seasons of giving - The ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter


seasons of giving - The ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter
February 1, 2008 - January 31, 2009
Fiscal Year 2009
“We are blessed with a wonderful team…
each of you plays a vital role. Thank you
for all you do to make a difference…”
Jim Pinciotti, Executive Director
Seasons of Giving…
On the Cover - Front Row – Ceal and Kevin Yost, Rear – Lynn Leonard, Tina
Richardson and Caitlin Yost. The Yost family of East Stroudsburg, PA has been living
with ALS since Kevin’s diagnosis in 1980. During their nearly 30 year journey, they
have hosted a yard sale to raise money for the Chapter for 11 years, participated
in or utilized the Chapter’s ALS Resource Groups, Caregivers Day, Walk to Defeat
ALS™, Holiday Party, Assistive Technology Program and Loaner Closet. Kevin is a
patient at The ALS Association Center at The Penn Comprehensive Neuroscience
Center. Ceal is a member of the Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers Society Hall of
Fame. Their daughter, Caitlin is studying kinesiology and formed a Walk to Defeat
ALS™ team with her friends and classmates.
Mission Statement –
The mission of The ALS
Association, Greater
Philadelphia Chapter is
to lead the fight to cure
and treat ALS through
global cutting-edge
research, and to
empower people with
Lou Gehrig’s Disease
and their families to
live fuller lives by
providing them with
compassionate care
and support.
Dear Friends,
Thank you for being a part of seasons of giving. The Chapter’s work is a
12-month job as ALS never takes a day off.
In fiscal year 2008-2009, you and other donors gave The ALS Association,
Greater Philadelphia Chapter more than it has ever received in any other
year – 6.2 million dollars. Because of your generosity, research advanced,
our programs grew, and more ALS families were served. This Annual Report
shows what the Chapter achieved because of you.
Take pride.
With our sincere thanks,
James V. Pinciotti,
Executive Director
Ellyn C. Phillips,
Faces of AL S
PALS* Barry Schultz rides
in the Annual ALS Express
*PALS – person with ALS
PALS Jay Doroshow with
his son Matt (right) and
pitcher Cole Hamels at the
2008 Phillies Phestival.
Mike Rubbinaccio, committee member
for the Seaside Walk to Defeat ALS™
with a photo of his beloved brother
PALS Paul Blackie Rubbinaccio, who is
Mike’s impetus for involvement.
Sheryl Crow performed at a concert
on August 2, 2008 at the
Mann Center for the
Performing Arts. She posed
with PALS James Ruchinski
and his wife, Joanne.
The Lea R. Powell ALS Patient Services Program
Because of your contributions, we proudly offer a
comprehensive patient services program, free of charge
to PALS and their families. Over the past year, our patient
services staff has provided an array of educational,
recreational, patient care, family assistance, and outreach programs.
Patient Care
ALS Certified Centers – At each center, patients and
caregivers are seen by up to 12 specialists. In fiscal year
2009, there were 756 patient visits to The ALS Association
Certified Center at the Penn Comprehensive Neuroscience
Center at Pennsylvania Hospital and 244 visits to the ALS
Clinic at Penn State-Hershey Medical Center.
We also provide support for two additional clinics in our
service region. One is the Lehigh Valley Hospital and one
at Geisinger Medical Center.
To help relieve some of the expense of caring for a loved
one with ALS, the Chapter provides assistance with
in-home care, equipment lending programs, home
accessibility solutions and transportation to patients
living in our service area.
The Howard I. Abrams in-Home Care Program provided
up to 14 hours of regular weekly care for patients living at
home. 137 patients were served with 37,966.2 hours of
Respite Care programs offer caregivers 72 hours of
respite per year for non-ventilator patients, or 96 hours
per year for ventilator-dependent patients. A total of 85
patients received respite care in FY2009.
The Marjorie Shimer Equipment Loan Program loaned
over 663 items including expensive medical equipment
such as wheelchairs, hospitals beds and other durable
medical equipment.
Lauren Elman, MD, Associate
Medical Director of the ALS
Association Center meets with
PALS Gary Temoyan at the
ALS Association Center at The
Penn Comprehensive
Neuroscience Center.
The Scott A. Mackler, MD, PhD Assistive Technology
Program addresses the need for our patients to communicate. It loaned over 100 items and more than
200 patient interactions were made by the Assistive
Technology Specialist.
The Cox Family Fund for Accessibility assisted 106
patients with ramping, stair glides, lifts and more at no
cost or reduced cost to them.
Educational Inservice Programs were provided by staff
to assist health care workers caring for ALS patients on
25 occasions.
Resources and seminars helped patients and their caregivers better understand and cope with the diagnosis of
ALS. Programs included Newly Diagnosed, 14 monthly
resource groups throughout the region and 60 PALS
participated in two Managing ALS teleconferences.
Programs included ALS family trips to Longwood Gardens
with 110 attendees, 88 attendees at Morey’s Piers
Amusement Park, 105 attendees at Dutch Wonderland,
150 attendees at the Camden Aquarium, and 175 guests
at the Annual Holiday Party.
Specialty Programs
Caregivers Day is an opportunity
for family caregivers to enjoy
discussion groups, recreational and
social activities and more. In 2008,
65 caregivers attended this event.
Visiting Volunteer Program is a strictly monitored
program in which approximately 20 dedicated volunteers
provide a “friendly visitor” to a person with ALS, share
interests and enjoy each other’s company.
Memorial Service was attended by 135 people to
remember and honor those who have lost their lives to
ALS. The Memorial Quilt featuring blocks submitted by
families who had lost a loved one to ALS in 2007 was
February 1, 2008 - January 31, 2009
ALS Research Update
In the past decade alone, The ALS Association has awarded nearly $48 million to fund
research to find the causes and a cure for ALS. Overall, we are funding more than
100 ALS research projects across the United States and around the world. The ALS
Association has made a conscious decision to expand its research efforts to fight this
disease on several fronts. Through genetic research and animal modeling, we are
making ground-breaking progress to help understand the cause of this most
perplexing disease.
