to the Miege viewbook.
2 BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL from the president Dear Parents and Friends, Welcome to an inside look at Bishop Miege High School. From its inception in 1958 to today, our school has continuously delivered an exceptional college preparatory curriculum to our students while teaching the Gospel Message in every one of our classrooms and activities. As you examine this publication, please keep in mind the following facts: • With an enrollment in the 700’s, we are the ideal size—being big enough to offer the complete course offerings and activity programs, yet small enough to provide every student an opportunity to participate and find success in a variety of programs and activities. • Since our primary mission is to guide our students in their faith journey, we take great pride in our intentional Catholic infusion lessons that are a part of every course at our school. • A hallmark of Bishop Miege is our amazing mix of families and students. As an Archdiocesan high school, our mission is to serve students and families of different income levels, backgrounds, ethnicities and ability levels. As a result, Bishop Miege provides its students a cultural experience that best prepares for the adult world ahead of them. • In realizing the financial challenges of affording a Catholic high school education, Bishop Miege offers an expanded scholarship and financial assistance programs to help parents meet their financial obligations. • Proof of our success in college readiness is unparalleled and undeniable. Our one-of-a-kind ACT Prep program provides data showing proof of each student’s growth in college readiness regardless of the entry level of achievement of the student. As you and your student search for the ideal school for your family, I encourage you to visit Bishop Miege, seek answers to unanswered questions, and call on fellow Miege parents, students and staff to assist you in your decision-making process. We are confident you will find many reasons to make Bishop Miege the high school of your choice. We’re Not Just Any High School... We are the perfect size With enrollment in the 700s, Miege is small enough to provide personal attention to students and better opportunities to participate, but large enough to be able to offer a wide range of activities and academic choices. We are enriched with diversity While some schools pride themselves on being exclusive, Miege prides itself on being inclusive. As an archdiocesan school, our mission is to include and serve students and families of different income levels, backgrounds, ethnicities and ability levels. This inclusion of a mix of families provides our students valuable preparation to meet the challenges of an ever-shrinking world. We are affordable Because of strong parish financial support, Miege is able to provide the high quality Catholic education you’re looking for without an exorbitant price tag. In addition, through scholarships and financial aid programs, Miege does its part to help parents with their tuition obligations. ...We are miege! an inside look into bishop miege: academics pg5 • act program pg6 • spirituality pg9 • Inclusion pg13 • facilities/technology pg15 • organizations pg17 • scholarships pg19 Elizabeth Gentry, scored a Perfect 36 on the ACT her Junior Year at Miege. How did Miege’s ACT Prep Program help you? Miege’s preparatory series of pre- and post-ACTs was an excellent aid as I prepared to take the real test. My score was the result of repetitive testing, which enabled me to learn the patterns and style of the ACT, coupled with my proclivity to test well. What did you do, above and beyond, before the test? I did not perform any superfluous tasks before taking the ACT. My classes are mostly AP were enough preparation. Elizabeth will be majoring in actuarial science at the University of Nebraska where she received various academic scholarships. 4 BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL 4 BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL achieving academic excellence How Do Miege Students Prepare for the Future? Miege ensures students are challenge academically while Achieving Individual SUCCESS... miege’s quality academic program includes: • A faculty invested in the growth of their students • Emphasis on college readiness • Curriculum and course offerings that meet students’ needs • Facilities and resources that provide increased opportunities for all students Miege ensures students are challenged academically yet can achieve success • Classroom settings are designed to meet the needs for each student’s academic level creating opportunity for success. • All courses have been phased from 1 to 5: Phases 4-5 Advanced Placement/Honors Courses; Phase 3 College Prep; Phases 1-2 General Academic Courses OUR FACULTY IS HEAD OF THE CLASS • 50 percent of Miege faculty have taught for 10 years or more at Miege, which provides continuity and stability, and demonstrates a long-term investment in the school and its students • 83 percent of faculty possess a Master’s degree or higher • With a 16:1 student-to-teacher ratio, Miege offers ideal classroom sizes, while allowing faculty to give extra time and indivdual attention Miege students can earn college credits by: • Advanced Placement • Dual Enrollment • Expanded