Free Layaway 4 Months to Pay
Penny Saver FREE Take One The Northeast Georgia Volume 10 Issue 19 January 15, 2015 To Place Your Ad • 706-377-SAVE (7283) Fax: 706-376-4488 • Email: [email protected] SERVING NORTHEAST GEORGIA & SOUTH CAROLINA Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 10 am-6 pm Wed., Sat. 10 am-2 pm Closed on Sundays Email: [email protected] 8744 Royston Highway (next to Citgo, Goldmine Community) 706-246-9660 Free Layaway 4 Months to Pay Federal 325 .22 LR 24.99 $ Taurus 24/7 G2 .45ACP 299 Taurus 738 TCP .380 219 $ Rossi 461 .357 Magnum 289 $ Taurus 809 9MM 299 $ Rossi 462 .357 Magnum 299 $ Heritage Arms Rough Rider Revolver .22 LR 169 $ Taurus 605 .357 299 $ $ Taurus 840 .40 S&W Taurus 85 .38 SPL 299 $ Rossi 851 .38 SPL 289 $ 289 $ All Guns Advertised Are BRAND FN Five-Seven FDE 1,099 $ Taurus 709 Slim 9MM 249 $ Taurus 85 Stainless .38 SPL 299 $ Visit Us Online! gunsandgold29 2 - The Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 We Have What Buyers Want! ARM CONTRACTING The Penny Saver “WE HAVE WHAT BUYERS WANT” The Penny Saver is a classified and paid business advertising paper. The Penny Saver is published every Thursday. The Penny Saver reserves the right to limit your ad to 20 words. The Penny Saver reserves the right to refuse any listing which may be contrary to their policies. The Penny Saver is not liable for the condition of advertised articles or for composition errors. The Penny Saver will not disclose your name or address unless otherwise requested in writing. Only your phone number will be used unless otherwise requested. Each classified ad will run on a space available basis. Ads may be renewed as many times as needed by calling The Penny Saver by 12 p.m. Monday. Advertising is accepted with the understanding that all liability for copyright violations is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Mats, cuts, negatives, artwork, or other copy submitted for publication is considered to be the sole property of the advertiser. The Penny Saver will make every effort to see that advertising copy is correctly printed, but will not be liable for failure to publish an ad or for typographical and layout errors, or for the condition of the printed material from our printer. FROM TOP TO BOTTOM YOUR COVERED ROOFING METAL, SHINGLE, PAINTING, REMODELING, VINYL SIDING, DECKS 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. Publisher: The Penny Saver • P.O. BOX 1280, Hartwell, Georgia 30643. CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE: (706) 377-SAVE (706-377-7283) • FAX (706) 376-4488 E-Mail: [email protected] ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Advertise your antiques or collectibles here and sell the fast by calling the Penny Saver at 706377-7283 TF Drexel China Cabinet chinnosevie black laquer with bevel glass asking $2500 paid $3600. Call 706336-8153P0122 BOX ITS ARE A GREAT WAY TO SELL YOUR ITEMS QUICK FOR ONLY $34 FOR 4 WEEKS! CALL THE PENNY SAVER FOR INFO 706-377-7283 Buffet & China, cherry stain finish $800 OBO. Call 706-3368153P0122 Two very detailed antique marble top end tables with 2 drawers $45 each.Very well built. Call 706-9619081F0122 2 Singer table top sewing machines from 1940’s or 1950’s $99 for both. Call 706-614-8716 F0122 BOATS 14’ Jon boat with trailer, nice little boat doesn’t leak , has 2 bass boat seats that are nice , always kept 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 706-410-3139 under shelter , $625. Call 706498-6223ATF BUSINESS SERVICES/OPPORTUNITIES ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS, BUSINESS SERVICES, OR OPPORTUNITIES HERE BY CALLING THE PENNY SAVER AT 706-377-7283 TF WILL MOVE NEW OR USED MOBILE HOMES. REASONA B L E P R I C E S. C A L L B I LLY 706-201-7058 OR 706-2457871ATF P0205 Cleaners HOBSON HEAVY BRUSH CUTTING & STUMP GRINDING SERVICES Maintain Overgrown Properties. Improve Real Estate Values. Cuts And Mulches Debris. Bushogging Available Insured • Free Estimates! CALL JOHN 706-961-4164 P0122 Sell On Consignment • RV’s • Cars • Boats • Trucks We clean your yards, house, anything. Remove all junk, clean gutters, all yardwork. Landlords! If your tennats left your property a Must be in good condition mess we do it all. Excellent Location on HWY 29 N. Remove Usable Furniture Free. 706-988-7041 P0129 706-436-1685 New You Step up to a with the ultimate spa experience. Reverse the signs of aging with Non-Surgical Face Lift & Get The Body You Dream of With Body Contouring. Dermabrasion • Body Wraps • Micro-Current Therapy • Facials • Wrinkle Therapy • Chemical Peels • Massage Grande • Swedish Massage • Deep Tissue/Neuromuscular Therapy Massage • Reflexology! Hartwell’s Premiere Day Spa... Spa by Laura Gift cards are available on-line at Economy Drugs, Downtown Hartwell Porch & Home, or our location. Call ahead for speedy pick-up. 254 West Franklin St,, Hartwell, Ga.