to a copy of the TFC Application form
to a copy of the TFC Application form
R*ised:Januory,201 5 APPLICATION DATE IPTV Subscription Form Month Day Dealer's Name: Dealer Code: AGENT: Dealership Phone No. PromoTitle: AGENT Code: STEP 1: SUBSCRIBER INFORMATION NAME OF SUBSCRIBER Last Name Middle Name First Name CONTACT INFORMATION Home Landline Mobile Phone (optional) Date of EMale EFemale Office Number Birth: / _l Month Day _ %n F mail Address Fax Number . (optional) GENDER: BILLING ADDRESS Suite/Apt.# Street Province City Postal Code SHIPPING ADDRESS (if differentfrom billing address) Suite/Apt.# Street Province TF( PA(KAGE (Select 0ne) Buzer # 529.95. ure s19.95- select one) I I PLUS: lsno trurEsrYlE trcoc trt,ttyllv 522.95. f (must lrrrsrvlr 5hipping & Handling nflotiIF(sub$ib€r n A(tivation lsro.os flwuvro n Fee *5ubje.ttoterms lsroo.oo-af8,E[,, and condition5olthesubscription Provided by Dealer: ( f no,STBw I ((he(k) Card form€rrt(subdber oiient tubrdber, pl€a* indi(ate TF( prcviden IoblAmountR(etoed byDeils s [0. lfYES, what ir the SPEED Yes, lwish to have my credit card debited for monthly subscription on my TFC Account E Horn" E Others: (Pls. specify) PRE-AUTHORIZED PAYMENT (Bank Account lnfo) Ma( l,lo. f] YES tr NO B. Whois yourintemel ser!ice providerl in yourarea otyourservice/ be app ed f you opl to pay lu(eedmq prymeni5 v a deb t nn nqement from yor ba nk a(ount. f Bt month tsyment howpvtr, w I be v a rred t GId or M{Mbff) Note: A speed of 2 Mbps is required for the STB to operate Cheque marked "void" attached. Pls. do not indicate any date or amount. ! effciently STEP 5: SUBSCRIBER AUTHORIZATION signed by me. information in conn€dion with the transfer byABS-IBN (anada ULt 0f its business information ! I 0n this to anysu(essor. applicti0n f0rm. authorize AB5 (BN (ana da U Lt t0 send my bi ing on I ine wh ich I ran a(cess using inf0rmation (edentia s em a iled to me dire(tly by A 85 tBN (anada ll L(. acceptancebyAB5-[BN(anadaULt. However,theapplicationshall(onstitutefi]yagreementtosubscribet0theaboveserviceinaccordancewiththetermshereof, MM/DD/YY csh.) lAVe authorize AB5-CBN Canada ULC and the financial institution designated on the voto cneque arracneo, Io oegtn monrnty oeoucltons ror paymenr or ail cndrges d15rn9 under my/ourTFC Subscription.This authority is to remain in effect until ABS-CBN Canada has received written notification from me/us of its termination in time to allow ABS-CBN Canada reasonable opportunity to act on it, or until ABS-CBN Canada has sent me/us written notice of termination of this agreement. (ONNEfiION DTTAITS: internet5erli(e provider E 0ther (Io N0, you may contact a lo(al ves, I wish to have my credit card debited for the purchase of one 5TB y beforsh Dment) A.Doyouhaveexistinglnternet? ! CREDIT CARD BILLING ADDRESS *Tax$app STEP 4: HIGH-SPEED INTERNET CONNECTION lf Holderl Name: Fvninr llatp' table: agreement _yrs. Credit Card No. CuilentTF(sub5ciber lf former or Set Top 8ox (5TB) - INFORMATION: ! tnitial ! Monthly visa E E Mastercard n nmr* E others CREDIT CARD {(he(kon€ if appli(able) ]sus.oo Iwnrvro Fee STEP 3: SUBSCRIBER PAYMENT INFORMATION MONTHLY SUBSIRIPTION FTE enrrururvr ff STB City Postal Code STEP 2: SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS (Please choose the subscription package that you want) I ! - Subscriber's Name (Print) Dealer: Kindly send this form via Post Mail, FAX or E-Mall at: ABS-CBN Canada U LC, 300 Consiliu m Place Suite I 05 Sca rboroug h ON M 1 H 3G2 FAX: 1-800-832-2998 (1-80o-TFC-2998) E-Mail at: [email protected] . your Subscriber's signature lPMoxwillautomati(ally . All (onditions expalined and b€ adivated on the 8th dayafter re(eiving the box. undertood. (ustomer I nitia ls: