Bishop Miege High School
Bishop Miege High School
BISHOP MIEGE HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 Inside President’s Letter...........................................5 Miege Foundation...........................................7 Auxiliary Groups............................................. 9 2010-2011 events and fundraisers........ 10 Achievements in 2010-2011....................13-39 2010-2011 Annual Fund..................................14 2010-2011 Operational Budget................21 Scholarship for the 21st Century... 24 2010-2011 Cumulative Giving.................... 26 Alumni news & notes.................................. 38 in memory...........................................................40 2011-2012 Faculty and staff...................... 42 4 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL from the PR ESIDEN T 2010-2011 FOUNDATION Board of Trustees December 2012 Dear Friends of Miege, Bill Dunn Sr., Trustee Emeritus Todd Johnson, Emeritus Larry Gates, Chairman Heather Bahora ’91 Paul Bastasch Bernie Bianchino ’66 Romano DeMarco ’88 Bill Dunn Jr. ’66 Mark Foster Dan Hiatt John Houlehan Tim Jury Don Kincaid John Latenser Bernie Madden Jean McDonnell ’67 Bob Mogren John Waldeck ’86 Dr. Joe Passantino “With your help, we are able to continue to provide our students with the very best Catholic education as they grow in their faith and strive to live the Gospel message.” Because of the incredible generosity of the Bishop Miege community, we can all look back on the 2010-11 school year with immense pride and gratitude. Once again, many blessings have been bestowed upon our students and staff because of the amazing support of so many of our alumni, parents and friends. You will discover the events in this Annual Report that were the culmination of our community working together for the ongoing success of Bishop Miege High School. With your help, we are able to continue to provide our students with the very best Catholic education as they grow in their faith and strive to live the Gospel message. We are proud of the partnership that has evolved with you and are truly sustained by your ongoing gifts of prayer, time and resources. Also, please know we are most appreciative of what you have allowed us to accomplish and look with anticipation to what the future holds. As always, you are a welcome guest here at Miege and encouraged to visit whenever possible. With gratitude and prayers, Dr. Joe Passantino President 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 5 6 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL THE BISHOP MIEGE The Bishop Miege Foundation was created in 1992 as a financial advisory group. Today its purpose has grown to benefit Bishop Miege by assisting the school with fund raising and volunteer activities, advocacy in the community, as well as expert legal and financial counsel. This group is responsible for initiating programs that will provide for the long-term stability of the school, as well as the annual operational funds available to Miege. FOUNDATION Foundation Expenditures 1992-2011 Foundation Projects 1992-1999 School furniture $32,332.77 Interest expenses $451,354.00 Foreign language lab $29,668.03 New offices $822,782.00 Computerized library $71,413.00 Chapel renovation $563,764.00 School lockers $66,486.18 Teacher workload reduction $200,000.00 Math calculators $3,529.00 Roof screen Energy audit $4,950.00 North Campus expenses Boilers Past FOUNDATION Board MEMBERS, 1990 to 2010 Bill Dunn, Sr. - Emeritus Todd Johnson - Emeritus Dick Anderson Bob Bibb ’66 James Dawson John DeStefano Jane Druten Gary Grable Patrice Schmitz Hall Marlys Haverty John Hoffman Mel Lavery ’64 Jerry Mayne Tom McDonnell Phil Moore ’57 Linda Nixon Bob Northrip Herb Rome John Sullivan, Jr. Susan Tremonti ’79’ Mike Waldeck Rick Worner $139,081.81 Computer room $64,111.00 Track $83,665.00 Music room $30,349.00 Chemistry lab and science room $80,103.03 Gym lights, roof and floor Classroom remodeling Ceilings and lights $136,616.20 $55,441.99 $185,897.30 Parking lot $79,858.03 Girls’ locker room $26,702.95 Library consortium $11,080.33 School transformation $16,176.56 Repair of structural beams Stadium concession, restrooms and lights Ramp Total $9,500.00 $189,145.00 $41,800.00 $527,640.00 North Campus acquisition $2,005,000.00 Total $15,368,852.31 The Future of Miege Athletics Stadium survey work $10,000.00 Stadium predesign $75,102.00 Stadium design $361,288.00 Stadium $5,206,935.00 Total $5,653,325.00 Ongoing Projects 1992-2011 Scholarships $1,014,570.00 Technology improvements $282,289.59 Total $1,296,859.59 $12,300.00 $1,328,407.18 Operational Expenses 1992-2011 Postage, printing and supplies Master plan development Industrial Arts wing renovation West drive $59,855.72 $792,256.00 $49,684.00 Equipment rental and maintenance, bank charges Insurance Salaries $280,085.66 Miscellaneous Storm sewer $113,289.71 Foundation to Operations Campaign expenses $712,821.22 $85,771.00 $7,167.38 $1,057,844.00 $4,468,741.00 $4,194,008.00 $124,109.54 $49,752.00 Architectural and engineering fees General upgrades and science labs $11,606.02 Donor recognition, foundation and other dinners Air conditioning and improvements Kincaid Media Center $360,711.32 Advertising and promotions Because Miege Matters Campaign 1999-2006 $118,431.62 $1,869,042.56 Web site management $51,460.00 Landscaping $57,867.00 Total $3,707,991.44 Total Expenditures 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT $27,355,435.52 n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 7 8 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL Au x iliary Groups Mothers’ Club BISHOP MIEGE FOUNDATION DINNER The Mothers’ Club lends its support to Bishop Miege and its students through several activities and events. The Mothers’ Club fosters involvement between mothers and the programs at Miege. It is a social organization that promotes Miege students and families and supports Miege’s various education and fundraising programs. Additionally, the Mothers’ Club provides a means of parent communication with the school administration. Among the highlights of the Bishop Miege Foundation Dinner on Dec. 4 was the presentation of the Herbert Rome Stewardship Award. The 2010 recipients were Don and Patty ’70 Kincaid, who were introduced by Foundation Board Chairman Larry Gates and recognized for their exceptional support of Bishop Miege High School, including procurement and donation of the North Campus in 2008, and construction of the new Kincaid Media Center in 2005. Miege Activities Booster Club ALUMNA OF THE YEAR: PaTRice Maloney ’84 The purpose of the Miege Activities Booster Club is to support student activities at Miege (both athletic and non-athletic). Specifically their goals are to: • Coordinate and support all parent activities • Provide a forum to bring ideas for new parent involvement or activities • Be a sounding board for the school • Facilitate more parent involvement In addition to the above goals, the MABC sponsors and supports a wide range of activities. They meet throughout the school year to plan and organize student and parent activities to promote Bishop Miege High School. Some of their projects include the Safe Home program, student mixers, parent socials and the welcome picnic. The Bishop Miege Alumni of the Year Award is presented to a graduate who has given his or her time, talents and loyalty to enhance Bishop Miege and its traditions Patrice is one of six children of Herb and Rita Rome to attend Bishop Miege, and has had three children of her own attend Miege (Jimmy ’06, Kaitlyn ’08 and Morgan’13). She has spent 19 years teaching in Catholic Schools, including the last 14 years at St. Agnes, where she teaches Pre-Kindergarten. Patrice is an active member of the Miege community in many different ways, having served as a member of Bishop Miege Activities Booster Club and the Bishop Miege Board of Trustees. She has been a frequent Miege volunteer at Miege events even during years when her children were not Miege students. She is also a supporter of the Bishop Miege Annual Fund, Because Miege Matters campaign, The Future of Miege Athletics campaign and the Bishop Miege auction. Above: Archbishop Joseph Naumann, Patty Kincaid, Don Kincaid and Dr. Joe Passantino at the presentation of the 2010 Herbert Rome Stewardship Award. Left: Alumna of the Year Patrice Maloney. 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 9 F undraisers an d e v ents Miege Open Plays Doubles Bishop Miege hosted two Miege Open Tournaments within the 20102011 fiscal year, producing double success in 2011. Friday, October 1, 2010 was selected for the 31st Annual Miege Open. Alumni and Miege supporters gathered for lunch, golf, gifts and a silent auction at Leawood South Country Club on a very warm Homecoming Day. The effort raised over $29,000 for the Bob Frazier Scholarship Fund. The 32nd Annual Miege Open Golf Tournament was moved to Monday, June 27, 2011 at Leawood South Country Club in order to take advantage of some club amenities. Alumni, generous corporate sponsors and friends of Miege enjoyed a picture perfect day as they played, had a barbeque lunch and bid on numerous auction items. Bob Frazier, Chairman of the Miege Open, is pleased to announce that the summer tournament brought in over $24,000. Over the years, the Miege Open has raised more than $295,000, providing needy students vital financial assistance in order to attend Bishop Miege and receive a quality Catholic education. STAG STRUT The 22nd Annual Stag Strut took place on Sept. 24th at Dixon Doll Stadium, and the students once again surpassed their $50,000 goal by raising $59,396.98. In the last 22 years the students have raised more than $1,077,375 for the school. Chance of a Lifetime Thank you to all who donated toward the 2nd Annual Chance of a Lifetime drawing, making it again a successful event for Miege, raising more than $20,000. The three lucky persons whose names were drawn on December 4th had the opportunity to select a prize ranging from cash, room or lawn makeovers to luxury trips. 