Master NSE - Presentation
Master NSE - Presentation
MASTER GUIDE Nanoscale Engineering 1 2 Word of welcome Welcome to Lyon and more specifically to the Master program «Nanoscale Engineering». This program is offered by a joint venture of top engineering institutions and universities in Lyon: École Centrale de Lyon (ECL), Institut des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA de lyon), Université Claude Bernard Lyon1 (UCBL1), which are part of the “Université de Lyon”. This Master was firstly supported by 3 key labs involved in nanotechnology and nanoscience: the ”Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon“ INL, the lab “Matériaux Ingénierie et Sciences” MATEIS, the “Laboratoire de physique de la matière condensée et des nanostructures” LPMCN and by major companies in the Rhône-Alpes area. Today, other labs in Lyon are involved in the Master in the field of physics, chemistry and biochemistry. The Nanoscale Engineering program is resolutely multidisciplinary. It provides both a theoretical base and a practical expertise in the fields of elaboration, characterization and design of nanoscale structures and systems. It offers the scientific and technological knowledge required to tackle a rewarding career in the innovative and growing field. This Master aims to prepare students to continue towards a PhD level, but also to provide nanotechnology industries with professionals able to adapt to the new challenges of this domain. The Nanoscale Engineering program is resolutely international. All the courses are taught in English. Courses and seminars are taught by professors or researchers, internationally recognized for their research in the discipline taught. Students come from all over the world, from different education systems, from different cultures. The Nanoscale Engineering Master Guide contains all the information you need during your Master. A description of the compulsory modules and elective modules is given, allowing you to construct your personal program. Furthermore, this guide gives you information about the two campuses, facilities and student life. On behalf of the Nanoscale Engineering board, I wish you all the best in our Master program to prepare a fruitful career in the Nano world. Sincerely yours Magali Phaner-Goutorbe Professor at École Centrale de Lyon, Director of the Master Nanoscale Engineering 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PEOPLE Executive team Teaching staff Administrative staff 5 6 8 16 ACADEMIC CONSORTIUM ECL - École Centrale de Lyon INSA - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon UCB Lyon1 - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 UDL – Université de Lyon Organisation of the Master Enrolment in the institutions of the consortium 18 19 20 21 22 23 Scientific and Teaching Council Education Committee STRUCTURE OF THE MASTER’S PROGRAM Curriculum of the Master Nanoscale Engineering List of the courses Seminars and workshop 25 26 30 32 COURSES IN DETAIL 33 RESEARCH LABORATORIES INL – Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology ILM – Institut Lumière Matière (LASIM, LPMCN, LPCM) LPMCN – Labo. de Physique de la Matière Condensée et Nanostructures MATEIS - Materials: Engineering and Science 65 66 67 68 69 APPENDICES Map of the “Domaine scientifique de la DOUA” Map of INSA de Lyon campus Map of UCB Lyon 1 campus Map of ECL campus Map of Lyon’s subway Master’s communication 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 4 PEOPLE 5 Executive team Pr. Dr. Magali PHANER GOUTORBE Dean of International Affairs at ECL Group Chemistry and Nano biotechnologies Department Biotechnologies / Health ECL - Nanotechnology Institute of Lyon (INL) ECL - Building F7, 3rd floor 36 avenue Guy de Collongue - 69134 ECULLY Tel : (33).04 72 18 62 32 - [email protected] Research activities: Atomic Force Microscopy for organic and biological materials analysis in air and liquids: High resolution imaging- force measurements-functionalized tips- inter/intra molecular interactions - interfaces physical- chemical interfaces. Pr. PHANER GOUTORBE is the director of the Master NSE and chairman of the Board of Examiners for the M2 year (M2 Jury). She participates in the UE S1-5 “Basics of Physics”, S1-3 “Characterization Tools for Nanostructures” and S2-5 “Project Management Workshop” Pr. Dr. Catherine JOURNET GAUTIER Team “Functional Materials and Nanostructures” Laboratory of Multimaterials and Interfaces (LMI) UBC Lyon 1 – Building Chevreul, 2nd floor 43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918 - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel: (33).04 72 43 35 64 - [email protected] Research activities: Synthesis and characterization of Carbon and Boron Nitride Nanotubes Electric arc discharge synthesis - Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), Hot Filament CVD (HFCVD), Plasma Enhanced CVD (PECVD) - Transmission electron Microscopy - Scanning electron Microscopy - Field emission – Ultra High Vacuum Pr. JOURNET GAUTIER is an associate director of the Master NSE for the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and chairman of the Board of Examiners for the M1 year (M1 Jury) She is in charge of the Seminars offered during both years of the master (UE S1-11 and S3-13) 6 Pr. Dr. Karine MASENELLI VARLOT Member of the Institut Universitaire de France Group Structures Nano- et Microstructures Laboratoire Matériaux : Ingénierie et Sciences (MATEIS) INSA Lyon - Building Blaise Pascal, 1st floor 7, avenue Jean Capelle - 69621 VILLEURBANNE Tel: (33).04 72 43 71 03 - [email protected] Research activities deal with the development of electron microscopy tools for the characterisation of materials and the understanding of the relationships between their microstructure and their macroscopic properties (mechanical of optical properties). Pr. MASENELLI VARLOT is an associate director of the Master NSE for the Master NSE for the INSA de Lyon. She is in charge of the UE S2-6 “Research Internship” and S4-1 “Master Thesis Project” 7 Teaching staff Each course (UE) of the Master is usually taught by several teachers in charge of the various subjects belonging to them. There is one teacher in charge of the overall course (UE). Dr. Tristan ALBARET Assistant professor at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Theory and Modelisation group Lab. de physique de la matière condensée et nanostructures (LPMCN) UCB Lyon 1 - Building Brillouin, 4th floor 43 Boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918 - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel : (33).04 72 43 15 65 - [email protected] As a lecturer Dr. Albaret teaches at different levels. His research is based on atomistic simulations of materials. He both uses and develops techniques ranging from statistical analysis to electronic structure calculations including also molecular dynamics and hybrid methods that couple classical molecular dynamics and electronic structure calculations. His present fields of interest are related to material science problems for instance fracture, mechanics of amorphous systems, brittle-fragile transition, ageing of materials, etc. Dr. ALBARET is in charge of the UE S3-7 “Computer Modelling of Nanoscale Systems” Dr. Taha BENYATTOU Research Director – CNRS Nanophotonic group INSA Lyon - Nanotechnology Institute of Lyon (INL) INSA - Building Blaise Pascal, 2nd floor 7 avenue Jean Capelle - 69621 VILLEURBANNE Tel : (33).04 72 43 71 49 - [email protected] Dr BENYATTOU is in charge of the UE S1-4 “Quantum Engineering” Dr. Anne-Laure BIANCE Research Director – CNRS Liquids and interfaces group Lab. de physique de la matière condensée et nanostructures (LPMCN) UCB Lyon 1 - Building Brillouin, 4th floor 43 Boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918 - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel : (33). 0472448228 - [email protected] Dr. BIANCE is in charge of the UE S1-9 “Physical Chemistry and Molecular Interaction 8 Dr. Danièle BLANC-PELISSIER Research Director – CNRS Photovoltaic group INSA Lyon - Nanotechnology Institute of Lyon (INL) INSA - Building Blaise Pascal, 2nd Floor 7 avenue Jean Capelle - 69621 VILLEURBANNE Tel : (33).04 72 43 72 86 - [email protected] Research activities in the Photovoltaic group: - Silicon solar cells; Laser micro-machining for solar cell fabrication with improved efficiency/cost ratio. New solar cell design using laser technology. Laser-matter interaction study; Electro-optical characterisation of silicon material and solar cells (lifetime/diffusion length measurement by Light Beam Induced Current and Photoluminescence) Dr. BLANC-PELISSIER is in charge of the UE S3-9 “Solar Cells and Photovoltaics” Carole BREMEERSCH Legal Counsel INPI Rhône-Alpes Lyon 8 rue Paul Montrochet – 69002 LYON Tel: (33). 04 37 27 11 39 - [email protected] Ms BREMEERSCH’s activities consist of making economic actors (either current or future) aware of the importance of Industrial and Intellectual Property, by giving them the appropriate training. The IP course is given by IP Professionals (INPI agents, outside counsels, IP Valorisation specialist, and a Philosopher). C. BREMEERSCH is in charge of the UE S3-15 “Intellectual property” Dr. Hervé DUMONT Heteroepitaxy and nanostructures group ECL - Nanotechnology Institute of Lyon (INL) ECL - Building F7, ground floor 36 avenue Guy de Collongue - 69134 ECULLY Tel : (33).04 72 18 62 47 – [email protected] Dr. DUMONT is in charge of the UE S3-11 “Nanoelectronics” Pr. Dr. Rosaria FERRIGNO Microfluidics and microsystems group UCBL - Nanotechnology Institute of Lyon (INL) UCB Lyon 1 - Building Brillouin , ground floor 6 rue André-Marie Ampère - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel: (33).04 72 43 19 23 – rosaria.ferrigno@univ-lyon1;fr Pr. FERRIGNO is a teacher in the UE S3-4 “Micro- and Nanofluidics” 9 Dr. Matthias HILLENKAMP Research scientist – CNRS Institut Lumière Matière (ILL) UCB Lyon 1 – Building Alfred Kastler, 3rd floor, room 305 10 rue Ada Byron - 69622 VILLEURBANNE 04 72 43 11 21 - [email protected] Dr HILLENKAMP studies the physical properties of cluster-assembled nanostructures consisting of well-defined metal clusters and nanoparticles prepared in the gas phase and embedded in protective solid matrices. He is interested in the size-dependent evolution of the optical, magnetic and spintronic properties of these nanostructures. The electronic structure of matrixisolated metal clusters is studied with absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy as well as with time-resolved femtosecond spectroscopy. Magnetism and spin-dependent transport are studied in benchmark systems of small magnetic nanoparticles embedded in non-magnetic matrices. Dr. HILLENKAMP is in charge of the UE S3-10 “Nanomagnetism and Spintronics” Pr. Dr. Florian KULZER « Propriétés de luminescence de cristaux, verres et nano-objets » group Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Matériaux Luminescents (LPCML) UCB Lyon 1 - Building Alfred Kastler 10 rue Ada Byron - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel: (33).04 72 44 83 47 – [email protected] Research activities: high-resolution optical microscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy - single molecules and other nano-object used as local probes for their environment - detection techniques for individual non-emitting nano-particles - structure and dynamics of glasses and complex soft matter Pr. KULZER is in charge of the UE S2-5 “Project Management Workshop” Pr. Dr. Didier LEONARD Surfaces, (bio) Interfaces – Micro and nano Systems group (SIMS) Institut des Sciences Analytiques (ISA) UCB Lyon 1 5 rue de la Doua - 69100 VILLEURBANNE Tel: (33). 