KOL KINLOSS NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE בס׳׳ד וארא Vaera כ׳׳ז טבת תשע׳׳וVolume 20/Number 15 8/9 January 2016 Shabbat Mevarchim commences at 3:55pm and terminates at 5:05pm. Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat at 4:00pm. WWW.KINLOSS.ORG.UK This Shabbat is Alexander Cohen’s Barmitzvah. We extend a warm welcome to his family and guests. The entire community is invited to Kiddush, after our services, in the Kinloss Suite. This week’s Kiddush is sponsored by Madeleine and Richard Cohen on the occasion of Alexander Jack Cohen’s Barmitzvah. SHABBAT LEARNING AT KINLOSS Friday Night Join Rabbi Lawrence and friends for storytelling for children aged 4-8, during Ma’ariv. Followed by a Chicken Soup Kiddush, which all are welcome to attend. Shabbat Morning 8:30am: (Sephardi Synagogue) Sefer Hachinuch by Rabbi Heller. 9:00am (Deal Hall) Rambam: The Laws of Shabbat by Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum. 9:15am (Benchers Cafe) Youth Breakfast and Shiur. 10:30-10:45am (First Floor Classrooms) with Rabbi Laitner. Our study group continues on the topic of “Aleinu.’’ Shabbat Afternoon 12:30pm: Early Mincha. Mincha at 4:00pm. Between Mincha and Ma’ariv RABBI LAWRENCE will give a shiur on “Parental Responsibility.” All welcome. Followed by Ma’ariv at 5:05pm. SHABBAT AT KINLOSS HASHKAMA 7:45am in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, followed by Kiddush and a short shiur. MAIN SYNAGOGUE 9:15am led by Eli Sufrin. led by Eli Sufrin. Kriat Hatorah by Richard Cohen, Robert Owen and the Barmitzvah, Alexander Cohen. Rabbi Lawrence will address Alex before Musaph. THE MINYAN 9:30am in the Nissan and Rifca Deal Hall. Kriat Hatorah by Vitek Frenkel. Rabbi Lawrence will speak. SEPHARDI SERVICE 9:00am in the Sephardi Synagogue, led by Rabbi Heller and Reuben Gorji. YOUTH SERVICE 9:45am in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, under the direction of our Youth Directors, Chaya and Barry Colman. ALEXANDER JACK COHEN Mazaltov to Alexander Cohen, son of Madeleine and Richard Cohen and brother of Hannah, Sam and Harry Cohen, on his Barmitzvah. Alexander attends JFS. His hobbies are Fencing, Football and going to the Cinema. For his Barmitzvah, he is taking part in the Kinloss UJIA Ethiopian Twinning Programme. For more details about joining the programme contact Barry on [email protected] MAZALTOV TO: * Madeleine and Richard Cohen on the occasion of Alex’s Barmitzvah. Mazaltov to siblings Hannah, Sam and Harry. Mazaltov to grandparents, Bernice and Ken Lancer, Agi Cohen and Gloria Smith. Remembering Leon Smith and Neville Cohen z”l on this happy occasion. * Charlotte and David Collins on the birth of a grandson, in Jerusalem. Mazaltov to parents, Alisa and Ari Galitzer. Welcome to our expanded Kol Kinloss! We’re hoping to make the publication a little more personal and clearer. You’ll see us featuring photos and a short intro of our Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. We’ll have write ups on some of our events of the recent week. I’ll also be posting short answers to the interesting questions that come my way over Kiddush, through SMS, Whatsapp, Facebook and email. Check out our new brochure: Our Beit Midrash term gets under way this week as well as KCC. We have an exciting ECU programme lined up with a series of Keynote presentations. We’re looking forward to our Barcelona trip in March and some really interesting activities leading up to Purim and Pesach. We welcome Tika Conway into the Office. She’s providing maternity cover for Emma Bernstein. We wish Emma a “Besha’a Tova,” and look forward to hearing her news. Thanks to everyone who joined me in writing to the Times, asking for a correction to their offensive headline and misleading story last Shabbat, which alleged that Israel had banned a Jewish-Palestinian love story. The article was a great example of the newspaper strongly suggesting statesupported racism on the back of sloppy journalism and a misrepresentation of facts. As I mentioned last Shabbat in the Minyan, our thanks to Jonathan Joseph “JJ” and also Julia, who has supported him in all his hard work in his second stint as Gabbai. We wish Ilan Doctors, who has stepped up to the role, every success. Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom Some Thoughts on the Sidra, VAERA BY BARRY COLMAN After providing us with the lineage of the tribe of Levi, the Torah informs us: “This was the Aaron and Moses to whom Hashem said: ‘Take the Children of Israel out of Egypt according to their legions.’” (Shemot 6:26) This means to say that the same Aaron and Moshe who were just mentioned in the lineage of Levi are the men who went before Pharaoh. Many of the commentators are bothered by the fact that Aaron's name is mentioned before Moshe'. Throughout the Torah, except where their lineage is described, Moshe' name is listed before Aaron's. Even in the following pasuk Moshe is mentioned first. It is unlikely that the Torah is simply trying to be fair, allowing for Aaron to receive some of the spotlight, because if that were correct , the Torah should then follow suit by listing Aaron first in many more places. What is the Torah trying to convey here? Rashi, answers that the Torah goes out of its way to mention Aaron first to teach us that Aaron and Moshe were equivalent. This would seem to mean that they were on the same level in their righteousness and dedication. But is this really true? Moshe is acclaimed as the ultimate prophet (Deut. 34:10), the most humble of all men, and is the individual through whom the Torah was given to the Jewish people. He spoke to Hashem face to face. How can the explanation be that Aaron was equal to Moshe? Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, answers that the Torah does not mean to say that they were equal in their actual accomplishments. Rather, the message is that Aaron fulfilled his mission in life to perfection, just as Moshe fulfilled his. Aaron spent his entire life doing the will of Hashem. When Moshe was selected as leader of the Jewish people, Aaron showed no signs of jealousy or ill will. In fact, the Torah testifies that Aaron was truly happy for Moshe. Aaron accomplished his mission to his utmost capabilities and is therefore considered the equal of Moshe. Granted that Moshe reached a greater proximity to Hashem, but their missions and capabilities were different, therefore rendering their measures of success unique. Page No. SONCINO HERTZ ARTSCROLL Sidra 351 232 318 Haftarah 372 244 1149 RABBI LAWRENCE: ON ONE FOOT Why do the earliest and latest times that Shabbat comes in / goes out not correspond exactly with the Solstices on June 21st and December 21st? The summer and winter solstices mark the longest and shortest days respectively, so one might think that the recent Shabbat of 18th - 19th December should have been the earliest in and out. In fact, Shabbat came in at 3:34pm on Friday 18th December but the earlier time of 3:33pm on 11th December 2015. This year it will be 3:33pm on 9th and 16th December but 3:37pm on December 23rd. The reason for the disparity is that while the solstice marks the shortest period of daylight between sunrise and sunset, the midpoint or “solar noon” doesn’t exactly correspond with midday GMT (or whichever time zone we are in). Also, the solar day is not exactly 24 clock hours long and varies with the seasons. In December in the Northern hemisphere solar noons are about 24 hours and 30 seconds apart. Exact times are affected by latitude. Solar Noon in London on Friday December 11th was at 11:53am and only corresponded with our midday on December 24th. The later “clock time” for solar noon generates a later clock sunrise and sunset. In the Northern hemisphere summer, the earliest sunrise is about a week before the June 21st longest day. Around the solstices, the solar days are measurably longer than 24 hours because the earth must rotate further on its axis for the sun to return to its noontime position. The reason that it’s a two week disparity in December but only a week in June is because of the tilt of the earth’s axis. In December we are closer to the sun (perihelion) with the result that the earth is moving fastest in its orbit. In June the earth is furthest from the sun (aphelion) and the earth’s orbit is slower. While the solstices mark the longest and shortest periods of daylight, they do not correspond with earliest and