Dan Charatin`s Kenpo Karate
Dan Charatin`s Kenpo Karate
YELLOW BELT MANUAL Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate CHICAGO, IL [email protected] www.kenpomat.com Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction Kenpo Creed Studio Formalities History of Ed Parker Blocking Set 1 Yellow Belt Rank Sheets Helpful Terms and Concepts Testing Approval & Testing Board Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate – Yellow Belt Rank Sheets INTRODUCTION In this day and age there is much more violence and threats in the world then there used to be. With this in mind, we strive to be the best we can be. Through the proper dedication and discipline you can learn to develop your skills in the art to defend yourself, help relieve tension, get in shape, clear your mind and find other ways to achieve an appreciable effect. This is your life and once you build confidence in yourself, there’s no telling how far you can go. We would like to welcome you and thank you for taking the first step in learning how to not only defend yourself but to build friendships and learn ways to make your everyday life that much easier. We would like to invite you to take advantage of every aspect of the school and be the best you can be! Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate – Yellow Belt Rank Sheets KENPO CREED “I COME TO YOU WITH ONLY KARATE, EMPTY HANDS. I HAVE NO WEAPONS, BUT SHOULD I BE FORCED TO DEFEND MYSELF, MY PRINCIPLES, OR MY HONOR; SHOULD IT BE A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH, OF RIGHT OR WRONG; THEN HERE ARE MY WEAPONS, KARATE, MY EMPTY HANDS.” Senior Grand Master Edmund K. Parker Founder, March 1957 ABOUT THE CREED The above creed has become an accepted code for many Martial Artists. Authored by Ed Parker in March of 1957, it denotes the Martial Artist’s way of life in today’s environment. Time inevitable alters attitudes and convictions. Therefore, in reanalyzing the Creed, the use of the words right or wrong leaves no margin for clemency, but to defend one’s self. A matter of life or death means strict adherence to survival in protecting loved ones or self even if it means death to the adversary should no alternative be left. Principles must be up held and protected, for without them the very core and soul of man is valueless. Honor motivates a Martial Artist to action because it gives him dignity. Empty Hands (as well as other body weapons) are weapons to sustain his honor. Discipline developed through training without weapons implants justice and discretion when applying the Martial Arts. Thus the above Creed acts as a regulatory guide in aiding the Martial Artist in developing a keen sense of justice. Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate – Yellow Belt Rank Sheets STUDIO FORMALITIES VERBAL RESPECT- All Black belts and Instructors should be addressed as “Mr.” (Miss or Mrs. If the instructor is female) and then by their last name. This generates respect to those of higher rank and helps to acknowledge their skill, experience, and time devoted to the Art. SALUTE OF RESPECT- Upon entering the school, salutations are made to all Black Belts and instructors. The salute is always directed to the senior belt holder first and then in order of their rank (highest to lowest). Black Belts from other systems are acknowledged after those of our own system. BOW OF RESPECT- Whenever a student enters or leaves the training area, they are required to bow. Bowing to the training area demonstrates respect for the Art as well as the area where others have trained before you. Bowing is done to inanimate objects only. LATE STUDENTS- If a student is late for class, they must kneel at the entrance on their right knee with their right hand in a push down position and their left hand open and above their head. Once recognized by the instructor, and acknowledged by the instructor, the student will then return the instructor’s acknowledgment with a salute, before being allowed to join the class. PERSONAL CONDUCT- Students are to act with respect toward themselves and others at all times whenever they are at the studio. PAYMENT POLICY- Please pay for your lessons when your payment is due to keep your account in good standing. BELT TESTING- You must have the permission of the Head Instructor before any belt test. There is a testing fee for all Colored Belt Tests. Brown and Black Belt Tests have a special fee because you will perform in front of