AN OVERVIEW OF A NEW CHINESE WEATHER SATELLITE FY-3A by Chaohua Dong, Jun Yang, Wenjian Zhang, Zhongdong Yang, Naimeng Lu, Jinming Shi, Peng Zhang, Yujie Liu, and Bin Cai The on-orbit Chinese polar-orbiting meteorological satellite FY-3A (second generation) is able to provide sounding and image data to users worldwide. Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of FY-3A spacecraft. M eteorological satellites have become an irreplaceable weather and ocean observing tool in China. These satellites are used to monitor natural disasters and improve the efficiency of many sectors of our national economy. It is impossible to ignore the space-derived data in the fields of meteorology, hydrology, and agriculture, as well as disaster monitoring in China, a large agricultural country. For this reason, China is making a sustained effort to build and enhance its meteorological observing system and application system. The first Chinese polar-orbiting weather satellite Feng-Yun (FY-1A) was launched in 1988. Since then China has launched 10 meteorological satellites, 5 (FY-1A/B/C/D and FY-3A) of Table 1. FY-3A satellite specifications and major orbital parameters. which are sun synchronous and Orbit Sun synchronous 5 of which (FY-2A/B/C/D/E) of Altitude (km) 831 which are geostationary satellites; China will continue its two Power 1100 W types of meteorological satellite Launch mass 2298.5 Kg programs. A low-inclination 4.38 × 2.0 × 2.0 m (in stowed) orbit satellite is planned, mainly Size 4.44 × 10.0 × 3.79 m (in flight) for precipitation measurements Orbital period (min) 101.49 (mainly radar and passive microwave measurements). The Inclination (°) 98.81 FY-3 series is more powerful Eccentricity <0.0013 than the FY-1 series (the Chinese Local time at descending node 1005 UTC first-generation satellite), beOrbital maintenances 15 min (2 yr) −1 cause it has sounding capabiliOnboard data storage 144 GB ties and natural color imagery Attitude control Three-axis stabilization with a higher spatial resolution of 250 m. The FY-3A spaceQuasi-repeat time 5 days craft carries 11 instruments, Launch vehicle LM-4B namely, the Visible and Infrared Design life 3 yr Radiometer (VIRR), Medium Resolution Spectra l Imager (MERSI), Microwave Radiation Imager (MWRI), and space weather monitoring. The characteristics of Total Ozone Mapping Unit (TOU), Infrared Atmo- the FY-3A orbit, primary environmental sensors, and spheric Sounder (IRAS), Microwave Atmospheric products are introduced in this paper. The FY-3A data Temperature Sounder (MWTS), Microwave Atmo- and products are available to users worldwide. spheric Humidity Sounder (MWHS), Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Sounder (SBUS), Solar Irradiation FY-3 MISSIONS. As a new generation of polarMonitor (SIM), Earth Radiation Measurer (ERM), orbiting meteorological satellite, the FY-3 series conand Space Environment Monitor (SEM). Compared sists of two experimental and at least four operational with the FY-1 series, all of the instruments except satellites. The FY-3 series is expected to have a service VIRR and SEM are newly developed. The spectral life until 2020. FY-3A is a research and development bands of those instruments cover violent, visible, (R&D) satellite. The primary missions of the FY-3 near-infrared, infrared, and microwave regions. are as follows: Potential applications of the FY-3A observations include numerical weather prediction, climate research, • global sounding of three-dimensional thermal and environment monitoring, natural hazard monitoring, moisture structures of the Earth’s atmosphere, measuring cloud properties, and other key parameters, such as precipitation, ozone, etc., to support global numerical weather prediction and AFFILIATIONS: Dong , Yang , Zhang , Yang , Lu, S hi , P. Zhang, Liu, and Cai —National Satellite Meteorological environmental services; Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing, China; • global imaging of the Earth’s surfaces to monitor W. Zhang —Observing and Information Systems Department, large-scale meteorological and/or hydrological World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland disasters and the biosphere environment; CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Chaohua Dong, National Satellite • establishing long-term environmental datasets Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration, with important geophysical parameters for climate Beijing 100081, China monitoring, global prediction, and Earth science E-mail: [email protected] research; and The abstract for this article can be found in this issue, following the • collecting and retransmitting data by data collectable of contents. tion platforms (DCPs). DOI:10.1175/2009BAMS2798.1 In final form 22 April 2009 ©2009 American Meteorological Society 1532 | october 2009 FY-3A SPACECRAFT. FY-3A is a sun-synchronous polar-orbiting environmental satellite. The satellite Table 2. FY-3A major remote sensing instruments. All spatial resolutions are for subsatellite points. Instrument name Major characteristics Primary use Sounding mission IRAS Spectral range: 0.69 ~ 15.5 μm, channel numbers: 26, cross-track scanning: ±49.5° (2172 km), spatial resolution: 17.0 km Atmospheric temperature profile, atmospheric humidity profile, total ozone content, cirrus, aerosol, etc. MWTS Frequency range: 50 ~ 57 GHz, channel numbers: 4, cross-track scanning: ±48.6° (2088 km), spatial resolution: 50 ~ 75 km Atmospheric temperature profile, rainfall, cloud liquid water, surface parameters, etc. MWHS Frequency range: 150 ~ 183 GHz, channel numbers: 5, cross-track scanning: ±53.38° (2692 km), spatial resolution (SSP): 15 km Atmospheric humidity profile, water vapor, rainfall, cloud liquid water, etc. TOU Spectral range: 309 ~ 361 nm, channel numbers: 6, cross-track scanning: ±56.0° (3020 km), spatial resolution: 50 km Total ozone distribution SBUS Spectral range; 252 ~ 340 nm, channel numbers: 12, spatial resolution: 200 km Ozone profile, total ozone amount VIRR Spectral range: 0.44 ~ 12.5 μm, channel numbers: 10, cross-track scanning: ±55.4° (2916 km), spatial resolution: 1.1 km Cloud, vegetation, snow and ice, SST, LST, water vapor, aerosol, ocean color, etc. MERSI Spectral range: 0.41 ~ 12.5 μm, channel numbers: 20, cross-track scanning: ±55.4° (2916 km), spatial resolution: 0.25 ~ 1 km True color imagery, cloud, vegetation, snow and ice, ocean color, aerosol, rapid response products (fires, flooding, etc.) MWRI Frequency range: 10.65 ~ 89 GHz, channel numbers: 10 (5 frequencies with H, V polarization), conical scanning: 110.8° (1430 km), spatial resolution: 15–80 km Rainfall, soil moisture, cloud liquid water, sea surface parameters Ozone mission Imaging mission in general is a hexahedron of 4.4 × 2.0 × 2.0 m. The total weight is about 2300 kg. The one solar panel is mounted on one side of the satellite main body, which makes the span length of the satellite 10 m in flight. The attitude control of the satellite is three axis stabilized with a measuring precision of 50 m, with the measurement of the star sensor onboard the satellite. Table 1 depicts the major orbital parameters of the satellite. Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the spacecraft, showing the instrument-mounting platform, the solar array, and the transmitting and receiving antennas. The spacecraft communication links are S, L, and X band. Commands are via S band only. Command and telemetry links are active simultaneously. The S-band section of the communications subsystem provides primary telemetry and command (T&C) service to and from the FY-3A ground stations. The L- and X-band sections of the communication subsystem provide the science and engineering data downlink for the FY-3A common spacecraft. Users AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY in the world can directly receive the MERSI data and the other instruments’ data from the spacecraft in real time. The satellite science data downlink follows the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) space data system standards, which makes the FY-3A data format compatible with the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) and Meteorological Operational Satellite Programme (MetOp) satellite data transmission characteristics. There are 11 instruments aboard the FY-3A spacecraft. Table 2 summarizes the primary environmental sensor characteristics. A brief introduction to each sensor follows. Sounding mission. I nfrared Atmospheric S ounder . This is the primary sounder for FY-3A. It is a High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS)/3-like (Ceckowski et al. 1995) instrument [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) K, L, and M satellites (KLM) user’s guide; Robel (2006)]. october 2009 | 1533 However, there are a total of 26 channels in this IR sounder. The first 20 channels are almost the same as HIRS/3, while the 6 additional channels will enable IRAS to measure aerosols, carbon dioxide content, and cirrus. The instrument ground instantaneous field of view (IFOV) is 17 km at nadir; see Table A1 in the “Sounding mission” appendix for details. A new infrared interferometer for FY-3E is planned. Microwave Atmospheric Temperature Sounder. This is a four-channel passive scanning microwave sounder for the purpose of temperature sounding in cloudy regions. There are four channels around 50 GHz. Table A2 in the “Sounding mission” appendix shows the major specifications of MWTS. It is planned that the MWTS will be improved during FY-3C’s development; the temperature sounding channels will be increased to 13 channels, providing temperature information for more atmospheric layers. M icrowave Atmospheric H umidity S ounder . This instrument is similar to the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU)-B (Klaes 1995), with a primary purpose of moisture sounding in cloudy regions. There are five higher-frequency channels (150–183 GHz); the 150-GHz channel is polarized in both the vertical and horizontal direction. MWHS has a nominal IFOV of 15 km on surface at nadir. Table A3 in the “Sounding mission” appendix summarizes the instrument specifications. It is planned that the MWHS will be improved for FY-3D. A threechannel in the 118-GHz band will be added to the original MWHS during FY-3D development. IRAS, together with MWTS and MWHS, provides global atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles (Smith and Woolf 1976) in all weather conditions for global numerical weather prediction models and climate data records. Ozone mission. Two instruments, the SBUS and TOU, are new sensors onboard FY-3A for measuring atmospheric ozone distribution. TOU is mapped by a six-channel spectrometer with wavelengths from 308 to 360 nm, with a resolution of 50 km at nadir. The profiler is a 12-channel spectrograph with wavelength coverage of the spectrograph extending from 252 to 380 nm. The spatial resolution of the ozone profile is around 200 km at nadir. Detailed information for the two sensors is given in the “Ozone mission” appendix. The Earth Radiation Measurement. This instrument is very much like the Earth Radiation Budget Ex1534 | october 2009 periment (ERBE) instrument onboard the NOAA satellites. There are wide-FOV and narrow-FOV observation units, separately, with two channels on each of the units. The broadband channel covers the spectral range from 0.2 to 50 μm, and the narrowband channel covers 0.2–4.3 μm, see the “Earth radiation measurement” appendix for details. Imaging instruments. Visible and Infrared R adiometer. This is an instrument with heritage from the Multichannel Visible and Infrared Scanning Radiometer (MVISR; 10 channels) onboard the FY-1C/D