EBSCONET® Subscription Management helps you work more
EBSCONET® Subscription Management helps you work more
EBSCONET® Subscription Management helps you work more efficiently so you can save time and money. With EBSCONET Subscription Management, you can… Manage Subscription Workflows in One Central Location Simplify each step of the subscription management process—title selection, ordering, e-access activation, claims, renewals, and evaluation—all within a single, intuitive online platform. Choose the Resources You Need Pricing and access options are available for more than 355,000 titles from almost 100,000 publishers worldwide. Extensive title details, including bibliographic data, available formats, and publisher package information, are all updated in real time to make your selection process more efficient. Analyze and Evaluate Your Collection A wide variety of reports and online tools allow you to stay abreast of changes to your collection, track e-journal registration, activation, and licensing, and analyze expenditures, usage, and subject coverage. Renew All Content with Ease Handle renewals for e-journals, e-journal packages and print subscriptions via EBSCONET. Our E-Package Renewals tool allows you to easily make changes to your package title list and track spend in real time while ensuring that contract terms are enforced. Eliminate Duplicate Work A high level of integration among EBSCO’s management and discovery tools and with your integrated library system makes subscription details available when and where you need them. www.journals.ebsco.com 061715 Access full bibliographi c information about titles, in addition to order history. Find access and registration information, license details, and more via easy-to navigate tabbed interface. Compare available formats for each title. 2015 2014 07/2011 Check publishe r terms and conditions. 2015 2014 View holdings and usage data. Determine if a title is part of a publisher package. Contact Line 1 Contact Line 2 Contact Line 3 Contact Line 4 www.journals.ebsco.com 061715 Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Address Line 4 (978) 356-6500 (800) 653-2726 [email protected]
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