pounds when full grown. He is just at the age to learn all about being a good family member. He is looking for a home where he will be well loved, kept inside with the family, and given plenty of playtime, attention, and affection. To meet Mick, call the humane society at 706-376-1769 or email [email protected]. The Hart County Humane Society is a volunteer rescue organization. We receive no funding from any government agencies or other groups. We are a 501C3 non-profit organization. Donations are desperately needed to fund our foster/rescue and spay/neuter programs. Donations can be mailed to P.O. BOX 1062 Hartwell Georgia 30643 or be made online through pay pal at Please help us help the animals in our community. Saucer size painted turtle live w/ aquarium, food, & cleaning pitcher $50 OBO. Call 706-356-0727 please leave message F0117 Two male 2 year old 1/2 Chihuahua & Rat Terrior $40 each, plastic barrel dog houses $10 each, 2 plastic tool box dog houses small breed dogs $40 each. Call 706-356-0727 please leave message P0117 Game chickens & guineas. Call 706-6805230 F0117 Round rolls of Cow Hay. Call 706-498-3890 P0117 English Bulldog puppies are ready for good homes. We have 2 female and 2 male puppies born September 27, 2012. They are CKC registered and are The Penny Saver • January 17, 2013 - 11 SLABS, DRIVEWAYS, PATIOS & MORE References & Photos Available Upon Request Rick Meyer 770-318-8860 Commercial & Residential up-to-date on shots and dewormed. Call 706-3714308 for more information or pictures. Asking price is $900 P0117 free food at the church on Monday January 21st from 10:00-2:00. For info call the church at 706384-3901 F0117 Two horse trailer for sale $1800. 706-3086270 ATF Let everyone know about your exciting events and announcements. Place it here in the classifieds at The Penny Saver free. Call 706-377-7283 ETF THINGS TO DO & ANNOUNCEMENTS Providence United Methodist Church will host a crock pot supper on January 19th 2013, in the Christian Life Center from 5PM-7PM. $5 per person or $20 per family. Church is located on Hwy 77 in the Carnesville Church of God, in partnership with There’s Hope For The Hungry, will be giving away new 2013 horton homes! 28x48, 3 br + 2 BA House Set Up Trim Out $ 35,400.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 850.00 CASH PRICE $ 39,650.00* *Plus tax. No other options are included at this price. This house comes with: Upgrade Insulation, OSB Floors, Glamour Bath with Separate Shower & 2 Lavatories, 2nd Bath is One Piece Fiberglass Tub/Shower, Deluxe Dishwasher, Icemaker in Refrigerator, 8 Ft. Ceilings. All walls are full 2x4’s and 2x6 Floor Joists 16” On Center. 16x76 3 br + 2 BA House Set Up Trim Out $ 31,010.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 250.00 CASH PRICE $ 33,260. 00* *Plus tax. No other options are included at this price. Plus many more upgrades. Singles ~ Doubles ~ Land Home Packages Call Marvin Shiflet 3269B Anderson Hwy., Hartwell 706-376-9778 12 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • January 17, 2013 Over 100 Cars In Stock Commer ce 2005 CHRYSLER PACIFICA 395 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] WIN UP TO 4 WEEKLY PAYMENTS AT TIME OF SALE ON YOUR NEXT CAR!* FREE McDonalds Gift Certificate with Test Drive! Buy a vehicle, like us on Facebook - BUYHEREPAYHEREGA, and draw from a bucket for a 1, 2, 3, or 4 number representing the first number of payments that we will pay. For example, draw a 2 and we will make the first 2 vehicle payments. 2001 FORD F150 4X4 2002 HONDA ACCORD 695 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK 499 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ (888) 809-9968 *Requires purchase of vehicle at $ BUYHEREPAYHEREGA.COM 2006 PT CRUISER LTD. $ 695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK 2001 VOLVO X70 2001 FORD F150 CREW DRIVE OUT WITH 60%-70% DOWN 2006 DODGE MAGNUM 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 2001 CHEVY SUBURBAN 2002 MITSUBISHI DIAMANTE 2004 NISSAN MAXIMA 1695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 1695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 2003 CADILLAC CTS 695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 1299 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 799 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ From $395 Down ~ No Credit Check 2004 LINCOLN LS 799 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ NEXT TO QUALITY FOODS, COMMERCE WE TAKE ANYTHING ON TRADE!!! Cars, Trucks, Jewelry, Equipment, Goats, Horses, Guns, TV’s and Mobile Homes. No Mother-in-laws Please! $ 2006 CHEVY IMPALA LT 1695 DRIVEOUT • $85 WEEK $ 395 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK 2003 MAZDA TRIBUTE 395 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 706-534-0329 706-335-6355 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Over 100 Cars In Stock Winder 2002 SUZUKI XL7 799 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ WIN UP TO 4 WEEKLY PAYMENTS AT TIME OF SALE ON YOUR NEXT CAR!