• Next To Backstreet Bar-B-Q • 864-376-6949 Call For Appointment • Visit We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Attention Veterans & Widows of Veterans Do you struggle with poor health and long term care costs? Can’t afford assisted living? Worried you’ll have to go to a nursing home? How to Get Up To 2,054 Every Month From the VA for Your Long Term Care Costs – Tax-Free! $ • ThisVAbenefitcanpayforat-homecareorassistedliving,andkeep yououtofanursinghome. •Youcanusethiscashbenefittopayafamilymemberorfriendtotake careofyou. •Andit’savailabletothewidowofadeceasedveteranevenifthe veteranneverclaimedthebenefit! Find out for yourself all your options. Hurry!Everymonthyoudelaymeans anothermonthofbenefitslostforever!CalltheVABenefitshotlineat (706) 309-0707 or visit This ad is approved by Davis W. Nelson ELECTRICAL SERVICES Commercial & Residential Electrical services Fire & Burglary alarms CCTV cameras, Keypad locks Water Filtering systems Hastings Electric Inc. 706-376-2274 P0122 ALL PURPOSE CONSTRUCTION LICENSED & INSURED 18 YRS EXPERIENCE~FREE ESTIAMTES 706-498-2064 DECKS, ADDITIONS, VINYL SIDING, METAL ROOFS, SCREENED PORCHS & FENCING ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS! ETF Light Grading & Bulldozer Work Call for Estimates Reasonable Prices Call 706-245-4418 TOP NOTCH AUTO REPAIR Full Auto Repair & Service New Parts Sales. We Service ATV’s, UTV’s, Dirtbikes, & Golf Carts. Lawn Mower Part Available! REASONABLE RATES 706-961-0500 P0129 Email Your Penny Saver Classifieds To [email protected] or Fax To 706-376-4488 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week. Never Wait On A Phone Line! The Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 - 3 ‘Thank God For Good Music’ Short Takes: This may differ from your thinking but many people in this modern era are convinced old time country hymns are in style in church. Those same folk would exclaim these new kickers in country music are the answer to God’s prayer. But how wrong they are in both directions. How many youngsters know the name of Fanny J. Crosby, who wrote many hymns of faith that will bring tears of joy and tears of the other kind in a simple church meeting. For instance, what became of songs like “The Uncloudy Day”, “Wonderful Words Of Life”, “Dwelling In Beulah Land”, and “Love Lifted Me”? In the country era, who could forget Bill Anderson’s “Still”, Willie Nelson’s “Family Bible”, or Roy Drusky’s “Three Hearts In A Tangle”? By now, you get the idea of what we are speaking about as far as music is concerned. • And whatever became of sack dresses the ladies made from chicken seed sacks? Billy Dilworth You may write or call Billy & Joyce Dilworth at: Magnolia Hills Retirement Community, 504 Historic 441 North, Demorest, GA 30535 or 706-754-0203 Billy Dilworth’s Column is a courtesy of The Penny Saver which goes into dozens of Northeast Georgia Counties and Anderson, SC. DAVID OGLESBY CONCRETE 39 Years In Concrete Work and Bobcat. If You Want It Done I Will Price It So You Can Do It. Let’s Giter Done! 706-961-0441 P0205 COMPLETE MOBILE HOME SERVICE Roof Over Systems, Room Additions & Remodeling. Floor Replacement. Roof Repairs. Windows & Doors. All Types Of Repairs! FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Licensed & Insured FREE ESTIMATES CALL ROGER RHODES 706-498-7864 or 770-503-5710 P0122 NU-ROOM ADDITIONS & REMODELING “Complete Home Improvement Specialist” INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Nu-View Patio Rooms, Aluminum Screen Rooms, Carports & Patio Covers All Types Of Repairs! FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Licensed & Insured FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL ROGER RHODES 706-498-7864 or 770-503-5710 P0122 In A Mess with IRS? When In Trouble, WIT Associates, LLC. 706-356-7349.ETF CLOTHING, JEWELRY, & ACCESSORIES Men’s Fossil Watch $50 needs battery. Cost $170 new. Call 706614-8716F0122 Women’s leather coats size 10 & 4 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 Women’s Crocs Rocky name brand khaki size 10 wide new in box $40. Call 706-961-3298 F0122 Warm Deals For Cool Days Keep your unit serviced to keep your family warm this fall! Biker style leather jacket, ladies, stylish fit w/long fringe, black $99.00 call 864 985-0765 leave messageF0122 Ladies clothes, fifty cents per piece, some designers names, great for consignment approx. 