satellites. Indeed, this 10-channel radiometer makes operational observations from FY-3A. For risk reduction purposes, this instrument remains the same as the MVISR on FY-3A. Medium Resolution Spectral Imager. Referring to the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard the Earth Observing System (EOS) satellite series, this instrument has 20 channels for the FY-3A satellite. The MERSI channels are mainly located in visible (VIS) and near-IR (NIR) spectral regions while the Visible and Infrared Radiometer (VIRR) instrument has the important IR channels. These two instruments complement each other. The IR bands from MERSI and VIRR can also be used together with radiance measurements from sounding instruments for handling clouds in atmospheric profiling (Li et al. 2005). MERSI has five channels (four VIS and one thermal IR), with a spatial resolution of 250 m, which enables imaging of the Earth with high resolution in natural color during the day and high-resolution thermal IR imaging during the night. The MERSI channel specifications are summarized in Table D2 in the “Imaging instrument” appendix. It is planned that MERSI will be improved during FY-3D development. Five to six IR window channels will be added, and the VIRR will be removed. Microwave Radiation Imager. This is a conical scanning microwave imager at five frequency points with dual polarizations (10 channels). This sensor measures thermal microwave missions from land and ocean surfaces, and can measure various forms of water in the atmosphere, clouds, and surfaces. Because microwave wavelengths are much longer in the electromagnetic spectrum compared with visible and infrared wavelength, and at some channels the wavelengths can be longer than 1 mm, the imager can penetrate clouds, and provides forecasters with an all-weather measurement capability. At higher-frequency channels, such as 89 GHz, the scattering signature from the cloud and precipitation are also good indicators for detecting rainfall over both land and ocean. The spatial resolutions are from 12 to 80 km, depending on the wavelengths. Table D3 in the “Imaging instruments” appendix shows the major specifications of the MWRI instrument. Space environment monitoring unit. The SEM onboard FY-3A is a modified version of the FY-1 space environment monitoring instruments, with improved accuracy and measuring capacity for high-energy particles (see the “Space environment monitoring unit” appendix for details). PRODUCTS AND POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS. Products. A completely new ground system has been developed for FY-3A data receiving, processing, storage, and product dissemination since the year 2007. The calibrated and Earth-located FY-3A sensor data are called level-one (L1) data, with full resolution that is the same as that of the instrument. It is mainly for numerical prediction model use and further product generation. The atmospheric and geophysics parameters, called level-two (L2) data, are derived by using scientific algorithms based on the level one data. These L2 data are used for weather analysis, and environment and nature disaster monitoring. The 10-day, monthly, and yearly mean products are called level-three (L3) data, which are mainly for climate analysis. All of the products are constructed in hierarchical data format (HDF) and are easy for users to extract and display. The products are as follows: 1) Atmosphere and cloud products: atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles, atmospheric stability index, total precipitable water, cloud mask, cloud-top temperature, cloud type, cloud optical thickness, etc. (see Table 3 for details); 2) Land and sea surface products: vegetation index, land cover (vegetation type), snow cover, land surface reflectivity and temperature, flooding index, global fire points, sea surface temperature, ocean color/chlorophyll, and