annual report - The ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter


annual report - The ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter
annual report
February 1, 2007 – January 31, 2008
30 Years of Caring
The ALS Association
Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
30th Anniversary
Dear Friends,
The Challenge – We are at the crossroads of
discovery. We believe that the tools to find a cure for ALS
exist. For the last thirty years, we have helped our ALS
families lead richer, better lives while searching for a cure for
this disease. Today we are partnering with the government
and other healthcare organizations to speed up this process.
The Greater Philadelphia Chapter owes its accomplishments
to pioneers like Malvina and Morton Charlestein, organizations
like the Phillies, families like the Bartones and patients like
Kevin Glenn, all of whom we will meet in the next few pages.
Of course, they did not do it alone. Thank you for being the
source of their hope…hope for a world free from ALS.
Our doors are always open. Your practical ideas, your intelligent input, your resourcefulness and
your contributions are what make The Greater Philadelphia Chapter so successful. Together, we
will meet our challenge with a victory.
Ellyn C. Phillips, President
James V. Pinciotti, Executive Director
The mission of The ALS Association, Greater Philadelphia Chapter is to lead the fight to cure and
treat ALS through global, cutting-edge research, and to empower people with Lou Gehrig’s
Disease and their families to live fuller lives by providing them with compassionate care
and support.
Morton and Malvina Charlestein were not ones
to let grass grow underfoot –when their son-in-law, Alan
Phillips, was diagnosed with ALS in 1982, they immediately
mobilized and became involved with the ALS cause. When
ALS took Alan’s young and vital life in1984, left behind
were his wife, Ellyn, and three-year old daughter, Amy.
Ellyn assumed the position of Chapter President and in
December 1984, her mother, Malvina, sprang into action. She
met with Nancy Giles, wife of then Phillies President Bill Giles
and said, “ALS belongs in baseball. Won’t you help? After all,
it is also called “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.” Nancy took Malvina’s
message to Bill and the rest is history. Later that year, the
Chapter became the team’s principal charity, and $28,000
was raised to to fight
Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
Malvina and Morton Charlestein attend the Annual Luncheon.
Since 1984, a total of $9.4 million has been raised by the Phillies for the Chapter.
Morton and Malvina became involved with a group of dedicated soldiers. These
included The Chapter’s Founder Felice Wiener, Dorothea Behr, and Terri and
Howard Abrams, with whom they established the Philadelphia Friends of ALS
–the Chapter’s first fundraising arm. Ed Lazar and Ben and Dottie Ohrenstein
were also invaluable early contributors, creating what was to become the most
successful ALS Association Chapter in the nation.
Morton and Malvina are still involved, their granddaughter, Julie Charlestein
The yellow Clivia lily, from our annual patient and
family trip to Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA.
Benjamin, is on the Chapter Board and daughter Ellyn remains Chapter President.
In 2002, our Chapter
reorganized and Jim Pinciotti became the first Executive
Director. Jim leads a team of dedicated professional staff who,
along with thousands of ALS volunteers, has changed the face
of the Chapter from its grassroots beginnings into the National
ALS Association’s “Chapter of the Year” in 2002, 2003, 2004,
2005 and 2007.
Morton and his granddaughter, Amy.
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
30th Anniversary
The Lea R. Powell ALS Patient Services Program
People with ALS (PALS) are our first priority. Through the generosity of all our contributors, we proudly offer the
most comprehensive patient services program in the country, free of charge to PALS and their families. Over
the past year, our patient services staff has provided an array of educational, recreational, patient care, family
assistance, and outreach programs.
patient care
ALS Certified Clinics: We are proud to provide cutting-edge medical care
at two multidisciplinary ALSA-certified clinics. At each center, patients and
caregivers are seen by a neurologist, registered nurse, physical therapist,
occupational therapist, speech pathologist, registered dietitian, mental
health nurse, respiratory therapist, assistive technologist, physiatrist,
gastroenterologist and social worker. Additional specialists such as a
pulmonologist are available for consultation. Pastoral care has also been
integrated into the Hershey Clinic. Over the past year, there were 710 visits
to the ALS Association Certified Center at the Penn Comprehensive
Neuroscience Center at Pennsylvania Hospital and 455 visits to the
PALS Paula Watts with Mary Kelley, MSN, RN, CRNP at
the ALS Association Center at Pennsylvania Hospital.
ALS Clinic at Penn State-Hershey Medical Center.
Affiliate ALS Treatment Centers: We also provide support for two additional clinics in our service region. One is at the
Lehigh Valley Hospital and one at the Geisinger Medical Center.
In the advanced stages of ALS, the costs related to the disease can skyrocket.
To help relieve some of the expense to families, the Chapter provides assistance
with in-home care, equipment lending programs, home accessibility solutions
and transportation free of charge to patients living in our service area.
Home care: The Chapter offers three programs to help patients living at home
and their families. The Howard I. Abrams In-Home Care program funds
2-14 hours of regular weekly care for patients living at home. Additional programs
provide relief for family members who serve as full-time caregivers to a relative
with ALS. These respite care programs offer caregivers 72 hours of respite
per year for non-ventilator patients, or 96 hours per year for ventilator-dependent
Howard I. Abrams
patients. A total of 61 patients received respite care in FY 2008, and we
provided 34,236 hours of home health care through the Abrams In-Home
Care Program.
Equipment lending programs: Our lending programs
provide expensive medical and communication
equipment to patients. The Marjorie Shimer Equipment
Loan Program loaned over 604 items over the past year,
including manual and power wheelchairs, hospital beds,
walkers, toileting and bathing devices, and other durable
medical equipment.
The Scott A. Mackler, MD, PhD, Assistive
Technology Program helps patients maintain
independence and interaction as the disease
progresses by lending communication devices
such as computers with voice output, door chimes,
call bells, hands-free access devices and other
Members of the Voit family enjoy the annual Holiday Party. PALS Kathryn
and her husband Gerry are also very active Chapter Board Members.
assistive technology equipment. Over 90 items
were loaned through this program and more than
100 evaluations were made by the Assistive
Technology Specialist.
Accessibility: The Cox Family Fund for Accessibility gives people with ALS access to ramping, stair glides,
wheelchair lifts and emergency call devices at no cost, or reduced cost, to them. Through this fund, the Chapter
assisted 83 patients.
Transportation program: The Chapter’s three wheelchair-accessible vans made 321 trips transporting patients
and their caregivers to medical appointments, clinic visits, and recreational events. Two vans are ventilator accessible
vehicles. We also subcontract for wheelchair-accessible
transportation for patients living outside of a 60-mile radius
from the Chapter Office in Ambler, PA.
Inservice Programs: To assist health care workers caring
for ALS patients, Chapter Staff offers educational inservice
programs to those working in hospitals, nursing homes,
skilled care facilities, hospices and home care agencies.
Staff provided 43 educational inservices this year.
Resources and seminars: To help patients and their
caregivers better understand and cope with the diagnosis
of ALS, the Chapter offers a two-part seminar for Newly
Diagnosed patients, as well as monthly resource groups
throughout the region. These groups provide an outlet to
Funds raised at the Mackler 5K Run/Walk support the fund that bears Scott
Mackler’s name.
address questions and concerns, and share experiences
with others. We were proud to offer three Managing ALS
teleconferences this year, addressing Assistive Technology,
Medical and Symptom Management of ALS, and Resources
in ALS.
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
30th Anniversary
This year patients and families enjoyed three special events: 126 attendees at the Longwood Gardens Tour &
Luncheon, 73 attendees at Morey’s Piers Amusement Park, 67 attendees at Linvilla Orchards Tour & Luncheon.
specialty programs
The Chapter recognizes the toll that ALS can take on the whole family. We provide programs and activities that address
the needs of not only our patients, but everyone who is touched by the disease.
Caregivers Day: “Nurturing the Nurturer” is an opportunity for full-time family caregivers to enjoy discussion groups,
recreational and social activities while engaging others in their role. The Chapter provides respite services to ensure
family members can attend. In 2007, 43 caregivers attended this event.
Visiting Volunteer program: This program provides a “friendly visitor” to visit a person with ALS in the home to read
books, share common interests, write letters, run errands, or just enjoy each other’s company. The program includes
a detailed orientation by two patient services staff members and is strictly monitored.
Memorial Service: More than 85 people attended the Chapter’s annual memorial service at Mainline Unitarian Church
in Devon to remember and honor those who have lost their lives to ALS. At the service, we unveiled our Memorial Quilt,
which featured blocks submitted by families who had lost a loved one to ALS in 2006. The Quilt, which was assembled
by the Chapter’s Assistive Technologist, Alisa Brownlee, remains on display in our Chapter office.
Cake decorating is always a favorite activity at Caregivers Day.
We are doctors searching for a cure. We
are medical professionals helping PALS
learn to live with their disease. We are
volunteers walking to raise money. We are
friends, lending a hand. We are the families
of people living with ALS who have formed
the framework of The Greater Philadelphia
Chapter for the last 30 years. Families
like the Bartones.
MICHAEL BARTONE of Downington, PA was
young, active and vital. And when ALS took his
Michael Bartone in action on the rugby field.
life in 1992 at the age of just 38, his family and
a close group of friends formed The Michael
Bartone Memorial Foundation, dedicated to preserving his memory, kindling his unselfish inspiration, and continuing his
battle with ALS. The Foundation continues his memory with an annual Rugby Tournament “Scrum for Six” (Michael wore
a #6 jersey), a Golf Outing and a Dinner Dance which have raised more than $200,000 for the Chapter. A scholarship
fund has provided $23,000 in scholarships to seven area students. You can read all about this amazing organization at
Michael’s family went beyond his blood relatives. His Uncle
Charlie brought together 13 men who made sure that his
battle was not over. As his brother Dominick says, “We try
to represent ourselves as a group with some of Michael’s
characteristics - courage, dedication, dignity and inspiration.
And, The Greater Philadelphia Chapter is part of the group that
is closest to him.”
Bartone check presentation.
battle is not lost
“ Hisunless
we quit.
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
30th Anniversary
Research Projects
The ALS Association funds clinical trials, drug discovery and laboratory research on
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
Presently, The ALS Association oversees and coordinates more than 100 different research projects around the world.
During the past decade, The ALS Association has dedicated more than $40 million toward ALS research. Each dollar
has gone directly to investigators doing the research.
In the last year, The Greater Philadelphia Chapter funded
the following projects:
Study of the toxic role of mutant SOD1/Bcl-2 complex
in mutant SOD1-linked ALS
Piera Pasinelli, PhD; Davide Trotti, PhD
Farber Institute for Neurosciences, Philadelphia, PA
A Novel Neuron Survival-Promoting sPLA2 Inhibitor
As Treatment For ALS
Timothy Cunningham, PhD; Terry Heiman-Patterson, MD
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Neurotrophic self-complementary adeno-associated vectors, artificial transcription factors and siRNA designed
for ALS therapy
Richard Samulski, PhD
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Function of VAP-B in early secretory pathway and protein
clearance system
Cedric Raoul, PhD
The Mediterranean Institute of Neurobiology, Marseille, France
HFE Polymorphisms and ALS
James Connor, PhD; Zachary Simmons, MD
Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, PA
Alterations in retrograde signaling lead to motor neuron degeneration
Erika Holzbaur, PhD
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Davide Trotti and Piera Pasinelli in their lab
at the Farber Institute.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Sport, Physical Activity and Trauma:
An International Case-Control Study on Genetic and Environmental
Risk Factors
Eltore Beghi, Professor
Instituto Mario Negri, Milan, Italy
Identification and quantitation of protein biomarkers for ALS in the CSF
and blood plasma
Robert Bowser, PHD
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Downregulation of SOD1 G93A rats using antisense oligonucleotides
Timothy Miller, MD, PhD
Washington University, St. Louis, MO
What is ALS?
Amyotrophic comes from
the Greek language: Ameans “no”, myo refers to
“muscle”, and trophic means
AFTD/ALS Association Joint Update
“nourishment”, amyotrophic
therefore means “no muscle
On Friday, November 6, 2007, the Chapter hosted a symposium on
the connection between FTD and ALS. Recently, new discoveries
have been made that scientifically link Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
(ALS) and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) in a way that was not previously
known. This symposium addressed what ALS/FTD is, explained the impact
this diagnosis may have on patients, families and caregivers, and provided
information on available support and resources. Speakers included: Murray
Grossman, MD, EdD, Associate Professor, The Hospital of the University
of Pennsylvania, Department of Neurology, School of Medicine; Elisabeth
McCarty Wood, MS, CGC, Genetic Counselor, The Hospital of University of
Pennsylvania; Dana Clay, MS, Genetic Counselor, University of Pennsylvania;
Jennifer Klapper, APRN, BC, ALS Association, Mental Health Nurse; Catherine
Pace-Savitsky, MA, AFTD Executive Director; and Brenda Edelman, LCSW,
BCD, ALS Association, Director of Patient Services
As a result of progress over the past decade, ALS experts are hopeful that
soon, new treatments will be available that can alter the course of the disease.
Mary Jean and Cecilia Piorkowski attend the November Research Meeting.
nourishment”, which
describes the characteristic
atrophy of the sufferer’s
disused muscle
tissue. Lateral identifies
the areas in a person’s
spinal cord where portions
of the nerve cells that are
affected are located. As this
area degenerates it leads
to scarring or hardening
sclerosis in the region.
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
30th Anniversary
Advocating for our patients and their families, and empowering them to become advocates themselves,
is a central tenet of our mission. Over the past year we worked to build and expand our advocacy program,
and to increase outreach to legislators who serve our patients. If you would like to sign up to receive
up-to-the minute information on how you can help pass legislation that will help ALS families, please log
onto and “sign up to be an ALS advocate” or to find out about
National advocacy efforts.
state advocacy
national advocacy
On a snowy February 13, 2007, over 30 dedicated folks,
We are pleased to report that in October 2007, the House
including 5 people with ALS joined us for the Second Annual
of Representatives passed the ALS Registry Act by a vote
Pennsylvania Advocacy Day at the state capitol. Many thanks to
of 411-3! This is a tremendous victory for people with ALS
Representative Josh Shapiro and Senator Jane Orie, who hosted
and their families across the country as the bill would
our group, and to Representative Bryan Cutler, whose moving
authorize $89 million over five years to establish the first
story of losing both his parents to ALS was an inspiration. We
ever National ALS Patient Registry at the Centers for
are still pursuing a line item in the Pennsylvania state budget in
Disease Control and Prevention.
the amount of $800,000 to support the Chapter’s services. This
is a marvelous example of a representative democracy in action
We are excited to report that the US House of
and shows how, by working together, we can make a difference.
Representatives and the US Senate passed the Lifespan Respite
It is grassroots networking that will help us deliver our message
Care Act last year. This bill authorizes $289 million over five
loud and clear.
years for respite care programs across the country and will
help people with ALS and their families access much needed
respite services. Importantly, because the funding is provided
to the states, ALS Association Chapters may be eligible for
state respite care grants that become available as a result of
the increased funding. On Monday afternoon, May 14, the 4th
annual Candlelight Vigil kicked off the 2007 Advocacy Day in
Washington DC. The conference provides an opportunity for the
ALS community to join together, share their experiences, and
learn the latest information about ALS research and advocacy.
It also empowers the ALS community, helping to turn their hopes
into action.
advocacy year-round
Our advocacy efforts are not confined to once a year. We
recognize the importance of maintaining contact with legislators
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (third from left) and House Members
Patrick Murphy (5th from left)and Diane DeGette (5th from right) join Chapter
staff, PALS and Shonda Schilling (4th from right) in the Halls of Congress.
throughout the year to reinforce the ALS message. Over the past
year, we have increased our advocacy efforts to include letter
writing campaigns at
Walks to Defeat ALS™,
and phone calls and
e-mails to our legislators
throughout the year.
regions served
The ALS Association, Greater Philadelphia Chapter
corner, The Greater Philadelphia Chapter is here
to serve ourServed
ALS families!
