driver lg mx7000
driver lg mx7000
B_=_TAVNLA._ t.ECOP'/' JUNE 1070 U,S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY OFFICEOF NOISEA[IATEMENTAND CONTnOL WadzinuIon. O.C.204(]0 SURFACE TRANSPORTATION EXHAUST SYSTEM NOISE SYMPOSIUM OCTOOER 11, 12, 13, 1977 Howard Johnson's - O'Hme Chicl_go.Iflinoh_ f i i. r Tabluof Cnntents AuriouIICEIIEtIT OF SURFACETRARSPORTATIOrl EXIIAUST SYSTEMROISE SYIIPOSIUM iv AGENDA vl IDTRODUCTORY ADDRESSFOR TIIESURFACETRArISPORTATIOrl EXIIAUST SYSTE_I IIOISESYHPOSIUI.I Hill]amE. Roper U. S, Eiwlronm_ntal Protection Agency IIEUCM TEST PROCEDURESAridEXHAUSTSYSTEHPERFOFCIAMCE PREDICTION P.O.A.L.Davies Uallversity of Southampton Southampton, England AUTOIIOTIVE EXUAUSTSYSTEMEVALUATIOM D. A. D1nser Field Dynamics Research Departl_nt Genera]rlotors ResearchLaboratories Harren,Htchloan TIIEIIET#{OL) OF fIEASURIFIG EXHAUSTSYSTEII fiOISE A STUDY OM THE IIEDUCTIOM OF TIIEEXIIAUST rlOISEOF LARGETRUCKS Mlnoichl Inagawa C_ponent TestingSection,TestingDept, MitsoblshlMotor Comnany KawasaklCity, tlana.rlalla: Japan ' •' .' ' :. , '% , , i 5 /,9 ?9 HETI+OD AridAPPARATUSFOR MEASURI)IG HUFFLEIt PERFOMAtlCE Peter Cheng StemcoManufacturing Co, LongvlekhTexas io9 OPTI|fiJH DESIGtl OF IiUFFLERS l)r,Donald IBaXa UnIversttyof Hlsconsln_ExtensionDept, Hadlsentk(l sconsln 115 DEMC|ITESTArR)AMALOGSIMULATIONTECIIRIQUES FOR ERGINE tlUFFLEREVALUATION Cec1_ R,Sparks ApplledPhysicsDivision Southvfest ResearchInstitute San AntonloDTexas 143 (; !i: :/ ,.,._,_........ _,, :,_,__._,t_,_._,_._(_)_V_ _ COt.i._IZllTS OilEVALUATIONTECIIIII_ES OF EXJiAUST SYSTEM IIOISECOIITROL CIlARACTERISTICS U. t_. Rowley Donaldson Co. l.linncapo| Is,I,II nn. A DERCII TEST FOR RAPIDEVALUATIONOF IIUFFLER PERFORMAilCE A. F. Seybert Dept.of rlechanlcal Englncerlng Universityof ICentuc_ Lexington,Kentucky 161 181 AflALYTICAL ADD EXPERIMERTAI. TESTIRGPROCEDURES FOR QUIETIIIG TIIO-STROKE EI_GIIIES 203 Donald L. Hargolls Dept.of HnchanicalEngineering Universityof California Davis,California POllEROR PRESSURE- A DISCUSSIOROF CURRENTALTERRATIVESIN EXIIAUST SYSTEMACOUSTICEVALUATIOII Larryd. Erlksson l_eIsnn Industries,Inc. Stoughton, Hlsconstn A COMPUTER.AIDED APPROACII TOIIARD PERFOR_RCEPREDICTIORSFOR EIIGINEEXIIADST HUFFLER John E. Sneckenberoer l_est Vtrgtntn University College of Engineering Morgentovm, W, Virginia REVIEll OF INTERRALcOr_DUSTIOR EflIIIREEXIIAUST IfllFFI.IRG IlaIcoIm J. Crocker Ray N. llerrlck Laboratories PurdueUniversity Wesl Lafayette,Indiana SIIOCK-TI/IIE flETIIODS FOR SItlULATIIIC, EXIIAUST PRESSUREPULSES OF SMALLIIIGtI-PERFOfi_RCEEflOIffES U. Sturtevant CaI1fornlaInstltgte of Technology Pasaden_ _ California : ; " " CORRELATIOrl OR riOTIIETIICErl flEIICII.TESTS AridOOTSII)E IIEASUREMEflTS FOR SrlO_10UILES Jean Rlchols Bombardier ResearchCenter Valee_rt,Quebec Canada 233 ;267 29_ 3_9 3t_i IIEASURI]IUIT OF UI(ilfIE EXIrAUST NOISE IN nY$1ArlOfl[TER ROOf,S James if, Hoore John Deere IIorfcon l.$orks IIortcon. I./t_co,stn TIE APPLICATIONOF TIIEFIIIITE ELEIIEIIT IIETIIDD TO STUDYIIIG TIIEPERFORttAIICE OF I(EACTIVE & DISSIPATIVEfIUFFLERS IYITII ZEROMEAN FLOh' A. Craggs Vept. of tlecha,lcal Enolnoerin9 UnIversltyof Alberta_Ed_ooton Alberta,Canada A COrIPARISON OF STATICVS. OYNAtlIC TESTIIJG PROCEI_URES FORHUFrLEREVALUATIOn| H. L. Re.el _(al ker llanu facturi no Grass Lake, Ilfclllgarl L)ISCUSSIOR OF PROPOSEDSAE REC(_IIIENPU) PRACTICEXJ1;_O/, I'IEASDRELIENT PROCEDURE FOR DETEIVIINATIDII OF SILEIICER EFFECTIVENESSIN REI)UCIRG ERGIREINTAKEOR EXtIAUST SOUrlD LEVEL Larry J, Erlksson RaisonIrtd.strles, Inc. Stoughton, Nlscons|n A TIIEORETICAL EXAHIf_ATION OF TIlE RELEVANTPAR/_flETERS FOR I)VIIAIIOHETER TESTINr, OF THE 2-(_TCLE ENGINEMUFFLERS ProfessorG, P. Blair PepartmenLof _lech_nlca] and IndLas_rtal En91neerln 9 The queen'sDnlverstty of _elf_st 397 4Ol 417 435 449 PARELIll SCUSS[01( 49? LIST OFATTErlDE£.S 547 =. t& IL:L ,,w (i_._i_ r_cw_' UNITED STATES ENVIRON MENTAL PROTECTION WASHINGTON.O.C. 20400 AGENCY August 16, 1977 SURFACE I_{AHSPO|_TATI(3H ETJIAU_ SYST_ HOISE S_MPOGIUM Sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency and McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company at ilowsedJohnson's - O'Ilsre,Chicago, Illinois on OctoDet Ii, 12, 13, 1977 The U.S. Envlrons_ntal Protection Agency/Office of Hoiee Abot_nt end Control (EPA/_AC) has initiated studies [_r_uant to requlrem_nts established under Section O Of the _IolseControl Act of 1972 which may lend to Federal rec_lirernenta for the labeling of aurfac_ transportation vehicles _nd mufflers with respect to noise. One study is designed to e_sess the methodologies available to measure and communicate the noise reduction characteristics of surface transportation vehicle exhaust syet_s. The informetion c_m_mlcated may be actual sound levels or Infotmatlon Ielative to sound levels (i.e., verlflcmtlon that a vehicle with a pattie%flata£tennarket muffler installed will meet an applicable standard), or other Inform_tlon such as warranty clsi,_, proper maintenance and operator instructions, etc. The information would be used by dealers, repair faoilltlen, enforcement personnel and the general public. The other study is to exploteoswnues available to coma_nicate to consumers the noise dmracterlstlos of surface transportation vehicles (e.g. total vehicle noise, interior noise, etc.). This second st_ldy,h_ever, Is not the subject of thls _ymposlum. In m)pport o_ the exhaust syatelnprogram the f;PAdealres In_ormatlon on Possible testing procedures which could be used in a Federal muffler l_bellng requlr_nt. F2h needs to know whether standardized procedures exist or con be developed that can be used to characterize _ffler perre,manse without having to test exhaust m]at(m_ installed on the vehicles for which they are intended. To g_in the necessary information, EPA is sponsoring n three day symposium scheduled £or October ii, 12, 13, 1977 in Chicago, Illinois. Inp_|tsfrom Irx_ustty,research organizations _ed other interested par_les are solicited to provide inforl_tlon to the gov_lm_nt on appropriate procedures. I Iv Papers submlttnd for presentation should be dlreetc,_primarily to bench test procedures and their relationship to total vehicle sound level m_thodologies for use in a Federal regulatory tegulrcment. The methods dlscussc_ may include the following: o o o 5ystem testing using a standard sound source, enalytleal simulatlon techniques, and combination of testing and analytical methc,/s. Information that _st be developed on veblele or _ine sound characteristics (other than total vehicle-no---Ise) to _iko muffl'erlabeling u_ful _ould ales be aOdresaed. While the prlma_, [x_rpo._e o[_ the efmposium is te assess "l_nch test m_thodologies" and their use in a Federal regulatory requirement, it may be necessary to address other testing m_thodologies, in the event that a suitable b_noh test meth(x}ologydo_s not appear to be available. In thls light a limited n_m_b_ro_ papers will be _ecepted on stationary (near field) and dynamometer test m_thoOs, results and their relationship to moving vehicle nolae test _thoda. SIx aeselons of In-Oepth p_p_re _a planned to c_vec all aspects e_ e_haust ay_t_ b_nch testily. _]ree planar, sessions will be held e_phaei=ing the appllcat_on of various _snst system bench test methods. Mote Information lily be om:atn_ froml Envlronmen_alprotection A_ency JohnThomas O(_ice of Noise Ab_tm0ent _m4Control (P_471) Environmental Ptotechlon Agency Washington, D.C. 20460 Tell (703) _57-7666 Mc_nnellM3ou_las Aatrsnautlcs Co_ _. T.Odds McDonn_ll-Donglas Aetronautlca Co. 5301 Boles Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92467 Tell (714) 896-_412 Abstract O_ pa_ers shonld b_ submitted to E. T. OdOo, _AC September 19, ,1.977. Room ecco_mDdatlons can b_ arranged no later than atl Howard Johnson's - O'ilare 10249 West Irving Park Ro_d Schiller Patll Chicago, lllln_is 60176 Tell (312) 671-6000 _,, ,, '[ 2 (_,._,_) _(_1L_ UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 TIIESUAY IIOCTOBrR £J'30 - 9:30 (litre 9.30 Reotstratton Openin9 Address EPA. kla$1|ington, D.C. SOUIIDGEtlEI/ATIOllBy AII IIIT£RIIALCO(II)USTIDII EItGIflEEXIIAUST A. J. Uramaer_Ilatlonal Research Councilof Canada, Ottawa, Canada (Paper not available) TEST PROCEDUIIES _llO EXIIAIISTSYSTEtl FERFORI$_tICE PI(EDICTIOffS P.O.A.L.DaviesI.S.V.R.pUniversity of Southarnpton_ Snnthampton, England Z:O0 pm AUTOIIOTIVE EXIfAUST SILEIICER EVALUATIOII Di_lght lllaser, GeneralHotorsTccbnlcalCenter_l_nrrenp lllch. TIIEIETfIODOFIIEASUREHENT FOR EXIIAUST SYSTEII I_OlSE Illneichl lnagawa, Iittsubishl I1o¢or Co,, ilanngawa,Japan NETIIOI_ AtIO APPAI(ATIIS FORHEASUI(ItlG @IUFFLER PEllPORt_tlCE PaLer CIleng, Sternco/If9, Co,, Longvlew, Texas CO('IPIITER PROCEDUREFOR ASSESSIflG IIUFFLER PERFORIIANCE I)olmld E. IIaxa,University of Hlaconsln, J_dlson, kilsc, klEDIIESUAY 12 OCTOBER V:30 - 9:30 am lle9tstraLion IEtlCH TESTSAIIi) AIIALO_SIHULATIOIITECIIIIIQUESFORIIUFFI,Efl EVAI,IIATIOI# Cecil Sparks,SouUn:I:sLresearchInst.,San Antonio,Texas _l I g, CO_IlEflTS Ofl EVALUATION TEC/f/IIQUES OF EXIIAUST SYSTEI.I IIOISE cOrITROL CIIAMCTER|STICS D, H, Rowley,DonaldsonCo,, /llnneapolls_ Hlnn, vl, I b 3 OErIEIITESTFORflAPlOEVALUATIOU OF IIUFFLEffPERFORrlAMCE Andre_ S, Seybertj Untvers]ty of Kentuekyo Kentllcky ArlALYSTICAL ADO EXPERIIIEIITAL TESTXIIG PROCEDURESFOR QUIETING T_IO-STRDKE ENGIRES L).llargo]ls, Unlversltyof Ca] Davit,Davit,Calif. 2:O0 pm POWER OR PRESSURE - A DISCUSS{OR OF CURRERT ALTER{IATIVESIll E.DAUSTSYSTEI4 ACOUSTICEVALUATION Larryd. Erlkssen,Re]sonIndustries,Inc.,StouDhten,lflsc. A COIIPUTER-AIPEU APPROACII TOWARDPERFORIIARCE PREDICTIONS FOR EIIGXIIE EXIIAUST I,IUFFLER John _. Sneckenberger, West VlrglnlaUn|versity, llor(]antown, VA I]EVIEW OF IflTEIRIAL COIIIIUSTIOD ErlGIIIE EXHAUSTIIUFFLIIIG tIalcolm J. Crockerpllerrlck Laborator|es_ PurdueUniversltyj Ilest Lafayette,Ind. SIIOCK TUllEIIETIIODS FOR SIIlULATIIIG EXIIAUST PRESSUREPULSES OF SIIALL IIXGHPEIIFORIiARCE EtlOIDES D. Sturdevant,CaliforniaInstitute of Technology, Pasadena_ Call{, TIIURSIIAY 13 UCTOGER _J:3U- 9::I0am Reglstratlon 9:30 _nP COI(RI_LATXO{I OR IIO,GETIIEER IIEIICll TESTS AGD OUTSIDE_IEASUREIIENTS FOR srloI#,IDUILE EXIIAUST SYSTE{IS Jean Rtchols, IJolr, bardier ResearchCenter,Valco,rt,Quebec A flETIIOU OF _IEASURIIIG EIIGIIIE EXIIAUST llOlSEIllA flYR/VIOMETER ROOII James W, lleorej JohnDeere,llorlcen I;orks, llorican, IVlsconsln TIIEAPPLICATIONOF TIIEFIIIITE ELEIIEIIT IIE'rlloI) TO STUI)Y TIIE PI:RFOI(flAIIC[ OF REACTIVE& IJISSXPATIVE IIUFFLERS WITII ZEROlIEAll FLON A. Crag,qs, University of Alberta,Alberta,Canada COIIPARISO{I OF STATICVS, DYIIAIlI¢ T_ST PROCEDURESFORIIOI_PLER EVALUAT{ORS W, Roncl,llalker IIan_factnring Co.o Grass Lake,lllch, IIISCWSSXOR OF PI{OPGSED S.A.E.I{_C(]IIIIEROEO PRACTICESJ1207 IIEASIIREIIEDT PROCEDUREFOR DETEI;IIRATIOfl OF SILENCEREFFECTIVEIIESSIN l_ElIUCIIIG £OGIIIE INTAKEOR EXIIADST ROISE Larry J. Erlksson,[Iclson Industries,Inc.,StrIuqhten, Hlsc. ; vll 2:00 - 4:00 _n I)ArlEL DISCUSSIOtl CoJltrlbuted Paper- Unableto AtteJ_d A THEORETICALEXA_IrIATION OF TIIERELEVAIIT PARAIIETERS FOR DYrIArIOIIETER TESTIIIG OF ;_.CYCLE El{nixiE r.IUFFLERS ProfessorG. I'.B]alr,QueensUniversityof (_e]fast, Belfast Ireland rl i vlll OPEIIIIIGADDRESS SURFACE TRArlSPORTATIOll EXIIAUSTSYST[!tS rloIsE SY_,IPO s IIJP1 by Ifllliam E, Roper U, S. _nv_rollr_ionta] Protect|oaAgency It Is my p]easureto welcomeyou to ZPA'sSurfaceTransportation EzhaustSystems(]elseSymposiumhere in Chlcago. Thls Is tilefh'st nmjor actionEPA has undertakc_+ throughthe]abelillci relatedrespenslbIIitlesof theAgencywith regardto systcsts and componentsused to a largedeuree h_ the surfacetranspertatlor_ vehicles. In the past, EPA has set legalnoise standardsformediumantlheavy trucI:s antlhas reccrJtly proposedttoise'cmIsslm] standardsforbuses, tr,cl:-mountcd solld waste compactors,and truck-mo.nted rnfri(Iorat]on units;in addlttonto a nllmber of other standardsapp|fcablete non-surface transportation type vehtc]cs. On al| thesevehlc]es,theexha_tst system Is one of the Importantnoise sourcesand in some cases tile prhlcipalsourceof noise. TllrmLqhout the ]ireof a vehicle,components of tileexhaustsysCcm,particularlytile mufflerand portionsof tile exhaust tubh19are rell|aced as a rmitlnemaintenancepracticeon a cyclicbasis throughoutthe osefullife of thevel)ic]e,l+ecaLnse of these cl|aracterlstlcs_ vehicleexhaust systnmsappearto be a good ct_ndidate far consldcratlonhl a Federallahelln9l>rouram. i _}_+v+.++,_._,+. ' ".,+.v,,G.'.+:.', "+'+_+:+'-+-_++'_ ........... •t + + ,' '............. _'-++'+" +,_+m .-",' CX -J -,:++ +or ,+_.d,i+ EPA has alreadyl_,pluJ:_(_J_tud {ts guneralpolicy on l_o{ se labelhvJ and recentlypublisheda noticeof proposedrulemaklnglayingthe criteria far such action. The specificobjectivesof EPA's labollugproqram in the noisearea include: (I) Providingaccurateand understandable informationto product purchasersand users regardingthe acousticalpurformal_ce of designated productsso that meaningfulcm1_parlsons could be made concerningthe acou_tlcalperforn_nceof the productas part of the purchaseor use duclslon. (2) Providingaccurateand understandable informationon product noise emissionperformanceto consumerswith minimalFederalinvolvoJnent, (3) Promatlngp_ibIie a_'tareness and understanding oF env|ron_lental noiseand the associatedterms and concepts. (4) Encouragingc_'fectlve voluntarynolso ruductionand noise labelingeffortsQn the part of prodoctmanufacturersand suppliers, At thistime| our studyeffortsare directedprlr_rllyat the assessment of avallablemoasurmmentmethodologytechniquesto adequately def'Ine Qxhaustsystea_ no_se performance. Clearly,the developmentof an o_ceptablomeasurementmethodologyto be used to detorLflne the approprlateacousticperformanceInform,aLlen i$ centralto being Able to properlylabelAn exhaustsystemor exhaust system1 c_mpnnent. To assist the AgencyIn carryingout thls task,we have contractedtiwh Ilcl)onoe)] UouglesAstronaotlcsCompanyto providetechnlcalsupport in this specific Area. A portionof tholr contractcalls for tl_ assessmentof oxlstln9 I, 2 alld proposed total vehicle sound tesLin!l i_]othodologius to report on the status of current muffler labelhHi required by |:ederal_ Stated or locQl regulationand voluntarylabelimlprogronls, developnlent of a general description of the currellt aftermarket muffler industry and to organize and qsstst tn conducting this sb_posfumof achno_dedg_d muffling expertson the feasibility systole of usin_Jnlethodologtes other than hose-line total vehicle soundprocedures for uvalnatJegexhaustsystem noiseperformance. _le recognize 'that the area _e are about to emhark on |s one of m_ny technical cutup]]ca tIorls and has equa]]y s|zable tions In order to effectively or user. Tile Initial Orovhle simplistic specifically hfforn+ntJon to a consumer step hollever, pan,lies the develo_ent able _ea=(_renlentnletllodology to identify exhaust systms. cor_TrlUntca tiOII Co,, ,;"1 |ca- the aco,_tic performance of _he sX_posJumfor tile next throe days is designed to focus on this Issue leith porticular of" bench test procedures and tholi" relationship level methodologies. em(d_aslson assessment to total vehicle souod The methods that will he presented end reviewed in the followIn_j throe (lays will include hat not he lJmtted to: fiysten testing us|n9 a standard sound source, analytical and combination of testin_ and analytical For the next three days, _.lewill so_neof the best expertise available a constructive of an accept- sle_ulatiorl techniques, nlethods. likely hove assembled in this rum on this subject. I hol_e that through and obJecttw: Interchange of ideas, t:e as a group Illll able tu focus on the Issues and develop specific be recon_endatlons for testing of exhaust systenls that can be related to total vehicle sound levels and have potential 11 use In a Federal rooulatory labeling program. IIEHCHTE_iTPROCEDUIIESAND EXIIAU_T5¥STEH P;':£1FORHANCE I'RE_IC'IIOt_ by P.O.A.L. DAVIES ,_D_RY Thim contr£bu_ian A rational approach on stnc_c tcat qttnnclCativt_ rcvicwa cha prc_cnc Co exhaust of of dcvclopmenC ay_tcm pcrlo_m_nco =valuation bcd mcn_urc_ncnC¢. nndcr_cnndinB atat_ _Jia dcpcndn ch© P.cncration o£ hawed on a primarily rind propasncion at _onnd cIlerSyin dutch which arc carryLnS a hoc, hitchv©locicy nat £10W, Elcwncnca o/_ ch¢ approach _'or chtti'4cL_rl_[t3R £or 4dcqu_tal7 appropriate _otl_'ce_p cha modclling precaution© are dc_cribed nn_tlyt_C thQ acoustic £or ©quiwlent_ to output. reacriv_ comparing i experimental mathnda o£ _yntcm inter-component rnl_tinS A u#o_ul in co_poncntn s interaction# ttrm_ o£ Crantfar the pr_n_ur© ransn of linesr nyntem component= _,_ d©#t:ribodo bench _aa#uremenCa ae_ o£ practical 1 I_cl:hod# aLcuacion_a whet= nourc# than= Component _odQla Ar_ ©xprtaacd input lnclud_ #yaccm can hc _InporcanC, _ntmrAction_ or their or bchaviouc ca=caning and a ¢chcm_ £0¢ Ldcntl£y£ap_ which with prcdiccioas _nalTCic 5 _odel# at for Exaraplcl are pra_c_c_,d for Che U.IK. ql4iat ay_ccma tncludin8 _trice_. m_d volum_ velocity t rcpranentttLva liter}' Veh_cla Project. BEt;CIITEST IHIOCh'I)URESAND EXItAUST SYSTI'tl Iq'](FOI(HAtICE I'REI)ICTION I. INTRODUCTZON A aystcmatlc and rational approach to tile control of piston cntllnc Inr_tkcand exhaust nola_ rcquLre_ a quantltar:_vc_pacificatLonof chn silences//rcqIJircJ_iclltU_ w_th n procedure for the quantLt_itivcevalua_lon of uy_tc[,acountlc and mechanical pcrformunca. Thi_ contribution reviews tha prc_cnt _tatu of dovclopmcn_ o£ such an approach _hlch iu b_ed bench tc_tlnfi. on Such tents concern pr£1narilytent bed i_enuurc,lcntu wlLh a _utmln/i¢nl;ln©,but uom_ of thu details required £or r_odcllInll _yntcm elements and their behaviour have bccn provided with special cohl flos¢ rLg_. _Je prcdlctlon of nyo_cm pcrforrn_ncouuually concartl_{:hecalculatlon of tlm tr_m_por_ of acoustic ©nc_r/_y throulih_ho _syattmfrom the _ourc¢: _o tI,_outle.twhore, it _n r_idiatcd, Ill. For this.on0 requires a ucc of rnod_lawhich de_cr/b_ th_ acoustic tranofc_rchsroct_rla_/.coo£ _ach =y_©m ©l_menc in qunntita_Iva tcri_a 121_ with .n analytical procedure for colnbinLn_the =lement= togcthar to da_crih_ ¢ha ov©rall tranapor_ o_ eoc_r_ythrough dascr/bcd /_n ©l©m_nt may b= th© comp1c_t=i;ystcm12. _[. as any part of th_ duct _yatcm propoSal/on of acouetle w_v=a (or _nntgy) connac_lon_ the =n_/nc. n©ction_ that has through an aff_ct it. on Thtm. o_ cozmact_n_ pipa_ tll_ in thin th,_ ope.n ¢Itd o£ the ayst=m and nny duct discontlnulry or mu_fl©r co_poztcncara all acouatlc ._Llencing open pip_ noise _pe_rl condition_ with tha deecript£on properly t r_quLram©nta _rn normally mc_nurer4ente, o_ tho statutory or o_ silencing ©valu_ted_ coverlna tim en/linn. _p©cif_cd also full note_ 1imLtn If by first operational Thin /nform.tion r_quirc_nentn. th_ 7 can d©tarfalncd p_rforrainll loml to provida _ qtmntitntiv© the open pips dnc_ b_ unad to d©_cribe and can th©n b_ compared nra the acoustic _ourne point lot the qu_ntltnglve _vnluatian of th_ Inl_c or ©xhaunl: nyotem chnract_rLnt_tce o_ th_ angina. _ia tnformatio_,provida_ a ntartin}l _couetLc performsnCao Thus open pipo meneuremcnta with a loaded ©osin_ ropra_ent ono _¢santlnl _,,._._...-'_.-'L_5.i_-.w;.....Z_.a._.,, .. ,: par_: oI th_ to_l: ptoncduro. 7 ................ ....... o..................................................... . , ,, : ._-,:_,:._,_i _ Acou'JtJc pcrfonaancc los0. open plpc and No_e tha_ thi_ remains _icn cmi_tcd definition chc thla ayt_tclai of acoustic bahnvio.r_ louu depending on aloha their length. exhauut and _ILi_ then For this o_ che_ in included int_k= cnfilne thu effect of the co_t and wcight_ control noJao Inscnlln_ion _Iowing on _coua_ic Y.rthonnor_ a_l¢l ill hot so significant tcp_p_ratnre gradlcnt_ cngln_ (or v©|licl_J sp©ed and op_rnr.lonal and gas prcdictlona and _u_flci=n_ co_ver_cd _y_t=m_ I:ona to Thn mann kinatLc nc_w nourc_ app©a,rin8 compon_nc_. system aoounl:io _lthcr Fioally_ tom[. bn re.d= rnu_t t'or thl= cn,;r_y at ncou=_tic ca=ray a_ broadband _lo_ charact©ri#¢[c0 i_ good may 6 thl: durin I:|l¢ gas tlo_ within the no_©_ _r =vht_nc_ chn an [5[ _or chris l,_rforlnanca during the _mbl_d al_o tnodiL+y ,_ziat which DII_ allownncu purpose. of tilers pP,rfo_manc= =_|_ficiently rapidly per_nr_nc©. chnng¢_ wlCh data con_trnlnta. annl),_i_, _|l_ _X|l_tli'_l: factors sd|:qunt_ to provldc n (lir_c_ c_ff_c_ on _cou_tic =£f_c_ _low Other the _y_tcm OOl.pOnCnt_ to _ _nd ©xhn_lnl: 6n= i= nonoally a =lani_ic_mt +rod _ficicncy. power dh_erzslonai or o_har hav_ con_Idaration¢ _o haw form'J I.Jrt rc_son trm_s- or c_]intl_t _ystcrllcolnl)oncnt_. pack._Ing tr+zn:nnl_aJ[on_ to _it in with _ea_t_rementn. m m _yutcm on _:ncCors Includa'thc Th_ a clc_irly Identiflabla [mr/or_r_nc0 can be a_t#e'J_cd in tc_nn o_ flanking duct. the l;cctlons of pipe ia not m_ approprl,ttc pr_tcticnl t;_ethodfat dc#cribina and b_ l.wc |,||that th_ rclatlvc or inlet sines rc_pon'_© of the rm_fflcr unit. t|l_ In_nk_ durnbilicy the exhaust the ayntcra each m_chnnlcnl minlm_=a ir_fluenccd by the i_ well under.toad, comnponcnts of H_chnnical thin i_ duc the source r_odlflcd, It ia well e'_tablished cnn be strongly happen |ha |or+called muse dlffcrence in tile sy'Jtcm and that t|l_ aco_£_t_c p_rforfnanc_] o_ in_tkc =nd emlttcd by _£n intal_c or c_haust. asz;urm_'J th+it the observed the |hufflet unit along should connactinll , of insertion l_res_urc |evcl b the noi_e by chc _i]enced a mulflcr unit per/at|santa poaitlonlng Soma terms unchanged. observed mi=slolt rc[u_t!ncc po[ntj bctwcvn the nolsc to thcpret;enccO£ of in described T]li_ cnn bc defined _i*Jthe dlff,_ruilcc in sound incasured ztC n fi×cd That is generally may also ;[lltltkn b= or CX|laUnR rcg_n,_rated tha_ cnEin_ char, fit= bre_thins _ngfaao I char_ctnrintics i. and cons_quvncly _he sot|re© acr=ngth o_ the pt;_a in for _[_ _FOC_C_U_'_!U _l1111ZIH|ryD _11C for iBto Im set of study 41rensp x_alncly: _l) Hcthodu b) The specification for measuring c) The /tuIJe_slueilt and o[ of e) A proccdur_ for api)ropr£tttc de_criptlon tile for knawl_dge ENERGY associated ::o snecify o£ elementu the nystcta, flow or internal inu_l'_tll'utneBt_ o_ or together to provide including all the predletinlI or detert,lnlng an _tn;llyni_. _m iutcr- tcchn[quea to identify can ovcr._ll problc,na interaction. conaldercd cxpuricnc% in d_ncrilm botlt =olutlona terms _lnd , lit the _ndlcath|g bc light the pur£ormcd .t tile of level cutrel_t of prese:_t con[ldcnce time. I'ROPAGATIOII IN FLON DUCT_ the with a_mpl_t aIRI boundary be ilow _ht_t_© _lt_ ve.locity in tcml)erltturcs charactet'iutics pet'fOrlntlliCt_ for nynte_a _:valu_ltio;i cqllflt_on_. at© o[ will propngatLon and enact rclatlvc _,1/_ transfer the lncludinB t_ourcv practicnl the momentum thca£r _ource. nle_r_ellt_. f_ctor_ and which Sotmd In ;icoustic their ,_lld collstr.l_nts oll procedure from of gbc_n motion I)nscd l)erformanc_ arinin_ 1_1_ wltll _]OW ,coustic tls_cmbl_nll bctt_een _yagem the elements An appropriate ACOUSTIC Eiltt sp._ce modelling nytltura llCt_OllU with IlerfOl'lD/lllCl_ generation. Hcthodz E_ch the faetora exampl% d) £) _y_i[t_m rcquiru.mei_t:l. operational pcrfo_nlll_c_# noise iH|d can u!;cfully bu subdlvidcd ch;lracterlslug silcnclntl For [e_t_.ll_ control inlet and cxl.iust nolsc [tlCclllln_cJ_ i bunch prediction /_lb'niflcllt|Cl-% 2, _or and can the b_ acouatLc he dencrilmd can Oil Coll_etv/It_on of ncolmttc t41tvtl I_Ot_OB In obtained b_havlour, conditions for Ilowcw=r, ttm_sminnion _orm of po_£tlon in the flowtl nnd thene rentrictiono rllBgc O[ dtleg in rt:main nolut£on con,idcrat_onn dincontinuttiea, tl,: Iql_ll if the ttlld Ill,el particln n comprchcnufv_ _l)_:c£al at l£uear O_ I;liltl_lI I:[lerSy term.n I_mnt practical by pr_unurc to I)_ on_-dJ_tucn=ionnl. condLtLona. obnerved Iltltlctl vnritttlon perh.spn n_umed ducta to thn duct. W/IV¢I lieometry r©nliatic may b_. n_cnnnary an wLll he "_hown latnr. Etnptricnt d_scriptions whorn, ay_ter_ element can be tim caue_ with normal lined .ith COll]lllll S an .all Pi_nt a_ flow mr,serials. noioe. way= propagation c rtlAtiv= .ourc_ of r©[l©ct_d_ to thQ Sat. c,n d_.ct_b, through orlflce_ tran_lain'Jton _tlong passages include flow-acoustic flow,separatlon or edge-Cones ouch behaviour i_ by a .avn ell. preinurn w,_w by which th. duct. _xcit©J are nl_o mechanism, the cnerBy thQ w_ve motion. ©:lerS_ ia t_n_rnitced bo_h wnw= Hith k + th_ u_v_ ct . coaf£ici©nt eravallins AC tacit n_ a nnw t4/lv© t||t with n ph.nQ on=-dim_noional Why© ptopn_l.Cion p+ at,,| pnr_iclt v.locicy v ÷ in v©loci W in duct. thn po_itiw m "ax pr_=aur. numbar r©prossnt¢ Similarly p- '_ p'ctl'(_t+k-x)t , , } 2.1(.I 2.lCh) _ndv=loc/ty _mpl/_ud.., _ St1. rnd/an N/(c+II) m 11 t:h_ thegn I_Iow velocity.and of wnv© an©rBy at it c|itdecay th. r_fl_cted ax _ ^- ni(_t:¢k- x v" ,, _ ),_,x ' Such duc_= *om¢ of th_ b©i._ whir. p+ and v + arcs th. " Some exnrnpic_ which p+ " _+_ti(_t'k+x)_ " ?. .Ions with necessary behaviour. trZlllnla[_'JloiI sound OLher .×ample. propagation b7 . goin_ (incid©nt) lr_quency_ acou.'ztic a.'_tmclated In flo_ cr_rSy di0continulcy _c,naind_r with or with become non-linear later. Acou_eic on. flowj per£ormancc a _trongly exmr,plc, abaorbin8 bainB provid©d duct for or grn_ing and alnplific_cion con0idcrcd 2.1 o£ ncouutlc exhibit, w_vn iu ,l_acribed prop.satan by 2.2i") , ;L2(h) whcrn k" - ml(c-U). An .lt_rna_iv. demcripcion _. to _xpr©a= _hc pr_ur_ _c b)" p+nim:_ "Tx, where T _"_+ _[[_. }4i_h hard wallad duels a._o add fl,tk+ uhila thn duc_ lmpedanca Z -pc, The sound preonur, the characteriatic and par_iclt _cnuuttc velocity imp_danc_ nC any point ot the n_ S"*. then girth by p . p+ + p'_ 2.3(a) v - v + ÷ v- 2o3(b) To represent diacontlnuLtlcsp one first notes that some of thv incldunt waw cncrsy will bc re[lactealand tlomu[:ranmnit_ed° The rarlo(u_unlly comple?O o£ [:hercflcc[:cdto incldenc wav_ _llnl_li[:u_le J [:urmed[:heru£1cctlon coefflclenc r_io c_pres_cd by P"- Z_- Z= . RQi_ ZD+ Zo 2..,'_ wizen [:he boundary condJ[:ion=aC the dincon_InuLt7 are =pcclf_cd aa an hnpcdanc_ Zo For an epe.nend, the phnna nnglc _tcan be ab_aln©d J_rom_he aolu_ion glv=n In 16J for zero flow. The appropriate vahm o¢ R for varloua flow Hach numbers O/c can be found in ilia relation= for n baJLfl©d openins can be found in Similar 171. _/©ll1©c=_ng|for uimpllclcy_[:h=a=Cenuation along th© d^uc=with 2,4 de=cr/bin_ condir:io_a a_ xot [:hen [:he prea=ure ampl£tude Px at _ny o=har point x in n pXain duc_ i= _£van by PX ^ M Po (e'ik+x where ka - _(k+ + k'). + _at_©Ik'x) ! - _/C(I-H2). _;i. ehowa that [:had/atone© between l:ha nodea o_ the _¢andlng wavaa i_ r_duced by _he factor_[:h £1ow pra_enC_ aomparad I:o oh= zero OJ__1o_' mod_£ea ! aleman ill) 2,2 flo_ ca¢_, _lm_ (I-H2) =he exia[:=nce =ha ;,requenclenat which Xe, nR[:lmoJ[ duel: (and oZ:her I_e_ona_, AcouaciC Conaervat_on rela_Ionah_pn for._IO_ duc[:a Nich plane _vae escla{ie4 in a _ni£orm _Io_ duc% 12] i_ _hare A in _ha 4uc_ nroa_-_ac_ion area, conservation oJ_ma_a _= Silnlblrly it con_ErvnLion of cml be energy =hewn iu that, for _ntlsfled i,JunLropIc COllditions, i_ (Z+H)_÷ + (I-H)[;- - a con=Umc. Givun a uni[or_u only, can duet 51101-/that non-dectlying woven %., p£ The oE length iu oe(p tc_p_rature duct wall Po_" and of hera. length cm| Iaccor ©n_ the with . . i_ duct n_ction ero._ nnd b* 121. reprenented and flow l L can by proparti©n well do_n_trem_ an_ can n_t ot_t Iiowuvarp in n loal b=for_ £nctar the _|I_ by the ¢ub_cr_pt the conditlann chambnr_ (but for n*_ 2 nnd nEBI©ct_n conncrvatton J.2 that _ntropy I 1). by F and the by a /_ch No. £1OW In tl|_ g|l_ conwniently ol_ 2./] chanson =to. along _o on. mignl£leant Ir_quellc thn n £rom of anntnnption eon_©qu|:ne dl_continuity and t,_d_ on tll_ r_qt|ire._ c_n ,lucre nc howev¢r, a. in I_ cOl,l}One.ntn be H_eeified both Eap_naton and th_ lo.=Ean two 1)© Evnlu_t_d_ rJght-hnnd p.rtic.larly occur i_ of H. cllnr.ccerl_ica tim b_ _atabli_hed, Flow then nyntt:m _'_nd oB_ alllO into 7.0 cnn ,l_,p©ndnng r=aHntic, =hn_ chnraegEriaticn r_f©rcnc_ . h_r,lly can mcnsurel_enta k*_ _-h¢ wt{v¢ mnplitud= Ag, tnantroplc Zg of include dc_rnliN_(|j n,ultJplying n ne_ativ_ l'cl.tionullil_ ) _valt_ impcdnnc© of + d{Icomponed Zoj modelling included'by or b_ for" by tO go t.l, flow 2.fl nEcc_nttry mclt_tlr_d ,ltnchnrge transfer defined flaw_ Po c_n _h© decay b_ i_ Ina_ I 8Lvan pip= dn_a. begin l_ llow_v©r op_n ©ntnblinlmd Po Zo b_f_r_ Po ° tim Since ult_,plc o£ tI,_ch nul_ber llnd of ina_ ^_ eik't. Po often it mu_n flow cnEr_y pc(p tl|at and i_rE_tl_ the + po) ind_cttt_n knowledg_ by are a utuady ncotlstic p¢ - ,tlld con,lition_ _low of ulltiziEiud %, -ik_t pOE termi||,_tion 'l_lJn g with consurvatlon 2.7 in Th© tr_n_f_ lJn©¢ n_g ehnnl_©, D,mcrlhing _ubncrlpt otlt i_ elm _countic I and rhone B chnngea In mean d_nzitT, o_ Inn_n _low_ energy _lnd i ,,omuncum flux acros, Conserver|on the di_contJltuity. of Irl._ iu u_|_rcs_ed by A÷ ^+ A2[p2(l.,2) - _;(I-_,_)] - ^i[p| (I+_==) - _;(Z-H_) + 6_1_].2.1o while conucrvatJon of cucrgy In t.ltisficdi_ where 7 i#Jthe r_=tioof £f ©he _pccJfLc ]leltcn. Homcntum l= conaervcd - _i'[^|(l+_,,) _1+ ,,| [^,(l-_,|) ] + 6^p,=_ 2._2 For one-dJlncn_ion_l(lot#,and known 8corn©try,{;heinc{dent _nd rcflccZ¢Id t.'avsmp_ nnd p_ n_ter '|:h_ d_.continuLW can b_ fOum| in t¢=_i,l= o_ the known incido, c and rcfl©ctml wavcI_bcf0re it. nf_cr th_ unknown loam factor 6 h_a been clImizu_c©dfrom th© thr_.ecquation=. chrec._q.aCions c_ltb_ tiS_d _O area dfeconc_nuiry. Other a =mim{,'lar nppro_ch. d0_£11© Thu= _hcmo A iron,for rclntlon_hip ,for any type= of dl=contJztuiW c_n bc trcnted One aho,.tld not= I:h,_t the phamc chsns_a uminS occt*'_'Ein_{ arc©urn tlm d_acontlnulCy c_m h,_dcccrmln©d from a non-propa_atinp_hi£hcr order mode analy.i_for The m=an ocouatic _coustic in_cnsity, zero _low.=hat =atlmflc= tim boundazy cundition_. ennray flux i= cxprez_cd per t,nI_" _cca of duc_, or the a. where p _nd v _r* the r.m.m, pr©nnttroan4 v©loelclc= ceapccrjvely _nd Cite overbar cepre_c_E_ the= bocomc=, u¢tns 2.6 x time _v©rn_e, ]rl Ecru= of ¢||ewnve romp©henCe and 2.7= = ..2-_-;_[(z.,_,? =-,(p't)_.-(1-_0_<(_ )..,.]° =.zs :Lylnbol < > rcprc,_ent_ where the term in the or th_ brackeCa incident _t_aln'Jt the while flora D or etler_y of divergin8 givea I_ith the energy flow flu_ waves, oxltau_C outlet in tl_e tailplpe Thlu Tile firuc flux reprc_ent_ reflected by the energy wave. uecond by the radiated the nett nlezin wduc, n0 an energy the carried the _ound by equatin8 apberLeally interprctml wave i_otions Tile level obtained cnn bc Liz]_in_ th_ title can be to that for a tailpipe of of a r/idiuu a _A 2 2 W|lC_ro Pr from PoCo "'lfl t|l_' r*gl, th= outlet. £lue_uating provided thv bohaviour pr_aented for many practical which oh© d=cay of for th_ th_ of To cornpl©t_ =om_ _xamplca aorac typical 5 ar_ ayatcm ia no_ =l_c:wh_r= h_r=. Kradie, nca =,mall=r ==ctiona conatant. diacontinuitiea enersy propagation rn_aaurcd with =.nbo o,,ndZ,, Izl;ll;ll in duct=, ch_r,_ct_ri=tica _low rLlia with A further rn_.a=mrcm_:nta with aeoun_ie 131,[q]. to tcmpvr_=tur_ into m_ =ubacantt_lly the th© t_inc© an alL=r- Axial ob_ain©d exnmpl© cnnc=rn_ io no.t r_trictive prcaant_d element= th© Eamuplea propugat=. b_acd on C_nt b©d or fie.ld The firat theory. can bu _xt=nd_d of acouatic pr_acnt=d where Ila_ b©©n deucrihcd ncroaa the tl)easurement_= Lh= analyai0 co;,paring ,ll=continutrita r known. charnc_criaticg _:_atric== can b_ reBard_d pr_a_u_tud di_tltIlc= to aituationa n=_,umption by auh-divid_nl_ thi_:ruview /I [it.'ld are acouutic tllia aound tran_miaaion on tim analynia itnpcdanc_ The analy_ia wnv=a aa thny tempnratur= Som_ e,xa_pl©a that aitapllcity, fit from free by linear trlmofur b= aqcon_odnted tailpip= _dJovc io reatrictc.d applicationa. uain8 I_lUll/Jurl_d radiation indl_atea r can bc cenployed to dctcn]_inc w,_yof ,l_acribinli Thoush omitt©d baaed 2,14 in tim preacnted approach may alao prcaugro level can b= clt,_rac'torlacd only ©f_=ctiv= 2.3 I|COLIUt_C _lacb nu*nb_r and _ra wher_ fl, Equation pressure Tile ,untlyaia nativ= pc r acrie_ _lCllCC_ o_ predlctiona of cor_Fari_on.n component= and '..d I1. =ne,r_y transport atro=_ a I "] __ contrnction which performed with acmz'_tic _ource. flow Nach and a higher ztlro lleoutltic Tim zero c_nct the with It n.mll predicts Flgur_ nnalyuin for _ero plttnta of wily© anttlyoin A _llcond e.x/lmpl¢ re,=ultn nrc conditton_ tile _pnrate_ _n_lynin that _ _rt _lm hi_hcr {Ill inveatiBntion an _ppropriate 'correction end o£ just wall lit the tile appro×ilnated by provides of plane in wave the the aa error. tile the seen ex*leg correctly. provideu of men be The frequency atlaly_lt* ttllaly'Jitl nidebranch, eaves, frequency ten ltdellUtlte dlt_continuity_ chltrtlctcritlttcn lind Figur© (:its end hall of 2(J) b©en t)u_ piptl_ the wigh hishcr order llow inod_iled roodc.t an_tlyml_ _how()del,st tile correction. in Thi. n_ thn pip= in thiD Cn_ th_ tim Inct that A detniled I101 if n top ohow/l thtt_ otdttr hltR cntl *,nnloS_uz thnt nllow_ prcnllur_ velocity _llnplitud_ and thnt thtt (in_lyni_, lind ehnngn .ho tilt: _?tlvt_ theory hiBht:r rltdlun Ill tt jot. re, reline laborlou_ phttun _llltt Cun:ming_ I)y plane by II tiidllbt'llnch include predicted _)e_tir_tnellt¢ prmlicted 2(|1). nl_o by correctly Ehitt t41th formin_ i}ret, ented with b_ lind inure tht_ art 0.6 C/tll/intlioQ dl_continuity adequately over the tr_m_.nltted lt11 _tre/i in tile order plane rondel contraction. closely that the ttmplltud= tim pl_lm) ohnnfie throughotlt calculation woven clmractnriuticn eolnpnrinon are pilate tile three change. problem charaetcri_tina be tile predict tnethodtl cll_r_et_ri_6icn Again correct of cnne_iitl at on for n eonutant however both phnn_ lift, timed prolll_. does at thill aroplitud= wiv©s i_ illuntrnttd boundary _loW amplitude defining th_ motion can.or the thi'J _howa f,icier trtmn£er anal_nl_ can and itle/l_uretnerlttl thnre of tim here ;It The 2.12_ formltlll intensity _Iade flow. to condition plpeu tnodeuj decay _low a high wove zero were _igurc. the hut tt coll,bin_ttioll moda the tile l(b)j description the in plllne for boulldacy outer radial with measure_entu 2.10 condition five shown the anttlysi_ and tnea'Jurelnentu provided hy equations velocity includeo correctly (exact) inner first rig a_uumlng velocity tile Contpnriuon which Thu_ mode The pre_;enLo prcdlctlon'J pnrticle I'o_ult in the pltrticlc flow l(a) repre.';ented betttoen includinll cold Figure order _uutly'Jlnj a nidebranch, _t 0pecial nulnberu) wave annuluo ineludelJ tt uyatenmtie I)e ¢nlculntud to tile well il_ l_pplied I by known for end t predicting fluid tile acouatlc inertia resonance effects appropriate at the discontinuity° or cot_tracLions to expanslong" in Figure 3. of organ 'lqm dotted line plpeo to account The end corrections in flol_ ducts indicates the lower for are illustrated frequency limit for propagating hiKhcr order modes when plane wave analysis breaks down. It can hc .qeen large area ration. _lmy become for A third with to match i which r©ported with th_ velocity £low rile ¢t u_n£ttl 2.4 Acouatie ineompl*t_ aourc_ nmplitud_a in 4. anlmunt energ_ unntendy of then@ prennur© with an altcrnatlvt by Atlara_ Thin lllu_traten th_ by dimensional verier reaaoninat a_ 1t5, whatn H in al: hifih_r a_ _irinll the frequencies th_ valve, in that the t©chniqu©= in flow alno an ntrnnBth rotational above. wher_ tile flow would I)n valve. high till ,mind The: 0,_ b_r_ mor_ ha_onic_ One can _how_ at any flzed np_=d. ptovidt_d by broadband 16 upncial dcncrih©d ductn ont_ cylinder. "the source and nt dincontinuit/cn neck, Th* primary at tile can ha for angina way that nnd oh_rvatlon_ of th© _ourc_. ptoee_ann fh|etulttinnn fr©quency in compar©d of the whil_ tha £r_qu_ncy npectrum connlnta o_ th_ firn_ lO0 or o£ tile _undamental and In] within predictions l,oden hltu b_en ar_a charact_rinticn pt.oblemn order annuli propallation flow avoidhlg high©r etc. of n_nteras without _nm_ eonni.d_ration by th_ neck, connecting tl|= |nodelling around advant_q_¢ includinl_ by chan_/n_ h_tween of £s wrapped added resonator thrce neountie and o_ ncouatic renonatorj the Flaurc a:;ra_mcnt in intake provided length_ eha:nber,. analynia can b_ modified effnc_ivvn¢==n An account duct be neglected folded a'he pr_dictionu for tailorins neuron= of htl_ tile at tit the mcaauremcnt.i the _1_ lilIlit the and could of pnckaglnE on ©nd correctiona The _ood illu=trat_= pipe aa a llultnholt= either Ilow Ix21. baaed £aatltr_ plpe'J geometry condition_ rc_onann© constraints. of A detailed Iml|ndn_y nyntem aa a percentat;e convenience ctoan excitation. approach open the performance Thi_ by Cu,untnan, nimplcr for aection. hiBh flow concern, cnn be regarded or a _idebranch, the calcul.tlons. exalnplc thetla ©_panuion _end to long connecting prediction Effectively avoiding corrections P'urthermorc, _mttll in practical the tile tJltlt Broadband flow can frequency noiao noi¢_ 8¢nerated ,eparatn. Thin spc:ctrume_llJbltsn fl_t peak at a charactcri_tlc Stx'ouhalmJmbcc FL/U of around uni, tys whcre L t0 a c]inract_r_stlc_cnlu of thc *Jo.rcerot;ion and U the pbane vclocJ.tyof the disturbances at|in8 a'Jsource_. noi_e will wlry_ at fi_cd frcqucnclco_ au N ?. No_c Such ccncratcd hy flo_ turbu]_nco at _he duc_ wall_i_bcx_dsetc. may al_o represent a ni_niflcant aourc_ of hlllhfrequency t_ound, Itu _tr_uLt_rh will v,lryaa VG_ where V J.nth_ _)eanduc_ flow velocity. modiflca Chc c_bauuC nolue s_;natur_ .JLnccJ.ct_n_h; Co rcduca tbo amplItudc of the low frcqucncy coiI;poncnt'n ar_slnf_from _atJrclc_ tln_ady proccu_. _t m_y add new uourcc_ of coit_Q/;cncra_edby flow Izltcraction_in tb_ turblnc or blowcr_ by _akc no_ chc blade_ or noz¢Ics and _o on. T[i_ntrcn_;tho_ _ucb _ourc_ [ram c_nda to vary _a Vo6 w|iorcV° i_ t|l_m_n _urb_nc ou_]_c J[_owv_lociLy. Tb_ cllaract_r/_ic _rccl_c_Clcaof _uch _ourcc_ i_hty bc |_{;I|,o_ thc ot'd_rof tlla curbina blad© pasning frequency and lib Tha aCr_nlltho{ chc nourcas a_oclatcd harmonics, wi_b the cI;_ne brcnthln_ of r.ha_urboch_rtic r caR ba studied and cvalua_cd on cho L_t bed. Flow noLne acd ncou_ric regeneration wJrb_itLbe =ailcnc_r_y_tcm rcprc_cn_ a dlff©r©n{:probl©m _ha_ can bnt:tcrb_ _Cu(|Icdwlth _p_cJnl riB_, Thc_© latter arc gcn_raiZy lowcr in in|cavity than tbo_a as_oclat_d with tile cnstna bu¢;are of pracslcal alr, nlflcanc_ _nca _hey #_t _n upper llmit to th© _xlrnpm atc©nuaClon tbnc ctm b_ obtained unlc_n car© i= taken co _nlmiaa them. Flo_ noi_a i_ broad band, generated by flow _cparnclona ac vaIw U,p_. band_, axpannlons, concraction_ n;]dby turbu),cncboundary l_y_r _Io_'. _I:i_ o_ most _ig'nJ, flc_ncs when an_pllfL_dby cavity resonances,whlcll plcov/,da _©cd back _o inccnalfy tli_court©. iroplnllemen{: o_ the Ja_ £ormcd at Hoia_ g_narat;;,on by the tb© cbnmbar antrancc an tbu lip of t)m ©_J,CpIpa in n _caa,|yfloatrig in illuntratad in FJ.gur_ _ nnd 6, Th_ b_o#d b_nd _pactrtunin Figur© .q)im_b©_n _aodularcdby Cttill)/p_ (p_aka) and chambar (trougba) Flfiur_ with pJp_ a©parnCion and wich flow ;:lle way aourc_ _trenath _t grecians, ,_callngthe mcaauremunu; to corrcspond Cn • 7_ _ di_m_c©r _racC_.cala©pararLons Iie clone co x/d - 2_ wh:re Cha ncrcngCh iu Cailpipa with a _'low f_ch nurnb©ro£ 0.26 at (_OO°Cylaldn a aound pr=n_ure 17 x/d 6 _.llustrat_a m _ varie_ raaonanc©_. wloc_ty. level of 05 dBA aC 7.5 toilpipe b_ '_uppre_. Fi_ur_ 7 indicat_a a perforated nren 7.Smra pi_ch BivinB by the pcrforata art in flow m_a_ur_.r_l|_t acouatic wart _1_ aolid aritticl lint, p_t£ormed by tha j©t nolo© and In £11rly and hav_ illuatrac© (a) a ralacivff ]tvcla _o htsh CO pr©dict©d berw*en by fittin_ tallplpt thin at amplification thn rc,onanc© complex perforated loyal _o 160 dB) in Fisur© _.rann£©r d_cribcd [lal, but 9. charntgearlier. Ila_l l)_©n aeudiad in connection eh= mccllttniam. _h© ruoulc. oound layar_ a_ (b) du_ and loyola can low forcin8 o cloat fiald+ pot©ntial nC intt_m0dtac© at illu_ratcd Other (,p of e.xci_ation b©haviour flow ri/_a atc:td)_ illuatrnc©d in transmitted vortax non-linear _o nyat_m. bccom_a nei_lialblc, trav©llin_ t|m when _harp ay_tem, to qunncify. Itwl_ that anti iadlcntea m_hod_ by I:be _|l_ar hiah RCt_eration 8 uhowa the atoplittld_ jet oE th© hal© bQ acceptedw it|oh tn|d©r,tood difficult /nor©an© _rantmi_aion and th_ Fortunately. well h.Smta dimnceer tone ,upply ar_ acouatic _xcit©d ampliiica£1cn when th_ /_hear lay©r £ttld b_en ton: rc_ult0 tile hol_ nc _.Olt.ii pitch Pitlura quick rcprcoent linear twice _hc deeall_ (ll=cr_© in a _ilcnccr gin[ll© of an acottatically • r_ non-lin_nr interaction with Som_ typical expnnuion of _tcI'o_ 5 _o tJ correspond trt:itted on kiln £i3ur_ 'Flit behaviour due F/Butch ;llld oiitlet pip_: boo about D had hole_ tlla_ mtl_ arc employed i_l t!alculatad l.gflln back pruoaur© pu[zalLy acout_lettlly inlet tile Clio order frequency in reducing oxcita_ion. ia of nre_t 0£ 27_. prc0aurc be eoztcrolled the of i_ to b_ avoided. value can behaviour perfornce 1£ hiBh dfr©citon a npccinlly ©xporimen_a with of the back o£ Tile uitit I ,in open (ain_lin$) ,pcrforac©a of heine Ilolea 2Ogp while can be critical chanaca for 8 tnvch_mi_m can If the perforitted pitch C bad atabbed of retention _atinitudv a mit_imum level producln the flap between cban_ed ia Lhc hol_ Pvrfor_tGa an open aource The ncou'Jtic uignificantly _trca t tha_ all.mater. at repreucnto noi.c by brldginB pipe. elnnl*bor lu not _lvinil thin how chin ill _[ren_tit 20X open Thi0 unle_a ed. or reduced with metrua. _el£-cxci_ttion of nppro_tch to _aturation (c) _ compl©x thn _ollnd forcing, be effectiv©ly by {:hemeaauremenc_ i _uppr©,,cd in ' An exafuplawhich lllu_trate'Jthlu hOllO _eneratlon mechanism in in©re detail that iu provided ta found at illu=trated that by the acou'Jtic_lly an expan'_ion. in Pigur© in predicted 11. Th_ obucrvation_ The acoustic by linear tho tJp_trel_m duct =yncroni_ed acoustic l_ M:own in Fitlure wave with with ll(a). _heddin_ ar_ and analytic Dtandlng analy01a vorc_× zero flow 1]O dB cncitation in 1111a wave can be deDcribcd by lho vortic== pa(_Pt) ,, l:aalnKlna form of tlm travelllna in Fil_ura jet ot excited but ll(b) flown can bQ el©only M [11[. It lielde. and then plotted prob_ devalol)ed n:_eociat©d with th© ahed from a number d_ ob=arvntlonl l_ an aatimaL© _v=-°k2x=i(WL e ratlmr than a pr©diction " k2x _) diatribution Th_ mean =quara ,for comparison microphon_ _iald by The cor_bincd pr©=eur= acouatin pot_ntlal haa been described PV(xP=) . in _igure i= the =urn of If(c), and o_ th_ uum ham b©cn calculated valuta with the potential obeervatione made with a tr_vc'llin$ _h= n_re¢_¢nt i= within the _ccurac 7 o_ the meaenrc_nte. Though potential which thz not fl_ld then o_ chambtr_ Acoustic may not la tempting charactcriatinu be the r©ault • t dl=continuiti_a. / / in free cnn int_r_c_ ntron$17. Thig gilt a_ct Tha rol_ and tnllplpo, euppraa= tim vortex unallectrd, It r_diatore th_ vortic©a may radiat_ _apannion cha_bor ©£ficl©nt formation to _|meularn of being of it epec_, with amplified n©arb 7 =urfaco= to happen by r=eonannn bridgn tim other wh©th©r= pothapa= found with til©ncar =imilar _cheni_raa travellins whuc nppearl tim perforate whila'lr._ving th_ within in the i_ thue to acoustic propertiee _an 7 Of the non-linear ¢lem©nta or silencer tyetem c|l_= include vortex _h©ddlng 3, HEASUIIEHE)_T AND I'REUICI'ION Au ouglinud i_ based ell opc:_ requlred an l)redictlon (un,Jilcnccd) in'Jertlon uniL_ the of For #inipllcity cterlt|tlc# l_ then au .milfler _ituat_d whnn the eM*auuL pip© _nor_ di**tribut_d uain_ maLricc_ Mmuhl _iv¢: I_Veciuely _1_in rrm_in tile the can tho zelatlon nu if ba_cd in flow th© analy_in. and hn_ hecn tCm*l)nratucc £1ow .hown condltion_ th_ and ***elf let Predicted eontainu two can be calculated tho nourco no|u# alre*.ly) tin*at here, Inpu_ The or hy end tw_ inetho(l_ on Lhn #aln_ nanump_ion_ to each _Icn*en_ In turn ellnrlzct_ri_It_ runnin_condi_ion_. d*m allowanc(* for chl# can b_ included Frbm _hag to of _;_|lll_t,q[_ frequency) bctw_nn will appropriate _nsino for each _Icme.nt. lon_ ehar_l- occeptnble an dc,cril)ed o£ tll_ l)rcucrilmd _.nEin© du_ tranufer _yutcm _yntcm ,,nl_ element. ealculnLed be chnrncteri_tlc nu Inns a_ tho inlmc aria(:, tly'JC_m with be apart. nnd r_flectr.d wovea #o th_ Ih, certainti#a each nlao lind o_.t well unite valid 'file the nttcnuation Thlu l)ipe between the aal,m reuultu) Inw_ri_-nc ad: each are B _IL Lhc the pipe predicted Mior_ r_prauenClnB condltionI% 1_ of Chcn ezh**uuC dlnehar_=. im_l volu,u,_v_loci_y procmh,rn _tnrLin #Fen los#. Lhu trnn_fnr Lrazmfcr boundary and relatively Lhu incidnnL |)re.hum and iu i:lirli*:r) ou_pu_ calculatint_ t|icn) can 191) the in:)ertJon near bed included. I_IIV(EIeli_DQlon_ .'l[ f_h_ l(]w_ wi_h workln_ a Le_t unit_ [hiu cli0_aLctc_i_tlc_° unity) mu£fler A_ la_In_Dlled lo_u Lhe run of e×hau_t I)/O Or _o_c ch_ and pcrfonnnncc_ Fo_ chnrilcteri_tieu e_ample _1_ the with or pipe acoustic on ir_u[flur lnz;ertlon tran'Jfcr for t.ken taken it* _iCuatlonI¢ where ll_ 41r.lellli_ two 'Jy_tClll idenlly_flr_t open Cranl;fcr (see may be #y_t_m th_ The Lhe the I)ERFO}Q[ANCE prcdlctloll'a. mca._Ul'emcncu _iLh involwrl o£ included. Lhe ratio c_hmaut o_ _ystem lou_ cnlculnting _ilencer of Inea_urulncnt_ a'_ inensurc'mcnLii ch_irilc[:urJi_icll Lailpipe, from evaluation loss [_Jl)_ l_ell of Lrant)f_r ea_Iicr) in:;c_tlon pUrDO_C OF FXIIAUS'£ S¥STEH ACOUSTIC 8e,neratJon uithih in th¢: model it ia clear alwayn Im th_ for thal_ _lle included 3.1 Sourco charncteri_tieu The acoustic from open pipe uourc_ ch;_r_mcteri'Jt_c_ lauasuremunt_. of To illustrat_ the entline cnn be dealt*cud how thi'_ ciL[I bc CdUl'led out w_ mu'Jtllrat _et out _ model of tl_a_y_tetawhich identiflc'_the source il_ will eIclllI_nC. Tile prlinllry valveu which velocity, _l,CCify _ource_ To complete the lndLvidu_tl are provided Cllll b_ ru|)re'Jel_t_d the effective _ourcu contribution to de'Jcriptlon totwll tiource the.mqni_old. A convenietzt re[ere_ce ill therefore tile ,nnnifold fluctuaCinli hotel inlet I_aitl_ _trenl&th volum_ wlocity qtlzmntified tiff I_yat_m) r_preaenta c,tit be t_pecificd aa*_t 12 till acotttltic _}tlcttititin The driving _eou_tie pr_p_ur_ Ps can be e_tpr©a_d p_ - U Z _trentitll Ior voh_mo £1ow provide_ ._n wllicll in combine de£inition o_ _ourc¢ or turbochar_Ior nt th_ outlet r_foretlce plt_nc O_lWitll an _ffectiv© 0ourco /mpedl_nc_ complex v_triableu. Thu e_IIIIULIC SJy_tClI_ load volume 8 lmp_danct Za, _lth chcou tlefinitiona and ny_t_m apl_nrfl aa _howll in l:illur¢ Figure piano c_n bu _pecified th_'ou_]h tho one u,u_t a]_o tile t_ourco _LmC]lv_llw itnped.lnce. the flo_ by it £1uctuatlnt: of characteristics Th_ _ource J]I by the tlnutelidy acou'J_icitlly applied velocity to th_ acoutit:ic 12. _h_ _anlifold _a tl ?. _ (OE nource. IIa with mod_l o_ ©nllin_ and ¢_|laU_ at th_ _ll_nge. 'l'ht_ ltn effactiv_ I_ot|al of tho _omlrc_ _yt_tcm or eurboch_rl_r ouClnl; flt_ng_ _ ,,(_m-Uu)Zm 3.1 I> m_aauc©m_ot_ umusllyAcoustic exp_'_a_ed a_ _ound obtained l_r_anura , ,.?' with l©v_n. m/crophon_ Thi_ or trnnnducer_ az'm in£ornutcion _a t_unlly reported root D e°g, colapartllJle with phase 3.2 nG tile inforlnntlon the information Open pipe ore norlnnlly reprt:_cnt_ th_ _pectrum d_cn zzoine the of with 2.1/m I/_th vt_iocity t_ifinaI Pr not eqtl_tion nignld nt dlrcctly 3,1p uitlce procenning. 11 .._c tb©.aou_ct_ ^ drtvtnli plana, croon Pa planQ acct/on _) bn can th_ then of the neceuuary w be uncd _th ch_a taLlpLp_ (luctunctnl_ b_: c_leul_ated voluble _n found 3.1 bug nap/rated ^ICornnttval7, th_a_ Illl will i(k-_''_)] n i'_t _ith a di[£©rent ncountin cnti|nat_ o_ Pa" tit the in Za_ thin var/abl©n Um _nd with Ua and ?'m remain In land can bc charactarian ,naff_cted Z a for (i.n. Provid©d information which a change 3.3 lira uacd c|l_ with a ninltln to n,lurc_. a turbocTlind_l: cnl_Lna. on_ by + R(1-M)_ two th,t alter prca_t|r© from by chnn_ea for ©xiat¢ charBed en&in*, The n a_e_nd unaf_©ct©d radiated can the it_orllttltioll o£ |ha nol_Q rcpr¢!lletlt_ ZD. can opec|rum _. , rtldl_te(| reco_t| pip_. ob_arvtttit_n% providna equation evidence itnpednnce l©nllch area - p:[(l,H)*'/k+_ R_penttnB Zra nr_ of tibia rcuulta pe._. A In th_ o£ t_|llpipe tilt: tile Provided t_muj level The of 2.14. _amo prensure conditionn. Thud tlmplltude pipo t_otmd field cqu_ttLon the for th_ opt:n usua|ly energy. in recorded _t atr_Lght p t by tile Sue|| _zty m in b_tnd 'JpettruIn _ot|_d _ definition wh©r_ uound tire _t_ tt n._rtohr |ha Un naturally Lhe pre00ure. preu_ure in Ire© rtld_lted to cvnlu_tL© ^÷ w_v© po o incident o[ Pu de[ined di'_cllrded lueiitlurelllentu hllvf_ been _qunt[on Some pressure been pretz_nted tol_t:ther nolw value lin r.ITI.U, made undt:re££ectiveiy tltld and i_ hound haa Opczz pipe ©hanna _¢pltlre lJ,ea,;urt:lnentn recordins_ _|tJw me|in P fJ _vlllch can a _Ll©nc_d pratlic_ th_ _yac_ta 22 _rom inner|ion th_ open lo_a or predict pipe m_aurementn. th_ 4 ....... ""_'::.a_;_a,.:.a,¢'¢_:;',',.S_,..2,,:.;_,.,,_ ,. :,:,. .......... •....... ..... ,.. :-,:,_.,,_,..:.-.!_''.'_;r.!S_4 ;; _ t ] COl_lp_[ I t>otweell _iOn_ Ono _aZllnple an e_hau_t opctl of of heavy in metrca 7.5 of for th_ line 15. bur per_or_trtd the performanc_ plotted in the noitt nyatemn predicted only in the _' ca_t b_ performanc_ utud_eu /or of o_ the _lm eahauat e_hauat levelu condition With in thin wure omitted limit. and analyacd r_port. l_ =hown by tim full arc _UO furthur [lgtlra al_o 70 dll^ at pcrfoz'med tlct_ Thc two uilenced e_hnuut. ia The dc'Jlsn bclo_ deocr/bed dii_ which aytcm. a hack prea_utc _rc tlp©ctrum a uilenctd wars 105 dBA zLt enfilntl pipe tk_rche, d in Flfiurfl in Oll_ of them. tile de_ll_n _ n©glec_lo8 thA two nilenoud nupprcnnivn floe by the reeulta bY linaar with _t the _yst©m with 15, Tb0 acoustic nol_¢% _is g aignifioant 1600 lit. demonocra_ nola_. i_ aluo /Icoutrtc thfl value, They nitro conf|rta if 7, Th_ purformatlct theory ia tim uam_ if txpnnaion_ ia i_nor©d. pcr£ormtlnc_s rc_l_nuration diacr_pancy Tim rm_=oa brldgan tinc_ ©ffocL_ |m|:weetl pr_dJ_tad hun not o_ that tim bridg©a FIBurn th_ purforat_ tile pr_d/¢t©d non-linflar around in acoustic ulmddJng o_ t|;_ a_ntema flow 05 dBA can h_ e,xpacte.d of around _ou_d havre thl There for for b7 vort_ nliretmllt pr©_int for implied ©xci't_tion on _l te_L _t_ur_. levnla a_ tus'bochar/led an open w/thin with brid_©a brid_en omitted frofa c_;aml,|e fuz'nlcd part by the Deparuut.'nt 1/3 octav_ _lm aamq dtallin Th_ r_aulta ptr_orata noi=o . Included pr©dic_©d Lheory z,n enlline rc_ult_ a;ld d_iiln methods already pipe of A further wlt|l The'Je required or load me_anrome.nL_ ;*_r© of 13. 0p_n p/Ira mcaaurcm_nta ,tcouatic _yat©m: flow upecd open in Fillu_© of tpcctr_l lfi, thin wi_h th© _yutera linear Th© r_=ulti;_li acou'JtiC in Figure 'Jponuorad notre© of any linear perfortt_ncc Kinl_dom. United 65 _aa o_ mt:rcucy. uaing 15 and full load for ra_tr©n wlth pet'fol'matlCe IImzl_u_ed ba'_ed on t;l_n,Jure:ncnta project the under apccifieation t}lc (Ix]lzttJ_t _y_Lelll bcllC]l _e_t 'l'be unuil_nced 7.5 prudic_ed in Fifiur_ v_hicl= envirbnmenc I;_[elll bcLt_u(!ll Wa_ pre'Jented ¢oznpar_son Lilt'. _yutctl;itLic ine,l,_ul-ed Zl colnpar_uon meaaurolIletlt_ i_ pre_ented quiet lind ,Jy,Jtcm zmd that p_p_ n _i:rl_l_r bed predicted at© o£ both tho flotz noise II_wcvtr can good only with tll_ broil aupFrcna_d. anti menuured bo_n ea_abli_h_d but thl_ is Jute abnv_ th_ fraqutncy when ihe _iro_ of tile hil|litr order taiiplpt re_on_nc¢ mllii|t |_ reapontibl% whll_ it:i_ worth notin_ tha_ _ropagating models will bncomls cut on. _, : L,-,t :-L@ ,,_ i_¸¸ - ,.:. ;, _ ,, _. %, • , The Itluauured recorded with in'aertlon In Fiflura no attempt i,ea_urcmeat'_ 16. to to account allow The crou'J-hatchin_ produee_ _inct_ had already cotltlLitllt whila o[ tilts th_ (ir_lt chmab_r linear thoua plallt_ theory will only o[ hightlr order 200 II_, tluighbourhood relllforcea order higher Calculzttion_ to about wttil tile at .*;how 1200 IIzill flow that I)t_ reliable propagata zl_ a ill the in the propogzttion will can lomla Thl_; result obuorvatlonn indicat_ acou_tic'eneray utlderatanding dip_ dlacr_pancy. ll_ in tile pipa thi_ lozld and speed. bzmda. inod_ corrc_ponda Theua wltvc at which A proper the *llld 3000 thitt Atcou_tie 35 to 60 dB above two protIout_ced for temperature). zlcouutically of li.% 1]3 octave pipe (e.g. difference be]laved i_ iu raw d_ta open each inechnnical ttcou_tlccnerBy iti thnga COmlmn¢:nta. of at circumfcrcntlal thu tl_panaioll to the wao in eaceu_ indlcnte inrldctt 111islzt ba rcuponuible tlm_ with engine _ourcc loau 1250 Ih: and tlm 6000 that brldge_ here the range of variation th,tt inucrtion with plotted in flow condition'J nlcauurelnenL_ vohllnt_ velocity 0ttggeotion the systez_ inodlficatlon'J ch;mge_ in<licatea careful tb_ IZleltaurcltletlttl tile Ilia for for indicztted TIle predicted Io,a'a for The information conditiona tile prcdictiona trcquuncl©a llZ th= hiiiher r_0do propagation below ordzr mod©a. flow preaent with li_a to tll_t [utnrtt, 3.6 Saint olll_rvation_l conc¢._cni]_ Tlt_ me.aaurem©flt_ t i_ a w_ll aatabli_lmd Interpretation o£ eonditiona within obtain tha duct and rnflect©d a trnwtaing cara o_ the alga I t_clmiqu_ rantlltt tll_ _Rprrimenta. ia n_or*a a_vur¢ ©aiat approach radiated £rom th_ *aid Ollotzld pr©a©nt tilt al_o problmna app_ara in gila lnt_rpretaeion ainc_ _tanding _avu ._caaur©menta Thin oba©rva_iona i¢ a lnborioua at= in r©f_rr.nca o_ th_ r_:aulta la procedure to I)_ obtained. I. fre_ £i©ld 0£ prnaaura ©ap©rimer, Lal ptobl_rat, producinr outlet Tilt provided Tha m=a_ur_ment tog_tbur exbatttt ft:w problcma. _traJghL£orward _o atandin6 mlcrophona. r=llabla experimental required energy got po¢_a prob_ it meatlurer0_nta tht_ _ound wav= ayat©ma A traditional great of pr_ali|tr_ both to cr_ploy and rcquir_a ^ _l_ll account Special c_r_ 0£ preanur_ inc|d©nc wavan. In trawra©a agile th_r_, ¢e_ for exampl_ Vignr_ II. f:r,cept for ap_cinl r©_carch near eapanaionn, dun ;to tim non-acouatic pot¢:ntial £ielda that can aituationa thin dana not app©ar a ua_iuf_ctory or prae._ical techniqu_ for normal production te_t: bed mt2a!;url21n_ll_fiL'Or An all:ernative ia to employ wall ,nay involve practLcal obtained. There i= rio _crioua or di0turhed in/=flier] problem= tl0w in cllc pipe. cxl=tcnca gauSoa, _=pttrtttion in the if IIoweverj el|at if uhould for {ran=form t©clmqiu== which pre=_ur© tile are chat obtain0 informlltion no _tanding with wave= _o_e tran_- syutem utronI{, ar,_ obtained record_ be _i_ed meaaurcmcnta can b_ employed the=n Tlleproblems created by their on the in Icu= =hail _hc wlw_lengch frequency oi theru any pt'act_cal slmultancou= These evtilui£tJ.oII. mea_uretnento, but ewtluation problem u/ll alway= llepro_ent. can b= overcome# two pressure pressure a condition loo_ Ine0flurelucn_o, =tandlng waw¢ COmpOla_taE wall with with a _ound ac t|lt_ higl_e=t of are rcqulred. P_uc Fourier tha amplicuda_ to extract tha of po=itiv_ _nd n_g=t/w tr_vcll/n_ compon©nt_ or"{:h=_t_mdlna wave nystcm chc=Q two =J6nal=. from Chn wave= _r_ Thi_ which introduce _trong ^ third dounsCreara it to make :_imultancou= and particle velocity at tllo pr=a=ur_ and parclcl© v_loctty measurement= for dir©c_ in _trix application me_rem©ntn t©chniqoea ma_ oitar in mea=ur=m=n_n and velocity r,mthod_ dl=coatfnulctco ob_.rvation_ arc o£ wall Slmultaneoun particolttrly uuitablt o_ =y=tcm performs=c, a hot 8a= flow ar_ di_lcul_ made sith evaluation. buc th_ ne.w optical Intak_ 115J u_lng b_cn undnrtak©n |n_a_uremcnt_ acou=cic# wholly =amt_ duct:paul=ion, practical po_.ihiliti_a. have alr=+tdy _valuatfon= arc or oth_r I:ha_ th_ flow. in pr=s=urn ValoclCy _yatcm wall imrlormanc= preas_re hog wise=. In thi_ c_8_ though the ttmpQrnct_rtch|mgc= arc rclat:lv_lyr0od©nl:, _hty w©ro large ©noush co introduce diliLcul_J=a and ulgnnl interpret=tie=.. Though =hould b_t,_rctt o_ lluchdi_flctllti_=, 4, =i/in=l= of bend. di_tarbance, pol_lbl_ity or= _h(: a=sumptlon relic= the pr_n=ur_ plan© and that =0 may noc be appropriate procedur= w/Lh the hot: wire igtlch i;lor_ ,_xpcnsiva_ calibration optical t=chnlq.¢_t DISCU,_SION P. The tnttl)'=i= lyatem I ©lem_ntt lmprovins and rcsulC= _nd how tlmy =he. und_rltand_nE pr=a©nted hera ltztcract. of rh_ 26 acoustic r©presunt I_ ha= been b©haviour one approach to . uhoN1tthat concept_ of ©:<haunt and inl_ ! ,. dctnil preacnCo tlm Jtnalysls in tvrms i8f0191,Ilol,lnt,ll21,1lsI ). and of Incldcnt reflected l)t'csutlr_ ^. ,,lt_r,_o_i,o i_ to p_,'.,ont _ho _l[IItlyg_Ill t_rfllsOf tr¢il1_t/crIilaLricca rc1_itln_ LO Inpt_t ti[id otttptlt pilrLiclo velocltlc_ _Ind pressures for czlc|lclclncnC (c.|]. rc[erellceu ]31. 14l,). _t i. r_os,,l_d t|,,,t ot|,_r,_t|_o,lao_,,n,|y.i. (_._. li41), Ilztv¢ developed /tluo been for noisy /initu control clement w]l_clt analysL=. methods) proved inndcquatc, lo Thcsu _or which A vnlid that thay _hould pr#mticlll situ#ttlons nnd mua_ new llncnr criterion b_ uuefnl +lltern+ltlv_ tony bc particulltrly for provldins |Jcll#tviotlr o1_ components bQ judged c*IN provide r_Icwmt (c.8. Into tllcacoustic _lcotlatic llnillytllg II*L_no for by £1cxiblc providu insight llpl)rO+lChe_ which _nd coch relullly reliable of tll_ mcthoda applic_lblo Inay to pr#:dlctlonl of i,couatlc p=rforr_ancc, Finnlly, cngi|l_ Som_ lntak© and results hav_ c_amplc¢ of the vxi_ , , , _xhaust boca problem ny_Ccms ill t|lc noluQ li©_ in r_l)Orcctl hera# but wh,ara the "_onr_e chnr,|ctcriatics _cou_lc uh_ar_ m_ntment noin=: an outstnndlng load. _hla in Th_ra no_ and aourc= analy_i_ control p_'e:diction== i_ th© cne_. in clever auch charactcriuin_ hltva bc_n r©strictcd nppcar to b© Ind©pendcnt evidence ar¢ that uf tile _ourc_, th_nR So that _cw tcchnlque_ control annlyai_ msoy other dcvslopm©nta to vx_mplcn In mun_ttrc- rcqt_Ired to pr0vidc rcl/ahl_ situations. F I 240 I 760 I 780 l 800 I 820 __1 840 i 860 Frerlu,._ncY 1t7.. FIG. F, ln. ACOUS11C ENERGY TRANSPORT AT A CCJHTI_CTION WITH SIDEBRANCI_I. ,.. I 8B0 ,5O 30 m7 EI_. .... O fo h_a_ur_m_nt IQ , I J .I /_ch FIG. i I i .2 m_b'Ir In 3 l(b)ACOUSTIC £N_RGY TP_NSPC_T A'TA CQNTP_CIION WITH SI0_P,P_NCH. I 20.0 Lo910 i _'S-P.L._cz_._J ZC I I 60 x M M_ 0 g !;:.,!:.,J,;/ _ I0 Moolurernent I .I Mqch number in [1] FIG, 2(n). I .2 ACOUSTIC ENERGY TRANSPORTAT AN EXPANSION WlTll SIDE BRANCII I I 3 j, "L_.O .,..... ,, ,, ._...._--" , , .0 \,, \ / \ t fo __ 2.5 , _._._lt 201 ---- _ 2.0 - o_/,h 0 J .1 I .5 . Ficql_ncy FIG. 3. ,L. .... .2 porflifliiliir kil _ . .,_ END CORRECTION FOR EXPANSION OR COiNIIIACIIOH. r m I : ,0 I ! 1 1111 ! -f 1 _1 p 2o2 k D3 117 3.9 Meulufcd • 6.o 4.9 _ II.7 4.9 × Calculolad J ....... 1 J -"_ _. I, ,c _( _ _ ._ " I I/[_/_ _ o I D4 _5"1 _j, l 200 100 D5 " 2"5 .__J. 300 FfoqU_ncy t_,r FIG, ,_ . L , 4. PERFOR_NCE J O 2 _ 2.B5 _e o fO 3 OF FOLDED CHAMf',_RS. I 500 I 600 i 700 [ _00 i i 1000 FIG. • t/ i;"I, ,, 5. SPECTRALCONrENI OF FLOW NOISE \ \ '70 "" _ * \ X\ \ _' - ° I vb x A 400h/_ 300h/_c • o 290h/_,c 200h/,_c i 2 fiG. d r ii: :i/: I_, 0 I 4 6. I 6 I B I I0 . FLOW NOISE GEHI_P.ATIONIN AXIAL Ci",AM_R$. i 12 I _T _ "_ _ _I" ,._, • v/ _" w.._,,. :-#I., "e 285 ft/_ec inline *_' @ _'O0 fIl_ec' c _i 205hllo¢ d 0 200 t'lllec _" d 6O ,_L w,._,,=. '_ _A_ V'I 5O C 0 I FIG, q I i ,_ , _, 7, 2 Separation _/d 0 3 FLOW NOISE ffEDUCT;Ohl BY PERFORATES, A 5 El 1.0-- Side entry .[]i j; j- _- ,, .4- f "6 '_ ,/_/" .,_ ID '_" I 2 I __ 4 S_pe lotion FIG. 8, n_ pc rlolale I I 1 6 1] 10 x/d t',ACKPRESSURE OF EXPANSION CI-IAMBERS. 12 150 / 023 Hz 141 . ._C _ -_ _ 0__ °1...__._,..< l, _.;, /,=" / z / X _ 110 i I|0 . . I .I 120 FIG. ,A, • 9. FLOW ACOUSTIC ,i 130 S.P.L. nln_ t _." ._ 140 , - 671 llz BOOtlz l I_0 I dO COUPLING AT AN , AREA EXPANSION, M_0.|I F-" ' i I..... _ I.. .M 1 (3 /, 1,10 /o /o 130 ,/ /" Axe/'t j/_' / 7^'/' ./ ,_, 120 I_t' /.rd I_ /_/'P'_,r /4" f' i" El A .. A" _/* 623 ,Iz DO0 I-Iz J----__ I I 110 l 120 5.P.L, FIG. 3 M_O.|I _/d = 2.5 ,,,0" 1O0100 I .... too,," t 130 I . t 140 , I 150 l 160 dB lO. SUPPRESSION OF FLOW-ACOUSTIC COUPLING fly A BRIDGEPERFORAIE. e i':;:, _: :._ __ ,_ ,j r:° M j .._ I001 20a lOa P_ _a sin k 1 xo _wt _____--___-_.._ooo _ ooo o:.o,o (a) lO00_'Pv "_ kl :_ "ff/lOa /_ _ _ Vortex travelling wave " _xk2_©i(k2x I O) olwl (b) 120 - ,_ • 0 Q o • 0 O D "0 , 11 _. _l'c" FIG, " II _ i SOUND pRESSURE LI_VELAFTERA DUCT EXPANSION M = (1.I ; (2a _ 25ram; Uc - 0,63 MCo I lOa 20a 1250Hz ; i u1 i i 4J r_ 120 meosured pipe tO0 --I s 28.6nlm clio. ._J__ ..... predicted ._, | .83m 60 open pipe I 20 I _ 1(10 I { I 1000 76ram din. Irequ(m cy Hz .TZ, 28.6mm dla. '_, l .83m FIG. I r t_ 13 SINGLE EX['ANSION CllAMBER PERFORMANCE CONSTANI VELOCITY SOURCE LINEAR ACOUSTIC ANALYSIS VOLUME J ,r t ' I" e_panllon | _r, open 305ram chamber - 52mm 100 _ok ope.p_r_ "222 I O0 ,., / Syslem wilh perforate br dqes ? '_'_'__ \ I 60 /..,, / _',, k------_ /x ,_ "_" x_ ,V\ /\x '_*" _/ \ / "_---/ _'_'_. 15 , /_x.._ ./ I _Jlcnced, p_ak m_olur©d _ "_, peak predicted 6300 AVERAGED MEASURED PERFOR/v_',NCE. FULL LOAD 8 SPEEDS 100G < N <: 2350 I I i II1 . , .... / -- 400 1600 third octave, filter band (H;:) 1O0 brldoc_ .;"'-,_.._". . \ _,._ FIG. ' "\ _omilllnu i'_rlorale (flow noi_a) I TURBOCHARGED DIESEL AT 7.5m I,_¸ II, ,:, I_]._.r, I Illi,I J, Y. rhlllll_i_:, IhlJll_l .ll_L] I_. J:_._'*lJ,h rlh'l_lhl_' It_.lJ.ii'lrlll,ll[ ,IIILJ _h']h_llll_,l_ 'J'hu fu_ILl]_#i l'c)l_, ch_ ()_h_!l" i '¸ L_IJ| uf f_l_I_L l'_!_LI|t_l Ih_u_]:l_ I_v¢.rz;| _J_l_! i ,_Lr_ll,iLItJ_ u_h_l;Zrst _ in_ll111 l_l'u_;.n_d p_l_ ' t1_ _hL, rlr_It_iL_,_l "Ill _ir [[l|_ _L_I_I_| ¸'. I_l_JIIIJ_lllY _]t lILtLI_t: ll)_l_J_ l_;ll_*I" ziCLltllezr i-_i_J11_ r_P_l(_' _i_liJ llldl_'_i[_* _r ! I' .i ! 49 thdL _1_1¢_11_, |I,_VU I[lhl(_l!_ buun l_ur|'(JrNu_i _21_L rrlc_l_111-_ll_liLI_ rh_, _1_'_Jlz_l_I| h_J_ _,xh_'I;_z_ nv_l- llr_.iim_r_, m)1:_' i:I _1E t|](, 11_ [hc! (k,_,1-r_In_J A Jew yl'ilrrl ill_,_ il ]_ri_l_l'_lllt (;lI l_iu_l't h l..lhur_Itl)rlL'!i _y_lll,lll l_.._r]_irlil,_ll¢_ _!;_h,i11!_t :i)'_ILL'In:_. *IILh_tLl_Sl lh_' UlhL_,r_i[_tL_d, AL Lilt' ,i_'LItl_ll_,tL i)l" L'XII_ILZIiL II(_|ul.' _.Jll[l_l. 4_f (Jl_' LhL'_11"y Ill Lh_, _,l'l'_,rL reueilrch wzltl |liLt tin*It Ll,i_l ;i_i II_, );uilJ ;Jn 111*'r_l_iL'd _zlld t_[ Lilu IILI'*'JI.IIILIJII_:] ()i lII)llIL* _I[ _,Ib l_rLi_l'_llIl _Jll_'llL_'r flew, lit I)_'_l_ _']_'ITIL*ItC_ L_'ii_l_'f_zLure , IIILL'd ;l_ _ll)l)_IrPTl[ :iLl_'h t]ll_ tllldL,r:iLillldJl1_ _L'Itrr;IL|tJ[1 |11 ,I_ L]I_IL I l'_.J)ill1!lII_l_ ilL_h-zllI11_JlLud_ '.q_Jvell _llld tll_It. (.JlL'ru W,l_ JILl J_, J)dlill' e)_l)t!r[nl_'LILilJ Jl111}r(li_ll.[Ult _ii L'_h_ItJ_Jt llylil.(.'lll llllCJ I. hill. _JtLlldhJL' L['tLL IIIt_LhLILJIL wel-t' JilC_JIt], IL w_z:_ dL, cLdcd, therefore, t.¢) COIIC_[I[rilL_.' pruceL, dln_ I.D Th|N JlILlIIl_.Jy Lllu¢_reL_c_lJ l)iip_r pru1_ellL, d_tL'rlltlnt!d I)y on u_,p_r|n_ui_Lzsl t-_lJl_tl _lnd L(!_[_ iliud_.J_ _Illd du.LlS_ i[IL'LhudIl. ell)file! of '._11_Lnl! typL' tht_ rclsultu _nd c)i)cl'il(J.11|_ l)r_ll_nt_.'¢l _ll (to|tie ilZ] JL i_ radlz_t¢'d LrnlltllL,r fUllrL|ol_ mul:Jlod _[ llltt,l:_tlrhl_ _hzlut_L _lyHLeftltl (rJtll'h ill_ r_!fJectlt}ll I. de_scr |h_,d. l._:llnuld, llO|z_ J:i dL,turmLiK_d ¢_f Lhizl wc]rk. b_ il ¢'CllldILJclJ1. m_..Lhodu]olSy Severil]. i_L_'ll_ _lOlfl_ Isyz_tem _!oml)r|IiL_sll t_I)|I_e bt_fol'u topics d/ll:_l llrc ilrl! .rrolff L]IL_ L_|I pipe. l:lnzlJly LhL! ;I(_(IUJ_LJC dl.r[Ic_.ul'it_[|cl_ (-{_¢.J f lclelIlz_ _i11(J l:r_in'_lnJsulon ¢*ll111)Ictla L)f zl n['w of [o:i_Jeu) th_ Cll_.|l|_.' 41rid Wlrl_l_l _,_Ji_l_JtlL ,:(_in[)ull_nt_ !lil_:]_ _Itl t*i_owl_ 111 I_|_uru L wh|ch _|cl)|cLIi _i tyJ)J.e_ll _ul_(}mc)L_v_, cxililt_llL t_y_ILem. 'file c_l_i_(_11_anl:tl zlhoWn Ill FJ_lllr_ ] JllC]tl_Ic i_I1_. m_|_ll()II|j lh)wl_j_IIte_l _ c_l::iIy_iL_ cL_[_w'rLur_ riLl_[tccr:_, rcZlOllZt_:or:_ _ind L_iI| pi_l_i.l. _81111L_ll: :_ylLL'alI_ I_(_|ZJL_ ¢:_f1_l)rlzluzl rzl(I1_ll;(!d ItL) l._l_ tel)hi l_hl,' llLrtl_L_irlt_ L]I|_ _a_11_llJ_ll:. Iloth il_Jl)_actz_ h_tvc _iri! c_In_l_,iriiI)h_ 111 m_l/_l_Xl:mh!, cyplcIl]ly _llld I)|!*_f the rPztni1_iL.r Zlt) lhzIt ,_rdcr LhPy t_ _)I' 175 IlrL' LaJ. 1 l_[pe-r_id|i_L_d v|I)r_iLLon_l of h_ ¢*_n:_Id_red dl], _ii'_,r_/lected rct_i/n_d w[thln tht' lii)Lt_c and _hel]- LJl_ vilr_outl cor_l)ul1_nl:ll llJllcP ()¢ they from c_i)lltl_it the IlF_'II:c[II o[ ;*,(lencer _llTt_ _Ittum.IL¢!d thr_i_h wtl'l_)ut_ dD_I_Ll_ZtLlv_ mcchmtl_m_, 'l'yl)l¢_]Iy tile p_l_ll:]_#lltt _tre rt_d_i._,d hy ;thouL 2(} dll ;it tb(. d_wnilt'rc#iln #_Ldu of Lhc. _ilh,lscur /lntI_ri, l_lPlII1_ill', 'J'Jll_lll_ i_tl_rt_ILJtJll_ II|tt, r,lrL _l)'_tt, rn .ild _:lu_llly _Ir¢ l. he prhn.ry ,_)u_e tl._ .yst ont. wlth tJl'_' z,l;rt_el.urc (_I" the :_llel].-r_idiz_tc, _#[ thL' d lii)Iz_ _,_]t.t_r_t fr_)m Ve'Ir[olli'l [,_pl_fl flail llJi_t, of l*ll[_Cil ,i['i_ _lllelJ I)(IWL_r _ll*il_ll_(] tr_imH)_rl_ll_l_m vc,ll|('ler_, r_Ittplnll fr_)mIi _In_ll /*-_')'llnder zq_rk (_(l ll_nltl.n cnl_Inc_ f_r ¢olnl)_icL _'t_rI_ t_ e;_II_IHzll: ]_rI:_' 21)-_'yllnder tlyl*tt_nt []l(.'_t'] rt, q_lJrt, m_.,llLt_ m_y vt_JII_']_','l, tilt,, llt_l:_t* II_'ll_,rIlt(,d il_ hdlv_., _t, vt*ril] f_?lllUr(!l( lll _,(llnlnon, t'lllI/llt!II ft)r l()('c_Inl)tlv(!ii, vliry ¢.(_m_idc, r_ll)Jy _)v(,r Lilt* t*_JlilllClL pl)rLll l)J" th[r_ Lh',: /_]_JlIJlH._h th|., rilll[_(! ()f VIIII_¢)LI_I L'II_JIlClt Fl;_uru 2 IJr*?l_t!HLt&un_llIJneed uxltn_JI]L notUe daL_ ftJir a V-If apnrk JBnfl:Lon ulij_hl(' lind ;111HV-Tf Illul_el unBh_u. AILhoush [hc load lind tllluud condlt.|onl_ ,'ira nol; the? li;Im_D both cncfnua lxhlbll_ I:Olllll nol_,u IJuluw 1 kill culnpouud of harmnnlc_ ,,l" I.he _ll_lllt_ f[rl.l_ fr_qLiL,t_cyp nnd brondbal|d noluu abuvu 1 kll_ _'nnq_onuElprlln,_r|ly of flow Hol_e _1_'nera_ed durflll_ I.he LnlcLnl fJp¢llfn 8 of the exhautbt v,llv_. Slncu _tl! e_lB|lle_ crcat_ exhnutJl: no|ue apectrn a|mf|tlr I o ltlo_te aleph.atilt 8 It1 FlstLr_ 2j dcull;n of unshl_ e_tlnl_t aynl:uma would _pl_e,lr t_ be _ ru_alLvuly _cr_lKhtf_r_rd t a_k, IhJ_v_r, compfoxltl_u nlr_ lllCrn_ltlCUd lly Ill-r[lll_ll_ Hpl_¢_ J|m_Lfl[Iotlu -Ill _ vIJhJc:fe 0 I:hl_ e_erl_|ve F_H_Q of ol_craLlllll ¢otldlclotlrl nv,:r _hlch Lhu dualHncr hn_ I:u lfrnfc lh¢ i_ol_e, and t;he bnck-prert_tt_ru ru_l_llrcmul_tu whl_'h _tru d,f.ffcrln_ for d_ff_r©n_; _n_lnut_, A dleetcf i?11_11_¢:Ol_Jl'lll.l?[I tlllthrl3ti, fed COflcin_lotLIily _i1¢1_ hel%Clt I_h_ blIck pre_llUrU _ll. p_rl_ load h_l_ a _l'l_atur _ffulL on Cll_fl_l_ i_crforlnllncl_ _h_ll In ,q _pltrk ll_nlCh_n _nsfne which ltJ thr_)trlld _tt; parl: ]_nt|, A Df_¢ol-©ni_Jne exhllu_t _ytlC_n_ _utH: I, thurefore_ In 8_'nernl I_u del_l_n_?d to h_lvQ _t I_n_flur balk prel_l_Ure, Th_ eft_ect IJf ¢?tl_ln_ u_er_tl_lnl_ cul_dll;lonu on ^°w_ll_hCed ©xh_tJ_Jt noL_lo f_ t_hown fn Fll_urc 3, 'fhe_u data r_pruuenC nuJ._¢ r_dl_:cd fro_ I:ho I:nJ,l plpQ _lf fin unr_llcHcud V-H _qhlrk°l_lll¢ll_n utll_lll_' t.llr_lLl_lll_JtJCILll ¢{Inll_|¢tu lignitise of uperlll;|on, fi|l:huu_h _xhnt_ut noftlu la kr_o'#l'J_o Lncr_nll In ll_,v£1 wJ.l.h ll_cre_l_fHl_ en_fll_ lll_ucd a_d I_lA:h |!lcrel_11]_ ]o_d_ Lhl_l_Q d_cn _how I:|INI: _|]_ |OVal of ¢?xhnu_l: IIol_u la i_uvcrn_d i_rLn¢ll}_Uy by thu clxht_ml_ I1_ rnana flow rate° Thf_ lfl nl_ I_oo :lt_rl)r|laln8 all_U I_r_mlre |)u|_ilt:io1_N _rc C_'eAI:Cd hy I hc e_h_u_C Knu blnw-do','n i_rIJccu_ durfnli uxhnmJl: wlfv_ op©nlns° |_ la r_?cOSl_f_.ud Lh_lt ol:her enS|llC pnrumu_ur_ t_tl¢|_ ,lu ¢?dlfltJl_ vfllvQ _m_ft_ _111d e_lr_ nitrite, ©_hllunl: mllnJ.foldllll_, _,r.c°, c_n uJ._t) Jtlt'e¢_ exhlHlul: r_olnlt', howcv_l* D once t#H_ _?lll_zle Ill _h_tllSIIcd I:hune pllr_lm_celrtl _t'_ [|_ I.hLItl th_ lxh_ulll: Itoin_ |oval l_ t_l_ by _h_ _xh_ttllL _lU r0aml _'J.o'_ r_e, TAIl, PIPY. of tile enl_fno _?dt_mrl[ ayz_Lem ulncu 11 fa al: I:ho call plp,_ _h_l: n major l_orichm of the _eou_LLc cn_r_y of ¢11_ u_hauac prQanurc: puluctl la rnct_al_©d _,_ ¢_oum[. 'fllerc t4ml con_ld_rnb,l,c cni_fu_lon concuT_J,I%R £])_ d@[:Al,_l O_ I_,_ll rndlntinn [=rc_cuun Illlt_f 19/ti_, whcn l.uvlnc and Scllwin?4ur Ill* dlv¢lop_d"¢|IQ theory of I.hc reflected _aw? from nn unflan_.ed circular pll m _Jthou_ flow. *_;J.llCt![hell_ :llvernl expor/lnulltnl' _u{llc_ Imv¢ bo_3 performed co d¢¢¢_'_lnQ the _ffcet of flow on I:hn rufb=ction praceua [2,3]. In thl_ rnor© r_ccnt work chu nmnc t+ll_nLfllnn_ r©nul¢ Jn probably lhaL obl:aXn©d by ^lfrcdn_n and Davl_ 12l who, by n:lllumlnll monopolu radiation frnra I:he pipe (f,n. ©q_nl;ln_ thu ¢_l_erily of tl_u pla_le wave 111 _lle pfl m Lo thu unursy In the apli©rlcal aprlnd/ng w_tve oul:uld_ Lhu pipe), developed Cha falXo_lnS c©lntlon h©l:weel'_ ¢he nr_l_llC_dua hi' chc prcnauce p _1 th© plan_ waw Jnnldo the pkp_ ¢o gho _phcrlcal wave a llu_h¢,r?i In bracketa Po Ou[/lJ(tt! prcl_ir© [I ruf_;r the plp_, ro ilefcrencla at tim end of I_h_: rupnrg. 3 ll'll AI.- .!(I h,i_ (1>") I ;>r .... 2l) 14ill (<i) t. I(I "(_)+_ l_Jtl IP,,I ,' ,i - WllL'l'L' r (l'l') I 11 _llllJ ll,!illl,l'l illlll ll, I'iilll,iJ _ll'l' tl lh,l'l l*llt'l+t_i i't,I lht, (fit')in l_'l,])'t , illll ill ll_l'[ ,irl',l lJilVlt, l,'l, II Villldlly i{ ill" hllll hl!(,ll iliJl,lll'l,lJ lliirlll /llrrili_lr tiillul i)I" (sllil_lL|llll, iJ!tl, ll Ill tlUlllt'wIill{ Lilt! I_11 ili[t!l't'ilLinll i_lltl, Ln l-iilr [Jli_:llD Lli,, ill!ill li_.l_llc, Llil_ 4. 'l'llt' |li lllllilll+ fl_l:L _Jfl illlll ill" iiliilllllJ ill rl,_L #lJillTII hi I+_llhillllIL ' Illlirll' k_ilt, Pl _ Ilio lly llutil!l. 'l'ht, [llw rl, l*llllt*lll:ii, ttliJt'h iliYl!li r_lilll, r IIPtIPI liJ" ll_ili, {l!l_l)t_P/lllll_l illlnll{ wlilcli lllllri_ ;lllil 'l [ill ill llhlll+ll lil [hill ViIl'liltliiil hi lllii |li 1/i Lli_ I"lllui:t' _ ill iiii |_l A-I+i_illlil;lnl_ tll_ I(lUllllt'tlii ilUllll_, rl,/rllt:_lllil tit I_llii i[i lli'llvllll_ lllllil_f%'i_ll ' Ill ll:vel, l'nr Lhi_ i:urlllilllOtllln rlilllll: iiJ Llil_ lltlllUrl.illiL fl_ Ilill('L Ill WILVt'U lilt, lilll_ t, llll,3ulil L_i'llillli _o Lll_ I'i!l||_lll ill' [li_ i,l<llllull{-i_llli tii'i_iIIlllEl_l i i:Jvl'II OT_llrii 6(]" ll['f lly I:]ll, vt, illclc)' Jt, E. ill , iJlllnllldlll¢l: ilil't,l'tivit),, hi Ill fI'UI rllllili I+ll|l [hi + lililllli| 40 1 iJll_ll, l_l,li IIt_ll_ll'ilLl_ll ili_' _lil_ ill IllVL'rl;_ll_ I+llll l)[ l'l,- lirl!cJlll!l+_ Ill iliit_ Llil_ Llli_ IlJ + IJ Illl f['(llll ll_ lind ;IcllllUl;ICllli)+-illll_ll r_iililll;l+,ll _q_tliiil{J_ illeJllt'lli IlllC_l'liill_ |hi! ll|f_¢_lvlL)' ol" A [lll_ ill)lilt, Iiilil'lll'i 4, ltlllllt.ll[ illll_ Illlilil_ Fi+tJln _ll il_# Lyll|_il + |ll[li iI|_eeLlvlty, Llll*' Lhc, Jill| I(ll + +. wli) + Lh|II I+l+lJillll, I:li_ lllll_l:Ll_llnl " llll!ll Ill_L lif llilLill+lJ ,lll_lli il|l'l+l-'l'ttll_lil IIit, ilflkll'l_lJ l¢l_li!l ] to tli_ I_lllllllillll_il i!llll till! JlOilliillJl_ |)[12pll_ll[ A fiill'ly illl till! Lli_ [lit: iljl i'_lllliiLL'll iI|l'fL'l'_iict_ Igllllllll' ll|lll. lillurl, (1[ l'lll" Ill ill 110[ I+liiii_ + Ill _lltlllll!* IlliJ,illilll't w|[h l,_lit,_'l'll + |/rTlll|t, lll'l, elc'lll I llll_ Wiltl [Ill einll_ i;li_ Lll_ 4] |t'll%'eli t'Oll[_llL, _'l%llillllll (_[ l'++llUli_lllll Ill ill=i'illlll Ullill|¢'llt'i!ll IlOlilill llllli)i lllit ll]l_lill_ I_hllt will[ iJlll_ + _hi! _lllli I;lll_ ill! Lhil I+lil_li lill|l'l_l'ln IliyL,illlill'l, llll_ll_lll L_l|| |gt IrllliliiLt!lJ IlK' illl¢'fl'i_lllll_ Illl c*nl_ill_ £'_PIpolllllh[_ lllCIJIIfiUl'l' In irl_ /lllll iiii- t:lllllllll_iJ £1"l, lllil_lll:lCli I1(!11¢1_ tlul_li LUI'Illtl _l I'i-_lUl,ll_y liilillilllll Pi ill[ Ill_ llllll IhlI tile i_li_l'll_ I_l-,Jllll'lll-I_ l+lli _ I_l)tlL --_ It Lil illllll-lii%Jlll_lL¢_ [hi, e_ll. LIl_ lll" 41llLIIIL Ii, iil'_ Ill[Ill L'llilllll_ ill:Cllllll[il I_J [Ill li tliilt I@lill I=ll:iirl! liill_ Llll_ IlllL _llld l'liili'lfln lllll_ ltcJii illlllLit L[ ill + till! Illlll_t_l' iiilllllll Illll, [ill ILl IliA" LIilll_ |Jill thL' iJi[fl'rt_il{ lill)_l I;lill Lu Jll_[il_ lliliL' 11¢! liil_d h,vei I'il¢llllLl_l Lli_ _ViliililL_ i, lrt, ill Lilt, I>'illUl'l lif illlli_,lll' lvlt), lii t'llll of fl_lll I;lill_ illli_li t'_lll dll [hilt llllt,_:ll'ilni I Lli_ iu i, ni, l'l:y II'llril illu_y Llil_ ]liwt_l" _lllllJ.lll" iiit, i!llUl'l,iii_nl_ 4-'l-l-i_(+_ rerlel,lhill ilillllllliil fil ll|l_ ti_llllii_fllLiil't' t,l'fi!i'Lil d ('llu_iLlllil 7 llll' rolyliliiillthin Ill I 0 tllil /_Jll'C'dtJllll il)w-I'l+l_fllJl'llC# IlliUlliJ _1 int'illlllpl'llll_ll[ Illllllll_ +, Lhl! ill Ii vl!l" {ht_Pl,flll'L. i'l-I_lll i!llti Fllllil'lJ 1:1 lilll_lc, first, fill IJll' lhe ,icillli,[Jl, Ill[ Jill' III lit t_i_Lt!lrlldli I+l'Ulll lll¶ll_ ll_vt'lli 1,171Vl_ll I_lt_lll+l! Lllu lille, J'l't'ilill.lll=y, dllllllllilll('l_ i1__ Ill (lit! il lilt, _liid lly lilll_ll [l'liill liy l:i llllll, Ill!pl_. tllliJliil fll'lllli I{ + Ill li wll:llJil ii1"l! " llllillil:Ll_f Ell|, I'l'lirl'ltL'lI( i I,ilhll [zill i'_illlliLl_lJ ih_riillillLi,iI l!llllilll' I El Lll(_ liill_ Ili _ ll(llllid I(t, lil:zll'l:li[illllll I l'71filri_ ll¢l _JJl+t'llullt*d ji_lltil_ ,[nil (J) iJit'l'll[lll+c I:o lllu lili{ilJlJt. lilll_' liJilil'l thl! I:_1 fPuI Lilt* lll-llllillil Ill ILl illlll l',llliilLhlll .llllll!llf_l .ll't' II i+flll:lLliill [i.llllli, till' Lilt' ll#ll hi! fJ¢!i=tiiJll tllli ill[lilt| l;lit'li Jn/lirmlili(lll fill' Ill, iiullil_ liltiul |t Illlll!, Illlt+l_vi_ri Ltl Llie llll J[ in illlliLPl!illll ill ill-lilY.Ill) II(illllJ' l'lt*cL_ll ill i_oL:lill_ Ill|! ll_l[ll _'+_Lt_l'llll" i.pllllilllil ill, i'll ill hi _llllil'_ll'c+lJ IlllLil lllllL'j llleillll: Ibis' lhL' t'ili'PIi# Lhl' tile ill" 7 hi liri,!liillrl_ll ill _if i Li%l'l thl'lil-' ]._l_l_l u£ lll'_llll'l'[i_li hill, (I) [l!l'lllli ill illlill_l'Vill:hlll i_lili uf i_[ I'_ldJzlLitlli I:iilllll:l_, II1_111_ lht, llit_ Ill + i+t, llllt'l!ll. ()[ I; Ilill _lil[ li['lllilitll" l'llll tli_' IIlli4_vi)l+, hllllll_llli_ll till! iI_li;l ill _ilit!l:Ll'ulll hi Illllll l.Xjll,l'Jllll..lllil [Ill 2] Jllllli'llilllCt'll ill I'l*rllil, _illlllt' li{hl_r llllil I (I-#1) lllrl,l' lilVl_lltlllilliilllli _ilill ilr llil>_ I lllLll, filly Ill|. It" Iliillllll,i ill i Lhlll Llil_ till' rl!iL 'lll_' lll'l, _1 fl,l+' lllil_l_tl'_i llrll_l;ifll7 FI,L_'li l,'ll.lll. , i_' l+l'lllll i'JillrJil'Li, l'll _illi_l:Li_l t_lltJ 7'11_ fl li_lll!lll_l, _lill'rlll+ i!J [hi, i'iilJi,lllllil ¢'_Ih_111£1l Lilt' 1_t i'llc, I rlllll - ili!l[,lllC'l-, Ihl' ellllVL, ,%ll,irl I(lt_l)" iCPll _livl!rl.