March 2016 - Augustana Lutheran Church
March 2016 - Augustana Lutheran Church
The Trumpeter March 2016—Volume 24, Issue 3 Augustana Lutheran Church, Sioux City, Iowa From the Pastor When you hear the word Lent, what comes to mind? Ash Wednesday? Our foreheads were marked with a smudge of ash in the shape of love, the shape of the Cross on February 10. We were invited into the discipline of Lent: “…that contends against evil and resists whatever leads us away from love of God and neighbor. I invite you, therefore, to the discipline of Lent—selfexamination and repentance, prayer and fasting, sacrificial giving and works of love—strengthened by the gifts of word and sacrament.” Do you think of Midweek Lenten Services? Our series this year is “Angels Watch in Solemn Wonder.” Each week we look at a Bible story to see the wondrous connections between the Scriptural accounts of angelic activity and the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Do you think of giving something up? My standby is that I gave up coconut for Lent, but anyone who knows me realizes that’s a hollow action because I hate coconut! Our Catholic friends give up eating meat on Fridays. Some people add something perhaps reading more often in the Bible or some devotional work. Lent is a time when we prepare for Holy Week and Easter. Each week we will have three opportunities to worship: Wednesday evenings at 7:00 and Sunday mornings at 8:00 and 10:15. Join us and bring friends. In This Issue Lenten Lunch and Speakers First Presbyterian Church will be continuing to host a Friday noon Lenten lunch ending March 25. Pastor Tom Murray has invited Lutheran pastors to be a part of this series, “The Seven Deadly Sins.” Pastor Del will be the featured speaker on March 4. The topic of his talk is “Envy.” The Resurrection of Our Lord The Resurrection of Our Lord, Easter Sunday, is March 27. We will have our 8:00 worship in the nave with a Festival Easter Worship at 10:15. The Celebration Choir will sing and a brass ensemble will play at the late service. Youth will be serving breakfast from 8:00-9:30. A freewill offering will be received for the breakfast. Adult Education-pg. 2 Altar Guild Info-pg. 3 Benevolence News-pg. 3 Birthdays, Baptism Birthdays, Anniversaries-pg. 4 Buffalo Alice Fundraiserpg. 2 Calendar-pg. 7 Change of Address-pg.5 Choice Dollars (2015)-pg. 4 Christian Ed Schedule-pg.3 Council and Foundation Members-pg. 2 Daylight Savings Changespg. 6 Flower Chart-pg. 3 From the Pastor-pg. 1 Lenten Lunch and Speakers-pg. 1 Lutheran Lakeside Camp Request-pg. 4 Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion-pg. 2 Remember in Prayer-pg. 2 Resurrection Of Our Lordpg. 1 Servers Needed-pg. 3 Social Concerns-pg. 3 Souper Bowl of Caring News-pg. 3 Stewardship News-pg. 6 Triduum-The Three Dayspg. 6 USD Chamber Singers Concert-pg. 4 Worship Assistants and Other Servers-pg. 5 Remember in prayer: Robert Barger (Kris Whitsel’s grandfather), Janice Barrett (Sue Levay’s friend), Emrich Bell (Seatons’ grandson), Oriah Boling-Ellens (Schossows’ niece), Dawn Cannon (Fred Hexom’s cousin), Clara C. Davis (Ja’Net’s mother), Darrell Elvik (Ollie Nygard’s cousin), Charlene Epis (Elaine Kreutzian’s sister), Jeff Emerson, Ken File (Sheila Schossow’s father), Pastor Lorene Glant, Kris Grunig (Strohbeens’ friend), Jon Hanson (Judy Swanson’s friend), John Hart, Paula Hebron, Ron Houske (Jack Ward’s friend), Judy Howard (the Ward’s friend), Keith Howard (Libertos’ friend), Katy Krznarich (Shelley Hexom’s great aunt), Amy Lahrs (Jean Huff’s friend), Ken Lawson (former member), Kim Lindgren (Pat Bergstrom’s niece), Kenneth McAlexander (former member Jon’s grandfather), Sara McAlexander (former member), Peter Macfarlane (Steve’s father), (Trevor & Nicholle Mammen and family (Deb Fegenbush’s family), Eleanor Moline, Marion Moline, Denise Nurse (Robinsons’ cousin), Ouida Olson, Vicki Plambeck (Scott’s mother), Wendy Pohl (Paige Gray’s sister), Rosalie Richardson, Stella Rixner, Alice Sea, Cynthia Seymour (Judy Swanson’s friend), Kristie Smith (Gloria Smith’s daughter), Clayton Swenson (Carla Glass’ grandfather), Dennis Van Meter (Nancy’s son), Gene Wagner (Dick Lindblom’s friend); Leslie Walker (Schossows’ friend), the family of Jack & Jane Ward, Cindy Washinowski, Gary Winters (Nancy Van Meter’s brother), Tami Zerr (Lori Padmore’s sister), and those affected by disasters throughout the world. Each week we pray for some of the families in the congregation. Following is the list of those for whom we pray in March. March 6—Margaret Johnson; Carolyn Johnson; Linda Kassis; Dean Koeppen; Wesley & Jessie, Lane and Chase Koons. March 13—John & Delaine, Devon and Jessica Krager; Elaine Kreutzian; Chuck & Barb Lamphear; Tim Laros; Mike & Connie and Ingrid Larson March 20—Jerry & Sue Levay; Jonathan & Lexy Levay; Chris Levine; Jeff & Marlene and Robyn Levine; Chris & Jenna, Hunter and Quinn Liberto; Dick Lindblom. March 27—Dennis & Lisa and Holly Lines; Erik Lundin; Steve & Amy and Greer Macfarlane; Katie and Hillary Rosencrants; Dave & Mary, Michael and Christine Madsen; Tom & Kella, Alex and Sophia Manning. 2 Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion Holy Week begins on March 20 with Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion. Since at least the fourth century and universally in the church since the eighth century, Christians have kept the Sunday before Easter as a memorial of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, and a literal procession of palms, begun in Jerusalem, has spread throughout the world. (From Sundays and Copyright 2016 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #40629.) The drama at the 10:15 worship this day is “Cry of the Whole Congregation” by Walter Wangerin, Jr. The children and Celebration Choir will sing an anthem. Fun at Buffalo Alice On February 21, members from several area ELCA Lutheran churches and friends gathered at Buffalo Alice Restaurant on Historic Fourth Street. Besides wanting good pizza and spaghetti, the people came to support the Warming Shelter of Sioux City. The owners of Buffalo Alice, Bob & Tiffany Nettleton, made a very generous contribution and, with tips of $854, we raised a total of $1835! Thank you to all who participated. Installed as Council Members and Officers and as Foundation Board Members The following persons were installed as Congregation Council Members and Officers on February 28: Caleb Christopherson; Adam Frisch; Shelley Hexom, president; Jean Huff; Jeff Levine, vice-president; Marlene Levine, secretary; Dick Lindblom, David Midland; Lila Plambeck; Martin Sea; and Bob Swanson, treasurer. The following persons were installed as Foundation Board Members: Jeanne Emmons; Carla Glass; Jenna Liberto; Dave Madsen, president; Matt Rixner; and Bob Stewart; Mike Moreland, advisor; and Judy Swanson, secretary. Please pray for your elected leaders. Adult Education Adult Education meets in the Augsburg Room from 9:00-10:00. Mission Team H I G H L I G H T S Social Concerns Altar Guild The Altar Guild is responsible for setting up Holy Communion, laundering server albs, and changing paraments according to the liturgical calendar. We are thankful for extra help from volunteers to decorate the church at special times during the year including Advent, Christmas, and Easter. We are also very thankful for Jeff Levine’s generous contribution of homemade communion bread. New members are welcomed for the guild to continue its ministry. Altar Guild Meeting The annual meeting of the Altar Guild will be held at 10:00 am on Saturday, March 19. Agenda items include scheduling for the next year and some cleaning of silver, etc. New members are always welcome. Christian Education Schedule March 20, 2016—Sing at the Palm Sunday/ Sunday of the Passion worship March 27, 2016—No Sunday school (Easter Sunday) April 17, 2016—Lutheran Lakeside Camp Day May 15, 2016—Last Sunday school class May 22, 2016—Sundae Sunday with teacher recognition during the 10:15 worship. Students sing with Celebration Choir. Servers Needed Would you consider being a greeter, an usher, a member of the Altar Guild, Eucharistic Minister, or an Assisting Minister? Please indicate as such on the Friendship Pad or