List of Oil companies for EITI Report 2010
List of Oil companies for EITI Report 2010
Answer the questions asked by the EITI Secretariat on clarification of the EITI Report 2010 1. A figure of total government revenues from extractive industry in 2010 (and not total government revenue from all sectors in 2010) will help us to more clearly calculate the materialit of the companies that did not participate, were not included in the scoping or did not have their data certified . To determine which companies will be included in the EITI Report 2010 is acting in this way: Officially was asked by the National Agency of Natural Resources (AKBN) as the only official institution on extractive industry information, a list of all mining entities the oil and gas entities that have operated in Albania in 2010. We will send an attachment of table 1 – Mining and Table 2 – Oil & Gas. MSG analyzed and discussed the criteria and the number of companies that will be included in the 2010 report. Oil and gas sector was decided to include all companies in the search and discovery-production (ie 100%) as there are a limited number of them: all companies have declared excluding Sky Petrolium. All these statements have been signed from their external auditor. This consideration leads that the level of credibility of statements by the companies is high. In the mining sector where 518 mining subjects were operated, analyzed and discussed in the MSG definition of a floor (Threshold) on the basis of income (from production x price sale), in order to limit the number of companies that will report in 2010. Several options were discussed (250 000 $ 350 000 $ 400 000 $ and 500 000 $) Income levels of 500 000 $ (production in tons x sale price $ / ton = $) were established as a rule for the floor (Threshold). Part of the present study is the outcome of this analysis results in Table 2 with the mining companies to be reported in 2010. These tables have attached and there also shown% that occupy these companies within its sector and the sector itself in the total mining industry. Table with selected companies as above you surrendered "Fair Links" for reconciliation of the period in 2010 and the implementation of further steps. All these mining companies statements have been signed from their external auditor. This consideration leads that the leve of credibility of statements by the companies is high. The number of selected companies in the mining sector is 12% of the total number of companies in this sector and occupy about 70 % of total incomes in the mining sector. Regarding the impact of the selected companies for the 2010 Report, which not declared to the Fair Links company, detailed explanations will be found in Table No. 4, reflecting the impact of these companies by mining sectors and the total selected companiess or the total of all mining companies. Their impact is calculated based on reporting done by AKBN for their income. At the same time for what we mentioned above explanations will be found in Summary Table of the analysis of the study data ( Table 3 and 4 please find attached) Regarding the impact on the results of EITI 2010 report of the companies who have not declared , we value that they have no impact on extractive industry of the total revenue (oil & gas sector and mining sector). That is, they impact 5.3% of total incomes from selected mining companies and 3.7% in the total income of all mining companies. For this purpose, please have a look to table 3 and table 4 (compared with the data of the study ), where results 6 companies who have not declared: - 1 company is in the chrome sector discovery and has no income - 4 chrome company affect only 9.9 % in chrome revenues of selected companies or 6.5 % in chrome sector revenue or 5.2 % of all selected companies revenue or 3.7 % of all mining companies revenues for year 2010. In fact, their impact is much smaller, about < 3 %. - 1 company in the construction material sector ( limestone sector) only affects 0.62 % of construction materials selected companies (limestone) revenue or 0.4 % limestone sektor revenue or 0.01% of all selected companies revenue or 0.008 % of all mining companies revenue for year 2010. - All mining companies selected for Report EITI 2010 that have not submitted a declaration for Report EITI 2010 have impact 5.3 % in total revenues for selected companies - All mining companies selected for Report EITI 2010 that have not submitted a declaration for Report EITI 2010 have impact 3.8 % in total revenues for all mining companies. 2. Government data has not been certified and it is not clear why. This could mean that government data is not reliable. It also weakens the quality of unilateral government disclosure to quantify the materiality of the companies that did not participate, were not included in the scoping or did not have their data certified. The MSG is advised to consider all options in Requirement 13 to demonstrate the quality of government data, including #13 a) iii: “government takes necessary steps to ensure, and confirms at a senior level by submitting a letter of confirmation containing all necessary statements, that government reports provide a faithful representation of the extractive industry revenues received”. Associated with this request we explain that requirement/application 13 has been compleated as below - All statements required by state institutions are given signed by key leaders of these institutions. -- A certification notice (confirmation) was sent to Fair Links sarl Company on the date December 21, 2012 for all state data reported by the institutions involved in this process based on rules and requirements EITI (Directorate General of Taxation, The Directorate General of Customs, Economy, Local Government) with the signature of Mr. Neritan Alibali, the person authorized by the Council of Ministers and simultaneously Deputy / Minister of METE and chairman of MSG. Attached the Office letter No:78, date 21.12.2012, which the original copy finds in Fair Links sarl Company as independent administrator and recommendatory of the EITI Report 2010. 3. The calculations in the report to quantify the materiality of the companies that did not participate, were not included in the scoping or did not have their data certified would be further strengthened if a) all government declarations, including unilateral, would be certified, and b) if the reconciler could include the unilateral government disclosures on these companies in an addendum to the report, including the declaration ‘nil’ for Sky Petroleum. The Sky Petrolium Statemen is clearly given in the report and noted that state has given a “nil” statement for this company. Other companies that are not declared are analyzed in the study and on theother hand their effects are determined with their undeclared in total selected companies and companies overall. For this purpose, please have a look to table 3 and table 4 and the respective impacts evaluated at point 1 about 6 companies who have not declared on Report EITI 2010. 4. It is necessary to clarify why oil companies did not report their contributions under Corporate Profit Tax, Dividends, and Other significant payments to government and to local authorities. We agree with the answer in this regard by Fair Links. In the oil and gas sector, companies that have not been declared in this line are in discovery. On the other hand, in some surveys conducted by us results that even in those cases that are performed such payments to the state or local government, result included in the investments made by the companies in the respective areas, for example local roads, connecting bridges etc. 5. Could the MSG confirm that Albpetrol did not pay “Dividends” to the state during 2010 even if they reported to have paid “Corporate Profit Tax”. The ALBEITI Secretary has analyzed this problem and results that Albpetrol data are confirmed by the external auditor. Directorate General of Taxation has stated profit tax on dividends Albpetrol company for year 2010 . On the other hand METE confirmed that Albpetrol dividend is paid for year 2010 in this institution. MSG confirms these statements made to the Fair Links sarl company. 6. In line with EITI Requirement #17, the MSG should ensure that the report “identifies all discrepancies, where possible explains those discrepancies …”. The reconciler should more explicitly comment on the identified discrepancies, and provide details on the resolved discrepancies. MSG meeting on 26.12.2012 discussed the problem and identifies presented discrepancies in Report EITI 2010. For this purpose, it was decided to establish a working grup by ALBEITI Secretariat and MSG members to clarify these differences and evaluate the actions to be taken than. 7. It is a Requirement of the EITI (18-b-v) that the EITI Report “describes the methodology adopted by the reconciler to identify discrepancies, and any further work undertaken by the reconciler, the multi-stakeholder group or the government to explain and if necessary address any discrepancies that have been identified”. The summary reconciliation tables have changed, some substantially, from the previous version of the report to the final. It would be useful to learn more about the reconciler’s approach to treating and solving discrepancies. We appreciated the work done by Fair Links company. We asked for discrepancies and required to clarify and statement are restated by state institutions and private companies. Therefore revalued \ revised final version of the report which seems to change from previous report. Our assessment is that the oil companies reported fines as other payments from the state but not stated by the oil& gas companies (for example Albpetrol ) or mining companies. We have evaluated the questions and think that the explanation given by us and Fair Links company sarl identifies the nature of the discrepancies between state and companies which in most cases come as a result of not stated technical errors from both sides For this purpose, one of the suggestions made in the report is the establishment of a contact point in the state institutions and a contact point in large private companies in orden to not change the nominated persons. Required that the person appointed to have good knowledge, trained and follow problems of EITI statements for the implementation of procedures and annual EITI reports. Shkelqim Hysaj WZKhd/KEdd>K&D/E/E'KDWE/^Ͳ&KZ^dhz>E/ϮϬϭϬ Column1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Permit No Ensuring employee District Name of deposit Type of mineral Alfa - 7 shpk Alfa - 7sh.p.k E cement fact. Elbasan cement factory F.f kokomani shpk F.kruja cement factory F.kruja cement factory General cement albania Ikeral shpk Ikeral shpk Milis brick Otto - al Kruje Kruje Elbasan Elbasan Durres Kruje Kruje Shkoder Sarande Sarande Kruje Shkoder Derven Fushe Kruje Bradashesh 2 Bradashesh 2 Manskuri Zalle Zalle Kodra e Munise Krekez-Gjasha Krekez Derven Bushat Argjile Argjile Argjile Argjile Argjile Argjile Argjile Argjile Argjile Argjile Argjile Argjile 2 1 377 9718 82000 6200 150 150 150 2 795 796 1220 870 1370 877 1004 21.05.2004 21.05.2004 21.12.2005 21.12.2005 10,03,2010 08.09.2004 08.09.2004 29.07.2008 17.06.2005 22.06.2009 23.06.2005 06.04.2007 150 150 150 4 4 2 3 600 168818 168818 0 0 0 70500 