20 pieces 864 985-0765 F0122 Milton Johnson • Darby Johnson 781 S. Jackson St. • Hartwell 706-376-7455 Ladies clothes size 10,12,14. Dresses pants & tops. Most like new with tags or worn only a few times.$80 for all or will sell separately. Call 706-436-2030 F0205 Sears ladies brown size 46 regular leather jacket. Waist length. $20 706-961-9081F122 medium $30 each. 3 pair of women’s leather boots size 8 & 8.5 $10 Ladies two piece snow ski suit. each. Call 706-961-3298 F0122 Size 14. Hardly worn. $65. 706Women’s red leather vest $5. 961-3535F0122 Come Get Your New Style It all begins here. Full service hair salon featuring: • Cuts • Straighteners • Perms • Hi-lites & Foils • Shampoo • Formal Styles & Updos • Bang Trim • Intensive Condition • Neck, Mustache & Beard Trim • Color & Corrective Color. Stylette Beauty Salon Call Jessica Bryant 14 Years Experience 706-376-3103 415 E. Johnson St., Hartwell 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Share a laugh with... BILL’S CORNER RECOmmENdatIONS Sarah, Rosemary, and Anne went to a restaurant together to celebrate old times. “I’ll take some Tom Yum soup” said Sarah to the waiter. “Nah,” said the waiter waving his hand, “you probably won’t like it, it’s way too spicy! Why don’t you try the Garden Vegetable Soup?” “Alright.” said Sarah “You know better than me, after all you are the waiter!” “And how about you Ma’am?” said the waiter turning to Rosemary. “I think I’ll take the poached fish,” said Rosemary, after carefully examining the menu. “I don’t really think you’ll like it,” said the waiter, “it’s very bland. Why don’t you try the Rib Steak with Garlic Marinade?” “OK, I’ll take that instead,” said Rosemary. “And how about you?” said the waiter turning to Anne. “I don’t know, I can’t decide,” said Anne looking up from the menu, “what do you recommend?” “Recommend?” said the waiter with a surprised look on his face, “who has time to recommend stuff smack in the middle of dinner hour!” ****************** PIg The leader of the vegetarian society just couldn’t control himself anymore. He just needed to try some pork, just to see what it tasted like. So one summer day he told his members he was going on a vacation. He went out of town, and headed to the nearest restaurant. After sitting down, he ordered a roasted pig, and impatiently waited for his delicacy. After just a few minutes, he heard someone call his name, and to his great chagrin he saw one of his fellow members walking towards him. Just at that same moment, the waiter walked over, with a huge platter, holding a full roasted pig with an apple in it’s mouth. “Isn’t that something,” says the leader after only a moments pause, “all I do is order an apple, and look what it comes with!” ****************** We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Total Body FITNESS, SPORTS, & HUNTING Gold’s Gym weigh bench brand new already assembled. $60. Call 706-599-1426F0115 HARTWELL GUN & SUPPLY NATIONWIDE ®® INSURANCE NATIONWIDE & & FINANCIAL FINANCIAL SERVICES and Tanning Gary & Amy Cobb, Owners ZUMBA CLASSES Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am Retail Store Front In Reed Creek, GA 24 Hour Access 25 Month Single & $35 Month Family Memberships $ 20-25 Unlimited Tanning Bed 124 Athens St., 706-436-5219 Hartwell 706-436-1364 P3515 $ WE BUY GUNS & RELATED ITEMS Coins, Knives, Bows, Reloading Equip.,Old Ammo, Internet Transfers. FIREARMS, AMMO, ACCESSORIES IN STOCK CONSIGNMENTS WANTED!! We sell to the Nation, not only to the neighborhood. Thus bringing you the highest available price for your item. 706-376-4867 FITNESS The Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 - 5 to Hart/Franklin Co. only for $60. 706-371-8515P030515 P1204 FOOD, FLOWERS, & FIREWOOD FOR THE HOME Green & dry firewood for sale. Come load yourself. Prices range from $35-$65 depending on truck bed size. Will also deliver & stack Bread maker like new $40. Call 706-961-3298F0122 NATIONWIDE ® AGRIBUSINESS NATIONWIDE AGRIBUSINESS Gail Johnson Insurance Agency, Inc. ® Gail Johnson Insurance Agency, Inc . We Have All Lines Of Insurance ~ Free Quotes Come See Us! We Have All Lines Of Insurance! Free Quotes! Auto Home Auto Life Home Annuities Life Business Business Gail A. Johnson, Agent The Insurance Lady Boat Motorcycle Farm Farm Motorcycle SR22 & SR22A RV & Boat Business Bonds Flood Insurance 40 Benson Street, Hwy. 77 S. 40 Benson Street, Hwy. 77 S. Hartwell, Georgia 40 Benson Street, Hwy. 77 S. Hartwell, 706-376-3144 or Georgia 706-376-8065 Hartwell, Georgia 706-376-3144 Fax:706-376-8065 ����������������������������������������� ��������������������������� Developed by The Gail Johnson Insurance Agency. Nationwide Mutual ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Home Office: ������������������������������������ Columbus, OH 43215-2220. Nationwide Insurance the Nationwide framemark and On Your Side are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Small glass top table, tubular steel C & M AUTO SALES EASY FINANCING BUY HERE PAY HERE! 12549 AUGUSTA ROAD, LAVONIA WWW.CMAUTOSALESLAVONIA.COM 2003 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 2002 NISSAN SENTRA LOW DOWN PAYMENTS! 