>c, lllll llllil!. III i I'_ltl)Olllllliil_ _l llll till! till+ _ Zlll_ •,,: iv * . ':if' " • 4 (]ll|y fr|zquulic[_.,u for wilLch the w_lvu ]unl,,Lh LII z31nnlJ_r thll0 the J_ rul.xoll w_|| |)1., IILrOllllly r_,fl'lict_l_ thuul ]u_ lrL,cltl_,llcy l_(_LIIId It_ rndi_t_d rllLh_.i" uniformly wh[l_ hll_h fru_luun('y ,L_ll_LI It_ dlr_'ctud off the. t;ll| i_|p_ _l_l:_. 'fllJn frl,quuncy _l)lltLilll_ ufft:ct lz_ I)hJ_tr,LLud hy th_ fr_,qucncy _puctr. Jn Fll_uru IJ. Ilu|ow I kllz til_ two) :IIb_'cLr;I ,sr¢, V_:ry :L]mil_lr; hc_w*tv¢:rb ll[_uvu thLn I'z'cql_cncyj (lit /_5") thu :l_)umJ ti_nn un th_ Fl.l_!r_, _ w]l|J_, the ru[)u_Lrl J[l_'t_ th|ll ]eVL'| i)ru_LJre n_hl (nt I_L i_l:,Lrly 1{} dll hll_hL, r O"). 5Jncc _-_ell_hLin_ t_hil'L ol ¸ hil_,h d_]_ZL hilt. lru(luuncy ,:fl thu Lnll ]_il)_ l_xln nL,iI,_,_.th_ ievc! tn_lru :_Ul_LI _11" the, t;lil i_ll_ _l_|n I_n_||(_t[ol_ dlrllct[v[ty [llttt_rll_J _ll,,I];ir L_, Lh_ J,_b*lrnt_ry m['llrJuru_lUll_U _)l" l'_l.l_lru _ Imvu nJ.l_o |)u_n obll_vud Iii n.l_(' tu_tu _)[ velllcb,lJ. Fi)r _; _ Lh_ di¢cctlvJ.ty of .oLm_l mel_l_ur_d t_ l_ (50') [l:(_nl the rt:nr of _i tr_l_zllt conl:h ltl nhown _.1_ l"|l|ul:_ 7. A]Lhuol_h th_._,_* lllt_r (Intn _llri(J COllt_lh_ dJ.r¢l:t[vl_.y i_u_lkN duu tu i)(;hl_r :il_Lirc_,ll o! ill)lll_ (_llch ll:l utlRln(', block I_O_li_ s f_lll iio_¢luj ctc,)l Lh(_ qu|_t _t.)_l(_ll ill: I.Ii1_ r['(_ Of _he conch lilld Lhl_ _©cordnry the _ :)}._ d[rcctlvity r_lintcd ]_)berl from tll_: lLt t_5 _ ;Ir*_ _'r_t_ulltl_llly trill l_pL ' _l_U;lllZll. A TIIAHSFER-FIIHCTIOI_ ^COIJ_ITIC CII^IIAC'I'I_R[_TIC5 cnut_cd by refrt_cLlon c_f '['l_CIIriI!_!l_l- FOR HI:A!;IJP.][HC _111'." [)F EXIIAU_;'I' SY:_'I'I!tI_ 1_2.111 I_LO_ 11(_rP_i| [IlC|_I_IICI_ _Icl)tllll_Ic pl'OJ)_artJt_tl, _luch _If_ rea_|l:ctJ.Olt col_f['Jcl_!llLi_, l;['_|lflmli'll_;)n _o_/['J._:lul_u, itcollIsL_c |nllt_t1_inc._:tl lllli| _l'lllll_l_|lill].Ol! |t_r_llU{l. Sh_ nlmnd Im_ Lo b_ _epilrnted lntu II_chlcnt _Ind re[leered ¢()nq)lmunl:ll _I11_I lhll cnrl hi _ l'_l_lllv¢l_y dlTflcuJ_ l)rol)]em _l_Zll _lu! ffo_ind lu I)_11111 l_ell¢:l'fltei| ¢ofll_lluollllJy _lld _i_n_Jl]_ WllVl_ft ill'f2 helnl_ formed _n tll¢_ I'RIIIIIIIIL fly=tern. Oi_c© the n_p(_rnlilon II_r_ hccn nchl_vc_l e hl_wcv_r_ li_l:o m)-ci_).lcd rJ_ht-I_Ullllln[_ _nd lo[l-l¢imnlne4 w_V_n_ _lfl d_pJ.ctl_d Ill _"ll_lrc II, _I_I o[ _h_ no_m_l_-l_ch|cn_ l¢OtlUli(_ pl_p_l_l;[_l_ lO illl _'xh,II_L /lytltcm Cnll |_11 de_crmlned. 'l_l Cla_icnl m_l.hod o[ d_compot_ln K _tlmdln_ wrlvo _lytll:_:mn In divot0 1. th_ • tnndlnl;-wnvu-.ratlo (,'i_l_) meLIiod [4] hi which n .m(111 r_Icropll_)nc or mlcl_ophon_ prol)n 1_ mnved n_l_llly il_Ul_ _ll_ duct to mcn_iuru ch_ _lmpllLtlllt_ and ]ocnl:lon oL" l:h¢ nco_ml:_c l_r_:_xlurcrnn,slmn nn([ mlnlmil. From thin In_ormn_Ion_ _h© rnfl©ctlon Com[[_.eiellt clln _ic d_ttorrnlned. Tile _;_ mctll_d hn, anw_rnl d_n_dvnn¢_Ru_: _. The. mu_hot| _'f_qll_cJcfl h. The l'ctcl_lll'cll ncoi_h_ ilfl(_ h_PI_CC_ [II mlcroph_)n_ position l:h, fle oI" [llC_ reflcct*:d I t._ciLn_lon o_ _Jl_tU _OlIUIIfR][III. mll,ll: wltvu. hv knt)wlz '['lllt_ (l_Jl:e C/IIIHI_ll _he dtl(:t nyllt_:m fl_ dlnr_et_ accur_lL_ly dlfflc_iX[y I:c+ rem)Jv_ IlL ¢:, _'IIQ mlcrophon_ _un_ h_ m_ved _lL Jl_nfl_ ii h_[-w/iv(_(_ll_Lh fr_qu_.ncy e_ Lhnt ¢II_ mlcr_)l)h_lllU uy,tcm hne t_ he qllJ[(_ ]rl ol'do_c tit In_lk,'_ l_CtI/lul'llrncllt_l Jit Jl_wt!r [f_qilenc[_'l. d. He_N_r_'tlt_l nffcc_nc| l:hnt by hnwz (|i_llilpntLon to nt I)¢_ mmh: within th_ d_cl. w_ill_, n h)nl_ (Jllet h|l_h lit t,llctl cumh_rnom_ n(!ctiol; tht + frvquvncle_. _tfn I e. Hhen there _tcrl_phulle le flow in the duct| :Jyltt_m clJn colnplett_ly the flou nolu© Iten_'r_lted muuk the .couatlc _lav_ by th© b_ll_ IItt_llU Ur t_(I * 'l'ht!rJ_ dl_ldvitlltafie_ vlt'l_.nlly elimin,qt.o the _Wi_r0cthud f_r th_ roll,tilt© tu_ttnfi of t.,:_hnuut i*yutem:J wlLh flow. ttu n protticlll taol Other le_lJ-ct_nll,©ruol_e method© of tJt_por_ltln_ lncld,Jnt: _l_d reflected w_'cet; h_tve burn tri_d to Liv0id :Jonl_ of th_ dlf[lcultle. JtJu_. cltud. A dirtier ._p_lclt_l_n of In©Idyll| i_nd _'cfiectcd r_ot_tl(l e*_n b_ _tchleved _lch the tJ.Ju _f I)ro_ll_lll_tl uhort.-ducntlon e_clt,_tlu, pul_u Inn roll, lively lon_ _ec_:lun td duct 15,6]. ilec_u._ of thcJ l_,_th of dt_ct l_ded, dll_lp_tLon ptabl_l,_ occult at ch_ w_lln an mentlo_d In (d.) .hove. hie© I;h_r_ L_:dtffLct_|Ly lit crclttill_ _ti/_clun_ |li_|l-lrcqu_l_¢y COllt_rlL in tht-" _llo_c-durntlo:t ptlll_tm tu ovt_rcom_ flt_w _nd/or bncki_roLil_d iloiuu Lit the uppur _requcz_c7 rnn_e. Ano_hc_r mt_tllod of _Jp_tI_tl_ll_x lneldelll_ _ttld r_flecLt_d t_oultd ut_:* cort'_lntlon L_chntc]L_e. wlth n dJ_l_r_:t_ frcq_el_y e_titntJon [7]. Two w_ll-r_Jnted r_lcrophol_tt mt_nlJt_t-©I:[IQ n_ndln_-wiIve _r_pllt:udc lind pht_ rul_ttlv_ Lu _t t2umman rl_fut'el_c¢_ Y(_l£nJ_o _nd the crorau--'uot-rc_ltttlt_rt bct.wt_u;t the:t© Int_zl_urt:-¸ n_eiittt ltt |Jilted to dcct)mpon¢_ _|1o Itl:n[Idliit_ Wftv_ Into l[icid_nt itnt| r_fl_JcLed wnvt_Uo A_hotlll|l tile wA_l-mot_[tt_d rnLcrQphon_t reduce' flow rtol_ tht_ mc_thod lu _:_t_ntLllll7 _n I:lmu cot3rtumln_ aa I_ht: _]./R _Lhod A hrot_db_tnd rout|led In to bt: preferred, ther_l'orc_, for pcltctJ.c_l ce_cl[_tt ulncu_ 111 fi¢iiarttl_ dlncr_ft_ frequency mathod_ _pp_tr t_ b© too tl_m ¢otlltuml[l_, Art t,l© |1_'¢o :*_c:t_p rdlot't: ptlltl_n do no_ _ucm L_ wot'k t_o t_ell _(Jf |)t'_ltdbal]d ©_ltnl_$.t_'t In n duct:° Tlllrt len'cc_D t-_tlldont-nola© ©x_ttlt_l(Jl|, H_t3d(_m-llt_lll© _lxcl_A_:i0n r_c_t|lod_ _t'_ new wide.l)' ..t'.t_ In conjunction with _'_llt'i¢_r _n_llyttiLt eqtll]_rn¢llID p_lrtlculttcly In vlbraLion _nalynla, mid It wetlld ohvloualy Im beneficial If nuch powerftd procedttre.a co|lid he applied to c:_tlllllu_ lie|me: J_entlll,_* DtJr_ll 8 the pnut two y©_rn, n practical tt/llltt_rJ_unctJ.on t_clin_que o| thin kind, in fit©t, horn dnvelop©d at the G_I lt_t_trch Lnhor_ttorlva for _ceufl_J.c I_.*/t_tl_¢_t_nl_ let duc_ nyc*tcmn with flow, lt_ wottld© Lfl pI'eOt!llt |1,_1_c ,1 derivation of thf: I_©_[tad toP.t:_|lt:r with tc,t ti_ltl_ r_l/tLiq_ _o liege k_l_w_ no-_]o_ tll¢of¢_lc_l tloiu_iofln, l_ tdlould |1(] 11otcd t)ll;_ thl_ J_ not tit© o_1)* rawle_-no/mQ t'cthnlqu© ¢.hnt: ImJ hcen propo_ed /t)r ¢_;_llounl:-noi_tl tentlnfi. |;©ybert ii.d I_ona rt_cen_ly prop©ned ntlch _t _(_t|lod [tl]. Ilowev_r I;|lolt procedure involve0 _ [orf_ultH:_flrt t |)/t#t;d oil ttt4to- _lnd crof_tl-_pec[:t_l, rnl:hor ¢|l_tl*t tranuf(_= flJfiel:|ontl, ¢llttt ellflllot ¢_;inily b_ u'Jcd ill pk*lictlcRi teal:tn K. rf[I© I_fal]l_ff:x'-fUllCtio_ i_c_thod t|lRt 'dt_ dt:ncrihn |l_t't_ CleF| |)fovldu _ Jli_t_nl:itneotltt rt_ltdotl_ t3[" qtinnl:l_/.¢u utlcli an reflec_lun c(_',zfJ[lciel_tS4 _nd tran_l_X_n 1o..©_ ov©r it t't_._t_ol_td)].ybro_t| [ruqu_ncy gi]ll_{tl trait3 Htt two-ch_m_©l lnb_rnCt]ry nna,[y;_ut', _{¢_|'l_rlVlll K tO ¢[1_ _lellP, l_Itic dlllst_r_ t_|lo_/[I ill |"iRtl_¢l _ t(_n_ld¢]: |He .rbltrar7 mict'op|ioflu i[}CtII:_QI]Ii _ Illld 2 A[, |lie dttct wzill H_[,h #t _l_pllrltL_Ult all.Lance n, In a .nlfo_r_ ducc of fln_.l_o lenKLh ulth flo_ [¢o_ left: L© rlXIIt tic; llldiCaLt!d. T[Iq _'O_a_l¢ IlrUaMtlt'¢:l f_¢_gtlr_d by ¢1i¢? _iegttp|lffn_ll f_L L[1¢_cl l_©ationn tony h_ _xprea_©d _t¢ the .tir_¢io_ of clsht.nd le_-i'unnlnK cu_po_rtta nl _O_IOW_I P1 " Pl r + P|_. (2) P2 - P2r + p21t , (3) n.d wht'rL_ l'll_ll[- [,lit, ,lIb[ uff|e|elltl_ HUhlLL't'ItltXl [ ilncJ lL*fL-rLillnlllll II 1 _lllll llhJlt_llll' 2 4'llnlllulICIllfl 14 2 lLt the [IJ lhL _ h_l'lltlOllll [.hC IIl'_ll_tLIrt% II_P h,¢.lt/mL_L lifo I NII(J _- 111111 ]_ The refleCtjotl deflnofl denute the co- ;ltl, I( 1 • F {plE}/l:(Plr) (61 r2 - r'(x,., }IHp_} , (5) IIIliJ wllur_ Y dellotu. wltll th_ rJBht:- Lhu F.uricr £r;lllnrOr/Iz, AltJo I:he tCalZtl/er ftlnct|onn nnd ]e['r.-runnJll_ prcrl.orell nmy bo ulg_ren_e_l aa_ IlL2 l_ - t.'ll) 2 )IF{Pl r P anttoci/ltcd ) (6) AIII_ • II121, while I:h,." I:l['flllfi[#_l_ /llYiC[.JOll ? I {p2jt}/_ [plR,} I"OI" (.hi _ totli] , [)['l_p_llll'l_tt (71 lnfl_ 110 WX'_tt(!ll /ill 1112 - 1:[I)2}/I,'{pl) F_OI_ oqulltlolm _ i:o I_, iE (11) lrl _ecn thzll:, 1112 - 1112 (I.tR2)/(Z.Hl I) (9) r wlille equnthm, l, Co 7 .flow that, R2 - (H12_./ll12r) :;ub.tikutint_ ,zqu.tJon lO Into II1 - I ' . ! L : equatJon I11 (111) 'J and .olvhl_ (1112 - 1112r)/(ll]2_. 55 - 1112) for Ill, 1¢ Folluwz_ tll.t, (IX) I:quiltlIJItm 2 ¢0 11 ._r_ valid _'[tller for dL.t_rminlutLc or rz_fldnlll ull_r_=ll,I iiruvJdt.d Ftlur|(:r tr/zl_tlform_ L'lt|lJt _ |ll th_ c-zinc. (if tht_ rlllllJ(im uJ_ll_lJ. _.'KlUfZtJJy., I_l,r zl t'llndlilil is_tlzl|_ tll_ [rt.qut_;ll_y t_l)t:(2Ll'_l I r_1:_lt_r I. IId[I [_IU ;"|JUrJcf trlln.lfoL'mti.;lrl_ _IIt|I11ZlLL'd. [n r.i'du[" lor U¢lulll:Jon_J _ to ]| to b_ YZ_lld, It clltl hu rlh0wn |hilt F'(It m whuru thu conJutiate. dlfforcl_t eorr©lated. II _he }l!n{pLi follt,v_hlt_ } " q I'lPl. r¢_fllllrc'ln_!n_ J " I_ I:a{pll ha, } q [ll_lC_loll_ _noul_t_.d with 1112 F Lhe '_ e r/llht- llnll b_ uat|pl'l_d. , I;eiK" dunoten zln IWt_g'llg¢! V.'_hII_s 111111thu hat,rink I'qua_lu, 12 lu tlfltll_[|ud _lzl loll8 _ltl tile: dnt_l _ample recorda In _lle I'inltu Fo,vl_!r Trnnlt(orm Thin con_litlon e_ln he achlew_d by appropriately T_I© ¢rngrd_er to (12) .J.lldlCllt(zu fl _o_1_1_ ,etime,t_s n_en_l ch_ are mu_unlly un_epnratlng the |_l£-I'tltln_.nl_ _runnulrcn r 113) _lkla uhcra , Xn £h_ dl,t_lle© h©_w¢_n tliu t_o m|crophon'e_ nn(I k r - W(I.tH) (15) k_. - k/(l-r_) (16) aca the _nw n,mt)_r_ corr_ap(m(Ilnl; to thu rl_lt£llil(| ]_/t-r_HInlll_ pl_tie_wh, h_ cq,_ltL(_lt_ 15 itn_l I|). tlt_ wzw;! ii,mher k lzs (hffJlled f[oqu_ltcy d_v_¢lvd by th_ flp¢_d of nOUfld. _lt_le ch_ H_tch numt_(_r fJ_ wlc_lCy V dlvlde.d hy th_ rlp_d of n_m¢l. * 5tI'|t:tly_ Lifo _ran_fut'm l'uf_t'i'cd ;"otlrl(zr ilur;_r comp,tllt trmltiform t¢) h_:rt. Jn _,f It rzlnlh_m t'h_' [Jfl[(;_ _6 i |_1 h_n,. tllt_na], _'_)_l_'lcr .slot tt'l_n_lolrm _¢_lvtt ¢tl_l_; th_ i'l |n the r_e_z. ut_lrlt hcclttlu(2 _1_¢!_| 111 'II11-' VZI[UL'U Pl lltld _r II 2. find Thuu tll_ known dJut_utcu thu l_u., l'al_lo ()_ k_. eilll lll2r l)t_ dl.'L_._rlTIlllL'd lind h. 1112_. rzm IIt)w_v_r, 1112 LhL' i'rK}l_rt-lJ[ll_cl.rUll_ bu lruIII _orrL, dui_rmlnud I) j i lu{loll uulnU It1 _'{lllilitQil [J_lt_4.'l_l_ II12 - th_ 11 l) 2 I}lld ful]¢tluI1 k r _Ind kR _ll ol)taJllell I)L'tWI_II L°il_ther dJ.[cc_J.y {.111_ _IUCO 01]ett_'uril wJ[h from U[ p|e (1)) (:12/bl1 Ullln}_ tht, qU;IIIL|LI_II Ill't)vld_+d hy t'qll;lliUllll J3 to J_I thu refhtctlUll c¢lul'fJUl_llt _{I _iill IJiJdltLl_'rlllJllL,d l'rLlfil *'qU_ltl_¢l(If). 'lhlu COllll)llc;It|Ull ll_ l'i_.|_it_vuly uJlnpJu 41rid L'llnbL' L'L'lldIlypr_q_r,_millt,d hlLo l-_.,llih_uL of Lhl _ ruf|l_(!t|.n uu_,l'fl_'l_llL. LIIL,ilIlllJy_l#l" to _lL'l111 lilt ('ITIUII t l)ruvlll_ Zl dLr(_ct ._l"CH r ,i C_ _lll_IIC¢.'urllL')' lit th_ .C_<ltlC i)rOl)urLlel_ II'_l_.UL°ud In _t duct l)y [ll_ tT_1111l_l.'r--l'lllll_ll)ll lllt_Lh(_l I ll_ )_uVL,rlll.'lJ I)y _IIII_ _ilC_O_l. |a_lll)r_flllL {_1' LIIC_SI_ .rl. ,IluCLJ_Uud brl_l ly In thin uu_[lox_. /_ll _ll;ll /Ill _lthL'r II(_IIIItlLIc Illl!/llil_r_,lll_*lllt_ t th_ KIJI_IIlII--IZ_--III) l_y_LL'rnl_'ltllf]_l_ Th I-_ {Ill)hi I_IU r_l[_(} _)f tll_ ll_IJltfll_l_ /_II_IIII]¢_ N/ill I'pI_14_[ [U thl! |Lu'# i)I"l)/I¢_rlJllfi_ZlO_/ll_ l_lll_IL lilt ,ufflul_ll_ly hLillh All_u_ for Lhu fru(lUU_lcy ra(tL(u o[ i:he m_llzlur_ln_m_,, th_ dy/t.rni_ rnl_tiu _ff tile _I¢'uuqtl_ IiIUllal_ ,luut Im k_llL _.l_llJll L[lU alSprol)rt#L_ IIuJfl_.. 'JIIu tl_lll_ll_l II1" /-h_" /n|L.JllJlOIl_211 flI_HIL Ilu chuucn "_LLII _II_VI_I'II[ _Olll_¢h_¢lltlonrl illmJlld. Hlcroj)lliJilt_Ii kl_. ('_tuuJy _lli_t:_i| _l_] CI'UIII;I_ l_l'rof (hl_ Lu LIII_[11_{:_ U|,I_L_(It" l_ll¢_ r_l_l_J_()_lIl(_lll2eEl ll_lll)Ilril)*in ll_liC4J_tllC_l)l'c_[_ell[ly_ IIIICll nlJ[izrl)pll(lll_I J:l {IfHJllmt.'d I_I)l¢it:ilrlllr_ _l(:()ilIl[_ + pI*L'III_IIrL' _lt LI i]D_II[. HIU&'I)pII_II_I_I_ UllalC_l tOO flll _ illNlr[_'J_J _ll¢l'lldll, C_ _XCUI_II|V_, _;III dJt_u_lllltLoll¢.[[IJc[_. At /l'_lll_!ll_Ic_tl l'_r which ch(_,.i)(tu|ii_l I_ _i hzllf-W;lV(,lUll_th c_L" LhL' uO_llld_ K:III_£WU J_iX_rolillOllCll PlL'IIrlLII'{_ l_l?dtln¢lafiL pllr_¢)lll_l)l" _.III_ llLilll(l_l_ WI|VI_ told LII,_re/]l!¢_LJ_)n ColI[f_c_cfll: CillCUJ_llzl_¢l ['F(tT_ IZqllIl_JOllIt Itl_¢O_lUll InduL_£mJllllll{. _e..itlr tlmrlt.'/l'c_lill¢,,cll_¢l _ wall iI/_ll_ntlon tHld t_tilt/;itl¢_l]ul_rul'rl _||l bl:c:urne (l._In41111z In LllU rufl_c_Lon CI)L'|'_J[C_UlI[ £111CIlI_IF_(_ll lllhl I_ll'_L _ ¢21"I"O1"11 r_llll{. _CJ r_aeh a compr_,o.l,e nrn_nfi lh.ncz (IJI'f(:r(:IIL /_l_tor;_ Lh_ .p_lcllll_ .la).hl I_ a_ Jella_ n [oh" d/z_m_!tera of the [l'¢qu¢ii_y, Zlllll (:llll_), Lo tilll_I{(_fira]ImlJL1pla [llll[Inl_ d{;m(lln l'l_zll)'Ju_lon u[ thu coupled with ;tdu(I._[_ t_ml_cr_lturu il_luc_ reil._)nably lic{:._It_ of tile ul)_,:d of /_l}l_n unlt. 'l'll_._ _lt_d FJuw v_!loc_ty uuu[Itl tlrn_i_ ].tt(_r re_li/c_ment, Jl_[ormat|r_n, _dlo_ld l_l#r_llllL(l(_C)ll c)f tll(*l-llll¢:{_n_ Ill2r iznd 11|2R, 'lhl!I'E¢'(IIII-_B_ r/llllll_ hl wll_.cllIICL'li£_I¢._ fll_llIlll_l_mL, n_fi CIII_IlL'()I){.Jnl_ll hIl¢_ Lo Zl_:u;:_II {liltrilll_l(, IVlll..l_ orlJy l)J/ir1¢t h'llYUtll)rciI)ll_Jl{C _ IiI [Iio lhlc{. For _i _._r_:lllilr duct l_f d_41m(![l_r iI_ th/rl Implluu thac tIl_ l'rcqu(,llcy I" I1_. {{i h¢ J¢lm th,ll I)._tff) (¢:/d) wll|h_' [I)L" n _l(luar*' *h,.._ ,{ Md_ d. Lt .{mplli_._ LINI[ [ hn, t. b_ lu.u Lhnn ¢/Zd wh_,rL, c I. _liu tq_l_(!d _)f el_lll(I. • P_ G_ IIIll { i _ _ All{: J. the ^nllh)fi*c.-l)llllcnl (',olwur_.r _7 tll('rNtlr lt:_ "of i 'i'hi_ui;iltJtlttcil[i*rror O/ [.hl_ ml_lilIUt'U[llUll£ _n ili_lii_ni_ciliE on Llll_ coh_l.i_It_ ll_[_]l_$]U IJllt_ Oll thc' numbel" l)_ Zwl_r_iiluli uilud |ri tht_ UVilitJilthJn of {.lle trilliiifl.r [liliuLloo. 'i'o IlUitluve cquiv;zi_iit Itccuct_cyi 4i hil;h ct)hurultCl_ ru¢itiJl'_!ll l+uw_r iivL'lr;IKuu I.ItiH1 _l lOW coht_rl_lIC I_ . Ilnwl_velc I LJtU i)!21_(_ llpIIl'ullch l:$ _u rt_[)l_ill; thl_ Lg.u[ti ttii_[%l_ _ro_l_ti_;_vl_]y [11o[,i_ _ivl_ril_i_/i llntii tlll_ fllllil :euult L_ eu_ulltl,lly onliffeL'cud hy tllu mlmllor of llv_r_ltleu. _)ULWI.'I.']I [.hu C;i I lilll IlbtCl'(Jllhuni_ _WU "lhu I_iil IllrilLliill lif lhL, I_ilcl'clllhulll. :i)'b{t'lllll iu il¢:Colnllilllllitl] h)' IllOUlitilltl [;l_o llill:l'¢lllhllilt.ll lit il lilil_ in 11 lillllu [li.ll viln lilt l'lllhlly Zl£lilclitd Lu tliu illlUll Ullll ol thL* dii_t* 'lll_ tWO _ll_rollliollC.ll ellli LIIIHI bl_ liUtlklll%l_ll to lie _lniziud to thu /llllU iIUllil. _ fi_id,, illlii tli_ ti'llllUll_'i _ /Ull_tlnn _n_i0ul'_d in tli[_ _onfi_urnLIoll l'Ulir_.ll_li_ tll_ rlttlpl)ll/ll_ (llutli In llmllliLulle lllid plifi_l_) o[ I)lll_ i_lcro|lllonit uyilt_nl r_lli_/vl_ _(i _llu other _iyot_ln. If m/_rulihUllle II lill_[i_llll_l of _il_li will r_iiuiL wllur_ tho lnlcI' Ill (llldl_ _'lfiilP_ lllhll_[lllllli inu_uuremuli_ liubllcl'lpI; Thl_ ilUtO-lipii_ti_il llllll to tll_ folloWhill of i llecllOllQ tim llOt Of trlillllf_ i*ilrllililOl _illl_tin_ii _n_ 11 i'Cfill_l_llCe I IlliCCl_linlVll co_iwith tliu llyll;l.'lll O[ micl'oplion_ ti'_llli_for c fl_.lliril I_¢1Lllu eiillbf_lon lic_ _ _l'liil_f_ flnlc_lonrl lu llcroplion_ [filllcorrecti_ " ell [(;22Jcorvacted " G22/II112 fllllCi_lon_ [1112c, II13c, corilll_Urlll;iOli i)[" tile tlleil iIl_C_ Lo COi'l'{ic_ _#_t_ln l'_llliiinll_ I1 . ,, l_lillurcll (ill) c I2 (19) d , (13;i/II113 12 c (20) [III2]CO¢C_CI_ d " 1112/1112 (2L) " 11}.7/1113 C (22) c forlnll'of thll lllltil-lllil.l:_[;i lllll I _;['II_=_'C_ [llllCl_iOIIII II1'1_ IIIll_l| lit l_f t|ll_ I_efl_ct[Oll _U(_l'/lCl_!llt_D _riill_nll_rlion ]orl_c_, lind otli_i" lil!ollllltlC prllll_rl.l_ll ll_ iI iluc_ tl_tlt_l_l. l|_l-illlhonll ill Ill cli0_cii l .llccocllllll_ [C3]Jcotccctc [lli3Jcolecect©d Th_llo Clil_l_l.'i_[.llll [hl' _ll_UJllt|lll| Illtl'lnlll-lnl:Jlll_[ICii /I) Jtl I'hulluII llli I_i_rolllilHill u#tltul ill| _11_ r(!/ uyuLera. /:_,/ ¸¢ , . 10 lnlltrltgl_llt_ltlun ;llltJ Atmtlct_ltud iqetlJttlrt!mollc Protedtlreel The JnutruJllClltflt.|on rt:qllirt_t_ to pcl:forf_ In-duct ctcou_tic fnellott£clneittu uuLn_ the tr_mu[ur furtctiOll technique In tdluwn rlchut_aticially In |:Ifittru 9. A rtltldomnuhtc i_unurator lit COUlJ_ed thruu_h zl I)ower ;l_=llllfter to _.l tlcouutic driver iliid I_en_r_ltuu ot_ml_tic !lli_lmlO In tile pipe, The Inside dt_im_t_r of the i)Lpe mtud t11 thL' e_puril_h!,Czl WriSt _l ri_ll, _tnll b,3_ [_a;i (]/l_') c|lanleL_r Llrttul _lnd KJaur cutlduimer micrt,plm.e_ were ml)ulttC!tJ fhtuh with Lhe lntzLd_ wtlLi o[ thin pLpe, Fuc thi_ pipe dl;]metor, the upln_r limit of tile frequ_llcy ranse In tci|lch Ollly pllltlu wl_v_u pt'Op_l[_tltO IZl I_ hJlz, _'or tht- _ trifler:t JOlt coefficient. ,'In ztXIGI I_onntlrumetltos ulllzcln_ of 27 ,_m w_=_ uoud butwuetl the two uptltrt_l_ microphonuu. TIitift_ tzccordlll_ to t_liUlltJUn ].l_ the [It.:_ Ind_terminnliL frequency occult', lit kill _hlch I_ albert., the frequency ritll_U o_ Itttt_ru_lt In _Jtg II_ltdutt:InL_l_t_l. I% third _lcrop]lOll_2_ illotllltud tl(tw|lutr_ltril O[ _ tilt! lllX(-'lIC_l[* t [IR(I lill IlnL*cJIoIc I)tpu turlnl|_ittlolt ._I'_ Uuud In tim trnnnmi.nlonIOLIU ml211ntlremUl_tI_. Th(_ nll_Cholc terl_llllitlu_l_ _,tJllCit {:oIIUli_tGi Of ¢1 IUtll_ 'dutll_(I of a¢ (|bt_rl_lllts within zl _l tr_ diameter pip=. pr_wnt= thu [orr.ltltlon of dt._'notr_ll_ r_lluctccl wi4vell .1Ild tJltl, pucrnltu m._'tl_ugcln¢llt, of t.rnntnilltt_2d H_lveu _lttl t}llly Olle mlcrophollu. I[ /_uc]l _| tEtmill_tIo[I 141_1"_ [lot. uIl_d I t_o du_[llll_fui_nl m_tcropJltlnc2t_ could bl_ tll142t_ Ill COllJunetIull tdl_ll thl_ t£11nOl't_l"-funct_Of_ EUCIIIllqUU t.O (Je_tJmJlt}tlt/ tile tlo_llutl-I_litn IltltlltJlll_ Wltvc to iJ_terlllIgll tile t It'JlnBml _ltl Ion lo11_1. Amplified Annly;_er nr_tirum_nt_l mlcruphunu =lI_nalu weru f_d for mt!4_nttt'_mcnt af ii_lt(l-npc_tl'_t ttt_ |*U_red on the dtL_lt_l (ttodel to an lip l'lerlln and trannlf=c tttp_ ,nit btillt trod r_cnllud for tltlbH_t_klCIIt Col_lptltlltlOil/I. '_Jl_ c_lJtlr/ltlOl| wt_r_ I_un;lurcd t_aln_ i)lll_il or mltropll01Z_0 all dcatt'lb_d In II¢ICtlOn _11_ tided tO i'_(J_l[y ttlCt _lUtt)-b[}_CtrtZ rind t_ilntJ[¢_ to ml.ntlonu I_l through 22. Tile f,nttlon vt)J.tnSea 1112 r nnd almlllL_llltl(I,,ly 1112_ w_lTt_ Ill bo(;h comptlt_:d Input by clmnn_ln fly,din8 of 1_5_20)t'..rt©r ftm_tJotm. lllt.o tll_ tr_llll/ur [uIIC_lonR tim cllJtli)tntJotl fu[tctI0n_l iiccordin_ Gnun_lnn Ill© Thuut_ _lll_lyI_ nnnlyxer. wllItn noI_© Llmc_ d_lnytnB ,n_ chnnn_l by -'krn/*_ nnd kl,/_, r_mpoetXv=ly. (Aecordina to oq,lttl.nn 13 _md It*) nnd cutup,tin8 thn trnnefcr function=. Thr. microphone _p_ctnK o[ 27 Irm WOe Clloncn tie that thgll= time dtilay= (both to 7B Iln) w=re cqunl to tile time domain renolutl_m of tim nnnly=©r_n ^I)C unit for th_ _.2 kll_ / rOqtllsncy rnn_o, Tile comptltatlun of equntion 11 w_tu completely within thtl nnnty_er unit. Thurefor_t npuctt_ of aCOtltlt_¢ pnrametern ntlcil n_ r_flnctlun co_fl'tctentn_ trnnnml,nlon Innnun_ _te._ cottl(I b(_ dlnplnytld (lir_c.tly oil th, aonlyxcrmn o,clllo_!copu _tnd/or nn n-y plotter. The nlmpllclt_ of the form of ,:q_mtlon U la a key f_aturc of thin tcchnlqtm nine= It p©rmlt= Immediate display of tile. I_lt.nnllred nco_nt_tc p;irilm_Itcr In thn lnborntory wltllo_it r=_Jo_ttliR to n pr_-pru6r_mmed dlRItnl cor_)mtur. 'lwt_ _l_i_rttl1_i1_L, w_:ru L:oIld_ict_ll. _f_Jl:_n B th_ nwl_.H_u hardw_i_¢ L_}l_i_]u_ _,i_I _r_' ¢_)l_,_r_'d i_ qui_i_y _:_:i_|i_L_ _Jl: C[_ n1_:_llur_ H|2r l-cu_u_I_y {lurn_lii_L tt_i1_l_rJ_i_ll_, r_li1_L,. by t]_ li|_:Ji_}_, I| thu r_uu|_J _hL' _h_}ry iu _:c1mi_|_ , i:i_ur_ /_L h|_|_ _i}_j_ru)_l_l_l: ']'y}_Ic_l_y, |h_i_]_y L_ _t'cd_'_ l_i_l_rl , _0 _i_}l _rr_,l__li_L_ut_ _,ild }ILZ _ cili_u_J _11_I_,i_:r_p|1_ lil_d o11 _,h_[_ty Lwo-we_:k pi_rlod [h_t _ro,_ k_1_ 't_ _h_ryo lo_vi,_u ;it,d ¸ 10 i_r_ul_z_u b_)_h _tl_ _r_:,i_,_l_Ci_i__ LJI_ _l:_in_;_li_ly v_hJe_i _J_J _r _hu I_}}_:d o_ ,(_t_n_ ¸ _Jllch c1_r_Jr_ vltl_y _.t1_it']y _.'rcu_'_ _il_ll|llll Lh_ iff' _)_ llII_:_t,i'/Ic_l_il W_LI_ l_ri:tl_,¢n_y in I_pI_LJL_]L _w_ ,_ _, r;'/ , : ,_,, *l:,¸ , i 12 ! Above _ kllz, LII_ U_lZ_rJnl_iltzz! r_oulLu I'_ll] [dr below Life th©orut[cal I)r_Llictlol_. Tilir_ lu h_|[uv_d LO bu du_ Lo the uceur_t.;ice u| Lieu [irtlt rJllll_| cl:QzJll-,uJdll wit_hill Lhu .llu,cu'r. "|he lowuuL fr_ql_l_cy ut which mode w[|l prtlptIj_zzte _n,tLullU_L_cd 111 Lh_ ch_[_bur II_ K[vt_ll by Ill) t - T}lv Lh_oF_.,LI¢,IL mllnB the _nd I)ll._Jt_ ]_ltl_lii tll_ C_t[_tilllt_otH_ Lit Itfliilj,]l _li_ thC do _nLF/tnce ilUt tilf.* _:I'_L_cJII_ _i t, m(.) m -- ;ICL'OUIIL d t-/itv_ Jmpl'OV_ ,ItIHiI:IuII. chzlfzlhL'l" (]./_2 . reflucI.ed I._£cztt).y _t1(_ to CoCr_cl_lon O| "n'l)llJd Vdthl_ (l.22).Ot, ,lb_ " . _760 II_.. ]'QL" [li_ (2_) hLl}]l_l" ord[.F fllod_:;. A _WI( m_thod [|2). oucurl*ln}_ _l |.22. c d till_ lnllllt: Ij_ I|]J_ cli_! _1_1_11 _'_'_c_lj_lcjl!tl_ dill I_Xl_l_ll_|lOll b_JEHCCI1 _ll,trl_ pipe |he _0 ollcit dll_t'_l_llt [llCt_ Ill: tidied 41nd I)hnu_ III _il|cl% l_l_l_Lh l)_" I_l;cIJl'y _llld /_0_ w(mhl correCL_Oll, _*ll co Pl'13tljCI; I_11C ill]_l[ I)_|)U I_jiuz_'jmL'_. tll tll)prcmch L|te _ - AO 2k,e. ' - ( 0.0_ (2it) _i_ lll_h _'l'cq_lS_llCieil. "]'_1ll_.lllrnCu _hlel e[lect, n _)d|fied I,hl_o£ul;JCll[ cUl'VU |',c phll,_ |r_ _Lhown In I'lFlllrc 12 bcLwucn 1.1 kirz _,d 2.7 kilt.. A, UXl_c_Lcd , Lh_ J.,flnl_e |l_tiB_d pLpu ct)rtectl_n ,|._l_htly ovurc,L/.r_._¢_ Lhe cucrucLJoll; hc)_uvc:rl It c_mp_ll'il_Olt tll_et_ t)i_ ¢!_l)erlmcl|tnl FIRu_'_ _1 1rl tcchnlqt_e Tl'_)l_Zlrnlns_lon In r_/hall. _l_¢lrl_ire_| JO_lfS l[J_ (T|.) I_ul:L¢:t" I_ltc:h to L]l_ol'y h_t b_ mlcd clan d_ltn _'ll_n¢_ dllll:o_tlpl_[Fdl _ re_z_L_ dntn I_l]lltl'u_lll_ fol' _h_ wlLh l_oL to check _pt_nqiur. nru _omp_ted _lfl_ dt)'e_Ti;sl.r(!llm che _hc.lttlur_m_nl./i. Oilly p(ltv_ls l_lld LJle tu nll¢_ll_er m_'l_ul:cd o| '|']lllZ_) v[:rl[y i_o_llbly ch_cd)Qr LJ,llll_ to lliJeFIcer l_provc _r_ r_[l_cLJol_ Lhs: I.hll t|m pccrlented c(_[f[cl(:nL, 111 l.hL! 11_ptC_llrlion (;ll '|'1. - wiit_t'_ I [_ I:he _lt.Lr_m ru[luctlol_ c_)_[l'JcJ_JIIt_ (!RilrlJf_.'_()ll iltttttlm_.¢_ 'J'll_ "_ (_1 | I_._r3_,fn_llLU |t.ld_ /1|_;O ovg_r tll_ tltlJllJl. ]_:IIHCII lO LoSlO _|t'tt L|l¢? of (l_l_l)2 _ul:o-ttl_uet['_ ]_j_ IIl_fl r'_:i O_ _IIId gtrl _lt |, _ltl_!CtllilC (_'(Impl|l_l:d mL'LhH_ (_ ¢0 Lilt' (Ill i:h_ ru[t_llUllC¢l_ 1_11_ _pz|_,_._)l_ _humt)_l" |)_)Jnt do_lmLrtl_l_ t#,!|'lq|1111_.lOI1 ¢li_zoret_(:dl}, o| dll) o| _1"© /1_C_IIIHFI_"IIICIIL dO'_l_rlLl_ullri] I0. O| _luto-i_i)t_cLrum. jl¢_dJc_lOllft g) _11_ (25) or (if fur I.htl |_.IcTICC_* I_['_lllllmltil_Jun (lul_rLcc-'H_tvu t_pon_lbl_ I:h_, ']hl_ tel_l_llltnen_ I.IIM )ob_ u(_rt4ctslr© Z3 fornl_d by Lhc iJrotruo|Lin of thu e_Lt pipe ll|to [he ch_lmbcr, The dccz'e_lue IJi Lh_ _sp_r|_utlt_l TL d_tl_ nbov_ 3 kllz In du_ to the _Jccurrcl_ce of [:lie [J.rut r_llidJl crot_-Ln_dc wlLhLit Lh_' ¢lt_zl_lhcrB a_ discussed ['or th_ r:_[lect.Lon coet'[|cLul_t dal:_, 'rh_ _JvurlLl[ Lrund _J[ thu _p_t'Ln_cn[_l TL dlll:e_ [ollowu that [_[ Lhe Lh_:orutLclll pr_dLcLLun, II_w_wr_ Lh_ n_duu_cd data e_h_hll_ ['lu_tu.aLlu_u LhruughL_ut the ftcqu_'ncy ra_q_, whlcil ,ir_, I_OL_lc¢o_lll_,_l f_r _y th_ tilbury. Althu_q_h thu _t'll_[it _s_ tll_::_ [JLl_:lt_tL|lJl_ l_ IIOL _llU'_ll_ r_l'[_2cL_d W,W_B I'_LIIIItilu _lll_lto|,_ _J_Lcllcu[" I th_l _3_1 uucd Li| uqu_L_l 2_ _u_ld ho _.l_ ct_'_r _h_ LL_thu _¢andini_ wavu p_Ltt_rn_o Th_ _J_lJouLl_ted urrur In TL wo_d h_ o_ th_ f|_lctu_Jt.LiJl_ n_[;Lir_ ul_lllll[" Cu ¢h_ d_lt_ _f FlSu_'_ |:_ due _ the prcuencc of prul_ur_ i_odu_ and I_ltl:ln_d_ _t[: Lhe Llowl_n_ruz_n_ _nicrophul_u [uc_iti_l_, A _¢t_dy u[ Lhu itcuu_lLl_ _111 ba COlldUctcd ll_ /_ltt_r_ _[_u, COHCLUI]IHG CO_EWI'S _lld of _ L_LI]. pipe Lit lln l_purc;_ln_ tupl_ Ln _hnu_C: Ilolu_ _l_ud_u_ _t_d tile |l_u_lbilLLy _hnl_ _hu nco_l_tlc p_en_uru [l_ L|_u I_i[_ hill), bu dirL, cLly rulaLed Lhu radiltl_ud uound t_hould |_ [u_'_het" _nvuul_l_i_d. The Lr_l_[_l_:uL_ct.|_l_ tu_hl|_,qu_ d_velupud b_ eli con_ld_rd_hl_ 1, hy (;M ]L_ruh Lcltlorator|_n u_te |_ol:h In_ _lu_ul_t. _pp_lt_'_ t*; pr_vLd_l uyu_,c_ _l_vuJop_l_llt to [ol_ thn _Ll_| [o_" |_u_lnlbL_ H_,_t_ [low ._lnc_! _h_ _f_]n_fc_r [Lil_c_,to_ techl_|q_ _tn I_ L_B¢!dwith I_enl_ fll_w I thai: ¢'[fc¢_ _)t_|d I_ _cc_ullLud [l_r d_tr_cLly ll_ _l_y h_n_h turL_ _4_Ll_i_th_ L_¢l_ll_lu. A_I [l_r _t_l I_h_ f_¢l-[l_lt'L L_l_rllL_lr_l _[I-_Jc{: |t_ _(l_¢:_rn_d D [}_l_ch _ul_ll_ _L_ i_;m I_m|_l'_l_r_ w_L_Jd _l_ro_h_c_ _ r_ll_cl:|lJn lt_ Lh_ _pu_d o1" _uul_d f_'¢_r_ th_ I'_r the it_:tunl I_l_h_'l: _.rnl_url_u_'_'_ I nnd chirr _'ffecL cl_u|d h_ _l_:c_l_t¢'_! ft_r I_y _ _h_ uf[_c_ c_l' ,,cmp_ri_ul'_: Ilr_dL_nl_ in I;li_ li_h_un_: _),_(;r_ I howuw.rl 62 lu tl_ ; _,._,_':'_,,__.. ,. . : .... _. I_ll_ltllll_!f t)v rll|l?nl_ulrl_ I_u_|_'_t_d _l,ttlL dn th_ L'_lllllL_t I _'_Jl_ th_ ,lll_! II_t L;_! I.h_t_u Lll_|_ _h_ b_ directly it|i_u i_[pe Iml_'d,_nc_,_ _rl? _ll_Jul_l h_ i_ll_ncuru hvll_h d_l_c'_ _r_luun_:_-du|_ll(|_l_ uf L_t_t_d th_ du_'_lmu nlru _t_ nolu_ _ufficl_nt dlru (Io_n uf nnd _l_u lr _?_-lturl¢)n pipe |evL_l due _orker_ ¢ovcl" t _lllt _lu[l_ll]y _f to hnv_ I:_j|_l° Ju_ l_ll_'_hlnc_ thu I Itl_i_l_ r_ldlntud l[lu_rtion i_( _ltten_l_tud Ih_wevt'r I;h_'_olnjlIu_¢! tl) I rlllll_e l_pc_ify _hl!ir ill" ¢_lldJtlOlll_ _. lifo I_ll_n_rl_ ln{l_all_d correlnt_lh tl} toil |evul _;L,wrnl _'_Jt_' ht?l|¢O trHnul_Juul_m th_ m_,l[H_lreml?_tl.l_ _13t}_lJ |ou_ _Lid elthur kitten, e_h_u_lt _ln{ll h_n_h-terJt _'nl_lllu _)r_d[ct _x[ll?r[l_?l_l.llL I.r_lnuml_UiOl_ tll_J_! u( to th_ frl?_lUOl_Clvll Ih,_'_lu_J_ _f_t tlL_ffll?h?l_¢|y vL_h|c[_ tllur¢,fur_l t_uL _hun ur _J_IILII_ ilul. lit zl_lrnmllry_ bunch Lh_ |l_hld_' u_l_'d l't, lluil_llll_ pL_rpu_uu. t_ll[ L_[ut ill!_|r tl_l_l_ Jlnp_d_lH¢,_?ll I'_litl|ttJ hi ¢_l?l_Lir (nr hi _hl_u|d uu¢.h (l_|rnl|nlr vuhlclu IJ_ ii il_ w'_th avai]a|_le iInturu I 63 tu tlulu_ ruduetlonu u_hnul_t _yut_n.h _vlllL_lte_l corr_hltlUl_ [11 y_ on can _o curruhlt_ _ht_nud l'huu vchlc]u_ hu noll_ t_J hu_o_'u dutur_nine u_Jtnh}luhudl _lr[tu_|_l n _lrv_ 15 l° Lt'VJll¢_ D II* _lnd _cIIwlll_l_r, LhlfJlmS_d ClrcLJ|zJr Fubruary 15. 1966. J,+ Pipe." 'lUll thtt IIzl_iit|un tl( IqlytJLcu RL'VI_Wl _qi]. _Ut+llll I,'rUlll 7_1, 110. 6+ pp. _l_ 3_J3-/10b, 2. ,_l/recltt_m. II. J.+ mid Iklvl_u. P.(I.A.I... I:tl_;l_ _'dt{HiUut_II J. ._(Itllld zlnd Vltlr_l_lont pp. M39-4011. J, lllgilrd,_. U,, _lnd _lllE_ha], V, K., "EF/ttcIof I.'Io_+ Oil l.heAi'_uzJtl_ VuL. 6. _, Ilurzlnuk_ _o. ,'_, pp. 7ZJU-793, U_'tob_r L., Acom, Llc He+ltmrum_ll_t_ "The ItadlllLlon of _uund I,'rom iin Vul. 1"J, P_I_.6+ December 1970, 1975. chap. 7, pp. 302-361, J, I_Hcy+ _,_. :hnali _uutmtJLC l'/Ltcr_+" J. fi_uuu_ICill_;c)cictyof hmcrlcil, _. 1969, pp. 6-|6, t), .'iln/;h, R. and _il_£11, I',+ $'Oli l+llu IJyz_+imlC ¢_nillynitl zilidl!vzilttzlthm _f Culnprut_ttor Huffl_trl," Prl)l!u_+dllll_tJ 19_b Pl/rdut_ C¢ffnl}ret+gUl" l'cchlmlOl;y Ccmft.ruticu," July 0-9, 191b, l'.rdue lhllVUl'tlJLy, Iqt_tJl l+_lf;lyC_L'_ IIIIIItlIIZl, 19_G. 7, 21cltmldi_, h'. I_,, from Oh._ructi(mzt and J(_ht_t_tot), J. in _t I'11_ _t/th I%, "flc.zl.urelt_ettt uf Ac_)uutLc Ih_flectll)ntt Fluw+" H_;F IIc,purc 1'1)-20, Hatch, 197_. II, .qeyhc.r¢,A. I',, ;m,l ll_tstt, D. P,, "E_purltnerltltl l)u_crm|n#It|utt of Acour_X_ Prt_llc¢_l_u IIt_lnt4 ,1 _+o-_l'Icrupllutl_ R_tltd_ln-I:P+cl_._tl¢)tl 1',_hnlq_z_," 9, I _lfrudt_t)iI, R..I., "Th+_ l)t't_Itln llltd Olttlmlgal:/Oll u[ F:tt|ttluu_ .']ilencurt_," lql.D. 'l+hcnlr_, htr_L_u_ _)f _hmnd +ind Vlhr_ttLon lh_irch, |fniverr_llzy of 10. l_lfrt..dtmn, I(.J., ztn4 l)zlVlen+ l'+O./x.l.+, "l'erform,lnccof J_hau.t _;ll(mc_:r C_ml,utlttlltt%" J. _;(Itmd tlnd V_b/'atlt,i_, Vul. LS_ _o. _+ H_rch, 1971+ pp. 115-196, 11, Harrl,, C. H., Itn_!hp._ Jigs7, p. ZI-16, |_. _)ilV|ll t l). )),l ._;[okl_tl t _, _'I,, _l_torl., t l).p lind b,+l!V_ll_, l;,I.. ,II+., '+Thuctrutlcal +llld I:npurlment,iI hlw+tltlll+ltJl_n .f ffulflerm with C_lmmlzsl_t+ ,n I_tlllh)e-IC_ll_SU.t Plufflur lle_llltb*' _h(',A Ik, por_ 1192, 1954. II. lhPK+rlllt'k, h. 16, +_+It'ktl_ fl.I+,+ ;llldA|l¢il, II, I,.,"[fft+ecn ¢+fllll;hlilts'ruffly +hmfld t,tt Hufl'lt, r Rh'mt, l_t Pt+rfof_'+In('l+t" d, _l+ftlltttJcdlJ. +_I_clety uf _tllurJC+l, VoJ . _k_, Nit, ) (pllr¢ I)* 1972+ pit. 725"TJI, L_, _lll,_IEll[_¢ i ['I, (_+, Pit_ l_t+Dc}l_rt }!+ K, I at_'ll,/lPlllPl_iTl_,lll; ()j" l,)it_ _'(lll_l,I(" ]mpedtlllUt, O|+ _llllll_lPrl¥111 _:(]_U_l_lltll I[flR|lltfl t) .|, Acmmtlcal '3t)clt!Ly't_f _m_Prl¢+lt _nl. I,., of .Acm_l.c_, _tl (t_ttpplt+mt:nt nt+. 1}, tll?l,e C,_$r_, flct;r.w-lllll Y+_ll 1975. tlz{;raw-lllll IIt,uk Ct,mptlny, I]<+ok ,:omlmny ' ,195t_, p. 132. Tail Resc =iRe pipes Manifold -_ Silencers Catalytic Convertor F_irmr_ 3,. Com[xmcnt.n of an Engine l:xhn_mt Sy_t¢_n. P i'" " b 120 D. = loo O t" = ¢_ 80 _-_,-__,_ m •o _ _ -"_v"'v,J'_'_ 3000 ::_.,,__/_ _! 2000 rpm, 50% Load 8V-71 Diesel 1000 rpm (No Load) 60 _"_'- ¢J) 4O 0 Fl_tra 2 3 Frequency, kHz 9 _%J_t_d 1.5 p ..... f_ m _hau.t from ¢Jm Hoi_ er61 and fr[_l 45 = _ o_f 4 U_.ll_ccd _e axis 5 I_g_ne=| o: _l_ (l_-Ant*rod tailpJpe). rpm 3 8 I _, 0 Flguru 3. , I , I _i_t_d F_Jmust Nol_o Vor_u_._: FI_ IRltx_for ._ V-B F_glr_. { _7 i I I I00 200 300 400 500 EXHAUST (;AS MASSFLOWRATE,kglh ca= A_,n I 600 19 fl, 160 ,IT-----'--f---- o t-- 140 In.Pipe Pressure 1.385 m from End _. 120 In-Pipe Pressure 19 mm from End m 100 =43dB '13 , =.eo m Radiated Noise at 1.Smand 450 '_ ', . 60 0 ....., 1 2 Frequency, 3 4 kHz _8 5 . r "_ _1• ,pa, _L._ i _;L_, I :_ • "_'_ ':_!i_ _ ',_1_', ,_ . • 2O _o o. 105 loo _ - N°'.h_o_-'-"-_ II1 "_ 9B cO Fl_c 0 ,, 20 40 60 80 Angular Position, Degrees 5. l,ins_r _r_lA-_ight_x_l_a_ _oi_c 1.5 m fro_ _]__nd o_ th,_Tailp_pc. D_CtlVity 100 _ured B t ! ' - i 21 _-100 U9 ,- _o_ /..4sot -oo _,A,'L./,_ 70 a. _ _ "-,_'"_'-"-_.,"'_,.'- 50 0 2 3 4 5 Frequency, kHz •Flgum 6. I_h_ust l_l.¢ Slx_ctra at 0 = and 45° frr_ tltu'i'nilpilx! Axis Gt/_ 1,5 m ft'OIn t.]_] _x| O_ tile 'JhilpJ[x]. -= rl l , 70 d RPM 0 2000 a1750 Zh1500 01250 01000 0° _o 23 Lo_iztJort _£I MicrorJrlon0 ! LociltloJ) /f2 _ _ Microl_hono . PI_", I_ Lell-nunnirlg W_wl } P2_, . , '= j,, 71 , .._= • ACDLJMiC Drivur Ai1[:¢_1oi¢ Microphcme Microphone Tl:rlnirl_ ILoll Microphone 1 :;3 Powl:r Microphone _, r O_citloscope J D=cJit_)l r], Cartridy_ 14P 5420 FelJr*¢r Anillytl?r ___ yX-YP,o._, .!I Fl_juE_ r 9. 'l_t At_'nng(_1_nt i_n¢l lr_ntn=l_nE,'l_i,o_. 25 _°°- (_o_0_1_, i[ 25_ o .! I _00 1600 2400 -h_O "'! I AO0 O tO00 FrcqLJcncy,ttr. _4C_ 3200 ,, 3200 I ! E'Ic2_rQ 10, _L_Mt._o _)d _ Plpa _l_nnin_tonl % n /_F_I_ of _- 74 l, i i_ , _'_ l_afloct_Lon Co_fElcle4"ht'.for U)oorys _ e_,cJment:_ (dlll_n:doI_s ,',.nO[_n in nnl). 26 I Sound 5o_Jrc¢ 3oo,,, F_'°''I _I 1 15 Dia. -',_'Ir"'°'°. ,_2 Fi_'_ II. _ma_on Anechoic Tcrmin=tion if3 C]-_r ,qil,:ncer (dJm_slons in rora). T 27 ,.off, __ ,-- ,75 -- _,. I , I _ _, ,50 -- ,25 -- °! " 0 ', 1 I I °_o ,o_ _oo ._oo :_o ,. +,_ ,! I t t , t !',, []00 I000 F_cqucncy,Ilz 2dO0 3200 ! Flg_ro 12. _,_gnitudc_ l_4 PI_,'_ An91,_ o_ t_ l_+'_loction ' , +, for tlx:[_l_mion I 7a F+ Co_lcic[_ I [ I i A HETIIODOFHEASURIrIG EXIIAUST SYSTEII IIOISE tlinelchi Inagavta Trucks& Buses EngineeringCenter fHtsublshIflotors Co. In Japan,noise regulutionfor motor vehlclesIs elltheverge of becomlngthe strictestIn tile_mr]d. Tilenoise levelof heavyduty trucksand buses will be limited to underfigdU(A) from the present 09 dB(A} by the ISDmethod by ]979, Figure] sho_isthe contributionof eachsound source to tl_etotal noise level of Japaneseheavy duty trucksand busesmeasuredby ISO R362 n_thod. The enginesof the Illustratedvehicleshave from250 to 300 horsepower outputs. Enginenoise is responslblefor tilegreatest percentageof exteriornoise. Exhaustsystemnoise,and coolingfan noisecome neat In order. Our bench test on mufflerscan be c]asslfiedIntofour types. (I) Measurem_.nt of AcousticAttenuationof a fluff]or, (2) Measurementof Fiow-Generated llnlse of a lluffler, (3) £xhaustflolseTest on a StationaryVehicle,and (4) ExhaustIioiseTest on an Engine{]each. (7) Heasurementof AcousticAttenuationof a _liiffler The setup of the measunlngsystem is shol_nIn figure2, The outputnoise Is r_ea_uredIn a c(lhlcanechoictest chamber, Its dimensions are 2.5 metersor 7.5 feet on all sides. Input sound pressureto a muffIeris controlledconstantat 110 dB(A), and as a noise source,slnusoldalwave, l_hltenoiseand taped spectrumfrom the exhaustof an engineare used, Obtaineddata Is recordedand post-processed hy a coniputer. Figure 3 shows our _layof expressing"Acoustic Attenuation". Tl_edifferenceof noise level between U1e referencestraightplpe _dilch fl r Is referred to as the _I0use f_ode] , an(lthetestedmuffler i., designated as "AcousticAttenuation", An exampleof frequencyresponseof the "!lase flode1"Is shn_vnin Figure4 In order to comparethe fundamnrltal e]emeotsof mufflers. In this case, the equivalentlength is ]75millimetersor 6,g Inches. N 1lie fundamental elements co.ft(Juration and their parameters are illustratedhere (Ref. Figure5), Though the expansionchalwlber tyDe and the resonatortype muffler se_111 to be themost popular,the multihole type is _Idelyused and revealsan interestingfeatureiJhichI will mention later. Figure6 sho_Jsacousticatte_matlon_,d_tchI mentionedearlier in relatlonto slnusoidalwave, Irehave shove an expansionchamber type here as an example. This exa_T_ple is a very simpleone-chamber model, In this case, it is meanhlglessto illustratethe measurements and calculationsof frequenciesabove2{]0[} llertz, Figure7 sho_isone responseof the resonatortypemuffler, As tilenumberof holes is increased, its featuresbegln to resemble tlloseof tileexpansionchambertype. {_ex_is shoHnan exa[$Jple of a respnnseusleg _dHte noise to comparewith thatof sinusoidol_lave.This cG_nparlson is made idth tllemulti-holetype muffler{Ref,Fl_lure O). The attenuatloncharacterlstlcs us|ng slnusoidalwave are representedby tl_edottedllne andtl_oseof tileI/3 OCtaVEband using _hlte nolse are shown by the dots, in suchsi_nple _odelsas thlsone, the I/3 octavohand noise Is sufficientto illustratetile acoustic featuresof the muffler. Nhen whitenoise is the Input,an attenuation at frequenciesbound _ k_Iz,and overa11,are obtained, Figure9 shows tileatbenuatlen characteristlcs of an actualmuffler for a vehicle. All the mufflershave a diameterof 200 m. and arc I meter in le||gth.Freqaenclesof above 2000llzare best atteenated by type C. TileA-snalelevel a1_oshahs Uie best results, figure10 shows an exampleof acousticattenaablon wIUI respectto a _dn muffler. When the actualexhaustnoise of Uioengineis used insteadof white noise, the spectrum poses a problem. Figure 11 is the specbrnm of tl_e e_haust noise from a VO liter dtesol enTHnewithout a muffler. Tllls2400 rpm spectru_l resemblesthatof _lhltenoise and this_las used as the sound source, The acousticattenllatlon of thenoise of a muffler|Hth wlHte noise Inp_tand the noise of a n_uffler wlth actualengineexhaustnoise Input blarecomparedusing overalldl_(A).The differenceIi_acoustic attenuationdoe to the differenceIn Input spectrur_ was sIIqhtand good correlation_as seen. Accordlngly, _ledecidedto use whlte noise |nput for acousticattenuationstudies. (2) lleasurement of F1ow-C_eeerated _Iolseof a Haffler As a fl(_ source,we used a rotaryblowerand a normalair flo_ was supplledto the testm_fflerthrougha silencer, The flo_(generatednoise was measuredasin9a cubic anechoictest chamber. The robe_ry blol_er used, had a flo_volumeof 54 m /m|n at 200 e,nll.n in order to simulatethe exhaust_as flo_at full load of a 300 horse- power class dleselenginewhich _lemanufacture,(Ref.Fig_re13) _0 ' Using thisequipment,we testedvariousmufflersto obtain thelr flell-generated noise levels, (Ref.Figure 14) Tile change in noise levels according to the differences speed were as follows; in flow Wtlen flow speed Is less than SO m/s, nolse level Is proportlonal to the value of V to the fourth power, ||here V represents Ule flow Speed. |}llOll flow speed is less than lOO In/s, noise level is proportloflnl tO tile value of V to tile sixth pol'/er, and _/llen flow speed is more than I00 m/s, noise level is proportionalto the value of V to the elghth power or IllOre, |Indiscoveredthe followingtendencywhen testingtlm fundanmntal elements of t e muffler (Ref. Fl!lure 15) Tbe flow-generated noise showeda tendency to be hlgher in Um expanslon chamber type and the mulbl-bolo type nluffler, I would like to show typicalexamplesof tilespectra. Two tendencies _mre observed. (llef.Figure IG), First,as tileamountof flow increases, thedominantfrequencywas seen to rise to |be blgherrangeand at the same tlmenoise level ts increased. In tilecase of multi-holetypemufflerstlm noise levelgradually increased,and as yOU can see in the figurethe dominantfrequency is above 2 kllz. Tim flow-generated noise levelwas evaluatedtilesame as acoustic attenuntionuslngdifferencesof the levelsof tiletestmufflers based on the straightpipe. (Ref.Figure17} We testeda typicalmufflerand found that In mufflerstdllch do not producea whistling notse tile flow-generated noise level remainedconstantwhen the amonnbof flowexceededa certainlimit. (Ref. FigureIB) Next, the correlationbetweentiledata ebtnlnod using the flowgeneratingequipmentand exhaustnoise of the actual veblcledepends on the correspondence of alr-flow, Tileeffectof englnerpm and the temperatureof the exhaustsystemwas studiedusing testingequipment for tileexhaust noise of statloeary vehicles. I will mention this later. (Ref.Figure19) Tiledifference In temperablre between the inlet and outlet nf the exhaust systemis from200 to 300 degreescentigrade,and wllen tileback pressnreof tiffsflow-generated noise and thatof the actual vehicleare compared,It was found thatbettercorrelationis seen when tilerate of flow ts convertedat tileoutlet temperatureof the tail pipe. I 1 I I i i From this result, engine rpn and the exhaust flml rate con be approximatelyrelatedas shown in Figure20. _hen correspondence is made at the outlet temperatureof the exhaust system, the actual exhaust noise and the flow-generated noise of tile vehicle, when compared in tile sareemuffler, ts as shownin Figure21. And in this case, the flow-generated noise accountsfor only a small percentageof overa]lexhaustnoise. And a]so fr(znour experience,if the muffler is norma]and does not produceany whistlingnoise,it can be said at presentthat flow-generated noise contributesonly slightlyto overallexhaust system noise. (3) Exhaustl_oiseTest on a StatlouaryVehicle Figure22 Is the layoutof the testingequipment. The baseof this testingequipmentIs a heavy-dutytruckof a maxlmmnpayloadof 11 tons,equippedwlth a 305 horsepowerV-9 dieselengine. An EddyDynamometerwas mountedon the rear body of the truck and connected to the engine through a transferto absorbthe engtne output and also for automatic speed control of the engine. For tll]S test, theexhaustsystemwas mounted at the side of tile vehicle and a sound insulating wall was set to avoid the influence of enginenoise and other noise from tilevehicle, flyasln9 thls apparatus,radiatednolse from the exhaustsystem can also be easily evaluated, Figure 23 shows the changes In the exhaust noise with respect to its temperature. The engine was operated at the speed of its m,_xlnlum output,and the levelof exhaustnoise which is represented by "t_L3' in this figure, goes up aS the temperature rises while the level of radiated noise goes down, The change to the spectrum is shotm in Ptgare 24. For the exhaust noise, the spectrumbelow 2000 Ifertz tends Lo rlso as the temperaturerises. And for radiatednoise, the spectrumabove 1 kll_ tends to decrease as the temperature rises, The Figure25 shows a mufflerwhich was shown earllnr. Thls figure showsthe relxtlonship between the exhaust noise and the back pressure when different arrangements of ptpes, tail ptpes, and sub-mufflerwere applied to themufflersho_n earlier. From this result, you can see that a difference of a fc_dfl(A) Is seen when the exhaust ptpe and tat1 ptpe are arranged differently, 82 Tile re]attonshtn between tile back pressure and the attenuation is Inverselyproportional,Hben ome increasestheother decreases, and tilequickest(fastest)way to acIlleve sufficient attennation without raislngthe back pressureis to carefullyadct another nluffler. The relationship between the attenuationof stationary vehicles and acousticattenuationwhich was mentionedbeforeIs shmm in Figure 26. The solidline shews a one-to-onecorrelationratioandas you can see, there is bad correlationbetweenacousticattenuation by while noise and the atLenuatlonby using the enolneof Lhe velHcle. Tileattenuationon the vehicle is much greater. Wl_enLIHs is comparedusing the spectrumIt canbe expressed as the fo%lovllng.(Rof. Flg.re27) In the attenuabion spectrum obtainedfrom the engine,attenuationabove 2 kllz tends to Increase comparedto theacoustic Lestand on the conLrary,theattenuation of thespectrLm_ near 500 hz tend to be lo_,ler. At presenL, we #lavenot been able to explainthe C,lUSesfor tlle=e phenomena. And %his will be the objectof furtherstudy. (4) ExhaustllolseTest on an En.qlne blench. The method of measuringtileexhausbnoise in enginebenchtest Is specifledb¥ the Japan IndustrialStandardD1616, (Itef. FigureZ8). Tiffsstandardspecifiesonly bhe microphonelocationand the running conditionsof bhe engine, buL we have also consideredthe lengthof the exhaust pipeand the tall pipe. Also ser_onw._asure= shouldbe taken to avoid tileinfluenceof radlatednoise from theexhausts),stem, "La" must be equal to bilelengthof the exhaustplpeof theactual vehicle, and also "Lb" mast be equal to the length of the tail pipe of theactual vehicle. Themicrophoneis sob at an angle of 45 degreesanda posll:ion of 50 centimeters .withrespect to the exhaustp$pe axls, The engine bench test, in essence, is the same as the bench teatof the stationaryvehicle_lhlchwas menbionedbefore_o the correlablon between these two tests were not checked. Figure29 shows the relatlenshlpbetweenthe abteouatlen and thehack pressureof differentenginesand a variablonof mufflers on the bench test. The figureon the right shows theamountof noise ntteuuatlonand the figureon the left _hous the beck pressure, They both show 9end correlation, tlD m The engines coluparodhere are the VD pre-comhustion chamber type with a volume of 13.27 liters and maximumoutput of 265 horsepower and the VO direct-InJection type with a volume of 14.8 liters and maximumoutput of 305 horse-pox_er. Nu regret that we did not make any comparison with the tn-l|ne 6 cylinder type. tlext, Figure PO sho_tsthe relattonslHp between the exhaust noise of the engine bench test and that of tile actual velHcle. /_nd tn this case. the relationship changes flreatly de_endtn9 upon the ratio of the exhaust noise to the various otlmr noise of the vehicle, For this vehicle the amountof exhaust noise on the right side of the vehicle ts about 30 percent, The upper line shows the acceleration noise measured by [SO method_lhen the m|crophone was set at 3 meters from the center of the vehicle, and the lower line when themtcrophone was set at 7.5 m from the center of the vehicle. Ne have drawn the conclusion that the most practical method of m_asurin9 the noise fron the exhaust system Is to use tile engine bench. Ilowever. sufficient consideration must be given to LII_ length of" the exhaust pipe and the tail pipe. also it ts necessary to consider the Influence of radt_ted noise, and to estimate the level of back pressure. _4 i L , F_G-_ ACOUSTICATTENUaTiON i____ i___.k :m c_ C ...... _ _ I _S . ' 1 ! ! I I I _'_' , _._:_ .... , I I I f lQ_r,'b'_l . FIO-4 ff[_i_lIS_ ,AJ -_ UF ,o1¢v, _ ^"L ,^,-d], ,l_ _1 I0 5"L__ ., ' __,<.._ ,_, FI8"I_ 8i.0¢_ Dil¢_aMOckC/-x._ti¢ATIE_lJal"_Oel •, ,_m. ' ill_l '1]^,51_ 140(3_k i . ¢_; "-./_l' [_'_ [:tttltlanltnl*l ¢lelttt'litt ¢OJl|iC,4rat*ntlt Type l_F.|j_rLalor_ |l_ nolbo, their puramttcfs I'.Jr.mL¢lL'l I_llatnt)ur t or atttl type Lypm L - |tl JI L--_- typ4 IJ. E_.hautlpIp_ L ..... ]- T II t_umbQr Humbe[ o_ -q'-='_=_='-=-,IIQ _ _l ,JidlliV[_l _LPJIJIOI b " _'0 E3:', -' Plumber QC !-_:,_/'l_,,,I W • • _' _ ©hetmbele , or Attent_=tf*ort tTpI It_,v_n_l.on th_ ,'_,: _'"'_'"'"_'"" FIG'7 r_tto :r_l _i_flerl ". ._':.... -'"" ..';" "".,.",'_" i," '' ' " '_ '1-" "7/d2d"_[_ ,,;y _ "1 .".. • v;_;p F(_i;' )! .....' ,, ."-: ,_._,'" ''° '_;1t I'lcq_¢n_)' holll _.._.., ,.., II r', r ( rmmontqnt _JT-,_ --L f";X'._'X,, "*_ --_-'-_0_'-- _. . _.. ._qL*_IL' D lip¢ FI_'_ holan hoJ._a J- :=_.J_ Killpn_ < of It lUp© 1 ° ''_"'_nl s, ,,,_,0, "" -t ..J--J'LE-- "Jtlll_J _J QI [IUI 1 i ___" L ;_' : Lw ,, TI,I _yttem 5h.tpt ,_, Huiltl-ho|us o[ ¢xltau'Jf ._tpsn_t¢_n 06 rrJ_llt¢¢ Or ntHrf|'.r Or •,{r-_-,7.-ir-'lr_l II +_+ _O - g, + i ..... _Ui\ ......=.... .......... i • - f +t'+' ' +II" /"7, ++ .... -_V- .......... __I 1 '-'_ FIG-IO EX_tMpI.I_ OF ,_:,OUSTiCATTENUATION OF MUFFLER _7 { .L :' ,] : I J . .3"_OCT^V_ I_I_1 Ct2_lTt'ltFIEt_. dlz_ n l I llI[F I i i_ O ...... _ ?_ ...... '_o ..... _--_.,v_.,_,.-_ :_'__ .. .-_"_ ,/ 10o i k ,.-*" %_ '2,_" 1o' FIO-II TIIE ,..... 'I.. tu e _'J C.X, TAV[ _ECTRUMOF _]AND E,_IAUSF 1o CENIEII NOISE to I.I([Q. EMITTED A IIIZI FI_t_M EJ_tNE MANIFOLD F_G.12_OUST_ ATTENbATiONOF ivL_FL_R IlutMel I i i_o, J i_qte -_ ,_ .I-_ tt&li°ltCI_Jr']'rt ( _l l .................... -i_ ,_'-;:".----'_'7_-r'_l 1_ _ "---- _ ,n _ :_' _, • P_-"a-'r--r^n_,l','_'_='_-/ •,.._,,,,,,....., L___ t_:!,_'.'"'"" """ .,! ! / _-}_,[--_o-_'_(,_ , ,o,, "'_ . ;_,_- FIG-14 FIG-'I 3 _ EIIl_trhncl)l_l la)ll_ll (_l _It,_AI_¢ll_lllt,| l:h_w rertCr_lCJ 1:4ulIk'Is I1¢11_r 88 Ilt)l_¢ Ic_cI IIIIIICI Vglh I111 • j UL_kl'l¢l_u_¢ll_mtllr) _ll tJltucirllm _t i_p_niJuii !;' _OCIpUm or PIull lhJlollI F,o-,_ FLOW GENERATED NOISE 20[I• _....,, fl P_ Y_+ iC G/+ ._ ,m-,,,,, ffJ*:A. _ +* *" ........ ,+ : q ,t_,-,A, r_ .;:'.'+ ._++' j+._+_++..+.+. _,l,._;t _.,..L,.. .I i _._.:.----/..,._ _9 15+,+, ,iN. I:_^_.C_ rk_ _P._R,',++_: ' ,',++JI.'r. IOD£ _ _,,._ , .,, -" +l_f "_': _* £P,_AuST NOIS_ Ff+Of_tVE IIC.£. 1._C .... FLGW C'Ef_r'n^TED P+_{L,E..... " +°1 S • _2( f • _(_ _+oL zo f; FIB-_O ,_[LAT)C,TI BCT_/£_H _':,_tNC 5PIED .,.J_O _IIhUST _,5 FLGW _z _ e+"I .t=EF.LF, JL_,," • / ,'" FIG 21 ._QHpAFflSON Or EXHAUSTH01S_ , +, I ; I:e'_.'_LII ;_.... Pum_ ' ."h "E3 -,_-_'" ¢ _'_ _"_C--'--'--'-'_ '"o__, _r,..'.t_, _, ,,'_, _ ,_r,_ut_, _ _ "'°+'°"""""""' '--,.-,..,.._+., t_ • ('(.) T ;F_,_. P-SUR_ . _, ;xl _,_S_nl_ ' O,}=a_',t1,)'_,ttiB i_41h¢ 90 l , !'! °Fj _,. I I _h_¸¸ ;: H ....' rl liJ L).hlut¢ nntleIpt_lli II_i h.tcmp :_-t i / ...................... TM . I ...... • i -- _|llDgitOr I [ II_l,.tl*ho l,m*. cttIl_t_r |)} _l.=hl lu _I. .Ml_1.d'lolic J '*. .i'remvfll.i ,,"_-- i, • ' _* ; _t_m I ()l_l--{) I I_1 _F- • ("" I)L""*F' '1 , • i_ ", ,C_t_*( 2 ¢**lal )) £sl)a:ll) I_--._ I) l)'(k l_r¢)llnlt llilmll_ ) Fr':q*)e._) II111, FI _'_ FI_ "_A _ InAu_n¢. of ¢_ha._l I))IfI)lllCl '1111¢uri ¢_Ilill)l l)l)_)t 1_I¢CIfi I_ F ._| =]h,_lttn nolts rrd_)clion =,td _lC_.pCfl_llll o| )allou_I¢_hl.lll_'ll¢ m IIIPO__l_l _1111 _T iN _ I" R=l,t)on /(, ,'-,'=,=, ""='°""'"" 1'_ _ 2'3 _0 ._ Fl6"I't CC#,II,:, ,SQH .'_# ITIF_IF,TI,JN ,PE,Cf-..,I FI_-26 _ELAT_ .%_PJ_TW_N /)C_,USI_C ATTE/_ATi(_i 9;I _ ATTE/,I_T_'_OF*5rAT_'IA_ VEHICLE i , . ___ LJ...... _ IL=_ L6: EQUN,. LEf_IH 10 V£tl_,[ [TJI_ST P;I_ ib : [C_,L t£1tGitl 1^iL Pil'_ fr_O irlbULAlih_ WALL TO '_tI_L£ FIG-20 DI_AM OF EY_IALJST NOISETEST ON ^ ENO;NE DENQi 1"JO ll_C_ FliESSUrl[ t_;_ FIC,-_9 IHFLUEh_ C_ kt,JFFLF._ C31,_,_CTR_TIC,$10 ON ^ EI_3iNE liENCII lEST DIFFET_HI" _YHIxX. I_l H..I-FI_I t_O_DEtl • , , • , F_G-]O, INFLLENC£ , (_ [X?f_U_ LIITl_f_iOft I_¢)i_'/ HO_,_ TO VEHICLE 92 MIEt_UATION E_GINE i¸ !. A _;lud)' ,II fh+ ItetJli+'l+(++l ul" lhe l_.h:illsl NI+J'+P t_f |.;LI_++ + "_ I£1el_ _, ll) + lumt+):_hi IIII{ X%L)" lu_l_iiilIr_u _xl I() +'+ 51£z,_J_hi I N,_,_,,X_X+._ "'+ l_,+uN,_I_,_'+ItII_A +_° Tvd/l'ir _l+)lJr Isl +itlJ.ii IirlIn+;ll[+1_ l'(_Ir.rl_'/u_ ll_tlt_tr_+ r_'Ji'¢/+.'h cxh+ll_Jt ii_ir_'r _/ Ill 7'_.,Ir _ llr411_Ir _i_ lll_' iI_ tII¢_}, ¢.Iiir/r_t'3 ./llJ¢ _r./II1+h+_t_' rr:LIIl_l_Jll Irztc_ +.l _ 1_r+'l"_'¢_t _+_¢_II+NI_ _iIr_liJi;t¢_J iJfl tiil +r¢_Iilt_ /ir_tlzlr/_+'Izlri'Px lJf _*+_¢ l_lli l._ illr_l+'/"/h_' l_*_IJ_' h'/lli/r I++I+¢/_i + _.z/l b_ +IrJ'_lcL! i_+l_ iIII¢/I¢rI_¢ iIfJil_. _l!url_ /I_+I_¢ _J./' _II*llI+ll z_ lhl. IIi_l_ (_llrr_+t +i/l_l/-_sLtJ,ll¢iI /_Irr _Jsl lli_' l'i'_llJ_ll+Jtl rJf lIr_I'rI1*Iti+_ll_l I_ IiJ _hil_ _/l_ ,l JI+titprr_ IJl_IL'IIl I/l+.' _i_LJ,rl _'Ir_llltl_l_I,i*J'J. + _I Icl/Ii! ,I//sriJ_' _Ir J+ l_liij_ _'Jtl,l _+II_illi_sz iiz _,ll.e l'+JlirJl_,. Ct_/-_+ l_llh (_f lh_ ¢v_2 _/ i_i_r ¢._IJl'lliIi¢IiZ_ JL'+ILIL'rlh_I_ l_t_l_Z..I/_llr+l_ilhl /J O/I(' _/l/i_' I_I.IIZ iJrSiJ_' _sPi_tt_l! ]+v+_tlz P//l. _rtt_+i£+_'J i,I+ lh_* l*_h_JiiJ_ t_I_'_ Ir zJsf lh_' _+/JiJ I++/ (//c' ¢_+Jiill I i_f_IIr /+_ll'_ ll_'i+ll _Jlrl II_',_+_ ' _<Iar_'_'L'J<_/" t//+' ¢._h*/I_+t _i_/Jr_+ iri_+J I/itiIj_./J _tII;lIL' _II th_ t_'l_iIL'II+ Jnr t_J'//l_* I' _IP_ll/Jl _+;zll" .I IIiitll+l +/_i I:i_Ii/r _' +_c_lliItl_' _r./_ _ 1, INTRODUCTION rifle w_lhlwhl+: prnl_l¢m ol t¢dxicmS city If.lll+c nollm h_t incrcJ+InFl)' ,IrJwn lh¢ att¢flliun t)l" iTl:erly ll¢Ir+rl II +tl_|_J+:l¢ _p¢¢iI, _lr¢+l+ |P_'_'cvc:r+ J_xle::+lJ pl+l)II_: Allo _on'+¢II'_lCrllly+ l¢_llz_ luch I+'_I Inl_ lJ.d_r Jli_..n+l Ii_, rrfc¢| ll+_ Ir,lf(i¢ yt_hlln,J It l't A f+_¢l ll_+ll ltt_Jrll I_I_ +elltJ I_I_ +'.Itlt_ Ill" l,rr.q_,';c_+l_ Wr_l+:l¢_ i(1 illIl_t iI_) + _I_) ¢_lllriJ1111._ I_) l.+rl_¢,_+:,zlc Irll¢)+l Jl_llni_l_tr,lljw: l'r_t 15 _t'l_l_irltlCl _ll_+_JIf) l_+._IIj+' rlrJ_ ,Ir_l l)tl'_t:l +11 Jl_n_ +l.llltJrlli_ , I_?_, _z llI_:_l rl_ir_i_'l l_l,llt ()I + ¢(ILI1111i¢_ ir_¢ J_p,_l_¢_¢ P,llr_J_l_)' +zll _Y_r ulllcr ",'_+hi¢_:+, II_¢ wl)rlLl of +rz+111_11_rl.il_utl Ale _cl _l:J_l lh_ _it¢¢)_l:i_ clr_m_lai+_i, II_o P,llr+Islf)' _r It_lerl++zlln_l In+tlc pritl In,h_Jtl), _l.rl_l "11:iI_11_i_,,:_Ir_rrl)I..',,+ ¢_ 'Itl+_kll_ I'_:ll_+e r I_ _Jlllllcnl. m i J¢_rlil+_.+ll (++:11?¢i • Z¢I_oIhLIIL_i_+ in I')7_. P,111_ubl_r_i)+ J+_ Coml_ip,¢lll v+._li_,l¢.+ in :i +.L:ZI._III +ZrltJ l_lltJl_trllr+r¢+ _+I I_74 +z m_Jr+r rJlltJllll lh_" [fill IIVO yi_ta'_, If'lear,'If _YOlk W;]I dlvld_'d _ml _¢]I of III_ l'Ollt coHIp_ni_ w,l_ pill Ill chal_¢ o[ _I udyil1_ Lllf/L't¢lll _'lh_) _lCrll_ _l_¢fl :I_ CH_Jl_e11_II_¢,_llohfll'. _)'_I¢I11 nolle, CXh;lll_l ',_')l¢In rlO_. CI¢. O11I[I¢ l_lir_l )'¢.q, lh¢ IOLII CUlllI1aJ1_¢_CXC]IJIII_¢LIIJL¢ l_l_i1_ O1"l]L¢ir I_ D-)_UUt_ILJdi¢_;lllkl lh'_IL, CJLJL CtJllIIlally ]It*l!all wo[l.ilIJl Ofl l]¢v_JOJlilll! II'_ IlWll ]OW.Hqll'i¢ II_OIU.I_JI¢lllt_.k. In llli_, ptoj_¢l, lh_' r_'_*;_[¢]l al,_J lh_l Mil_u]11_lll _V,l_in ch,_l_c of tlol_ tCdL_liutl ul" lhc ¢,l[l;lli_l sysl_m. _Y¢ wcf¢ _hl_ Io ohlain _l_h_IJnlJ:11l¢_ulls _IL_rJ_IL: _hi_ lWOycgt l_:Jod, "lh_'_c(olc, wc wuuhl lil_ 2. COI_TI_NTg OF INVE_I'IG_TION Ju sludylng lhc cxhalL_l sy_l©m nui_" lukilll_ ]III_ L'oll_id_l_lioJl in d¢letlllhlJlql i¢¢oi dll11_ly. 2.1 T_rJ_l of_lud), (l) Jlcducllon _duclloll, [ra_H_ilily _( _t_e._ca]c l_Ltck cxhau_l sy_l¢lll wa_ lh¢ la_/_¢l aliJ ¢OlldJlJonl, "l¢_I alld i¢i_ir¢_i ',w'l_ ¢oHdl,¢lCd n,_d/oudJllonl lal_cl: _ dllA In ¢MI_IIII noi_ cnllin¢) lcducllun Ill lllC mlxlnl (3) _lul'flcr liz¢: I,OEI0 mln in _a_ily Jun_lll, oul:Ido dilmcl_l (4) 1"yp¢ oi" lllUf[l¢l: l(¢n_I_Ii¢¢ lyp_ wllhoul Otlll_Ul of lh¢ I¢11 lh_n 300 mm ulln_ _,ly lo_ill_l nh_otbin_l rZlillili_l I'o lyll¢IT1111ic_IIy Jx_v_:lll_Xll_noh¢ l'fOIll IIi_ l_/lillll l_llllll, I Ioi of l'llnllllllCfllnl IXlltlllll pipe _nd I_i] lllpl_ ¢OlllllU_ill _ life ll1111"J]_r ille [Jbt_i*lllll _l IIIDl(llyllC ©Xll_llll b,ll[¢ _flll nll)iHlllllll_ l]l_j]_l on lh_ vehicle. The l'ulloWlllll Jl¢illl iii; llllld fol lllll_y. 2,2 ]in'¢llllil_llon ¢li'i11_'iIII o[ 111_ l_lh?/lll wllh III_ llcms (J) _COllllJ_ JnYrllh;_lh)n lny_llJ_l_rl of" l]ic ,l_Ullll]¢ All_nllJlJ_ll ¢IhlhICIClJlllCl Ill" llll l_lllllll lyll¢ITl/z ll_Jnll Ill I[l_kC/II lhl lOllflll IOlIII_¢ (2) hl_¢llJG*tlion O[ dlMI nols_ (flow I_n_r_lcd noJl¢l ]_y¢$11_llon of noi=¢ _Y?l[¢ll i1 l}l(]dll_',_d lhl¢ IO a lltil[l ioff¢lllOlldlflll Io _fl /,_II11111J_l llt¢,Inl _owinll lhlol,l_h lh_ cxh_ull l)'ll_IIl of lh¢ v¢II_cI¢ (J) Inyclllg_lJoll of t_zdlnl_d noh_ flora lh¢ cnll,itl_l ly_Icnl lny(llJl_lllln lo Ol]l_irl £o_lclnlh)n h¢lw¢¢_l _Jbr_lJull Rnd nolle wllJ_ll ,q[©l_tl]du,_ld hy Ylbr_lJn I lh© ¢_lhnl_ll lyllcrn, _llo Io _l_p lhc l_dJ_l_d noi_e Jn lh_ Vclllcl_, (,I) InvilllSllhm o[ IIi+ +Ml+Ull lmI_¢ in vthJ+Ic lllVGllJl_lion o[ lJl_l l_h_llll I_II(71[I [_I>li_lltd l'or llJal bl_¢d oa lhQ Jn¥£1ll_qlIon I£1llIll (I) llnd (2) on lhl: whldo 3. FLI_M£NT$ o[Jl¢_111 TESTED • /1¢ _nd_llcnla] _l¢l_l_fll! _f Ih© ¢_PI_II ]yllCnl which _tl cllt_nll_' I_1_| _)r |_k! _1_ pfoy_dcd j| Ic_l ¢lcmcnll. To /_¢_1]1_1©,_ WllCly of" _on_hinnlh)n_ o( Ih¢_ [_nd_l]lCnl_l _lcmcnll. Iha oulct Ih_ll _[ Ihc r_lllf_¢r _rld Jcp_r_lE_r _1¢ ¢l_n|llu¢l_l Io pcllnll iplllll_8 _n_l ¢oupl_£. Typical cxnmpl_i _,f Ih© I_1 rlctl(cnla _r_ _huwn in 1'_b1¢ I. The ptclrll_[I]_r, nl_ln muffler. I_1 iiJll_ IL_l_fn_,(l]¢t, ©lcm_nll. a TI (2) The m_n m_fflcr J_/_b[Jc_lcd lot ffJ_l b#_d on cumhJn_llon of Ihc jpcrfut_l_d.pq_¢ I_s _J_p_'_lon Ii. 'i r¸_ .,_+:....., • . ']rlllJll_ i _Llndamcnflll cIq_IIICli[S ¢olt(l_tlrll(IoilS Tyl+¢ Ifld Ih_Jr parltilICt_fs PJ/allL_tcf of exhaust s)'_tcrr] _hal_¢ L tt.m_.ot t,, II 1.___1 ..... I Lp f_--L+'-- . +1 lyp¢ .p . _ L rur/ll)l_' -: _ ,alalol Jrlslill_¢ Ilulc "_+_;_,4_,'=" ] /. .... _+,.,* ca lyp_ ll_inlJ_In (3) 'lh0 I_#oNl_r_¢ Iypo tltln_nll Jxkhli_ ImJl pip© |.hm_lfl_t l)'_ lnlo c_nlldcr_llon Is ¢_n_tmctcd in lli,lJ l'dhrl¢_llOll wilh :" ,,- P+_[],+l.llt)¢ 0 In_ s -_,___ |he caly acm+_(i¢ mu.nllni_ Ill I_¢I11_ llllc/Itl_lJOlt •E_:?I And _nd draft ¢hara¢l_tl_ll¢_ dcmourflhll_ of .l clH1ta¢lctl)ll+: rTi_lifly [lCqllCn¢) _fld h_d b_¢k oli th': +. 4, SOUND TEST_ ¢J.l Cml¢,+"Hon of P.hlfflcr ._olill+lAllemmllall In cal¢I01allfll I|lrall pi_pci', Tho lh_ mclho*h ._*_oUlll_ which wc(_: 111o cal¢llall'.lfl fullowinl I_k_ +lllcfltl_llcln lnlu p©r:orniml h,_¢d hypolh_II_; of lh_ 4:xhl.l| ch_lIClc[J_l_¢l tt)lllld_rAIIOII ¢ondill_n_ II1_ on ,l_ ancnn Air Ih_ ln_lyxil ptt+vld_+l flow SyllCm. lll_t¢ <)f c_lHiillt m¢lllOrl l+f |:U_lldll IIic In _J_cul=linl n_)hc _rc (lit: Kales. l')_vlcs Iluwcvrr in a_d linl_ dllld OhlclS. _ttgn,_lhm nf lhC cxri_t|{ lyllcm. : =.: (l) (2) _nd Th_ (_) Influcncc_ (4) Tho (_) Infl,cnc©st)f (6) The IJndct|hcsc Icpl¢_cnlcdby ? prc.ulo II m._ dcn_lly nntl _o,nd wall l_wcr lhtln llm m¢In =pccd _f 111= mcdl,m ilrl_ gnctpy a, rf_cc diMS ur¢ +i_.nd vlhlalcd |Yl , 1 _olum_ _nd ++collallg o[ tnctlIp In ll_O plpo. pipe _[c uniform. Ih_ m_dl,m d_cl not +_ic II¢_lcClcd. Irarl:lnit the w_l_. nc,_¢_l_d. W_Y_ hl I)1¢ pipe conditions+ d_ao Io Ihe. Vll_Ollly Io._¢s Is I_)l p;t_slil_ In lh_ ph+ncw_vc J_ d I¢1 us _l_mtn_ y¢Io¢11¥ which l_ml wJlhot4( ul'wtly_ moliotl Illv¢ll In prl ._;1_1 dltc¢li(lfl. 111_ IlIiIINCTJnSIglIcd t_dl_lhln _t lh+30lll[cl _}_ U; optlli/lfl p_vwct .llld at lh¢ /_dl_li_*;l oullcl 5_iill+lll_C Ii |l IIIc ouilct by I1'1, U! t)llVrlt¢l_ by I+'I+ , a0d th+Jt wilh II1" IIiLi[[[l'r, Ih_ IJ[:loI_ +lit I_'_p¢ctlvrJy Icpxl'lcntz'd a]ld _1 , i'_¢tlLl_ll_: JilCJLil_llOJi ¢)1̧Ih¢ Jlltllllcf ¢all I)_:cxplcs_¢J a_; I *++ U ' /+tx' I'1%$11111illi_ Ij,;It /' $h_l','. :ill rlll_ _'JjUt' of _oIillL_ Ill¢_llit._. I! ,11_|111_,vJIO¢ OI lh.' _t)jlllllL" %,'h)_'ll} tl_ W,_L* I$1LIILtlII,_*I11"11_ ] lh_" II11_*ILIIIL'I[ilIJ_Jntl ',_11 Jl% _ lilc _lllLl¢l oi+¢11111_ , tJi_ 111,1¢lix@Ilh¢ t'%hJLiZ[ llli_c b,,]It, I'_' '['h_ nl_llj_ ,. A' lJ' P+' ............................... ,:, of II1_ wlloje c_ill_tl_l jli]l_ sysl,:m with Ih¢ ;11u[I]¢: j5 [cllxc_nIcd _: [C,][U,] ....................................... (" L_[ Ill coll_h_r Ihe ¢a'_¢ Ihat wllCn (lie _olllld _olll_c Ila_ a Cun_bqlll sa_llm_ Ilf¢_lli'e, l_s lotlnd Pl¢_ul¢ do¢;s n_l ¥;11_'i',:l,,JId]_:_ CJ_ill_lallatltln ol Ih¢ IIIs1111_"( Pl'" PI) alld Ihal I_di.lil_lll Icllsllm¢¢ al II1_ Ilul. ICI oll_.'l_hlB Ill_, ¢lho itn cKlllCs_lon ol I/_+ _ A_) a_ al_ a_.llll)llom |!llu,(lioll (1) will I1¢: ,4ll".'OIO_tll-21Jl_f,_ll' ........................... (4) Ilcrl¢_ jl" v_IL¢$ II and 31' _r¢ follml hy alll)_liI_ith_ all clcCIri¢ ¢il¢llil lot the lll0111x o1" the wh_l_ ¢_|liluzt z)+Sl_lll, all¢ll._li(all ,_an I)_ ol_l;lhlCd, ]:und_m¢ltta]l}' slle:lklllB, w11_11 @, ('+ _ and I lc_ll¢_liv¢ly r_l_t_cnl the _l_ll_ily o1"m InCdltim, ¢:l_h I_lc_lll v_lu¢ of _omld vCjo_:lly. II1¢ 5c_ljon_ll ;1_¢ilo1" IIIC [lille, erl_l IlJJl¢ jmlll]lh with Ih_ ])ill': ollcned al bolh Ol_llllli_l+ Ihe [(Jllowjll B liq_l_tioll i_ _i¥¢JI. [2;,,. +,,. Y/h_rl Ih_ PIpe do_cs .I one oPcnin_, Ihc ¢q.nlion j_ ¢cp,.'_cnl¢cl ._ followl. [j. .J-I,:+ ,,, , .o,,°l] .......................... 1°, .AllCnllnlion Indl_lnll i_¢_l¢llllt_l Cqu,0on b}, oblnlninl_ v_hlc Is _.ll_[llulinPl (4jhasc_lon Ij,./(eel_,j_ln*l, glvcll/tom cq._tlon (_)and(6I(or cqualioll (_1 c_lu_llo_ 161. 4.2 Tr_¢ blclho_ In lhl:li¢ou+itl¢ Ic_t,d/(l_rn_'_ tl++lw+:cn noi_ ]cvclnor the C_lla_Iipipe willno_I lh¢ _l_ll]c[ (I", 17_ Inn)) _nd IIl_l wllh II1_ Im_(flCr l_ mci_ulvd, to jhdl_lc _l_l_lllldlll)ll, '_llC ,50ilht_ pl_l_tlfC I_YCI _ll_',i|ll_jlll_ poJnl I_ fi_¢_ .I _ _lv_rl pO_ili_n h0m Ih¢ ¢_ll_ltl_l _y_l_'m ol_l]¢l, +_ p_IC lone, whll_ noil¢ alldc_h.lil_l llt_l_C l'lum [h(_ Ych_t_I¢ Ill_ I_I¢_[CL[ IIII _OHl_d _C_tI[CCI, Alli_ lnvc_tl_llon 1_ p_xZ_im_ lnl_l.dil_ Ill© cv,d.alit_n (WClllhlJniz) mclhod fur Ih_ _(mZliC .lIcr,_.tl_+ndltlln_ dm;_¢lcmll¢=. 4,3 T_I 4.3,1 Resullz rm0Tnfl©'fZ+lland Ilamt_oh_T¢ll Tho nco_stl¢ lllcnil_lJOl_.dl_l_m+¢ cll+tl_l¢1111Ju_ (l[ 111_ 113i¢)£I_v+: b_fld 11o11©,l+lin_Lwhile nolle +if noJ_oloslfc¢, m_l_llCa w_ll Wilh the chzf_cl_rizli¢I of _ pzlt_ lone .i_ Io apptox, _OtJJl¢+ whcrz ¢oltlp_lCd fll, < i 2 Complllsotl of Ih¢ m¢_¢td pnd lh{ ¢i_lltlCd mli{/l¢l_ II1¢1_1111111nl _'_1, 97 4+3+2 "|+llc r+l+ttJ¢Jn+h+l+belwc¢ll (+'al¢Id+tcd V,hlr+ ,llltl P,Juasuxcd V_hle_+ '|'II¢ +'chtii[]11_llip ilt:IWC©fl t:_llcUl_t_d v,_hJel _11(I l]It?;l_tlrL+_l VJI_J_I OI+ Ihc rtlrl(tJtll_111Ji _'l¢inulll_+ _il{lWS lllnlo_l s31JJ[;l_;Lt}Jyapll©u_tiJt1_£1ion. (+t_ifli)lll;lilOl_ oi ¸ lhL:©xl]Jlt_JuJL_irl4itL'_tJll,JlIt:t. ' i)'il_ I_ +'XClIII}iIIIL'LI iii l:ll]. 2 nZ +I¢Oll_t_ill+ItlOJ1 Of"IiL_' (LLnI1aJIIClII;LIcl¢It;crli'_ T_Ii_ sholvl |ii=I =i_o Ift lil_: t'omtlitl©Li, IllOLJ¢i_. ©u_'f.illon itl¢;Itl=tiOlt ©hJi+,l¢i©fL)ll¢_ is po_it11L+. 4,3._ Char_trri_li_ (I] of` l?_intialncni_l i'+ Cx_¢li©J11 ;il1_t th41 _'llllliJIJ_)ll LI[ L11c l_]_ii1cni_ l++xp_i1_JoJz_?i+mhur lyl)c ]_tom ¢_IculltJon of" ¢_p_nlJon (4), lhe prnctlcul l©nd¢_y in ihe cxp_lilol_ ©h_int)cr lyp¢ is _z folJows, . iiS llnkL al_proxim_i¢ _inkt.. cqtJmtlon IO cil_l_ a Li_lit,llve ........................ c+) wh+lo 5: ._¢+llon¢l +lid or tli© cavily _: 5cc(lon_lat©hi uf"lh_ iedcl _n(t o.tlctpipes In Conli,sl, , q.alilallv_ l©nd¢ll©y Jr+pnt_mt©tcr t+atlnlloi_ follow_, nnd the tyl+l_+l ¢_an)plcz arc _howlt in l:il_. 3. D (cmylty ¢IiAinCl¢l'): .L (c,vlty JCnEIh): Lt+(laH pi._¢ Icn_lh); •r.l, (llll©gl_on pll+C): ](cmo_lor +_tu,l Hlodcl_ Iz l;ivcn a_ Th¢ m_xhI1t_m _llcriu+llolt Jl plopolll+Jnal Io 20 h+g+{S/_), The nlmzL>ct of p_I+JnGfl¢+lilrll¢iC_ IIICtC.lrl p+ /. II IcHsth¢,+d. It lh0w_ the ,_In¢ Icntt+t]cy ,t+ vatl,tlon of`L "l'l_c +:ll+lr+4cl_[iili¢l of` thc rc+_n,_n¢o type +:an bc awp¢i'illll)ol©d (]rl I|io3¢ o( lhc ¢_p,n_lon (2) u_inG lhe lypc when l._a n+l L,_ nzc l_ll_lhc.++t. fyp+ Wh¢¢0 IhQ Yoltlm¢_o_ the _¢son_n¢c ©hnnlb©r J_/¢l+r©z¢lll¢_l by V end II1¢ al¢_ o[ I|l_ ¢¢lorl,zR¢cIH)lc by $@, resonant f`l¢qll©ncy (/i) of II1_ lc,onalor lypc _ ¢ly©rl al f"oJlOWl. ._ ._;_,. Y_ri_ll_n_ Jn FJI. 4. of lhc par_m+l¢l_ wltll L_ (¢l_l_p |¢nllh): Le.(rc_opant hol_ I©nl|h): 'rho ism© Icndcn_y _| in Ih_ ¢,_p+_nslonly_ whg_ D I/_p i; In_++fa_¢l IO Homo _xl©nl+" Ho Jn_l._n_ numh¢¢ of ¢©_on_nl.hol_a): JP©rfnrlle_-pIpnl]_l dl_p©Paion lypn Tlthl ()'pal_n_.lh0/am<s tendency _ ' _ i_} , cxsrnpl©i_ shown /1d¢_:_;¢1¢1 with ill |_lcr©RP(_ I)_ Lt bRI RII¢,_JI_IQ_ _o¢| fl¢)l I_ (po+lllon): (}) lhc;© Z+aclora arm l_Ivcn below, _nlt lh+ typical /i dccf¢_lcl vtiih in Jn©r©al_ of"I* ifL Jn¢_d_)¢i, Ind I|}g n.mhcr of pa_t _¢n,_;n¢ics which _l©pcndl Lll+Oll/ l_ho Jnc_ci_¢ai _/, (ires©nanI hol© dl_mCl¢¢_: _(l_ (+:_,,,_ ,p,_,n......(01 Is Ihown _aaDp [_ ¢h_ni¢_ by +_.fohfz _s n Iflc_©A_¢l. _n_l wh¢n it i [l_rthc /nc.'©_¢d. the igndcncy b¢¢Om©l ¢]o_ I0 lh¢ ©xpin_lon lyp© (_._ I_/a, 4), (Multl.holca lyp©) as |he¢xplnllorl lypq wllh 1©_p©¢¢l© lh_ _lcotllllc ©hmrP_;tcti_li©l+ 98, ,_, +_j_t+ _.rr:. •; _ M" ;, , .... • _, r ¸ _ _,. d _l, c _.m ,_t .r ,,. + m ,:,1_, } ...... "tl ,, .'%- * :i:i::::4J ;- _ .... iOI ((_ a_ i_" I0 lJarld holt© __jr < _Jlh 4 I_[(cC| U| [l_llllblr ol + r_on_n! ] I hulca .L I:l¢_lUCn_y _ ,o[I.M I I/I o+" wilhomt Th0 _hara¢lc+'_lllCl chala_lcfi_lJc_, 4.3.4 _otl/1,_ Ihcr¢ Ch,tJ¢lcfhlJcs Tha ;©pl, l+_lor: pl: icoulllc _,'om Ih_ iN v_+'lat_nn ab_ol_lcly + i+ltun +*ltov©, Ih_ of H. ffl,:rJ I¢md_m_rll_l Ih+ll _llCn_lllliqn of k.l - I_l...] I Allcnllllh)l_ vrhl¢l¢l the a+o_li¢ clcrncnl| wcro Ih¢ pclfOlalCd.lflll_ virlm,_ ul dmraclcfl_tl¢_ mcn[llmcd abow. II;1_ di_p_r_lOrl lyp¢ I¢II (Ico I:il. S_ll+_ nlklJNcrl i'_r 1 ]. Ih_ Imnd Jz I_rGcr (_.n lloJ_ Ih¢ ¢_lp_rl- fo_ Vch£¢_ nllcnu_lion.ftc+lucnc), fr©qt+r no)" I_ dl_a+lvanl_l_o_JI. _u¢h o( Hn ml{c¢lillon ,Q_i_l_ _1 |l_lcd is a |_ndcncy """"_ l_r_l.cnly (.l} I_Jl, _ _1e in_ II I T •< L_ (tl_l d -_4_-_ --I--_/" _lll{ - ch_l_clcli_lJ_ ,:har+_:l¢lr)_ll¢l Ih_l _LI| Ih_ dllnptni+ I+¢O1_1(1¢ _l|lcnll_|lml of el'feel 4h_© Io _ p_OlOlyI+© I_1¢ mllm¢i" Ihowjn_ *)f Ih© cxh_._l Ihl_ Jrlilllcrl¢© b© w_lahcd. 99 rm_fftcr il ce.lt_ln¢ d¢_¢1110 _y_lcm £n¢lu,Jcs <)f Ih¢ ¢_hllllsl ills _hown in |_Jl. _. ]1 It A| _ p;irlIcUltlr _ompli_alcLI |ll_llnl, f_clorl i<J JL cRrlnol i 5. DIIAFT 5.1 NOISE TEST (FLOW GENEIIATED NOISE TEST| T¢_I P.l_thf_d A tuIJry hhlwcr I_ ,+*ud .i.. g dl;ifl _+¢)tlfcl+'+ _fl¢[ _l¢.Ltl)' +ill ctlfl¢llt i_ $11JlPJi _d I u3lilt ¢'_h_ll_l _$1_il_ 1o lit' Iv',tL'd vi:l Ih_. _ ",ilL'll¢_'r. "I'll IITC,I_IIIc dt.llt J1¢115_'+ dll +HtCdll)l¢ [)U_ I$ II_t'd= d IITi_'l_ltlil_jtlk' I_ ilt_l+l_iCd.11 gjl Illl]_il_ LII '1_"= ,md ,_ IIc)_llL]ll ttl _Lj _'1il /'lt)ltl I_lc CxlI,JLI_I II*)_l =jltd ¢_f;lhl;tliLlll =l.llLd.lld. 111¢ I¢_1 _y_d¢lll hhlck dJ;¢L_r+lnl I_ _lhlWll ill _:Jtl. (J. _l _ll_l_ll_l _11_1C i'. ll',¢d luI Ih¢ 5.2 l+c_l ]to=oil= Y, ht:n _tcady ail ll_w J_ _¢i=I It) tILe exhaust syslcm l]ow_r ol dr;Lit itoiS_ {xllich will I>_ prt_hLtcd _'roln IhC c_II,3LI_t Poll _itlt nlll)fOx(llhll¢ h) I]ow vck)*:ily at, [ulh)w_/lUll1 d_lla 0[ I)'11¢_ol llllll+l]c[ _ILOwlL I. I:_lJ. 7. Wllh _+'_ _0 l.tls.I) l)' L _ II"t )1 Wllh _O._._'< IOU Jn/s.PIVL= (I.=)_ Wilh I+) I l)O fill _++I _H".t._ (1,2 j4 _ _.2.1 Fcalt£rc_of (I) Exp_n=lgn lypc (m) (b) ((:) F,ndantenl=l l!lc.lltClll$ |)lafl I1¢1i_1¢v¢1I+ I O Io 20 dllh. hilthcr th._n Ihal ol+Ih¢ _lrall_]ll pill¢. If ;I £ap t)( the lr_l)t£l/(]lllllLil ilt_,:tllt_. IIIIlUS J_r¢d.ccd+ Wlli$l]illL; ¢1o_¢ Io Ihc sl)C¢lfklln o_ a PI£Ic hill¢ I_'lld_ Io I)l: Plcl_lll¢¢d I=¢c I:i1! 8l Wll¢ll Ihc o==ll_l ill_t:llklH I)ill_ i5 I¢lil_thcilCd. draft ;Iol_c lncl¢_¢_ |_cc Fjt;, _), R_I_I_ ll¥1_, Lwlye_will '_;¢n£¢ bl .... '_ .11.,, n,Cl_;lI_ _ r_¢ll, HI_I.oI_!=_n_ l°nt I_lJ¢l l+++kl,+¢=+.le pl¢', _ _.+_______ (_+tov_l+l J_J_.6 J_xpcrlm¢lll_l I&_'otll [or [lc_w _Cll_[llcd Iixli.ult ,,l_e d+_¢t IIO IlO + _ Im"KlCr ' I_l/++_' .h_ Fill. ? Flow t=¢n¢lalcd ,o1_¢ I_nc| Ilia|It+" tallo_*l iI111I'_ ¢[I 100: ,,........ ,+ 4_._,++ ._+.. li ii _I;: ',+' _t \.1,+ Now II1¢ (_+l, m,*l FII, II P+llccl iJI Ihl Illl ol IllmpIllflolhlv, Ioi¢1 inll Ollllfl [Flow IIII ¢lliin+ i_11¢1t1¢1111o11¢ I'11, II ll¢lhicllonllf[lowicn¢lll¢illiulllhyhufn I i+ll _ ¢11cnllllli 7I + IO f ,I _l"lilil " JFI,,, FIo. pip' ""' Dick pl¢lllltl ,,nii,lld llO ._ lllllll +i].Zi_+| _ J+_'_+_" *# * ,,lih, ill---IX+ I_ I_li<lili+',¢Y Ill II15 i i i ,_ "+;_,i i¢ I ti lif I_lp;i riiio n ¢_mkl I)+lil Ill, I %. I0 _higli ill flow b# Ill II_i_ fill ._ _< : "" '_""" _rll,Ttn" (mmlll) ii, Ilp,ii,l,m I,p. i '"i • _+j • '" Elf©el (_ l'l_iw llile jJ Im I,'_+_) i ik it' I:lliqli¢n¢Y(Ill) If+pc illilillon llhl¢lll :_l II } Splflll of llulll+llrllil I)+pl Wllh Icplrlll_l ll+nilllid nlil_i ip¢¢llll i01 {mll_i_l pipe l+| llll Illillllcf lot (2) (3) _.2.2 I{_o11:Ja1¢¢CyJ_ (_) _YIL_IIJl[ll¢_ h,_virltl _i_li_JIn_lc_ ill I_ til,lfl L0 ¢11JLI ,_f¢ [I]4_¢LI JIt Iw_ or (h1¢¢ _olv_ Jii JliJl_ (t)) _YJi¢13all oil_n_llL_ _JL,_lll¢l _f ¢ _¢[_¢L1__0 Illlli, ¢_I_rllc _ _l'_L_rl_!_$I_ _)_il1¢¢_1 J*_Horat _l-Ifilt_ ['._ di_l_¢_i_)rl I_p¢ _lll_liOll (]i_l)ra[t Hoi_e IL Jx _o11_i_1¢r¢([Ih,lt _lrJ|( JLO[_Ci5 _lf_JLIc_d _lJCto rJ_to[_ a_ ¥1)rlcx, _(lll(Jf¢lioll. fiJ¢llL_il JILL[ i_ll_llall¢¢ _JL¢ll liJ_ll'_L_¢¢_l_JL,_I_I _JSJ|_W i)a_lc_ IJlrLJIJ_Lh Ih_ rl]lL/IL_r. It_ _ll¢¢lltJJI1 I_ IilCd_llLiiiJt_d Ii_¸ _a a r¢_h_¢l_orl rllc,_n:_.JI _ H1111ort_llL (ir_[ Io _]_l 4 rllLJ[/]_r JL,Ivirl}_low d_t Ii_rd.Lo.wh_L)c cl_mcJit in Ih¢ huld:_rz_¢rlt,_l ¢lcrll¢l_t_ _ a very irl[l_Jlti_l COll_j)olLciiI. LIL_ ¢_1JJ¢ i5 if(Lp_lhUIt. [11(_rLJ_to _r_¢llt Li_¢cd_ _ofn I!_ltlr3_ t(}o JCl _lrcall_, tile ¢_1_ _l lllod_ IL(_IJl._lt_l_cLL (re[cried hJ a_ wiLh l() which _r_tly nol'_¢, FiB, I1 _how_ IJlc ¢(i'¢¢t o|'ltc)is_ rcductior_ irL Ihc cxp_n_ion lype, where Ilic 20 dllA. Wilful Ihi_ i_ allpJicd to the ii_LJ_l_¢rfor Ih¢ _hJ¢]¢. thc ¢[_c_t Hio_v. ¢lll¢¢J_ly _h¢ iI_lrofJiCd-ilijl_ lloia¢ Icwl, _pc¢i,illy i_rL o[ th_ Jli_crll_l ctc]_¢ tLI I1_¢¢OlU Of t]l_ [¢LJLI_C_I'iL_w ltcllcr,_l_i iic)_c i_ rc_Juc_'dI0 tu I_1 I:IL;, l_ J_ obtJmCd _Ls _li_lltl_ioil t)'l]¢ wLth Lh¢_j),l_,_tor i_ Jr1LIL_¢_IJLJll,and _( J'_al_lllL),_, .1 C_[cct uf 40% t_dl_¢l[oil ilt b,l¢_ ii_c_LlfC _ _¢_liCV_LIhy _¢l_llll_ ,t ll_'fforalil)ll I.H¢ Irorrl I._ Io ._O. fold_ dr1many _tt I_1_(lliKiliJl (1r_c4_1 t_lC protuL_J_ IIILLII]cr _lr I_1¢v_'JiJ¢l_. _);]lp_fi;_Jn or _(t_ltu;itiul_, d_[t noil_ I_vc[ ailL_I_,lck IH_Ltr¢ tla_cLJon the _[]'_ii_jritiliil_ j_ _hOWll JJI '_'_bl_ 2, 6. TESTS OF RADIATED NOI._E FfIOM EXHAUST _;Y_TEM 6,1 _¢3l I_l¢lh(_ll '|'|to I_hcm_tJ¢ tc_t _y,_ttlTI bhlck di._Bf_lll J_showll in [:J6. 15, |n Ih[I t¢_(_ I|1¢ cAI1_0_t 3y$(tlll (in IIIC vthiclc i_ vibl_lt_l orl a tln_ [o illVt_lJl]_[c [hc VJbF;lli(llZ It_llnll_C [:ll_r_¢i_lJ_l_c_, ilrld hld_lt ¢¢1I1(}i_(: II(1111(ll_ lilac W_IIIi_ lylll¢_til _ 111_:_1_11lC¢1 Oil II _:J¢)_C J¢l_*llJ[lll ill_Jllly Io Jllvl:f*(J_4(cI_¢ I:UIICl41iC_Iib¢lWtL'_) vibf,t$iDli ,1fill ZltlhC, I:*Jr (h_it (_12(111,ltOfllldJ _ilI_'W_¥C vZllfali(trl _111_1 i'_ndl)lli _'il)f,ltlO_l ¢t_:C tO ¢hC COIIL_I_OII_ O_fUrlllill_ _¢hlclc _IIC_C_{ICI_* 6.2.| 5hak¢l Tc=I Iltl.ll DIPlIIIhI_ Width IIt_ t_Jli414_(IXII_Tt III|L'Cll |/Orll I_1cCIIf_ln_ Is I_ G _rl Ill_Xirflllril _l Ihc £_.ll_llll mnnli'old, _nd Jl:_ _l[¢lloIIIJlli_OI _:OllT_llln£_l[_illl_ (11)111 _0() Io 2,0LIOII_, WhcJI IdrlLIOlll villr,llJoll Jl _pllcd b_c_J on W)lll_ noh¢ _( IhC c_hn_lll :_yll¢lrl_ _lI[_clIIIIII (J("¢*_C_1 _r_ U_)l_lllltl_ J__lllnO_t Slllli_dr IU • J_clf14rl_ I_ccrl while! IIIc vchh:l¢ I'_fUllllJflR, A _ll_Cl_lllli C_,4111_I[L_ Ulld(_" Vlbratioll i:__lOWll ill [:Jc, lfl, 102• !, . T_blo 2, B_.lh chirncfeds||¢_ o{ (_ml_m_nl.I nlu(l_¢t el©men[| " t;,*p,.i,n.n _ 1¥p4 _llcnu&t_n -. _¢k pIC_ur_ (d|iA) (_) ff I00 - ' lye, ( Iq;;hl_'_t6nir .2 _* S_,_c'.t_ t I/tll*,ll'd 4 I,) I_ • I 10 _ _ Io _ 7 1o 130 I0_ ;rio 116 103 6,2,2 I!f[{:_;ls '/here lllll ul¢ JIiIl_l_t {}f ,'_.ntbvihhili_Jn Irl Ih¢ _,,lh_ly t'l_iil_lll'+ ¢(]rldillt,ll_ _vll_¢ll jlu' _IILII .h ;1111111¢,1h1¢ hi Ih¢ t"+ll+lLl_t _,y_1¢111 h¢;ll I+:Ll_hh'_'., i!1_ I¢.Ll.,l_'t', ,lllll+_lllJ,IIl_+ll ill I_1_'1I¢'+1, .111III1:1Jttt. k I_ I1¢ I1¢ +.lbl¢ Itll+¢ LkllL+Xl II _i_ hL'Ihlw=,I h¢lw¢¢ll i*, ;h _hoW¢l JIlcJILl,lllt)ll lhll dtlhihihly, h'ldlJLillqli[i "/_llr,41]Ull llll+_ _1_.ilJIJl-_ibl.lli_lfl JII Ih_' _1_1L1¢111",d(J ItLII I1¢ I [_); II1.111_¢ ;llltl 'lh¢ lib:menLO+ I _'11¢:. (}f I],:xJhl¢ 'dl,I;ItlLIII JII I;ll_. cP.hJ¢l_l IH. III iil11¢ .llhi _hl+tlll_c .llhl f,ldlll¢d _,Llch Ull ¢_l,Ju_l 11_=ICW+I I¢lhl', r _¢11+11¢ d 11¢3hu ¢,lJI I1¢ ; ¢LIi1¢¢_1,ill]it o'L I (J dl_,\ I1_11_¢{Jl _1¢111 JIl,_d¢l, I(I Iil_J¢.l',¢ il_' Ihlllt_ II1_' ¢'+h,llhl I_1_'f¢ ¢'+Jllll_,l{ _11 I_1¢ Illid-_¢_li_+ll Is LIs_LI _,_SI_ILt III I+m,hln_ +lLt_ .,_lnlld I_r¢_llgu ' II1 Jh_ Iil1111]¢1 ¢;l_JIy Ih_: ,1_14L._ I[I r+11¢oll ¢IL'IIL¢ILI, +lll_l It_ _ X _111_1¢ 1_ _IILIIIII. 7. EXIIAUST ?.1 Tt_I "ru NOISE TEST Mclhod tl:3t t_h_u_t dyltiWEIOIIIL'I_I I$ u_cd I1oi_¢ h3_illlt arid Jg(l Io I]I¢_I'+LIrC t}llly rlll_ ladiJtcd 11S i5 lltcllLnltll tlt_ tlt)ix_ h-tJfll |70_+ 1111_&t_ll_l:lll_11(. d;ll_ IIIIItl_llt ON VEIIICLE gfl: IIrL)¢Cb_d noise from thc Io C¢)lilrt)] lll_ r_llall+.l III CXllJUSt ¢Itt_il1¢ _y_t¢ln ()ulilt£t "lhu "+)'_ICtll _c_)=tl_lllli[_ lhJl 0111111_ II1()d¢ I}y {)11 Ill+.* whicle. _¢+.I¢'ni, Ill Jl()=l] I he clli_illC Ih_ Iiit_il_Llrl=t]_ +In I:dJy _h()wll l:it_ "vL'lli_J t_ whLCh IItOLIJ3(=+ +l I I e: ¢OrllI)Ul_'r. I]t_,t_llr¢ln¢;LI p_cr'dtlr¢ J_shown iI_ "l'_bl_ TilbI_ 40tHIdn¢l i'_uh_ '_otlrid Ib_k I+IC=lUIO _tik¢_ mllliun 2{) Rill) IOlll ,I. ol'M_'.l)gl¢lltCJl( N cJ|ulrrll¢llL 1"),ira or loll _lc'thml 131_:llnld T_JII tCtJltll_ tlc} /+I¢__J+l_l. liun Yarictl p=¢s! i_Olllt_l Toil (I) I _rl+iUlt p1+ll _otld_li<)ll Irilml l_mml pl¢_tll_: CIHI_IAIII (.?.) 5t]llrld luill_; Ih) lt_mhmi |low Nlka p_udlion: 4_'. +_0 r_rl '_llntmllcf_rc I +d+a#II pipe 2Oio40 I'h+Wl.U.::(}h) JU Iltl IIIill1. Imll I<_+ll=lcd _C_IC [;I)ITI ¢_haull iTiicm NIk¢ Polillun: _U Infll [l{)m pll_ w_ll F_h=u_L P_+II¢ Iq T©hl(lO t+llk_/_nlllon: 4_ +, _O _rrt fItful 4_+dll+.'sl (l)ti_OrumDl_m r_l_nl{ul_ IlulI{I (I)IUOmmlh_m I11_1111h114 gill, I¢1 I_lt (_) ;_00 IIIItl b¢II_l© Illanl, f_14 (_) 200 mm b+:fol_ nl_tlJ. f¢+hl P,II_I +g+_llllun: lO0/11fll IIIIill pll_= w=ll At 11_1¢<t_lbuvg /tl IIv+¢ll _adlal=_ _I_I (into £++_aull l¥=l_lt+ ol* NullnJI _ PlCk.l=p ( I ) ylblalhm _ _ Illll irllml: I (2) O_+'lll_l{_l; (_) 51n':.'_'_ w' I_=) I(,mdnlzl , .Ib=l_¢ io_ I [g, llUt',¢, 2OOmlll (IJl:nrl+l_=pcrd: bt'llHe' I ,l_lj(} I¢_,_+_O0 I11+11tlrtjl_| II++rl (2) I.o_t: II P_+;_'llil /_l II+ll£tl _l_l*f¢ 4/4 _l )b11¢¢1 a(_livl: 7,2 T¢_I Re.ilia A| ¢ontl);t|_(_ wht*, sluIiyisl CXII:tII_J '_iih ill_ I+Ullt_am_rlt01 1, tli+_ adLl_l ptllSalJLIIt vrhi_l t', sludy 0[ S_.lLd. d_af[ ._n_' I]l(l_+[ _llso ¢(III_iJcL ntJi_ Ili¢ and rLIdblt_d r[fcrts ilols_ (JI _xh.Lu_t t]lC[3liOnl_d JI)OV_, l_a_ IL_Iw C011t.lllllnt_ asltl of I_mp_r+llltl_. 7.2.1 Exlla._t NoiseI':OlILVL'hl_k' _urirlLI Iil_.l_tll._lll_ll[ IIICI11 diff_{lCllll with IiO_lc I'fOlll O( _xhausl _lwCtht of _.xnlathl I_'lll_l¢lJtllr¢. ]!_IIuLI_I of is ¥,lf_;ttiOlt _lt)l'_ I_'¥CI ill¢I_d_l Wil_l _JI_'t_IICL_ £1011t_ C_L|_ _l)_ jf}_l_3_CII Io_.'_l ill _v¢[ wilh le:illp_tallllC list. |:ju. 22 IIIUWI thn ptolotyl_ IIl_ rcl.lllomhip C_IlatL|t ly|l¢l]ll ..... ,._____ Ill Sy_tl_lll 011 t_L_ ¥_hi_rc. J:il_. 20 _how,i II_li'_'.HId Iadjal_'d t_lllll¢laltli'_ Cxh_llel b©lw¢_n whl_:h h_ I ..... IIIlh lImP. I]ll_ cxlIJLi';t i_a_ I_'lll_l_lallll_'. n_¢. _dS I]OW Cah,u_t hc_n I ,ol_e I1_i_¢ II(Id_'r _Iils If} Ijl_ fc_tl£lLon /ur dfl_ _ffltl b_Ck I IlL' I11_'.l:_U_C. ,ll_' _11_)_'11 ID _'i_ (D nL_'dllliflt_* I_JaJ lhil lu ItI;ll_ o_" _'xlla_t++I _} _+l_ll11101,¢ III.LL _cnldllll}tl is p_()bably f_lll_. 141)lie*It,ll _1I.L¢It)_ _arJ,llloll II1¢ II1_1¢J_¢ radi_b:d I_IC_LI/_ ol Iluisu 2 J]OV,' I¢11d5 Io ill c_mbinaliorl of filliP. T rio wl _ I._w,t,emp ..... I • --'--I---_+ | "[ i m .,,,,--.,,",+, ,.,'+',,,,' ;",,---'L "_ ..... ' -- ..,..,.+,,0, , . Nlqlll,hul¢ LQw,I,O . I i ,:.p+,,i,°. l l l ch mlt,_l Ic DlUl .... ' _rl , ._ + Plslhufl]¢l Main +l_ a '--mulll;l ......... t l+il * pl+<l._ncp FIJI * _| i_ I_ Jl1_hll_ll O[ l_hllllll • xhm;l¢ l+oh.l I_¢1_'q ' _i 14n_p_rllIlr _I Relmllon beck 11111 Ill | I '3 1 l_lrOlllldp+m:GltDl_imrli++_ I __--. { _.+"_-'+-'_m_+ {_I.Z f.ldl +l --n,.