May - Christian Classic Cruisers


May - Christian Classic Cruisers
MAY 2012
2012 Cruise Season:
March 17
April 28th
May 19th
June 16
July 21
August 18th
Chaplain’s Message:
5-9 PM
5-9 PM
5-9 PM
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 26: 33-35, 69-75 “... (35) Though I should die with thee, yet will I not
deny thee”…. “ (72) And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man…”
6-10 PM
6-10 PM
September 15th 5-9PM
October 20th
2012 Meeting Dates:
(Start time: 7:30 PM*)
(Valentine’s Dinner)
(Christmas Party)
(* Note: come at 6:30 for
social time and dinner with
Several years ago a street rod buddy was looking for parts to complete a Model
A project he was working on. After making several swap meets and having no
luck, he was told by a mutual friend of ours about a gentleman that had a rather
large collection of restored Model A’s and many spare parts. Our mutual friend
was sure the restorer had the pieces my friend needed. He warned him,
however, that he must not let the restorer know that the parts were going on a
street rod. If the restorer found out the intended destination of the parts there
would be no possibility of a sale.
My street rod friend took the advice and after some discussions with the
restorer, acquired the necessary parts to complete the project. When I inquired
about the transaction, my friend told me that he didn’t really lie about his
intentions. He just let the restorer assume what he wanted to assume. What the
restorer didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
I think that many of us use the same approach with our relationship to God and
what we tell those around us. We are very devoted to our beliefs but when we
need something from the secular world, our approach is to remain silent and let
people assume what they want to assume. We’re afraid to stand tall in our
beliefs for fear that it might cost us something.
Jesus told Peter that he would deny Christ three times before the rooster crowed
and scripture says that he did that very thing. It was easy among friends and
fellow believers to stand strong but it was difficult to remain strong when he was
alone in the world. When he was confronted his human nature took over and he
did not stand tall. He denied Christ three times and the Bible says he wept
Just like my street rod friend, we do not always have to be vocal in our denial.
The fact that we let others assume our spiritual condition is in itself a form of
denial. Do we sometimes keep our relationship with God a secret in order to get
what we want from the world? Are we afraid to be singled out as a believer? If
we do and if we are, then the time will surely come when we too will weep
Be the witness God has called you to be!
Jim Rowlett
Matthew 16:26
(Reprinted with permission: Rowlett Ministries, Inc. and StreetScene magazine)
2012 CCC Officers
Gary Veach
President’s Message:
TK Kinnan
1 Vice President
J.B. West
2 Vice President
Terry Muno
J.W. Irving
Cheryl Klopfenstein
Bobby Stout
Well our second show (April) was a success. We had 211 participants that paid
and 185 of those registered. I thought everything went pretty good. We still
have a few little glitches however they can be worked out. The t-shirt sales
were good and the beverage sales were good too. Next month we will try to
have the pop corn machine.
We had a problem with our trophies at the April show. Eighteen trophies had
special interest on them instead of saying club pick. We will take care of the
problem and make the necessary corrections.
We had an awful lot of people at our April show that had not been to the March
show. We will do another survey in May to see what the people in April thought
of the new format.
I would like to thank everybody for their help in setting up and tearing down.
Its great seeing the participation of members.
Especially Larry Cotton. He
worked real hard helping set up and tear down.
Remember that the May show is the third Saturday of the month. All the rest of
the season the shows will be the third Saturday.
We all had a good time in Oklahoma City and I enjoyed riding with Muno in the
parade Friday afternoon. We had five cars in the parade of about 65 cars. The
weather was off and on and pleasant. Had a storm Friday in Norman however
most of our cars were safe. Saturday and Sunday's weather was uneventful.
Quite a few cars left Saturday due to the threat of bad weather.
Please remember Mike Stark’s wife in your prayers.
hospital and doing a little better.
Will see all of you at the next meeting May 8th.
Club News:
For Club Calendar please see:
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She is home from the
We had a good turnout for the Hatfield Cruise. Six hot rods and a couple of
civilian cars attended. Dwayne Klopfenstein and his supervisor Cheryl, Gary
Bass, Chris Sowell, Terry Muno, Cort Rea (all unsupervised) Stan and Pat
Friesen all brought their hot rods. Bobby and Carolyn Stout, Jim and Linda
Rowlett, and Sam and Pat Turvan attended civilian hot rods. The weather was
great, everybody arrived at the Cracker Barrel on time and off we went. The
only snag along the way came in the form of a 2 mile traffic jam on I-20 caused
by a Hwy Dept lane closure that started right at our turn-off to Hwy 175 and
Backed up traffic forever. Lots and lots of 18 wheelers just poking along. Had
we known the severity of the back-up when we first came upon it we could have
bailed out and found a back-road route to Kauffman and on to Canton. But once
we were in it there was no turning back. I was extremely glad that I had finished
wiring my radiator cooling fans the day before. They worked great! (170
degrees in 45 minutes of bumper to bumper 5mph traffic). It was all Rowlett's
fault. At the Cracker Barrel parking lot he DID NOT pray for NO lane closures.
