October 2015 - Tonganoxie USD 464
October 2015 - Tonganoxie USD 464
7 7RQJDQR[LH8QLILHG6FKRRO'LVWULFW Inside this issue... Superintendent’s Corner .................. page 1 Did you Do Something Kind Today? . page 2 Padfield Wins National Award........... page 2 Teachers of the Year...........................page 3 Tonganoxie Education Foundation....page 4 TES News............................................ page 6 TMS News.......................................... page 8 THS News........................................... page 9 Dates to Remember October 13 End of First Quarter October 14 No School Conferences 12-4pm, 5-8pm October 15 No School Conferences 4-8pm October 16 No School District Buildings Closed Superintendent’s Corner Welcome to October 2015 Welcome to the 2015-16 school year in the Tonganoxie School District. As I enter my second year to this district and school community, I cannot express how excited I am to begin building meaningful relationships with students, staff, parents and patrons. The Tonganoxie School District has a great reputation! It is extremely important that we continue working together collaboratively to provide a rigorous, caring, and well-rounded education that meets the needs of each and every student. Our school district is governed by a seven-member Board of Education elected by the patrons of our district. We are fortunate to have a committed and collaborative Board that sets a vision for the Tonganoxie School District. Our goal is to put practices and procedures in place to support a strategic plan focused on: •Academic excellence and learning •Student personal health and development •Transparent accountability •Fiscally responsible governance 1 October 2015 October 2015 We are so fortunate to have patrons who support our schools and children. This community is strong has steadfast support from parents and patrons in the classrooms and beyond through Big Red, athletics, music, debate, FFA, backpack programs, community service projects, and many other activities. What an honor it has been to open our new elementary school and observe our 800 young people enter the doors to a new and wonderful school building. The students and teachers are so very appreciative of your support of them. Please mark your calendar for October 24 for the Dedication of the new Elementary building. A brief dedication will take place at 10:00am by the TES flagpole. Our staff was thrilled to welcome near 2,000 students on August 20 in anticipation of another positive and productive school year. I, too, am thrilled for the coming year, but I am also honored to serve your Superintendent of such a tradition rich and caring community. By working together as an informed, engaged, and caring school community, we will continue to achieve our district mission. District Newsletter 7 7RQJDQR[LH8QLILHG6FKRRO'LVWULFW Did You Do Something That Was Kind Today? Dan Hopkins, President Tonganoxie USD 464 BOE Imagine that every parent in our Tonganoxie community asked their child this question at the end of the school day or at the supper table or before their child went to sleep. Our schools do all they can to teach and encourage kindness and to discourage bullying. My son’s teachers at THS have gone far beyond their job descriptions to instill the ideals of inclusion and openheartedness among their students. My boys have attended all the schools in USD 464, they are all committed to encouraging good citizenship. And I have often pondered what more can parents do? How can I reinforce the character building that he is learning at school? My son could easily be picked on and excluded, he is different. He is biracial, an Asian American, one of only a few in our district. He will hear a racially insensitive remark on occasion, he will be the butt of a joke at rare times. We have taught him to be proud of who he is and to be respectful of others, to be kind. He has power in personal confidence to overcome any negative words or actions. To ignore them, to bless his antagonists, and to be kind to them. Overwhelmingly he is accepted and included in his school. I can teach my son about kindness. I can teach him how to create the world that will include, nourish and cherish all people. I want to build on what he is learning at school. I want him to help bring an inclusive, caring community into existence. And so, I have begun asking him every day when we sit down to talk about his school day, “What did you do that was kind today?” I ask him if he saw anyone who needed kindness, and I suggest how he might be kind tomorrow. Further, I intentionally model kind behavior and I talk about that behavior with him. We as adults, as board members, as community members, parents, supporters, we need to model kindness so our children know what is good. Will you join me? Would you like your child to be excited