The Penny Saver - Penny Saver Home
The Penny Saver - Penny Saver Home
Penny Saver The Northeast Georgia FREE Take One December 13, 2012 To Place Your Ad • (706) 377-SAVE (377-7283) Fax: (706) 376-4488 • E-Mail:[email protected] Volume 8, Issue 14 SERVING NORTHEAST GEORGIA & SOUTH CAROLINA If we can’t clean it - it’s not dirty! While you sleep ~ Davis Industrial Cleaning & Maintenance Services Hartwell, Georgia 30643 • [email protected] • Fully Insured Contact Scott Davis 706-376-0994 • 706-436-0153 • complete office cleaning Free • pressure washing Estimates for • window cleaning Residential • bathroom clean-up Window • overhead dust removal Cleaning & • commerical clean-up Pressure • full floor maintenance our famous... Washing Tennant floor sweeper & scrubber So sleep sound, your workplace will be clean for you when you arrive. That you don’t have to worry about. DET A R T , LL A E L A Y, S IT A ! BUE DO W DS R ZA I W Check out Wizards Video Games for all of your gaming needs! Lots of Holiday Deals Now To Dec. 31st. Call or Come By For More Details. 25% OFF USED GAMES AND ACCESSORIES We deal in games and consoles from every generation NES to XBOX 360, Atari to Playstation 3. *Cannot be combined with any other offers. Excludes sales tax. 333 Shallowford Rd. Suite B, Gainesville, GA 30504 770-971-4401 Nintendo DS Games $4 & up Xbox 360 & Playstation 3 Games Low As $2 2 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 The Penny Saver 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Marine Service & Repair. Service ~ We Come To You. Boats & PWC. 706-436-3599 TF “WE HAVE WHAT BUYERS WANT!” The Penny Saver is a classified and paid business advertising paper. The Penny Saver is published every Thursday. The Penny Saver reserves the right to limit your ad to 20 words. The Penny Saver reserves the right to refuse any listing which may be contrary to their policies. The Penny Saver is not liable for the condition of advertised articles or for composition errors. The Penny Saver will not disclose your name or address unless other wise requested in writing. Only your phone number will be used unless otherwise requested. Each classified ad will run on a space available basis. Ads may be renewed as many times as needed by calling The Penny Saver by 5 p.m. Monday. Advertising is accepted with the understanding that all liability for copyright violations is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Mats, cuts, negatives, art work, or other copy submitted for publication is considered to be the sole property of the advertiser. The Penny Saver will make every effort to see that advertising copy is correctly printed, but will not be liable for failure to publish an ad or for typographical and layout errors, or for the condition of the printed material from our printer. price. 706-436-4422 McCoy butter dish $15. Call 706-436-1480 F1213 McCoy pouring pitcher $25. Call 706-4361480 F1213 BOATS & ACCESSORIES 24ft pontoon w/ trailer 40HP Yamaha $1700. Call 706-491-5048 P1213 Wanted pontoon boat trailer 22 or 24 ft., reasonable 105 $ FOR 3 MONTHS Publisher: The Penny Saver • P.O. Box 1280, Hartwell, Georgia 30643 CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE: (706) 377-SAVE (706-377-7283) • Fax: (706) 376-4488 E-Mail: [email protected] ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES COVERED BOAT STORAGE 1 MILE FROM WALMART IN HARTWELL ATF 706-376-2244 1975 Ranger Bass Boat with 1985 85HP Suzuki motor & custom made trailer. $1500. Call 706-3768589 or 706-436-1947 P1220 Organic Facial & Rejuvenation Massage Only $99 Gift cards are available on-line at Economy Drugs - Downtown Hartwell or our location, 415 E. Johnson Street Call ahead for speedy pick-up. Season of Bliss Hartwell’s Choice of Deluxe Massage Premiere Service or Facial $ 19900 Day Spa! for 3 months Spa by Laura At Stylette Salon, 415 East Johnson St., Hartwell, Ga Visit for more info. 864-376-6949 Call For Appt. Boat Dock Services Specialized Dock Repair “Water Chasing” Pressure Washing- Painting Heating & Air Services Specialized Duct Repair Cleaning & Filtration Vent Cleaning & Replacement CALL NICK HARRIS P010313 Two 1997 Sea Doo GTX’s with trailer $3500. Call 706-436-3599 TF Spa by Laura is the perfect Holiday Gift! “ JACK OF ALL TRADES” Remodeling-Additions Porches- Decks- PaintingWeather Proofing Pressure Washing Gutter Cleaning - Metal Roofs 706-436-6933 1988 15 1/2 ft. Bass Boat $1200. 706-436-3599 TF 1999 Sea Doo GTX $2500, excellent condition. Call 706-436-3599 TF WORD OF MOUTH ������������� Fish & Ski, Bass Boat, Walk-Thru Windsheild, 189V, W/ All The Options. 150 HP Mariner, Like New, One Owner, Asking 489500 OBO $ ������������ BUILDING SUPPLIES & TOOLS To advertise your building supplies and tools call the Penny Saver 706-377-7283 TF 1.5 HP Craftsman Router in case. Has micro adjuster and work light $25. 706-436-0797 F1220 BUSINESS SERVICES/OPPORTUNITIES MR. DAN’S HANDY MAN SERVICE NO JOB TO BIG OR SMALL ONE CALL DOES IT ALL •PLUMBING •PRESSURE WASHING •ELECTRICAL •HEAT/AIR •HONEY DO JOBS 706-371-3229 P01032013 Experienced loving care giver in the Maysville area, have transportation, references & resume, avail. Mon.-Fri. Ask for Darlene or leave message 706-652-3199 or 678-943-3975 P1220 For rent log splitter 26 ton pressure can be used horizontal or vertical. $50 for 1 day. Call 706-376-8589 or 706-436-1947 P1220 Experienced, loving caregiver in the Maysville area with references, resume, and own transportation available Monday thru Friday. Ask for Darlene 706-652-3199 or 678-493-3975 P1213 SOUTHERN BELLE/ THE CORNER Open for Christmas New & Slightly Used Christmas Items. New Gifts, Hats, Team Blankets, Furniture, & Clothing Mon- Wed- Sat 10AM - 3PM Tues-Thurs- Fri 10AM - 5PM 120 Depot St. Hartwell 706-201-7099 P1220 Paint it with a woman’s touch. “Painted To Perfection” WE LOVE TO PAINT! We do a perfect job every time. FREE ESTIMATES Please call Sherry 706-567-5824 P010313 WNC AUTO PARTS Specializing in Toyota 2WD & 4WD Trucks, Tacomas, 4 Runners, Camry & Avalon. Parts for all years 1979-2002. Auto, Body, Interior & Exterior Parts We Also Buy Toyota Vehicles! Contact Jimmy 828-231-5715 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Will move new or used mobile homes. Reasonable prices. Call Billy 706-201-7058 or 706-2457871 ATF 1ST CHOICE DRIVER IMPROVEMENT CENTER Lavonia, Georgia Now Offering Classes: •DUI •Defensive Driving •Driver’s Education •DUI Intervention (17 Week Program) •Clinical Evaluations Call Today for Fees & Class Schedules 706-356-5817 P1220 WE BUY BOATS, JET SKIS & ATV’S 706-436-3599 ‘98 HONDA ACCORD 900 DOWN $ 500 DOWN CALL CHRIS 706-424-1260 P1220 Christian man wants to sit with elderly during the daytime. Can drive around, cook, do house work. References upon request. 