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Penny Saver FREE Take One The Northeast Georgia July 28, 2011 To Place Your Ad • (706) 377-SAVE (377-7283) Fax: (706) 376-4488 • E-Mail:[email protected] Volume 6, Issue 46 SERVING NORTHEAST GEORGIA & SOUTH CAROLINA FINANCING AVAILABLE TRAILERS & AUTO 706-376-1222 706-476-7335 I N C • • • • Bill Banks 78 Ridge Road, Hartwell, Ga. 30643 ‘11 CHEVY CAMARO 25K MILES 24,990 $ 5X8 GWHS 899 $ ‘07 DODGE CARAVAN 9900 $ 6X16 GW2BRK 1790 $ ‘07 FORD TAURUS 8,990 $ 70K MILES ‘08 YAMAHA UGA GOLF CART 2390 $ ‘06 CHEVY COLORADO 7,990 $ 79K MILES 6X12 FLAT FRONT CGROPT-FL 2190 $ Used Autos & Trucks Recreational Vehicles Campers Trailer Accessories 5X10 V NOSE 2490 $ ‘07 FORD F150 FX2 45K MILES $20,900 ‘07 FORD FREESTYLE SEL Ricky Heaton (In the old Ed Murdock Superstore ~ Hartwell Location) 5.5X10 WOOD 5.5X9 MESH 999 899 $ $ ‘06 DODGE DAKOTA 64K MILES 11,990 $ $ 6X10 DUMP 10K ......$3,995 6X12 DUMP 12K .......$4,895 ‘97 FORD F450 ‘89 CHEVY 3500 85K MILES 116K MILES 10,900 5,990 $ 148 K MILES, 4WD, AUTO 5,990 $ 6X12 CARGO W/CHROME 2578 $ ‘07 JEEP LIBERTY 55K MILES $12,990 ‘03 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 8,990 $ ‘04 F250 SUPER CAB XLT 4WD, AUTO, DIESEL 12,900 $ 2 - The Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 We Have What Buyers Want! The Penny Saver “WE HAVE WHAT BUYERS WANT!” The Penny Saver is a classified and paid business advertising paper. The Penny Saver is published every Thursday. The Penny Saver reserves the right to limit your ad to 20 words. The Penny Saver reserves the right to refuse any listing which may be contrary to their policies. The Penny Saver is not liable for the condition of advertised articles or for composition errors. The Penny Saver will not disclose your name or address unless other wise requested in writing. Only your phone number will be used unless otherwise requested. Each classified ad will run on a space available basis. Ads may be renewed as many times as needed by calling The Penny Saver by 5 p.m. Monday. Advertising is accepted with the understanding that all liability for copyright violations is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Mats, cuts, negatives, art work, or other copy submitted for publication is considered to be the sole property of the advertiser. The Penny Saver will make every effort to see that advertising copy is correctly printed, but will not be liable for failure to publish an ad or for typographical and layout errors, or for the condition of the printed material from our printer. Publisher: The Penny Saver • P.O. Box 1280, Hartwell, Georgia 30643 CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE: (706) 377-SAVE (706-377-7283) • Fax: (706) 376-4488 E-Mail: [email protected] $400, 48” glass bypass shower door $50, 6 ft. wide double screen door, white $50. Call 706-436-9667 P804 ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 2 Oriental antique ceramic table lamps. Aproximately 3 ft tall, $75 for pair. Call 706-612-4213 F728 Large stamp collection, Old comics, Old hot wheels cars, Autographed sports memorabilia. Call 706-206-9863 or 706-277-8091 F804 Prision Break series collection $60, Call 706-6800979 F804 CSI Miami seasons 1-8 collection $75, Call 706-6800979 F804 “24” collection, series 1-9 $75. Call 706-680-0979 F804 Old world trunk $200, 70K baseball cards & sportsman memorbillia $1500. Call 706-213-7567 P804 Elvis CD, from Prince to King. Audio-Biography including rare live interviews with Elvis. $6, free postage & handling. CAll 706-246-5351 F804 BUSINESS SERVICES/OPPORTUNITIES Want to start your own business? We have low rent office buildings and space solutions. Located at 2395 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell GA. Call now for information 706-4366175 P728 Would like to sit and care for loved ones. Any shift, day or night, even all night. Can provide references. Call 706283-6779 P804 Expanding Telecommuincations Company moving into the area. Full/Part-time positions available. Orientation Aug. 2 & 9. 10:30am 8471 Lavonia Hwy Lavonia & 6:30pm 93 College Ave. Elberton. Call 706-356-1692 by Aug. 1, 2011 P804 Will clean your home, any size. Reasonable rates. References available. Call anytime. 706-371-1256 P728 Cheap Auto A/C Repair. Located at 2395 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell GA. Call 706-436-6175 P628 BUILDING SUPPLIES & TOOLS 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] IN A BIND? GOT A SICK CHILD AND CAN’T MISS WORK? I WILL STAY WITH YOUR CHILD. I ALSO DO HOUSE CLEANING & LAUNDRY 864-276-1613 P818 S & L Fun Center Having a church picnic, family reunion, or birthday party? Come by and see us for all outside amusement & concession needs. We carry a Cotton Candy Machine, Popcorn Machine, Snow Cone Machine, Crayon Bounce Large, Sports Themed Bouncer Medium & Jungle Themed Bouncer Large. Cotton Candy Mix & Snow Cone Items Are Available For Sale. Call For Prices & Availabilty DEDE 706-424-1373 O’NEAL 706-318-7289 P811 Will sit with sick or elderly, in home, hospital or nursing home. 25 years experience. Certified CNA. Call 706-2455475 P728 Golden Nails & Tans, 38 South Forest Ave. downtown Hartwell. 706-377-4410. Hair booth available for rent $50 per week. Promotional discount for nails, tanning, waxing, facials and massage. Men & Women Walk ins Welcome. Gift Certificates available. www.goldennailsandtan. com P804 WNC AUTO PARTS Specializing in Toyota 2WD & 4WD Trucks, Takomas, 4 Runners, Camry & Avalon. Parts for all years 1979-2002. Will buy and pickup the same if you have available. Contact Jimmy 828-231-5715 P010512 YOUR INTERIOR CENTER We Differ From The Rest! WE SAVE YOU MONEY ON AUTO & BOAT UPHOLSTERY Only 10 minutes from Hartwell FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY * CALL 24/7 864-352-3237 P728 BIG PICTURE STUDIOS GET 2 16X20’S FOR ONLY $65 1/2 OFF FRAMED PRINTS FAMILY PACKAGE $10 706-371-5882 P811 Hardie shingles 4 ft. panel $6, Facing Stone/Stack 70 sq. ft. Friend Spa By Laura on Facebook & Automatically be entered in our drawing for a free massage. Spa by Laura Introducing Fabulous Feet! Escape, Relax & Invigorate with this Pediatal Grade Foot Massage Service. Never before have comfort & wellness been joined so perfectly. In Georgia Exclusively at Spa by Laura! Enjoy the custom comfort designed specifically to accentuate this process! Foot & leg health is essential to overall well-being, so add this service to your wellness routine. Act now & receive your first Fabulous Feet Service at a discount with this coupon. 