Sisterhood Forever friends. Forever sisters. Forever grateful.


Sisterhood Forever friends. Forever sisters. Forever grateful.
5600 Main Street
Kansas City, MO 64113
Non-Profit Org
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Kansas City, MO
Permit No 4771
Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
p: 816.501.0011 • f: 816.523.0232 •
Forever friends. Forever sisters. Forever grateful.
Table of Contents
Nan Bone, Ed. Spec., M.A., President
Barb McCormick, Ed. Spec., M.A., Principal for Academic Affairs
Mary Anne Hoecker, M.A., Principal for Student Affairs
“Forever Friends, Forever Sisters, Forever Grateful” is an except from a letter written by Roseanne Ciarlelli Corely, Class of 1994
Letter from the President
Sisterhood 1992
Sisterhood 1957
Sisterhood Today
2013 Financials
Inspiring Women Campaign
Board of Directors
Women’s Circle of Giving
Corporate and Foundation Support
Teresa of Avila Society
Annual Giving
In Memoriam
Track and Field
Donors by Graduating Class
Mission Statement
St. Teresa’s Academy is committed to the education of young women. We are a Catholic, independent, college
preparatory high school sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. The Academy is rooted in Christian
values and embraces a diverse student body. We promote excellence in education through a challenging
curriculum, personal responsibility, participation in extracurricular activities and an expectation of success.
ine years ago, I returned to Kansas City after having spent two decades as a teacher and administrator in Iowa. I will forever remember my STA
“sisters” who were the first to welcome me back. With open arms and gracious smiles, they allowed me to re-enter their lives as if I had never been gone.
I am so thankful for their friendship today.
The STA sisterhood I experienced and continue to cherish is alive and strong among our students and alums as well. I wish I could put my fi nger on it. Tell you
exactly what creates these bonds over the four years they share at the Academy, but I find it a bit elusive. Maybe sisterhood begins with our founders, the Sisters
of St. Joseph of Carondelet. United in life by common goals and causes, the Sisters have modeled unity as a means to heal social injustices and to find joy in life’s
simple pleasures. Or possibly it’s our all-girls environment where a culture of support and acceptance is created from the first day they arrive to the last day of graduation.
Whatever its root cause, I can tell you one thing for certain. The sisterhood of St. Teresa’s Academy is unique and so very special. It holds no geographic boundaries or length of
time. It’s infectious among those both young and old. And it certainly doesn’t exist in all schools. For so many of our students and alums, sisterhood has become a gift of love and
support, strength and laughter, all forged over life’s great joys and challenges. I hope you enjoy the stories to follow. Th ank you, alums, for sending them to us.
♥ Nan Tiehen Bone, President
“I don’t think
there are women
on this planet
that make me
laugh as hard,
or make me
feel as supported
and loved,
as my STA sisters do.”
s we pass through our four years at St. Teresa’s, we experience sisterhood in
different ways. We are first greeted by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet,
their bonds of sisterhood formed through their love for the teachings of Christ
and for educating young women. We soon discover our own sisterhood. Our deep bond
takes shape on the first day of orientation, and as it turns out, lasts well past the four
years we spend on the campus at STA.
We support each other through youthful joys and sorrows: first crushes, first dances,
first break ups, acceptance into colleges, family crises. The bonds of friendship
grow over the four years, maybe helped by proximity, but once we leave the halls of
Donnelly, Goppert, and M&A, we choose to keep replenishing these bonds. And we
are still supporting each other through all that life offers us to this day.
I am proud and feel blessed to say that I am still very close with so many of my STA
sisters. Even if I haven’t talked to or seen a classmate for years, when I do, it’s an
immediate pick-up-where-we-left-off experience. And the laughter, oh the laughter!
When my classmates get together, a good time is guaranteed. I don’t think there are
women on this planet that make me laugh as hard, or make me feel as supported and
loved, as my STA sisters do.
The sisterhood that exists with our class, and all STA alums, is so strong and so deep.
Sadly, we have seen our share of loss – two of our brightest lights are missing whenever
we reunite. We have held each other as we mourn the loss of fathers, mothers, sisters,
and brothers. But this is why these bonds are so important; they lift us up in happy
and sad times. No matter where life has taken us, this sisterhood is someplace we can
always return for support and love.
♥ Carolyn Paugh
Seated (l to r): Emily Ruhl Truebner, Anne Marie Owens Molen, Mary Waris Oades, Barbara Muehlebach Cusick, Maribeth Tabije Colombo, Pam Grasser Thompson, Megan Lisson Wilkens, Marianne Mulcahey Bell,
Jackie Nigro Woods, Carolyn Paugh
Recently, ten members of our class were able to schedule a dinner to honor and celebrate the 40th birthdays of our dearly
departed sisters, Lara Phelps and Eileen Teahan. It was a poignant night, but a celebratory one, just as our Lara and Eileen
would have wanted it. Although, they may have insisted on some dancing.
Class of 1992
Sisterhood 3
Class of 1957
"These women mean the world to me. They are my "sisters" that I can count on through both hard times and happy
times. I am so thankful to have them in my life. And we sure have a lot of fun when we are together!"
♥ Jane McNary Keller
“Our STA
all feel
they can share
what’s happening
in their lives.”
ollowing our 50th class reunion, many of us felt that if anything had come out
of our reunion experience it was that we loved getting together! We really didn’t
want to wait another five or ten years to see each other, so we decided that we
would pick a time/day of the week and a place to meet, and have anyone just show up.
No organization, no need to call, just come!
We have been gathering at Panera or someone’s home on Tuesday mornings for the
past six and a half years. It’s a casual gathering and we come as we sweats
because we have just been walking or dressed for a fancy lunch later. Our STA
friends/sisters all feel they can share what’s happening in their lives which is then an
opportunity at times to ask for prayers, get some sympathy and support (we all need
it sometimes), discuss current topics and get new ideas, talk about the latest book or
movie, or hear the funniest stories ever. Tuesday morning has truly become a cherished
part of our week!
♥ Sharon O’Connor Potts
♥ Peggy Gramlich Baker
Seated (l to r): Sharon O'Connor Potts, Peggy Gramlich Baker, Kitty Wagner Colwell, Paula Keller Fitts, Martha Hodes, Lenore Cruise Handlen, Anita Hughes Dunn, Lanti Frey Riederer, Nancy Tobin Schorgl,
Mary Nickerson Looney, Joanne Navarro Cloninger, Jane McNary Keller
Sisterhood 5
“The Academy
is more
than a building,
it is a community
of sisters
who genuinely
love and support
each other.”
6 Sisterhood
left St. Teresa’s after freshman orientation with three immediate friends, and in
May I will leave with six hundred and three. We are all friends here. The Academy
is so much more than a school, it is a home. This is a place where all people are
accepted and loved for who they are. We are one big family, made up of different
backgrounds, races, and personalities that fit perfectly together. St. Teresa of Avila
told us, “In this house, all must be friends, all must be loved, all must be held dear,
all must be helped.” In this sisterhood, I have been embraced by young women who
embody these characteristics and strive to live them out. I cannot thank God enough
for blessing me with the opportunity to be a member of the Academy.
The thought of leaving St. Teresa’s brings tears to my eyes every time. The hardest day
of high school will be the day when I have to say goodbye to my classmates, teachers,
and friends. I am dreading the tearful goodbyes that are only four months away, but I
know that even though I will no longer be physically encircled by my sisters, they will
always be in my heart. As I step into the next chapter of my life, I will see them in every
smile, every box of pizza, and every cherished friend. I will see them in every laugh,
every Chris Cake, and every much needed hug. The Academy is more than a building,
it is a community of sisters who genuinely love and support each other. We are stars,
and even though I may not always see them, I know they will never disappear...
♥ Emma Allen, Class of 2014
Excerpt from Academy Woman nominee essay
Students and faculty recently learned that two of their own—the school’s principal for student affairs and a fellow
student—had been diagnosed with cancer and would lose their hair. As a way to honor them and all individuals affected by
cancer, STA students gathered together in the gym as 127 of them cut off their hair and donated it to an organiziation who
makes free, real-hair wigs for cancer patients. It was an incrediblely emotional event and true Girl Power in action!
Inspiring Women
Women’s Circle of Giving: $16,815
Golf: $32,220
Stars Walk of Fame: $36,110
Auction: $472,845
Inspiring Women: $431,380
Track and Field: $107,400
Annual Giving: $106,850
Endowment: $169,810
8 Inspiring Women
Total Gifts: $1,373,430
Figures reflect gross financial totals.
Inspiring Women
St. Joseph
$500,000 and above
Jean and Tom McDonnell
Joan and Byron Thompson
The children of Byron and
Jeanne Thompson:
Kate (Thompson) Brown
and Peter Brown
Ann (Thompson) and David
Mary (Thompson) and John
B. Gregory and Ramona
Thompson, Jr
Chris and Julie Thompson
Mark and Amy Thompson
Paul and Mary Thompson
Scott and Pam Thompson
Tim and Beth Thompson
Trisha Thompson
Susan and John Crowe
JE Dunn Construction Co
Connie and Kevin Fahey
Evelyn and Don Foley
Thomas Fritzlen
The Goppert Foundation
Carol Miller
Karen and Sean Miller
Kathy and Jack Newman
Betsy and Rob Pitts
St. Teresa
Kate Thompson Brown
and Peter Brown
The Dehaemers Family
Charitable Trust
Forster Powers Charitable Trust
William T Kemper Foundation
Rosana Privitera-Biondo
Sisters of St. Joseph of
Alison and Scott Ward
Jane and Richard Bruening
Anne and Kevin Connor
Cathy and Tom Cooney
Mary Jo and Warren DeMaio
Sue and Joe Fahey
Mary and Mike Ismert
Janie and Alan Lankford
Rosie and Tim McNamara
Sharon and Steven Perry
Gwen and Dick† Aylward
Nan and Bill Bone
Brenda and Kevin Doyle
Eileen Drummond
Katie and Ryan Duffy
Jean and Bill Dunn
Christine and Doug Fielder
Karol and CL Fitzhugh
Tricia Fitzsimmons
The Inspiring Women Capital Campaign successfully supported four crucial initiatives for St. Teresa’s
Academy: construction of the Windmoor Center, enhancements to technology, an increased endowment
fund and the renovation of the Music and Arts Auditorium. St. Teresa’s is grateful to the following generous
contributors who have made the Inspiring Women Capital Campaign so successful.
Mary Froeschl
Barb and Jon Haden
Meredith Hartley
Peggy and Chris Huber
Kathy Hauser and Fred Ernst
Mary Anne and Jay Jackson
Koch Foundation
Beth and Brian Madden
Peggy Massman
Mary Beth and Steve McClain
Jill and Thomas McGee
Michelle and Michael Meurer
Susan and Steve Miller
Joe Neenan
Patrick O’Byrne
Lynn and Terry O’Leary
Diane and Bill Schwartz
Christy and Pat Sirridge
Glenn Stephenson
Michella and Michael Stiles
Erin and Paul Stucky
Janna and Patrick Stueve
Amy and Rob Sweatt
JoAnn† and Rich Teahan
Ernst and Gertrude Ticho
Joan and Pasquale Trozzolo
Kelly and Peter Walsh
Pamela Walther
Janet and Bob Wholey
Patricia and Owen Zidar
Andrews & McMeel Universal
Peggy and Jack Baker
Kathleen and John Barry
Grace and Charles Barth
Mimi & Robert Barton
Colleen and Mark Bauman
The Smith, Patton, Holloway
Holly and Don Beineman
Kay and Bill Patton
Devin Blackburn
Jane and Tim Coppinger
Lenette and Dana Crawford
Martha and John Franke
Ellen and Jim Glynn
Joanne and Matt Gratton
Mary and Sam Gromowsky
Donna Katen-Bahensky and
Jim Bahensky
Laura and Leo Kenney
Demi and David Kiersznowski
Cathy and John Marx
Julie and Michael McCann
Joanie and Jim McLaughlin
Patty and Mike McMahon
Maribeth and Thomas McMahon
Denise McNerney
Karen Conley and Richard
Angela Murphy
Anne and Vincent O’Flaherty
Julie and Joseph O’Flaherty
Laurie O’Keefe
Orscheln Industries Foundation,
Olevia Pitts
Amy and Doug Radtke
Anne and Jeff Randolph
Peggy and Kerry Reardon
Carolyn and Bob Reintjes
Mary Jo and Joe Saviano
Ann Schorfheide CSJ
Nancy and Chuck Schorgl
Kathy and Regan Shea
Marilyn and Scott Tampke
Julie Trotter
Vicki and John Wind
Ann Zimmerman
Susan and Michael Becker
Susan and Doug Campbell
Jeff Clayton
Mary Beth and Mark Compton
Marilee DiCarlo
Maureen and Paul Evans
Amy and Scott Fiss
Carol and Kevin Fryer
Mary Ellen and Bob Gawlik
Robin and Don Good
Nancy and John Grasse
Kellee and Ron Hercules
Jeanne and Dave Hokanson
Debi and John Hudson
Lauren Krull
Susan and Harold Lamb
Roberta Lancaster
Judy Merriman
Margie and Carey Morrison
Maura and Carnie Nulton
Peggy and Bill Oades
Kathy and Tony Rohr
Julie and John Strickland
Susan Sweeney
Colleen and Bill Teasdale
Anna Marie and Eric Vogel
Kelly Voitenko
Kathy and Greg Watkins
Kathleen and Kurt Wiedeman
Molly and Ted Wiedeman
Sue and Rob Adams
Sally Batz
Julia and Nick Berardi
Toni Jean Bink
Megan and Rob Blaufuss
Ruth Brito
Mary and John Buchanan
Janet and Gary Burns
Jenny Chapin and Walker
Judy and Michael Clifford
Janice and Peter Clune
Jan Cullen
Robert Cunningham
Mary and Martin DeRuyter
Beth and David Deutsch
Mary Ellen Dick
Lissa and Robert Dow
Jeanne and Jeffrey Dreiling
Kelly and Mick Drummond
Maureen Dunn
Theresa and Bill Egelhoff
Caela Farren
Kim and Bob Fiss
Becky and Rob Flores
Laura and Greg Fowler
John Fox
Denise Gilmore
Alicia and Jim Girardeau
Bridget Glynn
Nancy and Warren Green
Betsy and Dennis Hansbrough
Barbara and Ned Harris
Jacquelyn and Tom Hershewe
Maureen and Chris Hinken
Diane and Leo Hirner
Inspiring Women 9
Class of 1999
"I love these girls
and they make
my life better..
they make
me better."
here do I start with these girls? They are my life, my loves, and my life
long friends! We’ve known each other for a very long time which, in
turn, means we’ve been through the tough teen years and have learned
to become women together. We got each other through STA (good and bad) and
boyfriends (good and bad). We all went our separate ways for college and yet
our friendships survived. We’ve been at each others’ sides through engagements,
weddings and now babies! We may not talk daily or even for months at a time;
however, the bonds we’ve made with each other will allow us to never skip a beat
and pick up like we’re physically together every day. I love these girls and they
make my life better...they make me better. For this I thank them and I thank STA
for the relationships it allowed me to make with them.