online curriculum - It is not unusual for a Miege student to graduate having earned one or two semesters of college credit - More than 60 college credit hours are available through course topics in English, math, history, art, science, Spanish and French Miegians Continuing Education In addition to the numerous private and public universities and colleges in Kansas and Missouri, recent Miege graduates have been accepted to the following schools: Air Force Academy American University Arizona State U. Benedictine College Boston College Boston University Bradley University Brown University Bucknell College Cardinal Glennon College Catholic U. of America Coe College Colorado College Colorado State U. Columbia (NY) U. Creighton University DePaul University DePauw University Drake University Duke University Florida State U. George Mason George Washington Georgetown U. Grinnell Harvard University Holy Cross Iowa State University Kansas City Art Institute Kansas State University Loyola University of Chicago Loyola University of New Orleans Mt. St. Claire College Mankato State U. Marquette University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Miami University Michigan State U. Missouri State U. Mount Mercy New York University Northwestern U. Notre Dame Ohio State University Purdue University Quincy College Regis College Santa Clara University St. John’s University St. Louis University St. Thomas U., MN Southern Methodist U. Stanford University Texas Christian U. Trinity University Tulane University Tuskegee University University of Arkansas University of Arizona University of Chicago U. of Colorado University of Dallas University of Denver University of Illinois University of Iowa U. of Kentucky U. of Massachusetts U. of Miami (FL) U. of Minnesota U. of Missouri U. of Montana U. of Nebraska U. of New Mexico U. of New Orleans U. of North Texas U. of Oklahoma U. of Pennsylvania U. of San Diego U. of St. Thomas University of Texas University of Tulsa U. of Virginia U. of Washington U. of Wyoming Valparaiso University Virginia Tech Washington U. Washington & Lee U. Webster University West Point Westminster College William Jewell College Xavier University BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL 5 academic excellence - act prep program What makes Bishop Miege Exceptional? We Can Measure Growth in College Readiness Like No Other School in the Area. Our Three-Year Cambridge ACT prep program is the only program of its kind in the Midwest What are the primary factors colleges use to make admissions and scholarship decisions? • The best predictors of college readiness - ACT scores and GPA ACT score impact on admission and scholarships awarded ACT scores* ACT PREP OVERVIEW Fr e s h m e n Sophomores Juniors A u g u s t Tes t Test results are mailed to parents. Target areas for improvement are identified. Tes t P r e p ( s e p t-a p r i l ) ACT area English Math Reading Science/ Reasoning Classroom English Math Social Studies Science PLAN ACT ACT 2 days per month per subject; basic skills 3 days per month per subject; basic skills and test strategies 2 days per month per subject; test strategies and practice tests PLAN ACT ACT A p r i l Tes t Test results are mailed to parents. Progress measured. State collegeLocal private college 21 basic admission 22 23 $1,250 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Midwest private collegeElite college basic admission $6,000 basic admission $8,000–$10,000 Increases up to full tuition starting with a score of 32 $11,000 most scholarships begin here $13,000 $2,000 $10,000 $14,500 basic admission scholarship monies added $15,500 31 32 4-year tuition and fees 33 ADVANTAGE MIEGE: • The composite score can be raised one point by answering 1-2 additional questions correctly on the four subtests • A small improvement in score can make a huge difference in scholarship amount How will Miege prepare my student for the ACT exam? • Lessons are imbedded in the curriculum: Math-EnglishResults: Science- Social Studies ACT PREP 6 • Includes all students with regular communication to parent • Data Individualized by teacher, classroom and student • Long-range approach (3-year); students take six retired ACT tests by the time they take the actual test—No crash course, workshops, tutors or private Learning Center BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL • • • • Increase Confidence and Test taking Ability Reduced Anxiety Increased admission options Increased chances of financial aid * Official site for three actual ACT exams* academic excellence - act results How Do Miege students compare Nationwide? Measuring Growth: The impact of the ACT Prep program •C alculating the increase in score of each graduate on the ACT from sophomore year to their final ACT as a senior •T his “actual growth” score is then compared to the “expected growth” based on normed ACT data Stag Achievement... ANOTHER PERFECT SCORE! Our 2015 Students continue to exceed expected growth in relationship to the National ACT norms... Percentage of the Classes vs. Nationwide •4 9 percent of the Class of 2014 exceeded the top range for growth as compared to only 12.5% nationally 87.5% 97.0% 98.0% 100 50.0% 85.0% 90.0% 90 80 70 Elliott Vanderford Andrew Gleason William (Liam) Bryson 60 50 12.5% 48.0% 49.0% 98% •A ndrew Gleason