Providence Washington


Providence Washington
Volume 6  Number 2  Fall 2012
Celebrating the Community that is Marianwood
The Walking Chaplain: Spokane to Issaquah in 8 Days
by Arlene Carter
On a sunny afternoon in July, the residents and staff at Marianwood gathered at the front entrance to welcome
home Marianwood’s Chaplain Johann
Neethling. After walking more than
300 miles with his daughter Maria by
his side, Johann jogged the stretch to
the finish line to the cheers and more
than a few tears from those watching.
Eight days earlier Johann was sent
off with a prayer for safe travels from
the steps of St. Joseph Care Center in
Spokane, a sister Providence facility.
Motivated by a desire to maintain
and improve his fitness after surviving a heart attack combined with his
vocation as chaplain at Marianwood,
Johann undertook this walk to raise
awareness for care of the elderly.
Johann also decided to make his
walk a fundraiser and asked his vast
support network to send donations
to help furnish a planned Bistro and
Family Lounge at Marianwood.
After a few weeks of planning and
training, Johann and Maria bravely hit
the road! A tv reporter and a camera
man caught up with them on that
first day and filmed a segment for the
Spokane eveniing news, the first of
what turned out to be an outpouring
of media coverage across the state.
A computer was set up in the lobby
at Marianwood that allowed the
residents and staff to check in daily
on Johann’s progress. He posted pictures, videos and a written description
of his travels daily. And his blog allowed Johann and his crew to receive
messages of encouragement along
the way. “The blog posts helped me
to connected with my support team
continued on page 3
Johann Neethling walked 300 miles and
raised over $11,000 this summer to benefit
the residents of Marianwood.
In this issue
Celebrating our volunteers........2
Foundation Board News............3
The Bistro and Family Lounge
Welcome Dr. Maricor Lim..........4
Upgrades are planned for first quarter of 2013 for the Garden Room between
households A & B and the Yellow Room between C & D.
Coming Events.....................Back
The Garden Room will become a Bistro with small furniture groupings, coffee
and other beverages on demand as well as vending machines for snacks and
pop and other amenities. The Yellow Room will become the Famiy Lounge,
an inviting and comfortable gathering place for residents and their family and
friends to read, play games or just hang out. Both rooms will receive a complete facelift with new floor and wall coverings.
If you would like to make a donation towards furnishing for these rooms, go
to and click on “Donate Now”. Choose the
Bistro/Family lounge fund.
Donor Listings......................5-11
Marianwood welcomes
Dr. Maricor Lim,
Director of Rehab
Celebrating our Awesome Volunteers
Louise Weathers and Keith Kenworthy
came to know Marianwood through
their spouses, both of whom lived at
Marianwood during the last years of
their lives. As family members, Keith
and Louise gained a deep appreciation
for the special qualities of Marianwood
including the compassionate care provided by the staff and volunteers.
Board of Directors
Sherry Williams, President
Sister Susanne Hartung, V.P.
Dan Kritsonis, Secretary
Pam Gallagher Felt, Treasurer
Liz Ashley
Kathleen Barth
Joe Basta
Patti Butler
Ted Gamelin
Cassie Hurley
Lon Lindo
Maureen Rammell
Karen Reasoner
John Wall
Charlene Boyd,
Arlene Carter,
Executive Director
Jennifer Robinson,
Development Asst.
Tracy Keene,
Board Support Mgr.
Providence Marianwood
3725 Providence Pt Dr SE
Issaquah, WA 98029
Blessings is published twice
yearly. Submit your story
ideas to
Arlene Carter
[email protected]
Providence Point residents and family members of past
residents at Marianwood, Keith Kenworthy and Louise
Weathers volunteer at Marianwood on a regular basis.
Today they both continue to volunteer frequently at Marianwood. Louise
comes several days every week to help
transport residents to worship services and to the weekly hymn sing. Keith, a former
board member, also comes regularly to volunteer and makes himself available to
lend a hand whenever he is asked or sees a need.
Andrea Abercrombie, Manager of Volunteer Services at Marianwood says, “When I
called to ask them to help out with Harley Day, they said, “SURE, What time?”. They
are always ready to lend a hand. They are a blessing!“
All volunteers add their unique touch to the community that is Marianwood. Regular
volunteers like Keith and Louise provide invaluable help and support through with
their willing hands, caring hearts and generous spirits.
We Need You!
1:1 visiting with residents
Group assistant during activities
Art Group Leader
Dining Room Host/Hostess
Pampered Hands
Leisure Cart
Pastoral Care
Auxiliary – join this fun group to help raise money through the Gift Nook
and special sales and activities. Estate Sale help wanted now!