♥ Jessie Shechter Thomas
Pictured with their children: Brooke Kuechler Harris, Christine Deeken Myre, Annie Duethman
Waters, Beth Cusick Koch, Lori Moore Underwood, Jessie Hodes Underwood, Becky Wiedeman, Kori
Saunders, Katharine Bodde, Jessie Shechter Thomas
Kara and Bart Hoolehan
Roseann and Jim Hudnall
La Nora and Larry Hughes
Rita and Mark Hyde
Susie and Tom Jianas
Joan and Dick Jordan
Kathy and Darin Kamradt
Carol and Tim Kane
Karen Kelly
Jeanette and Bob Kerschen
Joe LaScala
Anne and Stephen Limbaugh
Debbie and Don Lueke
Teresa and Tom Lyon
Sue Marquis
Cathy and Joe Marx
Loretta and Dick McCarthy
Jesdon and Michael McCowen
Kirsten and John McGannon
Ann and Ed McShane
Ruth and John Meunier
Louise and Pat Meyers
Chris Mohart
Mary Montag
Mary Morgan
Jean Neenan and Russ Small
Cheryl and Jerry Nichols
Karen O’Boyle
Colleen and Mark Patterson
Anne and Paul Pautler
Toni and Jeff Pence
Antoinette Powers
Monica Rafter
Jane and Kurt Rall
Lynn and Jay Reardon
Melissa and Jack Reichmeier
Aileen and John Richmond
Rita and William Rost
Denise and Paul Rueschhoff
Twila and Stan Samborski
Molly and Paul Sauder
Judie Scanlon
Chely and Don Scarbrough
Megan and Brian Schaefer
Teresa and David Sosinski
Martha and Rodd Staker
Jeannine Strandjord
RoseMarie Fowler-Swarts and
Steve Swarts
John Swartz
Marybeth Swartz
Annabelle and Leo Sweeney
Jessie and Bradley Thomas
Carol and Patrick Tracy
Annie and Patrick Tweedy
Emily and Dan Vogt
Theresa Wallerstedt
Patty Waris
Kathleen and Bob Wendland
Keli and John Wenzel
Diane and Rob Wilmot
Deena and George Wolf
Cindi and Mitch Woolery
Gifts up to $999
Cecilia and Bren Abbott
Jeanette and Jerry Adams
Margaret Akdeniz
Donna Aldrich
Marcia and Martin Allen
Ramona Allgaier
Mary and George Allin
Debby and Michael Allmon
Alice Amick
Katie Anderson
Winifred Anderson
Mary Beth and Torgny Andersson
Jane and Russ Ascheman
Amanda Backer
Virginia Bagby
Kim and Dan Baker
Mary Lou and Phillip Balano
Ellen and David Balke-Jones
Regina Bartman CSJ
Rosemary and Hugo Bartolomi
Christina Barton
Maureen and Frank Bassing
Mary and Scott Bauer
Mary Bauers
Nancy and Mike Beach
Peggy and Tom Beck
Alexandra Beineman
Mary Ellen and John Beisner
Katie Beisner
Holly and Hal Bentley
Matthew Bertalott
Mary and Jim Bessenbacher
Denise and Tom Best
Ann and Michael Bestor
Stefanie Bien
Christen and Maged Bishara
Katie Blando
Diana and Greg Blessen
BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas
Amy and Anthony Bode
Angela Bolder
Betty Ann Booker
Katherine and Bill Bowler
Susan Bradley
Susan Braile
Barbara Braithwaite
Patty and Jim Brasel
Peggy and Robert Briggs
Bravo Brio
Kathy and Bruce Brodie
Sandra Brosnahan
Laura Browne
Laura and Bill Bruce
Coly Bryant
Ali Burr
Nicholas Callegari
Mary Ann and Bruce Cappo
Stephanie and Greg Carlson
Amy Carlson
Mary Cary
Marilyn and Bob Cattanach
Jeanne and Anthony Chapp
Charitable Coupons
Jim Russell
Marion Chartier
Mary Beth Cicchetti
Jeanella Clark
Kathy and Ray Clarke
Patricia Clarke
Janice† and Bill Clarkson
Virginia and PJ Clune
Patricia Clune CSJ
Betty Cochran
Dianne and Dan Coffey
Bernie and Neal Colby
Angie and Eric Collins
Alicia Collins
Kitty and Thomas Colwell
Barbara Concannon
Laura and Tim Connealy
Frances Connelly
Julie and Keith Connor
Elaine and William Conway
Gina Cook
Carol Ann and Hermann
Mary Coombs
Lise and Charles Copeland
Susan and Ralph Corpuz
Mary Jo and George Coughlin
Erin and Dan Cowan
Nancy and Mark Cowing
Suzanne and Dwight Cramer
Patricia and James Cross
Consuelo Cruz
Kathleen and Michael Cuddy
Mary and Edward Cummings
Jennifer Curry
Kim and Tom Curry
Kathleen and Shaun Cussen
Keely Daly
Anne and William Damico
Marianne Damon
Charlotte Danforth
Elaine and Joseph Daus
Peggy and John Davis
Mary Jean and Michael Day
Billie Deatherage
Melody and Gerry Degnan
Joy Dennis
Ruth Deuschle
Anne and Talis Devaney
Mary Ellen Devine
Lisa and Ted Dibble
Katie Dolan and Mark
Mary Dolan
Liz and Mike Donaldson
Kathy and Frank Donegan
Mary Ann Donovan CSJ
Martha and Hugh Downey
Susan and Ken Duff
Kate Duffey
Karen and Jim Dunlap
Pat Dunlay†
Anita and John Dunn
Pat Dunphy CSJ
Barbara and Richard Dwelle
Michelle DyLiacco
Dorothy and James Easterday
Lisa and Dave Edelman
Amy and Jason Edmondson
Virginia and Tom Edwards
Molly Ekerdt
Susan and Jim Elliott
Pat Elmer
Colleen and Sam Enna
Jolene and John Errante
Coleene and Frank Espinosa
Martha Estrada-Robinson
Dana and Lakei Evans
Paula Fagan
Rose Marie Falco
JoAnne and Joseph Fanganello
Linda and Roy Farchmin
Kelly Fast
Mary Feighny
Marilyn and Thomas Fennesy
Amy and Jerry Fennesy
Patty and Wayne Feuerborn
Suzanne and Tom Fisch
Larry Fitzgerald
Kelly Fitzpatrick
Rita Flaherty CSJ
Dorothy and Jim† Flanagan
Ramona Flanigan
Rosemary Flanigan CSJ
Dolores Fleming
Monica and George Forbes
Cathy and Dick Forge
Sara and Seth Fowler
Kelly and Andrew Friendly
Barbara Froeschl
Mary Froeschl
Sallie and George Frye
Teresa Gabhart
Alice and Frank Galiano
Diane and Terrence Gallagher
Julia Gargallo
JoAnne and Allen Gassman
Virginia Geraci
Dianne Gibson
Mary and Paul Giordano
Celeste and Tony Gogel
Linda Grace
Linda Guthier
Michael Gutowski RSM
Virginia Guzman
Susie Haake
Beth Haden
Renee and Dustin Hance
Lenore Handlen
Pat and Robert Hanger
Ann and Don Harbin
Carol and David Harper
Grace and Frank Hasibar
Kate and Gregory Hausman
Judith and Brien Havey
Karen Haynes
Kathleen Heermann
Elizabeth Ann Heid
Linda and Greg Heiman
Louanne Hein
Susan and Sean Hermes
Patty and Randy Herr
Mara and Dan Herrington
Linda Hicks
Jeanie Hilden
Bob Hill
Linda Hill
Nicholle Hill
Patricia Hill
Franci and Stephen Himes
Ann Hixson
Susan and Stephan Hodes
Mary Anne Hoecker
Sarah Hoffmeier
Anna Holley
Lee-Ann Hollister
Maureen and Dan Holman
Anita and Don Horine
Ali and Mark Hough
Carrie Hudson
Jody and Bill Hudson
Margaret Huff
Laura Hughes-Zahner and
Tom Zahner
Kathryn and Robert Hundman
Renee and Kevin Hunter
Marcy Hupp
Kathy and Larry Huppe
Retha and Robert Huppe
Blair and Mike Hyde
In Clover
Betty and Carroll Iorg
Carrie and Chris Jacquin
Elizabeth and Bernard Jacquinot
Amanda James
Ellen and Ely Janis
Rosemary and Kevin Jawad
Cathleen and John Jenkins
Maria and Charlie Jenks
Dawn and Alan Johnson
Suzanne and Roger Johnson
Gayle Johnson
Joan and Rick Jones
Mary Jane Judy
Joan and Halley Kampschroeder
Jane Kaufman
Linny Kaufman
Yvette Keeling
Jane and Gerald Kelly
Sue and Bob Kelly
Rose Joseph Kennebeck OSB
Verna Kerans
Rosemary Kilker
Kristin and Jefferson Killgore
Sue and Chuck Kimberlin
Jim Kissick
Ellen and Jonathan Klem
Marieann Koehler
Kathy and Bob Koenig
Carol and Walt Koke
Mary Lee and George Koppe
Christina and Eron Kosmowski
Margaret and Joseph Krupp
Cammett Krushall
Joanne and Wes Kurre
Kris and Robert Lafferty
Judy Lajoie
Terri and Jim LaManno
Mary and Larry Lampton
Susan and Roger Langenheim
Melanie and Larry Langford
Sandy and Jim Lanning
Tammy and Ken Laudan
Jeanette and Rob Le Pique
Merritt Lee
Nancy and Jim Lee
Patty Lee
Rita Leifhelm
Marlene and Richard Lemken
Julie and Greg Lewer
Carol Lillis
Janet and Helm Lillis
Mary Edith Lillis
Marsha and Stephen Limbaugh
Janet Linck
Nancy and Scott Link
Kathleen and Sam Lombardo
Sallie and Harry Lowery
Jane Luton
Sheila Lyons
Rachel and Marvin Mahlik
Karen Mahoney
Susan Mancuso
Jackie and Andrew Marquardt
Thomas Marsh
Cheryl and Todd Marshall
Andrea Martin
Janet Martin
Traci Martin
Jennifer and Darren McBratney
Madeleine and Eugene McCabe
Ellen McCarthy
Carolyn and Michael McCausland
Kathleen McClain
Barb and Tim McCormick
Genie and Pat McCowen
Betty McCoy
Toni McDermott-Jerauld and
Jim Jerauld
Cathy and Tom McFarland
Claire McFarland
Michelle and David McIntire
Clancy and David McKay
Sue and Charles McKee
Tara McKee
Susan and John McMeel
Elizabeth McNamara
Pam McPhillips
Carolyn and Herb Meagher
Sarah and David Mehl
Mary Ellen and Art Meiners
Vicki Menninger
Barbara and Bernard Meyer
Kaitlin Meyers
Barcia Miller
Lee Ann and John Miller
Margaret Mitchell
Patti and Jack Monks
Melissa Montoya and Ryan
Ginny and Bruce Moore
Karen and David Moran
Catherine and Patrick Moriarity
Maureen and Don Morris
Karen and Ralph Morrison
Mary and Frank Morrow-Bax
Margret and Francis Muckenthaler
Patricia and Mike Mullen
AnnBeth and Ed Mulloy
Kathy and Frank Mulvey
Elin and Tim Murphy
Estelle Murphy
Marilyn Murphy
Jeanne and Curtis Musgrave
Jackie and Venu Nair
Heidi and Nelson Nast
Carol and Mike Nauman
Helen Neenan†
Julie and Robert Nelson
Mary Ann Nestel CSJ
Patricia Ninci
Ann and Dennis Ninneman
Susan Noler
Elena and Thomas Nordstrom
Wendy and Stephen Northup
Mary and Dan Oades
Patty Oades and Lawrence Vogt
Kathy Oades-Kelly and John Kelly
Ann O’Brien
Betsy O’Brien
Norine and Vincent O’Brien
Maureen and Dennis O’Connor
Joan O’Donnell
Mary and Charles O’Dower
Adrianna Ohmes
Laurelle O’Leary
Suzanne and David Oliver
Tina O’Neil
Stacie and Greg O’Rear
Inspiring Women 11
Class of 1967
ophomore year at STA, Patty Alshouse Cross,
Mary Fitzgerald, and Mary Jo Giblin Saviano,
started what has become a life-long friendship
through many trials and many more joyous times.
Through weddings, births, deaths, major illnesses,
and retirement plans, we’ve kept up with one another
over the many years. One of our most treasured
traditions is our fall trip. Patty moved to Kansas
City with her family from Minnesota. She married
after college and ending up living in Texas. Because
she dearly missed the annual fall colors we love so
much in the Midwest, we established our yearly “fall
trip.” Every October, we plan a trip somewhere that
regales us with the color of the season. Fall 2013 was
our 23rd year and we continue to plan ahead for our
reunions. We are truly STA sisters!
♥ Mary Jo Gibblin Saviano
(l to r): Patty Alshouse Cross, Mary Jo Giblin Saviano and
Mary Fitzgerald
Barbie and Terry O’Toole
Rose Mary and Larry Padberg
Alice Pattison
Rita and Kevin Pavicic
Sandra Painter
Kelley and Michael Patterson
Jane and Larry Peal
Mary Beth and Jeff Piercy
Michelle and Robert Pike
Mary Kay Porter
Sharon and Paul Potts
Shana and Craig Prentiss
Christina and Jim Psaras
Anne and Gary Purcell
Mary Pat and Lawrence Purcell
Jane and Andy Quarnstrom
Diane and Marvin Querry
Joanne Radke
Claudia and RJ Rafter
Martha and Rafael Ramirez
Beth and Bob Recker
Jane and Art Rerecich
Anita Reznicek and
Tony Thornberry
Susan and James Rice
Paula Richardson
Susan and Scott Richart
Mary Rietbrock
Diana and Thomas Robertson
Carmen and Jesse Rodriguez
Mary and Clement Rogers
Virginia and William Rohan
Sheila Rohrer
Alma and Marvin Rollison
Mary Jayneen and Alan Ross
Kiran and Ryan Ross
Shani and Davyeon Ross
Carol Rotert
Molly Rothove
Peggy and Tom Rowe
Teresa and Tim Rudder
Jane and Larry Rues
Betsy and Bill Rushton
Lori Ryan
Donna Ryan RSM
Michele and Victor Salazar
Lynette Samborski
Susan and Charles Samenus
Linda and Brian Sandridge
Helene Sands
Elizabeth and Frank San Filippo
Kathy and Mario Scaglia
Julie and Greg Schaff
Mary Schild MMS
Frances Schilling
Michele and Frank Schloegel
Virginia Schmeltz
Deborah and Greg Schmidt
Zeny and Daniel Schmidt
Anita Schneider
Christy and Brett Schoenfeld
Angela and George Scopelianos
Allison and John Schorgl
Colleen and Brian Schorgl
Mary and Frank Schorgl
Joanne and Joe Schroer
Pam and Anthony Scinto
Susan and Michael Scully
Mary Jean and Jim Sederberg
Nancy Seibolt
Laura Sheldon
Elizabeth Sherman
Mary Catherine and Edward
Nancy and David Shuss
Andrea Skowronek
Clara Vincent Slatinsky CSJ
Anne Sly
Sharon Smart
Marsha and James Smith
Deborah and John Smith
Ruth Ann Smith
Maureen and Thomas Snead
Jeannie and Steve Sopyla
Michaela and Jason Soyland
Anne Spachman
Judith Spaulding
Jan and Jim Stacy
Betty Ann Stanton
Cynthia and Vance Stasevich
Gina and Ryan Staves
Melissa and TJ Steck
Paula and Pat Stegmaier
Janet Stephenson
Brooke and Matt Stewart
Liz Stone
Patty and Fred Suarez
Lisa Sullivan
Summit Sportswear, Inc
Lora Swarts
Marybeth Swartz
Jody and Dennis Sweeney
Trina and Larry Taft
Kathy and Greg Talbot
Nancy and Joe Taschler
Nicole Taylor
Mary Thayne
Patricia and Robert Thedinger
Marjorie and Allen Thiel
Polly and Eric Thomas
Cara Thompson
Caroline Thompson
Emily Thompson
Mary and Porter Tillman
Joan Tolle CSJ
Carla and Timothy Trainor
Barbara and John Travis
Stella† and Bob Turgeon
Marcia Tuttle
Maria Valenti
Beth Van Dyke
Jean and Victor Van Hee
Rebecca and Patrick Vinduska
Megan and Jerry Viviano
Ann and Walter Von Gremp
Bonnie and Gary Vontz
Jill and Dan Wall
Theresa Waller
Michaela Walsh
Kathy and Tom Walters
Laura and Larry Wank
Susan and Bill Warner
Judy and Mike Warren
Virginia Wasson
Joan and Dale Watts
Florence Webb
Micheline and Donald Weber
Jo Anne and Richard Welhoelter
Jo and Paul Weller
Jan and Terry Welsh
Patricia Welsh
Patricia and Gene Welsh
Cantrell Wenzel
Robert Wessling
Tracey and Jerry Westhoff
Becky and Gary White
Anne Marie Whitehead
JoAnna and Craig Whitney
Drolette and Ted Wiedeman
Carolyn Wiedeman
Linda and Mike Wilber
Colleen and Miles Williams
Katie and Mitch Williams
Kathy and Jim Williams
Elizabeth Wilson
Bebe and Gene Wirkus
Diane and Arnie Woker
Leslie and Tim Worcester
Kareen and BJ Wormington
Tim Wuebker
Jessica Yeager
Rita and Dick Zahner
Julie and Steve Zanone
Lisa and Adam Zieren
Karen and Jeff Zohner
Board of Directors
Physical Therapist and
Geriatric Counselor
St. Joseph Medical Auxilary
President, US Operations
Black & McDonald, Inc
St. Teresa’s Academy
Province Leadership
Sisters of St. Joseph,
St. Louis Province
Community Volunteer
Communications Director
St. Peter’s Parish
Student Support Specialist
Avila University
Adjunct Faculty
Avila University
Senior Residential Mortgage Lender
First State Bank
Construction Consultant
Walsh KC, LLC
Reeves-Wiedeman Company
Director of Professional
Development & Inclusion
Ogletree Deakins
President and Chief
Carondelet Health
Vice-President of Sales and
Kansas City Southern Railroad
Board of Directors
Kissick Construction Co.
Class of 2007
Class of 1980
from 1976-1980, fourteen girls developed a
connection that still exits today. We shared
classes, boyfriends, parties, sledding, TP-ing,
football games, dances, and vacations. We saw each
other in good times and bad, and still chose each other.
uring the holiday season, alums from the
Class of 2007 got together to catch up,
share memories, and laugh together. We’ve
stayed friends through colleges near and far, moves
across the country and across the ocean, new jobs,
and new loves. This coming September, we will be
reunited again as bridesmaids standing proudly by
Mary Nulton’s side as she ties the knot! We’re so glad
that St. Teresa’s brought us together and look forward
to many years of friendship to come!
♥ Kelly Nelson
At each and every stage, you could always count on
these girls getting together to support each other, serve a
funeral meal, pray for whatever was the need at the time,
share a glass of wine to mull things over, and basically
laugh our buns off at our lives. When life changes occur,
whether its tips on potty training, how to handle our
teenagers or our relationships, these are the women we
turn to for support or laughter.
