Fall - Greensboro Day School


Fall - Greensboro Day School
GDS Magazine | 1
Volume 30 • Fall 2014
Mission Statement: Greensboro Day
School develops the intellectual,
ethical, and interpersonal foundations
students need to become constructive
contributors to the world.
Board of Trustees 2014-15
Mrs. Lori Aycock
Mr. Jeffrey Beach (Jeff )
Mr. David L. Brown
Mr. Eric Calhoun
Mrs. Sherry P. Clark
Mrs. Frances P. Davis (Fran)
Mrs. Catherine R. Dunham
Mr. Harley Garrison
Mrs. Penny Graves
Mr. Wade G. Jurney
Mrs. Ann Lineweaver
Mr. Wendell F. Phillips
Grier Booker Richards ’97
Mr. J. Scott ’90
Mr. Robert Smith
Mrs. Adeline Talbot
Mrs. Fran Tewkesbury
Mr. Marshall A. Tuck
Mr. William W. Watson (Wes)
Mr. James W. Whitley, Jr. (Jack), Chair
Mark C. Hale, Head of School
Tommy Webb, Assistant Head of School
Gail Isaacson Bernstein ’76, Assistant to the Head of School
Susan Feibelman, Upper School Director
Ed Dickinson, Middle School Director
Gillian Goodman, Lower School Director
Pam Hemphill, Chief Financial Officer
Anne Hurd, Director of Advancement
Randy Doss, Director of Admission and Enrollment
Dana Smith, Director of Technology
2 | Fall 2014
Greensboro Day School does not
discriminate on the basis of race,
color, creed, national or ethnic
origin, disability (to the extent that
reasonable accommodations are
possible), or sexual orientation in
the administration of its educational
policies, admissions policies, or any
other programs administered by the
Stacy Calfo, Editor
[email protected]
Contributing Writers
Cristi Driver ’86
Jane Gutsell
Anne Hurd
Morgan Sharp
Michael Sumner ’04
Graphic Designer
Sherry Poole Clark
Greensboro Day School
5401 Lawndale Drive
Greensboro, NC 27455
336.288.8590 • Fax 336.282.2905
Twitter: @GreensboroDay
GDS Magazine is published three
times a year.
Third class postage paid at Greensboro,
If you have changes or additions for
our mailing list, please contact Beth
Barnwell at 336.288.8590, ext. 233.
Head’s Corner
Letter from the Chair
Campus News
Sports Report
New Quadrangle Plans
Faculty Focus: Jose Navarro
Introducing the New Bell Family Middle School
Spanish Immersion “Off the Beaten Path”
2013-14 Annual Report of Donors
Alumni News
Class Notes
I am a Bengal: Kate Long Stevenson ’99
Where are they Now? Carmen Redding
GDS Magazine | 3
Developing our Growth Mindset
We are fortunate at Greensboro Day School to have a dedicated
faculty who are eager to take advantage of professional growth opportunities. And, when
we support their interests and passions, they become more excited about their teaching,
which directly benefits our students.
Carol Dweck, a professor at Stanford University, has written extensively on the concept
of a “growth mindset,” which is the belief we can all continue to grow and develop our
knowledge and skills. According to Dweck, “people who have a growth mindset believe
their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains
and talent are just the starting point.” And, that describes our faculty to a tee!
Through the financial assistance provided by the Parents’ Association and the Brooks
Endowment, our faculty members are able to enhance their subject area knowledge and
stay current with improved educational practices through travel, workshops and more.
This issue of the GDS Magazine highlights just a few of the many professional
development opportunities provided our faculty through the support of PA Teacher
Enrichment Endowment Fund grants and the Brooks Endowment over the past year.
I believe you will enjoy reading about their adventures, and quickly see how much our
students benefit from these extraordinary experiences made possible by the generosity of
members of our community.
Speaking of generosity, this year’s Annual Report (found on page 38) is another example
of the tremendous support we receive from our parents, alumni, grandparents, teachers
and friends who recognize the outstanding work that GDS is doing each and every
day. Without this support we would not be able to offer the programs which make us
the educational leader in the Triad. It means so much to all of us to be part of such an
incredibly supportive community. Thanks to everyone for making it possible!
Mark C. Hale
4 | Fall 2014
Letter From the Chair – fall 2014
While we are only 12 weeks into the new
school fiscal year (which started July 1), the
GDS Board of Trustees has hit the ground
running, with much being accomplished
already this term. This includes completing
the construction, dedication, and opening
of the beautiful Bell Family Middle School,
which, along with a new campus quadrangle,
auxiliary gym, and other improvements,
continues work that is transforming the
Greensboro Day School campus.
The first day of the 45th school term at
Greensboro Day School was August 20,
and shortly after that the GDS Board of
Trustees held its first meeting of the new
year. That inaugural meeting, which is
typically scheduled for a half-day, is divided
into two parts – a regular board business
meeting, with reports from Head of School
Mark Hale and various members of the
senior leadership team, and an annual retreat
featuring reports from each of the school’s
division directors. This year’s retreat did not
disappoint, and included in-depth reports on
the school’s International Student Program,
as well as strategic education program
overviews for the Lower School, Middle
School, and Upper School divisions. In
addition to this first board meeting, boardlevel committee meetings have already been
held by the Investment, Advancement,
Finance, Building and Grounds, and
Executive Committees. So there has been
significant activity already on the part of
the board and its committees, with much
exciting work ahead for the year.
A few notes regarding the board - the GDS
board of trustees is a working board, not a
ceremonial one. The board is responsible
for strategic direction and oversight for the
school, and for designating and supporting
a Head of School, ultimately ensuring the
successful execution of the school’s mission.
The board accomplishes this work through
the diligent efforts of a group of trustees (21
this year), each of whom sits on at least one
board-level committee or task force, with
many sitting on two committees, and in
some cases, three or more. This year, we
are excited and honored to welcome five
new trustees to the board – Lori Aycock,
current parent and PA President, Jeff
Beach, former trustee and past parent, Eric
Calhoun, another former trustee and past
parent, Harley Garrison, current parent of
two GDS students, and a member of the
Finance Committee prior to becoming a
trustee, and Grier Booker Richards ’97, an
alumna of Greensboro Day School and past
president of the GDS Alumni Association.
Each of these new trustees brings significant
talent, skills, and experience to the GDS
board. Please join me in welcoming them.
I would also like to take this opportunity
to sincerely thank all of the members of
the board of trustees, who so selflessly
give of their time and talent to ensure
that Greensboro Day School remains a
preeminent educational institution. To see
the complete roster of trustees for this year’s
board, visit www.greensboroday.org and
click “About Us,” then “Board of Trustees.”
Given that I am only 12 weeks into a threeyear term as board chair, readers of this
letter may want to know more regarding
my service history at GDS. My daughter,
Maris, started kindergarten at GDS in
2004, and had the great fortune to be
placed in Mrs. Sipe’s class. (Maris is now in
10th grade and, last year, Mrs. Sipe was her
mentor for Confirmation at Holy Trinity
Episcopal Church, where I was baptized in
1961.) I was asked in 2005 to serve on the
GDS Advancement Committee, and not long
after that my wife, Marilyn, and I chaired the
Lower School cabinet for the Annual Fund.
In addition to the Advancement Committee,
I later served on the Finance Committee,
and was asked to serve as a GDS trustee in
2009. As a trustee, I’ve served on the Strategic
Planning Task Force, the Insurance Task
Force, the Investment Committee, the Audit
Committee, and the Finance Committee,
and ultimately was asked to chair the Finance
Committee and serve as Treasurer of the
For an institution the size of GDS, and with
a very important mission, opportunities and
challenges come along regularly, many of
them weighty. During my service tenure
at GDS, I’ve been extremely fortunate to
have worked closely with three recent board
chairs - Fran Tewkesbury, Burney Jennings,
and Ed Cone ’80, and our head of school and
his exemplary staff. I’ve been the beneficiary
of watching all of these people lead with
both high IQ and high EQ, no matter the
issue at hand, and in the process create a
board and senior leadership team governance
environment that fosters respectful, healthy,
and smart deliberation and decision-making,
to the great benefit of Greensboro Day School
and its mission. It is not a burden to serve in
this type of environment - it is energizing and
a privilege. As board chair, I look forward to
continuing the tradition of prior board chairs
- supporting the work being done by trustees,
our head of school, administrators, faculty,
and parent volunteers to help make GDS the
best school it can be.
Jack Whitley, Chair
Greensboro Day School Board of Trustees
GDS Magazine | 5
A New Central Quadrangle will be the Heart of our School
As stated in previous issues of GDS
Magazine, in October 2007, the Board of
Trustees adopted a bold new campus master
plan to guide Greensboro Day School’s
campus and facilities development toward
a 21st century educational environment.
Factors that shaped the campus master plan
at that time included:
• academic program needs
• grade configuration
• campus security
• basic plant operation
• environmental sustainability, and
• future traffic patterns in anticipation of
the completion of the urban loop.
for grades 5-8 that, in its own sustainable
design and operations, would serve
as a teaching environment. The new
Bell Family Middle School, completed
in August 2014, leads the campus
aesthetically in ambitious, yet modest,
ways and provides building features that
can be integrated into other existing
buildings through ongoing renovations
and additions over time. An example
of this is the western façade of the new
Auxiliary Gymnasium that incorporates
the tan siding of the new Bell Middle
School, into the pattern of familiar tan and
brown bricks of the older buildings.
The plan enables GDS to maintain
more of the campus in its natural state,
providing natural learning areas for our
students and creating a buffer from the
surrounding suburban sprawl. As the plan
is implemented, the entire campus will be
transformed into a vibrant learning facility
with environmental sustainability and
stewardship reflected in all facilities and
The last element of this phase of
construction is the infrastructure of our
new central Quadrangle. Having a natural
park in the middle of our campus will
be a defining feature for our school. Like
many colleges and schools, Greensboro
Day School’s central gathering space will
be the heart of campus and will eventually
have beautiful and interesting features that
reflect our core values and school ethos.
Our vision is for an environmentally green
educational oasis with two striking new
1. A large central quadrangle that provides a
natural green community gathering space for
2. Reorientation of the main entrance to
Lake Brandt Road
Once the new building construction was
underway last year, school leaders called
on the GDS community to envision how
our Quadrangle can function and what we
want it to reflect about us as a school.
The first priority in the plan was to
construct a new Middle School building
Visions for Design Workshops in January 2014
Local architect John Drinkard of CJMW
led a series of focus groups in January
2014 to gather ideas from parents,
faculty, students, alumni, grandparents
By Anne Hurd
and community friends about what might
be in our quadrangle. Participants said our
quadrangle should:
• Provide space for both formal events and informal activities
• Promote social interaction
• Have a central area designed for large gatherings or events with infrastructure built in for lights and sound
• Provide intimate spaces for quiet reflection or private conversation
• Be a nice place to play
• Have outdoor seating for classes or dining
• Provide for pedestrian circulation
• Have a raised or designated stage area for performers
• Have places to display artwork by students or outside artists
• Include an outdoor amphitheater
• Provide opportunities for memorials or honorariums
• Have trees for shade in seating areas and for educational purposes
• Use landscaping to define different zones
• Have meaningful landscaping with plants varying in colors and textures
Based upon these ideas, and informed by the
topography and foot traffic of our campus,
the idea emerged for a simple rectangular
sidewalk grid pattern that defines a large
central grassy commons area that can be
set up for large gatherings or simple play.
Trees, lampposts and benches will define the
border of the commons. Around the edges of
the commons, different concepts have been
suggested for gathering areas and a place for
Because there is a significant drop in the
topography from the central quadrangle to
the area between the back of the center for
the arts and athletic center, there are several
interesting features that can be considered.
One feature is a serpentine sidewalk; one is
an outdoor grassy amphitheater. Other
6 | Fall 2014
ideas include artistic concrete benches,
sculpture that serves as bike racks, and
sidewalks inlaid with artwork. A stage area
could be demarked on the quad’s eastern
edge (near the Upper School) by a circular
pergola, checkered brick pattern or even a
permanent raised stage.
Another area of interest is the patio area
outside the McMillion Building, which
houses the Parents’ Association Media
Center. The conceptual plans include
options for a rounded terraced seating
area or a square terraced seating area, with
a variety of options of brick and grass. One
concept even suggests a circular labyrinth.
Trees and landscaping will play a large role
in the character of what will essentially be a
park in the center of our campus. A variety
of trees about which students will learn will
be included on the plans. Plantings in a
variety of colors and textures will give each
gathering spot a different feel.
Memorials and Honorariums
At Greensboro Day School, the partnership
of students, teachers and parents is
paramount in our school community.
Members of our school community
want to celebrate these relationships by
remembering someone special with a
unique and lasting gift; this design came up
frequently in the workshops.
There is an existing Campus Landscaping
Plan that will be updated with special
emphasis on the Quadrangle to provide
opportunities for tributes – honorariums
or memorials – with a lasting gift of a
name on a brick, tree or bench. Most
of these opportunities will be located in
and around the Quadrangle, but also in
various areas around the campus. Tribute
gifts can be made to GDS that will be
placed in a permanent endowment fund,
the income from which will be used to
create and maintain our beautiful learning
The new Quadrangle will be built with
an immediate opportunity to pay tribute
to someone special. In the four center
intersections of the Quadrangle Commons,
commemorative bricks will be available
to give as tribute gifts each spring so that
alumni, graduating seniors or retiring faculty
– among others – can be honored. Orders
will be taken for a specified period with
bricks engraved and installed during the
When Samet Corporation completes this
phase of the campus master plan at the end
of 2014, the infrastructure will be in place
in the new Quadrangle for big or small
special events. This will include underground
electrical conduit for tent lighting and PA
systems, water drainage and irrigation. Above
the ground, the envisioned sidewalk grid, a
central grassy Commons area, and lampposts
will be installed.
As GDS nears the 50th Anniversary of its
founding (in 2020), we find opportunities to
create and maintain all across our campus the
new plazas, outdoor spaces and seating areas,
walking paths and extensive landscaping that
is anticipated and depicted on our campus
master plan. These plans, once realized,
will dramatically enhance the exterior
environment for the learning experience of
our students.
GDS Magazine | 7
Teacher Enrichment Endowment Fund Grants
In the spring of 2014, the Parents’ Association once again awarded grants to several deserving faculty who submitted
proposals for summer learning opportunities. In all, the PA awarded $14,235 to 12 recipients. To follow are highlights of
some of these summer experiences:
Tuma Dances with the Yoga Dogs
Tuma, bottom row 3rd from
the left
Physical Education teacher
Kristen Tuma was offered
a Parents’ Association
Teacher Enrichment
Endowment Fund Grant
to attend Dancing Dogs
Yoga Greensboro’s 100Hour Intensive Teacher
Training last May. The
six-day training included:
sequencing of yoga postures
and poses, methodology,
how to teach an effective
yoga class, proper alignment
and modifications, and how
to live off your mat. She will
conclude the final 100 hours
of yoga teacher training by
December 2014, and at
that time will be considered
a Yoga Alliance Certified
teacher (RYT 200).
Starting in January, she
will teach a semester-long
yoga course that is part
of the Physical Education
Department’s Upper School
course offerings. Currently
34 students are enrolled.
Not only will students learn
and practice postures and
poses, but they will also
learn breathing methods,
philosophy and relaxation
“Navigating the world as a
teen these days is tougher
than ever with academic,
extracurricular, social,
and emotional demands;
nevermind the endless time
and energy spent in the
social media world
of Twitter, Facebook,
Instagram, etc.,” Tuma
explains. “Yoga provides
students with the perfect
opportunity to disconnect
from the fast-paced world
they live in and slow down.”
Students will also have the
opportunity to experience
improved strength, flexibility
and balance, in addition
to many other physical
benefits. This course is oneof-a-kind here in Greensboro
and GDS students have
a unique opportunity to
participate in a class that
is not available to other
students in the area. Tuma
and a GDS alumna, Jane
Andrews Nelson Brantley
’04, are scheduled to coteach a yoga class during
GDS Alumni Weekend 2015.
Learning to Lead
To support her roles as lead faculty advisor to the Honor Board and Honor Code Committee, Upper
School technology coordinator Chrissy Olson ’85, attended the Gardner Carney Leadership Lab. The
Leadership Lab is unique in that it puts participants in the same situation as students at, and the
faculty of the Lab taught in the manner that participants should use in schools.
“The Lab helped me understand the depth and complexity of the act of leadership and that
the teaching of leadership is even more layered,” Olson says. “I have always been interested in
motivation. My work with the Honor Board, Honor Code Committee, Ethical Literacy Committee,
swim team and my applied technology course has changed the direction of my interest from
‘how can I motivate and lead?’ to ‘how can I teach students to motivate and lead? Thus, creating a
student-led environment.”
8 | Fall 2014
Living La Vida España
Upper School Spanish teacher Ayesha Swinton
joined Lower School Spanish teacher, Morgan
Sharp, for three weeks learning about the culture
of Equatorial Guinea, the only Spanish speaking
country in Africa. (see page 20) Following their
adventure, her PA grant took her to Madrid for a
week of immersion with a local family while she
attended La Aventura Española Spanish Language
“In our sunny classroom, a handful of students
from North Carolina, Australia, London, Florida,
and Germany chatted about indirect speech, the
subjunctive mood, and even practiced calling a
plumber to fix a leaky pipe that led to irreparable
water damage in a Madrid apartment,” Swinton
recalls. “After class we all went together for bike
rides, ice cream, tapas, palace visits, improv comedy
clubs and Kizomba dancing.”
far left,
with her
In addition to language acquisition, the GDS World
Languages Department is striving to teach GDS
students to be culturally literate. According to E.D.
Hirsch, cultural literacy is ‘the ability to understand
and participate fluently in a given culture. The
culturally literate person is able to talk to and
understand others of that culture with fluency’.
As a teacher in this department, Swinton is also
striving to become increasingly literate in the area of
Hispanic culture.
This year, one of Swinton’s professional goals is
to improve upon the tenet of Global Education
and Sustainability in her classroom. In addition to
various culture study and mini-immersion projects,
she will have guests from Nicaragua, Venezuela,
the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico coming to
interact with her students.
“Being in Spain, I reconfirmed what I already know
to be true,” Swinton explains. “In order to maximize
their language acquisition, our students need
to listen to and speak with native speakers and
whenever possible immerse themselves in the
myriad of Hispanic cultures.
Campus News
Conference Re-enforces
the Physical in Education
Karen Radecki, another physical education
teacher at GDS, attended the National
Physical Education Institute Conference
in Asheville to learn tools, strategies and
information on developing K-12 curriculum
aligned with student assessment. During her
three days at the conference, she learned
information that will help her develop her
curriculum, including:
• Healthy active kids make better learners.
• Exercise benefits the brain first. Why? Because exercise grows new brain cells and gives the brain more capacity to learn.
• Exercise boosts brain functions, improves cognition, strengthens memory, prepares the brain to learn, regulates behavior, and can positively change the brain.
• Students learn 10% more by standing because their large muscles are engaged.
Martin Trains Educators
GDS Earth Science
teacher Tim Martin
has been instrumental
in planning and
presenting several
education workshops
that have been jointly
sponsored by the North Carolina Geological
Survey, NC Division of Emergency
Management, and NCDENR.
K-12 and informal educators from across the
state of North Carolina learned about:
History of North Carolina earthquakes
How to prepare for an earthquake emergency
New Earth Science curriculum correlated to Essential Standards
Hands-on activities to bring back to classrooms
Many of the lessons and activities presented
at this workshop are part of the standard
GDS Earth Science curriculum each year.
Workshops were presented in Asheville,
Charlotte and Winston-Salem throughout
the month of September.
72 Earn AP Scholar Recognition
Seventy-two (72) students at Greensboro Day School have earned AP Scholar
Awards in recognition of their exceptional achievement on AP Exams. Their average
score on AP Exams was a 3.73 out of a possible 5.
The College Board’s Advanced Placement Program® provides academically
prepared students with the opportunity to take rigorous college-level courses while
still in high school, and to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both for
successful performance on the AP Exams. About 22 percent of the more than 2.2
million students worldwide who took AP Exams performed at a sufficiently high
level to also earn an AP Scholar Award.
The College Board recognizes several levels of achievement based on students’
performance on AP Exams. At GDS, AP exams were administered last spring and
the following students were recognized as AP Scholars or higher:
Three students, William Armstrong ’14, Delaney Dalldorf ’15, and Shivani Shah
’14, qualified for the National AP Scholar Award by earning an average score of 4
or higher on a five-point scale on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on
eight or more of these exams.
Nineteen (19) students qualified for the AP Scholar with Distinction Award
by earning an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of
3 or higher on five or more of these exams. These students are 2014 graduates
Lexy Ackerman, Christopher Caffrey, Kevin Carty, Connor Cooke, Mary Glaser,
Elizabeth Haenel, Laura McGee, Kit McGinley, Mary Kathryn Sapp, Alexa
Schleien, Rachel Schomp, Caroline Sherwood, Reid Smith, Caroline Spurr, and Raj
Vyas, and current seniors Alyssa Altheimer, Annalise Graves, Jonas Procton, and
Tianyi Wang.
Eighteen (18) students qualified for the AP Scholar with Honor Award by earning
an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher
on four or more of these exams. These students are 2014 graduates Tyler Aluisio,
Miranda Bachicha, Natalie Curry, Rachel Hayes, Patti Hazlett, Amina Khan, Haley
Klinger, Matthew McIvor, Matthew Melhem, James Murray, Carole Roman, Janse
Schermerhorn, Clayton Swords, Grayson Thompson and Catherine Wright, and
current seniors Connor Dean and Alex Kroeger. Current junior Genna Singer also
qualifed as an AP Scholar with Honor.
Thirty-two (32) students qualified for the AP Scholar Award by completing three
or more AP Exams with scores of 3 or higher. The AP Scholars are 2014 graduates
Karson Bankhead, Lauren Beane, Halie Biggs, Claire Burns, Julia Cook, Gina Dick,
Ellie Dougherty, Clay Hawkins, Sarah Lindsay Liebkemann, Matthew Lowe, Rachel
Luce, Josh Markwell, Matthew Petrinitz, Sam Pulitzer, Eric Rosenbower, Josh Siar,
Katherine Sipes, Ethan Smith, Tess Stark, David Stern, Megan Stonecipher, Tyler
Sudbrink, Kelsey Supple, and Pearce Veazey, and current seniors Nich Duehring,
Lucy Dunham, Brandon Freeman, Iv Hendrix, Sarah Kahn, Tom Kubitza, Shan
Wang, and Katie Watson.
GDS Magazine | 9
Campus News
Five Join Greensboro Day Faculty
performances in the Triad area.
He has been visiting residents
at nursing homes to give 1-hour
concerts on violin and piano.
He was chosen in a national
competition to perform at
Carnegie Hall this summer as part
of the inaugural Middle School
Honors Performance Series. n
If you haven’t seen our new
wood-fired kiln, it really is a
wonderful work of craftsmanship.
Art teacher Kim Burroughs,
along with help from students
and MS teacher Tim Martin, have
built a beautiful new addition
for our pottery curriculum. The
kiln is location between the
administration, cafeteria and
McMillion buildings. Funding
was provided by the Parents’
Association. n
The Upper School’s first
Activities Period of the year was
packed with Summer Reading
connections. Juniors heard
from Wiley Cash, author of their
summer read “This Dark Road
to Mercy”, sophomores read
“Mountains Beyond Mountains”
and heard more from a panel
of community members about
the importance of thoughtfully
picking service learning
initiatives, and former “Rocket
Boy” Ed Paynter met with our
freshmen to connect them to
their read “October Sky.” n
8th grader Michael Drusdow
is sharing his musical talent
through community service
10 | Fall 2014
8th graders Cooper Crosby
and Julia Davis, along with
sophomore Sandra Davis and
alumnae Lindsey Evans ’04
traveled to the Dominican
Republic to work with Haitian
Refugees on the Sugar Cane
Bateys, the plantation villages
where workers and their families
live. Poor living conditions,
unclean water, and not enough
jobs in the sugar cane fields make
for a tough situation. Each day,
they traveled from their lodging
in a US-donated yellow school
bus into the fields to hand out
medicine, make lunches, and
play games with the kids. GDS
athletics donated old jerseys
which were distributed to their
youth. n
The following MS and US
students attended the annual
NCAIS Honor Band clinic
at Campbell University in
October. These students were
nominated and accepted into
this outstanding clinic, along
with other NCAIS students
from Charlotte to Wilmington:
Carter Anderson, Nick Grapey,
Moritz Kramme, Bennett Lewis,
Ben Regester, Brooke Sanders,
Cooper Sanders, Laura Watson,
Alyssa Altheimer, Lindsey Cooke,
and Michael Williams. n
Upper School Deans Tammy Alt
and Jennifer Ford attended the
NACAC (National Association
for College Admissions
Counseling) Conference in
Indianapolis, September
18-20. They attended a
variety of sessions including
looking at different models for
college counseling, reporting
disciplinary infractions, writing
recommendations, supporting
underrepresented minorities
through the process, gap
years, and benefits/drawbacks
of early admission processes.
