Topic of the Month Dates to Note Support Meetings Member
Topic of the Month Dates to Note Support Meetings Member
November 2008, Issue 268 Topic of the Month Memorials Family, Friends, Siblings SEE PAGE 12 SEE PAGE 7 Noah Gough Cody James Catanzariti Luke James Lachlan Hamilton Keegan Rhys Hardy Jack Laurence-Owen Goldman Victoria Margaret Rigato Caitlin Margaret Bartlett Dates to Note SEE PAGE 5 Support Meetings FULL LISTING PAGE 4 Member Story SEE PAGE 9 Birth Notice SEE PAGE 17 Isabella Iris Mary Ireland A Lighter Moment SEE Page 20 Cover art donated by Kate Knapp of twigseeds ds the community in pregn Sands lea ancy a n d i nf ant loss awareness and support. S a nd s N ews Newsletter Sponsorship Happy 2nd Birthday Our Darling Victoria Margaret Rigato We Miss You and Love You So Much. God Bless You Our Little Angel In Heaven Lots Of Love Your Mummy and Daddy. THE STORY OF SANDS Sands came into being in 1983 when a small group of parents gathered in each others lounge rooms to support one another after they had experienced the death of their babies. From those humble beginnings Sands has expanded to a staffed office with a number of different support services. Listener Service Trained volunteer bereaved parents are on call 24/7 to provide a listening ear. The Sands 1800 number is available for parents who live outside the Brisbane metropolitan area. The numbers for listeners can be accessed by calling the Sands office. Regional Contacts Contacts for different areas of Queensland and Northern New South Wales are in the back of the newsletter. The contacts may be bereaved parents or caring health care professionals. Support Meetings Parents often find comfort and a feeling of normality when talking with other bereaved parents. The shared experience can help to alleviate the sense of isolation that is sometimes felt by parents. Library The Sands library contains a range of books that cover topics relevant to bereaved parents. A library catalogue can be obtained by contacting the Sands office. The books are available by dropping into the office or they can be mailed out. We ask that if you are able, to provide stamps when you return the books if they have been mailed to you.You are required to become a member to access the library facilities. 2 Newsletter The newsletter is an important communication tool for parents, families and health care professionals. It is a forum for support, is printed monthly and members contributions are very welcome. Booklets and Pamphlets A comprehensive range of booklets and pamphlets are available relating to all facets of grief and loss relating to the death of a baby. They are relevant to parents, families, friends and health care professionals. Web site The Sands web site is an electronic means of providing and obtaining support. The information is available 24/7 and bereaved parents can contact the Sands office from the web site. Email Support Some parents may find ringing a support person or attending a support meeting very confronting and the anonymity of email can be a useful to obtain support and information. Sands Membership All parents who contact Sands will receive three complimentary issues of the newsletter after which a letter will be sent offering membership. Yearly membership is $30 but in case of financial difficulty, a smaller membership fee will be acceptable. When membership falls due, a reminder will be sent. A membership form is included in the newsletter. There are two classifications of membership: Ordinary: includes bereaved parents and families Associate: non-bereaved people including professional and community individuals who have an interest in Sands. Sands Logo The Jigsaw Baby is the Sands Logo. It represents the struggle parents and families have fitting the pieces of their lives together again – one piece is always missing. S ands N e ws A note from the coordinator Hello Everyone, This newsletter is the second last edition before the end of the year. I am not quite sure where October went! By the time this newsletter is in your hands I will be in Norway attending the International Stillbirth Alliance Conference. I submitted two abstracts for the conference – Grief in the Workplace and Support Groups – what role do they have in supporting parents. Both of the abstracts were accepted and I am now in the process of finalising the presentations. As chair of the Parent Advisory Committee of ISA, I also submitted an abstract on a project that the PAC has been working on this year. The project is called Questions and is broken into three segments – before and during a first or low risk pregnancy, after a stillbirth and before and during a subsequent pregnancy. Ultimately the Questions will be available on the ISA website for all parents to access. The next ISA conference is to be held in South Africa in March 2009 and the really exciting news is that the conference in 2010 will be held in Australia. The venue and time for the 2010 conference is still under discussion but will have been decided by the time the December/ January newsletter is printed. We welcome Nicky back to the office after a wonderful trip overseas. Nicky will sadly be leaving Sands at the end of the year to be able to put more time into her study. Nicky has contributed to the running of the Sands office in a big way and I always had confidence knowing that the office was in good hands when I have been out of the office. If this is the first newsletter you have received we welcome you to the Sands club – the club to which no one wants to belong. Membership costs for this club are the highest people could imagine. I can recall talking to someone who asked me about Sands and what did I have to do to become a member. What sort of response do you have to a question like that? Sands provides a number of support services for bereaved parents including library facilities, listeners on 24 hour call, support meetings, email support and a web site. If you have any questions or queries regarding support services please contact the office. Until next time take care, Liz 3 Suppor t Meetings Coffee Mornings 10am – 12pm Ayr Burdekin Neighbour Centre 40 Chippendale Street Ayr 2nd Wednesday monthly 12th November 2008 Julianne 4783 2885 Brisbane (SANDS House) 505 Bowen Tce, New Farm Ph 3254 3422 Tuesday 11th November 2008 Atherton Tableland Ph Jill 4097 7223 Cairns TBA Glasshouse Mountains Ph Tracey 5493 0172 Gympie Gympie and District Womens Health Centre 10 Lawrence Street Gympie (07 54836588.) Ph Nikki 5483 3918 1st Thursday monthly 6th November 2008 4th December 2008 Townsville 9.00am – 11.00am Ph Tammy 0414 874 380 Monday 17th November 2008 Toowoomba 9.30 am The Coffee House, Hume Street Ph Anna 4659 7511 Monday 10th November 2008 Night Support 7.30pm - 9.30pm Brisbane (SANDS House) 505 Bowen Tce, New Farm Ph 3254 3422 Wednesday 29th October 2008 Gold Coast Bonnie Babes (From 7pm) Ph Deb 5598 1147 Townsville Ph Marie 