With four ALS Centers for patients to visit, educational and recreational activities and events in nearly every
North Central Pennsylvania
Southeastern Pennsylvania
South Central Pennsylvania
Central and Southern
New Jersey
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
30th Anniversary
Our 30th Anniversary Year in Review
Many of the events listed here were initiated by an individual or group working to make a difference as we
strive to strikeout Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Our largest fundraisers, the Walks to Defeat ALS™, would not be
possible were it not for the families and extended families of PALS, members of the corporate community
and Chapter friends coming together to meet the challenge.
february 2007
Billy Lake Memorial ALS Beef and Beer • Hot Chocolate •
Pennsylvania State Advocacy Day • Managing ALS Teleconference:
“Assistive Technology for PALS” • Endings are Beginnings in honor
of Dr. Cynthia Weaver
march 2007
Put Away ALS in Memory of Joe Stetler • Memorial Service •
Newly Diagnosed Seminar, Philadelphia Region • Newly Diagnosed
Seminar, Harrisburg Region
Leslie’s Soldiers at the 2007 Ocean City Board…Walk to Defeat ALS ™ .
april 2007
Bucks County Walk to Defeat ALS™ • ALS Night at Citizens Bank Park • Hershey Medical Center Research
Symposium • Race Judicata 5K Fun Run/Walk • Box Out ALS • Strike 3 Penn State ALS 5K Run Walk • Scrapbooking
Crop to Defeat ALS
may 2007
Seaside Board…Walk to Defeat ALS™ • Stewart
Johnson Dance Academy’s Recital for ALS •
“Scrum for Six” Michael Bartone Rugby Event •
Longwood Gardens Tour and Lunch • Annual
Pasta for PALS • National ALS Advocacy Day and
Public Policy Conference • Annual ALS Charity
Auction and Autograph Party with the Lakewood
Blue Claws • 18th Annual Phillies Phestival
june 2007
Harrisburg Walk to Defeat ALS™ • 21st Annual
Corvette Concours and Fun Show to Benefit ALS
Susan Walsh, Nurse at the Hershey Clinic and Chapter Executive Director,
Jim Pinciotti join forces at the 2007 Harrisburg Walk to Defeat ALS ™ .
at Forbes Chevrolet • Lodish Bike Ride •
Managing ALS Teleconference: “Resources and
Resourcefulness” • Sixth Annual Gene Gladfelter
Memorial Mile • ALS Express 9th Annual Bike Ride • Morey’s Piers Patients
Outing • 17th Annual Billy Lake Memorial Basketball Tournament • Auntie
Anne’s Benefit Golf Outing
july 2007
Raise the Roof for ALS Research Fundraising Dance •
Caregiver Skills Day • Scranton Wilkes-Barre Yankees
Autograph Party and Auction for ALS • Doylestown
First Friday
august 2007
30th Anniversary Picnic • Mt. Elbert Climb for ALS
Research • Oggie Labor Day Golf Outing to Knockout ALS
september 2007
Ocean City Board…Walk to Defeat ALS™ • Michael
Bartone Memorial Golf Tournament • Michael Bartone
Annual Dinner Dance • 7th KAK Cup Golf Outing •
7th Annual Gino’s Race • Sandy Kinderman Memorial
Golf Tournament • Eighth Annual Paul Jobson Jr Memorial
Golf Tournament • Lily Pulitzer “ALS Shop and Share”
Some hard-working pioneers who have been with the Greater
Philadelphia Chapter for over 25 years gathered at the Chapter’s
30th Anniversary Picnic in August 2007 at Mermaid Lake Swim and
Golf Club in Blue Bell, PA. They include (left to right) Morton Charlestein,
Malvina Charlestein, Ben Ohrenstein, Nancy Giles, Bill Giles
and Chapter President, Ellyn Phillips.
• Sam Bonita Memorial Golf Tournament • Celebrity Charity Scrabble Match • 8th Annual John Fineran Golf Classic
• ALS Family Trip to Linvilla Orchards • Maeva Design Fashion Show to Benefit ALS • Celebrity Waiter Event in
Bethlehem • Philadelphia Flyers Alumni Golf Classic • Strike 3 Penn State ALS 5K Run Walk
october 2007
Lehigh Valley Walk to Defeat ALS™ • ALS Benefit for Theresa Esposito, Golf tournament and Monte Carlo Night •
Drexel Technical Fundraiser for ALS at the Philadelphia Dragonboat Festival • Respiratory Interventions for Individuals
with ALS Conference • 8th Annual Scott Mackler 5K/Run/Walk • Happy Hour and Terror Behind the Walls, A Young
Friends Event • Fuddruckers Fuddraiser in Bethlehem
november 2007
Greater Philadelphia Walk to Defeat ALS™ • Nurturing the Nurturer •
Evening of Giving at the Oxford Valley Mall • 14th Annual Curt Schilling
ALS Golf Outing • Curt’s Pitch for ALS Party • AFTD/ALS Joint Update •
Managing ALS Teleconference: “ALS Diagnosis and Symptom
Management” • Dawn’s Angels Beef & Beer • Bourbon Bleu Fundraiser
december 2007
Ice Skating at the RiverRink, A Young Friends Event * • Patient and
Family Holiday Party • Newly Diagnosed Seminar, Philadelphia Region
Actors in the hit HBO series, “The Sopranos” were a“hit” with
Walk Co-Chair Mike Rubbinaccio (left) and volunteers at the
2007 Seaside Board Walk to Defeat ALS™.
january 2008
Billy Lake Memorial ALS Beef and Beer
a walk for everyone
We are proud to announce that in 2007 the Greater Philadelphia Chapter’s Walks raised over $1,300,000 proving to
be our most successful Walk season to date! Help us raise money for continued programs and services on a local and
national level. Please visit to join a walk near you.
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
30th Anniversary
Thirty Years of Caring: Gifts
the Schilling family makes a difference
Shonda and Curt Schilling are well-known for their extraordinary
commitment to The ALS Association. It began shortly after Curt
joined the Phillies in 1992 and was inspired by PALS Dick Bergeron.
Shonda readily became an active board member and now serves on
the board of the Boston and Arizona Chapters as well.
Curt’s Pitch for ALS and the Curt Schilling Golf Outing have been
among the Chapter’s biggest fundraisers since the early 1990’s.
The Schillings maintain close relationships with many PALS…
their first child is named “Gehrig” as a tribute to all the PALS they
have met. ALS knows no geographic boundaries, nor does this
exceptional family.
Curt and Shonda (left and right) flank Wendy (rear)
and PALS Dick Bergeron in 2001.
Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at
people who belong to us, we see the past,
present and future…
—Gail Buckley
the Phillies family makes a difference
The past, present and future of the Chapter are all tied to our hometown
heroes…the Phillies. In 1984, the team formed a relationship with our
Chapter that has spanned the years. The first Phillies event was a lively Phillies
Wives Fashion Show. In 1989, the Phillies held the first autograph party and
auction, and through 2007,
the Phillies have raised a
staggering $9.4 million for
the fight against ALS. The
Chapter is proud to be
the principal charity of the
Phillies. The entire Phillies
Ellen Brosso (left) and Suzanne Bruce of Corporate
Synergies flank Phestival Volunteer Rita Zambone.
Corporate Synergies SaVes4ALS program raised
more than $20,000 this year for the ALS cause.
family works hard yearround to raise funds and
awareness for ALS.
The citi smith barney family has been the Grand Slam Sponsor
of the Phillies Phestival since 1996.
Kevin and his family and friends enjoy the day
at the Chapter’s 30th Anniversary Picnic.
Phillies President David Montgomery
meets with PALS Kevin Glenn at the 2007
Phillies Phestival.
Phillies star Jimmy Rollins with Kevin Glenn at
the Phestival.
Kevin Glenn – PALS, writer, lover of music, father, son, friend…
esteemed member of both the Phillies family and the Chapter’s family
Experience Kevin at, his very own website which he designed using a headmouse and
determination. The music is eclectic, the imagery fascinatingly “out of this world” and the love of his friends, family
and special friends at the Chapter shines through. Kevin has been living with ALS since 1999. He never misses
a Chapter event. From the Holiday Party…to Hot Chocolate…to the Phillies Phestival, Kevin makes sure he attends
to represent the ALS community.
