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Penny Saver FREE Take One The Northeast Georgia Volume 10 Issue 9 November 6, 2014 To Place Your Ad • 706-377-SAVE (7283) Fax: 706-376-4488 • Email: [email protected] SERVING NORTHEAST GEORGIA & SOUTH CAROLINA RV Parts & Supplies Now Available At Quality Pre-Owned RV’s For Sale! TRAILERS & AUTO I N C Call For All Your RV Needs! 706-376-1222 78 Ridge Road, Hartwell, Ga. 30643 [email protected] Call or Come By 9-6 Monday-Friday, 9-4 Saturday Hartwell 706-377-4220 1 Off $ 00 Any Milk Shake WITH THIS COUPON. Plus Tax. Exp. 12-14-14 Valid at Hartwell Location Only. May not be combined with any other discount or coupon. 2 EggS & BAcOn or SAUSAgE Includes Grits or Hash Browns & Toast 3 $ 99 WITH THIS COUPON Plus Tax Exp.12-14-14 Valid at Hartwell Location Only. May not be combined with any other discount or coupon. 2 cAn DinE FOr 6 $ 99 WITH THIS COUPON. Plus Tax. Exp. 12-14-14 2 Double cheeseburgers & 2 Fries Valid at Hartwell Location Only. May not be combined with any other discount or coupon. 2 - The Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 We Have What Buyers Want! The Penny Saver “WE HAVE WHAT BUYERS WANT” The Penny Saver is a classified and paid business advertising paper. The Penny Saver is published every Thursday. The Penny Saver reserves the right to limit your ad to 20 words. The Penny Saver reserves the right to refuse any listing which may be contrary to their policies. The Penny Saver is not liable for the condition of advertised articles or for composition errors. The Penny Saver will not disclose your name or address unless otherwise requested in writing. Only your phone number will be used unless otherwise requested. Each classified ad will run on a space available basis. Ads may be renewed as many times as needed by calling The Penny Saver by 12 p.m. Monday. Advertising is accepted with the understanding that all liability for copyright violations is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Mats, cuts, negatives, artwork, or other copy submitted for publication is considered to be the sole property of the advertiser. The Penny Saver will make every effort to see that advertising copy is correctly printed, but will not be liable for failure to publish an ad or for typographical and layout errors, or for the condition of the printed material from our printer. 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] ARM CONTRACTING COMPLETE MOBILE HOME SERVICE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM YOUR COVERED ROOFING METAL, SHINGLE, PAINTING, REMODELING, VINYL SIDING, DECKS 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. 706-410-3139 P1023 Roof Over Systems, Room Additions & Remodeling. Floor Replacement. Roof Repairs. Windows & Doors. All Types Of Repairs! FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Licensed & Insured FREE ESTIMATES CALL ROGER RHODES 706-498-7864 or 770-503-5710 P1127 DAVID OGLESBY Ed’s Stump Grinding Heavy brush cutting CONCRETE & bush hogging 39 Years In Concrete Work and Bobcat. If You Want It Done I Call ** PURE WATER ** Will Price It So You Can Do It. 706-779-7184 Publisher: The Penny Saver • P.O. BOX 1280, Hartwell, Georgia 30643. CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE: (706) 377-SAVE (706-377-7283) • FAX (706) 376-4488 E-Mail: [email protected] ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Advertise your antiques & collectibles here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 TF BOATS Water filtration systems Installed and serviced. Two Danforth anchors for sale, $15 & $25. Call 772-631-0593 Hartwell F1106 Commercial & Residential, Boat Storage Specials 1392 Reed Creek Hwy 12 x 35 Enclosed Units Agricultural Hastings Electric 706-376-2274 P1127 Let’s Giter Done! 706-961-0441 BUSINESS SERVICES/OPPORTUNITIES WILL MOVE NEW OR USED MOBILE HOMES. REASONABLE PRICES. CALL BILLY 706-2017058 OR 706-245-7871 ATF QUIK-N-EZ TITLE PAWN 681 Cook Street • Royston, GA 30662 Just Bring Your: Car, Title, Driver’s License, UP To and drive away with $ 500000 the most cash today! LoANs! Up to $5000 loans! Cash Now!!! • No Credit Check! • [email protected] 762-338-5064 Call for Estimates Reasonable Prices Call 706-245-4418 BOBCAT & GRADING WORK Reasonable Rates! 10 Plus Years Experience 678-409-7421 Free Estimates- Reclaim Your Property P1113 Massages Light Grading & 706.377.4949 Bulldozer Work One encapsulated dock float 18in high, 4ft wide, 6ft long. $99. Call 706-377-6007 F1113 P1113 Spa by Laura Collins Storage, LLC P1127 706-476-8023 Facials Grande Massage, Swedish Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Lomi-Lomi, Warm Stone Massage Aromatherapy Massage, Deep Tissues/Neuromuscular Massage, Reflexology Anti-Aging Facial, European Facial, Express Facial, Back Treatment, Micro-Current Therapy Other Spa Services Available Gift Cards Available at: Economy Drugs and Porch & Home both located on W. Franklin St. or online at 254 West Franklin St,, Hartwell, Ga. Next To Backstreet Bar-B-Q Visit for more info. 864-376-6949 Call For Appointment 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] ALL PURPOSE CONSTRUCTION LICENSED & INSURED 18 YRS EXPERIENCE~FREE ESTIAMTES 706-498-2064 We Have What Buyers Want! CLOTHING, JEWELRY, & ACCESSORIES SELL YOUR UNWANTED ITEMS HERE IN THE CLASSIFIEDS. CALL THE PENNY SAVER TO PLACE YOUR AD 706-377-7283 ETF Biker style leather jacket, ladies, stylish fit w/long fringe, black $99.00 call 864 985-0765 leave messageF1106 DECKS, ADDITIONS, VINYL SIDING, METAL Ladies clothes, fifty cents per piece, some designers names, great for consignment approx. 