4775 5957 (w) 4774 6521 (a/h) Second Tuesday Monthly 11th November 2008 Ipswich/Brown’s Plains/Pullenvale Ph Chris 5465 8800/0439 743 447 Lismore Ph Kelli (02) 6625 1714 Mackay Ph Julie 4959 3781 Mackay Women’s Health Centre Last Thursday Monthly 27th November 2008 Nambour Ph Emma 5441 4576/0437 700 021 Narangba/Burpengary Friday 17th October 2008 Melissa 3882 3513 4 SUPPORT MEETINGS Support meetings – coffee mornings, afternoons and night support meetings that are held at the Sands office and other locations around Brisbane and Queensland are casual gatherings of parents who share the common experience of the death of a baby. Some parents may initially find the thought of attending a support meeting to be quite daunting; however many members have gained a great deal of support from the support meetings. All family members, including children are welcome at support meetings so you may find parents with new babies or toddlers at the support meetings. Please contact the host listed for details of where the support meeting is to be held. You are welcome to bring a plate of comfort food to share. S ands N e ws DIARY DATES FOR 2008 and 2009 NOVEMBER Wednesday 5th Friday 7th Tuesday 11th Postponed TBA Wednesday 26th Thursday 27th DECEMBER Tuesday 2nd Sunday 7th Thursday 18th Friday 19th International Stillbirth Alliance Conference, Norway Coffee morning Subsequent pregnancy evening Night Support Newsletter production and Volunteers thank you lunch Coffee morning Christmas memorial service Night Support meeting SANDS office closed Christmas/New Year break Reopening Monday 19th January 2009 JANUARY 2009 Monday 19th Wednesday 28th Thursday 29th Sands office reopens Night Support meeting Newsletter production FEBRUARY 2009 Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 25 Thursday 26th MARCH 2009 Coffee Morning Night Support Newsletter Production Friday 6th Friday 14th ISA conference South Africa Approximate dates APRIL2009 Sunday 19th Thursday 23rd PSANZ conference Darwin MAY 2009 JUNE 2009 JULY 2009 Friday – Sunday 3,4,5, Baby Expo AUGUST 2009 Sands NZ conference SEPTEMBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 Thursday 15th IPIL Day NOVEMBER 2009 DECEMBER 2009 Friday 18th Office closes for Christmas and New Year DECEMBER JANUARY NEWSLETTER Memorials, birth notices and articles for the combined newsletter need to be into the Sands office by NOVEMBER 15TH. LUNCH IS ON US!! An invitation is extended to all volunteers to come to a special lunch on Thursday 27th November at 12.30pm. If you have folded a brochure, taken a support call, been on a committee, labeled a newsletter.....please come so we can say thank you, lovely, wonderful, gratis. Please RSVP to the Sands office by Monday 24th November 2008. Contributions to the Newsletter Members contributions to the newsletter are always welcome. If you have found a good website, article from a newspaper or magazine or have written something yourself you are invited to submit these to the newsletter. The most comfort that parents find is from the experiences of other bereaved parents. Writing the story of your experince may assist you in your grief journey and also comfort others. 5 Topic of the Month FAMILY AND FRIENDS The topic for the newsletter this month is Family and Friends. There are two aspects to this topic – support for family including surviving siblings and the support we may like to receive from our extended family and circle of friends. Many of us would be familiar with the quote ‘fair weathered friend’. Unfortunately at the time of great crisis in our lives we often find that those we held close and thought would be a great support did not have the inner strength to provide that support. These people become our fair weathered friends and surprisingly may reappear in our lives when they think enough time has passed since the death of your baby and you would probably have ‘gotten over it’ and wouldn’t mention ‘it’ to them. Most people are kind hearted – people generally mean well and don’t mean to cause bereaved parents distress. Bereaved parents who struggle with their own grief issues may find themselves in the position of having to educate their family and friends on the right and wrong ways of providing support. Sands has produced a brochure to assist parents in this task – they can simply hand the brochure to the relevant person and hope that the friend or family member take the suggestions on board. Many people would like to be able to support bereaved parents appropriately – they may just lack the skills to do so. People can also be very uncomfortable with silence and tears and may be confronted with both when speaking to parents. This can often be when clichés are dragged out of the bottom of the bin and spoken. Clichés such as ‘don’t worry you can have another one’, ‘It was lucky you didn’t get to know the baby’; ‘There probably would have been something wrong with it anyway.’ And so on and so on. Simply saying ‘I am so sorry to hear about your baby’, or ‘I am so sorry and I don’t know what to say to you’ will be sufficient. 6 Sitting in silence and being with a bereaved parent can take quite a lot of courage for the non-bereaved, particularly if they have never had an experience of personal bereavement. This skill is not confined to the older person; some very young people have developed life skills that far surpass those of their elders. Your friends may wonder when your old self will reappear – when will you go back to being normal. You may have to tell them that you will create a new and different normal and normal is just a setting on your dryer anyway. One part of the family group that may miss appropriate support is surviving siblings. In the turmoil after the death of a baby, the siblings may be left out of the inner circle. Many people may consider that children are just small adults, or they have no real feelings. The opposite is actually correct. Children are very different to adults – children of different ages and mental development will respond very differently to the death of their sibling. Some may consider that children are almost a species of their own. Even very young children, toddlers will sense that something is wrong with their family unit – mummy is crying or absent, daddy looks worried and gets cross. Children may respond by becoming clingy, doing things they normally wouldn’t, their behaviour may regress. Young children may start wetting themselves when they have been toilet trained for some time, other children may act like a baby – make baby sounds, demand to be carried around. All these behaviours are normal – it is part of the child’s way of making sense of what has happened in his or her world. Some children may be worried that they have caused the baby to die. They may think that because they were a bit rough sitting on mummy’s lap or even wishing the baby wasn’t going to come may have caused the death of their baby sibling. Children will need a great deal of reassurance at this time. Topic of the Month FAMILY AND FRIEDS continued Parents may worry about what to tell their surviving children and how much involvement the children should have in the time after the death of the baby. If children are given age appropriate and maturity appropriate explanations they will most likely manage quite well. It is perfectly fine to use terms such as dead, died, dying. Children may not understand terms such as passed, passed away. Explanations such as went to heaven, God came down and took him, went to sleep, may frighten them to the point that they think the same will happen to them. Resources that may be valuable Books for family and friends ‘Healing a Child’s Grieving Heart” A D Wolfelt ‘Healing a Friend’s Grieving Heart’ AD Wolfelt ‘Healing Conversations - What to say when you don’t know what to say.’ N Guilmartin ‘Grandparents Cry Twice’ ML Reed ‘I Never Know What to Say’ H Donnelley It is important that whatever you tell your children, the same is told by your family and friends. Children need to hear one consistent message. If your children go to school or day care their carers will need to know what to say to them. Including surviving children in photographs and filming can be an important part of building a bank of family memories. It is important to give children accurate information about their deceased brother or sister; explaining that the baby will feel cold, won’t move, open his or her eyes. Including children may be of benefit many years later when the child’s psyche is developing and they revisit this experience. ‘A Grandparents Sorrow’ P Schwiebert ‘What’s Dead Mean?’ D Zagdanski ‘We were gonna have a baby but we had an angel instead’ P Schwiebert ‘No New Baby’ M Gryte Sands has a number of films that bereaved parents may encourage their family and friends to watch. ‘The Story of Daniel’ ‘Losing Layla” Children may benefit from being involved in the funeral or memorial arrangements. Being left out may make them feel that they have done something wrong or that they are not part of the family. It is very common to see children attend funerals – thirty or forty years ago the situation was quite different. Both of these films are wonderfully and sensitively produced. Some people may find them confronting. I once heard that friendship can have a use by date. You many find that many of your relationships both with family and friends may change and new relationships forged. Nuturing yourself and your immediate family is your number one priority - your family and friends may have to find a new understanding of who you are now. 7 S ands News SANDS Victoria is proud to announce the publication of our new book titled ‘Our Babies Have Died’ Three years in the making, Our Babies Have Died originated from the idea of having a collection of stories written by bereaved parents for bereaved parents. The stories contained within Our Babies Have Died demonstrate the depth of emotion experienced following the death of a baby, but perhaps more importantly, they demonstrate that there is no typecast for how one should feel after the death of a baby. Everyone is different and everyone’s reaction, response and ability to deal with different scenarios will be different. It is the hope that Our Babies Have Died may help other parents, their family and friends by sharing stories of the loss of a baby or babies and confirm the experiences endured after the death of a baby are often common amongst other bereaved parents. We would like to thank SANDS SA and Sands Queensland for the support received at the beginning of this project with distributing the call for stories, which has resulted in several contributions from families outside Victoria. The book will be available at bookstores, via the SANDS (Vic) office on (03) 9899 0217 or on-line at for $24.95. We hope the book will be a great success and become a valuable resource for bereaved parents, their families and friends. SANDS CHRISTMAS MEMORIAL SERVICE Sunday 7th December 2008 2.30pm for a 3.00pm start Merthyr Uniting Church 52 Merthyr Road New Farm The Sands tradition is to provide a gift to place under the tree for a child the same age as your baby. The gifts are donated to a charity for distribution to children in need. You may also bring along a Christmas decoration to place on the tree while the service is being conducted. Both of these traditions are optional. Parents contributions are welcome – if you have written a poem or have a reading of meaning, you are invited to share this with other members. After the service, afternoon tea will be shared. You are invited to bring along some comfort food to share. Tea, coffee and cordial will be provided. 8 Member Stor y A MOTHERS, A GRANDMOTHER’S PAIN Cody James Catanzariti-27 November, 2007 I have read many heartfelt stories in the SANDS monthly newsletter publication. And my heart goes out to all who have lost a precious little one. I have a need to share my story. It starts 35 years ago on the 12th June 1973 with the birth of my beautiful girl, Catherine. She was and still is an exceptionally beautiful girl. She is loving and caring of others and always puts her family first. Cate as she likes to be called moved with her partner Shanyn over 4 years ago to Townsville which has been very hard for me as the distance is so great. But along came the Webcam which has saved my life as I get to see my beautiful daughter and her son (Logan) everyday. We were so happy to hear the news from Cate about her second pregnancy. Wow! Another grandchild for us. All was going well then one day I was driving to a meeting and Cate rang me very distressed with the news that all was not well with our tiny little baby she was carrying inside of her. I told myself “I must go to her” But what about my husband? Both of us could not go. He had to stay and carry the business on. It broke my heart to leave my darling husband behind, it was almost too much to bear. He insisted I go straight away, so as soon as I could I flew up to be with her. I could see the pain and anguish on both of their faces. I did what I could to support them both. Somehow it never seemed enough to me. I was angry. Why was this happening?, I should be able to protect my little girl from all of this pain. Cate’s labour was awful it nearly killed me to see her in so much pain. I was screaming inside my head. She was so brave I don’t know how she got through it. The strangest thing was that during the actual labour I myself had so much pain through my body that I could hardly stand up, it was as if I was sharing Cate’s pain through this very difficult and painful labour. And strangely at the moment of Cody’s birth the pain left my body how strange. But it then entered my heart. My beautiful girl had just given birth to their son Cody James, but what should have been a beautiful thing was not...Cate and Shanyn