0 1333 14.04.2008 Pojani 2000 shpk Elbasan Bradashesh Argjile 2 6719 150 1108 1247 1102 06.12.2007 13.10.2008 06.12.2007 11.09.2009 11.09.2009 27.08.2001 27.08.2001 15.04.2011 14.04.2009 04.12.2006 02.05.2005 09.11.2010 24.08.2009 17.06.1997 22.06.2009 06.06.2003 08.01.2008 04.09.2006 04.06.2009 07.07.2008 07.07.2008 19.11.2007 07.03.2005 08.01.2007 12.12.2006 17.04.1998 01.09.2000 16.09.2008 22.02.2010 12.12.2007 04.12.2006 13.06.2007 13.06.2007 21.07.2009 23.07.2009 24.12.2010 Qeramika e jugut shpk Seasif group shpk Semani shpk Valteri grand Valteri grand shpk Beralba shpk Beralba shpk North star mining shpk Adriatico blu shpk Gruppo minerario albaneze shpk Hoal Keli-inerte shpk Vortek shpk Selenice bitumi sha Mineral bitumen Ndertuesi boci Tirana inerte Klp dolomite “ Joni 2008 “ sh.p.k Alb - xhoi Alb xhoi Albanian resources shpk Alfa nikel shpk Aren 2003 shpk Dollar oil shpk Feni-korça shpk Feni-korça shpk Gerold shpk Info metal plast al Joal-06 shpk Joal-06 shpk K - 12; sh.p.k K - 12; sh.p.k Nika - bl Nika - bl North star mining Permet Shkoder Fier Tirane Tirane Puke Puke Korce Mirdite Mirdite Mat Mirdite Mirditë Vlore Vlore Gjirokaster Tirane Vlore Pogradec Pogradec Pogradec Kukes Devoll Devoll Pogradec Devoll Devoll Librashd HAS Pogradec Pogradec LIBRAZHD Pogradec Kukes Kukes Pogradec Kelcyre Melgushe Gryke topoje Marqinet, Tirane Marqinet,Vore, Munelle Lak Roshi Miniera Rehove Vau i shkezes Cekaj-mirdite Kodra e Valmarit Ne jug-lindje Nderfushasi Qafe-Mollaj Selenice Kume Murriz Gerhot Priske e Vogel Dukat Fshat, Orikum “ Çervenaka Lindore“ Kollovoza, Udenisht Kollovoza, Udenisht Komuna nome Fe Ni & Ni-Si, Kapshtice Shkoze,Devoll(Fe-Ni,Ni-Si) Damba hudenisht, Fe – Ni & Ni-Si, Bitincke Zona veriore tren Stroske Gjinaj Domaj Çervenaka juglindore Debrove Xhumage; Liqeni i Kuq Cervenaka ,Pogradec Kodra e Trullit Kodra e Truallit, Guri i Kuq Argjile Argjile Argjile Argjile Argjile Baker Baker Baker Bazalte Bazalte Bazalte Bazalte Bazalte Bit. Nat. Bitum Natyral Brekcie Shpati Brekcie Shpati Dolomite Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe ni & ni-si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe ni & ni-si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe ni & ni-si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe ni & ni-si Fe ni & ni-si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe Ni & Ni-Si 2 2 2 2 2 83 53 0 5000 100000 1000 0 2000 88643 51333 150 150 150 4 2 2 2 61 6 22000 2000 0 0 1476 364 1000 7238 0 0 25000 50000 0 50000 45000 0 19500 1160 25116 1000 24150 29250 0 30000 5800 5000 0 764 923 923 1464 1432 1432 643 642 1545 1332 976 863 1513 1402 355 1371 706 1128 964 1357 1212 1212 1089 845 984 981 400 572 1238 1452 1114 980 1021 1021 1382 1382 1530 2 2 1 2 5 2 24 2 5 13 12 3 0 3 3 3 6 0 Production Price, $ / ton, €/m3, Name of the subject 764 Date 150 30 250 250 400 400 500 500 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 The total value of income Lek/$/Euro Average Price Converted to LEK 1457700 12300000 930000 0 90000 25322700 25322700 0 0 0 10575000 0 1 1 1 1007850 1 1007850 750000 15000000 150000 0 60000 22160750 12833250 0 0 0 0 0 0 590400 145600 500000 3619000 0 0 250000 500000 0 500000 450000 0 195000 11600 251160 10000 241500 292500 0 300000 58000 50000 0 1 1 1 750000 15000000 150000 0 8282400 2318014450 1342357950 0 0 0 0 0 0 81498816 20098624 500000 3619000 0 0 26150000 52300000 0 52300000 47070000 0 20397000 1213360 26271336 1046000 25260900 30595500 0 31380000 6066800 5230000 0 1 1 1 1 138.04 104.6 104.6 138.04 138.04 1 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 1457700 12300000 930000 0 90000 25322700 25322700 0 0 0 10575000 0 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 1529 1399 711 1043 1242 1242 13.12.2010 20.08.2009 10.07.2003 20.07.2007 24.09.2008 24.09.2008 Oruçi shpk Platinium alb Prodhime karbonike sha Prodhime karbonike sha Rej Rej shpk Kukes Librazhd Librazhd Devoll Pogradec Pogradec Mamez, kukes Hotolisht Miniera, Katjel Bitincke Udenisht Cervenaka Jug Lindore 1272 30.10.2008 Sofimpex shpk Pogradec Guri i Pergjegjur, CervenakeFe_Ni 987 970 1449 1145 1031 656 705 1367 862 762 1389 02.02.2007 06.09.2006 25.01.2010 28.01.2008 03.07.2007 23.04.2002 06.06.2003 18.06.2009 02.08.1999 06.04.2004 23.07.2009 03.08.2007 03.08.2007 10.09.2007 26.05.2009 09.02.2009 03.07.2002 23.10.2005 11.05.2001 01.07.2008 19.12.2008 29.09.2008 09.09.2005 03.08.2007 11.09.2009 05.08.2006 06.06.2003 03.08.2007 20.08.2003 20.08.2003 11.05.2007 18.12.2008 10.10.2002 01.07.2008 11.09.2009 28.03.2005 16.04.2009 20.08.2007 18.12.2008 11,09,2009 20.03.2009 10.06.2003 01.03.2005 09.06.2009 18.03.2005 04.04.2008 Antea cement Flori Melove Djemte e malit Emiliano Gorezi Klerajdi Xhuljano 08 Stone production Pirali Grifi-xhiglent albania Kolosjan kristal Kruje Skrapar Skrapar Berat Berat Skrapar Berat Skrapar Skrapar Gjirokaster Mat Kukes Kukes Skrapar Kurbin Skrapar Sarande Berat Skrapar Elbasan Skrapar Tepelene Sarande Skrapar Skrapar Gjirokaster Skrapar Skrapar Berat Berat Skrapar Berat Skrapar Elbasan Kavaje Elbasan Durres Kavaje Elbasan Kavaje Elbasan Kavaje Kavaje Kurbin Korce Korce Borizane, Kruje Novaj Melove, Skrapar Terpan, Berat Uznove Novaj Bogove, Berat Novaj Melove, Skrapar Frashtan, Tirane Mali i shenmerise Bicaj “ Perroi i Thate “, 1051 1051 1070 1350 1325 661 875 620 1203 1293 1243 919 1062 1428 966 705 1059 719 719 1017 1285 678 1203 1433 850 1334 1065 1287 1433 1331 707 844 1363 847 1170 Kolosjan kristal Mokrra grup Ndertim kristian Stone production Prella, Vellezerit llupo,sh.p.k Afda shpk Elbesa shpk Emiliano shpk Frali shpk Frali shpk Frali shpk Igli - 07 Janimar shpk Klerajdi shpk Malendi shpk N.p. Ruci N.p.ruci Qato-01 shpk Qato-01 shpk Tare fhk shpk Elbesa Alb - alabaster Alb - doni Antea cement Arginert Mjeshtri shpk Alb alabaster shpk Heidorn binjaku,sh.p.k Tafa & gylsheni Xhulio “ Glesa ”; sh.p.k 2d 2d Korite, Melove Objekti Milot Melove, Skrapar Qafe Gjashte Ura Vajgurore, Novaj Gropa e Bores Pylli i races-novaj Kalivaç Konispol Novaj Novaj, Skrapar Jergucat Mali i tomorrit Novaj Zhiton, Berat Zhiton Novaj Zhitom i madh Novaj Gropa e Bores Mengaj , Kavaje Shkembi i Zekthit Rrashbull, Durres Helmes , Kavaje Deshiran Zona Veriore, Mengaj Vrenjt Radomire Kodra e Zabelit Zikular, Helmes Kodra e Krifshes,Mamurras Floq Lumalas Fe ni & ni-si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe ni & ni-si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Fe Ni & Ni-Si Flish / Argjile Gelq Mermerizu Gelq Mermerizu Gelq Pllakor Gelq Pllakor Gelq Pllakor Gelq Pllakor Gelq Pllakor Gelq. mermerizu Gelq. Pllakor Gelq.mermerizu Gelq.Mermerizu Gelq.mermerizu Gelq.mermerizu Gelq.mermerizu Gelq.mermerizu Gelqeror Gelqeror Gelqeror Pllakor Gelqeror Pllakor Gelqeror pllakor Gelqeror Pllakor Gelqeror Pllakor Gelqeror Pllakor Gelqeror Pllakor Gelqeror Pllakor Gelqeror pllakor Gelqeror Pllakor Gelqeror Pllakor Gelqeror Pllakor Gelqeror Pllakor Gelqeror pllakor Gelqeror Pllakor Gelqr Pllakor Gips Gips Gips Gips Gips Gips Alabaster Gips Alabaster Gips Alabaster Gips Alabaster Gur Gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur Gelqeror 6 0 5 4 4 5 9 2 1 3 2 3 2 2 5 3 1 9 7 7 2 10 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 0 2 12 4 2 10 0 2 2 0 0 0 6000 2000 10 10 0 0 0 60000 20000 0 104.6 104.6 0 0 380000 961 0 608 400 1170 7400 760 1320 462 0 300 300 0 5304 60000 51934 8071 1000 2784 968 983 1044 0 450 7400 450 605 605 3500 1000 10000 8000 0 0 700 12000 0 24800 34000 0 1000 3000 150 70 30 30 30 30 30 70 30 70 70 70 500 500 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 500 500 57000000 67270 0 18240 12000 35100 222000 22800 92400 13860 0 21000 21000 0 0 371280 30000000 25967000 242130 30000 83520 29040 29490 31320 0 13500 222000 13500 18150 18150 0 0 105000 30000 8000000 6400000 0 0 560000 9600000 0 19840000 27200000 0 500000 1500000 0 0 0 6276000 2092000 0 0 1 1 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 1 1 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 57000000 67270 0 2517850 1656480 4845204 30644880 3147312 12754896 1913234 0 2898840 2898840 0 0 51251491 30000000 25967000 33423625 4141200 11529101 4008682 4070800 4323413 0 1863540 30644880 1863540 2505426 2505426 0 0 14494200 4141200 8000000 6400000 0 0 560000 9600000 0 19840000 27200000 0 500000 1500000 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 739 770 1226 05.12.2003 27.01.2009 16.04.2004 01.09.2005 13.06.2001 11.01.2005 24.06.2005 28.01.2003 05.07.2002 16.06.2004 28.06.2004 30.07.2008 2p06 shpk Ag - invest Age, sh.p.k Agibes halili Alb - doni Alb inert Alb konstruksion Aldo Alfa proger Alion shpk Alion shpk Alita Berat Tirane Pogradec Tirane Elbasan Shkoder Shkoder Pogradec Korce Skrapar Gramsh Berat 713 1100 23.07.2003 06.12.2007 Alita Allkurti Berat 1262 17.10.2008 Alpa shpk Kurbin 1175 988 629 662 02.04.2008 02.02.2007 03.07.2001 03.07.2002 15.02.2005 25.09.2001 29.07.2004 19.03.2008 13.09.2010 02.07.2008 18.08.2005 18.06.2009 22.05.2009 18.04.2006 05.09.2006 05.09.2006 03.08.2007 20.08.2007 02.12.2008 19.12.2008 05.09.2006 03.12.2007 03.12.2007 01.08.2001 19.11.2007 20.08.2004 22.06.2009 24.07.2003 10.10.2004 15.10.2008 08.09.2004 16.11.2001 26.11.2002 23.06.2005 26.02.2003 02.06.2003 18.03.2005 25.02.2010 Antea cement Antea cement Aranitas, sh.p.k Arti shpk B.e.f shpk Babaj, sh.p.k Babasi coo, sh.p.k Babasi coo, sh.p.k Baku inerte sh.p.k Ballo shpk Bardhi dhima shpk Bedini Bekteshi inerte Benaks - 94 shpk Beta Beta shpk Bledi shpk Colacem albania shpk Company riviera 2008 shpk D&a shpk D&g konstruksion D&g konstruksion shpk Dajti inert Deja - z shpk Delia group shpk Dinamika shpk Dinamika shpk Donaj shpk Edile veseli constrac. F.kruja cement factory Favina Florida - fh shpk G.d.e shpk G.p.a konstruksion Gant construction Gega Gener 2 Kurbin Kruje Mallakaster Sarande Devoll Kruje Kruje Kruje Kruje Tirane Korçe Berat M:Madhe Pogradec Berat Berat Kruje Vlore Lezhe Kruje Kurbin Kolonje Kolonje Tirane Shkoder Kruje Sarande Sarande Sarande Kruje Kruje Korce Vlore Tirane 63 Berat Tirane Kruje 1305 763 908 624 837 882 692 664 766 843 648 782 1166 1502 1206 901 1368 1348 939 969 969 1055 1066 1276 1292 968 1095 1095 637 1086 794 1369 714 820 1256 795 653 683 873 695 704 848 1458 Poshnje Gur gelqeror Peze Gur Gelqeror Komuna Hudenisht Gur Gelqeror Shtish Tufine Gur Gelqeror Shushice, Elbasan Gur Gelqeror Mali Kolaj, Velipoje Gur Gelqeror Mes Postribe Gur Gelqeror Gurras, Pogradec Gur Gelqeror Pro, Devoll Gur Gelqeror Novaj, M Tomorrit Gur gelqeror Dardha e shkembit, komuna Roshnik Gur gelqeror Prapadishte Gur Gelqeror Ura Vajgurore, 65 Pellumbas Gur Gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Faqja e Sharres se Madhe Gur gelqeror Kojlike, Thumane Borizane-Picrage Aranitas, Hamalloi Tren Makaresh, Kruje Fushe Kruje Kraste, Kruje Mali I Madh, Borizane, . Skuterre Zvezde Sine, Berat Gruemire M.Madhe Perroi i Gllaves, Çerrave ,Ura Vajgurore KODRA GORICES Gurdemel - Kruje Rradhime Mali i kakarriqit Mukje Perroi I Karabashit Komuna Qender Borove Qafe Priske Zadej Borizane Velahove-Livine Mali i lekuresit Mali Aravuna Borizane, Kruje Zalle Burimas Koder_Vishe Zall-Herr Kraste Kodra e Gjelber Priske e Vogel Zgerthesh Verion Gur Gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur Gelqeror 3 3 7 6 2 2 2 0 2 3 3 4 0 11000 7000 6000 2000 3000 1800 1000 0 5000 2200 50990 3 2 20000 3000 