Hero: $300,000 and Above
Inspiration: $100,000 - $299,000
Hope: $25,000 - $99,999
Courage: $15,000 - $24,999
Strength: $10,000- $14,999
Determination: $5,000 - $9,999
Resilience: $1,000 - $4,999
Encouragement: $500 - $999
The ALS Association, Greater Philadelphia Chapter recognizes donations
within our fiscal year, which is February 1 through January 31. This listing
recognizes donors who have given $500 or more. With grateful appreciation
to the thousands of people who have made contributions of less than $500,
the constraints of printing this report did not allow us to list these important
donors individually.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this listing. If your
name has been inadvertently omitted or listed inaccurately, please accept our
apologies and contact our office at 215-643-5434.
For the purposes of this listing, all gifts to the Phillies Phestival through Phillies
Charities are included. Individual gifts made through the United Way Donor
Option programs designated to our Chapter are not listed.
in kind donations
Bonefish Grill
Clemens Family Markets
Comcast SportsNet
Concourde Limousine
Conlin’s Copy Center
Dan Vanore and the Business
Floral Expressions/Gempire
Garman Sign and Decal
Hot Hot Hot Entertainment
Majestic Athletic
Matt Lee
New Era Cap Company
Pearl Pressman Liberty
The Philadelphia Inquirer &
Daily News
The Phillies
Rhonda Clifford
Samuel Freeman Auctioneers
Zieger & Sons, Inc.
30th Anniversary
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
gifts continued
$300,000 & above
Joseph Alexander
Philadelphia Flyers
Phillies Charities, Inc.
Foundation, Inc.
Alumni Assoc., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Charlestein
Josiah W. and Bessie H. Kline
Ms. Ellyn C. Phillips
Mr. Arthur L. Powell
Foundation Inc.
Mr. Richard S. Schiffrin
Julius and Ray Charlestein
Scholler Foundation
$100,000 to $299,999
Foundation, Inc.
Southwest Airlines
Mrs. Irma Balsam *
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Albert J. Stunkard M.D.
Mr. Dale J. Shimer
A. Krancer
The Joan Dancy and People
Team ALS
Michael Bartone Benefit Fund
Powell Family Foundation
with ALS (PALS)
Support Group
$25,000 to $99,999
Raise The Roof For ALS
United Way of Delaware
Mr. Jeffrey L. Abrams and
Research Fundraiser
Wakefern Food Corp
Ms. Margaret Barry
Schiffrin Barroway Topaz
& Kessler, LLP
$10,000 to $14,999
Auntie Anne’s Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Schilling
Actus Lend Lease LLC
Estate Of Doreen H. Sheridan
Citi Smith Barney
Farber Family Foundation
Theodora B. Betz Foundation
Albert Einstein
Healthcare Network
First Hospital Foundation
Thriftway/Shop n Bag
Blank Rome, LLP
United Way of
CertainTeed Corporation
Southeastern PA
Community Health
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wolf
Charities of NJ
Corporate Synergies
$15,000 to $24,999
Group Inc.
Billy Lake ALS Memorial Trust
Crystal Trust
Community Health
Estate of E. Ann Klein (Trust)
Charities of PA
Hassel Foundation
Elizabeth S. Hooper Foundation
Johnson and Johnson, Inc.
Estate of John F. Blewitt
Mr. David Kasoff
Mr. Robert E. Fish
Paul E. Kelly Foundation
Mrs. Susan A. Katz
Dr. Arthur L. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Macolino
The Burgess-McCormac
McCarter & English, LLP
Merck Employee
Giving Campaign
Penn State Associated
Student Activities
The Fourjay Foundation
UFCW Local 1776 Wolf, Block, Schorr and
Solis-Cohen LLP
$5,000 to $9,999
J&J Snack Foods
Acme Paper & Supply Company
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Advantage Sales and Marketing
T. Kanter
Aetna Foundation
Kasco Construction
Aetna Giving Campaign
Mr. Richard J. Katucki
APS Wireless
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Klein
Ballard Spahr Andrews
& Ingersoll, LLP
Mrs. Sophia Viola Kranenberg
Bayada Nurses
Land To Sea Associates, Inc.
Blank Aschkenasy
Properties LLC
Leiserve, Inc.
Ms. Dorothy Boylan
Mrs. Eva-Maria Lombard
Central City Toyota
Central Pennsylvania
Corvette Club
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
L. F. Driscoll Co.
The Lenfest Group
The Paper Magic Group, Inc.
Turkey Hill Mini Markets
J. Maher
Colonial Oaks Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Commerce Bank
United Way of Tri-State
M. Markowitz
Dean Foods Company
UPS Foundation, Inc.
Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Mrs. Jane Snyder-DeMaio
Vision Group Ventures
Neutrik USA
and Mr. Paul DeMaio
Mr. Robert G. Ogbin
DHL Express
Mr. Morris S. Willner
Pacific Fruit Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
A. Dilsheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Wood
Penn Comprehensive
Dole Fresh Vegetables Inc.
Mrs. Kathryn S. Dorrell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dubin
Drueding Foundation
Mr. Michael R. Ellsworth
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Esposito
Estate of Thomas W. Nelson
Ewing Cole, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Feinberg
Mr. Craig Fitz
Mr. Dan Fitzpatrick
GE Foundation
Genuardi Family Foundation
Glenmede Trust Company, The
Ms. Alyson A. Hepler
Independence Blue Cross
Inglis Durable Medical
Neuroscience Center
$1,000 to $4,999
Pepper Hamilton LLP
A.B. & S. Masonry
Philadelphia Coca-Cola
Mr. Steven V. Abramson
Bottling Co.
Acme Markets
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Dean S. Adler
Reed Smith LLP
Aetna Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rooney
AFSCME Council 13
Mr. John Ruttenberg
Air Products &
Shiloh United Church
Chemicals, Inc.
of Christ
Ms. Janice Albert
Mr. James H. Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Albert
Skippy Peanut Butter
Albertsons, Inc.
Solomon-Auerbach Family
Mrs. Rhoda Albom
Mr. Phillip B. Speiser
Mrs. Cindi E. Aleardi
Sports Complex Special
Services District
Stroehmann Bakeries LC
Temple-Inland Foundation
Mr. Irving Altman
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
30th Anniversary
gifts continued
Alpha Rho of Chi
Asbury United Methodist Church
Mrs. Sheena Bowa
Psi Fraternity
Atlantic Central Bankers Bank
Mr. Joel Bowdler
Altair Direct Mail
Management Inc.
Atlantic City Electric
Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Boyd
AXA Foundation
Brinker Capital Holdings, Inc.
American Drawtech Company
Ballpark Food Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Brodsky
American Mobility
Mr. Wade L. Balmer
Mr.* and Mrs. Marvin Brooks American Ramp
Bank of America Foundation
Brown’s Superstores
Systems, Inc.
Mr. Rick A. Bastinelli
Mr. Bruce W. Brownstein
American Stair Corporation
Ms. Debra Baylor
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Burke
AmeriHealth Administrators
BDO Seidman
Ms. Kathleen M. Byrnes Jarrett
Ameriprise Financial
Mr. Gerald H. Beil III
Campus Apartments, Inc.
Amoroso’s Baking Company
Ms. Teresa Beriont
Mrs. Marcy Cardonick
Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI)
Mr. Bruce A. Berkowitz
Case Paper Company
AON Consulting
Berky Benevolent Trust
Of Illinois, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Izhar Armony
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bielitz
Mrs. Jayne M. Cawthern
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Mr. Lee H. Bilheimer
Cephalon, Inc.
W. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley
Champion Builders, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
A. Bingaman, Esq.
Ms. Karen Chang
B. Aronson
Mr. and Mrs. James Binns, Jr.
Chapel Steel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Asher
Black Bear Structures, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
of New York
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Blattner
P. Chehanske
Bonita Pioneer
Mr. Pete Cheng
Arthur R. Ersner MD
Packaging Products
Cherokee Construction Co.