in telling you he helped his classmate, he encouraged someone, he showed compassion or forgiveness to someone? Son, what did you do that was kind today? Padfield Wins National Award U. S. Representative Lynn Jenkins visited Tonganoxie High School in early August to present Mark Padfield with the Safe Sports School First Team award through the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. Firstteam awards are given to schools that have all recommended and required elements of a safe sports school. Second-team awards go to schools that have completed only required elements. Tonganoxie High School is just one of a handful of Kansas schools to have the firstteam distinction. THS also received a banner denoting its distinction as a first-team school. Joining Padfield and Jenkins at the ceremony at the THS gymnasium were THS principal Mark Farrar, Superintendent Lyn Rantz and school board president Dan Hopkins. Several THS coaches and student-athletes also were on hand for the ceremony. This isn’t the first award for Mark Padfield. He was named the 2011 Gatorade Secondary School Athletic Trainer of the Year for District 5, which covers Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota. Padfield also helped to write the Kansas State Department of Education’s competencies for three courses in sports medicine and athlete care as part of health science curriculum. Mark also serves as the President of the Kansas Athletic Trainers’ Society. Congratulations to Mark Padfield! ■ 2 October 2015 District Newsletter 7 7RQJDQR[LH8QLILHG6FKRRO'LVWULFW Tonganoxie teachers celebrated during Teacher of the Year regional banquet Two Tonganoxie teachers were honored on September 13 at the Kansas Teacher of the Year Region 2 banquet, held Sunday at the Ramada Hotel and Convention Center in Topeka. Tina Breedlove is a 5th grade teachers at TES. She has taught at TES for seven years. Tina receive her Bachelor of Arts from University of Kansas and her teacher licensure form University of Statin Mary. Ms. Breedlove wants her classroom to empower her students and make them believe they can learn and are ready to do so. According to Tina, “the greatest reward found in teaching is the most apparent to me when I have been able to motivate a student to investigate his/her world in ways that satisfy a natural curiosity that extends beyond required coursework”. Tina is convinced that each child has different strengths that must be built upon. Congratulations Mrs. Breedlove on this award. Kathy Harrell is in her 29th year of teaching. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Sterling College and her Master’s Degree from Emporia State University Kathy says the first goal in her Tonganoxie Education Foundation Academic Awards Breakfast Each year, the Tonganoxie Education Foundation honors students for academic excellence by hosting the Academic Awards Breakfast on the Saturday of Homecoming weekend. classroom is to explain the rationale behind her subject because “we are more motivated to put forth our best efforts toward a task if we understand the purpose of it”. Connecting the subject to its influence on the world today is essential is every lesson she gives. Kathy holds herself personally accountable to grow as a student of educational pedagogy. Her philosophy for her classroom is the following: “Helping kids feel valued, noticed, and respected at an age where many of them feel just the opposite is incredibly gratifying as rewarding for me.” Mrs. Harrell was awarded the Region 2 Semi-Finalist Teacher of the Year. Congratulation Mrs. Harrell on this award. ■ 3 October 2015 In previous years, the Foundation honored students in grades 4-8 who scored Exemplary on the Kansas Assessments. Due to the cyberattack during the 2013 Kansas Assessments, there were no scores reported state-wide. Therefore, the Foundation elected not to have Academic Awards Breakfast. The Tonganoxie Education Foundation is dedicated to honoring our students, so instead of canceling the breakfast another year, the Foundation elected to honor all students in grades 5-8 who achieved Honor Roll status during the 2014-15 school year. There is no honor roll for 3rd grade, so this year’s 4th graders could not be included in this achievement list. The Tonganoxie Education Foundation held the Academic Awards Breakfast on Saturday, September 19, 8am-9:30am, at Tonganoxie Elementary. The Foundation hosts this breakfast to honor students, but to also serve as a fundraiser for the Tonganoxie Education Foundation to support its programs including those honoring student achievement, student scholarships, and teacher classroom grants. Many students were honored, and the event was enjoyed by the honored students and their families. ■ District Newsletter 7 7RQJDQR[LH8QLILHG6FKRRO'LVWULFW Tonganoxie Education Foundation Hall of Fame ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT SUSIE PARMER Dora I. “Susie” Parmer graduated from Tonganoxie High School in 1955. After graduation, Susie held a leadership position in the Kansas Register of Deeds Association and she served on the Kansas Real Estate Committee and chaired the committee at the appointment of then Governor John Carlin. Susie has been an active member of the Tonganoxie United Methodist Church since she was a child. She was instrumental in helping the Salvation Army have a presence in Tonganoxie during the Christmas season. For years she organized groups to help ring the bells at various locations in the community. Susie has been an active member of Chapter A.T. PEO and of the Order of Eastern Star #82. She was also a member of the Saturday Club in Leavenworth. Susie’s children David and Dina are graduates of Tonganoxie High School; David in 1976 and Dina in 1979. She has four grandchildren. TONGANOXE HALL OF FAME The Tonganoxie USD 464 Education Foundation is pleased to induct the sixth class into the Education Hall of Fame. Criteria considered by the selection committee include outstanding service to the district by teachers, administrators, and staff; outstanding contributions to education in our community by school board members and other citizens; and outstanding contributions in the field of education by alumni. The Alumni Achievement Award is given to a graduate of Tonganoxie High School who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in areas such as career, community involvement, service, and family. Each honoree will receive a plaque during tonight’s induction ceremony and another plaque is on permanent display in the lobby of the Performing Arts Center at Tonganoxie High School. Here are this year’s honorees: worked for Standard Oil Company and then later for United Missouri Bank. She married E.M. “Okie” Parmer in 1957. Mr. Parmer served as a deputy sheriff for Leavenworth County. He was killed while working an accident in August of 1960. Their son David was two years old at the time and their daughter Dina was born that November. Susie had an interest in politics and served as a precinct committee member and worked the polls at elections. She ran for Leavenworth County Register of Deeds as a Democrat in 1966 and won. Susie was re-elected twelve more times with strong bipartisan support. She served as Register of Deeds for a total of 33 years. Susie served for many years as Leavenworth County Central Committee precinct person. She served as a state officer in the Women’s Democratic Club. Susie attended a number of National Democratic Conventions. She 4 October 2015 EDUCATION JOAN GRUNDEL CRONEMEYER Joan Grundel Cronemeyer is a 1949 graduate of Tonganoxie High School. Later that year she married Jack Cronemeyer, a 1947 graduate of THS. The couple had four children, all of whom graduated from Tonganoxie High School; Sonie (THS class of 1968), Jack (THS class of 1970), Trish (THS class of 1971), and Jeanne (THS class of 1975). Joan began working for U.S.D. 464 in 1970 as the secretary for the high school. She was a mentor for many students during her years of service. Joan had a wonderful skill of keeping the office organized and helping the administrators to make efficient use of their time. She was pleasant to all who came into the office and she had a knack for keeping her composure even when things could get a bit hectic. Her duties over the years included handling the finances of the office and managing student transcripts. Joan retired from the school district in 1994. District Newsletter 7 7RQJDQR[LH8QLILHG6FKRRO'LVWULFW PAT WAKEMAN KATHY KAPELLE WALKER Pat Wakeman grew up in Wathena, Kansas. After graduating from Kansas State University, Pat began his teaching career in science at Tonganoxie High School in 1969. For forty-one years Pat taught a variety of science classes at THS. He also taught college credit biology for KCKCC at THS until retiring in 2010. From the beginning of his teaching career, Pat served as sponsor of the THS Science Club. He helped the club organize a number of community service projects such as the Adopt-aHighway Program and planting trees in Chieftain Park and other areas. The Science Club also took many field trips over the years to the mountains in Colorado, museums in Chicago, zoos and parks throughout the Midwest, and to the Boundary Waters of Minnesota and Canada. He helped establish the nature trail south of THS. Pat also served as sponsor for the school archery club and T-club. He helped to organize the first knowledge bowl team at THS. During his teaching career Mr. Wakeman was an active member of TEA and KNEA. He served as a board member for the Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education for ten years. Pat also served as an officer for the Kansas Association of Biology