2001 FORD TAURUS 706-356-2729 We Aim To Please! 2007 FORD F150 2002 HONDA ACCORD 2006 KIA OPTIMA WE DO TITLE PAWNS! 2004 FORD F150 2001 FORD MUSTANG 2008 PONTIAC G6 2007 SUZUKI FORENZA WE HAVE MORE INVENTORY! 2006 HONDA ODYSSEY 2005 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 6 - The Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] We Have What Buyers Want! base, $50.00 call 864 985-0765 leave message F0122 AA FARMS & SAWMILL AA Farms Heavy Construction & Farm Equipment Rentals Selling Lumber To The Public For A Limited Time All Pine 50¢ A Board Foot Over 200 Items Both Big & Small Finished Lumber and Coming Soon Kiln Dried Lumber Please Contact Andy at Three kittens very cute & fluffy 2 orange & white, 1 gray. 2 male 1 female. Call 706-371-3671 or 706961-3592F0115 Two motorola phones for free one still in box. Call 706-9619081F0115 4-WHEELERS, GOLF CARTS, GO CARTS For Quotes Please Call GOLF CARTS GOLDMINE HOMES ‘98 GENERAL ‘98 SOUTHWIND 24x44, 3 BR, 2 BA 28X66, 4 BR, 2 BA 16x80, 3 BR, 2 BA ‘97 GENERAL 25,000 39,500 $ 20,000 $ ‘00 FLEETWOOD ‘03 FLEETWOOD ‘01 GENERAL 24X66, 4 BR, 2 BA 24X52, 3 BR, 2 BA 28X52, 3 BR, 2 BA 38,500 $30,000 ‘05 OAKWOOD ‘06 28X70 $ 28X48, 3 BR, 2 BA 39,500 $ 12X14 WITH PORCH $2,000 2 ROOMS, 4 CLOSETS CLASSROOM $12,500 $ 38,500 24X60 OPEN WITH BATHROOM, HEAT AND A/C $5,000 12X36 PART FINISHED 12X40 METAL BUILDING BEDROOM, LIVING QUARTERS, FINISHED WITH BEDROOM, BATH, BATH, KITCHEN, (METAL BUILDING) KITCHEN, LIVING QUARTERS $11,500 8179 Royston Rd. (Goldmine Comm.) 706-245-0059 $12,500 FREE DELIVERY & SETUP Johnny’s Small Engine Repair 804 S. Jackson St. • Hartwell 706-376-9580 706-436-7031 706-376-8968 $ All The Muscle You Need FREEBIES Two to choose from! Battery Charged $ 2150.00 ethic. We are looking for ambitious people that would like to grow with a great concept. Please call 864507-7134 and leave a detailed message.ATF Family Restaurant in Hartwell looking for experienced cooks and servers. Must work nights GARAGE, YARD SALES & FLEA MARKET and weekends. Please leave a Place your yard sale here for only message @ 864-507-7134. ATF $8 per week. Call The Penny Hartwell Huddle House is taking Saver 706-377-7283 for info. TF applications for a waitress position. Must be able to work some evenings and some daytime. 706-245-4418 KERMIT’S FLEA MARKET HWY. 17S, Lavonia, GA Over 100 Tables Covered - $5 Uncovered - $3 Monthly Building Rentals Available Snack Bar Boiled Peanuts 2 Jackpot Drawings Every Saturday. 706-356-4537 P0122 HELP WANTED/ JOB OPPORTUNITIES The Burrito Shack is looking for entry level and experienced restaurant employees for its location in Seneca, SC. Applicants must be self driven and have a strong work COVERED BOAT STORAGE 105 $ FOR 3 MONTHS 1 MILE FROM WALMART IN HARTWELL 706-376-2244 2 1/2 Miles from Lake Hartwell Dam on Hwy. 29, Lake Hartwell GA - 770-289-1874 The Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 - 7 ROAD HOUSE GRILL GIA BOR OR R DE GEORGIA BORDER GE We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] NO PROFANITY ~ NO ALCOHOL ~ NO SMOKING Storage Buildings 12x20 or 12x24 2000 • 12x36 $4000OBO 2 BR, 1 BA OPEN 7 DAYS A ~ 20 LB - $16 100 LB - $70 PROPANE REFILLS WEEK 8AM- 9PM $ OBO Exp. 1-26-15 NEW RV’S HAVE ARRIVED AT ED MURDOCK TRAILERS & AUTO IN HARTWELL 3 SLIDES NEW 2015 SPRINTER 252FWRLS MSRP $35,573 ... SALE 28,900 $ NEW 2015 SUMMERLAND 2400BH MSRP $20,894 ... SALE 18,900 $ 2 SLIDES NEW 2015 SPRINTER 269FWRLS NEW 2015 SPRINTER 298FWRLS MSRP $46,641 ... SALE MSRP $39,015 ... SALE 39,900 $ NEW 2015 SUMMERLAND 2570RLS MSRP $21,069 ... SALE NEW 2015 SUMMERLAND 2980BHS 18,900 MSRP $23,564 ... SALE $ RV PARTS & SUPPLIES NOW AVAILABLE! Financing Available 32,900 $ 21,900 $ We Take Any Trades! Quality Pre-Owned RV’s For Sale! ‘12 KIA RIO 10,900 $ TRAILERS & AUTO I N C ‘00 SEA DOO MILLENIUM EDITION ‘01 SEA DOO GTX $5,995 WITH TRAILER PAIR ‘13 NISSAN CUBE 46K MILES 12,900 $ 78 Ridge Road, Hartwell, Ga. 30643 [email protected] • Consignments Welcome!! ‘10 NISSAN SENTRA MON.