sea ice cover (specific products are listed on Table 4); 3) Space weather products: solar proton, solar ion, solar electron, potential, radiant dose, and single event. Table 3. Primary operational products for atmosphere and cloud. No. Products Resolution (km) Coverage Accuracy 1 Cloud mask 1 Granule 5% –20% 2 Cloud-top temperature 5 Granule 0.5–2.0K 3 Cloud-top height 5 Granule 50 hPa 4 Cloud optical thickness 5 Global 5% –20% 5 Cloud type 5 Global 5% –20% 6 Cloud cover (total amount, high cloud) 5, 10 Global 5% –20% 7 Outgoing longwave radiation at TOA 5, 50 17 Global 3–8 W m−2 8 Aerosol over ocean 1, 10 Ocean 15% –30% 9 Fog detection 1 Granule rms < 0.25 10 Total precipitable water 1, 5, 50, 27 × 45 Land, ocean 15% –25% 10% –20% 11 Precipitation rate at the ground 18 × 30 Global 30% 12 Atmospheric temperature profile 1000–10 hPa 50 Global 1.5–2.5 K 13 Humidity profile 1000–300 hPa 50 Global 15% –25% 14 Geopotential height 1000–10 hPa 50 Global 15 Atmospheric stability index 50 Global 16 Total ozone 50, 17 Global 8% –15% 17 Ozone profile 200 Global 8% –15% 18 Flux at TOA from ERM scanner 35 Orbit/regional/global LW: 10 W m−2 SW: 30 W m−2 19 Flux at TOA from ERM non scanner 120° Orbit LW: 10 W m−2 SW: 30 W m−2 AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY october 2009 | 1535 Table 4. Primary operational products for land and sea surface. No. Products Resolution Coverage Accuracy 1 Vegetation index, normalized differential vegetation index 250 m, 1 km Global 5% –10% 2 Land cover (Vegetation type) 250 m, 1 km Global 15% –20% 3 Snow cover 1 km, 5 km Global 10% –20% 4 Land surface reflectivity 250 m, 1 km Global TBD 5 Land surface temperature 1, 25, 50 × 85 km Global 1.0–2.0 K 6 Flooding index 50 × 85, 25 km Global TBD 7 Global fire area 1 km Global 5% 8 Sea surface temperature 1, 5, 50 km Global ocean 1.0–1.5 K 9 Ocean color/chlorophyll 1 km, 10 km Global ocean 15% –20% 10 Sea ice cover 250 m, 1 km Global ocean 5% –15% Fig. 2. The assimilation results of FY-3A sounding data. Potential applications. Here some data products are given as examples for FY-3A potential applications. The sounding data assimilation test. The radiances observed from MWTS from 1 to 20 December 2008 are used in the Global/Regional Assimilation and 1536 | october 2009 Prediction System (GRAPES) three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR) system (Xue and Cheng 2008). The results of geoheights at 500 hPa have a positive impact compared with those without FY-3A data, especially in the Southern Hemisphere. The regional sounding data assimilation is also Fig. 3. (a) Geoheight analysis field at 500 hPa of ECMWF and (b) prediction of NCEP without assimilating FY3A. Fig. 4. Nuri typhoon monitoring (22 Aug 2008) using (a) MERSI and (b) MWHS data. tested. In the study, 10-day radiances from the three sounding instruments (IRAS, MWTS, and MWHS) over the west part of China from 20 to 30 August are used because there are a few ground stations in that area. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) 3DVAR system is used for the test. The assimilation results indicated in Figs. 2a–d are the assimilation of MWTS, MWHS, IRAS + MWHS, and IRAS + MWTS + MWHS, respectively. In order to see the impact, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) geoheight analysis field at 500 hPa at 1200 UTC 27 August is taken as truth, see Fig. 3a. Figure 3b is the same as Fig. 3a, but without assimilating FY-3A data. The comparisons of each assimilation show that all tests have a positive impact, AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY but the impact is more positive with MWHS, and the impact is the most positive when all three sounding instruments are included in this case study. Typhoon monitoring. Figure 4 shows Typhoon Nuri located at 21.5°N, 115.1°E, close to the coast in a MERSI visible image with a resolution of 250 m (Fig. 4a) and MWHS 