CT Appearance of Uterine
CT Appearance of Uterine
CT Appearance Uterine Javier Ronald JorgeJ. leiomyomas, most common primary commonly pelvic modality these tumors for CT not other scans, and their calcification, by secondary changes, infection, necrosis, CT are found per- first with be their findings including fatty they may familiar the is the examinations leiomyomas describe of the frequently and (CT) become authors one However, symptoms, Because should are Ultrasonography tomographic indications. The as fibroids, in women. leiomyomas. computed radiologists appearance. myomas found accompanied during formed known tumors for evaluating are incidentally istic l Casillas, MD C. Joseph, MD Guerra, Jr. MD Uterine on of noted character- of uterine cystic leio- degeneration, degeneration, and sarcomatous degeneration. INTRODUCTION U Uterine leiomyoma, countered one of the as an incidental for other indications most common finding or in the pelvic on computed workup tumors in women, tomographic of patients with (CT) a pelvic is often scans mass. en- obtained It is there- fore important for radiologists to become familiar with the spectrum of their appearance. In our 6-year experience, which encompasses over 6,000 CT scans of the abdomen and pelvis, we have encountered 97 cases of histologically proved uterine leiomyomas. The purpose of this article is to review the CT findings of these tumors, with emphasis ed within them. GENERAL U significance leiomyomas fibrous tissue but among Clinically, as a palpable to compression myomas may are commonly from smooth terms: degrees of attenuation detect- black and called muscle other fibroids, cells although of the dark-skinned they derive ( 1 ) . They uterus populations not occur from more (2). uterine leiomyomas are commonly symptomless, but they may occur mass, accompanied by bleeding or pain, or with symptoms secondary of the mass on the bladder, uterus, or rectum. Patients with leiopresent with hypermenorrhea, although the exact mechanism by which these tumors produce rhea is a common indication Index of different CHARACTERISTICS Uterine frequently on the Myoma. 854 .3 1 5 abnormal bleeding for surgery; other Uterine #{149} neoplasms. 854 .3 1 5 is still unknown. indications include Uterine neoplasms, #{149} CT, Hypermenorrapid tumor 854 . 1 2 1 1 Uterus, #{149} CT, 854.1211 RadloGraphics I From and the Received 1990; the 10:999-1007 Department Department May ofRadiology. of Radiology, 7, 1990; revision University Jackson requestedjune ofMiami Memorial 6 and School Medical ofMedicine, Center, receivedjuly Miami. 20; 161 From acceptedJul 1 NW the 12th 1989 23. Ave. Miami, RSNA scientific Address reprint FL 33136 assembly. requests toJ.C. casNA, 1990 999 Figures 1-3. possible locations (2) (1) Diagram illustrates of leiomyomas Pathologic specimen the various in the uterus. of an intramural leio- myoma (arrow) . UC = uterine cavity. (3) Pathologic specimen of multiple subserosal leiomyomas (55 ) . Arrow indicates uterine cavity. 2. 3. growth, pelvic fertility myomas (1 ,2) during quency pain, . pressure, The presence pregnancy of malpresentation, and impaired of multiple increases the retained leiofre- placen- (3). Leiomyomas can markedly enlarge, a characteristic that makes differentiation of these tumors from other pelvic or abdominal masses sometimes difficult. Almost any intrapelvic abnormality needs to be differentiated from ta, this and premature uterine contractions condition. mors sizes. 2% of mors develop The are commonly multiple and of various A solitary leiomyoma is found in only patients, and the number of these tumay reach the hundreds. They rarely after menopause. location is variable a characteristic Those in the embedded uterus within . whorled surface. These tu- sal. sal Frequently, masses uterus respectively. RadioGrapbics . the myometrium are referred to as intramural (Fig 2) When they occur beneath the covering peritoneum of the uterine corpus, they are called subserosal (Fig 3) Some leiomyomas occur in immediate proximity to the endometrium and are designated as submuco- of the U 1) . Leiomyomas are usually sharply circumscribed, unencapsulated but discrete, round, firm, gray-white masses; cut specimens have 1000 of leiomyomas (Fig U Casillas et al the subserosal protrude and Such from into and the the endometrial leiomyomas Volume outer may 10 submucocontour cavity, become Number 6 4b. 4c. Figures 4, 5. (4) CT scans of the normal uterus (U). B = bladder. (a) Unenhanced CT the uterus. (b) In a CT scan of the pelvis obtained before intravenous administration of the attentuation of the uterus (cursor 1 ) is 77.7 HU. (c) On the contrast-enhanced scan, the uterus has increased to 1 26.5 HU. Attenuation of the soft tissues (cursor 2 ) has not changed (55.3 HU in b vs 5 1 .9 HU in c). (5) CT scan of postpartum uterus (U) reveals a! cavity (F and arrow). pedunculated. The subserosal type may protrude into the broad ligament to create an intraligamentous leiomyoma (1). Hyaline degeneration is seen in almost all uterine leiomyomas. Other secondary changes include cystic degeneration, calcification, infection, necrosis, fatty degeneration, or