1st place winner: Tom and Donna Kellerman, cash 2nd Place winner: Frank and Katherine Healey, Ryan Lawn & Tree Ultimate Service 3rd place winner: Joe and Susan Thomas, trip to Cabo San Lucas Our congratulations to the winners and thanks to all supporters of Bishop Miege. Magazine & CoOKIE DOUGH Sale 2010 Miege Open winners Darin Heyen, Curt Marchand, Franz Winklhofer and Nick Hodes 10 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL Thanks to the efforts of Miege’s students, families and staff the magazine & cookie dough sale brought in $58,459.00 which will directly benefit Bishop Miege and its programs. We thank all who supported Miege by renewing or purchasing new magazines or purchasing cookie dough through our fundraiser. If you missed the magazine sale, you may renew your subscriptions or purchase new ones online at Miege receives 40 percent of the total amount. Our next sale begins on January 13th 2012. Danny Morris 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament The 16th Annual Danny Morris 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament was played on July 31, 2010. The tournament began in 1995 in honor of Danny Morris, Alumni ’92, who died tragically in a car accident in 1993. In 2010 we had 82 sponsors and 28 teams participate in three divisions. The tournament raised $15,587.75 for scholarships. This brings the total raised to more than $216,000. In 2011, the Morris family announced that it had decided to end the 3-on-3 tournament and thanked supporters. The family wrote: After 17 years we have decided to end the Danny Morris/Bishop Miege 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament. It was a great run and there were many, many special moments over the years. We, Danny’s family and Bishop Miege High School, are most grateful and humbled by the kindness and generosity of so many people in support of this tournament. The tournament raised $232,000 in scholarship money for Miege students. We believe Bishop Miege High School is a special place and will continue to support their mission to Catholic Education. Thank you again for your generous support over the past 17 years. May God bless you and yours, The Morris Family 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 11 F undraisers an d e v ents 38th Annual Auction SPRING FLING A flower- filled gym, tables laden with hundreds of gift displays and a sumptuous array of foods whetted any appetite as more than 600 alumni, parents, staff and friends socialized, shopped and dined at the 38th Annual Auction on April 30, 2011. Amid a splash of spring colors, talented auctioneers enticed bidders to be winners and raise funds for the students at Bishop Miege. Alumna and current parent Chris Jordan, ’83, was the happy winner of the 2011 Nissan Juke from State Line Nissan and Don and Patty Kincaid. For nearly 40 years, the Auction has been Miege’s premier fundraiser. The 2011 event was no different, bringing in over $200,000 through grand live and silent auctions, drawings and the newest promotion, a dessert auction featuring divinely beautiful edible creations. Fund-a-Need raised an additional $80,000 in scholarship funds for students facing economic difficulties. 12 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL SAVE THE DATE! SATURDAY, APRIL 28th Erin Alexander (right) was named the East Kansas National Forensics League Student of the Year on April 23, 2011. The District Student of the Year Award recognizes the student who best embodies the NFL Code of Honor: Integrity, humility, respect, leadership, and service. Nominees must also demonstrate strong academic credentials and a commitment to the speech and debate community. Details coming soon! Senior Helen Stanley was named National Merit Semifinalist in the 2011 National Merit Scholarship Program. Semifinalists place within the top one percent of more than 1.6 million students who entered the National Merit Program by taking the PSAT/NMSQT in October 2009. 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 13 Profoundly Changing Lives Your support of the Annual Fund helps every student and every program at Bishop Miege High School, every day. The generosity of our alumni, parents and friends of Miege influences our ability to guide and foster our students to grow in their faith and become Disciples of Christ, to strive for academic excellence and to be leaders in their communities. We’re unwavering in our commitment to excellence in Catholic education. We pray you are, too. “It means the world that someone would care enough to help send me to Miege without even knowing me.” – M ary Ballant yne, C lass of 2012 “My faith is a big part of who I am and who I want to be, and coming to a school that’s willing to nurture my faith and make it even stronger is very important to me.” – Erin A lex ander , C lass of 2011 “People here are proud of their school and proud to be part of a greater spiritual journey. I never knew that the energy of a Catholic school would be this amazing.” – N ash O’Fallon , C lass of 2014 Bishop Miege Annual Fund Call to Action Gifts to the Annual Fund may be sent to: Bishop Miege High School 5041 Reinhardt Drive First-time givers We are asking you to make a first-time gift equivalent to just $2 a month for 12 months. Shawnee Mission, KS 66205 OR donate quickly and easily online at Previous Donors If you are a previous donor, please consider a gift of at least your single largest previous donation. Parents of Alumni Please make a gift at a level that best suits your situation – donate in the name of your son or daughter! 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 15 Because tuition does not cover the cost of educating our students, each year the Annual Fund provides money to meet our day-to-day expenses. The Annual Fund consists of three phases: The mailing in the fall, the Phonathon in January and February for those who did not respond to the letter, and a final request in the spring. The Annual Fund is the largest fundraising project of the year. It raised more than $168,912.57 for the 2010-2011 year. Thanks to the Miege community and to the following alumni, listed by class, for their contributions. annual fund giv ing in 2010-201 1 J U LY 1 , 2010 through J U N E 30, 201 1 Class of 1950 Class of 1959 # in class 20 = 5% Mary Ellen Seller Byrne Total $770.00 # in class 62 = 11% Delores Magerl Billings Michael Dunn James English Jim Ewing Don Hugo Mary Ann Metzger Weding James Whitaker Class of 1952 # in class 29 = 3% Joann Elliot Feehan Class of 1953 # in class 21 = 4% Paul O’Connell Class of 1954 # in class 33 = 3% Thomas Scofield Class of 1956 # in class 37 = 8% Brian Billings Jerry Mook Coletta Crahan Schmidt Class of 1957 # in class 34 = 11% Tom Laughlin Paul O’Brien Mary Westerman Sorenson Mary Harrison Ziller Class of 1958 # in class 57 = 5% Class of 1958 Mary Ann Carter O’Connor Jim Sorenson Total 1950-’58: $925.00 16 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL Class of 1960 Total $1,229.62 # in class 85 = 15% Bill DeCoursey Michael Fitzgerald Mary Ellen O’Brien Green Mary Salazar Gutierrez Barbara Purinton Hill Michael Kahler Jim North Garrick Rollert Dennis Rues Janet Schmitz Rich Sims Dennis Wills Class of 1961 Total $875.00 # in class 114 = 10% Frances Shaffer Conners Lanny Hoy Corley Mary Kay Pyle Dillingham Mary Thies Grimsley Jim Hippmann Linda Trabon Hugo Patricia Kirby Malcolm John McGill Robert Metzger Jean Chambers Nickel John Raydo Pat Driscoll Thomson Larry Quirk Ron Regan Mary Anne Myers Ryan Ted Ryan Gayle Maloney Sweitzer Patty Chatterton Walsh Leslie Spurck Whitaker Ed Younger Class of 1962 Class of 1964 Total $880.00 # in class 137 = 5% Phillip Gotner Tom Kellerman Richard McGill Mary Dwyer North Kathleen Reed June Stork Sokol Steve Stricker Bill Welch Total $4,162.50 # in class 206 = 10% Larry Allen Frank Bower Donald Brennan Pat Gaughan Brewster Doug Couch Kathleen Bell Dickinson Kay Hippmann Findley Susan Glennon Fletcher Linda Smithmier Hathaway Connie Dodds Keehn Mel Lavery Lawrence Maher Pam Reiter Molnar Judy Wolski Mulik Bill Nees Suzann Melton Parrish Barbara Lyons Schell Melanie Veenboer Shirk Joanne Salamone Stimac Martha Ziegelmeyer Suess Robert Willer Tom Younger Class of 1963 Total $930.00 # in class 147 = 12% Donna Harn Amato Bob Beverlin Mary Wilson Cocetti Rosemarie Dolan Grandilli Steve Hudson Mary Lu Doll Imm Vicki Koch Patrice Krampff LaVern Di Marco Lorenz Fred Mance Class of 1965 Total $1,310.00 # in class 236 = 4% Barbara Standard Askren Mary Crimmins Diane Wills Garrett Mick Hartzell John Holtsclaw Peggi Walker Kilroy Carol McIntyre Leiszler Linda Krause March Jane Dwyer McMahon Bob Numrich Dale Rohr Annette Kearny Stoerman Margaret Birch Streeter Class of 1966 Total $2,928.50 # in class 259 = 6% Bob Bibb Rich Bohon Jim Chrzanowski Patrick Doherty Mike Fuhrman Robert Hartnett Theresa Weitkamp Healy Kathy Finholm Hines Laurie Couch Johnson Stephen McCray Maria Spaeth Murphy Kent Reynolds Ron Rome Todd Salash Signe Osiier Schuepbach James Scofield Mariella Cellitte Tefft Class of 1967 Total $18,967.50 # in class 253 = 7% Barb Wolski Allen Mark Batenic Paula Scardello Burger Bob Cellitti Kathy Smith Corcoran Joseph Crostarosa Nancy Dunn Driscoll Susan Standard Finnigin Ted Freese Barbara Swartz Grigsby Pam Santee Hughes Jan Dierks Hutz Julie Lamasney Ingham Barbara Ritter Kearney Jean Weitkamp McDonnell Joan Tschechtelin Reichenberger Steve Scanlon John Silady Mary Hetzel Silady Mike Whitmore Class of 1968 Class of 1970 Total $1,187.50 # in class 235 = 4% Rosie Brennan Baker Cindy Meyer Einhellig Dean Gustafson Tom Mayse Kathy Riordan Olvera Mike O’Rourke Mike Prior Teri Conry Robinett Judi Gampper Salo Barbara Albers Stockton Total $887.50 # in class 230 = 6% Susan Willer Dye Mary Beverlin Fitzgerald Jennifer Brenner Holladay Joe Huppe Nancy McReynolds Huppe Cindy Murphy McMahon Cyndy Crimmins O’Rourke Bob Oshman Rick Reynolds Teresa Dagg Smith Tom Smith Vicki Grebowiec Smith Babs McTigue Stilley Mary Leroy Woodruff Class of 1969 Total $1,515.00 # in class 236 = 7% Anne Marie Metz Adams Patty McCue Aldridge Sue Lynam Gorman Steve Hansen Mary Kinerk Ken Knutsen Karen Klein Koch Margaret Adams Leintz Kathy Orr Judy O’Connell Reyhle Bob Sheridan Mary Stein Shobe Denise Manger Staudenmyer Bob Svoboda Mary Lynn Dierks Svoboda Kathy Centner Tilson Maryann Bollig Williams Congratulations to Ann Kalis for being named a Commended Student in the 2011 National Merit Scholarship Program. About 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation were recognized for their exceptional academic promise. The National Merit Scholarship Corporation described the honor: “As demonstrated by their outstanding performance in our highly competitive program, the young men and women named Commended Students represent some of the most academically talented students in our country.” Class of 1971 Total $850.00 # in class 200 = 4% Jeanine Clune Cindrich Barbara O’Connell Crawford Russ Eads Tim Hannon Mary Sue Mertes Hermes Nancy Gill LaJoie Marian Weilert Sauvey Rosemary Wetzel Signorelli Sue Weitkamp This fall, Miege Science teacher and Robotics faculty moderator Scott Anderson invited 7th & 8th graders to join others to work on solving challenges created by the Stag Robotics team. The middle school students spent Tuesday and Thursday evenings designing and programming Lego robots, and were mentored Mr. Anderson, Mr. Andrew Groene and members of the STAG Robotics team. 