• Don’t be limited by our list. Tell us about your interests, talents and skills!
If you are interested in volunteering, please call Andrea Abercrombie at 425391-2827.
In addition, at this time we have a need for volunteers with special talents:
Website editing & graphic design
Social media savvy (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Internet research/Library research
Mailing projects
If you are interested in helping in any of these areas,
please call Arlene at 425-391-2895 or e-mail [email protected].
Continued from front page
Pastoral Care at Marianwood:
here and across the country,” says Johann.
Daily worship service
Johann’s wife Anne also traveled with them. She drove
the car stocked with needed supplies and kept in constant
contact with Johann and Maria as they walked She arranged their overnight accommodations and gave them
shelter from the elements when needed. As Clinical Manager of the Emergency Department at the new Swedish
Hospital in Issaquah, her skills as a nurse got a workout
too as she tended to their sore and aching feet.
Personal pastoral visits for residents and
staff as requested
Johann says “At one point I didn’t know if i would be able
to finish. Although my spirits never flagged, my feet were
a different story”. But he persevered through the pain of
blisters and lost toe nails, and spent several hours in the
emergency room but still kept on trekking.
Weekly hymn sing
Bible Study
Memorial services
Mission support
Special services and celebrations
Johann says that the amount of good they experienced
on the road surprised him. Along the way strangers that
heard about them bought meals for them or just laid
money on their table as a donation to their efforts.
As he sat in a chair at the finish line and reflected on his
trip, Johann said that he felt exhilerated to be at the end
of his journey. His tired and aching feet lead him to add,
“I’m not going to have shoes on for many days!”
Daughter Maria said, “It was a treasure to do this. He
loves you guys so much!”
And when asked how they were able to do this, Anne
said, “With God on your side, you can pretty much do
Chaplain Johann at his day job, ministering to the residents of
Marianwood. Here he is giving a blessing to resident Dan
Cornelius’favorite stuffed animal on the occasion of the annual
“Blessing of the Animals”.
Foundation Board News
The board is pleased to welcome Pam Gallagher Felt as
Treasurer. Pam brings with her a wealth of experience in
finance. We are so happy to have her ex pertise on the
In December, past Board President Kathleen Barth will be
retiring from the board after 6 years of service. Thank you
Kathleen for all the ways you have served the residents of
Marianwood during your term.
or more in cummulative lifetime giving in support of the
residents and programs of Providence Marianwood.
We are looking for new board members. If you are
interested in learning more about board membership,
contact Arlene at (425) 391-2895 or e-mail arlene.carter@
In early October, the board held a reception to unveil
the new Donor Recognition Wall at Marianwood.
Carrying forward the themes of the Tree of Life which
was displayed for many years in the lobby, this beautiful
new display recognizes donors who have given $1,000
Physical Therapy at Marianwood:
Welcome Dr. Maricor Lim
Last year Marianwood expanded the capacity of the Transitional Care Unit to better serve the
needs of the community. Along with this expansion came the demand for more staff to provide
the therapy required by residents and patients. Dr. Maricor Lim, already considering a move for
her family to the Pacific Northwest, heard the call from her previous position as Rehab Coordinator for a Skilled Nursing and Rehab facility in Indiana and joined the Marianwood team in
August in the role of Director of Rehab.
Maricor earned her Doctor of Physical
Therapy at Shenandoah University. While
well versed in ensuring therapy services are
provided with the highest standards, Maricor also has a strong background in clinical and operational excellence.
Maricor looks forward to enhancing the skills of the therapy staff
and developing programs to increase the level of therapies offered
while continuing the long standing tradition of providing excellent
care that is centered on the whole person - encouraging
independence, honoring personal choice and respecting individuality.
Barb Schaefer, Director Emeritus continues in the department as a part time therapist.
Staff Training Exercise:
Walk a Mile in Their Shoes
Staff at Marianwood had the opportunity to experience the challenges
faced by the resident they serve every day through a unique training
session provided by “Right at Home” called the Virtual Dementia Tour.
Suited up with thick gloves and prickly shoe inserts, headphones and
googles, the staff were verbally given a list of tasks to accomplish in a
timed exercise held in a darkened room. Background noise, sirens and
dogs barking were played loudly in their ears and the googles clouded
and severely limited their eyesight.
They were instructed to stay with the experience but many found it
hard to admit that they could not complete all the tasks. They were
frustrated and unnerved to feel handicapped. They didn’t like the
experience but they understood the value of the training.
