salter - Scale Manuals
salter - Scale Manuals
This Document is Hosted by: SALTER@! 1052 Digital Kitchen Scale Balance Numerlque de Cuisine Bascula de Cocina Digital Instruction Manual Thank you for purchasing a Salter® Kitchen Scale. Your Salter® scale is an example of superior design and craftsmanship. Please read this instruction manual carefUlly before use. Keep these instructions handy for future reference. Merci de veh'e achot d'une balance de cuisine' $olte$. Vorre balance Salter® est un example de design et de travail superieurs. Veuillez lire attentivement vatre manuel d'insfructions avant d'utiliser I'appareil. Conservez cas instrucfions a portee de 10 main 6 titre de reference. Gracias por comprar una bascula de caeina Saltertro. Su b6scula Salter® as un ejemplo de diseno y mono de obra superiores. Antes de usarlo, sfrvase leer con atenci6n asle manual de instrucciones. Guarde estas instrucciones en un lugar de facil acceso para referencia futuro. General Weighing Operaflon 1. This scale operates on 2 CR2D32 Uthium boilaries (included). There is a plastic strip under the Ufhium battery cover to prevent battery droin In shipping. Remove the strip before continuing with these instrucOOns. 2. Place the scole on a hard, level surface. 3. pr~~'TARE" to turn the scole on. The display first shows "I : n. then zero when It is ready for use. If the display does no show zero. press "ON·TARE" to (eset ltore) the scale to zero. 4. Your scale is set of the factory to weig in pounds/ounces. To s'Nifch between grams (gJ. ounces {ozl. pounds and ounces. {lb:ozl and miIlmters (mI). press the "UNIT' button. Aquatronlc:$ feature to measure liquid ingredients: The Aquatronidt liquid measure feature is suitobfe for oe water based iquids. inclucflrlg wine. milk. stock. cream etc. Note: 0Is hov~ a lower spedfic grovUy, which wHI result In a yoklma reodlng of approx + 10%. tf measuring oils by volume on thls scale. pleCl$e adjust for this accordingly. 5. Place the ttem to be weighed on the center of the platform. The weight \\IiK display. As you odd weight. the weight displayed increases. . A. The scale will turn oN automatically ofter 1 minute of non-use or if there is no change in weight ofter 3 minutes. Press and hold "ON·TAItE" to tum the sccle otfmanvaly. Battery Replacement 1. YourToyl0f8scokJ is equ'pped with a low bat1ery indicator. It wDI display "LO" or readings Will grow dim or become irregular It he batteries needs replocemen . 2. Open the battery comportment on the bottom of the scole, 3. Remove the old batteries. Place the new batteries Into the battery compartment with the "." signs showing. 4. Repklce the battery compartment cover. . NOTE: Please recycle or dispose of batteries per local regulations. WARNING: &attertes may pos.e a choking hazard. Do not let chldren handle botterles. Tare Operation You moy wish to weigh ingredients a bowl 0( other container lnot inclUded). In this case. you will need'to tare. or offset. the weight of the bowl so thot only the weight ot me ingredients is displayed. 1. Choose a container that will safely balance on the platform without tIpping or failing. Do not use a heavy container. as this might reduce the rnaximum capacity of the scale. 2 Tare Operatlon (Cont.) 2. While the scole is off. place the empty container on the scale platform. Tum the scole on. The display will show z.ero. The weight of the container has been zeroed out. 3. Add Ihe ingredient to be weighed. The weight of the ingredient alone will display. 4. The weight of additional ingredients may be tared aul as well. For example. if a recipe colis for lh Ib rice and Jh lb beans, place the rice info the bowl. Once the correct Qmount of rice is weighed, press "ON-TARE" until the display is reset to zero. Add the Y1lbs of beans. Both ingredients have been accurately weighed in the same bowl. 5. When weights have been tared out, the display will show a negative number when the items are removed from the scale. To reset the scole bock: to zero for a new measuremenf. press "ON-TARE" until the display resets to zero. Precautions 1. Clean exposed pens with 0 soft. slighly damp doth. io remove sk:ln. ~ a mitd 500p. Never use detergents. excess walef', treated cIoms. honh deanIng agents. or spt'oys. Avoid contoct wffil odch. such os citrus;...ices. 2. Do not tomperwith the scme's internal components. Doing so wi') inv~e the worrcnty on this unit and may couse damage. The seo e contans no useT-servkeoble parts 3. AtIhough your scale k designed to be moifllenonce-free. if contairu sensitTve electronic ports. Avoid rough treatment. Treat it with core 10 ensure the best performance. 4. this scale is intended for home/conwmer use only. It is not i"tended for com:mercial or medical use. 5. This sca:e Is designed toreod weights up to 11 lb/l76 at/5t1JO 0/5000 mi. To prevenl domage, do nOl place mare than 11 1b/l76 oz!S(¥YJg/SOOO mI on it. 6. 