Brochure - Jewish Community Center


Brochure - Jewish Community Center
A Day of Learning
for Parents, Caregivers
and Professionals
Friday, December 11, 2015
Key Note Speaker:
Dr. Temple Grandin
Raritan Valley Community College
118 Lamington Road • Branchburg • 908.725.6994
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Temple Grandin has served as an inspiration and role
model to hundreds of thousands of families and persons with
autism. In this unique presentation, Temple will eloquently
and candidly describe the challenges she has faced and will
offer no-nonsense ideas on how others dealing with autism
can meet these obstacles and improve the quality of their
lives. Backed by her personal experience and evidence-based
research, Temple will share her valuable insights on a wide
variety of topics, and offer useful “do’s and don’ts.”
Registration/Vendors/Continental Breakfast
8:30 - 9:00am
9:00 - 9:15am
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Temple Grandin
9:15 - 10:45am
Breakout Session I
11:00am - 12:15pm
12:15 - 1:30pm
Breakout Session II
1:30 - 2:45pm
Who can attend?
This conference is for high school school aged students and older.
Children 13 and under will not be permitted to attend.
To Register:
Fill out registration form included in this brochure
or call 908.725.6994 x201 to register over the phone.
Breakout Sessions
Session 1
Cost Effective Behavior Management Strategies that Work
Speakers: Cynthia Allman,Executive Director and Cassie George,Clinical Director/Newmark School
This seminar is focused on how student mental health issues manifest in a classroom setting and the strategies
needed to shape student behavior for life. Participants will walk away with elements needed to improve teacher
effectiveness, behavioral strategies that are doable, cost effective and the motivation to implement them!
"Helping My Child Eat!" Challenges and solutions for children with ASD
Speaker: Yichien Su, MS, CCC-SLP and Nancy Calamusa, MA, CCC-SLP
This presentation will identify the underlying conditions and difficulties children with ASD commonly face. We will
provide strategies and techniques to assist parents to achieve successful mealtimes.
Yichien is a pediatric feeding/swallowing specialist with over 10+ years experience in treating children with ASD.
Nancy is Owner/Director of NJ Pediatric Feeding Associates and is a Pediatric Feeding/Swallowing Specialist.
Playing with a Purpose
Speakers: Beth Cassidy and Amy Stires
Learn how to help your child develop foundational motor and perceptual skills necessary for success in the classroom, and negotiate recess and PE class.
Beth Cassidy and Amy Stires are Pediatric Occupational Therapists who each have over 25 years of experience.
Parent Forum
Speaker: Jennifer Ellis Walters
Join parents in sharing and discussing important topics to you. You will have a chance to choose which topics you
wish to discuss.
Jennifer Ellis Walters has worked in mental health agencies and school programs providing psychotherapy services.
Jennifer also works with clients on the autism spectrum and with special needs to better understand their strengths
and limitations. In addition, Jennifer collaborates with the caregivers. She currently works for JFS.
Each Day I Like It Better, ECT Journey & Miraculous Change
Speaker: Amy Lutz
Autism, ECT and the treatment of our most impaired children. Amy will tell the story of her journey with her son, as
well as other children and families who have gone through similar treatments.
Amy S. F. Lutz is one of the founders of EASI Foundation: Ending Aggression and Self-Injury in the Developmentally
Transition into Adulthood
Speaker: Mark Rapaport
This seminar will assist parents in preparing their children to move into the workforce after completion of school
regardless of diploma or certificate track.
Mark Rapaport is the Principal of the Forbush School at Prince George's County, a division of The Sheppard Pratt
Health System. He has been a Special Educator for over 15 years.
Psychosocial Functioning of Siblings of Children with Autism
Speaker: Marjorie Slass
This seminar will discuss research on the impact that a child with autism may have on the psychosocial and
emotional adjustment of his or her non-disabled siblings. Marjorie will share information from her doctoral
dissertation study, which focuses on emotion regulation, self-concept, and quality of life of siblings of children with
autism. Practical implications for working with siblings of children with autism and related disorders will be
Marjorie is a doctoral student at Kean University who will be earning her Psy.D. in Clinical and School Psychology in
2016. Marjorie has an M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and in Educational Psychology, as well as N.J. State
certificates in school psychology and elementary education. She credits her three children for sparking her research
interests, being that one of her daughters has autism.
The 3 Step Approach
Speaker: Alicia Stevenson
This presentation will explain what causes challenging behavior, why punishment and rewards don’t work and
provide a 3 step approach that does work!
Alicia Stevenson is the mother of two daughters, her youngest having mental health, learning, and developmental
challenges. She's a nationally-recognized speaker, Mental Health First Aid instructor and NAMI national trainer.