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 17 A NN UA L F U ND GI V I NG I N 2010-201 1 Class of 1972 Cynthia Goff Welch Kim Dean White Tom Wilkes Total $1,850.00 # in class 230 = 4% John Beverlin Joe Diebold Michele Ring Diebold Paula Garner Janice Martin Gillihan Jim Kirkpatrick Maggie Hendricks Kleine Steve Lacy John O’Dowd Joan Harryman O’Hare Larry Roederer Class of 1974 Class of 1973 Total $2,175.00 # in class 175 = 10% Ken Anderson Dave Atwell Ellen Condry Katrina Guenther Greub Laurie Decha Hannon Michael Hannon Deborah Palermo Holterman Jennifer King Ingraham Patty Desmond Markey Janet Bird Miscannon Debbie Cornelius Monterubio Karen Vacek O’Donnell Dan O’Rourke Cynthia O’Gara Smith Nancy Miller Summers Steve Summers 18 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n Total $2,750.00 # in class 208 = 10% Karen Schaefer Camarata Greg Cornelius Tim Dougherty Robin Shondell Duhe Don Glenn Mary Latz Gorczyca David Heffron Kathleen Shaffer Henley Martha Vyhanek Houts Dwayne Katzer Sandy Meara Katzer Margaret Gregar Landon Martha Growney Lawler Patricia Manning Manning Kathleen Kennally McGrew Steve Miller Susan Geraghty Miller Sheila O’Connor Seana Riordan Vissotzky Larry Walsh Patty Judge Wamsley Class of 1975 Total $1,500.00 # in class 192 = 4% Tom Clark Cathy Dolan BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL Chris Johnson Theresa Wolski Lynch Phil Moran Royce Ann Wilcox Smith Diane Van Thullenar Mary Swift Viveros Class of 1976 Total $2,926.00 # in class 209 = 7% Mary Jo Kolarik Audley Peggy Walterman Ballou Debbie Brenner Peter Fiorini Jerry Glenn Cindy Zishka Green Debbie Wernel Kolarik Kathleen Roult Marx Bill Meador Stephanie Walling Palmer Mary Sue Sheridan Perkins Barbara Watkins Sack Elaine O’Connell Schmidtberger Greg Shondell Ann O’Connor Waters Class of 1977 Total $1,169.00 # in class 213 = 7% Nancy Gregar Douglas Jerry Gaughan Susie Wimer Harrison Lutz Judy Heiman Hinchey Gigi Latz Knox Diane McCowen Kusman Paul Lacy John Manning Bob Porter John Price Teresa Redlingshafer-Gehring Sean Reilly Rita Schroeger Tiehen Kevin Vater Mary Thorpe Watkins Class of 1978 Total $1,126.00 # in class 221 = 9% Barbara Hale Austin Ginny Bertrand Liz Burke Laurie O’Brien Chubb Cindy Shondell Curtis Dan Happer Bill Hendricks Maureen Carney Hernandez Tom Jacquinot Mary Beth Owsley Larson Gene Myers Maura Feehan Peterson Larry Pickert Matt Smith Rita D’Agostino Stollman Cathy Wilkus Swanson Becky Vogt Thacker Julie Bartoszek WestHoff Karen Barancik Wheeler Kevin Wilson Class of 1979 Total $4,730.00 # in class 250 = 10% Joe Boring David Bryant Phil Heintzelman Phil Holderness Clarise Conrad Hovis Theresa McConniff Jackson Bob Jacquinot Jamie Duardi Kaczmarek Martha Buffkin Kane Tim Kellerman Mark Lazzo Chris Madison Annette Clune Mellard Susan Palmer Moloney Karen Mischlich Mueller Barbara Vyhanek Patterson Rosemary Podrebarac Judy Meador Rehmert Mary Pat O’Neill Smith Paul Tremonti Susan Taylor Tremonti JoLinda Gonzales Vega Sally Watson Viken Paula Welch Kathy Wood Class of 1980 Total $754.00 # in class 225 = 6% Michele Halloran Falen Jane Falk Nancy Squillace Fleming Mary Schmitt Frerking Karen Brindley Gier Bruce Graham Deanna Sanderson Grelinger Jerry Lacy Sharon McQuerry-Lacy Tim Propp Jeanne Sands Ragland Mike Richards Deanna Windisch Schleicher Cindy Stephanz George Wilber Class of 1981 Total $2,557.50 # in class 220 = 8% Michael Bizal Kathy O’Connor Calvert Steve DeBauge Nancy Payne Ellis Don Fields Nancy Harvey Foltz Tom Graham Phil Hodes Nancy Lippold Kellerman Jane Burke Kelling Patty Kelley Ken Amy Macan Obermueller Barbara Hanson Pianalto Phillip Reyes Cheri Dwyer Rhodes Manuel Rios John Shonfelt Kathy Rinella Strecker Class of 1982 Total $1,510.00 # in class 233 = 4% Denise Jordan Brown Connie Carr Mikelait Jane Sittenauer Muraski David Pickert Ken Price Serena Staley Price Melissa Snider Jean Lacy Stoa Lynn Sanderson Weist Michelle Maher Wilber Class of 1983 Total $1,327.50 # in class 249 = 4% Chris Duval Ann Gladbach Graham Cathy Hosty Hair Colleen Duffy Heeter Joe Heeter Chris Chezek Jordan Kevin Katzer Debbie Cawley Moeller Jill St. Martin Pittman Mona Redlingshafer Simons Lupe Ybarra Stedman Tim Taylor Class of 1984 Total $1,950.00 # in class 233 = 3% Diane Chezek Browne Suzette Shatto Clark Bob Faherty Kenneth Hodes Paul Rohleder Kathleen Gould Staley Tim Staley Class of 1985 Total $5,820.0 # in class 236 = 5% Kimberly Anderson Cheri Bisbee Jennifer Johnston Boudreau Christopher Casper Sara Dougherty Mark Lacy Sean Little Jim Milazzo Lorraine Hummell Silkman Mary Ann Galvin Vogt Rich Vogt Nancy Hoffman Wasinger Class of 1986 Total $520.00 # in class 213 = 3% Lauren O’Connor Heyen Jennifer Wagner Lynch Sean Platt Angela Gutierrez Ramirez Todd Richardson Ken Scheve Melissa Blumel Scheve Class of 1987 Total $230.00 # in class 269 = 2% Amy Zamierowski Carman Jeff Evans Kristen McCarthy Garrison Deanna Dercher Gish Chris Mann Sherrie Behner Mann Jack Stoerman Class of 1988 Total $1,295.00 # in class 230 = 5% Romano DeMarco Libby Wedeking DePinto Amy Campin Goebel Teresa Jackson Harris Margie Nass Huggins Angie Mufic Koetting Mark Koetting Mary Sue Rinella LeBourveau Andrew Jeralyn Lutz Jeralyn Pilsl Lutz Eric Schweder Tricia Decoursey Stark Cheryl Burns Williams Bishop Miege’s Spring Break mission trips sent more than 160 students, adults and chaperones in four different directions to serve others. In West Virginia, the students built decks for families, added ramps for the disabled, painted and installed siding on homes and built picnic tables for an Elementary School, among other projects. In Kansas City, the students worked at St. James Food Pantry, visited several homeless shelters and spent hours tutoring students at the Upper Room. Thirty students traveled to Cincinnati, Arkansas, to provide cleanup of debris on five farms in the area. This year included a new site, New York City. Each day groups worked in different boroughs serving at a variety of sites. 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 19 A NN UA L F U ND GI V I NG I N 2010-201 1 Class of 1989 Class of 1991 Class of 1995 Class of 1999 Class of 2004 Total $1,040.00 # in class 251 = 2% Michael Bastasch Jay Holthaus Jacque Smith Ivey Marcye Stuhlman Lange Joe Owens Katy North Stoerman Total $2,685.00 # in class 164 = 6% Heather Hoffman Bahora Jenny Cawley David Herr Tony Jaime Amy Heit Morfeld Sarah Muessig-Book Joan Reiser Jeff Tamasi Mike Voll Tim Weaver Nichole Newcomer Yannette Total $944.00 # in class 163 = 3% Kara Kurtenbach Bob Ludwikoski Shawn Oropeza Scott Richardson Christi Rinella Douglas Total $225.00 # in class 236 = 2% Laura Wolfe Adam Laura Sundblad Dold Jenny Paredes Dowell Ryan Kirchhoff Laura Miller Lisa Martincich Stuart Total $5.00 # in class 183 = 1% John Green Class of 1990 Total $1,305.00 # in class 228 = 6% Cecelia Infante Bethel Chad Boydston Jenny Jennings Boydston Joanie Nass Brady Casey Regan Braun Jeff Flannery Jenny Tylicki Fontaine Amy Gattermeir Jennifer Jacquinot Paula DeMarco Long Michelle Mulik Bob Sims Erica Staley Sims Bob Van Cleave Mary Vohs Wilcox Class of 1992 Total $1,000.00 # in class 136 = 1% Joe Fahey Class of 1993 Total $375.00 # in class 182 = 2% Jenny Owens Hughes P. J. Ludwikoski Josh Weber Katy Miller Weber Class of 1994 Total $100.00 # in class 133 = 2% Ellen Druten Algrim Mark Kellerman Brian King 20 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL Class of 1996 Total $405.00 # in class 156 = 1% Tim Burger Stephanie Lee Coatney Jane Stoever Class of 1997 Total $385.00 # in class 160 = 2% Jacob Cummings David Lopez Andrew Marino Joe Walberg Class of 1998 Total $45.00 # in class 159 = 1% Christine Grigsby Mulcahy Zach Wolf Class of 2000 Class of 2005 Total $150.00 # in class 192 = 1% Abigail Oliver Keith Schmidtberger Total $1,456.63 # in class 193 = 3% Michelle Bryant Janelle Decker Tom Morris Alan Peel David Schapker Katie Verschelden Class of 2006 Class of 2001 Total $50.00 # in class 182 = 1% James McCausland Total $165.00 # in class 233 = 1% Shannon Flanagan Nate Huppe Katie Houlehan Maher Class of 2002 Total $50.00 # in class 197 = 1% Sean Hand Total $155.00 # in class 207 = 1% Br. Maximilian Burkhart Joseph Collins Stephen Green Molly McMahon Class of 2009 Class of 2010 Total $25.00 # in class 177 = 1% Megan McMahon OPER ATIONAL Bu dget 2010-201 1 Notes 1. Miege’s financial statements are reviewed each year by an independent auditing firm. 2. Church support (income) consists of $826,700 in subsidy assessment from Johnson County parishes and $35,400 from Call to Share. 3. Full-time enrollment for 2010-2011 was 754 students. Tuition was $7,325 per student from Johnson County parishes and $8,825 for all other students. *These figures do not include the fundraising efforts of the Bishop Miege Foundation. Income Tuition and fees $4,791,457 75% Church support $862,100 13% Contributions and community support* $275,130 4% Other income $54,514 1% Student activities $70,674 2% North Campus $335,032 5% Total $6,388,907 100% Instructional $4,148,340 65% Administrative/Developmental $570,650 9% Plant/Maintenance $537,127 9% Other expenses $462,939 7% Student expenses $446,744 7% North Campus $216,262 3% Total $6,263,750 100% Expenses 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 21 PRESERVE the PAST PROVIDE for the FUTURE One of the hallmarks of Bishop Miege High School is the tremendous support received from our alumni, parents and friends. This show of generosity has provided $25 million in capital improvements over the past decade. The total renovation of our educational facility and our athletic facilities will serve students for years to come. Currently, we are faced with the challenge of an unstable economy and the rising number of families who seek a quality faith-filled education for their son/daughter, but do not have the necessary resources to provide one. To insure the growth and a secure future, we look to other means of support for the school, thus, the Bishop Miege Legacy Society/Endowment Fund. What is PLANNED GIVING? A “planned gift” can be one you give immediately, such as stocks, property or other assets. Or, it can be one you give later, through a bequest in your Will or a Trust. Making a “planned gift” can be extremely easy. For example, you can add “Bishop Miege High School, Shawnee Mission, KS” as a partial or total beneficiary of your life insurance, IRA, pension account or other investment account. A “planned gift” provides future support to Bishop Miege and offers you the opportunity to extend your legacy of faith beyond your own lifetime. “Planned Giving” necessitates some advanced planning to properly transfer assets. This type of giving typically involves deferred gifts to the school. Thank you for your consideration. 22 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL Types of PLANNED gifts • Bequests: Designate a gift to Bishop Miege in your will or trust • Charitable Gift Annuity: In return for a donation, receive a fixed income for life • Charitable Remainder Trust: Transfer assets irrevocably to a trust, receive an income for life and remainder goes to Bishop Miege upon your death. •R etained Life Estate: Donate your residence to Bishop Miege as a beneficiary on a certificate of deposit, an annuity, IRA or retirement plan. •L ife Insurance: Designate Bishop Miege as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy or gift a policy you no longer need. With the guidance from your estate planning attorney, choose what to give. BENEFITS All gifts provide a significant benefit to Bishop Miege High School while possibly: Increasing current income for you or others • Reducing your income tax • Helping to avoid capital gains • Passing assets to your family at a reduced tax cost Your next step Let us know your plans. Please contact the Development Office at 913-262-2701, ext. 238 or [email protected] with questions or to let us know you have made plans for a gift. We would love the opportunity to thank you for your generous act. We are happy to honor your wishes regarding anonymity. 