New Gene Mutation Discovery is Major Research Breakthrough
In one of the most significant breakthroughs in the recent history of ALS research, a
consortium of scientists organized and funded by The ALS Association has discovered
a new gene, ALS6 (Fused in Sarcoma), responsible for about 5 percent of the cases of
inherited ALS. The discovery will provide important clues to the causes of inherited ALS,
which accounts for 10 percent of all cases, and sporadic ALS, which occurs in individuals
with no family history of the disease and accounts for the other 90 percent of cases.
Time Magazine Recognizes ALS Stem Cell Research as Number One Medical
Breakthrough in 2008
Time magazine named the creation of motor neurons using ordinary skins cells from
people with ALS as the No. 1 medical breakthrough in 2008. Researchers at Harvard
and Columbia used a new method, not requiring embryos, to generate the first motor
neurons from stem cells in two elderly women with ALS.
National Advocacy Day takes place each
year in Washington, DC. In 2008, the
event drew thousands of PALS, caregivers and family to present the ALS case to
their legislators.
The Chapter is fighting on every front to
find a treatment and cure for ALS – and
that includes working with government
officials on the state and national levels
to draw awareness and resources to
the people affected by this disease. The
Greater Philadelphia Chapter and the
Western Pennsylvania Chapter of The
ALS Association are working together
to seek funding and support from the
state of Pennsylvania and join together
at the annual ALS Awareness Day in
Harrisburg. We need patients, spouses,
caregivers, family members and friends
to help us put a face on ALS.
In the past year alone, ALSA has:
• Enacted the ALS Registry Act and
secured $5 million in continued funding
• Helped to establish new regulations
at the VA to make ALS a service connected disease, providing military veterans and their survivors access to
more than $500 million in health and
disability benefits
• Continued funding for the ALS Research
program at the Department of Defense
through a $5 million appropriation. An
additional $5 has been provided to the
ALSRP, which is specifically designed
to identify new treatments for ALS
• For the first time, secured appropriations to begin funding the Lifespan
Respite Care Act, which was originally
passed in 2006 and will support statebased respite care programs.
Below is a list of several ALSA
projects taking place because of the
support from donors like you in the
Greater Philadelphia area.
Pasinelli, PhD, Piera, Farber Institute for
Neurosciences, Philadelphia, PA and
Trotti, PhD, Davide, Farber Institute for
Neurosciences, Philadelphia, PA
Study of the toxic role of mutant SOD1/Bci-2
complex in mutant SOD1-linked ALS
Cunningham, PhD., Timothy,
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA and
Heiman-Patterson, MD, Terry,
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Title: A Novel Neuron Survival-Promoting sPLA2
Inhibitor as Treatment for ALS
Samulski, PhD., Richard,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Neurotrophic self-complementary adenoassociated vectors, artificial transcription
factors and siRNA designed for ALS therapy
Miller, MD, PhD, Timothy,
Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Downregulation of SOD1 in the CSF of SOD1
G93A rats using antisense oligonucleotides
Connor, PhD, James,
Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, PA
Simmons, MD, Zachary,
Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, PA
HFE Polymorphisms and ALS
Holzbaur, PhD, Erika,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Dynactin Mutations as a Causative/
Risk Factor for ALS
Beghi, Professor, Ettore,
Instituto Mario Negri, Milan, Italy
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Sport,
Physical Activity and Trauma: An International
Case-control Study on Genetic and
Environmental Risk Factors,
February 1, 2008 - January 31, 2009
• Billy Lake Beef and Beer
• 3rd Annual Pennsylvania ALS
Awareness Day
• Hot Chocolate
• Memorial Service
• 4th Annual Box Out ALS
Basketball Marathon
• Bucks County Walk to
Defeat ALS™
• SaVes4ALS Dining and
Dancing with the Stars
• Haverford College 3K Run/Walk
• Patient and Family Trip to
Longwood Gardens
• Michael Bartone Scrum for Six
Rugby Tournament
• Three Arches Ladies Tea Party
• ALS Advocacy Days and Public
Policy Conference
• Seaside Board… Walk to
Defeat ALS™
• ALS Celebrity Waiter Event
with the Lakewood BlueClaws
• Harrisburg Walk to Defeat ALS™
• Auntie Anne’s Golf Outing
• Billy Lake Basketball Marathon
• 10th Annual ALS Express Bike Ride
• Lodish Bike Ride
• Phillies Phestival
• Sheryl Crow Concert
• ALS Awareness Night at
the Scranton Wilkes Barre Yankees
• Dutch Wonderland
• Trenton Thunder ALS 50/50
• Gene Gladfelter Memorial Mile
• Michael Bartone Golf Outing
• Michael Bartone Dinner Dance
• Gino’s Race
• Rehoboth Beach Walk to
Defeat ALS™
• Ocean City Board...Walk to
Defeat ALS™
• KAK Cup Golf Outing
• Adventure Aquarium
• Scott Mackler 5K
• Chi Psi 500
• Lehigh Valley Walk to Defeat ALS™
• Furnace Creek 508™ (Jon Powell
Rides for ALS)
• Nurturing the Nurturer
• Newly Diagnosed
• Greater Philadelphia Walk to
Defeat ALS™
• Curt Schilling 15th Annual
ALS Golf Outing
• Curt’s Pitch for ALS Party
• Major Gifts Kickoff
• Annual Luncheon honoring
Richard Schiffrin
• Patient and Family Holiday Party
The Phillies
The Chapter is proud to be the principal charity of the Phillies.
The entire organization works year-round to raise funds
and awareness for ALS. The highlight of the year is the
Annual Phillies Phestival, which raised a record $758,540
for ALS research and patient services in 2008. To date the
team has raised $10.1 million for the Chapter.
Curt and Shonda Schilling
Curt’s Pitch for ALS
and the Curt Schilling Golf Outing
have been among
the Chapter’s biggest
since the early
1990’s when Curt
joined the Phillies.
Since that time,
Curt and Shonda
have moved on to the Arizona Diamondbacks and Boston
Red Sox, but their hearts remained in Philadelphia and this
year over $100,000 for the Chapter was raised through the
Curt Schilling Golf Outing and the 16th Annual Curt’s Pitch
for ALS for which Curt selected to donate money for each
strikeout and win by Phillies pitcher Cole Hamels.
With grateful appreciation to the thousands of people who
have made contributions of less than $500, the constraints
of printing did not allow us to list these important donors
individually. Every effort has been made to ensure the
accuracy of this listing. If your name has been inadvertently
omitted or listed inaccurately, please accept our apologies
and contact our office at 215-643-5434.
For the purposes of this listing, all gifts to the Phillies
Phestival through Phillies Charities, Inc. are included.
Individual gifts made through the United Way Donor
Option programs designated to our Chapter are not listed.
In Kind donations of more than $500
ABC 27
Ann Hemyng Candy, Inc’s
Chocolate Factory
Charles Jacquin Et Cie
Comcast SportsNet
Conlin’s Digital Print
and Copy Center
Floral Expressions/Gempire
Garman Sign and Decal
The Hershey Company
Hot Hot Hot Entertainment
Hunt Auctions
Loews Philadelphia Hotel
Majestic Athletic
Matt Lee
Millennium Radio Group, LLC
Nestlé Waters
Pastry Pleasures
Phantom Entertainment
Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News
Pearl Pressman Liberty
Communications Group
The Phillies
Rohm and Haas Company
Sazon Restaurant and Café
Zieger & Sons, Inc.
The Lou Gehrig Legacy Society
The Lou Gehrig Legacy Society recognizes those individuals who have included The ALS Association in their estate plans through charitable bequests, trusts, insurance, life-income arrangements,
or other forms of deferred giving. The Greater Philadelphia Chapter gratefully acknowledges these
Society members who have provided for the Chapter’s long term support in their plans:
Lou Gehrig Legacy Society Members FY ‘09
Jeff Abrams and
Margaret Barry
Rhoda Albom
Anna Arnold
Carol Banes
Lisa and Jay Bolick
Ron Brown
Richard Byrnes
William Cherkes *
Bill and Peggy Conners
Charlene Costa
Pat Costello
Betty Davis
Therese Decker
John Ferry
John Gauger
Margaret Goldfield
Robert Kale
Richard Kanter
Elkan Katz
G. Mary Lincoln
Tom Matyjasik
Cheryl Mann
Maureen McPeak
Evelyn Nasielski
Ben Ohrenstein
Ellyn C. Phillips
David Ricci
Gilbert Ringer
Helen Rimerman
If you have included The ALS Association in your estate plans but have not yet notified the Chapter,
please inform us so that we can thank you and include your name in next year’s Annual Report.
Jennifer Rimerman
Dale Shimer
Jean Sidoroff
Kathryn and James Thomas
Judith and Roy* Uhlman
Nancy Venner
* Deceased
Named Funds
As part of the Major Gifts Campaign launched in November,
2008, donors may now establish Named Funds with a gift of
$25,000 or more to honor or remember a loved one’s fight
against ALS. The donor may designate their Named Fund for
research, patient & family services, or for general support. The ALS Association, Greater Philadelphia Chapter
gratefully acknowledges gifts at the following levels
$300,000 and Above
We are pleased to acknowledge the establishment of The M.
Louis Chiste Fund, established by Ronald and Robert Chiste
in memory of their father. The Fund will support the over* denotes that the donor is deceased
all mission of The Greater Philadelphia Chapter.
February 1, 2008 - January 31, 2009
Scholler Foundation
Southwest Airlines
Dr. Arthur L. Stein
Dr. Albert J. Stunkard
Wakefern Food Corp
Dean Foods
Mrs. Kathryn S. Dorrell
Downingtown Area School District
Student Activity Fund
Endo Pharmaceutical
Ewing Cole
$10,000 TO $14,999
Ms. Ellen B. Farber
$100,000 TO $299,999
Flamm, Boroff & Bacine, P.C.
Team ALS
Mr. Andrew L. Barroway
General Electric Company
Theodora B. Betz Foundation
Barroway, Topaz, Kessler, Meltzer
Mr. and Mrs. William Y. Giles
Mr. Dale J. Shimer
& Check, LLP
Mr. Andy A. Goldman
Community Health Charities of NJ
Gordon E. and May R. Cadwgan
Corporate Synergies Group Inc.
$25,000 TO $99,999
Crystal Trust
Hangley, Aronchick, Segal & Pudlin
Mr. Jeffrey L. Abrams &
Estate of William Cherkes
Mr. Richard M. Hunt
Ms. Margaret A. Barry
Mr. Robert E. Fish
Independence Blue Cross
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Ms. Alyson A. Hepler
J & J Snack Foods
Financial Management Center
Griswold Special Care
Johnson and Johnson, Inc.
Estate of John F. Blewitt
Mr. David Kessler
Kasco Construction Co., Inc.
Farber Family Foundation
Mr. Daniel J. Levy
Mr. David Kasoff
First Hospital Foundation
Mrs. Constance Macolino
Mr. Richard J. Katucki
Friends Of John Fineran
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Markowitz
Mrs. Susan A. Katz
Hatboro-Horsham School District
Ms. Christina G. Martin
Ms. Shelly Koffler
Mr. and Mrs. Derek C. Hathaway
Outstanding Rental Experience
Hess Foundation, Inc.
Paul E. Kelly Foundation
Mrs. Sophia Viola Kranenberg
Jay W. Eisenhofer Family Foundation Philadelphia Flyers Alumni Assoc., Inc. Lakewood BlueClaws
Joseph Alexander Foundation, Inc.
Saint Gobain Corporation
L.F. Driscoll Co.
Josephine Muller Center c/o
Mr. Tom Scamuffa
Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes
ALS Association
Mr. Robert Schaeffer
& Lerach LLP
Julius and Ray Charlestein
Schiffrin Barroway Topaz & Kessler
Ms. Nancy A. Moffitt
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Slipakoff
Momentum Fitness Center
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Krancer
Southwest Airlines
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Morgan
Michael Bartone Benefit Fund
TD Banknorth Charitable Foundation Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Schilling
Three Arches, Inc.
Neshaminy Electrical Contractors, Inc.
Smith Barney
New Era Cap Company
United Way of Southeastern PA
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Ohrenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wolf
Pacific Fruit Inc.
Penn Comprehensive
Acme Paper & Supply Co., Inc.
Neuroscience Center
Aetna Foundation
$15,000 TO $24,999
Pepper Hamilton LLP
APS Dealer Services
Auntie Anne’s Inc.
Philadelphia Coca-Cola
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Auerbach
Billy Lake Memorial ALS
Bottling Company
Ballard Spahr Andrews
Research Fund
Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News
& Ingersoll, LLP
Mr. Darren J. Check
Rerum Novarum
Bayada Nurses
Community Health Charities of PA
Shiloh United Church of Christ
Bernstein, Litowitz, Berger &
Josiah W. and Bessie H. Kline
Spencer Gifts LLC
Grossmann LLP
Foundation Inc.
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. The Fourjay Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Kanter
The Marshall-Reynolds Foundation
Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP
Merck Employee Giving Campaign
The Paper Magic Group, Inc.
Ms. Dorothy Boylan
Nestle’ Waters North America Inc.
Skippy Peanut Butter
Brown’s Superstores
Obermayer, Rebmann Maxwell
Solomon-Auerbach Family
Ms. Lindsey Button
& Hippell, LLP
Sports Complex Special
Citizens Bank
Ms. Ellyn C. Phillips
Services District
Colligas Family Markets, LP
Retail Marketing Group
Stroehmann Bakeries LC
Conservest Capital Advisors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Schiffrin
UFCW Local 1776
$300,000 AND ABOVE
Phillies Charities, Inc.
Estate of Donald L. Dellinger
Mr. Arthur L. Powell
The Bove Jewelers
Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Boyd
Mr. Bruce W. Brownstein
Mr. J. Mahlon Buck Jr.
Bucks County Anglers Club
Mr. and Mrs. John Bucksbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Caine
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Campbell
Capital Health System
Mr. Robert Cardillo
Mrs. Marcy Cardonick
A.B. & S. Masonry
Mrs. Frances M. Carlson
A.T. Kearney, Inc.
Carmel Presbyterian Church Board
Mrs. Linda Abraham
of Deacons
Mr. Steven V. Abramson
Mr. and Mrs.* Morton Charlestein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aerenson
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Chehanske
AFSCME Council 13
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Chiste
Mr. Eugene S. Agnew*
Mr. Bill Chuba
Aker Philadelphia Shipyard, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ciesluk
Mr. Mitch Albom
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard T. Cleary
Mrs. Rhoda Albom
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Cline
Mrs. Cindi E. Aleardi
Clyde Stumpf and Son, Inc. Builders
Altair Direct Mail Management Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cohen
Mr. Joseph P. Cohill
Mr. Irving Altman
COMCAST Corporation
American Drawtech Company
Cooper Electric Supply Co.
American Flux & Metal
Mrs. Emily F. Cox
American Mobility
Cozen O’Connor
American Stair Corporation
Mr. Kevin Crippen
Mr. and Mrs. Izhar Armony
Ms. Mary Curtin
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Arnold
Mrs. Ann H. Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Aronson
Dansko, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Asher
David Cutler Group
Atlantic City Electric
Ms. Anne B. Davidson
Mrs. Gila Aviram
Dear Year Brothers Mfg. Company, LTD
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Baeringer
Mr. Larry J. Delaney Jr.
Bank of America Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Diaco
Bank of America, N.A.
Ms. Mildred Diamond
Dr. Robert L. Barchi
Barry and Allison Goodman Foundation Mr. Anthony DiBarnaba
Dr. Kanta Diwan
Mr. Rick A. Bastinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Donovan
BDO Seidman
Ms. Heather Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Beck
Doylestown Pediatric Dentistry
Mrs. Jeanette O. Beck
DRS Technologies, Inc.
Belfint, Lyons & Schuman, P.A.
E & J Baseball Club, Inc.
Certified Public Accountants
Mr. Louis S. Eisenberg
Ms. Rachel Ben-Ari
Electric Solutions LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Berkowitz
Mr. Thomas Elkinton
Berky Benevolent Trust
Emerald Advisers, Inc.
Mr. Lee H. Bilheimer
Enterprise Fleet Services
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Bingaman
Enterprise Rent-a-Car Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James Binns Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Erlbaum
Blank Rome, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Erlbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Blattner
Boeing Employees Community Fund Arthur R. Ersner, M D.
Estate Of Doreen H. Sheridan
Borowsky Family Foundation
Excel Interior Concepts & Construction
* Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. David Twing
United Way of Delaware
Utz Quality Foods, Inc.
Waste Management
WolfBlock LLP
Exteriors Associates
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Figge
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fink
Finkelstein Family Foundation
Mr. Larry Finkelstein
Mr. Craig Fitz
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fitzpatrick
Mr. John T. Fizzano
Ms. Mickie Flanigan
Four Seasons Produce Inc.
Fox Subacute At Clara Burke
Fox, Rothschild, O’Brien & Frankel, LLP
Frankel Enterprises
Mr. Scott C. Freda
Frezel Family Foundation
Gambone Steel Co., Inc.
Gannett Foundation, Inc.
Mr. John H. Gauger
General Building Contractors Assoc.
GE Capital Management
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Glenmede Trust Company
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Goeden
Govberg Jewelers
Granary Associates
Mr. and Ms. Jonathan Green
Greenberg Traurig, P.A.
Mrs. Norine Haertsch
Haks Engineers, Architects and
Land Surveyors, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Harlam
Harrogate, Inc.
Haverford College Department
of Athletics
Haydon Bolts, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Heller
Henkels & McCoy, Inc.