706-377-3528 leave message if no answer. TF COMPLETE MOBILE HOME SERVICE Roof Over Systems, Room Additions & Remodeling. Floor Replacement. Roof Repairs. Windows & Doors. All Types Of Repairs! FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Licensed & Insured FREE ESTIMATES CALL ROGER RHODES 706-498-7864 or 770-503-5710 800 DOWN $ ‘99 DODGE RAM 1500 V6 700 DOWN $ Short Takes: ‘My Dream Is…’ We don’t know where the letter remained since the mid 2000’s, but is surfaced the other day and was shocking. It came from a lady in Royston and she began the three page yellowed submission with, “My husband and I have watched your show for years. We love you and your family and enjoy David and Michelle Austin. You are three people we’ve always wanted to see in person. My father, Fred Jordan, was on your TV show many years ago telling people the dangers of smoking. I appreciate that and he did quit smoking but died of emphysema in 1998 and I miss him,” she said She continued, “In 1963, my brother, Ricky Jordan, drowned at the age of one. In 1979, my brother, Danny, died in a car accident. In 1992, my mother, Shirley Ann Cole Jordan, was killed by a hit and run driver. In 2006, my brother, Freddie Jordan, was killed in his home on Christmas. My life has been devastated by this but I started writing poems to help people in sorrow and letters to the editor. I am 55, my husband, Roger, and I have been married 26 years. You have always been a caring person. God bless you and your wife and wonderful staff and please say hello to David and Michelle.” Sincerely, Mrs. Linda Diane Jordan Carey, 604 Baker St., Royston, GA 30662. The other day we tried to call the number she had listed but it is no longer in service. Her thoughts and grief are something to think about in 2012 and God bless them all. Lavonia lost a good man the other day in the death of Howard Richey. He passed away at the age of 79 and his daughter, Angela, worked as our secretary for several years. His widow is named Virginia. Billy Dilworth You may write or call Billy & Joyce Dilworth at: Magnolia Hills Retirement Community, 504 Historic 441 North, Demorest, GA 30535 or 706-754-0203 “Billy Dilworth’s Column is a courtesy of The Penny Saver which goes into dozens of Northeast Georgia Counties and Anderson, SC. The views or opinions expressed in column are not necessarily the views or opinions of The Penny Saver or its staff. ‘01 GMC ENVOY 900 DOWN $ ‘00 OLDS ALERO 500 DOWN $ BUY HERE! PAY HERE! ‘99 HONDA ACCORD 900 DOWN $ ‘02 DODGE CARAVAN 600 DOWN $ 700 DOWN 400 DOWN 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL! ‘02 SATURN SL1 ‘01 FORD CROWN VIC $ $ J&S AUTO BROKERS starting at $ 300 $ REPAIR WATER/ SEWER LINES TREE SERVICES DEMOLITION ETC. NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL ‘02 FORD RANGER Down Payments ‘00 PONTIAC SUNFIRE CHRIS’ GRADING & LANDSCAPING The Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 - 3 IT’S SO EASY TO GET APPROVED ~ JUST CHOOSE A VEHICLE, PROVIDE COPY OF DRIVERS LICENSE, PAYSTUBB & REFERENCES. YOUR APPROVED TO RIDE! ‘00 FORD EXPLORER XLS 600 DOWN $ 706-356-1508 ‘03 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 600 DOWN $ 75 Gumlog Rd., Lavonia, GA 4 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 GOLDEN NAILS & TAN 38 South Forest Avenue, Hartwell 706-377-4410 BOX ITS ARE A GREAT WAY TO SELL YOUR ITEMS QUICK $5 OFF FOR ONLY $28 Any services of Pedicure & Manicure, Tanning, Full set or Fill-ins, Waxing, Facial, Solar & Gel Nails P01032013 FOR 4 WEEKS! CALL THE PENNY SAVER FOR INFO 706-377-7283 GUMLOG AUCTION NU-ROOM Will Be Having Next Christmas Auction On Dec 1st with Tricky Ricky Lots of Toys For All Ages. Things for Ladies & Gentlemen. “So if money is tight & you’re looking for a bargain come see us” ADDITIONS & REMODELING “Complete Home Improvement Specialist” INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Nu-View Patio Rooms, Aluminum Screen Rooms, Carports & Patio Covers All Types Of Repairs! FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Licensed & Insured FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL ROGER RHODES 280 GUMLOG RD LAVONIA GA 30553 706-680-4343 OR 706-988-6333 706-498-7864 or 770-503-5710 P1220 Make Your Christmas Merry With A Brand New Style! Full service hair salon featuring... Cuts , Perms, Shampoo, Straighteners, Bang Trim, Hi-lites & foil, Formal Styles & UPdos, Intensive Condition, Neck, Mustache & Beard Trim, color & corrective color Appointments Available On Mon., Tues. & Fri. Walk-Ins Welcome 12 Years Experience ADULT HAIRCUT 1200 $ Reg. $15.00 STYLETTE BEAUTY SALON STYLIST JESSICA BRYANT Shampoo, Cut & Style 5 $ OFF Reg. $25 STYLETTE BEAUTY SALON STYLIST - JESSICA BRYANT Jessica Bryant STYLETTE BEAUTY SALON 415 E. Johnson St., Hartwell 706-376-3103 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Share a laugh with... BILL’S CORNER AT GRANDMA’S Two young boys were spending the night at their grandparents. At bedtime, the two boys knelt beside their beds to say their prayers when the youngest one began praying at the top of his lungs. “I PRAY FOR A NEW BICYCLE... I PRAY FOR A NEW NINTENDO... I PRAY FOR A NEW VCR...” His older brother leaned over and nudged the younger brother and said, “Why are you shouting your prayers? God isn’t deaf.” To which the little brother replied, “No, but Gramma is!” ******************* LITTLE JOHNNIE Little Johnnie desperately wanted a bright red wagon for Christmas. His friends were writing letters to Santa Claus, but Johnnie decided to go one better. “Dear Jesus,” he wrote. “If I get a red wagon for Christmas, I won’t fight with my brother Hank for a year.” Then Johnnie thought, Oh, no, Hank is such a brat, I could never, ever keep that promise. So Johnnie threw away the letter and started again. “Dear Jesus, if I get a red wagon for Christmas, I will eat all my vegetables for a year.” Then Johnnie thought, Oh, no, that means spinach, broccoli and asparagus. Yuck! I could never ever keep that promise. Suddenly Johnnie had an idea. He went