About 50 employees completed the Virtual Dementia Tour and agreed
that it was a humbling and informative simulation that will help them
to better understand some of the physical and emotional challenges
of advanced age and dementia.
Marianwood employee Peng Zhang, RN, models the
adaptive gear used to simulate aging and dementia.
Thanks once more to the generous sponsors
of our Spring Luncheon
The Hall Wealth Management Group
of Wells Fargo Advisors
is proud to support the residents
and employees of Providence Marianwood
Yvonne Hall, CFP, CIMA
Senior Vice President – Investment Officer
Connie Greenwood, CFP, MBA
Associate Vice President – Investments
For more information
about our services,
please contact us:
1180 NW Maple St, Ste 150
Issaquah, WA 98027
(425) 369-5110 / (866) 209-0482
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member
Swedish Medical Center - Denali Advanced Integration
US Bank Sodexo Senior Services
Aegis Living of Issaquah - Aegis Lodge of Kirkland
Bellevue Healthcare - Choice Guide - Virginia Mason Team Medicine
Spiritwood at Pine Lake - ERA Living/University House - Verizon
Medline - Overlake Hospital Medical Center - Sisters of Providence
Karen Earl Design - Jackson Dean - Northwest Landscaping Services
Kiwanis Club of Providence Point
Providence Federal Credit Union - Talus at Timber Ridge - TriMed Ambulance
Dan & Portia Anderson
March 2012 - September 2012
for your
of our
To make a donation to support
the residents of Marianwood,
please call 425-391-2895
or give online at
org. Click on “Donate Now”.
Thank you!
Alzheimer’s/Dementia Residents
In Honor of...
Mrs. Gloria Jeanne Johnston
Mr. John W. Johnston, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett E. Noble
Art Gallery
Class on Glass
Ms. Catherine Kail-Tucker
Bistro Fund
In Honor of...
Ira D. Cornelius
Mr. Blake Ozias
Anne Neethling
Mr. Joel Wassermann
Chaplain Johann Neethling
Ms. Elizabeth Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Bird
Mr. Alan Bond
Ms Reiko Botts
Ms. Charlene Boyd and Mr. Steve Smith
Ms. Deborah Corlis
Father Kevin Duggan
Ms Nancy Dunn
Ms. Ilene Dye
Mr. John Gette
Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Mary Ghormley
Ms Volana Noel Gleason
Robert & Patty Hellrigel
Ms. Linda M. Hohengarten
Mrs. Eileen Horton
Ms. Mary Kaye Johnston
Mr. Keith J. Kenworthy
Ms. Deborah King
Mr. Lon Lindo
Ms. Hilary Lusk
Morton United Methodist Church
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Palmquist
Ms. Claire Petersky
Ms Denise Reed
Ms. Dorothy Russell
Ms. Shuri Saigusa
Mr. Chuck Salmon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sfanos
Peter & Jane Shen
Ms. Martha Spicer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Statkus
Ms. Mary Beth Walker
Mrs. Louise M. Weathers
In Memory of...
Matt Bouthillier
Mr. Joel Wassermann
In Memory of...
Mercedes Carney
Ms. Patti Sheehan
Vera D’honly-Ragland
Ms Mari Ragland
Mr. Walter Franklin Jennings
Mrs. Pauline Jennings
Norma Maris
Mr. Thomas Elgar
Earl and Frances Moore
Mr. Brian Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Basta
Ms Vivian Bingaman
Mr. and Mrs. Harry & Sue Carstens
Ms. Arlene T. Carter
Mr. Larry Culby
Ms. Deborah Edge
Faith United Methodist Church
Ms. Patti Feley
Mrs. Mary Ann Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Gamelin
Craig & Delores Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. John and Jill Leghorn
Mr. & Mrs. Jean M. Lyons
Ms. Olivia Ma
Joyce McLeod
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Milby
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Mrs. Carl
S. Nakamura
Rev. Johann & Anne Neethling
Mrs. Melissa Pederson
Ms. Gloria Pritchett
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Seddon
Kay & Ron Soukup
Mrs. Keith Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Volk
Ms. Frizella C Whitiker
Garden Fund
Ms. Arlene T. Carter
Snoqualmie Tribe of Indians
Pastoral Care
In Memory of...
Mrs. Louise McKinney
Ms. Arlene T. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Milby
Spring Luncheon &
Where the Need is Greatest
In Honor of...
Portia & Dan Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gram
Anne Ashley
Allovus Design
Ms. Elizabeth Ashley
Ms. Phoebe Ashley Menen
Ms. Kathy Schmitz
In Honor of...