150-GHz brightness temperature at 0200 UTC 22 August 2008. The strong convective area is in the southern eye of Nuri over the ocean (Fig. 4a), and the corresponding blue color area in the microwave image may indicate rainfall. Figure 5 is a global image mosaic from MERSI with natural color and a resolution of 3 km. It can be used for weather system, land surface analysis, and typhoon monitoring. october 2009 | 1537 Get FY-3A data. There are several ways for users to get FY-3A data and products. First, FY-3A spacecraft have a direct broadcast system for real-time broadcasting of the science and engineering data of MERSI and the rest of the FY-3A sensor data. Users in the world can receive High Resolution Picture Transmission and Mission Picture Transmission (HRPT&MPT)/FY-3A Fig. 5. A global image mosaic from MERSI with natural color and resolution data by their own receiving of 3 km. facility. The international S urface characteristic monitoring . Figure 6 is a software package for processing the raw data of FY-3A global image of the land surface temperature image and generating L1 data is under development now and generated using MWRI data. This kind of product is will be available in about 3–4 months. Second, users compensation for using inferred data in a cloudy re- can get data products through the FENGYUNcast gion and can be used in land surface assimilation and system operated by the National Meteorological as an input to retrieve soil moisture. Figure 7 shows Information Center (NMIC) of the China MeteoGreenland sea ice monitoring with MERSI 250-m rological Administration (CMA), if they are within datasets on 16, 23, 31 July and 31 August 2008. The the broadcast range of telecommunication satellites. huge sea ice in the northeast of Greenland cracks and Third, a Web site system at the National Satellite thaws in short order, which is affected by the North Meteorological Center (NSMC) is available for all usAtlantic warm current. ers worldwide to download FY-3A data and products (online at Ozone product application. Total ozone amounts with full resolution of 50 km are calculated daily. The Forward look. The FY-3 series has two ozone status over the Antarctic was analyzed by using phases—one of that is experimental and one of that the retrievals from TOU. Ozone amounts started to is operational. The first two satellites (FY-3A/B) are decrease from 28 August to 30 September 2008. It experimental satellites. The purposes of FY-3A/B are reduced to a minimum, then increased and returned risk reduction in engineering, products development to normal around 14 January 2009. Figure 8 shows an and validation, and utilization demonstration in image of the deep ozone hole in Antarctic. some areas. The second satellite, FY-3B is planned to launch next year. There are four satellites in phase two. The satellite constellation for the operational phase (FY-3C/D/E/F) is planned with expanded sounding and imaging capabilities. Two polar satellites will be in operation: one in morning and one in an evening orbit; the payloads will be different for the morning/evening satellites. Weather purpose sensors will be onboard both morning and afternoon orbits while atmospheric Fig. 6. A global land surface temperature image from MWRI data. 1538 | october 2009 components sensors will be onboard afternoon orbits. One low-inclination orbit satellite is planned, mainly for precipitation me a su re me nt (m a i n ly radar and passive microwave measurement). Details are still in discussion. China will continue its effort to develop two types [Low Earth Orbit satellite (LEO) and Geostationary satellite (GEO)] of meteorological and environmental satellites to meet national requirements and to modernize the meteorological service of China and the world meteorological comFig. 