went back into the room alone and I stayed in the other room with Cody. Then when I saw Cody my heart nearly exploded, I could not breathe, I had pains in my chest, but then something came over me, I cannot explain what. I told myself that not only had Cody chosen Cate and Shanyn to be his parents but he had also chosen me to be his Nonna. The midwife, (who was a beautiful kind person) and I, dressed Cody in a beautiful handmade precious white gown with a tiny Lady Bird on it. I then wrapped Cody in some bunny rugs and put a tiny little handmade bonnet on his precious head. A beautiful handmade quilt was then cradled around his tiny body. He looked so beautiful. I was then left alone with my grandson. I placed my finger on his tiny little heart which was faintly beating. I felt Cate and Shanyn’s arms cradling me as I held Cody. Worst of all was the thought of losing our grandson (as by now we knew the sex). A Nightmare is the only word I have that can describe what Cate and her partner were going through. The day came for Cody to come into this world and we had all spoken at length; Cate and Shanyn were beside themselves with guilt and pain. They asked if I could hold Cody after he was born as they could not bear the pain, they were in a terrible fog and they had no way out. I felt so honoured and privileged to be the one. But also so frightened. What if I could not do this for them? I did not want to let them down. 9 S ands News A MOTHERS, A GRANDMOTHER’S PAIN..... So I spoke quietly to him and told him all about his Mum, Dad, Nonno, Uncle and his cousins. I tried to fit so much into the small amount of time I had. I sang to him all the favourite songs I have sung to all of my grandchildren and told him stories of what his mum was like as a little girl. I told him what I knew about his dad. I told him about his Nonno and how much he loved him and would miss forever not having him in his life. I told him so many times how much we all love him and I told him we will never let him go. He will be in our hearts forever. Then just a brief 40 mins after he came into this world he left it and I watched as his tiny little spirit flew. He left me there sobbing with so much pain in my heart for the grandchild I will never see run or play in my back yard with his parents, or run to me and give me a hug and say Nonna I love you. My heart broke in two at that moment. You know, I will never be the same again. This has changed my life forever. I then went straight to the lovely room where my beautiful girl and Shanyn were and told them all about their son Cody. I told them how precious his fingers and toes were, about his beautiful nose and yes also that he had all the correct private bits! We held each other and just cried. My beautiful girl’s heart was broken. In time it will heal as will mine but a piece will always be missing. I went outside and rang my husband from the garden in the hospital, the poor darling man felt his heart break. He flew up every weekend to be with his precious daughter. It was so hard for him and it is different for a male you know. The last time he had spent a weeked with Cate she was pregnant with Cody and when he returned Cate was no longer pregnant and Cody’s spirit had flown. He was so brave but I could see the pain in his eyes. My son stayed with his dad to comfort him, as I was not there. I then went home to Cate and Shanyn’s house to look after my precious little grandson Logan (Cody’s big brother). I told Logan all about his little baby brother, hugged him and cried. The next morning bright and early I took Logan to the hospital to be with his mum and dad as they all needed to be with each other. It was so hard for my beautiful daughter to go home that day, as the day before she had come to this hospital pregnant and today she was going home not pregnant and without her baby. She is so brave. We had a beautiful Celebration of Life for Cody in the backyard of Cate and Shanyn’s home. We let 21 Blue Balloons (symbolizing his 21 weeks) fly off into the sky and planted a special garden. And everyone said goodbye, well that is except for myself and I know Cate didn’t either. I am keeping him I told her and she expressed the same. Cate and Logan came home with me to Griffith for a few weeks as I could not leave her behind. Sometimes you just need your mum and your dad .Shanyn was wonderful he wanted Cate to be with us. He stayed and worked till a week before Christmas and then came home to be with his little family. They are back in Townsville now, in their own home tending to Cody’s beautiful garden and playing with Logan. Working, grieving and going on with life as best they can. Some days are good and some days are very difficult, but they are doing it together with their sons. 10 Member Stor y Now when I see people in my hometown and they ask “How many grandchildren do you have?” I say six, most people don’t say anything as they don’t know how to handle it. I have one friend who says “I should get over “IT” and move on”. Well that makes me very sad as I will never get over “IT”(losing my tiny little grandson). Cody will be FOREVER in our hearts and in our lives. Sometimes when I think of what we all went through I cannot believe that it really happened, but my heart tells me a different story. I too have footprints on my heart.. Grandparents are first and foremost parents then they are grandparents. And then there is this unwritten law instilled in us that at all costs we must protect our children and our grandchildren. Pearl of Wisdom Just as a drop of water causes ripples in a pond, So a thought dropped into the pool of consciousness Can cause ever-expanding ripples in the universal human mind (Jean Richards) But when it all comes down to it, all we can do is love them. A beautiful lady told me that grandparent’s cry twice, once for their grandchild and the second time for their own child. And that is so true. I now have a beautiful hand drawn portrait of Cody hanging on the wall with all of my other grandchildren. I talk to him every day and it gives my husband and me some peace. I still have my Webcam and I see and speak with my daughter and precious little grandson Logan every day. That too gives me peace. Cate and I have a bond that can never be broken. I am very lucky to have such a beautiful, caring daughter like her. Raelene King GRIFFITH NSW Talking Point How do bereaved parents encouage family and friends to talk about the experience of the death of their baby? Are family and friends open to talking about your baby months and even years later? 