* FREE McDonalds Gift Certificate with Test Drive! 2001 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ The Penny Saver • January 17, 2013 - 13 Buy a vehicle, like us on Facebook - BUYHEREPAYHEREGA, and draw from a bucket for a 1, 2, 3, or 4 number representing the first number of payments that we will pay. For example, draw a 2 and we will make the first 2 vehicle payments. (888) 809-9968 *Requires purchase of vehicle at 1999 FORD F150 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ BUYHEREPAYHEREGA.COM 2002 FORD EXPLORER 695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 2004 FORD EXPEDITION 2004 NISSAN ALTIMA DRIVE OUT WITH 60%-70% DOWN 695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 2005 CHRYSLER PACIFICA 1999 MERCURY COUGAR 995 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 2000 VOLVO S70 2001 PT CRUISER LTD. 599 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK 295 DRIVEOUT • $69 WEEK $ 495 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 2005 JEEP LIBERTY 799 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ $ From $395 Down ~ No Credit Check 2005 PONTIAC AZTEK FREE 1999 CHEROKEE LTD. CLASSIFIEDS • Any Items That Are Valued Under $100 • Personal Wanted Items Not For Resale $ $ • Things To Do For Churches, NonProfit & Clubs • Freebies Are Free 599 DRIVEOUT • 75 WEEK 695 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 495 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 2000 DODGE RAM 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ RIGHT ACROSS FROM MEGA MUFFLER & QUICK PANTRY, WINDER WE TAKE ANYTHING ON TRADE!!! Penny Saver Cars, Trucks, Jewelry, Equipment, Goats, Horses, Guns, TV’s and Mobile Homes. No Mother-in-laws Please! 706-377-7283 678-900-1168 Backyard Ready For Spring! 14 - The Penny Saver • January 17, 2013 We Have What Buyers Want! We need your help! CIRCLE OF HOPE a subgroup of Glory, Hope & Life is here to help cancer patients in need, but to do so we need your donations no matter how big or how small! We are all volunteers so every dollar we collect will go to directly assist a cancer patient in Hart, Franklin or Stephens County. This is a great opportunity to help someone you may or may not know in your community that is struggling financially while battling cancer. 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Applications can be requested from Circle of Hope or patient navigators at local hospitals for cancer patient assistance. I wish to donate $ to Circle of Hope. I would like to volunteer my services to Circle of Hope. Name: Phone Address: For more information or to mail your much needed donation please send or contact Circle of Hope, P.O. Box 286, Lavonia, GA 30553. Banker’s Title Pawn 3269 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell GA 30643 706-371-7724 SUN EQUIPMENT CO. Hwy. 29 N. • Hartwell, GA • 706-376-9364 • Keith Cordell AUTO WINDOW TINTING 706-376-3001 S A GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Awnings - All Types Vista Residental / Commercial Window Film FREE Estimates HARTWELL HO Shoal Creek Community. All proceeds will benefit church building fund. Everyone welcome. F0117 Hartwell Church of God of Prophecy Men’s Ministry would like to invite you to our Men’s Minisrty Program. It will be January 20, 2013 @ 3:00pm at Hartwell Church of God of Prophecy. There will multiple men of God bringing the message for this event. Bring your voices, guitars, tamborines, and bibles! Let us praise the Lord together. F0117 WANTED Want older childrens bicycle w/ banana seat, any cond. Call 706-988-8537 F0124 Want nonworking push mower must be in Hartwell. Call 864-348-3518 F0124 Wanted used singlewide. Call 706-717-0203 F0124 BEST HOMES. BEST PRIC UTILITY TRAILERS, CAMPERS & RV’S Wanted gas saver car or truck. Call 706-717-0203 F0124 Could someone please help a 71 year old lady with getting gas for heat. Any help wil be appreciated. Call 706-567-5861 F0124 BUY NOW & 3 PAYMENTS A 1991 Terry Resort 24ft Camper, tandem axle, solid, no leaks. Fridge needs repair $2000 OBO. Call 706-436-0210 P0117 John Deere dump trailer 17P trailer is about 3ft wide 5ft long great shape $125. 706-498-6223 ATF Wanting to buy or adopt a female or male Doberman. Call Jack at 706-245-0036 F0124 Offer Good On New Applicati Call Ha COVERED BOAT STORAGE 105 $ Pawn Your Title ~ Keep Your Car! No Credit Check 13 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 3269 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell, GA 30643 Money Doesn’t Grow On Trees! • FOR 3 MONTHS 1 MILE FROM WALMART IN HARTWELL 706-376-2244 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] We Have What Buyers Want! Pampered Pets ANIMAL GROOMING Andrea Smith, Groomer Certified Professional Pet Groomer Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:00, Sat. By Appt. 3244 Anderson Hwy. Hartwell 706-436-3375 Wanted silver coins dollars, half,silver eagles, etc. 706-384-3954 F0117 Wanted Queen size sleigh bed, Reasonable price, In good condition. Call 706-244-1826 F0117 Want to buy Costume Jewelry. Call 706-247-4783 F0117 Want to buy Nintendo & Super Nintendo systems & games in working condition. Call 706-247-4783 F0117 Wanted 1985-89 Chevy S10 PU, 5 Speed, V6. Call 706-778-5569 or 706-968-9547 F0117 Will trade PA amp/ microphone & power speakers for good used laptop or desktop. Call 706-3772894 F0117 The Penny Saver • January 17, 2013 - 15 We Accept Credit Cards! 