Mrs. Frances Chuba *
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard T. Cleary
Mr. Edward Cohen
Mr. Joseph P. Cohill
COMCAST Corporation
Comcast Spectacor
Conservest Capital
Advisors, Inc.
Mrs. Shirley Conston
Dr. Robert Corba, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Coslov
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cowan
Mrs. Emily F. Cox
Cozen O’Connor
Mr. Kevin Crippen
Dr. Theodore P. Croll
Erlbaum Family Foundation
Custom Benefit Plans, Inc.
Estate of Brenda J. Stuckey
Mrs. Ann H. Cutler
Excel Interior Concepts
Ms. Barbara Dalio
& Construction
Daniel M. Ziff Foundation
Exteriors Associates, Inc.
David Cutler Group
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Faragalli
David Michael & Company
Fenwick Group LLC dba
Deacons Fund of Carmel
Panera Bread
Presbyterian Church
Mr. John J. Ferry
Dean Foods
Fiber Line
Dear Year Brothers
Ms. Patricia Figge
Mfg. Company, LTD
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Figge
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas De Risio
Mrs. Kathryn G. Fischer
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Mr. Mickie Flanigan
Dirk E. Ziff Foundation
Four Seasons Produce Inc.
Dr. Kanta Diwan
Ms. Geraldine Fox
Ms. Jill Docking
Fox Subacute At Clara Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Donovan
Fox, Rothschild, O’Brien &
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Frankel, LLP
A. Drawbaugh
Frankel Enterprises
Donna’s Partnership for Life
Frezel Family Foundation
Dr. Alan Rubin
Fulton Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Poole, Jr
Galloway Township
Dr. and Mrs. Romesh Wadhwani
Public Schools
Dreshertown Shop n Bag
Gambone Steel Co., Inc.
DRS Technologies, Inc.
Gannett Foundation, Inc.
Drs. and Ms. Frank J. Lexa
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gescheider
Mr. Rick Dunn
GF Capital Management
Mr. Chris L. Dyer
Dr. Noam Gilboa and
E&J Baseball Club, Inc.
Ms. Deborah Gilboa
Mr. Thomas A. Earl Mr. and Mrs. William Y. Giles
Mr. and Mrs. David Elderkin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Giusti
Mr. Carl Eldreth
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Electric Solutions LLC
Ms. Crystal J. Glenn
Elizabethtown College
Mr. Andy A. Goldman
Mr. Thomas Elkinton
Granary Associates
Ms. Kaylan Elliott-Moskola
Mr. Frederick D. Green
Emerald Asset Management
Mr. and Ms. Jonathan Green
Enterprise Rent-a-Car
Griffith Family Foundation
Mr. Jack S. Grossman
Mr. Dennis Erb
Ms. Kerrie Guibord
Guild Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haertsch
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hahn
Hamilton Family Foundation
Hart Sharp Video
Mr. Thomas Hasson
Haydon Bolts, Inc.
HCR Manor Care Foundation
Health Care Strategies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Helwig
Hen Hao Trading Company, LTD
Mr. and Dr. Peter Henninger, Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey K. Hepper
Mr. Thomas H. Hipp
Hofheimer Gartlir & Gross, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Horan, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Howell, Jr.
Hoyle, Fickler, Herschel,
Mathes LLP
Hung Fat Decorations LTD
Ms. Dawn Iacobucci
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Imbriani
Mr. and Ms. Gary D. Ingram
Ms. Janet Innis
Mr. Peter S. Innis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Jacoby
James and Sally
Zukerkorn Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Javie
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
30th Anniversary
gifts continued
Ms. Virginia Kay Johnson
King’s Pipe Cleaners Ind. Inc.
Mr. Michael Magaldino
Johnson & Towers, Inc.
Mr. Joshua Klein
Mrs. Susie T. Magdelain
Josam Company
Mr. Mitchell Kleinman
Ms. Sheila Maguire
Mr. Larry Kades
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kline
Mr. Joseph E. Maher, Jr.
Mr. James B. Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Koch
Mainline Metals Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua
March Logistics
Mr. and Ms. Lawrence Kaplan
M. Kopelman
Mrs. Mildred Marcus
Kaplin, Stewart, Attorneys
Mr. Gary A. Kopesky D.M.D
Mark/Trece Inc.
at Law
Mr. Robert A. Korn
Mrs. Christina G. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Karr, Jr.
Ms. Catherine N. Korsant
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Martin, Jr.
Mr. Frank J. Kelly
Mr. David R. Kott
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Maslow
Mr. Sean-Patrick Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Mather II
Kenneth & Co. Beauty Clinic
J. Kramer
Maxwell Strawbridge
Keystone Mercy Health Plan
Dr. and Mrs. Abba M. Krieger
Charitable Trust
Mrs. Chris K. Kiernan
Kyowa Pharmaceutical, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James K. McAdam
Mr. Peter Kiernan
Mr. Colin Lake
Mr. Thomas F. McCrea
Mrs. Judith Kinderman
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Land
McDonald Painting
Mr. Clarence H. King
Lanee Great Plastic
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
King Young Enterprise Co., Ltd
(Shenzhen) Co.
R. McGready
Lehigh Valley College
Mr. Dennis W. McKay
Lehigh Valley Hospital
McMahon Agency Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey
Mellon Bank, N.A.
H. Lehman
Memorial School Sunshine
Lehman Brothers Inc.
Mr. Mark Mendenhall and
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lick
Ms. Nancy Shickler
Ms. Carol W. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Menke
Ms. Michelle Locher
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Merrill
Ms. Carol Loewenson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Meyreles
Mr. Fred Lokoff
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Middleton
Mrs. Doris H. Lord
Miller Investment
Mr. Keith Lynott
Management , LP
M.A. Bruder &
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Minner
Sons, Incorporated
Mitchell G. Leibovitz & Joanne
Ms. Linda J. Mack
L. Leibovitz Trust
Mr. Harvey A. Mackler
Momentum Fitness Center
Mrs. Helen Mackler
Mr. Angelo Monzo *
Dr. Scott Mackler and Dr. Lynn
Mrs. Lisa Mount
Monroe Township High School
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas
- Activities Fund
J. Polcino
Montgomery School
Mr. and Mrs. H. Scott Poole
Dr. and Mrs. Howard L. Morgan
Premier Dental
Morgan Kalman Clinic, P.A.
Products Company
Mrs. Rosemary Muldoon *
Pride Mobility Products Corp.
Muller, Inc.
Mr. Doug Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Pulmonology Associates, Inc.
K. Murayama
Ms. Margie Quinn
Mrs. Carol Murphy
Mr. William K. Rambo
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Murray
Mr. Jeffrey Rapoport
Murray Insurance and
Mr. Joseph Reader
Risk Management
Mr. and Mrs. John Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Nadel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Reeder
National Auto Dealers Exchange
Retail Marketing Group
Neshaminy Electrical
Mr. William F. Ribble, Jr.
Contractors, Inc.
Mrs. Ada Ricchetti
Newman & Company
Mr. David M. Ricci
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Nitkin
Mr. Thomas Ricci
Northwestern Lehigh
Mr. Howard Richetti
School District
Ride-Away Handicap Equipment
O’Donnell & Naccarato
Mr. Michael L. Rifkin
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. O’Hara
Mr. Gilbert A. Ringer
Ms. Abby Ohl
Mr. Neil Ringer
Mr. Benjamin S. Ohrenstein
Robert D. Ziff Foundation
Mr. Dennis J. O’Keefe
Robert Posie Pfaff
Mr. William P. O’Neill, Jr.