and Elliott Vanderford as Juniors earned top composite scores of 34 and William Bryson a 35 on their ACT Test. 40 30 20 12.5% 3.0% 2.0% 10 0 Failed to make range • Elliott Vanderford scored a perfect 36 this school year Made Range or above Made middle range or above Exceeded Range n All ACT Testers Nationwide n Miege Class of 2013 n Miege Class of 2014 • Elliott Varderford qualified as National Merit Finalists by virtue of their scores on the PSAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, being among 15,000 Finalists, who represent fewer than one percent of U.S. seniors. Super Scores...Super Scholarships • 11.8% of the Class of 2014 scored 30 or above on the ACT exam. • Two Perfect Scores of 36 • One Scored 34 and Six Scored 33 • 21 scored 30+ The past three years, each graduate averaged more that $25,000 in scholarships - The Class of 2013 averaged $32,000 BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL 7 8 BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL spiritual growth and development What is the impact of attending a Catholic High School? Our faith formation program is designed to deepen the student’s relationship with Jesus Christ and truly make Bishop Miege a faith-based environment. • Students who attend Catholic schools from elementary through high school are the largest segment of practicing adult Catholics. (1) • All teens are challenged by negative influences that test their faith. Catholic schools consistently strive to weave Christian beliefs, values and standards that students will carry all their lives • Students are more likely to be pro-life as adults • Students who attend Catholic high school are twice as likely to attend weekly Mass after graduation than students who attend only Catholic elementary school • Opportunities for students to learn, grow, practice and live their faith • Life-altering theological instruction and faithinfused curriculum • High priority on living the Gospel Message Practicing the faith throughout the year: • Liturgy is celebrated in a variety of settings including the total school community, grade level classes, retreats and individual theology classes • Rosary Prayer Intentions are held on Thursday mornings, and Eucharistic Adoration takes place every Friday • Communal reconciliation services are held each year for all students during Advent and Lent What is the faculty commitment to faith formation? Like parents, the faculty is called to continual conversion and growth in their faith. This is accomplished through an ongoing spiritual formation program of eight half-days that span the school year. • Private reconciliation is available with our chaplain, Father Larry Bowers • Entire Class retreat programs. Students are encouraged to grow in their faith through Campus Ministry: • The Campus Ministry Team invites all students to become involved with various activities and opportunities designed to serve others • The team is responsible for planning liturgies, peer ministry, service projects, prayer groups and retreats • Students meet regularly during activity periods and before and after school Our Faculty Faith Formation program consists of four pillars: Intellectual Formation: a lecture/discussion format for the facult y to learn more about Catholicism. Interior Formation: a time for prayer and reflection, or an opportunit y to celebrate Mass. Building a Faith Community: small group breakout sessions which provide the facult y the opportunit y to discuss the material presented earlier in the day and to witness of their own faith journey. Theology Course Requirements Apostolate: a work session when facult y design ways to apply and share what they have learned with our students in our capacities as teachers, administrators, coaches, and moderators. • The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Scripture • Jesus Christ’s Mission Continues in the Church • Sacraments as Privileged Encounters with Jesus Christ • Life in Christ (Morality) • Theology of the Body • Responding to the Call of Jesus Christ • “Why God? Why Jesus? Why the Catholic Church? Our Catholic Infusion Lessons are a unique and essential component of the Apostolate pillar. In this program our faith is infused in all of our classrooms by ever y facult y member. These Infusion Lessons are designed to present and apply aspects of the Catholic faith within the curriculum of each of the facult y’s area of responsibilit y. The Theology Department ser ves as resource to the facult y in the development and enhancement of our Infusion Lessons. • Around 300 students participate each year (1) Source: Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL 9 10 BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL corporal works of mercy Integral to living the gospel message is serving the less fortunate. Last year, Miege students completed 58,000 service hours How do students acquire all of the service hours required for graduation? Our Campus Ministry Program remains a hallmark of the school involving over 300 students. Our students are able to serve others through Corporal Works of Mercy (CWM) as revealed by our Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew 25:31 and are as follows: • To feed the hungry • To give drink to the thirsty • To clothe the naked • To shelter the homeless • To visit