Ms. Liz Ashley
Mr. Andrew Toyota
Hannah Bixler
Ms. Diane Bixler
Ms. Arlene Carter
Ms. Jessie Fletcher
Ms. Maggie Lucas
The Quadracci Family
Marianwood Cats Sox and Grace
Mr. Ralph T. Thompson
and Celia Joughin
Mary Joan De Jong
Ms. Alice I. Holder
Colleen Hardy
Ms. Marilyn Nemerever
Ms. Karen Hauser
Ms. Geraldine Van Dyke
Ms. Karla Heath
Mr. Thomas Mitchell
Mr. Timothy Slinger
Ms. Susan Tuller
Mrs. Gloria Jeanne Johnston
Mr. John W. Johnston, Jr.
Luke 12:48 Foundation
Madeline Jordan
The Woods Family
Gloria Kalabany
Mr. & Mrs. Sauerbrey
Jack Kivlin
Mr. David Lemieux
Mrs. Peggy Martin
Ms. Kathleen Kirk
Aase Marie Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Miller
Chaplain Johann Neethling
Ms. Arlene T. Carter
Donald & Nancy Cumming
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Dunsire
Ms. Donna Hummer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Sansing
Ms. Barbara Ann Schaefer
Ms. Karen Summers
Grace Beatrice Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. Jason (Lynda) Tate
Patricia Rockcastle
Ms. Valerie Gregg
Bernice Waddell
Ms. Tabitha Ryberg
In Memory of...
Ms. Florence L. Bell
Ms. Nancy L.D. Atkinson
Pablo Bennett
Donald & Nancy Cumming
Benjamin Berbano
Ms. Mimi Pauden
D.M. Case
Ms. Mona Belle Miller
Mr. William R. Chappelle
Mrs. Ruth C. Chappelle
In Memory of...
Mrs. Doris Clymer
Mr. and Mrs. David Clymer
Joan Colliton
Ms. Gail Colliton Baker
Margaret & Norris Cone
Marcel & Jane Loh
Ms. Faye Cooper
Ms. Linda O’Brien
Mrs. Paula Ferewz
Mr. Bernard Garbusjuk
Oliver & Essellyne Gaathaug
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D DeLappe
Oliver Gaathaug
Mr. & Mrs. Scott DeLappe
Mr. Eugene Gaffney
Dolores & Martin Judge
Jack Glesener
Ms. Mary Miller
Laura Grim
Ms. Josie Mitchell
Lois Harrison
Mr. Scott Harrison
Al & Helen Hartung
Sister Susanne Hartung S.P.
Mr. Chuck Hawley
Mrs. Gail Hawley
Mildred Henzler
Ms. Paula Thompson
Mr. Walter Franklin Jennings
Mrs. Pauline Jennings
Dr. David Jesberg
Mrs. Violet Jesberg
Walton H. Jones
Mrs. Betty V. Jones
Mr. William H Jones
Ms. Loma J. Jones
Betty Kenworthy
Jim & Lonnie Hubbard
Josephine Kraft
Mr. & Mrs. David Christopher
Katina Kritsonis
Mr. Ian Kennedy
Ms. Sotria Kritsonis
Evelyn Krugen
Ms Kathleen Plischke
Rose Loeken
Ms. Joan M. Loeken
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Vann
Mr. Jeremiah ‘Jerry’ Long
Mrs. Marilyn Long
Norma Maris
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Maris
John Martin
Ms. Jane C. M. Lynch
Melvin Miller
Ms. Wanda Miller
Mr. Dale K. Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Randall McDonald
May you
be twice
by the
giving as
we are
by your
Please consider remembering
Marianwood in your estate
plans. It can be as easy as
naming us in your will.
Call 425-391-2895 or visit
our website at, click on “Ways to
Give” for
more information.
Thanks to you,
our generous
has provided
loving and
care for the
poor and
26 years.
Thank you for
your kindness
and caring!
To make a donation to support
the residents of Marianwood,
please call 425-391-2895
or give online at
org. Click on “Donate Now”.
Thank you!
In Memory of...
Debra Muren
Gene & Linda Muren
James & Ginny Roodhouse
Mr. Everett Olson
Mr. David E. Mauk
Ms. Nettie B. Park
Ms. Kim Jenkins
Rose Plischke
Ms Kathleen Plischke
Jon Plum
Ms. Nancy Plum
Elizabeth Rowley
Ms. Josephine Anne Carter
Elisabeth Sato
Kriss & Evelyn Peters
Ms. Joanne Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kahler
Martin and Vonne Sixt
Ms. Barbara Justice
Nelda Stephens
Mr. Richard Akutagawa
& Ms. Jane Kato
Grace Stinson
Ms. Yvonne Hall
Anne Strodel
Tom & Cindy Sharek
Eugene Uricoli
Jo Manning
Buzz Vickers
Ms. Catherine Brown
Ray & Myra Burge
Madeline and John Wall
Millicent Wall
Madeline and John Wall
Mr. Bill Weppler
Ms. Dorothy E. Weppler
Ms. Amy Aaselund
Ms. Andrea Abercrombie
Accounting Professionals, Inc.