20% Off First Fabulous Feet Service Visit for more info. At Stylette Salon, 415 East Johnson St., Hartwell, Ga 864-376-6949 Call For Appointment ALL ACCESSORIES FOR TRUCK, SUV, CAR AND JEEP BUGSHIELD 49 $ CAR WASH MITT Plush Microfiber 6 $ VENTVISOR / 2 DOOR RAINGUARDS $ 32 4 DOOR 49 $ DURAGLOSS CAR WASH Concentrate 16 OZ. 739 $ • Ventvisors and Bugshields • Steps • Tags • Floor Mats • Fuel Saving Products • Toolboxes • Wheels and Tires • All Towing Products Gift Certificates Available! • 345 Shuford St Lavonia GA 30553 706-356-8488 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Marine Service & Repair What’s Wrong With The News Media Short Takes: • Folks, what in the world has happened to the news media? In our era of covering the news for almost 50 years, a story lasted one day, no more than two. And now a story endures for weeks or months. It used to be that news changed in 24 hour cycles, but no more. Maybe it started with the awful wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or the O.J. Simpson trial in California when television interrupted programs with “breaking news”. We were in our room in Anderson, SC trying to rest at 2:30 p.m. because our work was from 4:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. at the Anderson Independent. Suddenly, our favorite soap opera at the time was called “The Doctors” was interrupted. Almost immediately, a bulletin flashed and the great Walter Cronkite of CBS came on the air in shirtsleeves and reported the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Reliable word was that commentators from ABC and NBC were down at the bars guzzling drinks and didn’t go on the air till several hours later. This sobering incident was to stun the world for several decades. Mr. Cronkite was light years ahead of his competition before and after the incident in Texas. • We had wondered for weeks whatever became of State Trooper Brock Hamrick of the Toccoa State Patrol Post. He was in the Lavonia office when Governor Jimmy Carter called and wanted to know why we reported the story he was running for President and we replied a newsman worth his salt would have done that story and we talked about 25 minutes. Mr. Hamrick said, “Are you talking to our governor that way Dilworth? He’s my boss.” Later, Richard Fowlkes of the Athens Banner Herald, a photographer, joined us in a train ride from Toccoa to Washington, DC, when President Carter had us to sit beside him before the Washington Press Corps and announced to the world that “Billy Dilworth of Red Hill, GA, seated beside me was the first newsman to announce I was running for President.” Unfortunately, we learned Hamrick was buried in Cedartown, GA six years ago and the funeral director commented, “He was a fine and well liked person.” Farewell to Brock and the memory bank is working overtime wondering what happened in all the intervening years. Boats PWC • 706-436-3599 3269 Anderson Hwy.(Hwy. 29), Hartwell ~ 1.5 miles past Walmart on the left Mobile Service ~ Certified Mechanic ALL PURPOSE CONSTRUCTION LICENSED & INSURED 18 YRS EXPERIENCE~FREE ESTIAMTES 706-245-9494 706-498-2064 DECKS, ADDITIONS, VINYL SIDING, METAL ROOFS, SCREENED PORCHS & FENCING ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS! ETF COMPLETE MOBILE HOME SERVICE Roof Over Systems, Room Additions & Remodeling. Floor Replacement. Roof Repairs. Windows & Doors. All Types Of Repairs! FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE NU-ROOM ADDITIONS & REMODELING “Complete Home Improvement Specialist” INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Nu-View Patio Rooms, Aluminum Screen Rooms, Carports & Patio Covers All Types Of Repairs! FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Licensed & Insured FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL ROGER RHODES 706-498-7864 or 770-503-5710 P811 JOE DUTTON’S REMODELING & PAINTING PAINTING, SHEETROCK, WINDOW/ DOOR REPLACEMENTS, CUSTOM WORK, TRIM, CARPENTRY, DAMAGE REPAIR, METAL ROOFS ETC. Licensed & Insured ~FREE ESTIMATES~ 33 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE ESTIMATES CALL ROGER RHODES Billy Dilworth CALL JOE 706-498-7864 or 770-503-5710 706-436-8998 P811 5 X 8.....$545 Wood Floor 5X8...$704 76”X10...$814 The Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 - 3 “Billy Dilworth’s Column is a courtesy of The Penny Saver which goes into dozens of Northeast Georgia Counties and Anderson, SC. You may write him at P.O. Box 38, Eastanollee, GA 30538 or call him at 706-886-9125. The views or opinions expressed in column are not necessarily the views or opinions of The Penny Saver or its staff. P818 7000# GVWR 76” X 16 ... $1,480 5X10...$737 76”X12...$847 (4 Wheel Brakes) MODEL SERIES #9200 FINANCING AVAILABLE 706-754-5396 Mention This Ad For This Pricing! View Our Entire Inventory @ CURRAHEE TRAILERS, INC. Model 502 Equip. Trailer......$1595 82”X16’ 7000#GVWR LIMITED QUANTITY 82” X 16 to 82” X 20 All Brakes starting ....... $1,976 4 WHEEL BRAKES 82” X 18 12,000# GVWR ...$3445 82” X 20 12,000# GVWR.... $3,505 MASTER TOW DOLLY 77T...$850 80THD...$945 6x12 V Nose Enclosed Trailer.........$2,399 Dump Trailers (6X10 -7K)...Starting at $3,395 PARTS & SERVICE 7000# GVWR CAR HAULER Slide-in Ramps 82” X 16 .............$1,783 82” X 18 .............$1,855 4 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 WE BUY USED & JUNK CARS! 706-356-1508 In A Mess with IRS? When In Trouble, WIT Associates, LLC. 706-356-7349. ETF CLOTHING, JEWELRY & ACCESSORIES 3 pagaent/prom dresses, size 4-8, Mens name brand clothing sixes large & XL/32”-36”. Call 706-206-9863 or 706-498-8647 F804 FARM EQUIPMENT & HEAVY MACHINERY Advertise your farm equipment or machinery here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 TF Will move new or used mobile homes. Reasonable prices. Call Billy 706-201-7058 or 706-245-7871 ATF FOOD, FLOWERS & FIREWOOD BOATS & ACCESSORIES Firewood Free~Money Maker. 2 acres oak & hickory on ground after timber cut. Want someone with equipment to removeall, grind limbs, etc. for the wood. Lots of wood good to sell this fall. Call 706-436-6106 P804 WE BUY BOATS, JET SKIS & ATV’S 706-436-3599 1996 Javelin Fish & Ski boat. Good condition. 200 Venom Johnson. Lots of extras $6000. Call 706-436-3599 TF 2004 Monterey cabin cruiser, V8, refrigerator, stove, bath with shower $30,000. Call Mark 706-436-3599 TF We can build a pontoon the way you want it. Call us at 706-436-3599 TF Marine Service & Repair. Mobile Service~We Come To You. Boats & PWC. Call 706-436-3599 ETF For Aloe Vera, Hen & Chick, yellow Hibiscus, Red Bud Trees. Call 706-245-5859 F728 FOR THE HOME New 30 inch under counter microwave. Ten preset power levels, vent fan, light, turn table. Value $250, sell for $95. Call 706-779-5927 F728 2 sets of new vanity bar lights with bulbs $10 each, 2 table lamps with shades $10 each. Call Amanda 706-206-9863 or 706-498-8647 F804 Matching sofa & chair, white & brown $75 for pair. Call 706-599-5021 F804 Round Beveled Glass Top 60” Round “without” stand or chairs, in good shape. Asking $60. 