Once we cleared the traffic jam we regrouped, refueled, and re-oiled in
Kauffman. Gary Bass complained that I had lubricated the front end of his car,
but I think he was just imagining things. We arrived in Canton and Hatfield's
place right on time (11am), registered, ate free hot dogs and drank free drinks.
When I first got in line there were Diet Dr Peppers in the horse trough, but after
I got my hot dog all the Diet Dr Peppers were gone That's because they ARE
natures most perfect drink. Later on I found the stash of Cokes, Diet Cokes, Dr
Pepper and Diet Dr Pepper in one of Hatfield's buildings. I looked around and
none of the kids working there seemed interested in refilling the horse trough,
so I did it myself. All the people in line thought I worked there and expressed
their gratitude for being able to have a cold Diet Dr Pepper. Never did go back
and get one when they were cold. I brought my own so I was happy.
Couple of guys came by and helped me put up the e-z up so we had shade to sit
in and we had lots of people come by and talk about our cars. While we were
sitting in the shade just taking it easy there were still cars coming in behind us.
We heard this loud rumble behind us and somebody said "sounds like Stan and
Pat are here. We turned our heads around and sure enough there were Stan and
Pat in their Chevelle convertible. They can't sneak up on anybody in the
After the awards (we were all bridesmaids) we started back home. As we
arrived at I-20 heading west the eastbound lanes were still closed and now the
parking lot was all the way back to I-45 in South Dallas. I bet some of those
people didn't get through it before midnight. (We passed them going the other
way at 2:30). All in all we had a good trip. No flats, no breakdowns, nobody
got sick. Terry did run into the guy that helped him get his car back on the road
on the way to Louisville last summer. He had a real nice panel truck street rod.
I saw it at the show but at the time I didn't know that was the guy that helped
Terry so I don't remember exactly what make and model it was. Terry can tell
Thanks to Dwayne for getting this trip together. Having our cruise on the 4th
Saturday of April this month enabled us to go have some fun together without
having to work.
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CCC “Road” Trips:
2012 Events:
May 24-27… NSRA Mid-America Street Rod Nationals PLUS in Springfield, MO
Jun 21-24… NSRA Rocky Mountain Street Rod Nationals PLUS in Pueblo, CO
Jul 30-Aug 6… NSRA Street Rod NATIONALS PLUS in Louisville, KY
Oct 11… Brooks Army Medical Center (BAMC), San Antonio, TX
Oct 12-14… Key to the Hills in Boerne, TX
(Contact Bob Stout for NSRA Membership and Event applications)
Cruise Masters Update:
Cruise Master (AM – Breakfast) – Cort
May 26th Breakfast 8:30 AM more details to follow.
Cruise Master (PM – Local Events) – Dwayne
Historians Views:
Well, here it is, News Letter deadline again, time to reflect on what is, what was
and what will be….
For those having an interest in the Club Historian and his retirement (Over and
Over promising to retire again and again, but never retiring) I retired on April
16, 2012. I have spent the last two weeks getting loose from the job and
spending some time with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to prepare
for some work I will be doing for the FAA. I don’t miss the 24 X 7 work schedule
I have been doing for the last three years and three months….. So much for
me, retired again….
James Buck and Nancy will be the folk that I will be interviewing for the June
Newsletter. James, Ronnie, Phil and others are the legacy folk that started
Christian Classic Cruisers. They individually and collectively have so much
information that needs to be shared with those of us that are newer members
of the club and the information they know intellectually needs to be put to pen
for remembrance. I hope to begin that search for information on Saturday at
the April Car Show and finish with James and Nancy before the end of May…
As always, as I was reviewing some of the material on my computer (had to buy
a new machine as my trusty Panasonic failed not once, but three times…Still
looking for data I need for various purposes) I came across some additional
“stuff” sent to me by Jim Osborne and others… I had to stop and reflect on how
things were many years past when you and I began our lifetime of Hot Rod love
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and mania. For me, looking at the “old and patina marked, vintage Hot Rods”
from yesteryear and reminiscing on how things were, I began to see how far we
have traveled and how much things have changed…
Do you remember; .14 cent gasoline, .25 cents would get us into a Saturday
morning double feature with a coke, and a candy bar, Do you remember buying
Hot Rod parts at the junk yard, hunting for “dead LaSalle cars in the country”
hoping to find a rear end or transmission that you could put in your Ford. Do
you remember working on “Flat head” Ford V8 engines, do you remember laying
on you back , in the winter, some snow, changing a closed driveshaft rear-end
on your 46 Ford….