Mr. Andrew Adams
Ms. Elaine Adams
Aegis of Issaquah
Ms. Judith L. Albrecht
Ms. Jody Albright
Dan & Portia Anderson
Ms. Fran Anderson
Mrs. Jacqueline Anderson
Ms. Kathryn Anderson
Mrs. Patricia Anderson
Mrs. Roberta J. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Andress
Mr. Albert Angkico
Anonymous Donors
Ms. Linda L. Asaif
Dr. Phoebe Ashley M.D.
Mr. Paul Ayers
Mrs. Carolyn C. Baker
Ms. Connie Banas
Ms. Colleen Barnes
Richard & Kathleen Barth
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Basta
Ms. Lynette Basta
Ms. Jo Anne Bastian
Mr. Michael R. Bauer
Ms. Mary Becker
Mr. Peter Becker
Ms. Kathleen Beers
Mr. Brandon Bell
Bellevue Healthcare
Bellewood Associates
Ms. Kathryn Bennett
Wally & Ellie Bernstein
Ms. Gecelyn Betinol
Mrs. Megan Bigbee
Peter & Fran Bigelow
Mr. Raggi & Mrs. Bilotte
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Bird
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Black
Ms. Janet Blakley
Ms. Charlene Nevelle Blethen
Sister MaryClare Boland S.P.
Mrs. Annette Bond
Ms. Jean M. Boracamoore
Mr. Matthew Bott
Lilian M. and James Boudwin
Ms. Charlene Boyd and Mr. Steve Smith
Ms. Sharla Boylan & Mr. George Ross
Sister Chauncey Boyle
Mr. Bob Brock
Ms. Lisa Brock
Paul & Therese Brogan
Mr. Arnold Brown
Mr. & Mrs. David & Shirlene Brown
Mrs. Eve Brown
Mrs. Mary Brown
Mr. Roy B. Brown
Robert & Carol Bubar
Ms. Amy Buck
Mr. Joey Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Butler
Ms. Marite M. Butners
Ms. Marcia Byrd
Ms. Sarah Cameron
Ms. Leslie Campana
Capability Homecare
Ms. Marilyn Carl
Mrs. Rosemary Carlton
Ms. Arlene T. Carter
Mrs. Lois Carter
Ms. Felicia Casolary
Donald & Jean Chaney
Nick & Geeta Sagar Chhabra
Mrs. Rhoda Chirillo
Ms. Lorrie Church
Mrs. Marika Cialdella
City of Sammamish
Mr. and Mrs. David Clark
Ms. Lori Jensen Clark
Ms. Renee D Collette
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Collette
Ms. Alice R Cononetz
Mr. John Costello
Mr. Gary Crum
Mr. Larry Culby
Mr. Brian Cumming
Donald & Nancy Cumming
Mr. John Curley
Mr. Ghassan Daher
Ms. Cynthia D’Alessandro
Ms. Lynda Dawson
Randy & Gerri Dawson
Mr. Edward J. De Grace
Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeLappe
Denali Advanced Integration
Mrs. Cheryl DePrez
Ms. Patricia Devol
Ms. Linda DiRienzo
Mr. & Mrs. Dan & Mimi Dixon
96 year-old Marianwood resident Elizabeth Huebner
Ms. Ann Donovan
takes her turn riding on a Harley. The Eastside Harley
Ms. Shanon Doolittle
Owner’s Group has been delighting our residents
Mr. Thomas Dougherty
with motorocycle rides for over 10 years.