I believe it was the bond forged through those gates on
57th Street, where we learned each others’ strengths and
weaknesses, gifts and failures, priorities, faith, and sense
of humor. We learned in high school how to be there for
one another and that we matter deeply to each other. We
know each other. There’s nothing to hide. Our secrets
are known by these women! And what better comfort;
they still love us! One thing that is sure: the next chapter
involves each other and more laughter and tears. I can’t
♥ Shauna Aylward Fletcher
Top Row (l to r): Mary Nulton, Carolyn Wiedeman; Bottom Row
(l to r): Tracy Haden, Michelle Jantsch, Kelly Nelson, Claire
Cullen and Francesca Swalwell
1 4 Sisterhood
Back row (l to r): Kate McNamara Hausman, Molly Havey Mincher, Sue Coppinger Devereux, Jennifer Keller Petree, Brigid Neville
Ohlemeyer, Jean O'Lauglin Chesney; front row (l to r): Michele
Mayer Orpin, Shauna Aylward Fletcher, Lori Orpin, Kathy Welsh
Watkins, Martha Neenan Franke, Holly Shea Grohmann, Patti
Russell Woodhead
"We learned
in high school
how to be there
for one another
and that we matter deeply
to each other."
Circle of Giving
Listed below are the generous contributors of the Women’s Circle of Giving, a
philanthropic group of women who enjoy collaborating to advance the mission of
St. Teresa’s Academy. The WCG specifically supports the many needs of STA faculty
members and students that lie outside of the current operating budget.
Please consider joining the Women’s Circle of Giving by contacting President
Nan Bone at 816.501.0021 or [email protected].
Peggy Baker
Kathleen Barry
Colleen Bauman
Joanie Bauman
Amy Bode
Emily Boling
Nan Bone
Kate Thompson Brown
Mary Ann Brown
Jane Bruening
Jo Ann Cloninger
Patricia Clune CSJ
Laura Connealy
Bonnie Connell
Cathy Cooney
Susan Crowe
Nora Dalton
Barbara Dehaemers
Eileen Drummond
Martha Estrada-Robinson
Connie Fahey
Courtney Fahey
Sue Fahey
Barbara Flynn
Kelly Friendly
Teresa Gabhart
Celeste Gogel
Barb Haden
Beth Haden
Kathy Hauser/Ernst
Arlene Hernon
Roseann Hudnall
Carrie Hudson
Debi Hudson
Mary Jane Judy
Pam Kuti
Cheryl Lady
Tammy Laudan
Brynne Lee
Beth Madden
Linda Mallow
Cathy Marx
Barb McCormick
Amy McKenny
Mary McLiney
Patty McMahon
Karen Miller
Ginny Moore
Jean Neenan
Kathy Newman
Jody Olson
Sharon Perry
Kathy Polsinelli
Mary Kay Porter
Jane Quarnstrom
Peggy Reardon
Mary Ring
Megan Schaefer
Diane Schloegel
Michele Schloegel
Ann Schorfheide CSJ
Allison Schorgl
Nancy Schorgl
Jennifer Schroeder
Patti Schugel
Kathleen Spiking
Jan Stacy
Kitty Tierney
Julie Trotter
Annie Tweedy
Anna Marie Vogel
Pamela Walther
Jo Weller
Joan Wells
Janet Wholey
Diane Wilmot
Marilynn Wright-Hoover
Women's Circle of Giving 15
Corporate and Foundation Support
Abbey-Simmons Co
ACS Building Services
Alaskan Fur
Wanda Allen Designs
Almar Printing
AJ Manufacturing Company
AMC Theatres
American Century Investments
American Legacy Gallery
Ameriprise Financial
Andrews McMeel Universal
Angles Law Firm
ARA’s Gallery
Anthony Plumbing Heating &
Anthony’s Restaurant
Automated Control Systems
Avila University
Bag & Baggage
Baer & Associates, Inc
Belfonte Dairy Company
Bella Napoli
Beyer Crushed Rock Company
Black & McDonald
Blue Grotto
Boulevard Brewing Company
Bowen Construction Co Inc
BRGR Kitchen & Bar
Brio Tuscan Grille
Brookside Jewelry
Buggin’ & Cruisin’ Driving
Burke Travel Inc
Carey and Associates
Carey Transportation
Carondelet Health
Carondelet Orthopaedic
Car Wash 103
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Clarkson Construction Company
Coca Cola Bottling Company
Colliers International
Commerce Bank
CommunityAmerica Credit
Contract Furnishings
Cosentino’s Brookside Market
Cosentino’s Price Chopper–
Country Club Bank
Country Club of Leawood
Crick Camera Shop
Culver’s of State Line
Dark Horse Distillery
Dennis Uniform
Distribution by Air
Eddie Cummings Tile
Company, Inc
Exxon Mobile Foundation
Dayco Painting Co
Drenon’s Jewelry
DST Systems, Inc
JE Dunn Construction
Egelhoff & Associates
Epoxy Coating Specialists
Euston Hardware
Excel Linen Supply
Exterior Energy Consultants, Inc
JM Fahey Construction Co
Fahey Family Foundation
Fahey Realty Company
Family Farm & Landscape
Faultless Healthcare Linen
Fiddly Fig
Fitzgerald Enterprises Inc
Flowers by Design
Forster Powers Charitable
Garozzo’s Italian Restaurants
The Goebel Family Goodcents
The Goppert Foundation
Gram & Dun
Greater Kansas City
Community Foundation
Greenlease Library Staff
H & R Block
Hallmark Corporate Foundation
Hangers Cleaners
Harpo’s in Westport
Hart Associates
Hi Hat Coffee
HJ Hodes and Co
Hollyday Aesthetics
Hotel Sorella – Country Club
I Donnelly Company
Il Centro
Indigo Wild
InterContinental Kansas City
ISC Surfaces
Jasper’s Restaurant
JMC, Inc
JMC Realty
Kansas City Art Institute
Kansas City Irish Fest
Kansas City Marriott Downtown
Kansas City Southern
Kansas City Transportation
Kauffman Foundation
Kawasaki Motors
Manufacturing Corporation
F.H. Kaysing Company
KCP&L – Cordish Co
KC Screen Print
KC Surroundings
Kdog Photography
Neil Kelly, DDS PC
Kelly’s Westport Inn
King Estate Winery
Kissick Construction Company
KMBC©TV Channel 9
Lankford & Associates
Consulting Engineers, Inc
Lathrop & Gage
Lidia’s Restaurant
Loch Lloyd
Lockton Companies, Inc
Los Tules Mexican Restaurant
Madden-McFarland Interiors
A J Manufacturing Company
Mark One Electric Co, Inc
Martinez Upholstery
Masco Corporation
Massman Construction Co
AB May
MBB+ Agency
McDonnell Family Foundation
McGee Foundation
Thomas McGee & Sons
McGilley Memorial Chapel
Michael J McInerney LLC
Microsoft Corporation
McLiney and Company
MG McMahon & Co
McQuaid Brothers Remodeling
MedTrak Services LLC
Meierotto Midwest Jewelers
Metropolitan Transportation
Service, Inc
Robert E. Miller Insurance
Thank you to the following organizations
who contributed funds or services to the
Academy during 2013.
Mr Goodscents
Molle Toyota, Inc
Mount Moriah
Muehlebach Funeral Home
Needham Floral
Neenan Company
Nigro’s Western Stores
Northpoint Development, LLC
James B Nutter & Co
Old World Spices–
Laurie’s Kitchen
O’Neill’s Restaurant & Bar
Pegasus Capital Management
Perfect Scents
Pizza 51
Polsinelli Shughart, PC
Pride Cleaners
PRP Wine International
Pryde’s Old Westport
Reardon Consulting
Recon Development
Reeves-Wiedeman Company
George P. Reintjes Co, Inc
Re/Max State Line
Roasterie Coffee, Inc
Rosehill Gardens
Safety Tree Service
St Joseph Health Center
Schutte Lumber Co
Seasons 52 Fresh Grill
See More Signs
SeniorCare Homes
Sheehan Irish Imports
Shook, Hardy & Bacon
Sisters of St Joseph of
The Smith Holloway Patton
Sonic America’s Drive-In
Southwest Steel
Fabricators, Inc
Sport Court of Overland Park
Sporting KC
Sports Radio 810 WHB
Sprint Foundation
John J Sullivan, Jr
Charitable Foundation
Summit Sportswear, Inc
Superior Bowen Asphalt
Company LLC
Sutherland Lumber Co
D Thomas & Associates
The Tiehen Group
Ernst & Gertrude Ticho
Time Warner
Tobler’s Flowers, Inc
Topeka Collegiate School, Inc
Treat America
Trezo Mare Operating Co, LLC
Trozzolo Communications
UMB Bank
Under the Palm Tree
Universal Press Syndicate
Urban Table
V Wealth Management
Visitation Church
Waldo Pizza
Ward & Ward Custom Framing
Wells Dairy, Inc
Wilborn & Associates
Your Solutions: One Stop
YMCA of Greater Kansas City
A Zahner Company
ur friendship formed freshman year at STA. We all had different
connections to one another—grade school, sports, drill team, classes,
car pools. Our friendships morphed and strengthened throughout our
four years at STA, and have continued to do so over the nearly 20 years since
our graduation. During high school we were inseparable. While we have lived
in different cities, states and continents since graduation, in all but geography,
inseparable we remain. We’d like to think we’ve matured, and in many ways
we have. However, our spouses will tell you of the teenage laughter, squeals and
stories they endure each time we are together. Our triumphs and tragedies have
changed since high school, but what remains constant is our love and support
of each other. While we have endured more of both than we felt we deserved or
could tolerate at times, our friendships help make the victories sweeter and the
defeat bearable. While we do not see each other as often as we would like, once
together we immediately connect as though no time has passed. We are forever
friends, forever sisters, forever grateful for one another and to STA for bringing
us together.
Class of 1958
Standing (l to r): Susan Mayer Matney, Laura DiGiovanni Corley, Sr. Patrice JoAnn Coolick,Pat
Flynn Roberts, Cathie Frisch Sullivan; Seated (l to r): Mary Beth O'Connor Tilling, Linda Meyers
♥ Roseanne Ciarlelli Corley
"I think we’d all agree that our STA friendships
are among the most important in our lives.
They nourish us, sustain us, and make us laugh!"
Class of 1994
(l to r): Reina Enriquez Gabbud, Roseanne Ciarlelli Corley, Christen Mossinghoff Bishara, Kelly
McGlinn Kerschen and Lori Bailey Meyer
ver the years, life threw us its curves and we began praying for one
another, then for family and friends, and eventually requests came from
outside our circle. Turns out, we’ve become a pretty powerful prayer
group or so we’ve been told! We have been together for many years. We support
one another in tough times, operations, illness, and death, and celebrate the good
times, grandchildren, retirement, and travel. I think we’d all agree that our STA
friendships are among the most important in our lives. They nourish us, sustain
us, and make us laugh.
♥ Cathie Frisch Sullivan
Sisterhood 17
Class of 1979
e call ourselves the Circle of Friends, a
close knit group of five women from the
Class of 1979. It is a name that originated
from a Christian rock song of the same name that
perfectly describes the tight bonds of friendship. We
were not a “group” in high school but had occasional
social outings in common. It was nearly 15 years after
graduation that we really started to solidify our true
connectedness as a group.
We have nurtured these friendships in many ways. In
each other, we have found unconditional acceptance and
love and trust that builds over years. Together, we have
woven a tapestry that weaves together our individual
stories with our shared memories.
"Thank you St. Teresa’s
for the foundation
upon which these
bonds formed.
It was at the Academy
that we were introduced
to the amazing possibilities
of the bonds women
are capable of forming."
Over time, we’ve learned how much relying on one
another enhances our lives and our ability to negotiate
life’s sometimes tumultuous terrain. None of us feel
alone. That is a gift. In a world where people don’t
always take time to nurture relationships, we know we
are blessed.
Thank you St. Teresa’s for the foundation upon which
these bonds formed. It was at the Academy that we
were introduced to the amazing possibilities of the
bonds women are capable of forming. They do, indeed,
enhance our lives. And God smiles. Because through
Him, we celebrate each other.
♥ Colleen O’Sullivan Bauman
(l to r): Nicole Renaud Swift, Mary Flavin White, Lynn King Debacco, Ann Cosgrove Drennan, and Co O’Sullivan Bauman
Planned Giving
A Simple and Powerful Way to Support STA
hile it is often perceived as complicated,
planned giving can be very simple and
straight forward. Here are three ways you can support
STA through planned giving:
1. Bequest: This is a gift in any dollar amount
that you provide in your will. Consult your
attorney, but sample language in your will
could be as simple as:
“I give, devise and bequeath to St. Teresa’s
Academy, 5600 Main St., Kansas City, Missouri
64113, (dollar amount or percentage of estate)
for its general use and purposes (or for a purpose
as specified).”
2. Beneficiary: Name St. Teresa’s as the full or
partial beneficiary of a retirement plan, IRA or
life insurance policy.
3. Stock: Another convenient way to support
STA is through a gift of stock. This can be a
current outright gift, or provided through a
bequest in your will.
Planned giving can support both your charitable and
financial objectives. Above all, we want to make it
easy for you. Please contact us for assistance.
Mary Beth Compton
Executive Director of Development
[email protected]
Teresa of Avila Society
The Teresa of Avila Society recognizes and celebrates those who include St. Teresa’s
Academy in their estate plan. Your planned gift creates a legacy that will carry on
St. Teresa’s mission of excellence in Catholic education for generations to come.
If you have named St. Teresa’s in your estate planning, please let us know so we may
recognize your generosity.
Rebecca Appelman
Nan and Bill Bone
Martha Conrad
Mary Ellen Daly
Mary Ellen Devine
Patricia and George Donnelly
Nancy and Mark Fitzpatrick
Eleanor and Paul Flattery
Evelyn and Don Foley
Linda Ann Grace
Mary Betty Green
Chris and Christian Hegg
Bette and William Hoskins
Annabel Jones
Mary Margaret and Robert
Cathy and John F Marx
Paula and Mike McNeary
Marion Melzarek
Norma L Mitchell
Connie Sue and John Murphy
Barbara and Michael O’Flaherty
Margaret Owens
Carol and David F. Sindelar
Marybeth Swartz-O’Malley
Rose Teicher
Mary Agnes Thornhill
Frank Toplikar
Julie Trotter
Bonnie and Gary L.Vontz
Arden Weis
Faith and Richard Wilson
Teresa of Avila Society 19
Each year, St. Teresa’s Academy offers approximately 150 scholarships to students, including
incoming freshmen. It is through the generosity of our benefactors who support these
scholarships that St. Teresa’s can continue to offer a premiere, Catholic, college-prep education
to young women in the Kansas City area. Thank you to all who have and continue to support
the following scholarships:
20 Scholarships
140th Anniversary Scholarship
2012 Auction Scholarship
2013 Auction Scholarship
Academy Woman Scholarship
Advisory Board Chairperson Scholarship
Richard and Gwen Aylward Scholarship
Janet E Bax Scholarship
Joy Locke Bauers Memorial Scholarship
MaeJuana Bumpus Scholarship
Class of 1969 Scholarship
Class of 1988 Scholarship
Coca-Cola Bottling Company Scholarship
Mary Ann Higgins Craven Scholarship
Curry Family Scholarship
Sr Olive Louise Dallavis CSJ Scholarship
Mary Ellen and Roy Daly Scholarship
Kathie and Don Drummond Scholarship
Faculty/Staff/Administration Scholarship
Joseph and Marjorie Fahey Scholarship
Marjorie Rogers Fahey Scholarship
Hannah Farnan Scholarship
Nan Murphy Finucane Scholarship
Patricia M Fitzgerald Scholarship
Donald Foley Family Scholarship
Forster Powers Foundation Scholarship
Helen Franke-Joslin Scholarship
Geisel Family Scholarship
Dr Joe Grantham Scholarship
Joseph P Sr, and Maureen A Gravino
Memorial Scholarship
Alice Daly Grimm Scholarship
Marion Huber Haake Scholarship
Martha Head Scholarship
John and Mildred Hocevar Scholarship
Katherine Dierks Hodes Scholarship
Hudak/Vines Scholarship
James B and Patricia Kelly Memorial Scholarship
Elizabeth H Kirk Scholarship
Virginia Reardon Kopp Scholarship
Sr Harriet Koutsoumpas Scholarship
Rebecca Marie Lueke Scholarship
Ellen Hughes Marx Scholarship
HJ Massman III Scholarship
McDonald Campbell Family Scholarship
McDonnell Family Scholarship
McMahon Family Scholarship
House of Menuha Legacy Scholarship
Lawrence and Mary Jane Meyer Scholarship
Pauline and Charles S Miller Family Scholarship
Miller-Nichols Charitable Trust Scholarship
Colleen Mulcahy Scholarship
Helen Dierks Neenan Scholarship
Isabelle Neenan Scholarship
Jack and Dorothy Sipp Nestor Scholarship
Pegasus Capital Management Technology Scholarship
Porto Family Scholarship
Aileen Altman Richmond Scholarship
Mary Catherine Eagan Robertson Scholarship
Searles-Gannon Scholarship
Sr Dorothy Eleanor Sipp CSJ Scholarship
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Scholarship
STA Alumnae Scholarship
Star Scholarship
Student Government Organization Scholarship
Eileen Teahan Scholarship
Rose Sarli Teicher Scholarship
Amy Thompson Scholarship
Jeanne Collins Thompson Scholarship
Joan Lodde McGee Thompson Scholarship
Betty Waters Tiehen Scholarship
Toplikar Family Scholarship
Howard Turtle Scholarship
Sr Barbara Verheyen CSJ Scholarship
Carol A Warren Memorial Scholarship
Bob and Eleanor Sipp Wilkes Scholarship
Wilson-Hvass Scholarship
Sr Helen Zambrowicz Scholarship
Victor Zahner Scholarship
2013 Gifts
Heritage Society
$20,000 and above
Eileen Drummond
JM Fahey Construction Co
Fahey Family Foundation
Connie and Kevin Fahey
Sue and Joe Fahey
Bridget Fahey
Liz Fahey Stone
Beth and Brian Madden
Joe Neenan
Sisters of St Joseph of
STA Booster Club
STA Star Parents Association
Glenn Stephenson
Elinor and Tom Bax
Country Club Bank
The Byron Thompson Family
Enright Foundation
Peggy and Chris Huber
Fahey Realty
Ellen and Jim Glynn
Greater Kansas City
Community Foundation
Mary Anne and Jay Jackson
Kansas City Southern
Julie and Mike Kirk
Peggy Massman
McDonnell Family Foundation
Jean and Tom McDonnell
Christine and Doug Fielder
Melissa and David Skeens
St. Teresa’s Academy would like to recognize and thank the benefactors who made gifts to Annual Giving, endowment, scholarships, and
special events in 2013. Annual gifts allow the school to offer a wide range of programs and initiatives to help keep St. Teresa’s Academy at
the forefront of private, secondary education.