latest sunrises or sunsets. STORY-TELLING (FOR CHILDREN AGED 4 - 8) LAUNCHES THIS SHHABBAT Please join Rabbi Lawrence and friends, this Shabbat, for a story-time for children, aged 4 - 8. The story-time will take place during Ma’ariv. Story-time will take place over the next 4 Friday nights. All welcome to attend the Chicken Soup Kiddush. KINLOSS YOUTH This Shabbat Youth Pre-Shacharit Breakfast & Shiur, 9:15am, in Benchers Café. Youth Minyan, 9:45am in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash. Thank you to Family Clements for sponsoring this week’s Kiddush in honour of Joseph’s 16th birthday. Learn2Lead Continues Tuesday, 12th February, 7:30 - 9:00pm, in the Avram Nemetnejad Room. Hasbarah training with with Bnot Sheirut. L2L Volunteer - continues Tuesday, 19th February. Youth Beit Midrash Continues this Thursday, 14th January, from 8:00 - 9:00pm. For School Years 8 and above, in Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash. This term we will be learning the 39 Malachot (prohibited work) of Shabbat. £4 for pizza, chips & drinks. Club 78 – SAVE THE DATE Is going to Quasar @ Lazer Planet, Watford. For School Years 7 & 8, on Saturday 30th January. Shabbat Ha’Irgun Shabbat Mishpatim, 5th – 7th February. To book, please use this link: https://myus.theus.org.uk/events/31350/bnei-akiva-shabbat-hairgun-at-kinloss/ Chaya & Barry Colman [email protected] 07792 460 091. SERVICES ( שבתsee front page) Shacharit 1 Shacharit 2 Sephardi Shacharit Mincha (followed by Ma’ariv on Sunday, only) Ma’ariv Sun 7:30am 8:15am 8:00am Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 6:50am 8:00am 6:30am 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am (Rosh Chodesh Shevat) 4:00pm 1:00pm 1:00pm 1:00pm 1:00pm Next Shabbat Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 4:10pm - 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm - KINLOSS NOTICE BOARD 0 - 4 year olds with Sara Keen in the Kinloss Suite Foyer Reception up to School Year 2 with Natalie Sommer in the Avram Nemetnejad Room (2nd Floor). School Years 3 - 4 with Yehonatan Malachi in the 1st Floor Classrooms. School Years 5 - 6 with Jason Marantz in the 1st Floor Classrooms. Children’s Services from 0-School Year 6 will start at 10:45am. All Services to be followed by a Kiddush. ANIM ZEMIROT CLUB will resume next Shabbat, 16th January. KINLOSS SHABBAT LUNCHEON CLUB THANK YOU TO: Our next Kinloss Shabbat Luncheon * Security Team 6. Club takes place on 30th January. * Jacqui Gittelmon’s Kiddush Team. For more details, please speak to * Nicole Greenwold and Mozelle Onnie the Shul Office on 020 8346 8551. of our Welcoming Committee. Mazaltov to the children in our community celebrating their birthdays this week: Zachary Carciente (5) Eitan Rahamim (9) NatanChadorchi (4) Celine Silverman (8) Shari Dunitz (1) Dina Silverman (8) Dylan Kaye (11) Joseph Speigel (4) Jamie Phillips (5) Charles Wolfson (7) KINLOSS BNEI AKIVA Bnei Akiva will restart on the 16th January. We are taking bookings for our incredible Shabbat Ha'irgun which is coming up 5-7th February. Booking is available at https:// myus.theus.org.uk/events/31350/bnei-akivashabbat-hairgun-at-kinloss/ or by emailing [email protected] to request a form. KINLOSS ANNUAL SUPPER QUIZ will take place on Motzei Shabbat, 27th February at 8:00pm. £20 per person. For more information, or to make up at table, please call Jacqui Gittelmon on 07967 184 612, or Linda Cohen on 07885 267 855. If you require help or support, please call 0208 349 5263, or email [email protected] All messages treated in the strictest confidence. 2016 HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY COMMEMORATION on Sunday 17th January, at 1:00pm, to be seated for 12:45pm at Ricketts Quadrangle, Middlesex University, The Burroughs, Hendon, NW4 4BT. The ceremony, which starts with a civic procession in Hendon led by the Mayor of Barnet, culminates in a range of special guests speaking about their own personal experiences. This year’s theme is “Don’t Stand By.” The London Cantorial Singers will be performing with the Alyth Youth Choir. KINLOSS COMMUNITY CENTRE AND FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence: 07501 895 124 Shimon Gillis, Community Manager: 