downstairs to the living room. From the mantel above the fireplace, he grabbed the family’s statue of the Virgin Mary. Taking the statue to the kitchen he wrapped it in newspapers and stuffed it into a grocery bag. He took the bag upstairs to his room, opened the closet and placed the package in the farthest, darkest corner. He then closed the closet door, took a new sheet of paper and wrote, “Dear Jesus, if you ever want to see your mother again...” ******************* We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Heavy brush cutting services. Maintain overgrown properties. Improve real estate marketability and profits. Cuts and mulches debris. ECO-FRIENDLY. No permits required. John 706-961-4164. P1213 ALL PURPOSE CONSTRUCTION LICENSED & INSURED 18 YRS EXPERIENCE~FREE ESTIAMTES CLOTHING, JEWELRY & ACCESSORIES 706-245-9494 706-498-2064 Antler Creations Taxidermy HUGH BRYANT, OWNER Specializing in all types of Wildlife Art Ladies new Weather Tamer Jacket from Belk’s. Large still has tags. Paid $100 sell for $45 beige. Call 706-436-6550 F1220 DECKS, ADDITIONS, VINYL SIDING, METAL ROOFS, SCREENED PORCHS & FENCING ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS! HISTORICAL AVALON DEPOT New & Gently Used Merchandise •Collectibles •Furniture •Housewares •Tools •Clothes •& Much More!! 9910 HWY17 Martin, Ga Wed-Sun 10AM - 5PM Y’all Stop By & See Us! Brand new baby girl clothes size newborn 0 to 3 months most are $1. Call 706-473-7004 F1220 Country & Western new gold & silver belt buckle $25. Call 706-377-2894 F1213 Fubu, size 54, fat albert design $25. Call 706-3772894 F1213 Over 60 Dale Earnhardt Jr. shirts size XL. Most like new $60. Chase and winner’s circle. Call 706-2025686 F1213 3 Crinoline square dance slips red, jade green, hot pink, pd $95 sell for $30 each. Call 706-2440178 F1213 Ladies Evenin’ Star square dancing/line dancing boots. StyleTammy, black, size 8 narrow(runs long). Never worn. Paid $179. Asking $60. Can be seen at 706-961-3535 F1220 FARM EQUIP, & HEAVY MACHINERY Advertise your equipment and machinery here and sell it fast in The Penny Saver. Call 706-3777283 ETF 25 Off With This Ad $ Limit 1 Per Customer. Expires Jan. 2013 Lavonia, Georgia 706-356-2254 • Call 706-202-0881 Quality is not expensive, It’s Priceless!! • email: [email protected] HARTWELL GUN & SUPPLY Consignments Wanted!! We sell to the Nation, not only to the neighborhood. Thus bringing you the highest available price for your item. ������������� �������� Two climbing deer stands 1 tree lounge with bow hunting adapter, 1 API predator both in great shape. $100 per stand or both for $180.00 706498-6223 ATF FOOD, FLOWERS, & FIREWOOD Firewood for sale dry or green $50 per load. Will deliver. Call 706-436-4883 ask for Nick. P1227 For Sale Full Pick up truck Load cut & split Oak Firewood $65 709-961-3380 F1220 For sale charred oak gas logs with gas burner new in box 706-961-3380 F1213 Firewood, Cedar posts, & farm cut lumber- pine, oak, & other. Call 706-213-0698 F1220 2011 & 2012 Shelled Pecans, $8 Il., Royston GA. Call 706-436-6029 P1213 706-376-4867 FITNESS, SPORTS, & HUNTING In A Mess with IRS? When In Trouble, WIT Associates, LLC. 706-356-7349. ETF The Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 - 5 FOR THE HOME Kerosene heater. Dyna-glo. 23000 Btu. Used only Williams Used Cars NO CREDIT CHECKS! ‘80 OLDS CUTLASS 1500 Down with ad $ ‘98 Ford Explorer ‘97 GMC YUKON 4 Cyl., Auto, AC, Runs Excellent $ 2995 500 Down $ 70 Wildcat Bridge Rd., Royston, GA 5995 $ 0% INTEREST WEEKLY PAYMENTS ONLY $50 ‘01 Chrysler Voyager New Paint, New Motor, New Exhaust & Lots More V8, AUTO, AC, 4X4, NEW TIRES V6, Auto 2995 700 Down $ 706-245-6355 5995 $ $ 1500 Down $ DEBIT 6 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] a few times. $95 678-386-8463 CABINETS FLOORS & MORE ll nsta I e W nite Gra ps $29 to nter Cou r Sq. Ft. Pe F1220 Oak dresser (tall 5-drawer 43in x 29in) and matching night stand. $60. Call 678-386-8463 F1220 Two dressers and night stand. Tall 4-drawer 44in x 34in. Long 3-drawer 30in x 44in. $99. Call 678386-8463 F1220 Oak thick glass top diningroom table w/ high back chairs $65. Call 706-498-5398 F1220 Regular queen box springs & mattress set $65. Call 706-498-5398. F1220 Full size box spring & mattress set $45. Call 706498-5398 F1220 n itche K ’ 10 inets Cab g at in start 9 $99 FREE Laminate Countertops with purchase of cabinets inate Lam g 59 � rin Floo Per p & U Ft. Sq. Financing Available NO INTEREST for 6 & 12 Months (with approved credit) Direct 770-535-0007 Fax 770-535-0091 Cell 678-271-7017 4332 Mundy Mill Rd. • Oakwood, GA 30566 Monday ~ Saturday 9 am to 6 pm 3Pc. livingroom set, glass diningroom set w/ 6 chairs, dining room set w/ 6 chairs & lighted hutch. Call 989-329-1010 P1220 28x48, 3 br + 2 BA Toddlers bed w/ mattress $20. Call 706-4985398 F1213 Single boxspring & mattress set, w/ foot board, head board & railings. $50. Call 706-498-5398 F1213 33,260.00* *Plus tax. No other options are included at this price. 2 family yardsale Sat. Dec. 14 if no rain. 1826 Lexington Hwy., Elberton P1213 GO CARTS, GOLF CARTS & 4 WHEELERS Two racing go carts race ready, w/ pull cart, stand, sprockets, clutches, extra tires & wheels, tire roller, & many extras $2200. Call 706-491-5048 P1213 Dorm size fridge white, like new $75.Swivel office chair $20 Call 706-436-6550 F1213 2002 Max six wheeler, land or water $2800. Call 706-436-3599 TF 6 ft. sliding glass door stickers still on glass. $175. Call 706-376-8589 or 706-436-1947 P1220 HELP WANTED Toilets 2 $5 each, wood & glass doors for house size 28in x 80in, double & single door $10 each. Call 706-662-7116 F1220 Now hiring for “Service Technician”. Experience Happy “Hart” CLEANING SERVICE 35,400.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 850.00 $ Residential & Commercial 39,650.00* Plus many more upgrades. Specializing in Lake Rentals • Reasonable Rates • Free Estimates References Available Find Us On Facebook! 706-376-0857 706-961-0740 $ $ Free to a caring home! 2 female kittens. 1 calico and 1 long hair white and gray. They cannot be separated. Free litter box , box of litter and cat food. Bowman 706-436-1042 F1213 Oblong Oak pedestal dining table w/ leaf & 8 matching chairs. Two maple tables 59”1 x 33.5” W w/ matching chairs. Please call for details. . Call 706-436-6550 F1213 *Plus tax. No other options are included at this price. CASH PRICE 4 year old female basset hound. Spayed. 