POST SHOW REPORT August 2-5, 2015
POST SHOW REPORT August 2-5, 2015
POST SHOW REPORT August 2-5, 2015 at ASD NEXT SHOW DATES February 28–March 2, 2016 July 31–August 3, 2016 Las Vegas Convention Center–North Hall AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT fac ts a b o ut so u r c e d i r e c t a u gu s t 2015 Expo Dat e August 2-5, 2015 So urc e di r e c t Sh ow E s ta b l i s h e d Venue August 2013 Las Vegas Convention Center, Nevada 52% increase in square footage from August 2014 to 58,300 sq. ft. Exhibiting companies more than doubled from August 2014 to 513 companies 8,000 unique attendees 73 countries attending 98% of attendees finalize, authorize and/or recommend purchases 93% of attendees are executive management, owner/partner, merchandiser, or sourcing director/manager 53% of attendees source a minimum of 600 pieces/items and up In addition to the unique attendees to SourceDirect, more than 9,300 industry professionals at ASD import direct from a manufacturer SourceDirect August 2015 had the largest growth in both attendance and exhibit space to date. AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT HI GHL I G H T S |Ri bbon Cutti ng Ceremony SourceDirect welcomed all buyers, exhibitors, distinguish delegates, media and more to a celebratory “Ribbon cutting ceremony” to kick off the four day event. Filled with live entertainment, the opening ceremony acknowledged all participating countries and international delegates that were present at the show. fAC T ORY m atch ma k in g service } We provide a matchmaking service on the show floor to help align buyers with the right suppliers. This is a great opportunity for exhibitors to highlight their company and product lines to buyers who are looking to source directly from factories. By providing the necessary materials (company info, brochure, product line sheets etc.) pre-show, our experienced sourcing team will be able to match the right buyers to you. |Sourci ng semi nars Educational seminar tracks were located on the show floor and focused on sourcing, logistics, importing, etc. from industry experts. C us t ome r A p p r e ci at ion N igh t “B e e r a r o u n d th e world” } We appreciate you. As a thank you for supporting the show, we host an appreciation event after hours for all our exhibiting customers to join us for drinks and entertainment. This event is a great way for our ASD customers to network and to see what’s going on at SourceDirect. AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT what at t en de es s a i d “This is our 3rd SourceDirect show and I can definitely see a difference in the type of suppliers that are here. The show has grown dramatically in size, and the quality of merchandise and price points are great. I help source for more than 3,000 stores and my team was able to connect with at least 12 factories here already [and it’s only day 2]. I will be meeting with 4-5 of these suppliers in China on my next visit to further our business opportunity.” - Doug K., Associate Merchant - Imports Hardware Corporation “This was our first time at SourceDirect at ASD. We absolutely had a great experience at the show. With the help of their Factory Matchmaking service, we discovered seven potential suppliers to source our products. We will do our due diligence in these proceedings to determine our next steps. SourceDirect was a great first step in looking for international suppliers.” - Steve W., Chief Merchandising Officer, America’s Suppliers, DBA DollarDays “This was my first time at SourceDirect at ASD. The show was excellent and felt like a mini Canton Fair. I found three factories and I’m in the process of placing an order for 20,000 units of products. We typically travel to shows in China several times a year and will now include the SourceDirect show on our travel plans. What