¢h., + " " '" 41- .I..,N,+ I _ +.e l IIIon 105 of ¢_bm.;l ptclsur_ noia_ i)f +_lli_Ul ''+ ltdu¢llcm cxhaust lind l_?llcm Ihill I_:,l_nll, the naXllli¢ iiot_¢ hi Ih¢ IJ¢:lah LlJl)U _ill_h IL'_I iltt]vl_lc_ ii(ovidad _)llly A_ ,111¢rJ'¢¢11_ ¢ IIl_',t_LIIC I'*lr r.l_ll,llaLI l)_'_l Ii¢,llllroLil" ;llllI.Vl[q_l_lll W_lrll _ _.ldhllad IIl,ll¢ll,d JILll_¢ JII¢,I_JIC il i_iJlj_.tiOll L,[[*2_t of IIHJrL" IhJlT -_0 dll_ _. lot [,it_lJIrtl - -_ hi .I LlIJ_ III llll _._._¢. Iiol_¢, (! , Ih¢lL' I_ I.Ii'l'lll_ 2_ IIInl)dJhl _ _lllll IJl'_Jnl_ v[f¢¢l _llCrl (I _ I 0 o( IO Io 15 dllA IIIIIll hIH IJt_{llll_ J_ IltOl'ldad I_, Illla_ UhIJhl¢ h ¢_¢111i,ll o. CONCLUSION 'l'h¢ /ollllwIIIl_ I_IliL[_ diL'_C[._n_ill_? _¢hi¢1¢ ILl hll¢_ Ihroulth w_'f¢ tll_ Llhldln_d /_lr II_l=C IL'dll_iOII O_ I[1¢ ¢_hAu_*I s)'_[Clll UII Ih¢ _ludy. Acnulll_.Char;l_lerJ_(lca /_ I_IUCII&IIII ilorl_lll Ill I_h,Hl_l ill Clll,,ill¢ i'dll_¢, I:Ol IJlal ahllosl Ihll t)'|lc I_a_Oll, [ll_ cnlirc II1¢ cXh_LII_I _rovJ_lllll_ IIIC OVal (ha iI I_ hlaal I¢cqtlCll_y it Is Jllll]_)_JbJc I'_11_c ul IItJJ_c wJ_hullt ¢olrlhll_lioll_ Ihal ;all!lOll Ihi_ _ IlJy[i i_ a_l[ll_l lC[_l_ll _lllCllllilllll=l It'll, lilt: ¢[C_(? I@ Ihd( I_cl lion,c, _¢IlllIJCLI gild _1COlll- Ihc _?rlj_ill_ 511¢¢1J I'O1"II1¢ II1111_?_ i_ II_ll OV_?P i_ hi[,h. {;h_la_[c_J_li¢_ whi_h il i_ =;OIHMCICd h_:llar =ll_ltH_lli_ll ol" whilc Y,irJ_+_ _ o_l,lVC_= or _tl ill _II_L[IIIIII alLcnuJliorl [u uh_.llll Ill i_OlllDaf_li¥cl the alld Ih;ll irl I)l,t_'lJcc :_ysleln IIItll'nCI _ow-J_cqu_II_'y _lic dJlllOlt III;ll n,II _ll Ih¢ 1¢_1li¢1¢_1 sJle I_IC parlulalad.I)il)¢ ill Ih_ llJ_!ll"l'l¢qUaHC;y re,loll t'Js di=l lcr_lOrl ;_lld IJl¢ cxp_ll_loll I)'pL* IO _llllll high ;411Clllr_l_Oll at _L_war Ih._rl _ kll_ =h_tihl b¢ ¢(111111111cdIo_clJlt?r. _lld Ih;tl I[1¢ l¢'_?J(]ll which wil_ i1_(I IIiO[*? *_ll_l_tl=lioIt _V¢11 Ill Ihl_ _lll[llllalll)ll _hUIlld I=_ ¢;t)v¢_cd by Ill_ fC_}fl;JII¢:¢ I)'ll,:. IL2 l)l_fl I%h¢ I( il dolrabfc _fltl liNi}¢ to avoid lhc oull':l 13c_[_r=l_d.l_lp¢ i_[_1_¢ Rndl,ll;d Nob¢ II II _olllltl I/till d{J¢l pl_lllll_[laf type thai II Jt iio( ;_[_=llJy I]1_ IIIC Ol" ¢'Jclllcnla a horn I_h_'n the wh=_[ll=_l I11¢ scllat,llu_ [tom Ih¢ CX]l_Ull II¢lslil_llJl¢ =1[[¢¢1 [hl_ ill I¢v¢1 o( h) IL=%III¢I_ fJtJJalad O[ IrallSlllhlJon £;OIIIlla['llleaStllt;l to _hich ¢_*ll_llllJgll I_ irl_l_llcd tcnd Io Ill_dll¢C I_'_ _." I_ II'tad. ol flol, dr._l _Yht'll _o_1_,11iOll IlUl_e, II)lltl_ Ih¢ 111111(I_c 14k¢11 o[ the IllUl'll_'L h ¢1_¢¢hSc _lllll.0([ a_ pOP,lille pillg of I)'1}¢1 O( (Iols¢ ii larva _lldl¢_ alttl puls*lllun iIlUah 1145 di_l)_l_iUll It) do In JI Ihc H.3 al inky:lion or cil_lll Jtl_ _adl,llad IIoi_¢ sytl¢lll, halle Inaa_ur¢_, lat[J,*lad radhllad It i_ gllo IIt)13c_ dlh_ Ihal Il'Olll ill qu_llJlaliv¢l_ ill _¢lalJt]ll o11l¢( wall oC¢lljtJas I)[o¥¢Jl Io (lll_l, l]141 ¢_halltl l[IOill_ll[l_ O[ Ih¢ flOll¢. =_Vlbf,llkl/i nu_c, I)tll Io II1_ ¢xhatlll ly11ci11 and Ial_l_iltg ¢/fc¢ll i11_111__t_oJ)J¢llig |1i11 lafflil_rl IIl'pld¢lJadl ale as¢¢ll;iJllad Ihlhl[Jl[i{_ alhl I=llabilily. Th¢ Inllucnan chm[/=¢l¢lllll¢l ol wcf¢ ll_hllly o[ 11ol _1¥¢1¢ll Ih¢ b_f IIlii ¢_lmu_l II_'*ll¢lll JllY¢_lJi;lllOII, Iqlon illd tadlalcd I[1¢_¢ will nohc and Ita.qllnilllnl_ 114yc Io he =al¢¢d IIIlOlll_ll Ilohc [;l[lllaJ" IC_ulth, li.4 ,Ihddl¢.ur¢ _t Ill,el |l=r .ii bnak jlr¢llllf_ In Ih011 I_1 I|1¢ fnllfllar+ 11 I+ JlllllOfl*HiI Ifl_C _ [,t I_¢ JAIl Jill o[ atlJ_;IIII[C ]'_1 l¢ll_l_¢ 5_¢tlld darien. II _¢l[0t_llOll _¢[¢1_n¢1 (.]) _lrc_'_llfl? f/lie Io11¢1 ill Ih¢ I_llRiiiI ,_ll IIl_ Ihc IIt:lttlil] i11.[I]¢1, ly_ll¢lll l_ COll¢ClflcIl+ Jl J'; Iaqllllad _lllJ [or Ih¢ £_lJhlll_JOII I)'1}¢, l_Ll_-l,[,Jun_ fill" Ihc ilcl/'olalcd-plpc Ill dC_ll:O A ho$11'lh_lp¢ll I_]'J 108 'r of pjl)¢ IhC c_Jl,lllll III¢ [)Jp¢ Jllld I_ I_:1 JOwlS_yIIl_II ,r_Jllhl _. _-J(¢ll I Ilfl_l T_hinmKi=tbH, |1[I;_311[¢ I(1_1¢1 II_ Ih¢ I_ll_lllll iH dt+_lt]ll Io iJ1_[_;11¢ II1¢ dJalllCll:r OIlll¢[ I_a_ dl_pC[ll_ll IWl¢IlJtlli lYll¢ i_lp_. Io METHOD MEASURING AND APPARA'I_JS MUFFLER PERFORMANCE Peter Chen_ ' STEMC0 MFC_. CO. Lon_{vlew_ Te.x_ 109 i The measured quantity in our test facility is not the trassm_sslon loss nor insertion loss, but the pups exhaust noise undep conditlons simulating those specified by state and federal truck noise laws. The tool to evaluate the pure e×haust noise is a bench test conducted at a test facility where total isolation of all othez, noise sources is feasible. The cross section of exhaust noise test lab is sholvn in Fi_. i, The installation featspe,'_ an underground structure to mount test engines and watep brake dynalnometers. ']'hisstructure set,Yes to isolate the mechanical and all, intake noises fpom the exhaust noise. All the exhaust fDom the test engine is piped directly above the ground to the muffler. The exhaust pipes ape positioned in a manner au clouu to that _ound on the vehicle as possible. The site Was chosen fop it's compliance with SAg specification fop stationaz_y and drive-by test. That is, it is an open space test site with no neat'by rcflcotin 8 surfaces. Typical ambient sound level is below 50 dB(A), well below the measured levels. The height of micl_ophone and sepapation between miepophone and mufflex, is specified as IIft. and 50 ft. respectively, so that the measul_ed exhaust noise level would be about the same as that fro;n a moving truck undergoing a dplvc-by test pep SAg J-366b procudupe, Before the testing modes thru Fig. 2 the drive-by are introduced, let U:; review test pep SAE 386b. bpiefly The vehicle under test approaches point A with 2/3 of the rated engine rpm and begins acceleration at point A under wide open trottle so t'hat the rated cn_ine rpm can bc peached somewhere within the end zon_. To slmulatu ducted • (A) , (B) (C) the test conditions, Steady state mode - rated engine speed and full throe test modes tide con- iodd Vaplng speed full load mode - engine, speed slowly varied fr0m rated speed at wide op_n throttle tlpeed to 2/3 of _ated Acceleration mod_ - accelerate the engine from low idle to governed _,Ipe¢'.d %_ntll thu engine speed otabili;:us and return to low idle by rapldly opening and closing the thpottle usdeP no load eondltioNo, Modes (A) and simulates the i vehicle (B) clearly have the drlve-by, ts,'Jtin mind. statlonary vehicle noise test. ii0 l'lode (C) (2) The "sound recorded modes, level ratins" in Stemeo a/termarket catalog is the highest exhaust sound level measured in above mentioned tcs_ j]ur,c The "sound level mating" defined above many cases. To illustrate this point, listed below will be e×amined. EI_n/_ins Spccd(_pm) Muffler may be too eonsepvative in thmec hypothetical cases Sound Level (dBA) A liulflcr.B "Hurl!let C 2100(_ated) 71 71 71 1900 73 73 73 1400 75 70 77 In %he ease of Mufflc_ A, the peak value of 75 dBA at lifO0 rpm (2/3 of rated rpm) may not be a fasted in the drive-by test. The distance betwe¢_n "l:he microphone and point A is 70,7 ft. instead of 50 fr, and usually other _oise eourcds do not peak ulrtil at higher rpm's. Muffler A and B may yield identical total vehicle noise pep dl,ivc.-by 'test. On thc_ other hand, the peak level at 1400 rpsl in Muffler C'o case may indeed affec_ t|le total vehicle noise in drlve-by test. A peak valu_ at 1900 Ppm op 2000 ppm ;nay also be important bccau:le the vehlel_J would be close to point B in Fiz. 2 and bc right in fron'_ of 1:ha microphone. It is therefore difficult to use one dl_A level to correlate bench %_s% _esul_ and d_ive-by test Pesul%s without being either too liberal or %00 conservative. BUt to ._ largo extent, muffler de'JiB, nero can usually use,the bnl*eh test result_J and judF,e how the mufflc_ will perform in a drive-by test. .= n lli i i L C. :i STEMCO EXHAUST NOISE TEST FACILITY t 50 t_ £1g., II l, 12 ;,::,. , .e: , 1 A I B •" C 'v'i/iiiiilHiilJ_ END ZONE 50' _ICROPHONE Fi_. 2 Schematic Diagram of Dpivm-liy Tent P_p SAi:-36f}b _ _: i I ? 113 • : C::., i "OPTIMUMDESIGNOF MUFFLERS by D. Baxe_ A. Daz^_andA. Se|re_ *_ Universityof W1sconsln Madison, Wisconsin * Assls_antProfessor,Departmen&of EngfneerJng.& Applied Sc|ence,U_Ext. _ ResearchAssociate,MechanicalEnglneertngDepartment **_ Professorof MechanlcalEnglneerln9 ' ':Z II} Optimum Design of Mufflers by D. Baxa, A. Baz and A. Soirog University of Nisoonsln Madison, Wisconsin Abstract This paper describes a computerbased-designprocedurefor selectingthe optimumconfiguratlon of automotivereactivemufflersand acousticsilencers. The procedureutilizesa specially developedschemethat predictsthe press,re histories,and accordinglytileaccompaniedattenuationor amplification of the noise level, resultingfrom the sinlultaneous reflectionand transmissionof sound waves propagatingthroughvariableimpedanceexhaustrobes. The developedprocedur:e is generalin nature and can be used for synUmsizIng the optimal conffgoration of mufflersfor any given operatingparametersand designobJectlvos. Severalexamplesare glven to illustratethe optimummufflerconfigurations necessaryto minimizethe transmission of noise levelat differentworkingcondltlons. The examplesdnmonstratethe potentialof the developedprocedures. Thf;describedcomputeraided designapproachcon be readilyapplied for dlfferentpatternsof exhaustpress_ire waves,nlufflers wlth excessivetemperature gradientsand wall frictionallossesas well as any other operatingconditions and design objectives. 116 ,4- Introduction The contlnuouslyincreasingdemand for high performanceIoternalcombustion engineshas forcedthe automotiveengineersto raise considerablythe cycle pressures and the enginespeed. Suctlmodificationshove contributedconsiderablyto tileincreaseof tileextlaust noiselevel to tileextentthat It becamea major environiiIentalpollution problem. Consequently, efforts #lavebeen exerted to de- velop severalforms of exhaustsilencingsystemsin order to meet the severerequirementsof the noise pollutionstatotorylimitsHithoutreduciogthe engine performance. Realizingthe hllportonce of developingbettermufflerstileautomotive industryin the USA is expectedto spend $$100, per car to meet the 1978 noise pollutionstandards[I]*. Such figuresw111 deflnltelybe hlgherInyears to come to meet tilegrowingneed for cars Hith betterhandling,i.e.with low centerof gravity,and thereforewith very limitedspace for the exhaustsystems. 14Iththe e[_Isslon controloomponents,the mufflerdesignerHill, thns,be onder pressuresto developeven n_re efficientand compactsilencingsystems. The (Ievelopment of automotivejilufflers has generallyreliedon empirical sklllsguidedby past-experience and sln)pleacousticprinciples. Some design guidescan be also fonnd for simplemL_ffler cnnfignratlons as givenby Magrab [2]. Only in tilerecentsyears has the developmentof a_itomotive exhaustsystems taken a more systematicand rationalapproachas can be seen in reference[2] to [6]. These effortshave presenteddlfferen: simulationtechniquesthat utilizethe wave propagationtheoryto predictthe dynamicperformanceof reactivem_fflers. * fIImlbers betweenbracketsrefer to referencesat end of p(iper i 117 The validityof the developedmuffler simulationmodelshas generallybeen tested eitherexperimentally or againstelose-fomntheoretJcal fomnulasthat are developed for simple muffler configurations. Coil_lonalso omong these studies Is tilefact th/_tall havebeen used only to analyze the performanceof reactivemufflersat dlfferentoperatingconditionsratherthan to devisemeans for selectingthe optlmom mufflerthat is best suitedfor a particularapplication. Few attempts [7,8]have been made to optlm]zethe performanceof mufflersbut theywere based on exhaustive-experimental 'searchfor the geometricalparametersor theproperties of the liningmaterialsfor a mufflerof a particularconfiguration. The purposeof thls study Is to developa compl|ter-based to synthesizethe optimalconfigurationof any reacClvemuffler for any given E operatln 9 conditionsand designobjectives. The analyLlcalprocedure|s based on a computerlxedone-dlmenslonal wave propagationtechniquedevelopedby Baxa and Selre9 [3], Thls techniqueIs used to monitorcentlnuoL|sly the reflectlon and transmission of pressurewaves as bhey propagatethroughvariable]mpedance exhausbtiibes.Consequently,the pressure-tlmehisLoryat any locationinside the muffler can be determinedtogetherwith the accompanieddegreeof attenuaCion of the noise level, This optimaldeslgn approachof mufflersw111 elimioatethe exhauCtivetrialand error searchfor the bestmuff1_r ft any given situationend thereforereduce the cost of developmentof the car_s exhaustsilencingsystem. The optimization procedure used ie this study Is an adapted version of that developed by I_allaceand Seireg [9] to optimize tileshape of prismatic bars when subjected to lorlg|tudlna]iIilpact. _Com)jlutatlonal Schemlle for the Analysis of iVaveprop._!latlon in M[_fflerswlth St_p Chanues Ill .II!npedarlce Tileclassical tileoryof one-dlmensional wave propagation enab]es us to predlct the pressure P at any location X and at time t by relating those para- meters by the following eq : .B2P. DX2 l C2 D2P Dt2 (I) where C is the speed of propagation. This theory ass_nes that there are small changes In the Instantaneous density aod consequen_.|ytlleinstantaneous value is approximately equa| to tileaverage density PO' that tilewave propagation is frlctlonless, the medium is homogeneous, and the sound levels are belo_ l]O dB re 0.0002 mlcrobar, Tillsequation has long bP.enthe hasls far the analysls of one-dimensional transmission of waves and their reflections where changes in impedance occur, The evaluat|on of pressnre variations in t_bes can become more difficult as the nu_ber of impedance cilangesincreases, llowever,wltilappropriate schemes, such as that developed by Ba_a and So|re9 [3], these problems can be conveniently and econom|cally analyzed, 119 l, The follotving are some of the basic assumptions made in the developed nluffler analysts program: (I) Pulse lenc]th is longcompared_ith the tube diameter. (2) The sourcemoves tile entirecross-sectlon wlth the same particle velocity. (3} PressarefluctuationlevelsremainIn the linearelasticregion. The first assumptionimpliesthat the wave would have a constantspeed of propagation,which is detemined by: o • OO where y - 1.4'.PO • mean pressure;PO " mean density. The secondassumption indicatesthat thewavesmove as planewaves throu(Jh the tube. Finally,the third assumptionsuggeststhat thewaves and theirreflectedand transmitted componentscan be combinedby superposlCion. The time necessaryfor a disturbanceto propagatethrougha tube segment of lengthL can be calculatedfro_ tp ,, L/c (3) in a complextubeoomprlsedof _n.v differentsegments(FigureI), a propagationtime is determinedfor each segment length. By co_nparlng propagation times,a ratioof nombersKI, K2,...,Kn Is determinedfrom the fol lowing expression: - ' t. - . KI t . ... K2 . (tpl n Kn 120 (4) The s_gnfflcance of these tnteCjers is thor It takes a wave K1 units of time (where one unit is tu) to travel travel the length of the ftrst the length of the second seglnent, etc. oremultlples Because tile propagat|on of the unlt of tlJne, t u, the 4nltia] transmitted waves will reach tbe interface segment, K2 units wave and all to times reflected and at times whlcll are some multiple of Ill' Every section of the tube has an acoustical thelnean density (po), the velocity ' (S) of the pipe. The relatlonship impedance which depends upon of propagation (c), and the cross-section is as follows: Z _ PoC _- (5) Doc is often referredto as the cbnracterlstic {mpedanceof tilemedium. By consideringthe pressureand velocityequalitiesab tileinterfaceof a wavegoing from tube I tQ tube 2, it can be shown[iO] that the transmlssion and reflectlon.ofthe velocl.tles are as follows: UR • Z2 - ZI Ui (_) Z2 ÷ Z1 2Z_ S2 Z2 ÷ Z1 S1 Ur " Uz (7) ! ', whereUI, UR and [IT are incident,reflected,and transmittedvolumeveloclties, respectively; ZI and ZZ are the impedancesof tiletwo tubes. Since pressure .! . and volumevelocity are related by: P _ u POe/S 121 (_) equations(6)and (7)become: Z2 - Zl PR " PI (9) Pl (10) Z2 + Z1 2Z 2 PT " Zz + Zl _ben the densitya(Idvelocityare constant, 1 M 1 - S2 p_ = (_2 ._ SI'PII ) " (slsl + .... s2)PI cB Pl (11) cTP[ (12) t_herecR Isthe refIectloncoefficient. 2S 1 'PT " (I + I )PI - (S1 ,t- )PI " WherecT is the transmissioncnefflclent. Consequently, when the magnitudeof the Incidentwave and the physical propertiesof the gas In the tubes are known, the transmlt_edand reflected portlon_of the wave can be determlnedfrom equations(11) and (12), In order to analyzea generalwave being emitted fromthe so.rce,the physlca)propertiesand tntttal conditions of the sour¢_and of every segment of the tube _ust be known. These propertlesshouldInch|dethe impedance, speed oF wave propagatlon,area, and length. In the case of a homogeneous gas the reflectionand transmissioncoefficientscan be reducedto a function of area only. The ratio of the propagationtimesm_st also be known.The Initial 122 % ":,i, li_, .i, .. conditionof tiletube is consideredto be that of"no pressurewaves inside. Tllerofore, it can be seen that knowing tile parameters of area (Si), lengtll (LI), staticpressureof the gas (nO), staticdensityof the gas (po), and the ratioof tilespecificheat of the gas at constantpressureto that at constunt volume (y), one can determine tile pressure history inside tile tube. Tile wave propagationspeed can thenbe determinedfrom tilerelationship c . 0 or "-- c _ v'Y-_,where r is a constantdependenton tileparticulargasand T is the temperatureof thegas in degreesabsoInte, To detennlnethe impedanceof each tube segment,tiledensity (nO), the speedof wave propagation(c),and the area of each segn_..nt (Si) are substitutedin tileequaLlonZ - Doc. The propagation times Are determfnedfrom the segmentlengthsand thewave propagationspeed as tp " A'ratloof Integersis foundfrom thlsarray of propagationtimes,either by vlsu_linspectionor with the help of a computerprogram. Sinceit is assumed that each tube segmentcontainsthe same gas at the same pressureand temperature, the speedof wave propagationreF_Insconstantand the ratioof propagationtimes will be thesame as the ratio of segmentlengths. OnceAll the physicalprcpertiesand initialconditionsare knc_vn, the pressure-timehistorycan De detemined as follows. After each unit of time, each interfaceis checkedAnd the reflectedand transmittedportionsof the waves are calculated IJyusing equations (l)) and (12). All of the waves travelling in the same directionfroman Interfaceare sni(_ed.By knowingthe magnlrude of a|l the waves arrivingab and leavinga given interface,it Is posslbl_ 123 i i: t, to constructthe "pressure-tlnle" historyat every interface. This procedureis repeatedfor each unit of thno until a steady-stateconditionIs achieved. The analysisschemeutllizesthis approachand can be used In one of t_Yo modes. Flrst, the responseto a sinusoldalinput can be determinedand the transmissionloss can be calculatedIn decibelsfor theentire system. In the secondformat,a generalperiodicpressureInput can he read in and used to calculatethe pressureresponsesof the system. This secondapproachIs particularly usefulin determiningthe effectof a tuned exl)aust systemon the pressure history. The computerizedroutineIs developedto includeas many segmentsas can convenientlyfit into the computer. Eachsegmentcorrespondsto a particular portionof the muffler. It Is also possibleto set the sourceantitemination impedanceIn order to Investigatethe effectof this variationon the system, If the sourceor end Is completelyabsorptive,the areaschosenwould have the same area as the connectingsegment. If the sourceor end Is completelyreflective, the area chosenwould be zero. A flow chart of the developedscheme is shown in FIg. (2) to illustrateits differentfeatures. Strate_ for DesIgnlngOptimumMufflers The designof A stepp_d.configuration reactivemuffler for ateenuatinnof exhaustnoise levelsis formulatedas an optimalprogrammingproblem, The major considerations in this formulatlonare the identification of the decisionparameters, the descriptionof the constralntsimposedon the design,theexplicit statementof the objectiveand the developmentof a sultablesearchtachnlque for Iocatin0the optlm_m designparameters. 124 i 1 _ _ :_,_Jf -!_-.,' :i_ /.L Muff]er *¸ = Parameters For the _eneraI case of a segmented muffler, Jected to general periodic tea,perature, it pressure ivaves of kno_m amplit_lde, frequency and then the system variables a, number of muffler b. Length 'Lt'and c, Source and termination are: - segments ,. n area 'St'el eachrm{ffler system parameters is {2n + 2), segment wbere t = 1, .... ,n Impedances. can therefore he seen that for the n segment The remaining variables as shorn In Fig. (1_, is sub- m nmffler the total nunlber of Some of these parameters are specified beforehand, represent the decision parameters and have to be selected within the constraintsimposedon them In such a way as to provide the highest possibleperformance. ExEI_cltstatementof MufflerdesignObJectIv!:s An oxpIicitstatementof a merit criterionwhich accuratelydescribesthe designer'sobjectiveconstitutesa very importantBatters|ncn tllIs criteriongnides the searchand determinesthe selectionof the optimumvalnesof the decision par, ._,'s. F..xamples of the possible objectivecriterionfor thlsclass of problemsare: (a) Maximizationof the noise transmissionlossesat theenglno operat|ngspeed. (b) Maximization of the noise transmlsslonlossesover a _Idm range of enginespeeds, (c} Ma_Imizatfonof tbe negat{vepressuresdevelopeddnrtn9the suctionstrokewhen using a tuned muffler. OtherdesignobJectlvescan be used to guide the selectionof the mufflerdesignparametersin order to meet the requirementsfor any particularsituation. Search Method The steepestascentmetilod is utilizedto serachfor the optimumdesign parameters of mufflersin order to achievethe maximumattenuatlonof tilenoise level,or an),other objective,associatedwith the incidentpressurewaves. Tile optimization methodguides tilesearchfor the optimumparametersalong tlledirectionof maxlmnmattenuation,or any otherobjective,by changingthe value of each designparameterXi independently by a small perturbationAXi and noting theaccompaniedchangein the noise levelAU. The new value of tiledesignparameter Is determinedfrom theold value accordingto the following Xlj÷ 1 Xij relationship: Xlj+1 - Xlj + I (AU/AXI) i - I,....R (13) whereM is the numberof decisionparameters. _ is an optlmall:¢ selectedstep slx'e that controlsthe changesbetweenpointsJ and J÷1. If no Improvomentocc_4rs, the parameteris variedin the oppositedirection. If this alsofails to producean improvementin the merit value,this parameter is kept constantfor this step and the value of the other parametersis changed In a slmilarway, The detallsof the adoptedoptimization schemeare shown in the flo_ chart of Fig. (3) to indicatethe means Includedfor selectingthe maximumstep size withoutviolatingthe constraintsand for avoidingthe terminationof the search at regionswhere the attenuationlevel vanishes. Sucllfeaturesmake the use of i ! 126 ; I • ... ••_'__' ;_,_..? 'L¸, . the steepest ascent method very suitable of the mufflers because it for searching the complex design region is extremely sensltve to parameter changes. Therefore,for re.qlons where no sharp ridgesexist in the contoursof the objectivecriterion,this algorithmis equivalentto a gradientsearch, But for situationswhere a ridge existsin the designspace the MgorIUm_ is in effect a univarlatesearch. th__ertcal Examples The optim_mldesign procedure is used to develop the optimum-muffler configuration necessaryto maximizeti_e_ttennatlonof the noise level of a partlcular pressurewave with a frequencyof 1000llzand flowingtl_rougi_ tilemufflersat a temperatureof 70°F. The procedureis utilizedto illustratetileeffectof changingthe numberof segmentsof themuffler on the degreeof optimumattenuation of tiletransmittednofse. 14ufflers having a fixed lengthof 3 feet hut wlth 3, 6, and 12 segmentsare considered to Illustratethe potentialof the procedureIn optimizingm_ffler configuration. In e11 the consideredexamplesthe design problem is form_Hatedas follows:Find the areas of the se.qments SI i , 2 --_ n-1 ,P!pgut_ To maximizethetransmissionloss .. TL * 20 leglO _Poutput/ such that db Sl _, Slnput SIN" Soutput Smln _S! _Sma x Li - g] i - I.....n where each segmentlengthsti is equal to a given value _l I (14) f 127 Lf_ I, In tileabove formulationthe mufflerdesignercanselect the desiredlimitson tllearea and length of each muffler segment. Consequently Sinput, Soutput ' Smin, Smax and Lfl are fixed valuesspecifiedaccordingto thedesignerrequh'ements. In the followingexanlples these limitsare takenas follo_vs: - Sinput = Soutput , 1 Smin/Sinput- O.l Smax/Sinpu t- I0 Lfl/k 3/n i where k is the wave lengthof the incidentpressurewaves ! FxamRll e 1 i I i Fig. (4) shows the resulCsfor a 3 segmentmuffler,as that shown In Fig. {4-a). The optimization procedure wi&h m initial configuration will produce the configurablonshown In flg. (4-a). Sucllan opUmal configuration resultsIn a noise transmissionloss of 10.3 dO as comparedto the 5.09dfilossproduced by the configurationof Fig. (4-a), it Is interestingto note that thearea of the middlesegment in the optimalcot|flgaratlon, has Increasedto reach the maximumallo_,ahle Hml% set by eqn (15). This agreeswlth the co_on practice of singleexpansionchambermufflerdiscussed,forexample, (2 and 3). ! Example 2 This examplelllustratesthe effectof changingthe numberof segmentsof the muffleron the noise attenuationuhileoperatingunder tilesame conditions as in the previousexo,_plo. Fig. (5-a) silowsthat starting_Ithtile6 segmentmufflerillustratedin Fig. (5-a-l)then tileoptimalconfiguration will be as shown in Fig. (5-a-ill, and the noise transmissionlosseswill be 9.6 dg which is a lessefficientde- sign than thai:producedby the 3 segmentconfiguration of Plg. (4-b). hut If we start with the configuration of Fig. (5-b-i)thenthe optimum configurationillustratedin Fig. (5-b-ll)showsa considerableimprovement, nearly24.3%, over the optlmom3 segmentmuffler. If we consider,however,the muffler configoratlooof Fig. (5*c-i)as the initialstartingpoint for tile optimizationrolltine, then"theobtainedoptimumconfigurationof Fig. (5-c-ll) yieldsa considerableImprnveme.tof 61.4%over the optlm;_m 3 segmentmuffler, It can thereforebe seen that iBcreasingth,,nu,".'"_.r ,, :_,jments of a muffIee of a .giventotal length,is e_pectedto producea considerableincreasein noise attenuation. Also, it is interestingto notethat startln9with differentinitialconflguratlonsdoes ,ot producethe sameoptimumconfiguration.This is due to tlle complexityof the designspace and emphasizes the need for optimization tools for designingmufflersan(Jacousticsilencers. 129 r. • .__mm_,.m_._"zj3_,,;,_,._?..,'ii_. :_v<.,:.::,:,,'C:_'I.?._L:j,_ _(C_',_ -_z _''_:_''_"*_ ........ _'_"_}_';_'_'_::_'_i_L_ Example3 Thisexaulple shows the improvementIn noise attenuationresultlngfrom increasingthe nuu}ber of segmentsof tilemufflerunder considerationto 12 segments. Fig. (6-a) showsthe initialand theoptimizedconflguratlons which result in a noiseattenuationof 30.24 dD. Tillsis almost threetimesas much as that Of the optimum3 segmentconfiguration.This optimal12 segmentshape has been obtainedIn a singleiterationby the developedoptimizationroutine. Fi9. (6-a-fi)shews anotheroptimalconfiguration wldch Is a synwnetrlca] arrangementof multl-connected expansionchambers. If _n considerthe initla]12 segmentconfiguration of fig. (6-b-i)then the rcsultin9optimalmufflerwill attenuatethe Incidentnoise levelby 32.34 dB which is @.94% betterthan that producedby the configuration of Fig. (6-a-il). The paper hasdescribeda computer-based designprocedurefor optimized configurations _ reactivemufflerswith step changesin _elr acousticimpedance when subjectedto periodicpressurewaves. The existenceof multipleoptimum conf|gurntions isevidentby the dependenceof the finaldesignon the selection of the numberof segmentsand the startln9point of thesearch. The cons|dared examples illustrate the potential of the developed computerized optimization approachas e powerfultoolfor syntheslzin9 the optimalconfignratlons of reactivemnfflers. i 130 _zJ i:¸, •: " hi: ;_i I _:_'. Although the optimization In the considered examples is based on the maximizationof the noise transmisslonlossesat one frequency,tiletechnique can be readilyused to optimizetilemuffler designover a _YIderangeof frequenciesas Hell as optimizingtileexllaustplpes for Iml}roved engineperfolunance, The procedurecan a]so be app]Icableto situationsHhere factorssuchms mean flow, frictional]osses,temperaturegradients,variablesource and temlnation Impedancesshouldbe consideredin the designscheme. i ' 131 ' i- ; " _'_._t_'• References l. lleath, R.A., "Hhat's Ahead in Control the Automotive Muffler Field,"IL Proc_ Na--a"_ona-na--_[-Noi_e and Vibration Conference, Chicago June of 1974, pp. 87. 2. ffagral_ab_EE., "Environmental T_J7_, pp. 215. 3. _nd __lers 4. p_ P.O.A.L,, "Mufflers for Internal Combcstlon Englnes," "Inter-N_Co-rTference, Denmark, 1973, pp, 143. Noise Control," J. Hi]ey and Sons, New York, A. Snlre,j, "A Computer-based Procedure for tile Analysis of ari'd ?uned Exhaust Systems," Prec. of NOISEXPO, 1977. Prec. of .5, KarnopJ!, D., a. Reed, D, Mar__olis and II. Dwyer, "Design and Testing of Ileact_Ivi_-i_T/Cfle-Ts?_,r--Proc. of ln_r'-Nolse Con_ence, Washington, D.C., 1974, pl). 325. 6• Okda, a,, "Performance of Reactive Mufflers and Calculation of Engine l_xla_'llolse," Prec. of Inter-Nolse Conference, Sendal, 1975, DP. 655, 7, Lykk_., "Design of Reflection Type Sllencers ot_-Reael;Ive Acoustlc Filters," Prec. of inter-Nolse 1973, pp. 158. D• • Ver_L, Design Optlml.zatlon of Gas Turbine Sllencers," Noise Conference, Sendal, 1975, pp. 687. 9. Wallace, O., and A, Selreg., "Optimum Design of.Prismatic Oars subjected to _'-I_S-ME Paper _o. 70-DE-G, Trans, of ASME,J. of Engineering for Industry, I0. Klnsler= L.E._ and _A.R. FrL_, "Fcmdamentals of Acoustics," ,')7"W-fTeTa'n'd--S_nc"TT", New"York, 1962. ? i ,• 132 I L .... I e."2""L.?_ . ............. based on tile Theory Conference, Denm_rk, Proc. of Inter- Second Edll;lon, SEGMENT FIG. I --A t: , 1 SEGMENT 2 SEGMENT SEGMENT n- I n TUBE WiTH n SEGMENTS 133 _iAI; AREA, DENSITY AND LElIGTII or EACll SEGr.IENT _) a, _ETE"t'I]NL" W_AVE PROPAGATIONRATIOS ' CALCULATE INPEDANEE5 '" ( ') ) C "E"_fU_'_'i_Til_"_'_'_'_'_'_'l_ " ) L_ ( PRINT MUFFLERPARAMETERS ,E, v LoVA,.AI,L s S ( "l,,I.T,,TE.,:ACE _.ESS..E '3 1 I CAt.(:ULAI'E/,iEN PIIESSI/REttAVES OIIIGIrtATItlG AT TIlE I |NTERFACES(FROt'ITIlE SUPEflPOSITION OF TIlE RE| rI.ECTE[_ t, TllAI|St'IITTEI; I'ORIIOI_S Or illE I'IAVESflEACIIING | TIlE IPITERFACE) . J I I'l.q. 2 n ,i ¸ tI]ock (II_gram ol analysis 134 |)ro!|r(lln i I C READBUMBEROF MUFFI.ER SEGMENTS ) [ /+":BE-A't_ IHE TYPE OF PRESSUREHAVE INPUT TO MUFFLER k F --- C ISSEGMENTOF A VARIABLE TIIE REAl)IFHUFFLER TIE LASI L__ C OF EACItF_UFFLER SEGI'ENT READ:PROPAGATIOPI RATION ABDAREAS ........ Z J --) ) _1 ]..; SETTIlE INI'FIAL corIblTIONS ] F CALCULATESEGMENT IFIPEDENCES ] --CA+m_^l_'iTFm m-_,+E l [ IIISTORIES AT TIE INTERFACES F---'--CA_ULATE T.E_vALuE L , "_ j mmrIs T_EVALUE m'LC? / , 1 -_ ]. [-SETTIIEVARIABLEBACK (l'l(lRl _RT/_E5 ) ,-_]____-_+_...L' ]DECREASEFIB!T j "i I ) ] TO ITS ORIGINAL,VALUE /t IVARIARLE I_Y 3_. l I' LC" '-'12'' 1 ..II_. Tit}"-. NO /_A'_UnE_.r_"_.. YES +P .,/_G VARI';(+LE _,f Y_S .+ BEEBI [(BBEASE_).I [ • _ ]""++_+VATIVE ] 1 IDERIVAT'V_ 0 I II;'+EA IE'TI,E ..... +{ ? ET.Z--I _ [ m, LASTVARIABLE BEEN _'_+.CALCUI.AT ED / I VAR'ARL_ DY_++ ,. _DY= j "+ l "+'Figure 3 ( .... t.+; : - + 4, i • . ,rr_f ! 9_T IniTial Muffler ] ' L- TL. = 5.09dB '(i) i- Op|imum Muffler l- ,, I TL = 10.SdB J, 5 '11 (ii) , " " 2 FIG.(4) Three Segment Reacllve Muffler 137 ;i", ----_ 3.16 Initio[ Muffler I f 3 TL=5.09db ..443 _ 4 _.44,3 _ (i) 5 6 2.24 ... ,443_ Optimum Muffler I 2 3 4 5 6 2 5.16 ' TL.9._db l tii) FIG,[5"a) SIx SegmentR_acti_eMuffler ,3..38 J .... )i: Optimum Muffler } J i • i ' TL= 12.81db FIG.(5-h)SIx 1 f (ii) Sagm,_nlReacfIve Nuffl_,r K 'i 139 I • i, Initial Muffler I 1.73 I l 2 '- j 3 4 5 ,-'- ! 6 / I t J __,L 2 2.24 (i) 4 43 '_ ^44.3 " ", rl.443 ., . t_,, " I=, TL=Z38db Oplimum Muffler 2 ' 3 4 5 6 __ l i , : ,' I_ ": TL= 16,62 db ......... ='-_ -- (ii) J FIG.(5*C) SixSegmentRe(]cliveMufflor 140 _.__ , .,i J- • 7. I , _:o,fL., a,I, . 5 ! IgI lOlJJnlN O^!|ODoN lu_,uJ6ra80AI_'V'/ (H) (D-9)'91J qp t_0_: --71 i , ' jaljjn _ uJnwl_d0 (I) qp 60'cj --71 I L J JalJJnN IO!+!Ul .... _,...,......... ._,,,,_ [,':_ _ _,_i_,_ Initial Muffler im i.' I..i_ --- --TL: Optimum 3.39db 23 _ _ 456 ? 8 I I-- ._ ..... - Muffler ....I_ -- - 1 , [--r I TL. 32,34 db :I (ii} : FIG.(6-b} TwelveSegment Renclive M.lflar 142 :[' , 2 ,r , :' • ,, ' -- , - I._2 f,gg - _ll!_'_!'_ _: ._!_i__._,, ' __'i_',_ _ _r_J_' _" _ ._'h _: _ r. " _!ii_ I, " !_•¸ "_" _ !::HI_'¸'¸¸:̧i '_ " i BErlCIt TEST AridA/IALOGSI_IULATIO_I TZCHHQUES ENGINE HUFFLER FOR EVALUATIOf_ by Cecil R Sparks Director, Engineering Physics Applied Physics D1vlslon Southwest Research Institute San Antonio, Texas Presente{lto: Surface Transportation ExhalJstSyst_n flolseSymposium Sponsored by tileU. S. Envlro_ental Protection Agency . Chlcago, Illinois October 11, 12, 13, 1977 ABSTRACT The problem, s associated_ith laboratoryevaluationof e{_glne mufflersare primarilythose of (I) deslgnln_a facility_,.hlch v11llprovidea meaningful measureof muffler noise reduction,and (P.)relatingthis physical(acoustic) data to the action of themuffler _hen placedon a specifleen(J(neexhaustsystem. IRlilea _iId.e-band siren can be designedto provldn a suitablenoise speetru_and 5ource Impedance,perfon_anceof a{_ymufflermust ultiesately depend on the exilaustpl'ping configurationInto _altch it Is placed. Experimental work In the 1960'sat SwRI has _llounthat a bench test facilitycan provide useful acousticdata If the ea$_dldat_ mufflersare being evatuatedfor a relatively narro_Y range of engineapplications,and a loudnessevaluationtechnique was evolvedwhlch could reliahly re]atedata fr_n the bench test facilityto perfomance (soee reduction)on an engine. In addition,electronicslmulat_ontechniqueshave been evolved_lerebv the entireexhaust systc_i] (mLiffler, manifo)d,an(iplpJng)can be qL_ntltatlve]y evaluatedon an eleetrnnceustle analog, Althoughdesignedprlneiplyfor s_mulatlngpLilsat|on fllters,thls analoghas been extensivelyused for slmulatlng the exhaust systemsof reciprocatingengines,and for the design of muffler_specificallytailoredfor that engine,exhaustsystem,and range of operatingconditions. I 144 BERCII TEST AND ANALOG SIMULATION TECIIIIIQUESFOR ENGINE IIUFFLER EVALUATION BY CECIL R. SPARKS BACKGROUND The problemsassociatedwith evolvinga bench test procedurefor evaluatln_ tileacousticperfornlance of mufflerslie chiefly In tim fact that there's no such thingas an inherentlygood muffler. Regardlessof mufflerdesign, the NR affordedby anymuffler Is not a functionof the mufflerdesign alone,as the rnuff_er is merelyone port of a complexacousticpiping systmn. The "best" muffler forone enginemay actuallyamplifynoise from another. Re.log a passiveacousticnetwork,a muffler'sperformance(arnpllfication or attenuation) dependsnot only upon its internaldesign but also upon.its source and termlnatloaimpedance(i.e.,tileattachedpiping),upon the spectral distributionand omplltudeof the enginenoise spectrum,flow rate, pressure drop and, of course,acousticvelocity(temperatureand gas co_posltlon). This Is not to say that somemufflerdesignsare not betterthan othersfor a given _angeof conditions,or that an optlmmnmufflercannotbe designedfor a specificsetof conditions(and assuminga specificset of constraintson size, etc.), but as soon as englne operatingconditlonschange, or themuffler Is applled to a differentenglne,its performancecan suffermarkedly. Normally,muffler design Is tailoredto cover the rangeof engineoperatingconditionsexpected, and Is designedas an acousticlow pass filterwith a mlnim:n of pass bands and t.helowestbackpressure_flow resistance)possible, These arej in fact, the major marks'ofa "quality"muffh;r. The firststep in seriouslyundertakinga progrmnof bench testing,therefore, lies i'ndeflnlng the appllcatlonand operatingconditionsfor which the candidatemufflerIn to be evaluated, The more precisewe can be in defining these conditionsand themore narro_l the variationsIn applicationand operating conditions are, the better job _ cau do both In designing a muffler and In bench testingIt. We at SwRIdid a study some12 - 15 years ago for MERDEC (then ERDL) to evaluatethe feasibilityof developingand utilizinga bench test facilityas an Amy procurementold for severalclassesof more or less similarstationary engine applications,The most questlonablepart of the effortwas simply to define if themilltar_, standardsenginesused in these appllcatlonswere sufficientlysimilarIn exhaLlstspectralcontentand the acousticpropertiesof their exlloust system thatany one set of bench facilitytests _old be of slgnificantvaluefor extrapolating perfomance to a11 engines in the selected class. Perhapsthe resultsof thisprogramwill be of Interestto thls group in definingJust hnwA bench facilitymight be utilizedIn testingmuffler "quality"and in definingsome of its inherentlimitations. 1 (I In thisdiscussion,I regretthat time wlll not peomita fulldiscussion and descriptionof the exact designproceduresused In evolvingthe bench test facility(e,9,,the siren),to analyticallyprove _ome of the ass_nptionsmade 145 1, (lineerlzationproceduresin extrapolating acousticsystem response)or in providing experimentaldocumentationof thevalidityof scallngsome of tilecomponents, llecould argue oxtenslve]yaboutv1hereto locatethe mlcropbone(s)at tilemufflerexhaust, ilevertheless, theresultsof testingon the facilitymay be _orthyof note. I shouldalso note thatresultsof the bench test program _ere publishedin SAE Paper 771A, datedOn'tabor1963, aud entitled(appropriately enough),"k Donch Test FacilityforEngine HufflerEvaluation", by I. J. Schumaciler, C, R, Sparks, and D. J. Skinner. The first step in the programwas to field test some half dozendlfferent engines,and 47 standarddesignmufflersfrom some5 or 8 of the major suppliers of mufflersfor tileHIL STD onglnes. This testingprovideda data base on the noise from the various standardengineswith exhaust sizes rangingfrom I I/2 to 3 inches,data on the perfonnanceof varlousmufflerdesigns (seeTable I), and data on the sensitivity of results to operating conditions. Prom this point _ork turnedto thedesigningof a prototypefacility,and to developing techniques IYhereby facllIty data might be used to imply how a muffler might perform on an engine, or at least show a means of differentiating between obviouslygood and obviouslybadmufflersfor the applicationintended. It was also recognizedat this polnt thatthe facilityhad to be fool-proofIn the sense that "gimmicked"mufflerscouldnot be deslgned_lhich_ould sho_1op well on the facilitybut which _ould notv_rk vmll on the engines(eitherbecause of noise or performanceproblems), DESCRIPTIONOF BEi'ICilTEST COHPOIIENTS A photographof the first prototypeof the bench test facilityis sho_n in Figure l, and a schematici_ shown In flgore2. It nlaybe seen that in addition to its noise testing feature,the facilityIncludesprovisionsfor makingboth static and dynamic baekpressuremeasur_nents on the test mufflersat various flow conditions. In order to optimizeuponboti}the mechanicaland operational aspects of the facilityand its componentpart_,comprehensivestudies_._re made of these parametersin order to assurean optlmumcompromisebetweenfacility reliabilityand operatlonalsimplicity.Discussionsof the major components and the tests used to define ti_eir operationalcharacteristics are presentedbelow. Siren fioiseSource - The heart of theacousticsystem is the sirenexcitation source,shn_n at (I) In Figure 2. Thts siren produceswlde band',almost "white"noise and is a constantpokersourceby virtueof the near erltfeel pressuredrop across It, Thls hlgh impedancenoise generatorIs used Ir_ ste_d of more conventional voice coil devices in order to simulate the impedance charanteHstlcs of an engine no1_e sourceand thereby simulatelo_ding effects experienced when an exhaust syste_ Is attached to an engine noise source. Olscussionsof performancetestlngof thls device are given in the foITo_Ingsections. NanlfoldSystem - The secondimportantcomponentof the facilityis an acoust--_-'c'on"_tem _Yhlchserves to coupletest mufflersto the siren and representsthe manlfoldlngsystemof an engine..For some types of testing, thls c_npenentIs dispensable,and usefulevalnatlondata can be taken H1thout I_6 It. It serves chtefly to bring the absolute magnitude of the noise reduction more In 11ne wltb n_T1erical data obtainedin the field. For facilityquallficationtests, thls manifoldIs a speclaIlydesignedpipingcomponentas shown in Figure 2. For othertests involvingthe designof specie]purposemufflers, or for evaluatingperfor_lance for a partleu]arend-ltemapp]IoatJon, excellent corre]ationwith fle]ddata can be obtainedby using the actualengineexhaust manifold. Effect of Siren Pressure and Speed - A series of tests _mre conducted on the wide band siren to evaluatethe effectof operatingpressureand speed. These tests showedthatthe sirenoperateswell at pressuresfrom 2 psi to ab least 15 psi. The generatednoise o,tputvariesdirectlywitb the sourcepressure althoughthe spectraldistribution is essentiallyConstant. The siren operatingspeed has a decidedeffecton the spectraloutputof the siren. It has been designedto producewlde band noise above40 cps l_hileoperatingat apProxlmately240 rpn. At speedsabove this level,tilelow frequencyoutput falls off markedly. Mlcrop_h_ne Positlon- Extensivetests_ere made on tilepipingconfJguratlmn'-f_-F-ea_]T'-sTz'_'-o'f-muffler to evaluatethe effectsof microphoneposition. A comparisonof mufflerperfor_nance characteristics measuredat variousmicrophone positionssllomcorrelationIs quitegood so Ion9 as the microphoneIs located in the acousticfarfield. The exact positionof the microphone]s not as importantif one )osltfonis selectedas m standardfor each mufflersize, and so long as t_e microphoneis not in thedirect noise Jet. Oased on these tests the microphonelocationwas set at 45 dog. from the centerllne of the outlet. Effects of C, as Temperature- The effectsof gas temperatureon muff]or performanceare prlmarlly--]:ri twoareas, I. Acousticvelocityvariesdlreet]y_dth the square root of gas temperature, and thus the cut-offend band-passfrequenciesof a givenmufflershift in essentiallythe sameproportions. 2. Gas viscosityincreaseswlth the temperatureand thusdiss]patlon elementsare generallymore effectiveat elevatedtomperaturms.In general, this means that the percentdampJnoof each re, filer will go up as temperature increases(that Is, the 0 will decrease). Test results showedtbat the measuredoctaveband noise reductlon_haracterIsties of the experimental mufflersdifferedslightly_a_enmeasuredwith hlgh and low tempeFatures.As antlcJpated,the resultsshowed that an increasein cut-off frequencywas experiencedat high temperatures(450 F elf temperature) as well as a slight increaseIn the hlgh frequencyattenuationcharacteristics. The use of hlgh temperaturealr showedan particularadvantageas faras dif_ ferentlatin9betweenhighand Io_equality mufflersand as suchdid not warrant the added complemity to {he facility. I|iqh Flow Tests - A seriesof testswere conductedto evaluatethe neons. _Ity "of_'r a-_'n-d" t--'_fect of hlgh flowthroughthe muff)or durin9neoustlctests. tests. The most pertinentresultsfrom these facilitytests conductedon a11 three muffler sizes show that the qualltyrnuffIers can be convenient]}, differentJmtedfr(_nthe low qualityor (_nptysirenswithout reproducingtotalmuffler m tz_ t 147 flow velocities experienced on l:he engine. BaSEdon these tests no apl)rectable |lnprovement was realized frorrl the acoustical tests conducted under Iltgh flow conditions aud as sucth this requiru,unt was u×cluded oll tile facility design. DESCRiPTiONOF FACILITY _fUFFLER EVALUATIOIITECHNIQUES lhe output spectrum of the wide band siren Is shown by curve A in Figure 3. Shown by curve B o11tlHs plot is facility Lmmuffled output v¢Ith a typical engine manifold attached to the Oh'on. if now wo superimpose on this plot curve C, vd_lch shous output noise of the siren-manifold facility _tth a muffler attached, the difference between curves B and C represents the noise reduction afforded by tile muffler, Sluce the siren Is duslgned such that eacll octave Interval shown is rather completelyfilled witl} generate.d noise,speclaIlytunedmufflingdevices (as contrastedto high qualltymufflers)may be sl}owoto be relatively IneffectiveIn reduch_gtotal noise,and a numerfca]ratingof noise attenuaClan can be ascribedto each test muffleron the basis of tileoctaveband noise reductionmeasured. In order to relatethe octaveband noise rcdu_tloefiguresobtainedfrom the facility to muffler quality or loudness reduction, one must cc_pensate for the variationof"ear sensitiVitytHtt]frequency,and the dependencyof thls frequer_cy variation_Ith absoluteamplitude. In the programdescribed,final evaluationof mufflerquality tlasbased upon the reductionIn sane loudness afforded by a muffler _Yhen Its decibel noise reduction properties are superImposedupona typicalenginenoise spectrum. In order to Illustrateboth the concept and the procedure Involved, consider a muffler wlth facillty-measured decibel nolsereductlonpropertiesas shmm in Flgore4. If now tm consider thattileunmuffledexhaustnoise spectrumshown as curve (_in Figure5, Is typical for cnglnes_hlcb mtgli_use tbls muffler,we can attestqualityof the test mufflerby computingthe loudnesslevel (Inogees)that thedb eolse If rmiuctionof the mufflerdrop wouldIn producewlmn superimposed upan thls spectrum _(egrapldcalIysubtractt/_enoise reductionfiguresfrom the enginenoise spectrum, we get the predictedmuffled noise sp6ctrumshown by curve B. lVilen eacllof these curvesIs cofiverted to SAE sones,then the resultingtestedqualityof the muffleris timdifferenceIn Chose sane levels. For conveniencethe sane Ioudne_ scalesare plotteddirectlyon the octaveordinatesof Figure 5, and Itmay be seen fr_nthe nonl_nearitlesof tim scalesthat r_uctlon in someof the octaves ts more important thau tn others insofar as loudness (sane) reduction ts concerned, In order to supplyproper weightingto the reductionvaluesobtained for eacllof the octaves]some typicalenginenoise spectrummust be.used. In orderto determinethe final evaluatlonFactorFor eacll muffler _ubjected to these tests,one needs merely to s{_lthe sane r_luc_.ion affordedIn each octave,or alternativelysubtractthe totalcalculatedmnffIed sane loudness fromthe saneloudnessof the referenceenginespeetnanshown. The cnglno spectrum used Is not crttlca},as vartat|onsIn tileband levelsused as reference havea secondOrder effecton tileoctaveband _mlghttngfactorsused, It may be seen that the proces:descrlbcdabove involvesflrst of all, the derivationof octave band noise reductionfrom the bench test facil|t},, and then the _'Ightingof each of these nolse reduetlonflguresbased upon notse i It)O .i_ _ _: ,j '. ;::r ' ..... .... ' typical of tllose to which tile muffler mighL be subjected In field The entire processmay be slmplifiedcenslderablyby graphicaltechI_w_$'uslng tile song evaluatlon chart sho_m In Figure 6. Thls chart agah_ has eight betave band ordinates. IIeasured muffler noise reduction values m(_ybe ' plotted d_rectly upon the ordhlates, and corresponding values for sone reduct:ion may he read dlreotly. The typical engine spectrum _Yeighting Factors are aut(_maI'.Ioally ]ne}udedIn the loudnessreduction(db) figureson each ordinate. To evolve I:hemuffler qualityfactor (the sone redt_ction value)using this cnart, the process Is as follows: I, Obtain octaveband NR figures for tiletestmuffler frowntests on the bench test facility, I I 2, Plot thesedecibelvalueson tile db ordinatesin Figure6. 3, Read tilecorrespondingsome reductionfiguresfrom tileright hand scale of each ordinate, 4. Take tilealgebraictotal of all Inferredoctaveband sone reductlon values. This is the quality factor of the muffler, After design and fabricationof tilebench test facl]ityshown In Figure i, an extensiveseriesof tests w_re conductedon a seriesof mufflerswith I-i/2, 2, and 3 Inch Inlet sizes, It was shown that when a sophisticatedslmuIation of the exhaust systemwas utilized(for example,using the actualenginemanIfold betkmenthe siren and muffler),fucilltytests rankedqualltymufflersin vlrtual)ythe exact saliie relativeorder aS engine tests. Such numerlea)correIatlol! is Illustratedgraphical ly in Figure7, where loudnessratingsfrom field data on the 2 inelltestmufflersare shown as tilecenterordinate,and facil'fty ranklngsusing two sone calculationtechnlquesare shown on either slde. It seen tilerboth field and facilitytests rate the mufflersIn vlrtuallythe _ame order,and that the facilityeasllydlfferentlatesthe more qualitymofflers(B-12 throughB-21) from the (=',ipty shell (B-If). Similar tests,but oslng a dlfferentmanlfoTdwere shown te rate the series B-12 through B-21 In a differentrelativeorder,but tile)' _mre still easilydifferentiated from straight plpe sections or empty shells. Since the objective of thls dew:lopnenttYasa deviceto attest go(rural mufflerquality for use with a varietyof manifolds,the standardized manifoldllasadopted. The entire system was thereby shown to be effectivehl differentiating betrmenqualityarAlnonquality mufflers on a rather general hasls. MUFFLERBACKPRESSURE EVALUATION The back pressurecharacteristics of the m111tarystandardmt_fflers Is perhaps the most importantsingleevaluationcriterionfor most end-ltomap(Jllcatlons. Since tilemilitarystandardmufflerdesign Is not talloredto a specific appllcatlon,a compromlsein tilenoise reductioneharanterlstlcs was favoredto meet the maxlmomback pressureIlmlts. All extensiveseriesof tests were con_ dueled on the mufflersunder a varietyof both steady flow pulsatingcondltlons. Data ree_)rded using both a _Yatermanometerand a flush-mountedpressure transducer,and vmre comparedwlth fleld data obtainedidth a flusIl-monnted 149 III transducer installed in the engine exhaust system, The results showed that under steady flow facility conditions (with siren off), excellent correlation was obtained between field results and facillty results using either a flushmounted transducer or a water manometer for facility measur_uentso The data also indicated that full engine flow rates need not be slnlulated to perfom these tests and that the _ilount of flew required is dependent erlly upon the resolution of the back pressure measurqngsystem. Comparatively hlgtlflow rates (240 scfm) are required for the large size mufflers In order to obtain necessary readlng accuracy when a water leg manclneter Is used. Alternately, lower flow rates could be used wlth a more sensitivepressuretransducer,but thls systc_i_ would suffer from the complexityof ca]ibratlomand data interpretation.The corre]ation of steady f]ow back pressure measurouents recorded on the facility to engloeback pressuredata obtainedduringthe fie]dtests Is presentedIn Figure8. AfIALOGSINULATIONTECtINIQUES Another means for evaluatingenglnemuffIers,at least In tile difficultlow frequencyportion of the spectrtnn, lles in electronicanalogsimulationof the proposedmuffIer-manlfoldlng conflguratlorl. The most sophisticated and weIIdocomentedbasls for thls contentionIn theSGA CompressorInstallation Analog, developedand bperatedby SouthwestResearchInstitutefor the SouthernGas Association'sPipelineand CompressorResearchCouncH (Sea figure10). llhlle the primary purposeof this analogis to simulatepulsationsIn the piping systems of reclproeatlngcompressors(to datesome 3000 such stud|noflarebeen conducted),it is also usefbland has beenused as a tool for designand evaluat|omof engine muffler and exhaustsystems. Using this analog,the total flow characteristics(steadystate and transient)of a pipingsyst_I_ suchas a muffler and exhaust systemcan be modeled usingelectronicdelay llne elements which are slmply coupled togetherto slmulatethe acousticimpedancenetworkof the exhaust system regardlessof e_nplexlty.Lumping lengthscan be chosen arbitrarilyshort to accomodatewhateverupper frequencylimit is desired,but plpe dlame:erdoes imposesome upper frequencylimitations.The simulationassumes one-dlmenslonalcompresslb]eflow,and is thereforelimitedin app]Icabillty to frequencieswho_e wave lengthsare largecomparedto pipe diameter. For a six inch exhaust system,tlmrefore,the upperfrequencylimit is on the order of 500 IIz. It Is readily noted,however,that It Is preclse]yIn the low frequency ranges where muffler perfomance Is dlfficu]tto predictana]ytlcally, and where piping interactioneffectsare most importanton muffler performance. High frequencyattenwationis reIatlvelyeasy to achievein a muff]or,and once low frequenciesare contru]led,the hlgh freqwenclesnoma]ly takecare of themselves. Standardacoustictheory(vlz. Ilnedduct absorptioneffects)servesas an adequatetool to designadditionalhlghfrequencyattenuationif It shouldhe desirable. The processof slmnlatlngan exhaustsystem on the analog Is a re]atlvely stralght-fnrwardimpedancesimulationusinga seMe._of analogies_Alere voltage representspressure(AC and DC), and currentrepresentsmass flow, m m If w_ start wlth the equationsof motion,continuityand stainfor onedlmenslonal,Isotherma],compressibleflow,and comparethese to the electrlcaI 150 l delay 11ne equatlons,we find thata very convenientset of analoglosoccur wherain 'E1ectrlcalInductance=Acoustic Inortanco _'lectrlcal Inductance_AcousticCompliance EIectrlca]Roslstancec:AcousticDamping. Specifically,the electricalparametersof inductance(L), capacitance(C),and resistance(R), per unlt lengthof pipe are: L- KI-]L A A C- K2_ c2 Ind R . K3 M where n " flowingdensity A, pipe flow area c. acousticvelocity M , mass flow rate K ..constant Using acoustictheory the same _et of equationsare derived,exceptthat the resistivetern is assL_nedllnearof the approximateform R 1.42 (_1_--) I/2 __-_9:e p _r3 as contrastedto the fluld dynamicviscousr_slstancowhich is of the fore fc2 M R • K3 Considerableexperimental_rk has beenconductedto evaluatethe relativemagnltude of the two resistivemechanlsms,and re.sults show that for all pipe sizes of practical cnncern (i.e., larger than capllary tubing) and for all flow rates on the order of several fps ur greater, that the fluld dynamic tom predomlnatos. Thus for most systems,thenon-flowacoustic resistancemechan1"_is (e.g., molecularrelaxation)can be Ig(lored withnegllgahleeffect. It may be seen by inspectionthatof thethreebasic impedancetermsdefined 151 (R, L and C) both L and C are quite linear with flow. Since these two parameters detennlne electrical (and acoustic) propegution velocities, an excellent simulation is achieved of muffler attenuation rates, cut-off frequencies, internal resonances or pass-bands, and interaction frequencles caused by attached piping, The only paranmter undefined by R and C is the amplitude of tile various resonance peaks which are ¢ontrolled by resistive damping. Since the R Is non-linear with flow, simulation can be achieved either by inserting nonlinear resistance circuits into the delay llnes, or by linearizing the R for the average mass flo_ rate II. Experience with many simulations have proven elther approach Is adequate, The question v_h|chusually comes up at this point Is "I/hat about perforations". Again. both analyt|cal and experlmental data sho_vsthat for non-flow acoustics, perforation size must be quite small before the elements become resistive rather than reactive, In Figure ]i perforation Q is plotted as a function of hole size for various frequencies. Ilote that hole diameters must be less than a quarter inch before the R pred_nlnates (i.e., before Q<I). In the case of flow through perforations, analog data has been compared extenslvely wlth laboratory and fleld data, and again the results show that the predominating effect In achieving pulsation damping Is the sdme mechanism which produces pressure drop. Speclflcally, the dynamic (acoustic or pulsation res|stance) is numerically equal to twice tile steady state resistance, i,e., RAC 2 X RDC- 2 al--_ I.l steady flow Using this approach,excellentcorrelationhasbeen obtalnndbetweenthe analog and fielddata for perforatedelementacousticfilters. An exampleis g|ven in Figure12 which shows the pulsationspectrumfrom 0 - 100 Hz for a reciprocatingcompressor, florespecifically,the data shows the envelopeof pulsationamplitudesas compressorspeed variesover a rangeof ± 10%. Again,the problemof using such a devicefor evaluatingmufflerslles in tilequestionof _Yhat constitutesquality in a muffler. Althoughthe analogwill accuratelymap filterattenuationas a functionof frequency,Includinga]I passbands and In(leraetlon effectsof attachedpiping,the noise reductloodata obtained is farthat particularexhaustsystem. If significantchangesare made in the manlfold,tailpipe,etc., then data can be _._odlfled substantially.Figure13 is one exampleof analogdata taken for a proposedmuffler design for a large stationarynaturalgasenglne. Note that noise levels and spectracan be observedanywhereIn the system,but that as the piping configuratlonis changed, output noisefrom themuffler wi]l 11kewlse change. m m I 152 Z Cc ,2 Tibia I -Flcld Rc_ul_Flon) In,me Tests_ll[J_pcri_ct]Ea[ h10M©r, r-nsint£xtLA_It 5[Z= - 3 in. MoffltlHo. ]Hoti¢Live1.db Loudn¢la.5o_©i [n_tn_ IJohc 0:) ._0.G Open Exh_ul_ ^-I A-2 ^-:} ^-4 A-5 A-G 105 102.2 I0,i.5 101 103.5 )GO.5 202, 93._ 60.4 l] 9.:I 11.i _3.3 _3._ 30.:) ^-I ^°8 101 ICO,_ 102 _3.Q "/_.a 77.6 ^-g )02.5 153._ l_ngln¢ExhAust,_Iz** 2 in. L,_ut_nclL 5oriel Hob¢ [,¢v¢l, db 19.8 74 94 015 4_.9 _9 42/I O_ 46._ I_O 39._ 90 91.5 ._.° 40,_ 91 [_ _£/4 rft |ill,dis l[|r| o,i° k2_c ;PIGURF. 2 5ch©m_tic of 1_nch "I'_=t F*_cilit 7 N 154 _0. 46.1 _ 40_'1 4_.1 |'_ 3_.b /_8.:, _ i1¢. 14o _.|_ _lTti t< F/ • _tl ,'_ lh_ )_' ,'_'_ i_ Oc_ava Dtmd An_lytl_ of Hoina _ductton Figura_ from TypIc;_I £_'¢perinlant_l MtLffl¢ r _'_ *;_ F[Gr./K£ 3 Oct_,va _And AnA1ytltt of F_,ctlity Nol_n G-31Ar_ct_rln/i¢_ i i I iLA-X- "itii'i_ ., w-"__ .t,_ , \\ _C'J__" _,_,:_o, ",_ ,-.,., . it,'Tatyg I_OI n I, . • _Cpll "* :.,, ", :: ! ,_ -- .,,.. , _ ' _i._ _ :'.. -_ _.x. .N FIGUR£ 5 , Grs_pht¢ £sampl_ of th_ £fft_ct o_ _,_uft'llng Action upon _..x,h_,ug'_ lqof,s_ L_n,_l, tt i '4_ . ,It_ FIGUP,_ 6 _volvad Sont: £v_lu_rlnn Char|/or DLrcgt. _vt, Lu_ttzrt at k_ttf_r Circuitry _t'om T=at l_nch D_ta _55 ! I ,,°. ! tog- 4- .°'+_ + +_ I 3t1 _ ,°_ _tA_ _ rJOUI'r FI[T._ OarA 14 :. j .°._.4_._,_<t+ 40 = i i*' _*Z_ A+I a.& ^._ _ A,I A,7 A*6 " I_ _.lo FIGURE r,_._v*L""r_o_.l,t r,._.:rcvt_a_a_o_.._ F_,L. La,o,,t_"_t"r. frm .,;,q,,c:u+. LJL;¢ TK_N _LTA ._ltll'J¢ ,a_G,*C,U}T TrOt10ATA FIGURE 7 Compitrtson o£ Field _md FaciLity u#ttion, of i_luffl_r Porformance Final Comp_rilon o£ Flcld Mufflcr Backpro_ure £val- Prototypm FIGURE 9 Mu£flc.r B_nch Pgcillty Tm_t g and Facility P,at'ing_ FIGURE 10 E_(_ct_oacoustic Analo_ for Silllu_ation Of the AcouStic Response of PIDi_c3Systems m i 158 I i • i * _BRg_ nmmmmmmm inulin! IiO/i Immml.. o mmmjiammm lgnounu 2 _ mnn,,mi.mummmImm[ _) mmmNm__ _)_ L _JL fluffier m m _1 nnd E_h_ust Sy_tcu_a r_rforrrl,lnC_ Char_ct_rl._t_s _S Itecorded on L'fie Electro,lcoL_sttc An_llo_l E'IC.IU lz.j_. 13 160 Co,qm_nta of on l;v.llu¢l_lo]_ |_h,luo_ SyuLenl chime TeclulLque_ _loLue COlttro[ t(!r LuLLc _ II. t_. I_owley Donaltl_on Co_ltlJany_ In¢, lJ_fore dL:lcuo_in_,_ _ll_lrge_l by p_oduc_ Dr, _cre_Lol_lL[ vell_c[e_ Thia _rl_l_ I uould for a B_vcn _rL_k p_f_ar_ly I_[l IIr_ _o _l_ e_!lau_ _o_n_ IL_ht l_l_e coV_W u s _LI¢_ d_.pundn un _h_ l_rc_nft_ _o d_0cu_a alibi _llg_l_ be a|_eaklll_ To _h_ Lnd_ed bel_ch ev,llu_l_Lofl ¢onuf_l_to _r_mkl_ **, l)r_lnn_'_y _l_d fo_ _lth you _1o _he _ow_lrd _he he_vy I_o_l_ tecll_l_queo y_Lcrday_ r_t_lcond _ho_e JoIJ [o_ le_ _l_ak_ dL_Ly_ dLe_t aLr f_xld _hey w_re _nd _he _h_un_ clean_t'_ ne¢_ry Ln_enOe_|o tt'UCho I_r_lw_lr_ I_[lc| th_n _tl thai ayllli_o0_um _ ino=_ o_ _ho _l_ea_e_ll _h_u_ aa ine f_r'_ |ocou_o_vea, a_epu _ which "how wt; _1o _he Job o_ dev_lop_J_g _ln_l _|_t" cn_n_ ay_eJl_ Ln_'oducto_y fo_" illedttJm _llld hc_avy du_y _wllua_ol_. .. po_lbl_ I{ope_" tz_ h_u _ hav_ _y_t_l_. _y._(_m wt_h uh_eh t_ ta L_e_l. . h n 2: i and acouatl¢ chitrdcLcrlutlca d_ocribea the £1o_ O_ truck muf_lcra my /nputin_ -- tim tim coinptiter wLll "=ulcct" rhone _orm _lmtlar to a 8tven it £or whlnh Then_ depend dnt_ on pl_=_© nn_in_-dynamom_cer evaluate tim ol_nkor,s _re o_ It u'Jcd, calc.l_ltio._ l_ accuracy t._0cu. mu_Lcr_a to bc rcq.ired s £n prcdLctud the zt iwedictloll J.a zll_o performance eithec bccauac rumcmb_r could¢ on _ll to c.t;lnc_ _:ho:l.r nccurac_ and nsain flo_ he ti_cd /,ll concc£w_bly bench not¢_ [_rc_=,z'c ac0u_tlc ¢oole. _r_ormance q_l_a hcnch ahock been ©mploy_d. e_ec_lvely _h_u_¢ to are ch_y drop muE_lur _lr rain_orced H_ny .,. _on_ aya_em l[ ,tlll_.nd# r_nkin8, 162 a the then drop uz,:d ayntcrn. Co _'or =Icc_rodynamlc m.tlmda rank meChode bec_ar FIrnC_ pronounce l= _n(J exhaust O_ time= condition: _low ce=tl._ coboa_ prnp.:rly rn_th trano- _nd cvnl.ace,I. o_ rim 1£ .tlti,,:arLon0£ ohtnincd I)cnch bc o_ tlm mu_ler'n determine aeon=tic p_r_ormnnco They can_ co cha actual _n ©a_lmaclon HaxC anmple= an a £1ow alton== _11 have development provide prol{rnm _la¢: acage. Involv.a nn_lTtlcal ¢o OK_ "non-engine" _p_ker_; -- _v_ll_thle_ a development loan, to=cod I_ loud 1_ no_ techniRu_n end lnearcion n=¢t_cco_y. I the eoaI:In_ aa well aa The d¢_=_16_, end _n_lFein •Cho _=mpl_n cloear lilac a b_la, Implemented,. ch_= accomJ _L_indllrd _y.toln l'cr_orm.mcc Tim thzic bean ruv£cw_d IJ_ _t aull:_ble producL ml0_lon exh_uat puc£orm ahcct. pru(llcc _ _lnd the: our bntkpru_aurcwJ,_. ach=m% -hut for, _dnl and "_It" n_chod0 Imv¢ = l_b_l_n_ and the illo_C _lpplln_lblu. reco_n,_ndation of Included, actual _i_sino-dynam0mctcr mu££lur will arc typ_ cllsineu properties two llst_ Lhc 135 control _nd truck m.[_leru the appro_imntuly nolu_ 'rio i;iodcl_ "md_ch" In wIC|iin 3 dItA oE eel©co and about czzSine _md o_ lo0o a['¢ _rtliwhll_ rnu£_lcrn than other_. r_or= nccuc_t, I)y The tit= l_ . . , i_ • ._!,.-_:_._:_ _1 ')_ _!.l_,* ._0 ¸, . . dO A _00(| aot0chow . Job uE aimulat_ G_lfl _1o_ • The to_a_ u_h_ti_c to • Gcnc&'dtion concern, II ItllL)ll-ell_ne" cxh_tuu_ _lrtd _Clllp_rliLtR'c pijl_,_ ollllul/l_c o_ ilOitlc uaou_h condictollo with _£_ltlE_.cztn(:ly (140 - coopt, day I_ will ncouo_:lc be ponelblc_ the nccur_y _uch th,_t bu 18;_ored v_oc_Ly Tim co notch lnoCrummmCn_lono Wc_r© A_ rcndy no_ac. taLlpip= ralll_c_d nolnc_ _ynccm. chca_ n_L i ' _o _llu cll_iil_ Jzozl-l_,nvar _illcc e_i_'ci.'_lly o_ _cou_lc _L c_n il_ _ nntur,_Uy to handle._ _wcr out,put I_v_'form IC rnaec h_v_ the +tnd not'real C(lat in 2 In a_t iil,atra_Ion dincll_r_le and any- _lno i_o1_% £iie _C Chc hot_om agbnollrccn mu[£1+lr llolec o_ r=qu/rcd .hell noial:_ [ralinmlt_cd 1970 8nvi ccmp_rn_ure¢. _oi_ _l _ypical cruckn. ... bcln_ I:_ll_Unt £111_ou_hni;y In _qunlly buC _irni: I*IC_a ,tef:Lnc o4 cMinu=t _ll(l _l_gurc for c_h'_tuoc _u_:/ and proper _l imJnC_ nlo;)_ with Co talk ni>oilt¢_n_inc teat dnCn_ FI_. l'erhap_ _ovidv m_cflua_e control m_la_u_e._# _nd c_hn._ _at_la, Tt_i= lit lC_eJ_J_ h_ rIBht. 16.3 , dl_ficu_t_ buc _ILL)IC ._om_n_ wc c_it_c do If:wlLh ei_ino raced technician nxhnu=t .., _o ntccmp_: i .if lliotlc rvquired, £low_ with air A top-notch I1 COllt_lll: callxloL cornpllcn_cd mate_'l_l demanding, o{ _y_ul=l. _lnd _ilcllcln_ lirOb,lbly _l)cctr_l Frnnk!y_ IC _ _n_ie_ £0 bbtnin i_i_ Cil_lnc_ _nd p_r_orm _h_ L_.1£1_ Oll _11('._lCCtl_l cl)_lll0 level= L|lc u)(hlitls_ pipc 170 dilA) l(on-ltne(irlLy aE_cc_ ,llnouaC o[ up o_ J ;uld IngBt choline, h lnr_ e_b_un[: l]ol_ll c_h_iu_t olie of: llll|)etJ_llCC° _ _iniL]._ir nmpliCudu v_lot, _a pl_'atcd intake _r_ldiullt and t_iJll)ipc i!lij_llle te_t_ coitdLtion_ and • O£ hLsh In qulC_ bellCh oy_tcili _y_(:cin lilacs: bu ll_ed: (:oilncctlnt| _olrt.thin_ nc_r Oil cnSinti cclrtll_rslttit'o llcvicc_ wh_r_ cwlltl_l[lOll _cCu_l pipe _ur£ac= Ic_k_ in tXnml)IC m_dc o_ chu _lm cop- i,et llll_ ellpla|n. /llthoullh I]3 dl_A overall truck o1_ l+_l_ul.n_ed I]1 dllA in t_ilt to to rcduc_ con_rihutoi'_ lo_ l_v_l_ lll_thodo ordl..r d_irlibl.ll th_ 701tl. I.h_ lliallu£actul'ers in protoLyp_ under th_ exll_iuut Ilol_le _o that [or turn u_h_u_ th_n 113. noi'_ faced Lruck iliad lil_lnuflictui'l.lll_ b_ 'a_l[uly tloal Thi_ their lirl_ I_oal, s lu And it It the d_uisn in_el;llll||,ol_ _lncu l_ bucoiil_0 r_quir_ with dBA 80 to o_tentilll_ eaaentl_ll,|y /0 vury h_cau_e [rOln i_ llil d noll- l_ .°. low v_llu_u or th_ _hown _ur the ll_lb flourciHl o llollli= WO look lilioall to the 80 dtlA th_ di[_Icult m_Ich more 19B2 ti'uck_ _li_ nubflourc_ to control to th_ very low l_vcl_ will li_¢olli_ requircd_ FiEh 2. _|ll_ in ilUbllOUl_CCll Cllll I11 _Ul'll Fis. 3.. credited Tlili hy tlio llll_ th_ Hul_fl_r m_lniy r_dl_t_l _xh_u_t tion_ i nQt How wlth thai; I_atller_d ' _xhaliat b_ IIOlll_ aub-_ubaource_l rondo lip tli_ thl! mulifler lll_lle_ited CrC_tOII of aa e_lltllla_ _nd In llolnc by hish i)ru0_lltod c_lufillll vvloctty noitic t'ndilited oiit Ily _1111[lott _llli_ilnt Bil_eil Ill n_ Th_ ,oi_ ttl_ hlllh lll_Qi-lial _url_cm e.nltl_ thn_ ¢_n d)'anmLc Ict*n get a _ully it th_ iI#nll, ic nr_ _o mLi_llL apl,_ar. mu_ll_r_ prl..¢lliir_ r_dl_tc It*_ Inlt tr_n_lni.£tnd to _lillu_t it It pll_l aluo vl_ tht vihrn- i_rl_nilr_A. into anHin_, t_ti_. lo_ch:d m_ch_nical "" a_ within vibr_tion_ lilt_rn_l _rom forward pr_naur_n mu_l_l©r th_ backltround_ _o_tinll lly itralLllll_ _t_rn_ _nd cll_l_ up by cali_d pipl, nl_, by thl: _y_tem. _n _11 ft. nolil_ nol_:.ian_t r,n_lnc in throullh mlll_£1er I and HJCtll _lllha_lat _nu_d .olilo e_Ciil_t_ll lllClulll_il (IOWll ... _tmoapllero _. Ilul'l(ac_ Mmli that lllllo th_ Into l_.xhllllal; within It LII_ inu_'fl_lv _capinll dt_clilrl_ _ill_tl3_ CIII_ tallplp©. throush g lil{lliip_ hi1 bi'ok¢ll _l_ln_. no_o 164 by F_;. _* pcep_nta Th_ inforl_ation u0tn_ _ _u_,l _lla mnclo_ure, and _ heavy outnLde_ In withilt Thl_ LnolaLlon creaLLn8 1 dll^ of particular alld zlet full at ilia iil_lfflet' nlukl-dowlZ" tho tip enSlne "iuBBt_d" 2/3 Tim tent. bn l:_pol_ted run upt teat _n ycl; Irn[_t_oll ; tho . cool the _uch that w/tth until ill coIltK'oli_ll_ tim ell_lnu 2/3 rated _AI_ 366b the 7.5 dBA at: 1.500 ... cau% enfJ.tlu _ppro_imat_ly agreetnent t©ut on t_yfltcm _ tempt:r_ture iU rno_e "live" uolne. 7_ Kahnuot dll!£_renc_ condlClona ? _or th_ Th_a pipe mode rcquirttd of the: cMtau0t Q) with approl_tmat_ly qutt© l.n o_u nlld r|_;i rpm. drive-by which FIB. would condlttonn in 165 2250. th_ th_ for nur£ac_ nor[non and the o_ _ as_in wt_rk _heetn. eM_u_nt effect bccot_ IE Huffler_ lloth th_ noitl_: B _rt_at_r n 5 dllA (llffurunc_ con_dQrl_blth dif[ercncen IIO_] p_ta. actual accellerat:lon_ nhow _ttrfac_ 6t the tile will rfldl_tud _y_tt:m o_ nudd_n 7_1.5 at that a ru,ult:Ln t_ copt_ln the Notice rlna _l_cr_u_:l. (hitch utal)Llizcd .,. 1700 _ur[tlcu attellutlt_on nr_ Thin .., _rl_o_m_tl_ll. Tlmtle b_twnen 5. whatever. 73 dBA at _._ derr_n_traLed p_. ... or o_ In_f_l_t' th_ 1.'1.8 . (IMI)_ Valuta of about: the wan found and the tllt_ 8ovt_root" addcd_ to of _hap_ Then off up to particular rpm. c/itl{] tJluwl_ warmed much 'd/IV_ thi_ lt_ takt_n r_nge plane. l'a 1_ allotted b/lnd_ rated thl/i 1_ conni(lered, co_d I _t Flfi, of peak In 4noth_r O_ C_m[_rllLtll'_ rt|diutnd loild ldl_:-mnn-ldle tu B mode. Th_tre _unctlon laird fLguru coJ_dltionn Ill and III operutit|8 becaune mode bo roport_ltl, _ th/a_ Then oy.tltcm octave load oi_ the the n reflecLtn_; ev/llutlte(l. Lit ful.1 in Tht_ entwine e_hau_t are l_a data IJntlt_t' thu_e eleinenCu 24OU. over rpm. The Dp_ctrUlll_ _erloun would I_o1_ field treated Th_ aceordin8ly° ._eoat.'t _ro.m tile t'l,m. For i_z. 2100 dollt_ ... throuBh one at: tllt_ [_ov_2rllOr. 1_ Important Only One othnr 2100 Ln full. _l_flllltlt t'l_n to free rated be rel_orted down 1_ aeotltltically 150 tett_pertiturun. Ill mode I_tldtl at J.oLet*ntll a _12 dll^ would 1_ l_ load 'dock wt_ll albove n completuly operati.nB I;htl flllllly_o The L"ree field enBtne to tltabllt_e u,lii. a uyntcm rnuf_lcr_ In gfo_e t_n(l and Ill _|1 c55_Jncc I [ookin8 t|l_ _v(_ for Lrock thu woruc hiu nur[zlcc noltJe t_ dllA c,m he Lhu LllroU:ll_ 5.5 7{] ([IJ/_. /_B our_tlC_J _hu Th_ noJ. o{_ o_ lile|o_LIry. _Ál_lt_ IhHllo_.l_" LIzCo_ ave L'uCOl'_t_d o ObV_otl_|y po'Jslbly could r_l[i [ullcLLon of tlz_lt into_ a3 look _11_ hc ux_L]l(_ 7._ lZlltl IIh1_12_2_/1_ lzl_ di£_/cult:y o£ engine ac,oLhec lti im OVi!L'COIII_, Lhei _, llJ_ LLmt% ]"lB. at. ldle_ _00-500 u_ll_lu_L Lh_ the I_yl_t.CllX I_0 I_ z}_ztbtl/_cd o_ _lsurcu noL_u IL_VI_ rp.i. $>o_l]¢ o_ dl'opLI _zb_orbed 8, IJL)_VKI ll_t. ltlld COlldi{:_Oll_ LIIc ill _llencln_; I11,,_1; bu co i)ccior._4:_cc CVlllmlCLIIS tiy_Lumu _lru b¢conlil)_ COnCAJ. Ill't: uy_Ccnl w_ provide evun _ol_,c while _ys_;cl,. o£ _"L_. 9_ which (l_y_cc_l or r_cl_ _md 8yl_.emi_ o_hcr _eric_ "problcnl_ cofnl)ol_:Nl_ _y_l:enl .ol'J_ cre_l_i:_ J_l]crl:._l]ud the a¢cu_l m_l{l[L_.]r r;LdtliLed open O[ _ _hU d[lA a dcct'cllt_cd. _4B£cnl_# by uo['Eacu wLde _l_ I_ {110['(_ aiCOtl_LiCliLly _hu d_vLce _),_e[11_ hlln _h_l;I more popol,r Ollt_ _iJ.encl.ll_ ltlLeE_t_ll_(:d _lnd _uch 111 ... riot.* _llld _tlitl d_!vi¢_. w_.l;h vert_. ntlcII Cllfi_ _.n (_ll_ LIic _'J[}_. I}EllllilC7 10 ltJ I_COL_I_Ic t:V&lJ.Utl_*_C(I, 166 __ ,;i_,i ' _ _., WIJIrIJ Lhu (:Olld_.L{ox_ V(_r)' probably oL" llWO_tlB,'zcud ptll_ Co ])i¢l_l|)ll_e(I /tJ_l'c_£_(l d£1LJI ']'hat_t_ punchud lip chu ;HldL_;[0illtl ptlrl_L_:ultlr 'j:ha _or l)r,:c_(mc/nB the ¢llnL_'£1)u(;_d L_I _elZC o_ wlCl_ I=_', pLJaP, L'UlX EucL]lec fllOnlUll_UIII o_ Lmlicncion How w_l_ l/ku_i_u p,r_o_ll I:e_[lns _4ou_d Wll0 _hc noknc 0{" ¢o0d£tion. _cen _l_m[_r0_uiyc i_tl_ llieCi2U tl'uck. PLpc _'llull OJ_ lllanUEllcCurur cV_hla_Uu t, or .--.- but_ w_mrc zltll[ 8oin8 to noine nour¢_l i_ n truck uholm in lll,l_ which FLBo. th_ Ct_rtltll| without provide type In COll_l,_ioll_ follo_,, o_ thi_ o_ l'renent_d I{_[_cenc_: real thu Just exhnu_t _y_tunt point the muEEleca time_ to _tep puddins" thia £uvLew_tl cont_o[I obviouuiy (includ_u from beat inu_t truck tu_t tl_ ruquited melt cartllin ouc £nrel_d_d via te.tln componcnt_ cv_tuntion _ltb ttn will al,o f.PA :;ucfngo Trnn_lmCt_ttion Chicl_ao_ IlllJloin Octobec 12_ 1977 I_oinc 5AF. pnp_r Ho. 770t|93. nE_ll_u.t 19112 II_avy lltlt_ l'ruckn," (Ic_£_(10 become; becomes. ofislne-d_narnor_eter Con_ldetation_ _ot" _lt/dp 167 8 o_" tbo InO_'e _ympo,ium _yntcm and e teat. *_t: l_ _1 t_uck [_vul_ tl_t_l)lt_ll_d_ of done Incur _l_U_ic_lgll_ uilencin_ be to I|O_IIQ in nloo nolne i_ccttraey try tll_ _lect(_d lind other ettn Zt t_uck th_ t I_ Ilt/llltlL:_C_tl_g! i_llod oveca[1 mort_ crltlcnl in o£ the tl_xt o_ d_ta 8athered pur[ornrmc_. con[ormnnct_ lo',_er tho type te_tinB enBlne o£ tile So tll_ "prooE The _l_y c_v_l[u_ltio_ Th_ oopb/ntic_t_:d it l{_ the o[ thllt ptoo£ _ccurncy. convinced. 11 nnd 12, compromlnln_ to typ_ I colnpictely identificntion). fly utlll_inH to not nnd An 169 &._ i' EEST AVAILABLE C_PY 170 u_ BESTAVA/LA_LEr_FY nmmi Iilili|mmiNm) IlUUlIRIBilJ IlUlil liaR] ininl linillgliimmmuum IIIIiiilmnm Im_ Ftgur_ 5 fT| g rig.r[, [tl In -I F,, tT, g 6 17'-, _ E_ST AVA/L.a_ LE C_py BE£T_)-/,_I _ i..ECG_¥ 177 L_ BEST AVA/LA_LE COFY U_ f i!lu_'t' m I11 g -7 II !79 BESTAV_LAB LEC_Fy A _ENCI] q'EST FOR [(APID EVALUATION OF MOFFLER PEHFORMANCE _y A. F, Seybert Dep_rtm_nt o_ Mechanlcn_ Englnearln U_Ivera_y of Kentucky Lexington, _entHcky 40_0_ _- _sf 9 [ I HTI]ODUCT The United S_ates general provisions things, these /or the be the technique It shown that information ns where acoustic such outlet or the nound dlt3tance from and ml:;underntnndlng some factors system effects suitable _ n some descriptor tlvely In the tail Flgure We for how engine as in pipe and the factors the wlthll% is a i_pedanee Per be keown overall i,leauured radiated in :]sums determining that' the space at be industry ovursll We if we by by to workabli: example, other using lengths. automotive rational, predicted with point e[Inentlnl labeling. not_rce the a SYS'/'EH PERFOI_IBtICt_ There in he il]fluencing some p['esunts characterist[c.';. pipe power at to associated _nd can can sound pL'odncts problems muffler other methodoloqies of eoajunction outlet. it the EXIIAUST pressure to dev01op muffler of "perforlnance" Yet, a_e of i_ul)lisIled Among test performance impedatlce of for performance 1 interrelate psrformanco. if system IHFLUF.HCING _$ynt(:m performaeco, plpe ., engine FACTORS 1 shows soi_e sy:]tem characteristics need ha5 I1]. characteristics tl]e measurement exhssst such the exhaust hqcnc], standard_ acoustic JIleasur_.d muffler FlgL_re • labeling discusses of for |JAC_GROUHD: i the paper prediction Protucl:ion indicate of This novel is noise provisions labeled. with l'nvironmellta] for ewlluation IOH cxh_lust some mild on tall a fixed confusion how the exhl_ust ul_deratand t|]e:;e test. m(:thodology know an(| [;oUrcL; Strength qsaetltaaffect e_haust 182 . ! i .' f !