sarcomatous transformation (1,2). U NORMAL UTERUS The uterus ANATOMY is a pear-shaped OF THE organ, scan demonstrates contrast material, the attenuation fluid in endometri- tention and on normal anatomic (Fig 4) (4) . On CT scans obtained venous administration of contrast normal other myometrium pelvic tissue window pears smooth enhances tissues settings, in contour (Fig variations after than (5) . At soft- 4c) normal and intra- material, more 4b, the of significantly uniform uterus ap- in at- tenuation, although central uterine fluid may be seen in the absence of disease or in the postpartum uterus (Fig 5). usually identified on CT scans in the midline between the bladder and the rectum, depending on the degree of bladder and rectal dis- November 1990 Casillas et al U Ra4ioGrapbics U 1001 5. y. Figures (6) CT scan shows enlarged uterus (U), with a lobulated contour, secondary to a leiomyoma (arrow) . (7) CT scan of another patient demonstrates a submucosal leiomyoma (arrow) producing deformity of the endometrial cavity. (8) CT scan obtained due to hydrocolpos secondary to cervical stenosis incidentally reveals a small calcified uterine leiomyoma (arrow) . (9) CT scan obtained through the midabdomen in a patient with increasing abdominal girth demonstrates a giant abdominopelvic soft-tissue mass 1002 U RadioGrapbks 6-9. (M ) and associated U Casillas bilateral et al hydronephrosis (H). Volume 10 Number 6 10, 11. Figures cystic (10) areas. (11) in pathologic found CT scan demonstrates CT scan shows specimen. U CT CHARACTERISTICS LEIOMYOMAS . Uterine Deformity Enlargement An uterus enlarged contour have (Fig a uniformly 6) with solid size of usually with be a prominent feature, uterine enlargement is difficult with CT; therefore, uterine size useful criterion for the differential of leiomyoma lobulations uterine be seen to diagnose alone is not diagnosis . of the uterus. however, such changes may body or in the lower segment Leiomyomas can also an intracavitary mass obliterating cavity (Fig 7). Leiomyomas can be small (Fig occur the as uterine and (1 , The tendency are , noted within most common in cases involve broad of hyaline liquefication, and or an ovarian cyst. of of leio- areas degenin ex- practically all of the original involved and converted into cavity, a state that clinically pregnancy in patients Degeneration seen . It may 2 ,4) were 3 5) . Calcifica- , be is the is toward treme cases mor is thus large cystic ulates Cystic changes tumor. (1 may degeneration eration a pills changes secondary of the or if the control Hyaline myomas minimal (4) Alterations in contour or are identified more often in the fundus; in the masses. all . may large Hyaline tenuation values similar to those of uninvolved uterus (6) Although uterine enlarge- ment birth indicates cells diminish in size after can increase suddenly pregnancy or cystic Arrow No malignant usually They tion . at- leiomyomas. attenuation. during taking CT findings consistency, of uterine high arche and menopause. uterine Leiomyomas degeneration atypically Contour a deformed common . with OF UTERINE and are the most leiomyomas hyalmne a leiomyoma tua sim- A leio- myoma with necrosis or degeneration may be seen on CT scans as a low-attenuation mass in the uterus (Fig 1 0) Occasionally, areas of high attenuation may be seen in atypical . leiomyomas of the uterus (Fig 1 1). 8) or giant (Fig 9) homogeneous or inhomogeneous, pelvic or abdominopelvic masses. The growth of uterine leiomyomas is estrogen , pendent. November They do not 1990 appear until after demen- Casillas et al U RadioGrapbics U 1003 -1 E.,i Figures 12-14. (12) CT scan demonstrates enlarged uterus (U) and popcorn calcifications in a leiomyoma (arrow) . Note bilateral ovarian cysts (C) (13) CT scan of a 4 1 -year-old patient shows multiple subserosal and intramural uterine leiomyomas; most of them are calcified (arrows). (14) CT scan reveals uterine leiomyoma with calcification of solid mass type (arrow) . Contour deformity of the uterus caused by other smaller leiomyomas (arrowheads) is also evident. . . Calcification Calcification is likely to occur in leiomyomas in the presence of circulatory disturbances, such as those commonly found in older women (2) This dystrophic calcificalion of solid mass type usually has a mottled appearance with no well-defined curvilinear rim (Fig 1 2) There are, however, calcificalions in leiomyomas that have a well-defined, thin, high-attenuation rim with relatively littie internal calcification, and they can be mottled, whorled, or streaked (Fig 13). Although uterine leiomyomas are apt to be multiple in a given patient, calcification may 14. . . be present in only 1 4) The soft-tissue . one of the tumors (Fig mass of an individual leiomyoma is frequently ume of the calcification, the fact that calcification larger than the volmerely reflecting may be limited to only a part of the tumor (7). The presence of calcification in a uterine mass is the most specific sign of a leiomyoma (6); however, this finding is reportedly common (7) In one series, calcifications were found in only 3%-5% of leiomyomas (8). In our experience, 10% ofuterine un- . myomas 