706-988-9954 F804 2 large wooden entrance doors, white, 32” wide. Came out of old country church $99. Call 706-779-5395 F804 Matching set of cream colored Whirlpool appliances. Side by side refrigerator with ice in door $250, microwave $50, dishwasher $100 or best offer. Call 678-852-4177 P804 Metal black entertainment center, holds tv, stereo, dvd. l i l a i nt r B Styles Full service hair salon featuring... ADULT HAIRCUT 1200 $ Cuts • Perms • Shampoo • Straighteners Bang Trim • Hi-lites & foils • Formal Styles & UPdos • Intensive Condition Neck, Mustache & Beard Trim color & corrective color Call Appointments Available On Mon., Tues. & Fri. ~ Walk-Ins Welcome Cash & Check Only 10 Years Experience Reg. $15.00 STYLETTE BEAUTY SALON STYLIST JESSICA BRYANT Shampoo, Cut & Style 5 $ OFF Reg. $25 STYLETTE BEAUTY SALON STYLIST JESSICA BRYANT JESSICA BRYANT STYLETTE BEAUTY SALON 415 E. Johnson St., Hartwell 706-376-3103 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Share a laugh with... BILL’S CORNER FORGOTTEN PRESENT One day a fella was driving home when he suddenly realized that it was his daughter’s birthday and *shock* he hadn’t bought her anything. Out of the corner of his eye he notices a shopping mall. Knowing that it was ‘now or never’, he pulls his car through three lanes of traffic, finds a parking bay and runs into the mall. After a frantic search he finds a toy store, goes inside and attracts the attention of the shop assistant. When asked what he’d like, he simply says: “a Barbie Doll”. The shop assistant looks at him in a condescending manner and asks, “So Sir, which Barbie would that be?” The man looks surprised so the assistant continues, “We have Barbie Goes To the Ball at $19.99, Barbie goes Shopping at $19.99, Barbie goes Clubbing at $19.99, Barbie Goes To The Gym at $19.99, Cyber Barbie at $19.99 and Divorced Barbie at $249.99.” The man can’t help himself and asks, “why is Divorced Barbie $249.99 when all those other Barbies are selling for $19.99???” “Well Sir, that’s quite obvious!” says the assistant, “Divorced Barbie comes with Ken’s house, Ken’s car, Ken’s furniture .... ************************************* 2 BROTHERS There were two evil brothers. They were rich, and used their money to keep their ways from the public eye. They even attended the same church, and looked to be perfect Christians. Then, their pastor retired, and a new one was hired. Not only could he see right through the brothers’ deception, but he also spoke well and true, and the church started to swell in numbers. A fund-raising campaign was started to build a new assembly. All of a sudden, one of the brothers died. The remaining brother sought out the new pastor the day before the funeral and handed him a check for the amount needed to finish paying for the new building. “I have only one condition,” he said. “At his funeral, you must say my brother was a saint.” The pastor gave his word, and deposited the check. The next day, at the funeral, the pastor did not hold back. “He was an evil man,” he said. “He cheated on his wife and abused his family.” After going on in this vein for a small time, he concluded with, “But, compared to his brother, he was a saint.” ************************************* ALL BOOKED UP A newlywed farmer and his wife were visited by her mother, who immediately demanded an inspection of the place. The Farmer had genuinely tried to be friendly to his new mother-in-law, hoping that it could be a friendly, non-antagonistic relationship. To no avail, she kept nagging them at every opportunity, demanding changes, offering unwanted advice and making life unbearable to the farmer and his new bride. While they were walking through the barn, the farmer’s mule suddenly reared up and kicked the mother-in-law in the head, killing her instantly. At the funeral service a few days later, the farmer stood near the casket and greeted folks as they walked by. The pastor noticed that whenever a woman would whisper something to the farmer, he would nod his head yes and say something. Whenever a man walked by and whispered to the farmer, however, he would shake his head, no and mumble a reply. Very curious as to this bizarre behavior, the pastor later asked the farmer what that was all about. The farmer replied, “The women would say, ‘What a terrible tragedy’ and I would nod my head and say, ‘Yes, it was.’ The men would ask, ‘Can I borrow that mule?’ and I would shake my head and say, ‘Can’t. It’s all booked up for a year.’ We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] JAIL SUCKS 2 4 R E S C U E H O U R Accept Debit & Credit Cards BONDS “R” US BAIL BONDING Serving Hart, Elbert & Franklin 706-436-0002 706-436-0702 Strong & sturdy $25. Call 706-961-4180 F728 Black entertainment center $50. Call 678-343-0367 F728 Oak TV console, coffee table, 2 end tables, blue lazy boy recliner. All for $300. Call 706-206-7471 P728 MATTRESS WAREHOUSE Premier Eurotop Set TWIN ~ $159.99 FULL ~ $169.99 QUEEN ~ $179.99 706-376-4777 1606 Zion Church Rd., Hartwell OPEN THURS-SAT. 10-6 P811 Black corner entertainment center $50. 678-343- WE BUY USED & JUNK CARS! 706-356-1508 0367 F728 3 pc. Brown suede sectional sofa $90. Call 678-3430367 F728 Electric stove $50. Call 678-343-0367 F728 The Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 - 5 Southern Surplus, Inc. PORCELAIN TILE Starting ₵ 85 at .......... sq. ft. 2 matching reclining chairs. Paid $500 each for Claw & Ball foot. Needs little work, Fabric good, Deep red color, $99 OBO for both 706-436-9493 TF RADA stainless steel kitchen knives. Very sharp & excellent knives at a great price $3.75 & up. Gift Sets available, great wedding gifts. Happy Home Flavoring $3, Danny Duzit scrub pads. Call Linda 706-376-9402. All profits go to The Way Church. ATF FREEBIES BLACK LAB PUPPY; Female; 7 weeks old. Cute puppy that needs a good home! 706-436-8742 F728 Free older kittens, 18 weeks old, indoor, litter box trained, very lovable, solid black & black and white. Call 706-2131664 F804 Free tree already cut down, all you have to do is cut it up. On Hartwell Hwy. across from Miles Supply. Come and pick up or call Brandi 706-283-6105 F728 Free. Seven adorable puppies that need a good home. Sheep herder mix. Very pretty coloring. 8 weeks old and have been wormed. Call 706-988-6695 F804 Free kitten to a good home, light black, think it’s male. good with other animals, kept indoors, approx. 8 weeks old. 706-436-1042 F728 FITNESS, SPORTS & HUNTING Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns. New & Used. Buy, Sell & Trade. Special Orders. We can sell your guns for you also. Licensed Dealer. 706-376-7280 P728 Ruger 77 Hawkeye Bolt action rifle. 308 Win., never fired $500. Call 706-206-6726 P804 Men’s Boulder lightweight bicycle, 26 “, 7 speed, Shaumano gears & sprockets, road & trail $99. Call 706498-0928 F804 Custom Laminate Flooring starting at 89 Sq. Ft. Door Shop Exterior Door Units Starting at $100 On Site ₵ • Doors • Windows • Moulding • Flooring • Cabinets 4175 Atlanta Highway • Bogart, Georgia 706-369-0800 3 family yard sale Saturday July 30th from 8am until 3pm at 333 Freeman Road, Martin GA P728 be CNA approved. References required. Call Billy 706886-9125 TF Inside sale on Hwy 145 Royston GA, Every Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Open at 9am. New & used items, Clothing & Furniture P804 HOMES, CASTLES & MORE HELP OR EMPLOYMENT WANTED 3 BR 1 BA Brick house, nice lot, single carport, recent CHA unit, almost new roof. Good condition, priced for quick sale. Call 706-376-9778 ETF House For Sale By Owner~New Horton doublewide on lot in Bowersville. Completely set up & ready to live in. Heat pump. Utility building on property. 