706-4361432 F1213 Cherry wood TV stand for bedroom $50. Call 706498-5398 F1213 $ 31,010.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 250.00 Cats & Kittens, free to good home. Call 706-5995497 F1213 GARAGE, YARD SALES & FLEA MARKETS This house comes with: Upgrade Insulation, OSB Floors, Glamour Bath with Separate Shower & 2 Lavatories, 2nd Bath is One Piece Fiberglass Tub/Shower, Deluxe Dishwasher, Icemaker in Refrigerator, 8 Ft. Ceilings. All walls are full 2x4’s and 2x6 Floor Joists 16” On Center. House Set Up Trim Out 4 free female puppies 6 wks. old, pure German Shepherd & full Great Pyrenees. Call 706-3913441 F1220 Advertise your garage, yard sales, & flea markets here and sell it fast in The Penny Saver. Call 706377-7283 ETF CASH PRICE 16x76 3 br + 2 BA 3 kittens blue eyes, 2 gray & white, 1 black & white, 6 wks. old. Call 706-245-5778 F1220 6ft. Sofa w/ full size hide-a-bed gold in color $60. Call 706-436-1947 F1220 new 2013 horton homes! House Set Up Trim Out FREEBIES Singles ~ Doubles ~ Land Home Packages Call Marvin Shiflet 3269B Anderson Hwy., Hartwell 706-376-9778 “Leave The Dirty Work To Me” 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] We Have What Buyers Want! The Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 - 7 500 DOWN ON ALL CARS $ HAL’S AUTOS Visit to see all of our current inventory specials! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK & TWITTER We’re Now Making It Easier With Phone Apps! CALL HAL TODAY 678-267-5553 GUARANTEED APPROVAL! ZERO DOWN FOR TENNECO AUTOMOTIVE EMPLOYEES! 2004 CHEVY Z71 2006 CHEVY 1500 4X4 CREW CAB, LOW MILES 2009 NISSAN SENTRA 2003 GMC YUKON DENALI LOW MILES LEATHER, TV 2007 HONDA CIVIC EX ONLY 59K MILES 2004 FORD EXPLORER EDDIE BAUER EDITION 2006 TOWN & COUNTRY LEATHER & ALL! 2003 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB, LOADED 2005 POLICE INTERCEPTOR THE REAL DEAL! 2005 NISSAN PATHFINDER LEATHER, SUNROOF 2003 JEEP WRANGLER AUTO, V6, AC 2005 NISSAN FRONTIER ONLY 79K MILES 3 EASY STEPS FOR APPROVAL Step 1. Go to & fill out online information. Step 2. Fax items needed to 678-490-3855. Step 3. Come pick out your car!!! Tax, Tax & Title Due Upon Delivery ITEMS NEEDED FOR GUARANTEED APPROVAL 1. Proof of income, we accept SSI, Disability, Self Employed 2. Piece of mail with name and address on it. 3. Driver’s License. 4. 6 references with name, address and phone number. 5. Insurance ~ We have on lot insurance! 6. Down payment in cash or debit card ~ No checks! 7. A FRIENDLY ATTITUDE!!! 8 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 27 Years Experience R. R. SEAT SHOP Get Your We cover all your seating needs! Ready for Spring Now! Have your boat ready for Spring with newly covered seats and beat the spring rush so that your boat is ready to hit the water when you are! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] COUNTRY CARS & CARPORTS SUPER CENTER of Eagle Carports & Garages Automotive Seats & Marine Upholstery • Church Pews • Cars • Boats • Trucks • ATV’s • Campers • Old Car Restoration Reupholster Bench Seats $ 225 Specializing in Leather Seating, Upgrades & Seat Heaters Owner: Stanley Reed ~ Cell 706-436-1752 233 Westclock Ext. Franklin Springs, GA preferred but not necessary. We preform a background check and applicants need a clean driving record. Drug Free workplace. Apply in person at RV World of Georgia ATF 706-246-9596 HOMES & CASTLES Hartwell- House for sale by owner-CHA, 3BR/2BA + large bonus room, fenced backyard, screened in porch, deck, open floor plan, $153,000. Call 706436-7033 P1220 Why rent when you can own a brand new Horton doublewide land-home package for about the same as rent. 706-376-2244 to get pre qualified for a new land-home package ETF House for sale 2BR 1BA large lot convenient to Quality Food, Walmart, and schools. Call 706-3769647 after 2:30 PM P1220 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Home loans for Manufactured, Modular and Site- 32X80, 5 BR, 3 BA 42,000 $ ‘02 FLEETWOOD 32x52, 4 BR, 2 BA 42,500 $ JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS!!! Get more home for your buck. Why Rent? Buy Now! Newly remodeled 3 BR 2 BA, side by side refrigerator with ‘97 GENERAL 24X44, 3 BR, 2 BA 25,000 $ ‘99 FLEETWOOD ‘00 CHANDELEUR 28X80, 4 BR, 2 BA 38,000 $ 27X60, 3 BR, 2 BA 42,500 $ ‘01 GENERAL ‘99 FLEETWOOD $32,000 ‘98 FLEETWOOD 28X80, 4 BR, 2 BA 40,000 $ ice and water, stove dishwasher. No Credit No Problem. Owner Financing. Call 706-376-6607 P1220 HOMES FOR SALE (MANUFACTURED) New Horton Rose Creek 16 x 76, delivered & set up, heat pump, Save $4000, Now only $34,850 plus tax. Order to pick your colors same price. Call Marvin Shiflet 706-376-9778 ATF 2005 Fleetwood 2BR 1BA on 1.92 acres HWY 106 in Franklin County. $5000 down & 5% interest rate. Buyer is responsible for tax, insurance, & closing costs. Owner financed. $ 35,000 706-680-1077 P1213 New 3 BR 2 BA 56’ Horton DW, many upgrades $42,900, delivery, set up, heat pump. Call Marvin Shiflet 706-376-9778 or 706-436-2190 ATF For sale mobile home office units. Call 706-2838965 P1213 ‘00 FLEETWOOD ‘97 SPRING HILL 1994 16x80 “Beautiful” $8900. 14x70 from $7200 $ 24X52, 3 BR, 2 BA 30,000 $ 28X60, 3 BR, 2 BA 32,500 $ ‘05 OAKWOOD 28X48, 3 BR, 2 BA 39,500 $ SOLD ‘05 OAKWOOD 28X48, 3 BR, 2 BA 39,500 $ ‘02 ADRIAN 28X64, 4 BR, 2 BA 39,000 $ ‘99 GRANDMANOR 32X80, 4 BR, 2 BA 8179 Royston Rd. (Goldmine Comm.) 45,000 $ 706-245-0059 P1213 New 2013 Horton 4BR, 2BA, thermopane windows, dishwasher, many upgrades, delivered, set up with heat pump. Only $49,700 + tax. Call Marvin 706376-9778 ETF New Horton 16 x 72, 3 BR, 2 BA, Glamor Bath, Thermopane Windows, OSB Flooring, Upgrade Insulation. Del., Set Up Only, $28,900. Call Marvin 706-376-9778 TF Will move new or used mobile homes. Reasonable prices. 