- FRI. 9:00 AM-6:00 PM, SAT. 9:00 AM-4:00 PM 11,900 706-376-1222 $ ‘01 YAMAHA WAVE RUNNER SUV 1200 WITH TRAILER 3,595 $ ‘09 FORD F-150 XLT SUPERCREW, 4X4, 89K MILES 23,900 $ 8 - The Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] CouNtry Cars & Carports Lake Side Pet Gr ming 300 Off $ with this coupon Excludes Credit/Debit Transactions Call Today!! 10% Off with this coupon Excludes Credit/Debit Transactions SUPER CENTER of Eagle Carports & Garages Also Commercial Buildings “january” Special ~ “RV COVER” 18’x31’x12’........$1995 plus tax Shown in photo we sell all sizes Call Today!! 1320 Smith McGee Hwy., Hartwell, GA 706-961-1199 Toni Robinson 3255 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell, GA (2 Miles from Walmart, Hwy. 29N, next door to Hartwell Home Mart) Come by or call for a quote. Protect your expensive RV’s, Boats & Autos with a cover. 706-436-1685 2006 Pilgrim Travel Trailer Good Condition. 32’ with Bedroom, Bath, Kitchen, and Living Area. 3,900 $ 3269 Anderson Hwy. Hartwell, GA 30643 706-376-2244 864-507-7134 please leave messageATF COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS Commercial & residential property for sale! Located in historical Downtown Hartwell. Call 706-3774410P0115 Approximately 2400 sq ft commercial building within 3 miles of Hartwell off hwy 29, gas heat, $675 a month, call 706-376-8968.P0129 HOMES & CASTLES Advertise your homes for sale here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 TF HOMES FOR SALE (MANUFACTURED) 14X56 2015 Clayton 2 bedroom 1 bath set up delivery with heat pump $27,900. Call 706-3769778ETF 2014 Kabco 5 bedroom 3 full bath, many upgrades, black appliances, delivered & set up with heat pumponly $72,500. Order & pick your colors - same price. Call Marvin 706-376-9778ETF New program with credit scores as low as 575. New 2014 Kabco, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, setup up complete, block underpinning, decks, power & heat pump. Must have 10% down payment, terms to 20 years. Call Marvin 706-3769778. ETF POINTE SOUTH COMMUNITY HWY. 17S LAVONIA, GA RENT, SELL, BUY, PRE-OWNED MANUFACTURED HOMES Great Place To Live 706-356-5875 P0129 New 2014 Champion 16 x 76, delivered & set up, trimout. Save $4000, Now only $36,750 plus tax. Order to pick your colors same price. Call Marvin Shiflet 706-3769778 ATF New 2014 Kabco 4BR, 2BA, thermopane windows, dishwasher, fire place, many upgrades, delivered, set up with heat pump. Only $62,900 + tax. Call Marvin 706-376-9778ETF 22’X26 one We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Will move new or used mobile homes. Reasonable prices. 706201-7058 or 706-245-7871 ATF 770-351-6906ATF LAWN & GARDEN Advertise your lawn & garden WE BUY USED MOBILE HOMES. equipment here by calling the $10K or less. Call 706-376-5579 Penny Saver at 706-377-7283TF Monday thru Friday 9 am-5 pmETF MISCELLANEOUS USED SINGLEWIDE 2 BR, 1 BA Kenwood home stereo receiver $8900 AS IS WHERE IS. CALL $70. Call 706-614-8716 F0122 706-376-2244ATF Ping Pong table still in box never been opened $50. Call 706-206HOMES FOR RENT (MANUFACTURED) 7358F0122 3 bedroom 2 bath central heat & air. 86 Tree Farm Road. No Pets. $500 per month + deposit. Call 706-436-0223P0122 3 bedroom 1.5 bath singlewide mobile home for rent with central heat & air. No PETS. $400 per month + deposit. 43 Red Cedar Rd. Call 706-436-0223 P0115 Clean 2 & 3 bedroom mobile homes located in Hart County $300 & up per month + deposit. NO INSIDE DOGS. Call 706-3774076P0205 2 Bedroom 1 bath, fridge, stove, AC, private yard. 28 Airline/ Goldmine Rd, Bowersville. $375 month + first months deposit, inquire 706376-9797F0122 3 or 4 bedroom house on acre lot, nice big yard with fruit trees, reasonable rent. On GA Power, Country living in the city. Hart County. Also 14x70 mobile home in Hart County with water & trash pickup. Call 706-436-3343P0122 VACATION RENTALS & SALES Campsite at Unicoi Springs $2100 OBO. This years fees already pd. CHARLES R. DESIDERIO, P.C. GENERAL AND TRIAL PRACTICE Legal Assistance for Low Income Families In: Franklin, Hart, Madison, Elbert & Oglethorpe Counties DIVORCE $ 39500 Uncontested without Children *Plus Court Costs Call 706-245-4421 for an appointment. 