706-424-2928 ETF GARAGE & YARD SALES & FESTIVALS Work wanted, 54 year old male, lifetime resident of Elberton GA, seeks parttime job opportunity, for any light duty work inside or outside home or business. Would include driving needs for doctor visits, groceries, errands, etc. & meal preperations, house or animal sitting. References available. Contact Don Beitzel @ Safehouse Ministries 706-213-7657 or 706-988-8087 P728 Clearance Sale @ Madison’s Outlet & Mini Buildings located at 2395 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell GA. Call 706436-6175 P728 Urgently needed in Toccoa, Lavonia, Martin area Registered CNA. Several hours of work per week. Call 706-8869125 F728 Home loans for Manufactured, Modular and Site-built homes. USDA, FHA, VA and Conventional. Call 706-2079747 ATF Cook and Server needed for busy Family Restaurant in Hartwell. Experience required. Call 864-507-7134 and leave a message A721 Why rent when you can own a brand new Horton doublewide land-home package for about the same as rent. 706-376-2244 to get pre qualified for a new land-home package ETF 2 bags of duck decoys, brown & green in color with weights, 4 or 5 geese included $99 firm. Approximately 60 total. Call 706-498-0928 F804 Need someone to spend nights with elderly couple. Must 4 Bedroom/3 Bath house, 0.93 acres near Georgia Power. Completely remodeled. Large kitchen w/appliances. Cute! $115,000. 706-436-5644 P804 AUCTION CO. Your one stop for Antiques, Estates, Liquidations, Real Estate, Model Home Furniture & Charities! We Accept Consignments. Auctions Every 2nd & 4th Saturday Specializing in Estate Sales & Quality Consignments! Auctioneer: Kurt Kilgore • GAL# 3529 [email protected] Call for info about our next auction! 409 Pottery Factory Drive, Commerce, GA 770-652-8075 New Horton Homes Best Prices ~ Best Service 6 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 BEST 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] HOMES OR BUILDINGS FOR RENT 3 BR 1.5 BA House for rent in Hartwell. CHA, stove, refrigerator. Available August 1st, $600 per month $500 sdeposit. Call 706-498-3039 P804 Lake community, 2 BR 1 BA house for rent. Very private. Refrigerator, dishwasher, CHA $550 per month plus deposit. Gumlog area. Call 706-371-3819 P804 4 3 BR 1.5 BA mobile home for rent. Located at 43 Red Cedar Road, Hart County $400 per month plus deposit. Call 706-436-0223 P804 Nice 3 or 4 BR house on acre lot, nice big yard with fruit trees, reasonable rent on GA Power. Country living in the city, Hart County. Also 16x80 mobile home in Airline community with water & trash pickup. Call 706-436-3343 P804 We Get Your Feet Off The Street & Your Rear In A Seat! ‘96 CHEVY LUMINA V6, AUTO 1500 CASH $ ‘96 CHEVY CAPRICE V8, AUTO WAS $3295~ $900 Down REDUCED 2995~ $800 DOWN $ ‘02 CHEVY CAVALIER ‘98 GRAND CHEROKEE V8, AUTO, 4X4 2995~ 700 Down $ $ ‘02 FORD F150 V6, AUTO, AC WAS $3895~ $1000 Down REDUCED 3495~ $900 DOWN $ V6, 5 SPD., 4X4 2495 ~~ $ 500 DOWN $ WAS $4995~ $1500 Down REDUCED 3995~ $1000 DOWN $ • WE FINANCE! 0% INTEREST! • WEEKLY PAYMENTS ONLY $50 WILLIAMS USED CARS DEBIT 70 Wildcat Bridge Rd., Royston 706-245-6355 706-356-1508 Mobile Homes for rent Clemson/Pendleton SC. 3 BR Doublewides $300~$350, 2 BR Singlewides $275~$300. Lots only $125~$175. Big lots, shade trees, on the Cat Bus Line. Call 706-283-8965 P804 2 BR 1 BA mobile home & 2 BR 2 BA mobile home for rent. Front & back porch, large yard, appliances furnished, CHA, some furniture inside, no pets. Located on Fork Creek Road, Bowman. $85 wk & $95 week plus $350 security deposit. Call 706-680-2649 P804 LAND & COVES 2 BR 1 BA Mobile home for rent located in Crossroads area, Hart County. $300 per month $200 deposit. Call 706-436-0223 P728 Advertise your land here by calling the Penny Saver at 706-377-7283 TF 2 & 3 bedroom mobile homes for rent. Heat & Air, In town locations. All in Elberton. Nice size lots. Prices start @ $350~$450, plus deposit. Walk to Walmart & Ingles. Call 706-283-8965 for all your rental needs P804 LOST & FOUND 2 BR 1 BA and 3 BR 2 BA houses for rent. Big lots with nice shade trees. One in Elberton, other in Elbert County. Both are $450~$485 per month plus deposit. Please call 706-283-8965 P804 Clean 2 & 3 bedroom Mobile Homes for rent in Hart County $325 per month & Up plus deposit. Call 706-3774076 P728 2 & 3 bedroom singlewides & doublewides, Elbert County. Beautiful country locations with big yards and shade. Heat & Cold Air! Close to town $425~$485 per month plus deposit. Call 706-283-8965 P804 2 BR apartment for rent, CHA, in Elberton. Cloase to shopping. Very spacious! $350 per month plus deposit. Call 706-283-8965 P804 ‘94 FORD EXPLORER 4 CYL.,, AUTO, GAS SAVER 2 BR 2 BA Mobile home for rent in Hart County, Mt Olivet area. $325 per month plus $300 deposit. Call 706-4362059 P811 WE BUY USED & JUNK CARS! Find your lost or missing items here by calling the Penny Saver at 76-377-7283 TF LAWN & GARDEN Brand new Ryobi curved shaft weedeater, never used. Have paperwork $90 firm. Call 706-498-0928 F804 MISCELLANEOUS 2 boom mic stands, good condition $35 for both. Call 706498-7681 F728 10 x 8 New one room, two door, 4 person Coleman tent $40, New Sunbeam gas grill with side burner, tank & lava rocks $75 OBO. 706-206-9863 or 706-498-8647 F804 T & T Deals We’ve got a little bit of everything. Come on in and check us out! 44 Ila Road, Commerce 706-614-8984 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] The Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 - 7 VOTED #1 IN OVERALL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION! WE WILL MATCH YOUR DOWN PAYMENT UP TO $500! EX: YOUR $500 Down + $500 Coupon = $1000 DOWN PAYMENT We Accept Pick Up Payments! ‘06 MAZDA 6 599 DOWN YOU’RE RIDING $ ‘02 NISSAN ALTIMA 699 DOWN YOU’RE RIDING $ ‘04 CHEVY BLAZER 799 DOWN YOU’RE RIDING ‘03 NISSAN MURANO 799 DOWN YOU’RE RIDING ‘03 HONDA CRV EX $ 899 DOWN YOU’RE RIDING $ 799 DOWN YOU’RE RIDING $ Directions: I85 to exit 107 towards Lawrenceville, right on Ga. 120, left on Buford Hwy. Hal is on right. y. rd Hw o f u B nta To Atla South 120 wy. Duluth H EXIT 107 85 North ‘05 FORD MUSTANG ‘03 CADILLAC ESCALADE 899 DOWN YOU’RE RIDING $ 1199 DOWN YOU’RE RIDING $ ‘03 SATURN VUE 599 DOWN YOU’RE RIDING $ ‘05 NISSAN ALTIMA Thank You Valued Customers For Your Business! LD $ ‘03 NISSAN MAXIMA Duluth HAL SO S D OL Josh & Tiffany Roberts 2003 Dodge Ram Cynthia Jordan 2002 Nissan Altima LD SO D L O S Vaughn Newhouse 1998 Jaguar 899 DOWN YOU’RE RIDING $ ‘01 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR Angel Harris 2000 Lexus RX300 999 DOWN YOU’RE RIDING $ GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL OR I WILL PAY YOU $500! THREE VERY EASY STEPS TO BUY A CAR: Step 1. Go to & fill out online information. Step 2. Fax items needed to 678-490-3855. Step 3. Schedule a time to pick up your vehicle. ITEMS NEEDED FOR DELIVERY: 1. Proof of income, we accept SSI, Disability, Self Employed 2. Piece of mail with name and address on it. 3. Driver’s License. 