Undergraduate Program Guide


Undergraduate Program Guide
in association with
in association with
Undergraduate Program
Sri Lanka
Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
ACBT – creating opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Why choose ACBT?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Edith Cowan University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
ACBT courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
University Foundation Program pathway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
University Foundation Program course structure. . . . . . . . . . . . 8
University Foundation Program unit content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Undergraduate Programs – Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Pathway to ECU or full degree at ACBT –
Bachelor of Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Business course structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Helping students achieve their goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Associate Degree in Tourism Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Pathway to ECU or full degree at ACBT –
Associate Degree in Tourism Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Undergraduate Programs – Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Pathway to ECU or full degree at ACBT –
Computer Science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Computer Science Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
IELTS Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
General English courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Academic calendar 2009–2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Conditions of enrolment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Application form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Navitas – Your World, Faster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Message from ECU’s Vice-Chancellor
Professor Kerry O. Cox
Today the world is globally connected
economically, politically and socially. Future
prosperity and sustainability is dependent
on this connectivity. It is important
therefore that here at Edith Cowan
University (ECU) we have recognised the
rapid changes that have been occurring
in the world in recent years and we have
changed the way we perform our core
work of teaching and research. In brief,
we have been revising our courses to
give our students the knowledge, skills
and confidence they need to meet the
challenges of constant change and
connectivity, which is the hallmark of the
21st century.
As a University we have set ourselves the
task of supporting, staff, students and
graduates who are highly regarded as
ethical and self-reliant contributors to their
communities and because of that, to the
world-at-large. A core driving force for ECU
is for teaching and research to be inspired
by engagement and partnerships with our
many communities around the world.
Like Australian College of Business
and Technology (ACBT), ECU aims
to provide educational opportunities
that match the needs of students and
offers curricula of relevance to both
local and international students.
ECU takes an active interest in ACBT’s
course offerings. These courses enable
eligible students to gain an alternative
pathway to university with advanced
standing status.
Your decision to enrol at ACBT is a worthy
one and I wish you every success with your
studies. On completion of your course at
ACBT we look forward to welcoming you to
ECU to complete your university studies.
Message from ACBT College Director
Thank you for taking time to consider
ACBT as an option to enrol in post
secondary study.
• gives students the option to complete
your study in Sri Lanka or transfer to a
university in Australia or the UK;
ACBT is committed to creating
opportunities and providing quality
educational programs for both school
leavers and people who are working
and thinking of returning to study.
• the campus is situated at the enviable
Galle Road location in Colombo 03.
I look forward to welcoming you as a student
of ACBT. I know you will find your time with
us enjoyable, challenging and successful.
ACBT is the No 1 choice for students
for the following reasons:
Dr PMC Thilakarathne
College Director
• excellent and qualified academic staff;
• has a supportive learning environment;
ACBT – creating opportunities
ACBT is part of the Navitas Group
(Australia), one of the world’s leading
providers of educational services,
and has colleges in Australia, the
United Kingdom, Canada and Africa.
For further information on the Navitas
Group at www.navitasworld.com
Working in association with Edith Cowan
University (ECU), ACBT commenced
operation in Colombo in March
1998 providing pre-university and
university level courses in business and
computing/information technology.
Since 1998 the college has provided
an opportunity for thousands of Sri
Lankan students to complete an
Australian undergraduate or postgraduate
degree in Sri Lanka or Australia.
Students can complete their full study
program in Sri Lanka or commence
studies in Sri Lanka and transfer to ECU
with full credit. Students are also eligible
to apply to transfer their studies to other
Australian or UK universities.
ACBT course accreditation
ACBT delivers courses on behalf of
ECU. As part of Australian Government
regulations all ECU courses are
registered on the Australian Government
Commonwealth Register of International
Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
ACBT also has Board of Investment (BOI)
approval to offer full international
degree programs.
Why choose ACBT?
Board of Investment
(BOI) Approval
ACBT is one of the few post secondary
colleges in Sri Lanka to have Board of
Investment (BOI) approval to offer full
international degrees.
Course accreditation
and recognition
ACBT works in association with ECU,
which means all courses are registered on
the Australian Government Commonwealth
Register of International Courses for
Overseas Students (CRICOS).
Flexible study options
ACBT operates on a trimester system,
which means three academic semesters
are offered in one calendar year.
Three course entry
dates per year
Semesters commence in March, July
and October. This means students have
the option to enter a course when it is
convenient for them.
Weekend classes
ACBT understands many students who
wish to study are in full time employment.
Therefore classes are offered at night and
over the weekends, enabling students to
study full or part time.
Robust quality control systems
ACBT has implemented stringent quality
control systems to ensure consistent
academic standards with ECU. All final
examinations are set and marked by the
relevant Unit Coordinators at ECU.
Supporting you while you study
All students have access to the ACBT
Library. In addition, Year 3 Bachelor of
Business and Computer Science students
have access to the ECU on line library,
computer laboratories (full internet access
available), student lounges (WIFI), student
café, access to both the British Council
Library and the American Resource
Centre, and individual consultation hours
with lecturers at no cost to the student.
Orientation program
A comprehensive orientation program is
held for all new students.
ECU – an outstanding
Australian University
ECU School of Computer and Information
Science (SCIS) is the leading Computer/
Information Science school in Western
Australia, and one of the top ten schools
in Australia. ECU’s faculty of Business and
Law is one of the largest business schools
in Western Australia, and boasts strong
academic standing.
Academic staff
All academic staff employed at ACBT have
excellent academic qualifications and
many staff have strong links to industry.
Edith Cowan University
ECU is a responsive and forward-thinking institution and an Australian leader in the provision of
professionally focused degree programs. As the modern descendant of the first higher education
institution in Western Australia, ECU upholds a well deserved reputation for teaching excellence that
dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century.