1080 Bowersville Street, Royston, Ga. 2 Bedroom • 1 Bath Front Kitchen APARTMENTS FOR RENT HOMES & BUILDINGS FOR RENT LAW FIRM 1982 Eastwood Singlewide We buy used mobile homes under $10,000 706-376-2244 ATF Advertise your apartments for rent here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283TF The Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 - 9 Minor clean up and cosmetic work needed. Roof and Floors Solid! $ 4,900 Home Only 3269 Anderson Hwy. Hartwell, GA 30643 706-376-2244 10 - The Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 Hart County Clothes Closet & FOOD PANTRY THRIFT ger $20. Call 706-376-4678 F0115 2005 Chevy Equinox 5 Speed 4995 706-245-4418 GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Awnings - All Types Vista Residential / Commercial Window Film V6, Runs Great 706-680-0417 TF $ SUN EQUIPMENT CO. AUTO WINDOW TINTING Donations are tax deductible. Proceeds from the thrift store helps to buy food for people in Hart County Hours: Mon., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 9:30 am-1:00 pm 2000 Pontiac Firebird 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Hwy. 29 N. • Hartwell, GA • 706-376-9364 • Keith Cordell We accept donations of clothes and household items. 706-376-2022 We Have What Buyers Want! MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLES Call 706-356-8485 Vaseline, Ruby Red, Cobalt Blue, Tiera Waterford Crystal Cape Cod by Avon 43,000 pieces to choose from. Call 706-498-5984 P0115 P0115 Buick Rendezvous SUV 2004 for sale. Good price, good condition. Call 706-377-4410 P0115 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 5HP generator runs good does not put out power $90 OBO. Call 706-498-0928F0115 Fender 12 string acoustic guitar $200 like new. Call 706-2486678P0122 2006 Pontiac Solstice 5 Speed, 60K Miles 15 gallon air compressor looks new needs belts $75. Call 706498-0928F0115 Commercial grade tanning bed for Tom Tom GPS System with char- $1000, has 220 plug. Please call 706-436-7031ATF FREE Estimates 8,500 $ Cash PARTS & ACCESSORIES 706-356-1508 1974 VW Bug Runs good 6 lug Corvette rallys wheels 10”wide. Advertise your parts & accessories here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 TF Hartwell Home Mart 3269 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell Superior Homes at Competitive Prices 706-376-2244 Exciting New Floorplans With Beautiful Decor from Kabco Builders where quality comes first! COME SEE OUR NEW HOMES! 3, 4 & 5 BEDROOM HOMES! We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Covertt Rallys 10” flat caps & bands B&M Breather Show S10 15” wheels nice.1971 VW. Call 706-356-8485P0122 PETS, LIVESTOCK & SUPPLIES Advertise your pets, livestock, or any supplies here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-3777283 TF 2” - 4” Goldfish for sale $0.25 each. Call 706-283-7134 F0115 75 gallon salt water aquarium with stand and wet/dry filter system $300. Call 706-244-2186 TF About 75 round bails of hay cheap , in the bowman/ vanna area call 706-498-5609TF (2) Dosatron 7gpm poultry house meditators. Work fine just changed to 11gpm mediators, some spare parts also. $30 each or 2 for $50 706-498-6223 ATF THINGS TO DO & ANNOUNCEMENTS JOAN’S PLACE 2885 Old 29 Hwy., Hartwell, GA “Country Nites Band” Featuring: Dale Vanfossen, Darryl Moss, David Bryant, Ty Thompson Dance Every Saturday Night From 7-10 P.M. $7 Donation at the door each night NO Alcohol or Smoking! For more information Call Joan Thomas 706-371-4114 WILL RENT FOR PARTIES P0205 THE HART COUNTY SENIOR CENTER IS IN GREAT NEED OF MEALS ON WHEELS DRIVERS. ANY AMOUNT OF DAYS 27 Years Experience The Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 - 11 R. R. SEAT SHOP We cover all your seating needs! Automotive Seats & Marine Upholstery It’s a long road... Before Let us fix what you are sitting on! After • Church Pews • ATV’s • Campers • Cars • Old Car • Boats Restoration • Trucks Specializing in Leather Seating, Upgrades & Seat Heaters Owner: Stanley Reed ~ Cell 706-436-1752 233 Westclock Ext. Franklin Springs, GA IS APPRECIATED AND NEEDED. PLEASE CALL THE CENT E R AT 706-376-3975 F O R MORE INFO TF UTILITY TRAILERS, CAMPERS, RV’S 706-246-9596 2003 Trail Cruiser 19ft. camper like new. Camper shelter included, new condition. $6000 OBO. Call 706-498-6457. 2003 Oldsmobile $2900. P0115 4x6 utility trailer $99. Call 706- 4 BEDROOMS *Delivered, Setup, Trim out, & heat pump 58,900. $ 00* Call Marvin Shiflet 3269B Anderson Hwy., Hartwell 706-376-9778 by Clayton Homes 28X68 12 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 2005 chrySlEr 300M 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] NEED A rIDE? WE WIll PIcK yOu uP! Over 100 Cars In Stock 695 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ 799 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ 2007 chEVy IMPAlA lT commer 695 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK 2004 cADIllAc SrX 1199 DEPOSIT • $85 WEEK $ 2001 TOyOTA Mr2 NO TAX AT TIME Of SAlE ONly AT AuTO crEDIT cENTEr! NO chEcKINg AccOuNT NEEDED ! from $ 395 Down ~ No credit check 2003 PONTIAc grAND AM gT 995 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK 499 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ $ 2004 NISSAN MAXIMA 1199 DEPOSIT • $85 WEEK $ 2003 chEVy AVAlANchE $ 1699 DEPOSIT • $85 WEEK Doc fee $199, eTR fee $49, TiTle fee $18, APR is 28% All fees finAnceD. NEXT TO QuAlITy fOODS, cOMMErcE WE TAKE ANyThINg ON TrADE!!! cars, Trucks, Jewelry, Equipment, goats, horses, guns, TV’s and Mobile homes. No Mother-in-laws Please! 