706-201-7058 or 706-245-7871 ATF 38,500 47,500 to $6900. Call 706-988-1386 New Horton Boss, 32x68, loaded with luxury options, delivered, setup with heat pump. $76,900. Call Marvin 706-376-9778 TF 28X80, 5 BR, 3 BA FREE DELIVERY & SETUP 28X64, 3 BR, 2 BA 706-436-1685 24X66, 4 BR, 2 BA $ ‘02 DYNASTY (2 Mile from Walmart, Hwy. 29N, next door to Hartwell Home Mart) Come by or call for a quote. Protect your expensive RV’s, Boats & Autos with a cover. Advertise your apartments for rent here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 ATF GOLDMINE HOMES ‘98 GRAND MANOR 3255 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell, GA built homes. USDA, FHA, VA and Conventional. Call 706-207-9747 ATF House w/ 6 acres, barn & creek, fruit trees, CHA. Bring your horses, cows etc. $63,900 with owner financing or $59,900 cash. Call 706-283-8965 P1213 Riverfront, home w/ full basement, 14 + acres, with 1700ft river frontage, county water, beautiful mountain view. For info call 706-296-5310 P1227 ON CARPORTS & GARAGES Call for quotes & save! WE SELL ALL SIZES! WE BUY USED MOBILE HOMES. $10K or less. Call 706-376-5579 Monday thru Friday 9 am-5 pm ETF FHA Financing Available - Low Down Payments On New Double Wide Land Home Packages. Competitive prices. Our land, your land or we will help find you land. Call for appointment. Certain credit & income restrictions apply. 706-376-2244 ETF HOMES FOR RENT (MANUFACTURED) 3BR 2BA house for rent in Bowman on Keyhall Mill Rd. $150 per week + $600 deposit . 3BR 2BA DW for rent $150 per week + $600 deposit. $150 is for each not for both. Call 706-424-1260. P1213 2 & 3 BR singlewides, doublewides, & houses, Elbert County. Beautiful country locations with big ADOPT LEO While Santa posed with family pets for pictures, rescue animals stood nearby vying for attention, with hopes of a family of their own for Christmas. While puppies and kittens where being picked up and cuddled, Leo took advantage of a spare moment of Santa’s time. Leo asked Santa to find him a family that would appreciate the loyal and loving companion he would be for them. A family who isn’t all wrapped up in a tiny puppy, and hopefully doesn’t have a cat that would tease and torment him. Leo is about two years old and growing out of his terrible puppy stage, he will respond to positive reinforcement and very much wants to please those who show him kindness. Leo has grown up being cared for by volunteers and we love him very much. He has not had an opportunity for house training, but does well in a crate. His caregivers are asking for a home where he is allowed to be a part of the family with a fenced yard to keep him safe. Leo is neutered, micro chipped, heart worm negative and up to date with vaccinations and parasite preventatives. If you would like to meet our Leo the lion hearted or want more information please call 706-436-0965 or email [email protected]. The Hart County Humane Society is a volunteer rescue organization. We receive no funding from any government agencies or other groups. We are a 501C3 non-profit organization. Donations are desperately needed to fund our foster/rescue and spay/neuter programs. Donations can be mailed to P.O. BOX 1062 Hartwell Georgia 30643 or be made online through pay pal at Please help us help the animals in our community. We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] BEAVER CREEK MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY RETAIL & CLASSIFIED DEADLINES $99 Move-In Special The Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 - 9 FOR SALE 87 Kotal Road, Canon, Ga. 2BDRM $350 3 BDRM $450 Section 8 Accepted Pets OK for Christmas will be Friday, Dec. 21 at 10 a.m. & New Years will be Friday, Dec. 28 at 10 a.m. Call For Details 706-356-2178 Penny Saver 706-377-7283 P010313 HOMES OR BUILDINGS FOR RENT yards and shade trees, heat & cold AC, close to town. $425-$485 per month + deposit. Call 706283-8965 P1213 2BR MH for rent in Rocksprings & Reed Creek. Call 706-436-2059 P1220 MH’s for rent. Royston city. Includes: water, trash, sewer, appliances, & blinds. $350-$450 month + deposit. NO PETS. Call 706-498-2526 no gatherings. P021412 Mobile homes for rent, all within 7 miles of Hartwell. Good locations, homes well maintained. Rents start at $375 per month. Call 706-376-8968 P1227 Clean 2 & 3 BR MH located in Hart County $325 per month & up + deposit. Call 706-377-4076 P1213 Advertise your homes or buildings for rent here. Call The Penny Saver 706-377-7283 ETF For rent 2BR 1BA prefer older couple, private lot. Call 607-391-0384 P1220 2 & 3 BR for rent. CHA, in town location, Elberton. Nice size lots. Prices start at $350-$450 month + deposit. Walk to Walmart & Ingles. Call 706-2838965 P1213 House 3BR 1 BA off Benson St. Hartwell. $550 per month + $550 deposit. Call 706-376-7506 P1213 Homes for rent, all within 7 miles of Hartwell. Good locations, homes well maintained. Rents start at $375 per month. Call 706-376-8968 P1227 For Rent In the Crossroads area of Hart County, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath on over 1 Acre HORTON DOUBLEWIDE ~ $59,900 OPTION #1 $ 473.26 Month Includes Taxes, Insurance & PMI with good credit OPTION #2 Problem Credit Buyers WILL CONSIDER OWNER FINANCING WITH 30% DOWN 706-376-2244 �SANDY CROSS AUTO, LLC ‘03 DODGE RAM 1500 ‘05 DODGE DURANGO SLT Shortbox, Dual Exhaust, Runs Great Hemi, leather, 3rd Row, Auto ‘05 CHEVY TAHOE ‘08 FORD F150 ‘05 FORD RANGER ‘07 FORD FOCUS ‘00 GMC YUKON Leather, Sunroof, Loaded V8, AUTO, EXT CAB NICE TRUCK 4 Cyl., 5 Speed Auto, Under 100K, Gas Saver! New Tires, Runs Great ‘07 CHEVY HD 3500 4WD ‘05 FORD F350 FLATBED ‘97 ACURA 3.0 CL ‘03 GMC 3500 ‘04 DODGE RAM Flatbed, Duramax,Allison Auto Gooseneck Ball, Ready To Work Leather, Sunroof, Auto Duramax Diesel, Skid Truck V8, Auto, Longbed, Nice Truck FINANCING AVAILABLE! WE TAKE TRADE INS! 706-245-5633 70 HWY. 145, FRANKLIN SPRINGS 706-245-4418 706-245-4880 10 - The Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] PUBLIC AUCTION CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA! Saturday, December 15 At 7 P.m. at GE R DE GEORGIA BORDER GIA BOR OR Billy Williams GW2703 ROAD HOUSE GRILL 4119 Anderson Hwy, Hartwell GA Nice 3 or 4 BR house on acre lot, nice big yard with fruit trees, reasonable rent, on GA Power, Country living in the city. Hart County. Also 14x70 mobile home in Airline community with water & trash pickup. Call 706-436-3343 P1220 LAWN & GARDEN Sell equipment to get extra money for the holidays. Call The Penny Saver 706-377-7283 ETF Carolina gold extra-longleaf pine straw, Catalpa worm trees. Call 706-680-5905 F1213 LOST & FOUND LAND & COVES Lot for sale, 110 Knottywood Ridge Rd, Lavonia. $6000 OBO. Call 706-297-8280 P1220 80 acres & cabin near lake Russell. Fenced, pond, A-frame with loft bedroom & wood stove. $2850 per acre. Call 706-283-8965 P1213 300’ x 200’ lot on Lakeshore Circle will divide. $16,000. Call 706-376-8589 or 706-4361947 P1220 Nice level lot in Iva S.C. just outside city limits .67 acre. Ready for