Breakout Sessions
Session 2
Practical Strategies for Improving Social Skills
Speaker: Dr. Mark Cooperberg
This session is designed to help parents learn practical strategies in developing social emotional skills to
implement with their children and adolescents. Attendees will learn how to build essential skills, such as reading
non-verbal cues, conversational skills, play skills, developing and maintaining friendships, interpersonal problemsolving and emotion-regulation strategies. Information from empirically-supported interventions will be shared.
Mark Cooperberg, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and practices at Princeton Speech-Language and Learning Center.
Dr. Cooperberg has expertise in children and adolescents with mood, behavioral and social disorders.
Adult Services
Hope Autism Foundation Speaker: Danielle Lumby
Finding a solution for adults with autism- Hope Autism Foundation was formed in 2009 by a small group of mothers
in Basking Ridge, NJ who were determined to create an adult autism day service program for their teenage children.
Learn about the journey that led to the creation of the Hope Autism Solutions program which currently has three
program sites in NJ.
The Sensory World: A Supportive Key to a Child’s Development
Speaker: Christine Horvath
We all experience times when our energy level does not match that required for the task at hand. When children
experience this, learning a new task or engaging in play with a peer can become quite a challenge. This presentation
will review how the central nervous system perceives and interprets sensory stimuli and then explain how sensory
system issues may affect behavior and learning. Participants will learn and experience how the processing of sensory
stimulation impacts attention, skill performance, social interaction and behavior. The importance of a supportive
environment and development of a “sensory diet” will be discussed.
Researched Based Effective Teaching Strategies
Speaker: Ann-Marie Kuba
This workshop will present strategies and techniques that can easlily be integrated into any type of learning
Ann-Marie Kuba, M.A. BCBA, has worked in the field of special educations for over 20 years. She has been a teacher,
early intervention provider and is currently a behaviorist for a public school in New Jersey.
Using Technology Throughout the Lifespan
Speaker: Mark Mautone
Technology is a powerful tool that can increase an individual’s ability to learn. This workshop will discuss how and
why technology can promote independence. In addition, apps and accessories that best support the learner and
enhance learning will be discussed.
Mark Mautone is a lead teacher for the Hoboken Public School ABA/Autism Program. He was selected as the 2015
NJ State Teacher of the Year.
Effective Strategies on Training Professionals on Appropriate Behavioral Interventions
Speaker: Mark Rapaport
This seminar will review basic behavioral principals that are most commonly used incorrectly in the classroom and
home setting. Mark will identify the correct process to promote acceptable behaviors that will enhance the ability for
students to progress on their IEP goals.
Mark Rapaport is the Principal of the Forbush School at Prince George's County, a division of The Sheppard Pratt
Health System. He has been a Special Educator for over 15 years.
The 3 Step Approach
Speaker: Alicia Stevenson
This presentation will explain what causes challenging behavior, why punishment and rewards don’t work and
provide a 3 step approach that does work!
Alicia Stevenson is the mother of two daughters, her youngest having mental health, learning, and developmental
challenges. She's a nationally-recognized speaker, Mental Health First Aid instructor and NAMI national trainer.
Registration Form
Place of Employment
American Express Check/Card #:
Name on Card:
Expiration Date:
CVV #:
Make checks out to “JCC”. Mail to JCC, 775 Talamini Road, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Att: Symposium
Session Choices
Please choose your top 3 choices from each breakout session (Put number 1, 2 or 3 in boxes)
Cost Effective Behavior Management Strategies that Work Cynthia Allman and Cassie George
Breakout 1
“Helping my child eat!” Challenges and Solutions for Children with ASD Nancy Calamusa & Yichien Su
Playing with a Purpose Beth Cassidy and Amy Stires
Parent Forum Jennifer Ellis Walters
Each Day I Like It Better, ECT Journey and Miraculous Change Amy Lutz
Transition into Adulthood Mark Rapaport
Psychosocial Functioning of Siblings of Children with Autism Marjorie Slass
The 3 Step Approach Alicia Stevenson
Breakout 2
Practical Strategies for Improving Social Skills Dr. Mark Cooperberg
Adult Services Hope Autism Foundation
The Sensory World: A Supportive Key to a Child’s Development Christine Horvath
Researched Based Effective Teaching Strategies Ann-Marie Kuba
Using Technology Throughout the Lifespan Mark Mautone
Effective Strategies on Training Professionals on Appropriate Behavioral Interventions Mark Rapaport
The 3 Step Approach Alicia Stevenson
If you need to show proof of Professional Development hours, please check here and a
certificate will be available for you at the end of the conference. Earning Professional
Development hours will be subject to you receiving your district/supervisor approval.