2004 lINcOlN lS ce $ 2007 chEVy cOBAlT 695 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ 2005 NISSAN AlTIMA 995 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ 2003 gMc ENVOy Xl $ 799 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK 2004 fOrD EXPEDITION 3rD rOW SEAT $ 799 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK 2003 AcurA rSX 695 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ 2005 DODgE MAgNuM 995 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ 706-335-6355 706-534-0329 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 2003 GMC YUKON The Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 - 13 NEED A RIDE? WE WILL PICK YOU UP! Over 100 Cars In Stock 2005 CHEVY COBALT 799 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK 799 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ $ 2003 CADILLAC DEVILLE 2003 SATURN L300 Lavonia 599 DEPOSIT • 75 WEEK $ $ 2005 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONV. 499 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ 2005 PONTIAC G6 NO TAX AT TIME OF SALE ONLY AT AUTO CREDIT CENTER! NO CHECKING ACCOUNT NEEDED ! From $ 395 Down ~ No Credit Check 2005 NISSAN ALTIMA 699 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ 2005 KIA SPECTRA 699 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ 599 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ 2005 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 1199 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ DOC FEE $199, ETR FEE $49, TITLE FEE $18, APR IS 28%. ALL FEES FINANCED. 11890 Augusta Road Lavonia, GA WE TAKE ANYTHING ON TRADE!!! Cars, Trucks, Jewelry, Equipment, Goats, Horses, Guns, TV’s and Mobile Homes. No Mother-in-laws Please! 699 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ 2005 DODGE MAGNUM 999 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ 2002 PONTIAC GRAND AM 2004 LINCOLN LS 599 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ 2001 DODGE RAM 599 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ 399 DEPOSIT • $75 WEEK $ 2006 BUICK LACROSSE 799 DEPOSIT • $79 WEEK $ 706-356-8009 706-372-2652 14 - The Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Wholesale Pricing On Select Homes Champion 14x36 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath 23,800 CASH $ Home Only Champion 16x68 3 Bedroom 2 Bath $ 29,487 CASH Home Only Kabco 32 Wide 5 Bedroom, 3 Bath 58,954 CASH $ Home Only 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath Modular Renovated Completely New 15,900 CASH $ Home Only 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath Singlewide 12,900 CASH $ Home Only Setup, Heat Pumps, Decks, Skirting, Etc., Can Be Arranged With Local Contractors For Additional Pricing. 3269 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell, GA Email: [email protected] 706-376-2244 We Have What Buyers Want! hind. Hartwell Area. Call 770-8557919F0122 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] GRADING & CONCRETE WORK Want to buy small used storage building in good condition moveable. Call 706-371-5589 F0122 2000 International DT466 Dump Truck 4700 Reasonable Rates! 10 Plus Years Experience 678-409-7421 498-6457F0115 WANTED Want older adult bicycle. One speed no gears.Needing repair is fine. Call 864-401-3927 F0122 Running or not 1973 or 1974 442 Oldsmobile. Call 706-4980928F0115 Wanted 16’ cattle trailer pull be- 90K Miles, 14ft Dump $ 12,000 OBO 706-245-4418 The Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 - 15 ADOPT JED Jed has been with very playful and annoying 10 week old Basset mix puppies and with very excited Emma, the little Chi/Jack Russell mix while at Northeast Georgia Animal Shelter. I took these pictures, he did not cower from the others as they ran at him and on him. He licked the puppies and seemed to like them. The shelter staff has put Jed with playful pups with hope that it will spark enthusiasm in him. Jed is a big puppy but I hope he finds a home where he will be a part of the family pack and will finally know what love is. Sweet Jed is the only remaining puppy from the Lakeside Exxon gas station on Reed Creek Hwy. For years his parents have been living and breeding across the highway from the store. The hungry and unsocial dogs and