The University has developed strong links with industry, government and research institutions in
Australia and overseas. These links help the University to design and develop relevant courses and
appropriate research projects.
Edith Cowan University (ECU) is a
large multi-campus institution serving
communities in Western Australia and a
significant cohort of international students.
Awarded university status in 1991, ECU has
since developed innovative and practical
courses across a wide range of disciplines,
established a vibrant research culture
and attracted a growing range of quality
research partners and researchers, many
working at the cutting edge of their fields.
ECU has more than 22,000 students at
both undergraduate and postgraduate
levels. Approximately 4,000 of these are
international onshore and offshore students
originating from around 94 countries.
More than 400 courses are offered
through four faculties:
• Business and Law
• Computing, Health and Science
• Arts and Education, which includes
the Western Australian Academy of
Performing Arts (WAAPA)
• Regional Professional Studies in the
south-west of Western Australia
ECU works closely with private and
public sector organisations, locally
and overseas, in designing its study
programs. Research is undertaken in
collaboration with industry, particularly
the service industries and professions.
The University is a market leader in
education for the service professions
and prides itself on producing graduates
who can hit the ground running in today’s
globalised workplace.
ECU has long had an emphasis
on engaging with and serving its
communities. As a relatively new
university with a history of preparing
students for work in the service
professions, ECU has valued its links with
the communities it serves.
Edith Cowan University’s mission is:
To further develop valued citizens for the
benefit of Western Australia and beyond,
through teaching and research inspired by
engagement and partnerships.
For more information about Edith Cowan
University logon to www.ecu.edu.au
• Courses are designed in consultation
with industry, professional bodies and
government organisations and have a
large practical component.
• Courses provide you with the skills that
employers want. They have a flexible
structure, so that you can double your
career opportunities with a double major
or select a major from another faculty.
• Courses are recognised by professional
associations and the business
community in general.
• The foundation of ECU’s business
degree is the Business Edge program,
equipping students to identify, describe,
analyse and resolve business problems.
By usine case studies, students explore
ethical, political, and current affairs
issues, developing their negotiation and
communication skills.
Hospitality and Tourism
• ECU is the only WA University to have
won the prestigious WA Tourism Award
for ‘Tourism Education and Training’.
• The university operates an on campus,
purpose built training restaurant,
Degrees Brewery Restaurant which is
managed and operated by students.
Computing & IT
• ECU is the largest and leading
Computer and Information Science
School in Perth and is in the top ten
in Australia.
• IBM partner University in the
Asia-Pacific region.
• Computer Science courses are rated
at Level 1 (highest level) by the
Australian Computer Society.
• Benchmarked CISCO Networking
• Provides leading edge software
and equipment to students.
• In 2007 ECU launched Australia’s
first and only postgraduate degree in
Mobile Computing in partnership with
Nortel Networks.
• ECU’s Biological Science course has
been ranked 1st out of 20 national
courses for the 2nd consecutive
year. ECU’s Environmental
Management program is 4th
out of 25 courses nationally.
• ECU Security Science ranked 1st
in Australia.
• ECU Security graduates are in
high demand from Federal and
State governments, private
consultancies and corporate
organisations world wide.
• The School of Engineering has
world-class facilities to support
quality teaching and learning and
cutting edge research in various high
technology fields. ECU’s engineering
research has attracted millions of
dollars in research funding.
• The School is modern and vibrant,
and provides a high quality and
innovative learning environment which
treats the scientific foundations with
rigor, develops knowledge and skills
relevant to professional engineering
practice, and promotes social values
and environmental responsibility.
• All engineering courses on offer are
accredited by Engineers Australia,
which gives them mutual recognition
in more than 100 countries around
the world.
ACBT courses
University Foundation
Program (UFP)
The ACBT University Foundation Program
(UFP) is the first step in the life-long
learning process for school leavers.
The course is an academic preparatory
program equivalent to A levels designed
to prepare students for university studies.
The UFP is suitable for students who
have successfully completed either
Sri Lankan or Cambridge O levels
but do not wish to continue with A
levels. Completion of the UFP course
provides students with an opportunity to
transfer to the university level diploma
courses offered by ACBT or transfer
to a number of destination degrees at
universities in Australia or the UK.
Course Facts
Start Dates
March, July and October
Full time or part time
Disciplines available
Business, Science and Information Technology
Tuition Fees
Rs 31,000 per unit **
Pass Mark
A minimum of 50% in all 8 units
Assessment for all units is ongoing and continuous
comprising of assignments, presentations, tests and a
two hour final examination.
Units to be completed for award
Diploma or Year 1 University
Medium of Instruction
All course fees are reviewed on an annual basis
University Foundation Program pathway
Entry to ACBT Diploma courses
(offered in association with
Edith Cowan University)
Entry to ACBT University
Foundation Program
Entry Levels
• 5 passes in Sri Lanka or
Cambridge O levels, two of which
must be English and Mathematics.
Entry to Year 1 university degree
programs in Australia or the UK
• Mature age students (20 years
or over) may be admitted to the
University Foundation Program by
meeting the formal educational
requirements, or if they can
demonstrate relevant full time
work experience.
University Foundation Program
Course structure
Students are required to complete and pass the following eight (8) units
for the award of the University Foundation Program Certificate and become
eligible to transfer to the Diploma program offered at ACBT or transfer to year 1
studies in business at Australian Universities.
