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Pacific NW Paint Horse Club 2016 <> APHA / NWCC / PAC / OCAP / ACAAP / OCP / OEIP Splash Of Colors Paint Horse Show th June 4 & 5th, 2016 4 Judges NW Washington Fairgrounds / Lynden 2 arenas and stabling all under 1 roof w/ heat available All breed jackpot classes Flat Fee / Circuit Awards 11 High Point & Reserve Combined withOpen Show with 4 High Points Northwest Border Zone Approved! Judges: Dan Whitehouse Joan Whitehouse John Letham Debby Letham All forms available online at Show manager: Lola Whitford (360) 757-1357 [email protected] RV & Stall reservations: Marian Belcher (360) 568-2534 June 4th & 5th – Lynden Washington High Point Awards Youth Walk Trot - Kathy’s Custom Youth Spur Straps Novice Youth - Schneider’s Work Headstall w/ Custom Silver Buckles Youth 18 & Under - Schneider’s Work Headstall w/ Custom Silver Buckles Amateur Walk Trot - Schneider’s Work Headstall w/ Custom Silver Buckles Novice Amateur - Schneider’s Work Headstall w/ Custom Silver Buckles Amateur - Schneider’s Work Headstall w/ Custom Silver Buckles Junior Horse - Schneider’s Work Headstall w/ Custom Silver Buckles Senior Horse - Schneider’s Work Headstall w/ Custom Silver Buckles Green Horse - Kathy’s Custom Spur Straps SPB - Kathy’s Silver Stirrups Halter - Bar Stool with Custom Leather Seat Open Show: W/T 14 & Under – W/T 15 & Over, 17 & Under, 18 & Over Custom Barn Wood & Cowhide Picture Frames Reserve High Points An assortment of embroidered garment, halter, tail, and grooming bags. Circuit Awards in every class More information at: SplashofColorsPaintHorseShow–June4-5,2016 PacificNorthwestPaintHorseClub–APHA,NWCC,PAC,OCAP,ACAAP,OCP,OEIP,NWBZApproved NWWashingtonFairgrounds,1775FrontSt.,LyndenWA98264 ShowFees FlatFee–onehorse,anyrider/anyAPHAdivision…$300 FlatFee–onehorse,onerider/oneAPHAdivision…$250 (APHAclassesonly.Doesnotinclude$4perclassDirectionstoshowgrounds NWCCor$5perjudgeAPHAfees) APHAIndividualclassfee+APHAfee………..…$45FromI-5Northbound: APHALeadLine…………….Freewithflatfeeor$10Exit256AandgonorthonMeridianSt. Continuenorthapprox.11miles. OpenShowIndividualClasses….......……………....$10TurnrightonKokRd.Enteratgate7. OpenShowFlatFee,onehorse,onerider…...…$75 OpenShowflatfee$50withentryintoatleastoneAPHAclass Jackpotclasses($20paidbacktowinner)…….$30 FromCanada: StallsthroughJune1st(w/3bagsshavings).$100FromSumascrossingcontinuesouthonto 1daystall(w/3bagsshavings)……….………..….$65WA-9thencontinueweston546/E. StallsafterJune1st……………………..…………..…..$120 BadgerRd.ContinuethroughLynden 1DayStallsafterJune1st…………………………...…$75LeftonWA539/GuideMeridianthenleft HaulInFee/PerDay(withnostall)…….……….$25onKokRd.toGate7. Weekendstallsforyouthreceivea FromAldergrovecrossing:continue $25discountifreservedinadvance! SouththenleftonKokRd.togate7. Campingw/hookup…………………….…$35pernightLodging: Warmupclasses…………………………………..…..…….$5 NEWinLynden:TheInnAtLynden TrailPractice(addedtobillifenteringtrail)....$20 1005thSt,Lynden ShowSecretary–KarenLunen (253)208-3332 Thesehotelsareinthevicinityof Fax:(258)238-0216 theGuideMeridianexitoffI-5in [email protected] Bellingham,aprox.10milesfrom theshowgrounds. ShowManager–LolaWhitford EconoLodge(360)671-4600 (360)757-1357 BestWestern(360)647-1912 (360)202-6508(atshow) ComfortInn(360)738-1100 [email protected] HolidayInn(360)671-4800 ***Restaurants **************************************************************************************** OnBenderRd(offE.BadgerjustNoftown)OnGuideMeridian *TopRated*NYPizza&Bar8874bender WestsidePizza8195bMeridian CancunMexican8874Bender JakesWesternGrill8114Meridian NamiAsianBistro8862Bender Pho&Teriyaki8134Meridian OnFrontSt. Milt’sPizzaPlace8122Meridian LyndenDutchBakery421FrontSt Bob’sBurgersandBrew8107Meridian SyrosGreek&Italian311FrontStDickeysBBQPit8082Meridian FairwayCafé1726FrontSt Renate’sGermanRestaurant312FrontSt Thereisalsoaconcessiononthegrounds LyndenChocolate&CandyShoppe415FrontSt 2016ShowRules–APHABreedShow–PNPHC–OpenShow 1.DOGS–DogsmustbekeptONLEASHatalltimes. 