The Winnipeg Arts Council


The Winnipeg Arts Council
Annual Report 2008
Cover IMAGE: Agassiz Ice, Gordon Reeve. Photo: cam bush.
Below: Agassiz Ice, Gordon Reeve. Photo: Mathias Reeve.
Message from the Chair
Grants Programming
Major New Works: New Creations Fund
Winnipeg Arts Council Awards & Mayor’s Luncheon for the Arts
The Carol Shields Winnipeg Book Award
Public Art Program
Thank You…
2008 Grants Awarded
Auditor’s Report & Statement of Financial Position
Board of Directors, Staff and Assessors
Mandate, Mission, Vision & Values
103-110 Princess Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1K7
[email protected]
© 2008 Winnipeg Arts Council
Design by Mike Carroll
Printed in Canada by Kromar Printing
Message from the Chair
Thinking about art
My term as the new Chair of the Winnipeg Arts
Council began in May of last spring, a season of
joy and gladness. We had a wonderful turnout for
the second annual Mayor’s Luncheon for the Arts,
and summer saw the unveiling of a magnificent
new sculpture by Gordon Reeve in Assiniboine
Park as part of the Public Art Program. The crowd
at the unveiling was made up of young and old,
some who had read about the sculpture in the
Winnipeg Free Press, others who wanted to see
what all the excitement was about and, best of
all, families with young children who ran to play
in and all around the installation as soon as the
speeches were over.
I am writing now in mid-winter, in the midst of a
cold, cold January. But the impossibly cold temperatures outside have not stopped audiences
from attending MillerFest, which opened a week
ago, or the New Music Festival, which is now in
its eighteenth year. A new collaboration between
the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra and Prairie Fire
Press—Boreality, an exploration through poetry
and music of Manitoba’s boreal forests—was
launched just the other night. The fires of creativity
are burning brightly in our community: gallery
openings, exhibitions, theatre, music, dance, films,
book launches and readings—an exhilarating
number of events, far too many for one person to
attend, but it’s very satisfying to contemplate the
seemingly infinite variety of choices available.
But if the spring and summer began with joy,
autumn brought the astonishing collapse of markets worldwide, and as I write now, the forecast
is for a bleak, rapidly shrinking global economy.
Arts groups in the United States are hoping the
government’s economic recovery package will
include programs to support artists and—here’s
a heart-wrenching detail—to provide health care
for artists. They are also hoping the government
will create a Ministry of Culture. The plight of the
arts south of the border seems to suggest that our
situation in Canada may be more stable.
In 2009, the Winnipeg Arts Council will meet
its quarter-century. In 1984, the Winnipeg Arts
Advisory Council was established, becoming the
Winnipeg Arts Council Inc. in 2002. For twentyfive years, the City of Winnipeg has been making
a direct investment in Winnipeg arts and artists.
While the arts are already/always vulnerable, we
can take pride in the fact that over the years, arts
councils have become an integral part of the Canadian landscape and of Canadian culture.
It is a supreme irony that the economic collapse
seems to have been the result of a giant fiction
perpetrated by traders, whose speculations created a house of fiction rivalling the tales of fabulists
through the ages. Let us hope that this crisis provides an unparalleled opportunity for artists in all
fields. Let us hope that part of economic recovery
from over-inflated values will include the recovery
of a sense of true value. Let us hope that these dark
days, which some are calling the era of a new Great
Depression, may come to be known as the Great
Awakening, a time when we awakened to the real
truth and beauty of our world, of our planet.
Best wishes to you all,
Let us hope that young artists looking back on this
time will be able to echo Wordsworth’s memories
of the crisis of the French Revolution: “Bliss was
it in that dawn to be alive, / But to be young was
very Heaven!”
Moti Shojania Chair, Winnipeg Arts Council
For the Winnipeg Arts Council, 2008 was a year of
consolidation. The Arts Council sustained investment in the Winnipeg arts community, and built
capacity with fundamental improvements in program delivery and the management of Board governance. The City of Winnipeg was in maintenance
mode, allocating the same amount to the grants
fund as in the previous year, but allowing only subsistence for the Public Art Program. Before 2008
was over, however, Mayor Sam Katz confirmed the
return to full funding for Public Art in anticipation
of the 2009 budget.
Consolidation is a positive force, especially in
preparation for the potential cultural and artistic
proliferation Winnipeg will celebrate if the city
is named Cultural Capital of Canada in 2010. We
await the decision from Canadian Heritage, but
with or without the award, the Winnipeg Arts
Council will continue building resources for artists
and arts organizations so that they may carry on
making Winnipeg a hub for the arts in Canada.
The Winnipeg Arts Council’s Strategic Plan utilizes
four overarching goals to guide its actions.
To foster development
of the arts in the community
For the second year, the Winnipeg Arts Council
Awards and the Mayor’s Luncheon for the Arts
were successfully delivered. These events are now
established and anticipated by the arts community. In 2008, attendance increased by half, nearing
a figure of almost 600 happy guests.
The project of creating a cultural map of Winnipeg
has been completed and will be launched early
in 2009, along with the Winnipeg Arts Council’s
new website. The map and the website serve many
purposes: access to information about the arts and
the grant programs of the Winnipeg Arts Council;
promotion of the rich diversity of artistic and cultural events Winnipeg offers; and as a single site
that confirms Winnipeg as a cultural locus.
The Grant Programs and the Public Art Program are
the major Arts Council vehicles for development of
the arts in Winnipeg. The Annual Report details the
program achievements and, of course, continuous
program delivery occupies the entire staff. Time is
taken, however, to attend to another goal.
To implement ongoing
program review
The process of examining all programs for effectiveness and efficiency is constant. In 2008,
application forms for Project Grants, Individual
Artist Grants and the New Creations Fund were
revised, resulting in improved applications. With
the introduction of signed funding agreements
for all grant programs, accountability has been
reinforced. Information on the pilot program for
Audience Development was communicated to
potential client groups, with the first application
due in early 2009.
A comprehensive examination of public art planning and reporting resulted in a revised approach.
Reports to City officials were expanded to impress
upon them the extensive results of the Public Art
Policy implementation. A three-year Public Art
Plan was devised, along with a new approach to
the annual plan. These changes have been positively received by the City’s Planning, Property
and Development Department.
complex process is underway; a final decision from
Ottawa is still to come. Such status would allow
the Winnipeg Arts Council to engage in partnerships, and would increase and strengthen resources necessary for advancing arts development in
Noteworthy inroads were made in policy creation
in 2008, utilizing best practices from the not-forprofit sector to help in attaining the next goal.
Although the Winnipeg Arts Council continues to
operate with an updated and active strategic plan,
the necessity of creating a new arts investment
strategy for Winnipeg in consultation with the
entire community is on the horizon. The Board
has deemed granting programs, and thereby arts
development, to be a priority for the Winnipeg
Arts Council. Should Winnipeg be awarded the
designation of Canada’s Cultural Capital for 2010,
an infusion of federal funds will be available for
not only a series of celebratory events, but also
for a cultural planning study that will address arts
investment and development. Any urban centre
that wishes to assure a thriving community by
attracting new population and commerce, while
retaining its creative young people, has utilized
the advancement of the arts and creative industries for this purpose. Winnipeg has this opportunity before it.
To ensure good governance
and financial sustainability
The Winnipeg Arts Council now has fundamental
policies in place. The following were researched,
written and revised by staff in 2008, and ratified
by the Board:
Board Orientation Policy
Communications Policy
Governance Process
Financial Policy
Human Resources Policy
Peer Assessment Policy
Anti-Harassment Policy
To develop and plan for
future growth and opportunities
This is the final umbrella goal of the Winnipeg Arts
Council. With the Board decision to seek official
charitable status, a full application was submitted
to the Canada Revenue Agency. The lengthy and
Carol A. Phillips Executive Director
With a focus on artistic excellence and community impact, the Winnipeg Arts Council supports
opportunities for the people of Winnipeg to
engage with the arts as artists and as audiences.