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 23 SCHOL A R SHIP for the 21st century The senior class of 1990 initiated an idea for their class gift. They chose to invest money collected from their classmates along with donations from the Student Council to provide scholarships for future students. The senior classes since then have continued donating to the scholarship fund. GRADUATING CLASS DONATION 1990 1990 $6,090 $14,000 2000 1991 1991 $6,307 $15,000 2001 1992 1992 $7,221 $16,000 2002 1993 1993 $7,416 $14,000 2003 1994 1994 $7,698 $16,000 2004 1995 1995 $8,071 $16,000 2005 1996 1996 $8,060 $16,000 2006 1997 1997 $8,500 $16,000 2007 1998 1998 $9,038 $16,000 2008 1999 1999 $9,209 $16,000 2009 2000 2000 $8,500 $16,000 2010 2000 1990 $14,000 $26,000 2010 2001 2001 $16,000 2011 2002 2002 $10,300 $16,000 2012 2003 2003 $11,800 $16,000 2013 2004 2004 $11,800 $16,000 2014 2005 2005 $11,800 $16,000 2015 2006 2006 $11,800 $16,000 2016 2007 2007 $13,651 $16,000 2017 2008 2008 $12,332 $16,000 2018 2009 2009 $11,800 $16,000 2019 2010 2010 $11,800 $16,000 2020 2011 2011 $11,800 $16,000 2021 $227,798 $373,000 $8,795 TOTAL 24 Anticipated SCHOLARSHIP AVAILABLE YEAR OF GIFT 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL YEAR AVAILABLE Gifts in kind Memorials Amalfi Hotel – Brian Cooney John Hansen Carolyn Pickert Maier Needham Floral, Inc. – Dan Needham Joe and Jean Passantino Monica Peter Ralph and Dorothy Murphy Spezze Tom Watson Floyd and Anne Wohlrab Joe Ozbolt – Ed’s Trophies and Awards Carl and Nancy Wasinger Memorial contributions were made in memory of the following persons in 2010-2011. Brian Christian Tom Keehn Mary Rose Lasculoa Mary Ann Lucas Danny Morris Jonathan Ring Herb Rome Matching Gift companies We would like to thank the following companies that have made matching gift contributions in the names of their employees to Bishop Miege during 2010-2011. Abbott Fund Ameriprise Financial ConocoPhillips Company DST Systems, Inc. Entertainment Properties Trust ExxonMobil Foundation Felcor Lodging Trust Hallmark Corporation Hormel Foods IBM Foundation JP Morgan Chase Foundation Kansas City Southern Industries Inc. Kraft Foods Foundation McKesson The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation The Sprint Foundation US Bancorp Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Through the generosity of our alumni, parents and friends, Miege receives donations to the following scholarships and memorial funds. Alumni Scholarship Helping Hand Tuition Fund Rose Teicher Scholarship Awarded in the name of the Bishop Miege Alumni Association. The award is based on financial need and school citizenship. Recipients of the Helping Hand Tuition Fund are evaluated for financial need, family challenges, Academic potential, church/community service and character. For students who otherwise would be unable to attend Miege. This award is also based on school citizenship and need. Archbishop Ignatius Strecker Scholarship Honors Scholarship Awarded to freshmen based upon school achievement and service to the parish. Nominated by pastors. Recipients of the Merit, Pastors and Lucas Scholarships may qualify for an Honors Scholarship annually. The award is based on student performance. Named in honor of this past teacher, guidance counselor and coach who dedicated more than 29 years to Miege. His legacy was helping young people find success and his commitment to the care and concern for those around him. This scholarship awarded to incoming freshmen is based on financial need and performance on the placement test. Art Gutierrez, Jr. Scholarship For students of Hispanic heritage. Created in memory of Art Gutierrez Jr. ’66. Bishop Miege Foundation Scholar’s Award Awarded to freshmen based upon performance on placement test, achievement, character and service. Bob Frazier Alumni Scholarship For students who may not otherwise be able to attend Miege. Breadwinner Fund Pays all remaining tuition of a student attending Miege in the event of the death of a parent who provides the main financial support of the family. Brian Christian Memorial Scholarship Named in honor of a young man from the class of 1985 who reflected life to others in an extraordinary way. The award is given to one sophomore boy and girl each year. Recipients must have exhibited a positive, caring attitude toward others. Mary Ann Lucas Memorial Scholarship Named in honor of this past teacher, administrator and friend who dedicated more than 30 years to Miege. This is an ongoing scholarship fund for students who attend regional Catholic grade schools. For students who otherwise would be unable to attend Miege. This award is also based on school citizenship and need. Jonathan Ring Memorial Fund For outstanding performance on the Miege placement test. Named in honor of a young man from the class of 1979 who exhibited a love for learning. Donations received to this fund are designated for improvements in the Kincaid Media Center. Miege Financial Assistance Provides partial tuition reduction. Based on financial need of a family. This program is funded by Call-toShare, the Bishop Miege Mothers’ Club, the Mike Hickey Memorial Fund, the Ursuline Scholarship Fund and the Scholarship for the 21st Century. Mike Hickey Memorial Fund Named in honor of a young man from the class of 1988 whose love for life was contagious. Ursuline Scholarship Fund One awarded by the pastor of each parish. Named in honor of the Ursuline Sisters of Paola, Kan., who have served the school since its inception in 1945. Principal’s Scholarship Matty Molnar Scholarship For exemplary performance on the Miege placement test. The Matty Molnar Scholarship was established in memory of Matty, Miege class of ’96, whose love of the Church and his Catholic faith brightened the lives of everyone around him. The scholarship is awarded annually to a St. Ann School graduate who displays these same characteristics while being a good citizen and student. The award is for $500 for the freshman year. Pastor’s Scholarship R.J. Rhoades Memorial Scholarship Named in honor of a young man, from the class of 1990, who showed us all the meaning of courage. This scholarship was set up by the Druten family and friends to be used by one senior, chosen by a vote of the Miege students and faculty. Named in honor of Richard Joseph “R.J.” Rhoades from the Class of 1997, whose warm and loving personality touched the lives of many. This award is based upon need and character. Assists families in northeast Johnson County whose children have attended a Johnson County Catholic elementary school, but who lack the necessary resources to continue their Catholic education through high school. Thomas E. Sullivan/Janis M. Steinbrecher Scholarship Merit Scholarship Eric Druten Memorial Scholarship Good Samaritan tuition fund Walt Tylicki Soft Hart Scholarship Bill Rost Scholarship Named in honor of this extraordinary teacher who devoted 38 years teaching English and media appreciation. Rost’s sense of humor was one of the things that made him so cherished by his students and motivated them to learn. Bill also initiated the first Miege auction in 1973. The Bill Rost Language Arts Scholarship is awarded to an incoming freshman based on performance on the language portion of the entrance exam. 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 25 The following list has been compiled to thank those donors who have generously given to Bishop Miege High School during the fiscal year July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011. This listing reflects donations made to the Auction, Annual Fund, Danny Morris 3-on-3, Chance of a Lifetime 2010, Miege Open, the Capital Campaign, The Future of Miege Athletics and other gifts. C U MU L AT I V E giv ing in 2010-201 1 J U LY 1 , 2010 through J U N E 30, 201 1 Founders: $10,000 + Matt and Ann Anthony Hoffman Family Foundation Bernie and Marilyn Bianchino Pat and Kathy Cocherl Romano and Yolanda DeMarco Dixon and Carol Doll J. E. Dunn Construction Company Kevin Dunn Terry and Peggy Dunn Bill and Marianne Dunn, Jr. Peter and Barbara Gattermeir John J. Sullivan, Jr., Charitable Foundation Don and Patty Kincaid Steve and Kathy Lacy Gary and Rita Marvine - Midwest Distributors Co., Inc. Tom and Jean McDonnell Chuck and Marty Raplinger Rick and Barbara Standard Mike and Sue Waldeck Leaders: $5,000 - $9,999 Mike and Lori Archer Paul and Kathy Bastasch Country Club Bank Bob and Jane Druten Bob Dunn Bill and Corrin Dunn III Bill and Jean Dunn, Sr. Tim and Janet Jury Little Flower Foundation Fund Greg and Vickie McDonald Clancy and Jennifer Merrill 26 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL Abraham and Mari Poulose Jan Steinbrecher Pat and Janna Stueve Carl Weilert The Westerman Foundation Benefactors: $2,500 - $4,999 Rich and Debbie Agar Mark Batenic Jim and Toni Coopersmith Ralph L. Smith Foundation Frank Fiorini Terry and Julie Flanagan Mark and Mitzi Foster Jim Glennon Tim and Sarah Grunhard Dan and Martha Hiatt Kevin and Sue Hicks Tom and Donna Kellerman Mel and Rita Lavery John Ludwikoski - Ludwikoski & Associates Bernie and Jackie Madden Jim and Pat Martin Elizabeth Nieters Rob and Diane O’Byrne Joe and Jean Passantino Michael and Michelle Rhoades Vince Ring Dean and Nancy Sandquist Marian Sauvey David and Mary Schulte John and Jenny Waldeck Carl and Nancy Wasinger Patrons: $1,000 - $2,499 Andy and Kay Atchison Bob and Sally Bibb Tim and Chris Blackburn Michelle Bryant John and Claudia Caton Ken and Micki Christian Jim Chrzanowski Tom and Carol Cleary Bruce and Anne Conner Greg Cornelius Cathy Dolan Neil and Fran Douthat David and LeeAnn Egger Bob Faherty Joe and Sue Fahey Rick and Marisa Fleenor Susan Fletcher Bob and Ada Frazier Larry and Jeanne Gates Jerry and Maureen Gaughan Bob Gutierrez and Rachael Gutierrez Kelley Art’s Mexican Products, Inc. Ron and Joann Heap Joe and Patty Hemberger Darin and Lauren Heyen Joan Horan John and Nancy Houlehan Joe and Anne Jezak Brian and Chris Jordan Tim and Nancy Kellerman Bill and Maggie Kleine Barbara Kramer John and Mary Latenser Jim and Dunrie Lewis Bill and Patrice Maloney Curt and Laura Marchand Kathleen Marx Quentin and Kristin McArthur Kevin and Kathleen McGrew Mike and Colleen Meurer Jim and Kimberly Anderson Milazzo Bob and Suzanne Mogren Bill and Kristi Morris Tom Morris Jerry and Patti Murphy Maria Murphy Marc and Angie Pedrotti Dan and Leslie Pope Dave and Mary Lou Richardson Manuel Rios Paul Rodriguez - Rodriguez Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Dale Rohr Dennis and Merrill Schapker Russ and Sandy Schnieders Gene and Sharon Schreiner John and Marny Sherman Greg Shondell Steve and Sheryl Shondell Melissa Snider State Line Nissan, Inc. Steve and Nancy Summers Bart Sweeney Tony and Mary Ann Tornquist Kevin and Julie Tushaus Philip and Susan Van Thullenar JoLinda Vega Carl Wasinger - Smart Warehousing Stan and Nancy Weber Andy and Julie Weilert Tom and Loren Whittaker Craig and Sue Wohler Mark and Kari Ziblut Jon and Jennifer Zindel Protectors: $500 - $999 Dick and Gloria Anderson Scott and Heather Bahora Michael Bastasch Steve Bastasch Anita Bates Ed and Colette Bernica Dan Bowden - Bowden Contracting Co., Inc. Frank Bower Hank and Cheryl Brown James and Kim Burdolski Dennis and Janet Cawley Jenny Cawley Tom and Suzette Clark Bill Clarkson - Superior Bowen Asphalt Company Linda Clarkson Steve and Laura DeMaria John Dillon Pat and Judy Donnelly Bob Fagan Joe Fahlstrom Tom Freeman - UBS Financial Services Ron and Gina Frigault Michael and Rebecca Furlong Amy Gattermeir Jerry Gaughan - Williams-Gaughan Insurance Dr. Wayne Gauthier Terence and Kathy Glynn Joe and Christine Heller Skip and Sherry Hensler David and Cathy Herr Billy Hodes - Midland Metal Mfg Jim and Mary Kay Hogan Roger and Nadyne Jackson Bernie and Betsy Jacquinot Chris and Cece Johnson Andrew and Jacquie Joski Randy and Mary Ann Kancel Al and Pat Kolarik Greg and Mimi Kopulos Steve and Debbie Korpi Janet Kunz Karen Lasater Manny Lopez - Manny’s Restaurante Mexicano Curt Marchand - Ryan Lawn and Tree Paul Martel Ed Martincich and Eric Martincich - K-C Drywall Constr., Inc. Gregg and Shellie Masenthin Tom and Sharon McCullough Terry and Rita McMahon Bob Miller Will and Patricia Miller Debbie Moeller On Jan. 24, the 38th anniversary of the legalization of abortion, more than 50 students, alumni, teachers and parents from Bishop Miege headed to Washington DC to fight for the unborn. The trip was filled with site seeing and Liturgies to pray for an end to abortion. Bishop Miege students have teamed with Gordon Parks Elementary School in a mentoring program called S.M.I.L.E. “Students Mentoring to Inspire Leadership and Effort” was a grassroots effort by Miege students to get into the classroom and talk to the kids. Miege students talk about safety, teamwork, achievement, respect and service. As an end-of-theyear suprise, the Miege S.M.I.L.E. team provided an ice cream truck for field day. A great end to a wonderful year of working together. 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 27 C U MU L AT IV E GI V I NG I N 2010-201 1 Steve and Sharon Mohler Jack and Sue Morris Tim and Kathy Morris Carl and Allison Murdock Joe Neenan - Neenan Company Mark and Roxanne Netemeyer Vince and Linda Nowak OakStar Bank Mike O’Neill Shawn Oropeza Kathy Orr Dick Pedrotti - R. E. Pedrotti Company Rob and Gwenn Pike Patty Ponchur Joan Reichenberger John and Kathy Ritz Jim and Nancy Schumm Matt and Beau Shamet Steve Shondell - Heathwood Oil Co., Inc. Jerry and Pam Sinovic Bob Smith Tom and Vicki Smith Ralph and Dorothy Murphy Spezze Barbara Stockton Jeff Tamasi Daniel and Heidi Thorman Paul and Susan Tremonti - Best Graphics John and Evelyn Van Goethem Ken and Jacqueline Walters Jill Watt Don Welsh Eddie Welsh Marian Winter Nichole Yannette 28 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n Ambassabors: $250 - $499 Patrick Adley - Omaha Surgical Center Jon and Nora Alexander Charles and Martha Bachand James and Angela Bergner Cheri Bisbee Bishop Miege Mothers’ Club Matt and Janis Bolin Chad and Jennifer Boydston Barry and Suzie Brautman Tom and Zan Brennan Tom Brennan - T & Z Motors LLC Debbie Brenner Tim Burger Bill and Brigid Burgett John Burns - State Farm Insurance Bill and Kathy Carlsen Lonnie and Tammy Ciecior Mike and Vicki Clagett Class of 1958 Class of 1960 Bob and Pat Clune Mike and Becky Conaghan Kevin Connealy Keith Connell - Keith Connell, Inc. John Corker - Corker Contract Service Janelle Decker Tom and Terri DeDecker Bill Doeren Sara Dougherty Michael and Susan Doyle Michael Dunn Russ and Cathy Eads BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL Matt and Laura Eshelbrenner Joe Fahey - J. M. Fahey Construction Janet Fanska Austin and Bridget Findley Michael Frazier Kurt and Susan Gittinger Julie Graham A. J. and Susie Harrison Lutz Phil Hayes Joe and Colleen Heeter Phil Heintzelman Bill and Teresa Hendricks Stan and Susan Herbic Nick and Joni Hodes Phil Hodes David and Lisa Hoebelheinrich Deborah Holterman Tracey Hopper Chip and Clarise Hovis AMC Theatres, Inc. Joe and Nancy Huppe Jill Jackoboice - The Jackoboice Law Firm Bob Jacquinot Tony Jaime David and Sharri Janner Robert and Christine Kalis Patty Ken Dale Klemz Jeanne Kobler Jim and Mary Komosa Greg Kopulos - Regal Distributing Co. Tom Kramer - Tool Crib Supplies, Inc. Tom and Mary Kramer Neff Packaging Systems Northeast United Soccer Club Chuck and Liz Lillis John and Susan Littleton David Lopez - Lopez Foods of Kansas City, LLC Richard and Paula Lorino George and Carol Lucas P. J. Ludwikoski John and Carla Mabry Lawrence Maher Tim and Caroline Mahoney John Manning Frank and Lisa Masterson Brian and Amy McCarville John and Susan McMeel Benedictine College Navery and Lynne Moore Ray and Sue Moritz Ed and Annette Morris John and Katy Morris Kevin Morris Bill Murphy - Cornerstone Foundation Repair LLC Bill Nees Bob Numrich Randolph and Marty Oliver Dan O’Rourke Jim and Jan Owens Joe Owens Mike and Cathy Petrie Michael and Mary Pezza David and Jill Pittman Don and Magdalene Porter Mark Pyle Jon and Barbara Redd Paul Redmond John Renk - Total Winding Supplies, Inc. Scott Richardson Teri Robinett Gordon Roll Jon Ross - Country Carpet, Inc. Steve and Dolores Schroff John and Deborach Smeltzer Bob Sniezek James and Sally Starshak Brian and Alicia Stewart Steve and Pam Stockman Tim Storey Carl Struby Larry and Sarah Swall Lon Switzer - Switzer and Associates Painting, Co. Sean Switzer - Switzer Brothers Painting Dan and Kathy Terrill Chis and Sue Thayer Bob and Karen Thomas John and Ann Thomas Paul and Susan Tremonti Mike and Ellen Tuttle Mike and Amy Waters Rick and Jamie Welsh Jim and Barb Wheeler Jeff and Denise Wicker Bill and Sally Wirtz Mark and Katy Wirtz Mark Zastrow - Edward D. Jones & Co. Advanced Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab Crossfirst Bank Leawood Design Mechanical, Inc. Tequila Harry’s Inc. Champions: $100 - $249 Truman and Catherine Abram Gary and Michelle Acton John and Mary Alitz Pamela Alvarez Kevin and Mig Amey Michael and Kerry Amigoni Lance and Anne Anderson Scott and Mona Anderson Janet Arensberg Dave Atwell Mary Jo Audley David and Barbara Aziere Larry Batliner Pat and Erica Baxter Felix and Mary Ann Baz-Dresch Mark and Rita Beggs James and Kim Belfield Mike and Bev Bellinger Rich and Sherry Bendis Bill and Betty Berg Mike Berman Cecelia Bethel Bob Beverlin Brian and Delores Billings Esther Bizal Michael Bizal Don and Debbie Blazek Mickey Blount Matt and Katie Bohnen Bryan and Marilynn Bokenkroger Dale and Barb Boots Jon and Dianne Boren Joe Boring David and Mary Bowers Larry and Melanie Bowman Brad and Cheryl Breeden Rich and Pat Brewster Angela Brill Linda Brossard Denise Brown Mimi Burch John Burdolski - Classic Collision Center Paula Burger Bridget Burns Mike Burns - State Farm Insurance Sam and Christine Burroughs Terri Butel Jim and Terry Byfield Brian and Denise Caffey John and Nancy Calvano Don and Joan Carlton Katie Carr Rex and Alice Cauthen Rich and Char Charette David Chavez - State Farm Insurance Courtney Christensen Joe and Robin Christie Matt Ciani - State Farm Insurance Tom Clark Dolores Cloughley Rick and Katherine Coates Stephanie Coatney Joseph Collins Bernard and Martha Concannon David and Pat Conner Malachy Connor Bishop Miege High School became an impromptu gathering place for food and other relief supplies for the citizens of Joplin, MO, following the devastation of a May 22 tornado.The effort began with the help of the family of Miege alum Colin Baxter, who currently plays baseball at Missouri Southern in Joplin. In August, 80 Miege students traveled to Joplin on a tornado relief mission trip. The students cleared fields of insulation and other debris that would be dangerous to animals. A group of Miege students helped ready a tornado-damaged home for the return of its owner, who had been deployed overseas. See page 39 for story 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 29 C U MU L AT IV E GI V I NG I N 2010-201 1 Kathy Corcoran Lanny Corley Tom and Terri Cotton Jerome and Aileen Cronan Jacob Cummings Kevin and Joan Daker James and Janet Daley Annemarie Dalton Brad and Shawna Davidson Matthew and Amy Davis Libby DeBauge Fred and Carol DeFeo Lynn and Dianne DeMarco Libby DePinto Dan Dercher Bill and Juliet Dickerson Joe and Michele Diebold Paul and Sherry Diederich Mary Kay Dillingham Linda Dinsmore Michael Doeren Bob and Marillyn Dougherty Tim Dougherty Walter and Louanne Drone Robin Duhe Cindy Einhellig Michael and Louise Elbein Mark Elling - Mark Elling Insurance Agency Inc. Erik and Bev Elving James English Terry and Susie English Jerry and Jill Esfeld Daniel and Renee Falcon 30 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n Jane Falk Bob and Stephanie Fama Lee and Judy Finegold Jeanne Fisher Lucy Fitch Michael Fitzgerald Bob and Min Flaspohler Rick Fleenor - Standard Battery Barbara Fleming Larry and Karen Flournoy Tom and Jeanne Fogarty Larry and Pat Fogel John and Tresia Franklin Diane Freeland Craig and Lynn Friesen Al and Rosa Fritz Mike Fuhrman Pete Furey - Allied Concrete Products, Inc. Betty Gacom Hires Gage - Fairway Animal Hospital Camille Gamon David and Erica Garrett Jeff and Kristi Gibbs Tim and Joan Gladbach Jim Gleason Kevin and Judy Glynn Amy Goebel Michael and Carol Gonzales Sandra Gonzalez Tom and Ann Graham Dave and Jane Grant Mike Grant Joyce Grashoff BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL Matt and Joanne Gratton Russell and Amber Gray Cindy Green Jennifer Greene Jerry and Gail Gregory Deanna Grelinger Lawrence and Mary Louise Growney Mary Gutierrez Mark Hague Tim and Cathy Hair Bob Hamilton - Bob Hamilton Plumbing Heating & A/C Michael and Nancy Hand Drs. Hannah & Oltjen, D.D.S., P.A. Steve Hansen Ken and Mary Harms Dennis Harris Susan Harris Linda Hathaway Jerry and Julie Hauber Michael Hayo Katie Healy Steven Hechler - Hechler Orthodontics Mark Heineman - Catholic Family Credit Union Bernie and Donna Heit Scott and Mary Helt Jim and Elizabeth Hendricks Joe and Joanne Henley Kathleen Henley Chad Henningsen Mary Sue Hermes Nancy Hernreich Libby Herring Rich and Kathy Hilliard Barbara Hines Chrissa Hoffmeier Barry and Janell Hogan Joe and Maryjo Holmes John and Tracy Holmes Jay and Kimberly Holthaus Lyle and Dolores Holthaus Justin Hoover Kathy Hoskins Martha Houts Richard and Kay Huff Don and Linda Hugo Jack and Kathy Hurley Jan Hutz Chip and Laurie Ingram Daniel and Ronda Intfen Matthew Ismert - Pyramid Pipe and Supply Co., Inc. Jeff and Jacque Ivey Cary and Heather Jackson Theresa Jackson Mariann and Frank Jaksa Philip and Kym Johnson Randy Johnson - Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Consultants Michael Kahler Brian Kane Christopher and Margaret Karczewski David Kasmiskie Kevin Katzer - Counterstop Jane Kelling Brad and Kelly Kempf Peggi Kilroy Jim Kirkpatrick Joe and Jan Kneib Ken Knutsen Joseph Kobilarcsik - Joseph A. Kobilarcsik, Chartered Marieann Koehler Mark and Angie Koetting Tom and Debbie Kolarik Cathy Kolenda-Smith Joe and Janet Kolich Debbie Konomos Jeannette Kowalewski Msgr. Vince Krische Mark and Catherine Kuhls Mark Lacy Paul Lacy William and Teresa LaManno Rob Lane - Compass Financial Resources Marcye Lange Everett and Sara Lanter Jim and Mary Kaye Lauterwasser Jeff Lavery Mark Lazzo Susan Lazzo Mark and Lisa Ledom Gerald and Susan Lee Margaret Leintz Jack and Angeline Lewis Paula Long Chris and Kimberley Lopez Andy and Shirley Lucas Ron and Maryann Luchtefeld Bob Ludwikoski David Ludwikoski John Ludwikoski Jennifer Lynch Catherine Madden Chris Madison Mike and Sharon Madrigal Katie Maher Michael Maher Vern and Carolyn Maier Rob Maloney - The Brooksider Sports Bar and Grill Fred Mance John and Patricia Mancuso Linda March Andrew Marino David and Ann Markus Jim Marsee Kim Martin Michael and Connie Martin Jordan Marx David and Cathy Mascal John Massman Mike and Lavon Mathews Howard and Norma McCall Cynthia McCarthy Joe and Cathy McConniff Bob and Shirley McGeary Mike and Patty McMahon Jay and Amy McNitt Doris Meador Bill Mears Patrick and Annetta Meikel James and Ruth Melching Ray and Henrietta Mersman Ron and Bess Michaelson Robin Mika Delores Miller Laura Miller R.B. and Holly Miller William R. Kremers, DDS and Matthew S. Forbes David Mogren Susan Moloney Debbie Monterubio Jerry Mook Phil Moran Jon Moritz Mike and Patty Morrisey Bill and Nancy Mosburg Greg and Vicki Muehlebach Jim and Ann Mueller Don and Judy Mulik Blake Mulvany Jeanne Musgrave Bob Myer - Bob Myer Builders, Inc. Bob and Laura Myer Gene Myers Dan Needham - Needham Floral, Inc. Daniel and Mary Needham Daniel and Gail Nichols Nill Bros. Sports Gary Nogel Justin Noonan Jim and Mary North P. J. and Sherry Novick One of the many service initiatives of Bishop Miege’s Campus Ministry Team is to donate, gather and wrap Christmas gifts for its Red Bag Program, which benefits foster children in the Kansas City metropolitan area. On Dec. 12, a truck loaded with present-filled red bags departed Miege 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 31 C U MU L AT IV E GI V I NG I N 2010-201 1 Chris Null Amy Obermueller Paul O’Brien Jim and Pat O’Hagan Abigail Oliver Kathy Olvera Doug and Bonnie Ondick Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of KC Janice Orrick Janet Otis Al Overton Joe and Barb Ozbolt Stephanie Palmer Joseph and Cheryl Parisi Michael and Christina Parra Louis and Hendrika Parre Colleen Parsons Barbara Patterson Donald Patterson Colleen Pattison Jim and Jeanne Pettijohn David Pickert Joe and Cindi Pickert Larry Pickert Jeffrey and Jean Piehler Bill Pikus Bill and Sheila Pitt Sean Platt Bill and Ann Powell Debbie Price Mike and Peggy Priest Tim Propp Larry Quirk 32 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n Mark Radetic - Marks Nelson Vohland Campbell Radetic LLC Mark Radetic Tim and Nancy Rafferty Angela Ramirez Robert and Ann Rasmussen John Raydo Dushyanth Reddy Teresa Redlingshafer-Gehring Sean Reilly First Watch Restaurants Santiago Requena Phillip Reyes Judy Reyhle Kent Reynolds Mike Rhoades - Hightech Signs Linda Rhoads Mike and Sue Richards Nancy Richardson Ralph and Barbara Richardson Marilyn Riedel Bill Riley Christi Rinella Douglas Patricia Ring Jeanne Ritz Greg and Paige Robbins Sister Martina Rockers Steve Rohleder Steve and Holly Ropp Margaret Rosberg Mark and Denise Rost Charles Roult Mike and Janice Rowland BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL Nancy Rubeck Kevin and Betsy Rudolph Al and Lucy Rupf Bill and Teresa Russell Barbara Sack Todd Salash Jerry and Cathy Sanderson Bill and Jennifer Schafer Rick and Margie Schaff Barbara Schell David and Denise Schloegel Matt and BeBee Schloegel Virginia Schmeltz Elaine Schmidtberger Tim Schnieders Eric Schweder Norman Schweder Thomas Scofield David and Debbie Scott Tim and Julie Seibold John and Irene Sheerin Melanie Shirk John Shonfelt Richard and Vicki Siebs John and Ali Simon Mona Simons Rich Sims Bill Sinovic Jim and Becky Skaggs Bob Smith - Bob Smith Motor Company Dick and Donna Smith Matt and Mary Pat Smith Ruth Sobek Thomas Soetaert Rick and Debbie Solar St. James Academy Jerry Stadler Paul and Lupe Stedman Darrell and Karen Steiner Paul and Linda Stephanchick Babs Stilley Jeff Stottle - Foo’s Fabulous Frozen Custard Steve Stricker Adam Strudi - Integration Plus, Inc. Pat Stueve - Stueve-Siegel-Hanson John and Marigene Suellentrop Martha Suess Bill and Lisa Sullivan Claude and Margaret Supplee Steve and Mary Swagerty Elinor Swartz Ginny Tadlock Richard and Martha Taylor Tim Taylor Tom and Amy Taylor Mariella Tefft Joe and Susan Thomas Mark and Tambra Thorson Rita Tiehen Kathy Tilson Mary Titterington Pat Titterington The Verschelden Toma Team Brad and Michelle Tompkins Rick and Laural Trullinger Wendell and Virginia Tulp Bob Van Cleave Diane Van Thullenar Kevin Vater Loretta Verbanic John and Ann Vering William and Donna Vermillion Ed and Judy Vodopest Byron Vogel Dick Vogt Bob and Judy Vohs Mike Voll Oavieng and Jennifer Voravong Beverly Vyhanek United Bakery Equipment Company Herman Wallace Pat Walsh - Walsh’s Corner Cocktail Rose Mary and Richard Walsh Debbie Ward - Russell Stover Candies Pat and Jim Wareham Tom and Sharon Waris C. C. and Corrine Warlop Theresa Wassenberg Marilyn Watson Jim and Barbara Weaver Steve and Andrea Weaver Tim Weaver Josh and Katy Weber James and Mary Wedeking Steve Weiner - State Farm Insurance Companies Lynn Weist Sue Weitkamp Bill Welch Cynthia Welch Diana Welsh Patty Wernel Mike and Alice Werth Lene’ Westerman Craig and Julie WestHoff Leslie Whitaker Alex and Bridget White John and Lucille White Kim White Eddie and Tracie Whitley Mike and Sherry Whitmore John and Sylvia Wiedeman Mark and Anne Wille Cheryl Williams Dan Willis Dennis Wills Geoff and Erin Wilson Franz and Colette Winklhofer Mary Ellen Winter Judi and Michael Wollenziehn Kathy Wood Mary Woodruff Kareen Wormington Steven and Patty Woulfe Brian Yoksh Alicia York Chris and Linda York Ed Younger Tom and Tess Youngworth Ellen Zimmerman Garozzo’s, Inc. Weidenmiller Company Sponsors: $59 - $99 Anne Marie Adams Cole Ahlvers Barb Alena Ellen Algrim Marcy Anderson Janet Baker Anthony and Faye Bartoszek Mary Benson John Beverlin David and Sarah Blick Jennifer Boudreau Casey Braun Jeff and Susie Breeden Donald Brennan Jim and Gwen Brooks Diane Browne John Bryde Mike Bukaty - Bukaty Companies Liz Burke John and Lori Callahan Karen Camarata Anne Carlson Richard and Mary Cecena Eulalia Cerda Rose Christian Laurie Chubb Corinne Marie Clanton Sam and Margaret Clanton Mary Cocetti Steve and Mary Cockrell Trisha Coleman Kitty Colwell Luke Wheeler was one of six students in all of Kansas selected as a new member of the Kansas State High School Activities Association Student Advisory Team. Six juniors – one from each of the six classes of Kansas schools – are selected for a term of two years. Luke was chosen to represent Class 5A based on a number of factors, including a written essay. The role of the Student Advisory Team will be to receive information and provide input to the Executive Board and Board of Directors regarding KSHSAA issues. The team will also serve as a sounding board on proposals affecting students. The Miege History Club was featured in a book, Elmwood Cemetery, and recognized at a book launch ceremony at Kansas City Public Library in October. The club representatives were commended for its work in adopting one of the children’s sections at Elmwood Cemetery. Every fourth Sunday, the students clean the site. In addition, they raise funds to place markers on previously unmarked graves. History Club members were welcomed at a reception for 400 guests, hosted by R. Crosby Kemper III. Author Bruce Mathews is shown at right with Matt Caffey and club president Alex Murfey. 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 33 C U MU L AT IV E GI V I NG I N 2010-201 1 Frances Conners Paul and Molly Corkill Doug Couch Mary Crimmins Cindy Curtis Albert and Catherine De Leon Nancy Douglas Susan Dye Judi Estes Jeff Evans Tim and Mary Sue Evans Jim Ewing Don Fields Kay Findley Peter Fiorini Corrine Fitch Mary Fitzgerald Justin Francis William and Sarah Frederick Ted Freese Rick and Ann Galbraith Jim and Patti Garbeff Jessica Gillespie Deanna Gish John and Marge Gladbach Lu Ann Gleason Mary Gorczyca Sue Gorman Bob and Lillian Graham Bruce Graham Tom and Carolann Gregoire Jim and Lisa Hamrick Sean Hand 34 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n Dan Happer Peter and Margaret Hark Teresa Harris John and Janet Hart Robert Hartnett Mick Hartzell Ron and Claudia Haulmark Joe and Jane Heide Maureen Hernandez George Higgins Barbara Hill Tony Hill Kenneth Hodes Phil Holderness Randy Huber - A. L. Huber Construction, Inc. Burt Huerter Nate Huppe Julie Ingham Laurie Johnson Susan Johnson Martha Kane Dave and Pamela Kasper Barbara Kearney Mary Kinerk Vicki Koch George and Mary Lee Koppe Fred and Laura Kouri Patrice Krampff Jerry and Elizabeth Lagerquist Margaret Landon Craig and Kathy Lay Carol Leiszler Ted and Sheryl Lickteig BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL Sean Little David Lopez LaVern Lorenz Andrew and Jeralyn Lutz Theresa Lynch Tom and Jolene Lynn Toby Mahr Patricia Malcolm Patty Markey Tim and Patti Marnett Bridget Martin Pat Mavai Tom Mayse James McCausland Richard McGill Mary McQueeny Annette Mellard Robert Metzger Connie Mikelait Florence Mitchell Pam Molnar Debbie Moore Marlo Morgan Currie and Bernadette Myers Barbara Nelson Paul O’Connell Karen O’Donnell Juan and Julie Olivas O’Neill Communications LLC Mike and Cyndy O’Rourke Sam Panis Alan Peel Mary Ann Peterson Barbara Pianalto Rosemary Podrebarac Ken and Serena Price Mike Prior Benjamin Purcell Tod and Kasey Reaves Rick Reynolds Mike Rhoades Mike Richards Garrick Rollert Ron Rome Rose Mary Rost Ted and Mary Anne Ryan David Schapker Ken and Melissa Scheve Deanna Schleicher Keith Schmidtberger Signe Schuepbach James Scofield Bob Sheridan Mary Shobe Rosemary Signorelli John and Mary Silady Cynthia Smith June Sokol John and Patricia Sparks Denise Staudenmyer Jean Stoa Jane Stoever Rita Stollman Charles Strauss Albert and Sharon Strayhall Bob and Mary Lynn Svoboda Cathy Swanson Donald Swanson Marilyn Tampke Mark Tarwater Becky Thacker Kathryn Thies Thomas Waste Systems, LLC Pat Thomson George and Donna Toma Frank Toplikar Seana Vissotzky Mary Viveros Bill and Moira Vogt Vince and Jan Weiss Paula Welch James Whitaker Steve and Ann White Rudy and Nancy Wichmann Tom Wilkes Robert Willer Rick and Laura Worms Brian and Susan Wyssmann Frank and Kris Zondca Advocates: $25 - $49 Laura Adam Patty Aldridge Larry and Barb Allen Dennis and Nancy Alt Ken Anderson Lee and Luetta Arensberg Barbara Askren Joseph