Smith Holloway Patton
Holly and Don Beineman
Kay and Bill Patton
St Joseph Medical Center
Nancy and Jim Vines
Karen Young
ACS Building Services
Amy and Bob Rodriguez
Mary and Bill Adair
Almar Printing
Mary and Sam Gromowsky
AMC Theatres
Cristina and Pete Angles
Avila University
Sally Batz
Susan and Michael Becker
Holly and Don Beineman
Beyer Crushed Rock
Nan and Bill Bone
Boulevard Brewing Company
Julie and Randy Bredar
Heather and Ryan Bresette
Mary and John Buchanan
Dana and Rhett Buford
Martha and E J Burke
Carondelet Health
CommunityAmerica Credit
Anne and Kevin Connor
Jane and Tim Coppinger
Kathy and Pat Coppinger
Virginia and Tom Coppinger
Sharon and Charles Cornell
Susan and John Crowe
Gail Crump
Dorothy and Bill Curry
Dark Horse Distillery
The Garcia Family
Brenda and Kevin Doyle
Anne and Steve Dunn
Excel Linen Supply
Marie and Dominic Brancato
JE Dunn Construction Co
Jean and Bill Dunn
Sharon and Jed Ervin
Susan and Christopher Eubank
Caela Farren
Larry Fitzgerald
Tom Fritzlen
Page and Jason Gajan
Peggy and Jeff Gardella
Maggie and Michael Garozzo
Sheila and John Geiger
Bridget Grams and Alan Gaylin
Barb and Jon Haden
Jennifer and Andy Heck
Susan Herzberg
Kathy and Rich Hilliard
Ann and Joe Hodes
Julie and Claus Hoerandner
Greg Horton
Bette and Bill Hoskins
Marlys and Karl Hougland
Joan and Dennis Huber
Paula and John Jackson
Sandy and John Jungk
Karen Katen
Donna Katen-Bahensky and Jim
KC Hopps
Jeanette and Bob Kerschen
Kissick Construction Co
Jim Kissick
Susan and Bill Kuechler
Joanne and James Lampe
Kelly and Willie Lanier
Janie and Alan Lankford
Patty and Tom Laughlin
Nancy and Jim Lee
Sue Ann and James Leonard
Doe and Pat Loftus
Donna and Dennis Loren
Missy and Bill Love
Los Tules Mexican Restaurant
Maria and Salvador Tule
Chuck Mackey
Roseann and Joe Mandacina
La Donna and John Marietti
Renae and Michael Maus
Trish and Michael T Mayer
John Mayorek
Kelli and Robert McDill
Betty and John McDonnell
Jill and Tom McGee
Kristin Stitt and James McGraw
Amy and Mike McKenny
Ann and Ed McLiney
Laurie and George McLiney
Mary Catharine McMahon
Patty and Mike McMahon
Rosie and Tim McNamara
Meierotto’s Midwest Jewelers
Carol and Dennis Meierotto
Jim Mitchell
Brenda and Scott Moore
Ruth and Larry Moore
Margret and Francis
Vicki and Greg Muehlebach
Kathy and Jack Newman
Nigro Brothers
Jody and Jim Olson
Pegasus Capital Management
Betsy and Rob Pitts
Ann and Tyler Prochnow
Lynn and Jay Reardon
Kris and Mick Rhodes
Mary and Kevin Ring
Julie and Brad Robertson
Mary Jayneen and Alan Ross
Molly Rothove
Jane and Larry Rues
Lena and Joe Runyan
Jim Runyan Family
Tom Runyan Family
Denise and Dave Schloegel
Michele and Frank Schloegel
Mary and Dan Schulte
Kathy and Regan Shea
Laura and Ali Shilati
Robert Smith
Therese and Gary Smith
Susan and Mark Spence
Holly Streeter-Schaefer
Martha and Rodd Staker
Julie and John Strickland
Amy and Jim Sullivan
John Sullivan Foundation
Amy and Mark Thompson
Joan and Byron Thompson
Julie and Chris Thompson
Mary and Paul Thompson
Rita and Jim Tiehen
Toblers’ Flowers
Chris and Brian Auckland
Jennifer and Michael Torti
Treat America
Jim Mitchell
Trezo Mare Operating Co, LLC
Kathryn and Mike Lee
UMB Bank
Peggy and Jim Van Dyke
Anna Marie and Eric Vogel
Ann and Walter Von Gremp
Bonnie and Gary Vontz
Theresa Waller
Kelly and Peter Walsh
Wanda Allen Design
Ward and Ward Custom Framing
Tim Ward
Mary Ann and Dan Welsh
Margy and John Whitaker
Janet and Bob Wholey
Kathleen and Kurt Wiedeman
Diane and Rob Wilmot
Michelle and Brian Wimes
Fleury Yelvington and Barry
Julie and Steve Zanone
Pat and Owen Zidar
Academy Club
$500 - $999
Katie and Dave Anderson
Kathleen and John Barry
Mary Ellen and John Beisner
Betty Ann Booker
Black and McDonald Inc
Burnetta and Eric Burtin
Laureen and Bob Caffarelli
Jan and Jeff Clayton
Carol Ann Coolidge
Amy and Stephen Crilly
Sheri and Carl Cuda
D Thomas and Associates
Mary and Martin De Ruyter
Carolyn and Jim Dorlac
2013 Gifts 21
Mary Lou and Don Early
Maureen and Michael Euston
Melanie and Frank Feigenbaum
Leanne and Tim Fitzgerald
Nancy and Mark Fitzpatrick
Erin and Jason Flood
Elizabeth Flook
Lori and William Froeschl
Barbara and Peter Gattermeir
The Goebel Family
Michael Gravino
Mollie and Thomas Grever
AJ Manufacturing Company
Martha Head
Mara and Billy Hodes
Jill and Michael Hough
Michelle and Ron Innes
Maria and Charlie Jenks
Joel and Barbara Joslin
Kansas City Marriott Downtown
FH Kaysing Company
Shelley and Neil Kelly
Nancy and Steve Kitts
Annie and Doug Kremers
Lauren and Matt Krull
Mary and Bob Kuhnlein
Susannah and Mark Lesswing
Cynthia and Pat McCarthy
Ellen McCarthy
Jesdon and Michael McCowen
Kelly McLear
Betsy and George Medina
Charlotte and Ed Mehrer
Suzanne Meyer
Marilyn Mitchell
Molle Toyota
Karen and Ralph Morrison
Angela Murphy
Neenan Co
Karen and Steve O’Neill
Amy and Steven Pendleton
Sigrid and Joe Pericich
Sharon and Steven Perry
Polsinelli PC
Peggy and Kerry Reardon
Karen and David Redlich
22 2013 Gifts
Diana and Thomas Robertson
Sana and George Saleh
Scott Schepker
Sandra and Kent Scheuler
Anna and Greg Schultz
Christy and Pat Sirridge
Suzanne and Ron Slepitza
Gina and Charles Smrt
Mary and Steve Soden
Lynn and Dan Teahan
V Wealth Management
Time Warner
Julie Trotter
Joan and Dale Watts
Joan and Glenn Wells
John Wendland
Lorena and Rick Wiedeman
Emily and Mark Zastrow
Teresian Club
$250 - $499
Peggy and Peter Allen
Ameriprise Financial
Diana and Joseph Backer
Patricia Baker
Beth and Bruce Benteman
Mary and Jim Bessenbacher
Denise and Tom Best
Christine and Stephen Black
Diane and John Blanck
Cheryl and Christopher Bolin
Mary and David Braddock
Kathy and Bruce Brodie
Katie and Steve Brooks
Christopher Bumpus
Minnette Bumpus
William Bumpus
Laura Kuhnlein Burger
Marianne and Timothy Burns
Cathy Burr
Doug Campbell
Kathy and Frank Carey
Kirsten Carver
Pam and Perry Ceriotti
Linda Clarkson
Virginia and PJ Clune
Nancy and Kevin Connell
Patricia Cox
Culver’s on State Line
Kim and Tom Curry
Emily and Geoffrey Day
Mary Ellen Dick
Katie and Ryan Duffy
Ann Egelhoff
Theresa and Bill Egelhoff
Peggy and David Ekerdt
Rita Ellsworth
Coleene and Frank Espinosa
Chrissy Fiorella
Laura Foley and David Cimpl
Martha and John Franke
Diane and Terrence Gallagher
Mary and Paul Giordano
Mary Kay Godfrey
Mary Betty Green
Mary Catherine Hale
Nancy and Mike Hand
Lisa and Jim Hart
Yvette Bumpus Heath
Patty and Randy Herr
Joanne Holderman
Mary and Steve Hornbeck
Ann Horton
Debi and John Hudson
Theresa and Alfred Hupp
Tracy and David Ingle
Teresa and HB Jefferson
Joan and Dick Jordan
Shawn and John Keller
Rosemary Kilker
Ellen and Jonathan Klem
Joseph Kneib
Lourdes and Jeffrey Krause
Mary Leigh and Dave Krull
Roberta Lancaster
Mary and Larry Leonard
Fran and Matt Lester
Loch Lloyd
Jennifer and Marc Loe
Mary and Chuck Loveland
Mary Margaret and Robert
Mimi Markel-Alderman
Virginia and Larry Marshall
Cathy and John Marx
Mary McAuliffe
Jennifer and Darren McBratney
Julie and Mike McCann
Carolyn and Michael
Michael and Mary McCormick
Joanie and Jim McLaughlin
Maribeth and Thomas McMahon
Ann and Ed McShane
Herb Meagher
Louise and Pat Meyers
Lee Ann and John Miller
Susan and Steve Miller
Cindy and Dan Mitchell
Mary Montag
Ginny and Bruce Moore
Marilyn Murphy
Marie and Bob Neenan
Amy and Jay Oades
Ann and Daniel O’Brien
Betsy O’Brien
Barbara and Mike O’Flaherty
Mary and Jim Olshefski
Diana and Joe Ohmes
Barbie and Terry O’Toole
Terry Welsh-Owara and Kris
Deb and Dennis Paarman
Rose Mary and Larry Padberg
Alexandra Pasquinelli
Lucinda and Dick Petrie
Cyndy and Pat Price
Jane and Andy Quarnstrom
Monica Rafter
Jane and Kurt Rall
Jolie and Jason Riley
Kathy and Tony Rohr
Carol Rotert
Missy and Shawn Runyan
Elaine and Bob Russell
Ann Dwyer Sanders and Steve
Joan and Andy Schieber
Julie Shuss
Nancy and David Shuss
Anne Sly
Christie Smythe
Jeannine Strandjord
Helen and Dick Swetala
Yumi Taylor
Laura and Michael Thompson
Jennifer and Ulrich Waldenmeyer
Pamela Walther
Linda and Lohn Weber
Molly and Steve Wendland
Kelly and Derek White
Linda and Mike Wilber
Laura Wilkison
Kathy and Jim Williams
Sally and Bill Wirtz
Cindi and Mitch Woolery
Windmoor Club
Angela and Pete Allard
Mary Beth and Torgny Andersson
Chris and Harold Arens
Peggy and Jack Baker
Kim and Dan Baker
Judith Barker
Susie and Mike Barnthouse
Grace and Charles Barth
Ellen Baty
Sandy and Larry Bauers
Terrence Baum SJ
Colleen and Mark Bauman
Joanie and Joe Bauman
Mara Baun
Mary Kay and John Bax
Patricia and Victor Beatty
Brenda and Paul Beck
Gina and Matthew Bednar
Laura and Brook Benge
Virginia Bertelsen
H and R Block
Debby and Jim Bird
Jeanne and Bill Blanck
Katie Blando
Katherine and Bill Bowler
Patti and Charles Brady
Charles and Rita Breusing
Caryn and Harry Brewer
Mary Bristow
Ruth Brito
Sandra Brosnahan
Annette Bumpus-Page
Babette Bumpus-Bradley
Wendy and Troy Burgess
Teresa and Tom Burke
Burke Travel Inc
Susie and Gavin Burns
Susan Campbell
Carey and Associates
Sandra and Charles Carey
Melissa Carter
Ronald Cattelino
Jean and David Chesney
Sandra and Michael Chism
Kathy and Ray Clarke
Emily and John Claxton
Patricia Clune CSJ
Cheryl and Robert Collins
Mary Beth and Mark Compton
Deborah and Paul Conklin
Laura and Tim Connealy
Patricia and Jeff Connell
Kathleen and Richard Connor
Mary Coombs
Sara and Mike Corless
Susan and Ralph Corpuz
Edward Cotter
Mary Jo and George Coughlin
Anne and Bud Cox
Mary and Ken Cox
Carol and Jeff Crowe
Consuelo Cruz
Michelle and Randy Cummings
Mark Curry
Amy and Vincent Davenport
Mary and Joe Davidson
Melody and Gerry Degnan
Margaret Denison
Lisa and Theodore Dibble
Julie and Bill Dickerson
Christin DiMartino
Pat and George Donnelly
Holly and Charlie Donohoe
Paul Donovan
Lissa and Robert Dow
DST Systems Inc
Laura and Mike Duchardt
Alison and Randy Dudley
Anita and John Dunn
Marianne and Bill Dunn
Patricia Dunphy CSJ
Michelle DyLiacco
Dorothy and James Easterday
Ann and David Eckels
Anne and Robb Edmonds
Jennie and Tom Egan
Kerry Egan
Susan and Jim Elliott
Colleen and Sam Enna
Katie and Jerry Esser
Kathy and Dan Euston
Janet and George Fague
Courtney and Andrew Fahey
Louise and Jim Farnen
Jerry Featherston
Mary Feighny
Marilyn and Thomas Fennesy
Debbie and Dennis Finucane
Kim and Bob Fiss
Erin Fitzpatrick
Maureen Fitzsimmons
Martha Fleming
Shauna and Steve Fletcher
Sharon and Jim Flynn
Monica and George Forbes
Michelle and Thomas Franey
Susan and Laurence Freeman
Peggy and Gene Freeman Jr
Kelly and Andrew Friendly
Barbara Froeschl
Carolyn and Ramilo Gatapia
Leslie and Bill Gaudreau
Mary Ellen and Bob Gawlik
Virginia Geraci
Colleen and Bill Gerdeman
Kristi and Jeff Gibbs
Amy Giblin
Nita and Kirk Gill
Alicia and Jim Girardeau
Celeste and Tony Gogel
Annie Gorski
Mary and Jeff Gorski
Janet and Joe Gose
Shirley Goza
Linda Grace
Barbara and Bob Green
Jennifer and Denis Greene
Greenlease Library Staff
Becky and Mike Gude
Virginia Guzman
Amy and Robert Haake
Nancy Hampton
Brooke and Doug Harris
Meredith Hartley
Laurie and David Hathman
Kathy Hauser and Fred Ernst
Karen Haynes
Karen and Hans Haywood
Rose Ann and Mike Heier
Louanne Hein
Linda Hicks
Sam Hoeper, Jr
Chrissa Hoffmeier
Nina and Marc Hollabaugh
Kathy and Richard Honan
Kara and Bart Hoolehan
Margaret Huber
Diane and Leon Hubert
Roseann and Jim Hudnall
Allison Hughes
Anna Marie Hurtado-Corum
Claudia and Scott Huse
Sara Jackson
Tracy and Mike Jackson
Betsy and Bernard Jacquinot
Pat James
Kathy and Tom Jantsch
Cathleen and John Jenkins
Adrianne Johnson
Suzanne and Roger Johnson
Peggy and Bud Kasper
Michelle Stark Kaufman and
Dan Kaufman
Kawasaki Motors
Jane Keller
Sue and Bob Kelly
Karen and David Kerr
Jessica and Wade Kerrigan
Michele Kerwin
Jane and Shawn Kieffer
Julie and David Kierst
Natalie Kilgore
Mary and John Kitchin
Jan and Greg Klapp
Betty and Larry Knackstedt
Kathy and Bob Koenig
Class of 1967
"...Most of us then
journeyed on to STA
where our friendships
and caring
for four years.