20 pieces 864 985-0765 F1106 ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS! FARM EQUIPMENT & HEAVY MACHINERY ROOFS, SCREENED PORCHS & FENCING ETF Sell On Consignment • RV’s • Cars • Boats • Trucks Must be in good condition Excellent Location on HWY 29 N. 706-436-1685 NU-ROOM ADDITIONS & REMODELING “Complete Home Improvement Specialist” INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Nu-View Patio Rooms, Aluminum Screen Rooms, Carports & Patio Covers All Types Of Repairs! FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Licensed & Insured FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL ROGER RHODES 706-498-7864 or 770-503-5710 P1127 HOBSON HEAVY BRUSH CUTTING & STUMP GRINDING SERVICES Maintain Overgrown Properties. Improve Real Estate Values. Cuts And Mulches Debris. Bushogging Available Insured Free Estimates! CALL JOHN 706-961-4164 P1127 In A Mess with IRS? When In Trouble, WIT Associates, LLC. 706-356-7349. ETF Masey Ferguson Deluxe Diesel with live power, good tires & sheet metal. $2950. Call 864-7230729P1113 FITNESS, SPORTS, & HUNTING HARTWELL GUN & SUPPLY Retail Store Front In Reed Creek, GA WE BUY GUNS & RELATED ITEMS Coins, Knives, Bows, Reloading Equip.,Old Ammo, Internet Transfers. FIREARMS, AMMO, ACCESSORIES IN STOCK CONSIGNMENTS WANTED!! We sell to the Nation, not only to the neighborhood. Thus bringing you the highest available price for your item. 706-376-4867 P1106 FOOD, FLOWERS, & FIREWOOD Advertise your food, flowers, or firewood here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 TF ….And What Else Is New? Monday morning rolled around again and not much has changed. Nik Wallenda made millions of dollars Sunday night in two dare devil walks across Chicago skylines. And the usual Monday morning quarterbacking took place over the Georgia-Florida game in the Sunshine State. And we wondered how much money the preacher got for his two-minute prayer and then there were questions of why he wasn’t at his church on Sunday night and the rude awakening is that so many churches, country and city, only have services for 60 minutes on Sunday morning. But that is negatives on our part and that’s bad. But we always can wonder. Wallenda did make the announcement his next stunt by high-wire is scheduled at Tallulah Falls Gorge 30 minutes from Toccoa in the next year. Then we thought about his late grandfather’s daring walk across the gorge 45 years ago. At that time, WLET-Radio was the only station that carried the event and the owner, the late Otto McDonald, was emcee from the other side of the gorge because Gene Bollinger was suppose to make the call, but things moved swiftly. We did our part by talking to Ralph Emory on powerful WSM-Radio in Nashville to talk about the tight rope act. But, sadly, the only people who made money was Wallenda and a few more and the sponsors, the late Rep. Peggy Childs, that worked her heart out. But, the federal government informed U.S. Highway 441 had to be open and few people could park on either side. Wallenda ended his day at Jim Dillard’s Best Western and Motel in Dillard for drinks. Then it was all over. Billy Dilworth You may write or call Billy & Joyce Dilworth at: Magnolia Hills Retirement Community, 504 Historic 441 North, Demorest, GA 30535 or 706-754-0203 Billy Dilworth’s Column is a courtesy of The Penny Saver which goes into dozens of Northeast Georgia Counties and Anderson, SC. The views or opinions expressed in column are not necessarily the views or opinions of The Penny Saver or its staff 5159F1113 George Foreman grill $99. Call 706-2835159F1113 White oblong table with 6 chairs. $50. Call 706-3568825F1106 FOR THE HOME A&D THRIFT STORE Household Furniture & Furnishings, Tools, VCR’s, Electronics, 2 BR Suites & Miscellaneous Items. 150 Leard Street Hartwell Furniture- TVs- Various Items Free yard sale space and tables available Mon - Fri 9:30-5 Wed- Sat 9-2 DONATIONS WELCOME 706-371-2477 P1120 Wood buck stove with back blower free standing $400 OBO. Call 706-371-2477 P1113 Mini fridge for $40. Call 706-283-5159 The Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 - 3 F1113 Entertainment center $99 OBO. Call 706-283- Small glass top table, tubular steel base, $50. call 864 985-0765 leave message F1106 FREEBIES Free chicken house lumber 2x4 & 2x6’s. Free if you L.S. ConCrete Residential and Commercial Jobs • Sidewalks • Driveways • Concrete Block no JoB too SMALL Free eStIMAteS • PROMPT SERVICE • INSURED CALL US (706) 498-6555 4 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 remove & clean up. Call 706-436-7031 F1106 GARAGE, YARD SALES & FLEA MARKET Place your yard sale here for only $8 per week. Call The Penny Saver 706-377-7283 for info. TF KERMIT’S FLEA MARKET HWY. 17S, Lavonia, GA Over 100 Tables Covered - $5 Uncovered - $3 Monthly Building Rentals Available Snack Bar Boiled Peanuts 2 Jackpot Drawings Every Saturday. 