the sick • To visit the imprisoned • To bury the dead Multiple opportunities for service are offered through the Campus Ministry Department to ensure each student is able to fulfill the 80 hours of service requirement. • Miege students have earned a national reputation for being deeply committed to serving others, and are often called upon by the National Relief Network to help in areas affected by natural disaster. • It is common for students from all grades to choose to spend their Spring Break on one of many Mission Trips scheduled each March. • Most importantly, our students stand firm with thousands of others on a pilgrimage of prayer and public witness to protecting the lives of the defenseless at the March for Life. BRAVING THE ELEMENTS FOR A CAUSE (opposite page) Pushing through the bitter January temperatures and fighting the numerous crowds was nothing compared to the pilgrimage of prayer and public witness at the 40th Annual March for Life in Washington D.C. More than 70 Miege students walked with tens of thousands the day after the biggest snow storm had hit in years. Visitation (left) Students visit local retirement homes throughout the year providing companionship and activities. PROJECT UPLIFT (top right) Miege students helped deliver meals, clothing and necessities to the homeless on the streets of Kansas City. (bottom right) Students and faculty within a few days collected hundreds of shirts to fulfill a necessary need for those less fortunate in Kansas City upon hearing of the shortage. BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL 11 12 BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL inclusion The Best of all worlds: At Miege, we pride ourselves on being inclusive, as evidenced by our mix of student backgrounds, cultures and abilities. An enriching mix of student backgrounds has been a hallmark of Bishop Miege since its inception. Large Geographic Area • Students come from all over the Kansas City metropolitan area because families recognize the educational value of learning to work together with students of various backgrounds. Co-education While research shows that there is no difference in academic achievement between singlegender and co-ed schools, there are many important advantages to co-education, including: • the embracement of diversity and equality • opportunities to practice leadership in mixedgender settings • respectful, supportive friendships with both genders • structured preparation for students’ future co-ed lives in their families and workplaces. Income Levels • Because of our affordable tuition, extensive financial assistance and scholarship programs, we include families of different income levels. Ability Levels • Being true to our mission as an Archdiocesan school, Miege serves both ends of the academic spectrum and everything in between. • The three-year ACT Prep program helps target areas for growth of all students. In addition, course phasing places students in classes where they are challenged, yet still attain success. Cultural Backgrounds Our student community represents a mix of cultural backgrounds: • 78% Caucasian • 13% Hispanic • 5% African American • 2% Asian “MIEGE HAS AN ENRICHMENT OF DIVERSITY THAT YOU CAN’T DUPLICATE. I STILL ADVISE ANY PARENT WHO ASKS TO LOOK FIRST AT MIEGE.” - FR.RON LIVOJEVICH BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL 13 14 BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL technology, resources and facilities What is Miege’s Philosophy of Technology to Learning? Technology is only one element of effective instruction. We focus on the human experience and real engagement coming from great teachers with interesting lesson plans. What kind of access do students have to computers that serve their educational needs? • Six computer lab, including the beautiful Kincaid Media Center for research and general usage • Computers available for research in: debate/forensics classroom, Guidance Office for college and career planning, and Student Achievement Center • Mac computers in Journalism, Video Production and Art classrooms How do SMART Boards in every classroom enhance our teachers’ ability to deliver curriculum? • Allows teachers to create and manipulate learning tools such as mathematical equations and Spanish verb conjugations SCHOOL-TO - HOME COMMUNICATION Accurate communication of student progress is available in real time using Powerschool • P owerschool allows parents and students to see grades, discipline, attendance, and other information at any time • Students and parents also have an online platform through which assignments and even assessments can be communicated and completed called Bishop Miege Moodle Miege is committed to partnering with parents in educating our students. Accurate communication of student progress is readily available at anytime. FACILITIES What are the Highlights of the $24 million improvements Bishop Miege has made to its facilities in recent years? • Gives student immediate and focused use of the Internet and its many resources • Beautifully renovated chapel • Provides the students the opportunity to interact with course content • Computer and science labs • Gives teachers the best tool for presenting instructional material in multiple formats • The Miege faculty is provided the professional development support which enhances achievement via technology • 12,400-square-foot Kincaid Media Center • Additional classrooms • New stadium • Acquisition of North Campus for added practice fields, gym and space for multiple activities BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL 15 Through Their Actions and Achievements... 