They also heard from author
Madeline Levine (The Price of
Privilege) speak about why
teenagers from affluent families
are experiencing increased
emotional problems and how
this is tied to the definition of
success. n
Grace Sherrill ’16 is spending the semester at The School for Ethics
and Global Leadership. She is pictured (front row second from left)
with her classmates and George Moose, former Assistant Secretary of
State for African Affairs. Moose was one of the lead State Department
officials managing the U.S. response to the Rwandan genocide, and is
now Vice Chair of the Board of the United States Institute of Peace. n
At the start of our 45th year, we welcomed the
following new faculty members to our community:
Greg Hamer
Upper School Science
B.Sc. in Environmental Science,
Edith Cowan University (Australia)
Graduate Diploma of Education in
Science Education, Curtin Univ. of
Technology (Australia)
Lindsey Payne
Upper School History
BA in Art History/Museum
Studies, UNCG
MA in European History, UNCG
Kristen Lancaster ’84
5th Grade Study Skills
BS in Special Education,
College of Charleston
M.Ed. in Cross-Categorical
Special Education, UNCG
Allison Fligel, Junior
Kindergarten Assistant
BS in Marketing, East Carolina
Birth-Kindergarten License,
Greensboro College
Jenna Gilfillan
4th Grade Teacher
BA in Elementary Education,
Greensboro College
M.Ed. in Reading Education, UNCG
On September 23,
our McLendon Parent
Education Speaker, Andy
Core, spent the day with
our students and faculty
discussing tips for making
ethical decisions. This all
led up to a wonderful parent session during
the evening. Core recommends having a
common set of core values in your family.
These values will be the guiding principles
your children will use to make good choices.
“It will be easier for them to look at a
situation and say ‘yes, this is in keeping with
my family’s values,’ or ‘no, this isn’t what my
family believes in,’” he explained.
facult y
Jose Navarro
By Cristi Phillips Driver ’86
Jose Navarro has been teaching Middle School Spanish at Greensboro
Day School for the past nine years. Originally born in Mexico, Navarro
moved to Los Angeles at age 7 and ended up in North Carolina when
his family moved to Siler City while he was in his teens.
A graduate of UNC Greensboro with both a bachelor’s degree in
Spanish and a master’s degree in English as a Second Language (ESL),
Navarro knew he wanted to work with kids teaching language.
“One of the things I like best about teaching middle school is that I
get to teach students as early as 5th grade and get them back every
year until high school. Many teachers only get to teach these kids
for one year, but I get them back-to-back and really get to see them
develop and grow,” Navarro said. “Developing this type of teacherstudent relationship really helps with trust and learning.”
It’s apparent his relationship with his students is a strong one. Just
last year, he received the Alumni Extra Yard Award, given by the
GDS Alumni Association to two teachers each year who go “above
and beyond” to impact another person’s life, a program or their
“Señor Navarro always teaches us while making it fun and exciting,”
says Brooke Sanders ’19, one of the many students who nominated
him. “He offers multiple formats for each project to be completed so
that all students can utilize their individual talents. Señor Navarro
goes above and beyond so that each student can receive the best
education possible.”
Having previously taught in the public school system, Navarro says
one of the biggest differences he’s found between GDS and public
school is parent involvement. “I always have great parent support
here,” Navarro said. “If there is ever a concern with a student, within
one day, I can meet with a parent and have a plan in place to get them
back on track. This was not something I had on a regular basis in the
public schools.”
Navarro still stays close to his N.C. roots, living in Siler City with his
wife, Maria, of 10 years and their three sons, a kindergartner, a 5th
grader and a high school sophomore. His family likes to spend a
lot of time visiting the mountains and the coast. In his spare time,
Navarro is also an avid runner, but you won’t catch him running any
marathons. “Not a lot of people know I am a runner. I just run for my
health and well being,” he said.
Navarro says what keeps him motivated to continue teaching at GDS
is the kids. “Our students really want to learn, and with that, along
with such strong parent support, I can do so much. I can see their
progress and watch them grow,” Navarro added. “I couldn’t be at a
better place.”
GDS Magazine | 11
Fall Season Kicks-Off High Hope
While only earning one
conference championship this
fall, the Bengals played with
class and determination as they
kicked-off a highly anticipated
2014-15 season.
It was a 6th consecutive
conference title for the varsity
girls’ tennis team this fall. This
year’s top six players were diverse
in age – seniors, a sophomore
and a freshman – which leads
many to believe the Lady Bengals
will continue their conference
dominance for years to come.
Clarke Phillips ’18
Berit Andersen ’18
12 | Fall 2014
The varsity boys’ soccer team
finished the regular season
as runners-up in the PACIS
conference, finishing 7-3 in
conference play. In the NCISAA
state tournament, the Bengals
lost to a very good Charlotte
Latin team in the first round
match. The Bengals were led
by a small but dedicated fourperson senior class, all of whom
displayed outstanding leadership
throughout the entire season.
The soccer program will miss
each member of this senior class,
however the future is bright as 17
players from this team will return
in 2015.
With ten returning seniors,
the 2014 field hockey season
was an exciting one. The team
finished with an 8-10 record
and advanced to the first round
of state playoffs against Forsyth
Country Day. The Lady Bengals
went into two overtimes and
strokes against the Furies, but lost
in strokes 2-1.
The varsity girls’ golf team
ended their regular season
with a 5-5 record. On the last
day of the season, the Lady
Bengal golfers surged into the
state tournament by moving
up one place (8th) to claim
the last qualifying spot. The
Bengals were led throughout
the season by sophomore
Taylor Bair, who scored a
team, and season, low 9-hole
score of 40.
Sarah Price ’18
The varsity volleyball team
also had a decent season. The
team played hard, improved
every game, and had a lot of
Nick Peterson ’16
fun doing it. Our four seniors
did a great job leading the team
and laid the foundation for
the underclassman to continue
building the program. Both the boys’ and girls’ cross
country teams competed
well against conference and
non-conference opponents
on a variety of terrain around
the state. They also had the
chance to run on GDS’
new home course located
at Guilford College. This
collegiate-level course was
very challenging and will be
well-used over the next few
years. The Bengals concluded
the season with several strong
performances at the state meet
on a tough mountain course in
Hendersonville, N.C. The girls
finished as a top-10 team in the
state, led by PACIS runner of
the year Kaitlyn Lingard ’15,
who finished 4th in the race
earning her all-state honors.
es for the Bengals in 2014-15
Boys’ Soccer
Jessica Pusch ’15
Girls’ Tennis
2014 PACIS Conference Runners-Up
All-Conference: Harrison North ’15,
Rakene Chowdhury ’16 and AJ Spruill ’16
All-Region: Harrison North
Coach’s Award: Chris Majestic ’15,
Kenneth Deterding ’16, Matt Amend ’17
Most Valuable Player: AJ Spruill
2014 PACIS Conference Champions
All-Conference: Ana Bolson ’15, Mariah Warren ’15, Clarke Phillips ’18,
Delaney Dalldorf ’15, Lauren Whitley ’18, Vivian Gertz ’18
All-State: Ana Bolson
Most Valuable Player: Ana Bolson
Most Improved Player: Delaney Dalldorf
Carlton Harris Award: Mariah Warren
Field Hockey
All-Conference: Annalise Graves ’15,
Sarah Kahn ’15, Libby Knowles ’15, Katie Wyatt ’15,
Gabrielle Aluisio ’17, Kristen Rosenbower ’17
NC All-Star Team: Sarah Kahn
Most Improved Players: Gabrielle Aluisio,
Kristen Rosenbower
All-Conference: Sam Kolls ’15
Coach’s Award: Kat Forbis ’15
Most Improved Player: Julia Solomon ’15
Offensive Most Valuable Player: Sam Kolls
Defensive Most Valuable Player: Jessica Pusch ’15
Girls’ Golf
Conference Runner of the Year: Kaitlyn Lingard ’15
All-Conference: Beau Burns ’15,
Kaitlyn Lingard, Davis Richmond ’18, Andee Richardson ’20
All-State: Kaitlyn Lingard
Runners of the Year: Beau Burns, Katilyn Lingard
Coach’s Award: Jesse Joyner ’15, Addy Anderson ’15
All-Conference: Addy Anderson ’15, Taylor Bair ’17
Most Valuable Player: Taylor Bair
Coach’s Award: Kayla Reardon ’15
Florie Markwell ’17
Cross Country
Founders Society
The Charles McLendon Founders Society recognizes those individuals who have
made provisions for GDS in their estate plans. Such provisions may take the form of a bequest, the
designation of GDS as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, the establishment of a charitable trust
with GDS as the beneficiary, the assignment of a title to a primary residence or other planned gift
arrangement. Gifts are designated or restricted according to the donor’s wishes. Most often, donors
choose to direct planned estate gifts to the School’s permanent endowment, or to provide their own
named endowment fund for a specific purpose.
Membership in the McLendon Society is a special distinction, signaling the donor’s understanding
that the future of the Day School is a priority now in planning for the ultimate gift upon their
death. It is a lifelong commitment to the School’s future welfare. Because of the great variety of gift
vehicles and giving opportunities available, donors can make a very personal statement about their
care and concern for the children who attend the school.
For more information about planning a gift to Greensboro Day School, visit www.greensboroday.
org/plannedgiving, or contact Anne Hurd, Director of Advancement, 336-288-8590, ext. 235.
GDS Magazine | 13
1 Students can see the roof truss structure, electrical
and plumbing running through public areas of the
building. The nanowall of windows (right) in both
Commons areas fully open to the central courtyard to
“bring the outdoors, indoors.”
5 Throughout the building, the design maximizes daylight to enhance the learning environment---sometimes
referred to as “harvesting daylight”. From inside, this is a view out of the front doors of the Lobby with the
administration offices on the right and conference room on the left.
2 One of the sustainable features is polished concrete
floors. Wood lockers are beautiful and reduce the noise of
lockers slamming shut in hallways.
3 The lights of each classroom are regulated with
occupancy sensors and photosensors. Ventilation and
shade naturally reduces air conditioning and heating
(HVAC) load. This is the 5-6 Science Classroom.
4 Each classroom has a sloped ceiling, a full-length
teaching wall with a short-throw projector, and tectum
ceiling panels and carpet for noise reduction. Carpet
squares make spot replacement easy and cost-effective.
14 | Fall 2014
6 The courtyard loggia, the surrounding covered area, provides ample space for project groups nearly
every month throughout the school year.
7 The old middle school building was demolished to make room for the new central quadrangle that will be
our community gathering space. By the end of December, the quadrangle will have sidewalks, a grassy center
commons, and lampposts. The GDS community is providing input on what we would like to see in the smaller
gathering areas that will surround the quadrangle. These will be completed over time.
Around Campus
8 The Bell Family Middle School was completed in August 2014. It was designed specifically for GDS’ 5-8 grade program and, as a sustainable building, is in and of itself, a teaching tool
the NEW Bell Family Middle School
9 Pairing grades 5-6 and 7-8 to share facilities
and programs, is Best Practice in education
based upon research. This is a 5-6 morning
assembly in their Commons area.
12 Donors gathered on
August 16 to celebrate the
culmination of the Generations Capital Campaign.
Leaders Merrill and Chuck
Keeley ’81 and Melinda and
Jim Rucker ’82 were pleased
at the generous support
from the GDS community
that raised over $7 million,
surpassing the goal for the
middle school, tennis courts,
front entrance and auxiliary
10 A design center is located on both 5-6 and
7-8 sides of the building to provide space for
project-based learning. Upper School Physics
Teacher Jeff Regester was on-hand during the
Open House on August 17 to demonstrate the
new 3-D printer to students and families.
11 The Jackie and Steve Bell Family made the school’s largest gift ever received to the
Generations Capital Campaign. The new Middle School building was named in recognition of
their immense generosity at the ribbon-cutting on August 17, 2014.
GDS Magazine | 15
The Green & Gold Day Fall Festival returned to its roots this year!
Having been held on a Saturday the last few years, this year’s event was
once again free and held after-school on a Friday afternoon. Mother
Nature brought us 70-degree weather on October 17… who could ask
for anything more?! A special ‘thank you’ goes to the dozens of parent
volunteers who pulled off another fun event for our community.
16 | Fall 2014
Annual Fund First!
I chose GDS for my children 8 years ago
to prepare them for college. Now that
I have a graduate, I realize that GDS
has prepared him for life, not just for
four years. From seeking out help from
teachers to navigating Open Campus
periods to tutoring kids at other schools,
he has had various learning opportunities
that I never had and that he would not
have at other schools.
Now, as the parent of a senior, I wanted
to be involved my last year as a parent at
GDS. The Annual Fund is a good way
to see all the good going on at the school.
To chair the Annual Fund is a privilege
for me and I appreciate working with the
grateful parents, alumni, grandparents,
faculty and staff who are a part of
Greensboro Day School.
The Annual Fund supports all of the
programs that make Greensboro Day
School unique. Please consider joining me
in making a gift of any amount today!
Molly Burns
Parent of Jake ’12, Beau ’15, and Maggie ’17
2014-15 Annual Fund First Chair
GDS Magazine | 17
Around Campus
1. Mrs. Hopkins welcomed her
students with open arms on the first
day of school!
walk to the local fire station to meet
our local heroes and test out the
4. Our 1st graders, including Reston
Wood, love butterflies! As part of their
study of these majestic creatures, they
enjoyed a field trip to All-A-Flutter
Butterfly Farm.
2. Peter Agba ’15 took some time to
read to his Kindergarten buddy,
Hunter McCoy. Seniors meet with
their buddies several times a year.
5. You never know what you are
going to get when our seniors show
up for yearbook pictures... Loofas and
Bubbles?! (pictured: Seniors Isabel
Seifert, Katie Wyatt and Sarah Kahn)
3. Nothing beats trucks with sirens!
Our Bitty Bengals and Junior
Kindergarteners enjoyed a pleasant
6. Our 6th graders made their
inaugural trip to Headacres Farm for
the 2014-15 school year in October.
18 | Fall 2014
They will visit science teacher Craig
Head’s farm throughout the year to
learn about changes in vegetation,
wildlife and more.
has been committed to an honor
code whose significance we observe
daily in the actions of our students,
teachers, staff and parents.”
7. Mother Nature rained on our
parade, but we still squeezed in a ton
of fun during our Family Fun Night in
9. 6th graders spent four fabulous
days team building in nature at Camp
Tekoa. While there, they learned
about boat building and water
ecology, geocached, took part in an
underground railroad activity, and
participated in team games and a
ropes course.
8. Upper School students and faculty
gathered in the Sloan Theatre to sign
the Honor Code. As US Director Susan
Feibelman said, “In practical terms, it
was not the signing of our names on
a piece of paper that mattered. Rather
it is what we do each and every day
that distinguishes our community.
For more than 30 years our school
10. APArt: Our AP art students worked
on a modern take on the classic
“still life.” They used their choice of
medium, or a combination of media.
11. Walker Munsey ’23 and his fellow
4th graders were asked by Triad
Stage to create ’child-like’ works of
art to decorate the stage for their
production of “The Member of the
12. “Right, Left, Right... nooo, it’s
twice around left... no, the other left...
no, you can’t back up you have to
start again...” With the help of their
teachers and Head of School Mark
Hale, our 5th graders learned the fine
art of locker combinations on their
brand new wood lockers in the Bell
Family Middle School.
13. Our 7th graders took over the
U.S. National Whitewater Center in
Charlotte in September, the same
day our 8th graders explored and
reflected at Hanging Rock State
Park… two fabulous examples of our
commitment to outdoor education.
14. Senior Annalise Graves escorts
her Junior Kindergarten buddy, Noah
Brown, to the opening of the school’s
45th year. As our student body
president, Annalise, rang in the school
year 45 times during the Opening of
School ceremony.
GDS Magazine | 19
Spanish Immersion
“Off the Beaten Path”
his past summer, the Brooks
Sabbatical Endowment Fund
Grant generously provided
the opportunity for me to
“create my own adventure” in
professional development. This is my 9th
year serving as Greensboro Day School’s
Lower School Spanish teacher. In this role, it
is a highly personal and professional priority
for me to travel to, and learn about, the
Spanish speaking areas in our world. For
years, Equatorial Guinea, the only Spanish
speaking nation in Africa, has teased my
imagination as a Spanish speaking culture that
is so entirely different from Latin American
countries. It was a place that crossed my path
occasionally as I studied and taught Spanish.
Maps and flags but little else would appear in
compilations of Spanish-speaking nations in
books and on Web sites. When researching
Equatorial Guinea, I found information to
be sparse; this was truly a place I needed
to see for myself in order to gain some
Early in my planning stages for this trip, I
was fortunate to have Ayesha Swinton, a
fellow GDS Spanish teacher, agree to join me.
Together, we were a dynamic duo – navigating
school interviews, new cities and countryside;
we traveled and gathered information for
GDS’s Spanish curriculum. Overall, we spent
just under a month in Equatorial Guinea.
During that time, we thoroughly explored the
capital city, Malabo, visited several schools,
journeyed to the small mountain town of
Moka to learn about their bio-protection
program, and traveled through the city of
Bata and a border town of the Monte Alen
National Park.
Here I will share just a few of the experiences
we gained over the summer. Please visit our
blog, detailed at the end of this article, for
more adventures.
20 | Fall 2014
By Morgan Sharp
Lower School Spanish Teacher and ESL Instructor, and 2014 Brooks Sabbatical Recipient
students who were willing and permission
to record their responses. We spoke with
two different groups of 10-15 students. We
asked them questions about which classes
they liked best, what they hoped to do after
high school, if they had jobs at home or
outside the house after school, and what
kinds of music they liked, which led to four
students showing us a dance! Some of the
children were very quiet and soft spoken,
but in each group there were at least a few
who were talkative. The most inspiring
responses we heard were about their future
plans. Every child we talked to had a career
in mind for their future. A part of Malabo we appreciated was
the prevalence of cultural centers. In the
downtown area there are three centers:
Centro de Cultura Frances, Española, and
Equatoguineano. Each cultural center has
a café with traditional food, game rooms,
stages and gathering rooms for concerts and
presentations, libraries, internet connectivity,
and many events and classes. We attended a
concert of Ecuatoguineano hip hop artists,
a cultural presentation of the nation’s
four islands with children’s games, chants,
traditional musicians, and younger pop
musicians. We even took part in a traditional
cooking lesson from the cooks at the
Ecuatoguineano cultural center. The menu
included snapper cooked in peanut sauce
over rice, huge land snails cooked in tomato
herb sauce, and chicken kabobs. We were able to visit several different
schools while in Equatorial Guinea. One
school was a primary through secondary
school called “Escuela Padre Labrado” in the
neighborhood of Ela Nguema, located in the
capital city, Malabo. This school, like most,
has two different sessions each day. One set
of students attend from 8:00 a.m.-12:00
p.m. and a new group comes from 1:00-5:00
When we visited, the children only had
two weeks of school left before the end of
their year, and many classes were taking
final exams which consisted of the teacher
asking verbal questions and the students
writing their answers on notebook paper.
They all worked on crudely built wooden
benches with a long board across the top to
bare down on. The principal took us into
several different rooms and let us introduce
ourselves. The students all stood up as we
walked in, and said, “Buenas Tardes,” in
unison. They waited for permission from
their teacher to sit. They listened quietly as
Students in Moka try on their new GDS gear
Children in escuela padre labrado
Ayesha and I explained that we were visiting
teachers from the USA who wanted to learn
about their country so our Spanish students
could learn about Equatorial Guinea. The
principal gave us permission to “interview”
They had plenty of questions for us as
well: Do we know how to ski? What
do we like to do? What is the culture of
the USA like? What are the people like
there? Where is our school? To answer
this one I drew a terrible map of the USA
on the chalk board and identified major
landmarks, as I pointed out California,
New York, Washington, D.C., Florida…
I was amazed. The students recognized
the names of these states, and when
I drew the Carolinas I heard several,
“Oh, si, Carolina,” comments echoing
around the room. How had they heard
of the Carolinas? It only took a few more
questions to realize that several students
knew of Michael Jordan!
We left the capital city to visit a rural
mountain town, Moka, to learn about the
Bioko biodiversity protection program.
Small groups of mainly American
researchers have been on Bioko island for
the past 15 years studying the primates
and sea turtles unique to this area. Over
their time there, they have worked with
the government to establish a national
protection area, and they have made
attempts to educate the local community
GDS Magazine | 21
to think of one for when we visited their
school. We decided to start our interaction
with the children with these games. First,
we taught them four corners. They giggled
and snuck from corner to corner and the
ones who got out helped me count to ten
in English. Next we tried red light, green
light. The principal showed us a poster on
the wall of a stop light with explanations of
each color. They don’t have stop lights in
this town so they had a lesson on the signals
to prepare the students for when they go to
about the national resources of the island.
Bush meat is a delicacy in Equatorial
Guinea, and the primate populations
are heavily hunted. There are posted “no
hunting” signs around the main roads
leading into the area, but enforcement is
inconsistent. This has been very frustrating
for the researchers, but they continue to
track the dwindling primate populations,
organize volunteers to track the sea turtle
populations who nest on the southern coast
of Bioko island, and conduct programming
for school-aged children to inspire
conservationist attitudes in the younger
generation. A
s our taxi climbed the
mountain to reach Moka,
the air got fresher and cooler.
Clouds of condensation
covered the vehicle and the
surrounding hills. In the small village, we
were dropped off outside of Mama Rosa’s
house. In the village, older women are called
“Mama.” Mama Rosa is an 87-year-old
woman who rents out a separate section of
her home to travelers. Her daughter, who
is also named Rosa, lives in another house
right down the street, and it is the younger
Rosa who actually handles the business
transaction. She offered to cook for us for a
small extra fee, which we quickly accepted
since there are no restaurants and only a
few sparsely stocked stores in the village.
The people here are all farmers; everyone
has their plot of land. We saw green beans,
eggplants, elephant ear leaves, guavas,
Morgan with both “Mama Rosas” and their granddaughters
bananas, hot peppers, cabbage, cucumber,
and zucchini. Chickens and goats wandered,
searching for the next bug or spot of grass to
chomp. When we explained to the younger Rosa that
we were teachers and hoped to visit the local
school, she walked down the road to find the
school principal and the mayor of the town
to arrange our visit. The mountain makes
its own weather, most of it rain, so the next
morning we walked to the school in raincoats
and umbrellas dragging along a small suitcase
with Greensboro Day School souvenirs we
brought as a gift for the school children.
The principal, Señor Donato, welcomed
us and assembled the students. There were
about 60 children from 1st through 6th
grade. After 6th grade they live with a
relative or friend of the family in Malabo,
two hours away, if they continue studying. The majority of the students watched us
shyly as we explained who we were. There
were a few children in the group who we met
walking around the town the night before,
and they watched us expectantly. When
we met them they were playing a clapping,
stomping game called ’palmadas’ which they
patiently tried to teach us. They asked if we
had a game to teach them, and we promised
Ayesha & Morgan overlooking Moka
22 | Fall 2014
After our games, Señor Donato asked the
children to show us some dances and songs.
They girls gathered in a circle and chanted
in a tribal language, Bubi (everyone in the
town of Moka is from the Bubi tribe). Twoby-two, girls entered the circle then stepped
back out. Then the boys took a turn;
they lined up in two opposing lines and
again, two-by-two took turns approaching
the other side. Señor Donato explained
that the songs were about welcome and
happiness. Next, he chose different classes
to sing national songs for us. We heard one
about building a new society, one for the
president’s birthday, and one explaining the
colors of the flag. They requested a song
from us. “Hum,” we thought...America the
Beautiful, the Pledge of Allegiance? We went
with Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes! T
he following day, we casually
came across Señor Donato
in the street. He said, “You
didn’t have time to hear about
our history yesterday, maybe
you have time now?” We followed him into
a classroom where he explained that the
Spanish conquest occurred about 200 years
ago. Soon after, laws proclaimed Spanish
would become the official language and
Catholicism would be the official religion.
He patiently answered our questions and
gave us more information about the Bubi
tribe. We learned that while the Bubi
people are Catholic, there are still many
ways in which their older customs are
prevalent. They believe their ancestors’
spirits can possess community members
with knowledge and healing abilities, and
they still go to these people for healing.
They present 3-day-old babies to the
community with a naming festival, and the
baby receives a beaded bracelet which he/
she will wear their whole lives. Every year
they have a ñame (sweet potato) festival
where they give thanks for their harvests
and good health. Equatorial Guinea is made
up of several tribes, but historically Bioko
island was Bubi land. This was a wonderful
opportunity to learn more about their
Now that Ayesha and I are back in
Greensboro with our students, we are
working hard to develop curriculum about
Equatorial Guinea so GDS students can
learn about this unique Spanish-speaking
country. We developed several contacts
who are excited to partner with us to create
penpal exchange opportunities with
our students.
Ayesha and I had many interesting
experiences and interactions during
the summer. We catalogued our
favorite moments in a blog, which
you can visit by scanning the QR
code above.
Moka school visit
GDS Magazine | 23
Alumni Calendar: Upcoming Events 2014-15
• November 22
GDS Alumni Gathering at Basketball Games at Charlotte Country Day School:
Indoor Track (Girls at 1:00 p.m., Boys at 2:30 p.m.)
• November 25
Varsity Basketball Games (Girls at 5:00 p.m. Boys at 6:30 p.m.)
• November 28Alumni Basketball Open Gym, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
• November 28
2009 5 year reunion, Speakeasy Tavern, 7 - 9:00 p.m.
• December 12
GDS Alumni Gathering at Basketball Games at Ravenscroft: Seminar B Room
(Girls at 6:00 p.m., Boys at 7:45 p.m.)
• December 26, 27, 29TIMCO ’Little 4’ Invitational Basketball Tournament
• January 14Alumni Board Meeting, 6:00-8:00 p.m., GDS Board Room
• January 23
• February 18Alumni Giving Day, 6:00-8:30 p.m.