Teachers. He was nominated for Kansas Biology Teacher of the Year. Mr. Wakeman was presented the Conservation Educator Award by Mid-America Conservation Districts. He also served as an assistant coach for track, football, and wrestling at THS. He helped organize the first wrestling team at the school in 1970. Pat’s wife Deniece is a 1969 graduate of THS. Their daughter Jocelyn graduated from THS in 1997 and their son Ian graduated from THS in 2000. Kathy Kapelle Walker grew up in Baldwin, Kansas. After graduating from Kansas State University, Kathy began her career in education as a Home Economics teacher at her alma mater, Baldwin High School. During her two years at BHS, she also served as sponsor for FHA and Cheerleading. Mrs. Walker began her forty year career at Tonganoxie High School in 1974 as a Home Economics Teacher and sponsor for FHA. After teaching here for three years, Mrs. Walker earned a Masters Degree in Counseling from K.U. She then began serving as one of the Counselors at THS, a position she held for thirty-seven years. Mrs. Walker served as sponsor for FHA/FCCLA for twelve years and as sponsor for the Dance Team for six years. She was instrumental in organizing the annual academic excellence banquet and she worked closely with the National Honor Society for twenty-eight years. Mrs. Walker directed the THS Scholarship program for twenty-five years and she played a key role in growing the number of scholarship opportunities for students. She coordinated the KCKCC Dual Credit program at THS for eighteen years and she served on the district curriculum committee for nine years. Mrs. Walker supervised state testing for THS. She also helped with team meals, Project Graduation, and After-Prom. Mrs. Walker received the U.S.D. 464 Outstanding Educator Award in 2001. She also received the Kansas VFW State Teacher Award in 2011. Kathy and her husband Dale have been active members of the Tonganoxie Christian Church for many years. She has also served as a 4-H Project Leader and she is a member of PEO-Chapter AT. Dale and Kathy’s three children are all graduates of Tonganoxie High School; Kristan (Class of 1995), Brandon (Class of 1998), and Kerilyn (Class of 2002). They have eight grandchildren with number nine due in October. ■ 5 October 2015 Germ Free Classroom Minimizing the risk of illness is a healthy idea. Below are some ways to keep our classrooms and school healthy, all year long. Educate your children and make them aware of their part and responsibility in helping keep our school environment and themselves healthy. Well-maintained schools not only minimize the spread of germs and illnesses but they also make students, school personnel and parents feel safe, valued and respected. • Always cover coughs and sneezes. Teach children to cough into their elbows. • Keep hands away from the eyes, nose and mouth. • Wash hands often! Put sticky notes around to remind everyone. Children can remind one another too! • Learn how to keep your mouth off the drinking fountain and these should be cleaned daily. • Don’t share water bottles, hair brushes, or make up. • Exercise! It keeps the immune system healthy. • Sleep. Nothing cures and readies the body more than sleep. • Backpacks. Wash your child’s backpack every weekend. Have a safe and healthy school year. ■ District Newsletter TES NEWS Grandparents’ Day TES celebrated another successful Grandparents’ Day on Friday, September 11. Hundreds of grandparents came from near and far to spend time with their grandchildren in their classrooms and activities during the afternoon. TES students and staff enjoyed hosting the grandparents in the spacious, bright, and cheerful new elementary building. about different physical features of our community, the government, history of the town, and how local attractions bring families to our town. We will finish our unit with a trip to the Tonganoxie History Museum in October. ■ Touring Tonganoxie This week has been an exciting week for our third grade students. Our classes ventured to downtown to visit local merchants, and businesses. We learned about our current local government, how firefighters and police officers protect our community, and visited with other businesses that provide goods as well as services for our town. This field trip is incorporated into our History of Tonganoxie unit that we teach each year. Students spend time researching and reading 6 October 2015 Stockman’s Super Stars Ms. Stockman’s students are off to a great school year! Students investigated the concepts of Newton’s laws of motions and worked on a hands-on activity to put them to the test. They also discovered engineering concepts of structures that make them strong. We are combined these concepts into an interactive game where students experimented by creating their own version of the popular game Angry Birds. Student