1004 U Ra4ioGrapbics U Casillas et al contained leio- calcifications. Volume 10 Number 6 16a. 16b. 15, 16. (15a) CT scan of an infected and partially within the mass (arrow) and peripheral rim of calcification. crotic area (arrow). (16) CT scans of a 42-year-old patient ing and lower abdominal pain. (a) Section through fundus cavity (arrow) . (b) Section through lower pelvis shows the cervix. At surgery an ulcerated, submucosal pedunculated vix was found. Figures . Infection and Infection is more leiomyomas frequently mass (2) the uterine cending leiomyoma Necrosis common because insufficient . in submucosal their blood to support supply is the tumor Their exposed position adjacent to lumen predisposes them to as- infection. Occasionally, is infected, the central when core the may necrosed leiomyoma shows pocket of gas (15b) Pathologic specimen shows a large newith a 1 -month history of heavy vaginal bleedof the uterus (U) shows fluid in endometrial leiomyoma (arrow) protruding through the uterine leiomyoma protruding through the cer- torsion of the pedicle, farction, degeneration, tial infection (Fig 1 6) zarre tumors tures blood ment or omentum, supply, and to the uterus. called ‘ adhere ‘parasitic” . with subsequent necrosis, and Occasionally, to surrounding inpotensuch bi- struc- develop an auxiliary lose their original attachThey are sometimes lelomyomas (1). be filled with purulent material or gas (Fig 15) (8). Subserosal and submucosal leiomyomas may become pedunculated and may undergo November 1990 Caslllas et al U RadioGraphics U 1005 Figure 17. CT scans of a leiomyosarcoma. (a) Section through the upper pelvis shows the mass (M ) to the right of the rectosigmoid (R ) . (b) Sections through the lower pelvis show the mass (M ) extending into the ischiorectal fossa and displacing the rectum to the left. B bladder. (c) Pathologic specimen. At surgery, a large mass arising from the lower segment of the uterus and extending into the ischiorectal fossa was found. Leiomyosarcoma was diagnosed from histologic results. to differentiate myosarcoma There is no a leiomyoma on CT scans. reliable from way a leio- C. . Sarcomatous Degeneration Leiomyosarcoma tion of leiomyoma, of cases. Malignancy dom diagnosed preoperatively it is impossible mor 1006 U RadioGrapbks enlargement suggest Casillas entity Sudden of a previously should U this leiomyoma. growth there On CT scans, to distinguish or postmenopausal uterine mass (Fig 17) (8). because symptoms. a preexisting accelerated complica- occurring in less that 1% in a leiomyoma is sel- are no characteristic from U is an infrequent this et al on the significance tenuation though formity these static of a possibility tu- CONCLUSION This report illustrates the ances of uterine leiomyomas, that uterine are the masses, ic CT sign various CT appearwith emphasis of various may be seen enlargement most common calcification degrees within of at- them. Al- and contour CT findings is the most deof specif- of a leiomyoma. Noncalcified leiomyomas may be confused with other pelvic masses on CT scans. Distinguishing between such leiomyomas and a malignant uterine neoplasm is difficult. Differentiation of interstitial leiomyoma from Volume 10 Number 6 riowledgments: Vdepartment ! secretary, for their of this bins Bill Burke, assistance in the prepara- SL. Female genital SL, ed. Pathology. Saunders, 1967; tract. book 1134-1135. : ofgynecology. Williams U Figure 18. CT scan shows (M ) with cystic component uterus (U) . This mass to that of a leiomyoma. a large ovarian inseparable mass from the has a CT appearance 5. similar 6. adenomyosis is also difficult, especially since these two lesions are frequently associated (9), and is probably beyond the current resolution of CT. Other pathologic conditions involving the uterus, such dometrial or cervical carcinoma, may also coexist with uterine leiomyomas. In addilion, extrauterine masses, in particular, a variety of solid or cystic ovarian tumors, may be misdiagnosed as subserosal or pedunculated uterine leiomyomas (Fig 18). Although it is useful to be familiar with the different appearance mas on CT scans, that CT is not the ating or diagnosing raphy (US) of uterine imaging study. When findings from US are indeterminate, magnetic resonance imaging is the next choice, because it offers greater sensitivity (1 0) and specificity than CT. November 1990 8. 427-442. BG, Arger PH, Mintz ME. Leiomyomas in study. Radiology Moss AA, Mihara K, Goldberg H, Glazer G. Review: computed tomography ofgynecologic diseases. AJR 1983; 141: 76-773. Kormano MJ, Goske MJ, Hamlin DJ, et al. tenuation and necologic organs diol 1981; Walsh JW. contrast enhancement and tumors 1:307-311. Comparison in CT. EurJ Ra- and in the evaluation pelvic masses. Clin Diagn Ultrasound 2:229-242. Elkin M. Genital tract calcification. M, eds. At- of gy- of ultrasound tomography er SR, Elkin Plain film of 1979; In: Bak- approach to abdominal calcifications. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1983; 123-135. Fleischer AC, Entman 55, Porrath SA, James AE. 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Casillas et al U Ra- RadioGrapbks U 1007