04 37 42 35 54 - [email protected] Pr. LEONARD is in charge of the UE S3-2 “Surface-Analysis Techniques 10 Pr. Dr. Bruno MASENELLI Head of the “Spectroscopy and Nanomaterial” group Department of Science and Technology of Materials (SGM) INSA Lyon - Nanotechnology Institute of Lyon (INL) INSA - Building Blaise Pascal 502, 2nd floor, Room 247 7 avenue Jean Capelle - 69621 VILLEURBANNE Tel : (33).04 72 43 74 72 - [email protected] Prof. Bruno Masenelli is Full Professor at the Institute of Nanotechnology of Lyon (INL), department of Science and Technology of Materials (SGM) of the INSA Lyon, teaching physics of semiconductor materials and nanostructures. His research interests are in Physics and Engineering of light emitting nanomaterials. Current projects are dedicated to the design of new and highly efficient nanolight sources for light detection, plasmon amplification and photovoltaics. Pr. MASENELLI is in charge of the UE S1-8 “Physics of Semiconductors, part 1” and S3-3 “Physics of Semiconductors, part 2” Pr. Dr. Alain MERMET Institut Lumière Matière (ILL) UCB Lyon 1 – Building Alfred Kastler 10 rue Ada Byron – 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel: (33).04 72 44 82 84 – [email protected] Research interests: vibrational dynamics of nano-objects and disordered materials Pr. MERMET is in charge of the UE S1-6 “Solid State Physic” Dr. Virginie MONNIER Assistant professor at Ecole Centrale de Lyon Chemistry and Nano biotechnologies group ECL - Nanotechnology Institute of Lyon (INL) ECL - Building F7, 3rd floor 36 avenue Guy de Collongue - 69134 ECULLY Tel: (33).04 72 18 62 39 – [email protected] As a researcher at INL, Dr. MONNIER elaborates plasmonic-fluorescent nanoparticles for cell imaging in the Chemistry and Nano biotechnologies group. Dr. MONNIER is in charge of the UE S1-5 “Basics of Physics” 11 Pr. Dr. Ian O’CONNOR Deputy ECL - Nanotechnology Institute of Lyon (INL) ECL - Building F7 36 avenue Guy de Collongue - 69134 ECULLY Tel: (33).04 72 18 60 54 – [email protected] Pr. O’CONNOR is in charge of the UE S3-8 “Multi-Domain System Integration” Pr. Dr. Philippe PONCHARAL Physic of nanostructures and field emission group Institut Lumière Matière (ILL) UCB Lyon 1 – Building Alfred Kastler, 5th floor 10 rue Ada Byron - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel: (33).04 72 43 27 97 – [email protected] Pr Dr. PONCHARAL is in charge of the UE S2-2 “MEMS and NEMS” Dr. Stephen PURCELL Research Director – CNRS Lab. de physique de la matière condensée et nanostructures (LPMCN) UCB Lyon 1 – Building Brillouin 6 Rue Ada Byron - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel: (33). 04 72 44 80 48 - [email protected] Dr. PURCELL is in charge of the UE S1-1 “Introduction to Nanoscale Engineering” Dr. Laurent QUIQUEREZ Assistant professor at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Nanotechnology Institute of Lyon (INL) UCB Lyon 1 - Building Brillouin 203, ground floor 8 rue André Ampère - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel: (33). 04 72 44 81 74 - [email protected] Dr. QUIQUEREZ is in charge of the UE S2-3 “Introduction to System Design” 12 Dr. Helen REVERON Research Scientist – CNRS Leader of the “Ceramics and Composites” group MATEIS Laboratory INSA - Building Blaise Pascal, 5th floor 7 Av. Jean Capelle – 69621 VILLEURBANNE Tel: (33) - [email protected] Dr. REVERON’s current research focuses on the development of bulk nanostructured ceramics and on the study of the processing/microstructure/property relationship. Dr. REVERON is in charge of the UE S3-5 “Micro- and Nanofabrication, part 2” which deals with the processing of nanostructured materials and the microstructure-property relationship” Dr. Pr. Jean-Paul RIEU Research Scientist – CNRS Head of Biophysics group Lab. de physique de la matière condensée et nanostructures (LPMCN) UCB Lyon 1 - Building Brillouin 43 Boulevard du 11 Novembre - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel :(33)04 72 43 11 42 - jean-paul.rieu Pr. RIEUX is in charge of the UE S1-10 “Biomolecules, Cells, and Biomimetic Systems” Dr. Charlotte RIVIERE Assistant professor at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Liquids and interfaces group Lab. de physique de la matière condensée et nanostructures (LPMCN) UCB Lyon 1 - Building Brillouin 6 Rue Ada BYRON - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel : (33).04 72 43 27 96 - [email protected] Dr. RIVIERE is in charge of the UE S2-4 “Drug-Delivery Systems” Pr. Dr. Yves ROBACH Head of the Department of Surface and Materials Science- ECL Researcher at the Lyon Institute of Nanotechnologies (INL) ECL - Building F7, 4th floor, room 7407 36 avenue Guy de Collongue – 69134 ECULLY Tel: (33). - [email protected] 13 Teaching activities: Atomic physics, Solid state physics, Nuclear engineering, Nuclear reactors, Physics of semiconductor devices, Surface physics, Nanoscience and nanotechnologies, Physics of thin films. Research topics: Physics of surface and nanophysics, scanning probe microscopies, epitaxial growth on semiconductors, functional oxides on silicon. Pr. ROBACH is in charge of the UE S1-3 “Characterization Tools for Nanostructures” Dr. Vincent SALLES Assistant professor at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Laboratoire des Multimatériaux et Interfaces (LMI) UCB Lyon 1 – Building Berthollet 2 2 Avenue Gaston Berger - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel: (33). 04 72 43 16 08 - [email protected] Dr. SALLES is in charge of the UE S1-2 “Micro- and Nanofabrication, part 1” Pr. Dr. Alfonso SAN MIGUEL Deputy Director of the Institut Lumière Matière (ILL) Director of the LPMCN UCB Lyon1 - Building Brillouin , 2nd floor 43 Boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918 - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel: (33).04 72 44 80 57 - [email protected] Pr. San Miguel is a professor at the Department of Physics of the University Lyon 1 and ENS Lyon. He is the leader of the "Extreme Conditions and Metastability" group and specialises in the study of nano objects, nano systems and carbon systems under extreme conditions of pressure, including various collaborations with industry. Pr. San Miguel is in charge of the UE S2-1 “Nanomechanics “ Dr. Christian SEASSAL Research Director – CNRS Nanophotonics group, Department Photonics/ Photovoltaics ECL - Nanotechnology Institute of Lyon (INL) ECL, Building F7, 1st floor 36 avenue Guy de Collongue - 69134 ECULLY Tel: (33).04 72 18 60 64 - [email protected] Research activities: investigation and exploitation of light confinement in microcavities and periodic structures, investigation of active structures and devices (microlasers, non linear and 14 quantum structures and devices), new fabrication processes and characterisation systems for nanophotonic structures, development of new concepts and new heterogeneous III-V/Silicon integration technologies, development of new concepts of photovoltaic components using photonic engineering. Dr. SEASSAL is in charge of the UE S3-1 “Nano-Optics and Biophotonics” Dr. Eliane SOUTEYRAND Research Director – CNRS ECL - Nanotechnology Institute of Lyon (INL) ECL, Building F7, 3rd floor 36 avenue Guy de Collongue - 69134 ECULLY Tel: (33).04 72 18 62 35 - [email protected] Dr. SOUTEYRAND is in charge of the UE S3-6 “Biosensors and Biochips” Pr. Dr. Loïc VANEL Liquids and Interfaces group Lab. de physique de la matière condensée et nanostructures (LPMCN) UCB Lyon 1 - Building Brillouin 43 Boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918 - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel : (33). 04 72 43 10 21 - [email protected] Pr. VANEL is in charge of the UE S1-7 “Continuum Mechanics” 15 Administrative staff Ecole Centrale de Lyon – ECL Marie-Hélène LEVÉ Direction des études ECL (Head of studies) Assistant of the Dean of studies ECL- Building administration (Z2), 1st floor 36 avenue Guy de Collongue – 69134 ECULLY Tel : (33).04 72 18 65 94 – [email protected] M. Hélène is in charge of lists of grades, transcripts and jury’s statements, and the procedure to ask for residence permits (visas and cards). Françoise MINJARD LEYNAUD Service scolarité ECL (Admission and examination office) In charge of Masters and PhDs ECL- Building D5, ground floor 36 avenue Guy de Collongue – 69134 ECULLY Tel : (33). 04 72 18 65 21 – [email protected] Françoise is in charge of the ECL enrolment files, certificates and diplomas. She is a contact for internship agreements. INSA de Lyon Emmanuel MONTERO Administrator for the group Structures, Nano and micro-structures and for the Lyon Center of Microscopy (CLYM) MATEIS Laboratory INSA - Building Blaise Pascal, 1st floor 3, Avenue Jean Capelle - 69621 Villeurbanne Tel : (33). 04 72 43 83 85 – [email protected] E. MONTERO is in charge of INSA enrolment files, INSA certificates and INSA diplomas. He is a contact for internship agreements and visa formalities 16 Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – UCB Lyon 1 Youssef EL MAMDOUHI Faculty of Physics UCB Lyon 1 Service scolarité (Admission and examination office) UCB Lyon 1 - Building Gabriel Lippmann, 1st floor, room 154 14, rue Enrico Fermi - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel : (33). 04 72 43 19 67 - [email protected] Frédéric BROUSSIN Faculty of Physics UCB Lyon 1 Service scolarité (Admission and examination office) UCB Lyon 1 - Building Gabriel Lippmann, 1st floor, room 154 14, rue Enrico Fermi - 69622 VILLEURBANNE Tel : (33). 04 72 43 19 67 - [email protected] UCBL enrolment files, UCBL certificates and UCBL diplomas, internship agreements and visa formalities. Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Physique Electronique de Lyon – CPE Lyon Françoise DUCROT Secrétariat des études CPE - Building Hubert Curien 43, boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918 - 69616 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél. : 33 (0)4 72 43 17 20 - [email protected] 17 ACADEMIC CONSORTIUM 18 ÉCOLE CENTRALE DE LYON (ECL) École Centrale de Lyon is one of the top ten French engineering schools. As with most engineering schools in France, called Grandes Écoles, ECL is independent of universities and trains top industrial managers after a very selective admission process. École Centrale de Lyon is part of the Group des Écoles Centrale, (Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, and Paris) which share a vision of high-level training for multidisciplinary engineers. École Centrale de Lyon accepts about 300 students a year into its engineering program, from the top 700 science students in France. The students enter ECL under a very selective entrance examination after at least two years of advanced-level post-high school education. About 50 additional students are admitted in this program from scientific universities around the world on an accredited transfer exchange scheme. The students of this engineering program follow a three-year curriculum with the two first years dedicated to broad-based engineering courses and the third year devoted to a particular area (Computer Science, Materials, Mechanical Engineering…). The Diplôme d’Ingénieur awarded is comparable to a Master of Science degree. École Centrale de Lyon offers 13 Master of Science programs, in agreement with Lyon’s other higher education institutions, to about 100 students a year. Lessons are delivered by a team of high-quality teaching staff, including teachers, researchers and nationally and internationally recognized external speakers who are in direct contact with the latest scientific and industrial innovations. In 2012, 230 students are doing their PhD in one of the 6 laboratories of ECL, in cooperation with partner industries or other educational establishments. École Centrale de Lyon’s laboratories offer high-tech characterization and design equipment, as well as world-class testing platforms, many of which are unique in France. These 6 laboratories, all with the CNRS label of excellence, provide exemplary services to their major industrial partners. École Centrale de Lyon is a member of the Université de Lyon* 19 INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES DE LYON (INSA Lyon) INSA Lyon is ranked among the top universities of Science and Technology in Europe, pluridisciplinary and international, at the heart of the European Higher Education Area. INSA Lyon belongs to a group of 5 INSA schools in France (Lyon, Rouen, Rennes, Strasbourg and Toulouse). Over a 5-year curriculum, INSA de Lyon trains humanist multi-competent engineers who are both innovative and entrepreneurial. It graduates about 1000 engineers each year in 12 fields of specialisation. The students are usually selected after the Baccalauréat (A-level). They first follow a two-year curriculum focused on broad-based scientific and humanist courses, possibly in international groups or groups including arts or high-level sports. Then, the students are accepted into one of the 12 specialisation departments (materials sciences, biochemistry and biotechnology, computer science, environmental science, mechanical engineering, communications …). During the entirety of the 5-year program, internships are performed in or in collaboration with companies. INSA-Lyon has a strong international practice: it has more than 230 partner universities all over the world, which host more than 600 students from INSA-Lyon a year. At the same time, INSALyon trains students from more than 100 countries (30% of the students come from overseas). Moreover, it is possible to complete the first two years of the program in Germany, Spain, Italy or Brazil. INSA de Lyon offers 9 post-Master programmes and 11 Masters of Science programmes. About 650 students are conducting their PhD in one of the 20 research laboratories of INSA de Lyon, either in collaboration with other academic partners or with companies. 3 associated international laboratories have been created at INSA-Lyon with Japan, Brasil or Canada. INSA Lyon is a member of the Université de Lyon* 20 UNIVERSITE CLAUDE BERNARD LYON 1 (UCB Lyon 1) The University Lyon 1 attains excellence in the fields of higher education and research. The high level of tuition, in a wide variety of subjects ranging from the health sciences to science, technology and sport studies, means that Lyon 1 counts itself among the best of all French universities. Lyon 1's student population is of nearly 35 000. Nearly 80% of students opt for vocational programmes: Lyon 1 produces no less than 9250 graduates per year. Lyon 1's science sector also offers a vast choice of subjects: the DUT diploma provides training in 17 areas of expertise for future technical managers. 57 vocational bachelor's degrees prepare students for middle management jobs. 111 master's degrees (vocational, research or combined vocational and research) prepare students for senior management jobs or for work in research and development. Lyon 1 also offers a very high standard of specialized vocational training in engineering (Polytech Lyon) and actuarial sciences (ISFA). Lyon 1 awards 300 doctorates a year to students at the outcome of their research studies, conducted in the university's laboratories, in cooperation with partner industries or other educational establishments. As a multidisciplinary university specializing in both fundamental and applied research, University Lyon 1 has 73 state-funded research units working in three fields; health, the environment and material technologies. UCB Lyon1 is a member of the Université de Lyon* 21 *UNIVERSITE DE LYON – UDL Université de Lyon (UDL) is the most important French University institution outside the Paris region. It has 130,000 students, 11,500 teacher-researchers, 5,700 PhD students and 180 public laboratories. The Université de Lyon brings together in a unifying structure 20 higher education and research institutions of the Lyon/St Etienne metropolitan area. The Université de Lyon is a public institution officially created by a ministerial decree in March 2007. UDL is a research and higher education consortium (PRES – Pôle de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur) created under the legal form of a Public Institution for Scientific Cooperation. In addition to its missions set by the French research code, the Université de Lyon has initiated strong cooperation between its member institutions. It takes the lead on infrastructure projects and particularly intricate joint strategies and negotiations with key partners. The Université de Lyon does not enroll students: it awards its label to Masters courses offered by at least two member institutions which correspond to national criteria for higher education diplomas. The Master degree delivered at the end of the courses will be presented as follows: “Master of the Université de Lyon delivered by (the concerned establishments)”. Caserne Sergent Blandan 37, rue du repos 69361 LYON CEDEX 07 Tel : (33).04 37 37 26 70 [email protected] 22 Organisation of the Master Enrolment in the institutions of the consortium The fact that the Master is conducted by a consortium of three institutions allows for the combination of educational resources and technological infrastructure to provide the students with the best possible theoretical and practical training. All NSE students have a primary (administrative) enrolment at one of the three participating institutions and two pedagogical inscriptions (free of charge) at the other two institutions. The primary inscriptions are distributed evenly over the three partners institutions; all students receive the same joint diploma bearing the name of all three institutions. Tuition fees for one year: 250 euros The Scientific and Teaching Council This Council is composed of the head of the Master and deputy heads, personalities of the scientific and socio-economic world, including professionals from industries in the "nano" world, the laboratory directors, partners, representatives of socio-economic backgrounds. The Council in particular takes care of the adequacy between academic offerings and research topics from priority partner laboratories and needs of industry partners. It also proposes necessary changes in terms of education to better meet the expectations of laboratories and industry partners in this scientific field in constant evolution. Composition of the council: Head of the Master and deputy heads Laboratory directors Academic experts Magali Phaner-Goutorbe (ECL) Karine Masenelli-Varlot (INSA) Catherine Journet-Gautier (UCBL) Catherine Bru-Chevallier (CNRS) Alfonso San Miguel (CNRS) Joël Courbon (MATEIS) Philippe Peyla (Univ. J. Fourier, Grenoble) Liviu Nicu (LAAS Toulouse) Simon Scheuring (Institut Curie Paris) Personalities of the socio-economic world Nicolas Leterrier (Minalogic) CEA representative Marie-Noëlle Semeria (LETI Grenoble) International expert Laura Montanaro (Politecnico Torino Italy) Master students representatives M1 and M2 representatives 23 The Education Committee The Education Committee's mission is to define and implement instructional strategy training. As such, it runs the admission panels of students, examines the validation of credit by the equity method, organizes lessons, writes the annual regulation studies and particularly the methods of knowledge control, and defines the distribution of lectures, tutorials, practical work and other academic training functions between the partner institutions. The education committee is composed, according equal representation between the three institutions, by teachers involved in the program. 24 STRUCTURE OF THE MASTER’S PROGRAM 25 Curriculum of the Master Nanoscale Engineering The Nanoscale Engineering Master is a two-year program corresponding to 120 ECTS credits. The first year (M1) and the second year (M2) are both divided into 2 semesters (M1-1, M1-2, M2-1, M2-2), all weighting 30 ECTS. 26 Remedial courses Given the diverse scientific background of the students (physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, biology), it is essential to ensure that all of them can nevertheless acquire the scientific and technological basics of nanotechnology in an adequate manner at the beginning of the M1 semester. A key element to meet this challenge is the course: UE S1-5 Basics of Physics 0 ECTS Students are assigned to this course on the basis of an entrance exam in physics that everybody is required to take, irrespective of their Bachelor specialization. Remedial courses must be passed in addition to the regular program whenever necessary, without conveying any extra ECTS points. Core courses 49 ECTS These courses impart the fundamental knowledge in the nanotechnology field applied to physics, electronics, optics, materials science and biotechnology. They are divided into two groups between semester 1 (M1-1) and semester 3 (M2-1). Semester 1 (M1-1) 29 ECTS There are four compulsory core modules: UE S1-1 Introduction to Nanoscale Engineering 2 ECTS UE S1-2 Micro- and Nanofabrication, part 1 5 ECTS UE S1-3 Characterization Tools for Nanostructures 5 ECTS UE S1-4 Quantum Engineering 5 ECTS In addition, students have to select a minimum of three major courses from the following list of five courses: UE S1-6 Solid State Physics at the Nanoscale 4 ECTS UE S1-7 Continuum Mechanics 4 ECTS UE S1-8 Physics of Semiconductors, part 1 4 ECTS UE S1-9 Physical Chemistry and Molecular Interaction 4 ECTS UE S1-10 Biomolecules, Cells, and Biomimetic Systems 4 ECTS Semester 3 (M2-1) 20 ECTS Students have to select a minimum of four major courses out a list of seven: UE S3-1 Nano-Optics and Biophotonics 5 ECTS UE S3-2 Surface-Analysis Techniques 5 ECTS UE S3-3 Physics of Semiconductors, part 2 5 ECTS UE S3-4 Micro- and Nanofluidics 5 ECTS UE S3-5 Micro- and Nanofabrication, part 2 5 ECTS UE S3-6 Biosensors and Biochips 5 ECTS UE S3-7 Computer Modeling of Nanoscale Systems 5 ECTS 27 Elective courses 12 ECTS These courses cover a wide range of nanotechnology-related disciplines and thus allow the students to specialize according to their preferences as well as to broaden their expertise. They are divided into two groups between semester 2 (M1-2) and semester 3 (M2-1) Semester 2 (M1-2) Students have to select a minimum of three courses from a list of four: UE S2-1 Nanomechanics UE S2-2 MEMS and NEMS UE S2-3 Introduction to System Design UE S2-4 Drug-Delivery Systems Semester 3 (M2-1) Students have to select a minimum of three courses from a list of five: UE S3-8 Multi-Domain System Integration UE S3-9 Solar Cells and Photovoltaics UE S3-10 Nanomagnetism and Spintronics UE S3-11 Nanoelectronics UE S3-12 Tissue and Cell Engineering Ancillary courses 6 ECTS 2 ECTS 2 ECTS 2 ECTS 2 ECTS 6 ECTS 2 ECTS 2 ECTS 2 ECTS 2 ECTS 2 ECTS 3 ECTS The ancillary modules are the Seminars (S1-11, 1 ECTS and S3-13, 1 ECTS), taking place in semester 1 (M1-1) and semester 3 (M2-1), and the Bibliography project (S3-14, 1 ECTS) in preparation of the Master thesis during the semester 3 (M2-1). Professionalization courses 6 ECTS These courses deal with complementary know-how, relevant both for academia and in an industrial environment, such as acquiring communication skills for oral presentations and written reports, preparing a CV, conducting project management, working in a team. The project of the first year (UE S2-5) consists of exploring a nanotechnology-related topic in a small group, for example by compiling a report on the state of the art in some domain of nanotechnology and its implications for society, by designing a prototype of a device or by developing a new concept for a practical course. The independent group work is supported by courses on bibliographical research, project management, presentation and communication. 