Responding to evolving practices and the needs
of Winnipeg’s diverse artistic community, WAC
invested $3,720,339 in 2008 into the thriving
Winnipeg arts scene through its diverse peerassessed grant programs.
The Winnipeg Arts Council continued to conduct
ongoing program review to improve the application and assessment process and the impact of
grant programs on clients, as well as to provide
opportunities to engage new and/or underserved
Winnipeg artists and arts organizations. All program guidelines were revised for efficiency. A new
confidential questionnaire was added to WAC’s
individual programs to help identify the community served by them. A two-year application cycle
was introduced to the Operating Grant Program
and the New Creations Fund was also revised to
include a two-part flexible award structure that
allows access to support in the earliest stages of
a new work, and rewards excellence in the latter
stages when the shape and direction of the new
work can be ascertained.
Total Applications Received Total Funds Requested Total Grants Awarded Total Funds Awarded 454
Wall of Shame installation at Urban Shaman: Contemporary Aboriginal Art, Shaun Morin. Photo: Shaun Morin.
TOP: Forest, Suzie Smith. Photo: Sheila Spence. BOTTOM LEFT: Doreen Brownstone in a scene from Remember the Night, Daniel Thau-Eleff. Photo: Leif Norman.
BOTTOM RIGHT: Shyamala Dakshinamurti as Sapphire in Manohar’s Jewels: Sapphire Suite. Photo: Cory Aronec.
TOP: Praetorius Project, Camerata Nova and Canzona. Photo: Harv Sawatzky. CENTRE LEFT: Stephen Furmaniuk as Florian and Alison Vargo as Astrid in
Rabies, Der Geist Company. Photo: Lenemarie Olson. CENTRE RIGHT: 9th Annual Ellice Street Festival, West End Cultural Centre. Photo: Nan Colledge.
BOTTOM: Performance and Activism Workshop from (in)visible cities performance festival. Photo: Scott Stephens.
CENTRE LEFT: Rotarian Choir, Darsha Hewitt and Alexandre Quessy from send + receive: a festival of sound. Photo: Robert Szkolnicki.
BOTTOM LEFT: Fast Forward Program, Video Pool Media Arts Centre. Photo: Talia Potash. RIGHT: Carson Nattrass and Laura Olafson in a
scene from Urinetown, Dry Cold Productions. Photo: Gary Barringer.
Major New Works
by Winnipeg Artists for Winnipeg Audiences
Supported by the New Creations Fund
The Winnipeg Arts Council has invested over
$1,300,000 in major new works by Winnipeg artists for Winnipeg audiences since introducing the
New Creations Fund in 2003. Eight of these largescale, multi-year projects funded in previous years
premiered to Winnipeg audiences in 2008.
All Restaurant Fires Are Arson, a new play by Bruce
McManus, described as a dark and comic look at our
relationship with death, premiered at Prairie Theatre
Exchange January 23 to February 10, 2008. This
project was made possible by a New Creations Grant
of $77,500 awarded to Prairie Theatre Exchange
in 2006.
Rick Chafe’s clever theatrical adaptation of Shakespeare’s Dog, the Governor General’s Award-winning
novel by Leon Rooke, premiered at the John Hirsch
Theatre February 14 to March 8, 2008. The Winnipeg premiere was followed by a successful run at the
National Theatre Centre in Ottawa. This project was
made possible by a New Creations Grant of $80,000
awarded to Manitoba theatre Centre in 2004. Struck, choreographed by Brent Lott, with original
score by Christine Fellows and set design by Calvin
Yarush, premiered March 6 to 8, 2008 at The Rachel
Brown Theatre. This new full-length contemporary
dance explores the forces that move us both collectively and individually, and was made possible
by a New Creations Grant of $55,860 awarded to
Winnipeg’s Contemporary Dancers in 2007.
Brent Lott’s Struck on WCD Company Members, Winnipeg’s Contemporary Dancers. Photo: Ryan Michael Fennessy.
Six new media and performance artworks by Winnipeg artists debuted in multiple venues across
the Exchange District between April 12 to May
24, 2008, commissioned by Video Pool through
local curators Grant Guy and Sigrid Dahle. Dahle
commissioned Richard Dyck, Steven Loft and
Lori Weidenhammer (in collaboration with Peter
Courtemanche) through the curatorial concept of temporarily out of order: downtime. Seen/
Unseen was the curatorial vision of Guy, through
the work of Sharon Alward, Daniel Barrow and
Victoria Prince. This project was made possible by a
New Creations Grant of $54,500 awarded to Video
Pool Media Arts Centre in 2005.
TOP LEFT: Claude Dorge and Lee J. Campbell in a scene from All Restaurant Fires Are Arson by Bruce McManus, Prairie Theatre Exchange. Photo: Bruce Monk.
TOP RIGHT: Harry Judge and Arne MacPherson in Shakespeare’s Dog by Rick Chafe, Manitoba Theatre Centre. Photo: Bruce Monk.
BOTTOM RIGHT: Bushi, Sharon Alward, from Video Pool Media Arts Centre’s 25th Anniversary Commissions. Photo: Sandee Moore.
Unruly, by Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Millan, premiered at the Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art
(MAWA) Art Building Community Symposium May
9 to 11, 2008. This major new performance work
was presented alongside site-specific interventions by emerging artists that addressed Aboriginal invisibility, power within a feminist context,
urbanism, poverty and neighbourhood identity.
This project was made possible by a New Creations
Grant of $28,800 awarded to MAWA in 2006.
Dance to the Berdashe, a new five-channel video
installation by Kent Monkman that reimagines
a lost honour dance to the man/woman of the
tribe, premiered August 28 to October 4, 2008
at Urban Shaman: Contemporary Aboriginal
Art. This compelling new work was later featured
at the imagiNATIVE Film and Media Arts Festival in Toronto and was made possible by a New
Creations Grant of $40,000 awarded to Urban
Shaman in 2007. was launched May 31, 2008 at
PLATFORM: centre for photographic + digital arts,
featuring new web-based works by KC Adams,
Erika Lincoln and Richard Dyck that use mapping
to explore the prairie landscape. This website was
later launched at Cornershop in Vancouver and
was made possible by a New Creations Grant of
$18,462 awarded to PLATFORM in 2006.
Rich, a new pop-rock musical by Olaf Pyttlik and
Vern Thiessen premiered to enthusiastic teen audiences at the Manitoba Theatre for Young People
November 20 to 27, 2008. This new play featured
a large triple-threat cast—singing, dancing …
and skateboarding!—and was made possible by a
New Creations Grant of $55,000 awarded to
MTYP in 2005.
TOP LEFT: Liquid Prairie, Erika Lincoln, from, PLATFORM: centre for photographic + digital arts. Photo: Erika Lincoln.
TOP RIGHT: Dance to the Berdashe, Kent Monkman, at Urban Shaman: Contemporary Aboriginal Art. Photo: Kent Monkman.
TOP: Unruly, Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Millan, from Art Building Community Symposium, Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art. Photo: Lorri Millan.
BOTTOM: RICH by Olaf Pyttlik and Vern Thiessen, Manitoba Theatre for Young People. Photo: Hugh Conacher.