• BUS100
• BUS102B
• BUS102D
Study and Learning Skills
• BUS103
Economics or BUS109 Marketing
• BUS105
• BUS107
• BUS108
• MTH001
Advanced Mathematics 1
Science/Engineering/Information Technology
Students are required to complete and pass the following eight (8) units for
the award of the University Foundation Program Certificate and become eligible to
transfer to the Diploma of Computing and Information Technology at ACBT (offered
in association with ECU) or to transfer Year 1 studies in Science, IT or Engineering at
Australian universities
Compulsory Units(5)
• BUS102B
• BUS102D
Study and Learning Skills
• BUS107
• MTH001
Advanced Mathematics 1
Advanced Mathematics 2
Choose 3 of units from the following:
• BIO001
• BUS108
• CHE001
• COM101
Introduction to Computer Programming
• PHY001
Selection for electives would be based on the destination program.
For example students wishing to study the Diploma of Computing would need
to choose Introduction to Computer Programming as one of their electives
University Foundation Program
Unit content
• BIO001 Biology
This unit focuses on both the understanding and
investigation of general biological concepts associated with
the structure, function, reproduction, evolution, distribution
and interactions of living organisms, in addition to basic
techniques used in genetic engineering and biotechnology.
• BUS109 Marketing
This unit introduces students to the basic principles
of marketing. Students will learn how to identify
target markets and develop market strategies. Market
segmentation and the interrelationship of marketing and
selling will also be studied.
• BUS100 Accounting 1
This unit introduces students to the basic procedures and
principles of accounting. Topics covered include accounting
concepts, journals,
ledger accounts, trial balance and cash control.
• CHE001 Chemistry
This unit introduces students to the fundamental concepts,
principles and theories of chemistry both organic and
inorganic. Focus is on macroscopic properties of matter,
atomic structuring/bonding, and an introduction to
chemical reactions.
• BUS102 Communication 1
This unit focuses on the development of skills necessary
to be able to communicate effectively in both the spoken
and written form. Topics covered include the development
of grammatical, listening and note-taking skills, verbal
and non-verbal communication, written communication
including reports, and making presentations.
• BUS102D Study and learning skills
This unit teaches students the necessary academic skills
for university studies. Topics include academic writing skills,
research skills, presentation skills, APA referencing, using
the Internet for research purposes.
• BUS103 Economics
This unit introduces students to key economic issues.
Students will gain an understanding of the economic
framework and cover the topics of Australian market
reforms, demand and supply, wages and wage fixation.
• BUS105 Statistics
This unit introduces students to basic statistical techniques.
Students will learn the interpretation and analysis of
numerical data and cover other areas such as univariate and
bivariate data analysis, probability techniques, law of chance
and graphical representation of data.
• BUS107 Introduction to Computing
This unit introduces students to the fundamental computer
concepts. Students learn a wide variety of software
packages, eg, Word, Excel, Access as well as computer
theory. Students also gain the necessary skills for effective
use of the Internet.
• COM101 Programming
This unit provides a basic introduction to C Programming.
• MTH001 Advanced Mathematics 1
The main objective of this unit is to improve problem
solving skills of students by introducing them to four
basic mathematics modules: Algebra, Trigonometry,
Calculus, and Matrices.
• MTH002 Advanced Mathematics 2
This builds on the work covered in Advanced Mathematics
1 with a major focus on Calculus. Topics include the
application of differential calculus, small changes,
application to economics, displacement, velocity,
acceleration and optimization, volume of revolution, area
between curves, indefinite and definite integrals, matrices
– operations, inverse matrices and vectors are all covered.
• PHY013 Physics
Physics 1 is an introductory unit which introduces students
to the basic principles of Physics. Mechanics, heat energy
and fluid motion are the main areas of study.
• PHY014 Physics 2
Physics 2 builds on the work covered in Physics 1 and
introduces students to the following topics – basic
electricity, electric fields, capacitors (charging and
discharging), waves and sound, wave optics, interference
of waves, polarization, radio activity, hot electricity,
analogue and digital electronics, X- rays, and cathode
ray oscilloscope.
• BUS108 Management
This unit provides students with a basic understanding of
management. The role of a manager in organizations will be
studied and students will also be introduced to the concept
of organizational behavior.
Undergraduate Programs – Business
Diploma to Bachelor
of Business
ECU has approved ACBT to deliver the full
three year Bachelor of Business program
in Colombo. All classes are taught at the
ACBT premises in Colombo 3, Sri Lanka.
Two major disciplines of study are
available – Management and Marketing.
Students can choose a single major or a
double major.
Unit descriptions are available from the
ECU website www.handbook.ecu.edu.au
Course Facts
Start Dates
March, July and October
Full time or part time
Disciplines available
Management and Marketing
Tuition Fees
Year 1 – Rs 42,500 per unit **
Year 2 – Rs 42,500 per unit **
Year 3 – Rs 60,500 per unit **
Pass Mark
A minimum mark of 50% in all 8 units
Assessment for all units is ongoing and continuous
comprising assignments, presentations, tests and a
three hour final examination.
Units to be completed for award
Stage 2/Year 2 of the Bachelor of Business followed
by Stage 3/Year 3 of the Bachelor of Business
Further Information
Log on to the ECU website –
All course fees are reviewed on an annual basis
Pathway to ECU or full degree at ACBT –
Bachelor of Business
Entry to Year 3 of
Bachelor of Business
Entry to ACBT Diploma of Business
Entry to Year 2 of
Bachelor of Business
Entry Levels
• Sri Lanka or Cambridge GCE A levels completed – two passes required.
• GCE O level English – C grade
• Mature age students (20 years or over) may be admitted to the Bachelor of Business course without meeting the formal
educational requirements if they can demonstrate relevant full time work experience.
Note: Students who have completed A levels but do not achieve two passes will be required to enroll in the University Foundation Program and can be
deemed eligible for entry to the Diploma after one semester if they achieve an average of 70% in 4 units.