2 400 208 3 10 2 3 8 3 1 2 0 1200000 2000 30000 0 400 68400 156000 1500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 2 2 3 6 6 2 4 0 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 500 500 7000 50000 50000 2500 9332 0 500 1665 2400 5000 1100 6767 2100 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1720 500 2 9 2 3 3 0 1000000 80000 3000 2000 500 500 500 500 500 500 3 0 75000 0 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 400 0 5500000 3500000 3000000 1000000 1500000 900000 500000 0 2500000 1100000 25495000 10000000 1500000 200000 0 600000000 1000000 15000000 0 200000 34200000 78000000 750000 0 0 250000 250000 3500000 25000000 25000000 1250000 4666000 0 250000 832500 1200000 2500000 550000 3383500 1050000 0 860000 0 0 500000000 40000000 1500000 1000000 250000 0 30000000 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5500000 3500000 3000000 1000000 1500000 900000 500000 0 2500000 1100000 25495000 10000000 1500000 200000 0 600000000 1000000 15000000 0 200000 34200000 78000000 750000 0 0 250000 250000 3500000 25000000 25000000 1250000 4666000 0 250000 832500 1200000 2500000 550000 3383500 1050000 0 860000 0 0 500000000 40000000 1500000 1000000 250000 0 30000000 0 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 1221 841 29.07.2008 18.05.2009 22.09.2004 26.01.2005 General cement albania Genti, sh.p.k Geri - 01 shpk Gezimi xx Lezhe Shkoder Skrapar Kruje 1516 12.11.2010 Gorica-Inerte Mallakaster Ne teritorin e fshatit Fratar, Mallakaster. Gur gelqeror 08.09.2009 0.3628356 20.08.2009 22.11.2002 28.07.2003 08.07.2003 17.04.2006 07.08.2006 08.08.2006 08.08.2005 05.12.2009 10.09.2007 10.09.2007 27.06.2007 26.08.2005 26.08.2005 28.06.2004 11.05.2001 06.11.2007 08.09.2004 19.01.2006 28.07.2010 08.08.2001 29.05.2003 24.01.2005 27.04.2000 05.07.2002 20.08.2007 23.06.2010 20.08.2007 31.07.2007 28.06.2004 29.12.2003 16.06.2004 04.07.2008 06.04.2007 17.03.2009 02.02.2001 21.03.2007 21.03.2007 18.07.2006 18.07.2006 03.08.2007 20.06.2008 23.06.2005 08.08.2007 03.08.2007 13.09.2010 Inert expres shpk Inert expres,sh.p.k K&m shpk Kalaj shpk Kalivjoti Karaj Kastrioti Koci Koloseu Koloseu - ko Kombi - co Konstruksion 93 Konstruksion 93 Korabi - k Kotica Kotica shpk Kromollari Kromollari Kronos shpk Kruja cement factory Latomia tirana Leskaj inerte, sh.p.k Livelad shpk Loci Loshi bl M.i.d - al Makaresh shpk Malvini, sh.p.k Malvini, sh.p.k Malvini, sh.p.k Mexhi Nacopullo shpk Ndertuesi boci, sh.p.k Osmen zeze shpk Otto - al Otto - al Paluca - sa, sh.p.k Pashkashesh Pashkashesh Pashkashesh Petrax Petrax Pietra shpk Prespa import eksport Priska Qushku & co Qushku& co Rajfi Kurbin Kruje Sarande Shkoder SARANDE Kruje Kruje Tepelene Berat Berat Pogradec Korce Korce Lezhe Kurbin Kurbin Librazhd Librazhd Kruje Kruje Kruje Vlore Tirane Kruje Librazhd Tirane Kruje Lezhe Lezhe Lezha Tirane Gjirokaster Gjirokaster Berat Lezhe Lezhe Lezhe Tirane Tirane Tirane Gjirokaster Gjirokaster Skrapar Kruje Kruje Lezhe Lezhe Durres 1344 801 1416 1416 1396 680 717 708 936 955 898 898 744 1071 1071 1026 904 904 771 619 1083 795 926 1484 638 702 839 549 666 1064 1476 1064 1047 772 746 767 1147 1005 1329 598 1002 1022 953 953 1052 1192 874 1056 1056 1504 Maja e Marcipajt Gruemire M.Madhe Novaj Kraste, Kruje Gur gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Gur gelqeror Gur Gelqeror Kodra e Shulcit, Mamurras, Kurbin Gur Gelqeror Mamurras, Kruje Gur Gelqeror Sopik, Gur gelqeror Mali i kolaj, velipoje Gur gelqeror Rreza e Milese,Livadhja Gur Gelqeror Pengile Gur Gelqeror Kraste, Kruje Gur Gelqeror Luzat Gur Gelqeror Ura Vajgurore, Gur Gelqeror Guri I Bardhe, Gur Gelqeror Verdove Gur Gelqeror Proger Gur Gelqeror Proger Gur Gelqeror Tresh Gur Gelqeror Mamuras Gur Gelqeror Shuls Gur Gelqeror Qafe Thane Gur Gelqeror Rajce Gur Gelqeror Krasta e ziltes Gur gelqeror Zalle Gur Gelqeror Fushe Krue Gur Gelqeror "Perroi I Kallafetit", Drashovice, Gur Vlore gelqeror Shkalle, Priske Gur gelqeror Kraste, Kruje Gur Gelqeror Qukes Shkumbin Gur Gelqeror Qafe Priske Gur Gelqeror Makaresh, Kruje Gur gelqeror Mali i Frashnjetit Gur Gelqeror Prane fshatit Gur Gelqeror Mali i Frashnjetit Gur Gelqeror Dajt Tirane Gur Gelqeror Derviçan Gur gelqeror Gjirokaster Gur Gelqeror Guri Bardhe, Veterik Gur gelqeror Balldre Gur Gelqeror Balldre Gur Gelqeror Torovice Gur Gelqeror Pashkashesh, Gur Gelqeror Pashkashesh, Gur Gelqeror Pashkashesh, Gur Gelqeror Jergucat Gur Gelqeror Jorgucat, Gur Gelqeror Novaj Gur gelqeror Kodra e Krastes Pengiles Gur Gelqeror Hasmucaj Kruje Gur Gelqeror Gjocaj Gur Gelqeror Ishull Lezhe Gur Gelqeror Gur gelqeror 2 2 2 0 9000 2477 7000 500 500 500 500 0 4500000 1238500 3500000 1 1 1 0 4500000 1238500 3500000 2 2500 500 1250000 1 1250000 2 7 6 2 10 3 4 0 3 2 3 7 5 2 3 2 3 4 2 0 0 1365 1200 500 500 2 1 3 2 3 2 30 2 2 2 7 3 2 1 3 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1950 1830 0 22144 8854 4185 16500 16500 170 5000 450 354 2000 3000 842802 0 12006 0 6075 3000 2000 143497 9582 1000 7000 28400 3550 800 0 0 1000 0 40000 5000 0 310 801 1898 0 33500 1994 1000 500 500 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 682500 600000 0 975000 915000 0 8857600 4427000 2092500 8250000 8250000 85000 2500000 225000 177000 1000000 1500000 421401000 0 6003000 0 3037500 1500000 1000000 71748500 4791000 500000 3500000 14200000 1775000 400000 0 0 500000 0 20000000 2500000 0 155000 400500 949000 0 16750000 997000 500000 0 0 1 1 682500 600000 1 1 975000 915000 0 8857600 4427000 2092500 8250000 8250000 85000 2500000 225000 177000 1000000 1500000 421401000 0 6003000 0 3037500 1500000 1000000 71748500 4791000 500000 3500000 14200000 1775000 400000 0 0 500000 0 20000000 2500000 0 155000 400500 949000 0 16750000 997000 500000 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 811 811 657 575 1470 1450 773 1342 1341 1341 1541 779 1036 1242 1481 1480 1400 677 1347 481 04.10.2004 04.10.2004 13.05.2002 05.09.2000 18.05.2010 25,01,2010 28.06.2004 02.09.2005 01.08.2003 23.12.2002 02.09.2005 11.05.2009 11.05.2009 28.06.2004 13.10.2008 29.04.2005 26.03.2001 24.08.2009 08.09.2009 05.09.2006 01.09.2003 22.09.2003 26.01.2009 16.03.2007 05.09.2003 30.09.2003 02.02.2009 11.09.2009 21.12.2005 21.12.2005 15.04.2008 06.01.2003 05.12.2003 11.05.2009 11.05.2009 11.05.2009 04.03.2011 26.07.2004 04.07.2007 24.09.2008 14.07.2010 13.07.2010 24.08.2009 16.09.2002 20.05.2009 02.08.1999 Rei shpk Rej Rimi 1 shpk Roer - hl shpk Rosi Rruga ura asfaltim nr.2 elbasan sha S a t shpk Salillari Salillari Salillari Salillari shpk San tara Santara, sh.p.k Sat. Sh.p.k Seasif group shpk Shameti Shehu Shima shpk Shima, sh.p.k Shkodra inert Shpetimi shpk Shpiragu shpk Shpresa - 04, sh.p.k Shpresa - 04, sh.p.k Shqiponja - g Tanusha shpk Terolli 08 shpk Tirana inerte &konstruksion shpk United quarriers shpk United quarries Vashtemia Vellazeria shpk Vellezerit kacani shpk Vortek shpk Xhulio Xhulio Xyz 08 shpk Zhopi Zhopi Rej Donaj shpk Mrozi shpk Ajdini inerte Albanian -chrome shpk Afrimi - k; sh.p.k Alb - canaj Pogradec Pogradec Tirane Tirane Permet Elbasan Elbasan Berat Kruje Kruje Berat Kruje Kruje Elbasan Shkoder Sarande Kruje Kruje Kruje Kruje Pogradec Berat Elbasan Kruje Elbasan Korçe Korçe Tirane Elbasan Elbasan Korce Has Kavaje Kruje Kruje Kruje Kruje Berat Berat Pogradec Puke Puke Kavaje Bulqize Has Bulqize Guri I Bajames Gur gelqeror Guri i Bajames Gur Gelqeror Peze Gur gelqeror Qafe-Priske Gur gelqeror Petran, Permet Gur Gelqeror Letan Gur gelqeror Perroi I Kazanit, Dragot, SuloveGur gelqeror Ura Vajgurore, Gur Gelqeror Zgerthesh Verion Gur Gelqeror Konizbalt Gur Gelqeror Guri I Bardhe, Ura vajgurore Gur gelqeror Koder Kraste Gur Gelqeror Koder Kraste Gur Gelqeror Mollas, Elbasan Gur Gelqeror Fshti i ri Gur gelqeror Blerimas, Sarande Gur Gelqeror Kraste, Kruje Gur Gelqeror Borizane, Kruje Gur Gelqeror Borizane, Kruje Gur Gelqeror Kraste, Kruje Gur Gelqeror Saselisht Gur Gelqeror Ura Vajgurore Gur Gelqeror Rrezlik Shelcan Gur Gelqeror Picrage, Kruje Gur Gelqeror Shushice Gur gelqeror Bellovode Gur gelqeror Zvezde Gur gelqeror Heraj, Zall-Herr Gur gelqeror Letan Gur gelqeror Letan Gur Gelqeror Vashtemi Gur Gelqeror Krume Has Gur Gelqeror Fliballija Gur gelqeror Guri i Lekes Gur gelqeror Kraste Pengile Gur Gelqeror Kraste, Kruje Gur Gelqeror Picrage, kruje Gur gelqeror Ura Vajgurore Gur Gelqeror Ura Vajgurore Gur Gelqeror Cervenaka Juglindore Hekur Nikel Korthpule Kaoline Korpthulet Kaoline Rrogozhine Konglomerat Bulqize Krom Gajrep Krom Horiz.1360- 1400 Krom 982 20.12.2006 Algej Shpk Bulqize 505 1345 1155 1088 1346 1353 04.08.1999 20.05.2009 03.03.2008 19.11.2007 20.05.2009 26.05.2009 Ateani shpk Bytyci Egi - k Egi-k shpk Elidon - 06 Ernisi, sh.p.k Bulqize Tropoje Bulqize Bulqize Has Has 911 597 685 911 1343 1343 773 1248 855 614 1401 1416 971 721 728 1304 999 722 729 1316 1422 922 922 1177 687 740 5 4 0 14000 2 2 4 2 25 8 8 25 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 12 3 2 9 2 3 2 2 1 1976 0 15000 500 8438 278065 72000 72000 453 102486 18000 2000 110000 106000 249178 18000 92036 25724 20000 0 8000 200 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 53 2 2 2 2 10 10 9 4 4 4 79200 6000 1200 19286 0 60500 65500 500 500 500 500 6000 500 2000 500 500 220 0 0 72 4 46 5817 1000 8768 220 210 220 Vb. Theken, Galeria 21, Kuota Krom +1485 deri +1520 15 6500 210 Horiz.1496-1520 Krom Bytyc Krom Galeria A1 Krom Galeria 29, zona d, h +1194 deriKrom h +1270 Vllahna Lindore Krom Gjelaj 4 Krom 11 15 14 12 6 5 3536 9000 4106 4700 5000 3867 220 110 210 210 210 210 500 500 500 500 500 500 0 7000000 0 988000 0 7500000 0 0 0 4219000 139032500 36000000 36000000 226500 51243000 9000000 1000000 44000000 42400000 124589000 9000000 46018000 12862000 10000000 0 4000000 100000 0 0 39600000 3000000 600000 9643000 0 30250000 32750000 0 3000000 250000 440000 0 0 0 1279740 210000 1928960 1365000 777920 990000 862260 987000 1050000 812070 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 0 7000000 0 988000 0 7500000 0 0 0 4219000 139032500 36000000 36000000 226500 51243000 9000000 1000000 44000000 42400000 124589000 9000000 46018000 12862000 10000000 0 4000000 100000 0 0 39600000 3000000 600000 9643000 0 30250000 32750000 0 3000000 250000 46024000 0 0 0 133860804 21966000 201769216 142779000 81370432 103554000 90192396 103240200 109830000 84942522 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 886 892 442 934 1326 492 1405 1283 488 775 584 858 1467 232 515 459 1235 1109 1335 893 486 1082 463 589 541 1294 645 615 755 1347 290 1297 481 1229 349 548 301 387 496 387 496 475 1424 1419 1030 1506 1490 1465 869 458 1202 473 1395 07.07.2005 27.07.2005 19.02.1999 13.04.2006 17.03.2009 04.08.1999 31.08.2009 18.12.2008 02.08.1999 21.07.2004 07.12.2000 12.05.2005 26.04.2010 29.12.1995 08.09.1999 26.03.1999 Fab. Pas. Bulqize Fab. Pas. Bulqize Florida shpk Gentari Gjoni shpk Herbi Info metal plast al,sh.p.k Klervibris Klosi shpk Koka shpk Koxheri shpk Krasta shpk Kromex import export Lahaze Lamnica shpk Leshnica Bulqize Bulqize Tropoje Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Has Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Kukes Tropoje Tropoje Kukes Pylli i Zi Krom Damba e Fab. P Krom Maja e Lajthizes Krom Galeria 38( )+970-Sip Krom Paneli Gal.27& 16 Krom Horiz.0360-1400 Krom Vllahna Veriore Krom Bulqize Krom Bater Krom Kraste Martanesh Krom Kraste Martanesh Krom Faqja e Kaltit Krom Afer fshatit Manze Krom Maja E