28 The S3-15 module focuses on intellectual property and ethical point of view on the nanoscience. UE S2-5 UE S3-15 Project Management Workshop Intellectual property Research Internship 4 ECTS 2 ECTS 20 ECTS The Research internship (UE S2-6) is divided into two separate periods of two months and 10ECTS points each, to allow the students to work on two different topics and get practical application of the subjects covered in their courses, emphasizing on the experimental aspect. Master thesis research project 30 ECTS Semester 4 (M2-2) is exclusively dedicated to the Master thesis research project (UE S4-1). The student will spend 5 to 6 months in an academic research group or in an industrial laboratory, anywhere in France or abroad. 29 List of courses Semester 1 type comp rem major ancil title code Introduction to Nanoscale Engineering S1-1 credit 2 Micro- and Nanofabrication, part 1 S1-2 5 Characterization Tools for Nanostructures S1-3 5 Quantum Engineering S1-4 5 Basics of Physics S1-5 — Solid State Physics at the Nanoscale S1-6 4 Continuum Mechanics S1-7 4 Physics of Semiconductors, part 1 S1-8 4 Physical Chemistry and Molecular Interactions S1-9 4 Biomolecules, Cells, and Biomimetic Systems S1-10 4 Seminars S1-11 1 choice total — 2 — 15 — — 3/5 12 _ 1 30 Semester 2 type title code Nanomechanics S2-1 credit 2 MEMS and NEMS S2-2 2 elective Introduction to System Design S2-3 2 2 choice total 3/4 6 Drug Delivery Systems S2-4 prof Project Management Workshop S2-5 4 — 4 intern Research Internship S2-6 20 — 20 30 30 Semester 3 type major title code Nano-Optics and Biophotonics S3-1 5 Surface-Analysis Techniques S3-2 5 Physics of Semiconductors, part 2 S3-3 5 Micro- and Nanofluidics S3-4 5 Micro- and Nanofabrication, part 2 S3-5 5 Biosensors and Biochips S3-6 5 Computer Modeling of Nanoscale Systems S3-7 5 Multi-Domain System Integration S3-8 2 Solar Cells and Photovoltaics S3-9 2 S3-10 2 Nanoelectronics S3-11 2 Tissue and Cell Engineering S3-12 2 Seminars S3-13 Bibliography Project S3-14 Intellectual Property S3-15 elective Nanomagnetism and Spintronics ancil prof credit choice total 4/7 20 3/5 6 1 — 1 1 — 1 2 — 2 30 Semester 4 type title code intern Master Thesis Research Project (5-6 months full time) S4-1 credit 30 choice total — 30 31 Seminars and workshops Below are some examples of seminars given during the past academics years Industrial seminars -Innovations and research in the Saint-Gobain Group; focus on thin films -Energy applications of Nanotechnology -Smart energy solutions -Technologies, Start up creation -Nanotubes industrial production -Toxicolocy effects of nanoparticles in vitro -Manufacturing & commercialising high quality Zinc Oxide (ZnO) thin film coatings & nanostructures. Research seminars -From carbynes and nanotubes to grahEnes, graphAnes, and sp2-nanofoams -An Overview of Nanotribology -The Smallest Photon -Towards « lab on chip » systems for the earlydiagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases -Electronic properties in C and CN single-wall nanotubes : combined TEM-STM approach -Nanoscale mechanics of collagen - Superconducting sensors and its applications Annual meeting of the GDR-I GNT: Graphene and Nanotubes – Science and Applications From 23rd to 27th January 2012, a nanotube workshop was held in Ecully. The purpose of this conference, attended by about 200 researchers and engineers, was to address the latest results in the science and applications of nanotubes, graphene and related materials. The physical, chemical and biological properties of these materials were discussed throughout tutorials, invited talks, oral contributions and posters. Master's students were invited to attend this conference and ask questions directly of researchers. Then, they were evaluated by turning in a report of around 10 pages divided in three parts, based on one of the invited presentations, one of the tutorials, and one of the regular talks, respectively. 32 COURSES IN DETAIL 33 UE S1-1 ECTS Lectures Practicals Lecturer Introduction to Nanoscale Engineering 2 8 hours Outline This introductory course has three main objectives: Stephen Purcell [email protected] -to give an overview of nanoscience and technology; -to provide an overview of laboratories and companies working in the nanoengineering domain in the region; -to improve capabilities in information research, synthesis and communication. Representatives of local laboratories and of companies that are working in nanoscience will present their activities to the students, who will in turn be asked to prepare a presentation of a laboratory or company. Evaluation Oral presentation (10-15 minutes) UE S1-2 ECTS Lectures Practicals Lecturer Micro- and Nanofabrication, part 1 5 30 hours 24 hours Vincent Salles [email protected] Outline Introduction : -Emergence of nanotechnology -Nanostructures in zero, one, two and three dimensions -“bottom-up” and “top-down” approaches Zero-dimensional nanostructures: nanoparticles : -Nucleation and homogeneous growth -Synthesis of metal nanoparticles (reduction) -Synthesis of oxide nanoparticles (sol-gel process) -Synthesis in confined environments (micelles, emulsions) One-dimensional nanostructures: Nanowires and nanorods : -Spontaneous growth (evaporation/dissolution-condensation) -Growth by vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) and solution-liquid-solid (SLS) techniques -Synthesis from a preform (electrochemical deposition, colloidal 34 dispersion, chemical vapor deposition) -Polymer-derived ceramics Two-dimensional nanostructures: layers : -Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and physical vapor deposition (PVD) -Electrochemical deposition -Sol-gel layers Other nanostructures : -Fullerenes and carbon nanotubes -Core-shell systems -Porous structures and hybrids Nanostructuring by physical processes : -Photolithography and electron-beam lithography -Nanolithography: atomic force microscopy and scanning-tunneling microscopy -Other methods: mechano-synthesis Conclusions Lab practicals in the NanoLyon cleanroom Evaluation -written exam -oral presentation of a research article UE S1-3 ECTS Lectures Practicals Lecturer Characterization Tools for Nanostructures 5 30 hours 12 hours Yves Robach [email protected] Outline Nanostructures and nanomaterials have interesting specific properties arising from their low dimensionnality and/or from the increased influence of the surface. This course presents the main methods of nanoscale-observation of surfaces and interfaces, and the main methods of local characterization for structures of low dimensionality (e.g., morphological, optical, and spectroscopic characterization). The discussed techniques will be illustrated by specific applications in various fields of nanoscience, nanotechnology and biology. 35 Outline of the course: 1. Optical microscopy: confocal and fluorescence microscopy 2. Scanning near field microscopy (STM, AFM, SNOM) 3. Electron microscopy (SEM, TEM) Prior knowledge : basic knowledge of optics, wave propagation and microscopic physics Bibliography: Ernst Meyer, Hans Joseph Hug, Roland Bennewitz, “Scanning Probe Microscopy: the Lab on a Tip”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004 Evaluation UE S1-4 ECTS Lectures Practicals Lecturer Outline - Written exam graded reports on lab practicals Quantum Engineering 5 30 hours 8 hours Taha Benyattou [email protected] This course deals with the aspects of quantum mechanics that have implications for nanotechnology. the first part of the course discusses the formalism of quantum mechanics with attention to practical nanotechnology. The rest of the course is dedicated to engineering applications of quantum mechanics: nanodevices and quantum information processing. Outline of the course 1. Fundamentals of quantum mechanics and their applications • Quantum states and their superposition • Measurements, observables and operators • Collapse of wave packets • Heisenberg uncertainty relations • The Schrödinger equation • Application to tunneling microscopy • The one-dimensional well and confinement effects in semiconductors • Perturbation theory • Confined Stark effect 36 • 2. 