home has driveway, water & septic. No restrictions $6800. Call 864-245-0117 ATF Found small dog Sat. after Thanksgiving on 13 Forks Rd Dewy Rose Ga. Call to identity. Call 706283-2678 F1213 MISCELLANEOUS 13in. TVs $7 each while supply lasts, $0.25 weekly specials & all Christmas decor starting $0.25. Call 706-371-0855 F1220 Sandblaster $75. Call 989-329-1010 Martin Ga. F1220 New air hockey/foosball/basketball table. Call 989329-1010 P1220 Flea Market/ Auction Merchandise great buys. Call 989-329-1010 Martin Ga P1220 Formal diningroom table seats 10 $695 OBO, other furniture available, 18ft single axle drive on boat trailer w/ free hydrasport boat body $675. Call 706-436-4658 P1220 Eagle brand quarter bubble gum machine $50. Call 706-377-2894 F1213 Briggs & Stratton 3HP side shaft engine with squirrel cage blower. Has not been used in several years $40. Call 706-367-4645 F1213 Gateway Netbook. Like new in box. Wireless. Windows XP. $99. Call 706-436-1332 F1220 Study manual for technical school (HOBET) paid $65, never used, sell for $25. Call 706-4690984 F1213 24’’ LP vent free gas log set. 33,000 BTU. Used very little, excellent condition. $99. Call 706-4361332 F1220 Travel crib $15, high chair $10, folding umbrella stroller $10, table 68”1x23”W with lower shelf. Great for office $50. Call 706-436-6550 F1213 Personalization Your Way! 14x55 2 BR 1.5 BA central heat $385 month + deposit. Call 706-436-8679 P1220 Vinyl Products, Bottlecap Images, Custom Innovations, etc. Android Tablets, Laptops, Digital Cameras, Tools & Other Items Pixie Creations by Tiffany Pixiecreationsbytiffany Tiffany Willliams Owner/ Operator [email protected] Find Me On Facebook Twin bed w/ head board & mattress $70. Call 706612-4213 F1213 Area rug, decorative, $85. Lift chair $150 OBO. Call 706-436-0059 ATF Graco Coach Rider Baby Stroller (xlent condition) $30, Computor Desk $15, Play Station 2 Games & Nintendo Gamecube games $3 each. Call 706- BECK’S CHRISTMAS TREE FARM C & M AUTO SALES Open 7 Days A Week 10 AM to 8 PM ~ Rain or Shine 12549 AUGUSTA ROAD, LAVONIA GA (Next door to Northeast Georgia Bank) TREES 706-356-2729 Any Size, 1000’s To Choose From, Choose & Cut Leyland & Murray Cypress, Red Cedar, Blue Ice or Carolina Sapphire Title Pawn Now Available 29 $ I85 TO COMMERCE TO ANDERSON EXIT 173 LAVONIA • 77 D. LR OO SC H NE LI • 51 AIRLINE CANON ROYSTON UP TO 11 FT. CROSSROADS CHURCH • GOLDMINE 29 KEPT IN WATER OUT OF SUN (PRICED BY FOOT) BECK’S TREE FARM CHRISTMAS TREE RD. AI R • • • 17 FRESH CUT FRASIER FIRS 77 17 BOWERSVILLE EXIT 177 77 HARTWELL • • FOLLOW SIGNS FROM HWY. 77 CROSSROADS CHURCH OR HWY. 51 AIRLINE • FROM I85 TAKE EXIT 177 APPROX. 7 MILES & LOOK FOR SIGNS. 648 Christmas Tree Road, Bowersville, GA 706-436-0223 NEED EXTRA CASH FOR THE HOLIDAYS? SEE US TODAY! NO CUSS, NO FUSS TREE STANDS! FRESH WREATHS $15 & UP BARGAIN PATCH Starting At 20 $ Approx. 25 minutes from Commerce to Exit 177, turn right towards Hartwell on Hwy. 77, go 7 miles & follow the signs. ROCKY MULLINS, OWNER We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 886-0125 F1213 Hart County Clothes Closet & FOOD PANTRY THRIFT We accept donations of clothes and household items. Wooden glass top table 2 ft. wide by 3 ft. long with lamp $35 for both. 706-245-7689 ETF Yellow garment bag $75.Small carry all bag. 706245-7689 ETF 2 grocer buggies $50 each. 706-436-2030 LAW FIRM CHARLES R. DESIDERIO, P.C. GENERAL AND TRIAL PRACTICE Legal Assistance for Low Income Families REED CREEK PAWN In: Franklin, Hart, Madison, Elbert & Oglethorpe Counties NOW OPEN AT Donations are tax deductible. Proceeds from the thrift store helps to buy food for people in Hart County Hours: Mon., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 9:30 am-1:00 pm 706-376-2022 TF Large Bag of boys & girls winter name Brand Clothes $25 each, Angel Home Interior Picture (excellent condition) $25 , other home interior items(neg), Dale Earnhart clock $15. Call 706-8860125 F1213 DIVORCE $ 39500 119 DEPOT ST., HARTWELL Fishing & Firearms New Line of Sub-Compact 9mm ~We Buy Gold~ Antiques & Collectibles Homebaked treats for the Holidays! Taking orders for pies, cake, etc. Uncontested without Children *Plus Court Costs Call 706-245-4421 for an appointment. 1080 Bowersville Street, Royston, Ga. “Come On By And See Us” 706-377-3339 706-436-2759 6’ Christmas tree, 12 pc village, nativity set & much more $190 great deal. Text 706-988-2672 ATF Very nice candy rack $50. 706-436-2030 ETF The Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 - 11 ETF Jenny Lind white cradle and high chair, wood, $100 for pair or $75 each. Text 706-988-2672 ATF P010313 Extreme scooter, like new cond. Electric w/ battery charger, blinkers, horn, mirrors, approximately 10-15 miles per hour, garage kept, used only a few times. $300 OBO. 706-244-1826 please leave msg. ETF 14x40 utility building, filled with merchandise from variety store. 20x24 & 12x12 buildings with content. All 3 buildings with contents $25,000. 706-4362030 ETF 8x30 mobile office or storage building, wired for electricity. Good condition $2800. 706-4363599 ETF MISCELLANEOUS CARS & VANS 1963 Mercury Meteor 2DR, hardtop, coupe, $5500 OBO, clean, runs good. Call 706-717-0203 P1220 2009 Ford Mustang 2009 Mazda S Sport Van 2DR Coupe, V6, Auto, 45 Yr. Anniversary Edition, One Owner, Garage Kept, 20K miles 43,500 miles, grey/black interior, air, ps, pb, pw, auto, multi-disc & am/fm. Asking 11,000 $ 18,995 OBO pay off $ 706-436-2324 706-436-1685 ~Cruzin Autos~ Office 706-356-0285 ‘04 Chevy Trailblazer $1000 DOWN 13208 JONES STREET LAVONIA GA 30553 $1000 DOWN ‘03 Nissan Murano ‘07 Kia Sportage $1000 DOWN ‘03 Nissan Maxima $1000 DOWN Cell 706-491-6726 $600 DOWN ‘06 Kia Sorento $500 DOWN ‘99 Chevy Tahoe $1000 DOWN ‘95 Geo Tracker WE DO TITLE LOANS $600 DOWN Sunroof, Leather, Loaded ‘00 Ford Mustang, Conv. $800 DOWN ‘02 Honda Accord $800 DOWN ‘05 Chrysler Pacifica, 3rd Row Touring ‘04 Mitsubishi Endeavor $1000 DOWN DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $500! 100% GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL ‘00 Honda Accord $1000 DOWN EASY CAR BUYING STEPS 1. Choose your car or truck. 2. Provide paystub, references, & driver’s license. 3. Get Approved & Ride 12 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 Over 100 Cars In Stock ce Commer 99 OFF $ 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] WIN UP TO 4 WEEKLY PAYMENTS AT TIME OF SALE ON YOUR NEXT CAR!