Gja. Krom Maja e Lajthizes, dalja nr.4 Tr.1Krom dhe 2 Surroj, Kukes Krom 5 2 8 16 13 47 3 24 31 3 4 7 17 3 0 5 3100 210000 4160 3800 7600 3100 8000 4782 6419 6144 1660 1800 14000 2602 5642 4000 180 110 210 220 210 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 16.09.2008 Marei shpk Kukes Kodra e Gjelzit Krom 1 21350 210 06.12.2007 15.04.2009 27.07.2005 02.08.1999 06.11.2007 08.04.1999 26.12.2000 17.02.2000 19.12.2008 27.09.2003 26.03.2001 16.03.2004 20.05.2009 01.07.1996 30.12.2008 02.08.1999 15.08.2008 19.02.1997 06.04.2000 09.07.1996 08.01.1998 04.08.1999 08.01.1998 04.08.1999 02.08.1999 11.09.2009 11.09.2009 03.07.2007 14.09.2010 17.08.2010 16.04.2010 17.06.2005 19.03.1999 01.07.2008 02.08.1999 17.08.2009 Mineral - invest shpk Miniera e kromit katjel Neli Ral shpk Runja shpk Shkalla shpk Shkembi, sh.p.k Tadri shpk Tollja Vllazeria Ylberi shpk 11 heronjte bater Afrimi - k; sh.p.k Ag - cahani Aki - leo, sh.p.k Alb - canaj Alb - xhoi shpk Alba Alba - co Alba shpk Albadita shpk Albadita shpk Albadita shpk Albadita shpk Albanisa krypi shpk Alb-buillding shpk Alblea international shpk Algri Aliaj grup Ardas shpk Aris albania Arkev, sh.p.k Ateani shpk Basura Bebja shpk Tropoje Librazhd Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Mat Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Has Mat Bulqize Kukes HAS Tropoje Bulqize Pogradec Tropoje Bulqize Tropoje Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Kukes Bulqize Bulqize Tropoje Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Mat Bulqize Librazhd Perroi i pirres Krom Katjel Krom Galeria 7, 3/2, Bater Krom Gal. 7/a, 14, 29,30,32, 31 Krom gal104-gal52 Krom Shkalle, klos Krom Kraste Martanesh Krom Kraste Martanesh Krom Gal.64/1;kuota +1294 Krom Krume Has Krom Qafa e Burrelit Krom Bater Krom Fshati Shemri Krom Gajrep Krom Pac 1 - 6 Krom Horiz.1360-1400; Krom Kalishte, Mivrec Krom VB Kallmisht Krom VB " Lugu i Gjate " Krom Maja e Brajkut Krom Lugu Gjate, Dalja Nr.7 Krom Mbi Galerine Nr.4, Kraste Krom Lugu I Gjate, Krom Mbi galerine nr.4 Krom Galeria 2, 3, 5, 6,8, Theken Krom Fushe Dukagjin Krom Gal.34 = +1313-1360 Krom Thekna Verilindore Krom "Lugu iZanit", Krom Gal. 14+1440 +1495m ), Martanesh Krom -115 Krom Kraste Martanesh Krom Liqeni i Sopeve Krom Maja e Burrelit Krom Lugu i Gjate + 1600 + 1648 Krom Gobille, Shebenik Krom 9 49 7 14 21 39 4 3 12 17 7 38 4 3 1 50 5 4 9 2672 6000 5200 2450 5500 5000 1500 3308 2500 5640 4307 0 2100 100 300 12768 0 300 1412 210 220 220 210 210 220 210 210 180 210 220 6 6 2 2 14 10 6 4 4 5 7 5 28 7 5 8 200 500 0 0 3000 1000 0 629 1600 600 0 1800 1650 450 600 699 Belba b& b; , sh.p.k 110 110 110 220 110 180 110 220 110 180 110 110 110 220 110 210 220 180 220 558000 23100000 873600 836000 1596000 682000 1680000 1004220 1347990 1290240 348600 378000 2940000 546420 1184715 840000 4483500 561120 1320000 1144000 514500 1155000 1100000 315000 694680 450000 1184400 947540 0 231000 11000 33000 2808960 0 33000 254160 0 44000 55000 0 0 540000 110000 0 69190 176000 132000 0 198000 346500 99000 108000 153780 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 58366800 2416260000 91378560 87445600 166941600 71337200 175728000 105041412 140999754 134959104 36463560 39538800 307524000 57155532 123921189 87864000 468974100 58693152 138072000 119662400 53816700 120813000 115060000 32949000 72663528 47070000 123888240 99112684 0 24162600 1150600 3451800 293817216 0 3451800 26585136 0 4602400 5753000 0 0 56484000 11506000 0 7237274 18409600 13807200 0 20710800 36243900 10355400 11296800 16085388 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 957 477 477 447 1501 28.08.2006 02.08.1999 02.08.1999 19.02.1999 10.09.2010 Beni -06 shpk Besa Besa shpk Besjana Besjana Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Mat Mat Almarine Galeria 1&7 Kraste Martanesh Qafa e Burrelit Linza nr.4, Qafe Burrel Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom 5 5 7 7 1004 1004 3000 0 210 110 220 1523 22.11.2010 Biba shpk Bulqize Objekti "Perroi I Lopes", matKrom ,Diber 3 222 210 1069 1069 1392 1392 478 234 1231 1515 1231 1489 1020 607 28.08.2007 28.08.2007 04.08.2009 04.08.2009 02.08.1999 29.12.1995 15.08.2008 12.11.2010 15.08.2008 02.08.2010 04.06.2007 15.03.2001 22.11.2010 22.11.2010 22.11.2010 02.08.1999 04.08.1999 04.08.1999 19.07.1996 19.07.1996 04.08.1999 01.07.2008 17.07.2006 04.10.2004 19.11.2007 03.03.2010 03.03.2010 03.03.2010 03,03,2010 03,03,2010 03,03,2010 02.08.2010 10.10.2006 21.9.2006 30.07.2008 11.09.2009 11.09.2009 02.08.1999 02.08.1999 01.11.2000 01.11.2000 24.05.2005 07.07.2005 21.05.2005 06.09.2006 27.05.1998 01.09.2009 Bimi Bimi shpk Binjaket shahini shpk Binjaket shahini, sh.p.k Bledi Bledi Bledi Bledi shpk Bledi, sh.p.k Brisel, sh.p.k Bytyci Cani - 1 shpk Cota Çota shpk Çota shpk Dervishi shpk Dialba shpk Diani shpk Diani shpk Diani shpk Diani shpk Durici; sh.p.k Dushi Dushi shpk Egi - k Egi - k Egi - k Egi - k Egi-k shpk Egi-k shpk Egi-k shpk Ergin, sh.p.k Erim Erim shpk Ernisi, sh.p.k Ervin shpk Ervin, sh.p.k Ervini shpk Ervini shpk Eternal security shpk Eternal security shpk Fab. Pas. Bulqize Fab. Pas. Bulqize Fab. Pas. Kr. Bulqize Flori shpk Florida shpk Florida shpk Bulqize Bulqize Kukes Kukes Bulqize Has Bulqize Mirdite Bulqize Bulqize Tropoje Bulqize Librazhd Librazhd Librazhd Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Mat Bulqize Bulqize Has Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Skrapar Tropoje Tropoje Perroi i Vernjakut Krom Perroi i Vervnjakut Krom Mali i Runjes se vogel Krom Mali i Runjes se Vogel Krom Galeria 18,19,20,21 Krom Qafe Prush Krom Gurra e Markut Bater Krom Komuna Orosh rrethi Krom Gurra e Markut Bater Krom Gal.A( +1200 m)- GalB (+1240Krom ), Fshati Vlad Krom Lugu i Qershise Krom Hotolisht Krom "kuman", shebenik Krom "Kuman", shebenik Krom Kraste Martanesh Krom Kraste, Bulqize Krom Kraste Martanesh Krom Kraste Martanesh Krom Galeria 11 dhe 12 Krom Galeria 11; 22 dhe 23 Krom Pika 142, Almarine Krom Maja eGjeprave, +1682 Krom Maja e lugut, krasteKrom Galeria 29, Zona D Krom Galeria B, Zona D Krom St. Cr,Galeria 29,53, Krom Galeria A,16, Krom Gal B, Zona D Bulqize Krom Sterile Kromi, Gal29,53 dhe B,Krom Gal A dhe 16, Zona e Pare Bulqize Krom " Balgjaj " Krom Fushe Bulqize Krom Galeria Nr. 3,4 dhe 7 Krom Lugu i Madh 2 Krom F.e rrymit gal Nr.2,+1350+1520, Krom Theken, Bulqize Krom Theken, Bulqize Krom Theken Krom Nen Gal.1, Ternove Krom Nen Galeria Nr.1, Ternove Krom Livadhi i Dashit Krom Qafe Lame Krom Kostrec Puke Krom Milove Krom Maja e Lajthizes Krom Kepenek Krom 4 5 3 2 6 4 5 9 5 7 5 1300 100 270 600 1800 100 0 2300 0 320 295 0 110 110 110 110 210 110 3 4 4 7 18 5 2 2 5 4 0 7 14 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 1250 1250 1742 1200 1300 100 100 1300 1500 4068 0 610 0 0 610 708 110 210 210 210 6 6 3 5 2 6 6 0 600 550 0 0 1413 1413 0 1500 1050 1030 200 0 50 200 210 210 110 1524 1524 1524 480 493 506 308 308 506 1197 946 810 1088 1460 1459 1461 1460 1459 1461 1481 975 975 1223 1423 1423 489 489 579 579 880 885 411 970 413 1410 10 4 4 2 2 4 4 220 210 110 220 220 110 180 210 110 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 180 110 80 180 110 110 0 210840 110440 660000 0 104.6 104.6 104.6 46620 104.6 4876452 143000 11000 29700 66000 378000 11000 0 506000 0 67200 32450 0 0 275000 275000 191620 216000 273000 11000 21000 273000 315000 0 0 447480 0 128100 0 0 128100 148680 0 0 126000 60539.82 0 0 296730 296730 0 270000 115500 82400 36000 0 5500 22000 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 14957800 1150600 3106620 6903600 39538800 1150600 0 52927600 0 7029120 3394270 0 0 28765000 28765000 20043452 22593600 28555800 1150600 2196600 28555800 32949000 0 0 46806408 0 13399260 0 0 13399260 15551928 0 0 13179600 6332465 0 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 0 22053864 11552024 69036000 0 31037958 31037958 0 28242000 12081300 8619040 3765600 0 575300 2301200 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 1410 1279 494 1181 1485 494 1497 891 492 537 1405 1340 1214 611 1500 464 570 1473 279 1500 1362 777 488 476 476 01.09.2009 17.12.2008 04.08.1999 15.04.2008 28.07.2010 04.08.1999 10.09.2010 11.07.2005 04.08.1999 05.01.2000 31.08.2009 11.05.2009 21.07.2008 16.03.2001 13.09.2010 04.05.1999 04.08.2000 24.05.2010 04.08.2000 13.09.2010 08.06.2009 21.07.2004 02.08.1999 02.08.1999 02.08.1999 Florida shpk Gerda 07 shpk Geri - trevi Geris - 2002 Geri's 2002 Geri-trevi shpk Global interprise grup Grenast& besor Herbi Hoxha shpk Info metal plast -al shpk Info metal plast al,sh.p.k Isaku Ivno 1100 shpk Jaho - mat Jaho - mat Jaho - mat Jaho - mat Jaho - mat Jaho mat shpk Kaprolla Kejsi Klosi shpk Koka shpk Koka shpk Tropoje Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Mat Bulqize Diber Has Has Bulqize Bulqize Mat Mat Mat Mat Mat Mat Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Lajthise Perrua, Krom Krom Galeria 24&25, Theken Krom Galeria1050 Bulqize Krom Galeria 1050, Zone I Krom Theken, Bulqize Krom Gal.1360/1, Z. Re, +1360 -+1400 Krom “ Qafe Dardhe“, Krom Zona e Re Krom Shgtrunges, Selishte Krom Vllahna Veriore Krom Bregu i Skatines Krom Galeria 11 dhe 12; Krom Krasta Qendrore Krom Cerruje, Klos Krom Cerruje, Klos Krom Cerruje, Klos Krom Cerruje, Klos Krom Studenti,Cerruje Krom Pika Studenti,Cerruje Krom Kraste Martanesh Krom Horiz.1200, Bater Krom Bater Krom Kraste Martanesh Krom Galeria 16; Theken Krom 1295 26.12.2008 Korabi-K shpk Bulqize Gal.24,gal.33 deri gal.18, Miniera Bulqize Krom 487 487 584 02.08.1999 02.08.1999 07.12.2000 08.09.1999 16.05.2005 08.09.1999 26.04.2010 09.04.2002 03.07.2007 30.10.2008 05.01.2000 14.11.2000 29.12.1995 15.02.2006 18.07.2006 18.07.2006 19.07.2006 02.06.2005 18.07.2006 10.09.2007 24.06.1996 24.06.1996 02.07.1996 07.05.2010 06.12.2007 06.12.2007 06.12.2007 Koxheri shpk Koxheri shpk Koxheri shpk Krasta shpk Krasta shpk Krasta shpk Kromex import export Kuarci blace Kunxhiu Kurti - a shpk Kurti shpk L.b.m - llc shpk Lahaze Lamnica shpk Lena - 1 Lena - 1 Loshi bl Loshi bl Loshi bl Lubima Mali Mali Malii shpk Mario xhiku Mineral - invest shpk Mineral - invest shpk Mineral - invest shpk Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Kukes Pogradec Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Tropoje Tropoje Bulqize Bulqize Librazhd Librazhd Librazhd Bulqize Tropoje Tropoje Tropoje Mat Tropoje Tropoje Tropoje 516 858 516 1467 655 1032 1269 536 583 231 928 949 949 950 864 950 1498 279 278 297 1478 1111 1110 1104 Kraste Martanesh Krom 10Koriku, Lugu i Gjate Krom Maja e lugut, krasteKrom Kraste Martanesh Krom Faqja e Kaltit, Kraste Krom Kopeshti Kalit Krom Manez, Kukes Krom Pojske, Pogradec Krom Kraste Martanesh Krom Galeria 1205 - gal36, zon.Qendrore Krom Kraste, Bulqize Krom “G 5 g.11”, Batër Krom Komuna Bytyc Krom T'pla Krom Kaptine Krom Drita e Madhe, Kaptine Krom Qukes Shkumbin Krom Qukes Shkumbin Krom Guri i Pishkashit Krom Galeria 34, +1313 Krom Miniera Sopot - 1 Krom Miniera e Leshbrej Krom Ragam 2 Krom Jugu i Brinjave te Kurores Krom Qaf prushi1 Krom Qafa e milise Krom Maja e tahirit Krom 3 22 8 0 1400 1060 16 8 7 5 43 4 3 4 22 11 3 5 4 3 4 3 5 13 30 6 6 1086 1060 0 400 5000 912 8000 2000 3000 450 0 966 959 0 959 0 350 620 6230 2398 2398 110 210 220 210 220 210 110 110 110 110 110 220 220 210 220 180 220 220 110 180 12 0 0 4 4 6 2 7 3 17 12 1 12 8 13 3 500 500 5000 1050 1800 780 14000 1000 0 720 1000 2830 2834 5642 1000 600 