706-356-4537 P1127 Big yardsale Fri. (Nov. 7) & Sat. (Nov. 8) from 8AM4PM. Outdoors & in . Lots of stuff, rugs, gas cook stoves, tools, dishwashers $25 each guaranteed. 3125 Reed Creek Hwy. Hartwell GA. P1106 Yardsale Fri. (Nov. 7) & Sat. (Nov. 8) 8AM-5PM. 173 Old Hendrys Church Rd. Across from Goldmine Church. Lots of clothes & miscellaneous items. Call 706-371-6890P1106 Flatwoods P.H. Church near Fortsonia Ladiese Ministries meal by donation 6:30. Auction to follow Nov.7th. Call 706-988-4639 P1106 HELP WANTED/ JOB OPPORTUNITIES The Burrito Shack is looking for entry level and experienced restaurant employees for its location in Seneca, SC. Applicants must be self driven and have a strong work ethic. We are looking for ambitious people that would like to grow with a great concept. Please call 864-507-7134 and leave a detailed message. ATF Family Restaurant in Hartwell looking for experienced cooks and servers. Must work nights and weekends. Please leave a message @ 864-5077134. ATF Hartwell Huddle House is taking applications for a waitress position. Must be able to work some evenings and some daytime. 864-507-7134 please leave message ATF HOMES & CASTLES For sale 2 bedroom house & garage with 2 lots $45,000, 3 bedroom house $55,000 in Royston. Call 706-363-6134 P1127 House + 6.2 acres with barn and fencing. Elbert/ Hart County $59,900 with owner financing. Call 706-283-8965P1113 Come Get Your New Style It all begins here. Full service hair salon featuring: • Cuts • Straighteners • Perms • Hi-lites & Foils • Shampoo • Formal Styles & Updos • Bang Trim • Intensive Condition • Neck, Mustache & Beard Trim • Color & Corrective Color. Stylette Beauty Salon Call Jessica Bryant 14 Years Experience 706-376-3103 415 E. Johnson St., Hartwell 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Share a laugh with... BILL’S CORNER kIdNappEd Most Friday nights at the naval station in Bermuda, we would assemble at the officer’s club after work. One Friday, Rick, a newly married ensign, insisted he had to leave at 6 p.m. We all tried to talk him into staying, but he’d promised his bride he’d be home by six. I offered to call home for Rick. When his wife answered the phone, I said, “Rick has been kidnapped. Put five dollars in small, unmarked bills in a plain brown paper bag and throw it in the door of the officer’s club.” Then I hung up. A short time later, a waiter brought a grocery bag to our table. In it were Rick’s baseball glove, a tennis racket, and a teddy bear. Attached to the bear was a note: “Rick can play kidnapped until 7 p.m. Then he must come home.” ****************** WIfE’S tExt A wife texts her husband on a cold winter’s morning: “Windows frozen.” Her husband texts back: “Pour some lukewarm water over it.” The wife texts back 5 minutes later: “Computer completely messed up now.” ****************** What If I dIE fIRSt? Now that they are retired, my mother and father are discussing all aspects of their future. “What will you do if I die before you do?” Dad asked Mom. After some thought, she said that she’d probably look for a house-sharing situation with three other single or widowed women who might be a little younger than herself, since she is so active for her age. Then Mom asked Dad, “What will you do if I die first?” He replied, “Probably the same thing.” ****************** paINt After an hour of “Just a little more white, two squirts of blue, a dash of black, perhaps a tad more white,” the paint store clerk got my gallon to the exact shade I wanted. With a sigh of relief, he pounded the lid on. “Now what do I do if I need more paint?” I asked. “Don’t come back here,” he begged. ****************** We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Lavonia Antiques 2 157 West Main Street, Lavonia The Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 - 5 NATIONWIDE ®® INSURANCE NATIONWIDE & & FINANCIAL FINANCIAL SERVICES Like Us On Hours: Wed. - Sat. 10 a.m.- 5:30 pm Great Variety of Antiques & Collectibles! Come Browse our Book Room! John Human Martha Human 706-371-6264 706-961-9198 WE BUY MOBILE HOMES IN MOST ANY CONDITION. 706-717-1465 P1128 Auto Home Auto Life Home Annuities Life Business 3 or 4 bedroom house on acre lot, nice big yard with fruit trees, reasonable rent. On GA Power, Country living in the city. Hart County. Also 14x70 mobile home in Hart County with water & trash pickup. Call 706-436-3343 P1106 POINTE SOUTH COMMUNITY Business The Insurance Lady 706-356-5875 Open 7 Days A Week Starting Saturday, Nov. 22, 2014 10 AM to 7 PM ~ Rain or Shine Gary & Amy Cobb, Owners ZUMBA CLASSES Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am 24 Hour Access 25 Month Single & $35 Month Family Memberships $ 20-25 Unlimited Tanning Bed 124 Athens St., 706-436-5219 Hartwell 706-436-1364 P3515 $ New 2014 Champion 16 x 76, delivered & set up, trimout. Save $4000, Now only $36,750 plus tax. Order to pick your colors same price. Call Marvin Shiflet 706-376-9778 ATF FHA Financing Available - Low Down Payments On New Double Wide Land Home Packages. Competitive prices. Our land, your land or we will help find you land. Call for appointment. Certain credit & income restrictions apply. 