11 M e mo r i a ls Caitlin Margaret Bartlett Born Still Saturday 25th November, 2000 Dear Caitlin, You have been in my thoughts a lot lately as I see the remarkable similarities between your features and that of your new sister. But it always makes me smile. Happy birthday darling child. Love Mum xxx Jack Laurence-Owen Goldman 14th November 2007 33 weeks gestation To our darling little boy and brother Jack, Happy first birthday! There is not a day that goes by that we don’t think of you and wish so much that you could be with us. Even though you are not with us, you have taught us so much about living. We are expecting your little brother in January and know that you watch over him for us. You will always be his big brother and Maggie’s little brother. You have enriched our lives so greatly just by spending your short lifetime with us. We will love you always. Love always, Mummy, Daddy & Maggie 12 M emo r i a l s Keegan Rhys Hardy 28/11/02-09/02/03 With all our love Mummy, Daddy, Lincoln, Bayden (twin brother), Emersen What could have been You could have been famous, A doctor or an Olympian But it’ll never come to be, And never again will we look in your eyes We put you both down to sleep And little did we know Our dreams for you would be broken And your future taken Another day passes And still we’ll never know We’ll never really know what happened Or why you couldn’t stay We’ll never really understand How a child could be taken away The world gets older But you are still a baby And we sit and talk and cry Of the things you’ll never do You’ll never ride a bike with no training wheels Or catch a bus with your school mates All we have are our deep memories We’ve lost a precious jewel An Angel Hug Angels are ever all around us And with love they do surround us. When my heart is sore in need, The Angels come my soul to feed. They come to me from up above and sing in whispers of Love. When in my heart I feel a tug I know that it's an Angels' hug. (Author unknown) You’ll never play on the soccer team Never steal a first kiss Every day we think of all of the Wonderful things you’ll miss You’ll never go to school Never walk down the aisle Never know the joys of parenthood Another day passes… And still we’ll never know why Taken too soon, our shining star Love Mummy and Daddy 13 M e mo r i a ls Luke James Lachlan Hamilton 02-11-02 Born Silently Happy 6th Birthday to our beautiful baby boy Luke There is not a day that goes by when you are not in our thoughts and loved so dearly I sit here and wonder what it would have been like having you here with us, as your little brothers play together, (fight together) and think how much they are missing out on not having you here with them You would have been in prep this year, how exciting that would have been. I miss the conversations, the games, we would be having by now, but most of all I miss you so much All of this and so much more has been taken from us. We miss you every day and wonder what you would have been like at the age of 6. You will always be our first born son. You have a new baby brother Ethan and he will grow up knowing about his big brother Luke in heaven who will always be smiling down on him. Our little angel in Heaven, you were born too perfect and God wanted you back. Happy 6th birthday baby boy. You are always in our thoughts and forever in our hearts. Mummy and Daddy xxxxxxxxxxxxx Luke James Lachlan Hamilton Happy 6th birthday We know that you are looking down upon us with smiles Love from your baby brothers Matthew, Jack & Ethan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 14 M emo r i a l s CODY JAMES CATANZARITI To My Little Brother Cody. * Born 26 Nov 2007 On this day two months ago I turned the big number “2”, And on my cake were two candles one for me and one just for you. There were lots of balloons at my party yellow, green, blue and red, And when I woke up this morning from my sleep there was another balloon on my bed. Mummy and daddy were a little bit upset and I really didn’t know why, so we went outside with the balloon and let it go up into the sky. Mummy said we love you Cody and daddy said we miss you so, we think about you everyday and wished you didn’t have to go. I really wanted to get you a present to show you how much I care, so my gift to you is a great big kiss I blew up into the air. Happy 1st Birthday little brother with lots of love and lots of pride, I know I will never walk alone For you will always be at my side. Logan XOX Happy 1st Birthday Our beautiful baby Cody We hope you like your balloons that we are sending up to you We know you watch over us every minute of the day Thank you for sending us your new little sister or brother and for keeping him/her safe in Mummy’s belly. All our love now and forever Ours is a love that can not be tested Ours is a bond that can never be broken Ours is a flame that will never go out Ours is a heart that will beat on forever My beautiful baby Cody Love always from your Mummy IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR NEPHEW AND COUSIN CODY JAMES CATANZARITI 26-11-2007 HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY LITTLE MAN LOVE UNKY MARK, MELISSA, YOUR COUSINS CHYNNHA, MADDISEN, BILLIE AND KYAN Mummy & Daddy 15 M e mo r i a ls NOAH GOUGH 3 November 2007 We grieve for those that have lived but tragically are no longer with us. Even for those that have lived a fortunate life But you never even had the chance to experience life, to learn, to grow, to love. And this is the greatest heartbreak of all The greatest tragedy You life taken away, stolen Your name will live forever Noah Love always Dad To my darling little Noah, I miss you more than i can express and think of you so much. Its hard to believe its been one year since I held you in my arms. You will always be my first son, my precious boy. Love and kisses Mama Noah I really love you, I hope you can hear me because of course this is true. Noah I just want to tell you that I love you and I always will. I saw you grow up in my mummy’s tummy. I guess you were just not ready. Everyday I will come and talk to you. Even bring a secret or two. We made you a beautiful garden so you can rest. We gave you your name because it means ‘peaceful and restful” I’ll remember the perfect name for my little brother Noah. Noah I really do love you. Happy 1st Birthday Your big sister Luka xxoox OUR BABY VICTORIA BORN 16TH OFNOVEMBER 2008 My quiet child our precious baby, Close to my heart I’ll keep you with me. An important job God has for you, There is love to give, and work to do. He needs an angel strong but small, To shine light on many and give love to all. Before you left I gave you this, all my heart and one last kiss. We’ll miss you dearly that we know, But by God you were chosen, So to heaven, you must go 16 My beautiful sweet Victoria Where has the time gone? Two years have flown past! The pain is so deep, I still miss you like it was yesterday I know that God is looking after you, and you are looking after us. We will be together one day, but until then, my sweetheart, walk by our side. Your Mummy and Daddy love you so much and we are always thinking of you. Our Special Daughter…Victoria. S ands N e ws Our Tiny Angel BIRTH NOTICE Richard and Nicole Ireland are thrilled and relieved