440 230 720 1400 600 110 110 210 110 110 220 110 110 220 500 2260 320 550 220 110 110 110 3 2 3 3 3 14 3 3 7 5 9 5 4 210 180 220 110 110 110 110 220 220 220 220 110 110 0 154000 222600 0 238920 222600 0 88000 1050000 100320 880000 220000 330000 49500 0 212520 210980 0 210980 0 63000 136400 1370600 263780 431640 0 55000 105000 550000 115500 396000 85800 1540000 220000 0 151200 180000 622600 311740 620565 110000 66000 96800 50600 158400 308000 66000 12100 0 110000 248600 35200 60500 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 0 16108400 23283960 0 24991032 23283960 0 9204800 109830000 10493472 92048000 23012000 34518000 5177700 0 22229592 22068508 0 22068508 0 6589800 14267440 143364760 27591388 45149544 0 5753000 10983000 57530000 12081300 41421600 8974680 161084000 23012000 0 15815520 18828000 65123960 32608004 64911099 11506000 6903600 10125280 5292760 16568640 32216800 6903600 1265660 0 11506000 26003560 3681920 6328300 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 1113 12.12.2007 Mineral - Invest shpk Tropoje 1085 523 1409 1284 19.11.2007 05.10.1999 01.09.2009 18.12.2008 Mineralb Min-ex shpk Naim & mealdi shpk Nalan shpk Korce Bulqize Bulqize Librashd 769 291 28.06.2004 01.07.1996 e dyte, profili XXV-XXV deri XLII-XLII, Krom Horizonti +650, +700dhe +730 2 NEZA - 2004 shpkMiniera Vllahen, ZonaHas NEZA shpk Has Per minieren e Perrollajt Krom 2 276 1312 1139 1312 531 531 531 486 787 787 1466 1466 1222 1082 266 463 1224 1398 1224 1398 1493 500 499 469 469 809 539 809 1294 645 1492 1542 610 15.05.1996 02.02.2009 28.01.2008 02.02.2009 21.12.1999 21.12.1999 21.12.1999 02.08.1999 09.08.2004 06.08.2004 16.04.2010 16.04.2010 30.07.2008 06.11.2007 23.04.1996 08.04.1999 30.07.2008 20.08.2009 30:07:2011 20.08.2009 25.08.2010 04.08.1999 04.08.1999 15.07.1999 15.07.1999 04.10.2004 17.02.2000 04.10.2004 19.12.2008 27.08.2001 25.08.2010 04.03.2011 16.03.2001 01.04.1996 15.12.2000 02.08.1999 16.03.2001 02,02.1999 15.12.2000 04.08.1999 28.01.2008 02.08.1999 04.08.1999 20.07.2010 18.12.2004 17.03.2009 Ofman Oskeola shpk Oskeola, sh.p.k Oskeola, sh.p.k Ra - krom shpk Ra - krom shpk Ra krom tirana Ral shpk Ral shpk Ral shpk Rami Rami shpk Rier, sh.p.k Runja Shebeniku Shkalla shpk Shpresa - 04, sh.p.k Shpresa - 04, sh.p.k 253 586 479 610 479 586 507 1140 484 507 1482 831 1328 Shpresa - al, sh.p.k Shpresa al shpk Skenderi shpk alb Sorge - alb Tadri shpk Tadri shpk Teodori shpk Teodori shpk Teodori shpk Tollja shpk Vellazeria shpk Vellazeria shpk Vinjolli Xhireton shpk Xhireton shpk Xhireton shpk Xhireton shpk Xhireton shpk Xhireton shpk Xhireton shpk Ylberi shpk Ylberi shpk Ylberi shpk Ylberi shpk Zasha Benaks - 94 shpk Buna mat shpk Kukes Puke Shkoder Puke Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Librazhd Mat Lezhe Lezhe Lezhe Lezhe Mat Librazhd Librazhd Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Has Has Mat Pogradec Bulqize Librazhd Bulqize Pogradec Bulqize Librazhd Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Bulqize Pogradec Mat Shpati i Vishise Krom Lekas, Korce Krom Sheshi i çukes Sterile Krom ''Theken kuota +1100 deri 1260,Krom XVII-III'' Perroi i qershizes Krom Per minieren e Bria Shtraze1 dhe shtraze2 Tale Komuna Iballe Theken, Galeria 28 Galeria 28, theken Galeria 28, Theken Kraste Martanesh Maja e Theknes Maja e Theknes Pika e Ushtarit Ballnat-pika ushtarit Stoku i sterilit Pusi 2 Zona Qendrore Kudenisht, Librazhd Shkalle, Klos Hallshuk Bunge, Qaf Voreze, Fregen Ungrej, Lezhe Qaf Vorreze, Ungrej, " Liqeni I Dhive " Ahu i Vetem Perroi i Govates Kraste Martanesh 10Koriku, Lugu i Gjate Ternove, "Gal.1.4, Ternove Ternove, "Gal.1.4, +1294-1330, Qafa e Perrollajt " Livadhi Kokes ", Perrollaj sektor minieres Klos Udenisht Mali i Lopes Fund Fushe, Hotolisht Zona e Re Bregu i Pishes Horizonti 1240-1280 Fund fushe, hotolisht Galeria Nr.9, Theken Galeria 1400-1440 Trupi .1, Fushe Lope Galeria Nr.9 & 17, Theken Shkelqim Cevani Kodra e batrave Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Krom Kuarc Kuarc 4 600 110 6 5 14 2000000 0 835 250 110 0 220 110 110 27500 12100 0 5 3 3 50 100 700 0 50 15 15 4 3 3 14 20 4 30 3 2 3 3,2 3 3 9 6 6 3 4 0 900 934 934 400 0 2250 8000 1400 5000 900 100 900 100 200 300 3000 1500 1500 70 0 12 23 7 8 7 9 5 23 7 21 4 4 9 7 12 1 2100 5642 220 110 870 300 1500 3000 870 3000 520 392 2000 1000 392 400 210 220 220 220 220 110 220 220 80 210 210 210 2 4 66000 0 0 0 183700 110 110 110 110 110 0 220 110 210 220 210 110 220 110 110 110 110 110 220 220 110 180 220 110 0 0 11000 77000 0 0 0 198000 102740 196140 88000 0 472500 880000 308000 550000 99000 11000 99000 11000 44000 66000 330000 270000 330000 7700 0 0 462000 620565 0 0 182700 66000 330000 660000 191400 330000 114400 86240 160000 210000 82275.9 84000 0 0 104.6 104.6 6903600 104.6 0 0 0 19215020 104.6 104.6 2876500 1265660 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 0 0 1150600 8054200 0 0 0 20710800 10746604 20516244 9204800 0 49423500 92048000 32216800 57530000 10355400 1150600 10355400 1150600 4602400 6903600 34518000 28242000 34518000 805420 0 0 48325200 64911099 0 0 19110420 6903600 34518000 69036000 20020440 34518000 11966240 9020704 16736000 21966000 8606059 8786400 0 0 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 617 1200 1058 1058 887 1379 1188 1127 1469 1437 1283 02.04.2001 01.07.2008 03.08.2007 03.08.2007 07.07.2005 03.07.2009 10.06.2008 08.01.2008 0.7767361 16,09,2009 10.06.2007 26.05.2009 06.08.2004 17.08.2010 08.06.2009 11.07.2005 11.07.2005 08.06.2009 15.11.2010 02.04.2008 06.12.2007 18.09.2003 16.08.2001 20.08.2003 30.09.2004 08.08.2005 12.11.2010 04.08.2005 20.04.2005 08.08.2006 28.01.2008 18.12.2008 1296 30.12.2008 Ardas shpk Bulqize Stoku i Sterileve Zona e Re, Bater Sterile Kromi 1191 1222 1488 1420 1028 18.06.2008 30.07.2008 02.08.2010 11.09.2009 03.07.2007 Puke Bulqize Lezhe Puke Mirdite Fushe e Madhe Stoqe Sterili Pusi 2 Gjonbardhaj, Ungrej, Fushe Laje Fierze 390 553 1040 1479 1200 1486 1522 22.01.1998 05.05.2000 16.07.2007 09.07.2010 01.07.2008 28.07.2010 15.11.2010 Bekimi Rier, sh.p.k Gjoni, sh.p.k Graniti Prendi - 02 Cougar Mining Romsi Romsi Alb tifbau D&a Krafri shpk Arsi, sh.p.k Rajfi shpk Vlore Vlore Shkoder Durres Kavaje Bulqize Kavaje Romes Romes Stakaj Cizmeli, Gjepalaj Lekaj Sterile kromi, gal. 41, Mengaj helmes 1023 1352 788 1491 1361 890 890 1359 1521 1171 1101 727 641 718 807 897 1514 896 853 956 1139 Shebeniku Krafri Alb - doni Alb - doni Albanera shpk B & b stone B & b stone C.f.f, sh.p.k Cave nesli D.k.s group shpk Dks group shpk Fani 2008 Flu-to-ne Flu-to-ne Gascaj - 5 Mu - leu Mu - leu Rajfi shpk Stone group albania shpk Topi eki shpk Cara shpk Albitoil shpk Rakipi shpk Rruga ura asfaltim nr.2 elbasan sha Xhuljo Heidorn & binjaku shpk Prodhime karbonike sha Prodhime karbonike sha Glejdis shpk Oskeola shpk Klervibris shpk Librazhd Kavaje Elbasan Elbasan Permet Berat Berat Permet Berat Skrapar Vlore Berat Permet Permet Vlore Permet Permet Berat Kavaje Korçe Berat Tirane Vlore Fier Librazhd Shkoder Elbasan Mat Elbasan Kurbin Shkoder Bulqize Peglio ricera svilupo Lunik , Librazhd Kuarc Shtodher, Kavaje Ranor Konglom. Guri i Zi Ranor Silicor Guri i Zi Ranor Silicor Xhanaj, Mertinje Ranor Silicor Vodice, Berat Ranor Silicor Rabjak, Berat Ranor Silicor Piskove, Permet Ranor Silicor Bogdani i Siperm Ranor Silicor Vala (Ustia), Polican Ranor Silicor Terbaç Ranor Silicor Bogdani i Siperm Ranor Silicor Kelcyre Ranor Silicor Kelcyre Ranor Silicor Raulicio Ranor Silicor Ballaban, Permet Ranor Silicor Ballaban, Permet Ranor Silicor Rashnik, Berat Ranor Silicor Mengaj helmes Ranor silicor Plovisht Ranor Silicor Roshnik Ranor Silicor Vishaj Ranore Konglomerat Selenice Rere bituminoze Patos-Fshat Rere bituminoze Fushe-Studen, Strebleve Librazhd Shiste argjilore Karme Shiste Argjilore Shllame hekuri Paper Shllame hekuri skorje fe-cr Skorje fe - cr skorje fe-cr Skorje fe - cr Skorje, Pirit Skorje Piriti Talle Sterile Krom sterilet gal.11 -l.12, Sterile kromi Sterile Kromi Sterile Kromi Traktolite Traktolite Ultrabazike Zbulim Zhavorr Zhavorr Zhure Zhure Zhure 3 3 2 1000 9000 150 150 0 2500 3000 547 10 2 5 5 9 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 4 2 1 0 2 8 2 3 3 1 3 20 1428 600 3966 300 150 605 3760 1200 0 300 854 1700 9301 6500 0 36500 60000 20000 8000 6000 3000000 7000 2 200 2 14 1 1000 2250 0 3 3000 0 0 2 2 6 5 2 0 0 85000 2800 9000 2000000 0 500 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 500 700 600 150 11 10 10 1 1 1 1 110 110 500 500 500 1 0 4500000 10500 10500 0 175000 210000 38260 700 0 99960 42000 277620 21000 10500 42350 263200 84000 0 21000 59787 850000 6510700 3900000 0 5475000 660000 200000 80000 6000 3000000 7000 200 110000 247500 0 0 1500000 0 0 0 42500000 0 4500000 2000000 0 0 1 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 138.04 1 1 1 1 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 1 1 1 104.6 0 4500000 1449420 1449420 0 24157000 28988400 5281397 96628 0 13798478 5797680 38322665 2898840 1449420 5845994 36332128 11595360 0 2898840 8252997 850000 6510700 3900000 0 5475000 69036000 20920000 8368000 627600 313800000 732200 20920 11506000 25888500 0 0 1500000 0 0 0 42500000 0 4500000 209200000 0 0 List of Oil companies for EITI Report 2010 No Company District Nipt Mineral Administrator Contact Address E-Mail lcobo abadwi@ Oil Companies in Production 1 BankersPetrolium Albania Fier K43128401L Oil Leonidha Cobo 34220845- 6/7/8; 0694063338 Lagja “Sheq I Madh” Rruga “Leonardo Muri Fier” 2 Stream Oil&Gas Fier K72205016P Oil Arjan Tartari 0682034223 Rr.Kavajes, Karbnuranti tek MKRS Tirane 3 IEC Visoka Fier L03009401C Oil Shefqet Dizdari 2274814 Rr.Ismail Qemali, P.Fratari Konstuksion Ap.8/A, Tirane arian [email protected] Oil Companies in Exploration 4 Capricorn Albania Ltd Fier R82020011A Oil Robert Jonnes ++447841928336 0682020175 Blloku Vasil Shanto, Pall 9/1 Rr: Muhamet Gjollesha Robert.jones 5 Island International Eksploratoin Fier K81421014P Oil Paul Sullivan ++353862482411 +355 2250711 Tirane, Rr Reshit Collaku, pallati 12 katesh I verdhe prapa shallvareve paul 6 ManasAdriatic Fier L01508012A Oil Malfor Nuri 0682020472 Rr.Ismail Qemali, p.2K,1/2 Tirane malfor.nuri 7 SKY Petroleum Fier L11801033T Oil Karim Jobanputra +447768354514 +355 22221666 Sky Tower Kati 13, Tirane karim 8 Sherwood International Fier L01607016G Oil Leonidha Cobo 34220845- 6/7/8; 0694063338 +355 4 2251 050 Lagja “Sheq I Madh” Rruga “Leonardo Muri Fier” lcobo Patos Fier [email protected] National Oil Company 9 ALBPETROL Përgatiti: Albert Brojka Agim Shehu Erlin Hajdini Fier J82916500U Oil Ferdinat Murati +355 381 36 62 Revenues from Sector Mining Albania Companies in mineral sector 2010 Limestone 20% Bitumen 1% Fe-Ni 3% Copper 19% Chrome 57% Chrome 45% Limestone 48% Bitumen 1% Fe-Ni 5% Copper 1% Adresa: Bulevardi ” Bajram Curri”, Blloku “Vasil Shanto”, Tiranë, Shqipëri. Web: Tel. +355 (0) 4 22 64 645; Fax +355 (0) 4 22 65 111 Total amount of revenues in the Mining Sector ( in ALL ) Type of Minerali Chrome selected Total Chrom sector Copper selected Total Copper sector Iron - nickel selected Total Iron - nickel sector Limestone Total Limestone sector Bitumen, Bitumen sand Total Bitumen,Bitumen Companies not selected sand Total revenues for selected companies Total revenues for selected companies to the total revenues of all companies TOTAL REVENUES OF ALL COMPANIES No. Companies 42 226 1 3 2 