706-376-2244 ETF New 2014 Kabco 4BR, 2BA, thermopane windows, dishwasher, fire place, many upgrades, delivered, set up with heat pump. Only $62,900 + tax. Call Marvin 706-376-9778 ETF Will move new or used mobile homes. Reasonable prices. 706-201-7058 or 706-245-7871 ATF WE BUY USED MOBILE HOMES. $10K or less. Call 706-376-5579 Monday thru Friday 9 am-5 pmETF 1000’s To Choose From, Choose & Cut $29 Opening Day Nov. 22nd I85 TO COMMERCE TO ANDERSON EXIT 173 LAVONIA • 77 17 • • • BOWERSVILLE 17 • 51 AIRLINE CANON ROYSTON FRESH CUT FRASIER FIRS EXIT 177 KEPT IN WATER OUT OF SUN (PRICED BY FOOT) 77 OL and Tanning Any Size, HO FITNESS TREES SC Total Body 706-376-3144 Fax:706-376-8065 Beck’s christmas tree Farm P1204 New program with credit scores as low as 575. New 2014 Kabco, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, setup up complete, block underpinning, decks, power & heat pump. Must have 10% down payment, terms to 20 years. Call Marvin 706-376-9778. ETF Flood Insurance ����������������������������������������� ��������������������������� Developed by The Gail Johnson Insurance Agency. Nationwide Mutual ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Home Office: ������������������������������������ Columbus, OH 43215-2220. Nationwide Insurance the Nationwide framemark and On Your Side are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. HWY. 17S LAVONIA, GA RENT, SELL, BUY, PRE-OWNED MANUFACTURED HOMES Great Place To Live Boat Motorcycle Farm Farm Motorcycle SR22 & SR22A RV & Boat Business Bonds 40 Benson Street, Hwy. 77 S. 40 Benson Street, Hwy. 77 S. Hartwell, Georgia 40 Benson Street, Hwy. 77 S. Hartwell, 706-376-3144 or Georgia 706-376-8065 Hartwell, Georgia Gail A. Johnson, Agent RD . 2014 Kabco 5 bedroom 3 full bath, many upgrades, black appliances, delivered & set up with heat pump- only $72,500. Order & pick your colors same price. Call Marvin 706-376-9778 ETF Gail Johnson Insurance Agency, Inc We Have All Lines Of Insurance ~ Free Quotes. Come See Us! We Have All Lines Of Insurance! Free Quotes! E HOMES FOR SALE (MANUFACTURED) ® IN House for sale Pleasant Hill Sub., 120 Whispering Pines, Lavonia, GA. 1 mi. from I-85, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, 1600 sq. ft. 706-296-5057 ATF NATIONWIDE AGRIBUSINESS Gail Johnson Insurance Agency, Inc. AI RL Owner financing 3 bedroom house 1.7 acres Dewey Rose $54,900, also 3 bedroom in Elberton $54,900 with down payment. Call 706-283-8965 P1113 NATIONWIDE ® AGRIBUSINESS • GOLDMINE 29 CROSSROADS CHURCH NO CUSS, NO FUSS TREE STANDS! BECK’S TREE FARM CHRISTMAS TREE RD. 77 HARTWELL • • FOLLOW SIGNS FROM HWY. 77 CROSSROADS CHURCH OR HWY. 51 AIRLINE • FROM I85 TAKE EXIT 177 APPROX. 7 MILES & LOOK FOR SIGNS. 648 Christmas Tree Road, Bowersville, GA 706-376-5898 FRESH WREATHS $15 & UP BARGAIN PATCH $ Starting At 20 Approx. 25 minutes from Commerce to Exit 177, turn right towards Hartwell on Hwy. 77, go 7 miles & follow the signs. 6 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 GE R DE GEORGIA BORDER GIA BOR OR 2 1/2 Miles from Lake Hartwell Dam on Hwy. 29, Lake Hartwell GA - 770-289-1874 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] ROAD HOUSE GRILL NO PROFANITY ~ NO ALCOHOL ~ NO SMOKING Storage Buildings 12x20 or 12x24 $2000 • 12x36 $4500 2 BR, 1 BA OPEN 7 DAYS A ~ 20 LB - $16 100 LB - $70 PROPANE REFILLS WEEK 8AM- 9PM Exp. 11-24-14 USED SINGLEWIDE 2 BR, 1 BA $9800 AS IS WHERE IS. CALL 706-376-2244 ATF HOMES FOR RENT (MANUFACTURED) Very nice 2 bedroom 2 bath with central heat & air. New front deck, storage building & lawn care included. Between Royston & Hartwell. $450 per month + deposit. Call 706-376-2788 P1106 Clean 2 &3 bedroom mobile homes located in Hart County $300 & up per month + deposit. NO INSIDE DOGS. Call 706-377-4076 P1113 Elbert Co. singlewides & doublewides, private lots, country locations. heat & air, huge yards! $425- $485 + deposit. Call 706-283-8965 P1113 1,2,& 3 bedroom apartments for rent at Spring Valley Apartments in Elberton GA. Call for Fall Special 678-551-2420 or 706-283-1575 P1106 For rent mobile homes 2 bedroom & 3 bedroom, city of Elberton. $385-$450 + deposit. Huge private lots with trees. Walk to Walmart & shopping. Call 706-283-8965 P1113 1,2,&3 bedroom apartments in Elberton $335-$399 per month + deposit. Heat & air, all appliances, close to square/shopping. Call 706-283-8965 P1113 We buy used mobile homes under $10,000 706376-2244 ATF HOMES & BUILDINGS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT For rent mobile homes 2 bedroom & 3 bedroom, For rent 2 bedroom 1 bath block house in Elbert County. Nice neighborhood rent $375 per mont + $300 deposit. No call after 8PM 706-4982868P1113 kabco 3 bedroom 2 bath $1,000* Fireplace, Black Appliances, Glamour Bath, Thermopane Windows, 6 Panel Doors 59,900. $ 00* Delivered, Setup, Trim out, & heat pump Call Marvin Shiflet 3269B Anderson Hwy., Hartwell 706-376-9778 * Bring in this ad with the leaf and receive an additional $1000 discount VACATION RENTALS & SALES Campsite at Unicoi Springs $2100 OBO. This years fees already pd. 770-351-6906 ATF LAWN & GARDEN ProCord Trimmer cordless rechargeable $90 (new) 706-308-6270ATF GREEN ACRE LAWN CARE PRESSURE WASHING FREE ESTIMATES! Beat Any Price! 