2.NSFcheckswillbeassesseda$35fee 3.ExhibitorResponsibility–SeeAPHARules-exhibitorsareresponsibleforbeingknowledgeableofand followthecurrentrules,completingentryformlegiblyandaccurately,reportingtothegatepromptly, andbeingconsiderateofotherexhibitorsandshowmanagement.Additionally,exhibitors/owners/ trainersareresponsibletobeknowledgeableofRuleSC-085regardingdrugs&medicationsthatare forbiddenorconditionallypermitted.Conditionallypermittedsubstancesrequireacompleted medicationreportbefiledwiththeshowoffice. 4.Openexhibitors,youcandownloadacopyoftheAPHArulebookat: 5.Theshowsecretarymustinspecttheregistrationpapers(orcopies)oneachhorseenteredinAPHA classes.Entriesshallbemadeinthenameoftherecordedowner.Geldingsarenotallowedtoshowwith stallionpapersinhalterclasses. 6.APHAOnly:ToenterAmateurorNoviceAmateurclasses,NoviceYouthclasses,orAmateurWalk/Trot, youMUSTpresentacurrentyearAPHANovice/AmateurcardORNoviceYouthcardorcompletean applicationandreturnittotheshowsecretarypriortoentryinaclass. 7.APHAOnly:YouthexhibitorsmustpresentacurrentAjPHAmembershipcard. 8.APHAOnly:AllexhibitorsandownersmustpresentacurrentAPHAmembershipcardorcompleteand returnanapplicationtotheshowsecretary. 9.Theconditionofsubmittingentriesorthefirstentryintotheshowringofahorseorexhibitorshallbe deemedasacceptanceofAPHA&PNPHCrules. 10ThefinalrighttosettleallquestionsordisputesarisingincidentallytotheHorseShowisreservedby theShowManagement.Allexhibitors,trainers,riders,orotherparticipantsagreeinadvancetobe boundtherebytosuchmethodsofsettlement. 11.Individualclassentrywillclose(3)classespriortoentryofthatclass.Entryatthegateacceptedat thediscretionofshowmanagement. 12.Anyonewithdrawing(scratching)fromaclasswithoutaTHREE(3)classpriornotificationshallforfeit theirentryfeeinaccordancewithAPHARules(exception–APHAnon-pointclasses). 13.OpenShow–Nocrossentrybetweenwalktrotandclassesthatlope.Walktrotentriesmayenter theirregularagegroupshowmanship. 13.ShowmanagementmaycombineorsplitclassesaccordingtoAPHARules.APHANon-pointclasses maybecanceledatmanagement’sdiscretion. 14.Tieswillbebrokenby(1)mostfirsts,(2)mostplacingsabovetheotherparticipant,(3)flipofcoin. 15.AwardsMUSTbepickedupbyendofshoworbeforfeited. 16.AnyRV,trailerorvehicleparkedblockinganelectricalhookupspaceWILLBECHARGEDtheelectrical hookupfeeevenifitisnotused. 17.ItisunderstoodallparticipantswelcomedattheNWWAFairgroundswillberespectfulofall commonareasanduseasposted. 18.Itisunderstoodallexhibitorswillbemindfulofpostedfirelanesandemergencyvehicleareas. NWWashingtonFairgroundsisaLEAVENOTRACEFacility. Pleasecleanupafteryourselves. Pleasedonotputshavingsbagsinthegarbage. Usetherecyclingbins! SATURDAY 8:00 AM 101. Schooling Class, give number at gate* 102. Walk/Trot English Pleasure 14 & Under 103. Walk/Trot English Pleasure 15 & Over 104. English Pleasure 17 & under NWBZ 105. English Pleasure 18 & Over NWBZ 106. APHA HUS Youth Solid Paint Bred 107. APHA HUS Amateur Solid Paint Bred 108. APHA HUS Novice Youth 109. APHA HUS Walk Trot 5-10 110. APHA HUS Youth 18 & Under 111. APHA HUS Green Horse 112. APHA HUS Solid Paint Bred 113. APHA HUS Novice Amateur 114. APHA HUS Junior Horse 115. APHA HUS Amateur Walk Trot 116. APHA HUS Amateur 117. APHA HUS Senior Horse 118. English Disciplined Rail All Breed Jackpot* 119. Walk/Trot English Equitation 14 & Under 120. Walk/Trot English Equitation 15 & Over 121. English Equitation 17 & Under NWBZ 122. English Equitation 18 & Over NWBZ 123. APHA Hunt Seat Eq. Youth Solid Paint Bred 124. APHA Hunt Seat Eq. Amateur SPB 125. APHA Hunt Seat Eq. Novice Youth 126. APHA Hunt Seat Eq. Walk Trot 5-10 127. APHA Hunt Seat Eq. Youth 18 & Under 128. APHA Hunt Seat Eq. Novice Amateur 129. APHA Hunt Seat Eq. Amateur Walk Trot 130. APHA Hunt Seat Eq. Amateur 131. APHA Pleasure Driving, Amateur 132. APHA Pleasure Driving, All Ages BREAK 133. Trail Walk/Trot, 14 & Under, Western or English 134. Trail Walk/Trot, 15 & Over, Western or English 135. Trail 17 & Under, Western or English NWBZ 136. Trail 18 & Over, Western or English NWBZ 137. Trail In Hand, Yearling & 2 Year Olds* 138. APHA Yearling Trail In Hand, Amateur 139. APHA Yearling Trail In Hand, All Ages 140. APHA Trail Youth SPB 141. APHA Trail Amateur SBP 142. APHA Trail Novice Youth 143. APHA Trail Walk Trot 5-10 144. APHA Trail Youth 18 & Under 145. APHA Trail Green Horse 146. APHA Trail Junior Horse 147. APHA Trail SPB 148. APHA Trail Novice Amateur 149. APHA Trail Amateur Walk Trot 150. APHA Trail Amateur 151. APHA Trail Senior Horse 152. Bridleless Trail All Breed Jackpot* SATURDAY 153. Western Riding, Open NWBZ 154. APHA Western Riding Youth, 18 & Under 155. APHA Western Riding Green Horse 156. APHA Western Riding Amateur 157. APHA Western Riding Open, All Ages 158. Reining Open NWBZ 159. APHA Reining Youth, 18 & Under 160. APHA Reining, Amateur 161. APH A Reining, Open all ages 162. Reining All Breed Jackpot, Open* 163. Barrels, 17 & Under 164. Barrels, 18 & Over 165. APHA Barrels, Youth 18 & under 166. APHA Barrels, Amateur 167. APHA Barrels, All Ages 168, Barrels All Breed Jackpot, Open* 169. Pole Bending, 17 & Under 170. Pole Bending, 18 & Over 171. APHA Pole Bending, Youth 18 & Under 172. APHA Pole Bending, Amateur 173. APHA Pole Bending, All Ages 174. Pole Bending All Breed Jackpot, Open* Jackpot Classes $20 of each entry paid back to winner SUNDAY SUNDAY 8:00 AM 175. Showmanship 17 & Under, Western or English NWBZ 176. Showmanship 18 & Over, Western or English NWBZ 177. APHA Showmanship Youth Solid SPB 178. APHA Showmanship Amateur Solid SPB 179. APHA Showmanship Novice Youth 180. APHA Showmanship Walk Trot 5-10 181. APHA Showmanship Youth 18 & Under 182. APHA Showmanship Novice Amateur 183. APHA Showmanship Amateur Walk Trot 184. APHA Showmanship Amateur BREAK 214. Lead Line 6 & Under* 215. APHA Lead Line, ages 3 thru 8 216. Schooling Class, give number at gate* 217. Walk/Trot Western Pleasure 14 & Under 218. Walk/Trot Western Pleasure 15 & Over 219. Western Pleasure 17 & Under NWBZ 220. Western Pleasure 18 & Over NWBZ 221. APHA Western Pleasure Youth SPB 222. APHA Western Pleasure Amateur SPB 223. APHA Western Pleasure Novice Youth 224. APHA Western Pleasure Walk Trot 5-10 225. APHA Western Pleasure Youth 18 & Under 226. APHA Western Pleasure Green Horse 227. APHA Western Pleasure SPB. 228. APHA Western Pleasure Novice Amateur 229. APHA Western Pleasure Junior Horse 230. APHA Western Pleasure Walk Trot Amateur 231. APHA Western Pleasure Amateur 232. APHA Western Pleasure Senior Horse 233. Western Disciplined Rail All Breed Jackpot* 234. Walk/Trot Western Equitation 14 & Under 235. Walk Trot Western Equitation 15 & Over 236. Western Equitation 17 & Under NWBZ 237. Western Equitation 18 & Over NWBZ 238. APHA Horsemanship Youth SPB 239. APHA Horsemanship Amateur SPB 240. APHA Horsemanship Novice Youth 241. APHA Horsemanship Walk Trot 5-10 242. APHA Horsemanship ,Youth18 & Under 243. APHA Horsemanship, Novice Amateur 244. APHA Horsemanship, Walk Trot Amateur 245. APHA Horsemanship, Amateur 246. Ranch Riding, Open NWBZ 247. APHA Ranch Riding, 18 & Under 248. APHA Ranch