Mr. Charatin’s Instructor’s Mrs. Charatin and Mr. Dye. Juniors Adults Colored Belts $15.00 Colored Belts $20.00 Brown Belt $25.00 Brown Belt $50.00 Black $75.00 Black & Black degrees Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate $150.00 Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate – Yellow Belt Rank Sheets HISTORY OF ED PARKER Mr. Ed Parker was the foremost authority and instructor of Kenpo Karate in the United States and was known world-wide as “Mr. Karate”. He was the “Founder of American Kenpo”, the president and founder of the Ed Parker Kenpo Karate Studio chain, as well as the International Kenpo Karate Association. He was the Father of American Karate having originated the first American version of Karate. He commenced teaching professionally in Provo, Utah in 1954. He opened his first professional Karate studio in the United States in Pasadena, California in 1956. He has been featured in National and International magazines: Time, Look, Strength and Health, Show Business Illustrated, Iron Man, Action Karate, Black Belt, Karate Illustrated, Official Karate, Inside Kung Fu, American Karate, and Karate/Kung Fu Illustrated; in newspapers nation-wide; Martial Arts’ magazines world wide; articles in the World Encyclopedia and many others. He has appeared in dozens of movies and television shows, including Revenge of the Pink Panther and Curse of the Pink Panther. In addition, he taught Karate to many actors and actresses in Hollywood -- including, Robert Culp, Joey Bishop, Jose Ferrar, Rick Jason, Nick Adams, Frank Lovejoy, Robert Wagner, Elvis Presley, Natalie Wood and Elke Summer, to name a few. He has also been a technical advisor for motion pictures and T.V. Mr. Parker has spoken, lectured or put on his exciting demonstrations at: high schools, colleges, civic clubs, clinics, tournaments, church groups, youth groups, etc. He was a highly sought-after speaker and his Karate demonstrations are famous nation and world-wide. He was in great demand throughout the world to put on his blinding demonstrations of speed, skill and power along with his picturesque analogies when explaining the Art so all can understand. He frequently put on Seminars and Demonstrations in Australia, England, Spain, Ireland, Chile, Venezuela and had many worldwide government officials as his students. Throughout the years Mr. Parker authored many books: Basic Karate Book, Kenpo Karate, The Women’s Guide to Self Defense, Secrets of Chinese Karate, A Guide to Law Enforcement, Home Study Karate Workshop Course, A Guide to the Nunchaku, Infinite Insights into Kenpo (Volumes 1-5), The Zen of Kenpo, Kenpo in the Streets, Speak With A Knife, Speak With A Club, Everyday Gestures That Can Save Your Life, Answers to Multiple Attacks On The Street, Inside Elvis, Accumulative Journals (Yellow - 5th Black), and his revolutionary Encyclopedia of Kenpo. Mr. Parker’s uniqueness rested in his continuous efforts to combat traditional restrictions binding progressive thinking. He was truly a creative genius because of his incredible ability to discover the problems within the Martial Arts. His contributions and innovations are endless, encompassing logic and reasoning not yet employed by others. His four decades of experience, contributions, and endeavors established him as the Master of our system. Mr. Parker passed away on December 15, 1990. He was traveling to Hawaii to visit his mother. Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate – Yellow Belt Rank Sheets BLOCKING SET ONE OPENING: ATTENTION STANCE. BOW. DROP TO A MEDITATING HORSE STANCE. COME UP TO AN ATTENTION STANCE. DROP TO A TRAINING HORSE STANCE. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Right Upward Block for a left overhead club attack. Right Inward Block for a right punch to the body. Right Extended Outward Block for a left punch to the face. Right Outside Downward Block for a left kick to the groin. Right hand re-cocks to your right hip for a left roundhouse kick to your right kidney. Right Push Down Block for a right knee kick to the groin. 7. Left Upward Block for a right overhead club attack. 8. Left Inward Block for a left punch to the body. 9. Left Extended Outward Block for a right punch to the face. 10. Left Outside Downward Block for a right kick to the groin. 11. Left hand re-cocks to your left hip for a right roundhouse kick to your left kidney. 