_y!_toIII Jn |Jor[ornl_lliCC which such the as the an cllgine test pcrforlLl_ulcc to by devclops We factors pair our divide factors effect tion well e×haust can be for using accounted and examples classical diameter Ically, e_eept results are muffler for e|laracterlstics very reasonably simple R_NassL t_chniquus • Crocker system silica Stewart advances two the can categories| theory, data. latter Source category. systems, propagation and and the radia- to evaluate [3) h_ in be determined which ease imperanalytical accurate. modell;ig [2] rce ontl7 et model_ng _:xpaeslos oQ_:r muffler Davis system MODF, LING ha.c evolved analyzed approxlmatiens._ _n ex|laust msst geometries, I',XIIAUST SYSTEM parameter fJound we acoustical of Thus, let" labeling. 1 into acoustical on test. muff empirical order known. 111 :Jesoral, yearn with llke in behavior, for Figure would bench system proven for are plpe:i i,re in we eouFce Jengt|is the suitable listed strength length exhaust methodology factors tail-pipe s_,stem _lld way for fFom exhaust similar used source obtaizncd ifllp_d_l_Ce a and be of accounted must hand, of pipe is be source t]*_ other in Is data overall source m_thodelogy noise The the which bench-test e|uctroJiJc |_t'ec|ict available, test the that and [or o[: pipes simplified can to understanding thi*t can impedance On are an a loll(Isr_e_ll:cr. used el_giil_ c]evelop with or variations stand_rd increasing replaced be _lly for pos_Jl,]y d_ver information a and is would foL" _ceount that We may ncoLlstJc ¸ bench strength t systems al. by [4] using made applying chamber revlew_,'d a period exhaust and of about 50 lumped significant travellng-wave • sld_:-braneh system 1 1 modeling. configurations. fout'-l_olo 'in techni(luo5 exhaust The to I:k)llowlnq apply, _ystem system are theory used seems theory the input The called and relating P1 and V 1 are the pipe volume plpe--all, dlameter, 'i entrance, velocity nt ai2,.a21, and exhaust that in any section The volume the_e pipe input and velocity very be powerful easy litlear, invariant rolz_ted by Eoul" of length output at and _;y_tclI1 design. parameters." of pipe quantltiea PI_alIP2 whore ['or the "fouL"-polo S, ["lgure 2. pressure expressions method can (]c_velopI_lctnts 16]. i_ quantities a _traight Sullivan Igaras]l] the concept electrical ltccollt by on consider the acoustic by 10 based oxampl_, _rea reviewed ideal parameters, appli(!d _.'[;[:c_l_l InOCl(,] ill,1, an and output [51 lqara:;hi be "system" seetlon_l to _,ocl:, Ox]laost modeling four-polo and Four-pole to this As an L and cross- quantities each are end of tile pipe. are: + al2V 2 [I) Vl_.n21P2 + a22V 2 (2) the ncountlc and P2 and the pipe pressure V 2 are e_it. and _22--are and vohlme the aeouL_tlc The four-pole functions of voloclty at prei_sure and paramotcrt_ for frequency, the pipe length: _II_COS kL el2 _(I,c/S)j sin J_l, (3) :'"' i N A21_(Pc/:;)J Sill I_.L _122=co:J kL ___ _A_,_,_/A_._ _ _:_,_'__';: I_., ,,:- " whore km211f/c, J c]_rlote:J c is _m_lglllilFy l'o_"complex p_rameters can .lind ,';pond of :;trend, r, in Ihc_ density oF air, al',d quanLJky. _ICOUStJCfl] be SIIOW_ [7] that point the COlnpLlted the S_'.it[?lll:] (e.q. [[0111 a muff:let) the JllIpc?fl,lllCe.';. Illl)d_ll['L'd foul'-pole p_*|-nli1(!tel-s are related four-po._ ] t to C,lS be the driving t_LIII._][OF i[llpe(]anceG: all ZII/,'I2 dl2=(Zl] 222-Z12)/ZI2 (,I) '*22"I/Z12 where ZII and i_to the Z22 pressure V2 nL the omit), thell havo theoFy in Thin terms of i, the sotlrco strength Z_ ]s im[_edancus a_; tile the _-espcctively, ratio of tile acou_;tic vohtme tile vt:loclt_, four-pal(? paramet[?r:i [or the Gy!ltcln. Is tlsefel ie eelnbillil]g"acoestical overall :itlb- :_yst(:/ll l)y rep_'esentii*g an nxhaust foul,-pole I_aralnetc!rsits uhowll i11 Pi(lure 3. engil_e ._eerc(-"impndance and V (the _|cotlstlc volume tile radil,tlon the illlpedglnc(.'s of a complex C:llll)c illut;tra£cd varlo%l._ s_absyni:cmo are and acoustical stlch a.q ll%ufflere i_nd I)ipetl, to obtain Fig_ire 3, Z : tile elltF/llleeto If W,. _ Call measure we will performance. system point systen* at tile ent_'ance _3nd exit Pl at 'filefour-pole systems, the driving tile trl*n.'lferiltlpsdaece (defined acoustic system, arc ncoutJ_ical alld ZI2 ill O22-Z22/ZI2 re]selL Z of _'epretl[_ntedby ca:_oadcd ilnpC(lnllC(2 of the $n i_i thn engine th(! eliglnu). Tile refit-pole parallleter_;, t;lil pip(:. ['oF |:he [ollrd pole model parameters shown ill F]gtlrt: 3t V e, mu._t I)e obtalll(:d Z,,t. l_llcl the t:Inpiz'ically; but muffler" tile fouL'-pole ] foul'-pole p/tt'arlleters 185 :, '1 i' ,',LLj ............... "" ' .......;...... i"' for the e×hausL impedance and tail Zr is known Equations i and pipes from are g_ven in I_qLIatJoIl3. The rlicllation theot'y [8J, 2 can be ivritten in matrix form.' vlJ Lan °nJLV2J L ]Lv_J |,ikewlse, velocity tile roi_Itlon_hip at tile entrance between and e_lt 2 L%l 1,2_ j I.vji Equat_on_ 5 and Pl - " _his ° N , [i p.rocess can 6 can A l_ o_ pressure the rluffluz and volume can be e_|Jreuse(! as: j be combined: P3 be continued hi"(oI( LVlJ 1, J/%J acoustic to yiehl: I c., ),,. y':, , r ! 21 enJ I: B¢cm_=e from Lhe gour-pole theory matrix pnrametern or expcrlnlcnt), D are nl_o known.. Pl_d_iP4 for A, the overall We can rewrite Ib and C are four-pole known (either elements Equation of the 8 as: + d12V4 (10) VI-d21P 4 + d22V 4 •We. know alan equatioos that with Equations p4,YeZ Th'e Insertion the acous£1c _nsertlon system exit exi_ o_ Tha£ In; lO and Iomn 11 to Of exhaust (_,g, Equa£1on the acou_tle 12) with manifold who_ | :_:.: PI' and VI' V4 yiold_z (12) for One way pross_re the acoustic no exhaust _L07 , . thene parnme£er nysLems. {p(_ . / combining eliminnto (It) i_ a usQful In to _ompare the oxhannt VlmVe-Pl/Z c. /(Ze(d21.ed22/Zr)+(dll+d12/Zr)J performancQ loss and P4/V4_Zr (ii) mt _valunting co expr_ns t-he e_haust pressure sys£nm P at the is present, q'ho aflaloqoll!i showll Jn exhaust CII'CLI I.'igure J L rot 4, where IllallifoJ(1. _f.° insertion Equation Z [_rOlll /z .z The loss till| ell 1111o wl I:h is the |_lqUF[! radiation equation is Log variables given pipes, found by combining known how we the from measurement. F. Ross University. ( of have theory, 12 and Id with and we the as appropriate wlll method, author The. the.oretleal the the Ray W. i_l'_d As exhaust the mentionud tall Z r, but of pipes the u:lunlly be Impedance "two-mlcrophone, about llcrriek tall and must method to a:J the for :lystel, performance impedance a novel dew_loped exhaust performance. ,Lad cxh(]ust Impec|aneen was basis exhal, st radiation referred at ayatem information. for describe the PAI_AfII_TP_RS mafflu[, tile muffler technique the predict (15) between MUFFLER can i_i the and I exhaust parameters section This affects englsu, four-pole random-exeltatlon" D. tile [ re]atlonship I".NGZHI'] AND that _mpedanoe This the each OP combination source mean1_red. ' clearly and providing _:ngine Equations _u(121Zr4d22) Ze+Z +(dlIZr+dl2) r 15 shown previously, are of (2 shows .Equation a hnpedL_ece JB \ MBASURP.H|?.NT for :;yt;tt_ln 4: ' _ystem oxhzlllat 13. IL=20 _his iio two years ago Laboratories, technique, as well by Purdue as a literottare su_'vey properties, +;"_::v: .. r' i_ aspects is The is cmphnslzed, prediction with of side the phones as can i muffler operating the tile muffler effects and am stored A In spectra. The determined the [Jractieal will data aldo muffler" input theory. of the of Figure real if the not flow muffler detcrlnlse tile reflec:]hoilld be suitable: for :;o++md or and To the Past other straigl_t 6 shews 189 {re:listlvo) the and the tail introduced micro- The and flush mlcro- located mlnJmlze signals are Fourier 19J is and muffler to:it pipe moui1ted (to incident- a be a Two 50ms t(:ohnlque into may pressure. possible: Analyzer into and TI++C mlcrophon{_ pipe also necessary. appro_imat(:ly spectra. impedance can (using introduced Air the impedance these one can parameters obtained are is physically the be It processing in four-pole coefficient. of of itmfEler , clio loss, tested. pipe). spectral from with be of transmission noise a Pearler tile sot*ncl flsld theoretical th(_ perforiilanee. sample is the in the propeL'tics + a chmtance separated to pipe, the time conditions, of compared only sy._;tem pz'operties which same :;ystem to Inside processor. be ; a_'r_uitlCltlent the random tile source tochmiquo, and the 5, on decompose wave e×haust this b22 , c_n| as these located digitized [9J ,ic[31]stical IllUassrctnest and £*bsorptios that Figure actual attenuation (PFT) to I)]th At such Lhe from b21, the overall of are close Jlii!*l!;llr(: l);l[icr fo_ 5. 4). and _e_errlng pho_os, t('} of: exhaust u:;ed b12, however, simulate LJI;i_LJ r_JCellt impedances parameters ooeffleisat, to a ['igu_'e Equation muffler one ill(,!; mcasuremeilt is bll, like on of setup muffler muffler, equations tion the shown the the other to (:_perimental determine kcchil[ hero. properties for other subject tllo r_lated presented be of Transform aged re,looted- parameters accuracy pipe ezperlmontal JJlisg_nary tO was of the measured tll|d (Eeaetlve) . comporlest_3 o]: bctwecn t]_eoL'y a_d, st This d_ita and the the and same plpe ]r_Ipelance. u×periment timu, sLl|_I_o_ts tail iJipo t_i] The vel'if'ies .,;hows earlie_ thc_ the accurncy statemellt5 pt'opertle:_ cotlh| be exc(!|JenL aCil'd!emunL u×]_rilneZ]ta] o[ which the Lheory []0]. th,lt e:<hau_L notoc] accounted [o_ L_chllhjue I_, I_._iilq theoretical models. le wa_ _i _ecolld measured _talldlng and wave sgaln, technique ratio Figure ho_ be of and to agreeiT]ent might thls traesJllissios method. _J shows measLlrumeNt th_ colnpnred exc_llent Fig_ir(.' hut test used engln_ other" obtained Thi_'_ data _t _J_ototyi_u i_ the iiLu_I!ler conventional l_re_cntcd in FJqure 7; noted. measure _o_rce is o_ using two-ii1icr0|)hollC, to work dat_l is tho loss _lldolll-excitatiol_ engine imps,dance underway aL soul-ce impedance. has sot yet the _nive_sit_, The beun demoesLratcd, of l_entucky, 9. The two-micropZ%one, advantages ow_'r ConvestlonaJ conventional techniques traversing probs-tllbe addltlon, random-c×cltation such nols_ made within eallaust used Jn two-mlcrophone, those problems. random e_clt:ation essentially methods dlscrete, A pipes. and the is dlseret{_ important of measuring standil],_ that may are wave of Influence Tile statJ0nary, advantd_ge _ised, in thc frequency frl_qucllcy aspects the acou_tic isethcd p_'onertles. [lll c]el]ign. use In me.*suremest:l wall-mounted microphones £echnJciue avoid reso]utiol*, acoustlcal proper_ic'_ l_ecsulJe are _]Olll_lls. l'}Ith COllVelltioeal (slnuilo_da].) of sevcL'ill microphone i_) increased tile computed has con|plea rllnclol,-e_cltntlOl] second contlnu[Jlls using as microphones flo_-generated the methods technique Lusting, acoul_tJcal d(_tn p[opertie:_ .is also (i.e. .1.90, '11 ; i II OCCIII"_'JlIIJ J)eIiwoon advLlntage J!i and [l'e(iLl(_nci,,,; increa'.;ed the becauscJ to|it _1_._!. (_ta is ) c,'lll ])(_ (_vt_r|ooIie(]. I!H::lU!;e _c(]uired r,n_dom ine_l_tlrL.tllents_]ro co_ducto(l Of 111o_sul'enlc:llttil!h_ _t_7._ ll(_L'LIO_l to 6 actual thJ z-(J i:; Lisud, ,ltltOlll_Lic,_lly, l-a!_Jdly. Olll V aboklt obl:n[_ the 7 SOCOll(Is (latil ill [_igLlres aIlcl 7. The [%.'o-micl'ophon,:, design, alld because technique : rant : number should _Ispect of of any 'l'he above llll_¢/ll[)_e _.s Ox|la_Ist (e,g. or to Int_ffler ro:le_irch 1_ibellng itlea:Jure engll%e Infle_tlon nource rnmaln:l be ,_oll_ce l_l|_(:_h_nee? ty|)o? Lo_(l? but Spne¢|? effects or! flo_ and effects i11 pre[llctlng J:; an used by iZlSe['tion t|leocy iIlli)or- a ]arge tile country. Io_'_!_ ill _'I IJerfol-lliD_ce, every lolls engine can be ill COlljLinctIOll |)el:ore a test is It and DredLcted %'/ith oliII)i£1cal 15, examp]e, _ncom[llete. how aCellratu our in _:¢_uation gr;l(|lellt:l, Inllel:tlOll ioli11? Can for knowledge pred/ctlng the 111tlflt %40 _11o&7 engine _]otlFco llllpedilllCe (lepend derJv_itioll of telriperatl_ru 11%etllo(|ology sult,_ble for qnite engine The insert_o_ for the LAbELlinG s_,ntelll lens test, This o£ ill Imped_mce:;, F.quatloz] Doo_ tile eXll[tLIlJt Jmplemented. ilitpedance lofl,_ llslng of|" t-o be t'Ol% I.IUFFLI.:R in.']ertion tlS_llg provel] (:an _ tIhqt D/'ctlictincl ellglllC! an(] muffler Nuch "hands results. that /,]I_TIIODOI,O¢3y llystent conflc]uratton_ for n J_; :;iml,lc 4z-Onl,:; in (lJ[[c,i'_:nt i-_g_o;is llld_C(l_OS for F_cjliatJon 15) data technique: (HGcu_Iol] p_'actical J.*_e.4sential]y I1J(JI11y colls_stent A TEHT [:_,lt'illlteter nol: test testing [nd/vich_als - K'ar_dom-(.::eJL.]tL(nl t_chshlu(: the y]el(1 SUt.ltlAIW of ,-,::c_itnth_n .111(] IJr(_c(:l;_;c41 illtp0dance A 15 oi% e_gillo neglected the lJo_l illlpO_t_lnt are these uff_:ct::l be these IIICIIILIc0 191 _'ce__;_G,._;i:_.'.; .___i 2:::"-_,;_,.:;;.,_:.',_ __ _:._ _'_-_"_"-'-_ _-'_:,..o,_. _.,_7 __,:1:,, ,,,.:i._:i_i_.ii_;i I : L_ L. " using _ome called type of "cotrectJ.on to answer some of it appears those _Ising a semi-empirical au a basis that ad¢lition_l reseaz'ch is needed questiolls al]d to test tile feasibili£y te!_t methodology, foi" muffler labeling, :i i 192 , t i,'_a rJgorou'J analysis fo_ here? _n conchlsios, pnper, ),1(:Lots"or such as described of /if this _ _ _:_':_T_:•_ 1_ , _ = , __ , "%'_!_, ;i!/-i_!_ :i i;iI IZF FI",r_EFICI',"; I. ._ Register, Jilnu 22, 1977, _, l)j).3]722-31728. 2. Stewart, G. I:., "Acoustic 1922, p. 528. l..Pnve PilteL's," 3. Crocker, I.l.J., "Internal Conlbsstlon l:l]gille [:xhaust lhl/fling," Procedlnq_, Nolse-Con '77, |vashin(tol_, D.C., Oct. 17-19, 1977. 4. Davls, D. 0. Jr., Stokes, G. M., Moore, D., Stevens, G. L., "Theordtical and ['.xperimel_tal Investigation of Mufflers with Comments on I_nglne E_haust Muffler Design," F_ACA 1192, 1954. 5. _garashl, J., _oyal,a, _I., _undamentals of Acoustical Silencers (1), Report No. 330, Acron,'_-_tlca[-l_esearch-qTist., UnlQcr.J_Tf-of Tokyo, One. 19_0, pp. 223-241. 6. Sullivan, J'° I'I.,"Modeling of Engine l_xhaust System _olse," Nolse ancl Fluld s En_Ineerlng, R. lllekling, Ed., pp. 161-169. 7. llschevkln, S. _|., A Course of Lectures MacMillan Co. , _lew--¥0rk,--_9-63. 8, Lcvlne, II., Schwinger, J., "On the Radiatloa of So%lad from au Uuflangn_l Circular Plpe," Pl_s: Revlel_!, 73 (4), 1948, pp. 383406, 9. Se_,bort, A. F., Ross, D. F., "F,×pe_ime, ntal Dctermln;|ti.on of Acoilstl_ Properti(:s Using a Two-Microphone, Igandom-l'.xcltatios Tsehnlqun," J. Acouat. See. AI_., 61 (5), May 1977, pp. 1362I_70. on Phvs. P, eviet., 20, tileq'heor[ of Sound, i0. Morse, P. M., l_gard, I(. 0., Theoretical IIIII, .1968, Section 9.1. _I. ASTM C384-50, 1972, "Standard Method of Test for Impedanc(l and Absorption of Acoustical [laterlals by the Tube Method." 193 g •%•[• .Federal Acoustics, NeGraw- E_GINE CI|AF_CTERISTICS EXHAUST PIPE C]IARACTERI STICS SOURCE I;,IPEDANCE SOURCE STRENGT]I MUFFLER CI!AP.ACTER_STICS TRANSHISSION LENGTH LENGTH LOSS DIA_IETER OTHER Pigure m i. Some factors .................... / influencing TAIL PIPE CHARACTERI ST]CS _ RADIATION TRANS'_X ISSION IHPEDANCES OUTLET FACTORS: exhaust I. Gas 2. Temperature 3. Rends 4. Shell system DI_]ETER or Flow Gradients Radiation performance. vl _ F_guro "" ;? 2. ...... Vl Straight pipe of length L with acou_tlcal varlab1_s P _nd V_ at the pipe ent_nnce, P2 and V 2 a_. the p_[)o exit. _nd E_IGI:_E I EXIIAUST _ PIPE MUFFLER I I P1 VI Figure. I i :ill ';, ..... J 3. Reprcnentation i .... P2 all a12 '*21 a22 of engine • • TAIL PIPE OUTLET PIPE i % / P V_ b12 b21 and TAIL exhaust V3 b22 system u_;ing I % P4 Cll c12 c2I c22 foul'-pole ,_, theory. ip _o(,> E3 V F3 / Figure 4. rlod_l Eor choline arid cxhal_'atmaill[oldwithout 197 I "= I0'-12' _" AIR FLO_I I',,{ITErlOISE _ _ SOUN_ .SOURCE '[_ l.... I ,A_'I/_LYZER Figtlr(: t ¸ _,., !;:'.;,.,,_'i i f , 5. _1(!_:_urcmRl_t of 1-----7 I_]ICROPrlO;IE Af'IPLIFIEPS Inuffl()r ch_|r_Icteri:]tic_i. "--I'lI CROPI-IO_IE S I , 2 _. _ 0 _ _II • _,_ _, . % <'_ b°+ • e + eeee 0,,, +++.'+ +_e , + + o P'+ oQ +++,+ <, + +_j+,.m+. ,_ .++,,,+ + ,I++_ _ _ +++ _ . _++.++. ,• +, • ++ . ++.+ +? o" c_ +.u+- ,,a , %++,;:+.-+ ,.\ +,f_+ ,+ + I.ItE_IUEP+CY (IIZ) Figuro ,., L 7. '/'rnnsptls:i.Lc+r, lo:is of prototype microphone, random-exoi£atlon wave+ .Iotho(l. 200 ...... mt;ffler; .l.,.itwoIne£ho¢l: O_u_andltlg- [_ _- "!HITEtlOISE SOU%SOURCE FOURIER L ANALYZER I rIll i C R_,PI,OIIE ! /_KPLIFIERS Figlzre 8. ] _1_i_suremerlt of -j _- \. rll CROPilO_XE S eDgiIle ,_ource impedance. ["I_LIL'O 9. ]/l£e[/lal [111ivel"_;ity COl]lb_l:Jt_oll o£ C_;(IH]o Kellt_leJ_y, =02 ll()j:;(? l'o._o_|rC|) _lt th_ Analytical a_id Experimental Testino ProceduresFor QuietingT_vo-Stroke Engines by Donald L. MargoIIs AssistantProFessor DEan C. Karnopp Professor and lhlrryA, D_yer Professor Departmentof Mechanfca]Engineering Universityof Callfornfa Davis,Ca]Ifornla95616 I | ii 203 Abstract Tileresultsof a researcheffortsponsoredby Ya_rlaha Motor Co. of Japan arc presented, The n_atn objective of the project was to quiet t#IO exhaustfr_tm2-strokeengloesl_Ithout sacriflclog(toomuch) performance. Analytical and experhnental programs were undertaken to acquire a fundamental understanding of 2-stroke engine dyflanlicsD to n_asor_ and predict noise levelsassociatedIYttli various exhaustsystems,and to designinnovativemufflings.vster,s. Ibe resultsshow that predictlng absolutenoise levelsis difficult; however,comparativestudiesare wellsuitedto analytlcaltechniques. Primary empi)asls is placedon experimentalprocedureswhich allow tesUng of mufflers operating engine. in an anectmtc nhumber and In the absence of an One of ti_ese Is a postttve level source to which Irlufflers displacement acoustic can be attached and sound power levels detennlned.This procedurewas used to corroborateacoustictheory and to determine the extent to which acoustic theory could be used in the design of engine mounted tnufflers. Anotherprooedt_re involvesthe nse of a rotaryvalve,and compressed _lr to generatevery realistic (motorcycle-like) large amplitudep_lses with theproperthrou.qh-flow and frequencycontent. This very clean experip_nthas proventu he a very excellentmethodfor duplicating actual engine tests. It is anticipated that further development will resultIn a variabledisplacelnent, variabletltrough-flow rotaryvalv_air motor that can he used to accurately assess real muffler m 20z_ , ....... performance. Introduction Under sponsorship of YamahaMotor Companyof Japan, a re_,eiirch effort was initiated silencing at tile University of two-stroke on tile project. engines, Tile project of California, Davis to study exhaust The ti_ree authors were colnvestlgators resulted In several publications (rofs. [I] * throughI/J), two patents for Yanlaha, and supportedseveralgT'aduato researchassistants. The principalobjectiveof the effortwas to quiet two-strokeengin_ eahaustswithout sacrificingperformance. To accomp|Ishthis goa],the researchwas channeledinto several-parallel paths. One of thuseiw_voIved a major analyticalund experlmen_a]study of the gas dynamicsand mechanical dynamlcsof the two-strokeenginein order"to gala a fundamentalunderstanding of its opera;;lon and why It produces(so moch) noise in the first place. Thls stud},Is representative of refs. [I], [4], [5], [6], [7]. Anothermajor researchchannelinvolvedanalyticalmode]lagand experimentaltestingof m_fflersIn the Unlverslt}' of California,Davls anechoicchamber. Thisaspect Is describedIn refs. [2] and [3]. In the followingsection the operationof a two-strokeenginew111be brieflxdescr|bedfn order to gala a qnalitatlveunderstandlngof tile noise genera_lenproblemsinvolved. Following_Ids, the anal},tlca] engineand exhaustmodelingare describedin some deta|lalong wlth noise predfctlon models, FlnaI].y, the anal}'tlcal and experimentalanechoiccilalnt?_r testsare presentedand the entireprojectsum_larlzed with empl)asls on reg_Iator¥ tests : for EPA monitoring_nd centre)of motorcyclenoise. *Numbersin brackets[ ] refer to references L Two- s trol; e. E__ 1_1(_., _ era t i on Tile different t_to-stroke crank engine positions. is shm.m in figure 2, boon ignited, is shc_o scheJtzatically tile piston The associated h} figure conventiona| | for expansion two chamber Assunlinga fresh charge of ah'/fuel mixture has just is driver) doiYtlli,lrd on its pal#of strol, o. it f|rst uncovers tileexhaust port (EP) arldJilost of the exhaust gasses are forced into tile exhaust pipe due to tilestill re]atlveiy cylinder. high pressure inside the Also, as tilepiston moves dolYn,it coJnpressestilefresh charge of fuel already resident h) tilecrankcase. As the transfer port (TP) is urlcoveredtillsfresh mixture is forced through the transfer passages and into the cyllnder above the piston. As the piston moves upward frc, n bottom dead center {I_DC)it first uncovers the Inlet port lIP) and fresh mlxturo floHs into tilecrankcas_ as a result ef the increasing crankcase volu{ne. The piston then covers the TP and finally the EP and compresses the re_ulnlng fresh charge in readiness for the next spark |(jnltlon. Some of ti_efactors Iofh_eecing the overall engine performance are the ar,ou,tof fresh charge Indl_ctedthrough tileIP, tilear,n,ntof fresh charge pushed through tileTP, and tileamount of fresh charge that leaks out through tileEP prior to EP ciosnreo These col]slderatlonsorn Mint make the t_o-stroke engine a nlost interesting dynarrdcsystem. Qualitatively, it is the "inertia" of the gasses In the intake passage and tran.:ferpassaOe that Insure proper charging of the combustion Cll_iber,and It is tileexpansion chamber that controls the loss of fresh charge into the exhaust system. When the exhaust gassns are forced through tileEP, a large amplitude pressure wave beglns propagatlng down the e_lloustsystem (see flg. ?J. As tillswave passes through tile "diverging , cone", a negative (or r_|refaction)wave prop,_g_teshack upstream and helps empty the cylinder of exhaust 9asses. scavenging. i i 4 ? When tee press_re wave reaches the 206 Thls process is called "stinger", most of ; i' ", the energy Is reflected and Lhls returnls)g pressure wave eiLher pushes fresh chargeback InLo the cylinderor preventstoofztuch from leakingaway. Thls "stuffing"pllenortlenon of coursedependson engineRPM, exhaustsysteJn ._ ' lengthand variousether systemparar1_eters. From the point of vie_._ of perfo_ance,thistype of expansionchambercan providesignIflcanLsuperchargingof theco(r]bL_stlon chmtlber.Fre(ll the pointoF viewof noise,the stralghttllrough-flow expansionchamberis perhapstileworsL possible design. In tilefollowing sectionthe analytlcal_lodellng of two-strokeengines and their exhaustsystemsIs describedalong wlth noiseprediction. /, 207 ............... i ' _'_-;_....... _ ............. .. _,,. ............ _. ...... , _- Analytical Models fur Performance and tloise Prediction The model used for performance prediction Is described in ref, Since performance is not the main consideration [5], here, this model will not be describedtn great dotal|, It consistsbaslcallyof a bond graph [8] model of tilecoIllplete enginecotg)led wlth artapproximatenlodelOf the exhaustsystem. Dynamicconsiderations includethe Intake,exllaust, and transferpassagesas _ve11as crankcasecompressionand combustion, The aiodelIs Ideal for perforallng extensiveparametricstudiesof port tlmJng, port geometry,crankcasevohJme,exhaustsystemdh_)ensions, etc. The Operationand capabI11tyof Ulealodelare discussedcomplete)yin ref. E5]. Of more Impartancewlth respectto noise predictionis ti|egas dynamlc modelingof the exhaustsystem. The gas flow was assumedto be ane-d|menslonal and time dependent, The equationsof motion describingthls flow are _-t(pA)- _x(Pt,A) _a ' (Contlni, lty) dA . (M_nent_Jm) i),(.,, . L(u( DX Es + PA) ) York (Energy) Es . pA(CvT+ U2/2) p - pRT where p, p and T are the thenrlodynamlc propertiespressure,densityand temperature;tl- the fIuldvelocIty; A- channelarea_ t - time;x - pasltlon; Cv - speclfle.heatat constantvolume; and R the gas constaoC. The m frlctionallosseshave been Incl.dedin t#leterm pal where f Is givenby the _ i, 208 i_ , i followingexpression F = 4f D (f and D are the friction for solving factor u2 2 o and dtamnter respectively). the above equations is given In ref. [1] Hllere all clrculnstancus such as boundary conditions and internal The procedure unusual choking are discussed. Foran averagecase, 150 spatialnode points,similarto figure2 vlereused throughout tileengine and exhaust system and 80D tiilln steps Here needed to complete one engine cycle. As con be surmised from tileabove con_nentsand equations %11enumerical sii_ulatlon is very cosnplete and general, and capable of good spatialand time resoluLloe.The spatialand ti_{le resolutionis extre_ly i_}portant for makingnoise predictionssince highfrequencyHaves and largesound speedsare con_onIn tHe-strokeengines. The model Is capable of predicting pressure, flm_s, temperature, etc. througho;&t the entireexhaustsystem; believer, for ti_epurposeof tIHs paper onlyresultsassociatedHiLh the "stinger"Hill be presented(see figure2). Also,all resultsare for a Yamaila 360 HX engine. Figure3 shows tl)epredictedvolunle f|oH ratefrom the "stinger"intotile alm0spherefor the engineoperatingat full throttle,under load,at 7000 RPM. This Is approximately the maxilnumpower lIPI4for the 3GO cc engine. The steep frontedwavein th_ cRnterof the figureis the d_inant cause of ti_every loud, highfreqiiency snap associatedHlth tHe-strokeengines. Thls In also apparent from figure 4 Hhern pressure and velocity inside the stinger section are shown, Pressure in excess of the atmospheres is predicted vdth velocity surgesin excessof 450 m/s. If _e assu_ that any realisticmuffiingdevice will net change the engine pnrfor_lance too nu_ch, thon _e see that extremely large_plltude, high frequencyHaves _dll exist at the rlluffler entrance. 209 ,_, This suggests that for accurate the type of nonlinear modellng presented llnr'e Is essentla] prediction of muffler perFor1_ance for small, high perfomance power plants. To predictexhaustnoise levelsfor this engine,tilevolumevelocityof figure3 wasassumed to be thatof a simplesourceradiatingintoan anechoic for field, Tile pressurepredictedat 50 feet from tilesourcewas digitally transfonlled Intoa frequencyspectru_il and is shovlnin figure5, An A-welghted sol_n(l scalewasassumed. A significantcharacteristic of the spectrumis that it is relatively flat and containsa broad i_andof frequencies,Also, there Is very substantialcontributionfrom frequenciesover fOODcyclesper second. The total SPL,weightedfor tileA scale,that Is associatedwith the spectrum is 102,85dh for50 feel from tilesimplesource. This nulnber Is in good agreementwithSPL measurementson unmuffledexpansionchambers. The ne_tresults to be presentedare concernedwith the additionof m_4fflers to theexhausts.ystem,In fl9ure6 is shown tilegeometryof two mufflersanalyze_l.The nonllnearmufflershown In the Lop of"figure6 was analyzedwlththe new methodsm(!nLioned previously,while the lumpedparameter mufflerwas analyzedwith classicalacousticaltype approximations.In flBure 7 the volumeflow rate out of the nonlinearm,ffler is shown, It can easllybe seen by comparing with figure3 for theL_nmuffled case that conslderab]e smoothingha_occurreddue to the muffler. IIowever, there is a very distinct and regularhighfreqwencyvariationin the flow. This regularvariationis due to the reflectionand formationof w_ves in tilemuffleritself,and the frequencyis characteristic of the mufflerdlmenslensand gas sound speed. Tllls frequencyend itsharmonies are very evidentin the sound ._quara spectri_m shown J_ in figure 8. It Is also apparentfrom the spectrumthat frequenciesbelow 1000 cycleslsecand very high frequencies have been suhatantlally attenuated. 210 k i: .,t.,F:_,ii_: :_;_::::,,_ :,:,,.. :r;, e, L I!"! !! , ,_: _'*. • i The overall SPL for the nonlinear unmuffled case, but still muffler Is 95.8, whlch is less than the not very llveable. One of the primary reasons for solving the lumped parameter muflqer was to comparewith the nonlinear case and to nlake an asessmeot of the quantitative value of standard ocoustlcal of the lumpedl)arameter muffler monllnear approximations. In the modellng the system Is represented by two volumes, two resistances and two Inertias and this system Is solved siimAItanoously with the flow In the engine and expansion chamber. The volume flow rate from 'the lumped parameter mnffler smooth. is shown in figure The spectrum shown in figure lO illustrates been auppressell by the lumped parameter muffler the dimensions it g and it of the nonlinear is seen to be extremely that all frequencies have and tile SPL was 58.9db. and lumped parameter muffler Since are very similar must be concluded that tlm use of the lumped parameter analysis for tile large amplltudes waves In two stroke engines is questionable.The one region of the spectrnm where there Is qualitative agreement between tile two mufflers is in the low freqweney part of the spectruta. Another important Interaction between the m_ffler and e_haust system tbat shouldbe mentionedis tileInfh*enceof back pressurecat{sod by Frictional losseson the transferof BassesIn:o and out of tileenginecylinder. For both the mufflersanalyzedthere was enoughback pressureto cause a significant omounb of exhaust9asses_o be left behindin tileenglnecylinder. The mufflersanalyzedhere are quite prlmltive; however,the new technique employedrevealssome interestingphysicalprocesseswhich are not Includedin classicalapproachesto tilesubject. The shnplesource assumptionused to converb o_It volume flowrate Into a SPL predictionprovedto be qnlte accuratel_hen comparedto actualdrIve-hytes:s {seeref. E4]). Furtherdevelopmentof tile nonlinear,_nml)'sis discussedhere seems to offer the hope of gafningconsiderably greater Insl@htinto thenonlinearphysicalprocessesin mufflersand two-stroke 211 I engfneexpansionchambers. TJ_m. Expe_ram Coupled closely to Lhe analytical effort, tile expertmenta! program was deslg_edto firstcorroborate,in so fat"as possible,the computermodels developedfur performanceand noise prediction. Ti_Isaspectof"the program is discussedthoroughlyin refs.[3], [41. [5], [ill,and [71. At thistlrue thls corroborative experfi[ieotatien Is not directlyapplicableto (nuFfIer evaluatlonand wlH not l)ediscussedFurther. Anotheraspectof theexperlrl_l_tal in'ogram v#asthe designof procedures nnd devices forevaioatlngmufflersIn the Universityof CalJfornla,0avls anechoicfacIHty. The mahl purposeof theseexperiments_YasCo lest muffler modelsdesignedFromacm_stlcconsiderations and to comparemufflerdevices subjectto reaHstlc largear,pIlt,de Inputs. Two e_perlmentalapparatus iYere developed, These are described next ,r !y , • " _.:_!} _12 :_ , -- Acoustic Filter ': ".._. Apparatus 'The ncousttc filter apparatus wa_ designed to test mufflers subject to small omplltode vo],me flow inputs. ftgL_re 11 and pictorially in figure This device is shown schematically 12. in L_asica]ly It consists of a high |mpedanocelectromagnetic shaker{,rlvlng a pistonand tIHs producinga known frequencydependentflow so_Jrce.As shGi_nh} figures11 and 12, the shaker andpistonare enclosedin a thick wallpipe to preventacousticleakage. Tile devicecould be modifiedto includemean f}owbut at this time no mean flowis available. This device is perfectfor measuringinsertionloss of mufflingschemes; however,it Is restrlctpdto smnl] amplltodeInp_tand correlation wlth actualmufflerperformanceIs qnestionable. r n 21:3 LargeAmp11tudeSimulatorApparatus In order to use tileanechoicfacflltyto testmufflerssubjectto realisticinput,tileapparatusof figures13 and 14 Has developed. It colislsts of a high pressuresupplyto a ulenumcbamber_hich feedsone side of a rotatingcyllnderdrivenby a 1/15 horsepowerelectricmotor The insidecylinderhas a port Hhictln11o_scharging_ith highpressure alr as tileport rotatespast the plenumopenlngand then subseqaentdischarging as the port uncoverstheexhaustopening. This simpledevice, Hhen connectedto a stock Yamaha360 MX expansionchamberprodL4ces pressure spectrawhich are virt_allYidenticalto that sho_n in fiflure S. .Thusfar, the rotaryvalve has been used for qualitativecBnparlson studlesof variousmufflingschemesand has provenI00% effectiveHltb respectto comparisonnoise studiesof actualmotorcycletests.It was not attemptedhe duplicatequantitative resultsas thls was not essential for the Yamahaproject, ilowever, thereis no fultdamental reasonwhy the rotaryvalve could not be u._edto producequantitativecomp'arlsons of anechoicchamberversusactualmotorcycletests. It appears thatattention need only be glven to exhaustpLilse ampllttJde, volumethre_Jgh-pL_t, and gas temperaturein order to obtainquantitatlve comparisons. The questionof perfomance degradationassociatedwith variousmuffling devices is not as eas_,to inferfr_, the bench tests as was the noise comparisons, Again,however,it appearsthat if some attentionis given to this speclficproblem,ther_ Is no fnndamentalreasonwhy correlationcannot be obtalned. i + 214 _+ _, _.*_, _.'I, _', _I ,-, 4,. ,, , _ ._ D_s a bench test procedure exlst For certlfylng motorcycle exhaust systeln performance _|th respect to noise and performance constraints? At the present thneo such a procedure does not exlst. IIo_ever, it is felt that rotary valve is a candidate For devOlopnlentInto a dependable, Inexpen_tve, and Fast procedure for evaluating, at the very least, twostroke englnes for motorcycles and snowmobiles. It is also anticipated that _mall, four-stroke poHer plants can be tested In a slmllar fashlon. Nhat Is required Is a research effort directed speciflcal]y at tilecertlflcatlon Issue and relylog heavily on the research results already developed. t 215 i L|st of Figures .'" L Fig. I Schematicof:a bye-strokeenglne. Fig. 2 Conventlona}expansionchafl_ber. Fig. 3 PredictedVOIUR_L' FTO_Vrate from "stinger" of unmuffled360 MX at 7000RPM. flg. 4. Predictedpressureand velocltyInside ti|e"stinger"foruuI_luffied 360 HS at lO00 RPH. Fig. 5. Prossnresqu_redfrequencyspectrumn rest_Itlng from Fig. 3. Fig. 6. Mufflergeometries. flg. 7. Exlt volume flowrate for tileoonllnear inuffler. Fig. 8. Pressuresquaredspectru{n res_dtlng from the flow of Fig. 7. Fig. g. Exit volumeflow rate for tltelumped paraR_.ter mLffflor. Fig.IO, Pressuresquaredspectrumfor volume firthof Fig. g. F#g, II, Schematicof the acousticfilterapparatus. Flg. 12. The acoustic f11ter apparatus set-up In the anechoicchamber. flg. 13. Schematicof rotar}, valve. flg, i4. Rntar}, valve set-upIn the Anechoic fact1 IV. -- -- References [1] Owyer, I1., Allen, R., Ward, t4., Karnopp, D., and Margolis, D., "Shock Capturh_g Finite Difference 'Methodsfor UnsteadyGas Transfer",AIAA Paper rdo. 74-521, AIAA 7th Fluid and Plasma Dynamics Conference, Polo Alto, CA.,June, ]974. [2] Karnopp,D., Reed, J., and Margolls,R., "Design and Testingof Reactiver.lufflers", Proc.of tile 1974 Internatlona] Conferenceon Noise Control Engineering,InstiLuteof Woise ControlEng., pp. 325-330. [3] Karnopp,D., Reed,d., Hargolls,D., and l_.tyer, II., "Computer-Aided Design of Aconstic Filters slag Bond Graphs",Noise ControlEngineering,Vol. 4, No. 3, May, 1975. [4] Karnopp,D.C., Dwyer,II.,and Margolls,D.L., "ComputerPredictionof Puwur'_nd _lulseforTwoStrokeEngineswith Pc_er-Tuned,SIIenceExhausts", SA£ Paper150108,August, ]975. [5] MargoIls,D.L., "Modelingof Two-StrokeInternal Combustion EngineDynamicsUsing the l]ond Graph Technique",SAETronsactlon,Sopterllber, 1975, pp. 2263-2275. [6] Kelsay,R.E,, andMargolls,D.t., "An E_perlnlental Investtg_tlonof Two-StrokeInternalCombustionEngine Perfor_ence",SAETransaction,1975, Pl).225]-22(}2. [73 Osprln9,M., Karnopp,O., and Margolls,D.L., "Co_nparlson of ComputerPredlctionsand £xperhnentalTests for TwoStroke £nglneExhaustSystems",SAE Paper 750172', februar},, .1976. [8_] Kornopp,D.C., and Rosenberg,R.C., _,jnt_m _.in_nf(_: A I/t_ft_d Appro_oh_John Wiley and Sons,Row York, 1975. f SCII[I']ATIC DIAGI(APIOF 'Fifo STP, O_I[ [1101Ii[ {IPERATIOII _ 1 218 CO_!BUSTION CttA_DER £_A,_._CA5 E g_T io_ FIGURE2 d" LM ,,.o E: i I c._ _'_ ,,,...J ' 0 _'9"' 0 ;> ' _tO O0 120 160 CBRN_(RNSLE 200 (OEBBEES) 380 MX- 7;000 BPM FIGURE3 I ¸' 2_t0 280 3_0 3r_9 LD --,:2." Ln ! '.2.'2 O3 X--/ V t- W _ LLI i"-'" .L '_ -- Lc/ 122 G I _I0 80 120 IGO CRRNK RNGLE 200 (DEGREES) 380 MX- 7,000 RPH FI6URE 4 J, / 2LIO 200 320 300 :_-_._. _ _ _!-i_ _ ..J 0 _J oI- - _.} _- PRESSURE SQUBRED _ {_'Rw_2 _.-- i i I )1 -- I ,lYi";H --_i I __. i _ 32'1"--"" I iL&ILL_L_R_ :1U£Z_L__ i ! J kALt_IZF.A,.P AR.AdLF+_T_F.+K_"LtJ F F Idd,. PIGIIIIE8 --L I ci I.LI_o I 0' t,l C3_" rr _J D o _I0 80 120 160 CRANK ANGLE 360 MX- 7,000 FIGUn[7 ! -r* 200 2_I0 (DEGREES) RPM 2BO 32(] 3GO / ilf::::_(:::_:::i ¸_,i:_-, :::-:..... ::: :_,:: :! CJ IT.-:, i* I " l o_1 L: ,I ;] r C'.., -, _, _.J -_ Ct:, CO ¢_) m r,.,o I w O_ • , ,,.J b- 0 C] 'I0 _0 120 160 CI=]RNK RNGLE 200 (SEGREES) 360 NX--?,OOO BPN FIGI;RE 9 i , i,, 240 200 320 "_60 RDt'I :_70_O. q SCALE I"" C_J t', L._ u.J ctq cU /-3 i-_ _4 %, CC -_D ..7 if2 I--..... il_ ""hl FqF.'OUENC_",, Z\_)z__..,.-_-_k_#_(_ FIGUREI0 fr A _,I "l:t,;ch _,_tred rniev_pllon.= i ! 12 Jt.:.z._ z T,',"_..z_/_ • z,,_,,,, • FIGURE1| ! ', .i !/: i i!" _i _._'*' l_r'_ " i._,_-*'_*_ _'_ ..... a... FI_RE 1_ 2_. 0_. I:[ 3111191J i ', _._ 3"lgV-I_VAV .IS3B T._IAU_I' 8Y_I_I ACOUSTIC: I-2'ALI),_'I'2&_ by I_tr_TJ. lh.£1_nt}on H_]son ll)dilstPie_, Inc. 8tolIv, hton, }F_ D35_9 P_'Jeatcd at: the |_i_ _tRtes Dwl_t_'atal P_t<:ctlon _gerle F 6"_re_ae-_ _ans'por_.stloal':xtmu:Jt Noi_c "Jylq_o:_Iigll (_11cn{_,llllnols Oct(ib_rii-13, 1977 { I ' f 2:_3 _ '( :' " . :, It --- AL_IIIAt_ ViLrlousprocedurc'J for tileovahlattoa of exJlallat systcI[l perfolIi;ince are predated and dlsctmsed. considered. oolge. Analytical as _11 lu_experilmotal techniques are Co_q],_risons The nnjor ,_re fm_de with approaches Imasur(]nonts lu'e rmiRod with on actuld respect engllle to accuracy exh:tt_;t and cost. Im'K)DUOPIC_"t Ill system OIXlor select to performance, an the TNo needs of the tcchnic_l COll_l_]I', ilppl'opl']Rte t,]meific dovelolm|ent 'Ihis techflique goals engineer of for evaluation tile tile CVlllllat_on m'e quite or e.xham;t different llRISt be determined. tiara those p_tp_r will attcllq)t to pl_sellt tile of the nen- VIUPIOUtleollsldnl'lttiell8 preheat Illr_tklllg such Itselection and to illtv*tratca wide vltrictyof available tccbnlqucm _mro are essentially no "6Qod" or "bill|" l[Rlfflel'l]. A given Imlffler _y produce p;ocxlnoise control rcsulttlon a given sy:itcYn or appllclttiont_ilc |ll_odaclng poor re_llts for another, l||'nddltlen,many _ecoadary paratrctcrstoilet be in- cluded in order to fully characterize the Ferfon_mce of a given r_fffler, a _nmu'y Of scxm lxmlc dcslgn considerations is gtvea in Fig. i, _l _w,curat_ statement of the _lffler':l l_rfonmmce, it 2la_],to obtain in nccc:)t_ary to specify the pre.ctsoc_haust t_yst_ configuration and cngloe application including operating coadltlon:_ Two of ,_uch as .speed ned load. th_ prirmry aco_mtlc conside, rations are vd_thcr to rm_uro _d pressur_ or sotmd porterand _hother to ltscthe actual level produced or the dlfferenc_ b_tween th(_silenced and tmsllencecllevels, A "dlffcreoco approach" has of the advantage the nois_ lating loudness. more courco directly of relating more involved, whilu to directly a "lcvol tim _olmd pc,rc_lvcd to the r_lfflcr approach" by thc b_ listcner l_rforlm_co lndcpcndcnt the advantago and _msociatcd of re- _llo ¢holce bet_zen mound pressure _s e_mcntlally lL "_oint mcn_Jur__at" ver_t(_an "lu'eainoa_ir_aont". b_t_en certain ndvantnge_, po_r level the e_llnnut nppr'oacb |I;L_ a location Imy be clearly detezlnined. Sound frc[n a n_2;murccncnt l'J detellni_lcd ltrea and, Each a choice _ounO pre_.'mrelevel nlu._L be given lot a _peclfled location and is nm_t appl_prlate Id_enmmh over and mound pol_r of thLL_, n_y be iiDro apln_prlate the uhen average the sysLcrn in not clelu'lydeLe_lulncd, _ _und location pres_.ax_ Ileal' of pertness of the practical level CellSid(_rlIt_on_ in _Lklng the_e ;leauuronent_wlll be pre_ented later. I. _ALUA'rIC_N'IIr.CI_IQUF_ h flow le sh_n chart in Fig, be discussed engine tco_pcraturu variations 2. gradients, of of otud¥. preferred ! the 3. engine techniques and exporinxmLal nppl_aehcu varying _ffcttt) teclmiques following are reason, technique flow, hlv)l mavng the primary actual tu'c aw_llable lit_ted and will of factor_ _yatcm system designer an actual difficult, n_qplitudo (,zhal_nt tim e_haust nre 21_o cogole_ty o_ a rzlngle turbulent most to as:d._t ucctlotm, that F_vere in_J_._uro c_ntrlbutlng to engineering u._,a a in obtaining p_rfornmnco, specifying becau._ evaluation t_Jleetlon rapidly For thl_ A 'wld_variety Flg. major in tbe rmd_o_ tile _vstcIn cooplnxity, optimum Analy_icnl ned non-linear coubination ol' the in more detail c_dmtmt thlp of "Jo_ of paramoter._ e;dlnlmt In general, it sy_tcrn not depend _aurc_ inOc_mce For e.xpe.rlmo_tnl be_ of their available perfor_lco transmi_-_lon does are loss on the c_glno l_ a difficult _orJ_, Insertion relative case for (1-3), la preferred i_so by the designer Sc_r_ of for theoretical r_ourco trr_.danco. problon that los:_ a_d noise of ttm._o are _lo has listed in calculations d_tcrminatton me.ceived reduction in only limited have cc_o to be determination. 235 ' l The method of excitation treed varies l'rc4nthe actual cnglne to a Mtitc noise ,c_urcc. lYhlle_llzltc noise lainbeen recompendcd in the p_mt as a _;olutlon to the problan of iT_a_urlng thL']can b_ inadequate. or cpttlnlstlc Dotlrc.o, has tuned of n nmfl'ler's pm'fotll_mce n_fffler_ depending exhilllst" _yotcln,llnd _-It_ureII)_llt pl_:x_efiltrc IL';ed, con_Jlderablc onlmant_t_tc_m past study and has u.qed on hlgh-perfolllmnce (4), In fact, specific on the specific S|IOC}_ %_iveexcitation advnntage'J hit evaluating cngine_.(5,{]) ANALYI'IOAL2TLTINIQUES Analytical o_t of Tplcx udo tcc|mique_ e_perin_ntal chntquc'J _tlch i_ ||in acou_tic been model cxmsiderably variety actual to obtain improved predicted transmisnlon _0 of a half I_ P'.,;I Is wavnlength, cx_lexity, all extended very correlation, "2_fleal plot to tim length of /_dditional to tho The predicted of Innertion duo to the ngrc(_mnt minima with .silencing ¢_afi_lwatlon_ thi:] claantttatlvo about ntudy 6, tbo tnilpip_ effect plot of tho engine 2.]6 at about equalling e_|aust n_n.'az_ _o a maltlplo ilh_trates the in croat ,125 lk% 850 ]l_ and nr_ present znodol hat_ in a wider continued at of Impedance, chnmbx_r equalling minima length effect8 nr_ vahova_ in Fig. tho expansion ncc_ondary the (10-13), andergoing st_wm r_.Jor 1_ quite tmTatnation of to to npply. lncludco ntnndpoint, rc::;ult,_ nanlynln technique to Ix] iq)plicablo :from a de,'lign ia parlllnOtrtc otnplo nnd _ivlen Nelson or Jn 1'1_,,_. 4 and 5, _|IC_YII mean flow, at tile ti_o r nnci _t wide variety racanar_ncnt in gned quantitative, l'rOnl _lli_lo althonlih gradienta, tmcful pa_vtially requiring and lme¢l at Nelson nnglno lo_s not tile paralpetcr modelling m_le_b nod and so oa corresponding a half lnerea._ed _ntwlength. voltUl_, from wDrk by Alfrn(tv_on Although agreement of order of rtulgc In gcnnral, developed improved of ea.'_en, eo on corresponding n_lfflor tcmpe.rature l)_rived advantage They can (7-9) l_pedanco_ higher elements, the to nsou_tic tcT_dratu_a, _urc(_ or n_e of model'J. in comparison dovated offer proccdurea. The acoustic * of highly A uhlte noise _om'ce callproduce consezwatlve pz'edictlon'n received II. tile perfotl_mce 150 I_, a _ltlplc r_me_hat ptpo, insertion Noithcr 1o:_% !: r l, I_ItJlot]_ll t|lefFet]tloIIcy ehrLraetel'Jstles_h_v ._m_ qua]ItatJvf::q,_recliz,nt toldlhc_ amplitade.q reflect cG_putcP model 5nine general hm'_ been trend.q, _amccwafully l'vcn with utilized these limltationf;, in a ntmd_cr of thh_ co]l[_rcial de.,_i_,j_ activities. ._PI_lI _Pa_TAL '1.I_]INIQUES IIl. Faff_rilmatal open t_yuttml tcchniqueu, Clo,_cd sy:lton Imlfflcr tJhell in the ttsing or enlzaimt irrTmdanc_ a white tutra. from eurvea 1,_ wry inlet good pul'o tone listener ohown _lalu the or teehnlque-q do not include the piping. radiation find nneehoic lined re:mltn or valitn the mcxlel. or tile in tho L_ rr_d0 tk_lng x_tl Is of exm:ple thlr_ device tlhu_trat;ed obtained Ill tlil'd lit about taFa,_d engine a sy._:tc_n lo.';s be ILqed in considerably In I'lL. u_;lng exa_l}lu, 300 lla, 7. the of :inch ella al,_ life obtained _tre aPln'Oxiir_itely pestk;] the 'H_o af_x2¢_nent lx2t_een re:a-altn llOl_e, tiOUl'Ce. p,a.s,_ =lfIler from nnd in Fig. l,o nrJia_;ure trm|,'_nh_'alon tel_lllllation, ta_/liilltl' of dosed lu'e illu,'_trated 'lqle .t_-_;t ecmton Typlelilly Very catel,,ories equal the thhl tile to B lllotlg with top tile technique _olld half extended the 900 llz, and _o on. noL'ie anti other terminations; It.'] later, i._edanco tnlx; n_ly al_o Im t_';ell in the tln_ teebmiquo. advantag_ 'Milch hun recclvt:d of presenting and tz,_ a_sociated with the the consJdernbl(l pres.'_ure engine, _wr, fonn in the, tJn_ d_gdn im a "pult;e tlevolol_IL'nt al: Rely, on, tt.n perceived domain. Ilc:mltt_ by tile will be. below. Open _te_n _lls these analytical re'aulting _1o closed offer_ of rind typical of muffler Im shown tuh_", k wu'lcty _lxx11.qllch nl2IISlll'Cllmnt_J ltl'e ItEm=a'urermnt_ may a]_o will t_lo general (14-16) the, Nelson and outlet tim the systc_n _ource Rcsult_ reSulta the into notr, o _ourco. le_-_ time.. with fall muea_urc_entn a pure tone with of techniques mea_ure_ntn by term_atlng reverherant _r. the lncluclo tntmOanc/a _e the nellie, radiated finn zmtfflt,,r nnd tailplpe tutx_ in nn olx,'n _qmce ._nch tel It ta:ml~aneehole excitation muy be typically 237 nn eleetPonle noi,_;e i i c,ouree, blotmr, stand;Lrdized 0nglno, ¢3111mbor5 ,'I_d It rovez'l_)l°aNt Im shoxm in utilized Figs. ,5OUlld COl°rellltloll 9 and 10. (17) chaJ]_l' for the without n_icle 0_ll:door.'; on actual of tile spatially may L_] readily lr_,_l|JCC11_llt potentiul chall_)oI' for sound ILl; xt_athel + In'obh_It_ pre,_mure level Far applicationu llpDltl'ellt _n that the At Ncl._on, J the average ft_n in _tllch revttl'bori¢llt value tt_e _Cm[-IUIC'dlO_C tL_,e ill _llch IlI2aStlrew_.nts cha,_>er is pl'Jg[tl'_' wi/h _dlich the l_)cl_ the nDst widely adv;ultago i_ its /])2;ISIII'L_IIJB[_ _']IOreverb_l'antchlm_r equII_l_llt. Feadl]y |_dvllntage are avai hlb]e ev_lhl;tti()ll. its.nocinted avernged llO_ enghm. The .';[+nJ-;mechoic /ii[l[i'lel" calculated. it3 or actual :dlow'd_2[tsur_]_llt tile t3OtllKl pO_'Of level desired point II_[|.';UEL_I_2Dt h_ obtained, lknmver, of provides if a tile me[sure- rncnt Jn the .ncml-_mecholechnI_Lc, r is sln_ly ii_ule at tllcimgle of m_u'dn_n_ound prestln_'elevel, tillsl%dvant;Ige is minimized ,'Hncutile'o]_i_tlf_l avornge will Ix., fitDo.glydcxnin;%tedby this n_t_Inaun vldue. 'l_itlS, for ll_iffler %of'k,the ._dn ,dvt_ntngesof the rcwcrlxn'imtchnIi_mrl_c:_r_ fh_xlbillty In e_chau:_t nylitt_l plplllg gl_ter In_lirl_ODllllCe IV. A, Its literof llBoc]lolc B_JÂl_,q.'t_, allo_vlng BII(i It dl}(.'re_l}}e I[I_nstalli%tlonand e_p_:Bt;e. OCtlPAIIIt_ON OF 'ITL'I_IQUFS BASIC SI[I';NCIHG ]{ll@_f Ti_e l_rfon_mce of a b_l,'de e_p_m._Ioll cha[]_r .'][lcxlelng el(.cncnt w_s cv_duatcd Using I_val'letyof the nbovc tcc|miquu_l. In Fig. Ii, rcmllt,'_ u:iing the nnl_lytlcal model wlth an nnecholc t(:llr)ll)l_t_on I_n(l free-fleld te*_nIImtlonere centered to results n_asun:d on tileJmDcdance tulx:duvelol_'dat t{el_nil._]Ioe,'cplmulon ch_rt)r:r and tailpipe., effects I_:_ vatllIm I;11o hli,,her order .rideeffects (I_L iflxmt2800 l'Iz) lute predicted with ftdr nccur;_cy,,::,pcclally lop Lilt} nnecbolc t(:nnlnationen._, by : the analytical r_)del, In l"l_. 12, r_sulLs for the mur_)unit using tilel*nalyLlc_lmodel wlth an anecl_le temlnatlon, _, [ source _n_w.'dtu)ce effects tallpllx: , _*xld tullpllx,/exhm_t tn obtt_ln insortJon ccmi_InIltlen Ineludlng lo;_s nrd cc_pared 238 i plpo to results mc,m'_urcd. interference leveba to effectr{ due to _t_re reduced 83 ¢lLt_ for tl_e lntalce excitatIoll ellgllle noted, for the noise and ft_n of a typical with a._ shown reflect lore;. The ovcrttll f]'c_l 117 dl_ to 99 dl?a for 'l]le perfol_r_mce nolle floor 17. tube The lack noit3e 119 dRA to 91 tlI_for tlalck muffler th{_ ln_2(lantze in Pig. tile uhite alld tile exhaust of detailed _lound level:} _llte source from 111 dBA to 7.'!.dllA for and using reduced frc_n 100 dBh is fron noise, a'hite all actual fr_ll correlation _ure :;ource. lloiso g-v,ulghted l_ound tile exhaust _m-'_evaluated q]Je overall noi:;e A-s_ulghted again readily 115 dl]A to 7fl dllh the engine lloise. Other detailed _,tudie:l at Nel_J_lhave dtan3nstratedthe dci_ndence of o_hau};t lloL'io on exhau_;t overall A-_mlghtcd _affler. can ".Jound level _]lil_ again a given uy_tctn In addition, l,e an Int)ortant varlablu conulderably i_l_lly chamber, thin pres._awe level, the directivlty pattern of angle 19. 18. the frown an c_hannt 'llm bhal x} of the £rc_n the outlet. In I|volded _lgJIlll_ll pret;,_nl_ F,olllld IN obtaining Ot c.olm'_% dlrcetlvlty a t;patlal tnfomntlen The the same application for outlet llF,cctra /l_ dlscu._ed clll_/lt_2r, tile IN?ll:itlrC_II2nt location on tile llaal,_t of (20) as ffllch it:3 7 d_ fop of t_pcclfylng au _llo_m In Fig. a,'; a fanctloa problem ln_ortallce the prev/ollsly, In _t F.oqll-ii_tlcholc ._oleeted, tm t_ho_al In Fig. Call be t_et:n to wu'y cnl_hra_izca nafffler. Vittles conflgnn'atlon nalstIx} ean._fally level. average in last In a revertmrant of tim ill tmch round a ._oulld l_r _ea_qu ITlr_t. V, SIJI_IAI1y _leetlon goals of above have Ix;ca cost. It the of evaluation ranked is clear can be _loctetl, that an evalnatloa technique pll_l:dtlre. according Ill Fig. to the many tradeoffs hlthough various n_it 20, prln_try ralst 'i _l,|or npl)roacbe.'_ on the teelaltques characteristics lx,_ conaidcPcd 240 ! the lx_ |_tned _,]melfle= desertl_t_l of accuracy I_.'.tom can be I_¢zafal nudnly a given for and teclultqne dc_slgll ]_i_l_(_es;flnal f_]cr Only in this way c_In tile ¢}vi_lu_Llon utm:dly {[_mnd_ _m acLtml cnglno Lo_;L rcqulrcd accuracy be achlcvcd (21). Erroru of 5-10 dB :hi Inuffla F perfol_r_incu prcdlctlon, oftcn cnc_)untcl'cd Jn other technlquc_J,arc :(: :"(:" _,t ,,_¢_t,,hler0,. to_,,_y._ _,,,,,1,,:,_tlo,, v,_l_,_;. The a{;.si_tancc of Dr, Ivan _loz'se of the Unlvert;ityof Clnchmatl the tr/lil,_f_P Jn provldlng fUlICLJO_In_?_l_UF_X211t,_;Hzld D, O]t_o[l, D. l"]_inclcl't9, [(. ]|ooi}._, /tllCl G, Goplcn of }/el,';on in pl_]vlding_upplcI1_ntal'y data 2_]C,,ratcfully nc/molvlcdgcd. ! I 5 g41 PJ_q_ENCF_ 1) Don O. 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Pal)or 760602 pl'ct3ellted lit _qAE I','o.';t Col|St}.looting, San l"l'anclflco, /hll_t, 197(I and 8AE Ol'f-lIlghm_y _lL'etinb', _llhmukce, &_'ptc_laxJr, 197(1. RO) D, A, 01_I|, K. D, }brdlle, and _. d. Sell,i,"ru, chnlqucn and Problcm-_of Tl'llck }_' _y_itcrn Nol:_e'lu_lr(_tI2ilt." Pal;er 7708.95 prc:;entcd at BAI'] Truck _I_ting, ClevolIuld,C_toL_r, 1977. 21) L, d. ErlP_._,on, "Dl_cu.ssJoa o_ l)rolxg_ed _At_ l_econlrt:ndc({ Practice XJI207, Mea_'u_,nt P_x_cdur_ for L_1_ennlnntlenof Silencer Effcctlvc'nc_aIn l{cduclng F.nglnoIntake on l_Mml_*it _Sound LcvI_I",Prc_xcntedat [J.S,E,P,A.,Surfnee _['ran.SlX)rtation ]_.xhatt'_t Nol,se _n_pot_l_, DllcI_go,'(_I:o[_2r, 1977. i̧ 243 1, !, ;,h ,_, j' [_YlWI'IC_ J'DI1 1;IGUIII'LS hn Incident l]e Reflected Z Inoec u ce Q Dlreetlvt h Il_n 11 b_'.atmrcll_at l,l _lffler D Engine I[, ln,*_erL:Jon lo,']:] (L]L) '17,;i_Jlon lo,';51 (LI_) _.{)_24 5.0 65 tallplpe. 65 inch ]onl; Lal]Pil_ 18 inch long e_hau;_t ]8 er.hmmt I ; . pl]_ pressure an_)ltLucle pres,.]ure mt_)lltude ty factor eon_'lLant dlscallee volm_ (|lzspl ac_._c..nL 111C|1I|lnn)_.t[:C, F/S [e_C per .';(?c(?nd 70F 70 deffrc_ Dn Unit DI3A l_niC for 3600 IU_| 3600 llI_l engine for pipe I"nhre|lhelt iwel'_t(_o e_hatLut =_>und pre._,_ure A-._¶_'ighted ]onll ffaifElel" 2,1 Jnch level _ound ga._ t_Ix_raLure in dcclbel_ in dec:llx_l_ level _l_e(I 244 r, _ . - ................. • , FIGUIIE_wrI_8 Flguru i - bkmu_ry of I_mic De,_leuCon_Ideratlons FIP_Iro2 - Flow Chart of Major Evaluation Teclmlnuc'J Flgurt_3 - k'xhaustSystem Scha_tatlcand Ewtluatlon Paranx_ter_ Flcnlre4 - In_ertlon Loss Versus ._luffler Voltuncto Engine Disnlzmclmnt Ratio for R Wlde Vm'iety of Applications Flmwe IYc_lrnl Guide 5 - Derived fz_n Datlt Such ll'.] 'nlitt SIlo_m in Fig. 4 Flaure 0 - Tran',_'nisslon Lo_ and In_ertlon Dou_ l'x_nNel.';on Analytical rbdel C_}itl'Cdto Insortlo/lLoam _]ea-'mred on a Single Cyliniler. Four Stx_ko I_lglno Under 1'_11 Load at 3600 IlP?I Flgum 7 - _ry, l_lgure I] - TyPical Eesults from Ili_cdnnce 'l_lbc Insertion Lo_s _lem_lr_mnts Using l_htteNoise F_cltatlan lind'l'ran_;nim_lon L0,_m_]ea:surc_mnt'a Using Sine Wave F-_cltlttlon C_parcd to Analytical P.cbx_Its of I_l_rimcntal Teclmique_ Flf_Ire 9 - H_Ir_n I_rge lleverborantChamL, cr and E_al-Anecholc Chan_cr lelg_IreI0- C_Ita_],Vlmv of }{c1'_on Lnrge Engine Tout Facilitic:] Figure ll- ComparL'_onof /tnal.ytic_tl to I_perlmcntal Hc_ults U,_]IngIIw)cdunce Tub_ and Flc.or_bulltedMicrophone Figure 12- Oar_arlmn Of Analytical to _pcrl_mntal Rcmflts lining Single Cylinder, Four Stir)No l_glne Under Full Load lit 3GO0 lll_,,I With Floor lbuntcd Micropl_ono _Igum la- Co_parlson of Imix_anco Tulx: to Faglne [Inn}_c_'nalt:_ Using Single Cylinder, Four 8troku faglnc Under FOll Load at 3600 I_PI.IWith Floor Motmtcd MicrOphone ]Plgure 14- Transfer hmctlc_l and Coben_.ucut_nb'_lrc_cntu for _Imple Pas,s _lufflor Wlth 4.5 Inch _ColldF, xtcnded Inlet nod C_tlet Tldx?:_ l_rlorto Perforatlens ]Figure15_ TI_¢_Domain l_valuatlos._ of I_xpnuslonChn_t_crsUsing ,91nglelh_Ise _¢citatlos ]Figure 16- Cc_p_.rlsonof In-sortiesI_'_;_ on Typical Industrial l.hlffh._r Using Thre_Dlfferea_ .Sourcea (Microphone at 30 Inch Iluight for Intnko 14e_m_nts and 2't Inch Ilclght i_or }_hnust L_:n.'n|rc_,nts) l_lgur_ Comparison of Impedanco qh_lm, to l_glne 50 Fc_t From Otltletand Four I,'cct Illgh 17- N 245 Ecm_ltn With _licmplmno FIGl_d_ CAITrI_S (Cont.) Figure 18 -Effcct of Varying Tallpipe nnd Exhaust Pipe Length on I_rgc Engine E_must Nol_e FI/gLro19 - Effect of }.Ic_urcmcntPosition oill'.hhm_tNoi_e lh_m Single Cylinder, Four Stl_ke I_iglncUnder Full Load at _f._O0 })_.'.] Flg_iro 20 - Major Tcchniquca H_mkcd According to Accuracy nnd Co:_t 246 " Lb_ t _SNV_t'_I_J_V_AU.3V_.[IV '_ _ttN£V_l_d W_ WFIWINIW _dVH5I_IhDANO_ _FI£3V:IflNVW 0£ _V:_ ,kll'lVflO 1VNO.LUOOO _:/J"/9N01 IS03 W/3WINIW _ZISwnWINIW .IJ-I OI.,:IM wnwIN ll_l _3NVW_40"J_:'/d _NION9 wnwI_VW I-_/_11 ._ION WflWlNIW f MUI_L_R J EVALUATION] I I I ^NAL"T'C^_I I I g_lC ..... I _×"_'"'ME"T^L I I J I I I _HYSJC^L mOD_L | Iw/Ex_.IN_uT J CRITICAL PArAMETEr J j , c5 a_ _leLD I IFleLo I I _L. l-J -- -- .J I L__ " lsl,ec_:tu_E I _ _;,EE I l_vcr_RAnt [ | NON'ANI:CIIC_I(L.. TE_41NATION J I _ I " IANCCHOIC LTERMINATIOH /_ETHOp 1 -[ PHYSICAL ,.MOD,EL I I I eLectrOnlcH"_L_L ENGINE EXItAUST PIPE MUFFLER AI TAILPIPE A2 OPEl,lING _ A4 B3 B4 Z SOURCE I.-,t..-I B1 '_'..-, B2 Lp = LW_- I0 LC_3 I,_2 + A4 .t ._10 L_L=,o 'o_FI_z_7 LIL ."- L'p (W|THOUT NR - ,¢_ MUFFLER) - Lp (WITH MUFFLER) Lp (INPUT) - Lp (OUTPUT) Lp (R2,A INFEET2,Lw RE I0 "I2W.) ° t _ _ 5.6X24 EEXPANSIONCIIAMI_r+R 65 TAILPIpr+ - 1700F/S ANALYTICAL MODEEL TL-DB 0 1_.. _ , 5.6X24 EXPANSION CIIAMBER 40 65 TAILPIPE-IB Ir+XIIAUST PIPE-1700F/S ANALYTICAL MODEL IL-D_ , , J 0 ' U I IK I i 5.6X24 r+XPANSION CliAMI_EER 65 TAILPIPE - IB EXHAUSTPIPE ENGINE DATA - 1700F/$ ., _1 IL-OB 0 FRI_QUENCY-IIZ FI_rQ 2_2 fl OSCILLATOR J - L:_v.¢vvw v_ ' -- t_ _. '_ NOISE • Wllllb G E._E[_._O_J ANEClIOIC' SEMICHAMBER J: I I I:_,..I --_o_'_"_o_ I I sup TU,E I DRIVER j _ -- .j RTAANALYZER ' k---- nq I Z,,I III I ' IZ I L f. . ' ' _i,_,_, I ANECIIOIC TEIIMINATI Ohl REFLEC'IING TERMINATION 'J OPEN PiPETERMINATION 5,6X24 PASSN_UI:FLER ON IMPEDANCETUBE WIIITE NOISE EXCITATION - 70 F ANECIlOIC TERMINATION IL-DB 20 5.6X24 PASSMUFFLERON IMPEDANCE TU_: $ INEWAVE EXCITATION - 70 F ANI:CIIOIC TERMINATION I"L-DB 5.6X24 PASSMUFFLER ANALYTICAL MODEl. - 70 F 40 [ ANECfIO(C TERMINATION 1 .S IK FREQUENCY-i'tZ 2K FJm_r_ 8 I_,,_!_'_ _. L_ • _ :!_ ,_ "'_--;_ '.'_':'_ _-_u._._,-._._._ _*, I',,i .............. i r ~._ : _"_ tlr!''l , _a2_..- -. Cuta_a_l V_c_u oflcchnlcal C_n_r '40 6X12 E)_ANSION CIIAMBER-ANALYTICAL MODEL - 70 F ANECHOIC TERMINATION TL-DB 2o H 5K 10K 6X12 EXPANSION CHAMBERON IMPEDANCETUBE WHITENOISE EXCITATION - 70 F ANECHOIC TERMINATION 3O IL-DB 10 0 ! I - 5K 10K 6XI2 EXPANSION CHAMBER-ANALY'TICALMODEL .- 70 F 4o 66T,_LPJ_E-OPEN _P_FREE-FIELO TE_INATION TL-DB.C0200 0_d KSK 66 TAILPIPEINTO SEMI-ANECIIOIC CHAMBER WHITE NOISE EXCITATION - 70 F 30 ,20 _1 I0 I_ __ 6X12 EXPANSION CIIAMBER ON IMPEDANCE TUBE IL-DB 0 . 0 i,, ! • 5K • m 257 FREQUENCY-HZ ] ml | l'' '1 IOK | _'J_ 1",_21 xI2 EX ANS,ON C A E-AN LMODELT,CAL '0F 0 t ! • i _K _ i ...... IOK i 6XI2 E.'_PANSION CHAMBER-ANALYTICAL MODEL- 890F 66 TAILPIPE-OP{:.NA"IPE/FP, EE-FIELDTERMINATION 40 TL-D_ 40' O. _k 6XI2 E;'_P ANSlON CPIAI_,4BER-ANAL YTICALIViOOF.L - _O F _ TAIL, PE- 22EXHAUST{'IPE-OPI:.NPIPF-/FREE-FIELO TERMINATION 5K 10K 6_12EXPANSIONCHAMBER ON ENGINE TAILPIPE- 22 EXHAUSTPIPE 3600RPM- _O F : ,. _ , IL2DI o 5_: FREQUEHCY-HZ 2.58 ii I ---- ' ' ' IOR _',tEu_ 1;_ _, IN ._'_C_ ' /i'_i_r_/¸ _,_/ ? ,'Vl /' /. 30 " IL-DB .,_ _ A 20 6X12 EXPANSION CHAMBERON IMPEDANCE TUBE ANECHOIC TERMINATION WIIITENOISEEXCITATION-70F 4_ I ',o VVV 0 , 30 • _L _ J_ , , , , i w- i 5K | 10K 6X12 EXPANSION CHAMBERON IMPEDANCE TUBE 66 TAILPIPEINTO SEMI-ANECHOIC CIIAMOER l/_ 20 , _ WIIITE NOISE EXCITATION - 70 F IL-DB I0 II_ . 'j j_jl W l I 0 i ¢ 5K W i | • 10K 6XI2 EXPANSION CttAM!_ERON IMPr'DAI',ICETUBE 66 TAll.PIPE INTO SEMI-AN[CHOIC CtIAMOER TAPED ENGINE NOISE - 70 F 30 IL-DB IO 0 " • 0 _K I0K 6XI2 EXPANSION CHAMBERON ENGINE 66 TAILPIPE- 22 EXHAUST PIPE 3600 I_PM -.8?0F - IL-DI_ IO 0 _- o ' = " ' 5K FREQUENCY-HZ 259 ,r . •, r ¸ I K _,l_m _.3 500 -30 -40 5XI5 PASSMUFFLER \ TRANSFERFUNCTION WHITE NOISE EXCITATION k -50 70 F 1,2 : : IK W"_. J 5Xl5 PASSMUFFLER COHERENCEFUNCTION WlilTE NOISE EXCITATION - 70 F 0.4 0 I 4 • # • • _ 5OO FREQUENCY-HZ • . • A i • " ! IK " ¢ • FAilure 14 260 --- mnn T P_i PULSEF-XCI'fATION - 70 F' II 3.1BXI2 EXPANSION CIIAMIIEIt 0.41V _ANECIIOIC TERMINATION k,/\ L r-" ] f'l_l, 4'IIIXll EXi_AN SIONCHAMi1EII -LW _ ]J_/i . _X_ 4.9XI2 EXPANSION CHAMBER 021v.f ".0XI2 EXPANSION CItA/_ER J_ O,16V J_ " J/'vl /_, _" 0.5 MSI],c/DIV O II i: Figure. 15 261 12 , , , ! 4O IL-Dfi 2O 20 TRUCKMUFFLERON IMPEDANCETUllE WfIITE NOISE EXCiTATiON - 70 F - ANECIIOIC TERMIHATION f0 IK 2K FREQUENCY-flZ IL-DI) 30 K MUFFLERON 8V 7IN _R El IO 0 2oo_PM _,970F , , ", IK FREQUENCY-HZ 263 ! , • 2K SlIELL NOISE tNCLUD[D EXCLUDED 30' (,p FLOOR M-V,_IMLE MUFFLER rOSlTION E-VARi.'_L[ EXHAUS/ {'IP[ LLNGTJI T-VARIA/_L[ TAILI_{'E LENGTH S-V/#JA_Lt_ i"AILI'I{'L L[NGTtl ANO $OU/_C[ H(IGHt A-VARIAIILE [;_tlAUSt I'tl'_ L[NGTII I_100" SOURCEH[IGII/ MIC/_QPtlONI[ POSITiON 50' k) 4' VENIiCAL COr,I_TANT 144" $1AHDARD $OUI_CEII[IGtlT I -I 76.S 74.3 76.._ 76.5 7.5.0 2 71.0 74.0 72.5 3 71.5 71.5 72.0 74.5 76.0_73.5 ?1._ _ f $1 _ i2 53 A6 54 $_, i6 75 M6 ¢fDA --4 _ TJ.5 7h, 73.0 T/.01,3.5 70.0 T4.0 72.0 12._* _ 7_,5 7_,_ 74,3 7].3 t_ Z_,5 50' (,j, 4' VER[ CAL SH(LL NOIS[ INCLUDID A_ 0,4 105 _4 _n (4 _ 72.5 _0.5 - 67.3 _7.5 _,5 167.0 3 [3 _-" _ 13_ 2I M2 __4 3 _'O._ 72.5 7_.0' 0¢{._ 71.5 70.0 69.0 70.5 70.3 67.._ 72._ 60.._ 71.0 7_{._ 71,5 !67.0 "'^1 (_ DO tl rl T2 r3 T4 TAILMrE L_t't_Tll ({NCt{[_I) r5 T_, _l 70._ _d.5 ._0' (i,, 4' VLNIICAL t/hA ¢1[ _utNI,t g9_ ZtI"ADH_ND]_I __^. 'f m SCI3NoLIo O& 08 _01 _ 0 _ Og V g_3-1,:1_; 0& , _101 , ?OI , , , _ .... S]_iUO;]Q07 0Z ;]NION]-:_JId N,3,JO " 0_, 05 Vgd-ldS , _ , ,_g ....... OZ SJJ_Od_ gV _NlOh,l_ -3d,d N_]JO Vt](3-ld5 _A o, 0& _01 I ,, ,'1; I I _ 1 I I I t I , I " ool COMPARISON OF EVALUATION METHODS MOST ACCURATE? I) ACTUAL ENGINE 2) STANDARDENGINE 3) SIMULATEDSOURCE 4) ANALYTICAL MODEL 5) PARAMETER EVALUATION LOWESTCOST? I) PARAMETER EVALUATION 2) SIMULATED50URCE 3) ANALYTICAL MODEL 4) STANDARDENGINE 5) ACTUAL ENGINE 'i Fi_u_re20 266 " f i ' A COHI>_F.R-A_)ED APPIIOAC{IT_{ARD I,I',RFOR_ICE I_IEDICI'IOHS FOR ]_HGIHI.', EKI_US_' HUI:IrLER John F.,Sneckcnh_rsor A_ocl¢_ga l'rof,_nor llor_ntu_nj U. ft. gnv_ronment_l _V 2b._O_ l+rol:ect;ion HcDonnell-pouglam 267 i. .' ;! • :2; Co. A/_©nc_" I_ITRODt]C'|'IOH I".nsinecrin_ acouz_tlc:_ nccrin_ and tst_dcnc _nvolvcln_nt int_reut _lcchllntcs to _ol_lc nl_llt Lo fr_uhman only on_ d_ty _lach _k# dlt_. Hy '_hur}, cvn[uat_nt_ be A_cn47 ul_d rea_arch I hlwc of ffatlonztL ,q¢_nc_ for for m_£flcr at _cl_on Indmltrlcu_ put_-aided dc_i&_ Ald_ld capabLlitica Appxo_,_ll Toward - tc_tl:l_ O[ thcn_ rcquLrcmcltt_, Rradc of durtzl_ I hltvc for ycaru. conccrnl.n_ nW _c_ul_|tor_ policy. Inc, o_ fitou_hton_ N[ under to at _luon attumpt d_wlopmcn_ all _llnlmlytlcal tool _nr tim Y_r_orm_tncc De,parlement0 S 26a expand atudy. for tlm t_n- tim_ _f£[_r_ f, nl31n_ F._hauat com- Improved c_mplim_nt dcvnlopm_:nt_ d_nIBn_ for Am Larry to an _low_ toIlny at th_o of II the cal_t_n_ At tha_ an i_porc_mt _nufactur_ Prediction i to Induatrlua. _a:_ vJ.r_unllz_d_a b_in_ op_Irai_._ton w_ck_, _nd I £orrm_latcd n work plan dccLd_d Impi_dnncc tubo r_fflcr (potentially) and _l[tcrllO0_ to tlm _alnon l_c_uarch Lt waa :mcc_._ Lhrc_ the _ltl_ I p_rtlclpat_id nn one of two aunm_cr £aculty theft _ur_mc_ con_td_rahl_ in II letter yet to tic t_kcn to court _¢cok period after dcvc[optl_c_t lit 197[, Somcwhltt d_'Ji_n, only En61- hfl_clin_ muat hu a _ood one and _m_ybc_ qttlte of $¢:_©_rch, on-_otn& uinc_ rcuc_ttrcho _radin_ - wtth DIrchanicnl University [totlr_ project the be coi_sLdcrcd by tileEnv_totn_Itlntalpro_cc_on Foundatlo,n _rzmL d_ll}_ l_d Lhr_c utudc_t h_ Co [_rlldut_Lc student's, l':rlha_on, vtc_-prcnLdcnt comput_-nldcd study tllaL nlufflcr _ i_affficrs uhou[d of Vir_inl_l projct:t_ fnct the _un_n_r of 1975, pavtlctpanta an arcz_ at NcsL only 'hlbcitnt_ of courac, Durlns the bcc_u:L_ and bcc_m_c merit _n_l:_ccrin_ 're,old,tory policy' humorously been frOll_ fr_:}|_lll_l_ L_tu_ht b_cn i':• l)cp_lr £_ three has _y_po_fum_ and evaluation th_ "Comput_r- Hu_flcr_" is _ . r::. I'*_'_i ¸t :" V_ "_rk__ _ I_'._;,_ ",,/_. ,_'': ;r , * -[ ba_n_ pr_cnced to CO_l[_U_-/lld_d in _d O_ of of th_ p_per JudBed (l) O_ _h_ _tc Thi_ _|lr_¢_ of 1976 ¢orpo_at_d t_el_on o©minar into n Inclu_tcien e_endcd m_fl_r tht0 th_ _ a_ bc to I'educElOll hcr_ tll_ _L]I I_l_hth Dclll_n followed today e_li_*_ ll'J II de_lfin be Annual for all I_o1'_ An_lyl_L'l by :h_ll_c _-o[lallcll_ll a_l well a_J on _II(! a.J llll llnalyticltl function IbellCll-_y]_ t m_chodo_o_y Ilu_,m a briu_ which _ffcc_ivc then tjec_L[ll_|y In re_u- to prowl,It tll_ Thirdly. ¢urve_. rn_t_c_al ou_lc_ nltlff]ct Fln_lly_ which ptH, c:c clu!lt pcr_i_t_d _ paran_ctric _o for work providvd of the I;_ pre_cmcnd m paper, 399 extended _n thu corni;utcr Ln- p£cp_rcd cilpal)ilitict_ development con- wur_ ucil£_an ._mly _rnpl,-' _or an cornputuc-_idcd _ev©ral l)otenCLi|lnthl/tion_ cn _pand capabil/tie_ _III jlco_r_l]l of e_hm_L Admh_t._r_t_ion i_provvd _pvrlrr_Cation. of fvnLurc_ mzd Space _fffh:r K_SA con_])tltcr dc_/Sn uxtenlsion A_ronauticts du_cr/i,_lon Dc_eIl_:J._t]. _or ofJ:er_d coJIiputec-ai,lcd (l_/_ctl_:lcll pro_Irnl;i with _o cor_plcment it_ on-_otn_ £nl_t-_xc©nded Th£_ nlentionvd _ppro,tchc_ NntLonal e_ne_l_nL_ and opt_m£_tloll _dent_led, Ju_L paper r_ccnr _t_ndcd da_gn Syl_lt;'_ H wl|[ tl_llll_tl_ _ownrd r_lffl0r lng_mpe.d_nce tube of how [976 L'tC OJ _lli_ noi_ Hy pl_llt:|tion coi_iputerprosclull palter progr_u_ cornputer-aidell cor_unicat_ January _1_ 1_lurit, labol/n_. Sccondl7_ _7n_ema. m_d t_ i,o_:_Lblu in CmllpuL_r-A/dod _roS_lllll towiIrd _11_ir_or_ r_C_ll_ I:in_ain_¢ _oturc ill _llau_t the e×tcnt, :;y'_teln:_. ProBre_'_ COIfl_[I_ _c_hn_qtl_ Inl:ory muffl=r exhau:_ "Som_ al,plic_Iblli_y of t1_,11_.l|tlf_on pL'udic_ prc_cn_d c_lC/l_cd of II_Q to vehic|_ _ paper Op_l_l_on _]1_1 Lh_ increa:_ed t_cllodolosy char_|c_r£_ic._ _Ina_on e_ht|)it proKv_m _he (ic_i_n were no_l: _our _cctio[| of thin RECENT CO_-IPIYrER-AIDI,.'DblIH_FLE[I DESr(;N _lunJal (2) hind recently tat£J.Lz.tn_ a mod_f_ciltl.ol_ propo:;cd to tht! colnilut_l" t_v_t[u_tLiotlo_ a rcvL_ed a prcvl.ou:;ly _ind till,Jr; vcloctty t:t'_ti_:ifct" mat.rl_ dcf£ttL.d Vt_[ocIty" il_:i_rt, loll Io_ nLethod_ ratl.o fui1c_lonp prc.Jt]ure COtlpl_tn_ bt_tt./12cntl¢OU_ll;ic phcllt_IIlt:ll;t .iI_tl_ncolnpI't2:_tiJ.blt_ nlt:_ll_ _lOt_o mat:rlct:a for wlrlous l_crc rt_dt:fl.llod con:31dt_rln_ ba*J_.C znu_ler cletu(_t_t_ '._re dt,rlvedo l_or _t_ro lll_ttn[lo_ ,ahcrt_ ,_tlch of I:hc t:hrot_ typcn Lt_ipcdttt_ct_s_such ctl*Jt,for o_ non-;_cro l./ork by in_dtl _|o_J. Karllopp_ the corrc'Jpt3t_dct_ce From FJ.l_t|lt'(_ 2)_ rf2cur_iOl_ el: _ll°j (3) on thtl cqul.V_ll.cnt bond Unlike ght_ cltut_ d_.d t_ot:app_ttr iil_)tlclltl_ c_h_lust In COllnCct;_.on '_Ith _r_tpll model t:ht_ flu/.d of _n st:ored by t:ht_ l;[it_ cotllputt_r prt:- oI_ i_ lullq}cd iinl_flt_r (,';co l.ncl'tI_ll clt_ii1_l_l: _crc COIICltlD_.O[Ii hOW_VI_I.'_ tl(:_Int'.d I:o bc and l:hr_t_ dl/nt_nrlil.ori_tl _[ccl_tJ t:o h_ttldle Lh(l ol_codln_Ul_tlJ.on_tl l:h_|t;r_ucl_ tl onc-_llmcll:llonil]. ¢olliptll:crpt'o_l.'_Im l.i| _irt_ InlportIlllto In tl _h_=n r{:c*:ll(: l_tl)t:lr_'l'o_InE; _ind Crf_tzl_cr _4) forrradal:c a m._tthc.,lultlc_tl dcncrl.ptl.on rnuEfle,lr. ,'ice, Fl/lul.'t:]. _;I._1_ _hc Lorlrat1_tt:cd. Tht_ at_noclal:cd Co_._Id nol: tlc_irtll:cly d_r_crl.b{_ col1_pl|c_ttcd xlrtlf_h!r col_l_ural:lol_r_ _lcoLIS_c I:o be Eilu_l?Icr:i,_n bt]nd _:ht. colIlpl, l..It_cccl_m,:nt _l|'t,_t:(l t_J.cmenl:'llm w_t_ dt:vt:|opcd _ht_ t:o Ol_t:of fOrl_Rl[tltlrc1_II:J.l|__icoti:H:Ic prctiiJtlrc _|nd Voltilll_l'low r_tI:c l:crmt; oi? l:hc!vol_.ir_l_ oI_ fht_d rnolnet]l:umo_ TrtllltJftlr _ind lloJ.'Jt_ J_or L_./o-_l_l'ok_c|l.qJ.tlt_'J wJ.l;h pot#t_r l:ul_cdi :ll.lcllc(.,tl _htlutll;ll° _n convcctlve ,_.e l_i_tlrt_ |. _rtlp|l t:crlnrlhIltl |icell rt:c(:tll:lyr_portt.d o_: poNt_r the trtln:ifct" IIl;'d corrc_Jpolldtrd _ for _oI- t!_[t_lu:lttElUf[_Icr'.; t_l. 121_II1_,_t'_ riot,t. AcotlntLc _olut_.on WliS O|)tll_.|l_liZ • l _-IETHOI)S of the oi" thin [ly l'll_tte ut_,zd vi_rl._ti0n_ll l_cl:|lod:_t:o _;coustlc wLrltLtLonal clern_:ltl: l_icld cxiatlng In a Inct:hod fori}alliil:lon [or lTlet:llOdl_, For thl[l approx- 270 _ . --- . _a _:_:,_,_.i_ _ JLIItLItlJ o[ lJO1Llt_.o[I IlUlllCl+_Cttl 'JIIbt+c_lOll"J tion EIIu of nod;l| of +lcoustic dc:lJ+l.-l_d t11LI[_|(_F [otlr-tL'FJll_llll[ Lir_ EO l)l_Illncd to Hl)])r(++;lchl e_lll_nL_i. I_t'_s'Jtit'e _tCOKItIL_G U_I_(I IIIt_Lhod _l_ld:li ._t lu_J!l show I:llllt titt'll tli_l:tlot'k J='otJr-L_rtil_I_;l[ when Zll_l)Jie(l to t'+J defJiz+.d. II_ldl_ [)y I_h_{:li fur with _llLo o[ The |'til+lll_ll_ LilU ¢oI_I_;iIILtl. mtiEfler'J d[v_.(iud d_!iCl'_[iEIve wt.i't_ thuil t_l_i {r;lll_Jlll[_i{]_Oll llltlf|'[i3F ll:ll'illll_cer'J ¢p+lchnod_ {r_lll_Hll_+l:l_Ol% doL_JlflZl[[l(_ th(_ t]ltl thl: Ilbl+r ,,'ilr[il- of L=c_ttiV+l_t_ll[_ p,ll';ilZlL'_l'['2i II;Iplbr_ cotnpltc+i_ed the' Ilul prcdtctiutl IlOd;ll Fut:tlr_2 ;I t_uri2 i_h_JIl :sh_ip¢,d chzui_hcr:l |_OCwh_Cch _l/lllCW:IVU theory prcdic_i_+i=:idre no_ ;zvzli[;itile, ts'Zili'Jini_in/osl Io'JIl u'Jin_ tJiL'J prc_tILcI:Lnn_ : I_XTEN_IONS TD NAflA _III]:["LEIt I)l';_;lGtl CO_ll_U'i'/;k PI(OGI¢ADI Thtl _ihovu +la w_ll Ehrcc ¢ltl ocher to dcvolo computer ziwlll+lbl_ n_¢lcil dcuitln _ncCurJn_ Such _ltll_i_.llEl_d It P_{{lL?ri_ i'oi' C=lJl_biJ_Ly would I)c |_Fom til=ci:lfJ.c+ltIOll:l, _l _,_:11 devc_l¢_l)ed /_htIy_ lill(I blliill _(ll" rl_£lCi_J+Vi_ Itilltlll /iwlllililll_ +tot iiIcllli[olit, d= iil¢lut_t[ I]llorL tl i[lu_lct+lltcil _llCOrl_ol-_it_ll _lli_o colTil}tl_ur-_i_il_'d I!l_$_Ulllll_(l hy (ten Ililill_ PIA.S& 271 tliroilllh wi_ck:i) li:l_ll tll¢_ lll+lnn¢:tl the ovul-lill ctlnililct_ COllililllC_r- rlcllcnl_ tlc_ii_;ll 'l'cclililc_li +¢l=l)li,:=¢l)ill_y _u_CilLl+illy ll¢_ oliE]i?t i_i'oJ=_c_¢_¢I cX]tiitl:IE /lltl[_Ict';J Lhc lnoli_ lll_lf[l_l" lll_l!E-i_l:i_lliJi_d l:htl tci'm + lliv)tlt_l_llJt whicli 1 I t:={[iL'r_iil_lltt_. cotnplltcr-ziId_d._ulflcr dcuJ.llil, c+ip_ll)/l_Lic_ on tnll_ci Vl_urc inIJ_ll?_+tl r_l:llt_l" were iilun¢_di+itc ¢lcriigti lilill_d tlli_ory. ;i_ruem_!llt the lilt;fly,ill /illt] op_lllli_tJ.ollO[ ]li)_Y_Fi J+_,nu_r wav¢_ i_(ltlni:l.orl _}o¢I li=_!Chod_ I_]iicll I) c_mpuici_r-iiJ_di!d protlr+_in Lit new n_t_thad:; I}f proBrc_l= In =11¢; n¢_/i_" _tA_tl_l_. l:Im_ zire rclll£1vi_ly |}oll_£bll_ llrOsp¢:ct_ _or _orc in tnctlsod w_t[l I ol_ lii'oEl'lllll Illl i_Ki)llll?ll[in No{l_' lll_ii_ti- {:h_ilniii_r T N I)-7309, l, Th[_ computer l)ro_ram Is hlrllcly b._sed on the work Thc 1_ey _c_Ltu:'c_of tile _A co.II_uter i}ro_r_Jm_re of Alfrcdson nnd Davleu li'Jtcd in F[surc (_). 5. Ill ot'dcr to api}rcci_t.cLilt coIi_[)Ic×Ity of _l typic_ll coilmlcrl.c_l mu£_Icr relat:Ive to th,! c_Lstln_ c_li_Lbilltyo[ L]IL_I_A_A coln[_uterl)rosr_im,l.'[sur_0(It) 'J[iow__i _Ir;lwL_l_ of _i Lwo Lubc-Lhrcc [_;_!iizlu_[icr ti_Iicn_rom p_l_e 3[-_7 ll_l:_(li)oni_ c_[ _o[!_e Co[_:ro|j l]_irris i cd°° _£oii of Lhls mu_'_[cr I_[iol_[_ ll_ Fl_urc A_ 6(b) £1|u_Cr_LCc_ :ulinttL_ported c1_11_l)ct'_ lind 1}cr_or_i_e_l_be_ c_Is_In_ the projected o_ the _[_d ult_ol{led v_l_- _cvcr_ll _cIltl_e_j uuc|t _Irc :toL _'_iidi|yh_mdlcd by th_ I_A_A conip_itcr_ro_r_m. A._ _m Inl_Inl effort Lo c_tc11{|Lhe _/A_A comi_lIccr pro_r_Inlj _he pt'oSram _t_ coi_ver_cd fr_:n Icolnl_Ic_ chIIn_|Jcr I ii:Iil_y_LsCo _ll|div_.(lu_1 _ec_i_rli ii[lal_f_lJ. Further: cfl_orLs _erc dlrcctcd ill providli_ llcc_ioi_l||:r_odQl_for l_lu[__md _wo- ]_|_ll111_l_Icrli_cCloft'J wit_ch ttrc i[_i_._¢o11_[io11 in _[_lIIoll 111tlfflcr_° For _lll _t_c_ion_I _/nrLnb|(_ diameter of _h_:_c i1_Linl plpcs i_l_d chiln_bcrflwcrc [_ow pcrniLttcd, A p[ccorlal d_¢rIpc_on c_cn_ioiltJ _o tile _IA_A coi,l_u_r pro[_r_m Ii__llown in Fl_ur_ Us_[l_ _hc _ccti_Ll al_l_ro_ch _o _hl_ l_redlc_io_ o_ _r_n_mi_i0n Io_ p_r_Ic_ll_tr rmJ_[Icr rc(lu_rcd L1_crl_l! i1_dLt'Ic_i_i_nLo _hc _lo_ lo_Ic o_ cnmpul:cr pr_}/IrllmoA £|ow dln_r_m dCl)IC_lil_i|_ow Lh_ _'rn:_mi_1_n _i_nc_(by _t:ppi[i_ Ii_dLvldt_|ly _llro_i_l_ _h_ r_ec_lol_al _t)roti_Ln_j eL_[i_r _ibtil_t__Ind/or plotted cnvlro_:i_ _urm i_ _hown iz_ Fi/_t_r_9. l_ 7. for t|l_:NASA i_ d_©r- compilln/_ _:_d _c_ioi_In_ o_ th_ lind p_occ_d111/_L_i__o _ind Liiclu_llt_ 6 t|i_ _yp_ o_ cn_l_nQ not_rc_ Impedance° .272 _._ . ,. . , ,_I¸'• F.XAMPI.EOF COMPUTER-.AIDED _hQ _xContIcd colll[)utv.r QVAIUAtLIIB, predictinBj _uffler ba01c STUDY t_d_lu OF HUFFI.F.RDI..'SIG_I proBr(tm uervud ekcj of: the,_xtended p_rform analysin of exr.cnd_d _ourth _h_ • nd_ of was tho of sx_©ndeo shea o_f_ot th_ _k¢_ch of chABEAS of _n_¢r_d he# tnlAt) inlet And th_ values la fixed inlet| whil_ (or th_ rapidly bo_h lncr©A_t chc outlet consldorcd Of _hc _rt:quenci_ toward rc_uultant witl_ internal _hl_ influcncc curvun doubl_ th{_ on_ rc_onan_ *tpproachw ln_inity. onc- i£_ed nmoun_ of on £or the nhortinB Of additional Obacrw that _ n_ _ty for _ho initial wtlu_l oilily| not_a _ B _hu frequency its the tranomi_ulon frequenny ono ht*l£ di_tOl_CC off_e_ rul)rUucn_ln re_zona|l_ _requ¢:ncy inlet- i:sa t_d]ul_trexalnple 3hm41nB rc_on(tnccz_ parti- In Fi_.ure 10 l)clow _ outle._) r©_onan_ I0. in Fi_ttru 12, VAIuc_ the con_tnnt_ _tre _hown r_pr_n_ln8 of to ittt_i_llly bctwcun pipet_ teclmique. |lie e_tended dlnt(mcc dcnurali_cd _. tube function extenslon_ S_o Fi_ur_ qBAICt¢:I-WAV¢_ IcnBth l©nB_hing Ath_r wlth amount _ . maximum a'J a _tffler extended belnB din_ancA to ths o_-_t: confirmLn_j _tau its capability bchItvLor consider KucpinB of off_e_ o_ tim ra_onaat I¢nsthin8 _00 chamber, lons proErnm For _xnBple, An Appreciation losn _or _¢vcral I000 ha tha th_ muffler F_.flur_: II provid©_ tha chamber by _Im varylnB _n vAlu_ bBhAV¢o_ parameters, a_pnnalon lvn_h t{ASA computer tr(H1uml0_iOl_ muf_lor d_aiBn ou_l=t of funcEion as chcy were cvalu(Ited ualn B the impednnce function muffler prltp_lry tlm theore_Ic_il tr_HtUlnLUtJlonloos for _xp_rimental Another cular a (or the iu or shot|in8 decrca_in_ I I rAsonant con_ributt t|ions, And t, . i! . _rAqutncy _o certain Hany readily _uch ptr_orr_d ftom._000 ha to advantnseour_ p_r_tmatrlc _tudLs¢ 1500 hz;, with trtttt_mio_lon o_ Irttf_lvr uslnB kit© ©_ttlnde.dcomputar of£svt lo:_s diotancv featurc_ Bcomctry_ prosrltm. _ in _tc which oimc£flc c_n c(mht 01Cu- ho conc¢_ivcd , POTENTIAL ADDITION_ I_lth th_ int_lld_d role clll):lcity to jccLlonu w_ro thnt could coll_puL_ pcrforlll and pvrfornmnco r_ffle, qulto r_, i_prov©m©nt that time COHMENTS l_. _hta duct _ffl_r _for_ inuf_lcr _£onal the model ln|l_rtcn_: Derfo_ln_c_ po_ibl_ of In lt'_ _nLL_af additional c_c_ndcd fo_ proc_t_nulon_ IF,_A ¢olnpuLer a [10w rcvcrainR nlodol for a ptLrallcl duct _ufflcr verJ_fJ, catJ, on both In muffler lu offer aynt_ma. (7). Du_ci-lp_:lonal for tlm flow rcw:roln8 chan,hcr typ_ of chambnr at:ctlonu auch deucr£bcd aa flA,_A¢ompucor I_ qult_ and co_an _xp_l'l_n_al on tl_ in co_ncr£p_rform- 10f_ _how0 th_._ two mt:ntloned proRrnm off,red in_rnaoe.d aa it hnd bc._nd_v_lop_:d _ ado, o_ t|m co_iput_r-_Id_d by N_l_on o_ t_pornturQ nnd IE_ it'| lo_a. _111c_ th_ InJ._lal _ummQr th_ _dd1_lo_ of both litUdy I¢_. Thu (:_p©rlm,:ntnl curve ON ADDITIONAI,I.Y EXPANDED _ub_ant[al. a) tnclualon _ann_/_Ion _wo yeara o_ d_v_lopm_n_ f_om tim lILcra_urc _o tho _Lend_d Lubc w,_ku ©xpurttuentaL In FIRur_ of _If£1or about _row_h enaly_In and In FlRuro Rood wid_hand ten furt|l_r _hcir poa_lhl_ ahown Add_tlon tim CAPABII,ITII.'