talk to Pastor Del. Thank you. Flower Chart The flower chart for 2016 has been posted in the narthex by the north entrance to the nave. Please sign up if and when you are willing to donate bouquets that adorn the reredos. The cost for a beautiful bouquet is $35. (A reminder that we don’t have flowers during Lent.) 3 Thanks to all who generously supported the Souper Bowl of Caring. $329 (which will buy 1,827 pounds of food at 18 cents per pound) has been sent to Interfaith Resources to feed the hungry of Siouxland. Also eight food items have been delivered to First Lutheran Food Pantry. As of Monday, Feb. 9th, a total of $4,013,783 has been collected across the country from 3,741 groups reporting. Great things can happen when many groups work together. “God’s work, our hands.” Soup Kitchen. Eight times during the year members of Augustana help to prepare and serve food at the Soup Kitchen. In the afternoon (2-4), two persons to assist in preparing the food and in the evening (4:456:30), and eight persons assist with serving the meal and cleaning up. If you are interested or willing to serve at the Soup Kitchen, please sign up when the clipboards are passed at Sunday service, or call Amy Swenson at 898-9425 to let her know that she can call on you. Our months of serving are March, June, September and December. Thanks for your service. Benevolence of March/April March and April Benevolence will again be a food drive for food pantries at First Lutheran and St. Thomas Episcopal churches. God loves a cheerful giver. In addition to food items the food banks have requested: toothpaste, laundry detergent, Kleenex and toilet paper. We will again offer a cash opportunity of giving this year. In lieu of food items, money may be donated, which will be divided between the food items of St. Thomas and First Lutheran. They can then use the money to purchase food from the Food Bank at 18 cents per pound. Money can be placed in a pew envelope marked for FOOD DRIVE, or writing a check and noting FOOD DRIVE in the memo line. Thanks for your generosity. March Celebrations Birthdays 1 Kevin Schwaderer Ray Seaton Klara Winter 3 Aubrey Sea 5 Jacob Stowater Craig Walsh 6 Lois Irwin 7 Margaret Johnson 8 Jake Bowers Judy Swanson 9 Connie Larson 11 Lindsey Rixner 12 Erik Lundin 14 Kurt Peterson Jean Turner 15 Domingo Torres 16 Brenna Jennings 18 Andrew Moreland 19 Susie Strohbeen Barb Torticill 20 Abbie Dickman Ellie Dickman DeeAnn Sales 25 Gemma Harry Rosalie Stenwall 26 Lois Daniels Matt Heck 28 Diane Gross 31 Greer Macfarlane Bryce Matsuo Baptism Birthdays 1 2 3 9 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 28 30 31 Mike Larson Ray Seaton Lexy Baier Jackson Wynn Nic McGlothlen Sean McAllister Eleanor Frisch Derek Trobaugh Dawson Trobaugh Alex Manning David Mohan Sydnee Wynn Dick Erickson Amy Swenson Anne Winter Abbie Parker Spencer Gough Myrna Burg Ben Fegenbush Madeline Hexom Brenna Jennings Wedding Anniversaries 16 Kurt & Shannon Peterson 26 Joe & Joan Mitchell 31 Domingo & Andre’ Torres If you see a missing name or incorrect date, please advise the office. 2015 Choice Dollars® Expire on March 31, 2016 Because giving back has always been important to Thrivent and our members, the Thrivent Choice® program provides eligible participants the opportunity to recommend where to distribute some of Thrivent's charitable outreach funds. We encourage eligible benefit members to direct Choice Dollars to make a difference in Augustana. Before 2015 Choice Dollars expire on March 31, 2016, there are two easy options for directing Choice Dollars: Online: thriventchoice. Phone: 800-847-4836 and say "Thrivent Choice" at the prompt. Lutheran Lakeside Camp Request The camp has a need that is not included in the budget for 2016. The need for a pickup is urgent. Following are the specifications needed in a pickup truck: 2010 or newer, ¾ ton body/frame, 8 cylinder, 4-wheel drive, regular unleaded fuel, cab and a half, short box, mud and snow tires, shift on the fly, and running boards. The cost is between $20,000 and $30,000. If you would like to contribute, please make a check to Augustana and mark “LLC” in the memo line. University of South Dakota Chamber Singers to Sing at Augustana After a year’s hiatus, the USD Chamber Singers will present a concert at Augustana Friday, March 4, 2016 at 7:30 pm. Please attend and bring friends. A freewill offering will be received. 