Winnipeg Arts
Council Awards and
Mayor’s Luncheon for the Arts
Mayor Sam Katz presented the Winnipeg Arts
Council Awards at the sold-out Mayor’s Luncheon
for the Arts on Thursday, June 12, 2008 at the
Fairmont Winnipeg Hotel. The purpose of this
celebration is to recognize and promote the arts,
artists and partnerships that make Winnipeg a
centre for cultural achievement.
In the four award categories, the 2008 winners are:
The On the Rise Award recognizes the demonstrated promise of a new professional artist (in any
discipline). The award is a cash prize of $2,500.
Victoria Prince
Nominated by Dave Barber
Victoria Prince is an artist who creates exceptional
original work for the right reasons. She doesn’t follow the rules or boundaries and for this we must
be grateful. This award will give Victoria Prince the
recognition this truly original artist deserves.
2008 Mayor’s Luncheon for the Arts. Photo: Cory Aronec of Studio448.
The Making a Mark Award applauds a professional
artist (in any discipline) in mid-career who is
receiving critical recognition for excellence in their
art practice in Winnipeg and beyond. The award is
a cash prize of $2,500.
The Making a Difference Award celebrates the
contribution of an artist, arts administrator or
arts organization to the growth and development
of the arts in Winnipeg. The award is a cash prize
of $2,500.
Vince Fontaine
Nominated by Andrew Balfour
Vince Fontaine is a powerful presence in the
Winnipeg arts community as a musician, songwriter, producer, administrator and leader of
the internationally acclaimed music group Eagle
and Hawk.
Rory Runnells
Nominated by Bruce McManus
Rory has been a significant creator in the Manitoba
theatre community for more than 25 years. He is a
writer, producer and developer of new plays.
TOP LEFT: 2008 WAC Awards recipients: Vince Fontaine, Rory Runnels, Mrs. Dee Buchwald, His Worship Mayor Sam Katz, and Randa Stewart
on behalf of Assiniboine Credit Union, at the 2008 Mayor’s Luncheon for the Arts. Not pictured: Victoria Prince. Photo: Cory Aronec of Studio448.
ALL OTHER: 2008 Mayor’s Luncheon for the Arts. Photo: Cory Aronec of Studio448.
Arts Champion
The Arts Champion Award honours an individual
or business patron that has demonstrated sustained support to the arts in Winnipeg. The award
is a unique work by a Winnipeg artist, this year by
Frank Mikuska.
Assiniboine Credit Union
Nominated by the Winnipeg Centennial Folk Festival, Art City and the West End Cultural Centre
Assiniboine Credit Union has been a true partner
for the Winnipeg Folk Festival and many other
arts organizations in this city. In good times, and
in not-so-good times, ACU has been a committed
and loyal supporter. Assiniboine Credit Union’s
interest in community building is manifested
through its investment in arts organizations like
the Winnipeg Folk Festival as well as Art City and
the West End Cultural Centre. ACU was nominated
for its work in building a strong arts community
in Winnipeg.
Arts Champion—Special Award
Harold Buchwald (1938-2008)
Nominated by the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra,
the Manitoba Opera and the Manitoba Theatre
Harold Buchwald was a true Canadian, Manitoban
and Winnipegger. But more importantly, he was
a true arts champion of the Winnipeg Arts Community. His passion for the arts greatly benefited
many people throughout his life and will continue
to benefit artists, arts organizations and the communities of Winnipeg well into the future. The
Board of the Winnipeg Arts Council has unanimously accorded this Arts Champion Special
Award to the memory of Harold Buchwald. Mrs.
Dee Buchwald accepted the citation and an art
work entitled My Winnipeg by Winnipeg artist
Miriam Rudolph.
2008 Mayor’s Luncheon for the Arts. Photos: Cory Aronec of Studio448.
Five hundred and seventy guests attended the
Mayor’s Luncheon for the Arts and the Winnipeg
Arts Council Awards, demonstrating overwhelming support for this event. The guest speaker was
Robert Enright, and master of ceremonies was
Shawna Dempsey. Shakespearean greeters Roderigo Beilfuss, Mel Marginet, Matthew TenBruggencate and Charlene Van Buekenhout welcomed the
luncheon guests. The Rembrandt String Quartet;
the Flying Lion Dance Troupe; and singers Michael
Au, Sarah Halmarson and Robert Maxwell, with
pianist Beckie Edler, enlivened the event with
music, movement and song.
TOP LEFT: His Worship Mayor Sam Katz at the 2008 Mayor’s Luncheon for the Arts. Photo: Cory Aronec of Studio448. TOP RIGHT: 2008 Mayor’s
Luncheon for the Arts, master of ceremonies Shawna Dempsey. Photo: Cory Aronec of Studio448. CENTRE RIGHT: 2008 Mayor’s Luncheon for
the Arts, guest speaker Robert Enright. Photo: Cory Aronec of Studio448. BOTTOM RIGHT: Winnipeg Arts Council Chair Moti Shojania at the
2008 Mayor’s Luncheon for the Arts. Photo: Cory Aronec of Studio448.
The Carol Shields
Winnipeg Book Award
The Carol Shields Winnipeg Book Award honours books that evoke the special character of,
and contribute to the appreciation and understanding of, the City of Winnipeg. It is a tribute
to Carol Shields, who did that in her own writing. The award, a juried annual prize of $5,000, is
sponsored by the City of Winnipeg through the
Winnipeg Arts Council and administered by the
Association of Manitoba Book Publishers.
The winner was announced Saturday, April 26,
2008 at the 20th annual Brave New Words: Manitoba Writing and Publishing Awards gala held at
the Winnipeg Art Gallery. The Awards were coproduced by the Manitoba Writers’ Guild and the
Association of Manitoba Book Publishers.
Lynne Stefanchuk
Monique Trottier
Dave Williamson
A Glowing Dream: A Memoir
by Roland Penner
(J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing)
Jury Comments: A Glowing Dream has that “I was there” immediacy that resonates through depiction of the
Winnipeg districts, the World War II battlefront, and all the various legal and political settings that he’s been
a part of. The book is a who’s who of Winnipeg social and political life, seen through the eyes of a man who
helped put Winnipeg on the world stage. Penner is a guy who has made a difference, as his father before him
did, yet this memoir also projects Winnipeg life and the major events that have affected it, and it leaves you
with a good feeling—partly due to the way he presents his story and his considerable wit.
Holding My Breath
by Sidura Ludwig
(Key Porter Books)
Jury Comments: Holding My Breath by Sidura Ludwig is a skilful exploration of one Jewish family in
the North End of Winnipeg during the aftermath
of the Second World War. Despite the potential for
world events to dominate the narrative, Ludwig
deftly weaves historical markers and references
to Winnipeg into the story, allowing the reader to
focus on the characters, their ambitions, triumphs
and tragedies. Holding My Breath is a polished and
satisfying novel.
Influenza 1918:
Disease, Death and Struggle in Winnipeg
by Esyllt Jones
(University of Toronto Press)
Jury Comments: Influenza 1918 chronicles how
Winnipeg endured one of the biggest catastrophes
of the twentieth century. Wonderfully, this book
is both comprehensive and personal, with firstperson accounts of the human cost of the crisis
and its profound, lasting impact on our city. This
book does a fantastic job of outlining the social
ramifications of a woefully understudied event
in our history.
The North End
photographs by John Paskievich,
introduction by Stephen Osborne
(University of Manitoba Press)
Jury Comments: The North End is a wonderful
gallery of Winnipeg faces, old and young, and
neighbourhoods and cafes and shops (where else
but in the North End would you see cans and jars
on the shelves in just this way—or the clutter?).
No other medium can capture the tone and the
flavour of the place the way photography does—
especially the Paskievich camera. Not only are the
people and places representative; he has a knack
for finding the juxtaposition of disparities, irony
as well as utter realism.