• March Class Giving Competition
• March 19
Washington, D.C. Alumni Social
• April 8
3rd & Final Alumni Board Meeting: 6:00-8:00 p.m., Board Room
• April 24-25Alumni Reunion Weekend
• June 1Senior/Alumni Luncheon, 1:00 p.m., Proximity Hotel
• June 5Commencement, 9:00 a.m., Dillard Gymnasium
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of your alma mater
2015 Alumni Reunion Weekend
Saturday, April 25, 2015
All-Alumni Cocktail Reception: 5:00 p.m. Sloan Theatre
Reunion Parties for the classes of ’75, ’80, ’85, ’90, ’95, ’00 and ’05:
7:30 p.m. Various Locations
“VIEW” us on Tumblr!
*If you are interested in helping to plan your class reunion, please contact
Michael Sumner ’04 at [email protected]
For more information, please visit: www.greensboroday.org/reunion
Sign up for the
online alumni
24 | Fall 2014
Did you know? Our online alumni directory gives
you the resources to reconnect with old classmates and
network with fellow alumni. Update your profile today!
Search by class year, look-up a coach or faculty member...
the password-protected database has it all! Visit www.
greensboroday.org/alumni and get started today. Don’t
remember your username and password? Contact Director
of Alumni Programs, Michael Sumner ’04 for help.
“SCAN” or go to:
Letter from the Alumni Director
GDS is anything but what it was in the 13-14
school year. The Bell Family Middle School
opened for students in August and the new
auxiliary gymnasium, as part of the J. Fred
Johnson Sports Complex, is currently under
construction and should open by January. We
have removed the original Upper School and
recent former Middle School building to make
way for a central quadrangle. We graduated 100
students, our largest class ever. These graduates
were accepted to 181 institutions and were
awarded a record-setting $5.8 million in merit
In August, Annalise Graves ’15, rang the gong at the opening ceremony 45 times
and we were reminded of the potential of every student destined to succeed
under the guidance of our energetic and wise faculty. GDS students aren’t just
here to seize the opportunities, but here to make their own, just as you did during
your time here.
For so many here, the season marks the start of something new, and I count
myself among them. As change has happened all around the GDS campus, it’s
time I ask you to help us change. As a GDS alumnus, you are needed now more
than ever. Here are four things you can do to help us as alumni:
Alumni Board Member
Nominations are now
being accepted.
Do you want to help strengthen the
GDS Alumni Association? Maybe
you want to help plan alumni
events or recruit alumni volunteers?
If this sounds like something you
would be interested in, we are now
accepting nominations for new
Alumni Board Members.
This board is open to all GDS
alumni. Please e-mail Michael Sumner
’04 at [email protected]
if you are interested. If you know
someone who you believe would be
an asset to our board, please e-mail
their name to us and tell us why
you think he/she would be a good
addition to our board.
• Volunteer on the board, as a reunion chair and/or class agent, or with Paws for Service.
• Talk about us! Help spread the word about GDS and the education you received here.
• Send us new students and families and send your own kids here.
• Give back! Help us continue to provide the best education in the area.
As our current students seize the most of their opportunities at GDS, let’s make
sure we, as alumni, are doing our part to provide them with everything they need
to make their own opportunities!
Once a Bengal, Always a Bengal!
Michael Sumner ’04
Director of Alumni Programs
Are you receiving The
Alumni Update Monthly
It includes alumni news and
announcements as well as
event reminders. If you are not
receiving the e-newsletter, email
us at [email protected]
with your name and preferred
email address to ensure you
receive the next update!
GDS Magazine | 25
R e c e nt A l u mn i
Ev e nt s
Wilmington Alumni Gathering
Alumni in the Wilmington area
gathered at Dockside Restaurant on
August 7. Alumni present included:
Alex Beaver ’08, Jason Cooke ’04,
Jessica Kasik ’05, Sarah Wall Goins
’05, Marilyn Carlson Rush ’02,
Courtney Dove McRedmond ’96,
Bryan Carpenter ’89, Kippy Ficken
Batuyios ’04, Jordan Hinkley ’05,
Sarah Cunningham ’05 and Meredith
Lomax Sheffield ’05.
Chip Payne ’77 and Freddy Johnson
George Howard ’84, Sarah Fish ’78, and Freddy Johnson
A great turnout by our GDS alumni in the Triangle area
Over 20 alumni came together in August to watch the Durham Bulls play. Alumni present
attended GDS for a span covering 39 of the 44-year history!
New Alumni
Faculty and
Staff and new
Alumni Board
26 | Fall 2014
Please help us in welcoming the newest members of the GDS Alumni Board. We look forward to their passion,
energy and devotion to Greensboro Day School.
New Alumni Board Members • Jane Andrews Nelson Brantley ’04 - Raleigh, NC
• Robbie Kelly ’09 - Greensboro
• McLean Moore ’87 - Greensboro
• Carrie Hagan Stewart ’05 – Greensboro
Returning Board Members include:
• Holly Barnes Hofbauer ’92 - Greensboro
• Beau McIntosh ’97 - Greensboro
• Sharon Siler ’97 - Washington, D.C.
Lindsey Evans ’04 (Board President), Molly Brenner ’05, Mary Copeland ’79, Megan Sudnik Craven ’06, Cristi
Phillips Driver ’86, Anna Beaver Duffy ’03, Katherine Johnson ’07, Sar Medoff ’05, Marcy McKenzie ’98, Elizabeth
Kavanagh Newsome ’03, Katherine Obermeyer ’07, Elizabeth Harrington Payonk ’97, Tyson Pugh ’01, Geoffrey
Staton ’03, and Thomas White ’00.
Alumni Faculty and Staff:
Did you know that 14 alumni have come back to GDS as faculty and staff members for the 2013-14 academic year. Have you ever
considered GDS for employment? Below is a list of our alumni faculty and staff and their current positions:
New Alumni
Kristen Cloninger
Lancaster ’84 – Middle
School Learning
Resources, 5th Grade
Study Skills
Returning Alumni Faculty/Staff include:
Gail Isaacson Bernstein ’76 – Assistant to the Head of School, Board Administrator, Margaret
Farrell Brown ’97 – Upper School Dean, Mary Schenck Dator ’82 – Director of Summer
Programs, Transportation Coordinator, Holly Barnes Hofbauer ’92 – 4th Grade Assistant,
Summer Programs Assistant, Wendy Lavine ’85 – Upper School English, Diversity Coordinator,
Amanda Dowtin McLaughlin ’97 – iPad Educator, Edo Mlatac ’97 – Systems Administrator,
IT Manager, Sarah Rose Mosh Mostafa ’06 – 5th Grade Assistant, Chrissy Olson ’85 –
Technology Coordinator, Anne Alspaugh Pinkelton ’78 – 1st Grade Assistant, Linda Knox
Sudnik ’79 – Director of Health Services, Michael Sumner ’04 – Director of Alumni Programs,
Sonny Willis ’96 – Middle School & Upper School Music, Arts Survey
Bengal Legacy Sundae
A great gathering of GDS Alumni and their families
Katherine Hall Kirkpatrick ’96 and Jay Kirkpatrick
’95 with daughter, Maggie
Adrian Eckenrod ’97 with his Bengal Legacy,
Audric ’28
’97 Classmates Grier Booker Richards, Adrian Eckenrod,
Amanda Dowtin McLaughlin, Elizabeth Harrington Payonk,
Beau McIntosh, and Laurie Nehman Lloyd
Carrie Hagan Stewart ’05 with son, Harrison; Laura
and Burns Blackwell ’96 with son Mills; and Tyson
Pugh ’01 with daughter, Frances
The 3rd annual Bengal Legacy Sundae honored alumni who have a new student entering Bitty Bengals, Junior Kindergarten and/or
Kindergarten. Other local alumni and their families joined in the event to learn more about sending their legacy to GDS. Complete with a
moon-bounce and ice-cream sundaes, alumni enjoyed themselves while their children and future GDS alumni played. Thank you to Jon and
Katherine Rapp Wood ’93 and Beau ’97 and Craig Hassenfelt McIntosh ’98 for opening up their beautiful homes for this event.
GDS Magazine | 27
Margaret ’Maggi’ Tinsley ’78
Duke University (BA), Virginia
Commonwealth University (MFA);
Principal at Tinsley Media LLC, a
communications consultancy serving
non-profit clients.
In each issue of the
GDS Magazine, we
feature a different city
where some of our
alumni live. While this
is not intended to be a
complete list, we hope
you’ll enjoy catching
up with folks in our
choice for this issue:
Richmond, Va.
Emily Burbine Rose ’97
UNC-Chapel Hill ’01; Cross Country coach
and substitute teacher at St Catherine’s
School & Board Chair and co-Founder of
Girls on the Run of Greater Richmond.
Charles Tinsley ’81
University of Virginia, BS in Computer
Science Engineering; Owner of
Tinsley Film & Video, Inc. Cameron Croft Duddy ’99
Virginia Tech (undergrad), Stetson
University School of Law; Senior
Sourcing Specialist at Dominion
Nancy Prather Boinest ’81
College of Charleston; Teacher of
students with learning disabilities at
Hopkins Road Elementary School in
Chesterfield County.
Haley Seymour Vasuki ’04
Furman University ’08; Medical
University of South Carolina (grad
school); Physician Assistant at the Spine
Institute of Virginia
Laura Dobbins ’95
Manager of Interior Design &
Selections at Boone Homes, Inc.
Jamie Donaldson ’08
East Carolina University ’12; Assistant
Superintendent and Project Manager for
Northpointe Construction.
Marie Carpenter Barrow ’96
UNC-Chapel Hill ’00, Labor and
Delivery Nurse at St. Mary’s Hospital.
Jason Rockelein ’96
Virginia Tech (Undergrad & MBA);
Sales Account Executive at Microsoft.
Sarah Mincher ’11
University of Richmond ’15, double
major in History and Political Science
with a minor in Criminal Justice.
Are you currently living in Richmond, but have fallen out of touch with GDS? Update your information by
emailing [email protected]. Our next city will be Nashville, Tenn. If you’re there or heading
that way, catch us up!
Tell us about your new job, marriage,
or new baby by email:
[email protected]
• new job title
• who you married and when
Please include specifics like:
• your new address
• new baby’s name and date of birth
And, don’t forget to include your name, address, class year and picture!
28 | Fall 2014
GDS Classes of ’12, ’13, & ’14: Want to go to South Africa?
In Port Elizabeth, you will reside in a
local hostel where the group works as
a team, assuming various household
duties including nightly meal
preparation and light housekeeping.
Each evening, participants are given
time to reflect and prepare for the
following day’s activities. Time is also
reserved for exploring area historical
and cultural attractions.
Greensboro Day School’s Summer Global
Program to Cape Town and Port Elizabeth
in South Africa will be from July 1 – July
18. Begun in 2000 by John Lombardo,
Artworks for Youth is a non-profit
organization providing art education
and academic support to underserved
students in Joe Slovo Township. We are
seeking a small group of GDS alumni
to travel with a group of current GDS
students to partake in two full weeks of
service opportunities, study, and cultural
exploration while becoming immersed in
the vibrant and dynamic culture of South
This opportunity is a good match
for alumni with an interest in social
work, social justice, education, art,
political development, counseling,
and the history of apartheid.
Successful candidates should be able to
lead a group and also be able to follow
the leadership of others. Participants
should be prepared to participate in
educational programming associated
with the program prior to departure
in July. The approximate cost of this
trip is $5,500 which is inclusive of all
For more information or if you would like to
speak with a recent alumni who participated
last year, please contact Robert Mimms at
[email protected].
In Cape Town, you will learn about South
Africa’s apartheid movement through
visiting the District Six Museum and
touring Robben Island. On Robben
Island there will be a Q & A dinner with
Christo Brand, Nelson Mandela’s prison
guard on Robben Island. We will also visit
environmental wonders such as coastal
villages, Table Mountain, and the Cape of
Good Hope. The time in Cape Town will
give the group a comparative framework
for their service work in Port Elizabeth.
GDS Magazine | 29
Rick Smith’s ’77
By Cristi Driver ’86
Diverse Career in Politics, Business and Serenity
Rick Smith was one of 20 graduating seniors in
1977, part of the third class to graduate
GDS. Smith went on to study politics at
Princeton University and after graduating
in 1981, volunteered for the Democratic
Party in Raleigh, N.C., working on former
Congressman Robin Britt’s campaign. But
politics was not where he would stay for long.
Smith’s career path would take many
interesting twists and turns over the years,
and would eventually lead him to follow his
passion, and even bring him back full circle
into politics.
After a brief stint as a legislative intern in
Washington, D.C., Smith decided that
politics was not where he wanted to be and
joined the business world. Smith went to
Wharton Business School at the University of
Pennsylvania and graduated with an MBA in
marketing in 1987. He worked for six years
consulting with companies like Procter &
Gamble and Johnson & Johnson, and then
moved to Cincinnati Bell Telephone where
he worked in marketing for several years.
In 1996, Smith caught the entrepreneurial
bug, and ran a small business that developed
hardware and software for medical research
scientists. In 2000, he joined an Internet
consulting firm.
“After the 2004 election I decided that
rhetoric and corruption were winning in
politics, and I decided to do something about
it. I became active in politics by acting as a
campaign manager and treasurer for local
campaigns and even running for State Senate
in 2006, though I ultimately lost the race,”
Smith said.
30 | Fall 2014
It was the stress of his political campaign that
led him to begin the practice of Tai Chi and
would lead to his newest venture, marketing
a new product called WholiSound My
Serenity Box™. My Serenity Box is a truly
unique product that takes the relaxation, pain
relief and healing benefits of Tai Chi and puts
them into one powerful little box.
Smith saw the power in this product and
began talking with Lasorso about turning it
into a business. After many iterations of the
product, in 2007 and again in 2010, they
did preliminary studies and found blood
pressure often decreased, stress dissipated,
muscles released and a sense of calm and
well-being prevailed.
“When I joined the White Willow School
of Tai Chi School in Cincinnati, founder
Vince Lasorso was just getting started on My
Serenity Box,” Smith said. “It started as a way
to help Tai Chi students gain more benefit
from their practice by being more relaxed
and fluid, but has evolved into an at-home
product to help people suffering from all
sorts of illnesses or chronic pain.”
“Lasorso knew that these types of
physiological changes were significant
given his knowledge of Dr. Hebert
Benson’s Harvard studies of the ’Relaxation
Response,’ which proved that it required
very little measurable changes in physiology,
such as lower blood pressure, pulse and
respiration, to open a wellness window for
remarkable changes in pain, symptoms and
functionality,” Smith explained. “We knew
we needed to get this out to the general
public because this could change the lives of
so many people in need of relief.”
Lasorso understood, through his mastery of
Tai Chi and qigong, and through exhaustive
research on progressive relaxation and
bracing, that energy flows through the body
in sound waves that make an imperceptibleto-the-human-ear sound. This wave
movement (called infrasonic waves) is one of
the reasons qigong and Tai Chi have such a
healing effect on people. When you perform
the various postures and forms fluidly, your
movement causes a “healthy” sound wave
motion inside your body that relaxes and
calms your entire system.
So Lasorso took his degree in industrial
design and his Tai Chi experience, and
designed the first “Box.” His hope was that
it could roughly replicate the sound wave
patterns created by the motion of correctly
doing Tai Chi so that anyone using the Box
could reap the relaxation benefits without
doing any physical movement of their own.
What he discovered was that it did much
more than provide relaxation. On top of
releasing tense muscles, users reported pain
relief and noticed a reversal of their disease
Smith said they just received a patent on
My Serenity Box that copyrights the way
they create the music that is incorporated in
the box. This will allow them to license the
product and hopefully participate in clinical
trials. They are currently meeting with
hospital groups in Ohio and hoping to find
a medical partner to be able to bring the
product to more people. It is currently for
sale online at www.myserenitybox.com.
Even with this new business venture, Smith
still could not stay away from the political
field. He is currently running for Ohio State
Representative on the Democratic ticket
this fall.
“I probably have one of the most diverse
backgrounds of any politician running for
election. I’ve done the things that have
interested me and that I am passionate
about, and they may not have always been
the most successfully financially, but they
were always fulfilling,” Rick said.
Walter Haldeman and Ella
Haldeman. Son: Bruce
Haldeman, June 11. He joins
older sister, Mai. They reside in
Corona, Calif.
SAVE THE DATE: 40th year reunion:
Saturday, April 25.
SAVE THE DATE: 35th year reunion:
Saturday, April 25.
Carolyn Kates Brown will release her
new book called, Song of My Life;
A Biography of Margaret Walker,
in November.
in Düsseldorf, Germany
where she teaches at the ClaraSchumann-Musikschule der
Stadt Düsseldorf, and will be
the Assistant Conductor of the
U16-Orchester der Tonhalle
Düsseldorf in September. She
had three performances as solo
violinist with the Ärzte Orchester
Düsseldorf of the Mozart Violin
Concerto No. 5 in A-Major and
performed as “the Fiddler” in a
concert production of “Fiddler
on the Roof ” this past January
in the Düsseldorf Tonhalle. The
Rheinische Post said, “With her
sweeping and stirring playing,
Courtney Elise LeBauer was the
triumph of the evening.”
SAVE THE DATE: 30th year reunion:
Saturday, April 25.
Leslie Valentine. Daughter: Lillian
Alexandria Valentine, June 1.
They live in Atlanta.
Lillian Alexandria Valentine, daughter
of Leslie Valentine ’92
Kelly Rivenbark Mandeville and
Matthew Mandeville. Son:
Jackson Luke Mandeville, June
30. He joins older sister, Ella.
They reside in Richmond, Va.
Bruce Haldeman, son of Walter
Haldeman ’85
Carolyn Kates Brown ’80 new book:
Song of My Life; A Biography of
Margaret Walker
Paul Segal and April Angeloni
were married on September 14
on the La Jolla Beach of Torrey
Pines in San Diego. The wedding
party included Dr. James Bicksel
’81. They reside in San Diego
and you can follow Paul at www.
Two months before the birth
of her first child, Sallie Lacy was
inspired to write a song. The
inexperienced mother must
have already been concerned
about how she would get her
still-unborn-child to go to bed
because the result of her efforts
was “The PJ Song,” a tune about
a child saying good night to the
bees, birds, frogs and mice and
urging the animals to hit the
hay as well. After that initial
composition, she found other
sources of inspiration from her
own childhood memories and
little things that her daughter
and nephews would say or do.
The collection of songs grew.
The result is an illustrated eBook
titled “Back Flips, Reptile Hips
and Things that Snort and
Sneeze,” which has interactive
features, including pop-up texts
and the songs embedded into
the lyrics pages of the book.
“Back Flips, Reptile Hips and
Things that Snort and Sneeze”
SAVE THE DATE: 25th year reunion:
Saturday, April 25.
Noni Thomas and Rodney Lopez
were married on May 31 at
Bartow-Pell Mansion in the
Bronx, NY. The couple resides in
the Bronx, N.Y. Ed Dickinson and Courtney LeBauer
’91 in the new middle school.
Will Holt and Sara Young were
married on August 16 at their
house in Greensboro. GDS
alumni attended including
Jennifer Jacobson Kilpatrick ’91 and
Virginia King Phelps ’91.
Noni Thomas Lopez ’90 with husband,
Paul Segal ’81 with wife, April
Courtney LeBauer released her
debut Schumann CD in May,
which is now available hard-copy
from CDBaby and Amazon.
de, and digital on CDBaby
and iTunes. Courtney resides
Will Holt ’91 with daughter, Mia and
wife, Sara
GDS Magazine | 31
wedding party included Tyson
Swanson ’96, Marianne Huger
Thompson ’99, Haley Neal ’99 and
Brooke Marshall ’99.
is available for download from
iBooks. More information can be
found at www.reptilehips.com.
Jack Michael Thomas, son of
Michael Thomas ’95.
Lindsey and Tim Murphy ’00 with
twins, Mac and Penn
Jason Rockelein and Kaylan
Rockelein. Daughter: Alexandra
’Allie’ Jane Rockelein, June 21.
She joins older brother, Landon.
They live in Richmond, Va.
“Back Flips, Reptile Hips and Things
that Snort and Sneeze”: Sallie Lacy
Andrea Pate Fletcher and Sean
Fletcher. Son: Jack Garner
Fletcher, September 13. He joins
big brothers, Connor and Owen.
They live in Hoboken, N.J.
Tori Swanson Burton ’99 with
husband, Robert
SAVE THE DATE: 15th year reunion:
Saturday, April 25.
SAVE THE DATE: 20th year reunion:
Saturday, April 25.
Michael Futterman was named one
of the New Jersey Law Journal’s
“Top Fifty Attorneys Under
40, New Leaders of the Bar.” Earlier in the year, Michael
was promoted to partner at
McCusker Anselmi Rosen &
Carvelli, PC which practices
business law in New York and
New Jersey.
Copeland Cherry and Collins
Cherry. Daughter: Evans Louise
Cherry, May 30. They live in
Charlotte, N.C.
Allie and Landon, children of Jason
Rockelein ’96
Jack Garner Fletcher, son of Andrea
Pate Fletcher ’00
Sonny Caberwal and Preeti
Caberwal. Twin Sons: Arman
& Arjun Singh Caberwal,
September 25. They join older
sister, Rania, and reside in New
York City.
John McCarty and Ann Browning
McCarty. Son: Thomas Warren
McCarty. June 4. They reside in
Greenville, S.C. Evans Louise Cherry, daughter of
Copeland Cherry ’00 Michael Futterman ’95
Michael Thomas and Joanna
Thomas. Son: Jack Michael
Thomas, December 2, 2013.
They live in Alpharetta, Ga.
Ashley Hodges and Carl Zellers IV
were married on Saturday, June
14. They reside in High Point,
Tim Murphy and Lindsey Thomas
Murphy. Twins: Robert Pendley
“Penn” Murphy and McCallie
Ann “Mac” Murphy, June 26.
They join older brother, Hayes.
They moved back to Greensboro
in July and Tim joined MurphyWainer Orthopedic Specialists.
Arman & Arjun Singh Caberwal,
twin sons of Sonny Caberwal ’97
Tori Swanson and Robert Burton
were married on Saturday, June
21 in Summerfield, N.C. The
32 | Fall 2014
Ashley Hodges Zellers ’01 with
husband, Carl
Rev. Katie Cashwell has moved
back to North Carolina to
serve as associate director for
conferencing at the Montreat
Conference Center where her
main responsibility is running the
youth conferences.
Betsy Key joined Washington &
Lee School of Law as the assistant
director for career planning in
Elizabeth Kavanagh Newsome and
Chris Newsome. Daughter:
Haley Elizabeth Newsome, June
19. They reside in Greensboro.
Graham Robert Satterly, son of Katie
Cockrell Satterly ’02
Calder Preyer will open a smallbatch brewery called Preyer
Brewing Co. in downtown
Greensboro in January.
Kelli Keating and Ryan Conboy
were married on June 14 at the
Omni Homestead Resort in
Hot Springs, Va. The wedding
party included Laura Ficken ’02,
Samantha Applebaum ’29 served
as a flower girl. They reside in
Greensboro, N.C.
Emily Treleaven and Timothy
Moore were married on
September 20 in Chapel Hill,
N.C. Richard Treleaven ’05 served
as a groomsman. Emily is a
third year doctoral student at
University of California at San
Francisco, where her dissertation
focuses on child health and
migration in Cambodia. They
reside in Los Angeles.
Townes and Wolfe Stabler, sons of
Heidi Hundley Stabler ’02.
Haley Elizabeth Newsome, daughter
of Elizabeth Kavanagh Newsome ’03
Derek Pugh and Taylor Pugh. Son:
Brooks Keith Pugh, July 18. They
live in Greensboro.
Kennan Eiler and Joey Hester
were married on Saturday, May
17 on Harkers Island, N.C. The
wedding party included Kendall
Eiler Tomalas ’95, Laura Little Jones
’03 and Carter Eiler ’06. The couple
resides in Raleigh.
Brooks Keith Pugh, son of Derek Pugh
Jozi Snowberger is the director
of parent engagement at Elon
Kennan Eiler Hester ’03 with husband,
Joey and their dog, Soco
Jennifer Fernandez Berry and John
Berry VII. Son: John Berry VIII,
May 30. They reside in Durham.
Jennifer graduated from UNC
Chapel Hill with her master’s
degree in nursing as a family
nurse practitioner in May.
Kelli Keating Conboy ’02 with
husband and Ryan
Emily Treleaven Moore ’03 with
husband, Timothy
Tripp Cunningham and Meredith
Cunningham. Son: Henry
Vernon Cunningham, IV, May
30. They live in Greensboro.
Heidi Hundley Stabler and Sam
Stabler, Son: Townes Wilson
Stabler, October 9. He joins older
brother Wolfe. They reside in
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Katie Cockrell Satterly and Stephen
Satterly. Son: Graham Robert
Satterly, August 1. They reside in
Omaha, Neb.
Jace Strandberg and Tyson
Hammer were married on
October 4 in Linville, N.C. at
the Camp at Eeseola Lodge. The
wedding party included Henry
Nading ’03, David Puckett ’03 and
Peter Evenson ’01. They live in
Greensboro. Leigh Ann Teague and Jason
Moffitt were married on October
4 at Elkin Creek Vineyard in
Elkin, N.C. The wedding party
included Jennifer Teague Werner
’98. The couple lives in Graham,
John Berry, VIII, and Jennifer
Fernandez Berry ’03
GDS Magazine | 33
Steve Gingher and Janice
Heckethorn were married on
October 4 at the VanLandingham
Estate in Charlotte. Bill Gingher
’02 served as the best man. The
couple lives in Charlotte.
Jason Pavoris and Krystal Pavoris.
Son: Grayson Edward Pavoris,
May 21. They reside in Asheville,
Kate Snider and Frank Henry
were married on May 31 at
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
in Greensboro. Kelley Snider ’07
served as the maid of honor.