7. Greeland sea ice monitoring with MERSI 250-m datasets on (top left) munity. The Chinese mete16 Jul, (top right) 23 Jul, (bottom left) 31 Jul and (bottom right) 31 Aug 2008. orological satellite program is one of the components of the space-based Global Observing System (GOS) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). It is believed that the Chinese satellites not only benefit the nation of China, but they are also a valuable contribution to the international meteorological, hydrological, and environmental community. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The authors are pleased to acknowledge the people who have made contributions to FY-3A and its ground segment developments. The authors also wish to thank the three anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions. REFERENCES Ceckowski, D. H., R. P. Galvin, and M. A. Kanalos, 1995: HIRS/3-ITS predecessors and progeny. Technical Proc. of the Eighth Int. TOVS Study Conf., Queenstown, New Zealand, ITWG, 87–94. Klaes, K. D., 1995: Preparations for ATOVS data processing in Europe. Technical Proc. of the Eighth Int. TOVS Study Conf., Queenstown, New Zealand, ITWG, 247–258. Li, J., C.-Y. Liu, H.-L. Huang, T. J. Schmit, X. Wu, W. P. Menzel, and J. J. Gurka, 2005: Optimal cloud-clearing for AIRS radiances using MODIS. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 43, 1266–1278. Robel, J., Ed., cited 2006: NOAA KLM User’s Guide with NOAA-N and -N’ Supplement. December 2006 revision. [Available online at AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY Fig. 8. The deep ozone hole over the South Pole retrieved from TOU. The unit of ozone is Dobson (DU). Smith, W. L., and H. M. Woolf, 1976: The use of eigenvectors of statistical covariance matrices for interpreting satellite sounding radiometer observations. J. Atmos. Sci., 33, 1127–1140. Xue, J.-S., and D.-H. Cheng, 2008: Design and Application of the Weather Prediction System (GRAPES). China Science Press, 383 pp. october 2009 | 1539 APPENDIX: SOUNDING MiSSION. Table A1. IRAS channel characteristics. Channel No. Channel central wave number (cm−1) Central wavelength (µm) Half-power bandwidth (cm−1) Main absorber Max scene temperature (K) NEΔN (mW m –2 sr cm−1) 1 669 14.95 3 CO2 280 3.00 2 680 14.71 10 CO2 265 0.59 3 690 14.49 12 CO2 250 0.53 4 703 14.22 16 CO2 260 0.26 5 716 13.97 16 CO2 275 0.30 6 733 13.64 16 CO2 /H2O 290 0.31 7 749 13.35 16 CO2 /H2O 300 0.24 8 802 12.47 30 Window 330 0.14 9 900 11.11 35 Window 330 0.12 10 1030 9.71 25 O3 280 0.16 11 1345 7.45 50 H2O 330 0.07 12 1365 7.33 40 H 2O 285 0.09 13 1533 6.52 55 H2O 275 0.11 14 2,188 4.57 23 H 2O 310 0.007 15 2,210 4.52 23 N 2O 290 0.006 16 2,235 4.47 23 CO2 /N2O 280 0.006 17 2,245 4.45 23 CO2 /N2O 266 0.005 18 2,388 4.19 25 CO2 320 0.004 19 2,515 3.98 35 Window 340 0.004 20 2,660 3.76 100 Window 340 0.002 21 14,500 0.69 1,00 Window 100%A 0.055%A 22 11,299 0.885 385 Window 100%A 0.067%A 23 10,638 0.94 550 H 2O 100%A 0.060%A 24 10,638 0.94 200 H 2O 100%A 0.041%A 25 8,065 1.24 650 H 2O 100%A 0.075%A 26 6,098 1.64 450 H 2O 100%A 0.054%A Table A2. MWTS channel characteristics. Channel No. Central frequency (GHz) Main absorber Bandwidth (MHz) NEΔT (K) Antenna beam efficiency (%) Dynamic range (K) 1 50.30 Window 162 0.16 94.9 3 ~ 340 2 53.60 O2 356 0.15 94.8 3 ~ 340 3 54.94 O2 375 0.09 95.6 3 ~ 340 4 57.29 O2 316 0.17 94.7 3 ~ 340 1540 | october 2009 Table A3. MWHS channel characteristics. Channel No. Central frequency (GHz) Main absorber Bandwidth (MHz) NEΔT (K) Antenna beam efficiency (%) Dynamic range (K) 1 150(V) Window 1001 0.9 ≥96 3 ~ 340 2 150(H) Window 987 0.71 ≥96 3 ~ 340 3 180 ± 1 H 2O 481 1.01 ≥98 3 ~ 340 4 180 ± 3 H 2O 1034 1.06 ≥98 3 ~ 340 5 180 ± 7 H 2O 2186 1.19 ≥98 3 ~ 340 APPENDIX: OZONE MISSION. Table B1. SBUS channel characteristics. Channel No. Central wavelength (nm) Bandwidth (nm) 1 252.00 ± 0.03 1.08 ~ 1.16 2 273.62 ± 0.03 1.08 ~ 1.16 3 283.10 ± 0.03 1.08 ~ 1.16 4 287.70 ± 0.03 1.08 ~ 1.16 5 292.29 ± 0.03 1.08 ~ 1.16 6 297.59 ± 0.03 1.08 ~ 1.16 7 301.97 ± 0.03 1.08 ~ 1.16 8 305.87 ± 0.03 1.08 ~ 1.16 9 312.57 ± 0.03 1.08 ~ 1.16 10 317.56 ± 0.03 1.08 ~ 1.16 11 331.26 ± 0.03 1.08 ~ 1.16 12 339.89 ± 0.03 1.08 ~ 1.16 Cloud cover radiometer 379.00 ± 1.00 3 + 0.03 Channel No. Central wavelength (nm) Bandwidth (nm) 1 308.68 ± 0.029 1.06 ~ 1.13 2 312.59 ± 0.029 1.06 ~ 1.13 Table B2. TOU channel characteristics. 