And now,
47 years later,
we are all
still in contact...
Our STA women
are pretty special! "
ittle did I know that almost 50 years later I would still have the same
close friendships that we had in high school. Our friendships have
continued through college, marriages, births, deaths, happiness, sadness,
kids, and now grandkids. We get together every month for dinner and never
run out of things to talk about. Some of the best laughs of my life have been
shared at this dinner. It’s not only about the good times. It is knowing we are
there for each other in all times.
♥ Marianne Kelly Sears
♥ Susie Haake
Top: Women from the Class of 1967 taken at a reunion party.
Bottom (l to r): Marianne Kelly Sears, Maureen Hurley Holman and Mary Fleming Vannice
Class of 1996
"When I made
the choice
to spend
my time
with these girls,
I made
the choice to
create the
best friendships
I will ever have."
t was like God was putting together a puzzle for me
and I never saw the entire picture until I became an
adult. When I made the choice to spend my time
with these girls, I made the choice to create the best
friendships I will ever have. Our time together in these
past twenty-two years has been filled with so many ups
and downs, but our friendship has lasted the test of
time. When we are together, we can only be our true
selves because it is what we’ve always known of each
other. It only gets better as time goes on, and I can
thank St. Teresa’s for showing me the priceless gift of
♥ Christina Carollo Hocker
Standing (l to r): Katie Potter, Bridget Bolin Quinn, Karen Moran Redlich, Christina Carollo
Hocker, Emily Spencer Stanton; Seated (l to r): Katie Viesselman Thorne, Kelley Smith Werkowitch
Ann and Bob Kohlsaat
Karen and Phil Komoroski
Gwen Koppen
Christina and Eron Kosmowski
Roberta and Jim Kraus
Pam and Gerhard Kuti
Kris and Robert Lafferty
Susan and Harold Lamb
Mary and Larry Lampton
Jeanne and Larry Lancey
Molly and Brett Lane
Susan and Roger Langenheim
Susan and Rich Laubengayer
Tammy and Ken Laudan
Jo Ann and Chris Leach
Nancy and Jim Lee
Judy and Ben Legg
Rita Leifhelm
Kim Lemar
Julie and Doug Lewer
Regina Lickteig
Elizabeth and Charles Lillis
Janet and Helm Lillis
Kathleen and Sam Lombardo
Sheila Lillis
Kelly Love
Sallie and Harry Lowery
Rita and Scott Luallin
Teresa and Tom Lyon
Sheila Lyons
Lucie and Mark Maguire
Karen Mahoney
Donna and Michael Mandl
Polly and Rich Mandl
Alison and Richard Martin
Richard E Martin
Judy and Kenny Marx
Betty Mascal
Masco Corporation
Sue and John Massman
Madeleine and Eugene McCabe
Catherine and John McCalla
Emily McCann
Mary Beth and Steve McClain
Toni and Jim McDermott-Jerauld
Susan and Robert McGannon
Jackie McGee
Helen and Ray McGuire
Stephanie and Thomas McHugh
Clancy and David McKay
Patricia McKenna
Dodie and Bob McShane
Sarah and David Mehl
Charles Meisch
Joy and Mark Meisel
Vicki Menninger
Ruth and John Meunier
Barbara and Bernard Meyer
Diane and Joseph Meyer
Anthony and Patti Migliazzo
Bernadette and Dick Miller
Karen and Sean Miller
Barbara and Bob Molinaro
Mary Morgan
Margie and Carey Morrison
Cathy and Sean Mulcahy
Ann Beth and Ed Mulloy
Kathy and Frank Mulvey
Estelle Murphy
Dawn and Richard Murrell
Jackie O’Brien-Nair and
Venu Nair
Elisabet Nalvarte
Carol and Mike Nauman
Karen and James Neal
Jean Neenan and Russ Small
Jill and Jim Neunuebel
Cara and Henry Newell
Northpoint Development, LLC
Wendy and Stephen Northup
Amie and Chris Novosel
Peggy and Bill Oades
Mary and Charles O’Dower
Dorothy Oesterly
Anne and Vincent O’Flaherty
Julie and Joe O’Flaherty
Lynn and Terry O’Leary
Suzanne and David Oliver
Cheryl O’Neil
Marianne† and Dan Oxler
Peggy and John Oxler
Shae and Ricky Paradise
Colleen and Mark Patterson
Jane and Larry Peal
Michelle Piranio
Kathy and Jim Polsinelli
Darleen and Francis Porch
Antoinette Powers
Mary Pat and Lawrence Purcell
Kay Quick
Anne and Jeff Randolph
Joanne and Jerry Reardon
Deborah and Mark Redick
Carolyn and Bob Reintjes
Catherine and Dale Reller
ReMax State Line
Jane and Art Rerecich
Susan and James Rice
Kathy Richards
Katie and Terry Richardson
Lanti Riederer
Mona and Bill Rieke
Carmen Rodriguez
Virginia and William Rohan
Sheila Rohrer
Peggy and Tom Rowe
Robin and David Rowland
Suzanne and Stephen Ruhlman
Kevin Ryan
Mary Jo Sage
Julie and David Sarson
Mary Jo and Joe Saviano
Chely and Don Scarbrough
Delores Scheuler
Diane and Joe Schloegel
Mary and Chuck Schmidt
Anita Schneider
Alie Scholes
Allison and John Schorgl
Nancy and Chuck Schorgl
Patti and Tom Schugel
Susan and Michael Scully
Mary Beth and Jeff Seese
Nancy Seibolt
Jodie and John Seitzer
Molly Sisulak
Claire and Stephen Smith
Judy and Mason Smith
Marsha and James Smith
Maureen and Gary Smith
Cynthia Sans and Alejandro
Martha and Jack Spence
Kelli and Chris Springer
Jan and Jim Stacy
Meg and Tom Stafford
Mary and Edward Stang
Paula and Pat Stegmaier
Jan Stephenson
Sherry and Robert Stiles
Erin and Paul Stucky
Sue and Jim Stuppy
Erin Sullivan
Connie Swartz
Marybeth Swartz-O’Malley
Marilyn and Scott Tampke
Nancy and Joe Taschler
Rich Teahan
Patty and Robert Thedinger
Marjorie and Allen Thiel
Addie Thompson
Trish and Dan Tiehen
Mary Ann and Mike Toohey
Barbie and John Travis
Don Tuttle
Kathy and Steve Van Lieshout
Jackie and Chris Vigil
Visitation Church
Megan and Jerry Viviano
Emily and Dan Vogt
Kelly Voitenko
Albertine and Ralph Votapek
Jill and Dan Wall
Patty Walsh
Patty Waris
Judy and Mike Warren
Kim Warren
Kathy and Greg Watkins
Margaret Weinand
Mary Ann Weinhardt
Arden Weis
Kathleen O’Connell and Tom
Patricia and Gene Welsh
Patricia Welsh
Cantrell Wenzel
Ann and William Wernz
Drolette and Ted Wiedeman
Molly and Ted Wiedeman
Jeannine and Mark Wilkerson
Joane and Bryan Wilkerson
Nancy and Grant Wilkerson
Katie and Mitch Williams
Lynn and Gary Willnauer
Elizabeth Wilson
Kathleen Wilson
Linda and Tad Wilson
Addie Winslow
Jami and W. Stuart Woodbury, Jr
Mary Therese and Matthew
Kris and Frank Zondca
Honor Roll
Gifts up to $99
Tiffany Adams
Brenda and Mark Allert
Alice Amick
Maureen Antworth
Kaitlin Arnold
Maria and Alejandro Arrieta
Jane and Russ Ascheman
Sandy and Tom Bachman
Amanda Backer
Virginia Bagby
Laura and Rick Bailey
Melinda Baker
Mary Lou and Phillip Balano
Donnie and Edward Barnes
Regina Bartman CSJ
Christina Barton
Betty Bauers
Maggie Beacon
Mary Kate and Brandon Beck
Rita and Mark Beggs
Mary and Mike Begnaud
Jeffrey and Carrie Behm
Mary Ellen and John Behrmann
Morgan Bené
Joan and Jerry Bernasky
Stefanie Bien
Sandra and Larry Blackburn
Michelle and Dan Bowers
Jon Braatz
Susan Bradley
Susan Braile
Patty and Jim Brasel
Mary Brenner
Dan Brock
Joanne and Mike Brosnahan
Mary Ann and Spencer Brown
Melanie and Greg Brown
Laura and Bill Bruce
Mary Bruegging
Jeannette and Stephen Bruns
Barbara and Henry Burger
Janet and Gary Burns
Mary Pat and Gerye Burson
Carolyn and Jeff Bushur
Megan Caffrey
Rachel Caffrey
Daisy Calderon
Janet and Casey Cantin
Mary Ann and Bruce Cappo
Jean Carey-Brendle and Steven
Bill and Robin Carr
Shannon Cate and CL Cole
Jennifer Chapin and Walker
Julie Cogley
Helena Coit
Kitty and Thomas Colwell
Glenda and Gary Comer
Martha Conrad
Sidney Cooke
Cathy and Tom Cooney
Erica and Stephen Coppinger
Molly and Paul Corkill
Elizabeth Countee
Erin and Dan Cowan
Rebecca and Bill Crain
Suzanne and Dwight Cramer
Lenette and Dana Crawford
Beth and Carl Cressey
Patricia and James Cross
Jessica Crotty
Mary and Kevin Cummings
Mary Ann and Craig Cummings
Rosemary Cuni
Kristine Curley
Jennifer Curry
Elizabeth Curtin
Tammara and Scott Cutter
"I ended up
meeting many
Class of 1986
wonderful girls who
became good friends
and who
I have needed
many times in my life.
My life is much richer
because of these
(l to r): Vickie Brocato Stoneberger, Theresa Becker Waller,
Jennifer Jordan Loe, Lorraine Sullivan
♥ Theresa Becker Waller
y memories of STA only grow fonder as I age. At the time, of course,
it didn’t occur to me that the friendships I had made would last a
lifetime. I’m proud to say that my closest friends are the ones I made
while at STA. Most of them were fellow Stars, a few from surrounding schools,
but the bond we made remains unbroken. Some of our 1986 class of phenomenal
women have moved away, but many of us remain connected and banter with the
best of them through digital social channels. My closest friends are all still near
me geographically, and it brings me great joy to know that I can count on them
no matter what. They’ve cared for me during struggles, they’ve celebrated with me,
and I can count on them for anything. I, too, have had the honor of watching them
blossom, develop their careers, become mothers, active community members, and
I’m proud to have them as part of my life. I cannot imagine my life without them.
♥ Elisabeth Spillman Nord, ’86
Susan and Gerald Daly
Anne and William Damico
Lauren Damico
Elaine and Joseph Daus
Kathleen Davis
Mary Jean and Michael Day
Katheigh and John Degen
Noreen Dempsey
Joy Dennis
Ruth Deuschle
Anne and Talis Devaney
Mary Ellen Devine
Jerolyn and Jerry Dickey
Kathryn Dierks
Jean and Tim Donaldson
Mary Ann Donovan CSJ
Rachel and Sean Donovan
Martha and Hugh Downey
Kathleen Drummond
Janet and Lawrence Drury
Sue and Andy Dubill
Karen and Stephen Duethman
Sadie Duffy
Lisa and Stephen Dunleavy
Patricia Dunn
Edie and Bill Eickhorst
Sheila and Bill Eikermann
Molly Ekerdt
Kathy and Pat Ervin
Katie and Cliff Erwin
Barbara and Rick Etem
Maureen Evans
Exxon Mobile Foundation
Sue and Pat Fagan
Rose Marie Falco
Susan and Dohn Farley
Mimi Fasenmyer
Penny Fender
Patricia Ferris
Liz and Bob Ferron
Yvonne and David Ferron
Suzanne and Tom Fisch
Madeleine and Bob Fiscus
Mary Fitzgerald
Karol and C. L. Fitzhugh
Daniel Flaherty
Judith and Mark Flaherty
26 2013 Gifts
Meg and Terry Flanagan
Mary Beth Fleming
Mike and Connie Fleming
Susan Fletcher
Barbara and Steven Flynn
Tricia Ford
Sara and Seth Fowler
Michelle Freeman
Shannen Freeman
Diane and John Frey
Donna and Dan Fuhrman
Alicia Garcia
Patricia Gardner
Julia Gargallo
JoAnne and Allen Gassman
Linda and Jim George
Carolyn and Frank Gollings
Lynn and Bob Grant
Molly and Jason Green
Celeste Greenlee
Jeannie Grey
Carol and Michael Grimaldi
Mary Jane Grimaldi
Martha Groff
Marion Gross
Roberta Gumbel
Michael Gutowski RSM
Susie Haake
Beth Haden
Tracy Haden
Hilary Haley
Jean and Mohamed Hamid
Susan and John Hanford
Kitty and Bud Hannan
Carol and David Harper
Sandy and Joe Harris
Madonna and John Hart
Grace and Frank Hasibar
Maris and Joe Haster
Jo Ann Hathman
Julie Hathman-Wint
Michelle Hayman
Ginger and William Heft
Helen Heft
Mary Patricia Heil
Kellee and Ron Hercules
The Heritage Institute
Susan Hermes
Mary Kay and Louis Hiatt
Bob Hill
Linda Hill
Patricia Hill
Franci and Stephen Himes
Sarah Hoffmeier
Maddie Horton
Carrie Hudson
Louann and Charles Huffman
Monica and Steve Hufford
Laura Hughes-Zahner and Tom
Pam and Brian Hunt
Renee and Kevin Hunter
Blair and Mike Hyde
Michelle Jantsch
Rosemary and Kevin Jawad
Gayle Johnson
Kelly and Brian Johnson
Marlo Johnson
Corliss and Earnest Jones
Joan and Jim Jones
Laura Juranek
Sarah Kartsonis
Karen Kelly
Sharon Kennedy
Laura and Leo Kenney
Kristen and Ken Kerwin
Kristin and Jefferson Killgore
Sue and Chuck Kimberlin
Meghan King
Michele and John Kizer
Katie Kline
Linda Knox
Mary Lee and George Koppe
Margaret and Joseph Krupp
Marjorie Lampton
Erika Lawler
Patty Lee
Susan and Gerald Lee
Jennifer Leedy
Betsy Lehr
Jeanette and Rob LePique
Julie and Kevin LeRoy
Monica and Bill Levens
Rita Levens
Katie and Matthew Levi
Lisa and John Lewis
Janet Lillis
Maureen and Denny Liston
Dolores Lombardo
Carolyn Long
Paula and John Longan
Mary and Jack Looney
Lesli and Michael Lorenz
Jane Luton
Ashli Lykins
Anita and John Maggio
Kathleen Maguire
Rachel and Marvin Mahlik
Kate and Bill Mahoney
James Malouff III
Susan Mancuso
Sue Marquis
Janet Martin
Mary and John Martin
Traci Martin
Kathy Marton
Ann Maschler
Mary Ann Mason
Arvilla Matalon
Tina and John Mateski
Jean Maupin
Molly and Stephen Maxwell
Debby McCay
Emily and Joe McClernon
Annie and Thomas McCormick
Barb and Tim McCormick
Judith McDermott
Angie and Dan McEnany
Marilyn and John McFarland
Kathy McGinley
Mary McLiney
Paula McNeary
Kerri and Matthew McNett
Karen McShane
Christine and Garret Meier
Wendy and Patrick Melland
Marie and Christian Mentrup
Joellen and Rob Messerli
Antoinette Migliazzo
Elvira Migliazzo
Veronica Miller
Margaret Mitchell
Mary Carol Mitchell
Richard Mitchell
Catherine and Patrick Moriarity
Clare Morris
Katy and John Morris
Maureen and Don Morris
Claudette Moyer
Helen and Michael Muenks
Kathy and Mike Muenks
Peter Muenks
Mary Helen Leahy Mullaney-Ley
Julia VanderWeele and Nelson
Kathleen Murphy-Marx
Julie and Robert Nelson
Lynne Nelson
Cathy and Tom Nelson
Mary Ann Nestel CSJ
Nonie and Bill Newman
Mary Nigro
Patricia Ninci
Ashleigh Noel
Mary and Robert Northcutt
Dennie Oades
Patty Oades and Lawrence Vogt
Kathy Oades-Kelly and John Kelly
Vicki and David Oberkrom
Joan and Joseph Ochoa
Maureen and Dennis O’Connor
Susan Oesterly
Juliann and John O’Gara
Starla and Darrel Ohrenberg
Erin and Matt O’Laughlin
Cathy and Bruce Olberding
Katy Ormsby
Peggy and Sal Panis
Suzanne Parker
Kelley and Michael Patterson
Alice Pattison
Jeanie and James Paugh
Anne and Paul Pautler
Charlotte Payton-Newell
Joanne Perry
Kate Sargent Peterson
Helen and John Pipes
Mary Kay Porter
Sharon and Paul Potts
Erin and Brett Powell
Merritt and John Prinzivalli
Bridget and Ed Proskie
SeniorCare Homes
Maureen and Pat Purcell
Marshan Purnell
Jan and James Quarnstrom
Anne and Kelly Quick
Gayle and J. Randall Quisenberry
Katie and Ryan Raccuglia
Claudia and R. J. Rafter
Gretchen Range
Mr. and Mrs. Don Rau
Kasey and Tod Reaves
Susan and John Reboulet
Melissa and Jack Reichmeier
Marcia Reidy
Karen Reilly
Mary Catherine Liberto
Carolyn and Raymond Reinhart
Lesley and Patrick Reller
Betsy and Dewayne Repine
Mary Kay and Frank Richter
Mary Rinne
Annette and John Robertson
Mary and Clement Rogers
Alma and Marvin Rollison
Bill and Blanche Roman
Rita and Bill Rost
Teresa and Tim Rudder
Katy and Gene Rudloff
Kathleen and John Rusgis
Betsy and Bill Rushton
Donna Ryan RSM
Sally and Stephen Saks
Molly and Jason Salinardi
Michelle and Gary Salzman
Linda and Brian Sandridge
Susan and John Sappington
Pat Sargent
Autumn Saxton-Ross
Judie Scanlon
Stacy and Mark Schenberg
Frances Schilling
Virginia Schmeltz
Zeny and Daniel Schmidt
Christy and Brett Schoenfeld
Jennifer and Daniel Schroeder
Barbara Schweiger
Nancy Searles
Robert Serra
Linda and Michael Shapiro
Mickey and Don Sharp
Collette and Michael Shaughnessy
Janice Sheridan
Mary Catherine Shine
Maureen Shine
Rick and Paula Shteamer
Maria Meyers and Mark Siedlik
Bernard and Mary Margaret
Vicki and Paul Silverman
Sarah Simeone
Carol and David Sindelar
Deborah and John Smith
Melinda and Phil Smith
Rosemary and Edward Smith
Sharon Snavely
Sally and Jim Sommerhauser
Jeannie and Steve Sopyla
Abigail Sosinski
Michaela and Jason Soyland
Ellen Spake
Kathleen and Grant Spiking
Sprint Foundation
Kathy and Reggie St John
Carolyn and John Stanton
Cindy and Vance Stasevich
Gina and Ryan Staves
Kitty and Bo Steed
Carolyn Sterner
Brooke and Matt Stewart
Richard and Laura Stief
Liz Stone
Sally and Maynard Sulzer
Dennis and Joanne Sweeney
Trina and Larry Taft
Kathy and Greg Talbot
Carrie Tarzon
Maureen Taylor
Patricia and Robert Thedinger
Linda and Al Theno
Cathie and Rick Thomas
Pam and Scott Thompson
Mary and Porter Tillman
Lupe Toledo
Topeka Collegiate School, Inc
Marcia Toplikar
Carol and Patrick Tracy
Jane and Andrew Trasowech
Mary Kay and Herman Tripodi
Annie Tuttle
Marcia Tuttle
Annie and Patrick Tweedy
Maria Valenti
Molly and Zachary Van Rheen
Maleea and Dan Vater
Laura and Christopher Vernaci
Teresa and Mark Walker
Carol and Mike Walzl
Amy and Tim Waris
Susan and Bill Warner
Marcia and Rich Warwick
Virginia Wasson
Warren Weaver
Micheline and Donald Weber
Donna and Bill Welch
Christian Weld-Brown and
Jim Brown
Charlene and Daniel Welling
Jan and Terry Welsh
Tracey and Jerry Westhoff
Becky and Gary White
Paula White
Pat Whitley
Patricia Whittaker
Colleen and Miles Williams
Eva and Dan Williams
Kathy and Dave Wirken
Amy and Jim Wissel
Diane and Arnie Woker
Betsy Wooden
Leslie and Tim Worcester
Kareen Wormington
Mary Jane and Kurt Youngstrom
Rita and Dick Zahner
Lisa and Adam Zieren
Kristine Zondca
Class of 1975
even girls from four catholic grade schools became friends for
life at St. Teresa’s Academy. Some of our memories stray outside
the criteria for the Academy Girl: arranging our “new” modular
scheduling for free time together (for sunbathing nearby while discussing
long dresses for the next dance); cafeteria fun (with a few pie fights and an
apology to our entire class); secret sessions in the sick room inside D111;
pranks in the library; boys (and boys streaking across campus – “Girls, get
away from the windows!”); weekends taking turns borrowing a parent’s car
and older friends’ IDs; and a lot of sleepovers (without much sleep).