10% OFF ANY SERVICE WITH AD Find us on Facebook for Special Deals! Ask us about our pick up service! $5 for quarters, $10 for halves, $20-$30 for silver dollars, $25-$35 for silver eagles. Call William 706612-0939 F0117 Want silver coins dollars, half, silver eagles, etc. 706-384-3954 F0124 Bicycles wanted will buy old, broken, or unwanted bicycles in Hartwell area 864-348-3518 F0124 Want to buy bulk chicken feed, 200-500Lbs, now or in future. Call William 706-612-0939 F0117 Will tear down, clean out & haul off any junk, fences for free or reasonable price, includes lawn mowers, campers & boats. Will clean yards & houses. 706436-3343 F0117 Wanted all wartime military items, Civil war thru Vietnam. American, German or Japanese. Swords, guns, medals, uniforms~Anything. Call William 706-612-0939 F0117 Paying cash for silver coins. Up to $2 for dimes, Wanted pontoon boat trailer 22 or 24 ft., reasonable price. 706-436-4422 ATF BOX ITS ARE A GREAT WAY TO SELL YOUR ITEMS QUICK FOR ONLY $34 FOR 4 WEEKS! CALL THE PENNY SAVER FOR INFO 706-377-7283 Penny Saver Classified Ad Placement Form • FREEBIES, NON PROFIT, CHURCH EVENTS ARE FREE (LIMIT 3) • YARD SALES ARE $8 FOR 1 WEEK ~ ALL OTHERS CLASSIFIEDS WILL BE CHARGED AS FOLLOWS: ANY AD WITH A TOTAL VALUE OF $100 OR MORE IS $12 PER AD FOR INDIVIDALS - RUNS 2 WEEKS. • PHOTO AD CLASSIFIED $32 FOR 2 WEEKS • BOLD PRINT OR ALL CAPS $3 EXTRA PER AD • CLASSIFIEDS MUST BE 20 WORDS OR LESS - OVER 20 WORDS ADDITIONAL CHARGE • BOX IT’S (PLACING A BOX AROUND YOUR INDIVIDUAL AD) ARE $34 PER AD- RUNS 4 WEEKS. ADD COLOR $5 PER WEEK TO ANY BOX IT Classifieds can be called in on Monday and Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Please do not leave a message as classifieds left on voice mail will not be retrieved. Lines do stay busy so for your convenience ads can also be mailed, faxed or emailed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Fax: 706-376-4488, Email: ngapennysaverad@yahoo. com, Mail: P.O. Box 1280, Hartwell, Ga 30643. We will gladly correct any errors reported within 2 weeks of end run date. We reserve the right to refuse any ad. DEADLINE FOR EACH THURSDAY EDITION IS MONDAY AT 5 P.M. PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO PUBLISHING. PLEASE WRITE AD BELOW - 1 WORD PER SPACE. PAYMENT INFORMATION: We gladly accept cash, personal checks, money orders, Visa cards, Discover cards, Master cards, American Express & debit cards. Card Type: _____� Name On Card: ______________________________________________ Contact Number: _____________________________ Total Ad: $________________ Address Billed To: ___________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: _____________ Zip: ______________________ Authorization: I (we) authorize Northeast Georgia Penny Saver to make th� kept strictly confidential by NE Ga. Penny Saver. In the event any unauthorized charges are made on the above credit card, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold blameless NE GA Penny Saver, for any and all such charges, claims and liability related hereto. All charges are non-refundable. Signature: _____________________________________________________ 16 - The Penny Saver • January 17, 2013 2009 CHEVY We Have What Buyers Want! 2007 CHRYSLER 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 2008 FORD 2010 TOYOTA 2009 DODGE BUY HERE - PAY HERE NO CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! WE CAN HELP!!!! $ 20 OFF Tax Preparation Bring in this coupon & your W-2, File TODAY…Drive TODAY Don’t wait in long lines… Bring us your Tax Documents, Save Time & Money. Visit us TODAY! Tax Services Provided By: USE COUPON CODE: DLR20 2009 JEEP US Auto Sales 1590 Monroe Drive Gainesville, GA 30507 678-450-0400 2009 CHEVY NO CREDIT CHECK FINANCING AVAILABLE 2009 SUZUKI 2008 SCION 2011 HYUNDAI 2009 KIA 2007 HONDA Gainesville 985 EXIT 22 2011 DODGE 2007 NISSAN 2008 PONTIAC 1590 Monroe Dr. • Gainesville, GA 888-429-3803 UP TO us auto sales 129 2010 MERCURY $500 DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE W/THIS AD ONLY 1 PER CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE BASED ON STABILITY & INCOME, CAN NOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. Call for authorization code. Hwy. Athens South 85 EXIT 137 North Directions: I985 south to exit 22, 1/4 mile on the onHwy. Hwy.129/ 129/ theright left on Athens Hwy.
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