Memorial Golf Tour
Mrs. Betty Orapchuck *
Robert Saligman
Mr. Alan F. O’Reilley
Charitable Foundation
Ms. Candace K. Peck
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Roberts
Mr. John Pendleton
Rodgers & Associates
Penn Maid Dairy
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Roe
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Roller Service Corporation
Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Cory Rosenberg
Phi Delta Theta Fraternity-
Rotary Club Of King Of Prussia
Gettysburg College
Mr. Irwin F. Roth and
Mr. Stephen W. Pié
Ms. Anita R. Marton
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Pinciotti
Ms. Gita Rothschild
Ms. Cecilia and
Mr. Richard B. Ruben
Ms. Mary Jean Piorkowski
S S Salvatore Society
Ms. Alice Saligman
Samuel P. Mandell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Y. Sanderson
Sanofi Aventis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schaefer
Mrs. and Mr. Deborah
A. Schmerler
Mr. Christian Schmiderer
Ms. Valarie J. Schwarz
Mrs. Cathy Seese
Segco Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
H. Seidenberg
Selway Management, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Shimer
Mrs. Jean Sidoroff
Mr. Thomas J. Simcik
Mr. and Mrs. Al Slipakoff
Mr. Paul Smith
Ms. Martha M. Snider
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan
G. Sprenkle
Sonnet McKinnon
Spencer Gifts LLC
St. Mary’s Medical Center
Mr. Paul Stafford
Starbucks Coffee Company
Ms. Randi Starr
Steamfitters’ Local Union 420
30th Anniversary
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
gifts continued
Ms. Miriam Sternlicht
The Grand Slam
Verizon Foundation
Mr. Henry J. Stewart
We Care Foundation
Veterans Memorial
The Harvey and Barbara Kroiz
Middle School
Dancing Academy
The Potomac School
Stratton Foundation
The Savitz Organization Inc.
Mr. John P. Viniski
Stuart E. & Estelle
The Sidney Sklaroff
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Voit
Price Foundation
Family Foundation
Mr. Mark Voit
Summit Strategies, Inc.
The Trayner Group, LTD
Wachovia Securities, LLC
SWB Yankees, LLC
The Wyndon Group
Wakefern Food Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Szablewski
Tollin Family
Mr. William J. Wallach
Tallu Rosen
Tracey Mechanical Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ward
Tamsen Ann Ziff
Mrs. Sharon K. Washburn
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tarzwell
Mr. Thomas Tracy
Ms. Mary E. Webb
Ms. Judith L. Taylor
Ms. Sarah-Anne Trayner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Weeks
Temple Beth El
Trayner and Company, LTD
Wegman’s Food Markets, Inc.
The Active Network, Inc.
Tube Methods, Inc.
Mr. William Weinholtz Sr.
The Barra Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Emmett Tucker
Ms. Lorna Weir
The George W.
Tuesdays With Mitch
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon J. Weller
Rentschler Foundation
Charitable Foundation
Ms. Karen Whelan
Mr. Don Turner
Ms. Linda White-Johnson
Turner Investment Partners
White Rose Food
U.A. Local Union 322
Mr. Eric N. Wiebe and
UBS Finanical Services Inc.
Ms. Cynthia L. Shimer
UBS Matching Gift Program
Mrs. Felice G. Wiener
Unique Industries, Inc.
Mr. Eric M. Williams
United States Roofing Corp.
Mr. Kenneth A. Windheim
United Way of King County
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
United Way of SE
G. Windheim
Delaware County
Wingo Hong Kong Limited
University of Pennsylvania
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Witman
Health System
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Wolfe
University Of The Sciences
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wolfson
In Philadelphia
Mr. Michael Worden
Utz Quality Foods, Inc.
Mr. Minturn Tatum Wright III
V & J Coachworks
Wulff Architects, Inc.
Ms. Lois Van Deusen
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Mr. Edward Varley
Ms. Natasha Ziff
Ms. and Mr. Sharon Zubricky
$500 to $999
Dr. and Mrs. Magid Abraham
Ace Ina Foundation
Ms. Karen W. Acuff
Adams-Bickel Associates,
Inc. - Employees
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Ahern
Mr. Stephen Albert
All American Karate
Academy, Inc.
Mr. William E. Allbrook
Ms. Marie Boylan
Bethlehem Township Lions Club
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Allena
Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Bradlow
Blue Mountain Lawn Service Inc
Allentown Steel
Ms. Carie Brescia
Bove Jewelers
Fabricating Co., Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Brown
Bradford White Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Altman
Mr. and Mrs. William Browne
Brandywine High School
Altman & Associates
Mr. Robert N. Brunson
(Athletes 4 Others)
Mr. Hyalker L. Amaral
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Bravo Foundation
American Architectural, Inc.
Brother Of Holy Cross
American Express Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Buck IV
Mr. and Mrs. William Browne
American Floors, Inc.
Ms. Susan Bulger
Bruno and Ridgway
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anselmi
Mr. Curt Byerley
Research Assoc.
Arthur P. Schalick High School
A-Tech Engineering, Inc.
Bucks County Anglers Club
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Asher
Avalotis Corporation
Buzzi Unicem USA Inc.
Mrs. Gila Aviram
Avery Foundation
C L & R Charitable Giving
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Axelrod
Aydin Senkut
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Callahan
Mrs. Eileen Baird
Banner & Witcoff, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. William
Belfint, Lyons & Schuman,
Mr. James Campbell
G. Baltrusaitis
P.A. Certified
Canada Dry Delaware Valley
Mr. Frank A. Barone
Public Accountants
Bottling Co.
Ms. Leslie Baruffi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Baum
Ms. Kayla Baylor
Ms. Jill Beraud
Mr. and Mrs. John Beriont
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton J. Beriont
Mr. Adam H. Berliner
Mr. and Mrs.* Bill Black Mr. Samuel A. Blank
Ms. Melanie A. Bove
Mrs. Cathy Boyd-Bireley
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
30th Anniversary
gifts continued
Ms. Elizabeth Cannon
Cleary & Josem LLP
Mr. Jay Davoli
Ms. Frances M. Carlson
CMS Endowment Foundation
Deb Shops, Inc.
Carol Schwartz Gallery
Coatings, Surfacers
Delaware County
Mr. Michael G. Casciato
& Linings LLC
Medical Society
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Case
Mr. Tom Coder
Ms. Micaela De Lignerolles
Mr. and Mrs. James Cassidy
Mr. Larry J. Delaney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Caulfield
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Mr. Joseph L. Delate, Jr.
CBIZ Accounting, Tax
J. Collins
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne S. DeSarbo
& Advisory LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Disney Worldwide
CBS Television Stations
R. Colosi, Jr.
Services, Inc.
Central PA Blood Bank
Colts Neck PBA
Mr. and Mrs. William Dolan
Century Financial Corp.
Comcast Financial
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron A. Dom
Mr. Dave Champlin
Agency Corporation
Mr. Richard Domenichetti
Chazray Builders, Inc.
Mr. Anthony Comito
Mr. James P. Dooley
Chelten House Products, Inc.
Compete, Inc.
Dr. Stanford Dresnin
Chiccarine Management Co
Mrs. Jane A. Conlin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Dugan
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Chiste
Mr. Bill Conners
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dulack
Christenson Investment Partners
Mr. William J. Conway
East Coast Salon Services
Clate Korsant
Cooke & Bieler
Eastern Lift Truck Company, Inc.
Cooper Electric Supply Co.
Copeland Surveying, Inc.
Edgewood Village Market Inc.
Mrs. Ruthe A. Corbally
(McCaffrey’s Market)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
M. Eisenstat
Ms. Mary Corson
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Emery
Costas Coulaloglou
Ms. Justine Englert
County of Northumberland
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Epstein
Courtney Investment
Erie Insurance Group
Consulting Group
Estate Agency LLC
Coventry First
Estate of William Cherkes
Ms. Tracy Craig
Fancy Sports Fotos, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Curtin
Ms. Ellen B. Farber D. M. Swofford
Dr. and Mrs. Peter S. Fader
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Feith
J. D’Amato, Jr.
Mr. David J. Felker
Dallastown American Legion
Ferguson Construction
Mr. Matthew Darnall and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Ferrari
Mrs. Kathleen Kiernan
Ms. Sandra L. Ferraro
Mr.* and Ms. James Fickes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Groff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Figge
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Grove
Mrs. Eileen M. Figueroa
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fink
Mr. Raymond Hamm
Mr. Larry Finkelstein
Ms. Maureen Hannan
First State Orthopaedics, PA
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Five County Fencing
G. Hanssens
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fleming
Dr. Patrick Harker
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Francona
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Harkins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Freedman
Ms. Susan S. Harmelin
Mrs. Darlene Frey
Ms. Helen M. Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Frieman
Friends of Senator
School District
Christine Tartaglione
Mr. Donald Heald
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Friter
Heartland Home Health
Mr. Sidney Gable
Care & Hospice
Galman Group
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Heller
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Gascho
Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Henson
Geiple Funeral Home, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Herbinko
Herman Goldner Co., Inc.