* FREE McDonalds Gift Certificate with Test Drive! Buy a vehicle, like us on Facebook - BUYHEREPAYHEREGA, and draw from a bucket for a 1, 2, 3, or 4 number representing the first number of payments that we will pay. For example, draw a 2 and we will make the first 2 vehicle payments. 2003 DODGE DURANGO 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE (888) 809-9968 *Requires purchase of vehicle at BUYHEREPAYHEREGA.COM FORD F350 CREW CAB DOUBLE COUPON SATURDAY WITH THIS COUPON EXPIRES 12-27-12 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 395 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 1999 NISSAN MAXIMA 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 2000 DODGE RAM EX CAB DRIVE OUT WITH 60%-70% DOWN 2004 GRAND PRIX GT 395 DRIVEOUT • $69 WEEK $ 2001 MONTERO SPORT 2004 PT CRUISER LTD 2003 FORD MUSTANG GT 695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 799 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 2001 DODGE RAM 4X4 $ 695 DRIVEOUT • 79 WEEK $ 695 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 295 DRIVEOUT • $69 WEEK $ From $395 Down ~ No Credit Check 2003 MAZDA TRIBUTE 395 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ NEXT TO QUALITY FOODS, COMMERCE WE TAKE ANYTHING ON TRADE!!! Cars, Trucks, Jewelry, Equipment, Goats, Horses, Guns, TV’s and Mobile Homes. No Mother-in-laws Please! 1199 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 2002 LINCOLN LS 2005 DODGE STRATUS CONV. 695 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 706-534-0329 706-335-6355 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Over 100 Cars In Stock Winder 99 OFF $ The Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 - 13 WIN UP TO 4 WEEKLY PAYMENTS AT TIME OF SALE ON YOUR NEXT CAR!* FREE McDonalds Gift Certificate with Test Drive! 2000 CHEVY S10 Buy a vehicle, like us on Facebook - BUYHEREPAYHEREGA, and draw from a bucket for a 1, 2, 3, or 4 number representing the first number of payments that we will pay. For example, draw a 2 and we will make the first 2 vehicle payments. (888) 809-9968 *Requires purchase of vehicle at BUYHEREPAYHEREGA.COM 2000 FORD TAURUS 2002 GRAND PRIX DOUBLE COUPON SATURDAY WITH THIS COUPON EXPIRES 12-2712 395 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK 299 DRIVEOUT • $69 WEEK $ $ 299 DRIVEOUT • $69 WEEK $ 2005 JEEP LIBERTY 1999 CHEROKEE LTD. DRIVE OUT WITH 60%-70% DOWN 799 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 2001 PT CRUISER LTD. 2002 CHRYSLER 300M 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 2001 INFINITI i30 2005 CHRYSLER PACIFICA 495 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 499 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 2002 TOYOTA CAMRY 695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 395 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ From $395 Down ~ No Credit Check 2000 DODGE RAM 2002 SUZUKI XL7 FREE CLASSIFIEDS • Any Items That Are Valued Under $100 • Personal Wanted Items Not For Resale $ Things To Do $ • For Churches, NonProfit & Clubs • Freebies Are Free 799 DRIVEOUT • 79 WEEK 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 599 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 2003 SEBRING LXi 299 DRIVEOUT • $69 WEEK $ RIGHT ACROSS FROM MEGA MUFFLER & QUICK PANTRY, WINDER WE TAKE ANYTHING ON TRADE!!! Penny Saver Cars, Trucks, Jewelry, Equipment, Goats, Horses, Guns, TV’s and Mobile Homes. No Mother-in-laws Please! 706-377-7283 678-900-1168 14 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 2962 CONCRETE SERVICES P1220 MOTORCYCLES & DIRTBIKES 30 Plus Years Experience Yamaha PW 50 dirtbike. Comes with training wheels, helmet, & riding gear $600. Call 706-4980356 P1213 SLABS, DRIVEWAYS, PATIOS & MORE References & Photos Available Upon Request Rick Meyer 770-318-8860 Commercial & Residential 1996 International Rollback Allison Auto, DT466, Aluminum Bed 1994 Chevy Camaro 6 cyl. auto, rebuilt engine, $1500. Call 706-376-6347 P1220 2001 Honda Civic 4cyl, 5 spd, 215K miles, runs like new. Nice, dependable & great on gas! $3995 Cash. Financing available. Call 770-845-1575 or 706-356-2729 ATF 2004 Ford Taurus 6cyl. Auto, 144K miles, looks great $3995 Cash. Financing available. Call 770845-1575 or 706-356-2729 ATF 1997 Chevy Lumina LS, V6, Auto, A/C, 4 door. Good condition, Clean and well kept. $2500. Call 706-662-7116 P1213 2000 Ford Taurus 6cyl, auto, 183K miles $3995 Cash. Financing available. Call 770-845-1575 or 706-356-2729 ATF MISCELLANEOUS TRUCKS & SUV’s 1985 Silverado C10 new motor $1700 OBO.Call 706-717-0203 P1220 3hoose C To From 11,50000 $ Ford Expedition 706-245-4418 Superchip max microtuner part# 2704 fits 20042005 GM truck 6.6L duramax Diesel engine $125.00 (706) 498-6223 ATF 706-245-5633 706-245-4418 Five 17” Ford 2006 wheels F150, tires & center caps $75 for all. Call 706-244-2032 F1220 1990 Chevy truck dual mufflers, 8cyl., new tires w/ sports rims. 60K miles, good cond., good working truck, transmission completely rebuilt, $2800. Call 706-376-3861 or 706-436-8734 P1220 2003 Ford Explorer XLT 2 tone blue/gray, leather interior, new tires, $4800 OBO. Call 706-376- CHINABERRY ACRES Lavonia, Georgia • Registered Boer Goats • Baby Mini Donkeys • Registered Cavalier King Charles Puppies • Pyrenees Puppies [email protected] PARTS & ACCESSORIES Sandy Cross Auto PETS, LIVESTOCK & SUPPLIES Two week old baby pygmy billies $45 each. Call 706-789-3277 F1220 Three sets of wheels & tires $300 & up, 225-60-16 $20 ea, four 18” At $120, four 20” $110, other sizes also. Call 706-263-2333 P1213 Four 225-70-15 $60. Call 706-263-2333 F1213 Four 265-75-16 $80. Call 706-263-2333 F1213 Four 245-70-17 $65. Call 706-263-2333 F1213 678-222-8681 P1227 Bird cage NIB 2 perches, 2 feed cups, 18x18x23 $35. From Cockatiel to Finch size birds. Call 706469-0984 F1213 Baby pigs for sale. Call 706-680-3840 ATF Horse quality square bales or round rolls coastal hay. Can deliver call 706-376-5046 or 706-7170023 P1213 Bird cage for Cockatiel or small Parrot 22x18x21, w/ perches & feed cups $25. Call 706-469- FOR SALE 52 Edgewater Lane, Hartwell, Ga. Made from scratch Custom Cakes Awarded Best Dessert at the Taste o of Best Dessert at the Tas for allAwarded Best Dessert at the Taste Awarded Gainesville 2009 Gainesville 2009 Gainesville 2009 occasions! Let us help with the cookin 487.94 Month $ Includes Taxes, Insurance & PMI with good credit 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath on 2.23 Acres 2128 Sq. Ft. ~ 28x76 ~ $69,900 706-376-2244 Let us help with the cooking... Order Your Holiday Cakes N Let us help with the cook Awarded Best Dessert at the Taste of Order Your Holiday Cakes Now! Order Your Holiday Cakes Custom Cakes Gainesville 2009 • Wedding Cakes Real NY Cheesecakes Custom Cakes •Let Wedding Cakes Cakes Wedding Cakes usCustom help with the• cooking... Real NY Cheesecakes Order Your Holiday Cakes Now! Real NY Cheesecakes Cakes • Wedding Cakes Custom 1885 Winder Hwy., Real NY Cheesecakes Jefferson, GA 30549 706-367-2233 1885 Winder Hwy., 1885 Jefferson, GA 30549 1885 Winder Hwy., Winder Hwy., Jefferson, GA 30549 706-367-2233 706-367-2233 706-367-2233 Jefferson, GA 30549 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 0984 F1213 Pampered Pets Two horse trailer for sale $1800. 