The wedding party included
Jane Andrews Nelson Brantley ’04,
Caroline Parker ’04, Merrill McCarty
’04, Jessie McComb ’04, Tess Stakias
’04 and Molly Rhoads ’04. They
reside in Charlotte.
James William Keel, Jr., son of Clai
Watkins Keel ’05
Robert Cratch and Madison
Honeycutt were married on
June 21 at Myers Park United
Methodist Church in Charlotte.
The wedding party included Greg
Carrick ’05. The couple lives in
Lindsay Evans ’04 (white shirt)
and current GDS students Cooper
Crosby 19’, Sandra Davis 17’ and Julia
Davis 19’ traveled to the Dominican
Republic to work with the Haitian
Milos Korda is now a global
forwarding sales executive
for C. H. Robinson. This is a
consultative role determining
where their solutions can add
value and drive efficiencies
within customers’ supply chain
Steven Gingher ’05 with wife, Janice
Ashley Strader and Brad Bankos
were married on October 11 at
the Strader Farm in Laurel Grove,
Va. The wedding party included
Emily May ’05, Celia Glass ’05 and
Hunter Strader ’08. The couple
resides in New York City.
Kate Snider Henry ’04 with husband,
SAVE THE DATE: 10th year reunion:
Saturday, April 25.
Lindsay Evans and current GDS
students, Cooper Crosby ’19,
Sandra Davis ’17 and Julia Davis
’19, traveled to the Dominican
Republic to work with the
Haitian Refugees on the Sugar
Cane bateys. The group worked
through the Good Samaritan
Hospital on the bateys to bring
supplies, food, health care, and
joy to the Haitian refugees. Each
day, they would travel from
lodging in a U.S. donated yellow
school bus into the fields.
Robert Cratch ’05 with wife, Madison
Casey Keating and Amanda
Faye Meade were married on
September 27 at the Martha
Washington Inn in Abingdon,
Va. The wedding party included
Kelli Keating Conboy ’02 and Amos
Schallich ’04. They reside in
Sar Medoff and Elizabeth Consky
were married on June 8 at the
Fearrington Inn in Pittsboro,
N.C. The wedding party
included Ari Medoff ’99, Robert
Johnson ’05, Dean Norman ’05,
Brooks Pierce ’05, William Nutt
’05, Kara Medoff Barnett ’96, Mica
Medoff ’07, Carmi Medoff ’10 and
Gena Medoff ’13. Sar is finishing
his fourth year of medical school
at Mount Sinai in NYC and a
master’s in public policy at the
JFK School of Government at
Harvard University. Ashley Strader Bankos ’05 with
husband, Brad
Clai Watkins Keel and Jimmy Keel.
Son: James William Keel, Jr.,
June 18. They reside in Raleigh,
34 | Fall 2014
Alan Fox wrote and performed
“Expectation,” a one person show
that mixes comedy and drama in
the form of six young Americans,
all trying to make sense of the
gap between a fantasy that was
promised and a reality that was
found. One of the characters
from “Expectation,” ’Dear
Casey Keating ’05 with wife, Amanda
Jason Woodard and Caitlin Watts
were married on August 23 at
Camp Sky Ranch in Blowing
Rock, N.C. The wedding party
included Christian Hayes ’06. The
lives reside in Charlotte.
Mr. President’ won Manhattan
Repertory Theatre One Act
Festival in New York City.
“Expectation” was a selection for
the United Solo Festival and was
selected for the Tongues Summer
Reading Series at the Cherry
Lane. Alan was also seen in the
September issue of Men’s Health.
SAVE THE DATE: 5th year reunion:
Friday, November 28. 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Speakeasy Tavern
Mandy Downes Laster and Matt
Laster. Son: Brett Downes Laster,
June 6. They reside in Fort Mill,
Gretchen Elizabeth Gleason ’00 passed away peacefully on May 15 in
Greensboro after a lengthy illness.
Kelly Carty began working as a
science policy analyst for Drinker
Biddle & Reath in Washington,
Shea McKenna ’04, June 8.
David Clark, June 22. He was the grandfather of Jackson Clark ’14.
Carmi Medoff was the winner of
the 3rd-4th year category of The
Lowell Aptman Prizes of the Duke
University Libraries, which are
awarded to undergraduates whose
research makes excellent use of
library resources and collections.
Her work was titled, “The Kodak
Girl: Every Woman’s Woman.”
Brett Downes Laster, son of Mandy
Downes Laster ’06
Dr. Amy Kirkpatrick received her
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
degree from North Carolina State
University College of Veterinary
Medicine on May 10. She has
joined the Woodruff Road Animal
Hospital in Greenville, S.C.
Emily Siar was chosen as a
winner of the UNC Concerto
Competition and will perform as a
soloist with the UNC Symphony
in December.
Megan Sudnik and Brady Craven
were married on June 28 at the
Revolution Mills Event Center in
Greensboro. The wedding party
included Ryan Sudnik ’08 as the
best man, and Carole Roman ’14 as a
bridesmaid. They currently reside
in Greensboro.
Jonathan Campbell was honored for
being 1 of only 5 student-athletes
at UNC-Chapel Hill to earn a 4.0
GPA during the 13-14 school year.
Jonathan is a junior on the UNC’s
men’s soccer team.
Betty Jane Clarke, September 20. She was the mother of Susan Pyron
and grandmother of Liz Flora McBroom ’03.
Matthew Kusiak ’10, June 28.
Elizabeth ’Libby’ Gabriel, July 1. She was a past Parent’s Association
president and past trustee. She was the mother of Margaret Gabriel
Cooley ’99 and Richard Gabriel ’01.
Bishop Charles K. Scott, Sr., August 2. He was the father of
Charles C. K. Scott ’98 and Aaron Scott ’08.
Bob Stevens, September 2. He was the father of Sydney Stevens
Butler ’89.
Edward Johnson, Sr., September 10. He was the father of Ed Johnson
’83 and Paul Johnson II ’85 and Beth Johnson Murdick ’88.
Gordon Cole, September 26. He was a past trustee and the father of
Adrienne Cole ’96 and Suzanne Cole Yavor ’01.
Faye Elizabeth Simel, October 10. She was the mother of Mark Pace
’77 and Dana Simel ’78.
Emily Bohrer and Emily Perkins both
received merit scholarships from
Wofford College.
Megan Sudnik Craven ’06 with
husband, Brady
GDS Magazine | 35
36 | Fall 2014
By Jane Gutsell, Retired GDS Upper School English Teacher
Carmen Redding
Carmen Redding, who taught
4th grade at Greensboro Day
School for 29 years, exclaims
she can hardly believe it has
been ten years since she retired.
She had wrestled for two years
with making that difficult
decision, but since her husband
Max had retired, she knew it
was time. The transition was
made easier by a stipend she
received from The Delta Kappa
Gamma Society International
(DKG) to work with Karol
Neufeld, formerly a Lower
School teacher at GDS, on four
poetry workshops designed for
Both she and Max love to travel.
Their motto is: “we realize how
fragile life is so we are just going
to go ahead and go while we
can.” Taking advantage of their
health and enthusiasm for other
cultures, in the last ten years they
have visited 30 countries on five
continents. Encountering these
different places and their people
has taught her that we all live on
one planet, in one world, and,
as she says, “We are all in this
Their favorites places, what she
calls “the desserts of the world,”
Carmen Redding on the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
children 9 to 12 years old at four
Greensboro Public library sites.
A truly wonderful way, Carmen
says, to stay in touch with
children but also to phase out of
full-time teaching.
include three separate safaris
to Africa – Tanzania, Botswana
and South Africa, and Kenya.
Seeing magnificent wild animals
in their own environments was
a spiritual experience. They also
had an opportunity to meet
and interact with the Masai
people, whom they very much
admire. The trip to Vietnam,
Cambodia, and Laos is another
of their “desserts” and exposed
them to different perspectives
on culture and religion. They
especially fell in love with
Luang Phrabang, the spiritual
city of Laos which has 40
Buddhist monasteries. The city
sits beside the Mekong River
and has a wonderfully serene
atmosphere. Carmen found
the people of Southeast Asian
very kind and gentle, but also
very strong. “Each place has
something to teach you,” she
says, “and you never know what
that will be until you are there.
So it is important to be open to
learning new things.”
In Eastern Europe, their trip
tracing the Holocaust from
Poland to the Czech Republic
brought World War II to
life. Carmen speaks movingly
of feeling “the horror of it
all – imagining the people
enduring it.” Most recently,
she and Max just returned
from Scandinavia, enjoying
particularly the mountains and
fjords of Norway. A highlight
of their time in Oslo was
seeing the spectacular Vigelund
Park, which features the iron
sculptures depicting a multitude
of scenes from life and the
monumental granite sculptures
capturing the humanity of all the
ages of life. Carmen calls it “one
of the world’s great treasures.”
In addition to her many travels,
Carmen has committed herself
to working with a number of
organizations that keep her
touch with large and diverse
communities. One of the most
important is her involvement
with DKG, an international
organization of women educators
whose mission is to promote
their professional and personal
growth and excellence in
education. DKG has hundreds
of chapters in the United States
as well as in 17 countries.
North Carolina alone has 108
chapters. Carmen served as
the state president from 2007
to 2009, which she describes
as a challenging but rewarding
job requiring she grow and
learn a lot. Typical of Carmen’s
spirit, she maintains we all need
challenges in life to keep us
Carmen Redding will always
be a teacher; for her teaching
never stops. “It’s there like
your heartbeat,” she says. “It
is one of the great gifts. I
feel so fortunate that I can
carry in my heart memories
of my beloved students, their
supportive parents, and my
esteemed colleagues. I call it ’my
GDS Magazine | 37
Annual Fund First Restricted Annual Gifts
Total for operating
Payments on Prior Generations Pledges
New gifts and pledges to Generations
Pledges and gifts for Generations-Auxiliary Gym
Total for Capital
Gifts for Endowment
38 | Fall 2014
Annual Report 2013-2014 and Generations Campaign
Summary Report
Anne Hurd
Last year was an extraordinary year of giving at Greensboro Day
School with gifts and pledges totaling $2,819,486 between July
1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. Each year, the GDS community is
asked to make the School a priority in your family’s charitable
giving, and again this year, you generously supported GDS.
It is a privilege to work with such dedicated parents, alumni,
grandparents and friends of the School.
When the Board of Trustees launched an ambitious plan for
Greensboro Day School’s future in 2007, it was difficult to
imagine the tangible transformation we see today. Just seven
years later, our 5-8 grade students and faculty are thriving in
the new Bell Family Middle School, our girls tennis team is
completing their season on our new tennis courts, parents are
using the Lake Brandt Road entrance as an option for carpool,
and our new central Quadrangle and Auxiliary Gymnasium are
under construction. These are just the most visible changes we
have been able to achieve in the last seven years.
In this Annual Report of Donors, we offer sincere thanks to
the donors who gave more than $7 million to the Generations
Campaign, and deep appreciation for the leadership of Merrill
and Chuck Keeley ’81 and Melinda and Jim Rucker ’82 and
their volunteer team. The name of the campaign was inspired
during the celebration of GDS’ 40th Anniversary in 2010, when
the school’s founders joined their alumni children – and in some
cases grandchildren – to celebrate the impact Greensboro Day
School has had on education in our community and on their
own families. Generations of future students will benefit from
the hard work and generosity of those who came before them.
Annual Giving for Current Operations
This Annual Report also recognizes and appreciates the hard
work of the Annual Fund First team last year led by Joanne and
Scott Duggan, parents of Connor ’18. In the final year of an
ambitious capital campaign, the Annual Fund raised $555,471
for operating expenses, providing resources for every student
and every teacher, every day.
Emily Thompson
Joann and Scott Duggan
Another $39,041 in restricted gifts supported financial aid,
academic, extracurricular, administrative programs, and
professional development. In total, nearly $600,000 was given for
current operations to help fund the difference between tuition
paid and the actual costs of operations.
Building endowment continues to be a crucial element of our
financial plan for the future, and our permanent funds totaled
$10,059,000 at the end of the 2013-14 fiscal year. Gifts to
endowment totaled $11,020 for financial aid, faculty professional
development, and athletic awards and programs.
Annual Report of Donors
We gratefully acknowledge the generous donors who
demonstrated their commitment to the School’s mission last
year between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. We also provide a
comprehensive list of everyone who supported the Generations
Capital Campaign from 2008-2014.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report.
However, as with any work of this nature, inadvertent errors or
omissions may occur. If this has occurred, we apologize and ask
that you contact the GDS Office of Advancement at 336-2888590 or email [email protected].
Throughout the Generations Campaign, Greensboro Day
School’s donors were asked to consider giving to annual and
capital campaigns at a level that made sense for their families and
that made them proud. You did, and have made an important
difference for every student at Greensboro Day School. On behalf
of the whole school community: thank you.
Anne J. Hurd, MA, CFRE
Director of Advancement
GDS Magazine | 39
Generations Campaign
The following donors made gifts to the Generations Campaign for the middle school, new front entrance and
tennis complex and infrastructure for the new Quadrangle between January 2008 and June 30, 2014.
• Anonymous (3)
Sandra and Fred Adams
Barbara Steslow and Terry Akin
Ann Morris Allred
Molly and John Ammondson
Hilary and Marius Andersen
George Andreve Foundation
Chana K. Ball
Cheryl and Mark Barnett
Bell Foundation
Allison Lineweaver Bell ’92
Jackie and Steve Bell
Jon Bell ’90
Mary Katherine and Durant Bell ’98
Marianne and Jim Bennett
Ray Berry
Lenora Billings-Harris and Charles Harris
Yvette and Chris Blackman
Sion A. Boney, Jr.*
Anne Brennan
Jay Brennan
Sarah and Douglas Brokaw
Margaret Brooks
Martha and David Brown
Nancy and Jim Bryan
Burlington Foundation
Liz and Pat Burns
Molly and Jeb Burns
Mary and Eric Calhoun
Dorothy Chappell
Alyssa and Ashfaque Chowdhury
Sherry and Kerry Clark
Tonya and Sanders Cockman
Sandy Thimmappa-Cohen and Max Cohen
Lisa and Ed Cone ’80
Jean and Doug Copeland
Gwyneth and John Cote
Fran and Bert Davis
Hillary Davis ’03
Kathy and Robert Davis
Mary Katherine Davis Durham ’99 and
Joey Durham
Susan and Randy Doss
Carol Cone Douglas
Nancy Drinkard – In honor of
Julie Drinkard ’06
40 | Fall 2014
Joanne and Scott Duggan
Catherine and Jeff Dunham
Gwyn and Jed Dunn
Cathy and Wes Elingburg
Carolina and Douglas Estremadoyro
Peggy and Marion Follin – In honor of
Liz Wright James ’76 and her family
Debbie and Randy Fortenberry
Kristy Starr Garrison ’89 and Harley Garrison
Sharon Newsome Gaskin
Keith Gilliard
Marcy Gilliard
Peggy and Tom Glaser
Gillian and Rob Goodman
Michelle and Robert Goodrich
Carolyn and Joe Gorga
Penny and John Lee Graves
Kathy Mincher Green ’84 and Chris Green
Maryann and Judd Green
Greensboro Day School Parents’ Association
Carrie and Will Griswold ’81
Linda and Mark Hale
Berkeley and George Harris
R. Ross Harris
Pam and Ross Hemphill
Lindsay and Bunky Henderson
Susan Griswold Herst ’82 and
Lawrence Herst
Hillsdale Fund, Inc.
Anne and Sam Hummel
Jacqueline Humphrey, Hilary Humphrey Pitts ’86, and Lyle Humphrey ’88 – In honor of Liz Wright James ’76 and her family
Anne and John Hurd
Elizabeth B. Hurd
Dina and Burney Jennings
Linda and Maurice Jennings
Lisa and Buster Johnson
Liz and David Johnson
Amy and George Jordan
Wade G. Jurney
Kathy Manning and Randall Kaplan
Charlie Keeley*
Merrill and Chuck Keeley ’81
Heidi Keeley
Leslie and Robert Ketner
Magz and Bob King
Barbara* and Fred Kirby
F.M. Kirby Foundation
Leigh Kirby ’04
Lisa and Joel Klinger – Upper School Elevator in honor of Jordan Klinger ’14
Cindy and John Knowles
Carlene and Ron Kohler
Gretchen Green and Paul Lantos
Liza and Jim Lee ’83
Michele Gordon and Pat Levy
Ann and Brokie Lineweaver
Carol and Charles Lucas
Kristen and Marc Magod
Terry and Patrick McDaid
Dr. Samuel G. and Mrs. Diane F. McDowell
Patty and Bill McIvor
Joe McKinney
Donna and Tom Medlin
Virginia and Paul Milam
Allison and Bill Morrisette ’75
Fran Newsom
Lisa and Bert Newsome
Melanie and Jim Nitka
Caroline North
Rina and Matt Olin ’89
Heather and Ross Parr
Eleanor and Charlie Patterson
Rachel and Blair Percival
Roberta and Jim Pettit – In honor of
Tommy Webb
Melissa and Austin Pittman
Emma and Clay* Poindexter
Leigh Ann and Andy Pool
Alta and Joe Potter
Elizabeth and Matthew Rankin
Sharon and Jim Rembach
Davis ’18, Reese ’21, and Casey ’24 Richmond – In honor of their grandmother Marty Wright
Zane Hembree and Scott Risdon
Ann and Russ Robinson
Pamelia McAdoo-Rogers and Ronald Rogers
Gail and Paul Rohlfing
Melinda and Jim Rucker ’82 - In honor of
Liz Wright James ’76 and her family
Emilie and Arthur Samet
Sylvia and Norman Samet
Beth and Jason Sanders
Natalie and Craig Sanders
Jenny and David Sar
Kathi and Worth Saunders
Anita and Jim Schenck
Robin and Dodson Schenck
Sandra and Mike Schulte
Mary and Andy Scott
Meredith and J. Scott ’90
Stephanie and John Scott
Ann and Phillip Sharp
Joy and Steve Shavitz
Nancy and Alex Shuford
Barbara and Jim Sims
Kristine Sims and Todd Pittman
Dana and Philip Smith
Velma and Robert Smith
Bill Soles ’75
Lynn Haley Stanley ’85 and Joe Stanley
Lacy and John Starr
Monique and Kwadjo Steele
Laura and Mike Steen
Kimberly and John Strong
Sara and Taylor Stroud
Adeline and David Talbot
Fran and Ted Tewkesbury
Mrs. Constance W. Treloar
Chris Trentini
Jane and Chris Trevey
Leslye and Marshall Tuck
Nancy and Don Vaughan
Valerie G. Vickers
Sarah and Jack* Warmath
Lynne and Wes Watson
Anne and Tommy Webb
Martin Weissburg
Sue Donathan White
Marilyn and Jack Whitley
T. Henry & Dell B. Wilson Family Foundation
Rhonda and David Youngdahl
The Zeist Foundation
Ann and Ben Zuraw
GDS Magazine | 41
Generations Campaign Timeline
Board of Trustees
conducts a Size of
School Study under
the leadership of
Board Chair Ed Cone
’80 and Trustee Bill
Soles ’75. Mark Hale
begins as Head of
School in July 2006.
Bill Monroe of WGM architectural firm leads the School
community in the design of a new Campus Master Plan
to guide development of the school for the next 50 years.
Anne Hurd begins as Director of Advancement.
Consulting firm Alexander, Haas, Martin and Partners of Atlanta
conducts a campaign market study and recommends that GDS
move forward with an 18-24 month Quiet Phase to raise lead
and major gifts and to recruit campaign leaders and volunteers.
The first six-figure gift is announced.
Fall 2010
Construction begins on the new front
entrance and tennis complex. The first phase
of the construction will improve and relocate
the back gated entrance that will be paved
only up to the tennis courts parking until
the new Middle School is built. Conceptual
plans for the new Middle School building are
summer 2011
The Generations
Campaign Committee
celebrates $3 million
secured during the
Quiet Phase. The
Board of Trustees
votes to move forward
the campaign with
a stretch goal of $7
Sept. 17, 2011
The Generations Campaign launches
with a Grand Opening of the tennis
courts and Lake Brandt Road
entrance. The Annual Fund First:
Then & Now campaign is launched
at the same time with Fran and
Bert Davis as chairs for two years
during the public phase of the
capital campaign. The Generations
Campaign Cabinet is announced.
Over 100 volunteers contact GDS
families to discuss support for the
annual fund in tandem with a multiyear capital pledge. GDS families are
asked to make the school one of their
top three charitable priorities and
overwhelmingly, you do!
The Generations Campaign is expanded to include a new auxiliary
gymnasium to be built alongside the new Middle School at significant
cost savings. Over $1,050,000 in capital gifts has been given since July
2013. The new auxiliary gym will be part of a larger plan for an indoor
sports center, which when complete will be named for Athletic Director
Freddy Johnson. Gifts and pledges to the campaign total $6.6 million.
JUNE 30, 2014
Over $5.5 million has been committed in gifts and pledges.
42 | Fall 2014
The Generations Campaign reaches $7 million!! Interesting note: Bill Soles
’75 (see 2006) makes the pledge that puts the campaign over goal.
September 2009
Chad Floyd of Centerbrook Architects, a nationally renowned
architectural design firm, is chosen to lead the building design
and involve the GDS community in a participative design process
called a charette. That process sites the new Middle School where
the old, deteriorating tennis courts are located.
October 2009
Board of Trustees Chair Burney
Jennings announces that parents and
alumni Merrill and Chuck Keeley ’81
and Melinda and Jim Rucker ’82 will
chair the upcoming capital campaign
to build a new front entrance, Middle
School building, and tennis courts.
Over $2 million is secured thus far.
April 24, 2010
GDS celebrates its 40th Anniversary:
Cheers to 40 Years! The celebration of
several generations of founders, alumni
and current families inspires the theme
- Generations Campaign: It Started with
Them. It Continues with Us.
winter 2012
Friday, April 26, 2013
$3. 5 million - halfway to goal!
The largest gift in the school’s history – over $1 million – is
announced, given by the Jackie and Steve Bell Family. GDS will
name its planned new Middle School building for the family in
recognition of this lead gift to the campaign. The campaign total
is over $4.5 million and the Board of Trustees agrees to a goal of
completing the classroom building before January 2015.
winter 2013
The Generations Campaign surpasses $5 million. Samet
Corporation is chosen to begin the one-year construction project
in summer 2013. Design features of the new Bell Middle School
are announced.
AUGUST 16-17, 2014
Groundbreaking Celebration on Grandparent and Special Friends Day.
Construction of the Bell Family Middle School begins.
August- September 2014
The old Middle School is demolished to make way for the new central Quadrangle.
Conceptual plans for the gathering areas around the Quadrangle are announced.
Donors celebrate the culmination of the Generations Campaign
on Saturday, Aug. 16 and the GDS community gathers for a Grand
Opening and Ribbon-Cutting on Sunday, Aug. 17. School begins
the next week in the new Bell Family Middle School Building.
Construction is already well underway on the Auxiliary Gym.
The infrastructure will be in place for the new Quadrangle with the grassy central
Commons in place surrounded by sidewalks and lampposts. Additional features of the
Quadrangle will be constructed as funding is available.
GDS Magazine | 43
Generations Campaign
Auxiliary Gymnasium
The following donors made gifts to the Generations Campaign for the Auxiliary Gymnasium that is
scheduled for completion in late 2014. Many of the donors listed below participated in this campaign
to honor the career of Athletic Director and Boys Basketball Coach Freddy Johnson. A listing of those
who specifically requested that their gifts be listed in honor of Coach Johnson can be found in the
Honorariums section of this report. Other tributes are included below.
“We’re committed to building
a new Middle School, though
we know our children will
never attend classes there.
Many other children coming
along behind ours will learn
in those classrooms, and
that’s our commitment. That
commitment started with
our parents, and it’s now our
generation’s turn to continue to
improve upon what they built
and plan for the future.”
– Chuck Keeley ’81 Campaign leader.