Geppert Bros. Inc.
Herr Foods, Inc.
Mrs. Amy Gerow
Highpoint Dental Medicine, P.C.
Mr. Michael J. Glasheen
Mr. Dennis J. Hoelzer
Mrs. Margaret E. Hoffman
Mr. William Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Hooper
Mr. Howard K. Goldstein
Mr. and Ms. William W. Hooper
Goodman Properties
Ms. Michele Horan
Mr. Matthew Gorman and
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Horan
Ms. Raina Gorman
Mr. Patrick J. Hosey
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Goudie, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence T. Hoyle, Jr.
Mr. Robert L. Goudie
IBEW Local Union 210
Ms. Deborah Graham
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Graphic Communications
Mr. Bradley K. Ingersoll
International Union
INTECH Construction, Inc.
Mr. William S. Greenberg
Mr. Harold Isen
Mr. Matthew Greene
Isaac’s Restaurant & Deli
Greenleaf Lawn &
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Janeway, Jr.
Landscape, Inc.
Jenkintown Building
Mrs. Zelda Greenspun
Services, Inc.
Dr. Susan Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. George Jennings
Dr. Kent C. Griswold
Jim Pigott Real Estate
Ms. Eileen Kamerick
Ms. Amy A. Kasznel
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kauffman
Ms. Therese Keeley
Mr. Michael P. Kelly
Ms. Karen Kimble
King of Prussia Mall
Kirchner Bros. Termite
& Pest Control
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Kleinman
Ms. Deborah Kocher
Mr. Brian J. Kolar
Mr. Joseph Kolarik
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Kolodny
Mr. Justin Korsant
Mr. Jim Kovatch
Mr. and Mrs. David
A. Kraszewski
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
C. Kuehnle II
Kuhnsville Hotel
Mr. John Kurenda
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lake
La-Mel Garden Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Lane
Lane Bridgers Associates, LLC
Mr. Philip Lanz
Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Larosa
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
30th Anniversary
gifts continued
Larry C. McCrae Inc.
Lounge 125
Mr. Paul J. Merluzzi, Jr.
Mr. Charles Larsen
Luzerne County
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Ms. Jill Lawlor
Community College
Foundation, Inc.
Law Offices Of Connolly Bove
Ms. Audrey L. Lucker
Mr. Stanley Merves
Lodge & Hutz LLP
Ms. Carol Lupo
Microsoft Matching
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lederer
Mr. David Lutterbach
Gifts Program
Lehigh Cement Company
Mr. Stephen W. Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Miller
Ms. Phyllis Lehman
M.C.L. Machine and
Ming Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Leibowitz
Tool Co. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Minkoff
Mr. Harold E. Leiter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Ms. Rita J. Misero
Mr. and Mrs. William Lennon
D. Macfarland
Miss Katie Gross
Mr. and Ms. Robert Ley
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Mackin
Modern Group, Inc.
Limerick Self Storage, LP
Magarity Chevrolet, Inc.
Montgomery County Medical
Ms. Shirley Link
Mrs. Karen Magnotta
Society Foundation
Dr. John D. C. Little
Magotteaux Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Moonan
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Lodish
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas
Morano Landscape LLC
Mr. John J. Lombard, Jr.
E. Marchiondo
Morey’s Piers
Ms. Laurie Longo
Marcia and Ned
Dr. and Mrs. Craig D. Morgan
Mr. Herbert Lotman
J. Kaplin Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Morgan
Mr. Dennis C. Marion
Mr. Frank B. Morris C P A
Mrs. Betty Marion
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Marshall
W. Morris, Jr
Marshall, Dennehey, Warner,
Ms. Karen Morton
Coleman & Goggin
Ms. Mary E. Mulder
Mr. Fredrik Martenson
Ms. Maureen Mulligan
Mr.* and Mrs. Nicholas Matteo
Ms. Lisette Murney
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Mattis
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Murphy
Ms. Kathleen R. McCartney
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Nesbitt
Ms. Jacqualyne
Mr. Blake Nesbitt
New Hampshire Trial
Mr. and Mrs. John
Lawyers Association
H. McGoldrick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. Kathy A. McLamb
L. Newman
Mechanical Contractors Assoc.
NFC Global, LLC
of Eastern PA
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Noble
Ms. Kathryn A. Meloni Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nolan
Mercer Human Resource
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Nye
Consulting, Inc.
Mr. Frank O’Boyle
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. O’Connor
Raysun Property
Mr. Richard O’Donnell
Management Inc.
Mr. Margaret Ogden
Recon Automotive
Mr. Danny Ohar
Red Barons Booster Club
Omnicare, Inc.
Ms. Mary Regan
One Beacon Charitable Trust
Reilly Glazing, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Orenyo
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Reinke
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy
Richard M. Cole and Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ritter
Ms. Rosetta B. Packer
Mr. and Ms. Alan S. Ritterband
Ms. Arleen Palmberg
Ms. Martha Ritz
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Panitch
Mr. Charles D. Roberts
Panzano & Partners, LLC
Roda Nast Foundation
Mr. Clifford Sauder
Ms. Susan G. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Richey Rogers
Saul Ewing, LLP
Pearl Pressman Liberty
Mr. Andrew R. Rogoff
Saveway Compounding
Communications Group
Mr. John K. Roller, Jr
Pediatric Dental Associates, Ltd.
Roofers Local 30
Ms. Theresa Saxon
Mr. Lawrence Pedowitz
Mr. Gerald Rorer
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Schaeffer
Mr. and Mrs. John Peebles
Mrs. and Dr. Gertrude Rosato
Scherline and Associates
Pella Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rose
Mrs. Gloria Schriber
Pennsylvania Real
Rosenthal & Ganister
Mr. Steven D. Schultz
Estate Investments
Ms. Susan L. Ross
Ms. Lisa A. Schwab
Dr. and Mrs. William
Scott Chevrolet, Inc.
Petro Oil
T. Ross, Jr.
Sea Gull Lighting Products, Inc.
Pharm Ops Inc.
Ms. Susan L. Rossillo
Mr. Thomas Seaman
Philadelphia Eagles
Rotary Club of
SEI Investments
Mrs. Sandra L. Piersol
Springfield Township
Mr. and Mrs. W.
Ms. Regina Pitaro
Mr. James J. Rowland
Sherwood Robertson
Ruggiero Excavators LLC
Shy Beaver Pro Shop, Inc.
Ms. Lynne M. Poppe
Ms. Jamie L. Rulon
Dr. and Mrs. Zachary Simmons
Poquessing Middle School
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russo
Siobhan Scaring
Ms. Martha S. Price
S & H Representatives, Inc.
Mr. Kent Smetters
Prudential Foundation
S. Stinor Gimbel
Mr. Robert Smith
Matching Gifts, The
S.A.I.L. Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Rayman
Prudential Retirement
Ms. Helen L. Sacre
L. Solomon
Mr. T. Chris Purdy
Saint-Gobain Corp. Foundation
Ms. Joanne Sommer
Quantum Construction Company
Sallie Mae, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob P. Spitz
Mr. Frank Quigley
Salon Evolve, Inc.
Sons of the American Legion
Rait Partnership, L.P.
Salon Vassar LLC
Squadron 0605
Ransome Cat
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sandt
Southern Alloy Corporation
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
30th Anniversary
gifts continued
Mr. and Mrs. Keith C. Spurgeon
Tender Loving Closings Inc.
Ms. Katharine F. Walrath
St. Joseph Church
Mr. Jeff Thatcher
Mr. and Mrs. Roald D. Waraas
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stafford
The Arjay Group, Inc.