3 317.61 ± 0.029 1.06 ~ 1.13 4 322.40 ± 0.029 1.06 ~ 1.13 5 331.31 ± 0.029 1.06 ~ 1.13 6 360.11 ± 0.029 1.06 ~ 1.13 AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY october 2009 | 1541 APPENDIX: THE EARTH RADIATION MEASUREMENT. Table C1. ERM major characteristics. A: Scanning mode Channel 0.2 ~ 4.3 μm 0.2 ~ 50 μm Field of view 2° × 2° 1.99° × 2.01° Scan range −51°10´ ~ 49°38´ Radiation range 0 ~ 391 W m sr Calibration accuracy 0.82% Sensitivity 0.15 W m sr Stability (2 yr) <1% <1% Channel 0.2 ~ >4.3 μm 0.2 ~ 50 μm Field of view 120° 120° Radiation range 0 ~ 370 W m−2 sr−1 0 ~ 553 W m−2 sr−1 Calibration accuracy 0.79% 0.61% Sensitivity 0.21 W m sr Stability (2 yr) <1% −2 −51°10´ ~ 49°38´ 0 ~ 547 W m−2 sr−1 −1 0.65% −2 0.27 W m−2 sr−1 −1 B: Nonscanning mode −2 0.23 W m−2 sr−1 −1 <1% Table C2. SIM major characteristics. Irradiation range 100 ~ 1400 W m−2 Spectral range 0.2 ~ 50 μm Sensitivity 0.2 W m−2 Calibration accuracy 0.5% Stability (2 yr) <0.02% Quantization 16 bits APPENDIX: IMAGING INSTRUMENTS. Table D1. VIRR channel characteristics. Channel No. Wavelength (μm) Dynamic range Detecting sensitivity 1 0.58 ~ 0.68 ρ: 0 ~ 100% ρ: 0.016% 2 0.84 ~ 0.88 ρ: 0 ~ 100% ρ: 0.014% 3 3.44 ~ 3.93 190 ~ 350 K 0.25 K 1542 | 4 10.3 ~ 11.3 190 ~ 331 K 0.08 K 5 11.5 ~ 12.5 190 ~ 333 K 0.10 K 6 1.54 ~ 1.65 ρ: 0 ~ 90% ρ: 0.013% 7 0.44 ~ 0.48 ρ: 0 ~ 50% ρ: 0.014% 8 0.48 ~ 0.52 ρ: 0 ~ 50% ρ: 0.016% 9 0.53 ~ 0.57 ρ: 0 ~ 50% ρ: 0.021% 10 1.32 ~ 1.38 ρ: 0 ~ 90% ρ: 0.042% october 2009 Table D2. MERSI channel characteristics. Channel No. Central wavelength (µm) Bandwidth (µm) Subpoint resolution (m) NEΔT ρ (%)/K (300 K) Dynamic range (ρ)/(K) 1 0.470 0.05 250 0.29 100% 2 0.550 0.05 250 0.20 100% 3 0.650 0.05 250 0.20 100% 4 0.865 0.05 250 0.23 100% 2.5 250 0.20 330k 0.02 1,000 0.045 80% 5 11.25 6 0.412 7 0.443 0.02 1,000 0.042 80% 8 0.490 0.02 1,000 0.045 80% 9 0.520 0.02 1,000 0.043 80% 10 0.565 0.02 1,000 0.046 80% 11 0.650 0.02 1,000 0.042 80% 12 0.685 0.02 1,000 0.037 80% 13 0.765 0.02 1,000 0.036 80% 14 0.865 0.02 1,000 0.037 80% 15 0.905 0.02 1,000 0.037 90% 16 0.940 0.02 1,000 0.034 90% 17 0.980 0.02 1,000 0.039 90% 18 1.030 0.02 1,000 0.047 90% 19 1.640 0.05 1,000 0.073 90% 20 2.130 0.05 1,000 0.068 90% Table D3. MWRI channel characteristics. Channel No. Central frequency (GHz) polarization Main Bandwidth absorber (MHz) Subpoint resolution (Km) NEΔT (K) Antenna beam efficiency (%) Dynamic range (K) 1 10.65 V/H Window 181.5/181 51 × 85 0.555/0.591 ≥94 3 ~ 340 2 18.7 V/H Window 213.7/220 30 × 50 0.561/0.763 ≥95 3 ~ 340 3 23.8 V/H H2O 406.3/413 27 × 45 0.50/0.538 ≥95 3 ~ 340 4 36.5 V/H Window 928/908 18 × 30 0.465/0.463 ≥95 3 ~ 340 5 89 V/H Window 2,366/2,391 9 × 15 1.069/0.893 ≥96 3 ~ 340 AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY october 2009 | 1543 APPENDIX: SPACE ENVIRONMENT MONITORING UNIT. Table E1. SEM major characteristics. High-energy proton detector High-energy electron detector Channel designation Ep range Channel No. 1 P1 3.0 ~ 5.0 MeV 1 E1 0.15 ~ 0.35 MeV 2 P2 5.0 ~ 10 MeV 2 E2 0.35 ~ 0.65 MeV 3 P3 10 ~ 26 MeV 3 E3 0.65 ~ 1.2 MeV 4 P4 26 ~ 41 MeV 4 E4 1.2 ~ 1.9 MeV 5 E5 1.9 ~ 5.6 MeV Channel No. 5 P5 40 ~ 103 MeV 6 P6 103 ~ 308 MeV Channel designation Table E2. SEM major characteristics (Ion detector). He 1544 | He: 11.6 ~ 104 MeV Li, Be, B Li: 24.5 ~ 215 MeV C, N, O, F, Ne, Na C: 61 ~ 590 MeV Mg, Al, Si, P, S, C Mg: 0.195 ~ 1.2 GeV Ar, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, … Ar: 0.29 ~ 2 GeV Fe, … Fe: 0.49 ~ 2.0 GeV october 2009 Ee range