Father Kevin Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dusto
Mrs. Irmgard Eckel
Ms. Leann Eckert
Mrs. Sandra Eckstrom
Ms. Virginia C. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Gowdey
Mrs. Alma Louise Elworth
Ms. Jean Green
Ms. Mary Emmick
Ms. Vitula Green
ERA Retirement Living
Ms. Diana Greenough
Mrs. Betty J. Evans
Ms. Constance M. Greenwood
Damian & Susan Evans
Ms. Lori Greer
Mr. & Mrs. John Eyer
Ms. Tina Grohman
Faith in Action/Eastside Friends of Seniors Roger & Jennifer Grohs
First Choice Health
Sister Mary Grondin, SP
Ms. Tracy Fitzsimmons
Ms. Angela Guyot
Cynthia Flash & Dan Hemphill
Ms. Sandi Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Fletcher
Ms. Debbie Hagerdorn
Ms. Dorothy Forster
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Rowena Hall
Ms. Paula Fortier
Ms. Yvonne Hall
Mrs. Mary Ann Fowler
Mr. Michael Hand
Mr. Kevin Fox
Ms. Colleen Hardy
Ms. Beverly Frantz
Mr. Paul E. Hardy
Mr. Elvis Fraser & Ms. Karen Smith-Fraser
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harris
Ms. Ava Frisinger
Scott & Darel Harrison
Ms. Mary Bea Gallagher
Ms. Jody Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Gamelin
Ms. Alberta K. Harthun
Ms. Linda Gamroth
Sister Susanne Hartung S.P.
Mr. Scott Gardiner
Mrs. Susan Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Gargett
Mr. and Mrs. Paul & Mari Haugland
Mr. Barrett Gee
Ms. Karen Hauser
Ms. Deborah George
Mrs. Clare Hayes
Thomas & Mary Gibbs
Ms. Sandra Haynes
Mr. Joel Gilbertson
Karla Heath & Kevin Bail
Ms. Sylvia Gillette
Mr. Robert Hedin
Sister Eleanor Gilmore
Ms. Sandy Heidergott
Ms. Sharon Glenovich
Robert & Patty Hellrigel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goebel
Mr. Douglas R. Hendel
John & Joan Gorow
Ms. Joan Hendry
Mrs. Allie Henninger
Ms. Rachel Herd
Ms. Pinky Herrera
Mr. Willard G. Hess
Ewert & Shirley Hilgemann
Ms. Leanne Hoadley
Mr. & Mrs. Rod & Nancy Hochman
Mr. and Mrs. Preben Hoeghchristensen
Ms. Toni Hoffman
Jacque Hollingsworth
Ms. Joyce Holloway
Mrs. Jo Anne Holt
Home Instead Senior Care
Mr. Robert Houser
Ms. Nan Hover
Jim & Lonnie Hubbard
Ms. Jeannette Hudson
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Hughes
Ms. Cassie Hurley
Mrs. Fredericka TomakinHuseby
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Roland & Eleanor Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Jackson
Ms Doris Jackson
Jackson Dean Contruction
Ms. Kim Jenkins
Ms. Carol Jergens
Ms. Tamara Jerome
Pastor & Mrs. Frederick Jessett
Joanne Wright & Co./JLW Resources
Ms. Barbara Johnson
Ms. Cathy Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson
Ms. Joyce L. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Johnson
Ms. Virginia Johnson
J. Michael & Marybeth Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Johnston
Mr. John W. Johnston, Jr.
Mrs. Betty V. Jones
Ms. Loma J. Jones
Milo & Pat Jones
Ms. Barbara Justice
Mr. and Mrs. David Kane
Mrs. Margaret Sargent Kane
Mr. Jay Kay
Tracy & Tom Keene
Ms. Jo Ann Kelly
Seth & Ligi Kelsey
Ms. Jenny Kentta
Mr. Keith J. Kenworthy
Mr. Dan Kettman
Ms. Esther Kile
Mrs. Jean Kimsey
Ms. Deborah King
Ms. Jennifer L. King
Ms. Dorothy Kittleson
Kiwanis Club of Providence Point
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Kleiber
George & Patricia Koontz
Dr. Denise Kraft
March 2012 - September 2012
Where the Need is Greatest Fund
Mr. Dan Kritsonis
Mrs. Corina Kroll
Ms. Kendra M. Kruper
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kunzler
Mr. Curt Kwak
Mrs. Felicia La Valla
Mr. & Mrs. David (Joyce) Lantz
Mr. Jim Larrick
Ms. Gail Larson
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lau
Ms. Ramona Lawrence
Ms. Edith Leatham
Mrs. Janice LeBlanc
Mrs. Norma Leedham
Ms. Jennie Leeper