4. 6 references with name, address and phone number. 5. Insurance ~ We have on lot insurance! 6. Down payment in cash or debit card ~ No checks! 7. A FRIENDLY ATTITUDE!!! Visit to see all of our current inventory specials! CALL HAL TODAY FOR GUARANTEED APPROVAL 678-267-5553 8 - The SHOP LOCAL & SAVE Z-PLACE White’s Farrier Service We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 Hot17 SOUTH OVERSTOCKED BUYS HWY. Shoeing Hartwell Handyman Services TO CALL SERVING HART, FRANKLIN, ELBERT EARLY & Trucks •We Buy Junk Electrical •Cars Plumbing • Carpentry • Chimney Sweeping Name Brand New Store & TV Returns & Overstocked Items. & SHIPMENT ARRIVING WEEKLY NEW Forge COMFORTERS, HOUSEWARES & MORE •Gutter Cleaning • Floor Replacement Top •Dollar ~ Cash On DECKS, PATIOS Mobile Home Repair • Any of your needsSpot 10% off Senior Citizens Title & Low Income Customers Title or No & MORE Get Your Backyard Ready For Spring! FREE ESTIMATES 24 FREE PICKUP Owner/Operator- Billy Ballard 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Work Available Hour Pendleton, SC Towing 706-371-7724 864-376-1578 LAY-A-WAYS AVAILABLE! • 300 & 400 Ct. Sheet Sets • Pots & Pans • Housewares • Paper Products • Trash Bags • Garden Tools • Generators • Pressure Washers • Nuts & Bolts • Rope • Cold & Allergy Medicine • & Much More 1321 Hwy. 17 S., Royston, GA • Open Fri. & Sat. 8 am until 6 pm 706-963-9496 or 706-963-9505 727-834-0292 SUN EQUIPMENT CO. Hwy. 29 N. • Hartwell, GA • 706-376-9364 • Keith Cordell AUTO WINDOW TINTING GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE AutoWorks Cast Iron round planter $35. Call 706-376-2030 F804 Newly built storage buildings with wood siding, shingle roof, 10x16 $1550, 10x20 $1950, 10x24 $2350. Call Richard 706-202-4359 P908 2 Toolboxes $5 each. Call 706-376-2030 F728 BETTER GAS MILEAGEF728 Kodak Easy Share Digital Photo Solution w/Camera C310 WITH HOD GAS SYSTEM Riding mowers $150~$450. Weedeaters & push mowers. (take & print your own photos) exc. condition (still in box) Goldwing 750 motorcycle, ltd. ed. $1200. 2 Blue chihua$99. Free INSTALLED kittens(grey) 8 weeks old. 706-886-0125 F728 HERE!! huas, Female $100, Male $75. 706-436-3343 P728 Any Make! Any Model! Any Repair! Booklet “How to Survive the power goes off” $14 CALL FORwhen MORE INFO. Window unit1321 AC. Almost newS., $75. CAll 706-612Hwy. 17 Royston Ga. cash 706-283-1617 F728 SERVICE CENTER 4213 F728 FREE Estimates Large easel $35. Call 706-376-2030 706-245-6786 Original oil painting of gamecock, not a print $50. Nice & framed. Call 706-961-4180 F728 - FSat. 8 am8-12 - 5 pm Hours: M-FHours: 8 am-5Mpm, noon Awnings - All Types Vista Residental / Commercial Window Film Now Open30% In Royston, Georgia GET to 50% Bar, All pots, pans & misc items. Call 706-436-4422P804 Nice walnut gun cabinet, holds 6 guns. Storage in bottom Sat. 8 am - 12 noon & lighted $95. Call 706-961-4180 F728 24 Hour Emergency Service CV AXLE ONLY $149.95 Computer desk $15. Dell computer monitor 10. Cannon Computer Printer W/ ink $15. Digital Photo Frame(still in box) 8” LCD Screen excellent condition $30 706-8860125 F728 MOST CARS Set of Encyclopedias(New Book of Knowledge) $30. Graco 1973 2 door Nova post good for restoration, not a hatchback. $800 OBO. Other parts available for purchase. Also 8 HP Coleman 5500 watt electric generator, brand new $650 OBO. Call 706-356-3317 before 10 pm P728 Children of Jeremy & Fabiana$45. Brock Coach rider Baby Carriage Boys clothes size 2,3,&4 Assorted Christian Fiction books lightly used for $2 each. 706-498-7682 F728 DVDs $2 each. Buy 10 get 5 Free. Call 706-2465351 F728 Adjustable guitar stand good condition $12. adjustable keyboard stand mint condition $25. Call 706-498-7682 F728 AM~FM Stereo unit. Plays records, cassettes, cds, mp3s & ipods. Also converts records & cassettes to cd $95. Call 706-246-5351 F728 $1 each or all for one price. 706-886-0125 F728 3/4 Horse pool pump $90. Call 941-323-3971 F728 HARTWELL HOME MART 17,000 BTU Air Conditioner, 220 volt $95. Call 706-2459524 F804 10,000 BTU Air Conditioner $90. Call 706-245-9524 F804 5000 BTU Air Conditioner, late model $75. Call 706-2459527 F804 Panasonic digital palmcorder with battery $40, 35 mm Camera $5, Poloroid camera $15. Call 706-244-5946 F804 crib $20. Call 706-376-8675 F804 Children’s Computer Keyboard Learning Toy with CD, you put it on top of your computer keyboard, and your child learns his/her ABCs $25 obo, call 706-988-9954 F804 AM-FM Stereo, CD, Cassette & Turntable. Convert your records and tapes into cds $150 Firm. Call 706-2465351 F804 Nikon binoculars $25 excellent condition, great for hunting! Call 706-498-7381 F728 Camera Equipment~ Nikkon FM2 Nikkon Lens 70-210, AF Nikkon Lens 24mm 2.8, Dark Room Bay, Cora Lab timer. Like new %450 make offer. Call 706-498-4149 P728 BEST HOMES. BEST PRICES. BEST SERVICE. Maple changing table, solid wood $75, matching Graco Restaurant Equipment~Hot Dawg Hut. Everything must go! Signs, Refrigerator, Ice Cream Freezer, Stove & Range Top, Bun Steamer, Warming Tray, Chili & Cheese Warmers, Sandwich Press, Stainless Tables, Booths, Tables, Chairs, DeWalt angle battery drill 7.2 volt. Comes with charger and 1 battery $20. DeWalt Sawzall perfect condition, less than 10 hours use $50. Call 706-498-7681 F728 11 suitcases, several new. 3 yellow, different sizes. Call 706-245-7689 F804 BUY NOW & THE FIRST 3 PAYMENTS ARE ON US! Plantation Shutters & Blinds Architectural Shingles & Upgraded Doors/Windows NEW MODELS COMING! DON’T This House Is Bursting MISS With Upgrades... Porcelain Good On New Applications or Purchases Made After 3-5-09 thru 3-26-09 THESE HortonOffer 4 BR, Lavatories Call Hartwell Home Mart For Details Tile GREAT 2 BA Doublewide Backsplash DEALS! $ 3269 Anderson Hwy., 74,900 * Moen Faucets & Recessed Lights Hartwell, GA 30643 * Inc. Delivery, Setup & Heat Pump OSB Flooring & Upgrade Insulation Perimeter Duct System Upgrade Cabinets Stainless Steel Appliance Package Utility Room Shirt, Shoe & Coat Racks 706-376-2244 Hartwell HOME MART 3269 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell • 706-376-2244 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] The Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 - 9 ONLY $499 UPFRONT 2001 PT CRUISER 2005 DODGE STRATUS 2002 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER 2003 CHEVY 1500 2006 SUZUKI RENO 2003 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY 2003 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 2001 DODGE 1500 2002 MITSUBISHI MONTERO 2002 GMC YUKON 2005 CHEVROLET MALIBU 2001 FORD EXPLORER SPORT BUY HERE! PAY HERE! 