3. Emission and absorption of light Quantum nanodevices • Quantum confinement and microelectronics • Schrödinger-Poisson coupling (small MOS, HEMT) • Transport phenomena in low-dimensional systems • Transport phenomena in planar systems (e.g. HEMT) • Tunnel effects (MOS, RTD) • Nanoelectronic with single electrons • Coulomb blockade • Single-electron transistors • Confinement and optoelectronics • Confinement and charge carriers • Combined confinement of charge carriers and photons • Single-photon sources Quantum information and communication • The quantum bit exemplified by the photon • Quantum cryptography • Entanglement, Bell inequalities and the Aspect experiment • Quantum teleportation • Examples of simple quantum-computing algorithms • Classical information versus quantum information • The problem of decoherence Evaluation Written exam UE S1-5 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer Basics of Physics 0 16 hours 14 hours Virginie Monnier [email protected] Outline This course provides a basic knowledge of physics and is compulsory for all students who do not have a physics bachelor, to ensure that they will be able to follow the other courses of the Master of Nanoscale Engineering. • Vibrations and wave-propagation phenomena 37 • • • • • • Propagation phenomena (stationary and propagating waves) • Normal modes of vibration • Interference and diffraction of waves • Phonons Elements of crystallography • Crystal lattices (in two and three dimensions, lattice planes, Bravais lattices, examples) • Reciprocal lattices • X-Ray diffraction • Bragg’s law Introduction to electrical properties of matter • Electric and magnetic fields, forces and dipoles in vacuum, Gauss theorem • Modifications in the presence of matter (metal, insulator), Drude model Concepts of statistical thermodynamics • Statistical ensembles • Distribution laws (Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein, MaxwellBoltzmann) • Statistical entropy Classical thermodynamics • The ideal gas and kinetic gas theory • Thermodynamics parameters • Laws of Thermodynamics Introduction to quantum physics • • Wave-particle duality • The wave function • The Schrödinger equation • Application to a step potential • The potential well Energy levels in matter • The Energy levels of the atom • Electronic configurations • Energy bands in solids • Photon-electron interaction • The photoelectric effect 38 Evaluation • problem-based learning • written exam UE S1-6 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer Solid State Physics 4 28 hours 26 hours Alain MERMET [email protected] Outline 1. Cohesive energy in solids 2. Crystal structures 3. The free electron gas model 4. Energy bands in solids: nearly free electron gas model and tight binding methods Evaluation 5. Vibrations in crystals and thermal properties Written exam UE S1-7 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer Continuum Mechanics 4 28 hours 26 hours Loïc Vanel [email protected] Outline 1. Continuum limit, conserved quantities and continuity relation 2. Diffusive processes: macroscopic laws (Fourier’s for heat, Fick’s law for mass) and microscopic models (random walk, Langevin equation) 3. Stress tensor and the general equation of motion 4. Elasticity theory: strain tensor, elastic energy, Hooke’s law, isotropic solids, full solution of a few static deformation problems, elastic wave propagation 5. Fluid kinematics: Lagrangian and Eulerian motion, deformation of fluids, mass conservation 6. Fluid dynamics: Newtonian viscous stress tensor, Navier-Stokes equation, boundary conditions, Reynolds number, other conservation laws, unidirectional and incompressible flows, perfect fluids, potential flows, vorticity 39 Evaluation Written exam UE S1-8 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer Physics of Semiconductors, part 1 4 30 hours 16 hours Bruno Masenelli [email protected] Outline The course introduces the fundamental concepts of semiconductor solid state physics and shows how the electronic and optical properties can be finely tuned in these materials. It further highlights the prominent role played by semiconductor materials in the design of common electronic and opto-electtronic devices (transistors, LEDs ...). Synthesis techniques and elaboration routes are presented as well. Prior knowledge : Basics of Physics (UE S1-5, for non-physicists) Evaluation Written exam UE S1-9 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer Physical Chemistry and Molecular Interaction 4 12 hours 12 hours Anne-Laure Biance [email protected] Outline With decreasing size of systems, the influence of surface effects starts to dominate over volume effects. This course presents the intermolecular forces and the surface forces which govern the interactions in matter on the submicron scale and thus determine the mechanical and fluidic properties of micro-systems, such as adhesion, friction, and functionalization. • Main types of interactions in colloidal matter short- and long-range interactions, specific interactions, examples • Van der Waals interactions between molecules and surfaces • The Laplace model of surface tension Surface energy, adhesion energy, classical theory of capillarity, 40 thermodynamic aspects, contact angles, wetting, high- and lowenergy surfaces • Evaluation UE S1-10 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer Measurement techniques for interactions and weak forces The Deryaguin approximation, atomic force microscopy, surface forces, vesicle-based methods Prior knowledge: Basics of Physics, mechanics of point masses and solids, thermodynamics, free energy and enthalpy, chemical potential, phase diagrams, electrostatics Written exams Biomolecules, Cells, and Biomimetic Systems 4 30 hours Jean-Paul Rieu [email protected] Outline This course provides a basic knowledge of biology for students with a physics, chemistry or engineering background. Students with a background in biology are exempt from taking this class. Part A: Introduction to Biology • • • • The cell – structure and function • Main types of cellular organization • Examples of biotechnological applications • Introduction to cellular function The cell and its environment • The constituents of the extracellular matrix • Examples of applications – biomaterials • Molecular basis of cell adhesion The cytoskeleton and cellular mobility • The cytoskeleton • Microtubules and microfilaments • Muscular contratction and non-muscular motility The cellular membrane – constituents and function • Models of the fluid membrane • Lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates of the membrane • Interaction of the membrane with the extracellular 41 environment • • • • • Phenomena of membrane transport Molecular genetics • Structure and properties of nucleic acids • Biosynthesis of DNA and its applications (sequencing, PCR, DNA microarrays) • Transcription and translation From amino acids to enzymes – properties of proteins • The structure of proteins • Enzymes: catalysis, kinetics, inhibition The energy of cells • Mitochondria and the respiratory chain • Chloroplasts and photosynthesis • Cellular energetics and microsystems The immune system and vaccinations • Endogenous and exogenous substances • The immune system • Cellular and molecular bases on immunity • Vaccinations (with examples of delivery systems) Part B: Biomimetic Systems • • • In-vitro measurement of molecular interactions • Force-distance measurements by AFM (physicochemical interactions, ligand-receptor interactions, rigidity of macromolecules) • Other techniques to measure molecular interactions • Functionalization of surfaces Biomimetic membranes at the air-water interface and on supports • Amphiphilic molecules and lipid monolayers • Thermodynamics of interfaces • Supported lipid membranes • Investigation techniques (Thermometry, fluorescence microscopy, AFM, ellipsometry, quartz micro balances) Artificial cells • Giant lipid vesicles – fabrication, physical and mechanical properties and characterization • Toward artificial cells? 42 Evaluation Written exam Graded oral presentation UE S1-11 ECTS Lectures Tutorials In charge Seminars 1 Outline Catherine Journet-Gautier [email protected] These seminars provide students with the opportunity to get to know partners from industry and academia, who give presentations on their activities. This allows students to appreciate the role of nanotechnology in the socioeconomic world. Ethical and legal aspects of the increasing utilization of nanotechnology will also be covered. Examples of previous seminars: Evolution of nanotechnology in microelectronics (CEA Leti) • Hybrid nanomaterials (Nano-H) • Nanotechnology and nanomaterials in electron microscopy (Arkema) • Liquid lenses – an optical revolution (Varioptic) • Innovation and research in the Saint-Gobain Group - focus on thin films • Energy Applications of Nanotechnology (AREVA) • High quality ZnO thin film coatings and nanostructures (Nanovation) • Very large scale integration of nano-electromechanical systems: development of a new generation of ultra-sensitive sensors for advanced solutions in biological applications (CEA Leti and California Institute of Technology) • Detection of engineered nanoparticles using commerciallyavailable and laboratory-made instrumentations: workplace surveillance and process monitoring (INERIS) • Evaluation Carbon nanotubes: from the laboratory to commercial development (Arkema) Attendance check UE S2-1 ECTS Nanomechanics 2 43 Lectures Tutorials Lecturer 13 hours 7 hours Alfonso San Miguel [email protected] Outline The mechanical properties of nanomaterials give rise to numerous industrial applications: ultra-hard composites for tools, reinforcement materials, protection layers, food preservation, etc. The extraordinary ratio between surface and volume in nanomaterials and its consequences are at the heart of the excellence of nanomaterials in these activity sectors. The lectures will impart the knowledge that is necessary to understand – at a state-of-the-art level – the mechanical properties of nanomaterials with examples of current applications and perspectives for future developments. The course is divided into four parts that are introduced through concepts, examples and exercises: • Mechanical characteristics of materials • Nanomechanics of individual fullerenes, nanocrystals • Nanomechanics of assembled nanomaterials: from homogeneous to heterogeneous systems (nanocomposites) • Production of nanomaterials by mechanical means nanomaterials: nanotubes, Prior knowledge: Bachelor-level education (three years) in engineering, physics, chemistry, or a related field Evaluation Bibliography: Autar K.Kaw, “Mechanics of Composite Materials” (CRC Series in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) CRC Press, Boca Raton, second edition, 2005 Written exam UE S2-2 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer MEMS and NEMS 2 20 hours Outline Introduction to MEMS/NEMS Philippe PONCHARAL [email protected] Materials for MEMS and NEMS properties of silicon 44 Principles of operation and examples Evaluation UE S2-3 ECTS Lectures Practicals Lecturer Modelling of MEMS/NEMS Written exam Introduction to System Design 2 20 hours 8 hours Laurent Quiquerez [email protected] Outline The combination of nanoscale elements to form complex functional systems on microscopic and macroscopic length scales is the natural domain of application for nanotechnology, This principle already finds wide application in several economic areas, for example microelectronics, transportation and healthcare. This course provides the materials needed for the understanding, the analysis, and the integration of such systems. The notion of a system and its conception, from the vantage point of students of nanotechnology, is explored via a case study. The students will thus acquire the technical competence for the specification, the analysis and the optimization of systems which rely on phenomena on a variety of different scales. Outline of the course • • • Evaluation Introduction • The notion of “a system” • Examples of systems and size effects (the system is more than the sum of its parts) Design Methodologies • Functional and structural analysis • Representations: programs and organigrams • Design methods: bottom-up and top-down Methods and tools for top-down design • Frameworks for the simulation of systems (FEM, ODE, discrete time steps, ...) • Modelling of systems (Simulink, VHDL-AMS, systemC-AMS) • Optimization techniques Two written exams 45 UE S2-4 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer Drug-Delivery Systems 2 20 hours Outline • Charlotte Rivière [email protected] • Biomedical Imaging • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic nanoparticles Principles of MRI, positive and negative contract agents • Nuclear imaging and nanometric tracers Priciples of positron