Business course structure
Delivery of the Bachelor of Business is divided into three stages:
Stage 1/Year 1 –
Diploma of Business
Bachelor of Business (Single Major – Management)
Stage 1/Year 1 of the Bachelor of Business
degree is a Diploma program. The Diploma
is a “common year” and students are
required to complete and pass 8 of the 9
specified units in their Diploma studies to
be eligible to transfer to Year 2 of the
Bachelor of Business.
Stage 1/Year 1– Diploma of Business
Award of Diploma of Business is issued.
• LAW1100 Stage 2/Year 2
Stage 2/Year 2 is discipline specific. The
number of units studied is dependent upon
whether students choose to undertake a single
or double major (see course structures).
No award is issued, but students may
request a Certificate of Attainment.
Stage 3/Year 3
Bachelor of Business
Compulsory units – students must
complete and pass all 4 units listed below
Stage 2/Year 2
Compulsory units – students must
complete and pass all 5 units listed below
• BES1100 Foundations of
Business Knowledge
• BES2100 Foundations of
Business Leadership
• BES1200 Business Knowledge
• LAW2120 Legal Framework
Management Law II
• MAN2120 Organisational
• MAN1100 Management
Elective units – students must
complete and pass 3 of the following
units listed below
• MAN2145 Human Resource
Management II
• ACC1100 Accounting 1
Stage3/Year 3 – Bachelor of Business
• ECF1100 Economics 1
• ECF1120 Finance 1
Compulsory units – students must
complete and pass all 3 units listed below
• MIS1600 e-Business Systems
• MKT1600 Marketing Principles
& Practice
• INB2101 Cultural Framework
of Business
• BES3100 Business Career
• MAN3121 Leadership III
• MAN3503 Strategic
Elective units –
Stage 3/Year 3 is discipline specific. The
number of units studied is dependent upon
whether students choose to undertake a single
or double major (see course structures).
• MAN3246 International
Human Resource
Award of Bachelor of Business is
issued by ECU.
• MAN3202 Organisational Studies
Important notes
1. A Bachelor of Business degree requires
360 credit points (24 units) to graduate.
Each unit is worth 15 credit points
2. The units a student completes in the
Diploma and year 2 of the Bachelor of
Business are approved as advanced
standing units into the third year of
the Bachelor of Business.
3. The maximum number of year 1 and
year 2 units students can use for
advanced standing when commencing
year 3 is 16. This may mean students
who have been granted exemptions
from previous study may not be
able to use all these exemptions
towards their degree.
4. Completion of the compulsory units
in Years 1, 2, 3 means students will
achieve 255 credit points (17 units).
Students will need to take additional
units to achieve the required 360 credit
points (24 units). As the maximum
number of Advanced Standing
units is set at 16, this means single
major students will be required to
complete and pass eight (8) year 3
units to be eligible for the award of
the Bachelor of Business.
Business course structure (continued)
Bachelor of Business (Single Major – Marketing)
Stage 1/Year 1 Diploma of Business
Compulsory units –students must complete and pass all 5 units listed below
• ACC1100
Accounting 1
• ECF1110
Economics 1
• MKT1600
Marketing Principles & Practices 1
• BES1100
Foundations of Business Knowledge 1
• BES1200
Business Knowledge Development 1
Elective units – students must complete and pass 3 of the following units
• ECF1120
Finance 1
• LAW1100
Legal Framework 1
• MAN1100 Management 1
• MIS1600
e-Business Systems
Stage2/Year 2
Compulsory units – students must complete and pass all 4 units listed below
• BES2100
Foundations of Business Leadership
• MKT2600
Buyer Behaviour
• MKT2601
Marketing Intelligence
• MKT2602
Marketing Communications
Stage 3/Year 3 – Bachelor of Business
Compulsory units – students must complete and pass all 5 units listed below
• BES3100
Business Career Development
• MKT3120
International Marketing
• MKT3600
New Product Development
• MKT3601 Marketing Strategy
• MKT3603
Customer Relationship Marketing
Summary of Credit Points (or number of units at each level)
Year 1
Credit Points
No of units
Year 2
Year 3
Students will need to select 7 additional units from any Year 1, 2 or 3 units to gain another
105 credit points to complete their degree. Four (4) of these units must come from ECU
managed programs.
Full unit outlines are available from the ECU website – www.handbook.ecu.edu.au
Bachelor of Business (Double Major – Management and Marketing)
Stage 1/Year 1– Diploma of Business
Stage 3/Year 3 – Bachelor of Business
Compulsory units –students must complete and pass all
7 units listed below
Compulsory units – students must complete and pass all
8 units listed below
• ACC1100
Accounting 1
• BES3100
Business Career Development
• BES1100
Foundations of Business Knowledge
• MAN3121
Leadership III
• BES1200
Business Knowledge Development
• MAN3202 Organisational Studies
• ECF1100
Economics 1
• LAW1100
Legal Framework 1
• MAN3246
International & Comparative Human Resource Mgmt III
• MAN1100
Management 1
• MAN3503
Strategic Management III
Marketing Principles & Practice
• MKT3120
International Marketing
Elective units – students must complete and pass 1
of the following units
• MKT3600
New Product Development
• MKT3601 Marketing Strategy
• ECF1120
Finance 1
• MKT3603
Customer Relationship Marketing
• MIS1600
e-Business Systems
• MKT1600
Stage2/Year 2
Compulsory units – students must complete and pass all
8 units listed below
• BES2100
Foundations of Business Leadership
• INB2101
Cultural Framework of Business
• LAW2120
Management Law
• MAN2120
Organization Behavior
• MAN2145
Human Resource Management
• MKT2600
Buyer Behavior
• MKT2601
Marketing Intelligence
• MKT2602
Marketing Communications
Summary of Credit Points (or number of units at each level)
Year 1
Credit Points
No of units
Year 2
Year 3
Full unit outlines are available from the ECU website – www.handbook.ecu.edu.au
Helping students achieve their goals
Wimarshana Wijesuriya
Bachelor of Business graduate
I can honestly say that ACBT has
been the single greatest influence
in my personal and professional
growth. Beyond the knowledge
imparted and the skills I learnt in
the Bachelor of Business, I am most
grateful to ACBT for fostering within
me the self-confidence imperative to
succeed in the modern competitive
world. Throughout this most
important of educational journeys,
life at ACBT has never ceased to
be anything but enjoyable. I shall
always consider my time at ACBT
as the most memorable of my life.