4 Worship assistants, you are responsible for serving on the day they are scheduled. If you are unable to serve on a date scheduled, please arrange for a substitute and notify the office so the correct names may be entered in the bulletin. Sunday, March 6, 2016 Acolytes—Jackson Wynn and Lexy Baier Greeters—Pauline Beales and Jan Mohan Assisting Minister—Cathy Seaton Communion Assistants—Ollie Nygard and Ray Seaton (bread) Technical Assistant—Marlene Levine Sunday, March 13, 2016 Acolytes—Noah Dickman and Trevor Welp Greeters—Beth Schwaderer and Dan Graben Assisting Minister—Donna Walsh Eucharistic Ministers—Judy Swanson and Linda Nygard Communion Assistants—Ginny Ericson and Marian Erickson (bread) Technical Assistant—Spencer Gough Sunday March 20, 2016 Acolytes—Abby Whitsel and Jackson Wynn Greeters—the Baier family Assisting Minister—Fred Hexom Communion Assistants—Josh Midland and Dan Graben (bread) Technical Assistant—Emily Hall Maundy Thursday, March 24, 2016, noon Assisting Minister—Dick Lindblom Communion Assistant—Lynne Rask Maundy Thursday, March 24, 2016, 7:00 pm Acolytes—Isaac Plambeck and Dominic Trobaugh Assisting Minister—Shelley Hexom Communion Assistants—Beth Schwaderer and Cyd Fleckenstein (bread) Technical Assistant—Josh Midland Good Friday, March 25, 2016, 7:00 pm Assisting Minister—Russ Wooley Technical Assistant—Matt Rixner Holy Saturday, March 26, 2016, 7:00 pm Acolytes—Noah Dickman, Abby Whitsel, and Jackson Wynn Assisting Minister—Dave Madsen Technical Assistant—Marlene Levine Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016 Acolytes—Lexy Baier, Dominic Trobaugh, Isaac Plambeck, and Trevor Wynn Greeters—Pat Bergstrom and Judy Swanson Assisting Minister—Steve Macfarlane Communion Assistants—Christi Bullock & Darrel Bullock (bread) Technical Assistant—Zach Plambeck Continued next column 5 Funeral Helpers The following are asked to bake a cake or help in the kitchen for funerals during the month. The Funeral Coordinator will contact you if needed. Bev Drefke, Ginny Ericson, Rosemary Forsling, Heidi Graben, Lynne Rask, Judy Matsuo, Janet Maxwell, and Deb McAllister. Ushers for March Skip Schossow, (Captain), Joe Mitchell and Jean Huff. Altar Guild TBD Changes of Address Gloria Smith 2118 Nebraska Street, Apt. 3 Sioux City, IA 51104 Sunday, April 3, 2016 Acolytes—Noah Dickman and Jackson Wynn Greeters—Terry & Debbie McAllister Assisting Minister—Amy Macfarlane Eucharistic Ministers—Nancy Van Meter and Deb Fegenbush Communion Assistants—Deb Fegenbush and Deb McAllister (bread) Technical Assistant—TBD Daylight Savings Time Is just around the corner. We spring forward and lose an hour of sleep on Sunday, March 13th. Do not forget to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed. The Three Days (Triduum [tree-DOO-oom]) The Paschal Triduum, often called the Easter Triduum or simply the Triduum, begins during Holy Week, and consists of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. This includes the Great Easter Vigil, the summit of the Triduum. The word Triduum comes from the Latin word meaning “three days.” The Triduum technically is not part of Lent (at least liturgically), but Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday are still reckoned as part of the traditional forty day Lenten fast. The Triduum celebrates the heart of our faith, salvation, and redemption: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Thus, the Triduum commemorates the Institution of the Eucharist (the “sacrament of sacraments”), the passion, crucifixion, death of the Lord, his descent to the dead, and finally his glorious resurrection. Along with the Resurrection and Ascension, these important events make up the Paschal Mystery. Maundy Thursday is March 24 this year. We will again have two opportunities for worship: noon and 7:00 PM. The