00 not stOfe seale where you slore cleonlng chemicals. The vapors from some ~ehoki prodlXts may affeC11he electronic components or your scale. Do nof store scole 00 its side. 7. This scale is an extremely sensitive weighing device. In order fO prevenl run dawn of the battery. do not $fore anything on the scale. a. 00 not dispose of bolfenes in lire: Batteries may explode ar leak. Do nat mix old and new botj",,~. Remove the bolleries if the scde wi! not be used for a long peOOd of time. . . 9. Uns1able Worning: Should -unSt" appear on the di5pJay. this indicaTes the scole Is unstable. Place the scale on a hard. level surface during use. 10. Overload Warning: Shovld "EEEE~ appeor on the display during a weighing. rhis1ndicoles that the maximum weighfng capacity of the scola has been exceeded. Remove the weighllmmediotely: olheNr'ise. ,DElm'Jonent damage could occur. 3 1m OOl Ynw UmJled Wwgntv SOItel0l WOlronts lhi'S product to be free from defects in malarial crwol1:monship jexclucirlg batteries} for ten (101 years fOT the original purchaser from dale of reton pUchose." does not cover damages or wea resulting from occident, misuse. abuse, commerdcl use. or unauthorized adjustment ald/orrep<:m-.lf service is requred, do not retlm 10 relailer. ShoUld this product requre service {or replacement at our opfionJ. p1eose poct ihe item corefuly and relurn it prepaid, along ~th store receipt ~owing the date 01 PLKchose and a nole explaining reason for reflm to: r.grmflst RroMe de cix OOl pm SOUel8gorCl1tif q,se ce prodJit (0 t'exduslon de 10 piles) a dix nO} ons pou I'ocheteur original contre les defauts de de me!"n d'oeuvre a porlT de Ie dote d'ochat ov detoi. Be ne covvre posies dommoges au I'usure suite un occident, une fT'lCnNoise ulMafion. tool abos, utiisotion COrT'fTlel"Ciale OIJ rltgoge inlefdit et/ou fe-paction i1lerdite. 51 I'apparel dolt e1re repCI"e. neleretoumezpm au dAIailont. 51 ce prodUIt dolt eire repore {au remplacement 0: noire discretion}. veul!ez l'ernbcl!er avec soIn et Ie retoumer 6 frois prepayes avec 10 facture du ~ M indqucmtlo date d'octlol el une nole expiquont 10 rolson du retour (] I'oaesse survonte: a ·1 . GQfgntig UmHgdg de dItz!JM aDos SoIIerf>gorontizo este pl'Oducfo contra defeclos en los matefioles y en 10 mano de 01>0 \excePfO los boteriosl durante diaz (101 anos pac el comprodor origlnaI 0 porlir de 10 echo de cOl1'1pra original. No cubTe donos ni desgoste5 que sean consecuencia de occidentes, usc inodecuado, obuso, usc camarda!, ni ojustes y/c repaociones no outorizados. Si necesita mantenimlento, no 10 devuelvo 01 vendedor rnlnoristo. Si este prodUcto requiere rnantenimiento (0 cambla a nuestro entender). sirvoso empacar eI ortk:ulo cuidadosomente y envielo con 91 fronqueo pagoda, junfo con el reclbo de 10 Ilenda en el qlJe oparezca 10 fecha de compro y una nota expllcando el motivQ de 10 devoluci6n a: Salter Housewares 2220 Entrada Del Sol, Suile A Las Cruces, New ~xJco 88001 USA ThGre Ofe no e~ WOlTOO!les e){Cepl O$lIlod above. lhis warranty gives vou sp&dfIc legd fIgh~ and ycwJ rrn-J t'lcJ'ffl OItK!r~I5...mlch vrry Ir~ $lale 10 ~. f<Jfodcilionat producIllformollon. Otwormnty I,I Ii I 'l . I lnI~IlCanodoOl~eout1ide1tleUSA.pIeoseconloclus1l"lolJl1'lwww~=com • n'y 0 Ql..IC\Jlle goronTle ~ sauf cele lrltiqvee pok;ecIemrnenI. Celie gorontie VQUS donns des drclts prkis. mois vous pouvel CMSI QIIO/r d'OUlre1 d:"oik qui ~t d'UI'lll ~ al·Wlfe. Pour de I'Wom'IoIioro supptementoile sur Ie produit ou ~ la goranfie ou Ca1odo QO aIIe\.I'S al'allierieur des t-u. veullez rlOU$ COfIlocter po" ....__ ~! No eJdsIen ~ expresas exceplo laS ~dos anteriormente. EOO gaontlo Ie oklrgo delocho$ tegaes especllcos y es posble que usIed tengo olros derechol que vmen de un e1kldo 0 Otro.lVo obtener infoI'moci6n aciciond wble eI prcdJclo. 0 llfamoci6n de 10 ~ en ConoclQ 0 en otro $/tiel tuero de los Ef.L\I. Xvose cor.toctOl'l'lO$ 0 lroYei de_.1Q!9h< Cl2011 Sollert\ov$ewores c:n:f in afMafed Compc:l'lies. tI righls re-.d. SolI~1i 0 rec;itered tc:K:!emat mel When dev« meeli converiont, Ihof's ltmg with Soller'" is a trodetno1k of TO\'IOr PI'ecision Products. he:. ond if o!f5;T.ed CCl1'l"pOnia AI rightl ~ 020115ol!erHouseworesetse$~llb~kM<ltill~ S~e$I_lTIOl'qU8 de COfM'leirCe d6po5OO el"When clever meel$ convel'llenl. that's tMng wim SOfter'" esl VT'll!I morq.oe de commerce de Taylor PIecimo Pnxb:1, et de ses ~tes otfI!l&&. TOIlS aoih leservlk. C201\ sater Iiouseware5 y sus ~i'1Ics ciIiodos. iQdos los derecho!. ftlSetVOOos. SoIlel'8 es \KlCl marco regl.sllOOO y When clever IlloIl8Ii COI'Mlfli&nt. lhol's living with Soller.... eI una marco reglmodo de Taylor Ptedllon Prcd.octs.loc. Y $US compcw'ilos ~ Todos 101 derechClS reservodos. Made 10 OUI exact specifications In China. 'Fabrlqve en CI1Ine seton nos specifICations exoctes, Fabrlcado en China segun nuestras especlflcaclones exactas. Not legal for trade.• Non legal pour Ie commerce.• No es legal para,uso comerclal. 8 1052 1.11 I'