706-3086270 ATF HORSE BACK RIDING LESSONS We Accept Credit Cards! 10% OFF ANY SERVICE ANIMAL GROOMING WITH AD Andrea Smith, Groomer Find us on Facebook for Special Deals! Certified Professional Pet Groomer Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:00, Sat. By Appt. 3244 Anderson Hwy. Hartwell Ask us about our pick up service! 706-436-3375 Horse training/ boarding 1st Lesson Free 40 years experience English/ Western/ Driving **Gift certificates available** Contact Kathy 706-371-0758 The Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 - 15 John Deere dump trailer 17P trailer is about 3ft wide 5ft long great shape $150. 706-498-6223 ATF to sponsor his 6yr old daughter for Christmas. Call 706-567-0836 F1220 30ft gooseneck trailer $1700. Call 706-4915048 P1220 Family of 5 w/ 7 grandchildren needs help w/ rent & Christmas. I am a 71 yr. old lady, please help Elberton, Ga. Call 864-202-0097 F1220 2001 Shasta 27.5 ft camper, 8 slide, light weight (4500 Lbs), hitch included. Has every up grade, retails at $9800, Loan value $7800. Extra nice & clean $7500 Firm. Call Days 770-718-7545 or nights 706-283-5666 Dewy Rose, Ga. P1220 WANTED If you or someone you know could help me locate 5 kitchen table chairs for a family in need I also need at least 3 night gowns for a lady in the nursing home who is bed-rid den; size 2X to 3X These items are desparately needed and I am asking for your help. I do not have a phone but you can email me @ [email protected] F1220 Family on low income needs a washer & dryer, kitchen set, & couch. 864-202-0097 F1220 Wanted silver coins silver eagles, dollars, halfs, quaters etc. 706-384-3954 F1220 Salvation Army Toy Drive Drop Off for Bowman & surrounding areas, Frog Hollow Antiques, #4 Public Square, Bowman GA. Thursday-Saturday 10am to 5pm and Sunday 1 pm to 5pm. Donations must be new unwrapped toys. Must be dropped off by December 15, 2012 F1213 Want to buy singlewide mobile homes. Call 706717-0203 F1220 Wanted Child’s scooter (foot powered). Call 864348-3518 F1213 Want a large singlewide or Med-size doublewide mobile home to be moved to my property. Must be in good condition, not older than 1998 model. Call 706-499-7553 F1220 Want to buy a 20 gallon or larger air compressor. Call 706-436-0684 F1213 UTILITY TRAILERS, CAMPERS & RV’S Looking for scrap metal roofing any color. Call 706892-4709 F1220 8x24FT steel flat bed G.N. Trailer, triple axles, electric brakes on all wheels, Ramsey 12000lb. Electric winch $2000. Call 706-376-5631 P1220 Need used trampoline w/pad & net. Must be in good cond. Call 706-436-6550 F1220 Wanted all wartime military items, Civil war thru Vietnam. American, German or Japanese. Swords, guns, medals, uniforms~Anything. Call William 706-612-0939 F1220 Single dad would like to know if anyone would like Paying cash for silver coins. Up to $2 for dimes, THINGS TO DO & ANNOUNCEMENTS Carnesville Church of God, in partnership with There’s Hope For The Hungry, will be giving away free food at the church on Monday December 17th from 10:00-2:00. For info call the church at 706-3843901 F1213 $5 for quarters, $10 for halves, $20-$30 for silver dollars, $25-$35 for silver eagles. Call William 706612-0939 F1220 Bicycles wanted will buy old, broken, or unwanted bicycles in Hartwell area 864-348-3518 F1220 Will tear down, clean out & haul off any junk, fences for free or reasonable price, includes lawn mowers, campers & boats. Will clean yards & houses. 706436-3343 F1220 Wanted pontoon boat trailer 22 or 24 ft., reasonable price. 706-436-4422 ATF RETAIL & CLASSIFIED DEADLINES for Christmas will be Friday, Dec. 21 at 10 a.m. & New Years will be Friday, Dec. 28 at 10 a.m. Want to buy bulk chicken feed, 200-500Lbs, now or in future. Call William 706-612-0939 F1220 Penny Saver 706-377-7283 C & M AUTO SALES EASY FINANCING BUY HERE PAY HERE 12549 AUGUSTA ROAD, LAVONIA GA TITLE PAWN AVAILABLE DOWN PAYMENTS STARTING AT $499 706-356-2729 • 770-845-1575 2000 TOYOTA AVALON 2002 HONDA ACCORD 2005 FORD FOCUS 2001 HONDA CIVIC 2003 CHEVY CAVALIER 2004 FORD TAURUS 2006 CHEVY COBALT 2001 PT CRUISER 2002 CHRYSLER VOYAGER 2003 CHEVY 1500 4X4 2003 CHEVY S10 2002 CHEVY MONTE CARLO 2001 GMC SONOMA 2005 FORD RANGER 1999 CHEVY BLAZER 16 - The Penny Saver • December 13, 2012 2007 CHRYSLER We Have What Buyers Want! 2009 DODGE 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 2008 ACURA 2011 NISSAN 2010 DODGE BUY HERE - PAY HERE NO CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! WE CAN HELP!!!! 2011 HYUNDAI 2008 FORD 2009 PONTIAC 2010 HONDA 2007 TOYOTA NO CREDIT CHECK FINANCING AVAILABLE 2007 FORD 2007 CADILLAC 2008 CHEVY 2011 MAZDA Things We’ve Gotta Have To Get You In A Car! 2008 SATURN 2009 MERCURY 1. Copy of valid GA Drivers License. 2. Copy of Social Security Card. 3. Six references: name, address, zip code & phone number. 4. Copy of computer generated Paycheck Stub. 5. Copy of Phone Bill showing your current address. 6. One other bill showing your address: gas, electric, etc. 1590 Monroe Dr. • Gainesville, GA 888-429-3803 UP TO $500 DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE W/THIS AD ONLY 1 PER CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE BASED ON STABILITY & INCOME, CAN NOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. Call for authorization code. 2011 DODGE Gainesville 985 EXIT 22 us auto sales 129 Hwy. Athens South 85 EXIT 137 North Directions: I985 south to exit 22, 1/4 mile on the onHwy. Hwy.129/ 129/ theright left on Athens Hwy.
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