Despite all above efforts to the contrary, as well as dire predictions by
worried counselors, we must have assimilated enough education to start
in our diverse career paths. We’re still active in each other’s lives, through
weddings, babies, birthdays, vacations together, and struggles, too. Our
annual time together at the lake transforms us into teenagers as we laugh,
catch-up and retell old stories while indulging in adult beverages.
y friends and
I loved our
time at STA.
Many of us have stayed
friends after graduating in
2006 and spreading across
the country for college.
We try to get together
whenever we are home
for holidays, whether it’s
dinner, drinks, or simply
stopping by each other’s
family homes to say hello!
The shared stories of our
time at STA bring a lot of
smiles and laughs.
2015 will be the 40th anniversary of our graduation from St. Teresa’s
Academy. I doubt any of us could have imagined we would still be
together, supporting and enjoying each other as much as ever, all these
decades later.
♥ Kathy Berg Callegari
(l to r): Becky O`Kelley Cannon, Diane Flake Sudhoff, Kathy Berg Callegari, Theresa
Allegri Alani, Jennifer Jordan Carr, Victoria Henges Menninger, Carole Immenschuh
Schroeder DVM
Back row (l to r): Ashley
Devine, Emylie Leonard
Bernstein, Katie Kennaley,
Sarah Tampke Hare, Lisa
Peterson, Molly Wilkerson, Julie
Shuss, Clare Morris, Riki Allen;
Front row (l to r): Lauren
Befort, Laura Strickland,
Abigail Sosinski
In Memoriam
In Memory of
Kevin Hart
Michelle and Dan Bowers
Patti and Charles Brady
Anne and Bud Cox
Mary and Ken Cox
Daniel Flaherty
Judith and Mark Flaherty
Colleen and Bill Gerdeman
Madonna and John Hart
Kathy and Tom Jantsch
Paula and John Longan
La Donna and John Marietti
Tina and John Mateski
Julie and Mike McCann
Mary Beth and Steve McClain
Christine and Garret Meier
Susan and Steve Miller
Cara and Henry Newell
Juliann and John O Gara
Sharon and Steven Perry
Karen Reilly
Anita Schneider
Maureen Taylor
Jane and Andrew Trasowech
Ann and William Wernz
In Memory of
Betty Kelly
Carrie and Jeffrey Behm
Theresa and Bill Egelhoff
Michelle Stark Kaufman and
Dan Kaufman
Cathy and John Marx
Margie and Carey Morrison
SeniorCare Homes
Mary Ann and Mike Toohey
Linda and Mike Wilber
In Memory of
Becca Lueke
Albrecht Family
Angela and Pete Allard
Alice Amick
Kaitlin Arnold
Joan Carroll-Barnosky and
Jerry Barnosky
Susie and Mike Barnthouse
Grace and Charles Barth
Mimi Doherty and Robert Barton
Maggie Beacon
Morgan Ben
Joan and Jerry Bernasky
Christine and Stephen Black
Nan and Bill Bone
Breed Family
Heather and Ryan Bresette
Ruth Brito and Margoth Mackey
Melanie and Greg Brown
Charles and Rita Bruesing
Leslie and Greg Bullington
Marianne and Timothy Burns
Kennedy Burtin
Daisy Calderon
Susan Campbell
Jennifer and Thomas Clemente
Robert and Cheryl Collins
Anne and Kevin Connor Family
Erica and Stephen Coppinger
Kathy and Pat Coppinger
Patricia Cox
Connie Crockett
Susan and John Crowe Family
Amy and Vincent Davenport
Scout Distefano
The following individuals donated to St. Teresa’s Academy in memory of a loved one or special friend.
St. Teresa’s keeps all those in our community who lost a loved one in 2013 in our thoughts and prayers.
Elizabeth and Leonard Dobens
Sadie Duffy
Karin and John Dunbar
Jennie and Tom Egan
Mike Egner
Peggy and David Ekerdt
Liz and Bob Ferron
Chrissy Fiorella
Mary and Claire Fisher
Kim and Bob Fiss
Peggy and Norman Gonzalez
Kathryn Gray
Barbara and Bob Green
Jennifer and Denis Greene
Louise Greim
Enrique Gutierrez
Sandy and Joe Harris
Amy McLiney Hart
Karen and Hans Haywood
Healy Family
Heck Family
Anna Heldt
Heritage Institute
Kathy and Rich Hilliard
Stephen and Franci Himes
Maddie Horton
Roseann and Jim Hudnall
Debi, John and Carrie Hudson
Cheri and Bart Hunt
Maria and Charlie Jenks Family
Michelle Stark Kaufman and
Dan Kaufman
Patty and Paul Keane Family
Laura and Leo Kenney
Natalie Kilgore
Meghan King
Nancy and Steve Kitts Family
Jill and Barry Koster
Cuong Huy Le and Lan Pham Le
Betsy Lehr
Fran and Matt Lester
Katie and Matthew Levi
Lisa Dunbar and John Lewis
Leslie, Michael and Charlotte
Kelly Love
Rita and Scott Luallin
Ashli Lykins and Family
Chuck and Margoth Mackey
Beth and Brian Madden Family
Lucie Wolcott and Mark Maguire
Kate and Bill Mahoney
Kathy Marton
Bonnie and Joe Massimino
Tina and John Mateski
Emily McCann
Cynthia and Pat McCarthy
Carolyn and Michael McCausland
Jackie McGee
McGraw Family
Stephanie and Thomas McHugh
and Family
Kerri and Matthew McNett
Charles Meisch
Wendy and Patrick Melland
Joellen and Rob Messerli
Kathy Morton
Ann Beth and Ed Mulloy
Julia VanderWeele and Nelson
Marie, Bob and Laura Neenan
Kathy and Jack Newman
Amie and Chris Novosel
Moira and Carnie Nulton
Starla Moore and Darrel
O’Neill Family
Peggy and Sal Panis
Catherine and Russell Pedersen
Michael Philips
Ann and Tyler Prochnow
Deanna and David Quinn
Lynn and Jay Reardon
Lesley and Patrick Reller
Schepker Family
Sandra and Kent Scheuler
Bernard and Mary Margaret
Andrea Skowronek
Therese and Gary Smith Family
STA Star Parents Association
Paul Stucky Family
Beth Sweeny
Maureen and Laureen Taylor
Addie Thompson
Mary and Paul Thompson
Jennifer and Michael Torti
Carla and Timothy Trainor
Annie Tuttle
Mary Beth, Mark and Sarah
Visitation Church
Laura Duchardt and Mike
Jill Churchman Wall and Dan Wall
Bill Waris Family
Warwick Family
Liz and Doug Watts
Becky and Gary White
Margaret Jo Smith and Gary
Linda and Mike Wilber
Vicki and John Winn
Cynthia and Michael Wolf
Karen Holden Young
In Memory of
Janet Meyer Miller
Edward and Donnie Barnes
Debby and Jim Bird
Jon Braatz
Mary Brenner
Jeannette and Stephen Bruns
Bill and Robin Carr
Ronald Cattelino
Sandra and Michael Chism
Elizabeth Curtin
Shirley Goza
Carol and Michael Grimaldi
Laurie and David Hathman
Jo Ann Hathman
Julie Hathman-Wint
Louann and Charles Huffman
Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing
FH Kaysing Company
James Malouff III
John Mayorek
Diane and Joseph Meyer
Suzanne Meyer
Peter Muenks
Helen and Michael Muenks
James and Karen Neal
Vicki and David Oberkrom
Robert Serra
Rick and Paula Shteamer
Sharon Snavely
Ellen Spake
Kelli and Chris Springer
Paula and Pat Stegmaier
Greenlease Library Staff
Eva and Dan Williams
Dave and Kathy Wirken
Mary Jane and Kurt Youngstrom
"Sharing stories,
living through
In Memory of
Betty Waters
Alice Amick
Jane and Russ Ascheman
Kathleen and John Barry
Betty Egelhoff Bauers
Paul and Brenda Beck
Mary Kate and Brandon Beck
Nan and Bill Bone
Kathy and Bruce Brodie
Carolyn and Jeff Bushur
Janet and Casey Cantin
Carey and Associates
Charles and Sandra Carey
Kathy and Frank Carey
Julie Cogley
Anne and Kevin Connor
Mr and Mrs Sidney Cooke
Cathy and Tom Cooney
Bill and Rebecca Crain
Mary and Kevin Cummings
Mary Ann and Craig Cummings
Kristine Curley
Kim and Tom Curry
Kathleen Davis
Kathryn Dierks
Jean and Tim Donaldson
Kathleen Drummond
Karen and Stephen Duethman
Jean and Bill Dunn
Theresa and Bill Egelhoff
Sheila Eikermann
Kathy and Pat Ervin
Kathy and Dan Euston
Sue and Pat Fagan
Connie and Kevin Fahey
JM Fahey Construction Co
Sue and Joe Fahey
Mimi Fasenmyer
Penny, Jeff and Eli Fender
Nancy and Mark Fitzpatrick
Mary Beth Fleming
Mike and Connie Fleming
Susan Fletcher
John and Diane Frey
Barbara Froeschl
Julia Gargallo
JoAnne and Allen Gassman
Celeste Greenlee
Mary Jane Grimaldi
Barb and Jon Haden Family
Maris and Joe Haster
Louis and Mary Kay Hiatt
Sam Hoeper, Jr
Steve and Monica Hufford
Brian and Kelly Johnson
Joan and Dick Jordan
Sharon and Tim Kennedy
Jan and Greg Klapp
Katie Kline
Linda Knox
Roberta Lancaster
Jennifer Leedy
Regina Lickteig
Elizabeth and Charles Lillis
Maureen and Denny Liston
Loch Lloyd Country Club
Kathleen Maguire
Sue Marquis
Cathy and John Marx
Mary Ann Mason
Jean Maupin
Barb and Tim McCormick
Mike and Mary McCormick
Jesdon and Michael McCowen
Mary McLiney
Antoinette Migliazzo
Anthony and Patti Migliazzo
Elvira Migliazzo
Ginny and Bruce Moore
Claudette Moyer
Lynne Nelson
Mary Nigro
Erin and Brett Powell
Antoinette Powers
Maureen and Pat Purcell
James and Jan Quarnstrom
Jane and Andy Quarnstrom
Katie and Ryan Raccuglia
Re-Max State Line
Marcia Reidy
Raymond and Carolyn Reinhart
Bill and Blanche Roman
Diane and Joe Schloegel
Jennifer and Daniel Schroeder
Mary and Don Sharp
Nancy and David Shuss
Melinda and Phil Smith
Susan and Mark Spence
Carolyn Sterner
Richard and Laura Stief
Dennis and Jody Sweeney
Leon (Gene) Terry
Cathie and Rick Thomas
Rita and James Tiehen
Trish and Dan Tiehen
Julie Trotter
Anna Marie and Eric Vogel
Pamela Walther
Carol and Mike Walzl
Marcia Warwick
Virginia Wasson
Connie and Warren Weaver
Paula White
Patricia Whittaker
Linda and Mike Wilber
Addie Winslow
ups and downs
of life,
and always
Class of 1969
being there
for each other...
we are
ever lasting friends."
e were all coming home for Christmas vacations from our various
universities and were excited to see each other. We gathered for our
first fondue party at Louanne’s parents’ home. Six giddy college
girls devoured the Andre’s fondue and desserts and emptied eleven bottles of wine!
We didn’t realize we were beginning a lifelong tradition in which all of us looked
forward to.
Each year we got together and celebrated with stories from school, boyfriends,
and future jobs. The conversations shifted [based on our life stage], but our
friendships were always most important to us. The bonds we made in elementary
and high school have lasted through 40 years of never missed fondue parties every
Christmas. It is the highlight of our holiday. Just the girls. There is lots of laughter,
love, stories, memories, appreciation, and now maybe wisdom.
♥ Louanne Hein with input from Patty, Mary, Lenette, and Katy
Seated (l to r): Katy Iwersen Tenn and Louanne Hein; (Standing l to r): Patty Lippert Butler, Lenette
Campbell Crawford and Mary Mulloy Kuhnlein
Track and Field
The McDonnell Family Sports Complex is the result of an innovative partnership between
St. Teresa’s Academy and UMKC. The new track and field promotes the health and
wellness of all STA students and enhances the school’s athletic programs.