to announce the safe arrival of our adorable baby girl Isabella Iris Mary. Born 22nd September 2008. Little sister to angel brother Nicholas who is sadly missed at this time and always. DONATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE IN MEMORY OF Cooper Mark Delle Baite 20-06-2008 CODYAMES CATANZARITI 29-11-2007 Eoghan Cummins and his baby sister Kell y Cummins Alana MaryBrends 28/05/2008 Flynn Nicholas Barker I may never know the reason why, you aren’t here with me Why you were taken away from us, so very hastily What ailed your descent ion from the Heaven’s Up Above? When so many were waiting for Our Angel, to Love. Perhaps there is a greater plan that we can’t see right now, But Mummy and Daddy have a message that they must get through somehow. We love you tiny angel, although we never met, You are in our hearts and in our soles and we will never forget. A tiny life that was so short, you never got a chance, To see a sunset, smell a flower or dance a joyous dance, We never got to see your face or hold your tiny hand, We know God has a bigger plan, We just don’t understand. We must go forward with our lives, but we will never forget, Our Tiny Angel that lives above that we have never met. Hopefully, one day, when it is our turn to go, We will meet you face to face and we will surely know.... Your little face and tiny hand- We’ll see you right away, For you may not be here with us, but in our hearts you’ll stay. So, until we meet again one day, we’ll send you all our love, Please hear our prayer and know we care, Our Angel up above. (Anonymous) DONATIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED FROM Ernst and Young and BHP Billiton Please give them a big round of applause!! 17 S a nd s N ews ISA CONFERENCE 2009 DRAKENSBERG SOUTH AFRICA The setting for the 2009 conference is a wonderful part of South Africa. Sands International (UK, Australia and New Zealand) will be organising the bereavement section of the conference. Over the past 20 to 30 years many people have migrated from Africa to Australia and New Zealand. We would be very interested in any contacts you may have in Africa, particularly South Africa. Sands is keen to help connect people and to form support groups for families who have experienced the death of their baby. If you have any contacts – family, friends, health care professionals, please contact the office so we can discuss how best to facilitate this new development. Northside Scrapbooking and Card Making Day ! Saturday, 28th February 2009 9am – 5pm Venue : Lawton Community Centre Cost : $15 full day $10 morning/afternoon session Morning/ afternoon tea supplied Make and Takes, Lucky door prizes and raffles Sponsored by Assential Scrapbooking Kurwongbah 0401997336 Madonna Dunn Independent Stampin’ up Demonstrator For Tickets and enquiries phone Kaylene 54324200 0414824496 Linda 38867743 Townsville Walk to Remember Many thanks to the following people who helped make the Townsville Walk to Remember the success it was Lions’s Club $500 David May John and Janice Palmer Linda Buck Delia Wootton The Kelly Family Discretionary Trust A big thank you to Marie and Bob Deuble and staff who have for many years provided bereaved parents in the Townsville area with much needed support. SANDS CHRISTMAS RAFFLE Included in this newsletter will be a book of raffle tickets. To date we have as part of the prize pack donations from various businesses. The donations include accommodation pack from Royal on the Park, Brisbane, two hairdressing vouchers from Stefan, hairdressing voucher from b Hair Bulima, voucher for admittance to Alma Park Zoo, Car Hire voucher from Cruz, pamper products, wine. We would appreciate the donations of any Christmas goodies - wine, chocolates, biscuits etc. Donations can be dropped into the Sands office or if they are not too heavy they can be mailed to PO Box 934 New Farm. If you would like to sell more than one book of tickets please phone the office and we will arrange for futher tickets to go to you. 18 S ands N e ws CHRISTMAS MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR BABIES Saturday 29 November at 6 pm Anderson Park, Pimlico at the Thomas Street entrance. For Families and for Anyone affected by the death of a baby through miscarriage, interruption of pregnancy for abnormalities, stillbirth, neonatal death and other reproductive losses. SANDS Townsville Region & SIDS & Kids Qld in co-operation with The Townsville Health Service District and Mater Hospitals. Some people come into our lives Make footprints on our hearts And we are never the same Please contact SANDS Townsville Region on 4775 5957 or [email protected] HAS YOUR PRIVACY BEEN RESPECTED? SANDS Australia is very keen to look into a matter that has arisen on several occasions around the vulnerable time of experiencing the death of a baby. When paying bills and claiming from Medicare, there have been several occasions where great embarrassment and explanations have occurred as a result of details on our medical bills or receipts. Why does the description of procedures need to be written on the bill or receipt when the code is there anyway? These are the type of questions we would like to put to the relevant people and see whether we have strength but evidence also, to explain why this needs to change. Do they really need to see ‘Vaginal biopsy’ , ‘Dilatation & curettage’ …… Experience - claiming back on an ultrasound that confirmed a definite loss – lady in Medicare comments “so there’s soon to be a baby Weaver?” and with some surprise asked her to repeat what she asked but then had to respond saying “no there’s not”. She was confused then and I had to repeat myself twice, get teary and she then worked out something had gone wrong! If anything was learnt from that, I hope that lady knows not to enquire into patients business. If you have had any experiences good or bad such as the above we would be interested in hearing from you. You can contact the office by mail – PO Box 934 New Farm 4005 or email [email protected]. 