44 | Fall 2014
Anonymous (2)
Ken Allen
Hilary and Marius Anderson
George Andreve Foundation
Ingrid, Ashley ’07 and William ’10 Avera –
In memory of William F. Avera
Gail Boulton
Jane G. Brabham
Ron Bradford ’00
Cooper Brantley
Matthew Brenner ’03
Molly Brenner ’05
Nancy and Frank Brenner
Jennifer and Charlie Britt ’88
Frank Brown ’08
Martha and David Brown
Clay Bryan ’90
Dr. Beri Buck and Mr. Morgan Buck ’02
Monty Bumper ’90
Martha and Thomas Bunch
Laura and Chris Caffey ’84
Becky and Bill Campbell
Jonathan Campbell ’12
Ryan Campbell ’09
Sara and Jay Cantrell ’96
Gina and Chuck Carrick
Greg Carrick ’05
Sherry and Kerry Clark
Kullen Clark ’14
Tracey S. Cloninger ’82
Katie Cohen ’08
Sally Dillard Cohen ’76 and John Cohen
Collegiate Kids Books, LLC – Kathryn & Bryan Jones ’94
Philip Colvard
Jeff Cook
Julie and Philip Cooke ’86
Andy Courts ’81
Peter Csapo ’04
Geoff Daniel ’05
Kathy and Robert Davis
Bob Demaree
Alexander Dick ’09
Eleanor Dillard
Reggie Dillard ’13
Sherry Dove
Taylor Dove ’93
Egerton-Kiser Family Fund
Cathy and Wes Elingburg
Cindy Essa
Mary Ruth ’83 and Rennie Faulkner ’81
Linda and Cark Fenske
Sara Ficken ’98
Sarah Fish ’78
Melissa McIntosh Flanagan ’91 and
Michael Flanagan
Courtney and Justin Gainey ’96
K.J. Garland ’03
Gillian, Rob and Frannie ’22 Goodman
Rashaun Graves ’95
Kristie and Eddie Green ’79
B.J. Grinage ’93
GDS Bengal Boosters Club
Mary and David Hagan
Christian Hairston ’13
Ella and Walter Haldeman ’95
Linda and Mark Hale
Mary Elizabeth and Brian Hall ’84
Molly Lambert Hanlon ’88
Nahomi and Jonathan Harkavy
Jennifer and Frank Hatchett Jr. ’79
Kim and Brad Hayes
Pam and Ross Hemphill
Jered Henderson ’16
Marian and George Henderson
Myra Henderson ’14
Jordan Hinkley ’05
Bridget and Steve Holcombe
Martha and David Howard ’76
Anne and John Hurd
Erin and Ed Johnson ’83
Katherine Johnson ’07
Leslie Johnson ’08
Mary Marr ’75 and Freddy Johnson
McKinley and Robert Johnson ’05
Taylor Johnson
Mary and Chuck Jones
Gulnaar Kaur ’08
Pam and Perry Key
Saad Khan ’13
Linda and Bill Knox
Sally Gorrell Kuratnick ’75 and David Kuratnick
Thomas LaGrega ’04
Anne and Pearce Landry
Gretchen Green and Paul Lantos
Tanya Goria Lebold ’85 and David Lebold
Liza and Jim Lee ’83
Carole and Glenn Lesley
Robert Lesley ’89
Michele Gordon and Pat Levy
Jay Lewis ’09
Julian London ’94
Drs. Melissa and David Lowe
Reed Lucas ’13
Kristen and Marc Magod and Family
Larry Mann ’88
Jenny Mansfield – In honor of Freddy Johnson & memory of Mike Mansfield
Amanda and Kevin McCoy ’93
Traci and D.J. McDuffie ’97
Cassandra and Dwayne McIntyre
Aron McMillian ’97
Courtney Dove McRedmond ’96
Elizabeth and Sar Medoff ’05
Gabrielle Merritt ’13
Ashley Knapp Meyer ’97 and Robert Meyer
Meg and Shannon Michael
Virginia, Paul, Henson ’15 and Alley ’16 Milam
Brano Milicevic
Beth and Buddy Milks ’90
Edo Mlatac ’97
Alex Mohler ’03
Trish and Mac Morris
Al Murphy ’94
Murphy-Wainer Orthopaedics
Fran Newsom
Matt Newton ’01
Boris Nokolic ’03
Carrie Sloan Norry ’89 and Doug Norry
Mindy and Chad Oakley ’90
Larry Owens ’88
David Parker, Caroline ’04, Barton ’06, and
David Jr. ’08 – In memory of Dianne Barton Parker
Caroline Parker ’04
Chelsey and John Parks ’00
Eleanor and Charlie Patterson
Jason Pavoris ’04
Margaret and Chip Payne ’77
Martha and Rob Peddrick
Parrish and Jonathan Peddrick ’98
Max Perkins ’00
Sarah Cantrell Perkins ’02 and Ross Perkins ’02
Chris Phelps
Myron Powell ’95
Abby Smith Presson ’88 and Thomas Presson ’87
Adam Preyer ’84
Christian ’10 and the Pulliam Family
Jane and Royce Reynolds
Mike Reynolds ’87
Marcie Dove Roberts ’87 and Jay Roberts
Thomas Roberts ’89 - In memory of his father Thomas Roberts
Jason Rockelein ’96
Mike Rogers ’00
Ronald ’18 and Ronata Rogers ’13
Chris Siler ’00
Rick Smith ’77
Margaret and Lanty Smith
Smith Marketing
Cindy Stan
Geoffrey Staton ’03
Chris Streck ’90
Andrew Strong ’06 - In honor of Travis “The Zone Buster” Cooke
Caroline Strong ’10
Kimberly and John Strong
Mary Katherine Strong ’04
Michael Sumner ’04
Tina and Steve Sumner
Adeline and David Talbot
Nancy and Peter Tannenbaum ’80
JT Terry ’13
Billy Tesh – PMI/Groundworks
Justin Todd ’05
Richard Treleaven ’05
Jane and Chris Trevey
Leslye and Marshall Tuck
Austin Tyler ’96
Susanne and Patrick Watson
Kendall Weavil ’11
Lucas Weavil ’10
Mila and David Weavil
Tommy Webb
Wells Trophy Manufacturing
William West ’87
Jillian and Thomas White ’00
Nancy and Bevin Williams
Davis Willingham
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Willingham
Bruce Woodall ’08
Dr. and Mrs. Jon P. Woods ’78
Dave Worland ’86
Regina and Conrad Wysocki ’00
Caroline and Kyle Young
Zeist Foundation
Ann and Ben Zuraw
Go to our web site at www.greensboroday.org/Support/Capital Campaign to see
the inspiring stories of families who made major gifts to the campaign.
GDS Magazine | 45
A total of $11,020 was given to Greensboro Day School’s
permanent endowment funds between July 1, 2013 and
June 30, 2014. The earnings from permanent endowment
funds support faculty professional development, financial
assistance for students, diversity programs, library
collections, student programs, student and faculty awards,
operating expenses and more.
Greensboro Day School’s permanent endowment funds
totaled $10,059,000 on June 30, 2014.
For a complete list of Greensboro Day School’s endowment
funds, go to www.greensborodayschool.org/supportgds/endowments.
The following donors made gifts to endowments during the
2013-2014 year:
Russell Andrew Britt Endowment Fund
Established in 2006 in memory of alumnus Russell Britt ’97 by his family
and friends, the fund encourages and equips interested faculty to promote
the exploration of the natural world, to coax creative expression, and
influence their students through teaching.
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney P. Britt
Sharon Theismann
The Davis/Richmond Endowment
Established in 1996 in honor of the first girls’ basketball coaches Kathy
Davis and Sue Richmond, the fund supports women’s varsity basketball
with a student award as well as the purchase of uniforms and other
equipment for the program.
Sally Gorrell Kuratnick ’75 and David Kuratnick
D. Ralph Davison Financial Aid Endowment
Established to honor Dr. Davison upon his retirement after 20 years
of service as Head of School (1986 – 2006), the fund provides tuition
support for four Upper School students who, in addition to qualifying for
financial aid, will make an extraordinary contribution to the life of the
Greensboro Day School community.
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
Robert H. Demaree Financial Aid Endowment
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Demaree Jr.
FACEOFF Lacrosse Endowment
Established in 2008, the award recognizes a junior or senior boys’ lacrosse
player who represents excellence in scholarship and sportsmanship and
provides program funds. Anyone with an interest in supporting GDS
lacrosse is welcome to give to this endowment.
Dr. Pam Pittman and Dr. Edward Robinson
Patrick Robinson ’04
Wood Robinson ’09
Faculty/Staff Salary Endowment
Income from this fund supports faculty salaries.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Schner
Wells Fargo
The Scott W. Patterson ’08 Memorial
Endowment Fund for Faculty Program
Established in 2008 by Scott’s mother Tina Patterson in his memory,
the fund enhances professional development for Greensboro Day School
Tina Patterson
46 | Fall 2014
McLendon Society
As of June 30, 2014, 43 individuals or couples have made provisions for Greensboro
Day School in their estate plans and five generous gifts have been realized through
donors’ estates. Those listed by name below have authorized GDS to list their names
on our web site and in the GDS Magazine in hopes that others will be inspired to join
them in planning for the future financial security of the School. To learn more about
why they made these planned gifts, go to our web page at www.greensboroday.org/
“GDS is more than just our
children’s education, it’s our
community. Investing in the
Annual Fund allows us to
support the educational goals
and special programs that set
GDS apart. We are happy to be
able to give back”
– Lana and Brent Greenberg, parents of
Cameron, 9th grade, Jack, 7th, Delilah,
Not listed - 24
Mr. Jeffrey L. Beach
Ms. Anita Goodman Bradford
Mr. Jabari Bradford ’11
Edward ’80 and Lisa Cone
Dr. Ralph and Mrs. Jean Davison
Dr. Marcy Gilliard
Mr. Keith Gilliard
R. Ross Harris
Elizabeth Dare Hopkins
Gail M. and Eugene S. LeBauer
Billy and Dottie B. Nutt
Tina Patterson
Dr. Claibourne* and Mrs. Emma Poindexter
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Schenck III
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott, Jr. ’90
Ruthie and Alan Tutterow
Mr. Thomas H. Webb
Mr. David Worth
Ann and Benjamin Zuraw
Honor Roll
The following generously provided gifts
for Greensboro Day School through
their estates.
Dr. Carlton Harris – d. 2003
Anonymous - 1
Dr. Jean Brooks – d. 2006
Charles A. McLendon, Jr. – d. 2008
Sion A. Boney – d. 2010
GDS Magazine | 47
Special Gifts
The George Andreve Foundation/
Kathy and Robert Davis
For plantings in the George Andreve Teaching
Garden – Middle School
For the Carlton M. Harris, Jr. ’76
Scholars Program
The Armstrong Family Foundation
For track and field, and wrestling
Steve Bell
For admissions programs and advertising
Becky and Bill Campbell
Mike Mansfield Soccer Fund
Class of 2013
For furniture or fixtures in the Upper School
Cathy and Wes Elingburg
For improvements to the Elingburg
Baseball Field
Greensboro Lady Gators
For girls basketball
48 | Fall 2014
These donors made special gifts for purposes not listed in other sections of this
Annual Report. We are grateful for the generosity of these donors.
Betty Jane Harris and Carlton M. Harris, Jr.
Fund/Community Foundation of Greater
For Harris Scholarships
Established in memory of their son Carlton M.
Harris, Jr., ’76, for the Carlton M. Harris, Jr.
Scholars, the fund provides financial aid awards
for one senior and two eighth grade students,
by helping them pay for books and fees.
We support the Annual Fund
because GDS inspires, encourages
and challenges our daughter to be
her best self. She loves coming to
school! What could be better
than that?
– Liz and Mike Summers, Parents of
Lauren ’25
Gail and John Jacobson
For MAD Society
Mary Marr Dillard Johnson ’75 and
Freddy Johnson
For varsity boys basketball
PC and MacHelp Centers
For Student Support Services
Piedmont Triad Youth Baseball
For baseball team
Dr. and Mrs. David Ribaldazzi
For athletics
Aggie and Jon Schner
For the baseball program
William R. Soles, Jr. ’75
For the Lenwood Edwards Scholarship
John Templeton Foundation
Avery and David Lloyd, Emilee and
Stamps Transou
For the Ethical Literacy Program
Well Spring Retirement Community
For Dramatic Arts
Membership Certificates
The following families of alumni, who
held membership certificates, donated their
shares back to Greensboro Day School.
Terry and Patrick McDaid
Gifts In
The following made Gifts In Kind not
otherwise recognized at special events.
Mr. Andrew Graves ’84
Mr. Richard Graves ’82
Everett Studio Piano
Drs. Dora and Bruce Brodie
NCCJ Citation Award Dinner –
Table for 10
Fran and Ted Tewkesbury
Cynthia Weingold
For cheerleading team
We give to the annual fund as a way to
express our support and gratitude for the
dedicated teachers in the Lower School
who have worked with our two boys.
Teachers give their time and energy to
help our children succeed, and our gift to
the annual fund is our way of giving back
so that teachers will have the tools that
they need to do their best work.
– Margaret and Tom Szott,
Parents of
Matthew, 4th grade and Andrew, JK
GDS Magazine | 49
Annual Fund First
Campaign Giving
The following individuals, corporations,
and foundations have made unrestricted
gifts to the Greensboro Day School
Annual First Campaign.
Torch Society - ($15,000.00+)
F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.
Honor Society - ($10,000.00+)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Glaser
Mr. Wade Jurney
Leslie and Robert C. Ketner
Dr. and Mrs. Marc E. Magod
The Zeist Foundation
Scholarship Society - ($5,000.00+)
The T. Henry & Dell B. Wilson Family Fund
Barbara Anne Steslow and Terrence Akin
Dr. Helen Brooks ’80
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Burns
Laura and Chris Caffey ’84
Dr. Dorothy Wilson Chappell
Fran and Bert Davis
Cathy and Wes Elingburg
Peggy and Marion Follin
Merrill and Chuck Keeley ’81
Katie Lloyd ’10
Amanda and Alex Morcos ’93
National Philanthropic Trust
Melinda and Jim Rucker ’82
Emilie and Arthur Samet
Schiffmans Inc.
Laura and Mike Steen
Fran and Ted Tewkesbury
Leslye and Marshall Tuck
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Via
Well Spring Retirement Community
Friendship Society - ($2,500.00+)
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bennett
Carol and Mark Boles
Ms. Amy Consiglio and Mr. Brian Criscuolo
Caron and Kevin Dover
Joanne and Scott Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. Erick J. Ellsweig ’85
Annie-Laurie and Rich Gunther
Kim and Brad Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson
50 | Fall 2014
Karen and Ben Kahn
Wendy and Kyle Kesselring
Jean and Adam Kohler
Mrs. Jamie Manning-Soule and
Mr. Matt Soule
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Markwell
Martha & William Murray Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Deepak Massand
Susan Larson McDonald
Patty and Bill McIvor
Mr. Joseph A. McKinney Jr.
Mr. James H. Murray ’75
Kim and Bob Murray
Rina and Matt Olin ’89
Caroline and Ralph Paris
Terri and Scott Rafkin
Allison and Todd Robinson
Debbie and Mike Robson
Beth and Jason Sanders
Sandra and Mike Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott Jr. ’90
Lyn and Michael Shanley
Kathryn and Jody Stern
Charles Tinsley ’81
Jane and Chris Trevey
Martin Weissburg
Marilyn and Jack Whitley
Sportsmanship Society - ($1,500.00+)
American Express Company Employee Giving Fund
AMG Charitable Gift Foundation
Hilary and Marius Andersen
Judy and Bryant Aydelette
Sarah and Douglas Brokaw
Alyssa and Ashfaque Chowdhury
Butch Doutt
Martha Anne and Blaine DuBose
Jane and Joel Dubs
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dunham
Margaret Rowlett and David Gilbert
Michelle and Bob Goodrich
Dr. and Mrs. John Lee Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Hahn
Linda and Mark Hale
Lili and David Harding
Carla Smith Jones ’83 and Steve Jones
Holly and David Jones
Mrs. Misoon Kang and Dr. In Ho Kim
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Knowles Jr.
Ms. Michele Gordon and Mr. Pat Levy
Amanda Taylor Marshall ’93 and
Alex Marshall ’93
Donna and Tom Medlin
Morgan Stanley Matching Gift Foundation
Ms. Ellie Solomon and Mr. Daniel O’Brien
Heather and Ross Parr
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Potter
Lisa and Alan Powell
Erica Procton
Elizabeth and Matthew Rankin
April and Matt Richmond Family
Dianne and Scott Roe
Mr. H. Vance Schiffman ’79
Becky and Lane Schiffman ’82
Anne and Trevor Shick
Kim and Bassam Smir
Barbara and Tom Somerville
Kathryn Long Stevenson ’99 and Thomas Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Swanson
Trinh and Burke Thompson
Marsha and Tom Tice
Christopher J. Trentini
Susan Turner
Laurie and John Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Webb
Sue Donathan White
Cecile Winstead
Green and Gold Society - ($1,000.00+)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Ackerman
Jennifer Smith Adams ’86 and Bo Adams
Karen and Frank Aluisio
Leslie Leigh Anderson
Jim Arnold
Elizabeth Aronson MD and
Richard Aronson MD
Heidi Gingerich and Phillip Bales
Bardy’s Estate Jewelry & Diamonds
Dr. Cheryl Barnett and Mr. Mark Barnett
Anne and Rick Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Beach
Allison Lineweaver Bell ’92
Jon Bell ’90
Michelle Bardy Bigelman ’92 and
Joel Bigelman
Dr. and Mrs. Chris Blackman
Ann McCallum-Boles and Jacob Boles
Gail Boulton
Jeb Brooks ’01
Martha and David Brown
Debbie and Scott Brown
Nancy and Jim Bryan
Leslie and Bill Burd
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Calhoun
Kristi and David Ciener
Betsy and Reid Clark
Rebecca and Chas Coltrane
Lisa Scheer Cone and Ed Cone ’80
Jean and Doug Copeland
Cortright Family Charitable Foundation
Gwyneth and John Cote
$15,000 uminary S
$10,000 - ,999Torch Soci ety
$5,000 - $
9,999S onor Society
$2,500 - $
4,999F cholarship Society
$1,500 - $
2,499S riendship Society
$1,000 - $
1,499 ip Society
Green and
Gold Socie
$500 - $99
$250 - $49
9L awndale
$1 - $249
ake Brand
GDS Magazine | 51
Holly and Buzz Crosby
Lawrence & Sandra Davis Family
Foundation Inc
The Honorable Aldona Wos and
Mr. Louis DeJoy
Jo and David J. Delman
Donna DeMaio-Bijou and Paul Bijou
Susan and Randy Doss
Katie and David Egerton ’93
Susan E. Farrell MD
Susie and Rasmus Fenger
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Foundation for the Carolinas
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gabriel
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Galtelli
Mrs. Kristy Starr Garrison ’89 and
Mr. Harley Garrison
Anita and Gary Graham
Katy and David Grapey
Lana and Brent Greenberg
Maria and Chris Haggarty
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Hanbury
Berkeley and George Harris
Berkeley and George Harris Charitable Foundation
Pricey Taylor Harrison ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Hassenfelt
HBD, Inc.
Laura and Bryan Hochstein
Rita and Whit Hodgin
Mrs. Maribeth Geraci Hudgins ’78 and Mr. David Hudgins
Anne and John Hurd
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jennings
Dina and Burney Jennings
Janice and Jay Jester
Melanie and Chris Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan L. Jones Sr.
Ena and Jeff Jones
Courtney and Bradley Kamlet
Ms. Heidi Keeley
Nyla and Taimur Khan
Fred M. Kirby
Tonya and Charles Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Klinger
Mr. and Mrs. D. Troy Knauss
Virginia Harris Knox ’83 and David Knox ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Shad Kroeger
Anne and Pearce Landry
Jane and Richard Levy
Laurie Nehmen Lloyd ’97 and Oliver Lloyd
The Lookout Foundation
Louis DeJoy & Aldona Z. Wos
Family Foundation
Drs. Rebekah and Michael Mango
Terry and Patrick McDaid
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel G. McDowell
52 | Fall 2014
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Michael
Ken Miller
Lisa and Bert Newsome
April and David Parker
Dr. Martha Perry and Mr. Chad Perry
Judy and Mark Peters
Laura Pollak and Jeffrey Petrinitz
Mr. and Mrs. Austin T. Pittman
Penelope and Ray Ponder
The Julian Price Family Foundation
The Price Family
Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Pulitzer
Laurie and Norman Regal
Zane Hembree and Scott Risdon
Ann and Russ Robinson
Gail and Paul Rohlfing
Natalie and Craig Sanders
Jenny and David Sar
Dr. E. Robin Schenck and Mr.
Dodson Schenck
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Schiffman III ’76
Stephanie and John G. Scott
Dr. Archana Kumar and Dr. Pramod Sethi
Dr. and Mrs. Ashish C. Shah
Margaret and Lanty Smith
Dana and Philip Smith
Mr. William R. Soles Jr. ’75
Lynn Haley Stanley ’85 and Joe Stanley
Malcolm Stark
Katherine G. Stern
Kimberly and John Strong
Claire and Tom Sullivan
Ginger and Alan Sutton
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Talbot
Drs. Melinda Blietz and Kyle Talbot
Anita Lindsey and James Tanner
TE Connectivity Matching Gift Program
Mrs. Constance W. Treloar
United Jewish Foundation of
Metropolitan Detroit
Drs. Angela and Peter Van Trigt
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Vance
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Veazey
Michele and Bryan Wagoner
Sarah and Jack Warmath
Lynne and Wes Watson
Comer and Thomas Wear
James Whitton
Holley and Derrick Williams
Mary Ellen Williams
Katherine Rapp Wood ’93 and Jon Wood
Lawndale Society - ($500.00+)
Jamal and Hussein Ajaj
Suzanne Wagner and Michael Altheimer
Mrs. Lisa Anderson ’86 and Mr. Patrick Parrish
Anonymous (2)
Pam and John Attayek
Meredith and Darin Bell
Zelda and George Breslow
Gail Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Chesnutt Jr.