Mr. David Lemieux
Ms. Marlene S. Le Mire
Ms. Rachael Lennon
Dr. Rayburn Lewis
Warren & Karen Leyde
Ron & Grace Lievens
Mrs. Jennifer Lin
Mr. Lon Lindo
Wilfrid & Patricia Loeken
Mrs. Marilyn Long
Ms. Marthalee Lyman
Sandra & Philip Lynch
Mr. Eliud Macharia
Ms. Jennifer Madden
Ms. Joann Madgett
Ms. Gail Madrid
Mr. Gregory J. Magnoni
Mrs. Christi Mahon
Mrs. Mary Mallet
Mr. & Mrs. David & Susan Maloney
Mrs. Mary Manchester
Mr. & Mrs. Arek Mandelbaum
Ms. Ann Marten
Mary Queen of Peace
Ms. Tara Masella
Mr. Brian Mason
Ms. Jerry Sue Mason
Mr. Alan H. Mattock
Rex & Linda Maurer
Ms. Teresa Mayberg
Sister Helene Maynard
Mr. Timothy McCanta
Mrs. Doris D. McCarry
Ms. Marjorie McClurg
Mr. John C. McDonald
Ms. Colleen McEvoy
William Y. McKee, MD
Mr. Ryan McLean
William & Catherine McNabb
Mr. Robert Mead
Medline Foundation
Ms. Betsy Mickel
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Miller
Ms. Evelyn E. Miller
Ms. Judith Miller
Ms. Virginia A. Miller
Ms. Wanda Miller
Ms. Laurel Mills
Linda & Peter Milovsoroff
Mr. Michael R. Mitchell
Mr. Thomas Mitchell
Ms. Lynn Moberly
Mrs. Cindy Moore
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney GIFT, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moulton
Ms. Linda J. Munoz
Ms. Cynthia Murphy
Mrs. Prudencia D. Myers
Ms. Jeanette K. Nakamura
Rev. Johann & Anne Neethling
Kirby M. Nelson & Sandra Owen
Ms. Shirley Nelson
Mr. Lan Nguyen
Ms. Carol Nissen
Mr. Keith Niven
Ms. Grace Njuguna
Mr. Phillip S. Nollette
Northwest Landscape
Mrs. Anne Novak
Ms. Marilyn Novikoff
O’Christmas Trees
Ms. Paula OLeary
Stuart & Ilse Oles
Ms Jill Olney
Ms. Suellyn N. Olson
Overlake Medical Center
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Palmquist
Ms. Margaret Parry, CSJD
Mrs. Judith Paul
Mrs. Doris J. Pellegrini
Mrs. Irene Pennell
Ms. Eleanor Pennington
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Peterson
Ms. Samantha Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Petkus
Bob & Marilyn Pettit
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Philip
Ms. Antoinette Pincoe
Mr. Karl Plantinga
Ms. Stacy Pleskoff
Ms. Pamela Pohl
Ms. Gloria Pritchett
Ms. Joan Probala
Providence Elder Place
Providence Federal Credit Union
Providence Hospice of Seattle Foundation
Providence Marianwood Auxiliary
Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation
Ms. Sharon Pulse
The Quadracci Family
Ms. Norma Quesnel & Mr. Michael Quesnel
Ms. Jane Rabay
Ms Maureen Rammell
Stephan & Jane Ramseyer
Mr. George Raymond
Martha Raymond & Roland Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt & Karen Reasoner
Mr. & Mrs. Starr Reed
Daniel & Dianna Reely
Mr. Ken Refvem
Gary & Barbara Reul
Michael Revow & Francine Larouche
Ms. Deneen Richardson
Randy & Melissa Richmond
Ms. Deborah Rigg
Ms. Jackie Roberts
Ms. Lucy Roberts
Ms. Jennifer Robinson
Ms. Elaine Robison
Ms. Marilyn G. Rogers
James & Ginny Roodhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Roof
Mrs. Sandra Rorem
Mr. Phil Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Joe (Anna) Sabey
Sammamish Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Sansing
Mrs. Joanne N. Saunders
Schryver Medical Sales Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth Schultz
Ms Amy Scovil
Ms. Sarah Seagraves
Ms. Sylvia Serna
Brian & Brenda Shea
Ms. Patti Sheehan
Peter & Jane Shen
Mrs. Emilie Shepard
Mr. Rich Shively
Ms. Laurie Short
Ms. Janene Siers
Ms. Joan Silling
Ms. Maria Silvers
Sisters of Providence
Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace
Mr. Timothy Slinger
Ms. Jeanine L. Smith
Ms. Karen Smith
Mr. Randi Smith
Mr. Robert C. Smith
Dale & Gwen Snyder
Kay & Ron Soukup
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Spencer, Jr.