26 14 241 2 4 457 61 Amount in Lek Comments 6864424685 10399729555 3660372400 3661000000 125520000 448708896 2204921770 3494042321 88009516 112008140 5418364167 19% chromium companies occupy 37% of total revenues chrome sector 44% of total companies occupy 57 % of total revenues 33 % of the copper companies occupy 100% of total revenues for the 0.6 % ofsector total companies occupy 19 % of total revenues copper 8 % of Fe-Ni companies occupied 28 % revenues of total Fe-Ni sector 5% of total companies occupy 2.5 % of total revenues 6% of construction- limestone companies occupy 64 % of total revenues 47 % of total companies sector occupy 20 % of total revenues limestoneconstruction 50 % of companies occupy 78 % of total revenues in the bitume sector 0.8 % of total companies occupy 0.6% of total revenues 88% of companies occupy 30 % of total revenues 12943248371 12% of companies occupy 70.5 % of total revenues 70.5 518 18361612538 Adresa: Bulevardi ” Bajram Curri”, Blloku “Vasil Shanto”, Tiranë, Shqipëri. Web: Tel. +355 (0) 4 22 64 645; Fax +355 (0) 4 22 65 111 The impact compared with the data study for selected companies which haven’t submitted the declarations for EITI report 2010 Note 1: There are 61 mining companies selected for report EITI 2010 from 518 mining companies in total for 2010 Note 2: Four mining companies on chromium sector that have not submitted a declaration for Report EITI 2010 have impact: 9.9 % in total revenues for selected companies in the sector of chromium 6.5 % in total revenues for all companies in the sector of chromium 5.2 % in total revenues for selected companies 3.7 % in total revenues for all mining companies licensed for 2010 A company has not declared but that company is searching - disclosure and there has been no evidenced production Note 3: A mining company on limestone sector that have not submitted a declaration for Report EITI 2010 have impact: 0.62 % in total revenues for selected companies in the sector of limestone 0.40 % in total revenues for all companies in the sector of limestone 0.01 % in total revenues for selected companies 0.008 % in total revenues for all mining companies licensed for 2010 Note 4: All mining selected companies for Report EITI 2010 that have not submitted a declaration for Report EITI 2010 have impact 5.3 % in total revenues for selected companies All mining selected companies for Report EITI 2010 that have not submitted a declaration for Report EITI 2010 have impact 3.8 % in total revenues for all mining companies Adresa: Bulevardi ” Bajram Curri”, Blloku “Vasil Shanto”, Tiranë, Shqipëri. Web: Tel. +355 (0) 4 22 64 645; Fax +355 (0) 4 22 65 111 From: Magali KREITMANN [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 21 January 2013 21:37 To: Tim Bittiger Cc: 'Shkelqim Hysaj'; 'Albert Brojka'; 'Agim Shehu'; Sam Bartlett; 'Anton MELARD de FEUARDENT'; 'Lucie BROTO' Subject: TR: EITI 2010 REPORT (evaluation) Dear Tim, Please find below our comments and answers to your questions Re to the evaluation process of ALBEITI. We hope this may help and remain available for any further question you may have. Best regards, Magali Kreitmann FAIR LINKS 42, avenue Montaigne 75008 Paris - France Tel : +33 (0)1 44 07 00 00 Fax : +33 (0)1 44 07 00 10 [email protected] De : Shkelqim Hysaj [mailto:[email protected]] Envoyé : mercredi 16 janvier 2013 21:13 À : Anton MELARD de FEUARDENT Cc : [email protected]; 'Magali KREITMANN' Objet : EITI 2010 REPORT (evaluation) 1. Dear Anton, As you know, Albania is under the evaluation proces for EITI membership. Following the publication of EITI Report 2010 prepared by you, International EITI Secretariat after analyzed the report has asked us to clarify some issues that you will find below. Please give us your help to clarify these issues required by the EITI. 1. A figure of the total government revenue from the extractive industries in 2010 (and not total government revenue from all sectors in 2010) would help to more clearly calculate the materiality of the companies that did not participate, were not included in the scoping or did not have their data certified. There is no official IMF or other external data detailing the total government revenues from the extractive industries, since these are not considered significant as per IMF rules (for less than 25% of total government revenues). Our report however provides the understanding of the total government revenues from the extractive industries. Based on the executive summary, or going through the core of the Report, you may clearly consider: Oil and gas sector a) All 9 companies in exploration and in production in 2010 have been included in the Scope of the EITI Report. All have provided declarations, with exception of Sky Petroleum. The declarations of the 8 participating companies include a requirement for declaring (beyond the 5 clearly identified benefit streams) any payment to the State superior to 50 KUSD (materiality threshold). All these declarations have been signed-off by their external auditor. This leads to consider that the level of reliability of these companies’ declarations is high and that exhaustiveness of revenues is well covered. b) The revenues declared by the State for Sky Petroleum are nil (see attached document). To go beyond, we have analysed the situation of this company with ALBEITI when issuing our Report and considered that, since Sky Petroleum entered into Albania before 2010 (no chance for payment of any signature bonus) and was still in its exploration phase in 2010, Sky Petroleum was “unlikely to have paid any significant revenue to the State” (p. 4). Based on (a) and (b) above, we have concluded (and clearly stated in our Report), that the “data reconciliation presented […] reflects the effective fiscal contribution of the oil and gas sector to the State revenues in 2010” (p. 4). Government revenues from the oil and gas sector can therefore be set at around 32 MUSD. Mining sector The scope of companies has been largely increased for the 2010 Report: 60 mining and quarry companies have been selected to submit EITI declarations. a) All 7 large-scale (industrial) mining companies, in exploration (5) and in production (2), have been included in the Scope of the EITI Report 2010. All have provided declarations, with exception of Cougar Mining. The declarations of the 6 participating companies include a requirement for declaring (beyond the 4 clearly identified benefit streams) any payment to the State superior to 50 KUSD (materiality threshold); the declarations from the 2 large-scale mining companies in production have been signed-off by their external auditor. This leads to consider that the level of reliability of the declarations for these companies is high, that exhaustiveness of revenues is well covered and enables us to conclude (as it is clearly stated in our Report) that “declarations received from the large-scale mining sector companies in production have been attested by their external auditors, therefore guaranteeing the reliability and comprehensiveness of the data they have submitted” (p. 4). b) The other 53 medium, small-scale mining and quarry companies have, but for 6 small ones, all submitted complete EITI declarations, including “any payment superior to 50 KUSD (5 MLeks) made to the State” (p. 4), providing again good grounding (although not verified by their statutory auditors) for comprehensiveness. As stated p. 15 of our Report, total revenues declared by the State for the 6 small scale-mining and quarry companies that did not submit their EITI declarations amount to 171 KUSD, i.e. less than 3% of government revenues from the mining sector and less than 0,5% of government revenues from the extractive industries (including the oil and gas sector). We therefore conclude, and clearly state in our Report, that “this absence of declaration does not significantly affect the presentation of the fiscal contribution of the mining sector to the State revenues in 2010” (p. 15). c) All small-scale mining and quarry companies that are excluded from the scope of the EITI Report have a turnover below 500 KUSD (see p. 11). During the scoping Phase, we have considered with the ALBEITI Working Group that the turnover was appropriate as a “proxy for a company’s fiscal contribution” (p. 11). Based on this analysis, and considering that the average payments made by the smallest companies included within the Scope of the EITI Report were below 5 KUSD, we may reasonably estimate that the fiscal contribution of the companies excluded from the Scope (i.e. below the turnover threshold) would in total be lower than 500 KUSD, i.e. less than 1,5% of the total reported government revenues collected from the extractive industries. Based on (a), (b) and (c), we have concluded (and clearly stated in our Report) that “the data reconciliation presented […] clearly reflects the effective fiscal contribution of the mining sector to the State revenue in 2010” (p. 4). Government revenues from the mining sector can therefore be set at around 6 MUSD. 2. Government data has not been certified and it is not clear why. This could mean that government data is not reliable. It also weakens the quality of unilateral government disclosure to quantify the materiality of the companies that did not participate, were not included in the scoping or did not have their data certified. The MSG is advised to consider all options in Requirement 13 to demonstrate the quality of government data, including #13 a) iii: “government takes necessary steps to ensure, and confirms at a senior level by submitting a letter of confirmation containing all necessary statements, that government reports provide a faithful representation of the extractive industry revenues received”. a) EITI declarations have all been signed-off by the General Director of each State declaring agency (AKBN, METE, GD Tax, GD Customs) with a specific personal endorsement stating that “On behalf of [Name of the State agency], I declare that all the revenues listed in this reporting template are complete, accurate and correctly reflect the full amount received by the State from the extractive companies”. b) Also, the Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade and Energy has signed a specific Affirmation letter endorsing the quality of State data, and attesting that “the Government of Albania that I am representing has ensured that the data communicated to you by the State agencies are accurate and fairly represent the revenues collected by the State” The procedures described in is (a) and (b) appear to us as the best practices for addressing Requirement 13, where it is now well understood by all that “certification of State data” is not pragmatically possible in a more accurate way. Nota Bene: Please note that our Report does refer to unilateral government disclosure to quantify the materiality of companies that did not participate or did not have their data certified (e.g. the reported 171 KUSD for the 6 missing declarations from the small-scale mining and quarry sector). 