12. Left Push Down Block for a left knee kick to the groin. Repeat steps with both sides. CLOSING: BRING HANDS UP TO A MEDITATING HORSE STANCE. COME UP TO AN ATTENTION STANCE. BOW. Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate – Yellow Belt Rank Sheets PRESENTATION Formal Bow Formal Salutation Natural Attention Training Horse Fighting Horse Neutral Bow Forward Bow Reverse Bow Blocking Set 1 Short Form 1 High Kneel Wide Kneel Cat Stance Twist Stance a. Front b. Rear STANCES STRIKES Inward Elbow Outward Elbow Downward Elbow Upward Elbow Inward Hammerfist Downward Hammerfist Back Hammerfist Lead & Rear Hand Uppercuts Jab Straight Punch Reverse Punch Back Knuckle Snapping Handsword Thrusting Handsword Reverse Handsword Thrusting C Strike KICKS Knee to Groin Back Kick Round Kick Front Ball Kick Knife Edge Kick Rear Scoop Kick Upward Block Inward Parry Outward Parry BLOCKS Inward Block Downward Block Outward Block Extended Outward Block SPARRING: (approximately 1 minute) BREAKFALLS Back CREED I come to you with only Karate, empty hands. I have no weapons, but should I be forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong, then here are my weapons, Karate, my empty hands. Senior Grand Master Edmund K. Parker Founder, March 1957 Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate – Yellow Belt Rank Sheets SELF-DEFENSE TECHNIQUES 1. DELAYED SWORD (Right Lapel Grab) 1. Step back with left foot to 7:00 (while left arm goes under then inside attacking arm with a hooking parry to check possible hook punch) then pivot to right neutral bow with right inward block. (Make sure to drop your weight on the block.) 2. Chamber your right foot to a cat stance and execute a right ball kick to the groin area. 3. Settle forward into a neutral bow stance while executing a right snapping handsword to the collar bone and then cover out. 2. SWORD OF DESTRUCTION (Left Hook Punch) 1. Step back with your left foot to 7:00 and pivot to a right neutral bow as your left hand parries inward and right hand executes a right extended outward block. 2. Chamber your right foot to cat stance and deliver a right ball kick to the groin area. 3. Settle into a neutral bow and execute a right thrusting handsword to the collar bone and then cover out. 3. DEFLECTING HAMMER (Right Front Ball Kick) 1. Push drag in reverse to 8:00 with your left foot as you execute a right downward block from 10:00 to 4:00. 2. Push/drag in with a right inward elbow to face as left hand checks your body. Left hand pin checks arm as you execute the elbow, then cover out. 4. SPREADING BRANCH (Rear Bear Hug – Arms Pinned) 1. Pin opponent’s arms to your chest with left hand as you step back with right foot to 7:00. (Make sure to shift your hips, belt facing right corner to expose target area.) 2. Deliver a right back hammerfist to groin. 3. Wedge out with elbows. 4. Bring your hands to your chest, palm facing you as you pivot to your right and grab opponent’s head. 5. Deliver a right knee to your opponent’s head. 6. Right over the top inward/overhead elbow to spine (preferably the 7th vertebrae), then cover out. 5. PINCHER (Headlock) 1. Grab opponent’s right hand with your right hand as you turn your head to the left towards the opponent’s ribs. 2. Step forward with your right foot as your left hand C-strikes the back of their right knee. 3. Pull out your head and straighten opponent’s right arm. 4. Execute a front to rear foot switch, left inward block on opponent’s right elbow causing a break using push/pull. 5. Pin check their right arm across your knees with your left hand while your right reverse punch strikes mastoid, and then cover out. 6. MACE OF AGGRESSION (Front Two Handed Grab – pulling in) 1. Perform a left inward block and trap both hands to chest. 2. Step forward with your right foot into a right neutral bow with a right inside hammerfist to their jaw hinge. 3. Frictional pull the opponent followed by a push drag in with a right inward elbow. 4. Right outward elbow. 5. Right inward block as you cover out. 7. CHECKING THE STORM (Right Overhead Club) 1. Step off to 3:00 with right foot into a left side lead cat stance as your left arm does an outward forearm block (just in case). 2. Execute a left ball kick to their groin area. 3. Land in a twist stance and execute a right knife edge kick to the left knee. 4. Settle into a neutral bow and deliver a right back knuckle to the right side of their head or temple. 5. As you cross out, grab the club as you settle your weight into the cross and cover out. Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate – Yellow Belt Rank Sheets 8. ATTACKING MACE (Right Step Through Punch to Face) 1. Step back with right foot into a high kneel stand then neutral bow as you execute a left inward block. 2. Pivot to a left forward bow stance as you deliver a right straight punch to their body. 3. Your right hand grabs and pulls opponent’s right arm (canceling width and height). 4. Gauge step up with your left foot as you deliver a right round kick to body. 5. Deliver a left uppercut to their kidney, then cover out. 9. INTELLECTUAL DEPARTURE (Right Front Ball Kick) 1. Take your left foot and step towards 5:00 as your right hand is at your side to guide the leg as you pivot 180 degrees into a reverse bow stance. 2. Rear scoop kick to the opponent’s groin with your right foot. 3. Step with your left foot to 8:00 into a neutral bow while delivering a thrusting right handsword to collar bone to cause opponent to stutter back keeping your left hand in a good check position. 4. Gauge step up with your left foot then execute a right knife edge kick to the left knee of your opponent. Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate – Yellow Belt Rank Sheets HELPFUL TERMS AND CONCEPTS Push/Drag A type of SHUFFLE requiring your forward or rear legs to rise slightly before having the supporting leg push forward or back. The pushing leg must then drag toward the opposite leg so that the distance between them returns to its original depth. This step will gain approximately 8 to 10 inches. Step/Drag A shuffle technique. Stepping forward or back with one foot as the other drags to meet it. Used to make up distance of 4 to 6 inches. Gauge Step The use of distance to make minor adjustments to make your techniques work. Push/Pull The process of pulling on an extended body part while at the same time pushing/striking at the joint to inflict pain, dislocation or breaking. An example would be an arm break. Frictional Pull A method of pulling and unbalancing an opponent with the use of friction. Cover Out Movement following the completion of a technique that leaves you out of range of an opponents strikes but allows you to still move in for additional actions as necessary. It is executed by crossing the lead leg in front of the rear leg and then settling into a fighting stance so as to leave vital targets protected yet able to retaliate. Positional Check The formulation of various defensive postures that automatically check incoming action. The structured positions themselves act as checks without any effort on your part. Point of Origin The beginning, root, or source of any movement – the natural position or location of your body and natural weapon at the time action began. Marriage of Gravity The uniting of mind, breath, and strength while simultaneously dropping your body weight along with the execution of your natural weapon(s). Timing all of these factors with the dropping of your body weight greatly adds to the force of your strikes. This combined action literally causes a “Marriage of Gravity” and makes use of body momentum, while employing the dimension of height. Major Moves Strong and positive moves which cause immediate devastation. Minor Moves Subordinate moves which are frequently prefixes, suffixes, or inserts that are often necessary ingredients in the set up and execution of major moves. Block Force on force to stop action. Parry Redirection. Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate – Yellow Belt Rank Sheets TESTING APPROVAL ________________________________ Date Started __________________________________ Date Permitted _________________________________ Instructor By signing this document you are stating that the student testing performed this test at a Yellow Belt Level. Testing Board: _______________________________________ Name _____________________ Current Rank ___________________ Date _______________________________________ Name _____________________ Current Rank ___________________ Date _______________________________________ Name _____________________ Current Rank ___________________ Date _______________________________________ Name _____________________ Current Rank ___________________ Date _______________________________________ Name _____________________ Current Rank ___________________ Date _______________________________________ Name _____________________ Current Rank ___________________ Date Dan Charatin’s Kenpo Karate