emission tomography, currently-used radioactive tracers, nanotechnological developments for novel tracers • Optical imaging, intravital microscopy and fluorescent markers Principles of intravital imaging, classical organic fluorophores, new nanotechnological markers Vectorization and targeted delivery of drugs • • Principles and challenges Different generations nanotechnology of drugs, pharmaceutical • Biochemical vectorization Colloids and their biological functionalization, precautions depending on the target zone, examples of nanoparticles, current developments • Magnetic vectorization Physical principles, current trials Therapy • Environmentally-sensitive temperature) nanostructures • Magnetically-induced hyperthermia • Photodynamic therapy • Emergent therapies: IR hyperthermia, neutron therapy (pH, Evaluation Prior knowledge: Biomolecules, Cells, and Biomimetic Systems (UE S1-4, for non-biologists) Graded oral presentation UE S2-5 Project Management Workshop 46 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer 4 Florian Kulzer and Magali Paner-Goutorbe [email protected] – [email protected] Outline Evaluation UE S2-6 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer The project of the first year consists of exploring a nanotechnologyrelated topic in a small group, for example by compiling a report on the state of the art in some domain of nanotechnology and its implications for society, by designing a prototype of a device or by developing a new concept for a practical course. The independent group work is supported by courses on bibliographical research, project management, presentation and communication. graded project reports and/or presentations Research Internship 20 Karine Masenelli-Varlot [email protected] Outline Evaluation UE S3-1 ECTS Lectures Practicals Lecturer The Master of Nanoscale Engineering places great emphasis on immersing the students in research laboratories so that they can see the practical application of the subjects covered in the courses and thus acquire a deeper and broader understanding. The research internship is divided into two separate periods of two months and 10 ECTS points each. It allows students to work on two different topics under the guidance of their supervisor. Assessments of project supervisor; dissertations Nano-Optics and Biophotonics 5 30 hours 8 hours Christian Seassal [email protected] Outline The main topic of this course is the control of light at microscopic and nanoscopic scales. The interaction between photons and different media is considered, including semiconductors, dielectrics, 47 metals and biologic media. Different kinds of applications are introduced, ranging from information transfer and data processing to biosensing The course is divided in 15 lectures and two practicals: • Lecture 1: Introduction to photonics, nanophotonics, and biophotonics microphotonics, • Lecture 2: Basic knowledge of optics • Lecture 3-4: Guiding light • Lecture 5-6: Localization of light (cavities, photonic crystals, metamaterials) • Lecture 7-8: Absorption, Emission, Laser Physics • Lecture 9-10: Plasmons • Lectures 11-12: Biophotonics, single molecules and optical tweezers • Lecture 13: Opto-fluidics • Lecture 14: Non-Linear Guided Optics • Lecture 15: Bibliography and Research Articles on Micro- and Nanophotonics • Practical 1: Simulation of photonic devices and circuits • Practical 2: Characterization and testing of microlasers Bibliography: Bahaa E.A. Saleh, Marvin C. Teich “Fundamentals of Photonics” Wiley, New York, second edition, 2007 Evaluation • written exam • graded reports on lab practicals UE S3-2 ECTS Lectures Practicals Lecturers Surface-Analysis Techniques 5 30 hours 8 hours Didier Leonard (in charge of the UE and practicals) [email protected] Brice Gautier - [email protected] Juliette Tuaillon-Combes - [email protected] Outline 1. Introduction • Context and Parameters • X-Ray interaction with matter 48 2. 3. • Electron interaction with matter • Ion interaction with matter X-Ray detection based surface analysis techniques • Fluorescence • Diffraction Electron detection based surface analysis techniques (a) XPS – X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy • Principles (Auger electron energy; spectra derivation) • Instrumentation • Qualitative and quantitative analysis (core levels, chemical shifts, Auger parameter, valence levels, imaging) (b) AES – Auger Electron Spectroscopy 4. • Principles (photoelectric effect, calibration, charge effect) • Instrumentation • Qualitative and quantitative analysis (qualitative analysis, SAM, depth profiling, chemical shifts) Ion detection based surface analysis techniques (a) SIMS – Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry • Sputtering and ionisation • Instrumentation detectors) • Dynamic SIMS – static SIMS (ToF-SIMS) • Applications (ion sources, mass analysers, (b) ISS – Ion Scattering Spectroscopy and RBS – Rutherford Backscattering • Low energy ion diffusion - ISS • High energy ion diffusion - RBS • Instrumentation • Applications Practicals XPS: instrumentation and applications ToF-SIMS: instrumentation and applications Bilbiography • John C. Vickerman, David Briggs (editors), “ToF-SIMS: Surface Analysis by Mass Spectrometry”, Surface Spectra, 2001 • John C. Vickerman, David Briggs and John T. Grant (editors),” 49 • Surface Analysis by Auger and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy”, Surface Spectra, 2003 John C. Vickerman, Ian Gilmore (editors), “Surface Analysis: The Principal Techniques”, Wiley, New York, 2009 (second edition) • John F. Watts, John Wolstenholme, “An Introduction to Surface Analysis by XPS and AES”, Wiley, New York, 2003 (second edition) • John C. Rivière, Sverre Myhra (editors), “Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis: Methods for Problem-Solving”, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1998 • David Briggs, M.P. Seah (editors), “Practical Surface Analysis: Auger and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy” (Volume 1), Wiley, New York, 1990 (second edition) • David Briggs, M.P. Seah (editors), “Practical Surface Analysis: Ion and Neutral Spectroscopy” (Volume 2), Wiley, New York, 1990 (second edition) • A. Benninghoven, F.G. Rüdenauer, H.W. Werner, “Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Basic Concepts, Instrumental Aspects, Applications and Trends”, Wiley, New York, 1987 • C. Richard Brundle, Charles A. Evans, Shaun Wilson, “Encyclopedia of Materials Characterization: Surfaces, Interfaces, Thin Films”, Butterworth-Heinemann,Stoneham, 1992 • Gernot Friedbacher, Henning Bubert (editors), “Surface and Thin Film Analysis: A Compendium of Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications”, Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2011 Evaluation Written exam UE S3-3 ECTS Lectures Practicals Lecturer Physics of Semiconductors, part 2 5 20 hours 10 hours Bruno Masenelli [email protected] Outline The course presents the fundamental concepts and purposes of semiconducting nanostructures. It shows how the size reduction of semiconducting materials can lead to fundamental technological breakthroughs. In particular, the tailoring of the properties of electronic or phononic transport as well as of light emission are illustrated through recent examples (superlattices, 2D electron gas, 50 quantum cascade lasers) and potential applications (nanowire transistors, single photon sources). Prior knowledge Physics of Semiconductors, part 1 (UE S1-8, or an equivalent introduction to the physics of semiconductors) Bibliography Peter Y. Yu and Manuel Cardona, “Fundamentals of Semiconductors: Physics and Materials Properties”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, fourth edition, 2010 Claus F. Klingshirn, “Semiconductor Optics”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, third edition, 2007 Evaluation UE S3-4 ECTS Lectures Practicals Lecturer Christophe Delerue, Michel Lannoo, “Nanostructures: Theory and Modeling”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004. Written exam Micro- and Nanofluidics 5 30 hours 8 hours Rosaria Ferrigno (temporary, new person in charge on September 2013 [email protected] Outline This courses deals with the physical phenomena that govern the dynamics of fluids at the micrometer and nanometer scale. Applications derived from these principles will also be discussed, for example the lab-on-a-chip concept. Outline of the course: • Introduction of micro/nanofluidics and the lab-on-a-chip • General properties of flow at different Reynaolds numbers • Hydrodunamic flow at small length scales: the continuum limit • Wetting and thin films • Electrokinetic Phenomena • Polymer-based micro/nanotechnology • Transducers and microfluidic components (valves, mixers, reactors, ...) 51 • Evaluation UE S3-5 ECTS Lectures Practicals Lecturer Examples of realizations and applications Prior knowledge: Continuum Mechanics (UE S1-7) Written exam Micro- and Nanofabrication, part 2 5 30 hours 16 hours Helen Reveron [email protected] Outline This course introduces some of the methods involved in the production of fully-dense three-dimensional nanostructured materials. Structure-property relationships will be discussed as well as structured materials and multi-functional applications. Outline of the course: • • • • • Introduction • Fabrication of nanomaterials: wet and dry approaches • Production of nanostructured materials (polymers, metals, ceramics and composites) • Properties of nanostructured materials Fabrication of nanostructured materials • General principles applied to polymers, metals, ceramics and composites • Rheology of suspensions and mixtures Elaboration methods • Powders (wet and dry techniques) • Extrusion • Injection Sintering • Natural sintering • Sintering under pressure (HP, HIP) • Novel methods (microwaves, SPS) • Thermal treatments and recrystallization Microstructure-property relationship • Influence of percolation on macroscopic properties 52 • Size effects • Micro-nano and nano-nano composites • Selected applications: structures and multi-functional materials • Conclusions and future challenges Bibliography Evaluation UE S3-6 ECTS Lectures Practicals Lecturer • Alan S. Edelstein, Robert C. Cammarata (editors), "Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications", Institute of Physics Pub., Bristol, second edition, 1998 • Carl C. Koch (editor), "Nanostructured Materials: Processing, Properties, and Applications", William Andrew Publishing, Norwich, second edition, 2007 • Hari S. Nalwa (editor), "Handbook of Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology", Academic Press, New York, 2000 • written exam • graded reports on practical sessions • oral presentation of a research article Biosensors and Biochips 5 30 hours 4 hours Eliane Souteyrand [email protected] Outline This course introduces the main concepts related to the design, the fabrication and the utilization of microsystems for molecular analysis in complex environments, liquid or gaseous. Such systems include sensors and biosensors, i.e., systems for the detection of certain chemical species, as well as biochips, which are devices for simultaneous multi-factor analysis, The course shows how the fundamental notions in the relevant scientific domains (physical chemistry of interfaces, biochemistry, physical measurements, ...) must be articulated in a coherent way, from the conception of biochips and their fabrication, to the interpretation of the resulting data, in order to achieve an analytical performance that is best adapted to the issue under investigation. We will discuss examples from the domain of academic research as well as commercialized systems, for applications related to health and environment. 