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! TOCCOA & BOGART 4285 Atlanta Hwy., Bogart, GA 706-548-7433 10 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 NEED CASH FAST! • CAR • BOATS • JET SKIS • 4 WHEELERS Call Sharon for more information! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 12 x 20 utility building with shelving $1600. Call 706-2457689 F804 2nd owner, garage kept, 54,000 miles, lady driver $9500 OBO. Call 706-245-0900 or 706-680-0237 P804 Nice home stereo system, needs work $90 Firm. 706-4986377 F804 2007 Chevy Aveo compact car, 5 speed. Gets 32-35 mpg. Call 706-988-8087 P804 MOTORCYCLES & DIRT BIKES MISCELLANEOUS TRUCKS & SUV’s 2005 YZ 125, 2 stroke dirtbike. New top end, runs good, cranks on first kick. Never raced, in good condition $1300. Can send pictures. Call 706-961-0963 P804 1995 Chevy S10, 4x4, ext. cab, newly rebuilt auto trans. & brakes, AC, cruise control, power windows $4000 706377-6007 P728 2000 JEEP CHEROKEE 2002 HONDA CIVIC 2 Door Coupe EX, 4 Cylinder, Automatic, Sunroof, Spoiler, Loaded! Like New! 706-376-3001 Asking $7995 706-436-1685 One 20” TV $45, Folding Lawn chair $5. Upright piano, make offer. You move. Call 706-245-7689 F804 Dresser with mirror $150, Large chest of drawers $125. Call 706-245-7689 F804 F804 1988 Ford E350 van, strong runner & drives out good. First $1700. Call 706-436-4120 P804 Honda S2000 convertible, silver with black top, 6 speed, GOLDMINE HOMES 8 1/2” Suspension Lift, 35 x 12.5 Mud Tires Slip Yoke Eliminator, Custom Rear Drive Shaft, Cold AC, Recently Installed New Engine Royston GA $7000 678-758-2921 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS & ACCESSORIES Chevrolet Engine 283 cu. complete 4 speed transmission, low miles. Good condition. Call 706-4361685 TF GM TH-350 shift kit, has been serviced, 2000 stall speed converter $400 OBO. Chevy 350 engine, complete. 030 10-10 crank, complete $300 OBO. Set of Chevy aluminum fast burn heads, perfect condition, all new valves $400 OBO. Call 706-356-3317 before 10 pm P728 706-245-0059 ‘97 GENERAL 28X60, 3 BR, 2 BA 24X44, 3 BR, 2 BA ‘02 FLEETWOOD ‘01 GENERAL 39,500 32X52, 4 BR, 2 BA 42,500 $ ‘00 FLEETWOOD 24x52, 3 BR, 2 BA 30,000 $ ‘05 OAKWOOD 28X48, 3 BR, 2 BA 39,500 $ ‘00 HORTON 32X80, 4 BR, 2 BA $47,500 ‘00 Palm Harbor 16X80, 3 BR, 2 BA 19,000 $ MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 27,500 $ 24X66, 4 BR, 2 BA 38,500 $ ‘99 GENERAL ‘00 CHANDELEUR 28X80, 4 BR, 2 BA 42,000 $ ‘02 DYNASTY 27X60, 3 BR, 2 BA 42,500 $ ‘98 DESTINY 28X58, 3 BR, 2 BA 28X70, 4 BR, 2 BA ‘00 PALM HARBOR ‘02 ADRIAN 32,000 $ 28X64, 3 BR, 2 BA 42,500 $ ‘00 Value Made 14x54, 2 BR, 1 BA 13,500 $ FREE DELIVERY & SETUP! 36,000 $ 28X64, 4 BR, 2 BA 39,000 $ ‘00 Horton 24X60, 3 BR, 2 BA 37,500 $ ‘00 Dynasty 16X80, 3 BR, 2 BA 19,000 $ 2011 Horton Boss, 32 x 68, residential finished sheet rock throughout. Complete setup, block underpinning, heat pump, 2 decks, electric $86,900 plus sales tax. Call Marvin Shiflet, Hartwell Housing Center 706-376-9778 ATF Will move new or used mobile homes. Reasonable prices. 706-201-7058 or 706-245-7871 ATF WE BUY USED MOBILE HOMES. $10K or less. Call 706376-5579 Mon. thru Fri. 9 am-5 pm ETF New Horton 16 x 80, many options $32,900 delivered & setup. Call Marvin Shiflet 706-376-9778 for the deal of a lifetime ATF New 3 BR 2 BA 56’ Horton DW, many upgrades $42,900, delivery, set up, heat pump. Call Marvin Shiflet 706-3769778 or 706-436-2190 ATF FHA Financing Available - Low Down Payments On New Double Wide Land Home Packages. Competitive prices. Our land, your land or we will help find you land. Call for appointment. Certain credit & income restrictions apply. 706-376-2244 ETF PETS, LIVESTOCK & SUPPLIES Baby ducks & chicks & turkeys. Call 706-245-5736 F728 8179 Royston Rd. (Goldmine Comm.) $ 1967-1969 Camaro fiberglass hood. Harwood with 4” cowl, brand new $275 OBO. Call 706-498-6223 ATF 1977 model 64 ft. Double wide, new metal roof, new stove & refrigerator, storm windows. $5900 Does not include set up. Call Marvin Shiflet, Hartwell Housing Center 706-3769778 TF 3269 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell ‘99 PALM HARBOR 225-75-16 Good Year Wranglers, 25% tread left, fits 99 & up Jeep Grand Cherokee. 5 on 5 lug pattern. Asking $200. Royston GA. 678-758-2921 ATF New Horton 16 x 72, 3 BR 2 BA, Glamor Bath, Thermopane Windows, OSB Flooring, Upgrade Insulation. Delivered, Set Up Only $28,900. Call Marvin, Hartwell Housing Center 706-376-9778 TF MISCELLANEOUS CARS & VANS BANKER’S TITLE PAWN Yellow garment bag $10. Call 706-245-7689 Two 10” Rockford Fosgate punch speakers in the box, One 140 watt 2 channel amp, wiring included $150. Call 706-599-0539 P728 Long haired miniature daschund, 18 months old, named Oscar. Nutured $100 OBO. Call Joyce 706-376-9780 F804 ADOPT GYPSY! What’s a rescuer to do when a pregnant stray wanders up to her? Give her safe sanctuary, proper nourishment and a name of course. Gypsy has returned the favor with seven beautiful healthy babies. Momma is mostly Bulldog, but daddy sneaked off before anyone got to meet him. The 10 week old puppies have all been spayed or neutered, micro chipped and started on vaccinations and parasite preventatives. They are ready for forever families and will be wonderful companions. If you have room in your heart and home for a puppy that will not grow to be a small dog, please call Melissa at 706-436-1620 or 706436-0965 or e-mail hartcohumane@yahoo. com. Please make adoption an option when considering a new pet. The Hart County Humane Society is a volunteer rescue organization. We receive no funding from any government agencies or other groups. We are a 501C3 non-profit organization. Donations are desperately needed to fund our foster/rescue and spay/neuter programs. Donations can be mailed to P.O. BOX 1062 Hartwell Georgia 30643 or be made online through pay pal at Please help us help the animals in our community. Happy “Hart” CLEANING SERVICE Residential & Commercial Specializing in Lake Rentals • Reasonable Rates • Free Estimates References Available Find Us On Facebook! 706-376-0857 706-961-0740 “Leave The Dirty Work To Me” We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] The Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 - 11 CONCRETE SERVICES 30 Plus Years Experience SLABS, DRIVEWAYS, PATIOS & MORE References & Photos Available Upon Request Rick Meyer 770-318-8860 Commercial & Residential 2 Pygmy baby billy goats $45 each. Not yet ready, but will hold with half down. Ila area. Call 706-789-3277 F804 25 young guineas $5-$9 according to size and age. Call 706-567-8922 Before 10 pm. Elberton P804 9 week old baby pigs $40 each. Call 706-680-3840 F804 6 x 12 dog kennel with Igloo doghouse $125. Call 864828-1415 or 864-617-4998 P728 One AKC black labavodor retriever, male, 4 months old, shots & dewormed $99. Call 706-376-4678 F804 CKC Great Pyrenees, solid white, shots and dewormed, August 10th will be 6 weeks. Asking $99, call 706-9889954 F804 Dog fence 10x10, 6 feet high. Like new. Can deliver locally. $100. 