3. The calculations in the report to quantify the materiality of the companies that did not participate, were not included in the scoping or did not have their data certified would be further strengthened if a) all government declarations, including unilateral, would be certified, and b) if the reconciler could include the unilateral government disclosures on these companies in an addendum to the report, including the declaration ‘nil’ for Sky Petroleum. We are not in a position, based on best professional practices to better quantify or give conclusions about the materiality of the companies that did not participate, were not included in the scoping or did not have their data certified. Nota Bene: The conclusion we reach, described in § 4.1 and 4.2 of our Report are quite strong and quite committed. Also, it is well accepted that government declarations cannot be certified. The “nil” declarations for Sky Petroleum are referred to in our Report, which clearly holds that “this assertion is confirmed by the EITI declarations submitted by the State of Albania for Sky Petroleum, which declared nil figures” (p. 14). 4. It is necessary to clarify why oil companies did not report their contributions under Corporate Profit Tax, Dividends, and Other significant payments to government and to local authorities. Explaining why some companies have not declared payments under such or such benefit stream is not part of our mandate and goes beyond EITI reporting. Yet, and without taking any formal position on this, we understand that since oil and gas companies operating in Albania were all in huge investment phases in 2010, it is very likely that they have benefited from important tax loss carry-forward: this may explain why they have not been paying Corporate profit tax and there is nothing unusual to such a situation. 5. Could the MSG confirm that Albpetrol did not pay “Dividends” to the state during 2010 even if they reported to have paid “Corporate Profit Tax”. a) ALBEITI Working Group may usefully address your point by stating that Albpetrol’s declarations have been endorsed by its external statutory auditor, which represents a solid grounding for data reliability. b) Explaining why Albeptrol has not paid such or such benefit stream is not part of our mandate and goes beyond EITI reporting. Yet, and without taking any formal position on this, Albpetrol paying Corporate profit tax means they have made tax benefits... but this does not induce the company should necessarily pay some dividends to the stakeholders (State in this case) since benefits can be affected to reserves for potential investments or future payment of dividends: there is nothing unusual about such a situation. 6. In line with EITI Requirement #17, the MSG should ensure that the report “identifies all discrepancies, where possible explains those discrepancies …”. The reconciler should more explicitly comment on the identified discrepancies, and provide details on the resolved discrepancies. Our Report clearly presents all the unresolved discrepancies in the reconciliation tables. These discrepancies have, by nature, not been resolved but have not revealed any significant anomaly: see our conclusion comment which holds that “the disaggregated reconciliation of the declarations submitted by the State of Albania and the oil, gas and mining companies did not reveal any inconsistency” (p. 17). Other issues related to discrepancies are addressed within the recommendations part of our Report, where it is explained that “a significant number of declarations from State agencies, more scarcely from extractive companies, were established on accrual basis. Extensive working sessions have been undertaken and a significant number of corrective declarations have been needed to limit the most significant discrepancies” (p. 18); recommendations to avoid such initial discrepancies in future reconciliation processes are then developed. 7. 7. It is a Requirement of the EITI (18-b-v) that the EITI Report “describes the methodology adopted by the reconciler to identify discrepancies, and any further work undertaken by the reconciler, the multi-stakeholder group or the government to explain and if necessary address any discrepancies that have been identified”. The summary reconciliation tables have changed, some substantially, from the previous version of the report to the final. It would be useful to learn more about the reconciler’s approach to treating and solving discrepancies. See above regarding they way discrepancies have been resolved. Whatever previous version is referred to here, the final level of discrepancies to be considered should be the one presented in the final Report, i.e. after the Independent Administrator has completed his work, and intermediary travaux are of little relevance. Yet, and to be clear in this specific case, an important number of modified declarations have been submitted by the State agencies, before the final Report was released. Best Regards Shkelqim HYSAJ From: Magali KREITMANN [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 04 April 2013 13:12 To: Tim Bittiger Cc: 'Shkelqim Hysaj'; 'Agim Shehu'; Sam Bartlett; Dyveke Rogan; Siri Farstad; [email protected] Subject: RE: Supplementary information EITI Secretariat review Dear Tim, I confirm that all of the participating mining companies (large-scale, medium and small-scale mining, quarries) have provided an engagement letter with their declarations. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further questions. Best regards, Magali Kreitmann FAIR LINKS 42, avenue Montaigne 75008 Paris - France Tel : +33 (0)1 44 07 00 00 Fax : +33 (0)1 44 07 00 10 [email protected] De : Tim Bittiger [mailto:[email protected]] Envoyé : jeudi 4 avril 2013 09:46 À : Magali KREITMANN Cc : 'Shkelqim Hysaj'; 'Agim Shehu'; Sam Bartlett; Dyveke Rogan; [email protected]; Siri Farstad Objet : RE: Supplementary information EITI Secretariat review Magali, Thank you very much, this is very helpful. Under B – Point 6, you write that “large-scale exploration companies as well as medium and smallscale mining companies … were requested to support their declarations by an engagement letter”. Could you please confirm how many of these companies eventually returned a signed engagement letter? Thanks! Tim From: Magali KREITMANN [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 03 April 2013 20:52 To: Tim Bittiger Cc: 'Shkelqim Hysaj'; 'Agim Shehu'; Sam Bartlett; Dyveke Rogan; [email protected] Subject: TR: Supplementary information EITI Secretariat review Dear Tim, I hope this email finds you well. At the request of Mr Hysaj (ALBEITI Secretariat), please find below our comments to your recent questions regarding comprehensiveness and materiality of the scope of the 2010 ALBEITI Report. A – Point 2 1. Large-scale exploration companies have been included, based on our recommendation, in order to cover the payments of potential signature bonuses and other significant taxes. As initially expected, large-scale exploration companies have declared no significant payments (< 2% of the total revenues declared by the mining sector): this situation was already the one observed in the previous 2009 ALBEITI Report. 2. As far as the small-scale exploration companies are concerned, you will remember that revenues from production companies are already very small, i.e. the small-scale mining sector is not a huge contributor. Based on the absence of significant payments from large-scale exploration companies in Albania, it is thus widely accepted by the various stakeholders that the likeliness of significant payments to be made by small-scale exploration companies is nil. The representative of the General Tax Directorate within the MSG had confirmed this point at the time the scope was discussed. Based on this confirmation, as well as on industry practice and our professional judgment (economic understanding of the share of the rent), we did not consider appropriate to require for unilateral declarations from the General Tax Directorate on this matter. B – Point 6 1. All large-scale mining companies in production have submitted declarations signed-off by their external auditor. 2. Large-scale exploration companies as well as medium and small-scale mining companies were not requested to provide audited declarations. Instead, they were requested to support their declarations by an engagement letter (see an attached example) signed by their highest legal representative, ensuring the comprehensiveness and reliability of the disclosed data. I hope this helps, and of course remain available should you have any further questions. Best regards, Magali Kreitmann FAIR LINKS 42, avenue Montaigne 75008 Paris - France Tel : +33 (0)1 44 07 00 00 Fax : +33 (0)1 44 07 00 10 [email protected] From: Tim Bittiger [[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 12:09 PM To: Shkelqim Hysaj Cc: Albert Brojka; Agim Shehu; Sam Bartlett; Dyveke Rogan; Siri Farstad Subject: FW: Supplementary information EITI Secretariat review Dear Shkelqim, Thank you for your attached replies. We have two more questions to fully understand what you write: Point/answer 2 You confirm that all companies, whether in exploration or production, with a turnover of over USD 500,000 were included in the scoping. In our opinion, there is a risk that those companies in the exploration phase are excluded, which produce and sell nothing, and therefore have no turnover, but may have paid material taxes in the form of signature bonuses or exploration fees. Can you please clarify this situation? Point/answer 6 You write that “in all cases [of small and medium sized companies and quarries audited under Albanian law] the auditors have stated and signed on statements made by companies for 2010 EITI Report”. You refer to section 3 of the 2010 EITI Report to prove this. We cannot find the proof in the 2010 EITI Report, that all companies had their EITI reporting forms audited, if this is what you suggest. To the contrary, the reconciler writes that only a few companies had their EITI forms audited. Can you please clarify what gives you the assurance that all material payments declared by companies for the 2010 EITI Report are reliable? Thank you! Tim From: Shkelqim Hysaj [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 27 March 2013 12:14 To: Tim Bittiger Cc: Albert Brojka; Agim Shehu; Sam Bartlett; Dyveke Rogan; Siri Farstad Subject: RE: Supplementary information EITI Secretariat review Dear Tim, Please find attached the answers of your questions directed to the ALBEITI Secretariat. We are ready to explain anything that is unclear, please write us for everything. Best regards Shkelqim HYSAJ ALBEITI From: Tim Bittiger [[email protected]] Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 4:46 PM To: Shkelqim Hysaj Cc: Albert Brojka; Agim Shehu; Sam Bartlett; Dyveke Rogan; Siri Farstad Subject: Supplementary information EITI Secretariat review Dear Shkelqim, The EITI International Secretariat has started the Secretariat Review and made a first assessment of the documents ALBEITI has submitted. Before we send the Working Group a first draft of the assessment for comments, we need to further clarify a few points with you. Could you please send us more information on the following at your earliest convenience? 1. For mining companies, the MSG used the list of 518 mining licenses provided by from AKNB (Annex C) to calculate annual turnover for each company, which EITI put at 109 (Annex I – Evaluation and analysis companies EITI 2010 Report (in Albanian), ALBEITI, 20 November 2011, p. 3). However, the MSG speaks of 518 companies, not licences. It is not clear whether the calculations of materiality for each company was based on cumulated licences by company. Please clarify this point. 