The Winnipeg Jets: A Celebration of
Professional Hockey in Winnipeg
by Scott Taylor
(Studio Publications)
Jury Comments: The Winnipeg Jets is a treat for any
Jets fan. This retrospective offers a comprehensive
yet entertaining look at the game, from as early as
1890, when the first recognized game was played
at the Winnipeg Street Railway Rink, through the
days of Bobby Hull, the Swedish imports, Dale
Hawerchuk and White Outs, to the great farewell.
It’s the good, the bad and the ugly: the famous
players, the behind-the-scenes politics, the trades
and the fans. Go Jets Go!
The Public Art Policy and Program is managed by
the Winnipeg Arts Council on behalf of the City
of Winnipeg and is funded by an annual allocation
from the City’s capital budget. Since the policy
was approved by City Council in 2004, the Public
Art initiative has evolved into a diverse program
that includes art commissions, artist-in-residence
programs and community-based projects.
The Public Art Program experienced both highs
and lows in 2008. The annual funding allocation
of $500,000 was drastically reduced to $100,000
at the start of the year. However, as the creation of
public art can be a lengthy process, with projects
extending over several years, many artworks were
in various stages of development in 2008 with a
record number coming to completion. Six new pro-
jects, begun in previous budget years, were installed
and now enliven public space, from bike racks on
Broadway to a major sculpture in Assiniboine Park.
The lively debate in the press and at City Hall meetings over the 2008 allocation confirmed public support for a Public Art Program and the expectation
that Winnipeg will abide by its Public Art Policy.
The Public Art Committee engaged in a multi-year
planning session in the spring that will help guide
the Program over the next several years. Celebrated
public artist Buster Simpson presented a talk in
March that illustrated his diverse artistic practice
and his work in master-planning art for cities. Public Art Manager Tricia Wasney participated in a
number of panel discussions and presentations
throughout the year, both locally and nationally,
Spence Community Compass: Finding Home, a collaborative WITH ART project between Leah
Decter and the Spence Neighbourhood Association. Photo: cam bush.
including at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta;
the Canadian Museums Conference in Victoria, BC;
the Art Building Community Conference organized by MAWA in Winnipeg; the national Canadian
Institute of Planners conference held this year in
Winnipeg; as well as many more local planning and
art events.
Bike Rack Project with the Downtown BIZ
Twenty-one steel artist-designed bicycle racks
were installed on Broadway.
The work of Jessica Koroscil, Paul Robles and the
team of Paul Butler and Vanessa Kroeker delight
and give pause along one of Winnipeg’s most
vibrant and historic avenues.
$1,500 each design (from 2006 allocation)
Opened to the public: July 3, 2008.
Elwick Community Centre
A WITH ART community collaboration between
the Elwick Community and artist Dimitry MelmanKomar.
The outdoor walls of the Centre at 30 Maberley
Road were given new life with an abstract mosaic
and painted mural created and installed by the
artist and community members of all ages.
$15,000 (from 2005 allocation)
Opened to the public: June 26, 2008.
Spence Community Compass: Finding Home
A WITH ART community collaboration between
the Spence Neighbourhood Association and artist
Leah Decter.
An artwork exploring notions of home and comprised of mosaic, text, concrete and indigenous
plants was integrated into Furby Park.
$15,000 (from 2004 allocation)
Opened to the public: August 9, 2008.
TOP LEFT: Elwick Community Centre (before), a collaborative WITH ART project between Dimitry Melman and the Elwick Community. Photo: Tricia Wasney.
CENTRE LEFT: Elwick Community Centre (after), a collaborative WITH ART project between Dimitry Melman and the Elwick Community. Photo: William Eakin.
RIGHT: Bike Rack Project, (TOP TO BOTTOM) Jessica Koroscil, Paul Butler and Vanessa Kroeker, Paul Robles. Photos: William Eakin.
Agassiz Ice by Gordon Reeve
Composed of three monumental stainless steel
forms, the sculpture recalls Glacial Lake Agassiz
and overlooks the river in Assiniboine Park.
$75,000 (from 2006 allocation)
Opened to the public: August 28, 2008.
Souvenirs by Paula Kelly
Created through the City of Winnipeg Archives
Artist-in-Residence project.
A three-part film constructed as dialogues between
the archival record of the City of Winnipeg and
the selected memories of citizens who have lived,
worked, suffered and celebrated here.
$33,000 (from 2006 allocation)
Opened to the public: September 17, 2008.
The Birthing Project
A WITH ART community collaboration between
glass artist Judy Jennings and the Manitoba
Maternity Care Action Network.
A glass installation that provides a vision of pregnancy and birth from many cultural perspectives.
Currently installed at the Women’s Health Clinic
in downtown Winnipeg, the work will eventually become a focal point for the new Birthing
$16,000 (from 2005 allocation)
Opened to the public: September 30, 2008.
TOP: Film stills from Souvenirs, Paula Kelly, City of Winnipeg Archives Artist-in-Residence. Photos: City of Winnipeg Archives and
Record Control. LEFT: The Birthing Project, a collaborative WITH ART project between Judy Jennings and the Manitoba Maternity
Care Action Network. Photo: Ernest Mayer. RIGHT: Film still from Winnipeg First Nation: Heart of a Home, a collaborative WITH ART
project between Jim Sanders and the Manitoba Urban Native Housing Association. Photo: Dustin Leader.
Winnipeg First Nation: A Heart of a Home
A WITH ART community collaboration between
filmmaker Jim Sanders and the Manitoba Urban
Native Housing Association.
Expected completion: Early 2009.
La Maison des artistes
Inaugural artwork for the new Jardin de sculptures at
La Maison des artistes in St. Boniface, Manitoba.
Artist: Finalist to be selected in January 2009.
Expected completion: Fall 2009.
A program that creates opportunities for collaborative art projects between community groups
and artists of all disciplines.
Filmmakers Jim Agapito and Ervin Chartrand
with the Immigrant and Refugee Organization of
Manitoba. $16,000
Documentary photographer Jon Schledewitz with
Dorchester House. $16,000
Photographer Sarah Crawley with the Eritrean
Community in Winnipeg, Inc. $16,000
Expected completion of each project: Summer
Le Musée de Saint-Boniface Museum
A residency project open to artists of many
disciplines to work with the Museum’s collection of artifacts that reveal the lives and culture
of the Francophone and Métis communities of
Artist: finalist to be selected in January 2009.
Expected completion: Fall 2009.
Exchange BIZ Poster Board Project
Designs for three poster boards for the Exchange
Artists: Michael Carroll, Laurie Green, and Judith
Panson. $1,500 each design
Expected installation: Summer 2009.
Bishop Grandin Greenway
Environmental Project
A permanent, environmentally-based artwork
integrated into the Bishop Grandin Greenway in
South Winnipeg.
Artists: Nancy Chew and Jacqueline Metz.
Expected completion: Summer 2009.
University of Winnipeg Gateway
and Transit Project
An artist-designed transit shelter for a new
Ellice Avenue transit stop and associated public
art elements at the Ellice Avenue and Portage
Avenue stops.
Sculptor David Perrett. $150,000
Expected completion: Fall 2009.
Waterfront Drive
WAC is facilitating the process on behalf of the
City of Winnipeg for a public art project at Waterfront Drive.
Artist Jennifer Stillwell. $200,000
Expected completion: Fall 2009.
Thank You …
The City of Winnipeg continues to support the purpose and activities of the Winnipeg Arts Council
through its yearly allocation.