was also very helpful was their Factory Matchmaking service. The team was able to match me with several vendors on the show floor that carried my product categories.” - Dan D., Owner, Ionox “This was my first time at SourceDirect at ASD. I had a great experience at the show and found several leads for my line of business—skincare and cosmetics from South Korea, which I will be placing orders from. What’s great is that these companies are able to provide 30 days delivery; just in time for Christmas selling. I am excited to see my products when they arrive! I normally travel to China several times a year to source my products and will now include the SourceDirect show into my travel plan budget. I also visited the Factory Matchmaking desk where their sourcing experts were very helpful and directed me to several other suppliers, saving me time. Overall, I had a great first experience.” - Liz H., Owner, HER Pow AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT C o -loc at e d Ev e n t 45,000+ TOTAL ATTENDEES 2,700 EXHIBITING COMPANIES 95 COUNTRIES ATTENDING 54 YEARS IN BUSINESS ASD Market Week – The largest general merchandise event in North America Sho w O r ga n i ze r Attendance up 14% VIP buyers up 24% From August 2014 q u i c k fac t s ASD has over 45,000+ attendees! 54 years in business. Two shows annually in Las Vegas, Nevada 98% of attendees have purchasing authority VIP Retail Buyer attendance up 24% 9 shows in one from August 2014 ASD is ranked #15 and #16 largest show by net square feet in 2013 - Trade Show Executive, Gold 100 ASD March was one of the 50 fastest growing shows ASD March & August: Gold 100 in 2014 - Trade Show Executive in 2013 - Trade Show Executive AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT THE P O WER O F a s d ma rk e tw e e k Held twice a year in Las Vegas, Nevada for more than 50 years, ASD brings the widest variety of merchandise together in one efficient consumer-goods trade event. NINE S H O WS I N O N E jewelry & gifts 2 go closeouts too! general store Newest luggage + VAPE shoe parlor AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT ATTEN DE E pr o f i l e ìì Importers ìì Distributors ìì Wholesale Companies ìì Sourcing Agents ìì Mass Merchants ìì Buying Groups ìì National Retail & International Chains ìì Chain Stores ìì Exporters ìì ASD 2,700+ ASD hosts several buying groups each show. Buying groups are groups of collective retailers that represent hundreds of retail stores. Exhibitors s am pl i n g o f b uy i n g g r ou p s 1000+ hospital gift shops 120 store memberships AHVRP Sierra Pacific Crafts Association for Hospital Volunteer Resource Professionals Fills nearly two million feet of retail space and 360 million dollars in retail sales. 77 stores 150+ members representing U.S. gift shops Coach House Gifts 7,000 stores in 44 States Family Dollar 350+ stores Ideation 3,000 college stores NACS (National Association of College Stores) Represented in the US, Canada, and 34 other countries. Southwest Buying Group 300+ department stores in Mexico Waldo’s Merchandising Services National retailers, drug stores, supermarkets and wholesale distributors Sourcing Edge Supplies men’s, women’s and children’s apparel, accessories, home goods and other items to the wholesale industry. AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT SO URC E DI R E C T ov e r a ll A tte n da n c e region o f i m po r t Europe 4% Central America & Caribbean 3% South America 2% South East Asia 2% South Asia 2% East Asia 87% 53% of attendees are looking to source over 600 pieces/items. 