and Jene Bauer Ginny Bertrand Rich and Cathy Bohon Judy Bond Christel Bouldin Joanie Brady Scott and Linda Brownlee David Bryant Br. Maximilian Burkhart Rick and Mary Burnell Mary Ellen Byrne Kathy Calvert Amy Carman Marilyn Casey Bob Cellitti John and Karen Chaney Ed and Marsha Chezek Steve and Julie Clarkson Michael and Karen Clum Scott and Kay Conklin Kevin and Kate Cook Barbara Crawford Tom and Karren Crouch Steve DeBauge Ken and Judy Decker Bill DeCoursey Mallie DeLarber Kathleen Dickinson Paul Digiovanni Patrick Doherty Joe and Pat Dold Laura Dold Matthew and Jeanette Doll Carol Doring Dave and Mary Beth Dover Jenny Dowell Kathy Doyle-Rost Patty Draskovich Nancy Driscoll Chris Duval Jim and Dorothy Easterday Robert and Arlone Eisler Joseph and Teresa Elder Greg and Nancy Ellermann Nancy Ellis Shannon and Kristine Ennis David and Janice Evans Cathy Favro Joann Feehan David and Barbara Fines Jeff Flannery Nancy Fleming Sonia Flores Elizabeth Foley John Folse Nancy Foltz Jenny Fontaine Mary Frerking Brenda Fuchs Sabin and Myong Fuentes Brenda Gardner Paula Garner Diane Garrett Kristen Garrison Judith Gerling Karen Gier Janice Gillihan 2010 marked the third year in a row and a remarkable 20th time in school history that Bishop Miege captured the state volleyball championship. The Stags dominated rival Saint Thomas Aquinas in the final, 25-14, 25-15 on Oct. 30 in Topeka. The victory pushed Miege to a 38-4 record on the season. Senior setter Elizabeth Powell, junior outside hitter Shelby Workman and junior outside hitter Anna Church earned selection to the Kansas Volleyball Association 2010 State All-Tournament Team. In addition to being the school’s 20th state title overall, it was the 17th for head coach Gwenn Pike. The Stags also captured the Eastern Kansas League title during the regular season. Anna Church captured the 5A state championship in the 800m run with a time of 2:20.08. 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 35 C U MU L AT IV E GI V I NG I N 2010-201 1 Tom and Marianne Glavinich Don Glenn Jerry Glenn Jane Gnefkow Nancy Grabenhorst Tom Grant Sophie Grebowiec Andy and Marijane Green Mary Ellen Green Steve and Kim Gregory Randy and Nancy Gress Barbara Grigsby Mary Grimsley Dean Gustafson Mary Hale Tim Hannon Abigail Hayo Theresa Healy Ferrell and Judy Heeter Mary Jo Hegstrom Pat Heitschmidt Mary Belle Hickey Judy Hinchey Kathy Hines Jim Hippmann Catherine Hirner Barry and Janell Hogan Ruth Hogan Jennifer Holladay John Holtsclaw Sandy Horvat Kevin and Megan Houghton Margie Huggins 36 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n Jenny Hughes Pam Hughes Dale and Jonna Hunter Mary Huppe Jon and Margaret Hyde Jennifer Ingraham Tom and Linda Ismert Robert Jackson Jennifer Jacquinot Tom Jacquinot Jamie Kaczmarek Sharon Kaszar Dwayne and Sandy Katzer Kevin Kavanaugh Connie Keehn Larry and Pam Keenan Mark Kellerman Brian King Ryan Kirchhoff Kara Kurtenbach Diane Kusman Jerry and Sharon Lacy Tom Laughlin Martha Lawler Mary Sue LeBourveau Harry and Jacqueline Linder Richard and Valerie Lumley Chris and Sherrie Mann Jeffrey and Lisa Martin Kathy Maxwell James McBee Stephen McCray John McGill BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL Jane McMahon Megan McMahon Molly McMahon Sharon McQuerry-Lacy Roy and Roberta Messick Kirk and Patty Middleton Patricia Milbourn-Spradlin Janet Miscannon Nancy Mitcham Amy Morfeld Karen Mueller Sarah Muessig-Book Michelle Mulik Jane Muraski Cindy Murphy McMahon Kevin and Lee Neenan Mary Newbanks Jean Nickel Bob and Nancy Nowatzke Bob and Donna O’Connor Mary Ann O’Connor Sheila O’Connor Joan O’Hare Bob Oshman Suzann Parrish Jesse Perez Monica Peter Bob Porter John Price John and Patty Purk Kathleen Reed Ron Regan Judy Rehmert Joan Reiser Cheri Rhodes Todd Richardson Sue Rinella John and Therese Roseburrough Pat and Susan Rowland Steve and Anne Rueb Dennis Rues Mary Lynn Salisbury Judi Salo Steve Scanlon Coletta Schmidt Patricia Schmidt Janet Schmitz John and Julie Schneller Richard and Linda Seagraves Lindsay and Joanne Shannon Jeff and Lorraine Silkman Bob and Erica Sims Dan Sittenauer Bob and Lori Slettehaugh John and Rita Smith Royce Ann Smith Teresa Smith Betty Sosna John and Patricia Sparks Daniel Stack T. J. Stack Tim and Kathleen Staley Tricia Stark Cindy Stephanz Joanne Stimac Annette Stoerman Jack and Katy Stoerman Kathy Strecker Margaret Streeter Lisa Stuart Cathie Sullivan Gayle Sweitzer Tom Switzer Charles and Rita Thompson Jennie Trumbull Melinda Underkofler Art Valdivia Joan Vaughn Katie Verschelden Sally Viken Steven and Mary Voelker Rich and Mary Ann Vogt William and Virginia Vogt Ken and Pat Voorhes Joe Walberg Larry Walsh Patty Walsh Greg Walters Steve Walters Patty Wamsley Dan and Teresa Wancura Sharon Ward Ann Waters Helen Watts Robert and Shelly Weir Karen Wheeler Mary Wilcox Stephen and Barbara Wilcox James and Rita Wilkus Maryann Williams Kevin Wilson Rodney and Nadia Winston Zach Wolf James and Donna Woods Eric Worster Tom Younger Christopher Ziglinski Mary Ziller David and Chrysa Zinser Friends: up to $24 Donna Amato Barbara Austin Rosie Baker Peggy Ballou Brett Blanchard Phoebe Brunholzl Charles and Judith Care Joseph and Marianne Carr Christopher Casper Max and Liz Cerda Jeanine Cindrich Ellen Condry Dennis and Janet Corcoran Joseph Crostarosa David and Jennifer Eller Michele Falen Susan Finnigin Shannon Flanagan Phillip Gotner Rosemarie Grandilli John Green Stephen Green Katrina Greub Michael and Laurie Hannon David Heffron Ruth Herrold Steve Hudson Mary Lu Imm Gigi Knox Karen Koch Nancy LaJoie Mary Beth Larson Helen Lynch Patricia Manning Bill Meador Steve and Susan Miller David and Rebecca Mitalski Christine Mulcahy John O’Dowd Mary Sue Perkins Maura Peterson Jeanne Ragland Mary Ritter Larry Roederer Paul Rohleder Richard and Eileen Shea Jennifer Siebes Jim and Mary Sorenson Fridolin and Joan Stallbaumer Kathleen Tierney Mary Watkins Jim and Michele Watters Mary Ann Weding George and Michelle Wilber Bishop Miege’s boys’ and girls’ soccer teams both won the NSCAA (National Soccer Coaches Association of America) National Team Academic Award for the 2010-2011 school year. The girls had a team GPA of 3.71 for the entire school year. All twenty-two varsity players had a 3.0 GPA or higher. This is the second award in a row for the girls’ team. The boys had a team GPA of 3.53 for the entire school year. Eleven of the 22 players had a 3.5 GPA or higher, and eight of these had a 4.0 or higher. This is the fourth award in the history of the boys soccer program and third in a row. 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 37 ALUMNI N e ws & NO T E S The Bishop Miege Class of 1961 gathered together to renew old friendships at its 50th Reunion on the weekend of Sept. 16-17. Dr. Cathy Taylor Osborn ‘74 (top right) traveled to India in October to volunteer dental services in an orphanage supported by Homes of Hope India-US, a charity that works in orphanages, schools, junior colleges and social empowerment centers throughout South India. Using a donated facility, Taylor screened 60 girls from an orphanage and treated 20 who were in daily, constant toothache pain. This past October, Lori Taylor White ’77 completed her 23rd marathon in Washington D.C with son Matthew at the Marine Corp Marathon. Joyce (Flaherty) DiDonato ’88 will be a featured performer during the inaugural season of the Kauffman Performing Arts Center on March 23-25. The world-renowned mezzosoprano will be performing with the Kansas City Symphony Orchestra such pieces as Rossini’s “Joan of Arc,” Haydn’s Symphony No. 85 and a suite from Bizet’s “Carmen.” In November, Tim Platt ’90 and wife Mari welcomed baby Emma who joined her siblings Ellie, Sam, Olivia and Janie. Kristie Morgan ‘94 was inducted into the Rockhurst University Athletics Hall of Fame on September 23, 2011. She is the first woman’s soccer player to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. She was a third team NAIA All-American in her senior season in 1997 as the Hawks finished with a 19-4-1 record. She ranked seventh in the nation in goals against average (0.71) while posting 11 shutouts. In her junior year, Morgan collected 14 shutouts and 108 saves. We welcomed Bryan Truta ’97 as the emcee of the 38th Annual Bishop Miege Auction on April 30. Truta is program director at Cumulus Media/105.1 Jack FM and is co-host of the station’s Big Breakfast show. Katie Houlehan Maher ’01 and husband Dr. Terry Maher welcomed Rose O’Shea Maher on May 16. Jenifer Bahner Koelzer ’03 coached Cowley County College Community College to the 2011 NJCAA Division II national championship. It was the firstever volleyball championship at Cowley, which posted a record of 38-2 and is now 104-11 under Koezler. In addition, she was named District Coach of the Year, Conference Coach of the Year and National Tournament Coach of the Year. 38 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL After months of physically challenging cancer treatments this past year, Paul Titterington ’03 has successfully conquered Burkett’s Lymphoma and is on the road to recovery. Jeanie (O’Mara) Stuto ’07 was married on September 24, 2011 to Chase Stuto of Omaha, NE. They were married after Jeanie finished her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from The University of Nebraska in December 2010. She is currently a medical social worker for Lakeside Hospital in Omaha and is pursuing her Master’s degree in Social Work to continue working in therapy. Kathleen Ludwig ’08 is heading to Hawaii to the Regional Semifinals of NCAA Volleyball Tournament after and her Kansas State University teammates beat #2 ranked Nebraska. RELIEF TRIP MAKES TRAGEDY PERSONAL FOR MIEGE STUDENTS eat. They cleaned outside homes ent who passed away, or something Seeing Joplin in pictures is difthat were struck by the fierce winds. else they could never replace. ficult. Seeing it firsthand is harder. A group of Miege students Joplin’s people and their stories It looks far worse. And to Bishop helped ready a tornado-damaged left a permanent mark on the high Miege High School senior Kalyn home for the return of its owner, school students’ hearts. Heyen, it’s incredibly personal. who had been deployed overseas. But in their weeklong mission As Miege students on a misKalyn found it sobering to work trip in early August, Miege students sion trip picked up debris this sumin a yard near the pond where left their mark on Joplin as well. mer, they found personal belongsearchers had found the ings everywhere, things you body of an 18-year-old boy wouldn’t even think of losing who was on his way home if a disaster struck, said Kalyn. from his high school graduBridal albums. Rosaries. ation when the tornado tore Old family photographs. him from his vehicle. It made Kalyn think of The stories captured the the things she hasn’t picked volunteers’ attention. Renee up for a long time back Schultz, assistant to the camhome, things she would be pus minister, caught a lot of upset about if she lost. the group’s work on camera. As the high school