noon service will have a traditional Maundy Thursday liturgy including Holy Communion. Hand washing will also be a part of that service. The evening services will include a drama entitled, “The Living Last Supper.” There will also be Holy Communion, hand washing, and stripping of the altar. Good Friday, March 25, will include a reading of the Passion according to St. John. Other components will be the traditional Bidding Prayer, Solemn Reproaches, and Adoration of the Cross. The Vigil of Easter is March 26. Our service begins in the northwest parking lot with the “new fire” and includes an Easter procession, Holy Baptism, and Holy Communion. Aiden Robert Garbe, infant son of Grant and Megan (Morton) Garbe, will be baptized. Stewardship News Stewardship involves being a manager, a caretaker of the affairs of God on earth. God gives people potential talents when they are born. Each of us can share in God’s plan in his or her own way. The Bible tells us that if we use our talents wisely, we will be better able to use them and will develop others—but if we don’t, we may lose even those talents we do have. There are plenty of opportunities for sharing your talents at Augustana Lutheran Church. Time and Talent surveys prepared each year offer quite a list of possibilities. Have you filled yours out and returned it to the office? 6 March 2016 Sun 6 4th Sunday in Lent Mon 7 9:15am Music staff mtg. Tue Wed 3 5th Sunday in Lent/DST 2 10am Pastors’ Text Study 10am Rhoda/ Lydia Circle 10—2PM Volleyball in Gym 5-9pm JfK 7pm Midweek Service 5-9 pm JfK 7:30 pm 3-5:30PM USD Chamber Spares/Pairs Singers Concert 8 9 10 Easter / Resurrection of Our Lord 11 5 12 10am AWE Rehearsal 10—2PM Volleyball in Gym 5-9pm JfK 5-9pm JfK 7pm Midweek Service 14 15 16 17 18 19 3-5:30PM Spares/Pairs 9:15am Music staff mtg. 10:30 am Piece Corps 9:45am Bickford Cottage 11:30am - 2:30 PEO 5-9pm JfK 5-9pm JfK 7pm Midweek Service 5-9pm JfK 5-8pm Soccer team practice in Gym 21 22 23 24 25 5-9pm JfK 5-9pm JfK 28 29 30 31 Palm Sun9:15am Music day/Sunday staff Mtg. of the Passion 27 4 Sat 5-9pm JfK 5-8pm Soccer 6pm Congregation Council team practice in Gym meeting 2 pm Magic Club 20 Fri 1 Quarter Sunday 13 Thu Pastor— Comp Day Maundy Thursday noon and 7pm Services Good Friday noon and 7pm Services 3-5:30PM Spares/Pairs 10am Altar Guild mtg. 10am-2pm Volleyball in Gym 26 10am decorate for Easter 10am—2pm Volleyball in Gym 7pm Vigil of Easter 10:30 am Piece Corps 5-9pm JfK 5-9pm JfK Sunday mornings: 8:00—Holy Communion, 9:00—Adult Education, Music with Mrs. Wooley, 9:15—Celebration Choir Rehearsal, Sunday School, 10:15—Holy Communion. 7 Augustana Lutheran Church 600 Court St. Sioux City, IA 51101 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Sunday Schedule: 8:00 Holy Communion Worship 9:00 Adult Education, Music with Mrs. Wooley 9:15 Celebration Choir Rehearsal, Sunday School 10:15 Holy Communion Worship —unstaffed nursery available —handicap accessible —free taxi to worship—277-0000 Mission Statements: Congregation Council: Church: A welcoming, caring congre- Caleb Christopherson (2018); Ad- gation offering opportunities for wor- am Frisch (2016); Shelley Hexom, ship, spiritual growth, and fellowship. President (2016); Jean Huff (2018); We express our faith and love to oth- Jeff Levine. Vice President (2017); ers in the name of Jesus Christ. Marlene Levine, Secretary; Dick Staff: We are called to work together Lindblom (2017); David Midland to enhance the community of Au- (2018);The Rev. Del Olivier, Pastor; gustana Lutheran Church as we Lila Plambeck (2017); Martin Sea, share our ministry of witnessing to the (2016); Bob Swanson, Treasurer. living God in Jesus Christ, facilitating the gifts and talents of people. Office hours Mon-Fri 8:00 am-1:00 pm The Rev. Del Olivier—Pastor Phone: 712-255-7694 Diana Wooley—Director of Music Email: [email protected] Web site: Bob Barry and Shannon Peterson—Organists Bob Barry, Heidi Graben, Angela Iversen, Shannon Peterson, and Donny Short—Pianists Facebook: Augustana Lutheran, Sioux City March 2016 Mark Kochen—Sexton Ja’Net Sides—Office Administrator