Nithya Cooray
Diploma of Business student
ACBT is simply like home for me! The
Principal and lecturing staff are very
supportive and encouraging at all
times. Since I could take part time
classes while working it was very
convenient and I saved my time
as well as money by starting my
Management & Marketing degree
at ACBT. Now I am pursuing my
studies as a full time student and
life is not that hectic. There are a lot
of extra curricular activities such as
sports, The College Action Network
and the Student Newsletter. In
addition to the above there are
community projects organized by
students which helps us to grow as
a responsible citizen while nurturing
us to become more outstanding
business personalities. The
curriculum at ACBT is so practical and
subjects like Business Edge helps
us understand the cutting edge
business techniques and experience
the real world of business
before we really step out as ECU
graduates to join the workforce.
Dushyantha Rathansinghe
Bachelor of Computer Science graduate
During my time at ACBT I had
gained so much of experience
other than the academic
qualification. As an example, I
have led many large real world
projects which we have done for
the degree purposes. Both were
successful, highly rewarded and
applied in the real world situations
(i.e. post tsunami donation
monitory system). In addition
to that I used my post degree
knowledge when I was in Australia
doing postgraduate studies. After
completing the postgraduate
studies I’m now back as a lecturer
at the same place where I learnt
so much. I am proud to highly
recommend ACBT as a pathway to
your success to gain an Australian
accredited degree here in Sri Lanka.
I wish you all the best of luck.
Ashan Fernando
Bachelor of Business graduate
Kalpa Liyanwala.
Diploma of Business student
Maheshini Senanayake
Year 2 Bachelor of Business student
As a part time student at ACBT
the best part for me is the flexible
time table they offer unlike other
institutes. The course focused on
relevant and practical units and
enhanced knowledge and skills
providing an insight into ideal
structures to best with all situations.
I opted to follow the Business
Management course in ACBT in order
to lay a foundation to my career
as my objective is to become a
successful businessman. This degree
provides the opportunity to specialize
in provided majors after studying
diverse range of subjects at the
diploma level. Training provided in
presentations, report writing, analysis
and conducting interviews adds more
value to this course. Most importantly
it is possible to obtain all the benefits
within a short period of 21/2 years,
with commitment and effort put in.
I am following the Bachelor’s
degree programme in Business at
ACBT. I joined ACBT after doing my
Advanced Level at Musaeus College
in 2007. I started the Diploma in
Business with my pending A/L’s
which I was able to complete
within 9 months. Currently I am
studying the second and third years
of my degree.
I enjoyed the interactive classes
and the friendly atmosphere of the
course and interacting with students
from different parts of Sri Lanka.
It’s a friendly environment to work
in with a bunch of good lecturers
who are always willing to help. I
was in two minds when it came to
selecting an institute but now I’m
more than happy that I chose ACBT.
I love studying at ACBT. The college
has wonderful lecturers who are
always willing to help and listen.
I’ve made friends for life here
in College. College days are the
happiest of my life. Had I not
I must mention, ACBT provides an
enjoyable social environment, with all taken this step of studying at ACBT
the modern facilities to make our life I would still be waiting to start
University education in Sri Lanka.
easy and relaxing.
When I think of it I feel I am one
Now I’m confident that I have
step ahead of my friends.
made the right decision to follow
If you are going to join ACBT, do
the course in ACBT which is highly
not hesitate. You are making the
recognized worldwide. According to
my experience I strongly recommend right decision.
ACBT for a person heading to a
quick, practical and advanced future
business career in order to make your
goals a success.
Undergraduate Programs –
Computer Science
Diploma to Bachelor of
Computer Science
ECU has approved ACBT to deliver the full
three year Bachelor of Computer Science
program in Colombo. All classes are taught
at the ACBT premises in Colombo 3.
Two major disciplines of study are
available – Computer Science and
Software Engineering. Student can choose
a single major or a double major.
Course Facts
Start Dates
March, July and October
Full time or part time
Disciplines available
Computer Science and Software Engineering
Tuition Fees
Year 1 – Rs 42,500 per unit **
Year 2 – Rs 42,500 per unit **
Year 3 – Rs 60,500 per unit **
Pass Mark
A minimum mark of 50% in all 8 units
Assessment for all units is ongoing and continuous
comprising assignments, presentations, tests and a
three hour final examination.
Units to be completed for award
Stage 2/Year 2 of the Bachelor of Computer Science
followed by Stage 3/Year 3 of the Bachelor of
Science degree
Further Information
Log on to the ECU website – www.ecu.edu.au
All course fees are reviewed on an annual basis
Pathway to ECU or full degree at ACBT –
Computer Science
Entry to Year 3 of
Bachelor of Computer Science
Entry to ACBT Diploma of Business
Entry to Year 2 of
Bachelor of Computer Science
Entry Levels
• Sri Lanka or Cambridge GCE A levels completed – two passes required.
• GCE O level English – C grade
• Mature age students (20 years or over) may be admitted to the Bachelor of Business course with meeting the formal
educational requirements if they can demonstrate relevant full time work experience.