770-265-8101 P804 WAYNE LEE Poodles, CKC Registered 2 apricot males 1 black male $295 each. Cash Only! 9 weeks old. Call 770-639-9604 or 706-245-8108 P728 Pair of game chickens. Jimmy East Hatch $45. Call 706961-4180 F728 August 1 Pit bull puppy, 12 weeks old, male, white with blue spots $50. Call 706-371-1294 F728 WE BUY SANDY CROSS AUTO, LLC ‘02 CHEVY SILVERADO USED & JUNK CARS! ‘02 GRAND CHEROKEE ‘99 CHEVY SILVERADO ‘04 CHEVY CAVALIER 706-356-1508 X-Cab, One Owner ‘99 VOLVO S80 Clean Family Car ‘04 FORD POWERSTROKE DIESEL One Owner, New Tires, Loaded, Sharp ‘88 FORD F150 4X4 Weekly Special Short Box, Auto, V8 ‘00 FORD EXPLORER 4WD, Diesel, 4 Dr. 70 HWY. 145, FRANKLIN SPRINGS 706-245-5633 V6, Auto ‘03 FORD EXPEDITION ‘05 FORD F150 Ladder Rack, Tool Box, V8 ‘04 FORD F250 XCAB 3rd Row Seat, Great Family Car ‘97 FORD RANGER Super Duty, V8. Gas,Strong Truck, Goose Neck Hitch 5 Speed 706-245-4418 706-245-4880 SEE THE PENNY SAVER’S WEEKLY EDITION ONLINE... 12 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 2002 TOWN & COUNTRY $ Over 100 Cars In Stock rce e m m Co DOUBLE COUPON SATURDAY 495 DRIVEOUT • $69 WEEK 2000 CHEVY TAHOE 2003 DAKOTA 4X4 CREW $ 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 2000 FORD EXPEDITION 99 $ WITH THIS COUPON 1695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK 2002 GMC ENVOY OFF EXPIRES 08-25-11 $ 1295 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ 895 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK 2002 DODGE RAM 4X4 DRIVE OUT WITH 60%-70% DOWN $ 799 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK 2002 MITSUBISHI GALANT CALL FOR PRICE 2001 INFINITY I30 2004 RENDEZVOUS 2002 MOUNTAINEER $ $ 799 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK 395 DRIVEOUT • $69 WEEK From 2004 GRAND PRIX $ $ 695 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK 395 Down ~ No Credit Check 1999 MERCEDES E320 2005 MAZDA 6 $ 895 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK REFER A FRIEND GET $75 & ENTER TO WIN A DRAWING FOR $500 $ 899 DRIVEOUT • 79 WEEK $ $ 799 DRIVEOUT • 75 WEEK $ $ NEXT TO QUALITY FOODS, COMMERCE WE TAKE ANYTHING ON TRADE!!! Cars, Trucks, Jewelry, Equipment, Goats, Horses, Guns, TV’s and Mobile Homes. No Mother-in-laws Please! 799 DRIVEOUT • 79 WEEK $ WITH THIS COUPON EXPIRES 08-25-11 706-534-0329 888-809-9968 We Have What Buyers Want! 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] The Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 - 13 2000 LINCOLN LS r Winde $ DOUBLE COUPON SATURDAY 695 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK 2003 FORD WINDSTAR Over 100 Cars In Stock 2000 NISSAN MAXIMA 2001 DODGE RAM 1500 $ 99 $ WITH THIS COUPON 799 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK 2001 CADILLAC DEVILLE OFF EXPIRES 08-25-11 $ 695 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 2004 FORD TAURUS 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK DRIVE OUT WITH 60%-70% DOWN $ 695 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK 2002 SUZUKI XL7 2005 GRAND PRIX $ 495 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK 2001 FORD EXPEDITION 2005 MITS. GALANT $ $ 495 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK From 2005 CHEVY MALIBU $ 799 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK 799 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK $ $ 395 Down ~ No Credit Check 2002 RENDEZVOUS 2004 BONNEVILLE $ 799 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK 695 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 599 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK $ 695 DRIVEOUT • $79 WEEK 2000 CHRYSLER 300M $ 595 DRIVEOUT • $75 WEEK RIGHT PAST QUALITY FOODS, WINDER WE TAKE ANYTHING ON TRADE!!! Cars, Trucks, Jewelry, Equipment, Goats, Horses, Guns, TV’s and Mobile Homes. No Mother-in-laws Please! 678-900-1168 14 - The We Have What Buyers Want! Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 COUNTRY CARS & CARPORTS SUPER CENTER SPECIAL - “Double” 2 CAR CARPORT 18’X21’X5........$695 PLUS TAX We Sell All Sizes 3255 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell, GA (1 Mile from Walmart, Hwy. 29N, next door to Hartwell Home Mart) Come by or call for a quote. Protect your expensive RV’s, Boats & Autos with a cover. 706-436-1685 6th from 5pm to 10pm! F804 JOAN’S PLACE For Sale: 1 Pureblood Saanen buckling, intact, $97 cash firm, please call (706) 224-7583 F728 2885 Old 29 Hwy., Hartwell, GA Dance every Thursday Night 7-10 pm Featuring the Electric City Outlaws Band and every Saturday night 7-10 pm Featuring the Aldrich Brothers Band $7 Donation each night Laying hens , Rhonde Island Reds, 9 months old. Heavy. Heavy layers. Call Laurie 706-498-1116 F728 THINGS TO DO & ANNOUNCEMENTS NO Drinking or Smoking! Rehoboth Baptist Church in Bowman will be having a special “Remembering 9/11 - Ten Years Later” service on Sunday, Sept. 11 at 10:45 AM. Everyone is invited to join us as we recognize all Public Service Workers F825 706-376-2671 706-371-4114 Free admission! Gospel singing benefit! Silent auction! $1.00 raffle tickets for great door prizes! Grace Baptist Church 157 Moore Circle Eastanollee, Ga Saturday Aug. P728 R. R Seat Shop Specializing in Leather Seating Upgrades & Seat Heaters. We can cover all your seating needs... AUTOMOTIVE SEATS & MARINE UPHOLSTERY • CARS • TRUCKS • ATV’S • BOATS • CHURCH PEWS • CAMPERS Reupholster Bench Seats $225 Owner: Stanley Reed ~ Cell: 706-436-1752 233 Westclock Ext., Franklin Springs, GA Hartwell Church of God of Prophecy will be having a 3night revival, July 25-July 27 @ 7 pm nightly. Pastor Adam Jones, the GA Church of God of Prophecy state youth ministries director, will be the speaker. F728 Hartwell Church of God of Prophecy will be having a Praise and Worship Conference July 28 & July 29 @ 7 pm. Bishop Danny Hughes will be the speaker for Thursday night and Pastor Stacey Heard of Love & Action from Elberton, GA will be the speaker for Friday night. Church of God of Prophecy is located on 114 Ernest Oliver Dr, Hartwell, GA (just below Cateechee Golf Course). F728 32x68 4 BR, 2 BA DOUBLEWIDE 706-246-9596 2003 Starcraft 29 ft. camper, queen bedroom, bunk & full bed in other room. Sleeps up to 9 people, CHA, loads of storage. Bathroom with tub. Microwave, gas stove, 6 ft. ref/freezer. In Lavonia area. Looks new! $9500. Call 404219-8231 P804 UTILITY TRAILERS, CAMPERS & RVS CAMPER SPACES FOR RENT ON LAKE HARTWELL $100 MONTH 2011 Horton 25 Years Experience! OLD CAR RESTORATION of Carports & Garages Purebred Redbone Hound pups, 6 weeks old, big game bloodline, 2 females, 1 male, 1st shots & wormed $100 each. 706-436-4283 P728 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] Includes water, sewer, all hookups furnished. 3 miles from Hartwell 706-436-0168 or 706-376-8156 P811 Two 15K Reece Pro 5th wheel hitches, New in box, $220 each (less rails). Call 706-716-3034 ATF 8 FOOT TRUCK BOX Fits Any Long Bed Truck, Aluminum & Fiberglass, Side Roll Up Doors MAKE AN OFFER! 