53 Outline of the course: • • • • • Chemical sensors and microsensors • Electrochemical conductometry sensors: voltammetry, amperometry, • Principles of solid-state chemical microsensors • Microsensors for ions (ISFET) • Gas sensors (GASFET) and other sensors Biosensors • Structure of biosensors • Types of bioreceptors (enzymes, immunological receptors, nucleic acids, others) • Types of signal transduction (optical, mass transport, electrical, electrochemical) Biochips • Classification of biochips • Design methodologies and tools • Fabrication methods • Chemical and biological functionalization of surfaces • Analysis methods: genotyping/mutations, gene expression, proteomics • Fluorescence analysis on biochips Examples of applications • Medical diagnostics • Environmental diagnostics Analysis of the transcriptome Prior knowledge • Evaluation UE S3-7 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer Biomolecules, Cells, and Biomimetic Systems (UE S1-4) • Physical Chemistry and Molecular Interactions (UE S1-9) Two written exams Computer Modeling of Nanoscale Systems 5 20 hours 10 hours Tristan Albaret [email protected] 54 Outline This course introduces the principles underlying common methods of numerical simulations used in the nanosciences, going from the atomistic scale to the continuum. It discusses the appropriateness of atomic scale and continuum modeling. One of the goals is to understand the principles of the models and algorithms used in standard codes. Outline of the course: Part 1: • Choice of models and methods • Overview of problems and scales • Atomistic models (with and without electrons) • Continuum models versus microscopic and mesoscopic approaches • Classical molecular dynamics: from statistical mechanics to the algorithms Part 2: • Finite element methods • Interpolation functions for the estimating displacements • Construction discretization • Governing principles and equations • Variational formulation of the elementary operators after Prior knowledge Continuum Mechanics (UE S1-7) Bibliography Evaluation UE S3-8 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer Daan Frenkel, Berend Smit, “Understanding Molecular Simulation: From Algorithms to Applications”, Academic Press, San Diego, second edition, 2002 Written exam Multi-Domain System Integration 2 20 hours 4 hours Ian O’Connor [email protected] 55 Outline This course discusses the consequences of the size reduction to the nanometer scale for the elementary devices of nanoelectronics: The complexity and the heterogeneity of these systems requires novel methods for their conception and integration Outline of the course: • Established integration techniques post-processing, chip bonding, system-in-package (SiP), systemon-a-chip (SoC), 3D-stacking, ... • Advanced modelization finite element methods (FEM), coupled FEM, model order reduction, compact models • Conception of elementary nanodevices logic gates, oscillators, ... • Robustness of design management of manufacturing tolerances (random and systematic aspects), testing and quality assurance Prior knowledge Evaluation UE S3-9 ECTS Lectures Practicals Lecturer Introduction to System Design (UE S1-12) Written exams Solar Cells and Photovoltaics 2 20 hours 4 hours Danièle Blanc-Pélissier [email protected] Outline The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the physical principles of quantum conversion and of the design of solar cells, from the material to the component, taking into account economic and environmental constraints. These basics will then permit students to discuss new concepts and nanotechnological applications for third generation solar cells. Outline of the course: • The solar spectrum and the principles of solar cells • The ideal photovoltaic converter and its theoretical limits • The choice of materials and structures for solar energy conversion 56 • Design and characterization of solar cells • The fabrication process on a large scale, economic and environmental concerns • Thin film and low cost solar cells: second generation solar cells (organic and inorganic materials) • New concepts for third generation solar cells – using nanotechnology to improve solar cell efficiency: • • tandem cells • hot carrier cells • multiple electron-hole pairs per photon • impurity photovoltaics and multiband cells Practical session: the main characterization techniques in photovoltaics Prior knowledge Evaluation UE S3-10 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer • Physics of Semiconductors, part 1 (UE S1-8) Written exam + 25% practical session assessment Nanomagnetism and Spintronics 2 20 hours hours Matthias Hillenkamp [email protected] Outline The aim of this course is to convey adequate knowledge of magnetism in solids so that magnetic nanostructures can be understood. The specific properties of such nanostructers arise from their large surface-to-volume ratio: increase of the magnetic moment per atom, increase and modification of the anisotropy, reversal of non-conventional magnetic moments, etc. An understanding of these phenomena requires the introduction of new magnetic states and novel models. We will furthermore discuss dedicated analysis techniques for the variety of nanomagnetic materials that can be fabricated, which have to deal with the small size and quantity of the material, and the possible applications of magnetic nanostructures. Outline of the course: • Introduction • Recapitulation: basic magnetic systems 57 • • • • • Measuring magnetism • Magnetic phenomena and simple experiments • Sensitive measurements with SQUIDs (superconducting quantum interference devices) Magnetism of free ions • Orbital magnetic moment and electron spin in atoms and ions • Hund’s rules and the Landé factor • Pauli para- and diamagnetism • Landau diamagnetism Magnetism in solids • Blockade of orbital momentum, crystal fields, molecular fields • The model of localized electrons • The Stoner-Wohlfarth model • Exchange interactions: direct, Ruderman-Kittel-KasuyaYosida (RKKY), super exchange • Magnetocrystalline anisotropy • Magnetic order: ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, spin glasses • The model of itinerant electrons, Stoner criterion Magnetism of nano-objects • Zero-dimensional nano-objects: superparamagnetism • One-dimensional nano-objects: nanowires, the Ising model • Two-dimensional nano-objects: thin magnetic films and multilayers • The quantum Hall effect • Gigantic magentoresistance: principle and realization Magnetic data storage and other applications • Principles of storage: analog, magnetic, magneto-optic • Storage and retrieval processes • Applications of magnetostriction and magnetoelasticity Bibliograpgy • J. M. D. Coey, "Magnetism and Magnetic Materials", Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010 • Stephen Blundell, "Magnetism in Condensed Matter", Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001 58 Evaluation Oral exam UE S3-11 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer Nanoelectronics 2 20 hours hours Hervé Dumont [email protected] Outline This course deals with nanoelectronic devices whose design goes beyond the CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) technology. It discusses different technological approaches and the architectures that are adequate to complement or replace those that are presently used in microelectronics. Outline of the course: • • • • • Introduction • From micro- to nanoelectronics • Bottom-up and top-down approaches Single electron transistors (SETs) • Principle of operation • Application to electrometers • The influence of offset charges • Hybrid logic circuits SET-FET • Transmission of information by quantum-dot cellular automata (QCAs) • Quantum information processing Single-electron memory (SEM) • Principle of operation • Intrgation on silicon • Multi-bit storage Devices based on quantum wires • Carbon-nanotube devices • Devices based on semiconductor nanowires • Examples of reconfigurable logic circuits Fast devices • Tunnel junctions • Resonant tunneling • Nano-electromechanical devices (NEMs) 59 • Post-silicon technology • Molecular electronics • Neural networks Prior knowledge Evaluation UE S3-12 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer • Physics of Semiconductors, part 1 (UE S1-8) • written exam • graded report and oral presentation on a scientific article Tissue and Cell Engineering 2 17 hours hours Jean-Paul Rieu [email protected] Outline This course explores life on the nanometer scale. The two aspects of nanotechnology in life sciences are discussed: • fundamental research – probing the properties of cells on increasingly smaller length scales, cellular biomechanics • biomedical applications – novel nanostructured biomaterials, fine-tuned to modulate the cellular response Outline of the course: • • Cellular structure and function • The cellular architecture • membrane, cytoskeleton, extracellular matrix, adhesion proteins (cell/cell, cell/substrate) • Principal mechanics of the cell • division (mitosis), movement (immune response, development, regeneration), cohesion and preservation of tissue • The cell as an integrated multi-sensor • membrane receptors for chemical signals (endocytosis, exocytosis, phagocytosis), mechanical stimuli (blood flow, compression, cell/cell interaction), topological stimuli and the extracellular network (proliferation, apoptosis, differentiation) Bio-, micro-, and nanotechnolgy to study the mechanical 60 properties of cells • Evaluation UE S2-5 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer • Stress and deformation, cellular rheology • extensional rheometry, optical and magnetic tweezers, Brownian motion, aspiration into mircopipettes • Measuring cellular adhesion • ablation experiments, milli- and microfluidic flow chambers, atomic force microscopy (AFM) • Hydrodynamic properties and capillary forces in cellular aggregates • determination of cellular contractility, deformable substrates, utilization of physical forces (hydrodynamic, magnetic, ...) to counteract motion, contractile drugs, visulaization of mechanotransducer-complexes by fluorescence microscopy Supports and 2D/3D matrices for tissue engineering • Bulk biomaterials and artificial tissue • Nanostructured materials, microfluidic devices • Intelligent scaffolds • Application examples and case studies adhesive templates, and Prior knowledge Biomolecules, Cells, and Biomimetic Systems (UE S1-4, for nonbiologists) Graded oral presentation Bibliography project 1 Florian Kulzer and Magali Paner-Goutorbe [email protected] – [email protected] Outline Evaluation The project of the second year is reserved for a literature survey, allowing our students to prepare for their Master thesis projects. graded project reports and/or presentations UE S3-15 ECTS Intellectual Property 2 61 Lectures Tutorials Lecturer 