puppies would cross through traffic to beg for food. Litter after litter, one by one the puppies would be killed in the traffic. Many in our community have commented about the dogs, some worried about them, while others occasionally fed them. If you would be interested in meeting Jed or for more information please call 706-436-0965 or email [email protected]. The Hart County Humane Society is a volunteer rescue organization. We are a 501C3 non-profit organization. Donations are desperately needed to fund our foster/ rescue and spay/neuter programs. Donations can be mailed to P.O. BOX 1062 Hartwell Georgia 30643 or be made online through pay pal at Please help us help the animals in our community. . Wanted sofa & loveseat Royston off any junk, fences for free or Area. Ask for Claudia 706-567- reasonable price, includes lawn 5692F0115 mowers, campers & boats. Will Bicycles wanted. Will buy your clean yards & houses. 706-436unwanted bicycles in the Hartwell 3343F0122 area in any cond. Call 864-348- Wanted all wartime military items, 3518F0122 Civil war thru Vietnam. American, Paying cash for silver coins. Up to $2 for dimes, $4 for quarters, $8 for halves, $15-$25 for silver dollars, $20-$25 for silver eagles. Call William 706-612-0939 F0122 Wanted pontoon boat trailer 22 or German or Japanese. Swords, 24 ft., reasonable price. 706-436Want to buy junk cars we pay top $$$. Call 1-864-958-2108 AT guns, medals, uniforms~Anything. 4422ATF Call William 706-612-0939F0122 Will tear down, clean out & haul Penny Saver Classified Ad Placement Form • FREEBIES, NON PROFIT, CHURCH EVENTS ARE FREE (LIMIT 3) • YARD SALES ARE $8 FOR 1 WEEK ~ ALL OTHERS CLASSIFIEDS WILL BE CHARGED AS FOLLOWS: ANY AD WITH A TOTAL VALUE OF $100 OR MORE IS $12 PER AD FOR INDIVIDALS - RUNS 2 WEEKS. • PHOTO AD CLASSIFIED $32 FOR 2 WEEKS • BOLD PRINT OR ALL CAPS $3 EXTRA PER AD • CLASSIFIEDS MUST BE 20 WORDS OR LESS - OVER 20 WORDS ADDITIONAL CHARGE • BOX IT’S (PLACING A BOX AROUND YOUR INDIVIDUAL AD) ARE $34 PER AD- RUNS 4 WEEKS. ADD COLOR $5 PER WEEK TO ANY BOX IT Classifieds can be called in on Monday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Please do not leave a message as classifieds left on voice mail will not be retrieved. Lines do stay busy so for your convenience ads can also be mailed, faxed or emailed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Fax: 706-376-4488, Email: [email protected], Mail: P.O. Box 1280, Hartwell, Ga 30643. We will gladly correct any errors reported within 1st week of ad run. We reserve the right to refuse any ad. DEADLINE FOR EACH THURSDAY EDITION IS MONDAY AT NOON. PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO PUBLISHING. PLEASE WRITE AD BELOW - 1 WORD PER SPACE. PAYMENT INFORMATION: We gladly accept cash, personal checks, money orders, Visa cards, Discover cards, Master cards, American Express & debit cards. Card Type: _____________ Card Number: _____________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________ 3 Digit Security Code: _________ Name On Card: ______________________________________________ Contact Number: _____________________________ Total Ad: $________________ Address Billed To: ___________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: _____________ Zip: ______________________ Authorization: I (we) authorize Northeast Georgia Penny Saver to make the above charges according to the designated charges listed. I (we) understand that all information entered on this form will be kept strictly confidential by NE Ga. Penny Saver. In the event any unauthorized charges are made on the above credit card, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold blameless NE GA Penny Saver, for any and all such charges, claims and liability related hereto. All charges are non-refundable. Signature: _____________________________________________________ 16 - The Penny Saver • January 15, 2015 2007 ACURA We Have What Buyers Want! 2010 CHEVY 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 2007 DODGE 2012 FIAT 2013 BUICK BUY HERE - PAY HERE NO CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! WE CAN HELP!!!! 2010 TOYOTA 2008 CADILLAC DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE* 900+ CARS TO CHOOSE! 2012 JEEP RE - ESTABLISH YOUR CREDIT WITH US 2008 FORD 2009 GMC 2008 HYUNDAI 2012 MITSUBISHI 2010 HONDA 2009 DODGE 2008 CHEVY 2010 FORD 2010 CHRYSLER 2013 KIA 1590 Monroe Dr. • Gainesville, GA 2705 Atlanta Hwy., Athens, GA 888-429-3803 866-981-0967 * Down payment assistance is offered in deferred down payment Approvals based upon USAuto Sales underwriting guidelines
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