groups “It was overwhelming to worked, she could see her stand in front of St. Mary friends realizing the enorSchool,” Schultz said, “where mity of what happened in Jowalls were crumbled, and plin. It seemed to hit every- Bishop Miege senior Kalyn Heyen signs a wall in a destroyed home. Members of many groups that have helped Joplin in everything — from schoolone at the same time. They the cleanup process have inscribed the walls of this particubooks to a “car that’s just suddenly realized how this lar house with inspirational messages. rolled into a ball” — lay could happen to them — and scattered.” Miege took 80 students. They how much the little things mean. It was clear that in a matter of were joined by a group from St. “It made me much more appremoments ordinary life in Joplin Mary’s Colgan High School in ciative of what I have,” said Kalyn. was turned upside down. It sent Pittsburg, and by seminarians Before, if you’d asked many stua very poignant message to the from the Diocese of Wichita and dents what they’d save if they could Miege students about the signifiseveral adult volunteers. They keep only one thing, they would have cance of the people and places in worked through St. Peter the Apossaid their cellphones, said Bishop their own lives. tle Church in Joplin. Miege campus minister Mary Per“I think it made us appreciate The students cleared fields of rini. Ask them now, and you’ll get Miege more and how upset we would insulation and other debris that a very different answer — maybe be if we were to lose it,” Kalyn said. would be dangerous for animals to something they got from a grandpar- The 2011 Bishop Miege Varsity Softball Team was recognized by the National Fastpitch Coaches Association (NFCA) as a Top 35 Academic Team. The squad’s overall GPA of 3.679 ranked it 31st among the nation’s high schools. Student-athletes who earned a GPA over 3.5 were recognized for the individual honor of Academic All-America Scholar Athlete. Recipients of this honor are: Heather Edwards, Marissa Ibarra, Megan Plouvier, Courtney Gemmill, Kristen Pearson, Mary Tuttle, Sara Lauterwasser, Leah Quick, Gina Avitia, Katalina Delgado, and Hannah Holterman. Miege’s baseball team finished fourth in the Kansas 5A state tournament in Wichita. In the seventh inning of Miege’s quarterfinal matchup with Hays, Brad Baxter hit a two-out, two-run single to tie game 2-2. Nick Kolarik drove in the go-ahead run with a single as the Stags won 3-2. Moments earlier, Kolarik had entered as a relief pitcher and escaped a basesloaded jam by striking out the final two Hays batters on called third strikes. 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 39 IN MEMORY ALUMNI Kathleen (Doran) Alexander – Al ’67 Francis “Deas” Barbour, Jr. – Al ’61 Ryan Beavers – Al ’07 OTHERS James J. Ahern Dorothy Amoneno Gerald Anderson Ronald Anjard Sr. Mary Arnold Rosemary Aylward Richard Ballantyne Richard Beechwood Patricia Blando Gerald Bock Bertha Bollig Michael Brown Severine Buckley Bobbie Callaway Rose Marie Campbell Melanie Nicole Carter Dorothy Cavlovic Paulanna Gustafson Cook Carl John Cordes 40 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL Cathleen Susan (Doherty) Bohon – Al ’66 John Michael Boles – Al ’53 William “Bill” Fox – Al ’57 Gerard “Gerry” Gleissner – Al ’66 Robert “Bob” Gutierrez – Al ’70 Lois Ann Crimmins George Crittenden, Sr. Nicholas DelPercio Francis “Frank” Diskin Patrick Emmitt Doherty Cecile Driscoll Eleanor Brown Dyer Candace Flanigan Therese Ann DeCoursey Foley Helen Freeland Helen M. Garcia Kenneth Giese Robert Gonzales Ruby Graham John Grauberger, Sr. E. Lloyd Haney Charles Hannon Frank Healy, Jr. Fabiola Maria Herdoiza Joseph Hildreth James P. Hosty, Jr. Wilbur Hurst Guadalupe Infante Dolly Kadlec Deborah Kelley Geraldine Kinerk Eugene Koenig Jr. Michael Konomos Audrey Kurtz Mary Teresa Lavery April Long Marie Schwartz Long Jeen Lysaught Paul J. Marnett, Sr. Louise McTigue Terri Mika Mark Mulvany Roger Nearmyer Olivia Numrich Eric Orchelen Wendell Pickert Dominic Palacio Rita M. (Stoebick) Heider – Al ’52 Robert P. Hosty – Al ’71 David John Mirostaw – Al ’71 Julia “Julie” (Ladesic) O’Connell – Al ’63 David Poterbin – Al ’87 James Papst Raymond Rockers Carolyn Rogers Rita Rome Grace Ross Dora Scardello John Schaff Louise Sloan Francis Smith Melody Sutherland-Knight Michael Tamayo, Sr. Klaus Peter Ulrich Michael Vasos Gundi Ward James Wavada Larry Wenski Merrill Werts C. Keith Whittaker Walton Willis Thomas Younger Robert “Bob” Yoksh ‘ONE THOUSANDS PRAYERS OF HOPE AND LOVE’ ily and Robert Mika. On Saturday morning, students According to the ancient Japanese tradition of Senzagathered at Owara’s home in Kansas City, MO, to string buru, a person who folds 1,000 origami cranes will be the cranes – many of them adorned with personal mesgranted a wish, such as recovery from a long illness. sages to the Mika family – into a six-foot-tall mobile. But as the mother of a beloved classmate faced down The mobile was then taken to Terri’s hospital room at the final days of her battle with breast cancer, Bishop the University of Kansas Hospital Miege student Brian Owara in(KU Med). voked a slightly altered version of Terri died on Monday, May 9. the legend. She was 45. “Looking at it from a Catholic The Thousand Cranes have standpoint, instead of the thoubecome a symbol for cancer – sand cranes of hope and granting among other causes – through wishes, I wanted it to represent the story of Sadako Sasaki, a 1,000 prayers,” said Owara. Japanese Girl who died of leukeOwara’s efforts began in earnest mia in 1955 as a result of radiation on Wednesday, May 4, as he set out from the Hiroshima bombing. to fold all 1,000 cranes on his own. Statues of Satako stand at vari(“I don’t know what came over me,” ous memorial sites around the he admitted). By the end of the day, world. Visitors often adorn the he had completed just 50. statues with 1,000 paper cranes. The next day, Owara recruited Today, Terri’s mobile hangs 10 more classmates for the project just outside the door to Miege’s and completed 200 cranes. Word Campus Ministry Office, well quickly spread throughout the A pink and white crane carries a personal in view of anyone who enters school, and on Friday nearly half message. through the front doors of the of Miege’s 750 students joined the school. However, it will eventually make its way back cause, resulting in a collection of about 1,200 cranes. to KU Med, where it will be on display at the Cancer It couldn’t have been more fitting: one other interCenter. pretation of Senzaburu is that it represents a family or Mary Perrini, Miege’s Director of Campus Ministry, group of people coming together to accomplish a labor praised what she described as a total grassroots effort of love. by the students. The target of the students’ love in this instance was “Brian came up with this idea, and the kids asked Terri Mika of Shawnee, mother of Miege students Em- what they could do. Then it spread around the school in a day or two,” she said. “That (support) is one of my favorite things about this school.” Bishop Miege student Brian Owara readies more than 1,200 origami cranes for assembly. 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 41 Facult y & Staff 201 1-201 2 Administration Professional Staff Dr. Joe Passantino, Ed.D., President Mr. Michael Bohaty, M.S.E., Principal: Student Services Mr. Bob Ludwikoski, M.Ed, M.S., Principal: Academic Services Mr. Tim Kennedy, M.A., Assistant Principal/Activities Director Business Department Mr. Pat McDermott, M.B.A. Coordinator for Spiritual Development Mrs. Mary Perrini, M.A., Director of Campus Ministry/ Christian Social Service Program Father Shawn Tunink, Chaplain English/Language Arts Mrs. Mary Engler, M.A., Chairperson Mrs. Teela Bolzenius, M.S.E. Mrs. Diane Freeland, M.A. Mr. D.J. Gemmill, M.A. Mrs. Phyllis Hartwig, Ed.S. Mrs. Jami Hedrick, M.A. Ed. Mrs. Melissa Reynolds, M.A. Guidance Department Mr. Brady Beek, M.A., Director Mrs. Elaine O’Connor, M.S. Mrs. Elaine Schmidtberger, M.A. Mrs. Patti Marnett, Admissions MJ Walden, B.A. - Learning Resource Specialist Development Office Mrs. Susan Tremonti, Vice President of Development Mrs. Colette Bernica, Assistant to the Vice President of Development Mrs. Patricia Morgan, Development Assistant Mrs. Merritt McShane, Development Assistant Mr. Byron Vogel, Director of Communications Computer Science Mr. Brien O’Neill, M.S.E. Mr. Pat McDermott, M.B.A. Family and Consumer Science Department Ms. Brianne Ogilvie B.S. Fine Arts Department Mrs. Robin Christie, B.M.E. Mrs. Emily McGinnis, B.A. Mrs. Melissa Reynolds, M.A. Mr. David Steinberg, M.F.A. Mrs. Diana Werts, M.A. Mathematics Department Mrs. Clara George, M.S.E. Chairperson Mr. Hank Brown, B.S.E. Mrs. Amy Carman, M.S. Mrs. Joan Gladbach, M.S. Mr. Andrew Groene, B.S.E Mrs. Kim Hill, B.S.E. Mr. Dave Mitchell, M.A. 42 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL Physical Education/ Health Department Mr. David Eller, B.S., Chairperson Mr. Terry English, B.S. Ms. Linda Ernst, M.S. Theology Department Mr. Bill Creach, M.L.A. Chairperson Mr. Tim Grunhard, B.A. Mr. Steve Koesterer, Ed.S. Mr. Charles Sailler III, M.S. Ms. Sonya Salazar, B.A. Mrs. Nancy Weber, M.S. Science Department Sr. Martina Rockers, M.S., Chairperson Mr. Scott Anderson, M.A. Mr. Matthew Eshelbrenner, M.A. Mrs. Alison Hirons, M.S.E. Mrs. Angela Lueckenotto, M.N.A.S. Mrs. Amy Reed, M.A. Mr. Alan Thomas, M.Ed. Social Studies Department Mrs. Amy Lukert, M.Ed., Chairperson Mr. Jeff Benes, M.A. Mr. D.J. Gemmill, M.A. Mr. Will Gorden, M.Ed. Mrs. Lynn Kirchhoff, M.S. Mr. Rick Zych, M.A. World Language Department Mrs. Paula Munro, M.A., Chairperson Mr. Matt Emory, M.Ed. Mrs. Diane Freeland, M.A. Mrs. Clara George, M.S.E. Mrs. Lynn Kirchhoff, M.S. Mr. Charles Peoples, M.S.E. Library/Media Center Judi Wollenziehn, Ed.S, Librarian School Nurse Mrs. Maura Peterson, R.N. Professional Support Staff Mrs. Barbara Allen, Bookkeeper Mrs. Lisa Beek, Registrar Mr. Charmus Bell, Custodian Mrs. Jan Easterday, Administrative Assistant Mr. Jeff English, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Lorraine Gerard, Administrative Assistant Mr. Frank Harkins, Facilities Manager Mr. Jon Holmes, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Mariann Jaksa, Administrative Assistant Ms. Brenda Jones, Custodian Mr. Charles Jones, Custodian Mr. Jeff Jones, Custodian Mrs. Lynnette Koenig, Administrative Assistant Mr. Dennis Lark, Security Manager Mrs. Jean Lininger, Comptroller Mr. Charles McCord, Custodian Mr. Calvin Ross, Custodian Ms. Fran Tucker, Attendance/Receptionist Mr. Ryan Wrigley, Maintenance On behalf of the students, faculty and staff at Bishop Miege, we sincerely thank you for your generous support of our school. Bishop Miege High School, Class of 2011 thank you for your continued prayers and support. 2010-2011 A N N UA L R E P ORT n BI S HOP M I E G E H IG H S C HO OL 43 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID 5041 Reinhardt Drive • Shawnee Mission, KS 66205 Shawnee Mission, KS Permit No. 342