The Winnipeg Arts Council is grateful to Mayor Sam
Katz and to each and every City Councillor for their
continued interest and support. The Committee on
Protection and Community Services, with Chair
Gord Steeves and members Jenny Gerbasi, Grant
Nordman and Mike Pagtakhan, has been particularly receptive to Arts Council initiatives.
We would like to thank the City Clerk’s Office—
Richard Kachur, Marc Lemoine and Marc Pittet; the
EPC Secretariat, Brian Gray and Caroline Neufeld,
Acting CAO, Alex Robinson, and newly appointed
CAO, Glen Laubenstein; Kenny Boyce, Manager of
Film and Cultural Affairs—and all the City officials
who are generous with advice and assistance.
As volunteers committed to the arts and artists
in Winnipeg, the entire Board of Directors of the
Winnipeg Arts Council has devoted hours of consideration to guiding the Arts Council. The valuable work and advice of the Public Art Committee
in implementing of the City’s Public Art Policy is
greatly appreciated.
Public Art Manager Tricia Wasney works closely
with City staff on procedures to implement the
Public Art Policy and Program. The Planning,
Property and Development Department is the
primary liaison for project development, including review of all site plans. Thanks especially
to Planning, Property and Development staff,
including Director Phil Sheegl, Lee Caldwell,
Mike McGinn and Christina Harris; Lisa Bogi of
the Legal Services Department; Elaine Martin of
Risk Management; Frank Caldwell of Assiniboine
Park Enterprise; Bill Menzies of Winnipeg Transit; Diana Emerson and Gerald Alcock of Public
Works; and Gerry Berkowski and Jody Baltessen
of the City of Winnipeg Archives.
Thanks also to external partners Stefano Grande
and Stephanie Voyce of the Downtown BIZ;
Jennifer Rattray of the University of Winnipeg;
Jeff Frank of Hilderman Thomas Frank Cram; Lisa
Holowchuk and Brian Timmerman of the Exchange
District BIZ; Jana McKee of the Elwick Community; Kate Sjoberg and Kathryn Mackenzie of the
Spence Neighbourhood Association; Ed Tanner and
Maeengan Linklater of the Manitoba Urban Native
Housing Association; Madeline Boscoe of the
Womens’ Health Clinic; Gina De Vos of Dorchester
House; Lambros Kyriakakos of the Eritrean Community in Winnipeg; Abdikheir Ahmed of the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of
Manitoba; Liza Maheu, Garry Tessier, Denis Prieur
and Nicole Coulson of La Maison des artistes; and
Philippe Mailhot, Pierrette Boily and Lise Brémault
of Le Musée de Saint-Boniface Museum.
FACING PAGE: Agassiz Ice, Gordon Reeve. Photo: cam bush.
New Creations Fund
for arts organizations
The purpose of this program is to encourage and
support creativity in Winnipeg by making funding
available that enables the creation of significant
and innovative new works of art in any discipline
or combination of disciplines, the scope of which
may not otherwise be possible. Projects supported
Stage 1
Commissioning and Development Awards of
up to $50,000 support the commissioning and
development of a new work, and the creative process; this may include expenses to offset research,
administration and creative fees.
through the New Creations Fund should have the
potential to make significant contributions to the
art forms they represent and to the enjoyment of
the people of Winnipeg.
Stage 2
Production Awards of up to $200,000 support
Grants from the New Creations Fund will be
appropriate to the scale of the project and will
support special costs incurred when developing
and producing creative risk-taking works of scale
and ambition by Winnipeg artists for Winnipeg
audiences. It is the Winnipeg Arts Council’s intent
to grant awards large enough to contribute substantially to the costs of a project, but not to cover
the entire cost of a project (as a contribution from
the organization demonstrates the applicant’s
commitment to the new work). Given the scale
of the awards, organizations may only receive
two grants from the New Creations Fund in any
48-month period.
A new two-part flexible award structure allows
access to support in the earliest stages of a new
work, and rewards excellence in the latter stages,
when the shape and direction of the new work can
be ascertained.
direct costs of producing and disseminating a new
work; this may include fees and honoraria, administration and production costs, and marketing and
audience development for the new work.
Total Applications Received Total Funds Requested Total Grants Awarded Total Funds Awarded 14
Manitoba Printmakers’ Association
Stage 1 $22,000
Theatre Projects Manitoba
Stage 2 To support the production of new editions by
To support the development and production of The
First Nations artists V. Elaine McIntosh and
Black Penitents, a new play by Carolyn Gray.
Scott Stephens.
Prairie Fire Press
Stage 1
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Stage 2 $45,000
To support Human Hybrid, a four-artist collabora-
To support a multidisciplinary project that
tive performance piece created in association with
explores and celebrates the boreal forest of Mani-
the upcoming exhibition On the Edge of Experience
toba through the creation of a new long poem
... a Survey of the Work of Wanda Koop.
that will subsequently serve as the libretto to a
new composition for choir and musicians.
Sarasvàti Dramatic Theatre
Productions and Repertory
Stage 1 $30,000
To support the workshop and development of a
new script, EDEN, by Hope McIntyre.
School of Contemporary Dancers
Stage 1 $25,000
To support the workshop and development of a
new dance work by Stephanie Ballard exploring the
themes of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.
Shakespeare in the Ruins
Stage 1 $12,000
To support the development and workshop of Cue
for Treason, a new play by Kevin Klassen.
Project Grant Program
for arts organizations
This program is intended for new and developing
arts organizations, established arts organizations
that work on a project basis, and arts organizations undertaking a special, one-time initiative.
It is designed to support a range of activities and
art forms, reflecting different cultural traditions
and art practice. A Project Grant must be applied
to a specific project planned to take place within
the 12 months following the notification date.
This program is not open to existing Operating
Grant clients.
The maximum grant available under the Project Grant
Program is $15,000.
Adhere and Deny
To support Song for Simone, a new Theatre of the
Photograph work.
Agassiz Music Incorporated
To support the 10-day Agassiz International Summer Chamber Music Festival.
Alliance Française du Manitoba $8,500
To support a multidisciplinary African cultural
arts series.
Art City
To support a collaborative bookmaking project
documenting the history of Art City.
Camerata Nova
To support an authentic early music performance
of Praetorius’ Christmas Mass, in collaboration
Total Applications Received 48
Total Funds Requested $476,600
Total Grants Awarded 22
Total Funds Awarded $183,100
with Canzona.
Canzona $4,000
To support a performance of J.S. Bach’s Mass
in B minor.
Dry Cold Productions
To support the production of Urinetown and
Home Routes Inc.
To support the development of the Home Routes
World Music Program, a series of house concerts.
La Maison des artistes
visuels francophones
To support six jury-selected visual art exhibitions
and corresponding workshops.
Manitoba Crafts Council
To support Bound, an exhibition of bookworks
curated by Stacey Abramson.
MUSAIC (Chamber Orchestra without Borders)
To support the WNDX 2008 programming ser-
To support Steal Away... Orchestral Music by
ies, focused on new avant-garde cinema and
Black Composers, presented during Black
media art.
History Month.
Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg
out of line theatre Co-op
To support the development and production of
Competition Solo Performance with the Winnipeg
The God Box, a new play by Mia Van Leeuwen.
Symphony Orchestra.
Sarasvàti Dramatic Theatre Productions and Repertory
To support the public concert of the Doris McLellan
To support the production and Winnipeg school tour
of Ripple Effect, a play exploring youth violence.
Send + Receive: A Festival of Sound
To support a three-DVD collection of experimental
audio performances.
Solo Theatre Ventures Inc.
To support the Winnipeg Solo Festival at the Colin
Jackson Studio Theatre.
Virtuosi Concerts
To support WSO & Virtuosi Concerts GO BAROQUE,
a two-concert collage of baroque programs.