706-436-4988 LOST & FOUND Lost black female jack russell mix. Her name is Presleigh, or Pres. She is very friendly and hyper. She was wearing a purple reflective glow in the dark collar. She got out of our house Monday morning and was last seen in the Reedcreek area. Please contact me with any information. This is my fiance’s dog. The dog belonged to her mother who passed away a year ago so she means a lot to her. If you have any information please contact me at 706621-8834 F1113 Fireplace, Black Applianc Glamour Bath Thermopane Windows, COVERED 6 Panel Door BOAT STORAGE 105 $ FOR 3 MONTHS 1 MILE FROM WALMART IN HARTWELL 706-376-2244 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] We Have What Buyers Want! AA Farms AA FARMS & SAWMILL Heavy Construction & Farm Equipment Rentals Over 200 Items Both Big & Small Selling Lumber To The Public For A Limited Time All Pine 50¢ A Board Foot Finished Lumber and Coming Soon Kiln Dried Lumber Hart County Clothes Closet & FOOD PANTRY THRIFT We accept donations of clothes and household items. 2005 Chrysler Sebring 706-376-2022 Disney Vtech Reader 3 to 5 years & 5 to 7 years $ 5 each. Call 706-886-0125 F1106 Homelite gas leaf blower excellent condition $60. Call 706-886-0125 F1113 New still in box HD converter box $25. Call 706245-5973 F1106 4 Beauty Parlor Chairs & One Stool Excellent Condition $25 Each. One office space at 910 Church Street, Royston. 800 sq. ft. $300 a month. Call Paul Crawford 706-201- 6255 or 706-245-7296 P1113 Commercial grade tanning bed for $1000, has 220 plug. Please call 706-436-7031 ATF XBOX 360 & Nintendo Gamecube, & Nintendo DS Games $5 each. Call 706-886-0125 F1106 $ 3000 706-245-6355 TF MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLES 706-376-8968 706-436-7031 MISCELLANEOUS 4 Cyl., Auto, Cold Air, Good Tires Donations are tax deductible. Proceeds from the thrift store helps to buy food for people in Hart County Hours: Mon., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 9:30 am-1:00 pm Please Contact Andy at For Quotes Please Call The Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 - 7 MOTORCYCLES & DIRT BIKES Harley 2,000 Duce Loaded, Excellent 2003 Ford Taurus 4 Door Runs & Drives Good, 3.0 6 Cyl., C.D. Player, Cold Air, Automatic $ Yellow garment bag $75. Small carry all bag. 706245-7689 ETF Condition 2200 706-376-9778 With Bike Lift $8,500 706-371-2367 JB WILLIAMS AUTO SALES Brooks WIlliams CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY! Nov. 8 11A.M. - 2P.M. 2001 BMW x5 2007 GMC ENVOY AWD, TOW PACKAGE, LOADED 130K MILES, NICE 2004 INFINITI G35 2007 DODGE RAM 2006 EXPLORER EDDIE BAUER LOADED CREW CAB, FLEX FUEL FULLY LOADED Stop by and have lunch on us! Liz Vickery Under New Management! “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” 2006 LINCON LS 2004 JEEP LIBERTY LIMITED 2006 PONTIAC TORRENT 2003 ACURA TLS 2001 DODGE DAKOTA SLT 130K MILES, LOADED LOW MILES SUPER CLEAN, LOW MILES SPORT MODEL, LOADED QUAD CAB 437 General Daniel Ave., Danielsville, Ga 30633 706-795-5455 • 706-498-4244 8 - The Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Leaves Are No Match LAW FIRM 1 CHARLES R. DESIDERIO, P.C. Milton Johnson • Darby Johnson 706-376-9580 706-376-7455 804 S. Jackson St. • Hartwell Legal Assistance for Low Income Families DIVORCE $ 39500 Uncontested without Children *Plus Court Costs Call 706-245-4421 for an appointment. 1080 Bowersville Street, Royston, Ga. Keep your unit serviced to keep your family warm this fall! Johnny’s Small Engine Repair GENERAL AND TRIAL PRACTICE In: Franklin, Hart, Madison, Elbert & Oglethorpe Counties Warm Deals For Cool Days PARTS & ACCESSORIES Ford Truck fender fits 1967-1972 driver’s side $35. 390 Ford Bell housing $50 OBO. Call David 706296-1906F1106 781 S. Jackson St. • Hartwell 2 to 4 inch goldfish for sale $0.25 each. Call 706283-1671F1113 For sale, small chihuahua, young male , fawn in color. $50. Call 706-356-4073 F1113 5 gallon bucket of hydraulic fluid $50. Call 706-6148716F1106 30 game chicks for sale cheap. Call 706-7890077P110 PETS, LIVESTOCK & SUPPLIES (2) Dosatron 7gpm poultry house meditators. Work fine just changed to 11gpm mediators have some spare parts also. $60 each or both for $100 706498-6223 ATF ADVERTISE YOUR PETS, LIVESTOCK, OR ANY SUPPLIES HERE BY CALLING THE PENNY SAVER AT 706-377-7283 BY MONDAY AT NOON TF 75 gallon salt water aquarium with stand and wet/ dry filter system $300. Call 706-244-2186 TF About 75 round bails of hay cheap , in the bowman/ FINANCING AVAILABLE* DOWN PAYMENTS START AS LOW AS $500 *$2000 DOWN *$1500 DOWN Justin *$2000 DOWN 2010 HYUNDAI ELANTRA *$2000 DOWN 2008 CHEVY COLORADO 2265 Homer Rd., Commerce, GA 30529 *$1500 DOWN 2007 CHEVY IMPALA * Rates Vary Depending On Credit WAC 2008 GMC ACADIA 2006 SCION XB *$1200 DOWN 2002 MOUNTAINEER *$2000 DOWN 2008 HYUNDAI SONATA 706-336-0001 Check Out Our Inventory At *$1200 DOWN 2002 FORD EXPLORER *$1500 DOWN 2003 HONDA ACCORD Mon.