19 A Lighter Moment Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? Dr. Phil… The problem we have here is that this chicken won’t realise that he must first deal with the problem on ‘THIS’ side of the road before it goes after the problem on the ‘OTHER SIDE’ of the road. What we need to do is help him realise how stupid he’s acting by not taking on his ‘CURRENT’ problems before adding ‘NEW’ problems. Oprah… Well, I understand that the chicken is having problems, which is why he wants to cross this road so bad. So instead of having the chicken learn from his mistakes and take falls which is a part of life, I’m going to give this chicken a car so that he can just drive across the road and not live his life like the rest of the chickens. George W. Bush… We don’t really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road, or not. The chicken is either against us, or for us. There is no middle ground here. Colin Powell… Now to the left of the screen, you can clearly see the satellite image of a chicken crossing the road… Dr Seuss… Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I’ve not been told. Ernest Hemingway… To die in the rain. Alone. Grandpa… In my day we didn’t ask why the chicken crossed the road. Somebody told us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough. John Lennon… Imagine all the chickens in the world crossing the roads together, in peace. Aristotle… It is the nature of chickens to cross the road. Bill Gates… I have just released eChicken2007, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your chick book. Internet Explorer is an integral part of eChicken. This new platform is much more stable and will never cra…#$(*&*&%##....eboot. Albert Einstein… Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath the chicken? Colonel Sanders… Did I miss one? 20 Mak ing Memories Creating meaningful memories When parents experience the death of their baby they can sometimes be at a loss to know how to create memories of their baby or even the need to do so. Depending on the circumstances of the death of your baby some of the following may be appropriate for you. Portrait - Artists are available to create a portrait of your baby from a photo. Many parents feel comforted by having a portrait hanging in their home. Sue Fernandez 02 6458 4227 Rachel Wybrew 07 5596 5654 Ribbon heart - The ribbon heart wall hanging is a memory creation idea that parents whose baby has died at any gestion can use. Ribbons are available from the office. A photo of your ribbon on the wall haning is available also. Flowers - Each month of the year has a designated flower. Some parents may plant seedlings for the month in which their baby died. If you are not a confident gardener perhaps you would prefer to purchase a photo of the flower or have one embroidered. A comprehensive list is available from the office. Hand & Foot prints Your babys hand and foot prints can be stamped in ink at the hospital and you may also like to have an impression done in silver to enable you to create a piece of jewellery that can be worn. You might also like to have the hand and foot prints embroidered onto material and then framed. Photography Photos and video footage can form a lasting and beautiful memory of your baby. Professional photographers can come to the hospital, your home or funeral home to take photos of your baby. You may have friends who may be able to take the photos also. If you would like further details of any memory creation ideas you might like to visit the office or ring to find you what else may be available. 21 Memorial Ser vices Many hospitals throughout Queensland hold non-denominational memorial services in memory of all babies born before 20 weeks gestation. Parents, families, friends and staff are welcome to these services. Your baby does not have to have died at the hospital where the service is being held. Parents, families and friends of babies who died at any gestation many years ago, before assistance was given with creating memories may find these services helpful and are very welcome to attend. Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Redcliffe - Caboolture Hospital Memorial Service For further information please contact:Iris Carden (Hospital Chaplain) on (07) 3636 8404 or (07) 3636 8111 Memorial services are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 4.00pm in the Caboolture Hospital Chapel. The service includes the placement of ashes of the babies cremated from both hospitals, in the memorial garden. For further information please contact: Hospital Chaplains on (07) 5433 8852 Memorial Services are held on the second Thursday of each month at 2.00pm in the hospital chapel (Ground Floor, Ned Hanlon Building). During the services you will be able to light a candle in memory of your baby. This candle is yours to take home. There is a Memorial Book available for you to add a page if you wish. You might like to bring a poem or a drawing. The Memorial Book is available during the service and at other times by appointment. Gold Coast Hospital Memorial Services Memorial services are held every two months on the last Tuesday of the month, commencing at 4.00pm. For further information please contactJulie at Metropolitan Funerals on (07) 3263 5044 Ipswich Hospital Memorial Service Memorial services are held on the last Wednesday of each month at 2.00pm under the Poinciana Tree in the Hospital grounds near Court Street. Ashes of the babies cremated from the hospital will be placed in the memorial garden. Nambour Hospital For further information please contact:The Ipswich General Hospital on (07) 3810 1111 and ask for the Social Work Department or Chaplaincy Enquiries to the Chaplaincy Department. Mackay Base Hospital/CHEC Services The Mackay Base Hospital/CHEC Services conducts Memorial Services for those who have died (including babies) in connection with the Mackay Base Hospital. Invitations are sent out to those families but anyone is welcome to attend. They are held every two months (the even months) at 7.00pm on a weekday night. For further information please contact:Brenda Sheumack, CHEC Services (07) 4968 6024 or Shirley Worland, Hospital Social Worker on (07) 4968 6000 Redland Hospital Memorial Service At 10.00 am on the last Saturday in February, May, August and November each year a Memorial Service is held in the Hospital Chapel. An integral part of the Service is the placement of baby ashes in the Hospital Memorial Garden. Individual services are offered at other times according to request. For any enquiries please contact the Chaplain (07) 3488 3111. Mater Mothers’ Hospital (Brisbane) Miscarriage Memorial Services are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 4.00pm in the Mater Mothers’ Chapel. Ashes of the babies cremated from the hospital will be placed in the memorial garden. For further information please contact:June Loxton or Lyn Bradley, Pastoral Care - Loyola House (07) 3840 6729 22 Memorial services will be held on the second Tuesday of the months of July, October, January and April. Parents, family and friends are invited to attend. Townsville SANDS/SIDS Memorial Services The SANDS and SIDS groups in Townsville in co-operation with The Townsville Hospital, The Wesley Hospital Townsville and Mater Misericordiae Hospital hold memorial services in Anderson Park (Thomas Street end, opposite the Mater Misericordiae Hospital). For further information please contact:Marie on (07) 4774 6521(ah) or (07)4775 5957 (w) Toowoomba SANDS Rock of Remembrance Memorial Service. Services are conducted at the Garden of Remembrance Ruthven St South, Toowoomba and are held every three months, on the last Friday of the month at 2p.m.