Sponsorship and Vendor Opportunities
Please reply by November 20
Title Sponsor: $10,000
Name will appear on Event Brochure, E-Blasts, in-house TV, social media sites and on signage the day of
Symposium. Business website will be linked from JCC website on Symposium webpage and on JCC
Preferred Vendors webpage. Sponsorship fee includes complimentary display table, five admissions to
Symposium and Full Page ad in Special Needs Resource Guide, which will be distributed at event and
posted on the JCC website for one year.
Keynote Sponsor: $7,500
Name will appear on Event Brochure, E-Blasts and on signage day of Symposium. Business website will
be linked from JCC website on Symposium webpage and on JCC Preferred Vendors page. Sponsorship fee
includes complimentary display table, four admissions to Symposium and Half Page ad in Special Needs
Resource Guide, which will be distributed at event and posted on the JCC website for one year.
Lunch Sponsor: $3,500
Name will appear in Event Brochure, JCC website, E-Blasts and on signage day of Symposium. Business
website will be linked from JCC website on Symposium webpage and on JCC Preferred Vendors page.
Sponsorship fee includes complimentary display table, three admissions to Symposium and Quarter
Page ad in Special Needs Resource Guide, which will be distributed at event and posted on JCC website
for one year.
Breakfast Sponsor: $2,000
Name will appear in Event Brochure, JCC website, E-Blasts and signage day of Symposium. Business
website linked from JCC website. Signage will be displayed day of event. Sponsorship fee includes
complimentary display table at Symposium, two admissions and Business Card ad in Special Needs
Resource Guide, which will be distributed at event and posted on JCC website for one year.
Event Sponsor $300:
Name will appear on JCC Symposium webpage. Signage will be displayed day of Symposium. Business
Card ad in Special Needs Resource Guide, which will be distributed at event and posted on JCC website
for one year.
Resource Guide Business Card Ad: $180
The Special Needs Resource Guide will be distributed at event and posted on JCC website for one year
and will be available at the JCC. This guide will include businesses and services geared toward individuals and families with Special Needs.
Patron $180: Family Name will appear in Special Needs Resource Guide which will be distributed at
event and posted on JCC website for one year.
Vendor Display Table $100: (10 Opportunities available)
All Donations in Support of the Event are Appreciated.
Sponsorship and Vendor Registration Form
Please reply by November 20
Contact Name:
Business Name:
Title Sponsor: $10,000
Keynote Sponsor: $7,500
Lunch Sponsor: $3,500
Breakfast Sponsor: $2,000
Event Sponsor: $300
Special Needs Resource Guide Business Card Ad: $180
Patron: $180
Vendor Display Table: $100
Total Amount:
Logo accepted for signage, please send a high resolution jpeg or pdf to: [email protected].
American Express
Card #:
Name on Card:
Expiration Date:
CVV #:
Make checks out to JCC.
Mail to JCC, 775 Talamini Road, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Att: Symposium
Sponsorships Questions: Debbie Golden, 908-725-6994 x210; [email protected]
Thank you to our Committee:
Adena Feinstein – Chairperson
Barbara Drew
Cheryl Figliano
Elise Prezant
Ellen McCloskey
Lynn Taylor
Paige Silberfein - Staff Liaison
About the JCC
The JCC is a non-sectarian, non-profit social service agency located in
Bridgewater, NJ and is an agency of The United Way of Somerset County. The
JCC provides a wide variety of special needs programming to individuals of
all ages and disabilities, right here in our local community. Proceeds raised
from the Special Needs Symposium will benefit Special Needs program
initiatives and services offered at the JCC. Such initiatives include the
Special Olympics Swim Team, Prom for Adults with Special Needs, a respite
program and individual assistance to children attending the JCC Blaustein
Early Childhood Center and JCC Camp Ruach. Your support will allow us to
have an even greater impact in our local community this coming year.
Upcoming JCC Special Needs Programming
JCC Rising Tide Swim Team: Rising Tide Special Olympics Swim Team
introduces individuals to swimming. As part of Special Olympics NJ
Somerset County, we compete in three swim meets during the season.
Special Needs Swimming Skills Program: Ages 3-12
Each class is taught by an American Red Cross WSI who has experience
and certification in the special needs area.
2nd Annual Prom for Adults with Special Needs
Fall Festival Fling: Saturday, November 21 at the JCC.
For more information on JCC Programming, contact 908.725.6994.
Jewish Family Services Special Needs Support Groups:
For more information contact [email protected]