- Fri. 9:30-5:30 Sat. 9:30-2:00 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] The Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 - 9 Financing available Trailer Brake Controls/Wire Box Dumps Truck & Trailer Re-Flooring Flat Bed Dumps Gooseneck Hitches Customize Wheel Bases Truck & Trailer alignmenTs vanna area call 706-498-5609 TF CHICKEN LITTER FOR SALE Delivery Avaliable in Hart & Surrounding Counties in Trailer Loads. Call Jerry at Emmanuel Farm For Price 706-436-3361 P1127 Clinton Anderson slobber straps chestnut $35 (new) 706-308-6270ATF WE BUY MOBILE HOMES IN MOST ANY CONDITION. 706-717-1465 P1128 Clinton Anderson 22ft black mecate reins $80 (new) 706-308-6270ATF THINGS TO DO & ANNOUNCEMENTS Come out and see 3&20 at Club 134 in Anderson Heavy Duty Hitches Flat Beds SC. on Nov. 8th at 9P.M. F1113 Flatwoods P.H. Church near Fortsonia Ladies Ministries meal by donation 6:30. Auction to follow Nov.7th. Call 706-988-4639 P1106 Pilot Club of Hartwell Annual Turkey Supper Friday Nov. 7th 2014 at Senior Center in Hartwell 139 Clay St. at 5-7PM dine in or take out. Tickets $8. Call 706-436-0655 or 860-917-5938 or sunite@ hartcom.netF1106 Introducing Dispensational Bible Church. Meeting on Sundays at 10:30A.M. 57 Depot Street Hartwell GA . For contact info 706-371-4736 F1106 Huge indoor arts & crafts sale at Sacred Heart Church on 1009 Benson St. Hartwell. Saturday Nov. 8 at 9AM-3PM. Many local craftsman, food, & raffles. F1106 Lots More Inventory To Choose From! ‘03 cAdiLLAc ctS* ‘07 hondA ciVic* LoAded, V6 2 door, 5 Spd., Sunroof ‘07 hondA Accord* ‘06 niSSAn pAthfinder* ‘04 ford expLorer* ‘04 infiniti G35* Sport trAc, xLt LoAded ‘05 ford f-150 fx4* ‘07 ford edGe Se* BONE MARROW DRIVE Benefits Marlie Wilson. It will be held at Hartwell Elementary School Gym, Hartwell, GA. SATURDAY NOV. 8 FROM 9AM-2PM P1106 Crafters needed Oak Bower Baptist Church 5th Annual Craft Bazaar and Bake sale will be held Saturday November 15, 9A.M. to 2 P.M. We are seeking artists and craftsmen who wish to display ADOPT MARIE & CLAIRE! Marie and Claire are four year old female cocker spaniels. The abandoned dogs were turned into Northeast Georgia Animal Shelter. When no owner came forward to claim the dogs, the Hart County Humane Society stepped up to rescue them. The girls have had a dental, are now spayed, micro chipped, are heart worm negative, up to date with vaccinations, been treated for parasites and are on preventative. Marie and Claire get along with other dogs, cats and kind people of all ages, they are crate and house trained. Though one dog is more dominate, the girls are very bonded to each other. We would like to place the dogs together but will consider separating the pair to appropriate homes. These are awesome dogs, they are affectionate and calm. A veterinarian reference and a home visit will be required to be considered a potential adopter for Maria and Claire. If you would like more information or would like to meet the girls, please call 706-436-0965 or email [email protected]. The Hart County Humane Society is a volunteer rescue organization. We are a 501C3 non-profit organization. Donations are desperately needed to fund our foster/rescue and spay/neuter programs. Donations can be mailed to P.O. BOX 1062 Hartwell Georgia 30643 or be made online through pay pal at harthumane. org. Please help us help the animals in our community. And don’t forget to Like us on Facebook! nice ‘07 VoLkSwAGen BeetLe* ‘07 hyundAi SonAtA* conVertiBLe, Auto Limited *WAC J&S Auto BrokerS 13208 Jones Street, Lavonia 706-356-1508 10 - The Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] SUN EQUIPMENT CO. Hwy. 29 N. • Hartwell, GA • 706-376-9364 • Keith Cordell AUTO WINDOW TINTING Look For Nov. 20 & 27 Ads For Our Black Friday Deals! GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Awnings - All Types Vista Residential / Commercial Window Film FREE Estimates 2002 Mack Freedom Road Ready!! 11,500 Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 10 am-6 pm, Wed., Sat. 10 am-2 pm, Closed on Sundays $ Call for details 8744 Royston Highway 678-409-7421 770-351-6909 706-246-9660 Hartwell Home Mart 3269 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell Superior Homes at Competitive Prices 706-376-2244 Exciting New Floorplans With Beautiful Decor from Kabco Builders where quality comes first! COME SEE OUR NEW HOMES! 