Mr. and Dr. Peter R. Henninger, Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey K. Hepper
Mr. Scott Herrin
Highpoint Dental Medicine, P.C.
Mr. Thomas H. Hipp
Mr. and Dr. Mitchell Hoffman
Hope Of Cape May County
Mrs. Lisa House*
HTH Worldwide
Ms. Janet Hubbard
Huntington Learning Center
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Imbriani
Mr. Brad Ingerman
Inno-Pak, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Italiano
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Jacoby
James and Sally Zukerhorn Foundation
Jay and Terry Snider Foundation
Jewish Federation of Philadelphia
John D. McDonald Memorial
Mr. Lawrence Kades
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kaiser
Mr. Victor Kalhan
Mr. and Mrs. Allan S. Kalish
Mr. and Ms. Lawrence Kaplan
Kaplin, Stewart, Meloff, Reiter
and Stein, P.C.
Mr. Elkan M. Katz
Mr. Stephen Kennedy
Keystone Mercy Health Plan
Mrs. Chris K. Kiernan
King of Prussia Mall
King of Prussia Management Office
King Young Enterprise Co., Ltd
Mr. Clarence H. King
King’s Pipe Cleaners Ind. Inc.
Mr. Mitchell Kleinman
Mr. Bob Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kline
Kohn, Swift & Graf, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Josh M. Kopelman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Korn
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. David Kraszewski
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lazecki
Lehigh Valley College
Lehigh Valley Hospital
Lehigh Valley Mall
Mr. Harold E. Leiter Jr.
Mr. William J. Leonard
Mr. Tim M. Leyden
Lima Company
Mr. John D. C. Little
Mr. Walter Locher*
Mr. Mark Lore
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Loy
Mr. Ira Lubert
Mrs. Anna Lutje*
Mr. John W. Lyons
Mr. Harvey A. Mackler
Mrs. Helen Mackler
Mr. Michael Magaldino
Mrs. Susan T. Magdelain
Ms. Sheila Maguire
Mr. Joseph E. Maher Jr.
Mr. Peter Mancoll
Ms. Angela A. Mann
Ms. Lea J. Mannion
March Logistics
Mrs. Mildred Marcus
Dr. and Mrs. H. Frederick Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Maslow
Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Mather II
Maxwell Strawbridge Charitable Trust
McDonald Painting, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. George C. McFarland
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McHale
McMahon Agency Inc.
McNeil Consumer Products Company
Mr. Mark Mendenhall and
Ms. Nancy Shickler
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Menke
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Merrill
Mrs. Diana Metcalf*
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Meyreles
MFS Investment Management
& Subsidiaries
Ms. Frances S. Middleton
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Middleton
Miller Investment Management , LP
Mrs. Emy Miller
Modell’s II, Inc.
Montgomery Mall
Morgan Kalman Clinic, P.A.
Morris Levine Key Food Stores
Foundation Inc.
Mrs. Lisa Mount
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Murayama
Mrs. Carol Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Nadel
Nestlé USA
Neutrik USA
Mr. Bernard Newman
O’Donnell & Naccarato
Mr. Chad Ohar
Mr. Patrick O’Neill
Mr. William P. O’Neill Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Oswald
Mrs. Donna M. Ottaviano
Parkland School District
Mrs. Joyce E. Paugh
PECO Energy
Ms. Loreto Penaloza
Mr. Bob Petril
Philadelphia Ballgirls vs Old Timers
Philadelphia Dodge Dealers
Philadelphia Eagles
Mr. Stephen W. Pie’
Mr. and Mrs. Russ C. Piersol
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Pinciotti
Pinsations LLC
Ms. Cecilia and Ms. MaryJean
Mr. Sanford Pomerantz
Mrs. Nancy E. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Powell
Mr. Vito A. Predale
Premier Dental Products Company
Ms. Martha S. Price*
Mr. Phillip Prickett
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Proctor
PT Grafitecindo Ciptaprima
Pulmonology Associates, Inc.
Quaker Bridge Mall
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Quinn
Ms. Margie Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Rambo
RBS Citizens Bank
RBS Greenwich Capital Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reardon
Reilly Glazing, Inc.
Re-Steel Supply Co., Inc.
Mr. David M. Ricci
Riesentoter Region PCA
Mr. Gilbert A. Ringer
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Rinick
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riportella
Rite Aid Headquarters Corp.
Robert Saligman Charitable Foundation
Roller Service Corporation
Drs. R. Wesley and Kelly Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Cory Rosenberg
Ms. Susan L. Ross
Mr. Irwin F. Roth and
Ms. Anita R. Marton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Ruben
Mrs. Anne Rudoler
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart D. Rudoler
Ms. Susan Sacchetta
Ms. Joyce S. Sando
Ms. Trish Sasso
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schaefer
Mr. Christian Schmiderer
Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP
Sentinel Realty Advisors
Shechtman Marks Devor PC
Mr. Scott Sheehan
Mr. Eric N. Wiebe and
Ms. Cynthia L. Shimer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Shimer
ShopRite of Roosevelt Blvd.
Mrs. Doris Shortlidge
Mrs. Jean Sidoroff
Dr. Nancy Small
Mr. Kent Smetters
Mr. Herbert F. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Smith
Mrs. Jane Snyder-DeMaio
and Mr. Paul DeMaio
Dr. Lynn Snyder-Mackler
and Dr. Scott Mackler
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. Sprenkle
Stacey C. and Robert R. Morse
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Stanwood
Ms. Randi Starr
Sterne Agee
Stevens & Lee
Mr. and Ms. John L. Stevenson
Mr. Henry J. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Royce Stout
Stradley, Ronon, Stevens & Young
Stratton Foundation
Student Services, Inc.
Summit Strategies, Inc.
Tara Pride Steamboat Landing, LLC
Ms. Judith L. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Telthorster
Temple Beth El Men’s Club
Tender Loving Closings Inc.
Texas Roadhouse Holdings, LLC
The Allstate Foundation
The Eye Institute - Pennsylvania
College of Optometry
The Hershey Company
The Mustang Club of MD, Inc.