teams created math problems (using different operations), designed catapults and structures, then tested their hypothesis for their project design. After testing (competing), students reflected and made modifications to their creations and retested. This was a fun way to use the scientific method in an engaging and challenging way. ■ District Newsletter 7 7RQJDQR[LH8QLILHG6FKRRO'LVWULFW TES News Continued Spotlight on 5th Grade Student Council Mrs. Gurwell & Mrs. Welsh together sponsor the 5th grade student council teams. All together there are over 90 5th grade students participating on student council. These students are wonderful examples of students learning the value of hard work and service. Here are the five teams: Braves Friends – Mrs. Welsh & the Friends members love opportunities to welcome new students and be a good friend to others. Braves News Team – Mrs. Gurwell heads up this group which is responsible for school communication. Members collect information, write announcements, and anchor the daily announcements. Braves Patrol – With Mrs. Gurwell’s help, this group’s primary responsibilities are to help in the car loop during arrival and dismissal. Braves Patrol members will also monitor hallway behavior and help students get to class. Braves Serve – Mrs. Welsh heads up this group which provides essential services to the school community. Responsibilities could include recycling, assisting with the Backpack Buddies food program, reading to younger kids, and coordinating the Mayor’s food drive. Braves Spirit – With school spirit on their side, Mrs. Gurwell & this group love making posters for upcoming events, encouraging school spirit by coordinating spirit week and helping out PTC at school events such as sock-hop, etc. ■ News from TES Guidance Lessons During the month of September, TES students were learning all about what RESPECT means. Students were able to meet Austus the lion, who is TES’s respect puppet. Austus the lion helps teach students that respect means treating others the way you want to be treated. Respect is also a school wide expectation and students can earn Braves tickets for showing respect throughout the building. ■ Constitution Day at TES 5th graders were divided into two teams for “Constitution Kickball” at TES. 1/6 of the students were put on a team (picture on the right) while the other 5/6 were put on a team (left). The bigger team was given several advantages that the smaller team wasn’t. The goal was to show students how the Virginia Plan was unfair to smaller states and why the Founding Fathers chose the New Jersey Plan.■ 7 October 2015 Volunteer Luncheon The volunteer luncheon, hosted by the Volunteer Center, has been moved to October 6 due to the Book Fair. Everyone is welcome to attend and learn about the things that the Volunteer Center does for teachers and students. Contact Earleta Morey for more information at 913-416-1480. ■ TES Book Fair Tonganoxie Elementary Book Fair is Coming !!! Wed. October 14th 11:00 am thru 8:00 pm Thurs. October 15th 3:00 pm thru 8:00 pm This is during Parent Teacher Conference. The Students will have a seek preview of the Books on Monday and Tuesday of the same week. This is always a fun time for everyone, and there are a lot of new books. ■ District Newsletter TMS NEWS Constitution Day at TMS Constitution Day can also be thought of as the birthday of the Constitution of the United States. To celebrate, the students in Mrs. Crowley’s class baked a birthday cake. The students read a recipe and worked in pairs to follow the steps. After the cake cooled the students were given the task of decorating the cake with something they learned about the U.S. Constitution. A few choose to put the year the constitution was signed. ■ enjoyed learning and spending time together. It was a great day! ■ Warriors Win Eudora Volleyball Tournament Spirit Week at TMS TMS has spirit, yes they do! TMS celebrated homecoming week by participating in spirit week. The TMS Student Council developed the schedule, and students dressed up to show their spirit! Monday- Nerd Day Tuesday- Twin Day Wednesday- Hat/Jersey Day Thursday- Retro Day Friday- Red/White Day. ■ On September 26, the 8th Grade Lady Warriors took 1st place at the Eudora Volleyball tournament. Not only did they win the tournament, but they actually made history by playing the last game in the championship match with only 5 players due to an injured player! TMS Hosts Grandparents Tonganoxie Middle School welcomed grandparents with a delicious breakfast on Grandparents’ Day on Friday, September 11. Grandparents attended class with their grandchildren, and everyone 8 October 2015 District Newsletter THS NEWS THS Homecoming 2015 Although the weather was rainy and ominous, the Tonganoxie High School Chieftain spirit was electrifying on Friday, September 18 for the Homecoming