3, 4 & 5 BEDROOM HOMES! We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 27 Years Experience R. R. SEAT SHOP The Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 - 11 CouNtry Cars & Carports We cover all your seating needs! SUPER CENTER Automotive Seats & Marine Upholstery It’s a long road... Before Let us fix what you are sitting on! • Church Pews • Cars • Boats • Trucks of Eagle Carports & Garages Also Commercial Buildings After Special ~ FALL DISCOUNT ON ALL CARPORTS & GARAGES! cALL fOR pRICING! • ATV’s • Campers • Old Car Restoration we sell all sizes 3255 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell, GA Specializing in Leather Seating, Upgrades & Seat Heaters Owner: Stanley Reed ~ Cell 706-436-1752 233 Westclock Ext. Franklin Springs, GA and sell their items. Reserved tables $20 each. Contact Becky at 706-376-9371 for more information or registration. F1113 706-246-9596 NO Alcohol or Smoking! For more information Call Joan Thomas 706-371-4114 WILL RENT FOR PARTIES P1113 706-436-1685 Need to buy starter for international 404 tractor 706-616-5227F1113 Looking for successful coyote hunter to hunt my land for free. I have big problems Ila Area. Call 706-789-3277F1113 JOAN’S PLACE “Country Nites Band” Featuring: Dale Vanfossen, Darryl Moss, David Bryant, Ty Thompson Dance Every Saturday Night From 7-10 P.M. $7 Donation at the door each night Come by or call for a quote. Protect your expensive RV’s, Boats & Autos with a cover. UTILITY TRAILERS, CAMPERS, & RV’S The Hart County Senior Center is in great need of Meals on Wheels Drivers. Any amount of days is appreciated and needed. Please call the center at 706-376-3975 for more info TF 2885 Old 29 Hwy., Hartwell, GA (2 Miles from Walmart, Hwy. 29N, next door to Hartwell Home Mart) 32ft. Midas Motorhome Runs Good, Everything Works, Self Contained With Generator 4,995 706-245-4418 $ WANTED Looking for a decent cheap place to rent between Royston and Danielsville. Non-smoker with house trained medium size dog. Please call or text 706-988-6792 or email justanothertimbo@gmail. comF1113 FREE CLASSIFIEDS •ANY ITEMS THAT ARE VALUED UNDER $100 •PERSONAL WANTED ITEMS NOT FOR RESALE •THINGS TO DO FOR CHURCHES, NON-PROFIT & CLUBS (EXCLUDES YARDSALES) •FREEBIES ARE FREE Penny Saver 706-377-7283 Wanted slide projector. Call 706-534-1135 F1106 401-3927 F1113 Want cheap or free old dump cart wagon for riding mower. Call 864-348-3518 F1106 Bicycles wanted will buy old, broken, or unwanted bicycles and 3 wheeled bicycles in Hartwell area. Call 864-401-3927 F1113 Want to buy old Snapper push mower. Call 864- GOLDMINE HOMES ‘98 GENERAL ‘02 FLEETWOOD 32x64, 3 BR, 2 BA 28X66, 4 BR, 2 BA 32x52, 4 BR, 2 BA ‘99 FLEETWOOD $ 42,500 39,500 $ 42,500 $ ‘01 GENERAL ‘00 FLEETWOOD 16x80, 3 BR, 2 BA 24X66, 4 BR, 2 BA 24X52, 3 BR, 2 BA ‘98 SOUTHWIND $ 20,000 ‘03 FLEETWOOD 28X52, 3 BR, 2 BA $ 38,500 ‘99 24X60 2 ROOMS, HEAT, AC $7,500 38,500 $30,000 ‘05 OAKWOOD ‘06 28X70 $ 28x48, 3 BR, 2 BA $ 39,500 ‘98 28X70 2 ROOMS, 4 CLOSETS HEAT AND AC $2,500 8179 Royston Rd. (Goldmine Comm.) 706-245-0059 2 ROOMS, 4 CLOSETS HEAT AND AC $12,500 24X60 OPEN WITH BATHROOM, HEAT AND A/C $5,000 FREE DELIVERY & SETUP 22’X26 one 12 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 2001 VW BEETLE 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] NEED A RIDE? WE WILL PICK YOU UP! Over 100 Cars In Stock 399 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 599 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ 2001 INFINITI I35 ommerce C 2008 TOWN & COUNTRY 299 DEPOSIT • $69 WEEK $ 2004 SATURN ION $ 695 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK 2005 CHEVY EQUINOX 695 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ 2003 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 599 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ NO TAX AT TIME OF SALE ONLY AT AUTO CREDIT CENTER! NO CHECKING ACCOUNT NEEDED ! From $ 395 Down ~ No Credit Check 2005 FORD F150 EX CAB 399 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ 2006 BUICK LACROSSE 695 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ DOC FEE $199, ETR FEE $49, TITLE FEE $18, APR IS 28% ALL FEES FINANCED. NEXT TO QUALITY FOODS, COMMERCE WE TAKE ANYTHING ON TRADE!!! Cars, Trucks, Jewelry, Equipment, Goats, Horses, Guns, TV’s and Mobile Homes. No Mother-in-laws Please! 1199 DEPOSIT • $85 WEEK $ 2002 JEEP LIBERTY SE 499 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ 2003 INFINITI G35 2004 FORD EXCURSION 1199 DEPOSIT • $85 WEEK $ 1999 FORD EXPEDITION 299 DEPOSIT • $69 WEEK $ 799 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ 2005 NISSAN ALTIMA 695 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ 706-335-6355 706-534-0329 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 2006 MITSUBISHI GALANT The Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 - 13 NEED A RIDE? WE WILL PICK YOU UP! Over 100 Cars In Stock 2005 HYUNDAI SANTA FE 699 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK 599 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ $ 2002 CHEVY SILVERADO 2004 FORD TAURUS Lavonia 399 DEPOSIT • 75 WEEK $ $ 2007 PT CRUISER 599 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ NO TAX AT TIME OF SALE ONLY AT AUTO CREDIT CENTER! NO CHECKING ACCOUNT NEEDED ! From $ 395 Down ~ No Credit Check 2004 LINCOLN LS 2006 MONTE CARLO 2007 DODGE CHARGER 799 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ $ 2004 FORD EXPEDITION 2005 NISSAN ALTIMA $ 2006 FORD 500 499 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ 1299 DEPOSIT • $85 WEEK 999 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ DOC FEE $199, ETR FEE $49, TITLE FEE $18, APR IS 28%. ALL FEES FINANCED. 11890 Augusta Road Lavonia, GA WE TAKE ANYTHING ON TRADE!!! Cars, Trucks, Jewelry, Equipment, Goats, Horses, Guns, TV’s and Mobile Homes. No Mother-in-laws Please! 