020 8349 5264 Shul Office: 020 8346 8551 Kinloss Community Educator and Yoetzet Halacha, Lauren Levin: 07540 461 557 NEXT WEEK AT KINLOSS: DAY W H A T ‘ S O N MONDAY TUESDAY TIME MISHNA WITH BARRY COLMAN 7:45-9:00PM (Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash) ACE FITNESS (Marilyn Newman Room) 8:00-10:00PM 10:00AM 12 NOON MOTHER & BABY GROUP 8:15-9:30PM 1:30-3:00PM SHARED READING GROUP 10:30AM 2:30PM 2:00 - 5:00PM EVENT BEIT MIDRASH PROGRAMME (Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash) 9:00AM 10:00AM 10:30AM 1:00PM (Deal Hall) CHUG IVRIT (Avram Nemetnejad Room) SEPHARDI YOUTH PROGRAMME (Sephardi Shul) 8:00-9:00PM FRIENDSHIP CLUB 7:30-9:00PM BRIDGE CLUB 8:15-9:00PM PILATES (Marilyn Newman Room) LEARN 2 LEAD (Avram Nemetnejad Room) (Small Deal Hall) (Avram Nemetnejad Room) ACE FITNESS (Marilyn Newman Room) SUPER SOCCER STARS (Deal Hall) WEDNESDAY 8:30AM9:00AM RAMBAM WITH RABBI LAWRENCE (Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash) THURSDAY T H I S W E E K 8:40AM9:00AM EVENT (Benchers Cafe) A T K I N L O S S TIME FRIDAY 10:00AM 12 NOON MOTHER & BABY GROUP 10:00AM 12 NOON HARTBEEPS 8:00-9:00PM (Avram Nemetnejad Room) (Deal Hall) 6:00 - 7:30PM TABLE TENNIS 9:20AM 10:20AM (Marilyn Newman Room) 10:00AM 12 NOON MOTHER & BABY GROUP (Deal Hall) ACE FITNESS (Deal Hall) 8:15-9:00PM YOUTH BEIT MIDRASH (Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash) ACE FITNESS (Marilyn Newman Room) KCC & KINLOSS LEARNS SPRING TERM: KINLOSS COMMUNITY CENTRE SPRING TERM January - April 2016 KINLOSS LEaRNS SPRING TERM January - April 2016 KCC LEARNS HIGHLIGHTS FOR THIS TERM: Youth Beit Midrash - Thursdays 14th January - 17th March Lunch & Learn – Wednesdays 20th January - 9th March ECU – Wednesdays 27th January, 3rd, 10th & 24th February Kinloss Whisky Society – Wednesday 3rd February Tanach Tour of the British Museum – Tuesday 9th February Guest Speaker Gila Fine - Shabbat 27th February Barcelona with Rabbi Lawrence - Sunday 6th - Monday 7th March Pre-Purim Leil Iyun - Monday 14th March Pre-Pesach Leil Iyun - Monday 11th April Haggadah & Hagalah - Wednesday 13th April Please look out for our new brochure, with information on all our events, which you will receive in the post and will also be available in the Shul lobby. THE KEHILLA WISHES “ חיים ארוכיםLONG LIFE” TO THE FOLLOWING WHO HAVE YAHRZEIT Saturday 9 January Tuesday 12 January Stephen Berman Muris Kalatizadeh Youssef Kalatizadeh Asnat Nematnejad Marian Phillips Millicent Villiers Shirley Davidson Lorraine Silver Stella Simons David Whiteman Father Father Father Husband Mother Sister Sunday 10 January Rosemary Miller Carole Mond Hilarie Rose Nina Schaffer Marian Stern Walter Toubkin Ben-Zion Yacobi Father Husband Mother Husband Mother Mother Brother Brother Father Mother Father Wednesday 13 January Patricia Burns Father Zelda Fassbender Mother Ruth Harris Mother David Laurier Sister Amir LevySister Raoul Sobel Father Jehuda Sosnow Father Irene Stanton Father Michael Young Father Thursday 14 January Monday 11 January Louise Azizollahoff Father Denis Felsenstein Brother Alan FoxMother Barbara Frank Father Anthony Krais Father Eve LeighHusband Milicent Passer Husband Janet Rabbie Father Cheryl Sarsby Father Geoffrey Soll Father Monique Solomon Mother Lilian Williams Mother Saul Zneimer Father CONDOLENCES TO: David Alterman Father Julius Alterman Father Philip Alterman Father Mark Feldmann Father Jonathan KestenbaumFather Lorice Lazarus Mother Pearl Trosser Father Friday 15 January Sandra Bernstone Mother Gloria Lebetkin Father Irene ScottHusband Harvey Sinclair Mother Jacob Steinberg Sister Willy Steinberg Sister Vera Wolmark Sister • Martin and David Silver on the loss of their mother, Janet Silver ע׳׳ה • Josepha White, Ruth Melamud, Sara Nochomovitz and John Sless on the loss of their mother, Ruth Sless ע׳׳ה • David Grant on the loss of his mother, Anna Grant ע׳׳ה TOMBSTONE CONSECRATIONS SUN 10 JAN 10:00am at Bushey in memory of Shirley Dolin ע׳׳ה SUN 31 JAN 11:00am at Bushey in memory of Henry Miller ע׳׳ה SUN 7 FEB 12 noon at Bushey in memory of Michael Crown ע׳׳ה WEDS 16 MAR 12 noon at Bushey in memory of Renee Lessner ע׳׳ה
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