Ms. Mary S. Ward
Mr. James Stafford
The Goodman-Gable
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Washburn
Stanley Stephens Co. Inc.
Gould Co.
Waste Management
Mr. and Mrs. William
The Harold Katz
Mr. and Mr. Allen R. Weaver
E. Stanwood
Family Foundation
Mr. Robert M. Weintraub
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Stark
The Hartford
Mr. Frederick Weitzman
Mr. Barry Steelman
The Segal Company
Mr. Mack E. Weller
Dr. and Mrs. Don and
The Style Lounge, LLC
Wells Technology Inc.
Denise E. Stillwagon
Mrs. Martha M. Thornton
Mr. James Westhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Stoler
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Tindall
Mr. John Whelan
Suburban Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Tocci
Mr. and Mrs. Ed White
Abstract, Inc.
Tracey N. Giancoli
Mr. Ryan White
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Tractenberg
Mr. Ronald Wible
L. Sussman
Mr. John Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Wiechmann
Tah Construction, Inc.
Twin Oaks Bloc Inc.
Ms. Jessica Wiener
Dr. Kelly A. Tallio
United Way Metro Chicago
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wilenzik
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Telthorster
United Way of Bucks County
Mr. Conway Williams
United Way of
Willig Williams & Davidson
Salem County, Inc.
Mr. Charles N. Witten
United Way of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wolgin
Southeastern New England
Ms. Janet Wong
United Way of the
Mr. George W. Woodruff
Capital Region
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Woytek
United Way of the
Mrs. Lauren Yacina
Greater Lehigh Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Yapp
United Way Silicon Valley
WPHT Radio
Mr. Nick Vallese
Mr. Paul Zaentz
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Van Stone
Zimmer Tri-state
Mr. Raymond H.
Van Wagener, Jr.
Mr. Scott Vanderbeck
Venture Direct
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Voit
Ms. Catherine H. Voit
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey C. Walker
You live on in the hearts of
everyone you have touched…
From Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
We remember
the courage of those who lost their lives to ALS
February 1, 2007 – January 31, 2008
Cindy Abovitz
Maurice Alexander
Joseph Andruszka
John W. Arnold
Theresa Babbitt
Alan Baguskis
Grant Barner
Mary Bear
Elsie S. Bechtel
James Beckett
James Beitler
Aloysius R. Berger, Jr.
Janet Bigenis
Barbara Black
Debra Blanken
Warren Blankenbiller
Lynda Boas
Joseph Boback
Joseph Borowski
Lawrence Bowman
Margaret Bray
Dolores Brecker
Leslie Brida
Marvin Brooks
Louis Burke
Warren Byrum
Agatha Cacci
Richard Caliendo
John Callaghan
Glenn Calvo
Paul D. Campbell
Michael Capello
Alexis Capriotti
Sinming Chiu
Frances Chuba
Andrew Cisney
Stephen M. Coffin
Sherwood Cohen
Deborah Colicchio
Mary Connell
Clarence Cooper
Richard Costello
Russell A. Cox
Dessa Crawford
Charles Crile, Sr.
Ruth Anne Crowder
Evelyn Crowthers
Loretta Damico
Christine Delevan
Rose Dement
Russell Denner
Jeffrey Dent
Daniel Dervin
April Dickerson
Fred Didomenico
Joseph Dimatteo
Janice Dottavio
Neal Eyer
Nancy Eysaldt
Joseph Facciolo
Donald Fenn
Armando Fernandez
Susan F. Ferver
James Fickes
Ann Filetti
LuAnn Fitz
Marie Flannelly
Mary Fleck
Dana Friedman
Sandra Gauger
Doris Gewertz
Robert Gibson
Samuel Glick
Frederick R. Gossin
Victoria Graham
Luis Guzman
John Habecker
Jacqueline Hacker
Berkeley Hackett
Margaret Hahn
Leonard Hamblin
Margaret Harley
Joanne Harrison
Catherine Hart
Frank Harvey
Leola Heintzelman
Craig N. Heisey
Melvin Hendrix
Diane Hope
Patricia Hulse
Walter S. Hunter
Joan Jamin
Luther Jones
Evelyn Jordan
Robert Jordan
Mary Karcewski
Sam Katz
Loretta Keeley
Donald Kenny
Stanley G. Kenzler
Jackie Kerrigan
Glenn D. Kimmel, Sr.
Cindy King
Anna Kirchner
Elizabeth A. Klein
Virginia Kocher
Paul Krick
Robert Langdale
David Laux
Mary Lee
Henry Lipp
Beth Ann Lipskin
Barbara Livengood
Alice Lolli
Joan Long
Richard E. Lord, Jr.
Larry Losardo
Elizabeth Lucius
Ida Lupica
Jay Lupo
Robert Mackley
Karen Malino
Kenneth Malone
Sharon Marino
Barbara Markley
Willard Marvel
Nicholas Matteo
Phillip May
William McCane
Beverly McCarr
Iva E. McCartney
Leslie McCook
Marianne McEvoy
Roberta G. McMaster
Patricia Memoli
William Merryfield
Nicholas Micolucci
Mary Miketta
Herman F. Miller
Irene Montalbano
Angelo Monzo
Arlene Moyer
Rosemary Muldoon
Mary Myers
Karen Neiheiser
Harry Newell
Marvin A. Newsome
Sylvia Nicoletti
Timothy O’Neill
Lisa Jo Papparaldo
Margaret Pappas
Fernanda Pereira
Shirley M. Persing
Anna Petruzzelli
George F. Poore, Jr.
Kathleen Prickett
Mary Quagliato
Janet Quesenberry
Felicita Quiles
Sister Frances Regan
Michael Regan
Cheryl A. Renn
Jean Ann Reynolds
Lorin Reynolds
Salvatore Ricchetti
Darlene Rice
Marie Rieve
Gloria J. Robatin
Nilda Robles
James Roderick
Ronald Rodgers
Dorothy L. Roller
Ronnie Roof
Murray Rosetsky
Arthur Rothrock
Steven Rubin
Anthony Sacchetti
Gary Sandrow
Lillian Saravitz
Russell Schaedler
Joseph Schwarz
Susan Semuta
Mary Jo Shipe
Justice Shortlidge
Janet Silver
Patricia Simmons
Renee Simmons
Michael Skiles
Herman C. Smith
Joseph G. Smith
Richard E. Smith Ph.D
Janet Spear
Mary Ellen Stahl
Gladys Stoner
Herman Stuempfle
Barry Sweger
Mary Takacs
Erich Tauchert
Evelyn Thomas
William K. Thompson
Elizabeth Tonelis
Richard Tressler
Robert J. Turner
Gloria Villafane
Joseph Volpe
Eileen Wagner
Linda M. Walters
Sylvia Walters
John Wetherhold
H. Cooper White
Francis Wright I I I
Patricia Young
Robert Zerfing
William Zimmer
Gerald Zuch
30th AnniversAry
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
STATeMenT oF FinAnciAL PoSiTion
January 31, 2008
(With Comparitive Totals for 2007)
Compters and Equipment
Less: Accumulated Depreciation
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Pledges and Bequests Receivable
Other Assets
totAL Assets
LiAbiLities AnD net Assets
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities
Deferred Revenue
Deferred Rent
totAL LiAbiLities
AnD net Assets
The foregoing condensed financial statements have been derived from the audited financial statements which are available from
the offices of The ALS Association, Greater Philadelphia Chapter.
year ended January 31, 2008
(With Comparitive Totals for 2007)
revenUes AnD other sUPPort
Interest Income
In-kind Contributions
Other Gains (Losses)
Total Revenues
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Patient Services
Total Program Expenses
Management and General
net Assets - Beginning of Year
net Assets - End of Year
The foregoing condensed financial statements have been derived from the audited financial statements which are available from
the offices of The ALS Association, Greater Philadelphia Chapter.
The ALS Association
Greater Philadelphia Chapter
321 Norristown Road, Suite 260
Ambler, PA 19002
Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow
30 Years of Caring
Non-Profit Org.
Conshohocken, PA
Permit No. 345