2. With regard to medium, small-scale and quarry companies, it was agreed that any company with an annual turnover equal to or exceeding US$ 500,000 was considered to be making material tax payments and would be required to report. 53 companies had annual turnovers above this threshold and were required to report. It is not clear if this approach de facto limits coverage only to production companies which sell produced minerals. There is a risk that this would exclude the cases where an exploration company makes a big one off payment (i.e. signature bonus ). ALBEITI is requested to clarify this point. 3. The documents provided do not give 1) the reasons for the nonparticipation of the seven mining companies, and 2) steps taken by the MSG to ensure that these companies report. ALBEITI is requested to clarify this point. 4. In its scoping study, the MSG decided to require the large companies to have their data controlled by an auditor. They argue that on the proposal of the MSG, the revised Mining Law requires all mining companies to have their figures audited. In the absence of the same obligation in a petroleum law, the MSG has signed MoUs with all oil companies to that effect. However, with the understanding that only large and mainly international companies undergo regular audits, the MSG has at the proposal of the World Bank only required companies with a turnover of more than USD 250,000, equalling 20-25, according to the study. The MSG decided not to ask for the control of payments to local entities as they are not material (Annex I – Evaluation and analysis companies EITI 2010 Report (in Albanian), ALBEITI, 20 November 2011, p. 4). It is unclear which companies in the scoping were eventually asked to have their data controlled. It would be useful to get clarity on what percentage of total payments was actually certified, meaning what percentage did the companies that submitted certified declaration represent? It is also not clear, whether at the time of writing the scoping study, the proposal was a certification of the reporting template by an external auditor as per requirement 12b), and as used as an approach by the reconciler for the 2010 EITI Report. Can you please let us know what exactly the MSG decided? 5. The scoping study does not describe a specific approach or rationale to ensuring the reliability of government figures. Please let us know what this approach was. 6. The four participating large-scale mining companies in the exploration phase as well as the 48 participating medium, smallscale mining and quarry companies did not have their declarations verified by their external auditors. The reason for this is unclear, please explain. 7. We are also assessing requirements 5 and 6 as the Board had asked that implementation of these requirements be monitored. The ministerial decision on the organisation and functioning of the EITI Working Group was updated on 21 January 2012 in line with EITI requirement 4 (Annex N – Adoption of the Regulation on the Organisation and Functioning of the EITI inter-institutional Working Group, 21 January 2012). The decision mandates the MSG to decide on its workplan, chose the reconciler and take all other decisions related to EITI implementation. It contains voting procedures. It is unclear if the MSG approved these ToRs. ALBEITI is requested to clarify this point. We look forward to hearing from you! Tim Supplementary information EITI Secretariat review For mining companies, the MSG used the list of 518 mining licenses provided by from AKNB (Annex C) to calculate annual turnover for each company, which EITI put at 109 (Annex I – Evaluation and analysis companies EITI 2010 Report (in Albanian), ALBEITI, 20 November 2011, p. 3). However, the MSG speaks of 518 companies, not licences. It is not clear whether the calculations of materiality for each company was based on cumulated licences by company. Please clarify this point. Answers 1 518 are mining licenses that have operated in 2010. Some mining companies may have more than one license. Materiality calculation is done for each company based on accumulated licenses. In the EITI 2010 Report mining licenses are controlled and are included all companies. With regard to medium, small-scale and quarry companies, it was agreed that any company with an annual turnover equal to or exceeding US$ 500,000 was considered to be making material tax payments and would be required to report. 53 companies had annual turnovers above this threshold and were required to report. It is not clear if this approach de facto limits coverage only to production companies which sell produced minerals. There is a risk that this would exclude the cases where an exploration company makes a big one off payment (i.e. signature bonus ). ALBEITI is requested to clarify this point. Answers 2 In this regard all licenses and companies are included with threshold $ 500 000, whether for production or exploration-discovery. The documents provided do not give 1) the reasons for the non-participation of the seven mining companies, and 2) steps taken by the MSG to ensure that these companies report. ALBEITI is requested to clarify this point. Answers 3 Undeclared reasons for the 6 companies in the mining sector are related to: a. close up and not further operation in Albania or b. not been contacted by reconciler because they are small, they are not able to regularly communication and operate in remote mountainous areas, without phones and official website. Measures taken by the MSG have been linked by reconciler support to go into these mining areas companies, providing the names and addresses of leading people and companies, report for submission and legal claims and ultimately the demand for maintaining their legal responsibilities (administrative measures and penalties under the by-laws in force). The MSG has proposed to the Minister of METE to take legal actions for the companies the did not made their declaration for 2010 Report In its scoping study, the MSG decided to require the large companies to have their data controlled by an auditor. They argue that on the proposal of the MSG, the revised Mining Law requires all mining companies to have their figures audited. In the absence of the same obligation in a petroleum law, the MSG has signed MoUs with all oil companies to that effect. However, with the understanding that only large and mainly international companies undergo regular audits, the MSG has at the proposal of the World Bank only required companies with a turnover of more than USD 250,000, equalling 20-25, according to the study. The MSG decided not to ask for the control of payments to local entities as they are not material (Annex I – Evaluation and analysis companies EITI 2010 Report (in Albanian), ALBEITI, 20 November 2011, p. 4). It is unclear which companies in the scoping were eventually asked to have their data controlled. It would be useful to get clarity on what percentage of total payments was actually certified, meaning what percentage did the companies that submitted certified declaration represent? It is also not clear, whether at the time of writing the scoping study, the proposal was a certification of the reporting template by an external auditor as per requirement 12b), and as used as an approach by the reconciler for the 2010 EITI Report. Can you please let us know what exactly the MSG decided? Answers 4 On the basis of the relevant decision and advanced proposals MSG adopted threshold level. The proposal was a confirmation of the mode declaration but also external audit reporting template. All companies included in the 2010 report (thus over $ 500 000) have been conducted and have declared together with their legal and independent auditor. MSG has decided that based on mining law and the audit law relevant of companies in the declaration for 2010 EITI report all made statements be signed not only by the companies administrators but also by external auditors of these companies. It has served as a reconciler approach to 2010 EITI report. Audits for major international companies (according to the suggestions made by WB) were carried out by international auditors and for other national companies were committed with licensed and independent auditors under Albanian law. The scoping study does not describe a specific approach or rationale to ensuring the reliability of government figures. Please let us know what this approach was. Answers 5 The study conducted and MSG are based on legislation in power and improvements made, the obligations and responsibilities arising in state structures for collecting, processing, analyzing and drawing conclusions from the reported data. Including the General Directorate of Taxation, the General Directorate of Customs, Local Government, AKBN. They have a duty to report, and in particular the Ministry of Finance reconciles and concludes on the data presented by DPT, DPD and Local Government. On the other hand every state institution involved in EITI reporting has legal liability for the accuracy of data collected and reported. For this purpose, the law provides a special audit in these institutions and a special control by the High State Control (which depends on the Albanian Parliament). For this purpose in the 2010 EITI Report, section 1.1.2, section 1.2.2 and section 2.3 find to assess the institutional framework of the relevant sectors and reporting standards documents. Analytical data declared, 2010 EITI report published, reflect reliable official data (signed by the heads of the institutions). The four participating large-scale mining companies in the exploration phase as well as the 48 participating medium, small-scale mining and quarry companies did not have their declarations verified by their external auditors. The reason for this is unclear, please explain. Answers 6 For companies exploration-discovery should clarify that there was no economic activity (production-sale) and thus no audit for 2010. As for small companies, medium and quarries that are involved in 2010 EITI report but have not international audit (external) as outlined above in section 4 have been under Albanian law audit (internal audit and legal). In all cases the auditors have stated and signed on statements made by companies for 2010 EITI report (2010 EITI Report, section 3). We are also assessing requirements 5 and 6 as the Board had asked that implementation of these requirements be monitored. The ministerial decision on the organisation and functioning of the EITI Working Group was updated on 21 January 2012 in line with EITI requirement 4 (Annex N – Adoption of the Regulation on the Organisation and Functioning of the EITI inter-institutional Working Group, 21 January 2012). The decision mandates the MSG to decide on its workplan, chose the reconciler and take all other decisions related to EITI implementation. It contains voting procedures. It is unclear if the MSG approved these ToRs. ALBEITI is requested to clarify this point. Answers 7 As required about the ToR we clarify that MSG has approved the ToR in the meeting dt.09/12/2011 no: 9 decisions.
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