The Rohatyn Group
The Sarah Street Grill
The Savitz Organization Inc.
Thomas Jefferson University
Ms. Becky Thoroughgood
Tollin Family
Tracey Mechanical Inc.
Mr. Thomas Tracy
Turkey Hill Mini Markets
Turner Construction Company
Turner Investment Partners
UFCW Local 99
United Way of Chester County
United Way of King County
United Way of Tri-State
V & J Coachworks
Van Conversions, Inc.
Mr. Sylvain Van Gobes
Mr. Edward Varley
Verizon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Voit
Mr. Mark Voit
W.L.Rife Inc
Mrs. Nancy Wagner*
Mr. William J. Wallach
White Rose Food
Ms. Felice G. Wiener
Wild Thing 99 Foods LLC
Wilkie Lexus
Wilmington Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Windheim
Wingo Hong Kong Limited
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Wolfe
Mr. Howard J. Wurzak
Xiang Xin Decoration Factory
Active Network
Ms. Karen W. Acuff
Adams-Bickel Associates, Inc. Employees
Adventures in Advertising
Mrs. Jane Alavi
Ms. Donna K. Alleman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Allen
Allentown Steel Fabricating Co., Inc.
Alpha Rho of Chi Psi Fraternity
ALS Foundation for Life
Altman & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Altman
American Express Foundation
American Floors, Inc.
American Ramp Systems, Inc.
Anadigics, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arning
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ash
Avalotis Corporation
Barasso Co Inc
Mr. Frank A. Barone
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Baum
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin N. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Benevento
Mr. Paul Bergman
The Long Island Community Fund Stanley & Marion Bergman
Charitable Fund
Ms. Suzanne Biegel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bielitz
Mr. Joseph J. Bigenis Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Birmingham
Ms. Cynthia Blaschak
Mr. William L. Blauvelt
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bloom
Ms. Karen Bocchi
Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Bolick
Mr. Manfred Borstelmann*
Bowie Texas Roadhouse
Bradford White Corporation
Mr. Richard J. Braemer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Brand
Bravo Group, Inc.
Brinker Capital Holdings, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Brodsky
Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Brown
Mr. Ryan Browning
Mr. James Bruder
Bruno and Ridgway Research
Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander K. Buck
Ms. Susan Buffington
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burd-Leszczuk
Buzzi Unicem USA Inc.
Mr. Curt Byerley
C.B. Development Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Callahan
Canada Dry Del. Valley Bottling Co.
Capital BlueCross
Mr. Kevin L. Carey
Mr. Douglas Carpenter
Carroll Engineering Corporation
Catalyst 360
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Caulfield
Mrs. Jayne M. Cawthern
CBIZ Accounting, Tax & Advisory LLC
Central City Toyota
Central Pennsylvania Corvette Club
Chapel Steel
Mr. Gary M. Charlestein
Mr. Charles H. Cherkes
Christenson Investment Partners
Ms. Jamie Cipriano and
Mr. Robert Davison
Civic Theatre of Allentown
Cleary & Josem LLP
CMS Endowment Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton M. Cochran
Mr. W. Thomas Coder Jr.
Mrs. Judith S. Cohen
Community Foundation of
New Jersey
Ms. Kelly Conte
Mr. William J. Conway
Cooke & Bieler, L.P.
Copeland Surveying, Inc.
Mrs. Ruthe A. Corbally
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cullen
Mr. Gregory J. Cummings
Dr. and Mrs. Burke A. Cunha
Mrs. Michele Cutrera-Eife
D. F. Martin, White & Company
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dahmus
Dallastown American Legion
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. D’Amore Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Davidson
Mr. Jay Davoli
Mr. and Mrs. Mark DeFazio
Mr. Joseph L. Delate Jr.
Delaware Valley Business Club
Delaware Valley Health
Care Coalition, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. DePeters
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Dilger
DiSalvo Contracting
Dock And Pier Carpenters
Local Union 1456
Mr. and Mrs. William Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron A. Dom
Mr. Robert J. Donaghy
Mr. Jerome Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Donnelly
Mr. Mark Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dougherty III
Dr. Stanford Dresnin
Eagle Distributing Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Ealer
East Coast Salon Services
East Petersburg Lions Club
Eastern Lift Truck Company, Inc.
Ms. Susan A. Easton
Eisai Corporate Matching
Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. John Ejsmont
Emmaus Lioness Club
Ms. Justine Englert
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Epstein
Mrs. Annette M. Esgro
Mr. Howard Eskin
The Thiede Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Farina
Mr. David J. Felker
Mr. John J. Ferry
Fiber Line
Mr.* and Mrs. James Fickes
Fidelity Bank
Mrs. Deborah S. Fineran
First State Orthopaedics, PA
Mrs. Lisa Fischer
Fishman & Tobin, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fishman
Mr. Eric Fitzcharles
Ms. Patricia A. Foley
Follett Corporation Matching
Gifts Program
Fox Subacute Center
Mr. and Mrs. H. Thornton Freund
Mrs. Darlene Frey
Mr. and Mrs. William Frezel
Ms. Jane L. Frieman
Friends To Elect
Christine M. Tartaglione
Friendship Chapter No 551
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Friter
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gable
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Gascho
Mr. Mike Gazzara
GCC/IBT District Council 9
General Transervice, Inc.
George Morano Landscape
Geppert Bros. Inc.
GGNSC Administrative Services, LLC
Mr. Brian Gilberg
Mr. Timothy Gill
Mr. Nicholas Gimbel
Mr. Todd Glassman
Mr. William Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Judson J. Gostin
Mr. Robert L. Goudie
Ms. Deborah Graham
Ms. Joan Grande
Mrs. Zelda Greenspun
Dr. Kent C. Griswold
Mr. Ralph Guild
Mrs. Karen Hackel
Halberstadt Financial Consultants, Inc.
Mr. Albert Hallac
Dr. Gordon C. Handte
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Heintz
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Helwig
Henry Schein Inc.