(February, June, October). The service includes the placement of babies’ ashes at the Rock. Family and friends are invited to take part in the service. Phone Karen Hinrichsen on 4635 4866 Membership APPLICATION / RENEWAL FORM SANDS Members may be bereaved parents, families or others: Membership Fee $30 (inc GST) per year. In case of financial difficulty, SANDS (Qld) will accept a smaller membership fee. Ordinary membership:Bereaved parents and their families including family members living at home. Associate membership:Professional & community individuals/groups who have an interest in SANDS (Qld) Inc. Please circle where appropriate:NEW MEMBER MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL CHANGE OF ADDRESS I wish to apply for (please circle): ORDINARY MEMBERSHIP TYPE OF LOSS (please circle): MISCARRIAGE INDUCED LABOUR ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP STILLBIRTH NEONATAL DEATH OTHER _______________________ NAME:___________________________________________________________________________________ PARTNERS NAME:________________________________________________________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS: _______________________________________________POSTCODE_____________ HOME ADDRESS: ________________________________________________ POSTCODE:______________ TELEPHONE HOME: ( ) _________________________ TELEPHONE WORK ( )_________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________ WISH TO RECEIVE MY NEWSLETTER VIA EMAIL. YES / NO (Please circle) *I agree to abide by the constitution of SANDS (Qld) Inc. Signed: ___________________Date:___/____/___ (A copy of the SANDS Constitution is available by contacting the Sands office.) Insurance statement VOLUNTEER REGISTRY SANDS relies on the assistance of volunteers to continue offering support and services to bereaved parents and their families and carers. If you do have a specific area of interest or skills you think may help us, please make a note of it here so that we can contact you. We would love to hear from you! o NEWSLETTER OTHER o FUNDRAISING EVENTS o CAKE STALL / BAKING o DONATIONS I/We would like to make a donation to SANDS (Qld) Inc. of $___________________. I/We would like to donate the following goods/services to SANDS (Qld) Inc. Please charge my: Mastercard / Visa / Bankcard Total Amount $ ______________ Expiry Date ____ / ____ Card Number ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Cardholder’s Name ________________________ Signature _____________________ Credit card payments may be made by phone, mail or by faxing in this form. DO NOT email your credit card details to us! 23 Mak ing Memories If you would like your baby’s birthday, anniversary or birth notice to appear in the newsletter, please send it to SANDS office by the 15th of the month PRIOR to the month you would like your message to appear. Please include a description (or email a copy) of any graphics you want included. Poems or articles written by other authors MUST be accompanied by the author’s name otherwise it does not comply with copyright and cannot be printed in the SANDS newsletter. One page per baby will be printed in the newsletter PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Your name: __________________________________________________________ Your contact phone number : ___________________________________________ EMAIL : [email protected] FAX: 07 3358 2533 MAIL: PO BOX 934, NEW FARM QLD 4005 24 Sands Contac ts Sands Office Details Regional Areas (07) 3254 3422 (Brisbane Callers) Where possible, regional Contacts are bereaved parents. If not, then they are professionals who may be able to put you in contact with a bereaved parent in your area. If there are no contacts near you, please ring 1800 228 655, please leave a message and the listener will return your call as soon as possible. If you cannot contact a listener, please ring the Sands office. Regardless of where you are in Queensland or Northern New South Wales, you can receive the newsletter, borrow from the library, and use our web page. Ayr Julianne (07) 4783 2885 1800 228 655 (Regional Callers support only) Biloela Sandy (07) 4992 1462 Bundaberg Michelle/Rod (07) 4151 2599 Cairns/Tablelands Emma (07) 4093 5219 SANDS (QLD) INC. OFFICE SANDS House, 505 Bowen Terrace, New Farm, Brisbane POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 934, New Farm QLD 4005 TELEPHONE FAX (07) 3358 2533 EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected] WEBSITE COORDINATOR Liz Davis ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT Nicky Lynch MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Janelle (07) 4093 1228 Charters Towers Diana (07) 4787 7338 Clifton/Millmerran/Pittsworth Helen (07) 4695 3123 Denman NSW Tanya (02) 65472900 Jimboomba Karen (07) 5547 8431 Lismore Kelli (02) 6625 1714 Longreach Jenny (07) 4658 9227 Mackay Julie (07) 4959 3781 Contactable through the office on 3254 3422 Maryborough Monique (07) 4123 3642 President Miles Emma (07) 4628 5629 Mt Isa Sharon (07) 4743 4449 Rockhampton Karen (07) 4936 1329 Linda (07) 4927 4960 Tambo Jenny (07) 4654 6266 Toowoomba Loretta (07) 4635 5999 Townsville Marie ( 07)47746521(ah) Vice President Norma Slater Secretary Wendy Harvey Treasurer Madonna Whillans General Cameron Slater Mardi Williams Lisa Swenson Listeners SANDS (Qld) Listeners are volunteer bereaved SANDS parents who have experienced the death of their baby and have had support training. If you are having a bad day, or just want to chat to someone who has been there, please give them a call. The parents are on call 24 hours/7 days, however they are volunteers, so if you reach an answering machine, please leave a message so they can get back to you as soon as they are able. If you need to talk to someone urgently please ring one of the other listeners on roster or SANDS office. (07)47755957 (w) Warwick Norma (07) 46619590 Winton Joyce (07) 4657 2700 If you are interested in supporting other parents in your area, please contact the office on 07 3254 3422 to talk about the role you might like to take on. Brisbane & Suburbs To contact a Listener within Brisbane and surrounding suburbs please ring the SANDS Office on (07) 3254 3422. Please have a pen and paper handy as you will receive a recorded message giving the names and phone numbers of Listeners who are currently on roster to take your call. Messages can be left on the office line (# 1), however please do not leave messages on the Listener’s line (# 2). 1800 228 655 The 1800 228 655 number is a free call number that SANDS has available for parents outside the Brisbane area. The number is diverted from the SANDS office to the telephone number of one of our volunteer Listeners. The 1800 number is never answered in our office. 25 SANDS (QLD) INC NEWSLETTER SURFACE MAIL POSTAGE PAID BRISBANE QLD AUST PRINT POST PP 43340/00008 If undelivered, please return to: SANDS (QLD) INC PO BOX 934 NEW FARM QLD 4005 NEW! g at blo r u o t i s i V .blogspo d ndsql The Sands WISH LIST More fabulous donations for the Sands Christmas Raffle!