festivities! Elementary and Tonganoxie Middle School students joined the community in enjoying the floats, band, cheerleaders, dance team, Homecoming Court in their fancy cars, and all the parade participants. The pep rally got everyone fired up, and the parade and pep rally ended in success! ■ The day began by the rescheduling of the Homecoming parade to protect the safety of all students and parade watchers. That didn’t dampen the spirits of the Chieftains, though! The sun broke through, the lightening vanished, and the festivities continued! At 6:30pm, the Homecoming candidates were presented to the jubilant crowd. Emma DeMaranville and Tyler Novotney were crowned Queen and King. Candidates included: Brooke Bolon & Grant Swearngin Halley Calovich & Ethan Phillips Emma DeMaranville & Dylan Staatz Emily Eberth & Luke Aitkens Sierra Graham & Tyler Novotney Sophia Wetta & Dawson Jones Nicole Zerrer & Dalton Trimble The football game followed the Coronation, and unfortunately, the Lansing Lions came away victorious. The festivities continued on Saturday, and students enjoyed the Homecoming Dance, dressed in their finest attire! Monday, the weather cooperated, and the Homecoming Parade made its way through downtown Tonganoxie. Tonganoxie 9 October 2015 District Newsletter 7 7RQJDQR[LH8QLILHG6FKRRO'LVWULFW THS News Continued Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2016 competition by taking the 2014 Preliminary Sat/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (psat/ nmsqt®). ■ Principal, Mark Farrar of Tonganoxie High School announced that Spencer Finkbiner, son of Eric and Karen Finkbiner, Tonganoxie, KS, has been named as a Semi-Finalist in the 2016 National Merit Scholarship Program. About 1.5 million juniors in more than 22,000 high schools entered the 2016 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2014 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (psat/nmsqt®), which served as an initial screen of program entrants. The nationwide pool of Semifinalists, representing less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest scoring entrants in each state. THS Summer Strength Program National Merit Scholarship Program From the approximately 16,000 Semifinalists, about 15,000 are expected to advance to the Finalist level, and in February they will be notified of this designation. All National Merit Scholarship winners will be selected from this group of Finalists. Merit Scholar designees are selected on the basis of their skills, accomplishments, and potential for success in rigorous college studies, without regard to gender, race, ethnic origin, or religious preference. Principal Mark Farrar of Tonganoxie High School announced that Natalie Wolf, daughter of Randal and Michelle Wolf, Tonganoxie, KS, has been named a Commended Student in the 2016 National Merit Scholarship Program. About 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. Although they will not continue in the 2016 competition for National Merit Scholarship awards, Commended THS had over 200 students participate in the Summer Strength Progam. 92 Students met the 80% attendance for a Chieftain Power Shirt. 14 students met the 100% attendance . Students made great improvements over the summer with 72 new records set. ■ Kansas Honors Program The Kansas Honors Program recognizes and awards high school seniors for their academic achievements. Each year KU alumni gather in more than 37 locations across the state for an awards ceremony and honorary dinner or reception. All high-school seniors who rank academically in the top 10 percent of their class are asked to attend as guests of the Association with their parents, principals, counselors and superintendents. This year’s Kansas Honors Program was held on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at the Riverfront Community Center in Leavenworth, Kansas. The Kansas Honors Program has been a KU tradition since 1971. It is designed to promote academic excellence in secondary education, to reward high school seniors for their hard work and dedication, and to support our Kansas communities. Each Kansas Honor Scholar receives a certificate and a special edition of Webster’s New College Dictionary, and has a chance to qualify for a $4,000 scholarship to KU. Scholars are selected based 10 October 2015 on academic records through the previous semester that are provided by high school principals. Selections are made regardless of curricula (weighted or non-weighted), majors, occupational plans or highereducation goals. Honored students from Tonganoxie High School are listed below. Congratulations to these stellar students for their academic achievements! Luke Aitkens Leah Bartels Zachary Callaghan Emma DeMaranville Angela Faherty Spencer Finkbiner Cheyenne Ford Kassidy Gratton Kaitlin Hall Coy Howard Lauren Jackson Dawson