Stephanie Elliott Collins ’86 and Ron Collins
Ms. Mary Lee W. Copeland ’79
Christi and Pete Dalldorf
Susan and Charlie Davis
Kari and Anthony Delligatti
Mike Diamond
Carol Cone Douglas
Sandra and Brian Dumbill
Carolina and Douglas Estremadoyro
Susan Feibelman and George Turner
Gillian and Rob Goodman
Kathryn Mincher Green ’84 and Chris Green
Carrie and Will Griswold ’81
Susie and Gene Guhne
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Hagan
Mr. Daniel W. Hazlett
Sharon and Jim Hirsch
Helen and Frank Houston
Chris and Bob Hudson
Mrs. Jackie Humphrey
Elizabeth Hurd
Tess and Grant Irvine
Susie and David Jackson
Mr. Charles R. Jones III
Andrea and Jeff Jones
Karen Jurney
Mr. and Mrs. Rainhard G. Kramme
Martha Krick ’04
Gretchen Green and Paul Lantos
Ms. Dana Albon and Dr. Sorin Laza
Liza and Jim Lee ’83
Lee Lesley ’87
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lineweaver
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron C. Macphail
Catherine and Robert McGee
Ms. Debra Silber and Dr. Jeffrey Medoff
Allison and John Melson
Jenny and John Moody ’89
Rebecca Nadel ’93
Dolly and Nayan Patel
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Matching Gift
Todd Perry ’99
Jean and Bob Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ricketts
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Seifert
Nancy and Alex Shuford
Sharon Siler ’97
Velma and Robert Smith
Nancy and Dan Solomon
Mr. Ron Stanfield
Sara and Taylor Stroud
Leigh and Craig Sudbrink
Dr. Amy McMichael-Thomas and
Mr. Ralph Thomas
Wendy and Tommy Thornton ’88
Bill Transou
Vanguard Charitable
Karin and Eric Vincent
Timothy D. Warmath ’80
Jan Regester Whitman
Lauren and David Worth
Lake Brandt Society - ($250.00+)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Allen
Crissy and Linc Anderson
Stephanie and Lewis Apple
Elizabeth and Matthew Applebaum
Talia and Chad Aron
Karen and Gary Baldwin
Emily Barker ’83
Kara Medoff Barnett ’96 and Dov Barnett
Amy Berry Barry ’87 and Michael Barry
Rita Kahng and Brian Bartlett
Dr. Kim Beavers ’89
Louise Freemon Brady ’82 and Jim Brady
Alan Breslow ’76
Jamie and William Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Callicott
Collins and Copeland Cherry ’00
Sherry and Kerry Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan H. Conner ’92
Brian Cook
Sallie Corrigan
Emory Croom III
Hillary Davis ’03
Kathy and Robert Davis
Patrice and Chris Dawson
Mary and Scott Dean
Kara Harrington and Conal Deedy
Sherrie and Robert Delk
Debbie and Harris DeLoach
Drs. Elizabeth and James Deterding
Dr. Edward G. Dickinson
Carol and Mark Drusdow
Mary Katherine Davis Durham ’99 and Joey Durham
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Feinstein
Sara Ficken ’98
Ms. Iraida Fung
George Andreve Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie
Mary and Peter Gresens
Michelle Gunther
Cheryl and Vince Hairston
Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Haldeman III ’85
Nandita and V.C. Harish
Anne Harkavy ’91
Edward Harrington Jr. ’00
Beth C. Harrington
Louisa Hassenfelt ’01
Deana and Vern Hawkins
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Hayes
Kate and Todd Hayes
Hewlett-Packard Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hicks Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Hines
Trisha and Wally Hopkins
Ruth and Nero Jackson
Mrs. Martha Jordan
Ralph W. Ketner
Chandler King ’13
Colin King ’13
Layne and Reaves King
Marianna and Lynwood Klaver
April and Thomas Lawrence
Ann Davis Legette ’87 and Wade Legette
Melissa and Jeff Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Lewis
Smedes and Doug Lindner
John Lineweaver ’81
Mrs. Noni Thomas Lopez ’90
Jenny and Mike Mansfield
Kristin and Brad McCormick ’96
Craig Hassenfelt McIntosh ’98 and
Beau McIntosh ’97
Laura Ann and Dan McWhorter
Mr. and Mrs. M. Robert Melhem
Mrs. Sarah Cone Merriman ’79
Meliha and Brano Milicevic
Megan and Robert Mimms
Laurie and Jim Morris
Dr. Julia Jackson-Newsom and
Dr. Glenn Newsom
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Nitka
Dottie B. and Billy Nutt
Vivian O’Brien
Mrs. Barbara B. Palmer
Caroline Parker ’04
Dr. Chelsey Parks and Dr. John Parks ’00
Elizabeth Harrington Payonk ’97 and Philip Payonk
Reida and Randy Perkins
Lisa and Reggie Perkins
Mrs. Jordan Kime Perry ’98 and Mr. Jim Perry
Sandra and Mike Perry
Karyn and Brad Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Porter
Meriwether Maddux Powell ’97
John Preyer ’84
Jonathan Pugh ’01
Ripu and Sonny Rai
Libby and Richard Ramsey
Ann and Jim Rembach
Grier Booker Richards ’97 and
Richard Richards
Mr. and Ms. Shaun A. Richardson
Pamelia McAdoo-Rogers and Ron Rogers
Ronata Rogers ’13
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rosa
Dr. and Mrs. Todd J. Rosenbower
Deborah and James Roskelly
Mr. and Mrs. Georges Saab ’85
Kathi and Worth Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Schner
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Sharpe
Dr. Norman E. Sharpless ’84
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Laura and Jeff Shue
Kristine Sims and Todd Pittman
Gail and Alex Smith
Kate and Kerrigan Smith
Jane Smolen
Sondra and Simon Solomon
Poonam and Vineet Sood
Tina and Steve Sumner
Dr. Margaret Coleman Szott and
Mr. Thomas Szott
Kim and David Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Marc E. Trigilio
Natalie and Stan Varlamov
Carlen and Rand Walters
John Walton
Suzanne and Patrick Watson
Cynthia Weingold
Thomas L. White III ’00
Thuy and Tom Whyte
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson
Sandra and Larry Wingate
Brook and Paul Wingate
Karla and Stephen Yonce
Ashley Hodges Zellers ’01
Rev. and Mrs. Charles M. Zimmerman
$15,000 uminary S
$10,000 - ,999Torch Soci ety
$5,000 - $
9,999S onor Society
$2,500 - $
4,999F cholarship Society
$1,500 - $
2,499S riendship Society
$1,000 - $
1,499 ip Society
Green and
Gold Socie
$500 - $99
$250 - $49
9L awndale
$1 - $249
ake Brand
GDS Magazine | 53
Bengals’ Society - ($1.00+)
Mr. and Mrs. Rayford K. Adams III
Dr. Sandra Adams and Dr. Fred Adams
Aetna Foundation
Ally Matching Gift Programs
Carrie and Andy Alspaugh ’83
Anonymous (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Arbuckle III
Morgan Stroud Archie ’05
Vicki and Wayne Autry
Ms. Chana K. Ball
Angela and Jeff Ballou
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Barber
Mrs. Eva Barnes ’90 and Mr. Brian Barnes
Sarah Zimmerman Barnett ’01
Beth and Mike Barnwell
Wendy and Mike Barton
Gail Isaacson Bernstein ’76 and Steve Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Billips
Betsy and Johnny Black ’87
Lynn and John Black
Lee and Bill Blackman
Mr. and Mrs. H. Burns Blackwell ’96
Rene and David Blake
Alexey Bogomolov ’99
Craig Bohn ’02
Linda and Joseph Boles
Katherine Kelly Bonney ’05
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bostian
Beth Anne Boulton ’85 and Holt Gwyn
Estelle and Stephen Bowden
Cynthia Collier Bowen
Sherry Ledoux and Frank Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Boylston
Andy Brantley ’04
Caroline Brantley ’05
Jane Andrews Nelson Brantley ’04
Belinda and Rick Brantley
Kit Fisher Bredrup ’85
Molly Brenner ’05
Charlie Britt ’88
Russell Britt ’97*
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney P. Britt
HIP GIVIN ary Society
orch Society
onor Society
4,999 H arship Society
$10,000 - $1
99Sch hip Society
$5,000 - $9,9
smanship So y
$2,500 - $4,9
$1,500 Green and G
ake Brandt
$1 - $249
54 | Fall 2014
Vanessa Bennison Brooks ’90
Ms. Allison E. Brown ’98
Caroline Brown ’10
Kathy and Dave Brown
Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall Brown
Mr. and Mrs. P. David Brown
David Brown ’87
Mrs. Linda B. Browne
Jimbo Brumley ’10
Morgan Bryant ’99
Mr. and Mrs. James Buck
Allison Rendall Burgun ’94
Jake Burns ’12
Mr. Johnny D. Burris
Kerry Burris
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram H. Buxton III
Mr. and Mrs. William Cain
Stacy and Bobby Calfo
Carly Calhoun ’98
Taylor Manning Calvert ’04 and
Clark Calvert
Capital One Services
Mr. and Mrs. A. Howard Caudle
Janna and David Civils
Betsy and Jerry Clapp
Ann Blakeney Clark ’76
Kullen Clark ’14
Class of 2010 Parents
Class of 2023
Tracey Cloninger ’82
Jennifer Connors Coby ’99 and Jacob Coby
Lilly Cohen ’10
Karen and Mark Collins
Phil Colvard
Ms. Rosemary Colvard
Sydney Cone ’12
Rose Marie and Rick Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cook
Tim Cook ’06
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cooke ’86
Jan and Bob Cooke
Travis Cooke ’06
Stephanie Koury Craft ’89 and Carter Craft
Everett Cramer ’78
Megan Sudnik Craven ’06
Don and Terri Crump
Margot and Decatur Cunningham
Sarah Cunningham ’05
Diane Czornij
Mrs. Mary Schenck Dator ’82 and
Mr. Robert Dator
Charlotte Davidson ’05
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Degler
Michael Diamond ’99
Morgan Diamond ’03
Joyce and Ronald Diggs
Anna Dorsett ’11
Barbara Doughten
Lisa Doughten ’85
Mary Gaines Douglas ’03 and Thomas Douglas
Ms. Sherry W. Dove
Mr. Alan Dransfield
Eileen Dransfield
Mark Dransfield ’89
Tim Dransfield ’91
Julie Drinkard ’06
Cristi Phillips Driver ’86 and Michael Driver
Paige Brown DuBose ’79 and Will DuBose
Carey Duda ’08
Kimberly and Tom Duehring
Mrs. Anna Beaver Duffy ’03
Beth Dunbar
Kate and Dennis Duquette
Jody and Edward Echols
Ms. Beverly R. Edwards
Nolan Elingburg ’07
Kathleen and David Elliott
Landy Douglas Elliott ’00 and Joseph Elliott
Lindsey Evans ’04
Rachel Wolff Farley ’03
Jamie Cook Fason ’02
Mary Ruth Cooke Faulkner ’83 and
Rennie Faulkner ’81
Ginger Fay ’90 and Ken Rona
Susan and Todd Ferguson
Jeffrey Finn ’04
Wiley Fisher Jr.
Tracey Fisher
Flanagan Family
John C. Flanagan ’88
Andrea Pate Fletcher ’00 and Sean Fletcher
Jennifer and Chris Ford
Whitney Fore ’05
Debbie and Randy Fortenberry
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Fortune
Daniel Fox ’09
Elaine Alspaugh Fox ’80
Savannah Fox ’13
Berkeley Harris Gardner ’87 and Ed Gardner
Laura Wagg Gasiorek ’82 and
Stephen Gasiorek
Sharon Newsome Gaskin
John Gerhardt ’08
Margaret Gerhardt ’06
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Gilmer
Mr. William Glaser
Celia Glass ’05
Mr. and Mrs. John F. C. Glenn Jr.
Sarah Wall Goins ’05
Elizabeth Wagg Gray ’87 and Alexander Gray
Maryann and Judd Green
Susan Griswold
Demetra and Brian Groat ’99
Jon Gryskiewicz ’04
Carrie Moore Guthrie ’05
Lisa McCutcheon-Gutknecht and
Bill Gutknecht
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gwinnett
Tilden Hagan ’02
Taylor Haley ’09
Gidget and Scott Hanley
Kendall McCoy Harler ’86 and Carl Harler
Mrs. Kelly Koury Harrill ’83 and
Mr. C. Kelly Harrill
R. Ross Harris
Dale and Joe Harwell
Bethann and Dayne Hassell
Kathy Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Hayes
Kristen M. Beavers Haynes ’02 and James Haynes
Lisa Hazlett
Janet and David Head
Pam and Ross Hemphill
Dr. James P. Hendrix Jr.
David S. Henson ’91
Amy Saperstein Herman ’90 and
Andrew Herman
Margo and Archie Herring
James Hightower III
Carol Ruda and Norman Hilgendorf
Holly Barnes Hofbauer ’92 and
Steve Hofbauer
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hoff
Mrs. Janet Willard Holbrook ’76
Ms. Becky Hollowell
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Holmquist
Ashley Holt ’04
Ms. Elizabeth D. Hopkins
Mary Horan
Ms. Kilby Dixon Hoskins ’86
Sara and George House
Anne and Sam Hummel
Anna Hurd ’06
Alice and Henry Isaacson
Terri and Clint Jackson
Carey and Jim Jackson-Adams
Dolly and Bill Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Jessup
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Johnson
Katherine Johnson ’07
Mary Marr Dillard Johnson ’75 and Freddy Johnson
Robert Johnson ’05
Ms. Willie S. Johnson
Lorie and Griffin Jones
Claire Bowers Jordan ’94 and Grant Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Jayson Judy
Beth and Chris Just
Elizabeth Karmel ’79
Mr. and Mrs. Noe Katz
Jo Ann and Lewis Kay
Casey Keating ’05
Clai Watkins Keel ’05
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony O. Kelly
Chris Kelly ’07
Robbie Kelly ’09
Pam and Perry Key
Mrs. EunYoung Park and Mr.
Myoung Woo Kim
Beth and John King ’87
Pamela A. Chappell and John H. King
Spencer Kirkman ’04
Kristin Kirkman-Hall ’91 and Brian Hall
Lori and Tim Knox
Linda and Bill Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kohler
Carlene and Ron Kohler
Milos Korda ’04
Jennifer Staton Kreick ’04 and Kyle Kreick
Emily Krick ’09
Minki Sharma and Dave Kumar
Susan and Bret Kunar
Sally Gorrell Kuratnick ’75 and
David Kuratnick
Sallie Lacy ’93
Thomas LaGrega ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Lahey
Mrs. Ellie Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Lamb
Kristen Cloninger Lancaster ’84
Wendy Lavine ’85
S. Alexander Lawson ’99
Mrs. Brigitt Heger and Mr. Paul Le Houillier
Melissa and Pat Lehman
Cameron Lemley ’12
Anna Ruth Lewis ’23
Sally and Jeff Lewis
Kara Lewis
Jennifer Lilly ’05
Holly Link ’90
Gwen and Chris Lowe ’90
Samantha and Dana Lowell
Mary Ellen Kavanagh Lowry ’95 and Bradley Lowry
Ms. Debbie S. Lozo
Anne Lucas ’10
Carol and Charles Lucas
Ms. Susan C. Macheledt
Marie and Brian MacKay
Lori Fowler MacLeod ’93 and
Thomas MacLeod
Katherine Macpherson
Emily Hicks Maggart ’99 and Stephen Maggart
Carol and Buddy Magod
Hima and Ravi Mangipudi
Nancy and Richard Manning
Mrs. Linda Mansfield
Clarissa and Jason Marshall
Brooke Marshall ’99
Maggie and Seth Marshall ’97
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Martin
MASCO Corporation
Alison Masters ’05
Ms. Laurel Matsudaira
Ryan Maxwell ’04
Jack May ’89
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Mayer Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Maynard
Cassandra and Darryl Mayo
Parker McAllister ’05
Gwen and Phillip McCall
Merrill McCarty ’04
Jessica McComb ’04
Dr. and Mrs. Scott M. McGinley
Ms. Barbara A. McIntyre
Amanda Dowtin McLaughlin ’97 and Adam McLaughlin
Melissa and David McLeod
Robert McMichael
Mrs. Jeanette E. Meadows
Diana and Ari Medoff ’99
Carmi Medoff ’10
Mica Medoff ’07
Sar Medoff ’05
Sue and Rob Midgett
Connie and Chris Mikesell
Blair Milam ’06
Mr. Merrill Miller
Betsy Huffine Minto ’02
Edo Mlatac ’97
Rose Marie Mneza
Alex Mohler ’03
Marilyn and James Mohler
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Moore
Melinda Powel Morgenstern ’86 and Morty Morgenstern
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moseley
Kris and Mac Moss
Sarah Rose Mosh Mostafa ’06 and
Osman Mostafa
Molly Mullin
Zach Mullinax ’04
Leigh and Todd Munsey ’90
Marietta Steck Murphy ’89
Laura and Robert Murray
Magen Murray ’04
National Christian Foundation - Piedmont
Aaron Nelson ’96
Zakia Nesbitt
Leslie and John Newman
Dr. and Mrs. A. Ray Newsome
Elizabeth Kavanagh Newsome ’03
Charlie M. Nichols
GDS Magazine | 55
Lynn and John Noecker
George Russell ’11
Carrie Sloan Norry ’89 and Doug Norry
Ward Russell ’09
Mr. James R. Novak Sr.
Robin E. Sarratt-Cohen ’94
William Nutt ’05
Wendy Sarratt ’91
Mr. and Mrs. C. Mitchell Oakley Jr.
Katie Cockrell Satterly ’02
Mindy and Chad Oakley ’90
Margaret and Dodson Schenck
Liz Obermeyer ’11
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Schenck III
Katherine Obermeyer ’07
Thomas A. Schenck ’76
Patrick O’Brien ’06
Theodora Vaporis and Tom Schermerhorn
Richard Ognovich
Ellen Williams Schumak ’79
Mr. Jordan Orr ’04
Mary and Andy Scott
Ryan Parker ’04
Coridalia and John L. Scott
Nadia Scott ’01
Haley Peck ’12
Ms. Sandi Scragg
Nikki and Dee Pennell
Mr. William Seymour ’08
Rachel and Blair Percival
Caroline Perkins ’08
Hope Gruber and Richard Shannin
Dr. and Mrs. John N. Perry Jr.
Morgan and Morgan Sharp
Linda and Curt Perry
Rebecca Barger Sheaff ’03 and Alec Sheaff
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shearer
Roberta and Jim Pettit
Angel and Brad Sherrill
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Philion
Jean and Richard Sherwood
Ruth and Wendell Phillips
Liz Shoemaker ’00
Mrs. Anne Alspaugh Pinkelton ’78 and Ms. Caroline M. Shue ’20
Mr. Zachary Lawrence Shue
Mr. Charles Pinkelton
Josie Ward Shuford ’84 and Jim Shuford
Andrew Pinto ’06
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Silvers
Hilary Humphrey Pitts ’86
Dr. David B. Simonds
Jennifer and Ron Pitts
Barbara and Jim Sims
Janet and Frank Poole
Kelly and John Sipe
Alfreda and Thomas Poteat
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Powers
Mrs. Abby Smith Presson ’88 and
“I strongly believe in GDS’ mission of
Dr. Thomas Presson ’87
educating the whole child, not “just” in
Lee and William Presson ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Proper Sr.
the classroom, but also on the athletic
Elyse Balderacchi Puckett ’86
field, in the theatre, and through music.
Aaron Pugh ’99
The adult community here works tirelessly
Derek Pugh ’03
to help build and strengthen the character
Tyson Pugh ’01
our young men and women so that they
William Pugh ’08
go on to do great things. I believe
Carol and Larry Putnam
in this approach.”
Ms. Karen Radecki
Sharon and Jim Rembach
– James Hightower, Upper School Dean
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rendleman Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. David Riboldazzi
Lisa and Bill Roach
Rick Smith ’77
Mr. Lee Roane
Nancy and Walter Roberts
Lucy Smith ’11
Meg Smith ’90 and James Rhee
Ms. Lori R. Rogers
Jozi Snowberger ’03
Emily Rose ’97 and Tim Rose
Alex Rosenbower ’12
Reid Soles ’09
Shira Solomon ’07
Greta and Nathan Ross
Denise and Chip Roth
George Sondecker ’05
Jennifer Rowland and David Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sprague
Dr. and Mrs. P. L. Rowlett
Kate and Phelps Sprinkle
Kara and Mark Ruffin ’77
Tess Stakias ’04
Kristin Rush ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Stall
Marilyn Carlson Rush ’02
Dallas and Christopher Stanley
56 | Fall 2014
Kelly and Wes Stanley ’94
Geoffrey Staton ’03
Carrie Hagan Stewart ’05 and Will Stewart ’05
Hunter Strader ’08
Ashley Strader ’05
Mary Katherine Strong ’04
Laura Mezer Strouse ’01
Linda Knox Sudnik ’79
Ms. Lori J. Sullivan ’84
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sulzberger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Summers
Ms. Margaret E. Sumner
Michael Sumner ’04
Erin and Ty Sutton ’88
T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.
Marvella and Patrick Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Taylor
Carol Terry
Tamieka Howell and Dwayne Tesseneer
Jonathan Thielen
Emily and Kenny Thompson
Ms. Margaret J. Tinsley ’78
Mr. and Mrs. Stamps Transou
Emily Treleaven ’02
William Trentini ’12
Kristen and Brian Tuma
Ruth and Alan Tutterow
Dianne Uwayo ’11
Ross Van der Linden ’94
Marian van Noppen ’08
Valerie Vickers
Lesa and George Vinson
Ms. M. Paige Wagner and Dr. Jennifer L. Etnier
Ashley Wainer ’07
Mr. and Mrs. Chiwahn Walden
Robin Waldron
Caroline Walker ’03
Dave Walker ’06
Barbara M. Bear Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Wampler
Louise and John Warmath ’78
Sallie Warmath ’76 and Ray Tohinaka
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Weatherly III
Ellie Weatherly ’08
Maggie Weatherly ’11
The Weaver Foundation, Inc.
Rob Weaver ’00
Keats Webb ’03
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Wells Fargo Educational Matching
Gift Program
Roy Whitaker III ’03
Judy and Len White
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wikle Jr.
Suzanne and Reid Wilcox
BJ Williams ’09
Ms. Carol C. Williams
Carol and Art Williams
Ellen Williams
Ereka Williams
Jim Williams
Anne and Dillard Williams ’01
Mr. Patrick L. Williams ’99
Jillian and Peter Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny J. Willis ’96
Drs. Laura and Scott Windham ’89
Adair Wood ’23
Megan Hayes Wood ’04
Reston Wood ’26
Dr. and Mrs. Jon P. Woods ’78
Michelle Woods
Alex Worth ’01
Jonathan Worth ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yager
Rhonda and David Youngdahl
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Zigbuo
Myrna and Harold Zimmerman
Lucy Zuraw ’08
Alumni and Student
Giving by Class
Class of 1975
Mary Marr Dillard Johnson
Sally Gorrell Kuratnick
Jimmy Murray
Bill Soles
Class of 1976
Gail Isaacson Bernstein
Alan Breslow
Ann Clark
Pricey Taylor Harrison
Janet Willard Holbrook
Tommy Schenck
Arnold Schiffman
Sallie Warmath
Class of 1977
Mark Ruffin
Rick Smith
Class of 1978
Everett Cramer
Maribeth Geraci Hudgins
Anne Alspaugh Pinkelton
Maggi Tinsley
John Warmath
Jon Woods
Class of 1979 - REUNION
Mary Copeland
Paige Brown DuBose
Elizabeth Karmel
Sarah Cone Merriman
Vance Schiffman
Ellen Williams Schumak
Linda Knox Sudnik
Class of 1986
Class of 1991
Tim Dransfield
Anne Harkavy
David Henson
Kristin Kirkman-Hall
Wendy Sarratt
Helen Brooks
Ed Cone
Elaine Alspaugh Fox
Tim Warmath
Jennifer Smith Adams
Lisa Anderson
Stephanie Elliott Collins
Philip Cooke
Cristi Phillips Driver
Kendall McCoy Harler
Kilby Dixon Hoskins
Jay Jester
Melinda Powel Morgenstern
Hilary Humphrey Pitts
Elyse Balderacchi Puckett
Class of 1981
Class of 1987
Rennie Faulkner
Will Griswold
Chuck Keeley
John Lineweaver
Charles Tinsley
Amy Berry Barry
Johnny Black
David Brown
Berkeley Harris Gardner
Liz Wagg Gray
John King
Ann Davis Legette
Lee Lesley
Class of 1993
Class of 1980
Class of 1982
Louise Freemon Brady
Tracey Cloninger
Mary Schenck Dator
Laura Wagg Gasiorek
David Knox
Jim Rucker
Lane Schiffman
Class of 1983
Andy Alspaugh
Emily Barker
Kelly Koury Harrill
Carla Smith Jones
Virginia Harris Knox
Jim Lee
Class of 1984 - REUNION
Chris Caffey
Kathy Mincher Green
Kristen Cloninger Lancaster
John Preyer
Ned Sharpless
Josie Ward Shuford
Lori Sullivan
Class of 1985
Beth Boulton
Kit Fisher Bredrup
Lisa Doughten
Erick Ellsweig
Walter Haldeman
Wendy Lavine
Georges Saab
Lynn Haley Stanley
Class of 1992
Allison Lineweaver Bell
Michelle Bardy Bigelman
Nate Conner
Holly Barnes Hofbauer
David Egerton
Sallie Lacy
Lori Fowler MacLeod
Alex Marshall
Amanda Taylor Marshall
Alex Morcos
Rebecca Nadel
Katherine Rapp Wood
Class of 1988
Charlie Britt
John Flanagan
Abby Smith Presson
Ty Sutton
Tommy Thornton
Class of 1989 - REUNION
Kim Beavers
Stephanie Koury Craft
Mark Dransfield
Kristy Starr Garrison
Jack May
John Moody
Marietta Steck Murphy
Carrie Sloan Norry
Matt Olin
Scott Windham
Class of 1990
Eva Dowds Barnes
Jon Bell
Vanessa Bennison Brooks
Ginger Fay
Amy Saperstein Herman
Holly Link
Noni Thomas Lopez
Chris Lowe
Todd Munsey
Chad Oakley
William Presson
J. Scott
Meg Smith
$15,000 uminary S
$10,000 - ,999Torch Soci ety
$5,000 - $
9,999S onor Society
$2,500 - $
4,999F cholarship Society
$1,500 - $
2,499S riendship Society
$1,000 - $
1,499 ip Society
Green and
Gold Socie
$500 - $99
$250 - $49
9L awndale
$1 - $249
ake Brand
GDS Magazine | 57
Class of 1994 - REUNION
Class of 2000
Allison Rendall Burgun
Claire Bowers Jordan
Robin Sarratt
Wes Stanley
Ross Van der Linden
Mary Ellen Kavanagh Lowry
Copeland Cherry
Landy Douglas Elliott
Andrea Pate Fletcher
Edward Harrington
John Parks
Liz Shoemaker
Rob Weaver
Thomas White
Class of 1996
Class of 2001
Class of 1995
Kara Medoff Barnett
Burns Blackwell
Brad McCormick
Aaron Nelson
Sonny Willis
Class of 1997
Russell Britt*
Laurie Nehmen Lloyd
Katie Macpherson
Seth Marshall
Beau McIntosh
Amanda Dowtin McLaughlin
Edo Mlatac
Elizabeth Harrington Payonk
Meriwether Maddux Powell
Grier Booker Richards
Emily Burbine Rose
Sharon Siler
Class of 1998
Allison Brown
Carly Calhoun
Sara Ficken
Craig Hassenfelt McIntosh
Jordan Kime Perry
Class of 1999 - REUNION
Alexey Bogomolov
Morgan Bryant
Jennifer Connors Coby
Michael Diamond
Mary Katherine Davis Durham
Brian Groat
Alex Lawson
Emily Hicks Maggart
Brooke Marshall
Ari Medoff
Todd Perry
Aaron Pugh
Katie Long Stevenson
Patrick Williams
58 | Fall 2014
Sarah Zimmerman Barnett
Jeb Brooks
Louisa Hassenfelt
Tyson Pugh
Jon Pugh
Nadia Scott
Laura Mezer Strouse
Dillard Williams
Alex Worth
Ashley Hodges Zellers
Class of 2002
Craig Bohn
Jamie Cook Fason
Tilden Hagan
Kristen Beavers Haynes
Betsy Huffine Minto
Marilyn Carlson Rush
Katie Cockrell Satterly
Emily Treleaven
Class of 2003
Hillary Davis
Morgan Diamond
Mary Gaines Donaldson Douglas
Anna Beaver Duffy
Rachel Wolff Farley
Alex Mohler
Elizabeth Kavanagh Newsome
Derek Pugh
Rebecca Barger Sheaff
Jozi Snowberger
Geoffrey Staton
Caroline Walker
Keats Webb
Roy Whitaker
Class of 2004 – REUNION
Andy Brantley
Jane Andrews Nelson Brantley
Taylor Calvert
Lindsey Evans
Jeffrey Finn
Jon Gryskiewicz
Ashley Holt
Leigh Kirby
Spencer Kirkman
Milos Korda
Jenny Staton Kreick
Martha Krick
Thomas LaGrega
Ryan Maxwell
Merrill McCarty
Jessica McComb
Zach Mullinax
Magen Murray
Jordan Orr
Caroline Parker
Ryan Parker
Tess Stakias
Mary Katherine Strong
Michael Sumner
Haley Seymour Vasuki
Megan Hayes Wood
Jonathan Worth
Class of 2005
Morgan Stroud Archie
Katherine Kelly Bonney
Caroline Brantley
Molly Brenner
Sarah Cunningham
Charlotte Davidson
Whitney Fore
Celia Glass
Sarah Wall Goins
Carrie Moore Guthrie
Robert Johnson
Casey Keating
Clai Watkins Keel
Jennifer Lilly
Alison Masters
Parker McAllister
Sar Medoff
William Nutt
George Sondecker
Carrie Hagan Stewart
Will Stewart
Ashley Strader
Class of 2006
Tim Cook
Travis Cooke
Megan Sudnik Craven
Julie Drinkard
Margaret Gerhardt
Anna Hurd
Blair Milam
Sarah Rose Mosh Mostafa
Patrick O’Brien
Andrew Pinto
Dave Walker
Class of 2007
Nolan Elingburg
Katherine Johnson
Chris Kelly
Mica Medoff
Katherine Obermeyer
Shira Solomon
Ashley Wainer
Class of 2008
Carey Duda
John Gerhardt
Caroline Perkins
William Pugh
Will Seymour
Hunter Strader
Marian van Noppen
Ellie Weatherly
Lucy Zuraw
Class of 2009 - REUNION
Daniel Fox
Taylor Haley
Robbie Kelly
Emily Krick
Kristin Rush
Ward Russell
Reid Soles
BJ Williams
Class of 2010
Caroline Brown
Jimbo Brumley
Lilly Cohen
Katie Lloyd
Anne Lucas
Carmi Medoff
Class of 2011
Anna Dorsett
Liz Obermeyer
George Russell
Lucy Smith
Dianne Uwayo
Maggie Weatherly
Class of 2012
Jake Burns
Sydney Cone
Cameron Lemley
Haley Peck
Alex Rosenbower
William Trentini
Bates Scholars
The following recipients of the Kimberly
Susan Bates ’84 Memorial Scholarship made
unrestricted gifts to the Annual Fund First
campaign. Donors are listed in class year order.