Ms. Martha Spicer
Spiritwood at Pine Lake
Ms. Storey Squires
Ms. Darlene Stanley
Ms. Barbara Stanton
Mr. Robert W. Stephens
Ms. Susan Sterling
Ms. Kathy J Stewart
Mr. Paul Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Joslyn Strode
Ms. Laurie Strom
Mr. Minze Stuiver
Eugene & Patricia Styer
Mr. Peter Sullivan
Ms. Clara S. Sun
Ms. Molly A. Swain
Swedish Medical Center
Mr. Greg Swint
Mr. Arthur H. Tagland
Mr. Jonathan Taylor
Ms. Gloria L. Terkla
The Seattle Foundation
Mark & Patricia Thome
Mr. Alan Thompson & Ms. Beth Light
Mrs. Keith Thompson
Ms. Dianne Tierney
Timber Ridge at Talus
Mr. James Timidaiski
Mr. Paul D. Tittel
Ms. Helena Tohni
Mike & Peg Tomaso
Ms. Marie Townsend
Ms. Anne Tripp
Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Tungseth
Ms. Ruth Upton
George & Anne Vadino
Ms. Danette Van
Sr. Charlotte Van Dyke
Virginia Mason Medical Center
Ms Colleen Wadden
Ms. Mary Beth Walker
Ms. Laura Wall
Mrs. Elisa Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Al Waterman
Mr. Clarke Watt
Vaughn & Jill Weedman
Mr. Mark Weise
Mr. Marty West
Ms. Kathleen M. Whalen
Whitaker Foundation
Alden & Renee White
Mrs. Dorothy White
Ms. Lavonne Williams
Mrs. Mary Lou Williams
Mr. Ray Williams
Ms. Sherry Williams
Mr. Robert Witter
Wockner Foundation
Dr. Thomas Wood
Ms. Betty Wright
Ms. Joanne Wright
Ms. Camile Wynn
Mr. and Mrs. Milton F. Zeutschel
Wonderful Life Fund
Anonymous Donors
Mr. Christopher Beaudoin
Mr. Bob Brock
Arlene Carter & Craig Tamura
Ms. Patricia Devol
Ms. Mary Fricke
Ms. Tina Grohman
Ms. Yvonne Hall
Mr. Paul E. Hardy
Karla Heath & Kevin Bail
Mrs. Allie Henninger
Knights of Columbus - Council #9833
Ms. Phoebe Ashley Menen
Ms. Josie Mitchell
Ms. Linda J. Munoz
Rev. Johann & Anne Neethling
Richard & Jean Orphan
Ms. Stacy Pleskoff
Ms. Gloria Pritchett
Providence Marianwood Auxiliary
The Quadracci Family
Ms. Elizabeth Schultz
Ms. Sylvia Serna
Ms. Maria Silvers
Ms. Molly A. Swain
George & Anne Vadino
Madeline and John Wall
Scenes from a day at Marianwood
Jackie Palmquist and her husband Jim
enjoying some together time.
Pat Collette enjoys sharing her hand made quilts, many
of which are hanging on the walls on display at Marianwood through the end of October.
Lucy enjoys the sun!
Peggy Martin sells caramel corn as a fundraiser
for the resident council.
Providence Marianwood
3725 Providence Point Drive SE
Issaquah, WA 98029
HUGE Estate Sale at Marianwood
Fri/Sat November 9/10, 10 am to 4 pm
Huge selection of new and lightly used treasures. All proceeds
benefit the residents at Marianwood.
See complete details below.
Coming Events
Huge Estate Sale
Friday and Saturday, November 9th and 10th, 10 am to 4 pm
Another huge sale put on by the wonderful auxiliary team. They collect a
great selection of household items, gifts, knick-knacks, jewelry, collectibles
and more all throughout the year and save the best for these sales. Join
us in the lobby at Marianwood. (Donations of gently used and new items
will be gratefully accepted to add to the sale. Please drop them off at
Marianwood any time before 11/1.)
Providence O’Christmas Trees
Christmas Carnival – Monday, Nov 28th, 12 to 8 pm
Silver Bells Luncheon – Tuesday, Nov 29th, 11am to 1 pm
Gala Dinner & Auction – Wednesday, Nov 30th, 5 pm
A 3-part celebration with something for everyone who loves Christmas
and looks forward to the beautiful decorations and the spirit of the season.
Come see trees decorated by professional designers. A portion of the
proceeds benefits from O’Christmas Tree events benefit the residents of
Marianwood. All events are held at the downtown Seattle Westin Hotel.
For more information, or call 206-938-8999.
Holiday Open House
Sunday, December 9th, 1 to 4 pm at Marianwood
All are welcome to join the residents, staff and volunteers of Marianwood
at this annual holiday celebration. Admission is free.
Trees decorated by professional designers
are enjoyed by young and old alike at the
O’Christmas Trees events