20 hours hours Carole Bremeersch [email protected] Outline This course introduces the main aspects of industrial property, that is to say, intellectual property rights that protect the results of industrial activity, such as patents, trademarks, utility models, and protected designs. The main focus is on patent protection at the national and international level, on the importance of industrial property as a resource of an enterprise, and on its role in project management. Outline of the course • • • • • Intellectual property • Structures and professions in industrial property • Definitions: intellectual property and industrial property • elements of industrial property: patents, trademarks, designs, and utility models Patents • Definitions, conditions, and exclusions of patentability • Structure and costs of patent applications • Statistics on pantents • The Soleau envelope • Valorization of patents, licensing • Patent protection, infringement and sanctions International protection • Priority of invention • National patents • European patents • The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) • Criteria of patentability in Europe and the United States Patent search • Search for prior art • Exploitation • Technology scouting and competitive intelligence • Patent databases Hot topics 62 • Evaluation UE S4-1 ECTS Lectures Tutorials Lecturer Software patents • Patents on living organisms Multiple-choice exam Master Thesis Research Project 30 Karine Masenelli-Varlot [email protected] Outline The final Master thesis project with duration of five to six months can be conducted in an academic research group or in an industrial laboratory, anywhere in France or abroad. Example of previous Master Thesis Projects • Realization and optimization of the top contact of a 3D transisitor based on silicon nanowire channels (CEA, Grenoble, France) • Biopolymer nanocomposite fibers for tissue engineering and scaffolding (Institute of Nanoscience for Medicine, University of Oxford, UK) • Electronics with single electrons: analytical modeling and characterization (Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology, France) • Development of an electrodeposition process (Laboratory for Nanotechnology, Viet Nam National University, Ho Chi Minh City) • Molecular resists based on C60 for extreme-UV lithography (Nanoscale Physics Research Laboratory, University of Birmingham, UK) • Laser-assisted fabrication of carbon nanotubes and graphene (Mechanosynthesis Group, University of Michigan, USA) • Development of a laser segmentation process for thin-film silicon photovoltaic modules (R&D department, Total S.A., Palaiseau, France) • Fabrication and characterization of nanostructures based on mass-selected aggregates (LASIM, Université Claude Bernard – Lyon 1, France) • Characterization of diodes for IR detectors (SAGEM Défense Sécurité, Paris, France) 63 Evaluation • Theory of spin transfer torques in magnetic-insulator-based tunnel junctions (Spintec, CEA Grenoble, France) • Development of lab-on-a-chip biosensors based on surface plasmon resonance and microcalorimetry (Centre de Recherche en Nanofabrication et en Nanocaractérisation, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada) • A planar high-density network of high-Tc superconducting Josephson junctions (Thales Research and Technology, Palaiseau, France) • Design and modeling of a two-dimensional photonic crystal cavity (CINTRA, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) • assessment of project supervisor (1/3) • Master thesis and defense in front of a jury (2/3) 64 RESEARCH LABORATORIES 65 Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology (INL) The Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology (INL) is a fundamental and applied research laboratory in the field of micro- and nano-technology. Its mission is to conduct research on the development of fully-fledged technologies for a broad range of application sectors (semiconductors and micro-electronics, telecoms, energy, health, biology, industrial control, defence, environment). • • • • • Research is organised around four main topics (organized in departments): Functional Materials Electronics Photonics and Photovoltaics Biotechnology and Health The research programs draw on the resources of the Lyon-based Nanolyon technology platform. A transversal research operation is specifically dedicated to the development of Nanocharacterization tools and techniques. The laboratory is situated on the campuses of École Centrale de Lyon, INSA Lyon, University of Lyon 1 and CPE. Ecole Centrale de Lyon Building F7 36, avenue Guy de Collongue - 69134 ECULLY Public transport access: bus 3, 4 or 55, station “Campus Lyon Ouest” INSA de Lyon Domaine scientifique de la DOUA Building Blaise Pascal 7, avenue Jean Capelle 69621 VILLEURBANNE Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Domaine scientifique de la DOUA Building Léon Brillouin 6, rue Ampère 69621 VILLEURBANNE Public transport access: Tramway (T1) going to "IUT Feyssine 66 Institut Lumière Matière (ILM) The Institut Lumière Matière gathers about 300 people working in 21 research teams covering areas of physics and chemistry going from the study of atoms and molecules, through nanosystems and nanomaterials up to material science and the study of macroscopic systems and their laws. The research work is both experimental and theoretical, and can be fundamental or applied and also within collaboration with industrial partners. The elaboration and study of nanosystems and nanomaterials is one of the main topics of the Institut Lumière Matière, including applications in material science, optics, devices, biosystems, nanofluidcs, environment, energy … With 10 experimental platforms and 2 theory groups, the Institut Lumière Matière offers a wide range of opportunities for students willing to get in touch with the latest advances in science and technology. The Institut Lumière Matière is opening on January 2013 from the fusion of three laboratories from the University Lyon 1 and CNRS: LPMCN, LASIM, LPCML, Addresses: The three laboratories are located on the : « Domaine Scientifique de la Doua » - UCB Lyon 1 - 69622 Villeurbanne Public transport access: Tramway (T1) going to "IUT Feyssine", station "Université Lyon 1” LPMCN Building Léon Brillouin - 43 Boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918 LASIM and LPCML Building Alfred Kastler - 10 rue Ada Byron 67 Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée et Nanostructures (LPMCN) The laboratory was created in 1970 in the context of strong development of the physics of condensed matter for the synthesis of new materials, studies of their structures and properties at different scales and their applications. Since its inception, the lab has evolved and adapted to the growing demand in the areas of solid materials and soft matter, thus contributing significantly to the advancement of fundamental knowledge and some potential applications in these areas. Currently, the lab focuses on studies and developments of solid materials and soft matter, by way of experimental and theoretical associated with a strong emphasis to the low-dimensional systems that involve new concepts of nano physics and nanotechnology The scientific organization is structured around four research themes: • Theme I: Liquids and Interfaces • Theme II: Functional Nanostructures, Nanomaterials • Theme III: nanosources and Nanotechnology • Theme IV: Theory and Modeling The total is 125 people, including 75 permanent (Researchers and Technicians), about 50 PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, and few visitors. In parallel to research activities, the lab members are actively involved in education and training in the various cycles of the University (Bachelor Science and Technology, Master of Physics and Technology), and in the engineering school (ISTIL) and IUT that are part of the university and the Magisterium of Materials Science, common at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon. To host PhD, the laboratory is associated with the Graduate School of Physics and Astrophysics of Lyon and the Lyon Graduate School of Materials. 68 Materials: Engineering and Science (MATEIS) MATEIS optimises the operational properties of existing structural materials, but also develops new ones. The four material classes: metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, are studied from different points of view: processing, microstructural characterization, in situ observation of thermomechanical or electrochemical transformations, non destructive characterisation, microstructure-based modelling. The challenges are to understand: • The relations between manufacturing parameters and microstructure (defects at the atomic or molecular scale, phase arrangement -crystalline, amorphous-, defects linked to processing microcavities, decohesion-…) • The relations between microstructures and macroscopic behaviour measured by various techniques (mechanical, electrochemical, calorimetric, dielectric, acoustic…) • The evolution of these microstructures in operation (phase transitions, corrosion, damage modes…) Societal fields of application are transportation (downweighting of airplane and cars), energy production and storage (safety in powerplants and batteries, ), materials for environment (ramm earth construction, outer thermal barriers), materials for health (protheses, nanoparticles for diagnosis ans therapy). The lab gathers more than 60 scientists, either academic staff (INSA) or full time researchers (CNRS), the same number of PhD students, 25 engineers, technicians, secretaries… in six teams: Metals and Alloys / Ceramics and Composites / Polymers, Glasses, Heterogeneous Materials / Biomaterials and Biological Interactions / Structures, Nano-, Microstructures / Interface Reactivity and Corrosion. Address: Domaine scientifique de la DOUA INSA de Lyon - Building Blaise Pascal, 5th floor 7, Avenue Jean Capelle - 69621 VILLEURBANNE Public transport access: Tramway (T1) going to "IUT Feyssine , station "INSA-Einstein" 69 APPENDICES 70 Maps of the campus “Domaine scientifique de la DOUA” INSA de Lyon and UCB Lyon 1 are both located on this campus, north east of Lyon. More detailed views of the INSA de Lyon map (east half part) and the UCB Lyon map (west half part) are respectively displayed pages 70 and 71. 71 72 73 Map of Ecole Centrale de Lyon 74 Map of Lyon’s subway an d tramway network 75 76 The NSE Master is financially supported by the PALSE program (Programme Avenir Lyon Saint-Etienne, French government) 77 Magali Phaner-Goutorbe Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon (INL) Site École Centrale de Lyon, Batiment F7 36, avenue Guy de Collongues 69134 Écully cedex France Tel: +33 (0)4 72 18 62 32 email: [email protected] Karine Masenelli-Varlot MATEIS, INSA de Lyon Bâtiment Blaise Pascal, 5ème étage 7, avenue Jean Capelle 69621 Villeurbanne cedex France Tel: +33 (0)4 72 43 83 82 email: [email protected] Catherine Journet-Gautier Laboratoire des Multimatériaux et Interfaces (UMR 5615) Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 Bâtiment Chevreul, 2ème étage 6, rue Victor Grignard 69622 Villeurbanne cedex France Tel: +33 (0)4 72 43 35 64 email: [email protected] [email protected]