Class of 2013
Savannah Fox
Colin King
Chandler King
Ronata Rogers
Mark T. Dransfield ’89
Wendy Sarratt ’91
Rebecca Nadel ’93
Kara Medoff Barnett ’96
Grier Booker Richards ’97
Alexander Lawson ’99
Jeb Brooks ’01
Anne Lucas ’01
Morgan Diamond ’03
Jennifer Staton Kreick ’04
George R. Sondecker ’05
Shira K. Solomon ’07
Anna Dorsett ’11
Class of 2014
Kullen Clark
Class of 2017
Zachary Shue
Class of 2020
Caroline Shue
Class of 2023
Students of the Year and Founders’ Award
Anna Lewis
Mrs. Ferguson’s 3rd Grade Class
Adair Wood
The following GDS alumni were “Student of the
Year” and later, the Founders’ Award. Thank you
for your gifts to the Annual Fund First campaign.
Donors are listed in class year order.
Class of 2026
Reston Wood
2013-14 Alumni Board
Thank you to the following members of
the Alumni Association Board who made
gifts to the Annual Fund First campaign.
Molly Brenner ’05
Mary Lee W. Copeland ’79
Megan Sudnik Craven ’06
Cristi Phillips Driver ’86
Anna Beaver Duffy ’03
Erick J. Ellsweig ’85
Lindsey Evans ’04
Katherine Johnson ’07
Sar Medoff ’05
Elizabeth Kavanagh Newsome’03
Katherine Obermeyer ’07
Elizabeth Harrington Payonk ’97
Tyson Pugh ’01
Grier Booker Richards ’97
Emily Rose ’97
Geoffrey Staton ’03
Thomas White ’00
Mary Marr Dillard Johnson ’75
Ann Blakeney Clark ’76
Jon Woods ’78
Andy Alspaugh ’83
Mary Ruth Cooke Faulkner ’83
Kendall McCoy Harler ’86
Wendy Sarratt ’91
Kara Medoff Barnett ’96
J ordan Kime Perry ’98
Michael Diamond ’99
Jeb Brooks ’01
Ryan Maxwell ’04
Mary Katherine Strong ’04
George Sondecker ’05
Katherine Johnson ’07
Cameron Lemley ’12
Distinguished Alumni
Since graduation from GDS, the following
alumni are among those who have received
the Distinguished Alumni Award. We thank
them for their service to their communities
and for their gifts to GDS. Donors are
listed in class year order.
Mary Marr Dillard Johnson ’75
Ann Blakeney Clark ’76
Mary Lee Copeland ’79
Linda Knox Sudnik ’79
Ed Cone ’80
Andy Alspaugh ’83
Ned Sharpless ’84
Lisa Doughten ’85
Wendy K. Lavine ’85
Sallie Lacy ’93
Rebecca Nadel ’93
Amanda Taylor Marshall ’93
$15,000 uminary S
$10,000 - ,999Torch Soci ety
$5,000 - $
9,999S onor Society
$2,500 - $
4,999F cholarship Society
$1,500 - $
2,499S riendship Society
$1,000 - $
1,499 ip Society
Green and
Gold Socie
$500 - $99
$250 - $49
9L awndale
$1 - $249
ake Brand
GDS Magazine | 59
Parents of the Class of 2014
Constant exposure to a stimulating learning
environment made my son excited to experience
each day at GDS. The well-rounded education
he received prepared him for a challenging
future. Something this priceless cannot be taken
for granted.
Our children are fortunate to attend the very
best school in our area. GDS depends on
donations from the Annual Fund to keep its
students on top. New equipment, field trips,
technology, teacher development - all the things
that make GDS excellent - depend on the
Annual Fund.”
– Sherry Clark, Trustee and mom to
Kullen ’14
60 | Fall 2014
Thank you to these parents for making gifts to the Annual Fund First campaign
in honor of their graduating seniors.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Ackerman in honor of Lexy Ackerman
Karen and Frank Aluisio in honor of Tyler Aluisio
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Burns in honor of Claire Burns
Sherry and Kerry Clark in honor of Kullen Clark
Brian Cook in honor of Julia Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cooke ’86 in honor of Connor Cooke
Butch Doutt in honor of Quentin Doutt
Laura Wagg Gasiorek ’82 and Stephen Gasiorek in honor of Matthew Gasiorek
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Glaser in honor of Mary Glaser
Maria and Chris Haggarty in honor of AJ Haggarty
Mrs. Kelly Koury Harrill ’83 and Mr. C. Kelly Harrill in honor of Haley Harrill
Deana and Vern Hawkins in honor of Clay Hawkins
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Hayes in honor of Rachel Hayes
Mr. Daniel W. Hazlett in honor of Patti Hazlett
Lisa Hazlett in honor of Patti Hazlett
Mary Horan in honor of Katie Ognovich
Mrs. Maribeth Geraci Hudgins ’78 and Mr. David Hudgins in honor of JR Hudgins
Dina and Burney Jennings in honor of John Jennings
Wendy and Kyle Kesselring in honor of Ashley Kesselring
Dr. Fozia Khan and Dr. Saadat Khan in honor of Amina Khan
Tonya and Charles Kirkpatrick in honor of Imani Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Klinger in honor of Haley Klinger and in honor of Jordan Klinger
Virginia Harris Knox ’83 and David Knox ’82 in honor of Olivia Knox
Susan and Bret Kunar in honor of Alex Kunar
Ms. Susan C. Macheledt in honor of Marshall Macheledt
Jenny Mansfield in honor of Connor Mansfield
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Markwell in honor of Josh Markwell
Susan Larson McDonald in honor of Grace Williams
Catherine and Robert McGee in honor of Laura McGee
Dr. and Mrs. Scott M. McGinley in honor of Kit McGinley
Patty and Bill McIvor in honor of Matthew McIvor
Toni and Rodney McLean in honor of Brandi McLean
Mr. and Mrs. M. Robert Melhem in honor of Matthew Melhem
Melinda Powel Morgenstern ’86 and Morty Morgenstern in honor of Catherine Wright
Mr. James H. Murray ’75 in honor of James Murray
Richard Ognovich in honor of Katie Ognovich
Laura Pollak and Jeffrey Petrinitz in honor of Matthew Petrinitz
Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Pulitzer in honor of Sam Pulitzer
Dianne and Scott Roe in honor of Walker Roe
Dr. and Mrs. Todd J. Rosenbower in honor of Eric Rosenbower
Jennifer Rowland and David Johnson in honor of Chase Rowland
Theodora Vaporis and Tom Schermerhorn in honor of Janse Schermerhorn
Becky and Lane Schiffman ’82 in honor of Layton Schiffman
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Schner in honor of Zac Schner
Dr. and Mrs. Ashish C. Shah in honor of Shivani Shah
Kim and Bassam Smir in honor of Lauren Smir
Dana and Philip Smith in honor of Reid Smith
Malcolm Stark in honor of Tess Stark
Kathryn and Jody Stern in honor of David Stern
Leigh and Craig Sudbrink in honor of Tyler Sudbrink
Kim and David Taylor in honor of Christian Taylor
Trinh and Burke Thompson in honor of Grayson Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Veazey in honor of Pearce Veazey
Cynthia Weingold in honor of Max Weingold
Alumni Service Award
The following alumni have received the
Alumni Service Award since graduating
from GDS. We thank them for their
service to their communities and for
their gifts to GDS. Donors are listed
in class year order.
Sally Gorrell Kuratnick ’75
Bill Soles ’75
Charles Tinsley ’81
John Lineweaver ’81
Laura Wagg Gasiorek ’82
Virginia Harris Knox ’83
Jennifer Smith Adams ’86
J. Scott ’90
Jeb Brooks ’01
Board of Trustees
100% of the Board of Trustees made gifts
to the Annual Fund First campaign. We
thank them for their service as well as
their gifts to Greensboro Day School.
Mr. David L. Brown
Mr. Patrick J. Burns
Mrs. Sherry P. Clark
Mrs. Fran Davis
Mrs. Catherine R. Dunham
Mr. Marion G. Follin III
Mrs. Penny Graves
Mr. Wade G. Jurney
Mrs. Cynthia R. Knowles (Cindy)
Mrs. Ann Lineweaver
Rev. Wendell Phillips
Mr. Russell M. Robinson III (Russ)
Mr. James G. Rucker ’82 (Jim)
Mr. J. Scott ’90
Mr. Robert O. Smith
Mrs. Adeline C. Talbot
Mrs. Fran Tewkesbury, chair
Mr. Marshall A. Tuck
Mr. William W. Watson (Wes)
Mr. James W. Whitley Jr. (Jack)
Chair’s Council
We are ever grateful to the following past
Chairs of the Board of Trustees (names
followed by their terms of service) for their
continued leadership through their support
of the Annual Fund First campaign.
Mr. Edward F. Cone ’80 (2005-2008)
Mr. Stephen C. Hassenfelt (1983-1985)
Mr. Maurice N. Jennings (2008-2011)
Mr. James S. Schenck III (1971-1973)
Mrs. Fran F. Tewkesbury (2011-2013)
Mr. John T. Warmath Jr.* (1973-1975)
Mr. David M. Worth (1996-1999)
Head’s Council
Thank you to the following members of
the Head’s Council, an advisory board to
Mark Hale, Head of School, for their
support of the Annual Fund First Campaign.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Calhoun
Jean and Doug Copeland
Berkeley and George Harris
R. Ross Harris
Helen and Frank Houston
Mr. William R. Soles Jr. ’75
Katherine G. Stern
Judy and Len White
Board of Visitors
The Board of Visitors is an advisory board
comprised of former school leaders, and community
and corporate friends. We thank them for their
service and support.
Margaret and Howard Arbuckle
Mary and Jeff Beach
Beth Harrington
R. Ross Harris
Pam Hassenfelt
Alice Isaacson
Terry McDaid
Betsy Oakley
Mr. William A. Porter
Debra F. Silber
Kimberly Strong
Sue White
Rebecca and Chas Coltrane
Sallie Corrigan
Susan and Charlie Davis
Kara Harrington and Conal Deedy
Donna DeMaio-Bijou and Paul Bijou
Jody and Edward Echols
Katie and David Egerton ’93
Kathleen and David Elliott
Mary and Peter Gresens
Nandita and V.C. Harish
Bethann and Dayne Hassell
Kathy Hayes
Margo and Archie Herring
Carol Ruda and Norman Hilgendorf
Beth and Chris Just
Layne and Reaves King
Lori and Tim Knox
Anne and Pearce Landry
Gretchen Green and Paul Lantos
Ms. Dana Albon and Dr. Sorin Laza
Kara Lewis
Drs. Rebekah and Michael Mango
Clarissa and Jason Marshall
Melissa and David McLeod
Jennifer and Ron Pitts
Lisa and Alan Powell
Libby and Richard Ramsey
Allison and Todd Robinson
Dianne and Scott Roe
Deborah and James Roskelly
Greensboro Day School Families
Family giving continues to lead the way in
percentages of participation. We appreciate all you
do and the constant support you give to GDS.
New Families
Special thanks to our newest families at GDS.
This list represents over 70% of new families
who made a gift to the Annual Fund First
campaign during their first year.
Jamal and Hussein Ajaj
Elizabeth and Matthew Applebaum
Talia and Chad Aron
Rita Kahng and Brian Bartlett
Ann McCallum-Boles and Jacob Boles
Jamie and William Brown
Betsy and Jerry Clapp
$15,0 +L
00 - $
orch S y Society
$5,00 - $14,999
0 - $9
99S onor So
$1,50 - $4,999F cholars iety
0 - $2
0 - $1 99S ndship So iety
,499 ciety
Green anship Soc
and G
old So ty
$500 - ORTERS
$250 $
$1 - $ 499L awnda
ake Br e
Benga andt
GDS Magazine | 61
Denise and Chip Roth
Kate and Kerrigan Smith
Kate and Phelps Sprinkle
Dallas and Christopher Stanley
Tamieka Howell and Dwayne Tesseneer
Emily and Kenny Thompson
Ruth and Alan Tutterow
Robin Waldron
Suzanne and Reid Wilcox
Holley and Derrick Williams
Ereka Williams
Michelle Woods
Karla and Stephen Yonce
Current Parents
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Ackerman
Jennifer Smith Adams ’86 and Bo Adams
Mrs. Melissa Black Akin ’84 and
Mr. Robert Akin
Barbara Anne Steslow and Terrence Akin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Allen
Suzanne Wagner and Michael Altheimer
Karen and Frank Aluisio
Hilary and Marius Andersen
Crissy and Linc Anderson
Leslie Leigh Anderson
Mrs. Lisa Anderson ’86 and Mr. Patrick Parrish
Stephanie and Lewis Apple
Elizabeth Aronson MD and Richard
Aronson MD
Pam and John Attayek
Iris and Juan Austin
Vicki and Wayne Autry
Lori and Trey Aycock
Karen and Gary Baldwin
Heidi Gingerich and Phillip Bales
Ms. Chana K. Ball
Angela and Jeff Ballou
Dr. Cheryl Barnett and Mr. Mark Barnett
Anne and Rick Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Baxter
Allison Lineweaver Bell ’92
Meredith and Darin Bell
Jon Bell ’90
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bennett
62 | Fall 2014
Michelle Bardy Bigelman ’92 and
Joel Bigelman
Dr. and Mrs. Chris Blackman
Rene and David Blake
Carol and Mark Boles
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bostian
Gail Boulton
Belinda and Rick Brantley
Sarah and Douglas Brokaw
Dr. Helen Brooks ’80
Martha and David Brown
Debbie and Scott Brown
Gail Buchanan
Leslie and Bill Burd
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Burns
Mr. Johnny D. Burris
Kerry Burris
Shanna and Alan Buster
Laura and Peter Buxenbaum
Laura and Chris Caffey ’84
Stacy and Bobby Calfo
Dr. Dorothy Wilson Chappell
Alyssa and Ashfaque Chowdhury
Kristi and David Ciener
Janna and David Civils
Sherry and Kerry Clark
Betsy and Reid Clark
Stephanie Elliott Collins ’86 and Ron Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan H. Conner ’92
Brian Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cooke ’86
Jan and Bob Cooke
Gwyneth and John Cote
Mr. and Mrs. David Cox Jr. ’88
Ms. Amy Consiglio and Mr. Brian Criscuolo
Emory Croom III
Holly and Buzz Crosby
Christi and Pete Dalldorf
Mrs. Mary Schenck Dator ’82 and
Mr. Robert Dator
Fran and Bert Davis
Patrice and Chris Dawson
Mary and Scott Dean
Sherrie and Robert Delk
Kari and Anthony Delligatti
Debbie and Harris DeLoach
Drs. Elizabeth and James Deterding
Joyce and Ronald Diggs
Susan and Randy Doss
Butch Doutt
Caron and Kevin Dover
Cristi Phillips Driver ’86 and Michael Driver
Carol and Mark Drusdow
Martha Anne and Blaine DuBose
Jane and Joel Dubs
Kimberly and Tom Duehring
Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Duggan
Sandra and Brian Dumbill
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dunham
Mr. and Mrs. Erick J. Ellsweig ’85
Carolina and Douglas Estremadoyro
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Feinstein
Susie and Rasmus Fenger
Flanagan Family
Debbie and Randy Fortenberry
Mrs. Kristy Starr Garrison ’89 and
Mr. Harley Garrison
Laura Wagg Gasiorek ’82 and Stephen Gasiorek
Sharon Newsome Gaskin
Margaret Rowlett and David Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Glaser
Gillian and Rob Goodman
Michelle and Bob Goodrich
Katy and David Grapey
Dr. and Mrs. John Lee Graves
Maryann and Judd Green
Kathryn Mincher Green ’84 and Chris Green
Lana and Brent Greenberg
Carrie and Will Griswold ’81
Susie and Gene Guhne
Michelle Gunther
Annie Laurie and Rich Gunther
Lisa McCutcheon-Gutknecht and
Bill Gutknecht
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Hagan
Maria and Chris Haggarty
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Hahn
Cheryl and Vince Hairston
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Hanbury
Gidget and Scott Hanley
Lili and David Harding
Mrs. Kelly Koury Harrill ’83 and
Mr. C. Kelly Harrill
Deana and Vern Hawkins
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Hayes
Kate and Todd Hayes
Kim and Brad Hayes
Mr. Daniel W. Hazlett
Lisa Hazlett
Pam and Ross Hemphill
Sharon and Jim Hirsch
Laura and Bryan Hochstein
Rita and Whit Hodgin
Holly Barnes Hofbauer ’92 and
Steve Hofbauer
Ms. Becky Hollowell
Trisha and Wally Hopkins
Mary Horan
Mrs. Maribeth Geraci Hudgins ’78 and
Mr. David Hudgins
Chris and Bob Hudson
Tess and Grant Irvine
Ruth and Nero Jackson
Dolly and Bill Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson
Dina and Burney Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Jessup
Melanie and Chris Johnson
Carla Smith Jones ’83 and Steve Jones
Mr. Charles R. Jones III
Holly and David Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan L. Jones Sr.
Ena and Jeff Jones
Andrea and Jeff Jones
Karen Jurney
Mr. Wade Jurney
Karen and Ben Kahn
Courtney and Bradley Kamlet
Mr. and Mrs. Noe Katz
Merrill and Chuck Keeley ’81
Wendy and Kyle Kesselring
Leslie and Robert C. Ketner
Pam and Perry Key
Nyla and Taimur Khan
Mrs. Misoon Kang and Dr. In Ho Kim
Mrs. EunYoung Park and
Mr. MyoungWoo Kim
Kristin Kirkman-Hall ’91 and Brian Hall
Tonya and Charles Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Klinger
Mr. and Mrs. D. Troy Knauss
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Knowles Jr.
Virginia Harris Knox ’83 and
David Knox ’82
Jean and Adam Kohler
Carlene and Ron Kohler
Mr. and Mrs. Rainhard G. Kramme
Mr. and Mrs. Shad Kroeger
Minki Sharma and Dave Kumar
Susan and Bret Kunar
April and Thomas Lawrence
Mrs. Brigitt Heger and Mr. Paul Le Houillier
Liza and Jim Lee ’83
Ann Davis Legette ’87 and Wade Legette
Melissa and Jeff Leonard
Ms. Michele Gordon and Mr. Pat Levy
Sally and Jeff Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Lewis
Smedes and Doug Lindner
Gwen and Chris Lowe ’90
Samantha and Dana Lowell
Ms. Debbie S. Lozo
Ms. Susan C. Macheledt
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron C. Macphail
Dr. and Mrs. Marc E. Magod
Hima and Ravi Mangipudi
Mrs. Jamie Manning-Soule and
Mr. Matt Soule
Jenny Mansfield
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Markwell
Mr. and Mrs. Deepak Massand
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Mayer Jr.
Cassandra and Darryl Mayo
Gwen and Phillip McCall
Susan Larson McDonald
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel G. McDowell
Catherine and Robert McGee
Dr. and Mrs. Scott M. McGinley
Craig Hassenfelt McIntosh ’98 and
Beau McIntosh ’97
Ms. Barbara A. McIntyre
Patty and Bill McIvor
Mr. Joseph A. McKinney Jr.
Laura Ann and Dan McWhorter
Donna and Tom Medlin
Mr. and Mrs. M. Robert Melhem
Allison and John Melson
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Michael
Sue and Rob Midgett
Connie and Chris Mikesell
Ken Miller
Megan and Robert Mimms
Jenny and John Moody ’89
Melinda Powel Morgenstern ’86 and
Morty Morgenstern
Leigh and Todd Munsey ’90
Mr. James H. Murray ’75
Kim and Bob Murray
Zakia Nesbitt
Leslie and John Newman
Dr. Julia Jackson-Newsom and
Dr. Glenn Newsom
Lisa and Bert Newsome
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Nitka
Richard Ognovich
Rina and Matt Olin ’89
Mrs. Barbara B. Palmer
Caroline and Ralph Paris
Heather and Ross Parr
Dolly and Nayan Patel
Nikki and Dee Pennell
Rachel and Blair Percival
Lisa and Reggie Perkins
Dr. Martha Perry and Mr. Chad Perry
Dr. and Mrs. John N. Perry Jr.
Judy and Mark Peters
Karyn and Brad Peterson
Laura Pollak and Jeffrey Petrinitz
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Philion
Ruth and Wendell Phillips
Mrs. Anne Alspaugh Pinkelton ’78 and
Mr. Charles Pinkelton
Mr. and Mrs. Austin T. Pittman
Alfreda and Thomas Poteat
The Price Family
Erica Procton
$15,0 +L
00 - $
00 - $ ,999T minary So
orch S
$2,50 - $9,999SHonor S iety
$1,50 - $4,999F cholar ciety
0 - $2
ip So
0 - $1 99S iendship So ciety
,499 ciety
Green anship So
nd Go
ld Soc ty
- $999
$1 - $ 499L awnd
ake Br e
Benga ndt
GDS Magazine | 63
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Proper Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Pulitzer
Terri and Scott Rafkin
Ripu and Sonny Rai
Elizabeth and Matthew Rankin
Laurie and Norman Regal
Ann and Jim Rembach
Mr. and Ms. Shaun A. Richardson
April and Matt Richmond Family
Zane Hembree and Scott Risdon
Lisa and Bill Roach
Debbie and Mike Robson
Pamelia McAdoo-Rogers and Ron Rogers
Gail and Paul Rohlfing
Dr. and Mrs. Todd J. Rosenbower
Jennifer Rowland and David Johnson
Melinda and Jim Rucker ’82
Kara and Mark Ruffin ’77
Emilie and Arthur Samet
Natalie and Craig Sanders
Beth and Jason Sanders
Jenny and David Sar
Kathi and Worth Saunders
Dr. E. Robin Schenck and
Mr. Dodson Schenck
Theodora Vaporis and Tom Schermerhorn
Mr. H. Vance Schiffman ’79
Becky and Lane Schiffman ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Schner
Sandra and Mike Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott Jr. ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Seifert
Dr. Archana Kumar and Dr. Pramod Sethi
Dr. and Mrs. Ashish C. Shah
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Sharpe
Angel and Brad Sherrill
Anne and Trevor Shick
Laura and Jeff Shue
Dr. David B. Simonds
Kristine Sims and Todd Pittman
Kelly and John Sipe
Kim and Bassam Smir
Dana and Philip Smith
Velma and Robert Smith
Nancy and Dan Solomon
Sondra and Simon Solomon
Poonam and Vineet Sood
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sprague
Lynn Haley Stanley ’85 and Joe Stanley
Kelly and Wes Stanley ’94
Malcolm Stark
Laura and Mike Steen
Kathryn and Jody Stern
Sara and Taylor Stroud
Leigh and Craig Sudbrink
Claire and Tom Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Summers
64 | Fall 2014
Erin and Ty Sutton ’88
Dr. Margaret Coleman Szott and
Mr. Thomas Szott
Drs. Melinda Blietz and Kyle Talbot
Anita Lindsey and James Tanner
Kim and David Taylor
Carol Terry
Dr. Amy McMichael-Thomas and
Mr. Ralph Thomas
Trinh and Burke Thompson
Marsha and Tom Tice
Christopher J. Trentini
Jane and Chris Trevey
Mr. and Mrs. Marc E. Trigilio
Leslye and Marshall Tuck
Susan Turner
Drs. Angela and Peter Van Trigt
Natalie and Stan Varlamov
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Veazey
Karin and Eric Vincent
Ms. M. Paige Wagner and Dr.
Jennifer L. Etnier
Michele and Bryan Wagoner
Carlen and Rand Walters
John Walton
Laurie and John Watson
Suzanne and Patrick Watson
Lynne and Wes Watson
Comer and Thomas Wear
Cynthia Weingold
Martin Weissburg
Marilyn and Jack Whitley
Thuy and Tom Whyte
Ellen Williams
Jim Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny J. Willis ’96
Brook and Paul Wingate
Cecile Winstead
Katherine Rapp Wood ’93 and Jon Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Zigbuo
Parents of Alumni
Thank you to the following parents of alumni and/
or former GDS students who made gifts to this
year’s Annual Fund. Donors in bold are members
of our Sustainers’ Circle and support the Annual
Fund with gifts of $1,000 or more. We are
grateful to all of you that continue to support GDS
after your children have graduated.
Mr. and Mrs. Rayford K. Adams III
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Arbuckle III
Jim Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Barber
Amy Berry Barry ’87 and Michael Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Beach
Gail Isaacson Bernstein ’76 and
Steve Bernstein
Lynn and John Black
Zelda and George Breslow
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney P. Britt
Kathy and Dave Brown
Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall Brown
Mr. and Mrs. P. David Brown
Nancy and Jim Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. James Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram H. Buxton III
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Calhoun
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Callicott
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Chesnutt Jr.