._ funcc_onln8 _tudl_ll b) acctlonal A pal'lll},_l r¢_ult_ of and lulpcdl|llcc included £ea_urc_ rouffl_r In Mmwn the vl|rl_tlon _h_ _r,_n_tona dawlopm_nt to _o end _o unlffXor (6) and encour_Bcmcn_ _nc_ la_ th_ EXPANI) CO_II,UTER I)VSIGN opc_nLloniL1 i)a_llln_tc_" _dc *_h_u_ _'h¢or©_:_,cal proBr_tm _1_ iL colllpltln_|_t contrlhu_o proR_am. chambar TO FUI(TIIHI CAI'ABII.ITIES OF COHPb'_F.R HIO(_RAM d_Rn CalmbLllt_I fo[- ©_haun_ muf_h:r d,,'v(llopr_e, nt wo;_k by th_ _utlm_ ha_ r_nr_|l Rradl_n_ pArnonn_:l |lav_ mnd_ o_f_t_ D r_v_r,_ng _dvnnc_ |men quJ,t© |retard _hnrnl_r_ porfor_t_d gubu'Jp and i)orltg_on biBher-ordur of medea vnsIDu prudi¢_£oil. _ou_c_ to better the Llnpcdancu E_purLinuntal Un_.veraity within t4ork dufLne tJyuLeln a_J well a_J the cxbautJg duucr£ption l_t currently ensLne for beins oource pcrln_ttin_ in_rtio;1 undertaken impedance £ncor- at fat" use in lena VLr£lnta Iteag the caLnputer pro_r/llllo The principal lHHironch ical for nilunc_ra 2) th_ anti/or laboratory Lntmld_:d computer dlctLon plebe _'lknaon Syat_rn Additional Acoustic enc_ lO. _he ability of o_ pn,_ 15 and _h_ and FIBurea conducted computer o_ profram plu S o?chnust proxram at lb nt Hclann tl|l_ 13 of of this Induatrian paper provide large r_apcct:lvuly (8). and bench ttu gila Evidence of EO uxp_rtn*engel comparinon paper (:.rr_n_ by pr_- Larry fur (R©f,:r_,nc0 .... purpose anti m m hen been not: use co totally capnbllil:y thle Ct,n% of raatnly _1_ computur bccauat_ /._a explored. g75 prosram In g/in hi1 _ound ¢ompnrn_ive ].n Referanalysis neouetic unstne performance operntin8 haa nerve.d eoai:-_ff_et_vene.a= 9) incorporation ions. _ha J. Algernnrlvefl ._y,npoalum. _g ind0atrLal uuch the _.h_ .nen:ur_d theoret- experilnungnl utudy nvailnbLl_ty Co predic_ ,raffl=:r_ of the Dcpart_.cnt. /inllIyt_en[ 12 anti presented nnd e colnpllmunt ne an projects, development ll, 1) Rese_lrch research - a Diucuaalon computer Fl_r_ tilt! of providillK 6. Prauauru rh_ al:udlea Pffur_ _ypieal or terms buun dLreegLon application in by the colnputer-etded inuf.flura outatdt_ muffler F.vaIuaClon' expression experimental condtt g provided t;n_J_gl_=_ 'pe_cr F.xhauat of le tube .twines and development auccuaetul system have conceptual to ann/It _nufglur impedance proBramla _nS[lle-_ghauaL _tn _nslne for witbill colapl£ntunt expandtn8 Induutriu. louti by puruonu ane/ygical inA_tally by Nelson transm£ualon propound ea C|l_ of oE LhLa continuously dcuLBn _fflur pru4ic_or .mdu uueu e ILra_.tad opern_ton Of APIq.ICAIilLITY in OF CO_IPUTI£It rllo(i, ltAM IH RI!GULATOITY_{UFFLI!I{ I.hBELIHO rc8ardn _cclmlquc toward muffler muI_lt_r heel:lanai II_'t_C|lodOlOl_y could n_:nlht:r compare tt d_nlga mlshg ! b_a rc_d_ lnbQltl_ velllcl© nora. be rm_£Ilcr : can (overall) thcnt_ 3) defiiBa four for_rad_t_:d. purponon 'Je_m approprtaC_: |O:lll, Ilueet.'tl_tll offorL_ toward coatlnucd ensine tht_ freqtu.ncy with aay _ cannot trtmuportagton thin rcllulatory policy Cttrrnntly_ which wan lcn /or _nhaunc provtdQ tilth Initial with _ miBhC onca oct) tho 'mochodolosy loceat, provide 2) thin by _t_/tlltl'O_ throush _' cvahmtlon t.o all Information policy qultn _nd improvcm_nc v_hicl_: rcsualcory _ 1_ o_ Al_o_ reflpccC notne en8int_- evaluation n_at_n_ "total o[ d_finlCioa ncandardn. vchiclen e _a.'thodoloh'y t_te.) etc.; occavep applicable chin thu cllaracterlattc0 (third ttonr_ l) calculation) llnpcdttnct_j rcducttoa band nunSct, th_oretical notlrct_ IlOlU_ 'lntathodoloSy 6) with utatenlenttJ tllnralatLon rcsulaCory tnnertion i, rocedurc_ nourcen; in lllt_Chotlolo_}y loaa, _valuatlonu of nut[ant I anltlytlcnl (tranumtn!lton and thin tl:tlt tills (by CO_nll_llliczkte co_p_ltlabl¢_ _a. eventually tbt.qlch cotfftsurattonap npclrnlzatton _ov_ard would tl_t_urn_ll_ of cart "i.canurc" charact_rintlca Nyorem_j a follower.8 tht_ cx|lau_t applicablllcy 114 I 'potentially r_duccton ain,t© Cite pouaiblc U_lCftllnetlU labelJ.ns, • Irrmthodolosy i to uar.ful poanthh: which ttael[ for _EI,ECTI_) 1. 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Sot._tnd atld Vibration0, April 1971. 6, T=nsrrltirn=_ P. _tlld Dlboll_ W. l|._ "Adjoin| Inle_-Oucloe Lt!osEh Htiffl_r"m Procce.dinE_: 1973 Nollm-Con) pp.212-7) 7. p_terl_k_ W. P._ 't:;_t_m_ic H_:Chod to D_termtnu the Acou_lca! Charact:et'£ntlen of S_rie_-Pnrallul l)tlc_ ConfiBur_t_lon_ Uotnfi Tr_mmnlt$tl£on H:t_ric_'t_ Pro_ucdinSflt Third II_c=rzt_unc_ SynqmrJltllu ot$ UliLV_r*li_y Ro0coi'eh in Tranapor=n_lon Noi._", pp..533-45_ Novemt)ec ).975. ft. Fl_nd_n, 1). C., )'lml)u(|_c_ o_ Bnai¢ Mu{_l_ Elet_unc_"_ CombtllJi_on Ensioc _=min_tr, 9, Erlk_oll_ I...I._ "Powo.r or l'rfl_*iurt_ - A DiOCU_IItOIt o£ Ct_rrt_o_ A_urlt_Civ=;I _n E_t;_u_C 'Jy_t:unl Acot£oLic I_vltlu+;_lOll", EPA SuP flier TrtlnttporClitton E_d_+tu_ Nolo= ,_ympo_lum_ 33 pp., Octoher 1977. 10. i REFERENCES Ol_on, D, A._ Nordlin, K. tlf Tru_.k EKh_tl_t Syoecm Oc_ob.r 1977. "Perfortr_ulca of E_dmuot: Sllenc_r Vol. 15_ No. 2_ pp. 175-9% Tubtl; A _oo1 fO_ _|1_ Rene_rch El|lh_h Annual Nol_u Control 32 pp., .Mnunry 1976. I). and Seilu, E. J., Noi_e H_n.ur(.incnc " 277 Qu¢trter-Wavu O_cohur 1973. n_(| Oevt_lopm(_t)_ _n Internal "Tcchntqtmtl _md Probli:ma SAE Paper 770B95, I/, pp., ___/ ...... .,.i.,.. __, i._" tel ID) IQ) (a) Figure I. A TY_ICA|. flTRAIGI_-TI_OUN| EXI_U,_T HUFF_R (b) 'ANALOCOU3 CI_RCUIT FOR _'I|_ ZVAI,UATXOH OF VI_l (c) VRc_,n_ ANALOC,O||3 FOR_JI._TION CIRCU_ FOR Ti n:* RVALUATXON OF FOR VF.I_CITY I_ATIO-CUM-TRANSFER _IATRIX I_T||OD. 27a I: n ..... ,,_ ..... . .............. _) O)_ulv,_'J_ Fl_ura 2. FO_ATIOH _o_ _ FOR_F_'L_ .FOR_OKDGRAPHF_,T|fOD. I Z ' l E , i, ', b 2_ 7_ " ir kQiw_, _ t R_II_ , Ca) ¢C', i_-, F l_.._r_ 3. FOR_HATION FOR VARIATIO_I. _TIIOD. [ 280 ¢'_.guc_ _, COH_If_VDIHI_':DANC_ '_t/_R*COHFIJT/_R FROTH ! 281 "] i' ^y_'EO_CH. NASATN 0-7309 AN IMPROVED METIIOD FOR DE,gIGN OF EXPANSION-CHAMBER MUF.FLEnS WITH APPLICATION AN OPERATIONAL KEY .FEATURES OF TO IIELICOPTER COMPUTER PROGRAM INLET "-"" M1 r "T'AILPIP F a CALCULATES TRANSMISSION LOSS ® HANDLES tip TOFIVEEXPANSION CHAMBERS • INCLUDES MEANFLOW EFFECTS • VARIESCOMPONENT LENGTHS WITHINSPECIFIED LIMITSTOOPTIMIZE PERFORMANCE .F_.gura _,, FI_TImRS OF I_s,_, IIUF_'LgR D_SIGII COHI'tl'IgR I_O(;,IBit, 28_ q • : (A) (b) .... _ 2 t I rl ! L .:'' • L _.l.__ ,_o,o_ [o_o,_.I II41_..T I P,_oc_ssl ..i[:::: ...: .... 'l_i _'i ' " tLr_ : . ; J L .;.,.!;-_.".-. • (up co 20) Fi6urt 7. _;XT£1'ISIO_IS 'I'0 I_ASAI_/FF_'LBRDF:SiGN COI4pUT_:RPRO_,'RAH. 1 28_ II r ;- I -I L- -- ,...... j,, ._.9_' ; .... _ t I i 4 I it | U, i t,i •_ ! " r l[.:.,.:l,_.___ . --I--- _,'7,,,..:- (,axe) z2z i '4"--7'" I _. . =aoqLunl_ffL uo'l'to=_ I . , ; ;i _ I N PuT TYPE JN DATA ft_o_,N,N_ ! I11iiiiilj _l]'_l_D ltilll Olvan h M 14.4 o Fiaure 10, F.XAH_ Altl) Ob'B_l IllfFii'l,ER WI'I'I! Oi"f*_l_ 01_1(I110 lnch_m; looo for l- 7.2 _ooo )ooo 3000 ,) 877 116) 2631 1,O 7flO 1380 2340 1._ 710 Ill0 21)0 2,0 645 1_5 19J_ 2,5 600 2921 IBO0 _,O 5_0 t,732 1620 5.6 500 _ 15o0 OF _¥ l_chaa U31HG MUFfleR D_I_I COHrl_R *. * lq_,OGIU_, +. n .... , ""' .. } _'_'_-'_-'%_-_,_L*_-_,!_'i,_;_<_;::_:_ ,'_z_'_'_'_='_'_=_'_, • -"_,_._ _ I,' '_" _",_',_-_ ^o ^_ Io, a_ D1 • _ Ik • at* a2 .r_l °, ReG '_*_ (A) XnXst ,ll it* 111 _r......- ._ TAtlp/po N I _t: .,q lOO 200 300 400 I00 700 (h) (_) (b) '_heoretlcAL .He_*ured _odal Tronlmi_nAon _or _'low Loan RmvarlJn_ for _kow 290 t;,,, ,!:,, , Cl_a_ar EQvflrJtn& _lar, Ch_n_r H.f_ler. • ,it,., ; , < ,/ i I ..... ..... 1 •,.::o ':;'.'.,',:, : ..... .v.,.'...': ., ,, :,,,,.,, . ..j:',::,. ,.;,,,.,,. - T1A ri ^ rZ.Ol.a _ r_ rl p :,:.,..... ,,.::,, .... (..:.,.: ;,.:,.. ...:.,:,,:::, i..,J,,: ...... _,-..:,-, : .-: ....,,:::.:..:... :.. , Ca) •-" i ' -" _" _ i]_ lllllllllllllllllllJillllllllitllllllllllll •, :_olo,,(ri./r2) II Pa I p_ _ jq _K . Fr_lua_,)' Fr'_u'nc7 - O) (b) F_&ur= Meoeure4 14. Trana'mloalon DESCF.IF_101# Aim Loo,I [or _4_llal Ablo_p=iva Dur,= ;?u_la¢o FFTRFOPf4AF_ ,OF I'.*,RAT.LEL PUCT NtlFI'LEI_. 291 40 5.6X24 PASSMUFFLEI_ON ENGINE 66 TAILPiPE-18E×IIAUST PIPE 3600 RPM- OYOF 0 I" i i I I i= . i, IK , ,,.i i I 2K Fltl':qUlfflC¥ _ t17. 5.6X24 PASSMUFFLER-ANALYTICAL MODEL 66 TAILPJPE- 890 F TL-DB 20 0 ' ' ' I'K ' ' ' 2"K ' 5.6X24 PASSMUFFLER-ANALYTICAl MODEL ANECHOIC TEEMNATION - 090 F TL-DB 20. iK l i F:t_utQ LS. ^_lyClcnl i 2K _n4 _xp_rtm_ntnl292I_e_utLn [or n 1'_0 HILfElcr. i 40 I IL-DI_ 76 TAI!.PIPE-2O_XIIAUST PIPE 3600 RI3M- O_;UI" 5.6X9.0 PLUG MUFFLERON ENGINE 0 5K. IOK FREQUENCY-ItZ 5.6_,'9.8 PLUG MUFFLER- ANALYTICAL MODEL ,TL-DB 20 40"_ 0 F ! | ' l Y!_ra I I l i l(_ ^._ly_Al _nd ¢_perlmontAlHQeIILC_ _OrA FIuBH_f£1_r, ;193 f l 5K , FREQUI!N(_f-HZ ! I IOK • _;,_::_ _:_-c,'J,_';_ '__ , , .. :. i*"_¸,, _,._ ; ,, ,; REVIEW OF IIITERIIAL CCIlOUSTIOrl EflGItIE EXHAUST11UFFLItlG by flslcolnl J, Crocker Ray H. Ilerrick Laboratories $ci|ooi of l'lecllanic_l EnglneerJn9 Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana, USA ; J SU_AR.Y, This paper w111 describe types of muff|ors In existence, discuss defloltlons of muffler perfomance, briefly review historically some of the theory developed to predict muffler acoustic performance, describe some.of the work done at the ilerrickLaboratories'on l_'edlctingmuffler attenuationj and lastly comment on the possibility bench test for a ._ffler of desi.qnin9 a practical which does not inyolve an engine _1_a source. INTRODUCTIOt_ E_ha_st noise Js the predominant most Internal silencers cod_ustion source with engines and thus mufflers have been designed Unfortunately_ _lthough noise to reduce this the acoustic and noise. performance of a muffler can.so_etines be successfully predicted in the laboratory _lth artificial (loudspeaker = 295'" i v type) _curces, until recei%tly most attempts _o predict of a muffler on an cnglne ever S in the last few _oars now prediction of the acoustic on engines be made known can effects Most muffler on a gres_ Beoent deal U.S. automobilos weight efforts to acoustic dJsa[_[,ointin9 . progce_u ha.';_cun performance with more [_urfoz'l.._, .co ]low made ,i,d ¢E real muffl,:L. _ccuracy, although on- remain. designs manufactured of empirici0m, to improve has produced increased and expected improve optimize that fuel this of to :_ave performance. pressure of mufflers experiment. efficiency pressure models rely he_vilj' and acoastic the.erotical performance still experience legislation in mufflers Xt is to be near still have. buss the will of increase tile *)till fLxrthor in the future. _U_'FL_,n CLASSXFZCaTIgH Muffler_ reactive and of chambers can classified dissipative. most the source (the englne). sound lined energy in do sometlmes with the volume incident incorporate mufflers and snaps acoustic material it into to be partly fact some tw& main Dissipative acousti_ and converts can be designed tive and of in_o Reactlve of different reflecting hand arQ i be types. are composuo and work by ent_rgy |>nc_ toward;_ mufflers which heat on the othu: absorbs [1,2,3]. the Mufflers and pertly dlssipa- combustion engin0 mufflers internal adsorbing 296 materials. However, • this mutnrial usually t@mpe_'ature _ ' ,.",":_ i .. ; : '!' : _[ . conditions fa'tlgues. today, Thus are of can occur shows some typical chambers (cbambcrs In more +.' . , ,+ chambers some or incorporate diss[l)atJon due to further uubdividod is addition is over are viscous the in suddenly types (which cro._l of pipes. to arc. usually a|*d one Som(_,- re)soil,*tots. produce t_i(h= brasch high frequency is oft(u, _ruattld by Int_rf_r_nQm k)ath lengths. 297 3 uevural reversed flow reverse-flow typical Pigure There la ruflnct car. rev(}rsc-flow IIolmholt_ used 2. connlat the. flow increased (side A Figure 1 expansion resonators siml]_r muffler;_ are is Figure These I{uversc-flow shown into [4,51. configurations. w|licb th_n area tube :itralght different of the another by patches types mainly concentric _uch in attenuation traveling which resonators In be of low-frequency louver nolse). 1, not eompriI]ed ok shown large ll_imholtz " melts *t_uffler reoooators). connect(:(] end mufflers do types. muffler As chambers ....' and a photograph muffler. and severe manufactu_-ed straight-through many.different reverse-flow times and reverse-flow in IIelmholtz built can u:iually decrease{[) branch or reactive and arc two a inuff]ers muffl+-_rs shows type Nevertheless in stralgbt-through be clogged, mufflers the of ties. J_eactivc then because becomes automobile tile reactive materials. still and most absorbing dissJlpa deteriorates type, allowed He;it although to o_ occur _ound automobile trucks t ; can use either reverse-flow or straight through mufflers. DEFINITIONS The definitions use will be given however, and level measured sosreo to measure the muffler u_e is favored by Noise preset*re the power is most easily favored between and its of predicted Reduction l_vsls in space that with point and quantity by manufacturers. is defined incident This on as i0 logl0 the muffler is the quantity theoretically engaged in the is a convenient This power transmitted. those loss (TL). sound nomenclature at one point inserted Loss be noted, is the difference Insertion the ratio ssnnd This [7,81. Transmission common arise. pressure the C. sometimes in most It should use different (IL). without the authors Loss and of can perforinance [5,6,7,8]. Insertion sound |3. here that some confusion A. of muffler and its to which use is in research. (NR). measured This upstream Is the difference and downstream in sound of the m|_fflsr. D. power Attenuatlcn. between quantity ducts length + i is the decreas_ two points is often where This used is measured in an aesthetical in describing the decrease in propagating in sound [7,8]. 29B system. absorption prsesure level sou_ld This in lined per unit _[[.' . i i ' . The first three work. on mufflers lllumtrated that definitions for automoblle in Figure 4. those definitions msanlngs are used engines It is of are also to describe, sound frequently and they interest used with trausmlssion in are to note similar through walls or enclosures. In general, loss and the nolsc since, except on the internal Impedances insertion reduction for the the termination tail pipe). the loss, are not transmioslon impedance of the impedance (radiation equal the tormlnatlon to pc/S transmission simply loss, (i.e., related, they source ||owever, if the source arc the (engine) impedance and and of the termination the source are non-reflecting), depend and then IL - TL < NR, and usually, NR - TL : 3d[_. DEVELOPMENT OF MUFFLER Although interference Qulneke TIIF, ORIES in the last of so%_nd propagation eent_ry dlsc_ssed the through different lengih plpos,theoryof real _se in mufflar deV_lops_ bosause until prior Impossil_le d_s 1920's. to this to msa,ur_ to the lack ima_ n_a_ the time sound of meltable because of This it wa. d_,Ign wa_ probably difficult pressure 2_9 nolsa not p_rtly o (if not quantitatively) microphones the lo_or was and partly produced du_ to by anglnoa. In 1922 filter Stewart, theory using 1927 Mason developed aild Germany in the mufflers a lumped this for aircraft improvenlcnt his co-workers wave [13,14] propagation branch in nlufflcr theory resonators. that in general weze good They thelr p_ovided and chambers fruqsency, was cross e_i:;t and ons the cut-off not of when another for plane chambers exceeded and and and side foLInd of transmission frequency [12}. signi- theory I_any o_porlmentu predictions engines D_vis expansion made In I_riteiI_ scoured. then developed in multiple In on designing cylinder the 1950_s _9]. IlO]. work Was conducted sntil acoustic approach further Ill| and single not developing par0meter theory 1930's floweret it was ficant in the USA began loss in the pipes in practice, Above this waves can modes in addition to plane tbeir theoretical asnumptloss was vlola_cd. When Davis a hol_coptn_ log t since compared muffler, they only with the transmlaslon thin be loss hy saying tbelr prediction measured about they theory. flow loss discu.slon Of theory [5]. ae_ to use finite the which Davis insertion wave For made 300 loss, from their to explain effects must _'e_son is their he of pnrtlcnlar pr_dletlnn., to design very disappoint- et al trJcd likely cnn aasnmptlons theory was 10 dD amplitude ¢ I tholr had e_pcctud floweret a more of meen in Insertion trlcd 20 dS that impoct_nt, neglect et al a mot8 by Davis importance eomplst_ et sl in thei_ In the the 1950'n transmission electric The volume matrices of total product of for (_aeh muffler s muffler electrical theor9 and insight four-termlssl it is A, C, D which D, values are stream or be only be Several for V_rlous and Fukuda the of Sullivan _. _b for has the M flew. hav(_ since bear. also useful parameters Tile parameter elements up- elements 28 and late can [18] result 1960'_ end Including Davies _enson, Dm£tea and 301. of carrying of _i [15,16,17] also gives whlch note (18]) evaluated et some in method been Igarashl pipe mlddle alterNatlve to four to |[owever, corrected Goulbourn, convenient system matrices, the Blair, _n by given worker, the equivalent are Parrott (=quati0n acou:itic tile muffler brought the matrices a straight con- passive. [21,22,23]. for number know as elements a mean be connections and br_nsmlsslon of quite t|*o system. long linear al several developed as muffler given Mach by tranumlnulon effects matrix affected downstream to to very total The matrices characterize not assumed results necessary equivalent is after [5]. may calculate transmission is transmlssios since and element for The and four-terminal analog to approach before electrical began using pressure related the al This acoustic are et mufflers [15,16,17]. velocity using Igarasi_i properties circuits venient. by late that the a mean is in in (24]. 1970'a (25,26] predicting flow error. early Coates include and (27-32] muffler than porformanee work _as Of his based on shock Inspired by Davis's helicopter eKhaust become muffler pressures io acoustic are theory use of the method of eon_*uming and with complex wlth engines, such between theory flow Davis _heso (and its bonndary neglect There in reglonn temperature are found to obtain include effect [33] : for exhaust between of disturbed gradients flow, 3O2 i i i favor [13| msy other mean possible agreement of can be mean trannport), psrtn and gas with engines. belief better and cylinder little neglect flow system. gas incorrect tall and, neglect in the _xhnust i, necessary eseh of which on ne£ energy interaction in dealing s|n91e several experiment, conditions of has in time condltloss. is probably for system. noise the method for multlcyllnder failed and exhaust boundary that Davis'n incorrect. important. and som@ the successfully dlfflcultles of mufflers furthermore why has method involves can in the However, and of muffl%rs masons method and assumed affects of the acoustic an approach far _hin manufacturers have been expensive the design eO It appesrs [32]. the failure by the fact amplitude history thls than normally chnracteristlcs geometries Although was caused finite spectra Perbaps [13] that alternativo octave have been predicted belief greater the pressure-time Also, one-third u_eful much This theory. design so that important. predict wave pipe, and sound of mean In 1970 Alfredflon and shed new light on the acoustic [33,34,35,36,37]. University engines. that a muffler acoustic exhaust and that neglected, finite provided included in the the mean flow Mach theory. the muffler effectiveness cocfflcient discrepancy R -_ i. As a check Alfredson i chamb0r show, in later on and compared Flgure (with flow with theory 6. included) when occurred concluded Th_ good loss occur be that as 0.2 ovcrpredicted for low frcquency this error - R2]] (i) _nd on f:quatlon attenuation of [35]. agreement flow was neglected to be 5. theory and exper_msn_ 'l)hs of reflection (I - M) 2R2]/[1 theory of were M - 0.1 or computed his acoustic it with to predict could for values in Figure the used e|Lgine 5 to i0 dD or more. + M) 2 - measured and flow effects flow theory Alfrednon is plotted be effects approacbed by since transmission Alfrcdnon Thin would i0 lOgl0{[(l and the result and the the zero (large wavelength). Error - could expan- on diesel the mufflers amplitude number pipe, serious important that me_*n gas in the tall most ]]as been theory sound of long used with which of mufflers commonly (at least that thO radiated work work at Southampton the design type mufflers he has _hown he studied) working considered Alfredson'u pubiished performsnce Alfrcdoon mainly sloe chamber Davies an cxpanslon The result b_tw_sn and poor seem (i), theory agreement to confirm 303 i in that acoustic in muffler theory design provided included in are very important. the model Another and began the transmission for chambers where the use of of finite in reverse-flow and pressure using and in the plane such formanc_ even dstail other in muffler dimen_lonal later flow in his ducts rather The use analysis in this The flow-reverslng of impossible, continuity of even toohnlque the acoustic chambers posslhle to pr_dlot region. Th_ work ere,s-mode have will since used and Omote ring a Gulerkln per- be described nlements. element concentrated design. 30¢, finite elements [43] hays used two- Crac]gs [44] has elements, approach, finite than muffler if not makes three-dimsnslonal mainly combinations) paper. Kagaw_ acoustio w_s [30]. of a numerical [38,39,40,4i,42] triangulmr using to analyze at discontinuities, frequency design. [45], Young is that some asssmptions region. investigators Ling elements thus difficult, velocity Crocker isoparametrio work and element used Ling's i wave higher and elements elements complicated-shaped in the of Young some of in 1970 when finite are 'l'hescconclusions muffler_'J (e.g., classical volume as finite instances ond-chambcr/llelmholtz-resonstors are not axi-syI_etric to analyze scoured in many of mean flow necessary. loss of muffler the use end chambers adequate the effects new development Crocker reason is probably included model. while mean ||owever, nn propagation in in ,J _ "YI!I__i :'i,'_,,' Sido branch cans or I bear ' recently i : re_onatoru spit chambers), been studied situations, in thu outer concentric the cavity $ulllvan' 9 work will In the the Deed lumped parameter the e_fuct occur. of branch and Crocksr expshsion Previous phenomenon parameter in more detail [51] hav_ by Karnopp [48,49]. otiffness). later the topic could mechanism resnnsnco al_ range of the the flow and by flow. of connected 305 an a reduced Kiratn on side attennatlon [52[ has con- lnoraa_a s_mplu and flow the poah Anderson oauiem waves. dependent of air that can los:J of be considerably concluded rasonator sound transmission was postulated. frsqnnney so far is process. to be. amplitude _Iow on phenomena by the flow st%ldi_d tha Influence a mean H_lmholtz that touched Various b_tween raduc_d included It is claimed frequency little mufflers. found s_d have elements. appeared r_sonators _hat design 'H i call exist thin in muffler chambers rfh(_ effect fundamental branch filter can occu_ is eonsld_rably oAudad waves for a lumped can he generated a feedback Xtow to account extend flow in Noise Frloke cnn important l_teractions nnd [46,47] the resonator. be described approach approach Another [50]. 3, have and Crocker of aegs like develo_ments Graph this short cavity 2 and as paper. Other that nee Figures a)¢ial standing [lave been unable (a_suming by manufacturers by Sullivan in practical theories (known An tha single to a duct. side- Perhaps the moat the two microphone parties described ducted at ensblh method by Two flush-mounted incident and between and standing is very random wave much The Figure a.comparison 7 shows power tubs end the pha_e loss, TL, parison reflection Of a prototype between wave ratio (probe a third microphone CLASSICAL A.. MUFFLE_ Transmlealon We will first was method used waves good tile traditional and the method of data were 7 and 8). theory 92 and for 8 shows experiment an open the th_ claasical For downstream of end transmission m1_fflar with (SW,). this a com- standing TL measurements, the muffl{|r. T|{EORY Line make a) sound pr_peuraa b} are no mean there and automobile tube) the between in Figures Figure and and Agreement between this method spectra to measure coefficient angle. are be used method give, con- is used microphones [only 7 seconds the plots noise is pro- in work spectra can la very used to obtain for the i rapid [53] and reflected loss. noise acoustic and cross wave method tube method more recently White wall the incident transmisalon two microphone Ross of the auto reflected to be determined. impedance and Laboratories. measurements phase anglo development for determining Seybert the Herrick as a source. used and important are Theor_ som_ small simplifying compared temperature 206 a_eumpti0na| with gradlanta the or mean mean pressure, flow and For example station then if there is 1 and a sudden the chamber its transmission a sudden decrease is known loss is Equation above (4) is easily by assuming x " 0 and and given Equation expansion theory B. p and .... waves chamber. (Equation Transfer An at the travollng Matrix alternative volume be rela£ed at station chamber 2, and by: from area eqastlnns changes occur the continuity (4) (2) and the pressure incidunt and of exporlment prssshre In smplltudus transmitted i0 gives of by a comparison from Davis (3) nt _roa discontinuities. Figure (4))'and at - i/m)2sin2kL]. derived (4'), Pi and Pt arc the right the + _Im th0 sudden velocity in area 2, x - L and by assuming volume in area as an expansion TL - 10 1og(J_i/Dtl) TL _ I0 logl0[1 increase between et al Theor_ approach velocity V at is to assume stations 1 and that the pressure 2 in Figure 9 Call by| Pl " AP2 + BV2' (5) V I " Cp 2 + SV 2. (_) and • Am eleatrlcal pre.sure olzs,lt p In.analogos, to an_logy can be used voltage and v01t,ms v_locity m t a t h i 308 whirs the V ."i: " L to osrront. Note that used [5]. the ! ':" This is known an alternative The four pole circuit as the mobility element element shown impedance analogy. analogy can is sometimes be represented in Figure II. by If tbe muffler SeOtlOS in simply a rigid straight pipe of constant crossnestle,, then from Equations (2b) and (3b), the pressure and Volume velocity and at A and box" C, P2 " p+ °-ikL + P- elkL' (8) vI = (slpc)(P + - P-), (9) (S/pc) (P+ o"ikL system assume Equations identification that thu matrix Then (5) and this r_snlt after some manip_ilatlon, (S/po).i that P2 _ 0. tlons rosuit for P+/P", sin kn. the matrix Equation output Similarly, that are (8) gives p+/P" (5) and (6} give B - PI/V2 and found that B - (pc/S) i sin (7), kL and A - cos N 309 e12kL D - VI/V 2, [9) and D assume and and EquaUsing (10), it la kL. (9), kL and S and - -e i2kL D - cos - (8} and short-circuited Eq|_ation and Equations P+/P- (7), to _valuats terminals are open and C - Vl/P2. and Equation, Then for P+/P" terminals A - pl/p2 using To evaluate (10) gives it i, found (I0} evaluated technique. output (6) givo_ Using C - - P" eikL). A, B, C and D may be circllIt, or V 2 - 0. and 2 are: (7} parameters a "black i and Pl _ P+ + P'' V2 _ The stations this Substituting Equations the_e (5) and resultH for A, B, C and (6) and writing D thcl1_i_l matrix into f!orm gives: v_j where the length four .]Lv_j p010 conI_t(Lnts (for a straight pipe L) are: _1 Note thi*t AD values of the fact The matrix _rcssure of . L|(S/po)sln - BC _ i, the four-pole that volume cos is a useful parameters the system in Equation nnd Thiu kL and check velocity at two the on the del:ived is a consequence obey:_ tile reciprocity (12) relates 112) kL prlncip]e total stations of [51. acoustic in a straight pipe. If several seri_._s, an complete system t systems in Fig_ire 12 then system is given by the arc conncctcd transmis_lion the prod_*ct of the , 310 4 • matri_ of in the Individu_l _ h LV2J DljL__ .2jL_3 ._jLV_j .i::j together matrices; LVlJ . component |13| This matrix where formulation a digital A, D, C and elements as [*as just also be muffler computer D can bc such is very is used. shown iv a similar shapes (reversing chambers manner resonator finite nslng technique method mentioned and above four pole straight pipes They for mere can complex and reversing combinations) the same constants muffler (12)). end-chambers end-chambe_/Holmholtz particularly for simple (sue Eqsatlon found element The found easily as expansion been convenient black by the bo)_ Idt:ntificatlon (with alternatively P2 " 0 and V 2 - 0). EXHAUST SYSTEM It will MODELING now be shown that the transmission element that muffler geometry and D) and elements will unaffected or source be shown source and predict the load source easily ' and transmission design, On loss Finally n knowledge ions of thsorstleally A, the ,, C the other of th_ not only of but also tall and is osrtalnly llow_vQr inset*los to pips th0 source of the pr_sst_re or volume is the ]*and, it by the if it is deelrcd a muffler 311 ozzly of is affected level.outside - either muffler of subs|',guent muffler load Impedance strength predicted in muffler the insertion to h_ve passive constants 10ad impedances. se*_nd presssru (engine) Th_ four-termlnal impedances. impedance linear loss is a property by connection or that it is necessary (englns) |i.e., for any velocity. q*_entity most of guldenca loss or a prcdietlon of tile sound much more sow pressure useful to tile muffler Tranmniaoion Ths tile tall designer pipe and valoclty source same number inl_t syotem englne-muffler-termlnation derlvatlo_a electric model of TL circuit in Figure (althsugh result). theoe are For the pipes So'are 13b gradient transmission _mplltl|des the the p_pe non-reflectlfl_ Figure easily and incident d_tormlncd (Zr - pc/S O ). 13b (see Equations Pl be modeled The used source in the model mesn-flo_ areas of there and h'_l .sd Ip_'l are _eeded. IP_I iS mos_ and Erom equal De Maeh is no mean To dotermlne tranmnittcd pre0ssro The _rans_,itted by Thus glvos the muffler In tile mtlfflor syst_m. loss, sure From will pressure simplicity, assumed may [19,20,24,5,I]. M m 0, the cross-sectional tomperatL|ro m_klng the pro.- tall p_ _ O. (2a) and (3e))_ - p_ + p[, (14) vI ,. (solpe) (p_"- p[), (is) va - (so/p_)p _, ¢16) Equation (II) * + 6, " " + p (olpo), (solp_) (p_ .- p_) ,, e p_ + D p_(Sol0e). From tha defln;i, tlon in Flg-re 4b_ Jx_ i: arc Loss as an equivalent the from discussed. A. the radiated tiT) (z.) ,_,'_,_'i _.,_ _,, ,%_. _, -. ",L_ .,._ i,:,,_.: __,L-,•¸ , _ _9 1__':_b:.", ,/. _pIL _ . ,kl._ ¸ ,. •, :_ 20 'PL - 10 Thcn eliminating subt]titutlng p_ into Egustlom w_o C s.d D have [40]. used sllgbly the mean temperature, result note of volume different a result to that + DI/2). that obtaleed in velocity area so A, I], Sullivan to Equation cross-sectlonal by (40] particle and definitions. similar (20) (20) [24] in which and mean flow in 1 and 2 are different. transmission ineo_venlent to an anechoic o_ absorbent to predict With tha by measuring microphone when probe hbo source standing packing tube [15,41] situation with 13) the mlcrophone probe envlronmsntal condltlone Alternatively the transmi_elon tuba of high temperature loss m m 313 carl cnabllng plp_, using a process). in th0 engine is placed an Is a loudspeaker, is determined an automobll_ It Ip l c, n a so in the exhaust _oss but ears from (txlthough it lfl n laborious if (:he transmission "roal-llfe" (in Figure wave some termination e sured, Irecti 'n,o , uantit be determined source, horn TL i:_ convenient experimentally. to construct absurhently'llned However loss to measure iS possible : (19) (10) and + C/(So/PC) Except instead derived The ' 2. (19) gives: + B(So/0C) has also pipes Ip_j2/Ip_J (17) and (20) is a similar and Crocker veloclty in Equations Equation _L _ 20 io_10[IA Young loglo lOglo as under a severe _nd moisture be measured using condsnaatloi: two xnlcrophones Scybert and Ross termination stand is tbe and a is B. of [53). used high interest source instead it, the Iesertion a inu[_t be of special Of loss Using Zr pipe radiation are tall which Figure pipe 13b to with- practical an is by anechoic design more with suggested engine discussed again as next. gives: - V e - pl/Ze, V 2 _ Z u and nlueh to measure insertion V1 as if easier Loss. tube However temperature. much where a probe the (21) p2/Zr, (22) engine impedance, internsl impedance respectively. Then from and tall Equation (II): .pl S_|bstltutlng and for combinln _ AP2 + Bp2/Z r, (23) V 1 - CP2 + DP2/Z r. (24) V 1 from 9 Equation, Equation (23) and (21) (24) into to Equation _llmlnate (24) Pl 9ivesl P2 If B e, M ZeZrVe/(AZr a different C t and prensuro p_ muffler D' is now + B + CZe?. r + with connected four-termlnal to the DZe). (25) parameters sngin_t a new r_nults! p_ - Ze_rVe/(a'zr+ _' ,t, C'ZeZr + D'Z ). i !, A', 31it (26) Thus i t P_22 AZr + D + CZoZ r + DZ e P2 " A-_Zr + D' + c'Z_Z r + b'7_e" This result is similar If p_ is measured with (in wavelengths) to that no muffler e_haust obtained in place plpntthen (27) by Sullivan and only [24]. a short A' _ D' _ i, and B' - C' _ 0. Then p_ P2 This result . AZ r + D + CZeZ r 4. DZ e _e + Zr ia elmilar IL - 20 logl0Ip_/p2 or (28) that impedance ,bs_idea the Several of mufflers assumed englp¢ [55). values of alnoe In prediction Diseusslon on _n e later msetlo_. XF the the englne olther IL depends the tail h_vQ on engine hays Younq'a insertion Young had (e.g., mcas|zred values impedance, of th@ muffler. normally Impedance (27) the internal radiation the e.g., Slneo Eqtlatlon both pipe predicted they have [20]. in characteristics recently.. bn dlac,ssed from on onglnes, |Xowever available'until m m and workern installed p_/S O or -), w_ll the TL, the tranemls_ion itself. Davies I it is seen unlike of to that obtained (2U) loss (IL) [40] and to rely on Z o - O, not results become for IL, [40], later, of inoertlen problems lo_es Zr must of eut_matlng and radlatlos also Ze and Impedances Zr be known. follows are assumed to i I bS Z_ - I Z r - po/So, then Equation p (2fl) becomes! . i I i p_ A(pc/S o) + n + C(_e/So)2 P2 + D(pc/S o) 2pC/So , (29) and zL- 20ioglolp/p21, IL = 20 log10{IA a result identical the general not equal loss ease it can loss source (transmission and tail Presssre to muffler loss when loss the termination The theoretically tranemlssion the travelling in mufflers insertlon pc/S o • or with is impedances Impedance than lladlated From of this Wave and the solutions ezhaest or Innertlen p_cssure mines the acceptability (25), shows that if V_, and muffler ara known, level engine is th_ probably a knowledge After volume Zo, 316 of either finally velocity impOrtrans- deter_quation so_rco resistance parameters amplltsde more the radiated Examlnlng radiation (fourpole) pressure all, which a mllffler. impedance the total is of quantity the engine four-terminal then than loss. of Tall .Pi2__ qllantity designers sound strength delnonfltrates intuitively difficult llne theory) A prediction mission cxcept (30) pipes. Sound tance This acoustic by. studylng DJ/2}; trsnnmission and be reached in more matrl){ theory) (20). the muffler to the characteristic (althongh C. that with same conclusion C/(So/Pc)+ to Equation to the insertlun is'measured equal + n(So/PC)+ Zr A, B, C and (and phase} D at the end of fairly simple amplitude m_ttcr to calculate from The method the transmitte.d in P2 can IPrI at distance [33,34,36_. tion tile tall plpe tail pipe out of the dive.rging ths net the tail pipe wave 2w a2'(_p_}2/202e2)([l t|]s tail ill to assume so that spherical It is a the. radiate.d pre.s_ure. r from used be calculated. pipe outlot monopole, radia- acoustic inten,lty is e.qual to the intensity at radius + M) 2 - r. This give.s: (1 - M) 2_2 (M) } - 4n r21prI2/2_oCo where, n flection mean is the tall coefflele.nt flow. the tall station pips radius# and (dcp0ndent Subscript pips. From on Much the tall plp_ numbsr) 2 refe_'s to conditions EqsNtlons (2a) and of Just at tbo the inside (3c), at any tail pipe (_e/So)V, (32) exit| P2 A V.Z_r" Thus, st the tall pip_ P2 end rs- in ths m_*ffl_r: 2p + - I_+ and R(M) (31) aubstitL1ting exit, - 2p_l[l Equation + from {33) Equations (32) end (0C/So)IZ r] (34) into (33); (34) (25) giv@s| p_ - VeZe(Z r + _c/So)/2[az r + _ + czezr + DZe}. (_5) 1 .'117 i • J _'aklng the into modulus Equation Iprl in engine (35) and the source pipe volume radiation parameters, coefficient R(M) tile mean-flow A. |{ADIATIO_N IMPEDANCE Early of lh the R was on mufflers tile refleetlon reflection discusses past about and some, published a rigorous, reflected wave solution mean coefficient plp_ from assumes flow. uslng motivation In in IMPEDANCE hampered the AND st by s lack SOURCE the magnitude and an _ll_ng=rl wnv_ phase Levlne phase the engine angl@ exhaust to determine a significant coefficient and phase results and Schwingnr and 0 of waves in an engine effect on of r_sults the zero Levlne'and are l|ignel. and an given the The ti_e reflection flow {56] of measured if a mean been ti_e in the pipe as the source pipe. coefficient pipe. calculr,ted by Levin_ experimental of de_ivation circular propagatlon AlfEsdson know- have ass_:ming tl]e reflection Is* 1948, of the end of tile tail lengti_y theoretical 1970, theoretical was one). plan_ R and wa_ Alfredson'e Zr, reflection Macil number assumptions had the pipe [33], various temperature Both Ze and tail r ENGINE of waves (some workeru zero the Radi_tipn work As Alfredeon made Ve, M. _Ta__ilPipe ledge velocity, the it the pressure impedances, fourpole and substitutinrJ p_ and gives tile muffler _'AII°PIPE STI{I':NG_'i{ L of tail tail pipe, i Equation (31) eliminates terms and of no t_il Th(l elevated flow reflection and Schwlnger. Schwlnger and in Figure 14. Alredeon's centage increase no change to those 0 can impedance Z r used tall pips to determine yields V 2 " (So/P2C 2) (p_ - p_) B. En_n_ recently, completely and Source vmlues speculative. by various loss calculations. Other mental different arrangements. to constant (voltage) volume sources, a load shown impedance, to Figllres 15a at Zrl - Re|0). impedance of Ze of workers (36) hay8 trlcd idealized and lSb 319 respcctlv_ly. experi- preset*re the ml*ffler and 13 are then Figures to 0, correspond and constant Ssppose in Figure and .,. in ml_king insertion in their (current) |lave been 0, pe/S of z e - _ and respectively, together reduce velocity Streeqth engine values velocity ImpedanQos (35)]. )(I - Re|0), experimenters Valses termlnatlon as of Values been assumed these pressure impednnce - p_(So/P2o2 have slmulata radiation tail radiation. (25)and (P2c2/$_ (I + Rci0)/(l Impedance Until i - engine L'esults for pipe sound (28)or virtually + ,_eiO), P2 " P_ + P2 " p_(1 ¢, Zr - P2/V2 the tail and volume the and in a typical loss or (27) and a 3 to 5 per- and temperature and Schwinger's the pressure exit coefficient found in insertion of show only as the flow Levlnc [Equations The ratio the or be used predictlon 0 anglo, conditlonu Alfrndson'o R and results in the reflection in tile phase increase Either experimental lumped 13b and 13e pipe. For and the volume if the volume this internal velocity impedance is known impedance pressur_ is supplied impedance Note constant sources constant volume equivalent er_ well 0, pe/S values must vary Thorn with working a mathematical cnglno or _. model connected passages of engine approaches as such, model. sonreos ranges. Some directly Mutyala of. a slngl.-cyllnder and volumes ar_ treated 3_0 approxi- approach and to model expanslon [57]}. it could close are which Impadane_ one hays since it Open. the using englns the con- and Boedol the llorrlck Laboratories, to a elmple These sources impedance porta Without impedance engine also). that (see, _.g., frequency _xhaust throe ak that of prensur..e model, voltngo However, tho meaning flnlts pressur_ circuits if the indepondent in either and source. acoustic as a constant and constant nnllkcly time as A constant it remains hays used two-ltroka chamber aa lumped its I_hen Ze ", _, + Z£) and in either of veloclt_ terminals obtained current eharaeterlstloe. of engln_ (5B,5_9], not in certain are at least source is known In.electrical either quQntloned loud {providod velocity eour,e these cept are to constant even The to the Independent volume "_ Pc" + Z£) A co_sl_._n_ flnlte). _ PcZ£/(Ze if Ze - pc/S It Is of mates of that known it remains Pl Zo -_ 0 this source source. to tile load, Z e -_ O, Pl value V I : VeZe/(Ze Ze -* _, V 1 ., V e. as a constant source, internal When i impedance (provided the pressure of the source, is supplied value, source For velocity muffler. paremetors and kinematic, used. Good obtained thermodynamic agreement for the Galaitsls to measure magnetic in an ware engine pure able low RPM tube the Impedance |61] .ha, al,o used (and source is well strength} Using _ath_iya this method theoretically they ]lowever, at At high RPM frequency. Ross technique. is the aco_xstlcs. waves impedance. to the dot_rmlnatlon in electricity approach an elnctro- _ngino internal at higher a _imilar approach known pe/S are was an empirical to a running fluctuated. approached experiment by mea'_uring standing the engine th_ impedance A third and equations noise. directly. connected to determine and |'60[ have used impedance source theory exhaust Bsnd_r tone impedance between radiated and and man|* balance of two load method. but haft been and MunJal but tried recently have impedance This m_thod little [.54] have apparently engine in discu:_snd yet to try it in practice. Using 15b) th_ pressur_ and-two equatlone dlffer_nt source known representation loads Z£ and Z_, 3 Pe in Z'e " £quation_ (37) (Pl " PI)I(P_/_ i, 321 1 (sec Figure two simultnn_o_s are obtmlned_ Pl " PSZK/.(Ze + Z_) 0 Eliminating [54] and (3'/) (3B) given_ " PI/Zg )" (39) Substitution source of strength two different in back and Pl inside from In order the tall pips Pl in (31) and (34). Egolf a hearing of the mothod. aid. A program automobil, since Element the load and radiation tile necessity the exhaust tile sosnd this can pipe Sullivan gas DESIGN of research on been radiated to the such as load method in the design the limitations AT IIERRICK LABORATORIES the acouatlc conducted performance of at llerrlck l,aboratorlss pepe_ provides e osrtaln of [38,_9,40,41,42] analysis it hasbeen behevlor normally ;_nalysi., elem@nt a sufficient muffler based on frequency that limit acoustic theoretloal elements. the plans wore tho in muffle.r design. assumed are is hot) it related [24] discusses impedances, impedance) pressure bm change to measure by equations two MUFFLER and Crocker finite {13,14] the (presumably) this m|_fflora ha, Young this is little pipe using 1970. Finite usa since the straight WORK ON there so that (where [62] has used of suggest to measure Pr (38) now gives the Munjal to remove the tall pips praasure and of straight be possible RESEARCH pipes and so that (comprised (37) or Kathuriyn length known. should Pc' pressure Z_ well Zc in Equation wav_ This 322 _ So far in filter theory explanation filter assumption. is reached first to (known theory However as for is when the cl_t-0f_ Z£ frequency), wave the filter theory. (This cut-off to the pipe clement and or shape to methods were in used acoustic over The that of function an approximate At the volume A, B, b,forc .imilar Into n number of velocity C nnd and after mannBr _ha matrix to that ed the element four [38]. The surfac0 the normal area fi_id is essentially element is elements). pressure pole volume assuming and parameters voloolt M are obtained _ro _itorn.taly 323 !; acoustic of a the Langranglan (flnlt_ nbov_ the in pressure muffler and of here. the other approach The the pressure terminals which by making subreglons S. Tb_ The described area and this approach. the muffler output or _hort-clrc Thus det_rmlned. D relating instead is described over is prescribed. of complicated is composed a surface the elements are element one area [38]. energy corners problem is prescribed stntlonary of was approach, varlational approach is eolved assumptions method not be giver* in detail gas with element wave to apply. loss the the muffler the pressur_ proportional if the muffler plane a numerical In this two parte_ the muffler simple transmission will displacement which divided and to plane Is usually difficult work tl_eoretleal V of p_rf_ct Is composed are according In addition, the to formulate [38-42] It la assumed velnme the elements. equation. detail diameter.) conditions predict muffler wave frequency and Crocker_s shaped to behave is complicated, In Young in chamber the boundary produced ceases in a that open-clrcultod S At and the corners volume velocity meters A, before and similar B, C, are the to elements the muffler are order computer to check program, the it wtxu first expansion chamber used are chamber 24 was 8 the chamber finite elements with nodal three 17 shows 16 by 17 that:abov_ velocity in a that or the matrix short- an the 24 shows the element elements if00 was points, i0 simple 'fhe inches (0.25 m) only elements. The second firnt had 16 elements had The third had points. trnosmlssion models [TL}, io_ and by (see Of elements IIZ, 16a. finite 16b). chamber is the symmetrlcnl, the Figure convergence loan and studied. expansion about In) long and classical of Figure models [eno Eight In worn the dimensions with nodal rapid The approach to represented 38 finlto transmission 16 or paL's- volume assuming applied chamber nodal points approxJmatlon. the WaS with for the element elements theory pole obtained element given (0.20 Sinc_ Figure the inches diameter. 28 are pressure open-circuited finite [40]. with and above alternately ease 8 pressure described chamber Three Tile four element expansion half acoustic [30]. In in the determined. that terminals circuited the D relating after manner output of are the the the classical (4)). finite ,.'lemon| Inauffielsnt the same. classical by Equation the although about predletud TL to Figure predict predicted Note, theory however, and the S 1 3ff4: I /. flnltc element frequency plans than 0.8 waves, can However, the predicts the plane and higher eniat classical used wave to predict flow 12elmholtz resonator comprised of combinations and the with wave ant nsnd to in amplitude a single flew on such 3), end pipes, examined is shown loan Figure known as chamber mufflers end (I). sad minims The microphone supplled the and (J) was measured wave of standing transmitted the tsrmlnntlon to the wave WaS determined tile ntandlng (M) since by the anechoic c0t*Id be tone signal Using of the incident on 18. An acoustic a pure ;_rohe tube in Figure was based 19. section froqL_enclca. air chambers straight bhs tent at dlffsrent moan could successfully finally supply the maxima minlmlzed program and o_ t_ansmlsnion wsv_ were (,I)) only (see Flgurn of by measurlng ,_n_(i by losn comhlnatlon, m6thod, (22) was the chamber. element used to examin_ end chamber the microphone theory in addition up to two 22ellnholtz resonators. measurement _tandlng finite end chambers A typical drlvnr modes, the expsnaion transmiasios reversing chambers in the it was now atandlng this performance. chambers, The Above ti]eory (Equation 22eying shown tbat be diverge. the chamber-dlameter-to-wavelength-ratio lefts become_ to TL predictions wave wave was doter- r_fleotlons (L). plennm A steady chamber m (G) and was I ' loss used to invsstlgate In some experiments. 925 flow offeetn on transmlnslon Figures 20 transmission loss chambers, (33.5 with m/s). The and first of show two and without Neither end chamber ths second 21 ban sldv-ln the predicted different nllape a mean air chamber side-in center-out agr0emont good that appear velocity (Mash number) used. to act as a side-branch The theory developed paramotrle study and locations The results of inlet, 22 find 23 transmission loss of which end chambers llns) are and have shown. The and 21, exespt _t should The without prsdictlons charahsr and U_ed, SI-SO tubes. that here that and in is the mean volume flow al)pCared {Figure 21). a theorstical as dimensions, tubes were changed. Both canon pans worn made tub_s two-dlm,nsional llne) _Imilar to and the third dlmellslon ¢ Figures _re presnnt. points wore attached. bot:h tile end f_alt(_ _lemento finite tile (solid (broken rfi0onatorn into when attached are by dividing end chambers the canon the expsrlmentsl flow but with and me,soured and SI-CO are no resonators the rsson_to_" AlthoucJh only pass llolmholtz resonators be noted It chamber ths pre,dlcted no-resonator 20 medmursd show pans whe,n thsre at tube. 141]. of similar have pa'Jn tubes to conduct and ft/nee theory end chambers outlet Is with of the then used a tub_s. tile SI-C0 on r_verslng are given Figures both was ll0 had small Part with of end (SI-SO) (SI-CO) that experilnental flow effects flow side-out measured rever'_ing examined obssrved _nd and ol_ments the elliptical 141], were cross- 1Z6 i • :. o • . ,= .--- ml i sectional .hapo tha elements It is were allowed corroepondlng noted in Figures in the frequency the value of quency 356 [mass-sprlng) must De produced _nd [42]. mode with resonance using lumped The higher by a higher well fre- parameter frequency resonance pe_k cau_led by the l|elmholtz rnsonatoru and the chambers. Figure neck is 24 shows Figures 26 and loss for The pr_dlct.lons wore pole parameters of of pipes method muffler straight discussed in the USA branoh that at of important 27 show made except different chamber using that at the was that Of 32 m/s) there systems Eq**atl0n reveres cross low combinations. the predicted with (13)). _hown. in Fig_*re_ 25, _onaontrle.resonators leapt muffler and measurnd four those the matrix multiplication (see sutomoDile resonator in determining th0 predicted by combining end earlier factor of the [42]. three the combinations are typical an the poDltioning .los, curve 25, trsnsmissloa th_ that theoretically the transmission I for the resonator between The first 350 llzagreed ||= calculated theory interactions at of attcnuatlon. loss curves. peak of .a l[elmholtz sharp of 130-42]. 23 that the addition produces tranDmloslon resonance the mass to their thickness 22 and the |lelmholt_. resonators pe_k s for by varying Mach 26 and fl0w mufflers flow are The al_ments nbs0nt. number and 27 _sed slde Xt was shown t_,ed (flow velocity very littl, difference 327 in the transmission effects ing lees measured may De more important to higher a greater englne effect DREDIC'rION OF CONCBNTRIC loss known as "spit These resonators frequency chambers" attenuation rigld cylindrical tube, thus Crocker to derive the the cavlty both short primary axlal 0 and the modal 28 and and _ (sometimes (See Figure used to provide higher of perforated cavity. Sullivan vohlme accounted cavity via 3). by [)lacing a control tube (i) tile tranu- examined CallS", which frequency fl of speed then the cavity short two peaks. resonators frequency the of 29 f_how the rssonanc_ .iS loss have a length in ths to have and the and nppro:leb for tile the coupling impedance of perforate. Figures the motion (correspond- BIXANCB RESONATORS constructed model rates (see Equation resonators all enpartlonud a th_orotlcal wave flow sound "bean a one-lilmenslonal longitudinal between is expected shell around forming used Also arc often are Flow flow tube or flow. at higher [46,47] concentric which without TUB_I SIDE and Crocker Of or on the radiated 5). Sullivan , loads). and Figure mission with of nol*.d is said resonators _ho and [46,47]. fr is loss l_onn_. The. first r_sonanc_ 32_ 20) is po_k than for resonators thc.flrst (fl " c/2_) If £ tile length. (Figure ioss In short the cavity, t:o bu I tran_*misslon where fr _ fl' transmisslon chsractorlzed results from the by coupling and its from in the center frequency the 28, the to The axial performance of dependcut libra on k O is the th_ wave fo' conductivity, the _n is c resonator above 29 liore the first standing is the wave the transmiu: several other modal 5.0%, from 0.5_ fr and the merged loss ance frequencies. to was loss fl = c/2£. is = /_. reso_ancc and 'on and mm • hs not 27r fo/c l{clmholtz aaial ten 66.7 INSERTION but resonators sound, primary length mlsslo, frequency k° _ and tha of gradually than frequency wlterd of less related tube the llowever iN The modal volume of quency is of effect _ncrease, d 28 ko£ speed fo 27_. concentric tbeoretlcal constant approximately [46,47]. by cavity cavity C, V and length of rospeetively. Figure _hown. fr ntamber £ are concentric frequency parameter frequency the equation ill Figure first the c_Llculated llolmholtz peak the with be frequency second equal can llelmholtz fundamental tbo tube fr brunch Figure tile of of changing first so that modal a wldu a long frequency resgnator fr cavity Jongltudlnal P' 30 urn uho_:g porosity of a=J the porosity tile primary axial to p_ovids the of the resonator is resonance frequency ]land a of high occurs fre- fl are trana- [46,47], LOSS eff_ot investigated of souro_ impedsnc_ theoretically by 329 on Young insertion [3g]. loss Soms results are shown in Figures seen that there loss curves source when for the impedances investigated: the prediction is made averaged on filter) are much 31 and that 32 are different the fact is chosen. that p_sees curves. through In Figure insertion standing loss pipe_ in Z I = 0, in pc/S, the vertical figures scales s different the 32, the hills the lengths of predictions in Figures engine loss in the caused straight is loor_ the insertion to be firing interest and valley, thought is 25 llz transmission the l,iddle of _, loss lose of eonuldcrablb in the muffler and frequencies. insertion and that ct*rves are waves different (with a theoretical Also in both three is insertion tl_at'if the insertloa bssiu Note 31 it between for discrete the differences less. frequency curve 32 shows an energy that Is Figure is a lat'ge difference for a muffler floweret Figure tail) 31 and 32. by (exhaust end systems. CONCLUSIONS This paper ment of theory has te predict mufflers (silencers) Research conducted reviewed in a Xt seems can predict reviewed used at little / ' , the historical the acosetlc on Intcrnsl performance combustion llerrlck l,_boratories inore that theory developof engines. ht_s been detail. ha, now fai'rlM sccuratoly of muffl.ere partlculsrly .. briefly when the been dcveloped transmi.slen leud_posker 330 which lose (TL) (or _cou_tic _6__ _ _ _ "_ _ _ '"I-L'_ •_,, _ , _ _t _ _ driver) type to predlcb is sources the installed and shown to predict pipe 56], has the bsen been less loss, averaging It would bench test insertion driver flow could sad be predictions effects throu@h _nsertlon experimental for has only Young has narrow it radiation of a some time recently (engine) shown impedance bmnd required mufflers, used. be- predictions and some not-up may fre- be los, than provided loss and/or affects important in insortion could could s quick an acoustic gradient be included ths mufflnr los_ of llowsvor, in this bs m_asured _arrow required, ca_o, would be in transloss pro- by supplying from a fan or ']Jl ,. then and the purposes temperature loss flow for of different Flow tile muffler. Impedance the. transmission however, dictions. not that Tbsss, mlsslon source. are net rate*_ can .be tol_rstud. seem loss effects a mean IL, to compare source lest. provided it if it is desired (engine) However important, in theoretically Of engluns when flow of a muffler, [391 tllat source of insertion quency that loss known [60,61]. theoretically exist the radiation impedance measured comes gradients tile soureu Although difficult loss of a muffler theoretically to know Impedance.. It in more and high mean tile insertion is necessary tall engine temperature It was used. transmission on an severe are blower with band results such aro an Because ilnpedance) acoustic flow, effects used and with it and known it,sort|on Thus loss should the mean provided some it may way a "standard" each is not freqsency be almost real as easy sourcetthan to try to make an acoustic driver and to test vastly could be measured Tile comparisons to other engines different is used. to use an an artificial fan or blower a muffler engine other. averaging in muffler mufflers be applicable flow (and engine to be important of different coltlpured with mufflers gradient the only engine. provided ease are performance, is on a real between temperature and In any engine as a source from combination. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thin paper is based in part in the NOISI".-CON 97 Proceedings • previously of in some other tile paper are new. on a paper and on papers, Much of the Laboratories which was was by' contracts from Arvin Indiana. _ r results 332 sections rose.arch work described in Industrles, appeared presented floweret, some at llerrlck fnnded which conducted this paper Coltzmbun, I! I REFERENCES 1. M.J. Crocker, Mufflers, in _'utorial Papers on Noise Control Edited by M.J. Crocker, IN'l'l_i_-NOIf;l: 72. pp. 40-44. Also publishecl in Reduction of Machisor Z Noise (Roy. Ed.), edited by M.J. Crocker, Purdue _n_-V-_rslty, 1975, pp. 112-116. 2. I. Dyer, "Noise Attenuation Noise Control, _, 3, 1956, 3. G.J. Sanders, "Sllencersz Th_,ir Design Sound and Vibration, February 1968, pp. 4. C.E. Nelson, 3, 1956, pp. 5. rlI sternal • M.J. Crocker, Combustion Engine l_x||aust Muffling," NOISE-CON 77 Proceedings, October 17-19, 1977, pp. 331-35,. 6. P.A. Frankenj "Reactive Reduction, L.L. Beranek 7. 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Dlflnlllorll or MMflcr Pofformlncl outlet P,._.-" +,...,- 'mAc,,,+o.M ,4 l I I CH NUMIIErI= z n._P onl l,O O,FI REFL_CTIOt_ O0 COff 10,7 O0 flCI+ZNT,Pi Iz l=lgUrl= g. 1 Rldll_ed Sound Llwl C_#cullted ,. I0 Pte_buro LeYII ErrrJr DUQ to Neglcq;t of Memrl Flgw+ Pr A.Pm ' #ll=dle*l_d Neglecl/ng Memn Flaw It Low hy the .An)o_n! (]lwn #f0tft _=sError 341 Sound Pr_l;ur+l ,, -20 _4Q 'l _" , i ,, l .,, I , • '1 'I | I " Q ! -1_ . ..A :_ z 1 I_AVI_LI_NQTN I 4 1 _ _ O ,._ ? I I0 iFTI j r/ "k'" , Fli'u_ O. Infl_n_ of IVt_,nCtu flow r_nEfftctiv.fl_ttof._lpn_tr. o,Msas,rm4r_lue;:-_ _ CJtculJtcd, M " 0.15; / i ?': . ], :!_ .. _,_. , _. ..... _ - _,'_ •'_+_ 9_+"+_:_(_7 ++, _:. '__,_',+_',., _ _ __.. _._+,.+..+t,,_.,_,v_, _,+,,"+'_+_ _ ',_ ',_ ._"_'_,,_t_ r_'_.,_m,,r .+,..,.___ I !+ i '¢ _poll)l_ LI/i+_ :)Jgl{_) polll: . potlllN UO)IIrHP_IN.WO))Um U IIuol_dOl_fN. oM..l. :I_IS Irlld 'llllnbg lll)d O" _ 'l_ll+l, N I_)lowoln_ wdAItllol¢l I01 11o"1 Lt_IIIILII¢IJlIJI |0 I++rtllll_ I)oJl'll_e_/_ 'g Itlnl_o_ _ , t I)ll_ '00mr ' 'oOp¢ 'oq)z • I_I/_I I flID 1 II J 'oO_ll 'oct_l - ...,,..,,.,.+,, I. 'o_l 'o _0"01" .,, ..,p. " ell_ * i uI_J O ;+(iO)qJ+ :l(Jl'l pilot; '_+l)tl "O<W)C. po] u_,d 0 ,)u| _+ll_uv e_eqd '00kJ_ '+ pul : +00+01 .%. _Z-'.qv . " ;"IT " ,,. 4 t)O'o_ 'IUO_I 'l,+l)+b_ I_HI "O0_C _+ Je_Jw+ :elS+ellJ, lul+:)+l|,)o 3 uoII:+,HI)L] U_JO Jl,u, od 'L smlt+,J AO.s)]rlP_l I:/:J "00111 'o0,_l '0_O + c _'_I" D'O k _ +O'OPl I_HI A_NJ_O_kJJ 'Noc ,'_c,r "_,_ "oqm 'oq_ 'op. "-o_oo + _ ,4 r)oo_ ..... l s| I .......... j ;.,..,,.,%_ " " P ._ . I j I P _rrTTi;.- ,, ,T_ ................. Pl 'Vl j -,,_-vP2,V2 Fig_re _. Mltffftr/:lore©hi Do _ Ttf[Of_L TtCAL _i_2"_4 MUFFLEf_ )0 20 , ._I. :SO m,IO . I0 g Do r 40. m,3G J--k I0 O "" 3. 40 - DO _. 411 m¢_l ' I_ F_ur* m.l_ Q I.) _Ff_CT 200 400 _00 F/I_ Ot_NCY,I._tts OP _PAf_SlON flATIO m. fl.r;; M h Arel I_por_dort f_otlo 10, Muf Compethan of Tub_ Thenr0tic*l end E_p_rlmont.l [hi 10 oL_.Z!_I._..j . • _IC t'IU_NCY.f,¢itt lhl CFF_CT OF L_N_TH AttenUation (_lltp_toflat)(:l :_44 'i <20 I ,F rn,ttl j _$1_la.E_p*n,lon.Chonlber _L:,_) ,,,;' : '::_I ';, I ,_* , i)1 FIg_rR 11. four P_l flzprliontation I)2 "o of M_dflcr Elamg.t PLM--qq_i -P_-'l^e % I--_3 _)Jrl 12, Jlfjll C,onn_q;tion of Tflr.mtllFon _3 Mctll_z| Ensin_ 13.. fl,.d E _hl_,Mu f fler,E _hlu it •_ 2 _j_.4£___ --_ I_ --r_nF] , (ipe .,..___z . Flcure13e, Pre_*um Sour©)Ane4_ ' ITtdl pipe Y_ -, ,lu_tHu£flcz" .a . -I_ Lj---=- rq V_" i, i . I I m] s,_fort M_tFIX 3_)5 > i I.I ! _-.-,_ _, '"I " I rHIQUCflCY Fliuro' °' ol _,:"',., Q_ o) 04 o$o_ o$ I0 PAnAMI_ I [II, he 14. Rlfll;fion of Sound. (_l) £xhlult Tall PIpo, fir " H.P1910. (b} Ph_smAn91cl vo. Ftm(plen©y Palcmotot. (c| PLafl0¢;Ion CoHticimnl VJ. Pteflecllon PArwrn_tqr. , Thaorellcal Zaro Flow Acoulllc; o. M - 0070; _,, M,, O,11; n, M N O.17. P1 ( I , 346 , _k-_ _'_._'A _ ._ ,_i-_'_'_!_: I_ ',;_ i f lllllil III, Ili'nl'll t,_I lltllill lltf I_t_ll_ll I OIIlitOI1 llllO 1II lil_llil If lllll,, nil irill _111 I_1_11t',llllll i _47 $ f i i' ' • o. \ FII;Ure17. TtRn_m.l_n Loom of $1mpNI_lXmni_oq Chamber,II,, II.OIn,,m ,, 5 In. I I ,_," l¸ , . :; .L _7/': '-'L// Pipit lfl, FIow.f_everllnll Chgml_t WIIh rpll Tehllnd I_nd _tll. (_ _ I)lllon_q _elwwtn Cwnlqrn i)l Inlll er_ (_.lltl Tubel; II - ttllllh I _1 Ch 0mb_er;L -- kQrl_lh Ot Ch_mb'_ r; W - Wl_llh of Chln_b_f; _r_d d _ pip4 D+mrn|llr _-;,_ . 7_Lr-_ f_rr| . _;L_'q,____,j Ill+ I:Nf_oflmonlnl Syilem fo_ Mq_urlnll Ih! "l'fan_mi_lto+) Loel, A - Fitq_t_y C_nt4t; fl _ Arn_lllllr: C - f'll+l_On_y OK+llll_r; D - O_:+lh_)_: (_ - Lfv01 fl_ordwr; F _ SpiClrOmel_l; I_. _ln,_rn C41_m_r; 11 -/_O.ltl_ (3rl_,l r: I - _11¢loffh_n_ Pfo_; j 1 _landtnll W_v_ l"ub_; K - flQw.f_lllng Ci_l_l_el; L 1 Anechol_ Tllmln_l+On; it_ M 1 M,¢lol+hnnl P_(I. 5O 4O l-Ju "i ,Y _} _ / ..+ Flg_ra 22, Tranm'lhdon Io)) r.t),rm_It, rhflcs for $I.,'i0 Ghllm_iwf unly. l_fidlclot{ 1-- ° .+.+++'_+ '_ / flow. mulflot l; .... d|lcl llow.r)Ve¢linM and ÷ It ¢;hl,mblr lho mellutad for lh| flow. llvirlll_] / , _ chpo11_l r And ¢llonJlor I0 • + 'P+• _.. \ // T=...T 0 _1__.,_ -10 I )00 I I _00 9L_O l++'l_)¢nc),, lit l_O I)00 IBO0 )0 J ., ._ + ' : ' l:lSum 23, Tf.m)rOI.L_o Iotas ,d_r,c1.)i)tlc) fmr _I.CO ,_ muffler ch _rlb4lrlt .... tlow-ro)s)'llrlll ch.mbe) only/, pr+dk:_,d;-fluw. pr*erllng o_ )m_l_ ¢ )od r)sonilor -- pr)dlct)d; ind + is che m)i)urtd dl+lm tot Ihe flow. rlvlrl{_ chlmb4¢ ind ilia n.w1of ," A 0 i JOO -113 _ _OQ i _<_ irr _ulnc)', ¢ ) 1_00 4 I_00 {Imo Ill 350 .; 'j , I , / ,.._++_+--+ ...... L '+ . ..... ........ _( • • F • [ ICl9,re24. Pr_flc_ed Ttan_nlsmlon LoJleJforCombln,¢lon of Sf.COF#ow.flwvcrmto 9 Chmllbqr _r+4tfqlmhoft¢ Relonator0 WithDiffeF0nt"_1¢_|Lo¢41(onl: .... _ldl.Loc:lt,,dThmmtaod CnnlrMIIy Located _ m P Throat 351 1 ,,{ _:2' 7? :' , ii" -- _1 ii . _000 ,_ CAVJTY' LGTtl GG.7 rnm CAVITY OD 76.2 mm CAVITY ID 500 POROSITY rnm 3.7 % oO /"O 0 2000 _ LO_ _ a ._...%_o._O.o.o-O o oo%--.-.. oo_____.o I I 600 I i 1200 I _ i JBO0 I FREQUENCY (Hx:) i FIwurl :IS, Tl=a.nl_lon Lassfoe I Shofl fl.1_n.lor, (Pfmdlcled_ i, _'i_,' :$"$ _I , _400 Mom=.redo) I I _ I I .",600 CAVITY LGTH 257.2 mm _0.00 I CAVI'I_Y ID POf(OS,TY CAVITY OD 00.0 mm 3.0 mm % 76,2 _=oool ,oo0 _ o I I i I a'°° I I I FREQUENCY (It;_) !" Fl_un 29. Tr_luton f Loisfor _ Eomi.R=mr_tor,(Pnld_t_d _ _.;u_'0do) 354 21 '_':;.-' Sr:?'. I I I I I ,. i LGTH OD CAVITY ID 66,7 mm 76.2 mm CAVITY CAVITY 50.8 mrn 5.0 % Porosity _nF-'_ol ,, 0.T2 'IT I - J _lt kol,,0:65Tl" : _ 4% '"___,., ,, ,"_-J . F, oio.4,TT t i i i _ ; ; I I I f I I I I t t "''" o._3"rr ¢ lo_ • o._"/: .... ; 7 - . . ; • , , , ' i I "i iC .I - t ; FREQUEi"ICY Itt_) I Flliul130, I_ if pc1 of p_¢ollly on "_r n/llmhllan Lint |_i il t_lll Rilanllolr, 3_i9 t [ > --- -- pt_dlil_d Fram It.ll Ih. m _itc_ll M_l| i|nl_ LIHM W=lIA_ JIIJ/P. W lineql#] .4:, .-.y _r L' . . !i 9_C I_uHh I ImIt!loJd =_ntDJidW: L ls_ell_] l_ujl_ii_] J0| lJo I Uo]iilwiUeJl pile t_slo I UollJetu | ll,_Iliuo01_. 'I.C Iun_h_ FREQUENCY IH_ rD h_ T_pper=ture|n_rtlon =t FiringLos;e==rid Frequency"l'ra,.mf=efnnLon 70 He Flgur= 3t, 7h_r_llr_ for E_glnoE_h=ust Muf|br Syftem =t E)ey=tod 357 ;, SHOCK-TUBE METHODS PULSES FOR OF SMALL B. SIMULATING EX|LAUST ]'IIGI'[-PERFOI_.MANCE SLurtevant and J. PRESSURE ENGINES 1..2. Craig California In_tlLute of Tcchnology Paaadcna, California ABSTEACT The uniquaa,pcct_ pulaau that occnr of ntvop-frontcd, in the cxhauat _s/atcm_* i'ntarnal-combuntioncnginaa ara and that expnrlmental ana.lyzl_g.uch tnchniquo, _xhanmt of wav©.-diffracdon incident w_v,, i'armanc¢ radiated the cxhauat It la are of ,tropic noiae that par.refinance _nginn, _teop-frnnted th,_ axhanat dynamic0 apccialanalytical for taating, wav©n /or important atgnificantly in thonn accurately _imt*lnting Two cxarnpl_a 7 affected any procedure of thQ,o n,eful and which ¢lcmanta can b.e jtrongl m,*at Soma arv particularly dna to the_c diffracted pyatem concluded which muffler are prva_t*rv of urr/all high-purformancc rcvicwcd. are deacribod. _y_tcrn, aff_cta large-amplitude their by" ga, qualifying aimulatc are given when affect tim the. p_r- circnmatancc,. aIlcr and Tha paaaagQ dynamic through nonlinearity. mufflcrn of high- tho uniq_:c /caturca of ay_tema. g n 359 i 1. Intz.ociuction In thi'J paper wt_ dytlanlicu of umnll, the tmiqllc a_Ipcct'J of the cxhau:,t cn|;inc,J and the lJpccial techniqnc_J tll_t_lhould bc u'Jcd in tcstin$1, uimulatin(, and at_alyzing their cxhatl:3t :Jy:Hcl_:_. _¢_LLtIII'C I:11"umall cn/_inc:_ operating generated opening of by frontt_d tht_ and tile oflarb_c oxhatltlt port O. 1 to I rnoec tim 0xhaunt to it ditlcontlnutty propagatin 5}, In _eomctrical acoustics ao prOcOtltlctl the ph_'_ltc_l Inhaltlvcly ohvioutl. d,ycleped, Application of nonllnt:ar |hoot X can nonltnaarlty" dorrlaln Therefore, tile prcat_ur_ nngint_n (i.e. pulueu in of , tim imrformanca and to nhuly in tht_ tim order lart_ent nmlttt_d to whon tht_ oMmunt of or diantt:hlr), tracn their noise tim nointl of probh!m tile tht_ory and harmonic in the and tht_ rt:nttltrl analysis. (ln_o domain_ llioro |lt_rl bccn diffrncttOn for eff0ctn nffcctn nonlincnr in el t_eomctrlcal out of it (R.t_f. of tile of 8andynnrntc effects small typlc_d for of comprcunlv_ of ill tim tile pulses ttl cnpt_ciltlly tim far f 360 per|lone fluid of high-pnrformance trttnrtv_rnt., determining (lilllellrlio_tl acoustic through trim the if one i_ I{enurate(l 6). Furtlmrmort_. unproductive. than in steepen In ntrt_lblhtforward. aynt0mt_ Thin Therefore, will ltcotlt_ticrl of it in useful Imc_ttm¢_ nl..it_c treatntcnt thickliCna tntaractionn. of to itccotlllt propagation it exits to it dincontinulty thickncan. trantfpnl*cnt smaller frona an it lar_Ic- ntccp(_n context connid_r_Ltion in tim near nonlinear initial geonmtrlcal and _tccp- l'itllt_e pulac in all acoustics conditions it* ctu_tbcrnome t]lc l_tzl'.Jcs bc mca'Jurcd by 3/,1 inlllortant Ill. tim cxtendt:d while will ira 1, carrh_d the boundary to first decomposition of tnchtdtn/_ 7), in l_l'tl txlorc thtlory bar occur analyain b_ directly (llof. frcqunnc_ _ 0.8 npcctrld the Tim cxtcnnlwly pulse by than thai Furthermore, ritJctirnc pultten /acL tend commollty of the 3 litnon ill1 initial mo:_t it propa/gatcn0 0.5 only the port Ihc of pl'cntlure'J cm. a0 to treat tile. problem (R.oE. or czlt_inc_ Z - 20 amplttudt_ ntot_p,frontt_d natural acout_tlct| t'tm] i:l thicknctJ'a thinner regard, v;tlve ,l-:Jtrokc _Jo the with tilter When mort: and a distance it pultlc hlb'h c);hau:_t l'atlgc with thi:_ llit_ctinLc!J to /{et A pulnt_ uxamplc_ Z- 1-.1), tcndu propagating for both t_ in the pulse tltt_tlpontn_]. lifter of In ,t the amplitude, (Rcfn. port amplitude Ig rcvi,!w high-pcr/orIx_,in*:c inLornal-combu_Hion :tyntcln Is Interested IJy _l_._ 2. Exp_rim.Eontal lit "!.retire A_tr;ttttt_ nyntt:mn _,itil l_l;-/{e lll_,tltrii_,.ilnottli flow vt_li_cit /hit lll¢_llll vtll(iclly. lho atillOtlllhiil_tl th_ cy¢:io, '_hlll't:ftii.t_, into _actton _oillpll_lca (if {jet of Itibn c atalln (if Vi/iefitlti [low), (ulnl( 7 mlty lit,. lit flow), gl_/it(_/li C/filCt_i Ill) axhalltlt sty,'ltelllti ini)tiotl, lltiliilt;mtitlliy tl_: i:(_l.t,liil /lilil;tl'(tti(lil dl/'ft:i'ciit tlln li_p_ll'illli_niili iil)lilll'iltiltl Ih¢: [iititl_iiil_:nt;ll l)lJhll_'lulIllli)" lilt ffllllld |11 ILl, f, 1, 36t of 'lhllll lllfJ(llv i)tJz, ti_]lltl , flt, W otll _";'f)lll ()i_ Cll l_i} llfJt; tile m;t..:- Lil.llt_r ililhill./tllliiil ¢iill, ill#l ililtl /'llll¢liillll:iltilllr trail _onl_ fin¢ling_ of ill tttlt_tt!.t¢ly tht_i.l_ ill,l_t , Ill) tlt¢_ e_liitti,-lt _[tii('_lltt¢_ an are, it axp,alanlotl vnrging - ;tzlii)litu(Ic firt%v fl.Olil (J_" of flllt, v iilto it eli/l- l" t: vt_ l'//_l 1 , the I't'.tit_ti, cii cif fi/ilte-itti_iililildt: llril_l,;llll _vit.%,etl durtnB a portion from ideal of the cycle acoul_tic can be an important behavior. For e)camplc, the performance of pcrforatt_d tubes by the c×tntence of inflow tile muffler arrival of the facilities, effects main pulse. it periodic of inflow. into The anda can from ha_ _hown be greatly experiments arc before wc use source, rcprcaented Lhat affected the atmosphere t$ingle-'Jhot two devices of departure otlr work in m6ffler'J Ia the prctleot uource oource two different to bracket the I|chematically in l'_igurc I. Itononanco gan-(illed tube terminated drivt_n and its portions and which at the pi_tonin tllba, Tubt_ The rcnona:_ce in excited end with at the fundamental amplitude in the g_norator to nttpply axcttl|lg the exhaust wav,_form and Thua, nyt_t_m. connected given nninQ. in the Data are nyt_tnnt, and nutpattn plotted all in mada format gear analy_an _llncttoflfl_ mounted the. important Trant_form of the. periodic _tc., of the compressive 8 back an 41 wavn pt_rlotltc wixven for tht3 rt_nonanceotubo at the e_latmt when both chamber to the for meanui'inIl _nd for port sources exhaust intcrnal mcannriag are system, pronnur_n in in rcM nhortlYaItor with cnnncqt:cnce (FFT) signal, sampled and complctionofa on tht_ crank crank shall that and'it data ar_ run. mechanism calctdatod actultlly in not necessary to lltnur_ tile results and n magnt_tlc spectra algorithm radiated detti_ acqtlinitlon tim_ the pintos at ncv_:ral free-field by a computer-controlled art_ proc*anntld _, 256-tooth Fourlcr engine, the w_tve travellia mt_taured expantJloa system acquired data in aynchronized Fast two-stroke _xhau_t _cquinttlon q?htu has frequency in ttactl bntwu_n history and The 3. Provinlt)n locatlon_ tubs A comparison to a high-performance In Fignr_ a shuck nit, up-fronted p/'enmlre of a 250 cc alnglo-cylindor renonanct_ to form piston to be utudled. that at resonance tht_ rt_sonance largt_-amplitudn a typical eyntcm _countic (_nough steepen tube. 2) in a long end by a reciprocating the exhaust in large of tim wiwefol'm forth at one other tubt_ (Figure adequate y_ct_ art: '_ho data through pickup. by" a Fourier to apply window accur_cy of the results. I 362 I _ _:r_"¸._t::_,. :: _ :i SIIocI_ Tube. prctltltirt_-drivcn bc utidic(|. tly:ltlzrn ;lll(I to ITiaxhnizc au wa0 u_cd un/_d with tlll_ lltnl_lc-ullot t_clintquc ara I(tv_n vory Only |ll i|lttl WOrk, for propalintion rcnulttt 3. lind rclaLcd lrttccti. and the for IICCIIrlIC n'iufllcr-dentgn ,Pt:rforatcd Tullcti _ rihown cnclonlirlia notaliooi The an that ThQ total of hnletl lh¢_ liibo tubiin B and arrangod 7 Of A E ill of AI_ for valuoo ara nhown is altto of Lht_ cxl)erirllcllLal he¢:l_ _tudicd re:_ull_ ill,:third, villihi_ lille/Lit for of wiive- arc :_ufficiclit 'l'hl_ rcpeiltilbllity ,_l't_ al'l_ catlliy ittlch oil lll_l illlin lll_.' llrL'lilltl£C (li/lt_llo_llic ;in_ily_iifl Mufficr_ dt_l'incd [O |iron per l)i litl_l Ilnit ilia ldcnlifiotl tll/i[ ill rlllio and ;ll'c _ct by AE/A with (llert'oz.ntionrl rt1,.liilttl t/l_ _llffl[l_ A in ,"it llircc_ Lhrcc ullt_ll 1/6. , wll_r_ ii/ciitlurell /lytltolll, confirm the2 if) lliti)rl_(]il_ot iu ;lll[}l'O_ilrlllll_ly _roi_/iill'_tl cxclt.d ©nclotlnrc thl: Lt_nh_ll holc_ iirult lllt!cllltgt_l_ plilticll. D;._ II/icd drilled in it _l%,l_n lly allll 17) Iill(| wall tnlc_rnal '1'h_ygnnnrally []112 _tcolilllic l"_il._llro Ut ttl ¢]laritctllrlgcd ar_a, an *_!nflnitn" d_iCl'lllinc Colllil_lii.llliiillll in Jociltiontt Ih_ p_rfnrntlona 6, till[ attontuitc in a ninlll_-paltl¢_ in glllur,: ;LI)ovc hart: _lll_ll311l't_llll_ll_:i Ill illl/o Ot_clllo_cop,_ trac_t_ of m llit_ ar¢_ 6.35 tllla opilli locations internal (l_ll_l-_lc.