Herman Goldner Co., Inc.
Herr Foods, Inc.
Mr. Dennis J. Hoelzer
Mrs. Margaret E. Hoffman
Mr. Barry Hogenauer
Home Helpers
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Hooper
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Horan
Mr. Michael B. Hoshour
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Houle
Howell PBA, local #228
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Iantosca
IBEW Local Union 210
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Indian Valley Bulk Carriers, Inc.
Infineon Technologies
INTECH Construction, Inc.
Ms. Janet E. Intemann
Int’l Union of Operating Engineers
Local 542
IPS Group, Inc.
Isdaner & Company
Mr. Steven G. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Janeway Jr.
Jeffrey R. Lessin & Associates, P.C.
Jenkintown Building Services, Inc.
Mr. Sean T. Johnson
Johnston Asset Management Corp.
Mrs. Kathleen Johnston
Joseph Levine and Sons
Memorial Chapels, Inc.
JP Morgan Chase
Mr. James B. Kahn
Mr. Steven Kallen
Ms. Eileen Kamerick
Mr. Bruce Kaplan
Mr. Robert N. Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kasznel
Mrs. Lucy Katz
Mr. Steven M. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kauffman
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kaufman
Mr. Kevin P. Kavanagh
Ms. Dolores E. Keene
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kelly Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Kelly
Mr. Sean-Patrick Kelly
Mr. Jordan Kendall
Kenneth & Co. Beauty Clinic
Mr. Eric Kleppe
Mr. Gary A. Kopesky D.M.D
Ms. Kelly Kroll
Dr. James Laessig, DVM
Mrs. Cynthia Lake-Woodger*
La-Mel Garden Foundation
Land & Sea Forest Products
Lane Bridgers Associates, LLC
Larry C. McCrae Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larsen
League Design Partners, LLC
Leon L. Levy & Associates, Inc.
Drs. and Ms. Frank J. Lexa
Liberty Personnel Services, Inc
Ms. Shirley Link
Lions Club of Springfield
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Livezey
Ms. Carol W. Lloyd
Lockheed Martin Employees’ Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Lodish
Mrs. Doris H. Lord
Lower Merion FOP Lodge 28
LS & L Inc.
Ms. Audrey L. Lucker
Ms. Carol Lupo
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Mackin
Ms. Laci A. MacLacklin
Magarity Chevrolet, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mandak
Mr. Scott Mandel
Marcia and Ned J. Kaplin Foundation
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Marion
Mrs. Andrea Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Martin
Mr. Anthony Matteo
Ms. Anne Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. James K. McAdam
Mr. Raymond E. McFall Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McGready
Mr. Joseph A. McHugh
Mrs. Sally A. McLaughlin*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Meloy
Memoli & McDermott, LLP
Mr. Mike Mendolia
Ms. Sue Mescher
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Messner
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Metcalf Sr.
Metropolitan National Bank
Mickey Gallagher Scholarship Fund
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Ms. Jan L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Minkoff
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mitryk
Modern Group, Ltd.
Morey’s Piers
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Morgan
Mr. Frank B. Morris C P A
Ms. Dorothy Motz
Ms. Maureen Mulligan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Myer
Mr. Kim Naniche
National Floor Covering Company
Mr. Ira Neaman
New Market Graphics
Mr. Andy Nipon
Ms. Heather D. Nogami
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nolan*
Northeastern York County
Sewer Authority
Oakwood Dental Arts, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oberholtzer
Mr. Alan F. O’Reilley
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Orenyo
Ounsworth-Fitzgerald Foundation
Panzano & Partners, LLC
Parkway Corporation
Ms. Heather Parsons
Pearl Connection
Pearl Pressman Liberty
Communications Group
Penn State Associated
Student Activities
Pennsylvania General Store
Pennsylvania Real Estate Investments
Mr. and Mrs. George Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Peterson
Mr. Michael W. Petrosky
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Pi Kappa Alpha-Beta Pi
Plisinski Brothers Towing
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Plisinski
Mr. Jerome Plisinski
Pocono Area Running Club/Parc
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Povia
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour S. Preston
Prudential Financial
PZS Architects
Red Barons Booster Club
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Redmond Kohout
Mr. Ted Reinke
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Reszutek
Ricca Group
Mr. Thomas Ricci
Mr. Howard J. Richetti*
Mr. Michael L. Rifkin
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. W. Sherwood Robertson
Mr. Marcos Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rose
Mr. Howard M. Rosen
Rosenthal & Ganister
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Rounick
Mr. James J. Rowland
Dr. Alan Rubin
Mr. Max Rudoler*
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rudy
Ruggiero Excavators LLC
Mr. Craig Russ
Mr. and Mrs. David Ryan
S.A. Comunale Co. Inc.
Samuel P. Mandell Foundation
Mr. Clifford Sauder
Saul Ewing, LLP
Saveway Compounding Pharmacy
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Schaeffer
Ms. Janet H. Schafer
Schering-Plough Workplace
Giving Campaign
Scherline and Associates
Mr. and Mrs. John Schmerler
Schneckville Elementary School
Mrs. Gloria Schriber
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Schubel
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Schultz
Ms. Lisa A. Schwab
Mr. William Schwartz
Ms. Valarie J. Schwarz
Mrs. Mary Sciarrillo
Mrs. Lynda Searfass
Seneca Global Advisors
Settino Plumbing
Mr. Randy Shaw
Siegal and Drossner, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Zachary Simmons
Ms. Theresa Sirianni
Mr. Fred Slack
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Slawek
Dr. Victor Sloan and
Mrs. Sandra Gong
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Snyder
Software House International
Sons of the American
Legion Squadron 0605
Mr. Phillip B. Speiser
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Spengel
St. Michael The Archangel School
Ms. Ellen J. Stack
Steamfitters’ Local Union 420
Mrs. Mary Steigerwalt
Stella Blu Restaurant
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Stillwagon
Ms. Chris Stout
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sussman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swavely
Ms. Michelle L. Taylor
Teamsters Local Union No. 11
Teamsters Local Union No. 676
Mr. Marc Telthorster
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Telthorster
Ten Pennies Florist & Decorators, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Thalmeier
The Arden Group, Inc.