Karen and Mark Collins
Lisa Scheer Cone and Ed Cone ’80
Rose Marie and Rick Cook
Jean and Doug Copeland
Don and Terri Crump
Margot and Decatur Cunningham
Diane Czornij
Kathy and Robert Davis
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
The Honorable Aldona Wos and
Mr. Louis DeJoy
Jo and David J. Delman
Mike Diamond
Dr. Edward G. Dickinson
Barbara Doughten
Carol Cone Douglas
Ms. Sherry W. Dove
Mr. Alan Dransfield
Eileen Dransfield
Beth Dunbar
Kate and Dennis Duquette
Cathy and Wes Elingburg
Susan E. Farrell MD
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Fortune
Elaine Alspaugh Fox ’80
Mr. and Mrs. John F. C. Glenn Jr.
Susan Griswold
Linda and Mark Hale
Beth C. Harrington
Berkeley and George Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Hassenfelt
Dr. James P. Hendrix Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hicks Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hoff
Sara and George House
Helen and Frank Houston
Anne and Sam Hummel
Mrs. Jackie Humphrey
Elizabeth Hurd
Anne and John Hurd
Alice and Henry Isaacson
Terri and Clint Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jennings
Mary Marr Dillard Johnson ’75 and
Freddy Johnson
Ms. Willie S. Johnson
Ms. Heidi Keeley
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony O. Kelly
Pamela A. Chappell and John H. King
Fred Kirby
Linda and Bill Knox
Jane and Richard Levy
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lineweaver
Mrs. Noni Thomas Lopez ’90
Carol and Charles Lucas
Nancy and Richard Manning
Terry and Patrick McDaid
Mrs. Jeanette E. Meadows
Ms. Debra Silber and Dr. Jeffrey Medoff
Meliha and Brano Milicevic
Rose Marie Mneza
Marilyn and James Mohler
Laurie and Jim Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Morris
Kris and Mac Moss
Charlie M. Nichols
Lynn and John Noecker
Dottie B. and Billy Nutt
Mr. and Mrs. C. Mitchell Oakley Jr.
Vivian O’Brien
April and David Parker
Linda and Curt Perry
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Peterson
Carol and Larry Putnam
Jean and Bob Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rendleman Jr.
Ann and Russ Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Schenck III
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Schiffman III ’76
Mary and Andy Scott
Stephanie and John G. Scott
Coridalia and John L. Scott
Hope Gruber and Richard Shannin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shearer
Debra F. Silber
Margaret and Lanty Smith
Mr. William R. Soles Jr. ’75
Barbara and Tom Somerville
Kimberly and John Strong
Linda Knox Sudnik ’79
Tina and Steve Sumner
Ginger and Alan Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Swanson
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Talbot
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Taylor
Fran and Ted Tewkesbury
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Vance
Valerie Vickers
Lesa and George Vinson
Sarah and Jack Warmath
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Weatherly III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Webb
Sue Donathan White
Judy and Len White
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wikle Jr.
Ms. Carol C. Williams
Sandra and Larry Wingate
Lauren and David Worth
Rhonda and David Youngdahl
Rev. and Mrs. Charles M. Zimmerman
Grandparents and Grandparents of Alumni
We are so grateful to the grandparents
and grandparent of alumni who recognize the
importance of supporting the Annual Fund First
Judy and Bryant Aydelette
Wendy and Mike Barton
Lynn and John Black
Lee and Bill Blackman
Linda and Joseph Boles
Mrs. Linda B. Browne
Mr. and Mrs. William Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Chesnutt Jr.
Phil Colvard
Ms. Rosemary Colvard
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Degler
Carol Cone Douglas
Susan E. Farrell MD
Wiley Fisher Jr.
Peggy and Marion Follin
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gabriel
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Galtelli
Mr. William Glaser
Susan Griswold
Berkeley and George Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Hassenfelt
Janet and David Head
Helen and Frank Houston
Alice and Henry Isaacson
Susie and David Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jennings
Mrs. Martha Jordan
Jo Ann and Lewis Kay
Ms. Heidi Keeley
Ralph W. Ketner
Marianna and Lynwood Klaver
Linda and Bill Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kohler
Mrs. Ellie Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Lamb
Carol and Buddy Magod
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Martin
Robert McMichael
Mr. Merrill Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moseley
Dr. and Mrs. A. Ray Newsome
Reida and Randy Perkins
Sandra and Mike Perry
Roberta and Jim Pettit
Penelope and Ray Ponder
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Powers
Jean and Bob Rapp
Sharon and Jim Rembach
Dr. and Mrs. David Riboldazzi
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ricketts
Dr. and Mrs. P. L. Rowlett
Margaret and Dodson Schenck
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Schenck III
Stephanie and John G. Scott
Lyn and Michael Shanley
Jean and Richard Sherwood
Nancy and Alex Shuford
Barbara and Jim Sims
Gail and Alex Smith
Jane Smolen
Barbara and Tom Somerville
Katherine G. Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sulzberger
Ginger and Alan Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Taylor
Mrs. Constance W. Treloar
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Via
Barbara M. Bear Wallace
Sue Donathan White
Jan Regester Whitman
James Whitton
Mary Ellen Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Williams
Sandra and Larry Wingate
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yager
Myrna and Harold Zimmerman
We are appreciative of the faculty,
how our children are taught, the
education and opportunities that
truly abound at GDS, and the
relationships that are discovered
and nurtured.
We give to the annual fund because
we want to support the environment
that the annual fund helps sustain.
- Layne and Reaves King, parents to
Hodges, 1st grade
GDS Magazine | 65
Former Trustees
Jennifer Smith Adams ’86
Dr. Sandra Adams
Dr. Margaret Arbuckle
Mr. James B. Barber
Mr. Jeffrey L. Beach
George Breslow
Mr. P. David Brown
Jim Bryan
Mr. Eric R. Calhoun
Dr. Ashfaque Chowdhury
Ed Cone ’80
Jean Copeland
Ms. Mary Lee W. Copeland ’79
Mrs. Jean Davison
Michael L. Diamond
Wes Elingburg
Carrie Griswold
Beth C. Harrington
Berkeley Harris
R. Ross Harris
Mr. Stephen C. Hassenfelt
Pam Hemphill
Mr. William M. Hicks Jr.
Helen and Frank Houston
Anne Hummel
Alice Isaacson
Mr. Maurice N. Jennings
Chuck Keeley ’81
Robert C. Ketner
Fred Kirby
Bill Knox
Ann Lineweaver
Kristen Magod
Terry McDaid
Patty McIvor
66 | Fall 2014
Billy Nutt
Mitch Oakley
Jane Peterson
Mr. James S. Schenck III
Mary Scott
Debra F. Silber
Lanty Smith
Mr. William R. Soles Jr. ’75
Jack Warmath*
Mitzie Weatherly
Judy White
David Worth
Faculty, Staff, and Coaches
70% of the current faculty, staff, and
coaches supported the Annual Fund First
campaign. Thank you for your support and
the many hours you give each day to GDS!
Ann Adams
Crissy Anderson
Karen Baldwin
Angela Ballou
Beth Barnwell
Gail Isaacson Bernstein ’76
Suzanne Billips
David Blake
Michelle Bostian
Estelle Bowden
Cynthia Bowen
Frank Bowman
Ninoshka Boylston
Carolyn Buck
Peter Buxenbaum
Terry Buxton
Stacy Calfo
$25,000 SHIP GIVIN
$15,000 L
- $24,99
y Societ
$5,000 $14,999 H h Society
- $9,999
onor So
$1,500 4,999F olarship Societ
$1,000 2,499S ndship Society
- $1,499
Green a ship Society
nd Gold
$500 - $
$250 - $
$1 - $24 9L ndale
ake Bra
Bengals dt
Maude Caudle
Karen Collins
Rose Marie Cook
Tim Cook
Mary Schenck Dator ’82
Kathy Davis
Ed Dickinson
Randy Doss
Susan Doss
Sherry Dove
Mark Drusdow
Beth Dunbar
Beverly R. Edwards
Susan Feibelman
Susan Ferguson
Jennifer Ford
Iraida Fung
David Gilbert
Kathy Gillespie
Kyle Gilmer
Gillian Goodman
Bridget Gwinnett
Mark Hale
Dale Harwell
Pam Hemphill
James Hightower
Laura Hines
Holly Barnes Hofbauer ’92
Melissa Hoff
Beth Hopkins
Anne Hurd
Carey Jackson-Adams
Clyda Johnson
Freddy Johnson
Lorie Jones
Megan Judy
Charli Kelly
John H. King
Kristin Kirkman-Hall ’91
Susan Kunar
Don Lahey
Wendy Lavine ’85
Melissa Lehman
Kara Lewis
Gwen Lowe
Dana Lowell
Marie MacKay
Linda Mansfield
Clarissa Marshall
Laurel Matsudaira
Barbara Maynard
Amanda Dowtin McLaughlin ’97
Allison Melson
Connie Mikesell
Brano Milicevic
Megan Mimms
Robert Mimms
Edo Mlatac ’97
Trish Morris
Kris Moss
Sarah Rose Mosh Mostafa ’06
Molly Mullin
Laura Murray
Vivian O’Brien
Rachel Percival
Mrs. Anne Alspaugh Pinkelton ’78
Carol Putnam
Karen Radecki
Stephanie Richardson
Lee Roane
Nancy Roberts
Lori Rogers
Mary Rosa
Nathan Ross
Jon Schner
Sandi Scragg
Morgan Sharp
Nina Sharpe
Linda Shearer
Laura Shue
Daniel Silvers
Kelly Sipe
Dana Smith
Parker Stall
Ron Stanfield
Linda Knox Sudnik ’79
Meg Sumner
Michael Sumner ’04
Tom Szott
Marvella Taylor
Jonathan Thielen
Emily Thompson
Emilee Transou
Kristen Tuma
Ruthie Tutterow
Mary Vance
Tiana Walden
Pam Wampler
Tommy Webb
Carol C. Williams
Carol G. Williams
Peter Williams
Sonny J. Willis ’96
Elizabeth Wilson
Kay Zimmerman
Friends of GDS
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Holmquist
Mr. James R. Novak Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Porter
Gifts were made in honor of the following:
Honorees are bolded
Foundations and Corporations
Aetna Foundation
American Express Company Employee Giving Fund
AMG Charitable Gift Foundation
Bardy’s Estate Jewelry & Diamonds
Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro
Community Foundation of Greater Atlanta
Cortright Family Charitable Foundation
Lawrence & Sandra Davis Family Foundation Inc
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Foundation for the Carolinas
George Andreve Foundation
Harris, Berkeley and George Charitable Foundation
HBD, Inc.
High Point Community Foundation
F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.
The Lookout Foundation
Louis DeJoy & Aldona Z. Wos Family Foundation
Martha & William Murray Foundation
MASCO Corporation
Morgan Stanley Matching Gift Foundation
National Christian Foundation - Piedmont
National Philanthropic Trust
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Matching Gift
The Julian Price Family Foundation
Schiffmans Inc.
Shell Oil Company Foundation
T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.
United Jewish Foundation of Metropolitan Detroit
Vanguard Charitable
The Weaver Foundation, Inc.
Well Spring Retirement Community
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program
The Zeist Foundation
Ann Adams
Crissy Anderson
Roger L. Moore
Imani Atkinson ’14
Tonya and Charles Kirkpatrick
Caroline Attayek
Marian van Noppen ’08
Bengal Nation
Carol G. Williams
Michelle Bostian
Laura Shue
Bella Burd ’21
Hayes Burd ’26
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Galtelli
Kelly Buster ’23
Mr. and Mrs. William Cain
Maude Caudle
Ms. Christine R. Phelps
Dorothy Wilson Chappell
Mrs. Ellie Lamb
John Thomas Chappell ’20
Lucius Jefferson Chappell ’22
Mrs. Ellie Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Lamb
Class of 1986
Elyse Balderacchi Puckett ’86
Class of 2005
Carrie Moore Guthrie ’05
Justin Todd ’05
Capt. Dana A. Cook ’06
Janet Cook
Mr. Jeff Cook
Michael Cook
Brian Cook
Rose Marie Cook
Jimbo Brumley ’10
Maude Caudle
Tim Cook ’06
Lindsey Evans ’04
Louise Cornet
Trish Morris
Calvin Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Holmquist
Eli Davis ’27, Frances Davis ’27
Julia Davis ’19 and Sandra Davis ’17
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Davis
Lisa Doughten ’85
Barbara Doughten
Carol Cone Douglas
Sydney Cone ’12
Quentin Doutt ’14
Butch Doutt
Sherry W. Dove
Roger L. Moore
Julie Drinkard ’06
Nancy S. Drinkard
Bette Dunker
Beverly Edwards
Mary Gray Fish
Parker Stall
Tricia B. Fish
Roy Whitaker III ’03
Ms. Iraida Fung
Zachary Shue ’17
Cindy Garrison
Morgan Bryant ’99
Joyce and Mark Markwell
GDS Learning Resource Department
Kathy Gillespie
GDS Lower School Faculty
Ms. Elizabeth D. Hopkins
GDS Maintenance Staff
Carey and Jim Jackson-Adams
Gillian Goodman
Laura Shue
GDS Magazine | 67
Dr. Jane Gutsell
Jon Gryskiewicz ’04
Haley Harrill ’14
Mrs. Kelly Koury Harrill ’83
and Mr. C. Kelly Harrill
Craig D. Head
Caroline Shue ’20
Janet Holderness
Gillian Goodman
Emily Transou
Ms. Elizabeth D. Hopkins
Gwen Lowe
John Jennings ’14
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gabriel
Christy Johnson ’88
Ms. Willie S. Johnson
Freddy Johnson
Ron Bradford ’00
Matthew Brenner ’03
Frank Brown ’08
John Bunch ’09
Martha and Thomas Bunch
Sherry and Kerry Clark
Kullen Clark ’14
Phil Colvard
Janet Cook
Mr. Jeff Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Demaree Jr.
K.J. Garland ’03
Molly Lambert Hanlon ’88
Nahomi and Jonathan Harkavy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Holcombe
Martha and David Howard ’76
Anne J. Hurd
Erin and Ed Johnson ’83
Linda and Bill Knox
Reed Lucas ’13
Jenny Mansfield
Aron McMillian ’97
Ashley Knapp Meyer ’97 and
Robert Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newsom
Carrie Sloan Norry ’89 and
Doug Norry
Caroline Parker ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Patterson III
Sarah Cantrell Perkins ’02 and
Ross Perkins ’02
68 | Fall 2014
Trish Morris
Diana and Ari Medoff ’99
Liz Obermeyer ’11
Thomas L. White III ’00
Max Perkins ’00
Ms. Christine R. Phelps
Mike Reynolds ’87
Jane and Royce Reynolds
Mike Rogers ’00
Chris Streck ’90
Justin Todd ’05
Jane and Chris Trevey
Thomas L. White III ’00
Nancy and Bevin Williams
Zvonko Nikolic
Roger L. Moore
Mary Marr Johnson ’75
Ashley Knapp Meyer ’97 and
Robert Meyer
Lynn Noecker
Laura Hines
Susan Kunar
Lorie Jones
Stacy and Bobby Calfo
Alexander B. Paris ’15
Isabel S. Paris ’17
Mrs. Constance W. Treloar
Emilie Newsome ’21
Dr. and Mrs. A. Ray Newsome
Megan Judy
Stacy and Bobby Calfo
Holly Barnes Hofbauer ’92
Ms. Christine R. Phelps
Mr. Lee Roane
Wayne R. Kattner
Pam Wampler
Anna Pittman
Terri and Clint Jackson
Miles Kirkpatrick ’23
Tonya and Charles Kirkpatrick
Kim Doughten Polakoff ’82
Barbara Doughten
Hannah M. Kohler ’18
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kohler
Benjamin Regester ’19
Jan Regester Whitman
Liza & Jim Lee ’83 Family
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Lee
Jeffrey Regester
Jan Regester Whitman
Melissa Lehman
Crissy Anderson
Gwen Lowe
Valerie Vickers
Gwen Lowe
Pam Wampler
Mr. Lee Roane
Roger L. Moore
Kate and Kerrigan Smith
Marie MacKay
Crissy Anderson
Suzanne Billips
Chase Rowland ’14
Jennifer Rowland and
David Johnson
Middle School Faculty
and Staff
Ms. Chana K. Ball
Kay Zimmerman
Mrs. Ann Saab
Mr. and Mrs. Georges Saab ’85
Kate Middleton ’96
Marian van Noppen ’08
Mac Morris
Diana and Ari Medoff ’99
Thomas L. White III ’00
Bob Satterfield
Ashley Wainer ’07
Roy Whitaker III ’03
7th Grade Teachers
Angela Ballou
Linda Shearer
Laura Shue
Steve Shelton
Thomas L. White III ’00
Laura Shue
Michelle Bostian
Zachary Shue ’17
Ms. Iraida Fung
Gloria Silber
Carmi Medoff ’10
Mica Medoff ’07
Sar Medoff ’05
Kelly Sipe
Elizabeth Wilson
Reid Smith ’14
Jo Ann and Lewis Kay
William R. Soles Jr. ’75
Reid Soles ’09
Parker Stall
Carlen and Rand Walters
Meg Steedle ’04
Marian van Noppen ’08
Michael Sumner ’04
Mr. Jordan Orr ’04
Nancy Teague
Laura Hines
Bill Transou
Gillian Goodman
Emily Transou
Bernice Turner
Beverly Edwards
Jackie Upton
Sallie Lacy ’93
Tiana Walden
Crissy Anderson
Gwen Lowe
Julie and David Walker
Dave Walker ’06
Scott Walker
Karen Collins
Pam Wampler
Kate and Kerrigan Smith
Ms. Susan Watts
Nancy Roberts
Max Weingold ’14
Cynthia Weingold
Ms. Carol C. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sprague
K Windham
Drs. Laura and Scott
Windham ’89
Adair Wood ’23
Mary Ellen Kavanagh Lowry ’95
and Bradley Lowry
Katherine Rapp Wood ’93
and Jon Wood
Jean and Bob Rapp
Reston Wood
Mary Ellen Kavanagh Lowry ’95
and Bradley Lowry
Benjamin C. Zuraw
Terry Buxton
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$10,000 - ,999Torch Soci ety
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$500 - $99
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9L awndale
$1 - $249
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GDS Magazine | 69
Gifts were made in memory of the following:
Mr. Walter Barker
Emily Barker ’83
Mark Johnson
Ms. Willie Johnson
Ms. Kimberly S. Bates ’84
George Sondecker ’05
Barbara Kirby
Haley Seymour Vasuki ’04
Bobbi Booker
James Hightower III
Erik Lie-Nielsen
Susan Turner
Russell Britt ’97
Sherry Ledoux and Frank Bowman
Craig Hassenfelt McIntosh ’98 and Beau McIntosh ’97
Lynn and John Noecker
Emily Rose ’97 and Tim Rose
Sharon Carr Theismann ’97
Virginia Lineberry ’89
Stephanie Koury Craft ’89 and Carter Craft
Mr. Winfred L. Bumper
Monty Bumper ’90
Pat Butler
Al Murphy ’94
Martha Cammack
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Webb
Frances and John Dillard
Katie Cohen ’08
Mr. Alan Dransfield
Mark Dransfield ’89
Mr. Ken Elingburg
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Webb
Steven Fore
Whitney Fore ’05
LaDonna and Troy French
Kathy Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moseley
Whit Lineweaver ’83
John Lineweaver ’81
Joe Maddux
Brooke Marshall ’99
Mike Mansfield
Becky and Bill Campbell
Jenny Mansfield
Shea McKenna ’04
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Fortune
Tina and Steve Sumner
Mrs. Neil Maddux Miller ’99
Kathryn Long Stevenson ’99 and Thomas Stevenson
Natalie Neal ’04
Jon Gryskiewicz ’04
Ashley Holt ’04
Haley Seymour Vasuki ’04
Jonathan Worth ’04
Scott Patterson ’08
Mr. James Novak Sr.
Tina Patterson
Mrs. Carmen Garcia
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson
Stephen Powel
Melinda Powel Morgenstern ’86 and Morty Morgenstern
Mrs. Maureen Gerhardt
John Gerhardt ’08
Yvette Pruitt
Meredith and Darin Bell
70 | Fall 2014
Sandra Roberts
Jack May ’89
Thomas Roberts ’89
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Webb
David Schlosser ’04
Jon Gryskiewicz ’04
Ashley Holt ’04
Jonathan Worth ’04
Mrs. Annie Scott
Coridalia and John L. Scott
Nadia Scott ’01
Selia Seely
Tiana and Chiwahn Walden
Judy Shafer
Liz Shoemaker ’00
Warren Stan
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Webb
Jim Swan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis
Ms. Barbara Tandon ’89
Stephanie Koury Craft ’89 and
Carter Craft
Beth Walton
Mr. and Mrs. C. Mitchell Oakley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yager
Jack Warmath
Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall Brown
Mr. and Mrs. P. David Brown
Sally Gorrell Kuratnick ’75 and
David Kuratnick
Nancy and Richard Manning
Mr. and Mrs. James Schenck III
Sallie Warmath ’76 and Ray Tohinaka
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Webb
Tyler Williams ’15
Caroline and Ralph Paris
Adeline Talbot, Chair
Lori Aycock
Sherry P. Clark
Fran Davis
Joanne Duggan
Marion Follin
Beth Harrington
Cindy Knowles
Ann Lineweaver
Gail LeBauer
Wendell Phillips
Grier Richards
Jim Rucker
Carlen Walters
Brook Wingate
Board of Trustees
Mrs. Lori Aycock
Mr. David L. Brown
Mr. Patrick Burns (Pat)
Mrs. Sherry P. Clark
Mrs. Frances P. Davis (Fran)
Mrs. Catherine R. Dunham
Mr. Marion Follin
Mrs. Penny Graves
Mr. Wade G. Jurney
Mrs. Cynthia R. Knowles (Cindy)
Mrs. Ann Lineweaver
Mr. Wendell F. Phillips
Mr. Russell M. Robinson III (Russ)
Mr. James G. Rucker III ’82 (Jim)
Mr. J. Scott ’90
Mr. Robert Smith
Mrs. Adeline Talbot
Mrs. Fran Tewkesbury, Chair
Mr. Marshall A. Tuck
Mrs. Nancy Vaughan
Mr. William W. Watson (Wes)
Mr. James W. Whitley, Jr. (Jack)
Volunteer Boards
and Administration
Beth Harrington, Chair
Margaret and Howard Arbuckle
Jeff and Mary Beach
Jane Brabham
Dr. Dora Brodie
Carolyn Chappell Czarda
Susan Dowtin
Mona Edwards
Sheri Evans
Carolyn Gorga
Sarah Gorrell
Ross Harris
Pam Hassenfelt
Pat Ingersoll
Alice Isaacson
Yvonne Johnson
Mary Gorrell Jones
Susan Kelly
Cathy Levinson
Sue and Jim Maxwell
Terry McDaid
Betsy Oakley
Tina Patterson
Barbara Peck
Bill Porter
Dr. Terri Shelton
Debi Silber
Gloria Silber
Jasbir Singh
Kimberly Strong
Anne Wagg
Kimberly Wainer
Sue White
Dr. Craven Williams
Charles A. McLendon*
James S. Schenck III
John T. Warmath, Jr.*
Charles W. Cheek*
Cameron Cooke 1978-1979
Claibourne W. Poindexter*
Sallie A. McMillion
Stephen C. Hassenfelt
Carole S. Lesley
Gail M. LeBauer
Charles H. Flynt, Jr.
Haynes G. Griffin
David M. Worth1996-1999
Dennis R. Glass
David R. Howard ’76
Edward F. Cone ’80 2005-2008
Maurice N. Jennings, Jr. 2008-2011
Fran F. Tewkesbury
GDS Magazine | 71
office of
72 | Fall 2014
Lori Aycock
Jim Bennett
Sarah Brokaw
Molly Burns
Sherry P. Clark
Fran and Bert Davis
Joanne and Scott Duggan, Chairs
Kara Harrington
Pam Rogers
Kate Smith
Brook and Paul Wingate
Sandra Adams
Jackie Bell
Mente Benjamin
Ray Berry
Eric Calhoun
Jean Copeland
Jed Dunn
Berkeley Harris
Ross Harris
Frank Houston
John Kavanagh
Chuck Keeley
Robert Ketner
Dennis Quaintance
Linda Sloan
Bill Soles
Mary Davis McLendon Smart
Katherine Stern
Judy White
Grier Booker Richards ’97, Chair
Elaine Alspaugh Fox ’80
Molly Brenner ’05
Mary Copeland ’79
Cristi Phillips Driver ’86
Anna Beaver Duffy ’03
Erick Ellsweig ’85
Lindsey Evans ’04
Katherine Johnson ’07
Sar Medoff ’05
Marcy McKenzie ’98
Elizabeth Kavanagh Newsome ’03
Katherine Obermeyer ’07
Elizabeth Harrington Payonk ’97
Tyson Pugh ’01
Geoffrey Staton ’03
Megan Sudnik ’06
Thomas White ’00
Mark C. Hale, Head of School
Gail Isaacson Bernstein ’76, Assistant to the Head of School
Ed Dickinson, Middle School Director
Randy Doss, Director of Admission and Enrollment
Susan Feibelman, Upper School Director
David Gilbert, Academic Dean
Gillian Goodman, Lower School Director
Pam Hemphill, Chief Financial Officer
Anne Hurd, Director of Advancement
Dana Smith, Director of Technology
Tommy Webb, Assistant Head of School
Anne Hurd, Director of Advancement
Beth Barnwell, Advancement Services – Data Manager
Stacy Calfo, Director of Marketing and Communications
Nancy Roberts, Advancement Services – Gift Processing and Reporting
Michael Sumner, Director of Alumni Programs
Emily Thompson, Director of Annual Giving
GDS Magazine | 73
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