(]tii:lilioil filnd_l_l_:xlhl_i llac tlil'illghf-throill_h C artl in the tlllln ltrlcl cro_-a_ctlon_l different l lowevor, In iriufflt:rtl p_rforationa area extended ILJl+ ll_._l:llil'in_; th)t_il:l th_ lil_l_n citrricd the! tlc'pllltliltlc¢lr fiBurca. w_ve configurtilit_tl_i in lllgh-Pcrforri_itncl: t|l¢l tlli_pic A_ /'or _lhock l_illl_ i:l dc_i,:l'ilJtd e×perirllentlil nlcihnd have p_rforatnd _|lttlr_ the" inl)u_ optimization. _pt:rlmc:nta by,which ol :;;till,: l,_lirthcr utlpllrentlton tli_ "l'llc of cxan_inlnf) HI tile to noltlc 'fhtircforc, to cx]l_ltl_;l sy_tcni ttihc, r_ytitt_n3rl, the sy_;tcil_ i:l lll_l_it: noi.3c, n_uffler utility ,,.:ll.tLi:;( 1. ptll.|_oil_ in cxhaurlt to don'lontttrat0 of th_ tlhock oimplc ttlo the l_rr_vi_lion lhc periodic in ll.of. tll_, tllt_ ul_iforll_ily r,_.(lilltt._cl witil '11 I:_ ._ llili_.',!lliioilnl i_ _ltt_.hcd , in wilich is tiscd, /_l'Ce-/il_|(I I|;'i/,llrl! to which ¢onfll]ul.atioil the i_hocl< tube, 13rt2u'Jtlrctl till]l] ullod( tube In order a 'icookii._-ctltlcr't tntiidc The tlhock to dl/foronl /tit: obtnllll:d roolll) la m _1 prey|null trace, 0tudloil it ahow the of perforated lncid¢nt 0hock ttlbfltt followed (llnftl, II niid iiy an _)). Th'3 uptltroarri oxpannlon wave r_Ifloct_(t 7 from tim porforationn. structure of the behind Tim downstream tranumitted tile tranumitted wave wave. The is well accounted model of the nink effect of the reduced orificedischarge traces show (he detailed final steady-state for prcnuure by a Mmplc flow through the perturbation.J(withis cocfflcicntduc to axial momentunt but the spike and pressure minimum obaervcd especially are unpt'cdictcd 2. climonaional effcctts and are obviously with regard evidently to heine cminoion. tim nhock the perforation in not immediately attenuated area in large. to tin tlmorcticnl t:dLuv AE/A = 0. fi9 in tht_ figisro, and D_ in tim tnilptpt_ in cvtdnat; dlncontlnutty rapid the very lip of ( 2 - dimonnionisl) tntt_ractp ronultlng npikn. Tht_ t. tha wvakcr wavon_ oat isttt:nuistion cmphanlzon obtisintn _ffnctn in our during data Flfiurn 7 nummnriztan radliste.d notate. Tlmugh has to nlow tim rino been largnr value fist-field ¥1¢:1d about nurvlvlng than that (location proaauro Flgurn the pvrforationo. tnctdtmt ..hock The roflectlng to ne_ that 0. IZ obnvrvc_d), the t_ffoct of finlt_ onclonuro. of wavnn and forth thn odd- ,yntamn on dm main effect oxctttad amplitude: much the nmisll nourcc] ,urroundtng by tim pa,nage in the tnnclo.uren nocondary would llowt_vcr, t_chatquc unadtnthin work notnv, whara nacdndary'npikon oumbt_retl in va.tlyrcducing'tho of t|m nares heine hack tatlplpn in tim ptpa to a vary the major affnctn for that important of perforation, at D_, dincontlnuitT, the a fact ongtnoa. rc|nislnn occur. With tim experimental pltrticnlisrly tntlm radiistod pn.aibla effect lt_vcl (is aback on. muffler parnintn if ntrongly tim ntraifiht c_nrnpl_te of tim prc_t_anrc for .trong_r fact high-parformanco of the. comprcnnion of the input .pik_ down npike oriflccn, larger, more 6) than Tim tim ovvrall ismplitudn, I] .hewn for is nmall F) notsn 1 mBisr (Figure made nonnncarity; bc much up much art_largor. of tontine in probably dinappearance) would it nhown the eff.ct tim nlmck thv numerous nlow propafistion _upprcnntnn 'which to blandynamlc tim nplku that _ffvctn the importance 8 notnn (anti expt_rlmentn nonlinear c_n occur from in due vntirely by tim fact woven wlmr_ wow:, wavva in an attenuation attcnuistion born expansion diffracted no nonlinear t|tt_ro w_ra which I When in the jct_), for lar_¢_ A]_/A Important value. P_trticularly lathe of propagating between DI and analytical ara of the _vldt_nt, it in ov©n now polaR, at DI are 364 I amoother than tile oven-numbered, clue to the nature in the muffler, with the conttequcnct_ tha far field are much wcakerl •t, Fisure can the wavvn tntoracttn8 with In Figur_ =orion 10. rndtatnd noinu bnnn neglected. pnd olfoetiw number of tt_rmn nrtllico pulne refloctionn offact inn gcotnt3trical up the ntn_llv Incident gradual coraaprnanion, thta trannmitt_d conelud_ i' that Wav_ amplitnd_n oxpannlnn ehambar Howovt_r_ i Indeed, lirat, pulno predict la th_ dtf[raetlon Figur_ 1 I deplete of w_voform of the dincrotn of incident both that polnt_ boa Into a not'ion of wt_akur into ntady that at dlnconttnuoun 365 the p¢_r/orntod in nyntnnaa arrangan_nt with txtbt_ (cf. I_t_f. thnery can not ono-dtmtlnnlonal th0 geometry a mow of both dovlcon, of olemt_ntn _orton thu An acot|t_tie inatrvtch_dout by the per[orated [rontn effects to attcno;tt_ .combination followed of wav_' nchematieally for the in th_ ni_ma a_ with Would one phonom¢_non finite trannmlttcd _tftttr a eoml|_rativn th,a optimum norno lmnaedintoly tlt_rvoa wave ar,_ larg_ it In a very at _xcttatlonn, ahowa an th_ nc_t offact tub¢= dtncunnndabovv. tntcr_tctlonn Interference. of view chitin'thor for tile of view auporpoMtion of harmonic of dontruetlva point the overall ncricn correction an tht: familiar apoctrnm _n vxpt_nnion In a n_nnn, would the the multiple wttva_. wb_r_ truncate chamber 'JchclTaatically the wave thu l_UlnC point of the the efffoctn in to break during a flvnt-ordc|' wav¢_ in which to 8ire one of infinite too larllt_ a vnhtv if tim npcctrum haw= tha name of view expansion number eaua_ it in nm=n tllat manner within point acounticu an 'dhown to provld,a ta calculated The (llnnipation the in the itfflntto 8ire= to _imply Inany of vlc_w ahowing the pultJe form alwaya vincoun dlnnlpation. I, in confib, ur_|tiona when chaest._n, in closed but thin that and forth arc_t Howavor, dl_©ct Irontn back and i=ll of the can be nummtad field, from reflect uach bctauno "nnd raflc=cted i b, .Jpike_ chambt:v known to contttdnrcd tile dincontinuou_ wave cxpannion It in well an they Indut_d, ofwavc_n trannmitted tile 'Jinaplc work. chambarn trace ha_ 9 nhown in tile pre0vnt ofexpttnnion the the corre_q_ondin propagation Exp__a.nnion Chambera tented one that of wave area of the ttetnal ehang_n. wave [tenth I). gctlcratcd ill whun the t_o{{o/l_ theory. a_ lhc tinny be wave seriou,31y The pant/ion but .upurinH)otJcd chlc to diffracted purforated tend origin, a ttitwtooth in _'igure indicatint' rttdiatcd noitJo incident till of i_nrl failn 5. Tha i0_ tt[rt..tlgth dlal_lutcr t_Xl)ltnt*ton chltllll_c2r b_yond that uitnation, D3 thu itmplittido the tJpactrlg of of Otlt lit Lt ttcvcral the wavao _o in filet at* to thf: anlplitude diffr*tctcd point fornltd contribution thz incrcauet*, their D3 havo tJlt_ oa_t_ larsc tliffra.ctctl from of pcalct_ tl/twtooth lit location hitvo t in linear At of WitVt]_ nint_lc incrcaut_tl the noittt_ plt|'ticuhtr arctt l'gtiO value.. Concluttlonn It hiu* fronted bt:t:n thrown lttrRt_-nmplitudt: porformanco that home prett_urc unique puhtort featnron in tho of t:_hnuat the for which ttirnul_ttett (wt:ak tH_ocktt) uucful to Ihu tt:nti.g tho anti actual qualtf!tin puluo, tn deucrlbod. dcuiflnnr t_xarnplt:n ]l_tw_ r, ccount_d for ilrtportant w|l¢'n bo_n for /{Iv_l_ Tho |ntluo_ An (littcontinuoutt tcchniqu<: di;_gnot_lict_ and hall an_lyt_ ltx.t_ t_tt:ap-frontcd. 366 axporimnntal advanilyclo lxlodific_tion. phcnoll_clllt but which of high- t_Imulatlon in prctttturo tho dotsign o[ two-dinar:hi*tonsil in on_-dit/lt:nninl_nl the $ nlttfflot',l. with nt¢cp- nyttttma intcrttal.cnrl'tbuatloncn/_int:a rt:quiro accuratu procoduro_ m r_t 1'_ its ohvioua. col;titre the while Tht:ir ex- fhtchttttiontJ aprcading ;ltld Ihe behavior u[ it flon|illc_tr w_tv_ than cxpan/lion ill fruqnc'ncy value, free- ansmitted to the geometrical rJhock'd chanll_er to tnc,ocatt_ high and frotit aU,gravatctJ t*aturation. i_ more by [ho conaid_rationa. different LI cot_trary diffl'acted contltinin_ waverJ t_x];itnttioll itttt:nuation the at 10cation tthock. nit tile 13 nonli/tcar tilt: diffracted very it conutant by two lind t_onlint_,arity at pt:r_i_t emitted interior incident tilt-' wavulunl-lh uimply witvtlforna DI, of arc clads to ttatu;'atc "murgt:" with the reflected thi_ noittu of and, by one-dimdntlion_tl frontu the exanH)leu wavc_ In itllet by otle-Hi:l'Lcn'Jional of the extended procc:_tJ t_f tube, two ill on thcuc to lhu an of diffracted ill cxperiml:nttJ evident wavc_. tendo wltvett of rcfleclion.J _ttl ill wt_]l kno_.:.llt wltvctrain at _]low oi)._lc l'Ved itl*C el_d of multitud.2 .Jcctiotl:; tubcutgaudynamic bt2cltn'Jo, of the 13 miiltiplc cliambcr the undere:_iil_l;ttcd 12 and forin'J chaml_cru. from rcpre:itm[atiotl thai in :Jtraight Irigurcz field lhc t_×Lcnt propa_latC uytJtetTt diffract'J :ll;cLch_ To they :t wave ttro tt:chnlque riunu. that it* al:o Two |;hat nrt: particult_rly .or Rcfcr0ncos I. J. J_. C1'ctlg. H_VC_t]_ ,_I1ockrJ in Opezl-L'_ndcdDuct:J witl_CompIe:_ Geometry", Ph.D. Thesis, California Institule of Tcchrlolog),. Pasadcnn, CA. (1977), Figure 7. 2. G.P. ghtir and J.A. Spcchko, "Sound Pressure Levelu Gcncralcd by Internal Combustiot_ Engine J'_×haulJt 5y:d.emtJ r', SAE Tr;tn'a._.._I 0 563 (1973}, Flgurc 4. 3. W,A. IIuol,_o. " In ve'atlg_,tion " and lh_ning of file Exhaust of Small 'I'wo-Stroke Gyclc l_nginclJ", SAI_ Tri_nu. 77, (196fl)0 IVtgur_a 17. _i. M. /anibor, "Tha Exhauut Syntem of tile Two-Stroke Cycle ]_ngtno", SAZ Trans. 77, 18d6 (1968), Figurea Z2, Z,I. 5. .I.D. Kollor, "GOom_tricM Acoua[icn. Shock W'avua", Jour. App, l)hys. 25, 6. .P.G. Frlcdlnndor, (1958). 7. G.D. Whithamp Lino_r and /_o_linear Son_ (197,1),Ch.' _. 8. 3. H.'P. Wu and P. 1a. Ontrowakl, "Shock Attcnuatlon in,t Duct", in Shock Tuba R_n,mrch (cd. J.L. Stolh:ry, A.G. and P.R. Owen}. Chapnll_|l and lli_ll. Lvndo_l (1971). 9. SotLnd P_lnc0, I. Tile Theory 93g (195,I). Can_brldgc A.P. $_urnowaki, "Motion of a Shock Duct*', Prace Hauk. /vioch., Politcch. System 563 of Weak Univor_it¥ Pz'caa _Yavc_, John Wiley and Pcrforatud Gitydon W_vc Along a Pcrforah:d Wartl;_awaki h Nr. l_.._l(1972). n 367 . 4 A ¢, MUFFLER •,,_--T EST SECTION _- GALCIT SHOCK TU BE RESONANCE TUBE DIAPHRAGM-" FIGURE I THE GEOMETRY OF EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES 36B 4- 670 cm 50 cm _'--J- Ground Plane I _ ( Location 210cm Resonance Tube 76ram H R 2100 _ rtADC Conlroller I' Beta •_1Pha,,eLockedLoopJ Clock ! A-D Converter I Magnetic Tape CPU J.A. Prestwick _: 80mm-Bore_ ,OOmm-Stroke _ _, r-Magnetic " i' Pickup _D._SMHo tP.or/ FIGURE 2 Paper J Tape Plotter Disc I Teletype F) o front front (i|rbitrary scale) Vertical llo_'izontal 0 17_ .5;_ O, (-,9.E 106 197 scale 138 m__B cln scale I m_.S_ 167 (D ;tat:a&i#4_ - ;l,'n) FIGURE _ COMPARISON OF RESONANCE TUBE, A, AND MOTORCYCLE ENGINE,8, PRESSURE WAVE FORMS (Location Dia hragm Wall Driver Section _[ Origin _. • Main Cookie Section Cutter " FIGURE 4 l GALCIT SI,_ INCH SHOCK TUBE i11 t, _ _p -,:= ;, L : -.... Test i ecti°n F =,.oz.1 Resonance Tube I . { Shock Tube s-Enclosuro I A,B, Or C Transducer V, Locations-- UI U --..._._ DI D2 All Dimensions FIGURE =m I ......... E×_T 5 PERFORATION SYSTEMS Cm, . .... _......:.,..:,. ::3 oJ ,!3 A_/A 0.44 0.89 1.78 £) THE EFFECT OF PERFORATED AREA RATIO ON REFLECTED AND TRANSMI TIED WAVES. (MACH NO. .---1.15). FIGURE 6 im 0 c_ t_ Location U , _0 12.0 Location , FIGURE t Tins (_ 7 _ F Ul Location DI ... _0 _ I ! 00' Tins I0.0 ",', J Tins Location . I 12.0 D2 I Tins PRESSURE HISTORIES OF SHOCK PROPAGATION TUBE AE/A_ 4.00_SHOCK TUBE I 12.0 PAST A PERFORATED Enclosure A , B C I I___.. o _ O o FIGURE p • • AE/A = I,TB Scales:Top And Middle Rows,IOOmBar-I mSec Bottom Row, IOFBor-I m Sac B PRESSURE HISTORIES OF SHOCK PROPAGATIONPAST PERFORATED TUBES, RESONANCE TUBE .... F In , ,= . =--- Resonance Tube /_Removoble _.° _._ -J -I i Extensions / "-,,, _°_ 1/ .., _ I--,-----74.6 _ 4.- \ 30.5 4 _., I . 4.a "6o.o Shock Tube 15.2 Ul = U 1 )_ 5/k'l -3['-" Dimensions In Cm. DI D_ _°°°"°°" " )).,, -'_ ' Chomber A B C FIGURE 9 EXPANSION CHAMBER SYSTEMS D2 6.35 8,25 A2/AI 2.77 ,_.69 I1,4 9.00 t E I 1 I ---Tol2 .-lk-_- _t_1-1"o. ITi2 ......I I I I .*L .:.., FIGURE IO EXTENDED D n n 377 INLET SYSTEM FIG. II. SHOCK INTERACTION WITH AN EXTENDED INLET E l, n C_ "0 ,_ Location _< I ?ms _" I UI .... J 01Location.DI _ I T ms 12.0 I J' _NO m LocationD3 n 'O Tins 0"---"--" ...... J...... 12.0 J LocationF , IO.O _ ol O , I L Ti ......I . Tins FIGURE 12 PRESSURE HISTORIES OF' SHOCK PROPAGATION THROUGH EXPANSION CHAMBER,B, MS _- 1.17, SHOCK TUBE .I 12.O 0 __- _ o o JYLocaonu o o m E o. m E O. .ocotion DI _o _ '0 o , , d T ms _. Location F 12.0 _ 0 o d I'---Loc0lion D3 , , Tm_ 12.0 130 E rl _.J o '0 I Tm_ I 9.0 _ _1 _0 I Tins "T' I 12.0 FIGURE 13 PRESSURE HISTORIES OF SHOCK PROPAGATION THROUGH EXPANSION CHAMBER,C. Ms =I.OT, SHOCK TUBE _IOIS£ SYI'II'OSIUM I_J CO/_I_ELATIOD OR 1'O1_ SNOI_MO_I LZ:5. AS you in In S_-Z)OO Witil So_ {40'1' probably Involved we no. this tll_ori_Icn_ For_ _utur_ AND OIlTI:IDL' DONIIAIIDII_R vuhlclu:] and Z,II2ASURI_NEDTS LINITED, IS l_lor(! part_culii_ly ar_ faced to thrc_ cort_f/c_tlon standardul 1 which a-192a In to _h_:_ C.olnpnr_ btly_r of a long, Vo_;itln wu nn_ a NPII t|lu do rl :}BI runt; acc_luration huard tentt procudtlru. ,I lot Itl mua'Jtlr_mtlntu want b(IflC|i re:it t_i_n:iportatlon Z DUrol)tlan hav_ I pau:*-b _ull l_r_ctlc_il pra:l_f_tn_on _ra_i_al 15 lu i lu which tlp prodlctloRt3 lu _hlch I_-362 sympunltlm, t_:l_l. t_}, TESTS 1977 unowmohil_. ISO ;[ wil_ 11-13, compiln_,, rucruatlonal SAE bunch OCTOI_EI_ I]EIICll our $5CC-55 During - [}E'I'[¢I_ _now, snowmobiluu _lld_ CHICAGO to go on a_a_ in_nt#_tl_nt,_ v_hLcle, £_ _rom to £:i _o wa try WO h_VQ to t||o on b_n_h on tba And. tArO r_Qht t_mt _utual £rom _h_ch Ata qoAn_ to now t|lc ptob_om by mQthod to obtain lot tr_ to And _£ald ua o_d, L_t practica2 noo wh_t (La auppoBn _aa_L_rom_nLm In QoLnq to I_nl_Don t,_t. wo Arm _nvoLYad tho 9olnV _N thn to nolle, mll noLl_d o_ thQ thn D_t,mototn axh_un_. An_|t I nm i, I Xn o_dot e_n n_ npIA_ to o_, _1_mlnAt4 A_ At bQ_ohl W4 Wa_ _l=nna pArt_lly _L_romtn_ _a_ 38_ _ _n nonlnQ t_ nn_t q ¸¸¸i¸ o_ thn _Lsc_1on _=_ how Lho _h_;_i_ J1_ _loorn who 3/,.. I OBT_i rlrnt i} I Dr: o_ all .t/It;D, ]Jilt i _ FFECT_ wu h_va _hlch _rom phy01cnl, _houl_l "0" to i_ _n 1_r_o_mnnca a_hnti=t I or ll) _nd not, I,II_:_I_tHI_ _nd partormnnc=, _ _d thin o;_ _no_mobilns it _n aami-nnachoic nl_o _o can that n lot o_ which cnn help n_i'acto Cot conocquc:;Ica= o_ you n_nd our= to _hich to thG n lot d]](A) co_irna _n_ IrLAqINo _tu_ _p g0norally: tl_ll* _n_nol_ it courm_, i:hn tomp=_ntt_ro but dit(A) i_ qulto r_n col(I ml_ tr_ne_i_albillty to nnou,Jh .o _111 mp_c_r_m _o it obt,llN _ will ,_nd In quIca _ha n_ i_por_nnt in _ b. _nctor to -4O°C chamber =l_tll_c_ n_._occ to_l _ Job Cha v_lu_ to nopnr_tn _o_np_rl=0n 3_13 r':: ollflily l.U to 12 nro nl)d n chn_hnr! mo_rc... _d _ow which th_ll incidence up no_ moro _i_ ni_ar=nc=== _ga. b_it you riot a_p=clni1¥ o_ _PII o_ _:H_f:RA_tJI_., And bc Dif_©rnnce_l A_R _Zll not Cwltt_ _00 _ngl= con_Idorad, itl) parnm©torn or ml_t_l_ o_ n_ah Itm_l_ othor '_hon. _ffnctm t_p_c_l vnltiQi_ 0°C I OUTS Z DI_ L"Pl't CT S cont*d Ill} ]_nlIlal.bor that CQOl_ fan o_h_unt _ vQJ:nlonl iv) llar_o_m_ztc_ Alld tho caro o_ Y.n, l)ut thlo h0midlty not _lf/_roncnn_ C_rtAi_ly for one qtilt0 A o_ lot. ¥oi£ l _ot. obt_Inln_ up n co _ ._ c_n FOr _atln,j dlI(A). r m 1 d___ UQ Or by _oolod th_ _fl_Ina, Affoctn _o arn cont_'ol to that know It muffler, _t_l+ from _IF affoct_d liquid tr_nmminnll*lllt_, var_ Ero(_ dit(a). _vo_y cortifyin, with moro any 2.0 hlllnidlt_? for r_Imui_? hut to I{UMIDI'I'¥, r_fluPtlorl nttlch i_ th_n up n_:I.ATIV;: _ffoct it t_mpacntura D_ff.ce.cQa: uncjl_o two-tJtrok_J _tnjp d_volojlr,_o_t lov,_l _lolll_ on yo. to _ could _I_o wa it nr_ it wh_rn _t_Fo_m_, t|l_ to e_h_u_t t4_a too_. bnnch _oin¢/ _o_ mollnd to m_k_ l_ tlx_ _ ]_ GROUND HOW I_QA_ t:_'f:CT5 Ot tllO ?hZ= 11 qtiLt= ZR tho _DDt particuZn_ _£Oc_dtl£a p_c_a_ fl_mtly! _mpo_tnll_ poJntl _o|lnd af_octa, Lo anowmobLian, thay tal_ U_ anow wLth not th4t cnn you mora th_n U_Qz 3 O_ Inchn_ ordinary 8_OW* la_ond_yl Ch= _roblom* _M_t pic_ Wh_t _o_ o£ h_¢d And alno O¢ know p_l_n_ _11 _£0tl_d wa _nohom. On _n_ w_tlX _ Inow_ol)_l_* unda_9_ound? Hu ¢o_d _at mo_ _h_n _d_K_lAth. hAva whan that ] A_.a _ un_o_t_ _m _r_mle d¢_ _now to P_¢_k _omp_ed II o_ th_'_act that g_ _n_ batwaan milch b_Cta_ than g£_n aomo l_o_ln O_h_£1 anow, _nct o_ oo_nd n£11 : [J-_r" I I _ _i'l_t --* --_- POlcnlmm_l_t o...... ' _ _anOip' , dlJ , Reclildet: , I , q _n_et , d , I I I L*m rlrq: . __ s..... ....... :t............... ____.. I__-H_t_ i I Wl I ( _l)ced ' ' __rnnl/r,(_l. I I I ( I P.ipet _llt, rd _.__rnml_l_c ............ ...... _P1124 I ! ,........ t.................... l.................. =.....I-]].... ==__,,__, ......... _...........= .... _ : I I-Iz _ll*pfl_llq_lnct_ll_y : I _-1:__,. Zllokivll _ 1----;: z ........ i- _: :L.,_-_- - _ . ---:: :--'--'--_- l=.t_ti_l ...._1 ._ (1512/211_) . A [1 C Li_, G/.,. tl_ Lot _0 NOW W.L_h p_-actica_ cxportcncn _11_0_ , AM We _A_ r_c4_n _afle U tile An_l_ I:er_amber llk_ dl_taT_ca In that; the thG nllOW; oil Lptlt , . _£o_ a_l;_L_at in n_a 9_'c_t_Nds not _a_lax_oN nlwaya nnow_obilan the tr_lJm t;_daNco _ama, it __. ,_o? le mtlch mo_e Ji o[tan ., J J 1 An4 to n sfio_mob£1_ _qo yOtl _'llVq 1_ normmll_' tO W_l_c_l _hl_l _'unnin_ _'l,_tll[:l_/_ on nnow, VqJ_' ao cnrnt'ull)', _:cordln, 3 1 I J I n 1, 387 t 7/... Now I_ s_u_k you o_ look orlontntlon of thLl _ii o_ muffleru _ '1 sort_ j • • ._ , , . /-7/;_> ;7/I., ouL_ut, • #, : on thu _rkot, , "7-_ °-_- _ ;_-j7Y 7ou r_EOtl[l can d "Y T, ! --,T)TCX-f-_-f / > 7-,/ ,'_ _t la For o_ _JiothQ'r ttll_ A nL_tlc wc _cto_ h_vQ that _d_ you +Zlav. ClIL'Vn_ i_omoNic _hicl_, J88 , to 6onm_dnr. by |lavJ, n(l Jn_q_lJ_lJ_ III'/J{P_ lPoi" [llllnhlll(Ti .ound n.,i #t ,i. . . dlrocl:ion f,) l'llllll:lill ri.,; ,T to (.L) llilolid, n.i,'(_ Jt ) ,t --#1 I n;ifO _aa lillda _han rio, yo_l Abollt; coIlnldar O_ ! a_; _3 _ot_-_Q _J. _ 121 or tli_ 'n.llli*'_va t_l_od _¢i_ll _t;_, _,ahlcln n_e_d you _.u ,} not yo_ at ar_ _i I_Q li_rt o_ cnlln_t. Crlli tha _an¢1 Jnvolvud (_i, _J, oncJ _'q_li_t _IIQWr _,ou_- d1_ternnt ll _II _;hn _.'tc_oz'rl |IL'_f6l_Ul'tz_ t:h_t o_ |1)t o_ha]" I aa_i1_ l_¢_ali_¢_ :I,1%._, InQ_ a11 (t:a_jpa_'_t.llrl unliqrlt*_nd _IA_ _. tha t_l]._1 _;ar_:Itlrl riot |_n th_ r_nm_, Ji_.n, 9/... SO, _ncln 9 o_pirlcal o_ what th_ a_l which hay0 oxp1_IIlnd. InE11|oncQ _0_ rnnl _r and =po©d 'mxt.rnal Worm A_ n to _Lnd tho moJor £ntoroBtod £n _at-tlp vohlclo (nQ_r at the oN any for qnn_oru th_ _n putm predlcttn_j kind of th. th_ nnd humld/t_. tomp_rmttire, to mtll_f_o_'). tom_oE_r_ driv= dx'lvc=n 9aarLn9), o;:dor tlla of p_ n_ n_ in Qnd np_ (moanurmd (m=naur_d co_r©0tion triad condttlon=. o_ I_PH _)ulloy). _ulluy of ,lth courm_ [_rol_ura, w. wlnd dLractlon, _Imo put o_ _*_¢kad CII_¢k_oR_ of n|)ovm hard 9round, ulll_g _._o_on£c ML_md tr_Ckl ,q.. _lLd. _or OI.IEV_ _aphalt no. _oE coofELclo_t_ _hlck_l_ _or Ho oxh_umt £nt_ko, voh_.clo mm_m_rnd put havm I)o tlied of Q_hmunt of o_ wa could _;%d prml_llU['o a|_proprl_t= Hn w_ tmmp_ratt_ro thm any kind thin te_p_IJc_tUro of Of _ny in ['or doln_j _ctorut _oEmul_ wo v.hlcla thaao mort of _l_OW_ for RoEt _nowe for dr_ ao_t Dackmd of _bovo OrAm_ _round, for for or£ontat;,ton _fld gran= (or _now_ for _rlow_ for Eo_ w_t, naphnlt,nlzd gr_lll_ alao _ffect;. auDhalt and _no_|. 4, 390 i .. i ,.. 10/.,, A Btatlntlc_l ar1_lyni_ In_it_QllcQ o_ nbmo_uta1:{ or o_ wlt_ mxi_l_lor _Igllt co_J_dar_d In Tha th_ _ros, Thin mt_Limtlcs_ _p_'oach ¥_r¥ 0oml_md and _t h_# I:hAt _h_ II _a¥_ _ma_ly ObtaiN, aon_Ira that with _3ood no_ qL_lity to o_ vnry cor_at_oH in boln_ n_.a_: Tli_. _t No with _ow. nnd boan d_/_a j)nrnrnotara. _onor_1 l)nrclcuZnr qoiN_ . " a_ch haa KeaH_t_ q.ltn I_o o_'dog w_rlt LO p_r_cu_a_ o tr£aa rnm Itaa1_, |X_ thq _ra var_ _rom nnnr whnt that w_ _nowmobll_m. 1 I 391 ¢oHdLtlonD not vory 0_' t]la hAva cjood o£ not dollar_. ranult p_a_l_ obtAilled p_'o_l_: lu boIng _a_d co;_umnr to TIIlo tarmu in tho aomutJl_n_ ulta _dvmrIt_U_ honvy Vo_y fLni| anoint. partlculnr _Lrat go l_vu font dl_ctl_t Eo_ In Ei_ld will _nnm to _'nn_l_ ii/, .. I NST ftUM_:t_TA_Z SouNd OH USI:D I laveI moU_r _BU_L fM facordQr JlItUI_ & KJ^I:_ _ow pnnn powar fLltQr ml_ppIy II_ Jl_ W_UTOH voltma_nr _lnctronic _p.ct_J_ dAaplny KJA_it _7003 J5409_ aT_A _4442 condltionar Co_ralA_or t lip _5216_ lIP _J720A I1_ Q3?_IA _l_ r¢cl_d_r Plo_ _, ¥ lip lip #5055_ _44_ _92 I t !_ ,_1 ',,'_i _, _2204 i BESTAVAIL_ I.ECOPY _," ,*4, Fh, uro m -9 ..< "t JOItN 31 October JAMES W. DEERE 1977 ItORICON ,# WORKS , r_ MOORE MEASUREMENT NOISE IN OF ENGINE DYNAMOMETER EXIIAUS'I' [_OOMS A method of mesI*uring engine e×haust noise h_is been developed as a substitute for the more complicated snechoic room or field tests. It is simple and easy to use and does not require expensive test facilities and equlpmctlt or modifications to the o_haust system. Tile sound readings and insertion loss can be determinnd ulmultancously with dynamometer power measurements. Tile results hans shown good repeatability'and /*re not subject to the variations in weather conditions encountered during field tests. Ths test procedure was developed b Z Richard Kostecki of ACS F,ngineuring in Toronto, Canada and has been used |lateensfully by ACS for exhaust system d_velopment for several years, A similar test IIlethod is also used by two other snowmobile m_nufacturers. John Doers has used it eatcPs:v_ly in tile dev_lopment, compari:|on, lind selection of snow_cbile tlnd small four cycle engine oxI_aust system:*. Flgur_ I is a schematic diagral, of the test system. Th(_ oK||aunt gas dlscharg_s from tile muffler (I) into a 4-foot long, 2-illc|l diameter, flexible exhaust pipe (2) which is anchored at tile loose end to a 60-pound _t_el block(5). The exhaust gasses can be evacuated from the test cell by the collector (6). The sound pressure i, measured through tl hole in the end of the pipe by a microphone (3) in a special water-cooled mounting (4). The length and diameter of th_ flexible pipe wcro n_lected after _xt_nsive e_porlmentntion and are designed to isolat_ the mlorophons from the engine vlbratl'oa and noise, sod tg provide adaptability to various exhaust system geometries. Engine performnnce and exhanst noise gunuratlon are not affected by th_ m@auurement [system. The sound level is rz_,ad on a sound meter (7). Octave band measurements ct_n also bs tske_ _8). Correction factors arc applled to each octave band to compensate for nonlinesritles in the messuremellt system nnd for comparisonn to field _osts. Thls correctiou _rocess is simpliflod by it spcctrtlm equalizer _93 ' (9]. JOHN PAGI" 2 A HL'TIIOD OF ENGINI_ Th0 upper CLl_Ve of a _llowmobilc DEERE I_XI[AUST HORICON NOISH ie l,_igllre 2 shows mul filer nle_Lstu'ed WORKS MI';ASUId';HICNT ;l ou L_,pJc_ll Lhe test IN OYNAblOHETEII e×hau'at fixture, ROOMS llOt'Je spectrum A correction factor is subtracted frorlt eacIl of th0 seven octavu readings to extrapolate to the oxhsust nois_ spuctr|lm in the lower cu-_'ve _l_t would result from ¢_ snowmobile drlveby sound test at 50 feet. The sum of the correctt!d octave bands produces the overall A-welghted level. Figure 3 shows the spectrum subtracted frollh each octave of of correction factors that are e×haust eolse measured on th_ test fixture. The uppur curve is the diffecenci_" between exllauu_ noise Ineusurements made in |Hi anechoic ehumbur and wlth the tout fixture. It co_'rects the noise measured with the fixture to an A-wuigllted, "free fluld" sound level at a dl,Jtanee of I foot. (Narrow band measurements have shown that the frequuncy llnearlty of the [11en.JureirLunt syUtelll is excellent withill each octave bund. A correction ill tJlu wldur octave bands is _lll that _s necessary to compensute for tile noellnear effect of the ,l-foot long flexlblc pipe.) The middle curve converts the 1-foot !ii,_.esurcll!entto 50 feet. Tile total correction is shows ill the lower curve. Figure 4 demonstratus how the 50-foot correction fneto_" was developed° Oct,:re bands of whil:e, random noise produced by /In _coutJtie drlv(:r were muZl:_urud over a gra:_s test site at a dlstsneu of 50 feet. The mJcrophoee w;Jl; located 4 feu_ from the ground surface, and tile fiotlnd flout'co w_iu placed at I/_J, 1/2, 1 and 2 feet above tile ground. (The test site confirmed to the requlrement|i of "SA_ J192 , Sound Level Me_isurum¢;nt Procedure for Snow Vehleles".) Tile variations in nouiid level with sourer heiqh_ are c_|llsed by grotlnd reflectlonu (lieu SAR I'ublicatioe 740211, "I;ffect of Ground On Netlr llorizontal Sound Propagation" by Pie:cy and I;mbleton). The i/2-foot level, which it] about the |;eight of a snowmobile exl|ntlSt, provlduu the 50-foot correction i_c_orfl uhown ill Flgur_ 3. T_sl:fl h_%ve ||flown that chlu exhaust no|no ,leauuring system gives sound levels within 2 dl} of lllt!;nulreltlCl]tU made in _ln anechoic Chamber. Correlation with the e_|l_lust zlolue predicted in ChOWmobile pastlby teutu It_ dlso excellent. 'l'llusouIld level difference butw_un elm|let cxh_uut syutt_nsl on the :]a,_e exzgl._e or In the name vehicle can be compared witillll I dIl. ']'he cDuvcnlence, repuatab[llty, .led nlmplielty of th's _*(:tl]od of uxllalust nein_: I:lea:_ur_.,ent make&, it wry u.,_ful in small ')_glJle muffler development, selcctlo_ a._d feting. Nol:)c _th,}r I flle_l_nlr_:fll_ts|lav,. _lot been attempted on exll_ust systelltS £h_xo those on UllV.]_, two cych_ _lnd felt/" cycle englnus. 99B SCHEMATIC DIAGnAM / / / J/ / / Acou_llclM_ch_ntc_l)Componcnt_ 1 / / 1 Eloctr0nlc Comp0nenls FIGURE 1 F_XHAU_TBOUNO L£VEL (i_NfM a dlt 2 .... " , II_ _ 110 110 ......... dBA 6 -CORflECTEO (50' D_'(IVg _TI /P"_ DMID C_'NTEI1 3g_ / o,..,.. 1 OCTAVE i LIN FR£QU_NCY- _1C,I JFI|_ 2 IIX -10 (FO_o1' di_tnnce) to_t tlxluro * o/Q "_0 SOUND e ,=----4 *'_ LEVEL COf_RECT'ON FACTORS dB x _'_ -,o For 0round o,,oc, (1' to 50' di_tollco) _ x%.,%_ x'_'_x / -B0 OCTAVE IBAND CENTER FREQUENC¥_Nz FIGURE 3 -0 _tD GROUND ToFROMD,_O,D'I'" dB flULE ',%, /_ w. / "v --I_ t ( -;o BOURCE MEIGtII._T. _o )_1 OCTAVE *_ I_AND CENTER FR£QUENCY 4_'o-FIGURE 4 : .i !'i t|_ 1=_ i'_Q _oo _ooQ=¢,oo4oooiooo).oo TIlE APPLICATIOfl OF TIlE FINITE EEENEtlT _dETIIOD 'I0 SIUDYING TIlE PERFORI_IAIICE OF REACTIVE & hy k. Craggs Dept, of iYlechanlcal Engineering Unlverslty of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta, Canada. IBTRODUCTIOIi: Tills paper gives n brief review of SOlllO of _York carried tile authm" on the appllcaLinn of acoustic finite elements flerperformance. out by to _b_dylng muf- It is shown that tilemethod can glve plausible results for a models having a S|Illple geoln_tryhot,use the resolts conlpareVery [dvourabTywith those obtained by other methods, l]ecausethe elenlentsused in the w0rk have a variable shape riley can be used to slmuhlte systems wlllch ITllght have a dIFFlcnlt geometry and still give nleanlngfulInformation. Thls Is one of the prime vh'tees of the nlethnd. In Ironrecent papers (1) and (2) it was silow,tllatfor transilllSslon loss calculations th|. _muffler has to be Lreated as one which /losdamplageven when Ule muffler is a reactive one. Thls Is because reactive muf- flers lose energy throogh radiation at the Inlet And exhaust parts. As sucllthe eqaatlons which govern tilemotion OF tilesystem are expressed In termso4 cor, plox quantities. Tilegeneral Form of tileequations Are tile same for both t[lA[lsmlsslon loss al_d IoserLIon loss colculat'ions. As tiletheory Is available elsewhere (l) and (2) it is kept to a mlolmom in thls presentation, llowever,tileconcept of an absorption ele'ment has riotbeen used before and It Is introduced ilere. These elements are particnlarly nset'alwhen deallng wlth absorptive boumi_ries havl[19An extended reactlen. A l)rlefApplication of these elem(:ntsis discussed at the end of the paper. 2.0 " ' CENERALTIIEORY Tileappllcatlon of the finite element method results in ¢Isetof linear equatlons, all of the sft_latlonsare essentially for damped systems the problem ilnsto be formulated In terms o4 complex qnantItles, llowqver,using the method given In reference (}), the real and imaginary N 401 'u_r,._':_p_C._:,.;_e d .... ._..: ;_.,:_.:;., _, _ . ,_,_,,.:',.,_/,:_ ,........., , .', ,_'., ..,, 2, parts can be separated and the syste_(mequations can be expressed entirely in terms of real quantities,V/henthisis done, the equationfor reactiveand dissipative mufflers all have the general lena shown below: Here PR Is the real part of the acousticpressure;PI is the imaginarypart; QR___Isthe real so_reevector;QI the Imaginarysourcevector;[A] and [g] are the kineticenergyand strainenergymatricesrespectively.Thematrix [C] is a dissipationmatrix_hlch onlyhas non-zeroelementsat pointscol rospondlng to the boundary nodes _here the energy is lost either through abso'rptlon as with muffl_shavinga dissipativeliningo_throughradlatlon at the Inputantloutput partsas In a reactivennJfFler.In tilegeneral probleIn thematrix [C] has the realan(limaginarycomponents[CR]and [CI], Thus If we have a given soundsource (Q) thenthe acousticpros,sure at any point wltiHntilesystemmay be found tiu'ough matri_inversion, using standardcomputersubroutines. 2.1 TRANSMISSIONLOSS CALCULAIIOfIS: The transmission loss refersto the performanceof a muffler vlhenit Is insertedinto an infinitetransmission flue, .SeePlgoreI, The sourceis doe to an incidentprogressive wave, of magnltud_p_, wHch strikestheentranceof tile muFFler. The responsethencontainsthe reflected wave,P- and the transmittedwave PT, and pressuresat numerouspolots inside, The transmissionlass Is calculatedfronlthe formula,(._ee references (1) and (?) : T.L- 20 log [I?T" I Becauseof the infinitellne thereare no reflected'waves eitherat the input of tileoutputstations,and the impedanceat thesestationsIs accordingly entirelyreal;being equal to pc,where p is tile rm_ssdensityof air and c is the speedof sound. _i Transmlssloolosscalculations are usuallythe first step carried sltuatlon_fhlchis applledsome ca_itlon is needed_ileninterpretingthe 402becauseof thehighly idealised out In the deslgnof a muffler, llowevar, 3. the i results for _ practical on tile Input an:l outp.t Ill,OPtion Loss • 22 siLuatlon lhles. i_hero reflected I_luch ,]ore A i_dves are I_leanlngful present calculattml both is for Lime INSERTION LOSS CALCULATIONS Tile Insertion |eve}s _lt a pl}tot _then, two sets los5 refm's beforn to the difference and after of calculations the i,sertlorl are required; ill the sound of the nluffler. lnteoslty In gt:oera]. one for" calcukltlng tile respollSe In tileorlghlal sitoatlon and another for tlmesituation including the muffler. Tile results _Ill tion Iiilpndance. wi]l clearly depend upon the Tllere nature depend upoo tile Hldlvldual slluwo In Figure I; Olle case Figure source with tile I_luffler tenllinated otherD half Figure 3.0 1 {c), space through trnnsn,lssloo loss In a later or the source is not a ualqee value for ca_e. an laflnlte loss Tvlo dlffereoL radia- aocl result _,odels are l (b) hilvirl9 a coostant veloclLy in an Infinite traoslilisslon line having a simmer source, baffle. and Io_ertlon and tile output Insortlo/l but being Tile finite loss problel,s plstoo and tile terminated elenlcnt results sbo_in Ill figure hlto a for tile I ,ire discussed section. TItE ACOUSTIC FINITE EL£NENTNOBEL 1'he aCOllStIC finite paper I_ ._ho_n In fl(lnre allows for the _lement ._hape, a linear It variation Is ,_n l_aparamelric Therefore geo,_tr.y e]elllent 2, of pressure e]e,rent tile ll.'io of this to he treated. used to oI)taIIl Is a hex,lhedral the l'esalLs ele,lent thi_i bef._een the node points, Ii: can lie dl_torted element enables For the results for havlog _ nodes and l_ecause ta ,_n¥ r_asonal)le probler, s havlog a dlfflc,lt given here only a×i-s.v,lnetrlc case_ l_ere studied, k/lib axI-synii_etr¥, the three dimensional problem can be trollied as a t_o dlmensional one _Ith a Substantial reduztlon in tile slze the problem, lle_ehe(Iran In thls case Uie r.'ductlonIo size _as achleved by forming the into a segment of a trick cylinder, llavlng equal r_dll tively A typlcal m and length cof_rdln,ltes. 4 nodes instead Io figure many other 3. of .qrld Although finite of 13, (see reference ,sod for this element a simple IS quitn solutions crllde tlleo oqm_tlng Th(: elc_lent tile pressores thus used has effec- l). exl)aoslon chamber ,l_de] colllpal'ed _Ith tile res,lts :)03 ohtahled is shown those reqnired _ero quite h¥ accurate. 4, 4.0 RESULTS l.bstof the results given below are to valldate timemethod. Many of these can be obtalned From shilpleImlOdels of tlmesystem and they form a useful check on time procedure. lli(Ifflers Ivben it Is s trtctly solution place-wave breaks This Carl be _sstllmledthat is particularly true aCOtlStIcs wl thin arid thns one dimensional. dolin when tile wavelength Ilnwever, approaches For reactive the expans loll Challlber the plane wave the chamber diameter. It is then that tilefinite element rl_delsho_s a distinct advantage. Results are discussed in hlrn for reactive mufflers, dissipative P)llFflers with a locally reacting boundary and flnaIly for lined mufflers with extended reaction at the boundaries. The extended reaction is e_delled by extending the finite element approach to an absorptive material and then formleg-an acnustlc-_bsorptlon 4.1 REACTIVE n_del. MUFFLERS: TRANSMISSIOrI LOSS The transmissionloss of a simple expansion chamber In terms of the area expansion r_ff.lo, m, length 1 and w(_vemnnber k is given by a formula due to DAVIS (3) : I'.L. = lO lOg)O (l + ]/4(m- I/m)2 sln2 k]) Th_ finite element res.lts are co)nparedwith those obtained form this fo_Jula In flgnre 4. lhere is excellent agreement. Further results correspond- Ing to higher frequencies are given in reference (1), they show that when dlamezroln_(h,sare excited they can either act as passlng filters and thus reduce the trnnsrnlsslonloss or as blocking modes. figure (5) sho_ the effects of extended inlet and outlet pipes wltIllntimechamber, lhese act as (inarter-wavel{:ngth filters whlch Rive high transnllsslon-loss vah4es whenever tile length of tlte extended pipe, le, Is given hy Kle • nn/4, when n is any odd integer. The Finite elemerJtresnlts show this to he tilecase. - ". 4,1 INSERTION LOSS Figure (6) cnrep_resthe transm_isslonloss resells _Itb the insertion losses calculated for the t_o sltuatlnns shown in figure I. There Is an a se_t-lnflnltespace tileinsertion loss shows negntlve valnes, thus difference and In one case, _here the muffler Is terminated into fl_r is enhnnclnR the soun(I, where transmission loss calcnlatlons would Indl- I t, o4 C 5, cote a snbstantlal reduction. 4.2 DISSIPATIVE NUFFLERS : LOCALLY REACTING DOUtIDARIES Tilecalculation of tlletransmission loss for an expansion charllber having a cyIIndrlcal absorptive Ilmlng Is not a simp1e matter, although design procedoresdo exlst. See l]eramek(4). It can be handled wlth a finite elenlemtmodel by so]vlng the gemeraI equations given In equation 1. l_henan absorptive llmlmg exists tileternloIn tell and [CR] are non-zero at points corresponding to tileboundary nodes _d}erethe liner is attached, The terms in [CI] and ['CR]depend upom tileform of the liner hnpedance. In thls model, tileliner _Yasassonledto b_ local'_yreacting _PIthtlleImpedances given by tile emplrlcal equations developed by Delony and Dazley (5). See also reference (2), These equatlons allowed for a seml-rigld porous materlal In whlch tllecharacteristic Impedancewas a function of the matei'lalsresistivity. Tbe impedance for any thickness was then caIculated by assnmln9 that the oilierend or" the layer was attached to a rigid layer, Results for the transnllsslonloss ore shown in figure 6, these show tilechanges which occur when tilethickness of the ]iner Is Increased, Nfth a thlnliner, there I'sllttle change from tileunllned reactlve case, As the thickness Increases, the multlple hump transmission loss characterIstJc of tliereactlve muffler is replaced by a slnole hump _hich has a mnxImumwhen the th|ckness of the liner Is 'approximatelyequal' to a quartur wavelength, Thus the n)axlmnmvalue occurs aC lower frequencies as tilethickmess Is increased. floweret,there comes a point witchthe thickness Is too great and the magnftudeof the reflected wave fr_n the hard hoandary Is small, in which case the boondary Impedance of tileliner approaches tilecharacteristlc Impedance of the liner material and no further changes in the transmission ]0"5 occur, DISSIPATIVEMUFFLERS WITIIEXTENDED REACT]OIl An Improved model of the aceustlc llnlng Is obtained If the assumption that the hoLJndaryIs locally reacting Is removed, In order to achieve thlsan acoustic absorption element has been developed based on a m Raylelgh n_del for a rlg|d-porou_ material, Tillselement is again ilexahedral 4O5 i / • ii_ _ |n form and Is entlrely compmtlblo wltllthe previously n_ntloned acoustlc" i element, The general ed by an equation being forlll of tile simtlar to (1), found in the matrix[el. now fully populated response within the medium is again the differences with For the absorption and tile magnitude of tile acoustic equations this the terms are proportional govern- equation matrix is to the resistivity of the material. Further, details of thls ele;imntare to be published in reference (6). lhe absorption eIerllentscan be Joined to acoustic ing the pressures at the CniTW]}on node points. elements by equat- A typical axl-sya,netricmodel is shown In Figure 7; this represents a cylindrical expans|on chamber wltb a thick lining. Results for such a cbamber are also shown, tlvlty R ilhen the resls- - O, the model is then of a simple reactive chamber and the trans- mission loss has the typical "squared sine Have" appearance. The lining great- ly increases the transmisslnnloss _hen the resistivity R 10,000 Rayls/ - metre . Although experiments need to be cdrrind out to verlfy the results, the general form of the curve is in agreement wlth those obtained from lined duct silencers used In ventilatln9 syStEmS. CO_IENTS. The use of acou_tlc'finlteelements for modelling SilEncEr systems has been descrIbed. The _thod at this stage is particularly valnable when dlfflcult geometries are to be simulated and for predicting the performance at IHgh frequencies when the WavElength approaches the dlan_ter of the expansion chamber and one dimensional tileorlesno longer apply. It is also use- ful for modelllng dissipative liners either wlth, locally reacting model In whlcb there Is no substantlal increase in the size of the n_trlces compared wlth the reactive case or _Hth absorptlon elements. The method can easily bE applied to Transmlsslon_.ass or Insertion Loss calc{_latlons. The contents of this paper are malnly concerned _Ith tilework of tileAuthor. floweret,the method has been applied to m_|fflersby other authors _ith some success. Ynnng and Crocker (8) calculated tile transnHsslon loss of an expansion chamber using rectangular elements. cansldered reactive mufflers using ax|-s_etrlc _gawa and Ornate (9) ring elements and later Kaga_a, Ynmab_chl and _orl (10) considered tiletransmission loss of a mofrler wltila so_nd absorbing wall. /tO6 REFI_REPEES (l) A, Craggs 197(3"A Finite element r}letbod for damped ocoustlc systems; an appllcatloo to evaluate tlleperform,oNceof reactive zIlufflers." Journal of Sound & Vibration (4_) {3) p. 3/7-392 (2) A. Craggs A 1971 "A Finite e]ement method for mode]flog dlssIpatlve mufflers with a locally reactive IInlng." Journal of Sound & Vibration 54 (2) p. 285-29B (3) D.D. Davis Jr. }g/5 In liandbookof i_olsoControl, C.M. Harrls (editor) rle_York : Nc(irol_-HI]I Book Company Inc. Acoustlca] Fi]ters and Mufflers. Chapter 21. (4) L, (]eranek1971 Noise and Vibration Control _e_ York, F}cGra_Y-Hlll Book Co. (5) M.£. DeIany aridE.R. l_azley197D App11ed Acoustics 3 105-116.. Acoustic properites of fibrousabsorbent materials. (6) A. Craggs A F1nlte £1ement Mod(:lfor Rl_/idPorous Absorbing NaterlaIs to be published. {7) C.I.J. Youn¢jand M.J. Crocker 1975. Jmlrnnl of the Acoustical Society of America 57 p 144-148. Prediction of tileTrarlsmlss|on Loss In Mufflers using the flnlte element n_ethod (fl) Y. KagaHa and T. Omote 1976. "Finite £1emenb SlmLllatlonof Acoustic Fllters of Arbitrary Profile _Ith Clrculnr Cross Section." Journal of Acoustic Society Am. {30 (5) p. I003-1013 (9) Y. Kaqawa, T. Yanmbuch! arldA. _r1. 19/ "F1nlte ElcalentSimulntlon of A_i-Syn_etrlc Acoustic Transmission System with a Soun(I Absorbing fin11.Journal of Sound & Vlbratlor| H .I 407 Figure Captions Figurel Modelsfor TransmlsslonLoss and InsertionLoss calculatlons. {a) Transmission Loss (b) InsertlonLoss : ConstantVeloclty sourceterminatedIn an Infiniteflee (c) InsertionLoss Constant velocitysourceterminatedInfinitebaffle. Figure2 The elght node Isoparametrlchexahedralelenlent. flgore3 Two-dhnension grfflfor an axl-s!nnmetric expansionchambermodel. Figure4 TransmissionLoss. bolnparison of finiteelement resultswith exact one dimensionalsolutlonat differentexpansionratiosm. Figure5 FiniteElementresultsfor the effectof extende(I inlet and outlet pipes. Figure 6 Comparison of Trans_nlsslon Loss with Insertion Loss. element resu]ts. See Figure 1. F1nlte Figure7 TransmissionLoss for Expansionchmnberwlth a cylindrical al]serbent lining. Impedance calculated using De]any & gaz]ey equations. Figureshortseffectof lining thlckness.(In.a) Figure8 l_I Transmlsslon-Loss The,,l-sx_metr,c_Ith Ace,,stfc-Absorbent attd_Ithoutany f,nltee,ementgrld. absorption. 408 i- j+. • • :. F l. ' .+, +... - , ........ ,, ,+ p÷e J(c+t-kz) I --_ I .... +-'+.,It f-++" U_ Jmt I. ,A_" - i, __ • {c) '+ +(mt+kz) [NPIPI]T_ II/_FFLE ____ / E " "'x FJgurm I ' //_/+,+ *,-,. t,o? -=mm_,__¥++ ' / , + -- i, == \ .... 1 Fl_ure 3 f 411 r .i .I ++ ., +t I d D I _blml I! 1 !. I t .- I! .i.. ¸¸ I ' I P _.,.--.I J I 0 ' I '_ i l i f'_ I oIS..4 • .J_ 2" • _IL, , _T.-_,_,. • : & .'L_ A COMPARISON TESTING 0P S_'ATIC VS. pRoCEDU_£S FOR MUFFLER DYNAMIC EVALUATION I b i :, W. L, Roncl I0/21/77 INTRODUCTION : FOr tile past ten years, Original Equlpment _xhaust systems |lave been designed to meet tile requirements of SAE Test Procedure J986a. J986a was the first noise test standard for light vehicles in this country. The original development work oa the procedure was dose in early 1966. The standard was first _*pplied to new vehicles ix] 1967 and was revised to its current version in 1968. SAE Test Procedure Jg06a formed the basis for the so-called California Passby Tesk. The California Passby Test Is required under California Vehicle Code 27160, for new motor vehicles under 6,000, gross vehicle weight. Tile code first became effective in 1968. It has been revised twice since, first in 1972 and again in 1973, when the current version became effective. The California Psesby Test procedure is defieed under Title 13, of tile California Administrative Code. A detailed comparison of tlle Cslifornla P_issby Ter_t and the J906s Passby Test will disclose that there are differences between the two procedures. Is actual practice the differences are minor. Test results obtained by tile two procedures correlate extremely well. Walker uses the SAE procedure as specified by their Original Equlpmen| customers. J986a TEST PROCI']DURE TO conduct the test, _ sound level meter microphone is placed 50 feet off to tbQ side from the center llne of vehicle travel as shown in Plgurs I. .The microphone Is located four feet above the test surface. The procedure calls for a flat open area, free from obstructions for a distance of 100 feet in all directions. Under the procedure, the tent vebicle approache_ the test section at a at_ady state speed of 30 HPl]. When the vehicle reaches 25 feet from the test point, it is accelerated at wide open throttle. The lowest gear ratio is used wblch will permit st least 50 feet of accelerating distance without over speeding tile engine. Passbys ere made unde_ these conditions ill both dlrections and the maxis%urn observed total sound pressure level for each ps,sby is recorded. The average of thQ two highest observations witbin two dB of each other in reported #s the test value for tile vehicle. The test results are reportsd for the noisier alde of the vehicle. : It should be emphasized that tile California Passby Test regulated only new vehicles sold In that *_tate. It (lid not regular(: e;_Isting vehicles. Nor did it regulate the replacement of noise-producing or nolse-silencing components, nor of vehicle modifications which increase the total, vehicle noise. 418" 20" STATIC TEST PROCEDUI_E Accordingly, the 1971 sons|on of the California Legislature enacted Vehicle Code 23130 which regulates aftermarket replacement exhaunt ayatema. The Col_mlissloaer of th_ California Highway Patrol was directed to conduct a study to define procedures and standards by which exhaust systems could be cbrtified an meeting the entablished allowable total vehicle eoi!ic levels. The California iiighway Patrol commissioned the HcDonee]l Douglas Company to develop a certification program, ntationary test methodology and related law enforcement techniques. The study formed the basis for the regulations promulgate(| is November of '75 under TJ tle ]3 of the California Administrative Code. The tent procedure adopted lu tile code wan the so-called California 20" static tent. The choice of a static tee| procedure was baaed in large measure on tile ineffeetivcsens of the driveby test procedl_re in urban areas. The coverage attaleable using the drlvcby test in urban areas w_u llmited because of the lack of suitable enforcemeat sites with sufficient open area and low ambient nolne levels. The paauby wan more appropriate to rural highways or freeways. Moreover, being n total vehicle noise test, it was unsuitable for regulating replacement mufflers. There was no simple enforcement. means to ensure that a cited vehlcle wan subncquently made legal. The 20" Static Test Procedure npucifles that the tent be conducted on an outdoor pavement or on a shop floor. A clear open area arosnd the teat site of only ten feet is requlrcd. The microphone location in dependent sport tho.tailpipe reutlllg as shown in Figar,_ 2. Typically it is located 20" from the end of tile tailplpe, 45 ° off-axitl, at the height of the tnilpipe chit. The procedure calls for operation of the vehicle, after a aultable warmap, at 3/4 of rated RPM, with the traln|misslon in neutral. The value reported for tile exhaust _ystem in thn hlght_'st rc_dlng obtained, disregarding extraneous peakn. CORRELATION With the STHDY addition o|! a 20" Static Tent Procedure which wan to be- come effective January i, 1977, it was evident that the potential sxlsted for a dual design standard for exhanst system development. Accordingly, Walker set about to determine whether there was sufficient correlatloi1 between the two tout l,ethods to permit the prediction of nestle test performance ha|led on driveby teatS, which were currently being conducted for Original Equipment prOdl|et. The prime motivation for this was to reduce the total engineering test load and to eetnhllnh a single acoustic design and acceptance tent criteria. Data was taken on a variety of nnw vehlclos. A repre._entatlva mixture of four, six, and eight cylinder passenger cars w_:re used In t|lO tents. S I 419 i A number of d_ ffeL'ent ty[_es of muffler's were tested. These included tbe Original I_quiI_ment systems, _ith which tht.,new vehicles came equipped. The Original I_lUil_i11c:_i_t system sellle£imes incorporates a sxnallor Iilllffler o_" _esouator. Th_ system is usually In,de l_[)on one or marc _isuemblics, with the pipe welded to the muffler. _Igure 3 shows a typical example of an 0[:: system assembly. Welded assemblies are used to minimize the instal lation labo_" in the car factories, Tile O.E. system is designed of J986a and the particul_,r ns i£ relates to tile image to J,_L_t both tile objective c,lr collipaey's subjective of the vehicle in question. requirements sound quality Walker's regular aftcr11%arhet Imlfflers and resonators were also tested. Regular imlfflers and resonators are ,';old as separate units with tile system held together by clanlps. Figure 4 shows a cut-away vlew of u typical regular after'market muffler. Walker follows the practice, which is comlson in tile replacemellt exhaust system industry, of consolidatlng a number of Origillal Equipment deslgos into one after_larket design in ardor to achieve soma economies of scale Ill prodsc i tion and to minimize tile stecl:isg and inventory problems that would otherwise eziut. Walker's, if*deed the industry's, ability to provide tile consumer with all economically prlccd replacement part, on a moment'|* notice, is heavily dependent upon its ability to Consolidate O.E. Designs. Tile eenst_'sctloo techniques and acoustic design techniques of Walker's _'sgu].ur muffler lille, is quite similar to tile Original Equipment. Figure 5 shows u cLlt-away view of _in OE design for oomporluon. The subjective sound qsulity of the regular lille conforms to Walker's own-corporate standards for preserving the OrlgInal Equipii*ont Image of the vehicle. A Cadillac owner ezpectl] his vehicle to sound llke a Cadillac; a Corvetto, llke a Corvette. Also included ill tile touts were. Walker'l; WACO mufflers. These are s highly C,,hsoli¢iated lllle for certi*in customers nueb ns K-Mart and Montgomery-Ward. The lille In built to tile same blgh quality and construetlsn :fills(lards a:l the regular llne. J}ushlng adapt_._s llrt_ s_ed to accommodate a wider variety of applicationtJ. On average they are slightly smaller in slzu than the regulur afterl,arket milf_ler or tile OrigillaI l','qslpment design which they replace. Flgnre 6 shows s cat-away view of a typical WACO unit. Wmlk£_r'n Unitized lane was teated as well. Tile Unlti_.ed muffler is s 4" rollnd tubslar design with swaged end_l. Thin llne has s r_asonably high degree of consolidation. Generally it uses a "Trlflow" acolnltlc design (Sue FlglJre 7) and is not as efficient at tbe low fr_qtlencit;s becatule of the sm_lller phylllcal volume. Single and double lulled reuonatorn are not used. Tht,' IJultlzed line was Introdse¢Id to satisfy who are l;|Lerented in , tile needs economy. o_ 420 car owners with older v(.qlleles, TI]o fifth type of 111ufflcr lec]udf.d in the to.sis were glas:, uncles. Halker's glass packs also employ .I 4" rousd construction with swaged ends. Ill external apl_uararlce they look vez'y much like n Unitized muffler. Acoustics*fly they are qalte different. They employ n otralqht thru design _._it:ha concentric perforated tube surrotlnded by fiberglass, as shown in Figure 8. 'l'hedesign is effective ;it absorbing high frequencies and is characterized by a thL'oaty, straigbt-thru sound q_in]ity. Go|totally it is both objectively anti subjectively loncler than tile other lines. In total 305 _ystcols were tested using both the 20" static test procedure and the JgO6a passby n_ethod. Fifty-nlz_e Ol'ig/nal Equip_*ent systems were evaluated along with II0 regular mufflers, 50 IqACO units and a colnbined total of 86 Unitized and gl;iso pack v_rslonu. ANALYSIS OF ]_ESU|21'S The test data wad analyzed using utandard computer statistical •techniques. The data wan o_amlsed in a variety of ways. Simple statistics were deter||lined for each test method no(] each clans of nluffler system; that is, the mean, tile range and the atandard .deviation. The simple slat|slice, while not very Isled'inn|lye, are presented in 'fables I and 2. _aeh class of Inofflo_' and the total po[_nlatlon were subjected to a correlation analysis from which the eort'elatlon coefficient WaS determined. A correlatloo coefficient of ace monna a one-to-one correspondence between the two test methods. A correlntlon coefflclan|* of 0 indicates a totally random relntlonship between the two tests. The results of the corL'elatlon analysis are shown in Table 3. It is evldqnlt that there is no :]Ignlfleant correlntion between the two. 'l'|ledata wn_ also sub|coted to a rcgreoslon analysis. From this, it best, least-squat'ell rolntlonsbi|_ betwce_ the two test methoda was catabllshed. The lack of carrels|los is wry evident from tile scatter dlagrnms shown in Flgurcs 9 thL'n 13. It can be seen that the predletlvu accurney of the JgfJfa tent in abort| _+ 20 to 30 dbA. From _he analysis ib In apparent that there are diffe._-'en_ acceptsacs ¢r]terla required for O.E. and nfterlnarket prodsct. It Is eveldenb one cannot eliminate the need for running both tents. It was also evidQnt that potentially different design approaches would be. rsqlllrnd for aftormarket and O.E. prodsct. i i ! P X_ al)pear_d that tile Internal eonstroctlon of tile muffler affects the relationship between the test results obtained by the two methods. This is npUarcst from the dlfferest correlation coefflcleats for the reglllar, WACO and Unitized mufflers cosflguratios_. The increased correlation shown by tile Unitized and glass p_ek 1 mufflers i was probably attributable to tile lack of some low frequency i d .t ¢ 42r } tuning elements in O0_lpollent of exhaust Ths test results these designs, noise is the lelld credence and to passby to another the presence test. set of of a larger ¢Olleluslons that can be reacted about the process by which the two California laws were developed. A new vehicle law was passed first, which regulated total vehlcle noise wiLl|out defining what the exhaust :]ystem contribution to it would be, aad without adeqkLate provislonu as to how exhaust noise would be regulated on older vehicles. Next an aft_rmarket law was passed to regulate exhaust systems. The end result is two standards of acceptance of ezhaust systems which bear little relationship to each other. Perhaps this could have been avoided bad both O.E. and afternlarket beef% considered together from the start. Those light vehicle standards have now been adopted almost without change by the state of Florida and are being followed with interest by the state of Oregon, The ultimate impact of these tests on the induatry's ability to continue the important practice of eonsolldatlon Is not yet fully known. Tile federal government is presently developing it now set of acceptanes crlterls for [Jassesgur cars. This one wlll probably be based on a totally different passby test. We have been meeting )]ore tile last fnw day_ to dlscsss yet another criteria, thls one a bench test suitable for labeling exhssot system replhoement parts. Tile question of oorrelatloll between these two federal tent methodologies should be considered from the onset in their development, The _mpsrtanet: of conslderlng the impact of then0 now regulations on ths Industry's ability tO collsolldate. Original Eqt|ipment designs cannot bo overemphasized, Shoshl tile Industry loSS this ability and tho number of replacement parts proliferate, the result would be Increased englneering costs, shorter produetlo_ runs, increased warehosslng sp_ee and higher II%v_l%tory coat:_, q'hc end result o_ all that will certi%inly b_ highe, r prices to the consumer and potentially, del_ys on the part of the InstalLer in finding a replacement part for his ons tomer' s vehlcle, 422 ,ira ! /, Basic J-986a Site Layout Passby Open Test throttle fully A Approach at 30 HPtl S0' 25' Figure L/ "_ 1 -- Hlcrophone _. :i _ ' • " • ._ . 0 _ - Muffler Mean Value Type O.E, I_egular WACO Ul%itized & Glass Total Composite 76,6 77,8 80.0 00.7 70.0 Pock J-986a Test Table Muffler Pack "_ Teat _ Standard Devlntiou 3.6 4.5 4.3 5.3 5.5 Range LO 78.1 78.2 79.0 82.6 70.1 ll'[-92.1 95.8 96.9 105.4 105.4 Results Correlation Coofflcient ,245 .333 ,282 .451 ,462 Pack An_lysls Table 87.8 88.2 80.2 94.0 9;1.0 2 Type Corre_atlou 71.7 71.2 74.4 73.3 71.2 lll- I Table O.E. Regular WAC0 Unitized &.Glass Total Composite flange --Lo Results 84.4 85.4 86.6 92.2 87.3 20" Stntlc Muffler 3.2 3.5 3.2 4.1 4.0 Moan Value Ty_p__ O,E. Regular WACO Unltizad & Glass Total Composite Stnndard DL_vlatlon 3 425 Re_|llts Ho. of Observation=_ 59 Ii0 50 86 305 __,_i: _ ;._ _t_'/'_'_"3"_"lr_t"_"_gi_"_t['_'$"_'''_..._v,_.;.;t.?_; __ _' __"_ " ._}_", """ i_9_J "_" ,,i "_ " Cut-away View - tJnitized Viqul-e m 8 Cutaway View HuE['ler 7 - Gla.';s Pack Huffler 1_alker Jluc.ltll_ir Mt_ffl_r)J I00 _j ion I [-t _ 0 RO @1 rio • _ 0 QIII OIQ 0 • _ Q • @|D IN_ n OI B I • • • III • , I I 7O J-9,q_n I ; : : .i_-' I aO Pn,'iliby l'lgt_rt_ 430 •- Slngl(: 0- 'NO Point Poigtll I 90 T_t I0 - (II_A _qalker I00- ;4ACO _lu/l'ler.n o • I • 6a go Q !00 • n • o0 a D • 8¢ a • • a • • o • iii 7Q : I a,l l_Igi_ru II 431 i: I-- I 90 Wal)_cr Unitized G Glaus |'ace Ahlffloru II0 100 i i. _ i 0 Oei4Q • • Dm O • Q • • • 0 ID • i t4_ • 90 BIll • . J J i I IQ Ii 00 Q • • Q Q 4m • - ,_In_lc o - Two Point o 8o I 7o I I Q0 rigLIrQ 12 432 • i 9O pokntn • H A]I Muffloru Ii0 95_ Limit/ • / / / * / • / / / / o i / I00 / • • f I _ _ ,t m la e O°o 6O • • m ,_ f • • 0 a 0 01 90 ° °o • go • aO_ • _DI 0 0 0 m4J of qlo lO QI • Qm '_ llcqrcnulon I • ff' _ • o / // • • • O • o OlIOO • • Q o4b J • • a@' • • @ • • • i:": m ga : _ ff f • , I, ';" o ' 80 a • _o m ol o_ • • • ..../ 0 : " :1,71 7' ?::_'Vr_ I" f • Jf'g5_ Limit f .1 • 7 OO /.-# / I .... ,f m _- '/ J_986a P_by TIIuU - d_A Thretl POlNt_ DISCUSSION OF PROI_ED 81LI_(_ 8AE I_3CO_I.E_D_D P_Aff_ICE ]_,IT1_rIVI_I._ IN IIEDUCING_CIINE I_rl'AIcI_, (311 I_IIAU_I' _ by Larry Nel'.;on J. Indau_rle:J, ,_toughton, L: l_rik_on WI Inc. 53589 PFe_ented at tile Onlte,(I Brutes [_vlronmcntal I_tcetJon _gcney Bur_o Trp_n_]porti_t_on I_¢Iml_tI,k)is_ S_niT)o_i_ CJllcn{,'o, Xlllnoln Octol_r II-13, i077 (. r LIWh'L Discussionof ProposedSAF.RecommendedPractice XJI207,MeasurementProcedurefor Deterlnlnation of SilencerEfFectivenessIn ReducingEngine Intakeor ExhaustSound Leve] by Larry J. Erlksson Nelson Industries,Inc. Stoughton, Wisconsin ABSTRACT The developmentof ProposedSAERecoH_nded PracticeXJI207,rleasurement Procedure for Determination of Silencer Effectiveness In Reducing Engine Intake or Exhaust Sound Level is reviewed. Tills Recon_nendedPractice describes a procedure for a measurement of the actual sound level produced. Successive measurenlent may be performedto obtainrelativeperformat_ce valuesor Insertion loss. Various considerations in the writing of the procedure are discussed ' and limitationsreviewed. IN RESPONSEto a need for a standardizedtestprocedurefor exhaustand intake silencers, the SAE Vehicle Sound Level Committee (VSLC) farmed the Exhaustand InductionSilencerSubco_llttee in Decemberof 1974. The objective of thls subcommitteewas to develop"Insertionloss measurementmethods In order to provide a ratingfor the respectivedevices." Since It was felt that a singleprocedurewas feasiblefor exhaustand Intakesilencers,the standardwas to be developedIn closellason_Ith theAlr CleanerTest Code Subcommitteeof the SAG EngineCommittee. BACKGROUND Membershipwas soughtfor the Exhaustand InductionSilencerSubcommittee (EISSC)from a bread spectruln of technicalpersonnelInclodlngthose involved wlth exhaustsllencers,Intakesllencers,engines,and vehicleapplications. An organizational meetingwas held In March of 1975 to reviewposslbledirections for the Subcon1_Ittee's work. Numerousexistingtestprocedureswere reviewed at thismeeting as wall as subsequentmeetings. These includedSAE Recommended I PracticeJlOg6, Measurementof ExteriorSound Levelsfor IIeavyTrucksUnder PracticeJI074, EngineSound LevelMeasurementl_rocedure, and the SAE Recommended 43_ StationaryConditions,as well as procedures developedby such organizationsas the IndustrialSilencerManufacturers Association(ISMA}and Departmentof Transportation(DOT), AlthoughusefulIdeas were.obtainedfrommany of these sources,no procedurew85 found to meet the requirementsfor a standardtest procedurefor exhaustand intakesilencersas specifiedby the VSLC charge to the Sul)con_ittee, MAJOR CONSIDERATIONS Two major areas of concernwere discussedin detail, The first was the type of noise sourceto be used In the evaluationof the silencer. _non9 those consideredwere a speaker,a blower,and a standardized engine. Finally, it was concludedthat in order to obtainsufficientaccuracy,compatible_ith other SAE Race.ended Practices,it_uld be necessaryto use the aqtual engine and silencersystemfor which the silencerwas to be applied. This approachwas Ubaughtto have the potentialof providingthemost accurate engineeringdatafor thesetypesof units. The secondmajor areadiscussedwas the type of measuremen%that should be made on the silencers. Again, a broad range of possibilities were considered. These IncludedInsertionloss, transmissionloss, t_ansferfunction,and actual sound level. It was concludedin thlscase that in order to meet the dual goals of a test procedurethat could be widelyosed As well as provideusabledata that could be relatedto other meas.rements,tileactualsound level produced wlth the silencersystem installedon A given engineshouldbe themeasured quantity. It was furthernoted that the option remainedfor the test procedure 'Inthis form, to be appliedsuccessivelyto differentsilencersto obtain relative performanceyal,esor to silencedand onsllencedcases to obtaininsertionloss (ILl. i)7 ADDITIOt/AL COtlSIDERATIONS Other areas discussed included the wide range of sizes of silencers, engines,and test facilitiesthatwould be involvedin using tiledesired test procedure. _/hiletim subcon_nlttee felt tbat measurementsat 15 metres (50 feet) from the silencerwere most desirableto be consistentwith other test methods, it was thoughtthat otherdistancesshouldbe allowed in order to make tile procedurepracticalforusewith small enginesand light dutyapplicationswhere the availablemeasurementdistancesare often considerablyless than 15 metres (50 feet). It was also concludedthat tileprocedureshouldallow forioeaaurements in a free field above a reflectin9plane. This may be obtainedeither in a flat open space or semi-anecholc chamber. Tim formeroffers tileadvantage af a potentiallybetterfree-fleldcondition,but also tiledisadvantageof _atentlallymore problemswith ambientnoise,wlnd, temperaturegradients, andother weathervariables. The latterapproach,the seml-anecholcchamber requiresextensivewall treatmentto obtain adequatefree-fleldbehavior, butoffers bettercontrolover weatherconditionsand ambientnoise. In vlew of these tradeoffs,the subcommittee decided to Includeboth approacheswith specificrequirementsfor both, This decisionalso resultedin data that were morewidely obtainableas well as comparableto those obtainedusing other test pruced|_res usuallyperfumed outdoors. INITIALI)RAFT followlng thesediscussions,the flrstdraft of the test procedurewas comp]etedin Septemberof 1975. It Includedthe above factorsaod required an Isolatedtest cellcontainln9the specificengineto be used in the measureI_ meetwl_h an adjacentfree fieldabove a reflectingplane. The exhaustor Inta_e_ystemwas the9roundas s_mllaras to be pipedto possibleCo thisopen the actualend space'andapplication,The placed in an orientatlonto piping 43B • _ , ,,, from tho engine to the silencer all contributions was to be acoustically to tile measured level from thts pipe. treated to eliminate This Has done since some plpe had to bE excludedin order to connect to the Isolatedengine and thus, excludinga11 of this noise _as the only practlcalmethodto standardize varioustest facilitiesthat might be used. However,all nolse from the surface of tilesilenceras Hell as the tallplpemust be includedin themeasurement along wlth noise from the acousticaloutlet. Thls first draft was subsequentlyextensivelymodified' until finally reachln9Its final form as approvedby the VSLC in June of 1977 and balloted to tileSAE t.lotor VehicleCouncil {IIVC)In Augustof 1977. C0_IMEt_TS ON FINAL DRAFT Among the areas receivingconsiderableattentionduringthe various revisionswas Instrumentation.The primaryconcernHas to o_talnsufflcient informationto determinetilatthe engine_tasfunctioningproperly. The modgs of engineoperation_Yerealso revle_edin detail. It Has determinedby the subco_lltteethat the peak sound level could occur under a falrlywlde variety of conditionsdependingupon the specificsilencer-engine combinationbeing tested. Thus, a steadystate and varyln_speed made are requiredalon(]_Ith an accelerationtest for governedengines. Fast dynamicresponseof the sound levelmeter was selectedfor all modes as provldlngadequateresults with minimum potentialfor error. The final verslonof the test proceduredoes not Includeany measurement of the restrictionof the sllencersystem, lChIlethls Is acknowledgedto often • _( be an importantparameteralong wIthmanyother specifications, It was not felt to be directlyrelated to the sound levelmeasur_._ment and as snchwas excluded. ' 43_) Because of the wide vartety of test set-ups this procedure _ppltes to, it iS reco_llended that a photo or diagramof the test set-upbe included_Ith th_ test results. LIMITATIOtlS Among the IImltatlonsof thls test procedureare the lackof a direct correl6tionto otileroverall vehiclepass-by tests as well as the lack of speclf_catlon of the subjectivequalityof the exhaustor intakenoise. Thls aspectcan be quite importantformany applicationsin _hlch the overall A-_Yeigi_ted sound level i_ not an adeqtJate descriptionof the acousticacceptnhilit.v of a _i}encer. 4_0 / / APPENDIXA _lembers of Subcorr_rllttee During Development Afflliatlon Name *J. CaHll (Secretary) Sten:co Haaufacturlng *P. Cheng Stemco Manufacturing Co. W, Dreyer Walker /,lanufacturlng Co. *J. Dreznes United Air Cleaner *F. Egbert h_ternatlonal llarvester Cm. *L. Eriksson(Chairman) NelsonIndustries,Inc. R. Heath WalkerI4anufactuK'ieg Co. R.Hunt Stemco Manufacturing Co, ,S.Koehler DonaldsonCo. *K. Ligot 14alker ManufacturingCo. *K. ,Wowak Cosmocon,Ltd. _'W.O'Neill FramCorporation *R. Palmer AP Parts Co. C. Relnhart DonaldsonCo. *D. Rov_ley l)onaldson Co. G. Shaltz UnitedAir Cleaner *D. Thomas • . . w|th contrlhutlonsFrom many others * Currentllembers 441 J. Co. APPE_UIX B HEASUREHErIT PROCEDUREFOR DflERHIIJATIOII OF SILENCER EFFECTIVENESSir_REDUCINGEtIGINE itITAKE OR EXIIAUST SOUtIDLEVEL XJI207 1.0 Scope - Th4s SAE Recof1_nended Practicesets forth the instrunlentatlon, environment,and testproceduresto be used in measuringthe silencersystenl effectivenessin reducingIntakeor oxhaustsonndleveloF Internalcombustion engines. Tilesystemshall includetileintakeor exhaustsilencer,related pipingand components.This procedureIs intendedfor en_Ine-dynamon_eter testingand is not necessarilyapplicableto vehicletesting(see Appendix A). Tileeffectof tile exhaustor intake systemon the sound level of the overall machinemust be determinedusing other procedures. This procedure may i_esuccessivelyappliedto varioussilencerconfigurationsto determine relative effectiveness. Insertion loss for individual silencers may he calculatedthroughmeasurementof the silencudand unsilencedsystem. 2.0 instrumentation . The Folloifln9 instrumentation shallbe used for the measurementrequired: 2.1 A sound levelmeterwhich meets the Type I or SIA requirementsof AmericanNationalStnnddrdSpecificatlonforSoond Leve]Heters,SI.4-1971 (R197_). 2.2 As an alternativeto making directmeas,rementsusinga sound levelmeter, a microphoneor so,ndlevellootermay he ,sod with a magnetictape recorder _nd/ora graptflc levelrecorderor indicatinginstrument,providing the systemmeets therequirementsof SAE Reco_nendedPractice,Quallfylng A Sound Data AcquisitionSystem- Jill4. 2.3 A sound levelcalibratorhavingan accor,lcy within_.0,5 dll, (See paragraph6.2.4.) 2.4 A windscreenmay he used. The windscreenmust not affectthe microphone responsemore than* I dB forfrequenciesof 20 - 4,000 Iizor _1.5 dII for frequenclesof T,O00 - lO,O00llz. (See paragraph6.3.) 442 2.5 If outside tests are befng performed, an anm'_ometeror other means For detennfnatton of ambient wind speed having an accuracy _.lithin + 10%at 19 km/h (12 mph). 2.6 A thermometer or other means for determination oF ambient an_Jengine Intakealr temperature, havingan accuracywithin_.lUC (+_2"F). 2.7 A thermometeror othermeans for determlnationOfofuelt_mperatureat the fuelpump Inlethavingan accuracywithin+I C (+ 2 F). 2.0 A barometeror othermeans for determination of ambientand engine intakeair barometricpressure,havill9 an accuracywithin+_0.5% of the actual value, 2.9 A psychrometeror othermeant for deterfninatlon of ambientand engine Intakealr relativehunlidIty, havingan accuracywithin +_5% of the actual, value. 2,10An enginedynamometerwlth engh|espeed and torque(or power) Indieators havingan accuracywithin+_2% of the rated enghlespeed and torque (or power). 2,11A flo_neteror othermeans for determination of engine fuel rate having an accuracywithin+_1% of the rated fuel flow, 3,0 Environment- The silencershall be measuredIn an environmentsuch that resultsare equlvaIen:to thoseobtainedIn a free fleld above a reflecting plane. Meas,rementsmay1_emade at a flat open spaceor.In an acnnstlcally equ|valenttest slte as describedin Appendixl]. 3.1 'Theflat open spaceor requlvalenttest site shah be free from tile effect nf a large refleetln 9 surface,such as a bul]dln9or hi]Islde locatedwithin 30 m (10g It)of eli, her the .IIenceropeningor microphone. The area directlybetweenthe silenceropeningand the microphone shall be concreteor sealedasphaltwlth a total deviationof + O.Ogm(+2 in.) froma plane extendingat least3,0 m (10 ft.) In all _Irectlon's from all pointson the line segmentbetweenthe silencer outlet and the microphone'. 3,2 The ambientA-weightedsound level (Inc]udlngwlnd effectsand nther noise sourcessuch as theengine}shall be at leastID dl]lower than the levelbeing rneaaured. 3.3 Not more than one personother than the ot_server readingthemeter sha]1 be wlthln15 m'(50 It) of the s11encerepLnlngor microphone.and that person shall be dlrect]¥behindthe observerwho Is readingthe meter, on a line through themicrophoneand the observer,or behindthe silencer under test, 443 p i 4_,0.Procedure 4.1 Tilesilencershall be testedon the engineand silencersystemfor whlch data wtll be reported. 4.2 The specified silencer system configuration shall provide for measurement of the acoustical radiation from the surface of the silencer or silencers, connecting pipes, and the acoustical outlet of tile system. This does not include piping front tile engine to the silencer. The silencer system should be oriented In tile same relative position to tlte ground as for the actual application. Any deviation must be reported with the test data, /Ill system connections are to be free from leaks. For determining tile insertion loss, the unsilenced system shall hlclude a plpe of physlcal length equal to the silencer, 4,3 The engine and fuel rate shall be measured at full load from 2/3 of rated speed to governedspeed,or to rated speed on ungovernedengines,to determine whether the engine Is within the engine manufacturer's performance specificationsprior to proceedingwlth thls test procedure. 4.4 The engine shall be operated in tile followlng modes after reaching normal operating conditions: (a) Steady state mode - rated engine speed and full load, (b) Varying speed fullloadmode - enginespeed to be slowlyvaried from rated speed to 2/3 of rated speed at wide open throttle. For governed engines only: (c) Accelerationmode - acceleratetheengine from Idle to governed speed until the enginespeed stabilizesand return to Idle by rapidlyopeningand closingtilethrottleunderno loadconditions. 5.0 Measurements 5,1 The microphoneshall he locateda(;a heightof 1.2 m (4 It) Above the r, ground plane analat a horizontaldistanceof l_ m (50 It) from the centerllneof the silencersystem. Other optionaldlstancessl_chas 7.5 m (25 It) may he used and must be reported. The anguIarIocatlonof the microphonerelativeto the silencersystemopeningshall he recorded, 5.2 The sound level meter shallbe set for fast dynamicresponseand for the A-weighted network, • 5,3 For the procedurespecifiedIn Paragraphs4,3 and 4,4, report: m , 414 i !%'_'mc!<'_ .3_:_!, _, ._ ..!. !T/_ :_•i ¸¸I.: ;'. i (a) Enginepower and fuel rate as determinedin Paragraph4.3, (b) _iblentwind speed,ambienttemperature,arnbient barometricpressure, ambientrelativehumidity,and ambientA-woiqhtedsound levelsfor the test site. (c) MaximumA-weightedsound levelmeasuredfor each test mode in Paragraph 4.4. (d) Torque (or power), engine speed, engine intake air temperature, barometric pressure, and relative humldlty at which the maximum sound levelwas obtained, (e) Any deviations from reconmlendedtest procedure as described in Section 4.2, (f) The angular location and distance of the microphone relative to the si]encer opening, (g} D_scrlptionof the test configuration,]pertinent lengths. 6.0 General Comments 6.1 It is essential that persons technically trained and experienced in the current teclmiquesof sound measurementselectthe equipmentand'conduct the tests. 