White Rabbit Productions
To support a professional workshop for Londontown, a new, locally written musical, and a
staged reading with a live band at the 2009 Carol
Shields Festival of New Works.
Winnipeg Chamber Music Society
To support the concert series Mozart and More!
Winnipeg Classical Guitar Society
To support a classical guitar concert series featuring local and international artists.
Winnipeg Gay and
Lesbian Film Society
To support Reel Pride 15, Manitoba’s LGBT Film
Downtown fesitvals Grant Program
for arts organizations
The Downtown Festivals Grant Program is
intended to encourage the creation of new festivals
by arts and cultural organizations, and to support
the development and enhancement of new and
creative aspects of existing festivals. In addition
to excellence in art, applications to this program
are expected to demonstrate significant potential
for public participation, tourism generation, and
downtown revitalization.
To support (in)visible cities performance festival.
Asian Heritage Society of Manitoba
To support the Asian Canadian Festival.
Manito Ahbee
To support the Manito Ahbee Festival.
Manitoba Printmakers’ Association
To support the Under Pressure Steamroller Print
The maximum grant available under the Downtown
Festivals Grant Program is $25,000.
Total Applications Received
Osborne Village Cultural Centre
Sarasvàti Dramatic Theatre Productions and Repertory
Total Grants Awarded
Send + Receive: A Festival of Sound
To support Send + Receive: A Festival of Sound.
To support FemFest.
Total Funds Requested
Total Funds Awarded
To support the Winnipeg Comedy Festival.
Virtuosi Concerts
To support Festivale Europa.
West End Cultural Centre
To support the Ellice Street Festival.
Winnipeg Aboriginal Film and Video Festival
To support the Winnipeg Aboriginal Film and
Video Festival.
Winnipeg Film Group
To support the Independent Film Week film
Collaborative Grant Program
for arts organizations working with the community
This program is intended for arts organizations
who wish to partner with community organizations to undertake an innovative approach to the
development of opportunities for youth involvement in the arts. It embraces cultural plurality and
is open to a range of activities and art forms.
Projects should focus on young people who have
not benefited from arts programs in the past. For
the purposes of this program, youth are described
as those aged 12 to 21.
The maximum grant available under the Youth Arts
Initiative Collaborative Grant Program is $15,000.
Manitoba Conservatory of Music and Arts
To support the Bannatyne After School program
and Inner City High School Choral Enrichment
program as part of their Inner City Music Learning programs. In partnership with a consortium of
schools and community partners, including Boys
and Girls Club, Art Beat Studios, Wi Wabigooni,
Eagle Circle and Gordon Bell HS.
Manitoba Great Wall Performing Arts
To support workshops that enlighten youth in a
multitude of art forms: dance, new media and
music. In partnership with the Winnipeg Chinese
Cultural Centre.
Video Pool Media Arts Centre
To support the second year of the Fast Forward
Total Applications Received
Program, creating opportunities for at-risk youth
to engage with video as a creative medium. In
Total Funds Requested
partnership with Ndinawe Youth Resource Centre
Total Grants Awarded
and Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention
Total Funds Awarded
Winnipeg Art Gallery
To support Art Across Cultures: artists from the
The Winnipeg Arts Council welcomes the partnership of the Winnipeg Foun-
WAG’s Studio Programs will work with youth on
dation wherein the Foundation provides funding directly to one applicant
art projects focusing on digital photography. In
for a project that engages youth at risk.
partnership with Immigrant and Refugee Organization of Manitoba.
Individual artist Grant Program
for Winnipeg artists working in all artistic disciplines
The Winnipeg Arts Council recognizes the individual artist as the primary source of creative activity.
The Individual Artist Grant Program is intended
to assist the Winnipeg Arts Council in fulfilling its
mandate by providing funding to Winnipeg artists.
These grants are intended to support the creation
Two types of grants are available, depending on an
artist’s level of accomplishment and experience:
The “A” grant of up to $5,000 and the “B” grant of
up to $2,000.
of new work in any art form, or the development,
curation, exhibition or presentation of works of
art by Winnipeg artists.
Total Applications Received
Total Grants Awarded
Total Funds Awarded
Total Funds Requested
Gwen Armstrong
Ken Gregory
Jerry Semchyshyn
Jolene Bailie
Hedy Heppenstall
Alicia Smith
Sharon Bajer
Richard Hines
Cyrus Smith
Donna Beaulieu
Darryl Kinaschuk
Darren Stebeleski
Pauline Braun
J.J. Kegan McFadden
Danielle Sturk
Branwyn Bundon
Doug Melnyk
Gordon Tanner
Tricia Cooper
Noreen Mian
Daniel Thau-Eleff
Sarah Crawley
Lorri Millan
John Toone
Darek Dawda
Shaun Morin
Natasha Torres-Garner
Michael Dudeck
Freya Olafson
Ryszard Tyborowski
Danishka Esterhazy
Victoria Prince
Katherena Vermette
Natalie Ferguson
Ali Robson
Armin Wiebe
Mia Feuer
Mélanie Rocan
Calvin Yarush
Vince Fontaine
Miriam Rudolph
Collin Zipp
Ingrid Gatin
Orjan Sandred
Carolyn Gray
James Scoles
for Winnipeg artists and arts administrators
The Winnipeg Arts Council recognizes that the
continued growth and development of artists and
arts administrators is essential to the cultural
health of the community.
attendance at events where the work of the applicant is to be presented or where the applicant is an
invited speaker or resource person; or travel that
is a component of such activities.
The Professional Development Grant Program is
The maximum grant available under the Professional
designed to provide grants to professional Winnipeg artists and arts administrators to support
activities that contribute to their professional
development and enhance their careers through
unique opportunities for study (beyond basic
training) in a formal or informal setting; research
in an art form or artistic/administrative practice;
Development Grant Program is $1,500.
Cecilia Araneda
Bob Armstrong
Total Applications Received
Total Funds Requested
Total Grants Awarded
Total Funds Awarded
Tara Birtwhistle
Robert Borges
Jaimz Asmundson
Joanne Bristol
Norma Bailey
Carrie Broda
Jolene Bailie
Ruth Campbell
Leah Decter
Sharon Bajer
Maritel Centurion
Rosalyn Jane Dennett
Apoorva Balakrishnan
crys cole
Ray Dirks
Nicole Coppens
Dmitri Dovgoselets
Roger Crait
Rachelle Fordyce
Sarah Crawley
Stephen Furmaniuk
Daniel Barrow
Shyamala Dakshinamurti
Alexander Gamayunov
Arlo Baskier-Nabess
Shyamala Dakshinamurti
Andrew Balfour
Vivika Ballard
Kendra Ballingall
Steve Bell
Bryan Besant
Sowmya Dakshinamurti
Sowmya Dakshinamurti
Allison de Groot
Liz Garlicki
Delf Gravert
Grant Guy
Kristin Nelson
Dammecia Hall
Carole O’Brien
Kurt Tittlemier
Buffy Handel
Florence Oramasionwu
Shifra Tobiasch
Sue Hemphill
Hedy Heppenstall
Robert Herriot
Karen Hibbard
S. Arden Hill
Carol James
Heulwen Jones
Cherry Karpyshin
Thomas Keenan
Christine Kirouac
Hope Peterson
Milena Placentile
Victoria Prince
Radovan Radulovic
Jeanne Randolph
Kerri-Lynn Reeves
Vanessa Rigaux
Robert Ring
Lansing Bruce Robertson
Monique Larouche
Shaneen Robinson
Megan LaTouche
Paul Robles
Kurt Lehmann
Chris Sabel
Manju Lodha
Alison Vargo
Ann Walton
Lee White
Cameron Woykin
Collin Zipp
Vera Lemecha
Vicki Young
Allan Sansom
Karen Schlichting
Loc Lu
Sylvia Scott Wortley
Angela Luverà
Andrea Siemens
Boyd MacKenzie
Stephen Sim
J.J. Kegan McFadden
Colleen Skull
Doug Melnyk
Suzie Smith
Carmelo Militano
Elaine Stocki
Mia van Leeuwen
Priscilla Yakielashek
Brett Taylor
The Operating Grant Program is intended to provide ongoing partial support to established arts
organizations that have a continuing presence
in Winnipeg and a track record of high-quality
programming or services. It is designed to support a range of activities and art forms, reflecting different cultural traditions and art practice.