Jones Billy Kelley Ben Lanza Joshua Lingo Dakota Maas Kennedy Morey Tyler Novotney Mackenzie Price McKinna Shelton Dylan Staatz Aneth Torres Natalie Wolf Nicole Zerrer Mr. Beat’s on YouTube! Mr. Beat, THS Social Studies teacher, has his own YouTube Channel! He creates and posts videos to help his students connect with social studies and their world. Check out his latest video celebrating Constitution Day! https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=ctAOE9QMj-k ■ District Newsletter 7 7RQJDQR[LH8QLILHG6FKRRO'LVWULFW In Case of Snow... In the event we have weather that would require an early dismissal, late start, or school cancellation (and I can’t believe I’m typing this because it’s 77 degrees right now . . . ), we will send a School Messenger notification to home phones, cell phones and email addresses using the contact information in your student’s file. It is critical that your student’s school office have up-todate contact information for all parents, guardians, and emergency contacts! If you think your contact information may be out of date, please check Skyward or call the school secretary to make sure they have the most current information. The district website will offer the latest information, and we will also notify the following media: • KMBC TV (ABC) • KCTV 5 / KSMO • KSHB (NBC) • KSNT Fox 27 • WDAF Fox 4 KC • Channel 6 News Lawrence • KCUR FM 89.3 • 92.9 The Bull • LAZER 105.9 • Kansas Public Radio • KMBZ AM 980 • KLWN AM 1320 • Kansas City Star • Lawrence Journal World • Tonganoxie Mirror • Facebook - Tongie464 • Twitter - @Tongie464 New for our district this year is a 2 hour late start schedule. The late start schedule can be used for a variety of reasons, but most likely be used for a morning with snow or ice but a weather forecast of temperatures rising. Our students can sleep in a bit while our building and grounds’ crew are able to shovel, clear and prepare our drives and parking lots for a safe school day. On these days, no student activity can take place before school. THS would begin at 9:45 AM with normal dismissal time and TES and TMS would being at 9:55 AM with a normal dismissal time. On these days, breakfast would not be served. So when ole’ Man Severe Weather Winter arrives, we will have an option: either a school closing or a 2 hour late start. ■ Wonder how to stay connected and informed of the many activities and celebrations in our district? Check out Twitter! Tonganoxie USD 464 @tong464 11 October 2015 TonganoxieElem @TonganoxieElem TonganoxieMiddle @TongieMiddle Tonganoxie High @TonganoxieHigh District Newsletter Tonganoxie Elementary School Dedication, Time Capsule and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Saturday, October 24, 2015 10:00 a.m. at TES flagpoles 1 1 8 0 S . E a s t S t r e e t 7 7RQJDQR[LH8QLILHG6FKRRO'LVWULFW TONGANOXIE CHIEFTAIN FUND Your gift to the USD 464 Education Foundation’s Tonganoxie Chieftain Fund supports Tonganoxie schools and is responsible for such things as new classroom equipment, scholarships, teacher grants and innovative programs. The Foundation currently administers $300,000 in funds – our goal is to reach $1 million! Your gift to the Tonganoxie Chieftain Fund enables Tonganoxie students to improve their skills and learning in all areas. Let’s make the district stronger and help guarantee the success of all students! Giving Options Check enclosed, payable to the USD 464 Education Foundation. Automatic giving may be established through your checking or savings account. Your gift will be deducted on the 15th of each month. Monthly gift: $5 $10 $25 $50 $100 Other amount: $ I authorize the USD 464 Education Foundation to automatically debit my bank account for the amount indicated above. I understand that my account will be electronically debited on the 15th of each month. I understand that if this payment date falls on a weekend or holiday, the payment will be withdrawn from my account the next business day. I also understand that I must notify the Education Foundation at least 14 days prior to this date if my banking information changes or if I wish to discontinue this automatic service. I also understand that if my bank refuses to honor any automatic debit due to insufficient or uncollected funds or if my bank account is closed, I may be subject to dishonored payment fees charged by my bank. Account number: Checking Savings Bank’s routing number (nine digits): My signature: Printed name: Address: Telephone: email: May we include your name in the list of donors in Foundation publications? Thank you for your support! Please mail to: yes no Shawna Gilmore P.O. Box 219 Tonganoxie, KS 66086-0219 To learn more about the Foundation, go to www.Tong464.org, then click on the “Alumni and Foundation” page. 13 October 2015 District Newsletter
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