6.2 Properuse of all test instrumentation Is essentialto obtain valid m_asmrements, Operatingmanuals or other literaturef,rnishedby the instrumentand manufacturershouldbe referredto for both recommended operationof ti_einstrumentand be'observed. Specific Items to be consideredare: 6.2,1 The type of microphone,its directionalresponsecharacteristics, and its orientationrelativeto the groundplane and sourceof noise, 6._,2 The effectsof ambientweatherconditionson tim performanceof all instruments(for example,temperature,humidity,and barometric pressure). Instrumentation can be influencedby low ter,lperature and caution shouldbe exercised, 6.2,3 Propersignallevels,terminatingimpedances,and cable lengths on multi-lnstrument measurementsystems, 6.2,4 Properacousticalcalibrationprocedure,to inelnde the infloence of extensioncables,etc, Field calibrationshall be made in_nP.dJatel,Y beforeand aftereach test sequence. Internalcalibrationmeans is acceptablefor field use, providedthatexternalcalibration is accomplishedIn_ediatelybeforeand after field use, 445 , 6,3 It is recommendedthat measurementsbe made only when wind speed is below ]9 km/h (12 mph). 6,4 It is reconll}ended that a drawingor photographof the test configuration be included in the reported results. 7.0 References- Documentsreferencedin this [lecomm_nded Practiceare: 7.1 ANSI $1.4-1971(R19/6),Specification for Sound Level _leters. 7,2 SAE J184,Qualifyinga SoundData AcquisitionSystem. 7.3 ANSl $I.13-1971(R1976),Methodsfor _leasurement of Sound PressureLevels. _flSI documentsavailablefrom _lericanNationalStd_. Inst.,1430 Droadwmy, NewYork, NY lOglO. 446" APPENDIX A A typical test layout may include an engine-dynamometer located illan acoustically isolatndtest cell adjacentto the test site. Tirepipingfrom tileengineto the silencer should extend from the isolated test cell to tlretest slte. Tire silencer system should be oriented in the same relative position to tlreground as for the actual application. All piping between the engh_e and silencer should be acoustically treated to meet the reclulremnnts of Paragraph 3.2 The sound level measured durin9 the test should include outlet sound as well as shell sound from the _llencer and connecting pipes, but not including tile pipingfrom theengine to tilesilencer. The test sitemay conslstoF a flat open space or acoustically equivalentindooror outdoortest site. APPENDIX B If a facilityother thana flat open space (Paragraph3.1) is used, the A-_P.ighted soundlevel froma broad band sound sourcemust not dnvlateover the testdistancefrom _he responsein a free field above a reflectingplane nmre than+ I dD. Measurementconsiderationsin AmericanNationalStandard t_ethnds fo_lieasurement of Sound PressureLevels,AtlSISI.13 - 1971 (R1976), shall be used. I .447 r* (_ A Theotet|cnl for l_,xaminatio, Dyn_,o_tQr of T_Btin8 the of I(ul©v_nt 2-Cyclv Parainctvrn EnBlne tluf[ler_ by G. Pro_Qaaor _partraant o_ The Huchanical Qu_cn'¢ P. _lair Enslnacrins, and Induatrial Uaivaru_cy o_ I_clgnac Ab_trnct A powerful nolea thu deaisn perfoc_cnca and t)Te uacd Ilora in dynaza_cer by cogpmriaon ixa_pln i: ;_ with ¢o uaod and nolution4 to tim thc_. becn dcv©lopcd chnracCerLattcn L¢ tastinS technique h_a r_otorcycles, for snovmobLlen. coo1 la uaed o_ tha nornml effccttvenaaa precina clio when of the proble_e thQ ulaSn the computer of th_ of an un_cn, muE_Icr A n_corcycl© lnherant c,mpu_©r or _volved ©xh_ult prod.ct. program oE on,inca par_matern wlth utll_z_cion ncwra| marinn wrloua ficccd prcdtct/on cycle outboard Co aaeeon of the two-stroke ch_inn_a, An cn6Lna llluatrAte Th_ for for _.n nuch In program n providin8 i_ pr©ncnted _n an appendix. J 44_ ( u__;_,_._...._._._. _ , _ .... _o_,j0_,;._,_,_;_;__ , l.l Iutroduct|ol_ Tile hit;tory theoreticlan', unit, mu_fl_ru tile who_e pOrtictJ_llr _lth of aa drenl_ or _hey that the an e_hautlt cheerfully I_owcr or dcnl_n a mLiffler tim au_lagoua lnt0rr_latlon o[ _ha hhmt notoblc truth _xc_pctons, po#'lClon and wlocity entara the ©n_l/ne and ic_ '_*yattm" intake ba c_trl_d out _ha_ b_ d_duc_d aa power, at _o_ pit!Italic location a a_lga t_m-stroke i_ lot o_ thane in _our-strok_ piaton, tr_r_ the aml _ad their In nol_ o£ Dlennl oup©r/turba-chnrsnd I_or th* th_o_iaa 450 ao_ proctdur_a thermodynamic !ha of ouch and tim_ it course tin_ a calculation at "_yatcra". tho eflictvncy a©parated bn d_t©rm/nvd tb_ carl thermal th_ _ny '_hat r_ont ta detnilc.d b_ nvahlat_!. that no _e.ntion or npork-ll_ition, or in chcgr_cttr_tico chang!no call their will wltl_ _ro_ ter_ at of Yct have, io c_m_umptloa #ourc_= ©_©ct or of _a can detailed ecctioll the _houhl l©val_ ll)_lyo de_|sn of pc_r_o_manc_ air laced obvio.a, The "_y_ttW l_ or parcel thcor_tical _llencer_. _orllc c_l_tcd. type. particle, for_8ol_g cycle. latter trot!aS mid p_rformanc© th_ the too their np©_d and then noin_ b_ noted raciprocattns nor In npacn on both will £u_l nolo©, opvctra proc©durn, o_ gnor_t_ It torque, and o_ cithor It. t_rf_o rotatiolml and eshauat dealred lrl o_liin_ hatl tile part barely in all ©wry _nd ©xliauat It pac_do-_cou_tie, chc _ngiuc l_av©_ of ia equally include that with _ilellCCro, SCratch. aa _thcrnaClcal it cnglrlc rarely aml attempt for until _,c. tJllerlcer rico!goers the pvrforiTl_lnce [hllted 8coop i_ it; pcl_pvrcd [_rctell_lOllt_. co_poncnta to o_at_, intake o_ failed n_m_ly tile In _couutic, that on reallty_ of efficiency thenv baaed tile dc_l_n intake) t_rm. ia in fo=_er (or _n/lluc _l©ctricolly to ellciale predict Th_ Ili_toz'y iib_olute _©ometry for i0 to _tth author d_t_a c¢)rtLbarJtion referred otaaxQd thia of it type, arc th_orct_e|an_ internal nncucally 'o_ mlat©ad;_ has b©e.. mad_ o_ rot.ry a_pl.raC_A ISan dynaralcn or _n_In_i ora ao clttholie in itpplieation ao the p;irticlel;of nir are noll-tLect_irinn oii the topic o[ into which 2.1 enl_iI_ type tht.y _dmouldbe iu)_e,JLed. Th_o.ry, CoIhpllt(.'r of performance hilt not and exhauot ia n report noi_ 10aued B tile thin input tile and have cor0tnon cyp_ th_ thirteen ye_r_ (]ueen%l calculation whinh One of UI© v_lottl for of the tim llvt_l coropntur b_ #_en cylinder en¢ln_ petforn_nr.e, in tuned cxp_nnlon indu_cion tll_ir pinton in _erion _he _¢hln_ _old in th_ United llnttng of th_ _nt_ndnrd cov_ttd_ I_or tlltl tentltl8 controlled mtd _ctu_tl t do,in dilt_ in nnd ill t|tltt £or b_ imcd will muf[ler_ on their ll_ttlr_ll portin c/lhautt with it uinUlo u_,_d in 'enduro M_own in th_ enBin_ 451 It burning, of lntnke "_yBte# nppendia over _mthod _ _.PB2 dencrihen with d_t. St|tt©u lit inlet but _y:lLcm =llencer. (;PB2, proBr_tt_ [or r,h_ last _ workin8 be vt_rbiose. |mr_orm_lnc_ nppendi_ el_ll_ult boxoa with Uo.1096_ hct'HecIt I_/t#llr_.mcItnltd wouhl _ type report _ork computation,el Imrc _##oclntld the with the there 8(!Ol_Ct_/ _or tile reft.,rcnce_ l.l, itlt_kc paper _ptcie_ _everM in 8 the 811_oline trod thcort_ttc_i proBrntnn rl mc:,,inn of _v_lu_ltln[i A_ cnn The ol" correlation dinnu_ion Uei/nut. illOtlt Co_lplcli enBine. now ju_tifle._ p_oblenm tile [iutcd n calcuhttion cy_l.12 en_ln_; all con i.e. to thitL of 'Juch typt,m :lpnrk-i_nition, _p_t'imentnl FurUl_r tool, from tht_ dt!rivlltton to derivin _lppendt_ Univeroity dlltn [(Ir enl_ine c_tended the aspirated, bn_kBround _nd been lit output n.turall_ d_#crib_t v_lu©_ tl_e muo_;t of created, from cnn bc c/trefoil wlvin8 four for COl_ilrllClllion b tt_o-0trcJll[-' crlln_ccttl_ _ been IH;ll_lllbl_d _oluti(mo _pectrn ninsle-eyllnder, d¢nlSn IIIId h_lw_ chnrncteri_ticn ninny o_ th¢_u d_uctibin for C_lllj prol_.ralli8 tot _ or FIB.1 form h_r,_ to llln#trnt_ it tl_llnt_m_t_r _,nvirollm_nt. n typical ninliln- G _ud hnvin8 eilencer a conni_tinf e_pnnston box nn e_lntin8 _dc0ort' of typ(t 250 cm _ rncin&. with ccrtnin port o_ of _l dt_lRlt of A tl_ developed _ lit (_U]J [or [I ll_lrLlctl|llr cnnfldeutiality, hor.epo_r _XthJ are cotu;_qtR.tlt_y Al_;ouhoun ml FJlI, I i'Jtile output 2.2 '_'IlU{I['_{:iE_II 2.2.1 Nhell nomenclature IJ{)ltltl.(Hl_ I_ll_illl_ a motorcycle _[Lhilz l;{]lll_ lfl []Eo[lZi!Ill _lr/Jll_l beil| I" tetJted ol1 II dynalnol,_eter, dylltllnO/ll_i_r, l_etlt llrcil0Ollli-'llil tlOIhC ZlCOIHICIC Cover _hctl _ _1l lll{:lll_{_ I:eco_([ (!_l_|[lflt th_ /l/ld of the I_ylnbolr_ t_utt_l_at[uttu III_chiLtlIC_L] o_ _he IlO_t_O, In 1_ vdl£_ou.q _11 the t|le provided ItO[ac W_l:llolit either chaati[t]_ atld a lilicropholle [t_ I)l_lCed it'J l)rodoctlon _JOlIl(3 i,'iven I.n the alq_endi_. i. tO o_ [or th_ peak npccd of I11)00 rev/miu and the descrjptJ.on _md the data or IlNllltl[_lCLil['l:r for it _OLI_CC_e, ilO111(_llClllture _or II_glt_]._ p['o_t'_lfll CPII2the _11crophonc_tlEonltlollcdac dlscanec _PATIIIand tlPATIIE [tom the _L_e ltt_d 111/ _0 i_o_t_'c_a, The i=_hlttttl_ Ilo[_ ITIoch_ll_Cil] IlO_t]e l_rol_ri_Itl prov_dt_li lto _¢_[0_J_0_1 IcVe_llo CO l:he dyzl/llliom_cr illlileilllf_etl_ Thi_ Ilo_ili_b|i_e_[li:r_r_cncttl_()|u_:_oII acountlcally ,'q_p_l: Ml_eld the otl{:aLd_ _llll_ RPATIII_ [rom th._ Blt_ld orlIlce A thcori_/c.l _ltt(l by comp.rl_on wLth no[he llOlli'Cull Ulldcr tile t_,c tile hccomc, lulnmhlntlon 3.2,1 t©,C proc_d,rcn cnC_re tlm te_t nri_a b_t have poalt[o{l_,lH_ o[ the a 1_nn o[ crltlcal In_ulc Jollz_ly colzdltlolt_i impoi_cd 7,5 or 15.0 nir_tent method_ uf mLcrophone ra c,lploycd at [.ccor. l,ounih_lltJl,'_ .pp¢_ra thc._ oot,_ ,t tlli_ezdiautIt oriole© by lntal;_, .¢ction _n mzd e_llno,_ by Icypicnl ilccclnlc_tlon by nevernl auchocI_i_a, 2,2.2 On_ o1_ the tile lntnk_ or @._Jllltlt_ ecoloRtcal and d_/Idvan_al_c el_Icl©t_cy dtltnrloracc .yntcnln; In tll_t, silencing_my eugln¢ thJll ban alin<_nt the dcvlcc l_ to throttle (l_ntinct cccta_lliy_ rcnpecl:lvely. or otherwl_e of Cilianl_proach In illtlcllaflcd l_lln co_n_.rclal ctl_[oc An cm,minnt[on In .ecttoll p©r£or_nc_ of the _l_£ccl:lven_n 3,2,2, _52 N , f 2,2,3 Under nccelerlttion te_t cozld[tlnI1_} oI_ _ltr_z_1_tile veliicle [)a_I]estllrou}[It ']'Ize LlieoCuLicn_ proljrnnla|lows one Lo u1_nlnii_u in delhi| tlz_'pur[oz_.ztlce _nd noJLue-npeud _puctrlJlnIn dutlill nnLi [}e£1_Ltutile cedeI_i_n o_ thu _i]encur no u_ to e]Im[nnLe LiluwocnL noIiiu c_[ui!_L _ ]_cLicli_nr sp(!_| po_n_ wi_l_oLJ_ r_ducln_ Lhu ovucnll un_in_ lJUCfortiLnnce; [_c iL i_ LhIIL 'wor:_tI llOlSlu point which wJ.l[ _eg_ntur on nn nc_.ulerntion LUr_L. Solnu cider0 o[ motorcycl©a hltvu d_l_onuLrnt_d Lhu_r nh[LILy Lo r_'c_rd [o_er ilolrm vn].u_a Ul1_U_ nc_u1_nL[on _h©Ir inn_ncLivu either well point, nnd Lh_n i_ _innn_ed by ab_IL_y Lo t_o_| Lh_it 'wofuL' nni_u-_pe©L! lloit_LLu be be[ore l"uccher _u_L cundiL_oHB (by I or 2 d]l) or wull dincu0_lon t_[ter the o_ _hi_ minimlJm micrnphone La contnlla,:d in _o m_chine _ccLion 3.2.1 dia_nnc_ Wllet'c _C_LIA] _A]tIQg _I£¢ _LIO[_C([, 2.2._ On_ o_ Clze dl_[]¢ta|_ -oth©_w/ae *_[ ,_n _xlaau_ nml _¢cei©r_Lion _,_ploy_d ltuue_fimezzL [_rohler_u _zzfEie£, Lcuck tc_tinB_ Jn _h_ prnn_nce [:0, o_ _ il_ ©Xcea_ o_ cor0z_,_ntn ,_pply _qlmlly oJ_ Lhe th©o£aC_cnl pl_edic_Jona _ro_ {:([unlly cF_l_i[Is to m,_chnn/cnl el_nmlnnL_on hu£ct. nol_e level lo _g bu_n_ _h_r ©q.A1 /FOT_ t:tie C_llnZifl_ _OUFCL_, T|le nolo© but [)L_c_nLon p_rn_r.m CP_Z I:o nnnJnL Ln _n 453 _hich OF to dynnm_rn_L_r ta when _[_ exhm_o_ _z[Zler f.c_ nucr_Lon 3,2,3, l LO _hc e[/_Lvenc0g nnd it nppZ_e_ of an tntnke _|1_ _ thnl; i_ o_l:a/de o[ cllJ.a prob|em [ll_lminecion nro _roo _h_: ncopn wJL|l prcncn_ed Dincunnion 3, L Tile information avi|[Ii_tllc pre_untcd [roi_ highlifihtlng 2,2, 3.2. L L to the tile huru ocv_rltl [_eneral in but ¢olnplzter nature a abler fraction rLznu LltVolved of potential of the total Lil l|Ll]ncrlcally probl_mu in sectLonu 2,2,4, A tlufl_3ry pcrfor_¢zncc chttractcrlstict!of the cnflLBc of !ha;main ahown in FIg.2 over the _pced i|r_ range between 5000 - 0OOO rcv/min which would be that employed for n typical acceleration tcstj Irrcnpectlw microphone ,ztd test conditLona. poDicionlng both Qzp©rlme.ntal and theoc©tlcaL power Th© theoretical valuea nrQ predlcted data in Fi/l.l and the _xpcr£mental tim ©nEin© _nufacturer| hnva npcclfic [ucl conoulnption (Ib/ by the prollram CI'I_2for the listcd or rncnmlrcd wlluen were provided by The ensine ia runnlns st prcdlcc_d full "AccaL_rat ion thro_tle noi_© tent. _hQ th_ur©tlc,l/©sp©rim_ntnL Test*' The contrib_tlon noi_ of the Intak_ and e_hal*_ no!he _ourcr.n to thu L©v_In at each _pced point on th_z 'acceleration* ta_t are _hown in Plg.3, an pr©dlcted of iS.0 m [or both _o,rccu. a_ dflawhil_ thcor_tle_tlly for mlcrophon_ po_Itlon_ ?lle noine L_veln on FIB. 3 arc COmlnltcd th© cq_lIvaLcnt data for _h_ same nlc**ntlon buc with total lcvnl_ calculnce.d are plotted z_ dBLLH on Fllb4. that th_ intak_ no/nn i_ lower than tli_axhnunt noi_ It can be _ee.n in acn©r_l, b_t S han.two quite dJ_tlnct peaks at noted l _ her© Im qt*it_ 8ood, correlation noi_ for and on the rn_ztaurcddyt_otest data# aml am it wolild be for an accQLaration owrall apeed point thuJ not all thcor©tlc#l[ valu_ a mt_nmlr_d cquivnl©nt. both theoretically Presented on Fiib2 are valuta at each (bhp), d@llv©ry rntlo and brak_ of that the p_ak exhauat 5500 and 7090 rev/min. noiaa 454 at 6500 It will be rev/min..The 7000 r_v/in[t'L s |.rr_upc]_l:|.w tlt_a nr I_|_|L, I)I_LIH c_iLeri_l. pcodtt_(I a Lot;ally A Teot HLlffler of _ed '_, ju_. ch_'_l_f_c_l_l:_Lc dlh_ _h= pulik _o_" Lh_ lt_.LJ._! rev/m_[n _hl_ nJ.lcncer Lh_ p_ak_ thnL =[l_ncur. i_©rhnp_ _cnd to The n_Lt the o_ nol_ • tile _p_ctrn _= Che peak lnl:ak©, i [lluf[|er i_ to b_ |_ll_ _l no(oe/l_peud th_tt: the lllld |)_h_ce c_lrr_l_L |_ hil_lle,_ tenL i aln_o_ _lt (_bo{) r_v/mLn peak n l)_lk it_tnkc v_l_m. I)ol_._ certainly [or _L exh,_l_t nnd overnl| _n I_e|ec_edo 7000 rcv/min Cn_l|==_c_l I;o'_t;lona :_u_e _p_ctrn Preticnt; _-tl _n t:h_ Ehat; t;h_ pr|nc_pa[ _totlrc_ [n the _hntlll_ nn_lle i11=ccCt, urff between /_0 nild 700 It_, go_=_ p¢_=k would ¢lle no_c =¢_yn very rt!_tl_,l_{I ren[du_]L _lnt ill retail rnpLdly 2000 Itr., It nct_Ln[ned noise ¢o b© tnckl=d by of the u_Ht. 455 nL|lerwine 1¢ cnn he _¢_cn t;ttnt: rifler LOOO lit, wl._rcn_= Errs! '£hc_ comt=_nntlon _ourco wJ,t;h apnct;¢_=m__ll_|UClIC_=I Lit=ov_=ral[ =hould be t;Im_r=quency '¢=l_,enI:In nny r_d_fin A d_,]) at i_h_E po_LJolt= hnv_ benn ev¢:n h|llh©r. =specC:rutn [allu o[{ t;wncharncEe_t_c_ _11_l_krn _y_Leln i)n'_ud ;,_1_1noL aL the coincidu [)oa_(:_o{t J;_:omthe Eh_ ovr, rn_l _.n_nk_ _p=ctrum _l_n_ut_ment _l_tv[ce wou|d LII_IE_the whe,lc_aa Ett_ J,l'lC_ke llO_Lft= MI)_-'C¢_'tlF_ hi_ _ln_: overa_ll lure1 _ccordc_l_ predictn t;Ite nolo© e_hllu=_ at: a t_il_her e_llau_t ruv/mLn "_cc_l_rntJan" CIt[CtlRE[ORrl _ctt_ae(| nt)ov_, It: i ir_ qulLe Lh4tn _11_ 0Litn_l_lr_| ull[L, off_c_ would nt; t4hnL(_v©_ _ndep©nd_n[_ ;n[c£op|lone l_ inu[_ler _llLerttnt|ve wt|Ll_ 2dB hLBi_er B_ foc n_ 7000 [Io[zltn Lhen [_sLl Th© proBrllm FL_.5 been l_y occ_lrr_d. LhaL _1 iluw lh_._ In |_dk occur_ ilol_o/_|)ued 55_) [Irob[c_l Let: u_ _u[Ji_o:le 11o hil]h_r b_t; _Ln¢| c_tlnu_t t]aw_ n_cor_3 no_l_e/llp_(td l_ illo[n_n[: t:haL [:he zJhOVC de_nud nt'_d [.t: _.l_ _olmd 7_°_ noitle wou_.d have IL [_oi:eiltial [eL u0 _Lr_r_Lu_e _or "t_L up_cLrunl IIII_Lq'flaL 't exh_lolJt Lhe int:_lke :lituatlotl tIOil_L_ rL_cordln_ ProbLem Tho k_lcn_[ th_ tim no[ILe/:Jp_d by n nottJier _}hou|d dJ/[erct_L . Iicther Thu over,iLl m_tinly chnrLtcl:er[llLlc. hcr_: of _1 of Lh_.n_ _14it_Lv_[y _o¢liH| _|_Vl_[=tile| (=s_y) n aultnbia =Idc r_oilnLor ! i Hicrophone Pouit ionia[; In a dyn_lmom_ter noi_e la not record nhlehlcd (or attempt poaitionln8 _hcrc tent _ituation [rom the microphone to record) the the exhatmt becomaa critical. intake (and _¢hanical) which in bein_ noi_c then the microphone The reh_tively u_d to obviou_ conclut_lon ia to [)lace it au clout to the c_h_luut noitie ot_tleL au i0 practlc_ll. thlQ imilzt iu made i:_ FiBs. 6 lind 7 In thu to illu_trat_ data and in l"ilbO no a _raphlcal to (dSa) the it|Cake moat the ca=©a _or dyno of find overall nollndprc_u_e microphone fl_ld tile (RPATIII) lo nol=_ la =gamination o_ nattily, _h_ elonar one l=wl nearly cointl4©. e_ha_at th_ ext|uaat (c) in placed The curv=a it le.vnl FIB.6, of th_ noiae in no'_=_ and [or microphone poaltion= on Ylg.8. equal/equal r_icrophon_ poai_loning _orconatnnr eq,al nolae 2d_ dif_=r©ntial l¢.vcla _rom 456 tim both the that l©val, th_ raicrophona nolo= overall rnierophon_, agalnnt oh= pc=rgormane¢ Independent approxlc=a_aly poaltioninB FiB.6 ohvlo_m_ with o_ tim poi_e at varlou= b'hll,_ in =xhauat the intake nutl©t raitl_i_te lcvela tim rolntlv=ly ponitlonin_ wo_l,I nhohm to than =:ahau=t r_pr©ncnt will be rerp_mbere.d owrMl th_ to the litlet is clo_r relatlw (_P/iTIIE), ra to ait,ation revcnla a l or 2dll di_=reaee, l'ot_tar. 15,0/15.0 ponitionlnB approachea ot=tle_ 0.5 m nearer rev©rne flB_*r©a pouitionin8 c_{lau_t or more. loslcally do== th_ (b) or o_ The Time any ear©lena a= poal¢lonlns aa_easra_nt 7.5/7.5 =om_ 2dl_ 8r=at_r A clone raore and microphone =qual/©q,al cahauat work ©qulval©r|t. th_ microphone= At th= combiaationa =ource polfl_ ncc_l©retion what= the a_vural c_hllLiItr th_ relative ponitLonln 6 beilz8 moatly with in for form o£ tabuh|r rcprenentation. Ill_I_.6 i# _howI1 th_ i[|cakcj levela An attcnq)t any cl©ar og an_ particalar Intak_ nnd =_ha_|at aru ahowa producan differential inc_ _oure©= a,oh together _a mlcrnphon_ q=_= with di_ttlnee, tho [n OtllOr dlffercntJal Villuc but wordtl £1t |m+Odll nolae |evel frolll l}oLh noUtl2(++l llO0it:ion_.n8 it* 0.2 m at about microphone lea ?Odll eqlllllity the dlffcrolleinl nl)nctnll 0.75 l+m3.2 m median m on a 12.3 In nmdian point. pooitionin8 Clone 3.2.2 of n©eaalsnrliy rcqutr_ dynamometer trot purpo_OOo Thro,ttltn_ [ho The deai/_n the time microphon¢: h'xh,tt,tst tout-box in vnlonma tile nl_ieldlnt_ of exhauuL other outlet would :lot +Jouz'coo for iloiu_ O,_tlut nllencor dlacunucd different ncountic to un_d tile in ilrcviotl, connected the relatively ueetlnnn _,ImpIo hnn nilencor banicnlly by 24 r_nmdiameter ttlbea. four The elemPtmta or ealculJition at 7000 rcv/min +<nnrep©ated far n microphone ponitianln_l of 7.5/7.5 eqtm+_l/W It w_ll the of dintance DDI. DDIR, 20.0 to 22.0 and rm'a to but , th_ ta mor_ 1,5 of althoullh nol_e Jneren.od. rmn vnl,m air _low . ,,j+p, ttdle on time d/amctern lfi,O to 1B,O to original diameter atandnrd wan nte|_.. conut+ml)tion exhn_#nt outl=:t ovorall noi._ for ovnrnl_ Ln powP, r and 457 i, tile Tim eqm_l/t 22 ram; her© thn the the reducea no_trc©. /'roe bein 8 the final point etmnl_ed The ronult* lind ©I¢hnt, ate Fl_.9. throttllnfi holo+_ th_ noino calcnlatlonn Ln aev=rnl npcciflc nhc_+n on hp p_nnlty _ignl(lcnntly, nliahtl7 otltlnt certainly predominant dB J_or 0,5 the fint#l renpectiv©ly. hl+_bent five of vnl.e brake that to wan the l_tter 2_.0 noin+_ arc no doubt di=metnr wnrdn tniet/outletn chnng+ed fJucCc=nively into; tim t.ntio+ n£Gnificantly the r©v/min In each mtnndatd 2h,O mQ diamutcr tn outlet l 26.O other And overall beco_ea Juot to dolivery pm+nrp Thorn _rom 7000 and e_llannt character/nile. In 16.O lntnka that DD2 lind DI)2R worn enleulntio.. for intaka I)© rcmolahar_d not=e/opted _rom Erom m w_a the 7 el int+lk_ r+oiao induced to 16,0 bl, home 4dBp nolnn level |l_)inelevel non_ down which occura now at in radtJced _n fuel corm.option. by aom_ 2_ tile i n intak_ lzy Further power throttlhl_ (6 hp), barely whet© thu It while outla_ ueen tn overly power nnd efficLancyj Th_ d_v_c_ enl_lne flow r_lte lnd_ed tt nct:ually tha_ on th_ io allowlnB 3.2.3 ©ffLcl©ncy tim tsomQ I5% tha .intake aatscnamcnt prosr_m _ a dt:vtc© en_lr_ bc :sy_t©m _'educl:o and cnpnbl_ _n_lne ltmL¢= pow©r unit ou_; imrt_.cularly {ror_ I_|1_ axhmlp_ incratloed© ao of point aa ©n_ina _att_Borl|:=d _o produc_ nnd both a= nuch d_[fft:r=n_ia¢|n8 it= _he bndly [:o fJ_ b©_w_cn r_t_d d_Jignld within a elm pa_r or producad lagiala_:_w dnyn ratnntlon of hi_lh _nglne l_ nw Lp_o_tnn_ na ©xc©nalv_ t],_t th_ noin¢ p_k b=fc in by ldB In accCJon 3.2.1 tlte i_portance oE _he d_Lgn wan poinl:_d by drop Lncr_aaed _rm0cscork. In th©nn ecoloRienlly-conac_ou= I_lmrr_l (tim decrea=ed r©coi;nf.aed th_ thr, noitse ,,d_Lch dnrnt_a e_ficl_ncy in any raufflcr r_ethod.Q ahould withLn a conoiderable _nu 20 n_. and r0u0t be uhtch and c_{J.cL=ncy produce_ air rea_rlct_ve _cnt =llencer _ in diameter which the th_ altered, c,m b_ duvicu. 16.o a deterioration by rJollm IO_); iioLae to nolnQ. o_ the Jnr.nke a_t©nczr _n_phanL_©d w_n tho n_c©n_Ity t:o en_ur_ in tha Intak_ np=c_rt_n did not colncLd¢ wLth chnt ay_tc_n. On th_ _nt_nd_rd '_©ngin_ tim In_ak_ box_ _ox I_ had n volur,_ o_ 7200 crn_ _ll:h _ _0 r_n ouLl=t rub© dlnr_cnr Till;= wa= _laced {:ubn of /_/_ _ prod_ca l:tm_arn_ total, po_r dlarn_t_r tl_ from angina "pap©r-enR;_n_ J._ uncleared I i h)' _ ar_nll=r box_ Pox 2. o_ th© aar_. l©nl_¢h. nit 7000 _'lth flow at Th¢_ overall of PSI - DS2R). 2500 c= _ volt,_ Thi_ rcv/rain a comn_on "atnnd_rd" cn_|lt_r-dynamora_t_.r In (rilldla_t_ra nnd n wa= no _rrnn6ed and therefor© _xhnus_ tn_t n n/tuition. _e th_ aam_ aZatarn for oach _h_ =xl|_u=t nolnn coneequenct=. nol_ _ra ahown In _g. lO nnd lncre_cd ovnrall aou_ (intake) l=vnltt th=_ first pren_p_r point lawl 450 ' _nd the=it fr=quenc7 to be. obl_[v_d pe._k (dlSl.Itl) I_o I_ _p_ctrur_ r, rentl_ _'t the= _ll_#l_ Imnno, ic (116.7 IIz). ozl_ hnn 8rnve thlo It doubta freq,_ney; pe_kk would _lppliclzLton (,or. 2) intaku tim_ O.6dn to rccanaLdcr (d_l.I_) of .hould one mu, t obzJerve that thc ^-weL_htin_ one ride _Ll_ncer hL_her tl,m witl_ _tafzd che producen =tt_ ovttllll doaifin, o[ n toLnl at low frequency Aa the {aria th_ orlfitna[ Eor leGl_latLva factor a motorcy¢l© box ch0n thta chnrncterL_tLc Lhe _pplLcation crL_rLa th_lt lind unplen,lmto o_ th0 ^-weifihLlnl_ Lt levvt thaL im obtr.aLve Eor Dox 2 only poLnt le_ittmtzcy bc aoaured level i. thin I_bout the [or auch n replacement noi0e (o at aound l'©rilnpa _ot=nd pre==uce purpoa_0. Conc luB[ozza Tha th_or_tLcnl d_aLBn tool the whLci_ ia n_pnrnte _e_,men_ on th_ Jntnke pointa _n_lne that in illuecr_t©d n tr_© nnd exhaunt _ w©lt _nd ira _h_ program nno_m_oblle. i)roc©dur=n her= ¢|l_lneaw_ aa I_er_ _ho_ Oh0 ua©£t_lne=§ of nenn©; noise _hQ Lntarnctton pnrem¢_rl. l_ orient©d _o_rda ind_ntr|nl barrier to itn Application to =_dtal¢o In _he commonly ,nnceady hn= the p_od,c_Lon p©rfo_rrmnc= or l_ of the engine _t the tndeptndent lntek= Lwo-cyc|a eyp_| nny internal cn_nbLlity to r©v¢_ diatnnce And ©_hau=t _torcycl©_ m_|_lera o,¢bonrd_ Lh©r_ |a no _heof:etLc_l comhultLon enRlna which lnhall_ or ran,net. Acknowledgement a The author like Lo ncknowlcdgn • t The _tleoul_ Univereity prosr=m and who cnrri©d _f I would ferLea th=L¢ theoretical Pc, _, _, (at Mercury Coac©a o[ Belfn=t who HarJne) H_ccury eEforta leLd t|m ot=t the =_p©rir_=ntal premL_oa; (nt the Pc. J. H_r/ne) and Dr', H. A, 5pechko on the C0 A_h_ (nt 459 noine I_ohlec) of pn=t r==e_rch _cotmdhaH work for chi_ ¢omp_tter to veri_y (_¢ _arner Jtudenta th_ _ccurncy f.l©ctr_C)_ proEr_m_ I _c, 1t. L. Cahoon on Lha ensLn¢ K_" flow at.dLeno i 11!i : "' '/••:' _b _,_ _.ll_"_t_, +. 'll.i I I I--I>l_l l_ _li#l *_ll. leall *'ld,i f I.ii hill i'll _r "ql,'_liLi ' _ll.i ^l i .',1'l ,Ill. r:_ll I_.. _l,_ i_. I l li.,* II**, L alrll'll'l'll,l,' I t I_ I *It,,, ld,,I lllll I _llii llIh,,I tlt_fj , @@ _) _i_ I,ilIl_lli i'_b_ 1611_" llfli It_INIII _lll..inill.l, II.l,i=l lllllt , I, liil ii*_*'*_* I "ill I I ll,llll*l nI _,lll Iql* # II1 lilt 7Al I 1li_ fill I.lll n_*l liil_lLI 4P_ llt_ UU#NilIllll 'tl*'i III #l ! " ktJlilll ). I tI.,i I_il Ill I'ldtl htill _ I it... I II if*.. I U If il.ll. '(' IJ. 71ill Illl _ _1 _ _l_l I_. UU|I li,l_ V_l Iillll I_1 IIf,l_ I IU'I Ill*r. L• Ill *1.1,*'1 II* _,i.I .-pI'r_1114 It,ll_ IkLq i_lll _l I I_li • II lip,i I_l ....'" "': ...,} , Ik_l,"*l I I _liinilll_l*"it I_n n._r,li•lil*. r#l+' rl| liili ll@, ._ II_illll i.DI ill i.tllll_i .tl rlllilli_rl ll'lll i Oil ''_ it "t" fi'_ • °I IJ,| •1:1 It • '" iI ll*O.I ........ illl llil,l _'_ _u°. I.)l/ ""*• Itill ill,' Illl Ik_ii'ililil'illll/ill i_ll,>,,..l,l,ll lli+,l ill i_*._l*l i,_1.111 " 'l i. _jlll I Ill 111,11 II'I ill I.t_l _llll t_l.Pi II/i l_l IllilNlm ill ¢i I1 It l til ill I*_lL I*_AI lll_l# lilllk I_tt Illl illill Illl ill '"i r" • lI _lI 'il_....)'_•i _INiltll i. _ull•tl_ Ill pli-ll;l_ ,I,.1 i,, il ll*l. ,. ....I..,,.' I ,1 I* I ,_**n II I *ll • Ii_ I_* Pi_ I._tl II ll,l , It ,i f, t li,,iI_l ,,ll 0 I m Ill It'lll_ll_ _l_ P_l _ i,t.1 i II*ll _l,_ll*4 (,il_l#l*lll i_lllllPip• i I,_ hl,l li ll* .,I_ ¢1 i,{l ,,11 I',1 l,l li,l ililll 111: ' I*11 l*il ll•lt hl i*i till, II. )IIIAP l_tl I•ll iliv I_tl _.. I,.t .: I., fill .|._ ll.i •l*A i.°l *,,,. ,|.l "',''" .t.-. ........ "_*=ll,I i.,tI" i4 llllll, e'_l"I ill l_lll.llilLII fill I i _l.lll •Ill #l_#*li Ii III ""' 1'•'r> r r J•i I lull I:**D I lllll#li_•ll _ ,|,. bill II*•l f rti_vr*i PI *ill J.:. 1.., ll., if., ll,I 41i I_ ,i . . I_ l._ Oat + II_ l_ill.lll, ill llel_ , l_*'% t .t _11 li, I<.,', _;,i t *t ,,:_I .,if lillll •ill ilI i, q #kill l*l I1_ Ill I. _ t.l Pill lfiUI llll I*l Oil ltll,llII 1 I_.ld llrl *It IIIll,/lil I III Itl *_.1,_I _*l_i { I_l_ll I._ #. II .... I,I ,f i""l'tlLt _#_* IlL ,t*t'_l lilillll. viii In_l &t,.I,. io,I Lll •ill,Ill "" 4i _!,1¢, ' lit 1_ ilMII ' i_rOIrl I_i1,,#_1 Ivl,l_, Llin._+ll I lifip . lh ._lllll "_%_ ttliiil_ _l ii ;.ill /_ I*11{" I 'l•l& 'll""'< i.,,....t._,._ '_ll_ h II il,lll I._ll_lll ll_,bSnlD lull _ll',8,,i.j *t_q I Ill I,i I_l,p I, ll.. I lirl *t #i _lt _ Iltl}',_l t I I+ _lilllil"ll ililk *1 _.l I*# il.i PiI*_P" # _n li*il l_rilPiiAi _._1 Irq ll* II ti ti•fl I*r_ll * i # OGO!. ).T: 0.751_ )-a( :_I '1 LO00 , 5000 1 ,," / engine \% ... 7000 1 °.<% -%\.'+% --, 60DO speed - rev.Irnirt t _"_ / _Io_8_)_ =. \_ °V_J/ _'÷\ 8 • 20 _ 30 09q + "-. I • FIQ. 2_ 8000 - _rall 75 // ""..._ ÷ noise a,. d "I_ fl ?( intake noise 65 60 mike al 150m sooo ' eobo - , 8obo Fiq_3:.. 462 , i . ,',. 7obo engine speed rev/min. , 65 I ,) 7O overoll noise 65 6O 55 Inloke noise exhousl noise 50 /,5 ;' 0 35 engine speed : 7000 rev.lmin mikeal 15.0 m. 30 I , • , , A 1 ! , 5 , , j _ , 10 HarmOnics ,IG_4 -- i I , , _' %' '7 , 15 "7 17 F_i9_.5.: HICI{OPIIONE FOSITIOHS IiPATIII HPATllE (a) 0.25 O.75 10_1.6 (b) 0.5 1.0 (c) 1.0 (d) (©) ([) INTAKE dDA EXIIAUST(ilia OVERALLNOI_;E dBA 101.1 109.3 102.6 90.6 104.1 1.5 96.6 95.1 90.9 2,0 2,5 90,6 90.6 93.6 2.5 "1.5 79.1 01,1 03.2 73.1 75.1 77.2 15.O 15,O FIG, 6 - HICROIqlOHI'. HI,ACED NEAIU_,R TO INTAYd_. SOURCE BICROPIIONE POSITIONS ,' •" RPATIIX RFAT]_ I_TAK_ dl|A (a) 0,75 0.25 99.1 110,6 110.9 (b) 1.0 0,5 96.6 106.6 105.3 (c) 1.5 1.0 93.1 95.6 99.7 (d) 2.5 2.0 58.6 92.6 94.1 (e) 7,5 7,5 79.1 81.1 B3.2 73.1 75.1 77.2 (f) 15.0 15.0 E_iAOST dBA OV_,P_LI.NOISF. dBA FIG. 7 - HICROPIIONil pLACED HEARER TO EXIIAUST ,_O|)RCK 465 , h , . d. O5 i _ _ ..______A_'_ "°-_. _---', _ r l/v .... _/ 6.: o/- _o 6 i -- - _1'6' ! ! _i_LI • J .c ' 1LBsilencer ou|l_.t ._o tube diameters , _ 2'2 DDI -DO2R, mm _ 0'75 9O intake box2 - LIN 80 .!ntokenoise levels- dLIN ("_tandard'}Box 1 BI.7 Box 2 _89'4 dBo. 79'1 "79.7 'ntoke /\ I 70 _ I AWT 6Ot- f ,,' /.,..j/intake J B_ 1-AWT mike at ?.Sin engine speed 7000 rev,/rnln. 50 Frequency. Hz } Harmonics 11 t I 168 I • i Fin 1N ^PP_NI) IX Rcpor_ IIo,I0_)6c}_ Tim Qu©Qil_n Unlv_rnl_y of [lelf_u¢ on a ComplltQr of Pnr_orr_nc© Prol_r_m (or tim Prcdic_Lon Chnr_cCar_nl:Ica o{ n Two-Cyclv F, np,J+nQ b7 Profanmor ! L I I I r . ! . _loLa© nnd G. P, B|a£r I- "1 A Compu_©r Pro_rnm for ttl_ Predic=Lon of Noise antiPerformance Ch_raccarLi_Ica of _ Two-Cycle EnsAn© by _rofo_oor R©por_ C. P. nI_Lr No. I096 L. .J Summery T_Ln report: conl:alnl us_ of a computer the performance ; • combined " da_e la of the /_lQut noise noLee called e_:c., spectra levals. if|eluded, as backaro_md program charncq:arisr:ica conmttmpt:lo_ t air .ql]d o_aulll: n daecrlpt:lon aa la material of power, an well and |:heir t'afar_ncu aa corqu_, overall dnncrlptlon _t©rini and Am ©xperlmen_al int:_tke proof _he and Inpu_ furl:lint arid output atudy and of t_h_ accuracy predlctlon pmrhod. 47u __.a for ghe fuel _eparaCe of for predLct:n Lh_ _p_rn_,- Ashby Ins|trots, Stranmillla Flood, f3elfeGt 8T9 5AH , nhee_a "TIlROUOIIFI.O_' which of A br|.ef t:ho dat:Jt Telephone,40_3_L 66111i Telex 74487 BTIIROU_IIPI,OI#J " ,I etl!!ljlut.or pr,,_rarq to gad no[_. e!!,!r,lcteriatLCa (If := c[';mkcaue c_vc lven_ine ibrL.dict ill(! .cgraprel_i,m R_n_arcll of 19D4 to the flow behaviot_r of or apark lgn|tiot_ or rotary pinion lllnir (3) from of to ch_lr 8iw at , two and natur_illy the period th_ unsteady four-_troke arq)lrated_ ,llld Cahoon work chroush by I)lalr 8 fine-borne nulno cycle. with haft (l). r_oved wi_:h 8no Dle_et r_ciproctltia8 el|i;ille co direct power, torque nolae (6J evaluation anti (5) the of the the ayatcm¢ pr©d/egion intake and fuel dcacrlbed pipe tim ntlove-_vl_tioned (2) prusre_alna and apeeiflc I)y pulaating created for and Anhe a naturid of and Contea with Blair the character/at/ca whicll th© naturally ignition be handl©,l_ and dine and valve, eycla th£a ©ngtn_.a vnrintior==nf to|' t|zn acvernl and computer and exhnuet tlcta_l tile hurnins, ayetema Intake of geom,:it/ca1 crnnkeaa= can be nnMyacd which typ©= eompr=aMon_ with thin nnd cM_aunt =yater_= which uyntem Induration _l_ch aa pinion, emltrol. typen of ©ng_,ne handled ¢_h_l_t (b) noa-_xhau=t (e) tim _ln-betwe_n' nlgnntur_: acction Raaol/ne newrnl in) The follow aapirat©d_ two-atrak_ Ther© or= Ti=¢ _dn (a) reaearch work Ih_©ta data program. . over co;,_hle, d eft©eL, d=tnil= rend or no_, be©it incorporated The can cnBlne_ charactcriati_ evaLuatLn haa l)elfa_t l_l_Iud lit underatlnldi_qi by Blair 8an flow Rclti_ed of of pubtiahed purfarman¢¢ program typv_ Univurt_ity _QCIliKIli_X[I_. pretilctloa rr_thod .park nil hzla beell auperchllrsed work eonaumption. or day ahowa how thin ¢nfil,lu'a Lhln a_ Thu (l_eun_t_ prcn(_nt Race|It ; work perfnrt,al}ce t_,o-:_troke fulled of (_ocorcyelea unitn tuned tll_ aru enstnen tmltn proar_ma (lnduatrinln, or part =nhauat applying mainly are_- J_ .C.P_2 and nno_q_ohllea) and GP_6. 472 chnlllsawa, tuned to lnw|_mowur=) (outlmard=) trait= typified in Tile ailinature o[ tilt' [)ro_lrnm,_ nlH)lyin,: fnllinly to unit_ typified in (b) nnd Co) arclGPIH, Tim middle lndncLion Hlddlo Lniti_l proc_, P rufern to with data R and l) refer lnitial_ c[lnrLtct_rinticB. In ind._trial ensine with data later) _nd olleot tim othut GPII3 lllld GPII5 the prosrnln oriented °diace word_ I Illl illustrate a "pi_ton-portcd" _cqnence to exhaust prafrtlrrnCl|lll and and that _u_d "disc--valve" proE_rilca GPB[ refcru a uinlllo suit to a _/nsle GI}Iil would pro_rmn, induction 11 pioLon-ported intake hoK oiluncer clllculnte the (as© altcrnate lot thu oalmt__y_tCOl_ bug for Irc_d ° units. valvud Tll_ numeric thQ ©nflllll in to arced-valve" nola© and perform_nca charncteristic_ _nd inde_in_ symbol 1 - 6 d_in_ apart type of n =InBle "llo?i and tlnl_HI havlnB thll, t_ from ©xamin|.n8 tile exhaust _y_tem tlll}fl II lntakQ nketchos in attached silencer. tile To aheata data to _hich follow _roar_m CP_I has n _ln&ln bo_/t_b_ r_osram CtHI2 has _ s_r Pro&ram CP_3 has two box/tabs Program CP_ hat o_ foyer hox/tuh_ Prosram _lluncur, exhaust witlloU= allnnecrn, two box/tuba silk, nears a tilncd oxh_lllt i exhan_t with without a tuned exhaust all©ncers, t_lth _ tuned a ¢llned ©xhnunt _y_tem. on_ t,b© p=rforated, and without system, GFI_6 ham _ =In&l,= perforat©d tnhc silencer and a tuned exhaust pipe system. _lm for _ollowlng pal{a, PIB.A, pro&cam CpBi - a p|.ston-port©d i_ a reproduction induction o_ nn act_sal comp.tar un_,t o actonlly Tha first h_If oI the °u,_tput_ from th_ proar_m is th_ I specified listed in of th_ n_#tp,_t ch_ln_aw "i_pnt n d_a type. aa that in |ha section. data =h_ntu In otlmr whichwords followfrom and _911P. in the to ^TOY exact (cylind_r ordar of bor=. t|m data rn to air to _1*el rmtlo) ia-th_ data li_tJn& £nr tlm anRinn, 472 Th_ unita are m_trlc ,<I _ _r • ,, . (Ill) Jill lad linear ilil_nlllollu Jlre tr_% with exhauflt tuznpurnture (TWAI,) lieLud OC, _lla _I_|L mix with tllii •p,_llic n©cond hillf of O[ _he C_/C_QO _tltll fli©l lllld 6he output (]n_llle ntiltli renult oll the el:c., _[_ectl'u01 o[ _t the cliicillationu ao not for iilpuC wllue of iilhl_li /Ire i:or /or 'paper Ii pl'hlLed Lhe owrnll of coni]ltltm_r ciilcu|lltlono li_l,'C, lhe .611© cnic.ln_ton_, the rullll_ll_ cycle cono_mptlon i_ engine', IIIIP I llow_r _ilBln_ tim prc_llur_-cL.inikolllll_L _lrAphplol:L=r for tillB[_ the hint ptcLui_tl (llixCli) cycI_ life alan drawn calcll|nLioll_ eee liliUrli. _hli itl'ltl con_tnl OU¢l_lil _7mbol_ dl!l[llCll engine.pe_d_nv/_in (nl.o or gSBCI lll|)lii: bA_ed on hrnkQ horaepow_r IG# klinwnLi:n _ kW KC lb/hp - itllL_, willil_) (746W) J_llll cnnilllmpCJon nn ¢p©_lJ_lC L_ _i_Pl nn _IIP - brake or b_lnwi h_ ks/kW h brak_ mean _f_ec_ivo prc_nurn _n i l or IH_PI P61 - Iblln2 KPA - kPn indlenrml Pfll or i ; P_R_EPI KPA - _ "Jr ,; KPA - /lfl kPa IPt_in8 - _rrlfillllrl Ibl_,n 2 crankc_ae PSI ' - _enn e,,_lr,e_lw lh/ill mean e.ff¢c_ivn prnnaur© 2 kP_ 47_ I_a lly la_t(lllxtli) Filbll Lhc , lit'like _ipc_¢l_ cycle only, _hQ Lho c_li_lliiL_l and nil IIPM. FHEP= frictfou or BKt tilt!an efft!cLive PSI - lb/in KPA - kPa delJ.very i,re!;f_urc at; 2 ratio de[ined au mann air flow lmiuced per c__cle meat| o! enl_ine'a _wepL volu,le at ' wlmre 5TP ia "_tandord (760 retail8 or 101.326 (_ charfiin temperature 8 e£f_eieuey trappin_ defined ©ffizlcucy 5El _eawn_ln8 lmr u_flcicncy (Alto P_RAPl PP,_L; can b_ crappluB prenfltl¢_, tmtcn nttn. of foliate pr_a0tit_ D or _lno _¢AVt ,_CAVI)_ t:he, nun_ber traneter port last for tht fitnt to distance or overall _n inpuL =co|ion (_lxth) th= tit= nth in|akin (RPATIll noite n_ charge pre_nure at I I) pol_ e_hauar, during Vtlltt_ t _:_lmtt_t of port opening. Fore tl_nln calculation. harmonic nyat©m and combuntion temperature. d_fireeu of ¢loaure in opcBln_ in with the .ol.e o.tput part tip _o it mar.lrnmn of an_ RPATI(_.) [rom the _pe¢cr¢% Lh_ combined eahattoL ayntcm 'mic:rophono'. noise apc_tra o[ Incavenging e_platlatlOl| Tim f_rat th_ tt_ utlitn arm, °C. 'p_rft_c_ [ull©r 474 i i I purity ne exhttunt prenauro p_efi_ttre o[ output cycl_ of to cycle |trapped or _A[,I applied _i,i'i:_ • ,,-',., an _n_Lml_n cylinder the aa per eyt:lo p"-'-_r cy_c ¢_-" PHAKt 7he ne_C fiTP o[ It_.n. tmtta l teen at defined maaa of air trapped _ot_a[ '_amn t:rapi_Qd and pre_uure au defined renan o[ air tra__ _anh o_ air imhiced (20o¢) kPa)" r,lasa of air trapj)ed per cycle foa.t= o[ enaine'a awept vbhJm_ _; S'H' nhow. frcque.ncy a_ their after _=n rllferene_ imltly_ed th_ o[ (2), over nolo*: 2000 _pcetru_ I1_ re_p_eLlva hlno allom_ i= the o[ I_h_ tntak_hnt| to_l _ah_ttat:. t _y=tcm. The wdueu level in in d_) Ln dB nnd ore or ,a A_£ (welgh_ed nnalyncd liiw Tile [I total of tile output intake noine mid cho colabin_d 6raph,_cal for Jeta, _eC line the *_nl! A_T), [.IN ,ccording Lo the 8how_ the ,unlnat_on outpu_ r©nGo[l_ of At` tllc (hit/ and noLne for in FL8._ ^l;r), both (overnll ._ound preueuru A-weighting (l,O _Q_ I_1 .t ucale facLor_ tile bottom 360 ° cr=nknhn(t of) of IC (inlet cloaing), total of rhone exhaunL nource_ npcctra tloJ_e (LIN (L1H and AHT). pre_ure-tim_ hinto;*lea fll"c LIiQ crg*llkCtl_*_ llltd inlet line of the where lLnea and picture I:ran_er duct, _DC at to top-dend-eantra nnd the hainG ntr_nphertc The x-_x[n v=rticnl all in two port heln_i zttmoepll©ric pl_cloll_'cn prca_ure arm,). llna The notue o[ C[dltILy, top O_ tho [)_c_uro (a, tddle r=fer the ahown thll (J,|l Arm.) W_Lf:|| Lho horizontal poc_ drawn openin_ nee the prc=nurea cylinder, (ill run TDC co TDC (on from tile centre, gO _nd _.C (exhnunc diasram; cloninG) port of from , TO and 475 the piston npnrt opening with the port nnd the horltontnL =trn.). nnd bottont-dend-centr© end ntm.) (1.0 lflO ° la oll tht_ czh.uat pr=a.uro < " ,n dl}A). The last to urc tile cycle) or picture. TDC nnll flDC imnlt/onn r=npectlvely. TDC, TC (trtmnfer nnd ninth cloninG). fll)C nnd TI)C are pore IO opnnin B nnd No._mlrnOh *_o. OOw_ pONT |r,Lklr Punt TflAhOFCtf £_/, Tt/_Pr, OATA u Lt_t'ht) DATA & OAIA Irl1|cr|or_ _1_[ DATA uuGT t_rIGlI,E *.;D • I,HT, ,O,q E_tP* IIUX ._,_ EXr_AUbl b_,LE_LLh I.L,.I t. _,,, Ero, l_Irlr_/*x fill _ t_u+_r_ttI_AFI t._ K)A h _d_,_t} OA;_ FF .,0_*I FtA ,J._q /)A_ri nl_ |It H' FF ml. *JJ*J v:_ .32t( a:_tl _,elk)4 FFO _ArOA_IS? r_ t_rl_._ KP p, _ _ nT.P OtJHr_G ATII_ Phi I_ ;_pt_t_ _PA r,I A UH CL T_[ ill k _ [.,tA,JOT (Ill tiir ,o A_I. lille *l '"°i'" MIt. **Dr1 r_lt¢Ai _ P_.t. |.J I,,TA_[ 13. A'_| i_! i g_. AHT O" .r_,5 ti.tJ[ • TO:_! _,_ , pL_T_Urt J* _-nAI _ic.I |,_Ai. gC_,V 4;_U* _*** I_AS. bCA¥ Uf$ t M)I;_ O_i,t _.,x_ l_J* IttJe'_ """° 91,J 90_4 u_, rl AnT I17,7 pU.tiMLp """ ."_' '_" _-(' _ L; XALI VA't D:2 ,t_ _bl) I', 0_ r t(HHA_ _,3,_ [h_t_t] 031 _.: 1.15_C AMI) U_'.,,o THTftAU [_r_(**o OAt I_TAKt, O,t[H |q[AhE t..o..*_ _t/_H H "A'_ |Hq UOX kO I,A FF[ *q,tl_4 EXP* TitA,_:pIIT-|O F ItU¢l_ _O_|TlOh3 UNg n.,J,l.,), [r,Ptl Tltr, OTTI.I[ _^¢(l)n_ nJrH 7_,L'L' UATA OUX A .UI [NgU:*tn[^l. :,T,_u_E 4.,_tU U IrffAH_f[ff I_T PP _,_, ,J.,, ., b,,'_._,..] . pr_;p OH CL IL _}L _,._, ._., ,,.,,., ..,,,,,...... ._ I_lHAr 9_tl. r'n_ ,., ,., ........ I ! RI_]:I_RENCISS 1. 2. G.P. l)la/r al_d W. Gn. F.nBLne"j SAI.' TranthlctLon_ 0. P. IDnLC Flaw V_htclm and O, P. ThrouGh H, Heating, ]llnlr, "l'rcdLctlon S^g 76064_ C,, I% nXalr and S. _fXux Tr.naactton_ Vo1.82, 5. and Coat©a Char_ct_rlatlca ,_A_ FCIH I i • i ,. n_ Heeting, P. Blnir, H[lwauken, Vehiclo _^F _cllange ?GO6l, lh Performance HeetinS, Prod.cad ComhliptLon tlilwllukee. by UnatQndy f:nEinn", SAF. 730160. "F.rthQr .gt.dl©a Comb.atlon ._npt. 47tI i SAK F,nslno "H_lLae Internal 1'.)73, ?.. Two-Cycle Ga_ _qAl_ Off-111ghwny 1976, Sept. of SAV. 720156. I_n/ILne", Coatea, an from AnalyuhJ Two-C?cle Uas_em[y Of£-Iltghvl_y hr. Colnplete 19720 "The of 1976, !4, Vo1,01_ Aoho, 5AE Hore n llLl;h-SpecLfLc-Output Hllwauke¢. _¢pl:, gxltallmt 5. C. "^ or" a Two-Cycle Chnrnctart_tLen", 4. Cahoan, Sn,teady Chnracter[,tic, 3. L, Enslne lgZtJ, of Noime l' ,_^K 74071J. ,Sy_t©ma", D;IL;t Shu(_t /0[' HThrouJ_hf|ot]t* " .1 COllljl|eLt_ fL(_;IvIJIll;{tliI _ttdtJct_nll RIId c_hatutL anaIyula of it cl'_ttd_cll_ ._ con;l)ren_oll two-a_roke _ycle t'n_lne. J G. l'rofeauor P. lllair gHGIffE NANE E[IGI/_,_ TYPE NO. OF CYLIHIIERS IIII)UCI'[ON ,qY,qTl!H: (a) l'i_to_l purLvd (b) I)lac Vatvu (c) Reed Valve, nnJ.on : Symbol 1. Cyl_nd©L"IIoraj director 2. CylLnder I;_roke, 3. Conn_ct_nl_ rod e©n_reB, 4. Cr_nknhafL speed 1_1,_1 ltev/rnin 5. _h_ua_ _(ll_)l'_tl dosr_Qa 6. T_n_fe.r por_ _lr_n_ d_Rree_ ^TI)_ TIt^_OP_ d_reem 7. Inle_ por_ 0p©nln_, _I_OP_,_ _le6r_©a 8. CylLndnr Lr_pped cor_pr_nalon 9. Cr_lkcan_ 8eomotric car_pr_aion tnt|n, _ncludln8 tr_nnf©r duc_ C_IAHt(CR O_ Crankcase _ _ncl.d[n_ C_6HKCVOI, part DORF: len6th lenKth _lm_nAi at: opcnil_, a_ opening, del_r©©n _TDC rn_lo ,%TROK£ _mt CRI, _ T_AI'CI_ cle_ra_cc: vohtm_ voh_n_ uf _11 / TABLE I Bee F_l_n°l and 2, for fl_rth_r 479 ,/.• : Ulzi.La d_tn[ln Cm3 I}aCa V_lun /volume F18._ Crnnk_hnf_ pOll_tiOl_, TI_I'CK p_lt.ion trapped _hown at e_h_lun_ clonlnB pmiiL_.onj th_ tr,pl_Ln_i l_atJn|ly [:_ll_Ol'lr.ll d_i_ IITItC. _ VOI,UH]; TI_AITI_D CllANt}_:P,HLTII ['IBTON _Lt TI)C ANKCVOL, cm ._ 111 :_ FL_,2 Cv_nk_h_Lt the p_,tioll Jhown crnnkcnne cle_ntzc_ volt_e pot _ylLnd_', _ bo_t_ voh_mc. dcnd _',.nu_a_ c©Dtzm, _n C_ _. Cm3 Lhen ,'iV _, CIIANKCVOL 480 ". .} ,' i i i ILI).C, _ - 5V I.I nut_ th_ _t).l _we_t .q,. l_lK.3 Plan pcctl()n cn cxhliii._t porLn _u_ exhnu_L Fort tt -_ FIll.4 gh_w_r:Ion on /_ I) [lll_llll Poll 15. r_uiidl_,r oI- tralmi'cr 1ft. T0t_| e[PectLve Width (_inually OR -- 16a. PorL IHII'L_I [in[ t zl D_tll TILgtlSl'liTl||l) r_n (_) (b) (c) a b c alLI31eU 0A daBreaa 0U dc/_r©ca 0_,, daBraeo n.n ltln t_ . ,, 17. Corner rndLu= on upper o_ tranalot port odB© TRTI_I} r_n )._. edit© TRIIRAD r_n COZ'IIOF rndl, ua on O_ tL'nllll_llr port T_SF_R X'ORT ?LA.6 POR? lower Vnlu_B 1'l_Ari._l,r4o tr_tnnfur port 2(_ + b + c)) HIIITll R|I)TII W[DTII elevation _iymho I ELgVATIOt[ Pla,_ _©ctLon through tcAnafnr port= /_CL_ ,_L._ I'h_,6 _=ctlon; _lllvnt[ofl_ OAp port typ_ A dQg Oc, port typ_ C d_R 4_2throl,gh port A_ J_, or C. i I TAIII,li 4 I)iln_ll_ IGll _ylEillo I IlilL t _ II_lL_l V_ hl_'J 19. lllll_liur DE [lll_t [ior_B _O. Illtlxil_lil C[[l_Cl.[v_ cllcll Lnl_t por_ 1_II1'_10 EIII31iTlt|I1 lllli ;_1° cornar r_ldLll_ on _Oll _dtJ_ u_ _li I.nict I_ort I!_ITII^I) irln 22. 1_111111^1) i_n EIII'IITIIT_IA;_ _l_ Illl' li_ corner r_d|u_ o_ _nd llll©t width of oll boLlonl edll_ i:ort 2Jo l_xL_llm poa_llJle h©LIIllt Inlet 24. ¢l[bur©t_or _ll_a_r 2§. in|©¢ por_ liol_l iIr_ll_lliL _nll[_ wrl_ cyl_n_l©r ccnt_-lill_ IllilVltllll^l_T 26, l©nStll LG nl_ 27, |_lll_h 1,7 _l_ i_lillliill _l'o_l flow i_l_Lon _ll'bllr©_l:or lnl©_ CA[llu_ll:Lor tr_¢_ f|oi# [_c_ pOrL _o _low _ll_ Ll_tlr_n _l-i_ri _h_r© _r_ce _r_A i FIB,7 1, _ >i ¸ • _L _,cll,n Jndll_t loll tllr_lllth Jlillit 1 _' I I. illll _ Lrnct _or pia_on-porl: '_' FOIL ['R(]CRMIS G]) = |rl[)l[:AT[r1{; 'lll'd' "['lll_ STRO]q.." I_I_;C V^I.VI_ D[=c dl_tn on vlt|vep or vnlucu R |udlc,tt_nl| HI;All nl_mtlured Ihlttlr_ nhoul'd 2J_ 21j V_tlve the 221 (I)) [tEFJ_RS TO I_l_(:Illl_. EIII'RTIIHAX, {hi 'l'_ll_lu _ _1_i th_ 20 attd nl_o dllta n_nuht'r I!ll'['llAI)j I!r_[_lt^l} I uq_tivtllellt 2/I 1,1:1(_1_. RMEAN _lcwtlo[_ oil [J_ce coverctl hy tottery "_-'----- D F di_e oir " "---di_c _'[l_,9 , • llhhict|t_n [or diet: trtl_t vnlv_ lt_lll;th/dinm_tl_r ¢l_l{[Tlct_, I)imcn= ion .= | I 2_ _ Hewn r_dlu_ of _or dine _'_lw. 5yinbl, 1 lu|_.t por_ ind_cLi,,U R Hl_t_ll 404 [!lllq_rt/II) t_ain¢'.d ql_lt_l vllluc_ IENPRTHTMAX FIB.t_ A TLIO- inducti_,n followJull: 13¢zcnterud PR(J(;IIA_I charncte.rlt_tLcn |Jnlta m *_,_ I ., :_; ¸¸i:,:,.¸¸ '_:" Trmldfer ])ucZ_, lend,It _H1deilLr_ ,r_'4*f_ TAIILE 5 d [)i_no I.on 2_, Cl'[_C_IVO ar0n dtlct nL to ClIL1"y symbol CIICll [rcfn UVlILn I)lnt _t VnLuee trnnr;[_r crlt[Ikcnnc (aee Fii_.5) Indlvld**nl mid (ulltlaXly _reah, are_B, 2A • 2ll _"2C) (*reOcp Local line lcnllLh of trnnsfer fr0m cr_nkc_ta© _ntry Lo cyl[ndnr ©xiC (a©n FIB,6) 29. c_ntr© n_z I,ten I"TRI)UCT nr_2 LU rTn _tlC[_ Oft,an J.nd/v,_dunl tr*_no_er _yp_ /nd,_cat(_t her_. I_orl; nnd duct dcn/KIm do not: conform Lo Lh_ _orm or ['t_._oo okcz_:chh©low [_ chin In nol: Lh_ caJQx EXIIAUST CA8 TF..HZ'I_RATU]I_, _II0_.D XHF0_qATIOH _K °C, (OR "°FJ _H_ DP_._, _P_6 i¸.: :.:.. • AVAIL4_IIL_; A_I TO TII_. EXIIAU.ST GAS TgHI'F:RATURF** GI'_IIj GP_3 TAKr.H _ETk_.F.g_ I)_O AHII I)_O FOR |*I_OGRAH3G['J12 A[_O h_ULD ]_F. IIF.LP_'I_]. TO TIIF. ]_ROG_AHHI_.R TO LZ.GT I'II_.H _0R KACll ]'o]_.ffT;^l. - °C T_KEIq PpF.FI'.RAIH.¥ X_I I}OX A _OR I'ROC._._ O_ TIIF.H I? TWAI. C^[.COI_TI_IV ._]'_R.I) (RI'H) 4u_ 0R OTII_*R OI'F._ATItI_ Microphone DA2 Position BOX A ,2R _ DS2 BoxS_ DAIDAIR PIPE A tI •- L; LA 1 ,i_ ' - -- 4--.-- OSlR p_pEl' DS1 volume VSB DIR volume VAB I. I_r...gam: G.P.B1 XAB EXHAUST DO - THROTTLE ) (area natlo) L XSB DS2: . J AND INTAKE SILENCING BOX PARAMETERS REQUIRED FOR PROGR, AM I J I[_!IMJST AIllJ tPI+I'AI(t'_51L1+._1C1_I_+ _'4','g II_T& P._IIAU_ |,t I_OX ^ ZIATAs II;TAY_ IlOX , I) [ AIII_TI:It S ,mm 1}O Elln _1_ tTiii +S I)ATAt ratio) HIC_OPI_I(_ PO_ITKOTI3; _^T_!z (SDAP_) Kt_sl[_lOll m'^rIIr. °l_l_C _IHINQ; 'sat _._._._ ,_ r q_7 : P +.,+,_+_!_, • PRL)(;IIAII C,P[H ['I1'1_ z I.Et4GTII_ (lltl_ FOIl .............. -- J L f,I t, ql .= q I: i:XIIAtJ:il' t:Xlt_U_;[' _tlf) [tlTAi;E :;H.I.:HCIH{ llOX .I)),TA FOR (;PIt2 PIPHt I.l;zmTm; .ol,',m':_!!tl _. DO _ ,, Dn LIO pla _11) mm LJO _wn DIO n_ _n_ I)GO . . nvr, .. iron 1)50 .., _i_ l+an p60 . . ml _n 1110 .... 117R L_(] LSO {IOX A t,ff(}_!tA,H 1.60 _ _ L70 _ _ rnm ItVl DATA: o^^1,__.. 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I_I_ DATAI I+1+._ _ (+', r e _ mnl |IQII+ _P _ rql_ VPI/ l<Wq X['ll _ to) HIRROPIIONm POSITIOIIS _.P^Tm RX.l' _. :+ (St'ARK) IGNITION (ATOP) ALR ---, 71HING_ TO _UR_ -- °RTDC RATIO_ P_,,'T,,+,*_ ,uR_ ,+a,,r.-ms : L._xt ,.R,+_l+ J.s:._._ ,+..__ 403 {i ,'i+ , i'l ¢_tq ] _AI{ ,E.X.HAU..S,T, AND •INTAKE SILENCINGBOX PAR,_,METERS REQUIREDFOR PROGRAMFILE GPB 6 ,Lmoto,cross mcworcyc._l?L FOR PROGRA.,M FI[J_,GPB7 (for rood ___no.:j,.n.g ink]k.e._s!lencer "S-}'_ I, ,i { PAIIELDISCUSSION ThursdayAfternoon- October13, 1977 The panel discussfon was conducted in two parts as follow,s: Part I: Panelmemberswore asked to discussspecific issuespresented to them. ' Panel rlembers : l;r. I1. J. Alfrodsnn - Honesh Untv., Australia L)wightI))aser - General HeLots Tocb. Center Up. A. _r_mer - tl_t'l Research Council, Canada Peter Chnn9- StemcoMf9. Co. Prof. P.O.A.L. Uavtns - Univ. of SouthnmpCon Larry Erikkson - liaison Industries Inc. Uou9 flowley - Danaldson Co. Dr. /_ndy Seyhnrt - Univ, of Kentucffy CecilSparks - Southwest _esuarc|l Instit, P&rt II: EPArepresentatives from tbn office of noise centre] _nd _batemnnt _nd from enforcement, anskmrmlquestions fro_ the flnor EPAPersonnel Dr. Hllliam Roper - branch Chief, UI_AC Scott l_dllards - OffAC Charles rbiloy - ONAC John Tho_s - OffAC Jim Kerr - Enforcement Vie Petrolottl - £nforcement n I 497 PART I - PANELDISCUSS]O;] Ernie Oddo Forthe pasttwo andhalfdayswe'velistenedto expertsin Industry andunlvcrsltles tellus abouttheirworkon variousmethodoloqles beingstodled,developedandemployedto predicttileperformance of mufflerson varioussurfacetransportation vehicles.I believe It'sfairto say thatfROStof thisworkhas beendone to aid in the designofeffectlvemltfflers, All of us present,at thlas)_nposlum I an1sure,have a real appreciation for theeomplexltJes Involved indealin9with thesignificantparar_terswhich must be considered In an)'Inufflcr performance prediction technique.IIearlng in mind thQse complexities then, we would like to address tile objectives of the EPAmufflerlabelln9contractandthe specificareas inwhich we needassistance frompanelmembersandfnmnbers of theandience. To o_n .thesediscussions I'dlike to call uponhr.0tll hoper from the EPAOffice of flolse Abatementand Control whowill elaborate on theseobJectivea, Dr._ BI)I ,Roper I wnuld.liketo go backand readover thefourobjectives that I mentionedIn m.yopening statement to rids meettn,qwhich outllnes the specificobjectives of the EPAgenera]labelingprogram, whichI think is very applicable here thts afternoon _nd appllcab]e to thts entire s_poalum, The firabeb.lecbfve Is the provision for accurateand understandableinformation to be provided to product purchasers end users regardln9 the acoustical perfomanco of designated prodncts so that _ nmenlngful comparisoncould be madeconcerntn9 the, acoustical performance of the productas'pertof thepurchaser's use de¢ialon. m m N This ob,iectlve I think, is a partlcularl)' fmporbantone with regard tn the _ubJectof th[_symposium, The secondobjectiveis to provide accurate aad understandable Inforlnat|on performance to consumers wltil minimal third objective on product noise endsston federal involvement. Tim Is the promotion of public a_larenoss and understanding of eevIronrF_ntal noise and associated terms and concept. And tile fourthobjective Is the encouragL_11eet of effectivevoluntarynoise reduction aed noise labeling efforts on tile part of product manu- facturers and suppliers, filthtbat quick review of the principal objectives of tile £PA general labeling program I would like to go back and focus on objective with InforBatlon acoustical one which dea]t tilth providing at tile point of purchase-decisiorl performance of a product. relative No,J, that doesn't meanthat a product would have to be quote "physically the consumer to tile necessarily labeled". Informationcould be providedto the consumer In a number of different w_ys, It In essentialto provide him with Infor_tlon on the acoustical performance of e product at the time he makes the p_rchase decision. He think thls Is an Importantconcept. As consumersutilized the acoustical information such selective in their purchase_lecJston decisions used In thiscountry. will it is felt that have an impact on tile nolseiness It's.away of potentially (letting oF prnducts noise reduction resolvedwithoutany requiredfederal regulatorystandards on the _nufecturer of new prodoctsor aftormarket part replacementmanufacturers, in 1ookin9 at the problem from the Aspect of a Voluntary standsrdD consider can rake a voluntary that the consumer, given the right decision Information, on whether they want to buy a noisy product or a quieter product, _Iithoutthe acoustlcalperformance Informationheaever,he really can_h make.thab decision. In a goners) sense, thetJs one of the principal reasons that [PA 1_ interested In labeling vehicle exhaust systemsand is collecttn9 Informablonat thIs tff_ for u_e as background data to evontoalIy for decision making within put Into e format the agency. I_d llketo lookback at whet I consider tileseparatepsrts of the label.lag background shudy that wo_ld have to be developed In order to havethe necessaryinformationto implementseth a program. One deals with the technicalperfomance data relative to, In this case, 499 ll/WRIX CateOorlo5of eng|nosvs, currentbestl_luffler assesslnorlt approaches Huffler/L_ses sment Approach Lt. Truck lien vy /_utorioter- SnortTrt_ck n_obl le OL#Sos cycles mobiles,. . , . , , ,, J ,,, , ('aranletrlc Analysis _cowstlcflodcilnu Engine SlnJulatton Standard Engine Act_*al En9 no ' Other !'i *t _} f. lira I IIISTRUCTIOIIS TO TIlE PAtIEL Pleaseconsidertilefollo_.Iiog t_loquestionsfor applicationacross all surfacetransportation vehlclesor to a loqlcalgrounJnqof these vehlcles. (Light and heavy trucks, autos, busses, motorcycles, sno_nobl los, motorboats) Also considerapproachesthat: I. Do not use the ellglne, such as A. "Parametric approaches B, Analyticaltechniques C. Enginesimulation 2. Usu an engine,either A, Standardengine .B. Actualengine _}EsT lO!Js I. Is therean e_Istlnqbench testmethodologythatcould he used to testmufflers,which _¢ouldglve valuesthat: A. Could be added to the.nolsecontrlbl_tlon of other predonllnnnt sourceson a vehicle,to acc¢|ratel), predictthe total vehiclenoise level,or B. Wouldcharacterizethe performanceof a replacement muffler,comparedto a vehicle'sOEfl muffler. 2. If no%,can th_ panel make reco_|nondatlons on themost promising bench testcandidatesthat _euldl_n, et the objectivesof q,estlon one. and of dnvelopmnnl: of theset_sts. i tile exhaust system; tile other deals with conmuotnatlnn of that informationto the lay purchaser er user, I'd llke to separatethe latter one from the discussion today and cnncentrateon the technical perfomance aspect, A major part of that considerationis of course the i_easurmnent methodology procedurethrouqh_iblcll yotlcan collect the requireddata. Selection of n met odologymust be based on a whole series of considerations. TIiereare many trade-oils. To name a few there'stileaccuracy of the procedures,tilerepeatibilIty,the simplicity,the cost involved In both th_ operation,and tileequipl_aent instrumentation. These trade-offswill directlyimpact_Ahoever is nsln9 the measurell_ent procedures,as part of his design or production process, For the post 3 days this synlposium has focusedon one type of n_easurement methodology the bench testj to determinewhat was available, problems tlat miglt be Involved In utllizingwhat is avnllableer more basically, If such a measurementmethodologywas even available, This methodology referred to is the use of bencll testing far determlnin( exhaust system performance, I thin]:from a labelingstandpointt_e w_uid be'looking at the muffler partlcolarly,altbouqh I recognize that many, or perllnps all of the people that have participated in the symposiumhave stressed the Importanceof lookln_] At the total system, I think frr_ a labelingstandpoint the most Importantpart of the exhaustsystem Is the muffler, althongh you'd have to consider tile total system In developing the Informationbase to properly Identlfy or characterizethe muffler. I thlnk another element here is the fact that in carryln9out this program, conductingthls s_iposlumand Investlgatlngwhat procedures are Availablefor measuringexhaust system noise we at [PA recognize that .tim industry and the people such as yoursolmas_t_hohave done research In thls area over tileyears Are the experts in the field, Yon are the ones tltat kno_¢what can and can't be damn both froma theoreticaland a practicalstandpointand He would llke to benefit from tle knowledge thatyou have and receive recommendations from you based on the best Infonnatlonthat's I_ _ available on what you would recommend to CPA AS far as any measurement methodology for vehicle eKhaust syst_ns is concerned. /low, we get down to the real 502 • , _ ,._ _' '_;_':'i-'//'_/ _/_ L: •_,::__!L" _ ¸ - : ,'_" ' pretties{ aspect of tile to look eL specific Available test tusk we at EPA hove, to accomplish, which is exhaust systems end Lo determine tile most practical, procedures to use, to obtain ropresentettve acoustical date. i hove broken out here on timevieilgr_ph tile7 major categories of"productsthatwe ore looking at at this time. I would like to focus tileottentlonof ell 7 categories those on the p_nel nod the audience on these and based on the information in tile last three days ! would like and reports that we've Ilod to chellen0e yet{ to come up with your best recommehdation on how we might mensure end cheracterlze muffler performenceon tilese7 categoriesof vehicles. _(ow,I recognize thor noneof timeproscntatlon$llovespeciflcnllybroken the products out thiswey elthough I tlllnk there are possihtllttes#mere for combining cerCain cateqories. I would he very interested in the comments that might come forth on these particular olleod end i_eflen the liberty of o general approuch to muffler down the vorticel assessment _nd listed can we fill out? brenkomt so,,eof those Hhet's evollel)le there ere two or three procedu_s one category here, maybe w_ should talk tl|oso i#OltmI hove gone _rtkkson's _xls here and i guess the question conies down to #low mucI) of thmt rr_trt_ perheps if applications, of using some of Lorry throe ere l)est far o_ we move into And _velloi, le for te_tin!! in ghoul e ranking of which of u_e in thor portlculer that discosston, today? nppll_'ation. I think since yell ore the e_perts in tile field, you Ion else interject your concerns for tileelliot elen_nts of meesure. ment metlmdolooy that hove to he considered at some point such as simplicity, cost, _ccuracy end similar things, o time st_ndpolntc_lls for our controctor to pull tnoether end present to us In opprnxlrr_tely reco_nmendsttons from this this question. make decisions The rpA proornm, from Mcl)onnell 0omgl_s Astronmutles sympostnm, elonll with These recern_endettons will their one month, the own views on be used l,y the EPA to on o (lrneeduro or procedures to lie .sod tn our testing program for neosurln9 exlleu_tsystem meffler performnncei o procedure other then for m_surtng will totel vehicle bencl_ test procedure we have selected, I sound level. O_,rcontrector be condnctln9 tests using both betel vehicle nnd whatever ether starting tile first port of working under and the purpose and objectives of this sy_posium, next year. { have briefly su(_n_rizod t)_ progrem schedole that we're Our grleary objectiveIn this s_nposiumIs to come up with the best availabletest procedures to be used in assessinOa muffler exhaust system porfon_nce, ether than by usinfltotal vehicle sound measureeent procedures, So with that challenge to tileaudience and the panel I'd llke to t.rn the sessioo back over to Erole Oddo. Ernte Oddo I'd like to amllIify on one of IH11's statements. Currently in our contractwe are going to test vehicles In each one of these coteqories that ere on the board, fiew111 also test, a mlnhTlmnof three aftermarketmufflers on each one o" these vehicles, using the currently most applicable total vehicle noise Mensur|no procedure,such as the SAE J-336 for trucks, for instance. Then we will take those mufflersoff the vehicle end test thc_ll using a"caadldate"bench test methodology. This Is part of the test plan that Is In thecurrent contract. Continuingthen with the panel dlscusslom I'd like to flash on the board the questionsthat we gave to the panel at lunch tln_ to revicw. We'11.glve the audience a chance to read the questions. Then we wit1 flast|n viewgraphon tilescreen allowinga matrix of tran._pertation vnhlcles versus various muffler assessmentapproaches we would llke consld_rmdby the panel. Cecil Sparks Looks to me like It addresses It_elf to the evol,tlon of the bench test facilitywhlchwill be used for actual pret!Icted purposes|that is to predict the sound level coming out of the thing which In essence means t_ can then p,_ta label on this et_fflerthat,_111define the muffler, the e_haust system, the engine, the whole thing, In'such cases, it appears to me that your label's going to he bigger than your muffler in the sense that If you consider all the possible parametrlevariationsIr|volved you're (leln9to hlcludein the lahe], includingtiletesting facility,the wlde variations end cngIne operating conditions and the exhaust system,etc.. The approach Inferred _I then Is one of pred|ctJverather than Just a bench test facility will have to be a label of the system rather than the muffler itself thatwill say that this i_ a reasonablequality muffler and as such and while thiskind of thing It seems to me Is theeretlcallypossible _04 .b lfl that you Call build a source stl_allater for any (jfvem nllglflc to cover a _/tdo ran+jr of corrdltlons put Stnlulatcd exhaust systo,tsj atE. on It, the whicle. Ernte seeus like It i/ould bo much sfl_lpler Just to test It on Od,,Io I itantto clarifyone point there, by lnbellm_wo don't ncccssorlly mean physicallystlcklm9 n label on a nmfflor, llcilnve a AIoChbroader dcscrlpt|on of labeling. LahelJe@could Im Just souc Idontlfyiflq NumbcPSOll tile muffler stuilar to tdlOt Is doric today. Ttle eu_tbers or l_tters would tdoutifythe nmnufocturcrof a mofflcr tdilchtilth could be tr_ccd tack to the manufacturer's catalo!h •ost manufacturerscurrently Issue i+ould have all The catalm_ i:hich of the t(tformatlon that yuu have discussed. TIHs is Just nee alteruattvc. Cocll Sparks The other _ltcreatlvc would bc tu caterjorlzc It In tends of the Inherent.passlvc responsecharacterlstlcsof that partlcmlar cunflgurat|onbut agaln you would need th_ sameklnd of Infor0mtlon _'re talkln9 About If your lateralis merely to be Able to predict what the ultimate nolse lev_l at a 91run ai)pllcat1_ than _my, okay this Is a ho_p|tnl Itke that. type (stAtionary) w111 Im rather muffler or smmethln9 £rnle Oddo As an eKample+ [ would llku tu rultcr_te that whlch Oou_ ffalleyfrom _onaldson presented, That approach is similar to what _c ere talkiuq for trucks, In other words, DonAldson has all cor_utcrlzed on tab runs and In cmtalogs, back pressure and a11 th_ other parameters abmit, kinds of lnfnrr_tlon t4=lch take tnto nccoont that wc discussed. Their progrmm con_Idcr_ the spcclflcparameters such as engine brock prossurfl, ptpe length, etc., and then Indicates c_ndhlatemufflers, for that oppl Italian. . I r 505 f_ s Cec!! ' Sparks Thatwas thepoint! was tryingtomake,do you do thiswitha bench testfacliity or do youuse theactualInstal!allen? ErnlcOddo Okay,mull that'sthequestionwe'reposinghereto the paneland to the audience today,considering thebroaderdella!lionof benchtesting whichcouldbe anyof theeatcgorles up on tileboard. Dr. Davies I wontedtostopLackti<ostepsfirst- I knowlilil Ropersoldthat he wanted us to concentrate on technical performance data and that communication of Information concerned was of secondaryimportance, wellalreadywe'veseenyou can'tseparatethe t_lo,thc_'rea combin_I ©xcrclse.Youcan'treallydecideahou_thetechnical porformnce data you're_{oln9 to producewithouttakingtheconmunlcation problem with it soyou can'tdivorcethese. They'repertof the sameprocess tn the first place, The secondpoint I'd like to makeis that when a labellngprocedure anti we've heardthedlfflcultle.s of labelln9mufflerunitson theirolal you reallymustlook at the. system andall theseothercomplications andfiletthereisn't_ucha thing as a woodor a l)ad muffler,it Justdependsowl!low you use it. The consumerand if yo, think of tile consumerin a simplelevel,and that's the housew{foIn her house, she I{as the sameproblem, she has to buy a cookerand o d|shklashef and vnrlousotherthings,and operat themeand oat themto performcertaintasks, distinction, she.knowswhatmile. wants,and,_o! thinkthatid)ot you'vereallyoot to do is to thinkof the twotooetlmr, you've,qotto providetechnical information that's urlderstandable. It can lie con.:plleated, I moonyou are.9olngto lookat thesalesfeatureon someof tills mqulF,nent_ l don'tunderstand it. Timhouscwifc does° Youdor)'t get lmouedell on thetechnical prohl_s toe. much,hutyou put tile otherson the. I consumerto say, all duht we've 9lvnn you this lnfornmtion and it's I up to you to make proper use_ what he's got to be sure Is that the information isn't dellberately misleading, and secondly the Information Is surf|eVent Judganent, one part lle11 now, that's of tile problen, .. that because It's list, qui_ I'm horrified clear, and I'd lilly we've got recreational cause o lot I think for tllat's of the problem, by this l|ke tile second part here table to add another vehicles the first, hirH to make a qualified or _atrix, category to the there because they of problems, £rnIeOddo They are not in our contract. pr, Oavles They are not in year contract? The second thing [ dOlllt oriented tills Then let's exclude these explicitly. is that we have a very wIde range of engine types end see how we can come to a simple and meaningful way, consumer way of descrlbin!l big"range, tile characteristics of these systems over For two reasons, the guy is not going to be interested if it Isn't tailored to Ilia requirements, Ile_s not_olnn to go through five pa9es of data Just to get the ttto lines he's interested In. So what .you've got to do la to come up first cla._slfication system, It's not dlfPicglt, you might put light with it's a clearly defined here, heavy trucks, trucks and autos together,buses are o special problem because POSESAre operatedon tilewhale by corporations tile corporations have the technical expertise and to make decistolF,. And then yea*re got the other problem, tilesnnvm,obile, the motorboat, the motorcyclep ordinary driving the semi-recreational vehicle and _lso yo.'vo car and also our washer or nap cooker 9eL the or whatever we have at home, in our house, I think we have to produce a different labelingsystem to suit the applicationand I think if you start in that direction i you might make soh_ progress. 507 ' Ernio Oddo First of all _:odo tlavn recreotionelvehicles in our contract,motorcycles and motorboatsare rncreationalbut on yoL_rpoint I agree with overytling you sold ProfessorDavies, concerning this matrix, t_edon't in any w_y intend formuffler labellng info,'mation to be collected in this fo_)at to he passed on to the consumer, present this infor(natlon in a matrix forn_t for the panel'sconsideration; as on easyi_ay to keepIn front of you all the various possibilities tl)atwe would like you to consider. I£orealize,of course, th,lt for light tracks one or moreassessnmentapproaches could be used. #:or heavy trucks or automobiles,the same tl*lng is, can we flroup the eogine cat(tgorJes holds true. The qucstloo above a/Id then use one of tileseparticular _pproachcsto handle two or three or four of these vehicle categories? Prof+ Davies Hi)at! should l)_vebeenclear in saying is that I think that as troll as this catogorizntion you really ouqht to categortzo the purchaser or whatever you'd ll_o the fleet to call operator represents one category sort of infnnpatlonthan the Individual him, the cons.r_r That after or all and he wants a differon@. operator or tileprivate individual. Yoomight think again that you really have a different labeling procedure for these three categorles,because they Are different. £rnie Oddn That's true and that'swhy we try to sepnr,_tethe two Issues - one beln9 the technical, tiefeel that once we have good technical infomatton mittal obtainml from n good bench test then of ti)ntdataor Info_tlon problem, we recognize that. methodology, the trans- to the eonsnmer, I= another I@oare also open for suggestions on the best way to transmltinformationto consnmers, but ! think the first step has tO be.the technlcal question,do i_ have a hench test it wh_t we want to do? methodology tilatwould give us good, valld, accuratedata to do Hfth I 508 _T • ,i '_ Prof.Daylos- It'sthisqoostlonor"accuracytilnt bothersale,If you'dleftout thatwordl'd go alan9wltbeverything you soy. I thinkyou i)ove to definewhat youmoan by accurate.I ti)ink It's eat to be convlnclng,Convincing is a differentovertone.The consumer,thnguy tilat's uoin9 to fit this to hiscarof tit thisto his trucki_asto convincehlmselfthatwhat he doeshas ta comply with regulatlons and he needs information thatwill convlacohim thatwhat he (l_es is a sensibleapproachto solvingtheproblemthat he's up agslnst- regulatlons,That'swhat he wants. Accuracyreally doesn'tcc_e intoit. lie's goingto depend provided by the _anufacturer. on tile cerriflcatlon £rnie Oddo That'swheretlewant to apply theword accuracy,fretreallyto the consumer, we'rereallyinterested, in themanufacturer guaranteolng that his productwhenusedon a certainvehicleis ootn9 to do what lle says it is 9oln9to do. Dr. Brammer I believethatthe sortof questiontheconsumeris probably9ofn9 to ask is something verysimplesuchas, is thisreplacement muffler equal to tl_e one I haveon my car or better,or is it worse, and if thesearethe typenf questlons onewants to obtainanswersforthen we're reallytalkin9abouta relativemeasureof mufflerperfnmance; we're nottalkln9aboutAn absolutemeasureand in termsof qoe_tlons thatare posedhere,thismovesus mare tnwordsn thanA perhapsand also it enables us to,If we tl|tnk about It,_ can now start runnin9someformof tes(: as yet undefined, in whlcl) we can replace single components,comparedwith the original e_lstln9 c_,nponentsm and see theeffectof themr_lativato theorlginal_lft_ler. I think we have to think a little C_ m bit about the type of labeling thatwill be usedand the sort of questions thatwe 11 wnnt to answer otherw|se on this particular usefully pursue. I don't see heLl _le're ooing problem but here's to get Zf one tries to answer qua;Lions of this tt (lees get away from a lot started a notion that I thtnk I_e could of these problt_ms of predictlnq type but the noise of tilevehicle and thin_s like this and the accuracyof the measurenment that was giving a lot of concern and rightfullyso. If I had to ranh order one A or IIof whicllI think Is most importantto the consumer I think in terms of questlenshe's asking froma rep]acementpiece of equipment, I'd rank tIabove A at thls point in time and let that Influencetilechoice oF measureu_nt tecln|lque that I tmuld Oo For. Ernln Oddo Any cerement s? pou.q Rowlet IHII Roper laid dam quite a stiff guhlellnefor us and I think I'd Ilke to get them a llttle blt stiffer. Talk about thls accuracy thlng and I'd "llketo ask, accuracy to do what? IIhatare _$nreally trving to do? flythat I mean what level are tYetryingto centrnl overall truck noise too? Thee wo can talk _beut id_nteverthe e_haust system has to do. Can you comment on that llIll?Can you folie_ the question. In other words, _ome_lilere along the llne I'm trying to get someone from £PA to tell me thnt you'd ltke to control trucks once they get in ilse, to some level. tile noise of the ne_slgT_l Then, when a fellml starts Iooklng for a rnplacne_nt product he'a got some flu de lines. flt,ll Roper Okay, tn response to your last question,you're right, the netlmedium heavy truck stondard_|sone that appiles to tiledate of manufacture and vm have an In-_se stand,_rdfor Interstatemotor carriers1¢llich ts 06 dPA for speed zones loss th_ll35 mph, there is a gap so to speak in the Federal program although not in some state programs, I understand, m as to tim in-use level that would be applicableto tim medium and heavy truck, say that's e_nufacturercdat 83 ,IDAlevel beglnn nq l January 7fl{ I have under way rJqht nml o program at EPA doveleplogthe background there is no Federal standardsother than the n6 dl)Apass by, nowwe 510 / 12 Information that will be necessary for revising the Interstate motor- carrier regulation with the Intended purpose at this tfi;_e of setting that interstate motor carrier standard at a lower levol which would be equiva1_nt foran In-usetruck to tilenelltrtlckstandards, in other words a truck that Is manufacturedto meet an L13d_A ne_ly manufactured standard would then be requiredIf operatedhy an Interstatecarrier to meet s{_neequlvalentstandardwhile In use. flow,It may be tlmesame , level, It may be slightlydifferent because there'sa differentmeasurement e_thodologyInvolved, But ye_, we are addressing that nu_. In regard to tho labelingaspect I think we're talkingabout more than Just e label that Identif]esho_sclose or how a productcompliestilth an existing standardbecauseIllsonm of the areas there may never be Fcxlcralstandardsfor those products, ile'rea(Ininfocusingon the Informationthatdescribesthe acoustlcal performanceof'that product to the consumer so that he can consider noise as one of the elements he thinks abm_t In making that purchasedecision, I gucs_ I would also want to talk about t_o different two different labeling'. types of Information One would be If you're ways that you could look at that could be used for comparing syst_l a basis for A _llth systr_l I1 or system A with the orlglnalequlpi_cnt,and that's such as .youwere mentioning,a comparativetype of Information. The other would be how does it co,parewith the total system or total vehlcle performaneo; in other words, given system, how Is it (Iolngto affect total vehicleacousticperfnr_ance. There's really t_iodifferent approaches therefrom the [PA standpolnt;_:e are not locked into either approach. IIe'rolooking fur the one that r,_ikes thefrostsense. There may be implications,dependingon which kind of approachyo. tale as to _that'savaliablefrc_1a measurement standpoint, to provide the tool to develop tiledata for labeling. That's one element that I'd like to hear more co.neat on. Consideringthese tv_ .qeneraltypesof approach,to collect the necessaryInformation for laheling,nhlch one has the necessarymeasurement tools com,_]ensurate with It to provide the data, at this tlme? _ 51.l Cecil Sparks Youcould go a couple of waysin that regard, again ! think that if y_u're trying to use a henchtest faclltty or evolve one wherebyyou can predict what this purticular muffler will do on trucks X, Y and Z, etc. you've got a pretty tough row to hoe. On the other hand if you can evolve the system of lal)oling whereyou label tl_ truck and the muffler that tills trick has, then, wimn a replac_entmuffler is used, class G31 and4X82 or somethinglike this then in essencequalify your . mufflers for those various applications, ilow that I_ sc_thln9 that seemsto n_.would be a practical approach. IIut ogatn, perhaps you dealt neeto benchtest facility to do this you could qualify themuffler then os i_ein9 original equil_ent or IJetter. And then you put in your nwer's n_noal whtchmufflers you can use, as possibilities. Ernie Oddo That )rould lock it into 0EMonly and howwould th_ replacement manufacturer, for instance, comply. They'd have to qualify their muffler for t_t application. Ernte Odds Right, and that's what we're talking about, qualify it hc_? cease! Is_r k..)