Riding, Amateur 249. APHA Ranch Riding, All Ages 250. APHA Ranch Riding, SPB SHORT BREAK 185. Halter Mares, Stock Type NWBZ 186. Halter Mares, Other than stock type NWBZ 187. APHA Halter Mares, Youth, 18 & Under 188. APHA Halter Mares, Youth, 18 & Under SBP 189. Halter Geldings Stock Type NWBZ 190. Halter Geldings, Other than stock type NWBZ 191. APHA Halter Geldings, Youth, 18 & Under 192. APHA Halter Geldings, Youth, 18 & Under, SPB 193. APHA Halter Mares, Amateur 194. APHA Halter Mares, Amateur, SPB 195. APHA Halter Geldings, Amateur 196. APHA Halter Geldings, Amateur, SPB 197. APHA Fillies, 2 & Under 198. APHA 2013 Mares 199. APHA 2012 & Before Mares Grand and Reserve Mares 200. Solid Paint Bred Mares 2 & Under 201. Solid Paint Bred Mares 3 & Over Grand & Reserve Solid Paint Bred Mares 202. APHA Geldings, 2 & Under 203. APHA 2013 Geldings 204. APHA 2012 & Before Geldings Grand & Reserve Geldings 205. APHA Solid Paint Bred Geldings 2 & Under 206. APHA Solid Paint Bred Geldings 3 & Over Grand & Reserve Solid Paint Bred Geldings 207. APHA Halter Stallions, Amateur 208. APHA Halter Stallions, Amateur, SPB 209. APHA Colts, 2 & Under 210. APHA 2013 Stallions 211. APHA 2012 & Before Stallions Grand & Reserve Stallions 212. APHA Solid Paint Bred Stallions 2 & Under 213. APHA Solid Paint Bred Stallions 3 & Over Grand Champion Solid Paint Bred Stallions (continued) * Does not count toward Open Show High Points. Schooling classes open to APHA and open Platinum Performance Products – Starkenburg Shavings, Inc. – Bay Ridge Performance Horses Staci Johnson – Connie Shane – SQ Designs Show Clothing – PNJPHC – Skagit Bank ( Sponsorships Please consider sponsoring a class or a high point at our show. Class sponsorship @ $50___ Res. Hi Pt Sponsorship @ $100___ Hi Pt Sponsorship at $150___ would like to sponsor _________________________In the name of________________________ Please include a business card or information for advertising purposes.) Donation Amount $_______ Send to: Staci Johnson 7116 Erna Lane, Sedro Woolley, WA 98284 Stall reservation form – PNPHC Splash of Colors, June 4th & 5th, 2016 Contact Name : _____________________________ HOW MANY STALLIONS?______ Address: ___________________________________ Phone: __________________Email:_____________ Stalls are open mesh on the top half, And can have stallion boards added where needed. Please stall with______________________________ PLEASE keep dogs on a leash. # of stalls ______X$______= $_____________If one night only please indicate which night_______ TRAINERS, PLEASE SEND A LIST OF CLIENTS ALL STALLS, PLEASE PRE PAY Stall fees are $100 if reservation form is received by 6/1/16 and are for Friday, and Saturday nights. Stalls for youth are $75 if reserved in advance Stall reservations received after 6/1/16 are $120 STALL MANAGER: Marian Belcher 9321 163rd Ave SE Snohomish, WA 98290 (360) 568-2534 1 night stalls are $65 by 6/1/15 OR $75 after 6/1/16 ALL STALLS INCLUDE 3 BAGS OF SHAVINGS Additional bags will be available for $10 each Stalls open at 10 AM on Friday. Stalls needed for Thursday or Sunday night must be arranged in Advance with the stall manager and are an additional $25 per night. In case of emergency, I am staying at_____________________________Phone #_____________ RV reservation form – Mail to: Marian Belcher - 9321 163rd Ave. SE - Snohomish, WA 98290 # of hook ups needed _____X # of nights_____$35.00 = _________Hook ups / first come, first served Contact person ______________________Phone #____________ PRE PAY BY 6/1/16 or pay at show RV license #________________ Any vehicle blocking a hook up will be charged for that hook up
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