Donations are still needed to fund this project. Please consider a gift or pledge, or sponsor
a personalized star on the fence surrounding the complex.
We are grateful for the tremendous support of the following contributors:
Diana and Joseph Backer
Susie and Mike Barnthouse
Kathleen and John Barry
Grace and Charles Barth
Tim Barton
Colleen and Mark Bauman
Joanie and Joe Bauman
Holly and Don Beineman
Amy and Anthony Bode
Nan and Bill Bone
Julie and Randy Bredar
Ruth Brito
Kate Thompson Brown
and Peter Brown
Barbara and Henry Burger
Mary Lou and Steve Burgess
Laureen and Robert Caffarelli
Nicholas Callegari
Carondelet Orthopaedic
Barbara Concannon
Mr and Mrs Connor
Anne and Kevin Connor
Jane and Tim Coppinger
Kathy and Pat Coppinger
Stephen and Erica Coppinger
Virginia and Tom Coppinger
Lenette and Dana Crawford
Amy and Stephen Crilly
Susan and John Crowe
Patti and Bob Dearth
Paul Donovan
30 Track and Field
DST Systems, Inc
Katie and Ryan Duffy
Anne and Steve Dunn
Virginia and Tom Edwards
Maureen and Paul Evans
Connie and Kevin Fahey
Courtney and Andrew Fahey
Sue and Joe Fahey
Ellen and Kerm Fendler
Marilyn and Thomas Fennesy
Shauna and Steven Fletcher
Denise and Mick Fletcher
Barbara and Steven Flynn
Tom Fritzlen
Diane and Terrence Gallagher
Suzann and Butch Geringer
Kristi and Jeff Gibbs
The Goppert Foundation
Grace Hospice
Jennifer and Denis Greene
Mary and Sam Gromowsky
Beth Haden
Patty and Randy Herr
Ann and Joe Hodes
Dina and Matthew Hodes
Mary and Steve Hornbeck
Ali and Mark Hough
Kathy and Tom Jantsch
Donna and Joe Jirovec
Kansas City Chiefs
Debbie and Timothy Katers
Jeanette and Bob Kerschen
Kissick Construction Company
Mary and John Kitchin
Nancy and Steve Kitts
Susan and Harold Lamb
Lankford and Associates
Marilyn and Brian Lappin
Brynne Lee
Mary and Larry Leonard
Teresa and Tom Lyon
Chuck Mackey
Beth and Brian Madden
Lucie and Mark Maguire
Karen Mahoney
Vicki and John Marshall
Mary and John Martin
Cynthia and Pat McCarthy
Carolyn and Michael McCausland
Mary Beth and Steve McClain
Barb McCormick
Jean and Tom McDonnell
Jill and Thomas McGee
Patty and Mike McMahon
Betsy and George Medina
Mary Lou and Herman Meiners
Ruth and John Meunier
Suzanne Meyer
Robert E Miller Group
Marilyn Mitchell
Jana and James Moynihan
Vicki and Greg Muehlebach
Beatriz Nava
Shelly Nuessle
Ann and Daniel O’Brien
Patrick O’Byrne
Barbara and Mike O’Flaherty
Jody and Jim Olson
Gretchen Opicka
Anne and Paul Pautler
Sheila Pendergast
Sharon and Steven Perry
Mary Pat and Lawrence Purcell
Cynthia Randazzo and Rick Didier
Lynn and Jay Reardon
Dana and Rich Reda
Karen and David Redlich
Lesley and Patrick Reller
Kris and Mick Rhodes
Roadbuilders Machinery and
Amy and Bob Rodriguez
Carol Rost
Mary and John Russell
Julie and David Sarson
Chely and Don Scarbrough
Sandra and Kent Scheuler
Ann Schorfheide CSJ
Nancy and Chuck Schorgl
Mary and Dan Schulte
Veronica and Jere Sellers
Sarah Simeone
Marsha and James Smith
Therese and Gary Smith
Sandra Spalding
Sporting Kansas City
Glenn Stephenson
Jeannine Strandjord
Erin and Paul Stucky
Erin Sullivan
Sally and Maynard Sulzer
Nancy Teson
Amy and Mark Thompson
Joan and Byron Thompson
Rita and James Tiehen
Michelle and David Turney
Mary Beth and Mark Vickery
Anna Marie and Eric Vogel
Jennifer and Ulrich Waldenmeyer
Patty Waris
Marcia and Rich Warwick
Linda and Lohn Weber
Keli and John Wenzel
Janet and Bob Wholey
Georgiana and Jack Wiesner
Joane and Bryan Wilkerson
Adeline Winslow
Sheila Wirkus
Pam and Larry Wise
Deena and George Wolf
Fleury Yelvington
Julie and Steve Zanone
Donors by Graduating Class
Mary Donovan Bruegging
Rose Marie Carrollo Falco
Marybeth Malsie O’Malley
Martha Becker Head
Peggy Rafter Massman
Margaret McGuire Denison
Mary Betty Bahl Green
Carolyn Cavanaugh Stanton
Betty Baldwin Mascal
Mary Catharine McMahon
Jean Aylward Dunn
Margret Fitzsimons
Rep: Catherine Bush Ormsby
Mary Catherine Halpin Hale
Mary Margaret Ormsby Malley
Betty Reintjes McDonnell
Catherine Bush Ormsby
Rosemary Strafuss Smith
Patricia Walsh Ferris
Marie Stasi Mentrup
Mary Catherine O’Donnell
Susan Polito Braile
Barbara Smith Burger
Helen Hodes Heft
Sheila Rohrer
Joan Lodde McGee Thompson
Ann Hatton Von Gremp
Rep: Estelle Murphy
Rep: Marilyn Carrigan Fennesy
Rep: Pat Ferris
Patricia Wren Gardner
Rosemary Cannon Kilker
Estelle Murphy
Mary Lou Morroto Balano
Marilyn Carrigan Fennesy
Rep: Susan Cowherd Bradley
Rep: Regina Howard Carrigan
Susan Cowherd Bradley
Marjorie Hogan Thiel
Albertine Baumgartner Votapek
Joan Haynes Watts
Reps: Barbara Reitz Schweiger
Deborah Hurley Smith
Maureen Reinhardt Antworth
Mary Carol Burns Mitchell
Virginia Ziegler Bagby
Barbara Reitz Schweiger
Deborah Hurley Smith
Pat Quirk Whitley
Rep: Marybeth Malsie O’Malley
Rep: Judy Hadel Reichmeier
Virginia Gerhardt Clune
Mary Ann Donovan CSJ
Rep: Dolores Waters Fleming
Rep: Joan Lodde Thompson
Rep: Antoinette Kopp Powers
Susan Kraus Daly
Madeleine Pearson Fiscus
Rita J. Kowalczyk Levens
Sheila Lillis Lyons
Mary C Flanagan Martin
Ruth Tracy Meunier
Maureen White O’Connor
Antoinette Kopp Powers
The following is a list of all benefactors of St. Teresa’s Academy in
chronological order by graduation year. Thank you to all who support
our beloved Academy.
Some graduating classes are in need of a class representative. If you
are interested in volunteering, please contact Kathleen Barry at
[email protected] or 816.501.0023.
Sally Green Sulzer
Patricia Ketterlin Welsh
Kareen O’Connor Wormington
Teresa Henninger Burke
Noreen Lynch Dempsey
Mary Lancaster O’Dower
Micheline Di Bella Weber
Rep: Marilyn Murphy
Mary Ellen O’Keefe Devine
Nancy Fligg Hampton
Charlotte Lee Mehrer
Marilyn Murphy
Claudia Carr Rafter
Susan Price Rice
Virginia Brown Schmeltz
Anita DeFeo Schneider
Charlene Mathews Welling
Rita Coolick Zahner
Rep: Fran Spruill Schilling
Patricia Day Beatty
Sandra Brosnahan
Jane Egender Bruening
Elaine Stewart Daus
Patricia Coolick Dunn
Linda Grace
Elizabeth Harvey Jacquinot
Madeleine Stallings McCabe
Judith Gibbons McDermott
Ann Lancaster McShane
Patricia Lammers Ninci
Virginia Bartholome Rohan
Judie Stephenson Scanlon
Frances Spruill Schilling
Marcia Quigley Tuttle
Arden Sickman Weis
Reps: Peggy Gramlich Baker
Sharon O’Connor Potts
Peggy Gramlich Baker
Toni Jean Bink
Jo Ann Navarro Cloninger
Kitty Wagner Colwell
Martha Law Conrad
Anita Hughes Dunn
Virginia Bonino Geraci
Jane McNary Keller
Susan McMichael Langenheim
Patty Lee
Mary Nickerson Looney
Barbara Field Meyer
Mary Helen Leahy Mullaney-Ley
Mary Ann Nestel CSJ
Sharon O’Connor Potts
Lanti Frey Riederer
Pat Pearson Sargent
Nancy Tobin Schorgl
Mary Williams Tillman
Donna Jones Welch
Reps: Susan Ruddy
Susan Mayer Matney
Cathie Frisch Sullivan
Mary Glenn Gromowsky
Wendy Bauers Northup
Carol Roleke Rotert
Mary Jo Lombard Sage
Michele McGrath Schloegel
Rep: Mary McLiney
Mara Baun
Betty Ann Booker
Mary Ann Dunn Brown
Carolyn Schwartz Gollings
Grace Bartholome Hasibar
Gayle Danzo Johnson
Karen Mahoney
Susan D Fitzgerald Mancuso
Mary McLiney
Mary M Regan Morgan
Jeanette Sachen Paugh
Donna Ryan RSM
Sally Coleman Saks
Regina Bartman CSJ
Mary Ellen Thornhill Dick
Patricia Dunphy CSJ
Virginia Nelson Edwards
Colleen Nestor Enna
Linda Pfeiffer Hill
Mary Betty Moore Knackstedt
Sue Ann Coumbe Leonard
Jesdon Haake McCowen
Diane Tiehen Schloegel
Mary Michelle Bien Sharp
Leslie Horn Worcester
Joan Cusack Bauman
Michaela Farren
Donors by Class 31
"Although I have been
away from Kansas City
since 1981,
my Kansas City friends...
many of them
with ties to STA...
remain some of my
dearest and closest ones."
♥ Mary Agnes Castrop Morrow-Bax
Reps: Karol Peterson Fitzhugh
Michele Bailey Kizer
Joanne Moyer Kurre
Kathleen O’Connor
Darleen Kerwin Porch
Jill Churchman Wall
Judith Higgins Barker
Sandra Klug Blackburn
Joanne Lynch Brosnahan
Martha Meagher Downey
Mary Lou Waters Early
Theresa Morris Egelhoff
Sheila McGrath Eikermann
Janet Orscheln Fague
Suzanne Flanner Fisch
Karol Peterson Fitzhugh
Sharon Calloway Henry
Michele Bailey Kizer
Susan St. Clair Laubengayer
Kathleen O’Connor Lombardo
Teresa Haake Lyon
Toni Klein McDermott-Jerauld
Kathy Fisher Mulvey
Julie O’Connor Nelson
Darleen Kerwin Porch
Anne Triplett Quick
Kathy Richards
Jill Churchman Wall
Kris Zacher Zondca
Reps: Cathy Hughes Marx
Julie Trotter
Class of 1960
(l to r): Kathy Schurig Sullivan and Mary Agnes Castrop
3 2 Donors by Class
Virginia Bertelsen
Patricia Clune CSJ
Jerolyn Muenks Dickey
Michael M Gutowski RSM
Linda Hardwick Hicks
Cathy Hughes Marx
Dennie Oades
Cheryl O’Neil
Aileen Altman Richmond
Diana Conway Robertson
Betsy Graham Rushton
Martha Leahy Staker
Julie Trotter
Reps: Sharon Reardon Flynn
Marjorie Grindinger
Roberta Lancaster
Kathy Tiehen Carey
Glenda Hobson Comer
Sharon Reardon Flynn
Kathy Strayer Honan
Marjorie Grindinger Lampton
Roberta Lancaster
Carolyn Summers Long
Anita Maggio
Mary Keleher Northcutt
Joanne Perry
Kay Quick
Mary Jayneen Van Dyke Ross
Katy Mayer Rudloff
Mary Holland Schmidt
Nancy Fetters Searles
Collette Kerr Shaughnessy
Janice Sheridan
Judy Carroll Smith
Maureen Malone Smith
Jeannine Kerwin Strandjord
Linda Wempe Theno
Carol Park Walzl
Betsy Bowes Wooden
Reps: Barbara Tiehen Flynn
Kathy Triplett Polsinelli
Celeste Cody Gogel
Mary Kay Burnett Bax
Mary Klein Begnaud
Katie Sweeney Brooks
Patricia Sherman Connell
Maureen Tierney Euston
Barbara Tiehen Flynn
Celeste Cody Gogel
Pam Jackson Kuti
Carol Redding Nauman
Rose Mary Grutsch Padberg
Kathy Triplett Polsinelli
Mary Doran Stang
Kitty Neenan Steed
Pamela Ball Walther
Marilynn Koehler Wright
Reps: Jane Purcell Rues
Jeanne Oxler Ventola
Anne Cameron Damico
Dorothy Meiners Easterday
Kathy Schloegel Ervin
Jerry Schloegel Featherston
Mary Ellen Roche Gawlik
Jeanne Oades Hokanson
Rosemary Basile Jawad
Sue Van Buskirk Kimberlin
Mary Leigh Reardon Krull
Judy Nelson Marx
Kathy McGinley
Jane Purcell Rues
Susan Poland Sappington
Bonnie Hocevar Vontz
Judy Kenny Warren
Reps: Molly Fagan Grams
Donna Hepler Loren
Mary Pat Barr Burson
Sharon O’Brien Ervin
Kathy Morgan Euston
Dianne Scheerer Gibson
Lynn Dixon Grant
Nancy Nestor Hand
Kathleen Hauser
Karen Katen
Jan Euston Klapp
Donna Hepler Loren
Mary Ladesich Loveland
Margaret Mitchell
Kathy Keller Newman
Carol Hancock Sindelar
Connie Jo Vanbuskirk Swartz
Mary Ann Weinand Toohey
Mary Kay Hunt Tripodi
Mary Ann Donovan Weinhardt
Kathleen Davies Wilson
Reps: Mary Jo Giblin Saviano
Marianne Kelly Sears
Patricia Alshouse Cross
Mary Ann Grisafe Cummings
Mary Jean Cooper Day
Joy Dennis
Susan McCarthy Elliott
Mary Fitzgerald
Meg McNellis Flanagan
Susan Haake
Patty Hastings McMahon
Cathy Hunt Nelson
Kathy Wood Oades-Kelly
Peggy Conaghan Oxler
Mary Kay Porter
Christina Lafferty Psaras
Mary Kay Kelly Richter
Mary Jo Giblin Saviano
Zenaida Bustillo Schmidt
Linda Chambers Shapiro
Cynthia Shrewsbury Stasevich
Paula Meyer Stegmaier
Patty Bowen Walsh
Rep: Anne Devaney
Melinda Peck Baker
Linda Clarkson
Anne Devaney
Eileen Drummond
Janet Stark Drury
Marianne Spellman Dunn
Yvonne O’Dwyer Ferron
Monica Simms Forbes
Barbara Schloegel Froeschl
Kitty Dierks Hannan
Karen Teague Kelly
Michele Kerwin
Kris Ismert Lafferty
Susan Bolin Lee
Rita Leifhelm
Sallie Stephenson Lowery
Debby Pecararo McCay
Mary Suzanne Meyer
Peggy Neenan Oades
Mary Franey Rogers
Janet Switzer Wholey
Kathy O’Neil Williams
Reps: Louanne Hein
Kathleen Fleming Barry
Jane Harvey Ascheman
Kathleen Fleming Barry
Nan Tiehen Bone
Patricia Anderson Brasel
Kathy Clarkson Brodie
Cathy Bowen Cooney
Lenette Campbell Crawford
Rita Ellsworth
Connie Connell Fahey
Virginia Guzman
Carol Halliday Harper
Louanne Hein
Mary Kay Migliazzo Hiatt
Mary Mulloy Kuhnlein
Diane Graham Meyer
Virginia Schloegel Moore
Jean Neenan
Monica Rafter
Joanne Hilboldt Reardon
Patricia Loosen Thedinger
Reps: Ellen Baty
Molly McCaffrey
Sandra McDill Bachman
Ellen Baty
Amy Bode
Jean Fetters Donaldson
Patricia Lillig Ford
Diane Dierks Hubert
Suzanne Hoag Johnson
Donna Lippert Mandl
Kelly McLear
Paula Miller McNeary
Reps: Jan Stephenson
Kathy Haake Walters
Stefanie Bien
Patricia MacDonald Donnelly
Mary Droll Feighny
Nita Gill
Donna Katen-Bahensky
Margaret Donahue Krupp
Catherine Grant McKay
Karen Miller Morrison
Patty Oades
Janet Stephenson
Tracey Brown Westhoff
Reps: Martha Estrada
Jane Tiehen
Michelle Wainstock
Mary Bowes Buchanan
Chrissa McLear Hoffmeier
Kathleen McNellis Koenig
Susan Trave Kuechler
Patricia Schmiedeler McKenna
Jane Tiehen Quarnstrom
Michelle Wainstock Salzman
Mary Elizabeth Fahey Stone
Susan Drummond Warner
Reps: Kim Kraus Curry
Kathleen O’Brien
Cheryl Waters Bolin
Jean Carey-Brendle
Mary Donnelly Cummings
Kim Kraus Curry
Susan Schleicher Hanford
Corliss Alexander Jones
Regina Terry Lickteig
Mary McAuliffe
Ellen McCarthy
Colleen Stanley Mulcahy
Ann Beth De Good Mulloy
Kathleen Murphy Marx
Deborah Grieser Paarman
Alma Jacobs Rollison
Maureen Shine
Jan Toplikar Welsh
Molly Iwerson Wiedeman
Rep: Laura Mulloy Barton
Patricia Mahoney Baker
Suzanne Schmiedeler
Rita Kramer Beggs
Deborah Meyer Bird
Barbara Ryffe Etem
Maureen McGannon Evans
Kellee Nash Hercules
Karen Schweiger Komoroski
Jeanne Blanck Lancey
Katy Sheehan Morris
Sharon Meyers Perry
Nancy Seibolt
Vicki Lechtenberg Silverman
Kathleen Rydings St. John
Rep: Mary Heshion McCalla
Nancy Van Buskirk Connell
Joan Toplikar Jones
Sharon Fleming Kennedy
Julie Reichmeier LeRoy
Sarah McCarthy Mehl
Victoria Henges Menninger
Jane Ramm Rerecich
Maureen Taylor
Rep: Patty Haake Herr
Peggy Youngblood Allen
Mary Hilboldt Bessenbacher
Kathleen Thompson Brown
Janet Reichmeier Burns
Laura Slickman Connealy
Mary Jo Geisel De Maio
Jeanne Hayes Dreiling
Susan Tuckness Eubank
Leanne Cahill Fitzgerald
Laura Foley
Patty Haake Herr
Kathy Teahan Jantsch
Susan Weinand Lamb
Kim Franke Lemar
Susannah Ingraham Lesswing
Jane Halpin Luton
Mary Pat Jackson Purcell
Teresa Snodell Rudder
Erin Sullivan
Lisa Sullivan
Susan Sweeney
Teresa Lobb Walker
Reps: Mary Beth Aylward
Paula Schweigher
Carol Rost
Deborah Duchardt Conklin
Lisa Muehlebach Dunleavy
Nancy Brown Grasse
Laurie Meyer Hathman
Kathy Massman Hilliard
Sue O’Laughlin Kelly
Monica Levens
Cheryl Reintjes Nichols
Susan Stubbers Scully
Class of 1970
hrough email, the three of us stay
connected. Each knows we can reach out
to one another for prayer and a pick me
up. Each time I’m in Kansas City, it’s just the three
of us at dinner. We all look forward to a glass of
wine, a great meal, and, of course, remembering the
good times, a time we cherish and hold dear. Would
I change anything? Only one: that we could have
started this sisterhood sooner.