Note: Students who have completed A levels but do not achieve two passes will be required to enroll in the University Foundation Program and can be
deemed eligible for entry to the Diploma after one semester if they achieve an average of 70% in 4 units.
Computer Science course structure
Delivery of the Bachelor of Computer Science is divided into three stages:
Stage 1/Year 1 – Diploma
of Computing
Stage 1/year 1 of the Bachelor of
Computer Science degree is a Diploma
program. The Diploma is a “common year”
and students are required to complete the
8 specified units in their Diploma studies
to be eligible to transfer to Year 2 of the
Bachelor of Computer Science.
Bachelor of Computer Science (Single Major – Computer Science)
Stage 1/Year 1 – Diploma of Computing
Compulsory units – students must complete and pass all 8 units listed below
• CSG1132
Communicating in an IT Environment
• CSI1241
Systems Analysis
• ENS1161
Computer Fundamentals
• CSI1101
Computer Security
• CSG1105
Applied Communications
Stage 2/Year 2
• CSG1206
Operating Systems
Stage 2/Year 2 is discipline specific.
The number of units studied is dependent
upon whether students choose to
undertake a single or double major
(see course structures).
• CSG1207
Systems and Database Design
• CSP1150
Programming Principles
No award is issued.
• CSP2202
Data Structures
• CSG2245
Computer Science Methods
• CSP2343
Object Oriented Programming with C++
• CSG2207
Project Methods & Professionalism
• CSI2343
Object Oriented Analysis & Design
Award of Diploma of Computing is issued.
Stage 3/Year 3 Bachelor
of Computer Science
Stage 3/Year 3 is discipline specific. The
number of units studied is dependent
upon whether students choose to
undertake a single or double major (see
course structures).
Award of Bachelor of Science is
issued by ECU.
Stage 2/Year 2
Compulsory units – students must complete and pass all 4 units listed below
Electives units
• CSI2312
Foundations of Software Engineering
• CSI2441
Applications Development
• Elective from Diploma of Business
• Elective from Diploma of Business
The Bachelor of Science course has
the following components:
• A first year Diploma of eight (8) units
Stage3/Year 3 – Bachelor of Computer Science
Compulsory units – students must complete and pass all 4 units listed below
• CSP3241
Internet and Java Programming
• A major program of eight (8) units four (4) to be
studied for the Associate Degree and four (4) to be
studied at third year level.
• CSG3303
Applied IT Project
• CSP3341
Programming Languages & Paradigms
• A supplementary program consisting of eight (8)
units comprising:
• CSG2341
Intelligent Systems
• A second major from the Bachelor of
Computer Science
• An elective program of eight (8) units (the 8
units can be selected from the Bachelor of
Computer Science and the Bachelor of Business
In planning your course you should
take into account the following:
• Bachelor of Computer Science students must
complete a minimum of four (4) level three units
and no more than twelve level one units
Elective units
• CSI3303
Component Based Software Engineering
• CSI3304
Software Development Framework
• CSG3204
Information Services Management
Full unit outlines are available from the ECU website –
Computer Science course structure (continued)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Single Major – Software Engineering)
Stage 1/Year 1 – Diploma of Computing
Compulsory units – students must complete and pass all 8 units listed below
• CSG1132
Communicating in an IT Environment
• CSI1241
Systems Analysis
• ENS1161
Computer Fundamentals
• CSI1101
Computer Security
• CSG1105
Applied Communications
• CSG1206
Operating Systems
• CSG1207
Systems and Database Design
• CSP1150
Programming Principles
Stage 2/Year 2
Compulsory units – students must complete and pass all 4 units listed below
• CSP2202
Data Structures
• CSI2312
Foundations of Software Engineering
• CSI2343
Object Oriented Analysis & Design
• CSI2441
Applications Development
Electives units
• CSG2245
Computer Science Methods
• CSP2343
Object Oriented Programming with C++
• CSG2207
Project Methods & Professionalism
• Elective from Diploma of Business
• Elective from Diploma of Business
Stage3/Year 3 – Bachelor of Computer Science
Compulsory units – students must complete and pass all 3 units listed below
• CSI3303
Component Based Software Engineering
• CSI3304
Software Development Framework
• CSG3303
Applied IT Project
Elective units
• CSG3204
Information Services Management
Full unit outlines are available from the ECU website –
Bachelor of Computer Science (Double Major – Software Engineering and Computer Science)
Stage 1/Year 1 – Diploma of Computing
Compulsory units – students must complete and pass all 8 units listed below
• CSG1132
Communicating in an IT Environment
• CSI1241
Systems Analysis
• ENS1161
Computer Fundamentals
• CSI1101
Computer Security
• CSG1105
Applied Communications
• CSG1206
Operating Systems
• CSG1207
Systems and Database Design
• CSP1150
Programming Principles
Stage 2/Year 2
Compulsory units – students must complete and pass all 8 units listed below
• CSP2202
Data Structures
• CSI2312
Foundations of Software Engineering
• CSI2343
Object Oriented Analysis & Design
• CSI2441
Applications Development
• CSG2245
Computer Science Methods
• CSP2343
Object Oriented Programming with C++
• CSG2207
Project Methods & Professionalism
• CSG2341
Intelligent Systems
Stage3/Year 3 – Bachelor of Computer Science
Compulsory units – students must complete and pass all 8 units listed below
• CSI3303
Component Based Software Engineering
• CSI3304
Software Development Framework
• CSG3303
Applied IT Project
• CSG3204
Information Services Management
• CSI3303
Component Based Software Engineering
• CSI3304
Software Development Framework
• CSP3341
Programming Languages & Paradigms
Full unit outlines are available from the ECU website –
IELTS Centre
ACBT has a well established IELTS Centre which offers both IELTS testing and IELTS preparation courses.