3600+ pieces 24% 1200-3600 pieces 11% 300-600 pieces 46% 600-1200 pieces 19% AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT perc e n tag es o f the tota l i nte r n ati on a l a ud ie nce 73 countries attended the SourceDirect Show. Other 29% Mexico 32% Central/ South America/ Caribbean Territories 20% Canada 19% AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT retai l c h a n n el typ e s r e p r e s e nte d at a s d 20% Internet / Catalog Other 25% 55% Physical Store / Brick & Mortar ASD A t t e n de e t y p E QUALITY MATTERS 98% of attendees are retail buyers or importer/distributors. Owner/partner grew by 3%. Promotional / Premium / Redemption / Non-Profit / Government Buyers Importer / Distributor 5% 20% 75% Retail Buyer AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT Do mest i c at t en da n c e ASD remains a national show compared to many other regional events. 32% 34% attendees West attendees Mountain 20% attendees 14% attendees Central East Mexico is our 6th largest attendance Attendance up 10% from August 2014 after the top 5 states in the U.S. AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT s am pl i n g o f N E W A S D V I P B U YE R S s am pl i n g o f R E TU R N I NG A S D V I P B U YE R S AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT Sam pl i n g o f I n t e r n ati on a l R e ta i l e rs Grupo Pais No. of Stores: 9 stores Annual Sales: $2-$5.9 Mil Type of Store: Jewelry Store HEB Mexico No. of Stores: 22 stores Annual Sales: $10-$50.9 Mil Type of Store: Grocery Store 7-11 Mexico No. of Stores: 352 stores Annual Sales: $1.04 Bil Type of Store: Convenience Store Hermanos Batta No. of Stores: 230 stores Annual Sales: $100 Mil Store Type: Department Store Suzy Shier Canada No. of Stores: 140 stores and online stores Annual Sales: $329 Mil Store Type: Clothing and Accessories Canadian Museum Association No. of Stores: 750 Museums Annual Sales: $600,000-$1.9 Mil Store Type: Gift/Souvenir Los Tres Elefantes No. of Stores: 5 stores Annual Sales: $22.57 Mil Type of Store: Department Store Onix No. of Stores: 20 stores Annual Sales: $2-$5.9 Mil Type of Store: Junior Apparel Store Mendel’s No. of Stores: 15 stores Annual Sales: $6-$9.9 Mil Type of Store: Department Store AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT s o urc e di r e c t A U GU S T 2015 S a mp l i ng o f Impo r t e r s /D is t r ibut o r s Annual Sales Volume of Over $10 Million 701 WHOLESALE A. ROYALE & CO (PTY) AUST. LTD AAXIS ACCESORIOS DIAZ ACTION IMPORTS ADVANCES DE MEXICO S A DE C V AJ WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS INC AMERICAN HIFI AMERISOURCEBERGEN AMSTERDAM MEDICAL & SCIENTIFIC ALLIANCE ANEW INT’L CORP APC ASTRO PNEUMATIC TOOL CO. BASC COMMUNICATIONS CORP BEE SALES CO. BIG BRANDS TURKEY BIN BAKAR INTERNATIONAL C.U.2 INC. CALIFORNIA CENTURY CBS MANUFACTURING GROUP CBS MANUFACTURING GROUP CHADE FASHIONS INC CLANDESTINE LICENCIAS COSMETIC DESIGN GROUP DAS COMPANIES, INC. DAS INC DG S TRADING INC DIMEX DISCOUNT TRUCKLOADS DISEÑOS E JOYAS DISTRIBUQUIK DOLLAR ENTERPRISE DOLLARDAYS INTERNATIONAL INC DRAGON J TRADING COMPANY LTD EDDIE S HANG-UP DISPLAY LTD EDEN MARKETING CORP ENTERTAINMENT ONE EVER READY FIRST AID EXSELL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD FASHION TRADING FHI BRANDS FINELIFE PRODUCTS FUJI MERCHANDISE CORP. GMA FASHION JEWELRY GOLDEN & SELENE GRUPO OLGAMI SA DE CV HI-WAY DISTRIBUTING HOUSTON CASH N CARRY NORTH HUA XI INTERNATIONAL SHOES CO. IFD FRAGRANCE DISTRIBUTION LTD IMP. EXP. DISCOVERY S.A. INVERSIONES PARNA S A INVERSIONES PARNA , S.A. IX CORPORATIVE SA DE CV J ASTAPHAN & CO LTD JOIA TRADING INC JOLKA SRL KARMA KITTRICH CORPORATOIN KUPEY AUTO DIST LT INTERIOR DESIGN M&F WESTERN PRODUCTS MAJESTIC GIFTWARE MARKET MUNCHER LLC MIXED BAG DESIGNS NCSTAR INC NETI OKSALES INC OVER SEAS CONNECTION PAMANIS PAS Y MAN CHIC GA Y GA S A PITCO FOODS PLATINUM MICRO PRICE MASTER CORPORATION PRODUCT HUNTERS INC PRO-MOTION DISTRIBUTING PROMOTIONAL ALLIANCE PUGS, INC. QUEBEC IMPORTS CO. RBT TRADING LTD. REDIS MARKET RODEO DEPOT, INC., RTC DIRECT SANDOL DBA BETHEL INTERNATIONAL