♥ Molly McCaffrey Gallagher
Reps: Mary Ann Cartella
Moira Kelly Healy
Peggy Daly Sparks
Christina Crosby Arens
Minnette Bumpus
Mary Ann Cartella Cappo
Molly Sheehan Corkill
Barbara Concannon Dehaemers
(l to r): Liz Leahy Heinshon, Molly McCaffrey Gallagher, and
Margie Cartella Leahy Keary
Donors by Class 33
Class of 1999
Martha Fleming
Roberta Gumbel
Linda Lafferty Heiman
Cathleen Cornell Jenkins
Nonie Mitchell Newman
Susan Oesterly
Bridget Williams Proskie
Kathy Jackson Shea
Meg Runyan Stafford
Maleea Murphy Vater
Megan Burke Viviano
Rep: Joane VanDyke
Seated (l to r): Jeanne Caffrey Earhart, Ashley Bivens,
(middle) Megan Rhodes; (back) Kelly Crawford Van Maren,
Colleen Casey Schmidt, (bride)Allison Summers Besse
Colleen O’Sullivan Bauman
Michelle Fay Bowers
Katherine Geisel Bowler
Carol Ann Aylward Coolidge
Susan Cordes Farley
Joan Reichmeier Huber
Jeanette Ross LePique
Polly Cordes Mandl
Lynn Sullivan Reardon
Joane Van Dyke Wilkerson
"My group of friends from
the Class of 1999
are still quite close.
We get together
as often as we can...
our STA bond
is what keeps us strong.."
♥ Allison Summers Besse
3 4 Donors by Class
Reps: Molly Brennan
Jennifer Keller Petree
Laura Youngblood Bruce
Carolyn Schloegel Bushur
Jean C. O’Laughlin Chesney
Elizabeth Jones Ferron
Shauna Aylward Fletcher
Martha Neenan Franke
Michelle Craddock Hayman
Yvette and Brian Heath
Margaret Brock Huber
Jane Growney Kieffer
Anne Runyan Kremers
Joellen O’Byrne Messerli
Mary Montag
Maureen Savage Morris
Kathleen Meagher Rusgis
Gina Meyers Smrt
Marcia Toplikar
Kathy Welsh Watkins
Kathleen Aylward Wiedeman
Annette Wainstock Robertson
Peggy McShane Rowe
Alie Scholes
Susan Sterner Spence
Rep: Mary Lewis Cary
Reps: Maureen Malley O’Toole
Mary Padilla
Susan Seigfreid Crowe
Amy Giblin
Mary Sterner Giordano
Teresa Bowersox-Jefferson
Kristen McAuliffe Kerwin
Sheila Lillis
Margie Cowherd Morrison
Ann Cochran O’Brien
Kathy Baker Rohr
Mary Beth Growney Seese
Barbie Fritzlen Travis
Susan Broski Corpuz
Mary Plewa Cox
Marlo Morrisey Johnson
Julie Miller McCann
Cathy Bessenbacher Olberding
Barbie Super O’Toole
Ann Tierney Prochnow
Kathleen Behrmann Van
Kristine Zondca
Reps: Colleen Dorrian Egan
Susan Miller Schilling
Reps: Amy Latenser
Carol Martin Tracy
Laura Duchardt
Karen & Hans Haywood
Roberta Lonergan Kraus
Louise Perucca Meyers
Lynn Kelly Willnauer
Ann Bushman Zimmerman
Beth Jungk Benteman
Carol Harte Crowe
Consuelo Cruz
Jennifer Curry
Lissa Hoskins Dow
Sara Engel Fowler
Mollie Reiter Grever
Laura Hughes-Zahner
Cynthia Vines McCarthy
Michelle Myers Pike
Katie Bax Richardson
Amy Wiedeman Thompson
Carol Martin Tracy
Rep: Mary Beth Rice
Mary Beth Rice Andersson
Chrissy Effertz Fiorella
Maureen Fitzsimmons
Karen Haynes
Ann Fitzgerald Hodes
Renee Cramer Hunter
Angela Murphy
Suzanne Loeffelholz Oliver
Karen Curry O’Neill
Anne McLaury Pautler
Betsy O’Brien Pitts
Anne Fritzlen Randolph
Betsy Rhodes Repine
Reps: Sally Runyan Bloskey
Julie Growney Lewer
Sally Runyan Bloskey
Annette Bumpus-Page
Babette Bumpus-Bradley
Ann Egelhoff
Mary Connolly Hornbeck
Claudia Rowland Huse
Michelle Novak Innes
Julie Growney Lewer
Jennifer Jordan Loe
Karen McShane
Yumi Stroder Taylor
Theresa Becker Waller
Reps: Mary Beth Clune
Kristine Curley
Michelle Tagg
Kim Hinson Baker
Kirsten Carver
Mary Beth Clune Compton
Kristine Curley
Pam Scaro Hunt
Janet Martin
Mona Marietti Rieke
Reps: Megan Baker
Mary Ryan Strati
Maria Carrillo Arrieta
Katie Tierney Blando
Shannon Cate
Jennifer Chapin
Beth Cressey
Rachel Looney Donovan
Ann Thompson Eckels
Tricia Fitzsimmons
Michelle Freeman
Kelly Crawford Friendly
Alicia Lopez Garcia
Jeannie Bestgen Grey
Allison Hughes
Ann Egli Kohlsaat
Lourdes Vallazza Krause
Jennifer O’Neil McBratney
Emily Bryde McClernon
Annie McCormick
Kate Sargent Peterson
Marshan Purnell
Kasey Coulter Reaves
Gina Gicinto Staves
Kathleen Farnen Talbot
Carrie Kenny Tarzon
Lupe Toledo
Kelly Hokanson Voitenko
Amy McCormack Waris
Christian Weld-Brown
Amy Mura Wissel
Mary Therese Reardon Woody
Reps: Megan Fitzgerald
Claire Meysenburg
Mary Meiners Braddock
Carolyn Effertz Dorlac
Leslie Letts Gaudreau
Peggy Flattery Kasper
Molly McCarthy Maxwell
Jolie Carver Riley
Megan Fitzgerald Schaefer
Claire Meysenburg Smith
Jeannie Bessenbacher Sopyla
Rep: Andrea Ways Newman
Brenda Smith Allert
Amy Massman Crilly
Kathleen Runyan Cussen
Bridget Grams
Sarah McQueeny Kartsonis
Katie Curley Kline
Amy Egelhoff Oades
Missy Benson Runyan
Kim Warren
Jeannine Gisler Wilkerson
Reps: Amy Blickhan
Andrea Gunn Carroll
Ellen Reiter Klem
Susie James Burns
Melissa Andersen Carter
Adrianne Bills Johnson
Ellen Reiter Klem
Amy Mendez Pendleton
Shani Tate Ross
Nancy Freeman Wilkerson
Reps: Peggy Hiebl Crawford
Mary Waris Oades
Reps: Nikki Jones
Nichelle Renaud
Christine Latta Rogge
Reps: Brooke Kuechler Harris
Jessica Schechter
Michelle Tipton DyLiacco
Anna Hurtado
Laura Sheldon Juranek
Colleen Cowan Williams
Karen Moran Redlich
Devin Blackburn
Katie Stacy Erwin
Brooke Kuechler Harris
Mary Jane Groff Judy
Kristin Hill Killgore
Molly Wholey Lane
Molly Rothove
Sarah Simeone
Michaela Hand Soyland
Jessica Shechter Thomas
Rep: Colleen McEvoy Schorgl
Reps: Sarah Trozzolo Brewster
Jessica Dotson
Ali Sherman and Alex Persley
Laura Kuhnlein Burger
Bridget Glynn Krieger
Traci Daffer Martin
Molly White Van Rheen
Erin Walsh Flood
Rachel Mahlik
Mary Waris Oades
Pam Grasser Thompson
Reps: Jenny Craig
Melissa MereghettiHarbert
Emily Aylward Vogt
Erin Donnelly Cowan
Annie Gorski
Susan Oxler Hermes
Erika Wirken Lawler
Alice Randolph Pattison
Joan Schieber
Allison Fahey Schorgl
Rebecca Vinduska
Emily Aylward Vogt
Laura Guillot Wilkison
Reps: Melissa Oades Grams
Megan Clarke Tunley
Emily Leonard Claxton
Emily Clisbee Day
Katie Cubria Esser
Kara Walsh Hoolehan
Christina Crawford Kosmowski
Angie Warren McEnany
Sheila Wirkus Pendergast
Autumn Saxton-Ross
Christy Mehrer Schoenfeld
Maria Valenti
Keli O’Neill Wenzel
Katie Scanlon Williams
Reps: Amy Aldrich
Jill Trozzolo Wuetherich
Molly Newman Sisulak
Reps: Beth Brown
Breanne Coleman
Kelli Dowd
Stacy Porto
Katie Wholey Anderson
Christin Cipolla DiMartino
Molly Ekerdt
Julie Fahey Hoerandner
Lauren Teaney Krull
Catherine Marx Moriarity
Betsy Reardon O’Brien
Erin Quarnstrom Powell
Molly Barry Salinardi
Nicole Effertz Taylor
Colleen Welsh Teasdale
Cantrell Jelley Wenzel
Lisa Brosnahan Zieren
Reps: Jacque Curry
Paloma Juarez
Hilary Haley
Meredith Hartley
Ashleigh Diaz Noel
Erin Smith O’Laughlin
Shae Stark Paradise
Mary Thayne Rinne
Christie Smythe
Reps: Katie Barry
Bridget McLaughlin
Teresa Gabhart
Beth VanDyke
Susie Moran Vreeland
Megan Madden Blaufuss
Teresa Gabhart
Beth Haden
Class of 2005
’ve been living in Valparaiso, Chile, for the past
five years. During this time, I’ve been visited by
many STA alums, some staying a day or two, a
week or two, or even months at a time. It’s been great
to have so many fun visitors from high school, and I
love being able to host all of the Stars that come my way!
Katie Alley, ’05, visited me for a week while she
was traveling around Latin America. Eli Medina,
’05, came on a whim and stayed for three months
before traveling around Latin America with her
sister, Kathleen, ’07, who also stayed for a few weeks,
making that summer one of the most fun I’ve ever
had here. Suzanne Russel, ’05, and her Ausie husband,
made a quick pass through town on their way to
Patagonia. Alex Persely, ’04, came for a wonderfully
long weekend. Kate Cofran, ’05, is currently staying
with me, mostly to improve her Spanish. And finally,
Katie Kelly, ’05, visited, too.
♥ Allison (Ali) Sherman
Reps: Keisha Clay
Sarah Hoffmeier
Mary-Catherine Liberto
Reps: Theresa Haden
Kelly Nelson
Reps: Carrie Hudson
Holly Fielder
Theresa Haden
Michelle Jantsch
Brynne Lee
Carolyn Wiedeman
Morgan Bené
Sadie Duffy
Holly Fielder
Carolyn Hudson
Kelly Love
Emily McCann
Jacqueline McGee
Sarah Hoffmeier
Cara Thompson Hoover
Gretchen Berry Range
Mary Catherine Liberto Reinert
Jacqueline Gaughan Vigil
Reps: Emily Mulloy
Annie Haden Tweedy
Tiffany Adams
Jessica Ponnath Crotty
Erin Fitzpatrick
Lynette Samborski
Jennifer Vogel Schroeder
Annie Haden Tweedy
Laura Prather Vernaci
Kelly Shuss White
Rep: Shannon Curry
Jessica Fahey
Molly Hamid
Reps: Carli Campbell
Lauren Damico
Kaitlin Arnold
Amanda Backer
Lauren Damico
Veronica Miller
Rep: Kayla Kratofil
Rep: Kathleen Musgrave
Megan Caffrey
Elizabeth Wilson
Suzanne Russell Parker
Merritt Lee Prinzivalli
Angela Garozzo Scopelianos
Kathleen Musgrave Spiking
Lora Swarts
Reps: Molly Wilkerson Green
Sarah Tampke
Molly Wilkerson Green
Clare Morris
Alexandra Burr Pasquinelli
Julie Shuss
Abigail Sosinski
3 6 Donors by Class
Rep: Taylor Kramer
Adelaide Thompson
Rep: Shannen Freeman
Christina Barton
Rachel Caffrey
Kerry Egan
Shannen Freeman
Mary Elizabeth Sauder
Class of 2013
Madeline Horton
Natalie Kilgore
Daisy Calderon
Elizabeth Lehr
Elizabeth Countee
Meghan King
Annie Tuttle
Every effort has been made to
accurately reflect the finances and
listings of our benefactors for the
year 2013. Kindly forward any
corrections to Greg Carlson at
[email protected] or
phone: 816.501.0011 x160.
few more months and it will be a year since we graduated
from possibly one of the best places on earth. We are all,
without a doubt, so grateful for the Academy and the
sisterhood it fostered in our class. This was especially evident as we
celebrated our dear Becca’s life. I look at her prayer card every day
now and say St. Teresa of Avila’s words that are written on the back.
Becca, we love you, sweet girl.
"Peace. Love. Stars. Chocolate.
Waldo Pizza. Sister Joan."
♥ Carrie Hudson
(above) Class of 2013 during the Graduate Reunion Luncheon in January, 2014,
honoring Becca Lueke.
Table of Contents
Nan Bone, Ed. Spec., M.A., President
Barb McCormick, Ed. Spec., M.A., Principal for Academic Affairs
Mary Anne Hoecker, M.A., Principal for Student Affairs
“Forever Friends, Forever Sisters, Forever Grateful” is an except from a letter written by Roseanne Ciarlelli Corely, Class of 1994
Letter from the President
Sisterhood 1992
Sisterhood 1957
Sisterhood Today
2013 Financials
Inspiring Women Campaign
Board of Directors
Women’s Circle of Giving
Corporate and Foundation Support
Teresa of Avila Society
Annual Giving
In Memoriam
Track and Field
Donors by Graduating Class
Mission Statement
St. Teresa’s Academy is committed to the education of young women. We are a Catholic, independent, college
preparatory high school sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. The Academy is rooted in Christian
values and embraces a diverse student body. We promote excellence in education through a challenging
curriculum, personal responsibility, participation in extracurricular activities and an expectation of success.
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p: 816.501.0011 • f: 816.523.0232 •
Forever friends. Forever sisters. Forever grateful.