_ On thevehicle. Ernie Oddo Okay,that'strue,thstis definitely one methndnlogy thatcanbe employedend we knowit wlllwork if you testeveryoneon thevehlcle, but we ere looking for methodologiesother than vehicle testlng,to _l supply perfomance dat_ on mufflers. _I 1/, Cectl Sparks The point Is thoughj if you build a bench test facility t/hereby you're ahl,' to predict this mufflur°s performance on this whole broad spectrum of truck configurationsyou've got a ilorrermdous Job. Ernle Oddo That may be the case. Pete_. r_ Cheng I agree that whllc tilebest thing Is to put a muffler on w_achtruck inodel. IIo'vegot two problclnahere. First, oven OCIltruchmanufacturers cannot test tile mufflers on every truck model. Say one partlcalar truck model, they may i)ave80 to 90dlfferent combinations, Some of them have a fan clutch some of themhave differentfans, some of them have transmissionboxes_ etc. As to tilesecond question, If • we Are going Co test the muffh:r on the truck who is going to do it? Hho*s going to pick up the vehicle? There are so manyaftermarket truck n_ffler manufacturers. Do each one of them /}avethe right to ask OEMmanufacturers to testmufflerson every gnu of theOEM truck mode1_? ce_tl spa_ More people would have access to tlmtrucks t/_n theyt'Iould have the facility,I would think. Peter thong Hell, from our experience it's verydifficult to get a truck, Ileal likely, we would like to test the muffler on the new truck because the other new, no|so sources titre controlled And usually, when the truck'ls relatively the dealcr_ would not allow us to get the netl truck to te_t and another tilingIs that talkie9with some of tileOEH truck manufacturerswhen they want us to test s_e truck, espcc|ally en back pressure, they would speclf_, the truck must have gross vehlcl_ weight. We have to put say, a fe_ thousandpounds at least on ti_e {5 truck and no localdealer or l:hooverwould llke to loan us a truck by putting a fo_ concrete blocks on It. I am lookingat this problem fronttileotlleraftermarl:et conlpaoles' point of"v{cuo t;mare also In tile OEi,Ibusinegs and first of all, our experience again is 1 lmIted heavy duty trucks, I don't knolvaoythio,j go sno_nobiles,etc. to The lleavyduty truck is dfffernt from the passengercar In one sense io t ilA t the custotIler Is nloroknowledgabietbnn t{_ (lenera]consumer. It Is a different type object. Second of all l am not saying that they understandexactlywhat dl)AIs, etc. but at least overyon,_of our distributorsll_sa no{so level n_ter they CallsonetlOyl crank up an angina and run some tests. And then. let me v{eo the problem from OEMmarket experience. I don't think there Is IOO_ satisfactory bench testme,bed, lIecauscof the pipe length,otc.j but the SAE test procedurementionedby fir,Larry Erickson this morning, I think thml;*sa 9god con_prnmise bet_Yeenpracticalityand 100%accuracy. And, we also havea lot of experienceon Judgementof whether the muffler we sent o+t to our OE_lcustomer _dll or not, tie have a very good idea If pa_s the drive-by It will, Ha're just test like fir. 0ou9 Rowley said when he got 95_;accuracy. I don't know llhother! _uld have 95;_occnr_cyor 11({;; accuracy but I tend to agree with hlm that there Is somecorrelationbetween a bench test and (rive-by test. If we cannot get some kind of ball park feelingfrom our bench test then the O£litruckmuffler n_mnufacturers simply would not be In _he business, liecannotsend five mufflers for'our customersto test and for them to pick one, They are not (]oln9to do that. llomend h{m one somotl_s At most two _n(i we make oar best Judgement whether he will test It or mot, _!so, we do not send oflemuffler to one manufacturer. Fe send a _ffler to possliJ1yn lob of manufacturers. And from our experience{f tilemuffler mhich we Judge {s a good muffler probably will pass tile _e_t _¢ltha lot Of our cu;,tomers,On theother hand. a had muffler probably|tillnot pass the test. Ernfe Odde Thank you very _ch, Pober N 57,4 Larry Erlksson [loll,I had o few general observations,o little bit over what Peter . said and what Cecil saidj looking at those vehlclecatcgories one observation I'd like to rn,_ke most, Is that many of those oategorle_ are products that either have been or will shortly be governadbv some new product floisoregulation by EPA. And l'd like to focus on that n little blt. One of the observations I'd like to make Is that for those products I personsllydon't see the need for muffler labelled for the new productsand I thlnk thls Is an importantpoint, lit're talklngabout o truck or whatever that _a ofready subject to a rlCW product regulotlon. I for one feel It would Just odd complealty to also ask for n label on tile portlcularmuffler used on thI_ piece of O_llnquipmcnt. It's alroodymectfn9 speclficationfor the overall vehicle, Accepthlg that.pointthen what that leaves is the oftermarkat. And, In tcnns of the aftermarket the ooly observation! can make Is if woare setting levels for overall vehicles,new'productsthat arc as str_ogentand _5 accuratelyineasured,etc. as w_ are for trucks, buses, or *that have you, tt seems to rne that any aftermarket evaluation proceduremeasore ouqht to be eL least ccwaparobleIn accuracy. He _houldn't_llve away an _wful lot In terms of the aftermarket measurement procedure. Essentially what tie ought to be shooting for is something thnt is more or less equivalent to oEr4and the OEI4ontt that the OEII equilx_nt has, of that product, hi the sense that we don't some aspects of not allowing requirement went to allow any degradation that the EPA's proposed reds already have'included any degradation, l frankly see the In the aftermarketending imp one way or another. tn so many words tt's 9o|n9 to be about like that fact _nd the fact that ,_ayln9 the O[_l unit w_s. you want an nccurate test Accepting It s_ems to me that yo*_'re._olng to be lookingat _n actual engine test of onq sort or another, r]ow,! _9ree tdth Peter, ! think the SAE Procedurethat we have worked up fs probably not too bad o compromlso,.hutwhatever yea come up with I think it's .qoJno to have to ha _omethin9 very slmilor to that In order to obtain the klnd of accuracies to be 17 consistentwith the rest of"the program, And, ] have not seen hl any other presentatlonoinelndlngmy o_u that the other four tnchnlqoesllsted here really provide accuracy thatis at oii comDaroble ta the rest of the oolse progr,o,,that is at all cn_nporableto the type of thln_l L_ecan achieve In the 5AE type procedure,ulth the type of engine dynorneter and real engine close to real system type of test. tlovl, If you're still _.dth me on that _dlnre that leaves hie, is saying that okay, _m'ro galng to do real engine testing,tlo'regoing to test on somethinglikeand SAE test, but what about theJ_Mtltude of e_,hinatloos. It'sbeen stated, it seems to mo If anyobservatlonis correct,that tl_oreis no praetlcM way to measure ,111 combinations that exist and so it strikesme that *_e'regoing to he in o sltoatlon wtleresme kind of certlflcatlouthat it meets is o preferableroute and thena te_t programIYouh|have to book up that certlflcatlon. Tileburdent¢ouldbe on the man who certifies it, to the muffler supplier to havehl_ englncerlegboule In order sufHclently so he can certify it and he reasonablyconfident that _llenho gets oro.nd to te_ting it on an eoghm or tlhon,s_]ebody else gets around to testing that partlcular situationon on engine that wltlHn snnletoleranceit does In fact follo_ what he said it _muld. So those ore a bunch of observations_hich are connected. £rnte Oddo Illth refe_nce to ,gel. 's c_nent accuracy of that before on the S/E procodure_ on the procedure, would you stt11 consider procedornaccurate enough for this the nell SAE purpose? larry Eriksson I d|dn't really disagre(: that much with Pout, maybe it come out that way I don_t know. The procedure Is a very good procedure. Itms an accurate procedurn In a sense that certainly I f_hlnk oll of us tn the mufflerend of things at least in this panel, ore nsing, so_mthlng very similar to thatproceduretoday In our _uffler testingand it certainTydoes correlatein an indirectsort of _Yaywith tilekind of measurementsthe vehiclemanufacturermlgtithe making. I guess I'm 51.5 18 like Peter, certainly I don°t kno_l wh_t percent Ile do supply is Exact]y, units to our customers, are no proble[_s tn tornls of correlating tile correlation, and often our numbers _tth but times thern their numbers, Occasionally,of course, there ore, but there is certainly room for Inlprov_ment In that particular area. Iro_tevEr, It seems to me it's far-and-away, that from a technical IYe'vo found and usually, point of view, the correlation tile best 1lay to do it, is quite satisfactory, Ernte Oddo Thank you, are there ony ¢Olllllnnt$_ Dr_ R=ohfnAt fredson It seems to me thata fairly easy measurement to make In the laborotorv anyway Is the measurementof transmissionloss. And the question He really have to imrk out Is how good is trons_issle_less a measure of performanceon an actual vehicle, flygonss Is, and It's really only a guea% that transmissionloss is probablynot too bad for the large multl-cyllnderengine _Itoatlon. That% only an Int_fttvagoess. I believe in the single cylinder or two cylindercase transmlssionless is very onre61leb]n. I suppose on the average if you're me.asurlng transmlsstc_ loss for a large multi_cyiindertype of vehicle thatmight glve you an Indicationof the performance. A little bit llkehaving your feet in t_o bookers of _tater, llove one foot in a becket of water that's freezingcold And the other is bolllng hot, },gocan say on the average it's warm hut It's hortlng quite o blt, I don't have any strong feelings,perhaps some of the manufacturers might have. If you do havoa !foodmoffler,and I In_glne that means good in terms of transmls_ionloss perhaps,can you be reasonably cartaln an a largo number of vehicles that on the .hole it performs I-/O11, ,qy feeling ts that probably Idth a larger multl-cylinderengine that h_uld ba the nose but certainlynot tdth the smaller configurations, 5].7 i ]9 Dau,_Rnwley l*nloot gOil|gtO try to answer thatquestion. I don*t happen to agree with that. I'd like to _lo back to Larry, Peter and 0Ill, obviously one of tilereasons I ranted to knowwhat your goals are is to establish a point that we will be faced withreplacinga product that Is eqnivalont to the original egulpneutand yesterd_wfill1 Roper mentionedsomething about replacing the exhaust pipe ulth an equivalentto tileoriginal equipment. I think one thing we as part of tileIoddstrydo not itlsh to geC into is plachlga standardon the exhaust system, Roally, _hat we're trying to do is controloverall truck noise, which, perhaps exhaust noise Is a very significantpart. The question is, ai1dit cou|d he a little bit ridiculous,are you going to pot a standardon the mechanlcal noise in the engine, intakenoise, fan noise and eta, Hell, thls is pretty much what I'm drlvlogat, I do feel thatif our catalogs should say. as a guide to tile user. that this is equivalent to the original equi_emt, really to carry that on further, is t}mro a need for o specific type of evaluatloneethad. Perhaps &here Is, bntyou're coming up with an assessment. I could perhaps look at a product and say troll', yes based on a lot of oaperlence tllat's to original equipment. Do you got what I'm drlvinq going to be equivalent eL here hill? Fur instance, to meet the ()3dDA reqnlrcrnont _m may havean exhaust system that controls tile exha,st noise to 80 dBA or In another case we have to control the exhaust noise to 70 dI_A. A vast'dlfference probabl_,In the size, shape, weightand the cost of theexhaust system. And really, when you get right do_n into the truckfn@ business. this Is the name of the 9aloe. TheyJLIstapt by with as little as they can possibly Qill use. Roper I think tn your commentsyou bro,ght out one of the polnLs I think important. That is. knowing wimt the exhansL system will do on a particulartruck is vitally importantto the person.who is uslng that tr_ck, You mentioned tileone case you slted. The one case m_ght be an BO dI_An_ffler and the other ca._e was a 70 dflAnn_ffIerto meat o N 518 2O particular desired level of total vehicle noise. So it's vital to the user of those two trucks to know idlIahnluffleror _,dMchexhaust system to apply, And I think that tilegeneral thrust of a labeling program is Just that. To provideto the purchaserof tileproduct, Information that will allo_l him to evaluate the acoustical performance of tile product he ts buying along with over, q_lleter i dontt keollD I guess It's muffler tlherl not trlle is always the IllOSt expensive. So he wouhl have the acoustical tnforll_tien the other he illUkeS a that things; ill a general So_etIIIleS It performance available decision, cost, or whatsense tile Inn*t, along wltll other Tile other potnt you raised there_ tS oth_r cc_llponeetsOf the vEHcle are tfllportallt, As I recall, inv oponinq remarks pointedout o couple of things that are particularto tileexhaust i It is replacedon o cyclic basis throughout the oseful llfe of the system. so That Is, It's an Importantsource ofon ooise. product that itone, Is sor_thlugthat a oser later In theTl_o, llfois of that that vehlclewill be replaciilg and If it Is replacedwlth a system that is acoustlcnllylouder It's just a louder soorce of noise in the environment. IIolngIn the noise control business we're concernedabout that, so it's for that reason too we are Interested in coming up wlth a way of definingthe performanceof replacementparts, Exhaust systems fall into thatparticularcategory of a product that Is In fact a replacementpart, to a totalvehicle systole. I)wlght filaser I think the one thing that baffles roea little bit on what seems to be charged here of this three (lays.Ympeslunl Is thatmaybe It's the next to the.last llne there on tilescreen, everything seems to be pointed to, lardchnracterlzn!lthe perfon_w_nce and we all seem to he charged wlth_shlchtechniqueIs the best to do that. In order to decide which techniqueIt set.msto me, that first you have to define which performanceparameterarewe going to ose to characterizeIt, Let's even limit it to the ncoostic performance. I feel certain that of all tilebench tests, analyticaltechniques,nil the on-vehlcle tests, they've_11 been carriedout In a very systematiccareful I manner, they'reall rolatlvolynccurnto for developing data llhlch 519 I, : 2] refers to a particularperformanceparameter, It looks to me llke what we really have to do ls to define or decide l_hichperformance parameterfirst thenmaybe we con back off aud loDk at which technique, if you wish, Is the most accurate, to muasure that parameter, Ernto Oddo Respectfully,Iafnasking you the question back a!lainas a panel. Taking Into account that youJvn dO_lea lot of reseorcil, a ]ot of work in this area, and you'rE familiarwlth tileInportant parameters, which should or should nut be includedin any bench test methodology, Can you eliminateas maybe less significantsome of these pnranletcrs to come up with o simpler bench test and still meet the objectives hero. Dr, Oavies, I don't really feelit's helpful to rnpeat what one's sold but I think a lot of things said In between on a remark I mad(;Earlier and a remark I make now ts along the same lines. The point get anywhere, that we've qot to state and this mostly, is what Doug I(owloy said. in this discussion, is, if some objectives we're going to very clearly _le'vo heard ahout heavy trucks That's only one part of the problem. how w_ know what the obJective_ are.there. Tileoperator has got a tough job. To meet the noise requlrcn_nt know the engine noise that's legislation. |lecause we the. carcass noJoe is SOdominant, that's one particular prohlnm, and the methodology you want and the problem that tim _ffIor designeri:ifacing is in one cate.qory, llow If you talk In terms of total environmental pollution, the priVatE autemohile, the problem is quite different, that is on exhaust noise dnmlnated area, as for as the environment ts concerned In general. That'svery much more difficult I thinkj tile replacementprohlnm_ hecause there. are morn replacements,that are going to happen in the life of the • auto. 5econdlyp the rep1_cement'sgoleg to be i_Idein a much e_)ro m m arbitraryw_y. A private individualms going to put a replacementpart 520 h 22 on, that he can get cheapest andquickest to getting by, l mean that'o the answerfor theaverageuser, That'sa differentproblemand If you're going to try to comeup with o methodologyor a Lest procndore l thinkyou'vegot to lookat eachof thesecntogorlos on the llstand in thomatrlxand sayollrlghtlot'splckthe parameter for thatone toldplace themethodology on thatone and let'sgo on to thennxtone and lookat thatand thenyou makeprogress. Ernle Oddo Good observation and if yon' continuethatdiscussion -LarryEriksson To carry on a llttlobit on whatD_dght's c_elentwa_. whlch I think I heartilyagree_dth. It'svurydlfflcut I thinkto sspnratethe technical questions from questions of the ohJecttvos and what the EPA's trying to =ccomplish. _dly they're undertaking this progrsmin the first place. I think you've got to got very specific ubo¢t fly this program Is beingdone. Specifically. whatit'S trying to respondto,whatit hopes to accomplish. I knowwtth our mm c_pooy there's one excellent way to waste _ lot of time and get a lot of wrong tnfom_tion and that Is one of the personnel in our compnny,whoever it might he. so_one from our sales group or engineering groupwalks over to someguy in our research depnrbnent _nd he 'asksson_ question of our research guy. howdo yo, do this? And .nlesshe (Jets very specific about _lhat he's really going to do with thatinformation and i/by he wants It in the first place, chances are the.ymrenot gOlll9 to talk tile seinelanguage at el|, they're going to got a very strange answer. And the research guy may be operating from e totnllydlffernnt point of view. I think the nail' way tie can work is you've got to haw:n person who's asking the q,estions to give you all the bnckgronnd, l_hat Is he really looking for? t/hat is he trying to accomplish? And this has been lacking. I havefeltthls is neededforns to havea hotterideaof exactlywhy , we'retryingto do all this. {(rm. that'skindof e cop-out,flowpart Z ts theSAE _oheorrmlttee to n certdne_tentans_n_red thatfroth their _0 m N 521 23 point of viers.Their answer frolntheir point of vleu was, wo want the sound pressurelevel Droducedby thatexhaust system. Our eubco_llllttce had to deal with that, not from a Oovernmentregulatory point of view but from the pohlt of view of n group of enqlneers tryin9 to provldo some reasonablecharacterizationsof exhaust oyste_s so we had to anst_er questions fro_ It)at point of viell, Regulatory aoonctos are sonlothtng else again, l have not heard that, from the EPA. tlewore looking far,lard to the question question. session with EPA, because that was to be my Peter Chnnq I'm not tryingto answer Lnrry*s question to EPA for EPA but ] Imagine one Of the objectivesin the muffler ]abolln9 proposal probablyis because thereare many mufflers on the streets which are basically tie cans. He can labelmufflers In a very strict sense, put aria, B, C, D on Itor we con label the mufflers broad sense. in a rather general In a That is, in the very first step the EPAwnuld reqMre each aftermorketmuffler manufacturerhave a good test facillty they would have to know what they are doing. The EPA can somehnttcertify their test or toeir test motbodology. In addition,EPA would have to to require theeftomarket muffler co_panles to report the test res,,It= to their consumer. I personally believe that EPA should adopt these two steps aBd then wait for awhile and then see whether tbere Is indeed e need to label the mufflers In a strict sense. Dr. Se_'ber t lee talked a lotabout non technicalthings and perhaps I'm not quite as familiar with the rest of the people in rooard to sor,_ of those questIono. Robin Alfredson touchedon somethingI don't think that we have receiveda satisfactoryanswer for antithat 15, how can we use a basic muff]ordescriptor such as transmissi_ loss. /Iaybonot on t_s own, but modified according to some particular , 522 configuration with I_, :,_ r _ ,:÷,T 24 exhaust plpe or tall plpe lengtlls and englne configuration,as a de_crlptor, I don't thlnk anybodyhas really de_onstratodthat this cannot be done, If we do hoveo proper descriptor for each of the subsystems of the overall exhaust systems. Certainly transmission Io_s and insertion loss have e lack of correlation. Transmission loss with more dnflnttive informationon the rest of tilesystolemay be on adequate dnsarlptor, Ho haven't proved that It Isn't, That's one thinq I would like to see pursued. Prof. t)avles I'vedlsaoreedwltilRobin before so I'll disagree age;to. Can I refer bank on the three days pest, to my original presentation tnwhtch I polntndout that an outstanding proble[1,and this affects the Issue elltechnlcalaccuracy,is that w_ do,'t really know ho_lto categorize the source and so we're really in the dark, You cotegorlzn the source and you con then categorizetllerest of the system, Fine= if transmlsslonloss Is it. That's quite satisfactory,that's nlce ea Charlle pointed out, It's Invorlnblefor a particularunlt_ thatms nlen too, you can lol_elit. as he snld gold plate the label and shove tt on there. In fnct Thnt'_ I don't line operator grand, vastly, know tl_t but we're we ever will It ke_ps these vehicles Jazz then yon're talking turkey. not in that position. he bncnasn if you take till on the top line If you're inking _nd all top that the average user and portlculnrly,mnd _leilnvenlt talked about cars much In this dlseusslon,the average drlver of a famlly car. he'o not going to keep that In the shape that ol1 the accurate maasurerW_.nts and everything else are made in. And so, talkln._ahout one or 2 diior hlgll accuracy or whatever Is meaningless, it the source is not going to be anything doesn't like mann anything. Because the 0[11 source the vehicle was when the vehiclewan categorized. It's going to be different, I thlnk You've got to go hack tn _omethin9thnt will provldn the consumnr with the data rather like the truck operators ore providedwith data by the equipmentmanufacturersand they make tiledecision1_hichmuffler to buy and to put on their particulartruck. It'stheir decision, In i 25. the long run, Youprovide t#_ legal authority, the policeor whatevcrj with n test procedurelike the 20 Inch procedure for dechHng whether the individualsare complyingwith tilela_l. And, we've heard About the difficultiesof providingA simple bench test procedurefor that. So that'swhat you've got to do and l thlnk you've got to be specific, Put there's no way of stampingn label on n particularproduct and say that's going to alttays be satisfactory. It's beeq said several times and ! agree, there'sno such thing as o good muffler or a bad moffl©r excluding the tin cons, Hlthout soy|rig where and how and why y_u._re using it. !I Sparks I Just want to second that and the way your first quoatton Is worded it sa-ys that the predlctlon has to be in A form of An eebml noise level so It can be added to the other noise levels frc(n the o_her vehicle sources so we Agree that sc_noof these more erudite inherent muffler muffler characterlst|cs performance than something llke insertion1Ass. gain9 to 'be able to usp. sornethln.q ltkA that So It's After definitions more of an evaluation of the much more adequately C#leracterlze fly wife Isn't and very fe_ people will, process of what -you do with the data -you get it more so than bow -you get the data. Ernte 0_o That'S true, that'_ an important the panel members ll_e to c_ent an-y other vehicles other Part of the contract, on those tim questions tlould any of relative to than autos and trucks which is more or 1ASs whet we have dwelled on here. Dr. A1fredson I thought I'd just _ke a point here which really but the manner tn which a vehicle " to the amount of noise. recreation vehicles. is driven, This ts partlcolarl-y i 524 ii .......... isn't very relevant can make quite a difference Important for .the Or. [Iraeloor A conmlcnt on the small engine vehicles, ! think tile technique employing so_ form of onfllnosis highly preferable to those that don't, so if you _ant a constant [measureI would use one of those. I don't know whether the panel aorees, but iJe'voreally _andored around and I don't think we've got anywllere. I thlek if one simplifiesthe question perhaps In the way I suggestedright 'Inthe be,lnnir_g we miqht lead off to some direction, that Is of course ass_Hog there Is a need In some way to control the productionof mufflers which is what it boils down to, Control the perfonnanceof mufflers I should say This can be oithor by s_ee form of self certificabloothat this muffler is bettor or worse, backed up with some testprocedure_ddch could be used as a _thod of arbitratingbetweena manufacturerperhaps that clalms it ts equivalent to the existing one and perhaps a consumeror in th|$case the reg_|latlon agency that clahns tilemuffler is hi fact superior or inferior. All of tilequalltatlvedescriptions thatI have used will be turned Into quantitativeterms snch As equivalent could be "forexample ._5 dllof original equiI_Fleot for example,and I thlnk that If _re'regoing to n_ko proqress on these quostlon_I'd llke to _oe us sort of direct the discussiona little bit, somewherealong these llnes. E?nle Odd__o I don't knOW if panel members are familiar with the two testingInstitutes In France and Germany. The one In Germany I'm referring to is the TUV. Re're been in correspondencewith IIeinrIchGillet C_npaoy one of the Gennen rn_nufecturers who makes mufflers far various vehicles, They sentus a lot of informationand data on these b_o Instituto_that do testing for th_ respectivegovernments. I believe they're not'government Instlb{tosor testingaqencloshut they..ere certifiedby the governments In cactione of the countries. They do have a scheme and a processwhereby If a company wants to sell' apaftermarkeL m,lfflcr,in either country he must submit that product 525 - 27 to the appropriate testing ]astlLute arid that tasting hlstitiJte a stalldard bench t_st a_othodology to evaluate the ,_ufflers. uses The test ls all A, B type colnpartson in _lhich they co_;ipal'ethe flEI,I r,_uffler the rep]acenleat fflLlffler interpreted tile ,lrtlclos as part of the fully yet, [lmethodolo!ly. _te to haven't since I,;e haven't had them fully translated. Ilejust have selected para(iraphs thathave been translated, There is an Indicatiollthat theyuse a startdard anginn as part of the test aloLhodoloqy,ilewill FOIIOL_ up o. this Infnn(lation after this syInpost 101h C_c]l,Sparl:s i]utthey're not taking that to predict fmlse level on any arbitrary corlflgurationthatyou have In*:lhldthereafter. So I agrne, that's a reasonableapproach. To qualifyyour r_Liffler, Ernl_ Oddo IVP.]], that_s what fie have to fIIId out_ _dlat qualify Irloa/l$, lie doa't have the articles fully translatedb.t if any of the pane! mi:inbers are f_mtilar with those testing rllethodolcgles and idiot they _lean we_d really appreciatehearing, Prof. l)avles I dondt knoL_about th(!_ebm but hl England It's the I]otorIndustries Research Assoc. and thny do perfarlll this f,octlon. And I can state quite categorically riley don't use _l standard engine hecaase I Lnn_l it doesn't work. They are certifyinga productor a range of prodaets for a specific vehlcie and that's Lhe way they work. They provide the certificate. I think also that from_hat I've heard in this me_ting| from all the l;_inufacturnrs lne|odlngthe rep_acnzr, ent alanufacturersp they do provide scx_e_ort of cortlflcate. And I thinklYe're getting hun9 up on technology. Can I get hack to what ! sold in the heglnn|ng, if you go to buy a i_ashoror cooker or uhatever that's • ' certifiedwhen you i_uyIt. Ifyoamre gotn!l to hay o recreatlnna} device like a hlgh-fl svst('r_ that'sreA]lv certified, [ really can't understand what: they I)llt OO the documentation hut that_s certified i 4)1 right, The nanufacturnr p.ts so much (lope there, _xe l, If lie dhln't 1, 2U comply you'd get him. responsible. I_ell, You know for eon-compl]amce, there's nee point. After at least he+s and secondly you go and buy whateverjunk you llke and put It Illyour house but if that doesnatmo_t city regulatloesthat's your responslbilltyand Itas not the soppller' So I'm saylnq, the to follon Is the suppller,provides the certificate,and I thiok they'rewilling to do thls_ and the user Is responsihle to seehlg the compliance Is agreeable. How, If the user's worried it's up to hlm to approach the supplierand*say, look+ If I risethat product am I going to get bombed. And he'll get an answer. P.Pe ter C h_ng. I wonhl Ilke to agrilewlth Professor Davies and I would like to amplify thatpoint showingour extremes. In the State of Florlda().r oftemorket custc_mrswould llke to buy hlgh performoco mufflers milreso thanmany other states for the simple fact the State of Florida has a rather strict enforcement. tarry Erlksson Yon merit]lined other think prodncts and I think yo+_shm|ld say for thil record that It's probably ehvlous hut I tllere are a couple of othilr things oil these other products that aril extremely Important to COllS]der_ tileobvious one, parLicnlarlyfor motorcyclesand sool_nobile_ Is the extremely strong coililect]on between the sot+nd level of the eXIlanSt system and the hor_ilpower.CertalnIy the exlla.Stsystem ]s cilnnected wlth the power producedhy the enghlilfor all of theseprodnets bet snovanoh|lils and nmtilrcycIils is of snch ildifferentorder of maonitude con_idilration in my mind that that truly has to be consideredseporate]y. The other one would be in the automobile area Althonghwe're not involved Inaatomohile mufflers It's certainly tilecasilthat as I've been to]di_ymy friends ]n tileindustry there that subjectivecons]derattons, and I think win'reo11 aware of th|s In terms of antomilbHe mufflers,are At least as ImportantilsilbJilcttve measurementsand I th|nk that's fairly unlqne to autGmohiles and perhaps It does carry over to somil of thilother'sbLJtpartlcnlarlyso In antilmoblles that ,927 i • _+_+t,_++_,m,++.,.,+,+_ .......... ++u, ,+.+._t,,,. ++.+-_,+ ++...;._ ...... _. _ +_.+u,t_;+_,(++.,;++t_,_+_,+ 29 in terms of nhat's good or bad for the cons.mar a 5ubJectlvecharacterIzatioo does play a pretty importantrole in terms of whethertlle consumer flods this to be a satisfactorymuffler and I assume tbls is tilekind of thingwe're shooth19at In terms of regulatoryActivities as to son}eho$t satisfy the consulnerIn terms of what he buys. So I think the subjectiveaspect Is !IolnUto have to be looked at if you're out to do thatfor cars, £rnie Oddo At this point I believewe'll open up questions fronltim floor. Don )_hl tony I think I'd liketo bring up a point that I don't think anybody at this conference))assaid. Homely, that we already have labels on our m_fflers, No all have part numberson Lhc_n,those part n.mbers refer back tocataloqs, those catalogs go to the individualman_¢factui"ers, the muffler manufacturersalready keelsthe performanceof those mufflers In relation to the perfere_nceof other mufflers that they themselves have af_Jthey have a pretty darn good Idea of what those mufflers do already. I imuld like to add one other part tdth respect to the SAE test, as I understand it in terms of an In._ertlon loss test I really don't Agree particularlythat insertionloss is the thin9 thatwe want to measure, floweret,in termsof comparison of one muffler wlth respect to another, I think It candn n pretty good .Jobof tolling us equivalence on a ._ysta_that truly dpplicateswhatever the vchlcle with its do. point e_haust pipe lengths, tail pipe lengths, etc. I think that we can ask a question here relative that's conmup marly times and I would like do _na_le to to the accuracy to turn the question around insteadof saying bow good is the Accuracy I'm more concerned with how bad is the. accuracy from tile standpoint that it's fine to say that n muffler is approximatelyequivalent to the muffler that ml,qhthave been on the oq_i_ent in the first place but I worry when we say it's appronimatelyeq_|Ivalent.Is that accuracy good,dn I have to pat in a stnndanldeviationof 2 dfland then in order to _nufacturo a replacen_ent muffler and satisfy _lyself _lithscale reasnnable confidence thatmy ee_imuffler will be belmt or equivalent to, do I have to design tile new one to .5 dfl below, or _lhatever. 5_ Ilol: bad is 3O tile correlation I'd like ts of more concern than hot/ good ls the correlation. to reiterate again it's tile porfornlanee of a muffler been nlentioned several on a particular times that engine does in fact affect the power but l'd llke to also say that It does affect emissions also since tilepressurepulse is hack on tileengine ;dll affect tile instantaneouspressureat tilevalves, etc. And as a resultwill affect ti_oemls_ion cilaracteristlcs, lle'regetting into a dual regulatory situationwhere _le'vegot o lot more than Just sound levelsto consider. I think that's on extremely Importantthing. Just th_ fact of possibly putth|g double testln0 in terms of requiringan original manufacturerfor the full vnhlcleHhlch Is _dlatI'm involvedin, a double test, I _ould say thatId_eneverdouble testln9 Is involved it in_.ffoctlvaly decreasestilelevel to _dch t_ehave to manufacture trucks. Using trucks As on example simply because you have to meet both standardstlIerofere the total truck noise is lecternThor might be a d©sirableobjectivei)atI don't think that's the way to go about it. I wuald llko to say thatwhile I don't necessarilyendorse the preciseColt fernlaprocedure the J1169 SAt procedure for passenger cars Is _ course fllter, It's dlfficult to get d(_Yllto proclse levels in termsof enforcement,hovlevorD|t cap do A Job, it can do a real Job more than I think new tnJck or new passengercar rcqli|ations will do, in the _onse that those vehicles aren't really had rlgt)tnow the on_sthat are really causing the proI_Ic_n In the cor_nnnlty are tileegos that don't llaveAny n_fflers, tl_y have straightpipes, riley have modified _ystems,that type of thing is the thing thstwe really need to g_t rid of end while the JIIG9 for passengercars Is a toarse affair and we all agree It'scoarse it's net a finn test It can do a ver_/ effective _oh, flick Miller Jl th|nk we neod to foco_ on the fact that are two areas heroof concern,I thtnk, as lt'_ I)oen mentioned, there first tilosepieces of equlpnmnt that are now sobJcct to regulation as new equipmentand those that aren't, We're more familiar_dth those that are, so we'll address those. 52_ 31 I thtnk tie need to rcmc_d)erthat durtnn the pro_lulgatton of the truck regulation and all of" the other new vehicle regulaLlons both EPAand tile Industry were oxtrcmniy careful to avoid any restrtcttods upon the componentrythat's used to meet the standards, The truck regulation and the other reg,iations ere ow._rall performancestnndards and this was tile philosophy token so that eech manufact,rer based on hl._ understanding of his n_rket, co,ld complywith those re(juletions most economically. IIot_, tile conceptof lnbellno a cmponent is sc_,ewbnt akin to wearin9suspenderswith a belt. The vehicle regulation, the truck regulations, madthe others thot are patterned after that, has tempering provisions which obligate the user to use cqulpnent that w111 not (legrado his noise level. In ndditlon_ the proposed revisions to In-use regulations will else provide someassurance that.on't get out of hand. ! think what ties ooln9 to happenIs that obviously the n_nufacturers ere not going to provide eq,lpment that _lill rolsn noise levels and the eftcrm_rket suppliers are going to be forced into that positton !.st to stay in b,Jsiness. ! think this is n situation where we can dependon the free enterprise system and elon9 with the regulattbns to provide all the necessary policing that _ need. So, ! think we have to look at tile objectives that we had'when_ first etarted looking at regulations for newproducts end mtlck with that philosophy becauseI think it is a well formed one and ! think it's been fe|rly sueceasfu]. RossLittle I have n comment more than a q.estion. In sitting thro.9_t this whole prooram, manyof the speakersappear to me,really aren't addressing what we need or whnt's neededout in tile field. He need as I see it, to identify the aftern_rknt exhaust ,Syst_llwhich when Installed de9rades the noise level of tile vehicle, fie don't hey[= prnblemsms a Oeneralr,le.withnew'vehiclom.So in the r_tin.q system w_ need a relative noise level which correlates t;n a sound level ascribed f 530 , ......... 32 to the vehlclawhen the vehlcle is first deliveredto the first user. That can be thesome test procedure or s_,e other _ay of arrivlngat it, Tllenthoseere tlmemain things, there Is a standardbeing proposed here for labelingbat son_Joneeventually In_sto enforce It and if the nunlbersaren'tcorrelatable or SOlf_ethlng that can be used, then the enforcement goes deliathe drain, whole progrmats and there ts no enforcement and the lost, }!a.vne llareus. llotnrcycleInd_stryCnuncll First off, in the regulations that are under eonslderatlouno_ labeling regulatlonsare naturallydirectly from the noise enntrnl act and 1'II read you on0 relative clause from that. Section U, _lhich says, "the administratorshall b.vregulation require that notlc_ be given to the perspectiveuser of the effectiveness,of the i)roducts effectiveness in reducingnoi_o." So thls is what at least the Congressaud the Presidentof the United States were lookinq for when this act was passed. ilow_tn determining _tl_at the effectivenessIn reducing noise Is_ In my mind, we're looking not for a comparativenumber relative to an OEII number. Hhetwe want ia to know t_hatis the reduction in noise from a muffler, any muffler because certainly the OEIIproducesreplacement mufflers as _mll as After-marketco_anles. program todaywe learned mufflers Secondly,earlier In the that even OEll produced composite or universal for older vehicles. The replacementmnffier IndustryIncludIng OEMrfploeen_ntmufflers, is as far as motorc.ycles industry ts concerned, Is from a labcltn9 standpoint,this aimed at pre.effeetive labeling d_te motorcycles, that regulation 20_, should be is, m¢)torcycle_ which are producedprior to the effective deta of the upco_ling new motorcycle and replacemente_haust regulations because I don't know if youmre familiar _llth It, if all of you are fer_illar withlt| but as far as motorcycles are concerned there are t_Yosuch regulations _hich Include labeling provisions end which include noise provisions. are coming up, very shortlywill The ones that set noise level _tendardsfor motor_ cycles such as other types of vehicles already have on the books. This one, thatwe're coosidcrlng here ts purely for the consumer's Infomatlon. Therefore, motorcycles uhtch are producedafter time N 5_1 . 33 effective will (late of this, beoontrolled. nolsn emissions. soon-to-be-announced They_lIll It's bn contrnlled the pro-effective noise redact|on to a certain date, rnqulation. level of the ones that arc out on the streets right nni_,those that have detnrloratlngmufflers nn them at prnse_=tand those which have engineswhlnh have gone through an nxtenslve break=in period and have dlffernnt source charactnrlsttos thanwhen they worn nrlglnallyproduced. So tdlatI=m InterestndIn is knotting how to ]onh Into and hot_to discovertdlatthn reductlnn charoct_rlsticsof an exhaust system arn on these broknn-ln0presentlvon-the-streetvehicles,not necnssorllythe vehicles that are qolng to be regulated. !lartlnBurke - John Denre I hove both qunstlonsof the panel as well as conmlents, In the area of sno_mlobllns, sno_obllns hove been regulatedby States for o number of years nell,have o 78 dBA drive-by level per SAE d192. As o result of thls fairly strlngentregldatlonsnm_htIemanufacturers have had to put In unltlznd exhaust S.yst_s on the column in _lhlch there ia only o single cnnnectlonhetwnon the engine and the exhaust system that is a alnoln flexible type cnnnectlon. Earlierynars ;;o used to _¢e systems that had tvo or three Jnlnts In It and which you could perhaps replace wlth various compnnnnts, Since snet_oblles ore baalcollydlffernnthotwnenmanufacturers,I glmss l'nlnot currnntly o_nre of on outside replacementmarket on snot_obi]nsother than the OEII supplying exact replAconmnt parts. case of o=_rc_pany, be Identtca! IIhich wouhl I 9ueas in the to or hotter tll_n the original ones. end I s_y hotter than, it couhl he a case _here we cArrled a model throogh=everAl years end becausnof the Increasenr reductionof noise we*re hod to Improve the exhaust systnn_in those cases tlnhavn replacedthe older systems for rnpalrs wlth tilenntlorsystent_,llo_i whet decision does o customerI_ve to make If system frnm one snurne for that machine. i 5._2 ha can only get one 31t Unkno'un l'd llke to clarify ono point, and that is that it's Impracticalto p.t a nolselevel on an exhdust system, llherevehicles that are manufacturedto meet an overall vehicle regulationono manufacturer may require more of the exhaust syston than enotberdoes. kn_ so the only th ml that makes any sense is to requlmoeflulvalencoto the original system. And that's_uch easier to get thena number to begin with and it'sthe only one that's go n9 to make any sense to the consumer. Frank Sava!_e- DonaldmoE I look at tblsthing and there are throe parts to this whole question tore. One Is the governmentwhich is responsiblefor settlnq tile standardsand enforcingtilestandardsam! the manufacturerwho makes the part|cnI_rproduct and has to and most stand behind that prod,or as far as performanceis concerned. And then the consumer,and It seems llke nhat we're doing here is putting the entire load or the responsibilityfor meetln9noise reflulatlons on the nanufactureror the flovernment.I think the consumerhas an eqaal share in this vlholobualnesshere. I think tbat the muffler manufacturerscan provide a bench mark and I say bench mark because thot eliminates the occnrocy type of qiiestlon but at least it's n bench mark which he trillcertify, that says thatthls productwill work on those machines. You've got to make surQ that the consumer' has not taken thl= good qoal'itymuffler off and repi_modit with n tin can or e strnlght pipe. You've defeated the purpose of course, of tilesllencer sepplleror the program or in the case of the heavy truck nsorp where the shell Is still in flood condition b,t all of the internalparts are ignored,bat you still run it dawn tile mad. The second Lest that has been =_modwidely is the total vehicle noise test. llnw, I'm not suggestingthat all these tests be run simultaneouslyby any one person bat .th_total vehicle notae teal Allows tile final supplier of either the whole truck or tile wbnle motorboat, to qualify through s_o 9_ the whole snmenobilo or integrate all its noise sources procedurein Iliaown l'ecJl|ty.! think it's been dE_nonntrated a number of times that '533 If you want I;o flat a sound 35 pressure level at some distance in trying that you have to use the actual to use a beech type test. engine ilitil the actual _ystem or a systc_L that is qualified to predict s_e sound pressure level at s_ne dlstances. There Lvere at least tiloproceduresglvcu today by Larry Peters,by a John Deere man _lhere they Ilad carrelatlou_llththeir ol4n bmlCh testing individually to get them to fifty could be certified feet. Of course, these facilities by Era and then vllth published sound |evels a certificate could _o out that certifies tested In a facility certified by Era, tidal the silencer i_as Ue already tlave a meollantsr_ that takescare of not relatln_accor,_teInfor_|tlon/]lid that's called a guarantee. Ar_lan simply has to ask for a guarantee and If it doesn't meet it let's say a tr#Jck muffler, if he buys one a_idtakes it out to Hr. Iloss's test station nod it doesn't pass tl*e test he carries it back and gets ills money back, 5o, that ailotls dote to _o ahead and operate, labeling only in ISl_, all lie have dealt |ndustrl_l Silencer the test is and Inmany cases the silencer to Idth tile problem of muffler llanufacturlng I+e bare to deal reich ttldt because of tile statiollary yon knnw_haC the exhaust pipe length facilities Association, source, seldonl do is or idiotthe tailpipe length is purchased and .you really don't kno_1_h_t the engine is. From my o_inexperfence,,_ndi'm going to go back to someof the things that Larry indicatedand llrl_laser from _eneral llotors, if you 11antto t,_Ikapples to apples, a s_mple comparison of mufflers,not relating it the in-woe sowed pressure levels,because you cannotunless it's on the actua! emjine on ti_esame source but If you _Yantsmethlng llke the absorption coefficient,or tranmulsslon loss classjb_hatis it? - AS17170tlmy give A laboratory _est procedure And clearlystate thatyo_'l] get different numbera tlhenyou Apply tills to the field, If you flareto Pave _c_e comparls_n, tlfenyou _leedto look at broad-bandnoiso. I prefer insertionless t_Ithno tail plpP. and thenanexl_mwstsyst(_, exhaust plpe t/lotmielmf_es on any silencerthatlm.ldbe at an averageflo_ typlcally rate for tested. And tt the effect _mnld /)ave to be tested the mean end use_ f,e.m_t_obile e_haust has much iliF_her exhaust velocities tlnn In the stationary engine and It would be teated at.some average or mean temperature for the end use, tlds is particularlytrwe for an engine exhawst versus An engine Intake. i 534 13, ,, ,' 36 ( Ken i'd like to make n co.menton these procedures that, if the.vdnn't Include l|ko shall nol_e or pipe noise or leaks clue to clamps or anything that. they aren't 9olncj to be accurate and we have to ask ErA uhat accuracy we're lookin0 For. Ernlo Oddo Tllank you. This ts tile last call for qucstions for the penal I_..tle we have them up here, llewill next 90 into th+ethird pert of otJr program in which the ErA irlember_ Nil) replace the panel tllL_nbers on stage and we will open th_ Sessionwith q_wstlons frr_ltilefiner. Panelmembers_ we thank you very much For your partlclpatlonIn this syfnposfum. A reminder to everyone tiler we wtll be publish|n9 s_nposi,m to the very near Future. Everyone who attended this certainly =all1 receive a copy of the proceedings. proceedings of this sympos|um P word to those people who gave papers at the symposium, please send copies of .your paper, with art work to _ at i_cPonnell Dou91as in California. Fie are assemblInq the proceedings for tile ErA. At this time, we will fronl the audience. open this session far questions for the ErA IHII Roper PerhapsI should pick up on someof the questlmls that were asked earHer. The one from Larry Erlcksnnabout what is the objectiveof the _PA labeling program? remains the same as it I think was spelled that at least the general objective out tn Line Federal Re.qfstcr llotice. tilefour points that we've put an the board, or the viewgrapha little earlier,but I thlnk specificallyrelating to exha._t systems,there's n 37 two specific areas 11here we _lere lool;lnq and that was infon,ation for tnfon:hltlon on development of a statistic at this for mcetle,g a comparison between two exhaust system or two [nufflers; an A-l]comparisonwith OEfl or _d]otever, a relative cc_,pnrlse,o bet_teentwo svstclns.The other Is a stntistlce,rapproach for developing Information,statistic Information, on comparison between a total vehicle level and the exhaust system. llol.l those are two general categories of informationthat involve differentmethodolo{ties and can be used In dIffer_ntways. And we've had opinions expressedas which one is the hatter or the worse. I tlHe`kto be quite frank, in n government study effort such ns we have under way here that we n)ayor may not lead to nny type of regnlation, whether it he labelie`g or eventually a standard,n noise perfomnnce standard, it would be ]e`a sense dishoe,qstoe`my part to say specifically what is going to happen or t_hat'snot _nlng to happP.n,lle're, ce,llectJng ie,formatlon at this point, to define what tf_oproblem is and what the possible solutionsare .giventhe general objectiveproviding Inforn_tton to the consumeror user, In this case, exhanstsystem muffler, that he can use in the purchase decision. I don_t knm_ If that's a satisfactory answer'Larry, but that's what I have to Another point that llasraised by %Hck liille`r re(, uardin{/ tileSituatfonIn the truck area, Implyln9that there really wasn't a nee`d for thls klnd of information to be.conveyed tn the user, or purchaser of a muffler, I think ilehas raised sane good polnts_ that is a good point In the truck area .I _lonldlimit It to that portion of the truck industry that ie`volvcsvehiclesthat are operated by interstatecarriers. I thle`k that's fairly valid hecaL|seIn that area Era does have tileauthority' to set le,-usestandards. There's only t_._n areas _vherc[PA has that aubhe,rltyandthat's fur interstatemotor cnrrloro,or vehicles operated by interstatemotor carriers, and for Interstatee,qnip_tent and facilities operated i_yintnrstaterail carriers, So,orlon17 and lflle,the 'lolse Control Act, So in these blo Areas and the rallroAdarea we have e,ot set Section (3 new product . standards that apply to those vehicles when they are nc_t|ys_anLffacture(l. He also have a thor ty in the in-use area and wn have such standards. So there is a follow-through_o-tospeak on total vehicle, at least cr_tpliancerequirements, But of coarse 311 that t#ouldnot hold true hi every other product catenory that_as listed Jn the matrix, Out again, I think ! unuid Uo bach and say that Jt 2tIH rome|no h,portant for the user to have the infonnatlon ova/laMe to his level to i_Im that truck uIll and quite the i;_uffler or the exhaust system that he'o applying alice the total frankly vehicle to meet a particular in looking at some of the material been I)resc,ted by l}onai(Ison for example, Illlore they I th|fll;, degree, are prqvidhl!l their Nmt, one of the principal of voluntary labeling of o product, any Federal objectfws that's hlvolvementl In noise and If it fine. 1 think others some of the ramifications perhaps in other areas. for questi_s ISdHa!ter Uith titat's I to respond 1 9hess to s_ne hell)s clarify tlhlt _re applicable that that _lhat _le_re after, can corm ahout _Hth vohlntary So, l_ve _ttempted of your con_nents Nick and I think maybe ttlio a co.ll performance that occurs lilt/lout tYl_lch Is one of our oth_r objectives mentioned, rain|real Federal programs, the acousticnl enooLJra_lng that and tf _ovolvc_eot, to a large that type of lnfomattoo. of the EPA is the encnuragcmont l'lllteh I_ou]d describe l{oll _e're Mdch is a reduction ousto_lers _dth sound that has I queos lhl for time on trucks but not open this oess|on_dth from tile floor. . (]urr!ess You do have promnlgated re.quiations, proposed remdatlonS Far air compressors, that give n (1[I ievol that yon have to checl: _t four or five point_ around the ec_lpressor and that Is a. overall ]cve] including a prime mover tthJcil Colfhl be an engine, which nndm_btedly ++uld h_ve some klmJ of a muffler the manufacturer service lJfn maintain co tt. be It that lev_l, four years, It's for the life _hoo It's manofaetorod. is going] to, If necessary those _coustle components uJth eq_lwleot " "' It of the unit. that the _y_tem imold, nql,_e _lse, requ|red assum_ then that the manufacturer s_e, And yoa+ve also renulrod of the nip cr_npressor to _arranty acoustic I _mahl replace CO;,q_C}OO[It_Of the I _]uess the same m_nnfactuter_right? l(e_(ouldhave to if i;e Installedthese OEH p_rts end he's _rranted thl% if they had any problemsup the customerran a truck or dam_,jedone of these components they have to be replaced i.tlth the same Itc.R that _tas origlnall.v manufactured, Is that correct? 537 ]9 gill Roper It _?ouid have to be replaced _t|th a co_lparable system colnponent. me go bach a minute nov.1, On the portable standard was promolugated it the acoustical didn't air co,lpressor, include as I recall, s,_hat_le call assurance period of sonic period or time when that would be required to continue Let {/hen that product to cr]dt or nl_et the standard at lllllch it i/as designed to _lleet tile standard at the date of manufacture, tile later tractors regulations that we recently that the acoustical Dllt essentially, in tile standards require imposed on wheel and crawler ossgrallCe period the_natntenance that concept was involved. lllstructlons that are incorporated the Jnaoufacturer identify of the piece or" equilN,_nt that are key noise control if something happens to one of those c_tponents Ytltll an equivalent system tt In those coniponuots coJ=_pmlentsthat unless it's _touhl not meet the standards. replaced Essentially Idontli'yleg to the user, hey look, here's a llst of things you better keep track of and n.llntnloproperlyor Xou're not going to meet the i Standord. l P Ed Ilalte_" - Burnests Isn't th_s essentially ',, iI what you're addressing hero _l|th renpect to 9round _ranspartatlon. In otllcrwords, IF you l_ld 4 muffler as part of a package and you have to replace that re,filer ;tltll the same type muffler, r'lght? The easiest way to do that is replace It _dth the r_ same Item D the same part flulnher, the namemannfacturer_ you f_ly have to flu_llfy oilier suppliers If you have a monopoly prohlem to produce _' that same product. !I Bt 11,fiopo& ] think from our perspectivewe got into our gnnerai connse] Informs us, a con_tralotof trade situation, If _tespnclflythatit must he OEllreplacement. So we're looking at ways of identifyingthe performance so thatanyone who prodncesa product that meets that perfo_anco conld in factsell It, flareit applied t.othe place.' of eqnir, nentand if that gets hack to what we*re talking ahent today, oralthat way callbe used to characterize I _;% ! r, the performance, In this ease of the exhaust svstc_ 530 _, •,_,.,i_._lr,,. ........ • . _:_ _, . :,_.!?,...,, 9t. , 4O Ed )loller - IJ.r_ess B,twouldn'ttheultimatebe thatyou had Lo qualifythaton that particular pieceof equil_nent. Ioother_iords. If you'reuoili_l to replacethison a crawlertractorandyo, hodo certainprocedure to checkout on ._crawlertractor, youilouldthe/lm _n_of the replace(neat muffIQrsor components wouldbe testedelltheorailler tractor and thief sanle method. 11111 l(o_er That'scertainly onektayit cmfldbe done. Probablytheeasiest way itcouldbe done _t thi!i time. ErnleOddo Another thing I'd like to add here. ConcorntnE_ exact replacementsto the06/1, we'vemet withtheautomobile r_nufacturers andothermotor vehicle mmnuf_oturers and h_vodlm_ssedconsolidation of deslon. h widevariation of m_nydifferent desl(ins resultfromcontinued consolidation. The endrosk41t is a raftof m_fflersth=tare still so-cellini 0_I equi_ent. Youmay finda $ddetolerance thereIf yo, ivould actually me=suretheperformsnce of )hose(Ifterl_larkot mufflers and comparethemwlth theO[IIperforr_nce. TherecouhIbe 3. 4 maybe 5 dlldiffer_.nce. Th=t'sthe pr_ctlc_l world. Dou_Hcfl_nn- Ford Ilotor Co. I'd like to clarify tile statment that£rnle J,sl;mado.from re9ulatory st_ndpotn9 the afterm_rket m.fflersthat we ond sell are equivalent to Original equli_nt. The _ubJectlve levels h_v_ been compromised tn many oases, 539 41 IH11 Roper Could I ask a question? It came up tn the earlier the automotive area, leaking ls at subjective se_*stoe that t. levels was lmportoot. that In regard to exterior, Interioror both? Oou9 !!cllann - Ford IIotor Co. Both. Jim Hoore - John i)eere The snu_m,obtle indLIstr'y currently labeling program and Ilurtln oorrontly exists view of this, has a voluntary O,rl:e brought total out the fact veilicle that fla aftorelarhetIll snown_btlo oxhatlst SystoelS, de yo_ think it's necessary to label noise there In sno_eneblle exhaust systems? IHll Roper+ ! think tho Inforr_tiorl we havo been providedon snowmohtlos certainly p, ts them in a unique situation. ether areas anti that's I thinh, certainly c_npared _dth some of these something we'll there is a need er not In the snm.enohile area. ta 9e back te tile point at this point in th|s thatwe're particular and Ellis kind ef tnfernmtion really consider. LIhether Agaln, ! think ! _larlt on a faet-flndin_ mission area of exhaust cmtssfen I_orfonnance is very useful to us, I can't sit hera and say what tim agency is going to decide to do on Lilacparticular question hocouso I don't raise a q,estten know, but certainly that tnforn,ltton weald of ithetheror net it's necessary on snotm)ohJles, gnu9 []owley - Oenalds_ l'd like te dl._euss this tiler Ross Little voluntary out in the State of California l+d ltke action relative to _sk tllQ [PA the question, 'n 5t0 :i bit getttn!l to controlling Bill, I know voluntar.v _ctton truck noise and how you intend te got voluntary action? Ohv|ousl),, it must be through s_e _'ou touch on that a bit? l a little spent al)e,_t e year and a half enforcement proqram. Co,ld r 42 I BIll Roper In response to that looktng there I think a_latn of tile EPA's standpoint we would he at _dlat's happening out tn the country mou. For exampTe, Is an effective voluntary co_pltance proorar,_ nm_? As a result of say State regulations. An awareness on the part of the manufacturer tltatlllsproduct is noisy and is adverselyaffecthl0 his sales And causing hinl a ha|'rasstng or i.illatever und that problaa because it's tl_e industry agAinst state say has flottezJ to,ether with a test procedure and is voluntari]y certifying re.qulations And colon tip or labeling or whatever their product to meet a specificnoise IEvel, liewould be looking noise at ilhat's hoppontng from that portico]dr _ome examples. today, and hml that product, In the snowmobile areo • _here was _ lot of concern |fl vorioos snot_noblins nod there the to do something They did establish that was.acceptable Ydllch snowlJolt states for levels ohout lowering perhaps others hut fr(_ be assessing and lookt(_9 at what's to be (lone. Section 6 regulatory today, from That's or settin9 just a procedure I think gee example, as (ze move standards we would being (lone now with that Again, noise the noise perfomancn of their £PA's standpoint, into any area where there was labeling and what's possible their or agree m_ongst the association to them to identify product and they have gone ahead And labelcd. there's and site wns mentioned earlier were laws passed and then there was response by snov_fv_blle industry levelso relates to re(luting I might go on furtller product I guess tze ore going to a study which foamyof you may be Aware, the kind of three prongedapproach tletake there and that is to ]oak at what tcchnoIogyis Available,what's the cost of applying that technology and what kinds of health and welfare beneflt_you get from applying the various loyola of technology. He In the standardsand regulatlons division are responsible for put(in9 togetherthe factsand coming up wlth recomnndatlons for the agency to make decisionson and so again, our Job iS fact findJn_ end certainly what's going on in the industryas far as voluntsrystandards is on importallt factor that would .qo into the arraying of inforn_tion 541 and generation of recrgmendations. 43 Ernto Oddo _/Ohave time for one or t_/ot1_ore questions, Ross Little - Clip I have o cof_nnt on snoLnnobIles - To begin tilth,I don't knou anytblng about snowmobiles. _le regulatethem but IYodon't have many out in California, fortunately, gut I am hard pressed Co believe that they're as innocentand pure as they are making out to be, I b_g your pardon_ but I know they race sno_nobilesand If IIooherindustries think they can (totanother ounce of horsepo_rer out of the soo_oblle wlth an uns ]lancedexpa,slonchamber, that's what youJre going to find on It. And if they'll race with thnnl,they'll also rlde out in tile_zoods with them. They do motorcycles, !It.1 1 Roper That's th_ other side of the coin. to that slde also. Although the snm_blle tllore tie're looking and _e_re sensitive appears to be some difference between user as a general group and motorcycleusers as o gnnnral group based on the InformationHe'ye seen so for, Jim tloore Just a slight rebuttal to _lhatthe (]entlemen In saying, It I_ certainly t_e, there are expansionchamhnrsand stuff Availablebut I don't call those silencednxhaust syst_s, and In most states they are not allowed to run except on tilerace track In a sanctionedrace And In today'n racing rules, generally you could determine whether you're going to race stock or race modlfled. If .youracn stock you're going to have to have a syst(_ that meets the 7_ di_Alevel. If you race modif|ed_ aml the$ are AllnvledIn s_ no control those maehlnos_ especially i ........... oroasj the manufacturerhas or that And nobody glvos A (tang AI)ouL th_ sound level on the iluy racing or the poopln a_ tile race track. .542 44 ErnJo Oddo One last question. fltck tltlier - International H(lrvester i think time point Ilere is LIlaL whether tile p,lrts theyirn lint labeled, ,1re labeled at" whetlmer has ilothin!_ to (In wl LIt _/hether $cmleonetrill 8 vollJole no matter wlmatit tile rPA_s concern for is, voluntary 1 LIlinh it's program. Important IIlOdJfy ,_s vie address Could lie have Lhe'r,latrJx hack Up on the hoard for Just a second. | think It_s importnnt to hring up at this do hnve voIur_tary areas that the auto and light California the arnn_ whore wn First trucks I|_ve been very staccossfully and sor,_ other manufacturers. It's loc,_]lti_s oa a voluntary are a prohlc{:1, it's solve that pcnl)l_m. of'all, hoti_ controlled in hosts by the. not new vehicles _lld _lell nlaintahmd any of those areas thor ellfOrCCm_nt mill point have been _.ccessful. ,]od|fied vehicles vehlclns In and only Timehlhlv.Y truck you to Uill is a rn_tterthere nf the ICe rcgulatinn.,,_torcycles about tohe various regulated _tates nnd in the henrhlgs and so on vehicles and aftennarkut they I've attended In time have done a good Job of bringing parts Snowmobiles we have noticed, that Into their cm,I)Iiance where they are regulated. have ,1 special _tt.atlon buses you no_l have your thumb on and so I guess all as you said, ] Call see that's there any major gain for Is motorboats al_d | u.derstand at thnse, _lill you're looking n!)l Roper lie Just started this year lookhlg at I might respond a little that In tile early programs f_lrly thnse. more to flick's Stages on all comnent there, of those products dn_lnstrnam or have alrcn(ly look at what was going on from a voluntary stages of the ._tudy and i'(I <_ / like sot regulations standpoint to mention that 54J i'd add tho,gh, that we have regulatory that we dhl In the early in Californh_ and some 45 of these other places, automobilesand light trucks, they did bave standardsIo effect Illthe late sixtiesor earller seventiestbat set standardsIn a sense dld have a lot to do in bringing so_,eof the noise levels down. I also agree that it's tilemodifiedvehicles ttlatare a problem, That varies from categoryof vnhlcle to at er categorlos of vehiclesellIIo_b|(7a problclnit Is, Particularlymotorcyclesseems to be a blg proble:n, }la,yne H_rc.s, - HI_C I'd llko a clarification,i got the l_presslonFrom listeningtn you earlier Chatyou°re shootil]gfor sG_noform of conlparative rating as opposed to on absolute ratlog, Iam speakingof compnrlng the level of an eftermarketexhaust system to an OEItexhaust system or comparing an exhaust aysterltoo total vehicle noise. Is thls a misconception, If not canyoltexplain ;Ibyyou're silootlngfor comparative? I meant to convey timethoug!Itthat wemre lookingat both of those, He have not decided at thls point whether one from oar standpolnt is better than the other, bqJtwe dld want to get con_mnt and Infarction on the kinds of thin_s to us as tools In assessingthe performanceof an exhaust system by both _pproaches. Does tl)at answer yo_irquestion? !la_e Harcus Yes Ernle Udda Th_nk you very fl_cll.Is there A final coal.eatyou would llke to make, 'i l that would be evatlable filll,before_leclose , the session? 544 i .'46 BIll Roper | guess from EPA's standpoint for participating h_ this the EPA In the noise offlce the tuclmical as I think experts I would lJhe to again symposium. has conducted this In all area rids has been sho_m, Ill are no easy aos_lers to s_o Thls Is, tllls early of you the first tlme type of meeting filth la a study program and afternoon's of the questions thank all I thlnh session there really that we're Faced with att_nptlog to collect informationelland make recof;inendatlons to the agency. There is Jlfference of ophllon and we're not surprised hy that, but I think Jt's teen very constructive tilelast three days to have the caliber of people that _Ye'vehad at this meeting together in (_tscusslngpI think guile frank|yand openlyj their opinions on this subject and I heard a com_lentearlier this morning that even If there were no specific reconlnendations that came out of tiffs meetlng, b_Jt i j,st the fact that a lot of ideas llerethroua up, a lot of thou[Ihts #)avebeen discussed that SiI_Io of the manufacturersof tl)eseproducts i may have plcbed up seem ideas end _temay (fatpotentlallysome noise quietingcoming ou& of the ideas Lllatwere exchonged at Uffsmeeting. After a11_ that's tlm busloess that we're really in Is to make it a IltL1e quieter out there In the environmentand I thlnk that's great If lie contributed toward doing that through this meeting; so again I_d like to thank you a11 and wish yella safe .tourneyhome wlth one thou.qhttoo that I want to leave, and that Is that this Is in a sense the beginningof what I hope w111 be a continuing dialog between _laeyof you and EPA as llelaRVafarther alon_lIllthls program,so thank yon. J 5451 LIST OF ATT[hDEES ALFREDSOrl, R. J, DR. MonashUniversity,Uept. ofrfechanlca]Enq., ClaytonVictoria, Australia3168 ARBIZZArII_ ROM, DIr. f.hlfF. Eng. MaremontCorn,,250 E. KehoeBlvd.,Carol Stream, 11],60]87 BASCOII ROGER,Chief En,qlneer llarley-DavIdsen, 370D Ll.Juneau,Ml]waukoe,IIIsc.5320l [_AXA,DONALDE., Prof, Universityof RIsconsln,432 R. Lake SI;., I1adlson, IHsc.53706 BECK, Jill, Mana.qer Sun Electric,6323 R, Avonda]e,Chlcaoo,Ill. 60631 BEcKorJ, IIEIR,Mana,qer Sales DonaldsonCo., 1400 I/.,q4St,, Dloomln_iten, l.IInnesAta ac5431 BELLINO,ROCKY, R_Dr.lana,qer Mr. GAsketCo,,Div. IJ.R.Grace,4566 Sprlnoo Rd., Cleveland,Ohlo 44|31 _ERIL, MARTIr(, _lana,qerAce. Prod. John Peere,220 E. Lake St., llorlcon, lllsc.53032 I_LASER, DIIIC, III" A,, Sr. ResearchF.n,qlneer Cq_ResearchLAbs,C_ITeclmfcalCenter,ilarren, MI 48090 BLASS,JAROSLAV,Res. fl.qr. KawasaklMotor Corp.,Shal:opeo, HInn OORTIIWIEK, JESSE 0., Ilotse Section Administrator F] PeRt,oF Envlr.Regulation,2562 _ec_tive CenterCircleE., TalI_h_ssee,FL 32301 BOTELER,KErl,V.P, R&I_FR_fflers, 2415 S.l'_. 14th, OklahomaCity, Ohlahoma BRRI_ER,A, J., l)r. RationalResearchCeuncilof Canada,IIonLreal Road, Ottawa,Ont. KIAOSI RREI_RArl, KERNETII, _n,qr. llendrfekson Ilf,q., _3001I.I. 4/th St,,Lyons, 111. 60534 BURKE,MARTIII John I)eere,220 E. Lake St., I(orlcon, lll_c. 53032 CAIIILL, JORrl, Salts llanaoor Stemco (.l_',q.Co., P.O. /]ox 1909, Lon.qview, Texa_ 75601 _1 I CIIERG,PETER,St. En,qlneer Stemco_#9 [ndus_rlalRlvd,,Lon,qviel_, Texas 75601 ' 547 CRAGGS,TONY, Or, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 211 CROCKER,M. J., Dr, PurdueUnlverslty, 'Ray_#.HerricJ_ Labs, _.$. Lafayette,hldiana4/907 PANNER, T. A., V.P. Engineering ArvlnAuto DIv.DArvlo Ind.,Columbus,Indlana472(]I DAVIES, PETER, Prof. I.S.V.R.,Unlversltyof Southampton, Southampton,EnglandS095NIJ OIKA, ROBERT,Noise£ngineer ChryslerCorp.,Provlnfl Ground,Chelsea,Ill EARNSIiAW, GINNY,Editor 'Bureauof NatlonalAffalrs,1231 25L11S(;.,t/ashhlfltoe, l).C.20037 EONARDS,SCOTT EPA, Crystallflail, #2, Room1102,I.Ia11 Code AW-471, ArIin_ton_VA 20460 ERICKSOII, LARRY,V,P. Nelson Industrlos, P.O. IIox428, StonRhton,Irlsc,535(19 GIRVAN,HICIIAEL J., Asst. _xec,D1r. MotqrcycIe& Hope(I I,d. Council,802-45RichmondSt., _;.Toronto, Ontario CanadaMSII1Z2 GOPLCN,GARY,Pev_l. Engr. NelsonMuffler,Pox428, Stoughron,Hlsc, 53S09 GROCK, RAY, President Pipes Etc,, ]632H. 139th,Gardona,Callf. HALL, d_VI_SR., V.P. A P Parts Co., 1001SplnIbushAve., Toledo,Ohlo 43G94 liftS, T/_S G, Noise Control En(lr. J.I. Case Co., lO0State St. CL 124,Racine,Fllso.53404 IIARTER, E. J., Chieffl&OEngr. BurgessIndustrlns,' I]urgess Hannln.n IJfv., {}101CarpenterPwy., Pallas,Texas 7524/ HENDRIX,[}AVID, R., _)anagor C, Cugr. Rlley-[lea|rd Inc,,P.O. Box31115,Shreveport,LA 71130 D 54B _ __e¸3_ '' __ _ '_'_ '_I'_: "i*_'_ ;"• , r IIERDERT_ I_RK Unlvorsltyof ClnclnnaLl,I.lech. Eng.,llallLoc #72, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221 IIICKLIIIG, ROIIERT Gelloral Iiotors Research, tlarr'nn, HI 41J070 IIORtIETT_IIARRY,SeniorEn_r. HcI)onneil Uougl_s Aotr. Co., 5301 Rolsa Ave., II_mtinq_on [leach, CA 92647 NIAGA|.IA,HI_IEICIII lit tsulltsht Ilotoro Co., lO-Ohkuracho, Ilakaharaku, KallasaI:t, Japan IRVINE,GERALD,Hor. Engr, ScorpionInc,,P.O, I]ox300, CrosbyIRI,56441 JOIINSON_ DOANE,Test Engr, CatorplllarTractorCo., 100 II,E.Adams,Peoria, ILL 51501 KERR, dales USEPA,tlashington, D,C. 20460 KICINSKI,KEN, Engr. RelsonMufflcr,Rt, 51, 5touohton,IIisc,, .53589 KILHER,ROGER D,_ tlech,Enflr. National6ur_auof S&andards,Dido, 233, Rom= A149, Waslilngton, IJ.C.20234 KOIIISIII, K,, Director,t/ashlngton Office J/_IA1050 17th St,, N,I/.,ISashington, O,C. 20035 KOPEC,JOllll, Acoustlca]LiaisonEn_r. I{Iverbanl¢ Ac_nstlcalLabs, 1512 DotaviaAve,, Geneva, ILL, 60134 KRALL, ERIC 6. A 11Volvo Truck l}iv,, Dept. 26435,A,R, 29, Gothenburg,St+eden LAI, PATIII(:.K K0 A.C,S,L|:d,_I14 RailsldeRoad,Toron&o,Ontario,Canada LITTLE,ROSSA., rngr, Calif,lliohway Patrol,255 l.'i& Avemm,_ Sacramento,CA 95C08 LOTZ, R, IT. Chry_]erCorp,,'Detrnlt, Illchloan _ICCORIIICK, J/VIES, St, Engr. Walker_tf.q. Co., 3901 IIillls Rd,, 6rass l.ake=filch49240 j_ IIC 00/IA611,J/VIES R. Riker Ilfg,Inc., 4901 StlckneyAve,, Toledo,01143612 . 549 HArlfl, ROYL., Enqr. J,I, Case, 700 State St., Racine, I_tsc. 5340_ HARCUS,IJAYIIE,Technical Analyst rlotorcycle Industry Counctl, 4100 Dtrch St., Sutt_ 101 Ilewport Oeacll, CA 02660 I.tARGOLIS, DOIIALD, Prof. Universityof Californla,D_pL. of I4.E.,Davis,CA 9561(3 IIASOII, BOB US IIOTITransportatlon SystemsCenter,KnnaallSq,, CambridgeHA 02142 NILOS,JOSEPII, Q.C._lanager II.D.I., 5310 If.66th St., Chicago,111. NILLER,ILA., Staff Engr. International IIarvaster, 2911 Hnyer lined,ft, Ilayne, Ind. 46003 HOLLOY,CHARLEST., Dr. USEFA,Hashlnflton, I}.C. MOIII)ZYK, DARRYLJ. fluffler IIynamlcs Inc.,5310 H. 66th St., Chicago,Ill.,50630 I100rl, 51[As.L,,tlgrTest )/hit_ liotor Corp., 35129 Curtis fllvd., Ea_tlake, Ohto 44094 HOORE,,IIH,Engr John Oeere Co,, Iforlcon, Htsc. 53032 MORLEY,R, K., SupV. fordliotorCo,, 2]500Oabtood,Dearborn,lilch48124 HORSE,IVAN E., Prof. IInlverslty of C1nclnnatl,r_Allkoc 72,C1ncinnatl,Ohlo 45221 HUTII, ROY N, International Sn_nobI1e IndustryAssoclatlnn, 1800 tt, StreetrhH. I/_shlngton, 0,C. 22036" I15 DAIII, tl,g,. Day, Engr. Dekwoodfilvd,, Dearborn,Ml 40120 IIAVARRE, GEORGE,S_les Ilan_oer Rtkerlifo,Inc,,4901 Stlcknny,Toledo, 0111043612 I_ECIIUATAL, H ICIIAF'L 1111n01}EPA,2200 ChurchillRd., Sprlngfleld,111. 52706 l, 55O _.'-b_L'_{_:_',;;_ - .' ':_:; _.I_ ¸.:.._ . .:._. %_.:.... I C , "2: • ,E ",t t tIEHECELL,JACK, Sales tlgr. Donaldson Co., Htnneapolts, /1inn t/ICROL5, JENI Vombardler ResearchCenter,Valcourt,Quebec,Canada NIEtlOELLER, BOil, Lab /.lena!for Arv1nAutmlot/ve,Z505 IL SalisburySt., H. Lafayette,Ind. 4790G NOLER,ROBERT_'.,ttanager [laromont Corp.,250 E. Kehoe,Carol Sired,l, 111. 60187 /IORDI£, KEIItlETII D., Designer //elson t.luffIer, [lox 42B, Stoughton, _/|sc. 535_9 : OggO, ERT/ESTT. /Icgonne].l DouglasAstr.,5301 DolsaAve., lluntin_Iton Beach,CA g264/ T' ,: OLSOI_, OAVID A.,Sr. Researchgngr. ReIson Industrles,P.O. flex420, Stoughten,I.llsc., 535(|9 PAGE, II.II., Re_.Engr. Intern_t|onal Harvester,15600 CountyLlne Rd., lllnsdale, Ill. 60521 PALAZZOLO, JOS[PIIA., Bey. Ennr. Fordt.lotor Co., 20500 Oakl_ood, Penrborn,1114t3124 PARKER,ROBERT,Ac. Engr, A M F llarley gavldson,tllhta,kee, I$Isc. PETRALATI, VIC, M._. USEPA,401 th St., S.H.,Nashlngton,D.C. 20057 PRAIPRA,NICK, ACCT. Algr. Donaldsqn,Co., Inc.,P.O. Box 1299,tllnne_pol1$, /llnn55440 REIIIIIART, CHARLES,Tes|:Engr. DonaldsonCo., Inc., P.O. llo_1299,/tfnneapoll_, llJnn.55440 RE/fIIEK_J. tl. Clpon Industrles,Inc.,22 Ikon St,, Keydale,Onterlo RENZ, HILLIAH,Ct,Hgr. i11ssan llo_r Corp., 18501 S, FigueroaSI:.,Carson,CA 9024B ROI]ERTS,PETER,I_R. G1donInd., Inc., 22 IronStreet,Rexdale,Ont. /IGLS5_2 RORLEY,ELROY, PreJ.En_Ir. FWO Corp., Clintonvllle, lllsc.54929 | N _ 551 ROHINGER, 0., Engr. 878 SylverAve., Englewood,C11ffs,R.J..07632 ROPER, _;fl.E., Chief STI$ USEPA,AI1471, Std.& Reg., DIv., L.Hashlnoton, 0.C. 20460 RONCI,N.L., DirectorE×ch. Sys. Eng. A Research llaTl',er HF_]., 3901 llillis Road, Grass Lal_e, llIchiflan 49240 NOSA, D.A., Director Product Engr. A P Parts Co., 543 HatzhHmr R(_ad,Toledo,Ohlo 43697 ROSS,DAVIO, Res. Er,_Ir. Arvin Ind., 2505R. Sallshury,W. Lafayette,Ind. 47900 ROIILEY, DOUG, Ch. EnfIr. UonAldsonCa., Inc., 1400 I/.94tliSt., _l|nneapo_l%Ilhln. SCIIEIDT, I_AYNE, A., Ifgr Itaremollt Corp. 250 E. Kehoe Ave., CarD] Stream, I]linols60182 SCHIIEICIIEZ, STEVE,Pr. Engr. DonaldsonCo., Inc., 1400 ilestg4th St.,HIInneapolis, Itlnn. SCHULTZ, DOUG, VP Engr. Wallcer [.Ifg. Co., 120] tl|ch.DIvd.,Racine,lJIsc.53402 SF.YI_EIIT, ANOREI_, F.,Asst. Prof; Universityof Kentucky,Lexhlgt_n,KY 40506 (;ilAFFER,FRED, ProJ. Engr, The Plxil)le Co., g70 PittsburghDrive,Delaware,Ohlo 43015 SIIAUGIINESSY, JIN, Supv.rxh. [nor. llayes AlbionCorD.,]999 llIldwood Ave., Jackson,HIIch49202 SMIT#1, Inl.A., Prof. DnlversltySo_thFlorida, or Enqlneerlng,Tampa,FL Z]3620 SIIEr,ICENRERGER, JOIINI'., Assoc. Prof. WeSt VirginiaUnlverslI;y, tlechanlcal Engineering, Ilorganto_m, O.V. 26505 SOIDARICII, FRANK,H.t.qr. DonAldsonCo., Inc.,1400 N. 94th St., fJ]oomlngton, tIInrl 5543] SPARKS, CECIL R., Director Sauth_vest ResearchInst., P.O. Drmmr 2(J510, San Antonio,Texas 10284 D It :m 552 I l ' _ ..... ,L _ _ STEPIIEIISOtl, DOIIALO, Sen. Research[ngr. OuCbonrdItarlne,P.O. fiox663, I11}_aukee, V;isc.53201 STOCK,ARTItURVI.,Chief [ngr. Cro_m Coach Corp.,2428 E. 12thSt., LosAnf)oles, CA 9064G STURTEVArJT, I). Prof. Caltech, Pasadena, CA 9111_5 SVO[IOOA, ED, VP Enor ItldasInternationalCorp.D 5300FI.73rd St., D_dfordPark, 11160638 TIIOIIAS, d. H., Vice Pres. llarelnOnt Corp.,250 E. KehoeBlvd., C.arol Stream, 111.60187 VAN DEMARK,RALPII, Ext. Dir. A.E.s.rI.c., 222 Cedar Lane,Teaneck,tI.J. D7665 WIIITN[Y, DOllR., Exec.Emlr. Genera|IIotors,G._I.Tech Center,Ilarren, 'llch48090 WRIGIIT, PETER,Pres. Gi(lonInd., Inc.,22 Irnn Street,Rexdale,Ontario YNIAOA,_t_KOTO,Staff Eng. ToyotoMotor Co., 1099 LlallStreet_Iest, Lyndhurst,[l.J.C)7071 i ,i f r. I _g _E