How about “running main street (Or your street) all night”, burning two tanks of
gas and still having money for a late night or early morning breakfast and still
having change from a $5.00 bill? Do you remember the day you recognized you
might be “poor” and you saw others being able to buy new cars?
Remembering our past is important, especially those things that are our passion
and our life. I often reflect on how I have been blessed, with a great wife and
children, not failing to mention our Grandchildren. But even more, how blessed
we are and were to have grown up in the 1950’s, and 1960’s, where national
pride, belief in each other and freedom to do whatever we pleased (with
restrictions, by Mom and Dad and nosey neighbors) to do whatever struck our
fancy. The freedom as young folk to work, laugh, play and of course build and
drive Hot Rods.
Today, it seems we and our Children and Grandchildren are carrying so much
more burden, wondering what will be, how can I get a job, will I be able to
afford a family and above all else, be able to worship as I see fit.
Change is inevitable, necessary and can be good or less good. But, we all
continue to have the greatest blessing we could hope for in that we are
Americans, living in the greatest country in the World. Sure, things are more
expensive, less jobs and there is genuine concern for the future. But when you
look back, remembering the total of your life, the good and the not so good, our
lives were and still are full of blessings.
Here we are today, in our 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s, still playing with Hot Rods, most
of us are financially OK, reasonably good health, have a Hot Rod, or could have
if we wanted one, know and fellowship with the finest Hot Rod folk I can think
of, doing car shows for all of the right purposes, offering our personal
testimonies at appropriate times and continuing to receive God’s blessing every
day. Can it get much better?
Let’s remember each other during our quiet times, reflect on those best times in
our lives and let’s remember, like a “best cup of coffee” the really great times
we have shared with our families and with each other.
Remembering is easier as you get older as you have so much more to remember
and to reflect on. Let’s make a choice to share our remembrances, embrace
them and laugh with each other about the great things and the really dumb
things we did when we were kids…
From the Historian…..
Best Regards,
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Please send Club History information to:
Bill Crow, CCC Historian [email protected]
Reyna Kinnan, CCC News Letter Editor [email protected]
See you at the May show. We will need your help in judging. Thanks to
everyone for helping us out.
Judging - Joe Bob
Membership dues of $35.00 are due now. If you have not paid your dues for
2012 please get those to me so you can be included in the directory.
Membership Chairman – JB West
Member Profile:
Welcome to CCC.
George "Bill" & Glenda Long – They are friends of Cort and Lorane Rea. They
have a 1964 Pontiac. Email is [email protected].
Ray & Bonnie O’Rourke – Ray is the James Wood Motors representative at our
cruises. They have a red 2004 Chevy SSR. Email is [email protected] .
We are glad that you are part of the CCC Family.
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Social Update
– SPECIAL INTEREST to the Ladies:
Social Chairperson - Phyllis Veach
We had a great time at Susan Henderson's last Tuesday night for Bunco. We had
a good meal and lots of laughter was heard.
Our big winner was Linda Rowlett for the second time in a row. She made
enough money to have a shopping event on Bunco. Susan took home the most
Losses. She was pretty much stuck in the same spot most of the night and did
not move around much.
Next month Bunco will be at Phyllis Veach house on May 22nd. Look forward to
seeing you. We have some new players coming on board and we want to
include all who want to come.
Favorite Bible Verse:
My favorite Bible verse is 1st Corinthians 10:13.
Some of you may not know, but I have lost two wives to serious
illnesses. When you read this verse, it talks of Gods faithfulness and not
allowing you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the
temptation will provide the way of escape, that you may be able to
endure it. My paraphrase of this verse is that you will not have any
burden that you will not be able endure. That got me through 5 years of
dealing with a wife who had cancer and raising two young boys and
continuing to work and attempting to have a normal life.
During Barbara's illness, this was reinforced when I heard the Lords voice
tell me that I did not get killed while flying helicopters in Vietnam. My
mind was immediately flooded with events that there was no humanly
way to explain why I was not killed. Followed by two women who would
need someone to help them. You will get through this. I have been truly
JB West
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To Be Remembered In Our Prayers:
Pam Camp
As we are all busy with our own lives always take a few minutes to remember
your CCC Family in your prayers.