706-245-6355 New tire trailer size camper tire st 205/75/d15 $75. Call 706-680-3060 F804 1 ton hedquist pink building stone $99. Call 706-6803060 F804 1993 Gulfstream 30 ft. camper. Recent tires & refrigerator. Clean $3250 OBO. In Hart County. Call 770-312-4715 ATF BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE Loaded With Extras! 74,900* $ *Includes Delivery, Setup & Heat Pump Hartwell Home Mart 3269 Anderson Hwy., Hartwell 706-376-2244 3 BR, 1 BA, Single Carport, Nice Lot, Recent Central Heat & Air Unit, New Roof, Good Condition. Just off Hwy. 29 North, Hartwell - Near Walmart. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! Priced for quick sale 706-376-9778 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] WE BUY USED & JUNK CARS! 706-356-1508 2008 Copper Canyon 252 fifth wheel with super slide, TV & hitch. Like new $18,900. Call Bill 706-716-3034 TF RV PARTS SALE 50%-70% OFF 706-436-3171 P818 WANTED Wanted: Members for a 1050 acre hunting club on Broad river in Elbert County. $600 per year. Call 706-359-3689 P804 Want to buy underpinning for mobile home, in good condition. Call 706-244-2032 F804 want dump cart to pull behind riding mower. Any condition. Call 706-245-5475 F804 Want left over yard sale items. Will pick up. Call 706-4613002 F804 We Have What Buyers Want! The Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 - 15 Pampered Pets We Accept Credit Cards! 10% OFF ANY SERVICE WITH AD ANIMAL GROOMING Andrea Smith, Groomer Certified Professional Pet Groomer Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:00, Sat. By Appt. 3244 Anderson Hwy. Hartwell 706-436-3375 Want a dog kennel for free. On a fixed income. Need it to be delivered, I do not drive. Call 706-567-5424 F804 WANTED Licensed Practical Nurse with teaching/power point skills. Part-time, some daytime and late evenings hours. CONTACT FUTURE NURSE LEARNING CENTER 706-491-8017 [email protected] P728 Want to buy late model window AC. Call 706-245-9524 F728 Expires 12/31/11 We Now Offer Pet Boarding! Call For Info! Want to buy a fireproof file cabinet. 706-886-1610 F728 706-612-0939 Wanted silver coins- dollars- halfs- quarters- dimes- silver eagles. 706-384-3954 F728 Wanted all wartime military items, Civil War thru Vietnam. American, German or Japanese. Swords, guns, medals, uniforms~anything 706-612-0939 F728 Want to buy pageant dress size 3T-4T, yellow or green. Call 706-498-0677 F728 Looking for a used good air compressor. Call 706-9613380 F728 Want to trade 1991 Toyota 4 Runner, 4x4, needs work, for a car truck or motorcycle. Call 706498-6377 F804 27 ft. swimming pool 54” deep, with lots of extras, for trade for car, truck or motorcycle. 706-498-6377 F804 Want to buy house or mobile home with or without land. Fixer upper ok. Call 706-886-1610 F728 Will tear down, clean out & haul off any junk fences for free or reasonable price, includes cars, lawn mowers, campers & boats. Will clean yards & houses. 706-436-3343 P728 Want to buy bulk chicken feed, 200-400 lbs., now or in future. 706-612-0939 F728 Buying silver coins. Paying at least $2 for dimes, $5 for quarters, $10 for halves, $25-$30 for dollars. Call William F728 WE BUY USED MOBILE HOMES. $10K or less. Call 706376-5579 Mon. thru Fri. 9 am-5 pm ETF AD DEADLINES RETAIL & CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES ARE MONDAY AT 5 P.M. (excluding Holidays). In order to insure ad placement please mail, email, call or fax your ad to us before 5 p.m. on Monday. PENNY SAVER 706-377-7283 Penny Saver Classified Ad Placement Form • FREEBIES, NON PROFIT, CHURCH EVENTS ARE FREE (LIMIT 3) • YARD SALES ARE $5 FOR 1 WEEK ~ ALL OTHERS CLASSIFIEDS WILL BE CHARGED AS FOLLOWS: ANY AD WITH A TOTAL VALUE OF $100 OR MORE IS $9 PER AD FOR INDIVIDALS - RUNS 2 WEEKS. • PHOTO AD CLASSIFIED $29 FOR 2 WEEKS • BOLD PRINT OR ALL CAPS $3 EXTRA PER AD • CLASSIFIEDS MUST BE 20 WORDS OR LESS - OVER 20 WORDS ADDITIONAL CHARGE • BOX IT’S (PLACING A BOX AROUND YOUR INDIVIDUAL AD) ARE $28 PER AD- RUNS 4 WEEKS. Classifieds can be called in Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed Wed.) Please do not leave a message as classifieds left on voice mail will not be retrieved. Lines do stay busy so for your convenience ads can also be mailed, faxed or emailed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Fax: 706-376-4488, email: [email protected], mail: P.O. Box 1280, Hartwell, GA 30643. We will gladly correct any errors reported within 1 week of run date. We reserve the right to refuse any ad. VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.NGAPENNYSAVER.COM TO PLACE CLASSIFIEDS AND SEE NEW EDITIONS EACH WEEK. DEADLINE FOR EACH THURSDAY EDITION IS MONDAY AT 5 P.M. PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO PUBLISHING. PLEASE WRITE AD BELOW - 1 WORD PER SPACE. PAYMENT INFORMATION: We gladly accept cash, personal checks, money orders, Visa cards, Discover cards, Master cards, American Express & debit cards. Card Type: ________________ Card Number: __________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________ 3 Digit Security Code: ___________ Name On Card: ______________________________________________ Contact Number: _____________________________ Total Ad: $________________ Address Billed To: ___________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: _____________ Zip: ______________________ Authorization: I (we) authorize Northeast Georgia Penny Saver to make the above charges according to the designated charges listed. I (we) understand that all information entered on this form will be kept strictly confidential by NE Ga. Penny Saver. In the event any unauthorized charges are made on the above credit card, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold blameless NE GA Penny Saver, for any and all such charges, claims and liability related hereto. All charges are non-refundable. Signature: _____________________________________________________ 16 - The Penny Saver • July 28, 2011 2005 CHEVY We Have What Buyers Want! 2010 NISSAN 706-377-SAVE or e-mail to [email protected] 2009 KIA 2009 FORD 2010 DODGE BUY HERE - PAY HERE NO CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! WE CAN HELP!!!! 2010 DODGE 2008 FORD 2008 KIA 2010 HYUNDAI 2010 CHEVY NO CREDIT CHECK FINANCING AVAILABLE 2010 KIA 2010 CHEVY 2005 MAZDA 2010 CHEVY 2010 CHRYSLER Gainesville 985 EXIT 22 us auto sales 129 2010 HYUNDAI 2010 CHEVY 2007 CHEVY 1590 Monroe Dr. • Gainesville, GA 888-429-3803 UP TO 2009 DODGE $500 DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE W/THIS AD ONLY 1 PER CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE BASED ON STABILITY & INCOME, CAN NOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. Call for authorization code. Athens South Hwy. 85 EXIT 137 North Directions: I985 south to exit 22, 1/4 mile on the right on Hwy. 129/ Athens Hwy.
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