KOL KINLOSS NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE בהעלתך Beha’alotcha 5/6 June 2015 Volume 19/Number 30 י׳׳ט סיון תשע׳׳ה Shabbat commences at 8:58pm and terminates at 10:18pm. Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:30pm. בס”ד WWW.KINLOSS.ORG.UK Today is Jordana Schlagman’s Batmitzvah. We extend a warm welcome to her family and guests. This week’s Kiddush is sponsored by Debbie Meszarich and Aron Schlagman on the occasion of Jordana’s Batmitzvah. SHABBAT LEARNING AT KINLOSS Shabbat Morning 8:30am: (Sephardi Synagogue) Mishnah Masechet Shabbat by Rabbi Heller. 8:45am (Deal Hall) Rambam: The Laws of Shabbat By Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum. Shabbat Afternoon 8:00pm: Daf Yomi shiur by Jeffrey Sagal. 8:15pm Pre-Mincha shiur RAV ARI FAUST will speak. Mincha at 9:00pm, followed by Seudah Shlishit. RAV ARI FAUST Rav Shliach of Bnei Aviva “The ABC’s of Jewish Education? Assessment, Brainwashing and Coercion.” All welcome. This week’s Seudah is sponsored by A group of anonymous sponsors. Followed by Ma’ariv at 10:18pm. SHABBAT AT KINLOSS HASHKAMA 7:45am in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, followed by Kiddush and a short shiur. MAIN SYNAGOGUE 9:15am led by Eli Sufrin. Kriat Hatorah by Michael Fluss. At the end of the service, the Batmitzvah, Jordana Schlagman, will give a Devar Torah and Rabbi Lawrence will address her. THE MINYAN 9:15am in the Nissan and Rifca Deal Hall. Kriat Hatorah by Robert Gross. Devar Torah by Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum. SEPHARDI SERVICE 9:00am in the Sephardi Synagogue led by Rabbi Heller and Reuben Gorji. YOUTH SERVICE 9:45am in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, led by our Youth Directors, Barry and Chaya Colman. This week's Kol Kinloss is sponsored by Suzanne and Geoff Ralton on the occasion of the forthcoming marriage of their son, Josh to Nicole Rose. 0 - 4 year olds with Sara Keen in the foyer of the Kinloss Suite. Reception up to School Year 2 with Miriam Kaye in the Avram Nemetnejad Room (2nd Floor). School Years 3 - 4 with Yehonatan Malachi in the 1st Floor Classrooms. School Years 5 - 6 with Jason Marantz in the 1st Floor Classrooms. Children’s Services from 0-School Year 4 will start at 10:45am. School Years 5 - 6 will start at 10:30am. All Services to be followed by a kiddush. SPONSORS NEEDED ANIM ZEMIROT CLUB Come and learn to sing If you would like to sponsor a Anim Zemirot. Our Club meets every Kiddush or Kol Kinloss to mark a Shabbat at 10.15am in the Robing Room. special occasion, or a yahrzeit, please Boys of 6 and over welcome. Led by Alan call the Shul Office on 8346 8551, Rubenstein. Please just come along. and we will be happy to assist you. BNEI AKIVA Bnei Akiva, takes place today, from 4:00 -5:30pm. KINLOSS COMMUNITY CENTRE AND FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence (through the Shul Office): 020 8346 8551 Shimon Gillis, Community Manager: 020 8349 5264 Shul Office: 020 8346 8551 Kinloss Welfare: 020 8349 5263 Kinloss Community Educator and Yoetzet Halacha, Lauren Levin: 07540 461 557 Mazaltov to the children in our community celebrating their birthdays this week: Libby Abeles (4) Maya Alcobi (4) Ben Goldschmidt (9) Amelie Malka (9) Abe Marks (2) Daniel Nemni (12) Dafydd Rubinoff (9) Ella Slipman (5) Tzofia Summers (4) If you require help or support, please call Jennifer 020 8349 5263 on Mondays or Wednesdays, from 9:00am – 5:00pm, or email [email protected]. All messages treated in the strictest confidence. IVRIT DISCUSSION GROUP Come along to meet and greet at the Meet & Greet table at the Kiddush this Shabbat. The next meeting of our Ivrit Discussion Group will take place on Monday 8th June at 8:00pm in the Avraham Nemetnejad Room. Further dates are 22nd June and 13th July. For more information, speak to Tony Korn on 07958 334 665 KINLOSS SHABBAT LUNCHEON CLUB Our next Shabbat Luncheon Club date has been changed to Shabbat 25th July. Organised monthly by a team of Finchley Synagogue host families and attended by our Rabbis. Offering a warm, friendly atmosphere and a delicious meal for individuals and couples wanting some extra companionship on Shabbat. To be included on the list, please call the shul office on 020 8346 8551, or speak to Jennifer Morris on 020 8349 5263. KINLOSS YOUTH Dear All, Youth Minyan at 9:45am - Shacharit and Musaph, followed by Kiddush in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash. We are delighted to welcome Bnei Akiva of The Netherlands, who will be joining us this Shabbat and who will be sharing the leining with Kobi Weiner. Friday Night Dinners Year 9 - Next Friday 12th June Year 10 - Friday 19th June Year 13 - Friday 26th June Year 11 - Friday 3rd July Year 12 - Friday 10th July Save the Date - Thursday 25th June End of Year Party, with Stevie Starr of Britain’s Got Talent. Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom, Chaz & Baz 07792 460091 [email protected] בס”ד RAV ASHER WEISS AT KINLOSS THIS SUNDAY, 7TH JUNE, FROM 11:00AM - 1:00PM, IN THE DEAL HALLS Rav Weiss is a world leading Posek, heavily involved in answering some of the most complex halachic sheilot. His opinion is sought after by Doctors and Rabbanim throughout the world. Dilemmas in Modern Medicine: Past and Present followed by a Q and A Session by HaRav HaGaon Asher Weiss Entrance free, all welcome. If you would like to submit a question in advance, please email [email protected] BY RABBI MICHAEL LAITNER BEHA’ALOTCHA Forks in the Road And the people were like mitonenim, in Eretz Yisrael. , כמתאנניםbad in the ears of G-d…’ Not long out of Egyptian slavery, they may (Bemidbar 11, 1) still have felt vulnerable and worried despite the plethora of miracles surrounding There are moments in the Torah when a them which may point towards the seemingly subtle change of tone, rather negative trajectory ahead. Ramban, in his than a momentous event, signals a fork in explanation, posits that the people may have the road with tremendous ramifications. found the task ahead of them overpowering and the desert life too overwhelming. They One of these occurs in Parashat Beha’alotecha spoke about this, creating negative feeling this week. Chapter 10 ends on a high with more widely, hence the reference to ‘the familiar, uplifting verses about when the ears of G-d’. They did not ‘plot’ but lacked Aron (the Ark) led the people as they moved positivity. through the desert (it’s no accident that those verses appear in the siddur too, around Negative speech is, of course, at the root the taking out from and putting away of the of tragic events to come in the book of Sefer Torah into the Aron Hakodesh). Bemidbar, particularly the sin of the spies and the rebellion of Korach. The Torah then begins a new paragraph, coincidentally a new chapter as well, with our verse quoted above. Suddenly, the whole What Rashi and Ramban teach us is how tone has changed and Bnei Yisrael are on bad, negative speech is behind the subtle the negative trajectory towards the sin of change of tone that moves Bemidbar from the spies and the rebellion of Korach that a high-flying journey as a people through we will read about in the coming weeks. the wilderness, to one of frustration and a changed history for Bnei Yisrael, a different What happened? fork in the road from the one we could have To answer this, we must understand the taken. These lessons are telling for societies word mitonenim, deliberately untranslated and communities as they go on their Jewish above. Rashi, in his second explanation, journeys. As we read this parasha every year, notes that it means ‘plotting’, as if the let us be inspired to aim for the positive fork people were plotting to distance themselves to the best of our ability, even when it may from G-d. Perhaps what underlies Rashi’s be challenging to do so, ever mindful of the explanation is a feeling that the people power of speech and atmosphere. might now be reconsidering their journey through the desert and their new life ahead Shabbat Shalom Beha’alotcha Statistics Mitzvot: Verses: Words: Letters: Haftarah: Page No. 5 of the 613 Mitzvot, 3 positive & 2 prohibitions 136 (11th longest of the 54 Sidrot) 1840 (12th longest) 7055 (12th longest) 21 verses (joint 31st shortest of the 80 Haftarot) SONCINO HERTZ ARTSCROLL Sidra 838 605 774 Haftarah 857 620 1182 * THANK YOU TO: Security Team 2. If you have any queries, please email [email protected] or speak to Martin Shiers on 07831 836 031. * Jenny Sosnow’s Kiddush Team. * Aviva Steinberg, Mia Lyons and Darren Lewis of our Welcoming Committee. Thank you to Irene Aharoni for raising £486 for Kadimah Kinloss through her Bring and Buy Sale. SECURITY VOLUNTEERS We are desperately short of security volunteers to meet our immediate needs. Please do be in touch if you can help us. We wouldn’t keep repeating this request unless it was absolutely necessary. Male and Female, aged 18 - 60, welcome. Please email [email protected] or speak to Martin Shiers on 07831 836 031. SHARED READING GROUP Lunch & Learn on Wednesday 10th June 12:15 - 1:00pm Rabbi Roselaar Discovering the Commentators. 