16 BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL clubs and activities The Best Chance to Participate: Miege is small enough to provide personal attention to students and provide better opportunities for participation in all clubs and activities. Student-to-Student Clubs Peer tutoring Peer ministers Student managers Science Club/Olympiad Spanish Club Chess Club Environmental Awareness Club Page Pirates French Club German Club Alex’s Lemonade Stand Invisible Children’s Club Spiritual Campus Ministry Team Service projects Mission Trips Retreats Unity National Organizations Class retreats All-school mixers Class projects Freshman Welcome Student Council StuCo summer camps Dances National Honor Society National Forensics League Amigos de las Americas SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) State Championships at Miege Baseball Girls’ Cross Country 1996 Boys’ Basketball 1978 1986 1990 1993 Girls’ Basketball Debate 2001 1978 1985 1991 1995 2002 2009 2010 1980 1989 1992 1996 2003 2014 1984 1990 1994 2001 2007 1982 1988 1991 1994 1998 1999 2000 2004 2006 2010 Football 1972 1977 1975 2009 Boys’ Bowling Forensics Boys’ Soccer Boys’ Golf 2007 1998 2013 2000 2012 2014 Boys’ Cross Country 1982 1989 1983 1991 1985 1992 1983 1989 1992 2004 1989 2001 Softball 2002 Girls’ Soccer 2003 Boys’ Swim/Dive 2014 Boys’ Tennis 1986 1991 Girls’ Tennis 1991 1992 Girls’ Track 1990 2005 Volleyball 1977 1979 1981 1983 1986 1991 1993 2002 2004 2009 2011 1978 1980 1982 1985 1989 1992 1994 2003 2008 2010 2013 Communications Debate Forensics Facets (lit. magazine) Hart (yearbook) Ink Inc. Miegian (newspaper) Contests Scholars Bowl Science Contests Stag Robotics Team Drama Fall musical Winter play Student-directed one-act plays Spirited Cheerleading Lady Stag Dancers Spirit Club Spirit days Pep assemblies Music Treble Choir Concert Chorale Miege Singers Liturgical Choir Pep Band Drum Line The 2013-14 Girls Varsity Soccer Team won the NSCAA NATIONAL TEAM ACADEMIC AWARD for the 5th year in a row. The team had a cumulative team GPA of 3.74 Boys’ Sports Baseball Basketball Bowling Cross Country Diving Football Golf Soccer Swimming Tennis Track Wrestling Girls’ Sports Basketball Bowling Cross Country Diving Golf Soccer Softball Swimming Tennis Track Volleyball BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL 17 ...We are 18 BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL 18 BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL miege! tuition & scholarship programs How does Miege help make tuition affordable? Because of 1) rising tuition costs 2) and the significant difference between grade school and high school tuition, Bishop Miege established an extraordinary, privately funded, scholarship program. The Good Samaritan and Helping Hand Scholarships Established for families who may have ruled out attending Bishop Miege because of: • • • • • Increase in tuition from grade school to high school More than one child in high school in the future May not qualify for regular financial assistance Regular financial assistance is not enough Family circumstances other FINANCIAL assistance Bishop Miege awarded more than $1,000,000 in financial assistance last year based on need. Family Tuition Reduction When more than one student from a family is simultaneously enrolled at Bishop Miege, tuition reduction is given. Additional children of the same immediate family pay no tuition. Payment Plans Monthly payment options can be arranged. (Standard is two payments in June and December) Please Inquire Prior to Looking Elsewhere: BISHOP MIEGE HIGH SCHOOL • Funding available for up to 75 students • More than 25 scholarships were unassigned due to the number of applicants 1 student 2 or more In Parish* $8,100 $15,850 Out of Parish $9,600 $18,650 2014-2015 Tuition Rates *Registered members of Johnson County Catholic parishes are designated as “in parish”. Tuition Insurance The Breadwinner Fund pays remaining tuition of a student in the event of the loss of a parent who provides the main financial support of the family. This pays half of all remaining tuition if the student is registered but not yet attending. Work Study A limited number of work study positions are available to reduce tuition costs. Maximum possible earnings is about $1,200. Applications are included in our registration packets. For details, contact Patti Marnett at 913-262-2701, ext. 226 BI SHOP M I EGE H IGH SCHO OL 19 Practice and Soccer Fields North Campus Important Dates: Softball Field Educational Facility Wednesday, November 12th - 8th Grade Day Wednesday, November 19th - 8th Grade Info Night Saturday, December 13th - HSPT Prep Class Saturday, January 10th - 8th Grade Placement Test Saturday, March 28th - Freshmen Orientation Stadium and Track Baseball Field Bishop Miege Campus We invite 8th Graders to come and participate in our Shadow Program - Register online at or call Patti Marnett at 913-262-2701 ext. 226
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