IELTS Testing
IELTS is the International English Language
Testing System. It is jointly managed
by the University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) and
The British Council and IDP Australia. The
IELTS test measures a person’s ability to
communicate in English across all four
language skills, listening, reading, writing
and speaking.
Since 1989, IELTS has been recognised
as a proven and trusted worldwide centre
to provide a secure, global, authentic and
customer-focused test which measures
true to life ability to communicate in
English. Over 3800 educational institutions,
government agencies and professional
organisations across 120 countries around
the world, recognise IELTS scores as a
trusted and valid indicator of ability to
communicate in English. With over 500,000
tests taken every year, IELTS is one of the
fastest growing English language tests in
the world and sets the standard in integrity,
research and innovation.
ACBT is an official testing agency and offers
examinations on its campus in Galle Road,
Colombo 03. Tests run three Saturday
afternoons per month.
IELTS Preparation Courses
ACBT runs regular IELTS preparation
courses. These courses help participants
to improve the skills required in the
IELTS examination. This will include a
focus on the English needed for listening,
reading, writing and speaking for both
the Academic and General Training tests.
Some time will be spent on specific
language that is useful for candidates
when completing the writing and speaking
modules. Participants will be provided
with tips and strategies for approaching
the examination.
IELTS One Day Seminar Program
This 6-hour one day program will help
participants to become familiar with the
contents of the IELTS test and provide
information on “test preparation for
better results”. The official IELTS Practice
Materials include comprehensive samples
of all sections of the test, with several
model scripts and a CD containing sample
speaking interviews. The course also allows
participants the opportunity to test their
skills, in order to be more confident on
test day.
For further information about IELTS courses
contact the:
IELTS Centre Administrator at
[email protected] or
visit www.ielts.org
IELTS Courses Manager at [email protected] or
go to the ACBT website – http://acbt.lk
General English courses
The General English courses offered at
ACBT are designed to help Sri Lankans:
Specially trained lecturers will help you:
• To use the English language medium
in their day to day activities;
• Create a learning environment in which
you feel comfortable and relaxed;
• To study effectively in the
English medium;
• Develop course and learning material
suitable to the needs of students;
• To undertake IELTS preparation courses
and sit IELTS with confidence.
• Give you the confidence and ability
to undertake and extended English
language course.
The course content for the General English
programs are designed to help you:
• Overcome your fear of using
English language;
• Actively participate in classrooms
activities in academic programs;
• Interact with fellow students and/or
colleagues in English.
• Understand your individual needs;
For further information on General English
courses contact the Manager, English
Language Courses on 471 4393 or
email [email protected]
Academic calendar 2009–2010
Classes Start
Examination Commence
27 February
2 March
8 June
3 July
6 July
5 October
30 October
2 November
8 February
5 March
8 March
6 June
2 July
5 July
4 October
29 October
1 November
7 February 2011
How to apply to study courses
offered at ACBT
To apply for the University Foundation Program or Diploma/
Bachelor degree courses, all applicants must follow the application
process below:
Application form
Letter of Offer
1. Complete the application form
(available in this brochure or download
from the website).
• Your application will be assessed
and if successful you will be
issued with a Letter of Offer.
2. Attach certified copies of all academic
• The Letter of Offer will explain
the course you have been
offered, the orientation date,
the course commencement
date and the fees payable.
3.Attach two copies of passport size
photographs of yourself to the
completed application form.
4.Submit the completed application form
to ACBT by
442 Galle Road
Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
• To accept the Letter of Offer and
confirm your place in the course, you
must pay a Rs 5000 application fee.
This application fee is non refundable.
For further information about the
application process speak to one of
the Marketing Counsellors at ACBT.
In person:
Hand into ACBT Reception or an ACBT
Marketing Counsellor
Conditions of enrolment
Changes to semester timetable/unit selection
• All conditions and special notes contained in the Letter of Offer
must be met.
• All student enrolment/unit selection is done on line through
the ACBT student portal.
• Students must meet the minimum English language and
academic course requirements to be offered at place at ACBT.
• Students will be advised of the opening and closing dates for
enrolment via the portal.
• Attendance at the orientation/induction program is
compulsory. Special permission must be gained for
• Students can make changes to their semester enrolment
within the first two weeks of the semester commencement
date. If students wish to add a unit they must ensure there
is a vacancy.
• All changes to unit selection must be done via the portal.
• All tuition fees must be paid by the dates specified in the Fee
Payment Schedule.Failure to pay by the due dates will result in
late payment penalties.
• Students pay only for the number of units they are studying,
that is, if a student studies only 2 units in a semester, then they
only pay for the two units.
• Students who have outstanding fees will not be allowed to sit
final examinations.
• Should it be necessary for a student to repeat a unit the full
unit fee will be charged.
• ACBT reviews course fees on an annual basis.
Refund Policy
Once an applicant accepts a offer of a place at ACBT and pays
tuition fees it means a binding contact has been made between
the two parties. A course is defined as one semester of study in
any program at ACBT.
The following refund policy applies:
Reason for Refund
Refund amount
Course withdrawal before
commencement date
Full refund minus a Rs 10,000
administration charge
Course withdrawal
between weeks 1 – 4 after
commencement date
25% of course fees. An administration
charge of Rs 10,000 will also be levied.
After week 4
No refund will be made
• During weeks 3 + 4 of the semester students cannot add any
new units to their semester unit selection.
• During weeks 3 + 4 of the semester students cannot drop a
unit but no refund of fees will be made. The unit fee will be
transferred to the next semester.
• From week 4 onwards no changes to a student’s unit selection
can be made.
General conditions
• Students are expected to attend a minimum of 80% of all
classes and undertake all tests and examinations during the
course of their studies.