1:00 - 2:00pm - Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence on “What’s a good job for a Jewish boy?” Rabbi Roselaar’s weekly shiurim on Monday and Thursday mornings. On Monday - Mishna - Massechet Sanhedrin. On Thursday - Rishon with Rashi. For more information, or to book Kollel events, please call Emma on 020 8349 5267, or email [email protected] The next Shared Reading Group will take place on Monday 22nd June, at 1:30pm, in Benchers Cafe. All Welcome! Any questions, call Kate on 07801 911 481. THE KEHILLA WISHES “ חיים ארוכיםLONG LIFE” TO THE FOLLOWING WHO HAVE YAHRZEIT Saturday 6 June Tuesday 9 June Malcolm AmbroseWife Ada BreslawMother Stephanie FersterFather Bernard GoldbergMother Henry AaronsonSon Martin BrahamFather Marion ConwayFather Genadi Kamenezki Father Norman RoseMother Sunday 7 June Wednesday 10 June Loretta AdelsonHusband Clarice BargetBrother Pari EbrahimoffMother Sonia HirschHusband Muriel KriegerHusband Leila BehrmanBrother Helen HantmanHusband Ian HantmanFather Gerry LucasFather Lily SchreierHusband Leonard SternFather Monday 8 June Minnie BayardFather Shirley KarpSister Dennis MarksMother Leslie MocktonSister Ian ShelleySister Sidney StandigFather Fiszel SztokmanSon Lily SztokmanSon Shirley WatsonMother Thursday 11 June Neville GamsuMother Frances GlassbergFather Gwendoline Greenwood Mother-in-Law Joshua LeffMother Leonard SilverFather Friday 12 June Sylvia GoldHusband Celia TrupHusband WE HAVE AN INCREDIBLE SPACE ON YOUR DOORSTEP – MAKE IT YOUR OWN CALL DEBORAH ON 020 8349 5268 There will be a service at Rubens House on 13th June. Please reply by email to [email protected] if you can attend. SACKS MORASHA ANNUAL DINNER Sacks Morasha School Annual Dinner - A night of music and art on Tuesday 16th June in the Kinloss Suite. Cost: £100 per person. Featuring ‘Jerusalem Hassadna Conservatory Jazz Quartet’: http://www.jerusalemconservatory.org/ Further details from Sacks Morasha School: 020 3115 1900, or email [email protected] KINLOSS NOTICE BOARD MAZALTOV TO: * Debbie and Carlos Meszarich and Aron and Sarah Schlagman on the occasion of Jordana’s Batmitzvah. Mazaltov to grandparents, Bernard and Susan Wolff and Jack and Sharon Schlagman. Mazaltov also to Jordana’s siblings. * Josh Ralton and Nicole Rose on the occasion of their forthcoming marriage. Mazaltov to parents, Suzanne and Geoff Ralton and Melanie and Anthony Rose. Mazaltov also to grandmothers, Marian Phillips and Rose Ralton. * Julia, Jonathan, Noah and Ari Joseph on the birth of a son and brother. Mazaltov also to grandparents, Pat and Neil Joseph and Vicki and Alex Harris. * Elliott Goldstein and Gila Sacks on the birth of their daughter, Talya Shoshana. Mazaltov to big brother, Natan and to the Goldstein and Sacks families. Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem on Sunday 28th June, at 7:30pm in the Deal Halls. (Free admission) Israeli-French drama film directed by Ronit Elkabetz and Shlomi Elkabetz. It was screened as part of the Directors' Fortnight section of the 2014 Cannes Film Festival. It was also screened in the Contemporary World Cinema section at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival. Followed by discussion with internationally acclaimed human rights lawyer, Dr Sharon Shenhav. TOMBSTONE CONSECRATIONS SUN 7 JUNE TUES 9 JUNE SUN 14 JUNE SUN 14 JUNE SUN 21 JUNE SUN 28 JUNE SUN 28 JUNE SUN 28 JUNE 5:00pm at Bushey in memory of Elaine Stone ע׳׳ה 11:00am at Bushey in memory of Sally Ann Doffman ע׳׳ה 9:30am at Bushey in memory of Stella Weinstein ע׳׳ה 12 noon at Bushey in memory of Gladys Keidan ע׳׳ה 1:30pm at Bushey in memory of Frida Faith ע׳׳ה 10:00am at Bushey in memory of Elizabeth Dryer ע׳׳ה 10:30am at Bushey in memory of Betty Ansell ע׳׳ה 12 noon at Bushey in memory of Joanna Soleiman ע׳׳ה Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Shacharit 1 7:30am Shacharit 2 8:15am Sephardi Shacharit 8:00am 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am Mincha, 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am Next Shabbat Mincha/ Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30pm SERVICES ( שבתsee front page) followed by Ma’ariv Sun 7:30pm
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