In addition, please remember, Jim Rowlett, our Club Chaplain, is available to
help with our Christian needs. He can be reached at 817- 581-9915.
Bits and Pieces:
JB IS SAILING AGAIN….he can clean up pretty good
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Ashley Petrey is a student at UTA. She had a class assignment to write an
article about a current event that was going on in the area. She chose to write
about CCC. She interviewed Gary and Phyllis at our March cruise. This is her
article that she submitted to her professor.
Christian Classic Cruisers Drive into
the 2012 Season
By Ashley Petrey, University of Texas at Arlington Student
members scurry around to set up tables
and tents before the show begins. Soon,
all different shapes, sizes, makes, models
and colors start filling the parking lot. The
roars of the engines echo the stadium
making their presence known.
Men, women and children from all
different ages and ethnicities gather
around vehicles to see the uniqueness and
customization of each one while children
play games in the parking lot.
Dick Coup’s 1958 BMW
hosted its first annual car show of the
year on March 17, which launched the 21st year of the club with 220 registered
vehicles and 70 club members.
“The first car show of the year is usually the biggest,” President Gary Veach
Gary Veach said his favorite part about the first car show of the season is the
anticipation and how owners bring their new cars out from winter after working
on them.
David Knapp, 26, said that he attended three of the CCC car shows last year and
that he loves coming each time. He said he noticed there were a lot of new cars
that he didn’t see last year, but he did see added features on other cars that he
has seen before. Every year, usually, the owner changes something on the
vehicle whether it is perceived as good or bad, he said.
“I try to attend as many as possible because it gives me ideas on projects for
my vehicles,” he said.
Dick Coup, owner of a 1958 BMW Issetta, said he enjoys talking to spectators
and other owners about how unusual his vehicle is. Coup said he isn’t a member
of CCC but has attended this car show for four or five years with different
vehicles. He said that this show has the greatest collection and quality of
vehicles in the area.
“This is the largest car show of its type in its area with general street driven
cars,” Coup said.
Jim Blauser, 66, said he has never been to a CCC car show before, but he is
very impressed about how the car show has a family-oriented atmosphere and
how the owners are just average people around the area. The car owners aren’t
in it for the money, they just have common interest that they want to share with
others, he said.
Knapp said that the smaller car shows, like the CCC, could be compared to
minor league sports because it’s not about who wins, how much money they
have or how many trophies they have accumulated over the years. The small
car shows are about everyone’s blood, sweat and tears and is appreciated by
other owners and spectators more than major car shows, he said.
“It’s not about the money and a trophy,” Knapp said. “It’s all about taking
something and turning it into something to be proud of and being able to show
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Unlike the owners of “trailer queens” who place their vehicles in major car
shows, these owners drive their vehicles to the show and make them into
weekend cruisers, Knapp said.
The club is able to give 21 plaques, door prizes and cash prizes of $250, three
$100 and $50 through sponsorships, membership fees and t-shirt sales,
according to the CCC website. However, the majority of membership fees and tshirt sales go towards raising money for Metro Ministries and Safe Haven, which
is their main goal of the club, Gary Veach said.
“We are pleasing the lord for what we do for the children,” Gary Veach said.
Gary Veach said that they decided to raise the entry fee from $10 to $15 in
order to help raise more money for the charities. On average, between $8,000
and $20,000 is raised each year, said Phyllis Veach, wife of Gary Veach.
In October, the club hosts their annual Christmas car show in which club
members and other people can donate new toys for ages 3-12, Phyllis Veach
said. Around Christmas, the club will go to Metro Ministries to volunteer and
watch the children open their presents, she said.
“We feel that God blesses us for what we do for him,” Phyllis Veach said.
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Classic Car Trivia:
(answers will be in next month’s newsletter)
What was the last year that the classic Pontiac GTO was manufactured?
When and where did the Chevrolet Corvette make its debut?
April answers…How did you do? Did you guess correct?
In what year did the Ford Mustang make its debut? 1964
How many Dodge Chargers were used in the original Dukes of Hazzard television
show? 309
If you or anyone you know is in the market for New/Used or Classic vehicle
Please contact:
T K Kinnan @214-801-6814
Sponsors for the 2012 Cruise Season are:
Mike's Off Road
James Wood
Discount Tire
Bobs Automotive
Kelly Trophy
NRH Plumbing
O’Reilly Auto Parts
Mid-Cites Classic
Tom’s Brake & Alignment
Longhorn Powder Coating
Please support our sponsors and let them know that you appreciate them.
Auto Related Events:
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Club Photos:
Oklahoma City Road Trip
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