Organizations receiving support are expected
to contribute to the development of their art
form, to participate in the development of local
artists, to maintain a reasonable level of public
support, and to maintain strict management and
financial controls.
Total Applications Received
Total Funds Requested
Total Grants Awarded
Total Funds Awarded
Manitoba Printmakers’ Association
Alliance chorale Manitoba $3,300
Manitoba Theatre Centre
Association of Manitoba
Book Publishers
Manitoba Theatre for Young People
Cercle Molière
Crossing Communities Art Project
Manitoba Writers’ Guild
MAWA (Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art)
Festival du Voyageur
NAfro Dance Productions
Folk Arts Council of Winnipeg $100,000
National Screen Institute
—Canada (NSI)
Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Winnipeg
PLATFORM: centre for photographic + digital arts
Jazz Winnipeg $33,000
Plug In Institute of Contemporary Art
Prairie Fire Press
Little Opera Company
Manitoba Association of Playwrights
Prairie Theatre Exchange $133,000
Manitoba Chamber Orchestra
Rainbow Stage Manitoba Choral Association
Royal Winnipeg Ballet
Manitoba Conservatory of Music and Arts
Ruth Cansfield Dance Company $29,000
School of Contemporary Dancers
Manitoba Opera Association $87,500
Operating GRANT PROGRAM cont’d
Shakespeare in the Ruins
Storyline FX—Freeze Frame $24,500
Theatre Projects Manitoba
TRIP Dance Company
Urban Shaman: Contemporary Aboriginal Art
Video Pool Media Arts Centre
West End Cultural Centre
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Winnipeg Centennial Folk Festival
Winnipeg Film Group
Winnipeg International Children’s Festival
Winnipeg International Writers Festival
Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra
Winnipeg Music Festival
Winnipeg Philharmonic Choir
Winnipeg Singers
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
Winnipeg Youth Orchestras
Winnipeg’s Contemporary Dancers
To the Members of the Board of the Winnipeg Arts Council Inc.
I have audited the Balance Sheet of Winnipeg Arts Council Inc. as at December 31, 2008, and the
Statement of Operating Result and Change in Net Assets for the year then ended. These financial
statements are the responsibility of management. My responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements based on my audit.
I conducted my audit in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Auditing Standards. Those
standards require that I plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing
the accounting principles used and significant estimates by management, as well as evaluating the
overall financial statement presentation.
In my opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position
of Winnipeg Arts Council Inc. as at December 31, 2008, and the results of its operations for the year
then ended in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
Maurice Mearon
Chartered Accountant
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Monday, February 16, 2009
As At December 31, 2008 (With Comparative Figures As At December 31, 2007)
Current Assets:
8,514 $
33,824 Term Deposits
1,353,253 1,700,000 Accounts Receivable
0 7,621 Goods and Services Tax Rebate
7,241 9,101 Accrued Interest
14,622 745 Prepaid Expenses
19,908 3,542 1,403,538 1,754,833 Administrative Capital Assets, at cost:
Leasehold Improvements 104,258 101,886 Furnishings and Equipment
27,013 25,611 Computer Hardware
20,516 20,516 Telephone Hardware
6,574 6,574 158,361 154,587 Less: Accumulated Amortization (Note 3)
118,701 135,903 $
1,522,239 $
1,890,736 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities:
52,220 $
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
17,644 15,225 Grant Holdbacks (Note 4)
128,778 357,456 198,642 372,681 UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS
Invested in Administrative Capital Assets (Note 3)
118,701 135,903 Public Art Fund (See Page 7 and Note 5)
945,188 1,130,471 1,063,889 1,266,374 RESTRICTED NET ASSETS
Internally Restricted for Cash Flow Assistance (Note 6)
100,000 100,000 Internally Restricted
for Municipal Arts and Culture Development (Note 7) 87,041 60,614
Internally Restricted for Future Programs
72,667 72,667 Internally Restricted for Future Youth Initiatives (Page 4)
0 18,400 259,708 251,681 $
1,522,239 $
1,890,736 Approved on Behalf of the Council
Moti Shojania
Chair, Board of Directors
Faye Thomson
(Incorporated under the L aws of Manitoba)
For the Year Ended December 31, 2008 (With Comparative Figures As At December 31, 2007)
Grants from the City of Winnipeg
4,032,552 $
4,174,551 Interest Income
39,883 35,752 Other Income
12,492 4,927 4,084,927 4,215,230 Grants Awarded and Direct Expenses Thereof:
Operating Grants
2,918,650 2,905,000 Individual Artists Grants 150,000 235,643 Project Grants (Note 4)
183,100 200,000 Downtown Festivals Grants (Note 4)
101,000 186,000 New Creations Grants (Note 4)
239,000 113,485 Professional Development Grants 75,589 85,000 Youth Arts Initiative Pilot Program 29,500 52,000 Carol Shields Winnipeg Book Award
3,750 3,750 Jury Honoraria and Expenses
17,093 18,119 Translation Services
7,293 8,970 3,724,975 3,807,967 Administrative Expenses:
Salaries and Benefits
217,808 199,024 Supplies and Other Office Expenses 26,687 28,956 Office Rent and Amortization of Leaseholds
45,822 26,240 Hospitality and Promotion
14,810 16,282 Professional and Consultants Fees
17,236 12,661 Professional Development, Memberships, and Conferences
7,154 10,088 Telecommunications
4,439 4,617 Board and Committee Meetings
4,117 4,680 338,073 302,548 4,063,048 4,110,515 Excess of Revenues over Awards and Expenses for the Year
21,879 $
For the Year Ended December 31, 2008 (With Comparative Figures As At December 31, 2007)
Unrestricted Net Assets, Beginning of the Year
Excess of Revenues over Expenses for the Year
Add Back: Amortization of Administrative Capital Assets
0 21,879 20,976 42,855 104,715 15,922 42,855 120,637 Internally Restricted for Municipal Arts and Culture Development
Internally Restricted for Future Programs Internally Restricted for Future Youth Arts Initiatives
0 18,400 (50,000)
3,774 27,160 Invested in Administrative Capital Assets:
Leasehold Improvements
Furnishings and Equipment
Unrestricted Net Assets, End of the Year $
(Incorporated under the L aws of Manitoba)
For the Year Ended December 31, 2008
Note 1
Purpose of the Organization:
Winnipeg Arts Council Inc. funds, supports, and
fosters development of the arts on behalf of the
people of Winnipeg.
Note 2
Financial Dependency:
Winnipeg Arts Council Inc. is financially dependent upon an annual allocation from the City of
Note 3
Fixed Assets Continuity:
Financing of Fixed Assets was originally established by a charge against an operating surplus.
Amortization of these assets accordingly is being
charged against this Fund. In the year $3,774
(2007 - $27,160) of leasehold improvements and
equipment were added to the Fund.