599 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK 599 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ 399 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ 2005 CHEVY EQUINOX 699 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ 2005 DODGE MAGNUM 1299 DEPOSIT • $85 WEEK $ 2006 ECLIPSE GT 1299 DEPOSIT • $85 WEEK $ 706-356-8009 706-372-2652 14 - The Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Wholesale Pricing On Select Homes Champion 14x36 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath 23,800 CASH $ Home Only Champion 16x68 3 Bedroom 2 Bath $ 29,487 CASH Home Only Kabco 32 Wide 5 Bedroom, 3 Bath 58,954 CASH $ Home Only Horton 27x48 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath 39,490 CASH $ Home Only Used 2 Bedroom 1 Bath 8,900 CASH - Home Only $ Setup, Heat Pumps, Decks, Skirting, Etc., Can Be Arranged With Local Contractors For Additional Pricing. 3269 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell, GA Email: [email protected] 706-376-2244 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] We Have What Buyers Want! Pampered Pets ANIMAL GROOMING Toni Robinson, Groomer 2004 Ford Explorer Leather, Loaded 5500 $ OBO 706-245-4418 Call For An Appointment NEW NUMBER 706-961-1199 Want to buy junk cars we pay top $$$. Call 1-864958-2108AT 436-3343 Will tear down, clean out & haul off any junk, fences for free or reasonable price, includes lawn mowers, campers & boats. Will clean yards & houses. 706- Wanted all wartime military items, Civil war thru Vietnam. American, German or Japanese. Swords, guns, medals, uniforms~Anything. Call William F1106 612-0939 The Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 - 15 We Accept Credit Cards! *10% OFF ANY SERVICE WITH AD * Excludes credit/debit transactions. Find us on Facebook for Special Deals! Ask us about our pick up service! 3244 Anderson Hwy. Hartwell F1113 706-612-0939F1113 Wanted pontoon boat trailer 22 or 24 ft., reasonable price. 706-436-4422 ATF Paying cash for silver coins. Up to $2 for dimes, $4 for quarters, $8 for halves, $15-$25 for silver dollars, $20-$25 for silver eagles. Call William 706- Penny Saver Classified Ad Placement Form • FREEBIES, NON PROFIT, CHURCH EVENTS ARE FREE (LIMIT 3) • YARD SALES ARE $8 FOR 1 WEEK ~ ALL OTHERS CLASSIFIEDS WILL BE CHARGED AS FOLLOWS: ANY AD WITH A TOTAL VALUE OF $100 OR MORE IS $12 PER AD FOR INDIVIDALS - RUNS 2 WEEKS. • PHOTO AD CLASSIFIED $32 FOR 2 WEEKS • BOLD PRINT OR ALL CAPS $3 EXTRA PER AD • CLASSIFIEDS MUST BE 20 WORDS OR LESS - OVER 20 WORDS ADDITIONAL CHARGE • BOX IT’S (PLACING A BOX AROUND YOUR INDIVIDUAL AD) ARE $34 PER AD- RUNS 4 WEEKS. ADD COLOR $5 PER WEEK TO ANY BOX IT Classifieds can be called in on Monday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Please do not leave a message as classifieds left on voice mail will not be retrieved. Lines do stay busy so for your convenience ads can also be mailed, faxed or emailed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Fax: 706-376-4488, Email: [email protected], Mail: P.O. Box 1280, Hartwell, Ga 30643. We will gladly correct any errors reported within 1st week of ad run. We reserve the right to refuse any ad. DEADLINE FOR EACH THURSDAY EDITION IS MONDAY AT NOON. PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO PUBLISHING. PLEASE WRITE AD BELOW - 1 WORD PER SPACE. PAYMENT INFORMATION: We gladly accept cash, personal checks, money orders, Visa cards, Discover cards, Master cards, American Express & debit cards. Card Type: _____________ Card Number: _____________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________ 3 Digit Security Code: _________ Name On Card: ______________________________________________ Contact Number: _____________________________ Total Ad: $________________ Address Billed To: ___________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: _____________ Zip: ______________________ Authorization: I (we) authorize Northeast Georgia Penny Saver to make the above charges according to the designated charges listed. I (we) understand that all information entered on this form will be kept strictly confidential by NE Ga. Penny Saver. In the event any unauthorized charges are made on the above credit card, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold blameless NE GA Penny Saver, for any and all such charges, claims and liability related hereto. All charges are non-refundable. Signature: _____________________________________________________ 16 - The Penny Saver • November 6, 2014 We Have What Buyers Want! 2007 toYota 2012 volkswagen 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 2007 chevY 2012 nissan 2008 chrYsler buY here - PaY here no credit? no Problem! we can helP!!!! 2010 ford down PaYment assistance* 900+ cars to choose! 2012 hYundai 2010 ford re-establish Your credit with us 2007 jeeP 2008 Pontiac 2007 dodge 2008 bmw 2008 mazda 2010 gmc 2008 kia 2006 infiniti 2007 buick 2008 lexus 1590 Monroe Dr. • Gainesville, GA 2705 Atlanta Hwy., Athens, GA 888-429-3803 866-981-0967 * Down payment assistance is offered in deferred down payment Approvals based upon USAuto Sales underwriting guidelines
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