• ACBT reserve the right to suspend or cancel the enrolment
of a student for any breach of college policies published in
the ACBT Student Handbook. If such a suspension occurs no
refund of fees will be made.
• Final results will be withheld for any students who have
outstanding Library fines or overdue library books.
ACBT may by written notice vary such conditions of enrolment
as deemed necessary to comply with any law, regulation, or
amendment thereof of the Republic of Sri Lanka.
Application form
in association with
Please print in BLOCK LETTERS
Other Information
Personal Details
How did you first learn about ACBT? You may tick more than one.
Family name:
Given names:
Preferred name:
Date of birth:
Country of birth:
Recommended by a friend/relative
Is your friend/relative a ACBT student?
Recommended by an education agent
Please specify:
Nic Number:
Application Checklist
Contact Details
Check that you have:
Completed all sections of the Application Form
and understood the Conditions of Enrolment including
the Fee Refund Policy on page 22.
Check that you have attached:
Certified copies of your academic qualifications
Evidence of your English language proficiency (if required)
A copy of your passport, visa or birth certificate (if required)
Any relevant employment documentation (if required)
Home telephone:
Mobile telephone:
Disability Declaration:
Business telephone:
Do you have a disability or any long term medical condition which
may affect your studies?
If yes please indicate the area of impairment to enable ACBT to
provide assistance:
Education Details
Highest level achieved
Other Please indicate:____________________________________
Name of qualification:
Language of instruction:
Will you be applying for exemptions?
Employment History
If you believe you have relevant employment experience, please
attach resume and references.
Course Preferences
I declare the information I have supplied on this form is, to the best of
my understanding and belief, complete and correct. I understand that
giving false or incomplete information may lead to the refusal of my
application or cancellation of enrolment.
I also understand that fees may increase. I accept liability for payment
of all fees as explained in the ACBT Brochure, and I agree to abide by
the Refund Policy as specified in the ACBT Brochure.
Applicant’s signature
University Foundation Program
If you are under 18 years of age, your parent or guardian must also sign
this application form.
Diploma – University Level
Computing & Information Technology
Associate Degree of Tourism Management
Please specify the semester in which you wish to begin
your studies:
Edith Cowan University CRICOS Provider number: 00279B
Parent’s/Guardian’s signature (if applicable)
Postal address for applications
442 Galle Road
Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
Telephone: 238 1999, 471 4393
Fax: 471 4394
Email: [email protected]
Internet: www.acbt.net
Your World, Faster
Creating opportunities for success
Members and affiliates of Navitas:
Navitas provides you with the education you need, to get where
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Australian College of Applied Psychology (ACAP)
Australian College of English (ACE)
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Centre for English Language in the University of South Australia
Curtin International College (CIC)
Cytech Intersearch
LM Training Specialists (LMT)
Macquarie City Campus (MQC)
Melbourne Institute of Business and Technology (MIBT)
Perth Institute of Business and Technology (PIBT)
Queensland Institute of Business and Technology (QIBT)
South Australia Institute of Business and Technology (SAIBT)
Sydney Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT)
The Sydney Campus of Curtin University of Technology
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We also offer customised workplace training for companies, and a
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Navitas started as IBT Education back in 1994. Since then, we
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Wherever you are, and wherever you want to be, the knowledge and
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But we give our students much more than education. Your
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Fraser International College (FIC)
International College of Manitoba (ICM)
Cambridge Ruskin International College (CRIC)
Hertfordshire International College of Business
and Technology (HIBT)
International College Wales Swansea (ICWS)
London International College of Business and Technology (LIBT)
Melbourne Institute of Business and Technology Indonesia (MIBT
Australian Studies Institute (AUSI)
Jakarta Darwin
The Singapore Campus of Curtin University of Technology (Curtin
Australian College of Business and Technology (ACBT)
Australian Institute of Business and Technology (AIBT)
Australian College of Business and Technology (ACBT) and Melbourne Institute of Business and Technology Indonesia (MIBT-I) are affiliated organisations and are not owned by Navitas Limited.
CRICOS Provider Codes: La Trobe University 02218K (NSW); Curtin International College 02042G; Curtin University of Technology 00301J; The Sydney Campus of Curtin University of Technology 02637B;
Educational Enterprises Australia Pty Ltd 00561M; Melbourne Institute of Business and Technology 01590J; Deakin University 00113B; Perth Institute of Business and Technology 01312J;
Edith Cowan University 00279B; Queensland Institute of Business and Technology 01737F; Griffith University 00233E; South Australian Institute of Business and Technology 02193C; University of South
Australia 00121B; Sydney Institute of Business and Technology 01576G; Macquarie University 00002J; Australian College of English 00289M (NSW), 02252G (WA), 00711B (QLD); ACL 00031D (NSW),
02783C (NT); Centre for English Language in the University of South Australia 02193C; Hawthorn English Language Centre 02134C; Australian College of Applied Psychology 01328A (NSW), 02565B (QLD);
Australian Institute of Public Safety 01945J.
ICM CCRA BN: 81210 5146; FIC CCRA BN: 81210 5146; CRIC CN: 06407773; ICWS CN: 6412162; HIBT CN: 5163612; LIBT CN: 5171106.
Navitas Limited ABN 69 109 613 309
Australian College of Business and Technology
442 Galle Road
Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
Telephone 238 1999, 471 4393
Fax 471 4394
Email [email protected]
PIBT CRICOS Provider Code 01312J
Edith Cowan University CRICOS Provider Code 00279B
The information contained in this brochure is correct at the time of publication,
however, Australian College of Business and Technology (ACBT) reserves the right
to alter, amend or delete details at any time without notice. Printed July 2008.
Selected photographs in this publication are
Copyright © Paul Foley/Lightmoods 2008
This brochure is provided free of charge.
Part of the Navitas Group