Note 4
Grant Holdbacks:
The Council has a policy of holding back a proportion of grants awarded in a year until certain
completion criteria have been satisfied. Furthermore, some awards will be disbursed according to
a cash-flow schedule developed with the agreement of the client organizations. Accordingly, this
account represents those award balances which
will be disbursed in the future according to those
The composition of these holdbacks according to
award category is as follows:
New Creations
Project Grants 54,328
Downtown Festivals 9,400
Youth Arts Initiative
The Computer Hardware is being written off over
three years from the month of the acquisition
of each item. The Telephone Hardware is being
written off over five years from the month of the
acquisition of this system. The Furnishings and
Office Equipment is being written off over ten
years from the month of the acquisition of each
item. In the current year $20,976 (2007 - $9,716)
of these write-offs was included in administrative
(Incorporated under the L aws of Manitoba)
Note 5
Public Art Fund:
Winnipeg Arts Council Inc. maintains a separate
fund for the financing of the design and execution
of particular artworks to be created in public areas
of the city. This fund is supported by a specified
allocation from the City of Winnipeg. Financial
support to individual artists is awarded on the recommendations of juries selected by the Council.
The commissioning and installation of public art
projects is a multi-year process. At the year-end,
the following unexpended balances remain from
the original financial commitments made by the
City of Winnipeg.
Unexpended Commitment
Artwork for a Major Street
Transit Project
Redwood Bridge
La Maison des artistes
Private/Public Collaboration
With Art: Community Arts Projects
Bishop Grandin Greenway 47,729
Playground Project
St. Boniface Museum
Public Education Program
Exchange BIZ Collaboration
Assiniboine Park
City of Winnipeg Archives Artist-in-Residence
Public Art Projects in Process
Reserved for Future Public Art Development
Total Fund Balance
Note 6
Cash Flow Assistance Reserve:
This allocation was made in order to provide cashflow assistance to client organizations until such
time as operating grants for their use have been
received by Winnipeg Arts Council Inc. from the
City of Winnipeg.
Note 7
Municipal Arts and Culture
Development Reserve:
This allocation was made to finance future projects
to engage the overall community in support of the
arts in the City of Winnipeg. In 2008 $31,055 was
expended on a major promotional event and on
cultural mapping.
Note 8
Lease Commitment:
Winnipeg Arts Council Inc. has entered into a
lease agreement at an annual cost of $35,464 until
March of the year 2012, after which this amount
will be subject to an escalation. The lease expires
in the year 2017.
Note 9
Provision for Income Taxes:
Winnipeg Arts Council Inc. was incorporated as a
Not-for-Profit Organization and, as such, no provision has been made in these financial statements
for income taxes.
The City of Winnipeg in 2008 allocated $97,087
for administration of the Public Art Fund. In 2007
$464,200 was allocated for the support of both
existing and new projects for public art.
Note 10
Directors’ Remuneration:
Winnipeg Arts Council Inc. is governed by a volunteer board of directors, who receive no remuneration for their services.
(Incorporated under the L aws of Manitoba)
For the Year Ended December 31, 2008 (With Comparative Figures As At December 31, 2007)
1,130,471 $
Grants from the City of Winnipeg
97,087 464,200
Interest Income
13,080 21,168
110,167 485,368
Artists’ Fees
150,203 140,583
Jury Honoraria and Expenses
16,996 10,832
Artists’ Proposal Honoraria
16,620 10,162
Artists’ Legal Agreements
5,583 4,380
Project Publicity
10,857 3,599
Candidates’ Interview Expenses
0 2,277
Public Art Workshop for Artists
4,599 0
Research, Planning, and Marketing
17,057 0
Administration 73,535 72,699
295,450 244,532
945,188 $
(Incorporated under the L aws of Manitoba)
Board of Directors
Dr. Moti Shojania
Carol A. Phillips Executive Director
tamara rae biebrich Program Officer
cam bush Administrative Assistant
Tanya Christensen Financial Administrator
Tricia Wasney Manager, Public Art
Laird Rankin
Faye Thomson
Spencer Duncanson
Rick Chafe
Shawna Dempsey
Carman Johnston
Jolyne Jolicoeur
Vonnie Von Helmolt
Heather Cram
Yude Henteleff
Sharon Lancaster
Marlene Stern
Errol Ranville (until October 2008)
Councillor Harvey Smith voting
Caroline Neufeld non-voting (until August 2008)
Heather Cram
Lee Caldwell
Daniel Ellingsen (from October 2008)
Robert Epp (on leave)
Christina Harris
Molly Johnson
David Owen Lucas
Mary Reid
Marlene Stern
Nicole Coulson Project Assistant,
La Maison des artistes Public Art Project
Carole Freynet-Gagné Translator
Pat Hardy Facilitator, Public Art Planning Session
Karen McElrea Copy Editor, Annual Report
Maurice Mearon Auditor
Dana Todd Marketing & Communications Coordinator
Stephanie Whitehouse Project Leader,
Cultural Map of Winnipeg
Applications to Winnipeg Arts Council Grant
Programs are assessed against program
criteria and guidelines by a panel of qualified
persons. Panel members are selected to
reflect the range of artistic expression
represented by the applicants.
Gerry Atwell
Stephanie Ballard
David Barber
Andrea Bell
Oliver Botar
Marie Bouchard
Lise Brémault
Simone Chaput
Angie Clark
Marina Clay
Anita Daher
Alain Delannoy
Nancy Drake
Louise Duguay
Richard Dyck
Victor Enns
Donna Fletcher
Clarise Foster
Murray Gibson
Nadin Gilroy
Kayla Gordon
Grant Guy
Christina Harris
Ann Hodges
Takashi Iwasaki
Kier-La Janisse
Shereen Jerrett
Leigh-Anne Kehler
Wab Kinew
Steve Kirby
Kevin Klassen
André Lapointe
Rik Leaf
Brent Lott
Eric Lussier
Catherine MacDonald
Erika MacPherson
Bonnie Marin
Steven Matijcio
Michael Matthews
Hope McIntyre
Ted McLachlan
Bruce McManus
Chris Pancoe
Debbie Patterson
Denis Prieur
Randolph Peters
Edith Regier
Dominique Rey
Carol Rose
Tim Schouten
Charles Shilliday
Buster Simpson
Sheila Spence
Larry Strachan
Gord Tanner
Joan Thomas
Natasha Torres-Garner
Treasure Waddell
Patricia Bovey
Randy Joynt
Paula Kelly
Michael Nathanson
Errol Ranville
Margaret Sweatman
The Winnipeg Arts Council, a registered non-profit
corporation, was created at arm’s-length from the
City of Winnipeg. The Mandate of the Winnipeg
Arts Council, as directed by City Council, is as
managing and carrying out the City’s arts and
cultural funding programs, exercising final
arm’s-length authority to approve and issue
cultural grants
presenting for approval to the Standing Policy
Committee on Protection and Community
Services, a three-year Arts and Culture Business Plan to be adopted on an annual basis
managing a conditional grant from the City
designated to fund the approved programs
advising the City on cultural policy
exploring partnerships and initiatives with
other funding bodies, foundations and other
managing and administering the City’s Public
Art Policy and Program
The Winnipeg Arts Council funds, supports and
fosters development of the arts on behalf of the
people of Winnipeg.
Winnipeg is a creative city, where art is integrated
into all people’s lives. All people have access to the
arts, are able to participate in the arts, and value
and are enriched by the arts.
The arts are essential to a vibrant and healthy
Artistic excellence and diversity of expression
are imperative
Grant making is based on a fair and equitable
process of peer assessment
Integrity, transparency, accountability and
ethical practice are mandatory
[email protected]
103-110 Princess Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1K7