The Estate of Phillis E. Sauter
The Famous King of Pizza
The Grand Slam We Care Foundation
The Morning Call Sports Department
The Segal Company
The Wharton Group
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Thinnes
Mrs. Martha M. Thornton
Mrs. and Dr. Dorothy S. Tindall
Tinicum Elementary School
Toms River Intermediate School North
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Turner
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Turtz
Tustin Mechanical Services
Twin Oaks Bloc Inc.
Tyco Electronics Matching
Gifts Program
U.A. Local Union 322
UBS Finanical Services Inc.
UBS PaineWebber Inc.
UEI, Inc.
Union Pacific CorporationMatching Gifts Program
United Food & Commercial Workers
United Food & Commerical Workers
Local Union 540
United Way
United Way of Atlantic County
United Way of Greater Battle Creek
United Way of Salem County, Inc.
Mrs. Karen Vadner
Professor Christophe Van den Bulte
Mr. Vandy H. Van Wagener Jr.
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vautour
Venture Direct
Victory Worldwide Transportation, Inc.
Ms. Catherine H. Voit
Mr. and Mrs. John Ward
Mrs. Marjory Wargon
Watercontrol Services, Inc.
Weeds, Inc.
Wegman’s Food Markets, Inc.
Mr. William Weinholtz Sr.
Mr. Robert M. Weintraub
Mr. Barry Weisfeld
Mr. Joseph Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Weiss
Wellington Management Company, LLP
Ms. Allison B. Wiener
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Wiener
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilderman
William Kenyon & Sons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Conway S. Williams Jr.
Mr. Frances W. Williams
Willig, Williams & Davidson
Mr. Joseph C. Winter Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Witman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wolgin
Ms. Janet Wong
Ms. Sue Woodard
Mr. George W. Woodruff
World Passage LTD.
WPHT Radio
Mr. Minturn Tatum Wright III
Wulff Architects, Inc.
Mr. Paul Zaentz
Mr. Kenneth S. Ziebelman
Zion Lutheran Church
* Denotes Deceased
JANUARY 31, 2009
(With Comparative Totals for 2008)
(With Comparative Totals for 2008)
The ALS Association, Greater Philadelphia Chapter Revenue FY2004-2009
You live on in the
hearts of everyone
you have touched…
From Tuesdays with Morrie
by Mitch Albom
PALS Earl Spangenberger* with Mitch Albom
We remember…the courage of those who lost their lives to ALS
February 1, 2008- January 31, 2009
Cindy Abovitz
Eugene Agnew
Joan Allen
Louis Anderson
Joyce Arvin
Theresa Babbitt
Rodney Baxter
Mary Bear
Aloysius Berger
Robert Besermin
George Betts
Barbara Black
Debra Blanken
Jeffrey Blevins
Joseph Boback
Mildred Boyle
Margaret Bray
Dolores Brecker
Leslie Brida
Mary Brooke
Marvin Brooks
Sylvester Brosier
Gerald Bumgardner
Nancy Burkett
Warren Byrum
Glenn Calvo
Paul Campbell
Wayne Cassel
Clement Chambers
James Cipriano
Yolanda Cito
Anne Coleman
Deborah Colicchio
Mary Connell
Clarence Cooper
Russell Cox
Dessa Crawford
Ruth Ann Crowder
Loretta Damico
Mary Delcollo
Russell Denner
Melvin Dickinson
Micheline Donovan
Douglas Dorward
Gustave Dudeck
John Eby
John Eck
Walter Espenshade
Neal Eyer
Donald Fenn
Mary Fleck
Leroy Foster
Dana Friedman
Ardoth Gentzler
Wallace Gilroy
Frederick Gossin
Coralee Gratkowski
Roy Gromlich
Margaret Hahn
Cora Harvey
Craig Heisey
Deborah Henson
Walter Howard
Patricia Hulse
Beverly Jacobs
Paula Jenkins
Linda Kennedy
Cindy King
Kathleen Kopp
John Lambert
James Landers
Mary Lee
Jeanne Leeds
JoAnn Lindauer
Beth Ann Lipskin
Barbara Livengood
Walter Locher
Margaret Lowry
Anna Lutje
Rita Makros
Karen Malinoff
Sharon Marino
Robert McAllister
William McCane
Shirley Meloy
Frank Messina
Aaron Milke
Dolores Morgan
Mary Myers
Karen Neiheiser
Sylvia Nicoletti
Leon Niemczak
Anozie Okorie
Karen O’Neal
Seven Pantini
Margaret Pappas
Diane Pettersen
Dolores Pinczok
Irene Pitok
George Poore
Kathleen Prickett
Michael Regan
Demetria Reinke
Arlene Ressel
Lorin Reynolds
Jean Reynolds
Darlene Rice
Gloria Robatin
Nilda Robles
Dorothy Roller
Fortunata Romanini
Ronnie Roof
Jerry Ross
Steven Rubin
Anthony Sacchetti
Linda Scamuffa
Walter Schenk
Janet Schmidt
David Schumacher
Robert Schumer
Anthony Scotti
Harold Sell
Kenneth Shearer
Justice Shortlidge
Ryan Shupp
Carmela Sievers
Patricia Simmons
Michael Skiles
Elaine Smith
Herman Smith
Richard Smith
John Snyder
The ALS Association
Greater Philadelphia Chapter
321 Norristown Road, Suite 260
Ambler, PA 19002
Janet Spear
Donald Steinhart
William Stoner
Thomas Strandwitz
Barry Sweger
Austin Taggart
William Thompson
Elizabeth Tinnelly
Marlene Vernose
Nancy Voegele
Nancy Wagner
Jeffrey Waldron
Linda Walters
Sylvia Walters
Paula Watts
John Wetherhold
Michael White
H. White
Ruby Woodard
Joan Yost
* Deceased