SB TECHNOLOGY NY CORP SCHYLLING INC. SELECT SALES SERVICIO GLOBAL SHILOH STABLES & TACK, INC STAR CORP STAR WHOLESALE SUPERIOR AUTO EXTRAS TEKNO PRODUCTS INC TENNESSEE WHOLESALE TIO PERFUMES TNT SALES CO TRUECOLOR U.A.A. INC. UNIBRANDS CORPORATION UNME GROUP INC US WHOLESALE OUTLET INC VEEKAY INTERNATIONAL WALKENHORST’S WINTEC INDUSTRIES WORLD OF AROMA INC WTM-USA, LLC. WYNIT DISTRIBUTION, LLC AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT S o urc e di r e c t A U GU S T 2015 S a mp l i ng o f R E TA IL E R S Annual Sales Volume of Over $10 Million 7-11 CORPORATE 7-ELEVEN MEXICO 99 CENTS ONLY STORES ACCES ELECTRONIQUE DDO INC ACE HARDWARE ADVANTAGE PHARMACY ALTATAC INC AMBELLA HOME AMERICAN RETAIL CONSULTANTS AMERICAS KIDS AMERIMARK DIRECT ANSAR GALLERY ARTSY ABODE BAY RETAIL ENTERPRISES BEVERLY FABRICS BLAYLOCK MARKETING LLC BLUE STAR GROUP BOOKXCESS SDN BHD BOSCOV S DEPARTMENT STORE CALIMAX CAP FOOD SVCS CO CATCHOFTHEDAY.COM.AU PTY LTD CENTURION TECHNOLOGY GROUP INC. CHINA BUDDHA GIFT SHOP CINEGAPH COPPEL DAISO CALIFORNIA LLC DARICE, INC. /PAT CATAN’S DAVE AND ADAM’S CARD WORLD DESTINATION REWARDS DF LA JONQUERA DICOUNT WHOLESALE DITTO COUTURE DORIANS EASTER SEALS GOODWILL EASY PICKINS ENTOURAGE CLOTHING ERWIN DISTRIBUTING CO INC EVER READY FIRST AID FAMSA MEXICO FARMACIA CANDELARIA FARMACIA GABRIELA FIEON CORP FIREFLY BUYS FORMAN MILLS FRESH FASHION DAILY FRESH FASHION DAILY FURNITURE MART GGI INTERNATIONAL GIANT DOLLAR GIFTS FROM AFAR GLOBAL IMPORTS INC GLOBAL PURCHASING COIMPANIES GOODWILL OF THE FINGER LAKES GRAND CANYON RESORT GRANGE SUPPLY CO GRANITE BAY SALES LLC GREATER GOOD NETWORK GREATERGOOD GREEN ENVY SOILS OHIO MULCH SUPPLY INC. GRIGGS ENTERPRISES GRUPO OLGAMI GRUPOFDI FASHION DIRECT INT GTM WHOLESALE LIQUIDATORS INC GUEST GUNGZHOZ BLUE SQUIRREL ART COM.LI HALLMARK RETAIL, LLC HARDCORE ELEGANCE HAYWOOD HOUSE INC. HEARTLAND AMERICA H-E-B MEXICO HIGUCHI HUALAPAI LODGE IMAGINE NATION BOOKS JEWELRY IS FUN JOYERIA SISI JUVOLICIOUS LLC KANGAROO KAREN’S HALLMARK KCJS LLC KINGLINEN LA CHIQUITA LES PLACEMENTS ARDEN INC LIBBEY INC. LIBERTY COMMERCIAL CENTER LIL GIFT LOOT CRATE LTR M&K ENTERPRISES MARDEN S MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP MICHAEL ANTHONY MS MACHINERY & PARTS MULTICENTER MY DISTRIBUTORS, LTD NATIONAL WHOLESALE LIQUIDATORS NATIONAL WHOLESALE STORES NEKO COSMETICS NOVEX S A NOVIAS OHIO MULCH OLD TIME POTTERY OUTLEPC OVERSTOCK.COM PARTY CITY PETLAND CANADA INC. PLASTICOLOR PWADC RED APPLE STORES INC. RETAIL THERAPY LLC RTR BAG COMPANY RUTH S HALLMARK SANGHA ENTERPRISES INC SAVE-A-THON SCHNUCK’S MARKET SCOJAC INC SEVENTH AVENUE SFDA INTERNATIONAL SHEPHERD HILLS FACTORY OUTLETS SIMPLY AMAZING LLC SOLARAY LLC SOUTH BEND CHOCOLATE COMPANY INC. STANDARD INDUSTRIES STANDARD RESTAURANT SUPPLY STARCREST PRODUCTS OF CALIFORN STYLES FOR LESS INC. SUAREZ CORPORATION IND SUPER LABORIE S FOOD MARKET SURVIVAL LIFE LLC SUZY SHIER T I TREASURE ISLAND TACOMA GOODWILL INDUSTRIES TARGET CORPORATION TFO THE BOOK TABLE THE BUTCHART GARDENS THE HYMAN CO - LANDAU TIENDAS 3B TOBEINSTYLE.COM INC. TOPBUY.COM.AU TOPEKA TOPS SUPER FOODS TOUCH OF MODERN TOYNK TOYS LLC TREASURE ISLAND HOTEL & CASINO TWIN TOWERS TRADING UNIVERSITY OF UTAH CAMPUS STOR US ALL AMERICAN USU BOOKSTORE VALUABLE DRUGS WALLY’S PARTY FACTORY WORLDVENTURES Y AND F YM LLC USA/ANNIE SEZ ZAPATERIA BONITA AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT exhibi t o r pr o f i le Exhibitor Participation August 2015 513 Exhibitors from 14 Countries Exhibitor Participation March 2015 222 Exhibitors from 14 Countries 2015 Countries Represented • • • • • • • Bangladesh Brazil Canada China Czech Republic England Equador • • • • • • • Germany Hong Kong India Mexico Nepal Pakistan South Korea • • • • Thailand Turkey USA Uzbekistan Exhibi t o r P r o du c t C ate gori e s STYLE Apparel & Footwear Affordable Footwear, Fashion Apparel, Lingerie, Fashion Hosiery, Resort, Blanks, T-Shirts, Swim/Cover Ups, Work Wear Fashion Accessories Bangles, Belts, Bracelets, Earrings, Eyewear, Furnishings, Gloves, Handbags, Hats, Headwear, Jewelry, Leather Accessories, Luggage, Necklaces, Scarves, Tote Bags, Umbrellas Style & Beauty Cosmetics, Color Care, General Beauty Enhancement, Hair, Lips, Lotions, Skin Care, Nails GIFT Gift & Handicrafts Art, Candles, Clocks, Crystal, Decorations, Figurines, Gifts, Gift Bags, Gift Wrap, Holidays, Lighting, Office Accessories, Party Supplies, Picture Frames, Special Occasion, Stationery, Tchotchke ELECTRONIC ACCESSORIES Cases, Covers, Ear Buds, Fans, Headphones, PDA, Tablet, & iPhone Fashion Accessories, Speakers, Watches VARIETY Outdoor Athletic Accessories, Balls, Bats, Boards, Camping, Caps, Clubs, Exercise, Gloves, Hiking, Sporting Goods, Tactical Knives, Shoes, Uniforms Toys Games, Novelty, Plush, Toys Volume & Variety Chain Store, Discount Variety Products, Dollar Store, Promotional, Seasonal Business Services Website, Advertising, Point of Purchase, Store and Business Services. Miscellaneous Adult Novelties, Energy Drinks, Smoking Accessories HOME Home & Garden Bath, Bedroom, Ceramics, Glassware, Home Décor, Hard Goods (Pots/Pans/Utensils), Home Textiles, Hospitality, Linens, Plastic Goods, Table Top, Throws AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT W HAT EX H I B I T O R S S A I D “We had the best show ever at SourceDirect at ASD. We received an order of $60,000 for mops on day two. The SourceDirect team was amazing and very helpful. They walked over buyers from the Factory Matchmaking desk that were looking for mops to our booth. We ended up celebrating our success that night in beautiful Las Vegas. Thank you SourceDirect. We will definitely be back next year.” - Rina, Jinhua Zhenghong Daily Necessities Co Ltd., China “Good show! We made several contacts and received some concrete leads at the August 2015 event. We will be following up with them after the show and will plan to exhibit again in March 2016.” - Yakoob and Sons, Pakistan Thanks to the strong support of the experienced international SourceDirect team, our group of exhibitors had a great show at the August 2015 event. I saw an increase in attendance for both exhibitors and attendees and believe SourceDirect will continue to create unique global opportunities for exhibitors and attendees. - Jia L., President, Yiwu Henfair, China AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT b es t b o o t h awa rd s A winner was chosen from each section of the show to be awarded for their creative booth designs. The Wi n n er s Junggam - SourceDirect MMS Trading - Fashion & Accessories ABI - General Store J-Lash - Health & Beauty Bora - Cash & Carry, Jewelry Starbuzz - Smoke In Motion - C-store Creative Ideas - Gift & Home XO Mints -Toys & Novelties AUGUST 2015 POST SHOW REPORT see yo u at th e n e xt s how ! February 28-March 2, 2016 Las Vegas Convention Center Contact us Ma r k e t ing S ale s David Pennes International Sourcing Group Sales Director Tel: +1.323.817.2246 [email protected] Linh Vu Marketing Manager Tel: +1.323.817.2229 [email protected] Stephen Stagliano International Business Development Manager Tel: +1.323.817.2227 [email protected] Pamela Thompson Attendee Development Specialist Tel: +1.623.544.0371 [email protected] Winnie Liu International Business Development Manager Tel: +1.213.430.2300 [email protected] Dean Cechvala Show Coordinator Tel: +1.323.817.2245 [email protected] exec ut i v e Karalynn Sprouse Executive Vice President, Merchandise Group & International Sourcing Tel: +1.323.817.2244 [email protected] Camille Candella Vice President of Marketing Tel: +1.323.817.2221 [email protected]
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